April 2012
News from the Africa Scout Region www.scout.org/africa
Bridging the ICT gap: KwaZuluNatal Scouts set to go on-line
Inside Highlight
Bridging the ICT gap: KwaZulu-Natal Scouts set to go on-line.
Page 1 From NSOs
Raising the profile of Scouting: Ethiopian Scouts discuss the role of Scouting in development during Africa Scout Day. Scouts in South Africa join the rest of the world in marking Earth Hour. Mauritian Scout joins other Africans in a campaign to end violence against women and girls.
Page 2 From ARO
All eyes on Angola, one month to go!
Page 3 SOUTH AFRICA - It’s all systems go for Kwa Zulu-Natal (KZN) Scouts as work gets under way for a new website that is set to go online in late April 2012. It will be fun, informative and a valuable resource for members of all ages, and visitors looking to access information about the Movement in KZN. “It’s been long overdue and we needed a site that fully reflected the bright, modern image of Scouting and I’m really pleased with the results”. Said Provincial Chairman, Steve Camp. Brendon Hatcher, a web specialist, has developed the site. He is also the Assistant Troop Scouter for 4th Durban and owns Brilliant Web Designs. The site will be regularly updated with news, blogs and all the information for KwaZulu – Natal Scouting events, training activities, campsites, joining details, an interactive Scout programme calendar, photo gallery, resources that can be downloaded and much more. “A tremendous amount of work has gone into making the site work in the way our members will want it to, but also to make it as accessible as possible for everyone who visits,” said Brendon.
Each group in KZN will also have a contact page with all their details, even if they do not have their own website. This will allow the young people interested in joining the Scout movement to conduct an on-line search of their area and get directions of the nearest Scout group.
For more details, please contact africa@scout.org claudiocarvalho@hotmail.com or kikasmax@gmail.com Or call +244924862402 (Kikas)
A Scout group making a difference through a bag-making project. Uganda Scout Association hosts the Head of UNICEF.
Page 4 Events calendar
Community Development
15th Africa Scout Conference. 6th Africa Scout Jamboree. Page 4
April 2012
FOCUS ON NSOs Raising the profile of Scouting: Ethiopian Scouts discuss the role of Scouting in development during Africa Scout Day
Scouts in South Africa join the rest of the world in marking Earth Hour
On 5 March 2012, Tanzanian President, H.E Jakaya Kikwete, accompanied by his wife, Assistant Secretary General, UN Women Deputy Executive Director Mr. John Hendra, and many other dignitaries, flagged off 200 people to, ‘Climb Up and Speak Out’, to end violence against women and girls, from the peak of Mountain Kilimanjaro.
ADDIS ABABA - The Ethiopia Scout Association (ESA) celebrated the Africa Scout Day (ASD) at a national level for the first time on a large scale. This was made possible thanks to the support of USAID and Pact Ethiopia through the SCEPS (Strengthening Civic Education in Primary Schools) project that ESA is part of.
Among the 75 climbers was Roumaan Issemdar, the National Cub Scouts Commissioner, from Mauritius Scout Association who had been nominated by UNDP-Mauritius to represent Mauritius.
This year’s Africa Scout Day – that was graced by the Chief Scout Dr. Costantinos Berhe and Chief Commissioner of ESA, Dr. Wayne Adrian Davis – was celebrated in a three-day minicamporee that involved at least three Scouts aged 12-18 from each of the nine regional states, and two Ethiopian city administrations (Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa). The ASD also included a panel discussion session that was held at the Hager Fikir theatre and over seven hundred Scouts at different levels of Scouting and dignitaries participated in the discussion under the theme “Educate, Transform, Develop” focusing on Scouts working on development.
Mauritian Scout joins other Africans in a campaign to end violence against women and girls
SOUTH AFRICA – On 31 March 2012, during Earth Hour, the world’s largest action for the environment themed, “I Will If You Will”(IWIYW), Scouts from South Africa were among the many Scouts the world over who participated in the event. The highlight of the event was the switching off lights between 8.30pm and 9.30pm. Scouts played a key role in inspiring people to participate and the event saw major television personalities participate and had the lights out in the whole Table Mountains. All this aimed at raising awareness of sustainability issues on nature and environment. The Earth Hour is a worldwide event that started in Sydney Australia in 2007 and is celebrated on every last Saturday of March. The panel discussion received massive media coverage. The Scouts were also taken to the National Museum of Ethiopia and Bora Amusement Park as part of their visit before being treated to lunch courtesy of the sponsor, Pact/USAID.
On 2nd and 3rd March 2012, Roumaan attended the Africa UNiTE Kilimanjaro Youth Leadership Forum where there was a successful adoption of an Africa UNiTE Youth Declaration and the establishment of an Africa UNiTE Youth Network. The participants committed themselves to substantively contribute and work towards the achievement of the 6 outcomes of the Africa UNiTE Campaign: strengthen their networking, advocacy, social mobilization, generating and sharing knowledge, take measures to monitor, evaluate and report on the results of the campaign in their various regions and countries. The 10-day event was an initiative of Africa UNiTE campaign to end violence against women and girls in collaboration with partners such as Kilimanjaro Initiative.
The event cost over 95,000 Ethiopian Birr (approximately USD 5,000) that was covered fully by Pact/USAID via the capacity building of ESA grant agreement under the SCEPS project. This great event has provided an opportunity to build up the Scouting profile in Ethiopia by bringing into focus the world of Scouting through all activities of the ASD as well as brochures that were disseminated throughout Addis Ababa and other major cities. There is no doubt that this exposure would bring an increased interest in Scouting. The experience of organizing this event helps ESA to better prepare for future events.
© 2012 World Scout Bureau – Africa Regional Office
April 2012
FROM THE REGIONAL OFFICE All eyes on Angola, one month to go! As the 6th Africa Scout Youth Forum and 15th Africa Scout Conference dates draw closer, National Scout Associations are making necessary preparations to attend these two events. Angola as this year’s world’s capital of Scouting are also finalizing on the necessary preparations. Themed “Leaders of the education for life: act now!” the Africa Scout Youth forum will take place from 1st- 4th June 2012 in Luanda, Angola. The 15th Africa Scout Conference on the other hand, will take place after the Youth forum from 6th-9th June 2012, Luanda, Angola under the theme: “ Scouting a vehicle for development in Africa.” Participants are expected to pay 150 USD and organize their own accommodation and travel.
According to Article II Paragraph 1 of the Rules and Regulations of the Africa Regional Scout Organization “Each Member Organization of the Africa Regional Scout Organization is entitled to send to the Africa Conference not more than six delegates and a number of observers to be determined in agreement with the Organizing Committee.” Each NSO should therefore appoint a delegation comprising a maximum of six (6) leaders each for the conference. Observers from Scout Associations outside Africa and from other organizations in and out of Africa who collaborate with African Scouting can attend the conference and may participate in all sessions while spouses are invited to participate in a special ‘Accompanying Persons Programme’ and other official functions during the conference. For more details, please contact africa@scout.org or claudcarvalho@hotmail.com kikasmax@gmail.com Or call: +244923332835 (Benja) +244924862402 (Kikas)
Erratum In our recent publication of a story entitled “Africa and Inter America Scout Regions represent WOSM at UNHABITAT”, on page 4, we reported that Ms. Kesylin Lizama, a Scout from Inter America Region also represented WOSM at Youth 21, alongside Nelson Ochieng Opany, a Scout from Kenya. Only Nelson attended the event though both of them were expected to be there. Unfortunately, Kesylin did not manage to attend the said event as reported in our newsletter. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
© 2012 World Scout Bureau – Africa Regional Office
April 2012
Memorable quote
A Scout group making a difference through a bag-making project
“Our commitment to the principles of Scouting, coupled with sound education will not only ensure the proper transformation of us as individuals but mother Ghana as a country. When we continue to act as agents of change, the transformation of our communities will be evident through the simple things we volunteer to do as Scouts.”
NAIROBI - In 2003, a group of counselors who were members of the Kenya Scouts Association formed Galeys Unit in the Lungalunga slums of Nairobi, Kenya. The unit then comprised of 5 adults and six rehabilitated street children started a pigfarming project with six pigs. Two of these children showed interest in education and were enrolled in schools thanks to the pig project. The pig project proved successful and the pigs increase tenfold to sixty, but due to lack of space, and the need for school fees, the pigs were sold to meet the needs of the group. The group embarked on bag making project that saw them add more members to their group for this venture. Today, the group lauds the Scout method that has been used successfully in the implementation of their project. Thanks to the project, already two former street boys have been able to afford an education and they now have jobs in Nairobi and Mombasa towns respectively. The group has perfected the art of bag making that they sell from 1500 to 2000 Kenya Shillings in local towns.
Uganda Scout Association hosts the Head of UNICEF KAMPALA - On 2nd April, Anthony Lake, the Executive Director of UNICEF was in Uganda on an official visit to see what new initiatives the young people are involved in. Ugandan Scouts demonstrated on how U-Report works and signed him up. U-Report is an initiative of the Uganda Scout Association and UNICEF where young people are able to report on what is happening in their local communities. Where possible action is taken and referrals made to the relevant bodies. They also demonstrated on how Scouts have been able to share with Scouts across the world on different events about the social monitoring tool for example in Brazil, at the UNESCO conference in France, and hopefully in UK at the commonwealth youth conference coming up soon.
~ Gregory Manful, Chief Commissioner – Ghana Scout Association
6th Africa Scout Youth Forum
1-4th June 2012
15th Africa Regional Conference
6-9th June 2012
6th Africa Regional Jamboree
28th July - 5th August 2012
STAY IN TOUCH! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Scouting-in-the-AfricaRegion/163797806967899?sk=wall World Scout Bureau Africa Regional Office P.O. Box 63070 00200, City Square Nairobi, KENYA
africa@scout.org www.scout.org/africa Skype: worldscoutbureauafrica Phone 1: (+254 20) 728499553 Phone 2: (+254 20) 245 09 85
© 2012 World Scout Bureau – Africa Regional Office