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August 2013


News from the Africa Scout Region


Vision from the Africa Youth Chairperson

Inside Highlight

Vision from the Africa Youth Chairperson

Page 1 From NSOs Reviving the Rover spirit


Transforming the lives of Prisoner’s children

MoP message dissemination through soccer

Page 2

From ARO Kenya and UK Scouts strengthen Scouting ties Together we can

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I salute you all for the great leadership and youth involvement in all NSOs across all Africa and for giving the youth a chance to be heard. Today’s generation of young people have been given a chance of equal responsibility to add their energy, creativity and innovation, to ensure that our dream of an integrated people, peaceful and prosperous Africa becomes a reality. In light of this, as the Africa youth chairperson working together with the 5 Africa youth advisors has a vision for the Youths of leaving this world better than we found it. The vision’s key priority areas include but not limited to; Youth forum, Youth Involvement, Messengers of Peace, Partnership and Communication. Youth Forum - It’s important to ensure all NSO/NSAs participate in Youth Forums at all levels, during the Conference, National and Zonal by sending 2 delegates and a maximum of 3 observers to the forum and each must be between 18-26yrs. Youth involvement – We are also encouraging all NSO/NSAs to have youths represented at all National levels and in decision-making bodies and to also create opportunities, growth, mentorship and empowerment to the youth. Messengers of Peace is a global project that has greatly impacted Africa through funding projects, trainings and helping the youths share ideas and activities through the online platform.

NSOs are encouraged to actively participate in the MOP project and recruit more members. Communication - Its the greatest weapon and channel to success and information and its in this we have a created a platform to share and exchange ideas and activities in our countries through (6th-7th AFRICA SCOUT Youth Forum Page) on Facebook. You can also reach the Africa Youth Advisers on email; Chairperson, Grace Michuki – Kenya greis.michuki@yahoo.com Secretary, Nathaniel Likabi – Cameroon likabinathaniel@yahoo.fr Ester Hilundwa – Namibia oumakakjie87@gmail.com Felana Razanamirindra – Madagascar frazanamirandra@yahoo.ca Liberty Makonese – Zimbabwe libertymakonese@gmail.com Dossou Henri Joel – Benin - dossjoel@yahoo.fr The Africa Youth advisors have also set a vision to plant 1million peace trees to help diminish the effects of climate change and strengthen peace in Africa. I humbly request all Scouts to help us achieve this dream by 2015. "One step towards happiness is to make yourself happy and healthy when you are a boy so that you can be useful and enjoy life as a man,” Lord Baden Powell.

Community A partnership with a difference Development Page 4

Events 1st World Scout Education calendar Congress 16th Africa Scout Conference and 7th Youth Forum

Page 4

August 2013


FOCUS ON NSOs Reviving the Rover Spirit

Scouting: Transforming lives of Prisoners’ Children

KENYA - Kenya Scout Association embarked on reviving the Rover programme and badge system by holding the Chief Scout Award (CSA) badge camp held at Rowallan Camp from the 23rd to 25th August 2013.

UGANDA - Wells of Hope Academy is a school for children of prisoners, situated at Hope village, Kyajinja Hoima district, and 32 miles away from Kampala. It is a boarding school that was built by Wells of Hope Ministries a non-profit making Christian organization. The school offers education and implements programmes that prevent harmful effects of parental imprisonment on children.

This organization is involved in outreach to people and families affected by crime and HIV/AIDS to include prisoners, ex-prisoners’ families, especially the children of prisoners. The key areas of intervention involve providing education, protection and general welfare to children of prisoners and helping them to cope with parental imprisonment. They help people regardless of their religious beliefs, tribe & race. Through the Extension Scouting Program, with a goal of helping marginalized children in the community, Uganda Scouts Association introduced Scouting to these children. They have two patrols with both girls and boys. Through the association trainer Ibrahim Kizito, they have been key in providing some key basic trainings to the new Scout unit.

The camp, which was a big success, saw 35 Rovers participating and earning 5 proficiency badges namely; Life Saver Badge, First Aid Badge, Craft Star Badge, Utamaduni badge and Mzalendo badge. 5 Rover Scouts from ‘Scouts et Guides de France’ participated in the camp and earned their Scout diploma. The Chief Scout Award is the highest award for Rover Scouts in Kenya. The CSA is awarded after successful completion of the Rover Badge system. To get the CSA, one must be a registered Rover Scout in a registered Rover Crew. The Rover Scout should then pursue and attain at least four proficiency badges in addition to the Jasiri Instructor, Jasiri Reproductive Health and Jasiri First Aider. One is also required to undertake a project of his/her choice and do the Chief Commissioner’s Challenge.

Scouting has also provided the children with an opportunity to learn new things, to provide service to others as well as inculcating a culture of being well disciplined, clean, obeying authorities, and their self esteem has greatly improved while being able to express themselves. Since the school has land, the Scouts were given some seeds by the association through the Food For Life project to start up a model garden to boost their nutritional needs. As a new Scout unit, they have some challenges they are facing like lack of Scout uniforms and some Scout literature. Though Uganda Scouts Association has tried to improve the situation with some training materials but a lot is still needed.

The CSA is awarded by the Patron of the Association, who’s the current President of the Republic on recommendation by the Chief Scout during the Patrons Day held at State House every year in November.

MoP message dissemination through soccer

------Courtesy of Ibrahim Kizito, Manager Extension Scouting/ FFL Coordinator

NIGERIA – 3rd of August 2013 witnessed the Final Football Tournament for Gabriel Sofolahan Joshua Foundation Football Competition titled, "Peace be still in our land". The competition started with over 2000 youths within the four local government communities in Akokoland, Ondo State of Nigeria. The competition was introduced and sponsored by Olori Omo-Oba Olusoga Sofolahan, the former NHQ Adult Resources Commissioner, Scout Association of Nigeria with the main objective being to discourage untoward behaviour in the youths of the four communities. In his remarks, Mr Olusuga, commended the youths for comporting themselves throughout the competitions, and encouraged them to preach peace within Akokoland. He took this opportunity with the help of the MoP coordinators in the region to talk about the Messengers of Peace project, which the Scouts were using to preach peace and change communities. The local leaders agreed to encourage people in the community to do deeds that will encourage peace through the help of the Scouts already recruited as Messengers of Peace.

This year’s awarding ceremony will be held on 24th November and will coincide with the 103rd anniversary of the Kenya Scout Association inception.


© 2012 World Scout Bureau – Africa Regional Office

August 2013


FROM THE REGIONAL OFFICE Kenya and UK Scouts strengthen Scouting ties

Together We Can

KENYA – Kenya Scouts Association hosted a contingent of 74 Explorer Scouts from Essex and Hampshire in the UK for a two-week long camp dubbed, ‘UKenya Camp 2013’. The Camp also incorporated Kenyan Rover Scouts who were mainly offering essential services in the camp and sharing experiences with the visiting Scouts.

SOUTH AFRICA - In April 2004, former South African President, Nelson Mandela was presented with the honour of being named the Patron of Scouting South Africa. In accepting the prestigious role, Mandela said that, “ The Scout movement is a world leader in youth education, and has particular relevance to the needs of youth in Africa and the emerging democracies around the globe.

The camp was held at Rowallan Camp, the headquarters of Kenya Scouts Association, from 27th July to 9th August. With the theme, ‘Making a difference, Kenya 2013’, the camp provided an ideal opportunity for the Kenyan and UK Scouts to re-ignite their historic connections and renew the Scouting spirit. Together with the Kenyan Scouts, the UK explorer Scouts engaged in an array of activities that included community outreach activities in Kibera Slums which happens to be the largest urban slum in Africa, tree planting in Ngong hills and adventure hikes in different places in the country. They paid a courtesy call to the World Scout Bureau, Africa Regional Office where they got introduced to the staff and their diverse portfolios as well as getting to know how they are improving Scouting in the region. They also visited the grave of the Founder of the Movement in Nyeri and laid a wreath while also touring the Paxtu museum, which is close by. “The visit has helped us form a new partnership with Kenya and renew the promise of Scouts. There is every need for us to be together enhancing the ties between the two countries. The partnership will help us promote international peace and cooperation in our endeavor to create a better world”, Dr. Steve Foster, who’s the Kenya Scouts Association National Treasurer and a UK National said. The Scouting relations between Kenya and Britain date back to early 1900’s when the founder of the movement, Lord Baden Powell, first visited Kenya in 1906. In 1935 he came for the second time on Safari and in 1938 he made up his mind to live in Nyeri, Kenya until his death on January 8, 1941. He was buried in Nyeri, in the compound of St. Peter’s church.



am pleased with the progress of Scouting in South Africa, and in the steps that are now being taken to make the programme accessible to more young people. The importance of a high moral code, which is at the foundation of the Scout movement, cannot be stressed too highly."

In honouring the patron of the Movement and doing their bit for Mandela Day, the Chatsworth Scout Troop held a 67 minutes of service of Can and Nonperishable collection for the underprivileged of Chatsworth and Shallcross. Troop Scouter Previn Vedan stated that the group titled the project ‘Together We Can’. Vedan added that the Scouts set a target of 1000 can foods and nonperishables for the project. The Scouts went about encouraging their friends at school and family members to assist and become part of the project and also set up a drop off point at the Ridge Shopping Centre on two Saturdays, the 20th and 27th of July, in which community members would stop by to drop their contributions, chat with the Scouts and even brush up on their knotting. The troop surpassed their set target and wishes to thank the community for their contributions and assistance. Vedan said that the project showed that, Together We Can, could do anything as a community. The beneficiaries of the project were the Missionaries of Charity, Shallcross and the Welbedacht Enrichment Centre.

© 2012 World Scout Bureau – Africa Regional Office

August 2013



Memorable quote " There's nothing like 'Being Prepared' is there, for what might seem possible, even if it may not seem probable."

A partnership with a difference KENYA - On Friday, 19th July 2013, the Italian Kenyan Scout Development Project (IKSDP) centre’s Social Hall held a very important event for the new generations of young Kenyan students. Rongo University College and IKSDP (Harambee Project) celebrated their partnership, not only with the attendance of students and teachers, but also with the active participation of local authorities and politicians, among them, the County Director of Education and the Nyandiwa community itself.

Lord Baden-Powell, Founder of Scouting


UPCOMING EVENTS Rongo University’s guests were warmly welcomed by IKSDP staff and were taken round the centre to show the luxuriant landscape and buildings. Definitively amazed by the beautiful environment, Rongo University’s students had the great opportunity to talk and discuss with the Italian group of volunteers from Bocconi University (Milano) about cultural differences and similarities. Future reflections were the main topics of the day as well as strong involvement in community projects that change lives.




1st World Scout Education Congress

22nd – 24th November 2013

Hong Kong

16th Africa Scout Conference and 7th Africa Scout Youth Forum



STAY IN TOUCH! Antonio Labate who’s the chief of IKSDP project welcome the guests and gave a history and progress report of the centre. The Director of Education gave an important talk focusing on the crucial role of education, conceived as a fundamental basis for development in rural areas, like Nyandiwa. At the end of the ceremony, the guests and all participants were treated to a lunch along the shores of lake Victoria. At the end of the event, education was seen as an instrument to merge young Kenyan students, teachers and authorities, while emphasizing the conviction that the goal of enhancing culture for young Africans is more and more possible to reach.



World Scout Bureau Africa Regional Office P.O. Box 63070 00200, City Square Nairobi, KENYA africa@scout.org www.scout.org/africa Skype: worldscoutbureauafrica Phone 1: (+254 20) 728499553 Phone 2: (+254 20) 245 09 85

As Antonio Labate said, “this is a long term project, that will continue in the future together with other friends from Kenya and like minded stakeholders”.


© 2012 World Scout Bureau – Africa Regional Office

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