In 1929, the 3rd World Scout Jamboree took place at Arrow Park, UK. This Jamboree brought together thousands of Scouts from around the world. In the closing ceremony, Robert Baden-Powell, founder of Scouting, said: Here is the hatchet of war, of enmity, of bad feeling, which I now bury in Arrowe. From all corners of the world you came to the call of brotherhood and to Arrowe. Now I send you forth to your homelands bearing the sign of peace, good-will and fellowship to all your fellow men. From now on in Scouting the symbol of peace and goodwill is a golden arrow. Carry that arrow on and on, so that all may know of the brotherhood of men. Only a few years had passed since the conclusion of World War I and Scouting had passed the test, had shown its vocation to work for peace. After the Great War, many wounds were left open and required the good will of thousands of young Scouts to assist in the recovery process. Baden-Powell gave a message to those Scouts asking to bring peace and goodwill to all corners of the world in so much need. Since then ,the world has continued to be involved in conflicts. It’s not news that the history of mankind is the history of war. Today, the message of peace of Baden-Powell is more relevant than ever. Scouts should continue to be Messengers of Peace. Our work begins within ourselves. Seeking to be better human beings every day. Striving to discard from within those bad feelings we keep. Giving rise to love instead of hate, respect instead of indifference, understanding rather than intolerance, forgiveness rather than resentment, so we can move to bring a message of peace to the areas in which we live: our home, our school, and workplace. Our attitude there must be sufficient to maintain harmony while in the constant search for win-win synergistic solutions. It is then when we can impact our communities. We could identify the needs of those around us and find solutions to make their life better. We will be then spreading peace throughout the world. Not only avoiding war, but making each space a place in which the love between human beings really reigns. If we all join in this great work, and comply with the orden given by Baden Powell at that Jamboree, carrying around this message of peace, I’m sure that we will leave the world better than how we found it. Be prepared Raul Sanchez Vaca Regional Director
Mgster Elizabeth Espinoza In the previous article, we talked about the psychologist, Howard Gardner, and his proposal that there is more than one intelligence. These intelligences are described below: • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: The ability to control body movement voluntarily. People who dance, those who play sports, and those that do activities with their hands such as sculptors or electricians are clear examples of this type of intelligence. • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: The capacity of observation, deduction, and operations with numbers. The nature of this intelligence is non-verbal and is most famous among the intelligences. All those scholars in fields such as physics, accounting, and others having to do with numbers are included here and are those who have, for so long, earned the adjective intelligent.
• Spatial Intelligence: The ability to view objects, images, and spaces. They are people who are perfectly capable of being located in open spaces, such as sailors and architects.
• Musical Intelligence: The capacity of perception and music production. People who are highly involved in music are those who play musical instruments or sing. They have this kind of intelligence.
• Interpersonal Intelligence: The ability to understand other people such as what motivates them, how you can work with them effectively, and many others. In many cases, they are leaders with empathy for those around them, such as teachers or Scout leaders.
• Intrapersonal Intelligence: The ability to form a true model of oneself and use it to function effectively in life. They are those who show maturity to the facts presented about them since they know themselves. Philosophers and psychologists have such intelligence.
• Naturalist Intelligence: The ability to understand and work in the natural world. They are people who enjoy being in contact with nature and are able to classify, observe, and interact with it. Biologists, agronomists, and Scouts are clear examples of this type of intelligence.
• Linguistic Intelligence: The ability to communicate verbally and in writing, both in the role of transmitter and the receiver. People who have the ability to talk to people, either individually or to an audience, have developed this intelligence. Examples are writers, speakers, and teachers.
It is good to know what intelligence or intelligences that we have that are more developed for use as a communication channel when we fail to understand or learn something. However, it is better to try and develop the full potential of each of them, since this is the way to achieve a more complete personal development.
In 1992, Michael was selected as one of four of Canada’s astronauts from 5,300 candidates, along with Julie Payette, Dave Williams and Chris Hadfield. He had to withdraw for medical reasons but remained active in the program until 1997, participating in several missions and working with the projects that were delivering the Space Vision System and the robotic arms for the International Space Station. After leaving the military in 2001, Michael worked in the private sector, and has held the CEO role in two organizations. In 2005, he became the CEO of PixeLINK, a company that manufactured digital cameras for industrial applications. In 2009, he became the CEO of the Ottawa Flying Club/Flight College, a non-profit organization that provides professional flight training to commercial pilots. All told, he has 26 years of management and leadership experience. Michael holds a Bachelor of Engineering Physics degree and a Master of Electrical Engineering degree from the Royal Military College and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Ottawa. To Scouts Canada National Service Team and Staff, On behalf of the Board of Governors of Scouts Canada, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Michael McKay as Executive Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer, effective April 30, 2012. Michael McKay first joined Scouting as a Cub Scout in Sackville, New Brunswick, in the early 1970s and has been involved in Scouting at various points over the last 40 years. His professional career started with the Canadian Forces at the Royal Military College where he studied engineering and went on to become an Aeronautical Engineer.
A proponent of open-source software, he is actively involved in the ADempiere project - an open-source enterprise ERP system - and sits as the vice-chair on the ADempiere Deutschland e.V. Foundation. His sport passions include cycling and gliding, which he enjoys at the Gatineau Gliding Club. Michael is married with two daughters and lives in Ottawa. He continues to be involved in Scouting and is currently a volunteer leader with the 17th Southminster Scout Troop. Michael is passionate about growing Scouting, and we are excited to welcome him to this new leadership role in our organization
Where peace begins?, in our community, our family in our country? Dr. Chee Khay Huat Malsia Scout says that peace begins within oneself for that inner peace we can then pass it to our family, community, society and country. The past 28 to 31 March this year, the Scout Association of Saudi Arabia invited representatives from different Scouts: El Salvador, Nicaragua, United States, Switzerland, Malaysia, World Scout Foundation and the World Scout Bureau to a workshop in which representatives from each country released the messengers of peace projects of each of its associations, is also attended by Luc Panissod (Secretary General of the World Scout Bureau) who gave his comment on the proposed messengers of peace, with the vision of the World Scout office was also present John Geoghegan (Director of the World Scout Foundation) explaining about the project but now with the vision of the World Scout Foundation. Among other activities, we visited the Jamboree campsite of the Messengers of Peace which was developed in the fourth stage of the project and clean environment of Saudi Arabia. The personalities were in the event organized by the Scout Association of Saudi Arabia were: • Mr. Luc Panissod - World Scout Bureau • Mr. John Geoghegan - World Scout Foundation • Dr. Atef Abdulmajeed - Regional Director of Asia Pacific Scout • Dr. Chee Khay Huat - Scout Association of Malaysia • Mr. Thijs Stoffer - Association of Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC) • Victor Laguna - Nicaragua Scouts Association • Carlos Win - Scouts Association of El Salvador We have seen that our brothers in Saudi Arabia Scouts want to promote peace, now looks to us to continue developing projects to develop peace in our country. Have you a project that promotes peace? present it to your National Scout Association and you will be a messenger of peace.
Celebrates Ordinary National Assembly Attended by over 100 participants in the Scout House of Paraguay, began the implementation of the recently amended Bylaws where representation highlights the youth and parents of scouts with voice and vote in national assemblies. The Assembly was quite a celebration assembly where young people shared with parents and civic leaders an unprecedented journey that was characterized by 100% attendance. The assembly-Mesa settled for a chairwoman and two secretaries, taking the importance of gender equity. The governing bodies of the ASP were made up of representatives from all parts of the country. The Assembly proclaimed President of the Scout Association of Paraguay to the Dr. PAUL MENDEZ FRUTOS. With the Assembly begins a new stage of the Scout Association of Paraguay, ensuring youth participation in decisionmaking levels of the institution.
The first news of Scouting in Brazil was published in the magazine, “Brazil Illustrated”, on December 1, 1909. The report was prepared by a lieutenant in the Navy named Edward Henry Weaver, who at that time was in England with a group of officers from the Brazilian Navy, tasked with constructing and equipping new ships for the Brazilian Navy. On their return, the sailors met up with other groups interested in the nascent Scout movement in Brazil and formed The Centre for Brazil Scouts on June 14, 1910. In 1914, they formed the Sao Paulo Brazilian Scout Association, which spread the movement to all other states in the country. At the beginning of the 1920s, there were a number of Scout organizations in the country. It was Benjamin Sodre, better known by his nickname “Old Wolf”, who united the different Scout organizations into a national association. Thanks to the goodwill and interest of those responsible for the different organizations, the Union of Scouts in Brazil (União dos Escoteiros do Brasil – UEB) was created on November 4, 1924. The UEB was the only Scout organization in Brazil recognized by Baden-Powell. The movement counted in excess of 70,000 members with boys, girls, youth, and adults forming 1,127 groups, spread all across the states of Brazil. 17,500 adults were charged with spreading the word about the Scout movement to 53,000 children and youth. Committed, since 1998, to the MACPRO youth renewal program within the region, the UEB, this year, completed its planned education program and introduced a new program covering all branches of the movement. True to the Scout movement’s ideal, the best tradition is innovation. At the present time, the UEB youth program has four branches or age groups: Cubs (6 to 10 years of age), Scouts (11 to 14 years of age), Seniors (15 to 17 years of age) and Pioneers (18 to 21 years of age). It is important to point out that the UEB is an organization in which youth take an active part in decision making in keeping with world-wide policy. Thanks to its past, the organization has known how to apply the ideals of Baden-Powell, at the same time taking into account present realities and projects. The UEB is one of the leading National Scout Organizations within the region.
The Scout Association of Venezuela hosted the second meeting of the Andean Subregional Youth Program Network. From April 27 to 29, 2012, National Scout Organizations of Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela worked with the Youth Program Director of the World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region in the analysis of issues of vital importance to the development of the youth program in the Interamerican Region. The topics covered were: synergy between the youth program and adults in Scouting; analyzing the state of implementation of the youth program at the NSOs; review of the evaluation indicators of the level of implementation of the youth program; feedback to build Regional policy of youth program; definition of parameters to assess the level of implementation of the youth program in Scout groups; analysis and feedback of the criteria for assessing the degree of self-sufficiency of youth program teams with the NSOs; and identification of assistance needs in youth program in each NSO. During the meeting, a presentation of Messengers of Peace was held, too.
http://www.bajoelsol.com/news/scouts-10935-phoenix-busca.html The Grand Canyon Council of the Boy Scouts of America is currently seeking Hispanics who have graduated from the program of the Boy Scouts of America and attained the rank of Eagle Scout, according to the council’s Director of Alumni, Librada Martinez. The searching objective is Scouting and community service. “We are confident that, in Arizona, there are many Hispanics who have gone through the program of the Scouts and even reached the rank of Eagle,” explained Martinez. Eagle is the highest rank to which a Scout can aspire. For this, the Scout must pass through the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, and Life and must complete a minimum of 21 merit badges, in addition to those previously earned. Included among the mandatory merit badges: First Aid, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Camping, Personal Fitness, Family Life, among others. The young Scout who aspires to the rank of Eagle should also plan and execute a project of community service. On average, each project requires a total of 160 hours.
WATER IN THE CAMPS We already know that water is very important for our body, we must take care of the water reserves, without water all the organisms die, and that, nowadays, there are several brands that makes the precious liquid drinkable, using the best technology available for consumption. Unfortunately, there is no confidence that running water is drinkable, even when filling a water bottle with water and a pill of chlorine. Now, we have to carry around bottled water to the camps. It is annoying, perhaps, even try to camp in places where people can go somewhere and buy bottled water. It is sad that this happens in our continent. However, it seems important to note how the Scouts managed when it was possible to drink water in the camps. The recommendation that our Scoutmasters gave us was to drink spring water because they are born among the rocks of the mountains and streams. Do not drink stagnant water from tanks, lakes, or forgotten, old farms. We did not ever drink from any river because, in some cases, the drains infected the vital liquid. There are several ways to purify water, such as boiling water 20 minutes (if the water contains some dust it has to be filtered first), then pass it from one container to another to “aerate”. Another way was by distillation in which we made use of a vessel for when the water had many salts. We would use a lid with a hole, which had a hose passing out by cold water after boiling. The steam is condensed, leaves, and distilled to collect in another container.
put two or three drops of freshly prepared iodine after 30 minutes of rest, which helps to purify the water. There is insistence of drinking freshly prepared because when it “ages”, it can irritate the stomach. Another was applying a few drops of a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate to water to be treated until it took a pink tint, then the color was removed with lemon juice. However, you must be careful with this solution as it can be poisonous in certain concentrations. Still, there are other techniques such as collecting water from plants or building a still. Note that since these solutions are not used now, but what we can do is take care of and value very much the water we have for the good of our planet. Víctor Correa M.
Filtration by chemical means also exists, in which a tablet called “Halazone” (chemical that gives chlorine) is used, which can protect the water from impurities. Usually, you dissolve two tablets half an hour before drinking. In the case of not having them, you can dissolve hypochlorite solution in one liter, or bucket, of water and keep in dark bottles, blue or brown. A spoonful of this solution was used to eight liters. To a flask, one could
The host for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree was selected during the recent World Scout Conference held in Brazil. The decision was to hold the Jamboree in the USA at the Boy Scouts of America’s new national jamboree site, The Summit. The 2019 WSJ is a “North American” jamboree because the hosts will be a coalition of The Scout Associations of Canada, Mexico and the USA. The “chairmanship” of the jamboree will be shared by three individuals, one from each National Scout Association.
Boy Scouts of America Sorrels Scott
Scout Association of Mexico Omar Lugo
Scouts Canada Mike Scott
Chairman of the BSA’s National Commissioner Task Force
Ex-President of the Scout Association of Mexico
Ex-Commissioner from Scouts Canada.
The Jamboree Leadership Team (JLT) has already held two planning sessions and will soon begin to select additional members of the Planning Team. The hope is to bring the largest WSJ ever to North America and to bring attention to all the good things that happen in the Interamerican Region. They have named a youth-led marketing team from each of the three host countries. We’ll introduce them to you next month.
Electromagnetic pollution is relatively unknown by most families or in every day life, whether in the city or country. We are exposed to electricity wherever we live. Every individual has a different tolerance level to electromagnetic pollution or excessive static electricity, which explains why some suffer and others are unaffected. The human organism is made up of minute electrical and magnetic currents which explain why artificial electromagnetic fields can provoke mild or serious illnesses. Our homes have electrical currents running in every corner. These currents discharge energy which affects the functioning of our bodies. It should be noted that electromagnetic pollution is more dangerous at night when the body is at rest and more vulnerable. Electromagnetic pollution has short and long term effects on the nervous system. It alters the immune system and influences the heat stress proteins, damaging the DNA chain and causing cancer. Scientists have established that periodic exposure to electromagnetic fields can affect development, reflexes, ability to act under stress, and our response to our immune system. If you suspect that you are suffering from disorders due to exposure to electric currents in the home, try sleeping with the electricity turned off either in the home or the bedroom. If, with this simple measure, you sleep better and do not wake up with tension, headache, dizziness, or other problems that usually accompany this issue, a further study can be made, such as a special study of the house or acquiring an electric field detector. When an electrical cause is established, it is possible to improve electrical installations with the correction or placement of ground electrodes or use encased wiring. In old installations or in situations where it is difficult or costly, it is advisable to manually disconnect the room at night or, better still, install automatic disconnections. Applying these measures to our homes will be a dramatic improvement and would help our health and the planet.
A wise and well-known Arabic anecdote says that, on one
him a hundred pieces of gold. When he left the palace, one
occasion, a Sultan dreamed he had lost all his teeth. After
of the courtiers, surprised, said:
waking, he sent for a soothsayer to interpret his dream. “It’s not possible! The dream interpretation you have done “What a disgrace, My Lord!”, exclaimed the Magician. “Each
is the same as the first magician. I do not understand why
lost tooth represents the loss of a relative of your Majesty.”
the first was paid with one hundred lashes and you with a hundred pieces of gold ...”
“What insolence!”, shouted the enraged Sultan. “How dare you say such a thing? Out of here!”
“Remember, my friend,” said the second magician, “it all depends on the way you say it.” One of the greatest
He called his guards and ordered them to give him a
challenges facing humanity is to learn the art of
hundred lashes.
Later, the Sultan sent for another magician and he told him
Often, from communication results happiness or
what he had dreamed. After listening, he carefully said to
misfortune, peace or war. The truth must be told in any
the Sultan:
situation, but the way that the things are said could make a big difference.
“Lord, great joy hath been reserved! The dream means that you will survive of all your relatives!”
Truth can be likened to a precious stone. If launched at someone’s face, it can hurt, but if you wrap it in delicate
The Sultan’s face lit up with a big smile and ordered to give
packaging and it is tenderly offered, it certainly would be accepted with pleasure.
“A Roof for My Country” and their youth volunteer organization extended an invitation to the Rover community, “Huechulef “, of Scouts of Argentina for a day of service held in the neighborhood “La Ilusion”. Painting tasks were performed in the lounge, where youth of “A Roof for My Country” offered their services and ran courses for people in the neighborhood and the community of Zarate. Trees were also planted in different parts of the square, and all the neighbors helped to make the stakes to support the trees. They also traveled to Capital City to perform a service to the Scout House, located on Liberty Street 1282, a few blocks from the 9 de Julio Avenue. http://www.eldebate.com.ar
After the last floods in the department of Loreto, Peru, a crusade was held to support the victims, which was organized by the Scout Association of Peru and the “Topos” (moles) of Mexico. National Scout leader Victor Cuesta said the initiative sought to “join forces to support this jungle population that suffered the brunt moments of nature. Therefore, the Scouts of Peru are very pleased to work with the Topos of Mexico, and know that we share the same goals of helping others without thought of reward. This is only the beginning, as we will do other activities together for the benefit of the community,” he said at the time. http://peru.com/2012/04/30/
One of the problems, according to former members of the Scouts in La Paz, Bolivia, is that many schools do not support the practice of Scouting and do not accept it as an alternative for the boys to dedicate their time to cultivate their talents and learn values to be better citizens. The Scout leader, Dana Lema, says: “There are many school principals who prefer to support other activities, which is not bad, but they are removing spaces for activities such as the Scout Movement, which are interested in the integral part of the human being.” Years ago, the private and public education was provided a space for their students to practice the values of Scouting. Scouting has a tradition of 101 years in Bolivia and now, they struggle to regain space in educational units. Instilling respect for nature, tolerance, equality, and the ability to overcome adversity are just some of the core values of Scouting in Bolivia to continue creating a better world. http://www.fmbolivia.tv
JUNIO / JUNE 16 - 17 Reunión del Comité Scout Interamericano Interamerican Scout Committee meeting Canada 22 - 24 Reunión Subregional de Métodos Educativos*: Caribe Subregional Metings of Educational Methods*: Caribbean
Trinidad & Tobago
29 - 30 (1) Reunión Subregional de la Red de Desarrollo Institucional: Centroamérica Subregional Meeting of the Institutional Development Network: Central America
El Salvador
JULIO / JULY (29-30) 1 Reunión Subregional de la Red de Desarrollo Institucional: Centroamérica Subregional Meeting of the Institutional Development Network: Central America
El Salvador
20 - 22 Reunión Regional de la Red de Comunicaciones Regional Meeting of the Communications Network
27 - 29 Reunión Subregional de la Red de Desarrollo Institucional: Andina Subregional Meeting of the Institutional Development Network: Andean
AGOSTO / AUGUST 17 - 19 Reunión Subregional de la Red de Desarrollo Institucional: Cono Sur Subregional Meeting of the Institutional Development Network: Southern Cone
31 (1-2) Taller Regional de Crecimiento (Español) Regional Workshop on Growth (Spanish)
Costa Rica
SEPTIEMBRE / SEPTEMBER (31) 1 - 2 Taller Regional de Crecimiento (Español) Regional Workshop on Growth (Spanish) 7 - 9
Seminario Regional de Métodos Educativos (Español) Regional Seminar of Educational Methods (Spanish)
14 - 16 Taller Regional de Crecimiento (Inglés) Regional Workshop on Growth (English)
21 - 23 Seminario Regional de Métodos Educativos (Inglés) Regional Seminar of Educational Methods (English) OCTUBRE / OCTOBER
12 - 14 Reunión de la Red Regional de Medio Ambiente Regional Environment Network meeting México 20 - 21 Reunión del Comité Scout Interamericano Interamerican Scout Committee meeting Perú
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Send us your stories about any activity that has taken place in your National Scout Organization so the world will know it.
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This Newsletter No. 16 was made by the contribution and the efford of: • Luis Bethancourt • Ramón Guerra • Vivian Huacuja • Scott Teare • Víctor Correa
• Mauricio Veayra • Héctor Carrer • Elizabeth Espinosa • Alejandro Bueso • Steve Kent
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