Name of the Position: National Risk Management Officer
Strategic Area : Institutional Development
Functional Level: National (Design and Management)
Director/Comissionar of Institutional De velopment, similar or equivalent. In the absence of this seat, to the National Execu tive Director - National Scout Chief, similar or equivalent.
Implement risk management processes in the NSO in a systemic way, to contribute to raising the level of security of its operations in the fulfillment of the Mission of the Scout Movement.
University professional of the careers of: Industrial Engineering, Industrial Hygiene and Safety, Disaster Administration and Management, Specialist in Risks, Insurance and Reinsurance, Loss Adjuster, Firefighter or Emergency Technician (preferred), Lawyer Specialist in Compliance and Risk Management, Administrator, Accountant or Economist with a specialty in risk management; or related careers.
With proven experience in the area, in project management, in the management of continuous improvement tools (6Sigma, Lean, Agile, Kaizen and / or similar); as well as in the design and excecution of training experiences.
Belong or have belonged to the World Scout Movement. (desirable).
Project management, administration and finance, use of Microsoft suite and soft ware for risk management.
1.Ensure the validity and updating of the risk procedure in the NSO.
2.Validate the preparation and monitoring of risk records of key processes within the OSN.
3.Maintain direct communication with the NSO´s legal affairs area and work closely with it.
4.Prepare the annual report of results (identified and evaluated risks, relevant situations, statistical analysis) to your immediate superior for validation and processing within the NSO.
5.Develop a self-assessment methodology.
6.Execute tasks of continuous monitoring of controls.
7.Generate, review and continuously improve the documents that are required for the implementation of the processes under its responsibility.
8.Work together with the different bodies and structures of the NSO, in the identification of risks, in the formulation of their respective management plans, in their implementation, periodic evaluation and especially in their continuous improvement.
9.Generate, capture, consolidate and analyze all the information and data with which it operates and generate the respective reports.
10. Formulate and follow up on the risk management and contingncy plans that it identifies, as necessary.
Adaptability to change Ability to modify points of view, practices, and attitudes in response to changes in contexts, conditions, and situations.
Minimum level of development (mastery) of competencies,
Level 2 Analyzes and implements change
• Is flexible in the application of rules or procedures
• Takes decisions autonomously in response to
• Is creative and innovative in the performance
• Adopts changes in a timely manner and, when
• Anticipates changes and adjusts activities accordingly.
Ability to acquire, improve or modify their competencies, voluntarily and permanently, in response to individual and organizational needs
Level 2 Analyzes their learning results and shares their
• Acts as an agent of change and disseminator of
• Motivates others to participate in continuous improvement
• Applies new learning to the work while enriching
• Translates his/her owns experience and knowledge position or function.
• Offers guidance and feedback to others to help them
Ability to make own the purpose, the principles and values, expressed in the Mission of Scouting, voluntarily assume responsibilities, support and implement decisions for the achievement of organizational objectives.
Organizational Awareness :
Ability to understand the functioning, structure and culture of the organization and how is affected by environmental situations.
Level 3 Implement actions to improve his/her commitment
• Performs actions that commit others to achieve common
• Creates spaces that encourage initiative and responsibility
• Recognizes the effort of others, fostering the motivation
• Dedicate a time percentage to the review of work
• Is disciplined and takes on account the use of resources.
Level 3 Understands, evaluates and implements the
• Promotes a greater sense of unity and common purpose
• Understands the impact of civil society, government, Organization’s mission.
• Promotes the different levels of the Organization Conferences and National Assemblies, where appl
• Verifies that the key aspects of the processes under
• Promotes the strengthening of the Organization in
competencies, desired and expected behaviors
procedures when the circumstances require them, without losing the essence or purpose. to changing situations, staying within the general objectives or strategy. performance of its functions. when pertinent, adjusts new trends. accordingly. their knowledge and experience with the others new ideas and technologies. improvement processes and helps them facing new personal development challenges. it. knowledge into documents, articles and reports and shares them in the area inheren t to the them to carry out their duties. commitment and promote the commitment of others members of the Organization common goals. responsibility at critical moments. motivation and commitment of the group to which they belong. work plans and objectives and selfcontribution to them. resources. aspects that lead the Movement and the Organization towards institutionality purpose among the different levels of the Organization to which he/she has acces s. government, private companies, NGOs and other external stakeholders in fulfilling the to participate and implement the decisions made by the Regional and World S cout appl icable. under his/her responsibility are in accordance with the prescribed procedures. in relation to their international dimension as a Scout Movement.
Strategic planning:
Ability to establish objectives and strategic plans, with a long term vision, previously analyzing the environment, future scenarios and trends and integrating knowledge and experiences of the organization.
Interpersonal Relationships:
Ability to build and maintain synergistic relationships between groups and people through interaction, integration and communication.
Level 3 Is involved in monitoring the strategic and /
• Participates in the strategic analysis of the trends current policies could be affected by them.
• Periodically evaluates his/her results considering
• Develops a diagnostic analysis of his/her results and
• Proposes improvement actions to the strategic and
• Proposes or implements a framework for the revision
Level 3 Evaluate his/her relationship with others and
• Uses interpersonal skills as indispensable tools for
• Demonstrates proactivity when it comes to supporting
• Defies prejudice and intolerance. Can be critic to
• Demonstrates not taking the situations or words
• Sincerely seeks feedback to his/her actions.
It is the ability to work collaboratively and effectively with others, to integrate common efforts and achieve organizational goals.
Level 3 Evaluates team results and encourages improvement
• Observes interaction patterns within the team and
• Evaluates the weaknesses and strengths of the team
• Openly raises conflicts to optimize the quality of
• Objectively evaluates his/her self participation and
• Allows others to participate in the construct ion of
or operational plans, verifies its alignment to the strategic axes of t he organization trends of the internal and external environments of the Organization and consid ers how the key internal and ext ernal factors for the achievement of his/her plans and activities. and takes measures in correspondence with what was found. and / or operational plans in the level that he/she belongs revision of the guidelines according to current and future events.
and takes actions to strengthen them based on understand ing and flexibility for performance management. supporting events that require integrated efforts. ideas but no p ersons. of others as personal.
improvement and anticipates conflicts to prevent them. team and its members to propose improvement actions. decisions and the effectiveness of the team. and contribution in the results of the team. of the vision needed to active by the team and translates it into results.
Design, implementation, and conceptual evaluation: Ability to design, implement and evaluate the concepts necessary for Risk Management in the national structure of the NSO
Self management: Ability to autonomously manage your projects and responsibilities according to your work plans, providing adequate and timely reports to your work team.
Analysis and reaction:
Ability to write reports, recommendations, and guidelines for action.
Research and innovation: Ability to generate favorable environments to modernize and improve concepts and processes corresponding to the area it coordinates.
Technical approach:
Ability to perform timely tasks derived from their functions and those assigned to them, presenting results according to the established indicators
Monitoring and monitoring continua: Ability to permanently monitor processes and propose actions for continuous improvement.
• Develops solutions for the implementation of concepts,
• It guides the OSN work teams on fundamental concepts management processes in the areas under their
• It evaluates implementation strategies , according
• Performs a continuous self evaluation of its performance of its goals and work plans.
• It determines its priority actions in a timely manner resources to carry them out with excellence.
• It maintains an attitude of active listening, is open plans improvement actions based on them and their
• Develop documents understanding what are the
• Use appropriate language considering the audience
• Understand the need to review and translate documents
• Analyzes contexts for the continuous and qualified
• Guides and supports the work teams within the OSN related to the area it coordinates.
• It proposes and evaluates innovative processes to
• He applies his technical knowledge to fulfill tasks
• It provides the necessary support to its team for
• Clearly explain technical concepts according to the
• Periodically monitors the implementation and compliance
• It uses a clear and transparent mechanism for monitoring
• The follow up it carries out and its results are the actions for improvement, which it also monitors
concepts, guidelines and actions to be taken in their respective area. concepts in the area they coordinate , in order to facilitate the implementation of risk responsibility according to their objectives and makes them effective to maximize results.
performance with the aim of maintaining the standard of excellence necessary in the fulfillment manner , understanding the needs of the moment and the long term, using the available open to criticism and suggestions, internalizes the comments received on its deliveries and their previous experiences.
elements that must be included so that they meet their objectives. audience that receives the materials you produce documents and terms , making them understandable for different realities.
qualified renewal of processes in the area under its responsibility. OSN on trend s that can contribute to the development and implementation of actions to respond to the present and future needs of the NSO.
tasks and solve the situations that arise in the development of his activities. the fulfillment of objectives and the development of innovations in the are a it coordinates. the interacting audience.
compliance of the processes it coordinates. monitoring the processes it coordinates, which is known to all involved. the knowledge of all those involved, together with them it promotes the implementation of and follows up