Triennial Plan 2011 - 2014

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© WSB Inc. / Nuno Perestrelo



© World Scout Bureau Communication & External relations January 2012 World Scout Bureau Rue du Pré-Jérôme 5 PO Box 91 CH – 1211 Geneva 4 Plainpalais Switzerland Tel.: (+ 41 22) 705 10 10 Fax: (+ 41 22) 705 10 20 Reproduction is authorized to National Scout Organizations and Associations which are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Credit for the source must be given.


Dear Colleagues, You have been kept regularly informed of the progress related to the work of the World Scout Committee (WSC) and, by extension, the World Scout Bureau (WSB) through our Updates from the Chairman and the Secretary General sent out in May and October 2011. Particular attention was paid in these Updates to giving information on progress in developing the Triennial Plan of the WSC for the period between the last World Scout Conference held in Brazil in 2011 and the next World Scout Conference which will take place in 2014 in Slovenia. Work has progressed reasonably well and we are today in a position to share with you the broad outlines of the Triennial Plan which, with the aim of making it a dynamic tool, we have called “Leadership. Innovation. Service.” to reflect our mindset and willingness to implement. We want this plan to be an opportunity to feed National Scout Organizations (NSOs) with new and practical ideas while, at the same time, keeping its scope wide enough to prepare proposals for the future Strategy for WOSM up to 2020 and beyond. Resolutions adopted by the World Scout Conference are important since they inevitably shape the work of both the WSC and the WSB for the period until the next World Scout Conference. One should not forget, however, that these Resolutions represent only a part of the work of the WSC and WSB since they deal with specific topics or themes and fall within a much larger and wider scope of work which stretches beyond the period between two World Conferences. This includes not only the work that has to be carried out by the WSC as executive organ of WOSM and by the WSB as permanent secretariat of the World Organization, but also the work that specialized subcommittees or working groups have undertaken or have to undertake, supporting large projects, responding to demands for assistance from NSOs, etc. Therefore, as previously announced, the WSC has, for this triennium, structured its work around four Priority Areas. These four Priority Areas are: “Our Strategic Path”, “Youth for Change”, “21st Century Leadership” and “Global Support System” (a renaming of the Consultancy System). The recently launched Messengers of Peace initiative provides a fantastic opportunity to help us move forward. We will be driving the development of services and support material in these areas over the coming months, so that NSOs around the world can have an even greater impact on the lives of their youth members.

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These four Priority Areas of work form the core of the few “big things to achieve” in time for the next World Scout Conference in Slovenia in 2014. The WSC is also determined to make sure that the ‘educational dimension’ of our ongoing work is not lost but rather is present in a sufficiently explicit manner throughout the Priority Areas, and the Triennial Plan ensures this articulation. In this respect, the WSC is also considering the possibility of organizing a large “Global Scout Forum on Education” in 2013. Other work to be carried out in this triennium include topics such as “Human Rights”, “Duty to God”, “Accredited NSOs”, “Succession of the Secretary General” and the “Location of the World Scout Bureau”. Communications and External Relations, Information Services & Information Technology, World Scout Youth Events and World Scout Conference, Organizations with Consultative Status (especially faith-based organizations) and, finally, other permanent tasks (such as our finances or constitutional work) are also very much on the agenda. For example, in the area of Communications, our objective by 2014 is that the website will have a completely new look, our external relations will have been re-engineered for better efficiency, we will have developed a database for images/videos accessible to the entire Movement and our relationships with NSOs will be further developed and deepened through the creation of a network of media and press correspondents. Another example is our ambition that, by 2014, we will have developed a comprehensive digital communications strategy that takes into account the emerging digital landscape and how this will impact on WOSM, focuses on how WOSM uses digital technologies to provide improved services to NSOs, provides clarity on where WOSM is now and where other comparable organizations are in leveraging digital to achieve our objectives. We will seek to align all existing digital initiatives to ensure that they support wider strategic objectives, considering the ambitions of the Movement and highlighting resource implications for the implementation of the strategy, and to implement the agreed comprehensive communications strategy to further improve operating efficiencies through digital processes. We are also happy to report that the open call for volunteers and/or professional competence and expertise from within NSOs for certain areas of our work resulted in more than 50 people being nominated to contribute to our work. We are also grateful to NSOs which have agreed to or are considering helping the WSB strengthen its limited professional resources by offering short term staff support. We want the attached presentation of the Triennial Plan – the first page of which summarises the contents of this Circular – to remain global, simple and as a stand-alone document. We will be happy to provide further explanations on the Triennial Plan or on the foregoing comments if needed. Yours in Scouting,

Luc Panissod Secretary General WOSM


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Simon Hang-Bock Rhee Chairperson World Scout Committee

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Based on the Resolutions adopted by the 39th World Scout Conference and a few other ongoing projects, the World Scout Committee and the World Scout Bureau have put together a Triennial Plan that constitutes the roadmap for the period 2011-2014. The work will be organised around four Priority Areas, which are: “Our Strategic Path”, “Youth for Change”, “21st Century Leadership” and “Global Support System” (a renaming of the Consultancy System). The World Scout Committee is also determined to make sure that the ‘educational dimension’ of the ongoing work is present in a sufficiently explicit manner throughout the Priority Areas, and the Triennial Plan ensures this articulation.

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Besides the work structured around the Priority Areas, other specific issues (some of them arising from Conference Resolutions) will be addressed, such as “Human Rights”, “Duty to God”, “Accredited NSOs”, “Succession of the Secretary General” and the “Location of the World Scout Bureau”. All the above will be complemented by the regular work in areas such as Communications and External Relations, Information Services, Finance, World Scout Events, Constitutions, etc. To reflect the mindset and the spirit for this triennium, the Plan has been named “Leadership. Innovation. Service.”. This will be what National Scout Organizations can expect from their World Scout Committee and World Scout Bureau.

I n n o v a t i o n .

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“Youth For Change” Conference Resolution 08/2011 Objective: To focus on bringing together the various strands of youth engagement and empowerment activities, at world, regional and national levels, so as to maximise the impact that young people might have in driving our Movement forward.


The following key outcomes are to be delivered before or by the 2014 World Scout Conference in Slovenia:

• Development of e-training modules on Peer Education, Youth Involvement, Intergenerational Dialogue, Life Skills, etc (CDs/USB keys on the same to be available at the 2014 World Scout Conference in Slovenia). • Development of a web-based platform for youth exchanges. • Comprehensive evaluation on the impact of the World Scout Youth Forum and the Youth Advisors system. • Set targets on Youth Involvement for WOSM, the Regions and NSOs. • New World Youth Involvement Policy. • outh for Change work group participation in the Regional Conferences/events, including:

- Running sessions on Youth for Change-related issues

- Information stands

- Conducting interviews/survey.

• Review of the World Programme Policy (Educational Method activity).


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“21st Century Leadership” Conference Resolution 04/2011 Objective: To find ways to help National Scout Organizations bring out within their youth programmes the leadership qualities in young people that will be needed if they are to take an active and responsible role in modern societies.


The following key outcomes are to be delivered before or by the 2014 World Scout Conference in Slovenia:

• A global consultation with Scouts, Scout Organizations, and external parties on the meaning of modern (21st century) leadership in societies around the world. • Based on the consultation and extensive research, a position paper clarifying what modern (21st century) leadership means in Scouting. • A portfolio of best practices in leadership development from Scout Organizations around the world. • Resource materials for NSOs to self-assess the delivery of leadership development in their youth programmes. • 21st Century Leadership work group attendance at Regional Conferences/ events.

A limited number of NSO pilot projects, providing best practice on how youth programmes can be developed to better develop leadership qualities in young people.

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“Our Strategic Path” Conference Resolution 06/2011 Objective: To examine the processes and content needed to take the ‘Strategy for Scouting’ to its next stage of development.


The following key outcomes are to be delivered before or by the 2014 World Scout Conference in Slovenia:

• An evaluation of the ‘Strategy for Scouting’ based on a thorough analysis of the needs and trends among young people and the current situation of the Scout Movement, from both a qualitative as well as a quantitative perspective. • A document that attempts to clarify and put in a simpler, easy to understand and applicable format at all levels of WOSM, the different components of the strategic framework (vision, mission, cause, strategic priorities, etc.) and how they relate to each other. • A proposal for the 2014 World Scout Conference to move the ‘Strategy for Scouting’ forward towards 2020 and beyond, incorporating primarily the outputs from all four Priority Area working groups, and including a clear and focused Strategy for the world and regional bodies of WOSM.


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“Global Support System” Conference Resolution 05/2011 Objective: To create a bank of resources (human and intellectual) so that National Scout Organizations can assess their own needs in terms of strategic and practical support, and access targeted assistance (across regional and national boundaries) to meet those needs.


The following key outcomes are to be delivered before or by the 2014 World Scout Conference in Slovenia:

Quality wise • The methods have been refined, the process has proved its efficiency and has been adjusted to reality where and when necessary. • Existing assessment tools will be harmonised towards a common assessment tool so that a measure of the progress can be made at world level in due course. •

A Contact Management System will have been developed to record all aspects of the process and of work with NSOs.

• A large pool of experts comprising individual Support coordinators and Consultants as well as NSOs ready to be involved institutionally will have been formed. • NSOs definitively see the world and regional levels of WOSM as service oriented.

Quantity wise • 30% of WOSM NSOs will have gone through the Global Support system and will positively evaluate the experience of receiving support. • 30% of WOSM NSOs will have actively participated in the delivery of the support process. • All 6 WOSM Regions are fully involved. • The Global Support work group will be present at at least 6 Regional events.

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Coherence in the Educational Methods work in the 2011-2014 Triennial Plan


03/2011 – Scouting’s cause: Education for Life 04/2011 – Be prepared: leadership for life 07/2011 – Educational Methods 08/2011 – Youth involvement in decision-making 11/2011 – World Adults in Scouting Policy

Development work:

Maintenance work:

• Reaching out: Scouting in schools, Children safe from harm

• Environment

• Innovation: Research, Trends

• Children in difficult circumstances • Spiritual dimension

• Youth Programme Policy update • Adults in Scouting development: Woodbadge framework, Volunteering, Networks & resources

• Adults in Scouting policy implementation • On-demand support …


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© World Scout Bureau Education, Research and Development October 2011 World Scout Bureau Rue du Pré-Jérôme 5 PO Box 91 CH – 1211 Geneva 4 Plainpalais Switzerland Tel.: (+ 41 22) 705 10 10 Fax: (+ 41 22) 705 10 20

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