Wsm2017 bulletin5 dec 2016 english

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No. 5 | December 2016 | 15th World Scout Moot 2017

Welcome to the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland 2017

READY FOR ICELANDIC CAMPFIRE? AMONG TOPICS IN THIS ISSUE: IST updates Media & Public Relations Young Correspondents

Guests: Day visitors, Scout Guests, Special Guests Contingent Receptions Keeping warm in Iceland

World Scout Centre Moot Song

João Armando Gonçalves, Chairperson of the World Scout Committee


Comfort zone

© The Icelandic Boy and Scout Association No. 5 - December 2016 Editor: Jón Ingvar Bragason Design & layout: WSM2017 Marketing Team / gp Pictures: ©World Scout Bureau, Inc, ©The Icelandic Boy and Scout Association and ©Íslandsstofa / Promote Iceland

What is this Bulletin?

To take a step out of the comfort

WOSM, since it looks like this will be the

zone can be exciting: to meet a new

biggest Moot ever! (by far). This is because

person; to try a new activity; to

the Planning Team has been doing an ex­

experience a new environment; to

cellent job and also because the leadership

be open to a new feeling; to lay

in NSOs decided to promote the event and

your eyes on a new landscape. Being

organise their contingents so well.

exposed to new situations challenges us and makes us grow. This is what

The success of an event depends very much

Iceland and the 15th World Scout

on the preparation. And it is not only about

Moot are ready to offer us all.

logistics, or activities, or transport. It is also about personal attitude, mindset, willing­

When, in July 2017, thousands of women

ness to share, and readiness to use the

and men, from all over the world, will

opportunity to its full extent. This is what

gather “up north” to experience the Moot,

I am seeing in those responsible for the

they will not only be about to live a Scout

planning (Hosting Committee and Heads of

event. We will probably be living a unique

Contingents) and now it is up to each of us

moment in our lives. A moment in which we


will be confronted with ourselves and our

The main purpose of this Bulletin is to

limits, our ideas and preconceptions, our

It’s only 8 months until we meet in Iceland

provide National Scouting Organizations

deep beliefs, our imagination and creativity,

for the biggest Moot ever. It is 8 months

(NSO’s) and their contingents with detailed

or even our sense of humour. By the end of

until we have the opportunity to step out of

information on the preparation of the 15th

the event, we will be different people and

our comfort zone. And CHANGE.

World Scout Moot, which is to take place in

something in our lives may have CHANGEd

Iceland in 2017. The Bulletin will be distri­

for ever.

I look forward to meeting you all there.

In addition, the Moot maintains an active

The 15th World Scout Moot promises to


presence in social media as well as an active

be an unforgettable experience. First of all

Joao Armando Goncalves


for each of the participants. But also for

buted to all NSO’s through ScoutPak.

Registration for the World Scout Moot


Final registration started on 1 October 2016 and ends on 31 December 2016.

IST Opportunities Catalogue

Information on registration can be found

The IST Opportunities Catalogue (Appen­

Please be advised that due to the high number

dix 1) is attached to this Bulletin. Contingents

of expected participants, participating countries

are advised that each IST member must select

have received a notice of their number of guar­

three job choices as part of the registration

anteed places. Some countries already have a

process. Please note that the World Scout Moot


waiting list and if there are any available places

Office will not accept applications directly from individual IST members, or enter into direct com­ munication with them. All applications, as well


when registration closes on 31 December, they will be allocated to people on the waiting lists.

The starting and ending point of the

Late registration may therefore be available

as communication, will be coordinated through

15th World Scout Moot is in Laugardalur

upon request, but the

contingent leaders. Contingents will receive

in Reykjavik. If you need assistance with

World Scout Moot

information about IST job allocations in March

transportation, please visit

organizers cannot

2017. It is then up to each Contingent to inform to examine the possibilities, or

guarantee that places

their IST members of their allocation.


will be available.

IST Training IST are expected to arrive at the meeting point in Laugardalur in Reykjavik on the evening of 22 July or until 14:00 on the 23 July 2017. Upon arrival, they will undergo training, beginning with general training, including a site orienta­ tion, followed by job-specific training.

IST Contact Person As part of the registration process, contingents should nominate a CMT who is devoted to IST issues. This is intended to build relationships between Moot and Contingents in the run-up to the World Scout Moot, in order to ensure effec­ tive coordination on IST issues during the Moot.

Safe from Harm Training Safe from Harm training should be available by February 2017, for all ISTs. This can be completed electronically prior to arrival at the World Scout Moot. Proof of train­ ing will be required upon IST registration on-site in Reykjavík. Additional information will be included in Bulletin 6.


Young Correspondents will have the opportunity to: • Provide stories to the media in their home country • Write articles for the World Scout Moot

media (newspaper, website, etc.)

• Learn about media work – how to write

articles, use cameras, edit video, etc.

During the run-up to the Moot, Young Cor­ respondents will be provided with some of the relevant training. In addition, an online platform will be established where Young Correspondents can interact with one another and share stories. Further information will be communicated directly to Young Correspondents via the Contin­ gent Media Contact Person. To nominate a Young Correspondent, please complete and return the “Young Correspondent Nomination Form“ (Appendix 2) by the end of March 2017.

Young Correspondents At the 15th World Scout Moot, a Young Correspondent Program will be offered, enabling representatives from Contingents to promote the Moot in their local media. Young Correspondents are full participants in the Moot.

Who can be a Young Correspondent? Young Correspondents must be selected from among registered participating Scouts. Young Correspondents should be confident, enthusias­ tic about scouting, and have a desire to share that enthusiasm. They should be able to com­ municate in English and/or French, be motivated to work as correspondents, and be willing to share their experiences, and relate stories in the media of their home country. When choosing correspondents, please try to ensure a balance of gender, age, and geographical origin. Con­ tingents may, if they wish, nominate one Young Correspondent for every 100 members.

Young Spokespersons will communicate with professional journalists visiting the Moot.

Young Spokespersons The World Scout Moot organizers will select a few Young Spokespersons from the pool of

What is the role of Young Correspondents?

Young Correspondents. Young Spokespersons

The main role of Young Correspondents will be

if they have experience of working with the

to use the World Scout Moot media to tell the

media or have had experience and/or training

story of the Moot to those attending the event,

as a Young Spokesperson. In order to nominate

as well as to the people of their respective home

a Young Spokesperson, please complete and


return the “Young Spokesperson Nomina-

will communicate with professional journalists visiting the Moot. Therefore, it will be helpful

tion Form“ (Appendix 3) to the Moot Office by the end of March 2017.

Day Visitors In order to provide better insight into the significance of the Scout Movement, as well as a fuller experience of the World Scout Moot, a Day Visitor Programme will be offered on International Day, Sunday 30 July. A limited number of tickets for the Day Visitor Programme should be purchased in advance. To register, please refer to the Day Visitor informa­ tion on the Moot website.

Number of Day Visitors Everyone is eligible to join the Day Visitor Pro­ gramme, whether or not they are active mem­ bers of the Scout Movement. To secure enough parking spaces and avoid overcrowding, the total number of visitors will be limited to 500.



Services Team. Day Visitors will be able to visit

The reception desk at the Welcome Centre will

the Central Plaza, but will not be permitted to

open at 09:00, and Day Visitors may remain at

enter the Sub Camp Areas where the Scouts are

• Day Visitors aged 18 or older:

the World Scout Moot site until 17:00. Please


public areas such as the World Scout Centre and

pay attention to information updates.

Admission ISK 3,500 / person

• Day Visitors aged 6-18: ISK 1,750 / person

Visiting area and guided tour


Following check-in at the Welcome Centre, Day

online at Note that

Visitors will be conducted on a guided tour of

once capacity is reached, no more tickets will be

the World Scout Moot site by ISTs of the Guest


Day Visitor tickets may be booked and purchased

• Admission is free for children under 6 years

of age

• The admission fee includes items such as an

ID pass and Day Visitor Guidebook.

Contingent Media Contact Person Each Contingent should appoint one Media Contact Person (MCP) by completing and returning the “Media Contact Person Registration Form“ (Appendix 4) before the end of March 2017.

Once the forms have been received, the World Scout Moot organizers will contact MCPs and share Moot-related news, which can be used for media work in and by the NSOs. In addition, MCPs will function as contacts for Young Cor­ respondents. This includes the provision of any necessary support before and during the Moot.

Guests at the 15th World Scout Moot Scout Guest

Contingents may invite a limited number of prominent officials from their National Scout Organizations to visit their Contingent at the World Scout Moot. Scout Guests should be registered in advance by returning the completed “Scout Guest Application Form” (Appendix 5) to the Moot Office by the end of March 2017. Please note that Contingents assume full responsibility for their invited Scout Guests for the duration of their stay. Scout Guests may stay a maximum of 2 nights and 3 days during the period from 29 July to 2 August, and must confine their visits to the Moot site to between 09:00 and 17:00 on those days. For accommodation, Contingents can arrange their own tents at the IST camp or book a nearby hotel at additional cost. The fee is ISK 9,000 per person per day and includes a neckerchief, ID pass, Handbook, and 3 meals at the IST Canteen. Upon arrival, Scout Guests check in at the Welcome Centre, where they will be put in touch with their Contingent, which will then assume responsibility for their stay.

prominent citizens who have helped NSOs forge

In April 2017, the World Scout Moot organizers

greater links between Scouting and the wider

will send an invitation to each Special Guest

community. In principle, officials of National

in consultation with their respective National

Scouting Organizations should be registered as

Scouting Organizations. Please note that there

Scout Guests.

is a limit to the number of Special Guests that can be accepted, so not all nominees may be

Special Guests will be welcome throughout the

able to participate as Special Guests. Therefore,

World Scout Moot. All arrangements for receiv­

in order to avoid any disappointments, please

ing Special Guests will be closely coordinated

do not contact a proposed guest directly before

with the relevant National Scouting Organiza­

receiving confirmation of acceptance from the

tions. Special Guests will receive a briefing and a

Moot Office.

Special Guests

guided tour of the Moot site at Úlfljótsvatn. The

The 15th World Scout Moot will offer a

and refreshments upon arrival at the site.

Special Guest Programme for the Moot. Each Contingent may nominate Special Guests by submitting the “Special Guest Nomination Form” (Appendix 6) to the Moot office before the end of March 2017. Those eligible for the Special Guest Program will include such dignitaries as heads of state, members of legislative assemblies, govern­ ment ministers, and ambassadors of contin­ gents’ home countries. Also eligible are other

invitation includes registration, a guided tour,

Contingent Receptions During the World Scout Moot, Contingents will be able to host receptions at the reception area in order to meet members of other Contingents and introduce their own culture in a welcoming atmosphere. Receptions may be held on the following days: • 30-31 July 2017 • Time: 09:00 – 21:00 (120 minutes,

including preparation and clean-up)

• Cost: ISK 1,500 to 3,500 per person for

catering, including drinks. ISK 800 per

person for drinks only.

World Scout Centre

Contingents not requiring catering will be

Contingents will be allocated space for

charged a room fee depending on the size of

their use in the World Scout Centre, as

the room they wish to reserve. The reception

well as access to office space.

tent will have an area of 200 m2 and will be equipped with an audio system.

The World Scout Centre is open to participants and visitors alike during the Alþingi program,

Central Facilities

The Contingent Support Team will be based in this area, which will be a tented office space with a business center (equipped with PCs, photocopiers, etc.) and meeting room facilities.

Please note that Iceland has very strict health

so Contingents should prepare materials or a

and safety regulations concerning the prepara­

program that can be presented in their tents,

Size of Contingent spaces

tion and serving of food at an event such as the

such as an introduction to scouting in their

Each contingent will be provided with space in

World Scout Moot.

home countries.

a common tent equipped with tables and chairs.

Contingents wishing to arrange a reception


need to complete and return the “Contingent Reception Application Form“ (Appendix 7) to the World Scout Moot Office before the end of March 2017, indicating their preferred day

ment to suit their needs:

The World Scout Centre will be housed in tents

• Tent 8x5 = 60,000 ISK

equipped with lighting, power supply, tables,

• Table 80x220 = 15,000 ISK

chairs, and Wi-Fi internet connection.

and time, and the estimated number of guests.

• Chair = 1,500 ISK • Additional equipment is available upon

The fee for the reception must be received by

the Moot Office by the end of May 2017. Please note that there will be a limited number of

Contingents may book extra space and equip­

request and payment.

Contingents planning to host a reception are

Skype Calls for Contingents Management Teams

therefore encouraged to submit the completed

Join-in meeting for CMT’s will be offered

form as soon as possible. Contingents are also

every month until the World Scout Moot

encouraged to co-host receptions.


reception areas and time slots, and bookings will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

The purpose of the meetings is to give CMT’s a briefing of the status of planning and the pos­ sibility to ask the Moot Organizing team directly any questions that might come up. Details of the meetings and timings will be communicated directly with CMT’s through the Moot letter.


DID YOU KNOW… Did you know that the very first World Scout Moot was held in Kandersteg, Switzerland? In August 1931, Rovers from 23 different countries travelled to Kandersteg to build a worldwide brotherhood of service. The tradition of this great event continued, and Kandersteg subsequently also hosted the 5th and 9th World Scout Moots. Now it’s time to experience Iceland!

How did it all start? At the 3rd World Scout Jamboree in Birkenhead, England, Rover Scouts began to demand their ‘own event’, and Robert Baden-Powell couldn’t think of a better place for such an event than the International Chalet in Kandersteg, with its varied alpine opportunities.

B-P and Olave with Rovers of all nations, 1st Rover Moot 1931

During the Moot, Baden-Powell stayed with his

The words of Lord Baden Powell about this

The call from the Chief Scout of the World was

wife, Chief Guide Olave Baden-Powell, and his

event summarised it all: “Make friends of the

answered by 2,500 Rovers from 23 countries;

two daughters, Agnes and Betty, at Hotel Wald­

Rovers of other delegations - I repeat,

a record figure for an international gathering

haus. Peter, his elder son, was a Rover himself

make friends; and this is no small step

at the time, and quite remarkable so soon after

and took part in the event just like any other

towards future entente cordiale among

the big economic crash of 1929, known to us

participant. On 5 August 1931, Olave wrote a

the manhood of the various countries.”-

as ‘The Great Depression’. The participation fee

letter to Eileen Wade, the secretary of the World

Lord-Baden Powell, 2nd August, 1931.

was CHF 66, a substantial amount of money

Bureau and confidante of the family: “We are

given that many families in 1930 survived on a

having a gorgeous time, and are so happy that

Keep his words in your mind during your

monthly income of CHF 220 or less.

we can hardly think!! It is just HEAVENLY here,

visit to Iceland!

and (…) it is all being such FUN. This is the most exquisite place, and we are having glorious little expeditions, and in between times attend to the Moot! Scouts are EVERYWHERE (…) We have never enjoyed ourselves more, and feel that it is worth every PENNY we are spending!”.

Moot 1931 pin

1st Rover Moot, Kandersteg 1931

Extending your stay at Úlfljótsvatn Special Moot weeks at Kandersteg

Contingents have the option of extending

vatn, in which to purchase cooking provisions

their stay at the main site of Úlfljótsvatn,

or food. Therefore, as the last meal provided by

following the conclusion of the World

the World Scout Moot is dinner on 2 August,

Scout Moot.

arrangements can be made, upon request and payment, to provide contingents with food on 3

The first night, i.e. 2 August, is free of charge.


The World Scout Moot can provide transporta­ tion from Úlfljótsvatn to Reykjavík on the morn­

The following meals will be available:

ing of 3 August. Contingents heading directly

• Breakfast: Contintental

Are you curious about the site of the

to Keflavík International Airport on this day can,

1st Moot? KISC is offering a great

for an extra charge, book seats on a bus going

deal to you and your Contingent so

directly from Úlfljótsvatn.

• Packed lunch: Sandwich, juice, yoghurt

and fruit.

• Dinner:

you can experience the site of both the current and past World Scout

For contingents wishing to stay more than one

BBQ1 – Hamburger party,


extra night following the World Scout Moot,

BBQ 2 – Mixed grill (chicken and lamb),

the camping fee is 1,500 ISK per person. Please

BBQ3 – Lamb feast.

Join special Moot weeks at Kandersteg

note that there is no public transportation to or

(16 – 23 July 2017 or 6 to 13 August

from Úlfljótsvatn.

2017) and get a 60 % discount on

Prices are available at

accommodation*! If you are attending

In addition, please note that there are no shops,

the Moot as IST, enjoy the week at KISC

restaurants, or cafés in the vicinity of Úlfljóts­

with free accommodation*.

How to book your stay? Visit to find out more. This offer is valid until 31 December 2016. * Accommodation on our Campsite or in the Old Chalet, the tourist tax CHF 3,- per person per night needs to be paid separately.

Travel Office

land. These include day-tours to explore nature,

The Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Associa-

rafting, snorkeling, or simply to relax at the Blue

tion has set up a travel office to assist

Lagoon. They can also try their hand at riding

Contingents in planning their journey to

Icelandic horse.

whale and puffin watching, glacier tours, river

Iceland, as well as with any pre- and post World Scout Moot activities in which they

For booking, as well as more information and

may be interested.

about day-tours, accommodation, and transport visit

Contingents that have a limited amount of time in Iceland outside of the actual World Scout

Contingents planning to extend their stay in

Moot, and do not have the option of long trips,

Iceland can contact us at for

will still have many opportunities to explore Ice­

help or advice.

It should be noted that the most significant factor shaping Iceland and the daily life of its people is the

When you pack for your trip to Iceland you should absolutely include:

weather! Snow in July is highly unlikely, although since

• A light, comfortable, and waterproof back-

settlement (around 870) this has happened on a few

pack, with at least a 60 litre capacity.

Suitcases are completely unsuitable.

occasions, so the possibility cannot be completely

• A smaller backpack (daypack), suitable for


Although sunshine for the duration of the Moot cannot be guaranteed, it is certainly possible and is, in any event, definitely more likely than snow. There are definitely no beaches for lazing around. Although Iceland is not as cold as its name implies, warm, water- and windproof clothing must be brought along nonetheless, as the weather is often windy and generally quite unpredictable. In Iceland, the mean summer temperature is around 10-13°C, although temperatures may occasionally reach 20-25°C. During summer, any kind of weather is possible: rain, wind, sunshine, hail, or even snow!

day trips.

• A tent with an attached ground sheet

So, to keep warm in Iceland, the following should be packed:


suitable for the Icelandic summer

– probably equivalent to a three season

tent in many other countries. The tent must

be capable of withstanding strong winds

and heavy rain.

• A sleeping bag that is comfortable for 0°C

at a minimum.

Please be aware that the possession and/or use

• A thin insulated mattress.

of alcohol or illegal substances is prohibited

• Warm and cold water bottle, plate, bowl,

on site and for the duration of the Moot, in ac­

cordance with Icelandic law pertaining to youth organizations, as well as Icelandic Scouting regulations. Possession or use of alcohol or illegal substances will result in immediate expul­ sion from the Moot, and the relevant Head of contingent will be informed of the situation. The Moot has a zero tolerance policy regarding this matter!

mug, knife, fork, and spoon.

• A first aid kit (remember Band-Aids and

second skin for blisters etc.) and any

personal medication.

• Sunglasses. • Sunblock (factor 6 minimum). Even if you

have dark skin or do not normally sunburn,

please note that solar UV radiation can

be intense in Iceland, due to its high

northern latitude.

• A mosquito net to protect your face from

the biting blackflies which are common in


Basic laundry facilities will be available at the Úlfljótsvatn Scout Centre.

Keeping warm in Iceland

• The following items of clothing: »» Scout uniform. »» Shorts. »» T-shirts. »» Swimsuit and towel. »» Warm wool or fleece underwear, long sleeves and long trousers. »» Warm sweaters (wool, fleece, or primaloft). »» Rain- and windproof trousers and a jacket, waterproof to at least 5 000 mm of precipitation. A poncho is not suitable as the weather may be windy. »» A warm hat and gloves. »» Trousers for hiking. Jeans are not suitable, as they retain water and dry slowly. »» A minimum of two pairs of wool mixture hiking socks (min. 70% wool, non-cotton). »» Good hiking boots, which have already been broken-in, waterproof, with good ankle support, and a VIBRAM sole or equivalent. Sports shoes are not suitable, except as an extra pair of shoes. »» Light shoes for fording rivers and streams if you are doing any hiking. For some activities, e.g. extreme mountaineering or hiking in the highlands, a list of the neces­ sary equipment will be provided. In such cases, the activity leaders will ensure that participants have the required basic gear prior to the activity. Should participants not have the necessary gear, they will have the opportunity to acquire or purchase it if possible. Failing this, they will be excluded from the activity. Please be aware that there are no shops or services in the vicinity of some of the camps during the Expedition Programme.

During the night, temperatures can drop to 0-5°C so consider a warm hat and socks. Tents must have a ground sheet attached in order to avoid water entering the tent in the event of rain. An insulated mattress is important for sleeping. If it is too thin, a layer of cardboard may be placed between the ground sheet and the mattress for extra warmth. Also, it is important to be warm when going to sleep, so take a hot shower or move around (dance, run, play games) just before retiring.

SPECIAL OFFER ON TENTS From the Icelandic Online Scout Shop

GREAT VALUE! Check out these great tents that are now offered for a special WSM2017 price. Perfect for Icelandic conditions. Order at The Icelandic Online Scout Shop:

Ascent 2 TT014

Fabric: Dimensions (L x W x H): Poles: Colours:

Outer – 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner – 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer – 310 x 150 x 105cm Inner – 210 x 150x 103cm 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass Blue / Charcoal

Red / Charcoal Orange / Charcoal Weight: 3kg HH: 3000 FR: Yes • Easy to pitch with easy access door • Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom • Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet • Taped Seams

ISK 16.995

Ascent 3 TT001

Fabric: Dimensions (L x W x H):

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 310 x 220 x 130cm Inner - 210 x 210 x 125cm 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass

Poles: Colours:

Blue / Charcoal Red / Charcoal

Weight: 3.7kg HH: 3000 FR: Yes • Easy to pitch with easy access door • Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom • Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet • Taped Seams

ISK 19.995 Ascent 4 TT015 Fabric:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester

Dimensions (L x W x H):

Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 330 x 240 x 130cm

Inner - 230 x 240 x 125cm 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass

Poles: Colours:

Blue / Charcoal

Red / Charcoal


Green / Charcoal Weight: 4.1kg HH: 3000 FR: Yes

• Easy to pitch with easy access door

• Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom

• Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet • Taped Seams

ISK 22.995

Registering Journalists Contingents are encouraged to invite journalists to attend the World Scout Moot, as this should provide a great opportunity to showcase the values of the Scout Movement. To ensure the provision of effective support, attending journalists must be registered prior to arrival at the Moot. Please complete and return

The World Scout Moot online shop The Icelandic Online Scout Shop is currently being updated with World Scout Moot items, including a great variety of products, which may be useful in Iceland. Contracts have been made with the Icelandic Cintamani outdoor clothing brand and with Fjal­ lakofinn, a local chain of mountaineering shops, to provide all the gear needed for Iceland. These products will soon be available at Below is a list of Moot Branded Products available now – more to come!

the “NSO Journalist Registration Form“ (Appendix 8) by the end of June 2017. Please note that it is the responsibility of individual Contingents to provide for accompanying jour­ nalists, e.g. accommodation and meals.

Hooded fleece sweater for men ISK 20.000,00

Hooded fleece sweater for women ISK 20.000,00

Postcard – Completely Wild ISK 150,00

Postcard – Make new friends ISK 150,00

Poster – Completely Wild ISK 150,00

Poster – Make new friends ISK 150,00

T-shirt: Sun, rain & snow ISK 4.250 ,00

T-shirt: Heard the Icelandic tweet? ISK 4.250,00

Media and Public Relations Support Contingents will be offered support for their public relations and media work at a Media Centre at the main site at Úlfljótsvatn. The support at the Media Centre will include access to press materials such as fact sheets, news releases, photos, and video clips, access to a limited number of computers, Wi-Fi for laptops and tablet devices, as well as some printing facilities. These facilities at the Media Centre will be available for registered Media Contact Persons (MCPs) and journalists.

Be prepared Capo on 4th fret Am7


Open up - the world is yours. Em


Follow your head - to new places. Am7


Take a trip - with open ears Em


say hello to - some new faces. Am7


Hiking up - surfing down Em


don’t leave any - harmful traces Am7


Difficult - to take the step? Em


Kristinn Arnar Sigurðsson “Kiddi” the author

you just have to - tie your laces C



Moot song


:,: Be prepared - for all that is coming and C


The 15th World Scout Moot song has now

don’t be scared G

been released.


of all things belonging I’ll C

The songwriter is Kristinn Arnar Sigurðsson,


who has been active in Icelandic scouting from

see you there G

a young age. The song is now available from


streamline services such as Spotify and on

dancing and singing, we C


won’t forget G


that we will always :,: Am7


Carry on - fill your dreams Em


you won’t do - unless you begin Am7


Never stop - learning things. Em



Contact details

• IST Opportunities Catalogue 1

15th World Scout Moot 2017

• Young Correspondent Nomination Form 2

Hraunbae 123

• Young Spokesperson Nomination Form 3

110 Reykjavík

• Media Contact Person Registration Form 4


• Special Guest Nomination Form 6

Throw bad stuff in - the recycle bin

• Contingent Reception Application Form 7


• NSO Journalist Registration Form 8


Give a hand - to one in need Em


side by side we’re - able to win Am7


Use your voice - tell me how Em


we can change the - world we live in

Tel: +354 5509800

• Scout Guest Application Form 5


Timetable for the World Scout Moot Bulletins

:,: Be prepared

• February | bulletin 6

for all that is coming and... :,:

• May | bulletin 7



Appendices IST Opportunities Catalogue ......................................................#1 Young Correspondent Nomination Form ............................. #2 Young Spokesperson Nomination Form ............................... #3 Media Contact Person Registration Form ............................. #4 Scout Guest Application Form .................................................. #5 Special Guest Nomination Form .............................................. #6


Contingent Reception Application Form ............................... #7 NSO Journalist Registration Form ............................................ #8

International Service Team

Opportunities Catalogue Appendix 1

1. Introduction to the International Service Team The success of the 15th World Scout Moot

Each IST member can be assigned to an inter­

depends on the members of the Interna-

national IST patrol of up to 10 persons if he/

tional Service Team (IST), which will count

she has signed up for that. Each patrol will be

about 1,000 members.

serving together.

• M03 Infrastructure and Logistic • M04 Safety and First Aid • M05 Organization, Operation and Communication

Scouts who are at least 26 years of age at the

An IST member will be a part of a team of volun­

start of the Moot are eligible to join the IST,

teers vital for ensuring the success of the Moot.

attending as part of a National Contingent. IST

Activities that IST members will be involved in

members should be able to communicate in

supporting fall into one of the following areas:

English or French, and be ready to perform tasks

• M01 Program

necessary for the Moot.

• M06 Tribe Advisor

• M02 Food and Trading

2. About the 15th World Scout Moot The World Scout Moot is an official international event of the

The next one will be held in Iceland from Tuesday, 25 July to Wednesday, 2

World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), held every

August 2017. Members of IST are requested to arrive two days prior to the

four years.

moot and stay two days longer.

The IST time table for the Moot is as follows: Saturday

22 July

Dinner for those IST arriving early, accommodation open from 17.00 hrs.


23 July

IST registration, training, IST welcome dinner


24 July

More training, IST patrol meetings, service assignments


25 July

Opening ceremony, travel day


26 July

Expedition Centers, preparation at Úlfljótsvatn


27 July

Expedition Centers, preparation at Úlfljótsvatn


28 July

Expedition Centers, preparation at Úlfljótsvatn


29 July

Travelling to Úlfljótsvatn, welcome ceremony


30 July

International Day at Úlfljótsvatn


31 July

Alþingi program at Úlfljótsvatn


1 August

Alþingi program at Úlfljótsvatn


2 August

Alþingi program, at Úlfljótsvatn / Closing Ceremony / Departure of the participants


3 August

Cleaning up the site / IST Party


4 August

IST Departure



Moot Fee The fee for members of the International Service team (IST) includes: • Briefing and training (including role specific

training) prior to the arrival of participants

• The Moot IST Experience, including a

program and activities for when not

required to work (some program may

require additional cost)

Moot location in Iceland

IST Training

• All meals for the duration of the 15 World

The opening ceremony for the Moot will be

IST training will take place in two phases, first

Scout Moot from dinner on 22 July until

in Laugardalur in Reykjavík, the capital city

online training before arrival in Iceland and then

lunch 4 August

of Iceland. The central camp is at Úlfljótsvatn

general and job-specific on-site training.

• Upon arrival, transport from the Moot entry

Outdoor and Scout Center, about 75 km East

The online training will be launched in April

of Reykjavik, which hasbeen in operation since

2017 and will be in three parts:

1942. The Expedition Centers will be at 11 dif­

• Safe from Harm


point in Reykjavik

• At the end of the Moot, transport from

ferent site around Iceland; Skaftafell, Hólaskjól,

Ulfljotsvatn to Reykjavik

Heimaland, Vestmanneyjar, Selfoss, Hveragerði,

• How to survive in Iceland

• Medical care in the case of illness (excluding

Hafnarfjorður, Þingvellir, Reykjavík, Akranes and

• Leadership and communication

pre-existing conditions) or accidents, includ-


On-site training will take place on the 23th of

ing minor surgery or treatment when necessary during the period of the World Scout

IST Camp Area

July. On that day, general training and team

Moot. Medication and any costs relating to hospital care is NOT included in the fee

IST members will be allocated to a designated

tain job specific training. More training courses

area within the Staff Camp Area. Facilities

will be provided on the following day, the 24th

• A World Scout Moot IST Experience pack,

such as toilets and showers will be provided

of July, but some service functions will already

at the Staff Camp Area (details TBC). The food

start that day, in areas needed before the arrival

Any camping equipment is not included in the

for members of the IST and the CMT will be

of the participants.


provided in the Staff Restaurant.

including a neckerchief and a handbook

building courses will be provided as well as cer­



7 9

8 6



1 2

4 The Expedition Centers

3 - Heimaland

6 - Hveragerði

9 - Reykjavík

1- Skaftafell

4 - Vestmannaeyjar

7 - Hafnarfjörður

10 - Akranes

2 - Hólaskjól

5 - Selfoss

8 - Þingvellir

11 - Akureyri

3. Choosing your role in the International Service Team Please note that communication regarding the allocation of the IST will be provided by the Moot to National Contingents and NSOs, NOT individual members

Service areas and example of roles:

M01 Program (Onsite, Offsite and IST): The program teams are responsible for planning and delivering the program during the 15th World Scout Moot. The program teams are responsible for:

of the IST.

• Expedition Program: The program is in the

fields of nature and the environment,

During the registration for the Moot, members of

community involvement. and physical

activities and adventure.

the IST will choose 3 different service roles from the six service areas shown below. The Moot will allocate each IST member to one of the six areas.


The Moot organizing team will make every at­

• The Bull Village: Working with an

tempt at meeting the service interests expressed, but will need to organize the IST group so that all the needs of the Moot are met and therefore some IST may ultimately be required to serve in

environmental theme, exploring how nature

impacts us and how we impact nature.

• The Eagle Village: Working with a

other fields if needed.

historical theme, exploring how our history

has shaped us and what we can do to

If the service area requires professional skills or

impact our future as individuals, as local

qualifications, appointed IST members will be

communities and as a scouting movement.

asked to submit copies of relevant documents

• The Giant Village: Working with the

or certificates to the Moot Office through the

theme of lifestyle and health, exploring how

respective NSO.

our lifestyle is the foundation of our lives.

For better allocation and planning, the submis­ sion of IST preferences should be made before year end 2016.

Schedule 31 December 2016: Preferred submission of service preferences and deadline for contingent

• Dragon Village: Working with the theme

of arts and innovation, exploring how

creativity can unleash a different

performance and thus impact our lives and

our community.

• Yggdrasil village: Global Faith and

believe village.


• Global Development village: Introduc-

April 2017: Allocation of IST members by the

May and onward: NSO´s will be informed of the service allocation of IST members

• International Day: Walk in activities in

the morning and setting up the interna-

tional market to be used in the afternoon.

• Youth Forum: Will be held on 30 July and

1 August for 100 selected participants each

day at Þingvellir national park.


World Scout Moot

ing other NGO’s working for good.


M06 Tribe advisors: Tribe advisors are members of the IST that sup­ port the participants in their educational experi­ ence at the Moot. Advisors are individuals with

IST Program:

M04 Health and Safety:

The program is currently being developed,

The Health and Safety team is responsible for

but will include hikes, sporting events, Safari sessions, pool trips, discussion forums, café´s and much more. IST members are also welcome to join in most of the evening program for the Moot participants. While a full days program for the IST team is not being scheduled, there should none the less be plenty of fun and excit­ ing things to do during the off hours.

the organization and delivery of a safe Moot, both in terms of prevention and response. The main tasks include; • On and off site safety, on and off site first

a strong background in Scouting for adolescents and young adults. The role of the Advisor is to support the participants in establishing and maintaining the team system and to support their personal development by; • helping participants identify personal

challenges and set up personal plans;

aid - medical professionals, - lifeguards,

• encouraging participants to take part

Listening ear, etc.

actively in individual, team and community


The Moot organizing team happily accepts

M05 Organization, operation and communication:

ideas for the IST program at this stage, as well

The Marketing and Communication team is

• helping participants to evaluate their

as indications of interest to run a proposed IST

responsible for communication during the Moot,

program event.

including the website, Information Center, Media

M02 Food and Trading:

Center, newspaper and Young Correspondents

Exceptionally among IST, Advisors may choose to


camp with the participants.

The Moot Organizing Committee is responsible

Advisor service is a role requiring 25-30 % of

for the overall organization of the Moot. The key

the time of Advisors, therefore Advisors will have

areas of support are; Contingent support and

other IST or CMT responsibilities to fill a full

Administrative support.

service duty.

The Food Services team is responsible for all food related services. The key tasks relate to: • The Scout Shop, The Food Market,

food-distribution, The IST Canteen, Cafés,

Food houses.

M03 Infrastructure and Logistic: The Moot Infrastructure Team is responsible for the buildup and maintenance of all infrastruc­ ture of the Moot. The key areas include: • Transportation, site management operations,

environmental operations, infrastructure, etc.

Contact details 15th World Scout Moot 2017 Hraunbae 123 | 110 Reykjavík | Iceland Tel: +354 5509800 Email: Website:

• encouraging participants to progress and

overcome limits;

progress and identify their potential.

Bulletin 5 – Appendix 2

Young Correspondent Nomination Form Please fill one form for each nomination National Scout Organization Country Personal information. First name

Family name



Facebook/twitter/whats app etc Street City




Scouting Background Current role in Scouting

Previous Scouting experience

What languages can the Young Correspondent use?



Bulletin 5 – Appendix 3

Young Spokesperson Nomination Form Please fill one form for each nomination National Scout Organization Country Personal information. First name

Family name



Facebook/twitter/whats app etc Street City




Approval of NSO First name

Family name

Email Position in NSO Date


This form should be completed by each National Scout Organization (only one per country), and returned to the address above by the end of March 2017.


Bulletin 5 – Appendix 4

Media Contact Person Registration Form National Scout Organization Country We hearby inform the Moot Management Team of the 15th World Scout Moot that we have designated the following person to be our Media Contact Person. First name

Family name

Position in NSO E-mail


Facebook/twitter/whats app etc Street City




What are your plans (if any) for media relations abou tthe Moot? (For example, which journalists / Media outlets are you planning to invite?)

What media facilities (laptops, cameras and etc.) do you plan to bring yourself to the Moot?



Bulletin 5 – Appendix 5

Scout Guest Application Form Please complete one form for each application. National Scout Organization Country Information about the Scout Guest First name

Family name



Position in NSO Street City




Date(s) of proposed visit by Scout Guest (Maximum of 2 nights and 3 days)

Please indicate any special requirements that you know of – for example assistantce with transport/ mobility/ catering and etc.

Accommodation at the Moot (Please indicate with a tick) No need Camp with CMT



Bulletin 5 – Appendix 6

Special Guest Nomination Form Please complete one form for each nomination. There is limited space for Special Guest, so nomination should be submitted as soon as possible. National Scout Organization Country

Information about the person making the nomination First name

Family name

Email Position in NSO

Personal information. First name

Family name



Position in Organization Organization Street City




Please state why you feel this person should be considered for a Special Guest Invitation to the 15th World Scout Moot?

What is the optimal time for that person to be on site?



Bulletin 5 – Appendix 7

Contingent Reception Application Form Please note that there is limited space for Contingent Reception and applications should be therefore be made as soon as possible and not later than end of March 2017. National Scout Organization Country Information about the Contact Person First name

Family name



Position in NSO

What dates would you pprefer for your Reception? Please note that there will be no Contingent Reseptions on the days of the Opening Ceremony and Expeditions (25th to 29th July), and Closing Ceremony (2nd August). Receptions will not last longer than 120 minutes including preparation and clean up. Prefered dates

How many people?

1st choice 2nd choice

3rd choice

Do you require catering? Yes

Do you have any special requirements



Start time (ex. 10:00)


Bulletin 5 – Appendix 8

NSO Journalist Registration Form National Scout Organization Country Personal information of journalists. First name

Family name



Facebook/twitter/whats app etc Street City




Supporting information

Media outlet Role

Contingent Contact Person supporting the Journalist First name

Family name



Facebook/twitter/whats app etc Street City




Approval of NSO First name

Family name

Email Position in NSO Date


This form should be completed by each National Scout Organization (only one per country), and returned to the address above by the end of March 2017.


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