Reuse and Give Back
Thank you for deciding to include Choose Earth as part of your WorldStrides experience! Our hope is that through the Certificate, Program Leaders and their participants will acquire practical and useful sustainable skills they can not only employ while with WorldStrides, but can take those same skills back into their communities.
For this Choose Earth Certificate, the focus is on WorldStrides’ plastic reduction initiative Fill it Forward. This program is ideal for programs that want to make a conscious effort to limit their single use plastic while traveling. There are three key aspects as the program lead you will take your participants through while on your trip:
• Focus area curriculum and learning
• Completion of Fill It Forward eco-challenge
• Facilitation of a group reflection
The Choose Earth focus area curriculum and learning will include a brief introduction of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are associated with Reducing Waste. There are instructor materials that we suggest all program leads read through so they can become knowledgeable on the UN SDGs and Choose Earth. Following, there will be the learning tools that Program Facilitators will share with students including an activity that will visually demonstrate this environmental problem leading to the materials for the group’s eco-challenge.
If throughout the Choose Earth journey Program Leaders experience any issues or questions, reach out to the Corporate Social Responsibility Team at csr@worldstrides.com.
Program Facilitator Resources
Choose Earth is designed to be a seamless addition to your program. There are 4 key elements:
• Presenting the instructional materials assigned to your focus area.
• Program Facilitators lead group through an eco-challenge.
• Facilitate a group discussion.
• Submit information of participants to WorldStrides so each individual can receive their digital certificate.
Each Certificate program has an introductory video to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Once shown Program Leaders will facilitate a discussion with participants about the SDGs.
There will be another video that demonstrates the Certificate’s chosen focus are in context with drafted questions to prompt the group to discuss.
*Videos and Discussion should take place prior to the eco-challenge.
Faculty will be responsible for sharing the Choose Earth slides and all content within them with their students. This is imperative so participants understand the program and satisfy the curriculum component of their certificate.
Program leads will host a debrief with their students after completion of the eco-challenge while on program.
Post-program, faculty will need to confirm that all certificate requirements were met, so that the CSR Team can distribute the digital certificates from Accredible.
Program Facilitator Logitics and FAQ
How should Program Leaders notify WorldStrides when your group has completed the program?
• Program Leaders/ Facilitators can visit forms.office.com/r/Q3VvrsQd5y or scan the code on the last page of this booklet to fill out our smart form, letting us know the names and emails of each participant who has completed the program.
• A member of the Corporate Social Responsibility Team will then distribute the Certificates through email.
What happens if I don’t receive my certificate?
Participants should check their junk and spam folders for the Certificate. If participants have not received their certificate, email the CSR team at csr@worldstrides.com.
When should my participants expect their Choose Earth Certificate?
After Program Leaders/Facilitators submit the Microsoft form, participants should expect their Certificate in their inboxes in 7 business days.
Is there a cost to participate in this certificate program?
No cost! This is an opt-in experience for all WorldStrides participants! We appreciate each program that decides to Choose Earth.
Do all certificates need to be completed by the end of the program?
This will be up to the faculty to decide. While the completion of the eco-challenge will take place during the program, the reflection discussion can occur post-program, but these must be confirmed before badges will be distributed.
How to fully engage with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
For any area that discussion is required, there is a list of curated questions for the Program Leader/Facilitator.
Program Leaders will find age-recommended videos that discuss what the SDGs are, their background, and history. Instructors should choose one of the three videos to play for their participants.
Instructors will then choose one of two activities to lead their participants through the discuss the SDGs in more detail.
**Instructors leading a program for K-5 students may choose to optout of this portion of the program if determined the content extends beyond student’s comprehension levels.
Following are a number of Sustainable Development Goals that align with topics covered in this Choose Earth Certificate. Program Leaders should read through these goals so they are better equipped to engage and facilitate conversation with their participants.
For more information, visit the UN SDG website: sdgs.un.org/goals
Relevant SDGs to Reuse
Limiting single-use plastics targets a much larger issue of many not having access to safe drinking water. Unfortunately, it is a growing environmental injustice that individuals face across the globe, including the United States. Are there any examples your participants can think of where natural or man-made disasters have limited a populations access to water sanitation?
• 6.1: By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.

• 6.3: Improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials.
• 6.6: By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes.
Invite your participants to think of their favorite Water activities (it’s okay if they aren’t necessarily the best for the planet). Ask how their actions are impacting the environment and begin to introduce the idea of how many individuals use single-use plastics in everyday activities that end up in our oceans. What impacts over time would this have on the environment and the oceans? What policies or initiatives should be made to better protect our oceans?
• 14.1: By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds.
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development
• 14.3: Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels.
• 14.5: By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas.
If participants open the conversation to responsible consumption, bring up this SDG. Ask them the importance of making a small change like using a refillable water bottle has on the environment. How much change can really be made unless large corporations incorporate this SDG into their business practices; and what does support look like to countries that may be lacking resources to build sustainable infrastructure to meet this goal.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
• 12.2: By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
• 12.4: By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, and significantly reduce their release to air, water, and soil.
• 12.6 Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.
• 12.8: By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.
• 12.a: Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production. www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment

Reuse: in Partnership with Fill It Forward
What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
Set by the United Nations in 2015 as a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are 17 goals adopted by all 193 member states. These goals address various global issues, such as poverty, hunger, equality, climate change and environmental sustainability. To learn more, click below by age group and see what you can do to better understand and support these goals.

Let’s Discuss:
Program Leaders have two options to choose from to facilitate a discussion around the Sustainable Development Goals: including tools, practices, and implementations needed to build a more sustainable world.
Option 1: Group Lead Discussion Approx. Time (10-15 minutes)
Option 2: Small Group Activity with Discussion Approx. Time (20-30 minutes)
The role as a facilitator is to guide participants through the chosen activity by talking through the questions provided. Be sure to engage all participants and refer back to the Relevant SDGs on the previous pages to dig deeper into topics and points participants may be more interested in.

After watching the video briefly discuss, which goals may have already achieved, which ones are achievable, and which goals seem out of reach.
Following, continue to the next section of the Certificate: the eco-challenge.
1. What does sustainability mean to you?
2. Share what comes to mind when you think of waste?
3. What are the positive impacts of reducing waste?
4. Where have you witnessed the negative consequences of excess plastic waste, food waste, energy consumption waste in your everyday life?
• In your neighborhoods
• In your communities and local governments
• In your countries, national government
• In the world
5. What role do smaller communities have in helping the planet meet its sustainability goals? (think local governments, neighborhoods, schools)
6. What responsibilities should countries share to attain a sustainable earth?
7. How could some of these targets become a reality in your community? Do you see this goal being achieved already?
Part 1: Small Group
• Divide your group up in equal parts and assigned each group to a Sustainable Development Goal. (Program Leaders can use the goals referenced in facilitator guide)
• Whether on large poster paper on a sheet of paper, tell each group to divide their paper into 4 squares. Have them answer the following questions in each quadrant:
• In your own words, explain what their Sustainable Development goal is and why this goal is related to building a Sustainable World.
• Which “targets” seem the most attainable and why?
• How can you incorporate this goal into your daily habits and routines?
• Come up with one additional goal to add to the SDG we should consider to make this goal more inclusive to other communities, countries, and culture.
Part 2: Group Share
• After 10 minutes, bring the group back together and have each small group present their poster.
• Following all of the groups sharing, Program Leaders should conclude with a general question about what participants learned from the activity.
Eco-Challenge Ideas
Snap some photos and share your favorite moments from the eco-challenge on social media using #ChooseEarth, and be sure to tag WorldStrides.
• Your group has decided on the WorldStrides’ Fill It Forward Initiative for your ecochallenge. You should take the stickers from your Program Leader and place them onto a water bottle that you intend on keeping through the entire duration of your trip.
• Download the Fill it Forward app on your phone and scan the sticker with your phone every time you fill it up and keep track of how much plastic you’ve saved and your individual water conservation efforts.
• You can compete with those on your trip to see who has saved the most water bottles, or as a collective determine how much plastic you’ve saved.

What is Fill it Forward?

• Every scan shows the impact of 5 environmental metrics.
• Each scan also donates up to $10 to various trusted charitable partners who share the goal of developing a sustainable planet.

• The App also enables individuals to join groups and interact with leaderboards.
• Each sticker is already connected to the WorldStrides organization. Your individual scan automatically contributes to our company’s impact.
Every scan shows the impact of 5 environmental metrics. Together our community has diverted 6+ million single-use items from the landfills and oceans.

Your Choose Earth Experience
Creating a sustainable present!

Using the curated list of questions below, discuss with your group and reflect on their personal experience during the engagement, as well as how they plan to take what they’ve learned and apply it to the future.
• What skills have you gained personally from learning about sustainability?
• In what ways do you currently promote sustainability?
• In what ways can you promote sustainability moving forward?
• What was your biggest takeaway from your eco-challenge activity?
• What was the most surprising or difficult thing that happened while working on your eco-challenge?
• What are some of the benefits you have received from Choose Earth?
• Did you notice any positive impacts and influence participating in Choose Earth had on others in your program?
• Describe the type of impact you have left on your community by participating in Choose Earth?
Get your Certificate
You’re on your way to sustainability! Your last step is to scan the QR code below or visit forms.office.com/r/Q3VvrsQd5y to ensure we have all the needed information for each participant’s Certificate. Program Leaders can always refer back to these materials for any questions about receiving the Certificate.