World Tourism Directory African Series Democratic Republic of the Congo (RĂŠpublique DĂŠmocratique du Congo) Edition 1: July 2015
The most extensive country by country source with over 120.000 contacts of all international, national, regional, local tourism authorities, associations and organizations, travel services, corporations and travel and tourism media, government information sources, tourism investment agencies, nonprofit organizations and much more. Editor : Burkhard Herbote Published by Tourism Net Trading Ltd., London 01/07/2015
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015
Democratic Republic of the Congo Official name (French); République Démocratique du Congo Location; In Central Africa Capital; Kinshasa Official language; French Government; Semi-presidential republic Head of State; Joseph Kabila Prime Minister; Augustin Matata Ponyo Land area; 2,345,409 km2 Population; 77,433,744 (est. 2013) Currency; Congolese Franc (CDF) Calling code; +243 Internet domain; .cd International Tourism Arrivals (2011); 186,000
www.rdcongo-tourisme.com World Tourism Directory Edition July 2015
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Main tourism website :
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015 Contents Government Tourism Agencies ……………..... 4
Immigration & Foreign Affairs ………………… 9 - 10
● Ministry of Tourism ● Tourism Authorities ● Tourist Board
● Immigration Authorities ● Ministry of Foreign Affairs ● Customs Informations
Travel Associations & Services ............... 4 - 6
Chambers of Commerce ................................ 10
● Tourism Associations ● Travel Agents Associations ● Tour Operators ● Convention Information ● Hotel Associations
Transportation ........................................ 6 - 7 ● National Airlines ● National Airlines Abroad ● Public Bus Service ● Ferry Services ● Automobile Associations ● Railways ● Roads Information
Regional & Local Tourist Informations Offices 10 ● Local Tourist Information Offices
Miscellaneous Information Offices .......10 -12 ● Business & Foreign Trade ● Cultural Associations & Organizations ● Other Relevant Institutions & Organizations
Information Offices Abroad .................... 12 ● Tourist Information Offices Abroad ● Further Information Offices Abroad
Embassies and Consulates ...................... 12 - 14
Outdoor & Recreational Activities ….. 8 ● Mapping Services ● Parks & Wildlife Information ● Golf Information ● General Sports Information
Publications & Information Sources .. 8– 9
Democratic Republic of the Congo
● Government Information Service ● National News Agencies ● Ministry of Information ● Newspapers / Magazines With Travel Sections ● Travel Book Trade ● Book Trade Abroad
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World Tourism Directory African Series 2015 Ministry of Tourism: Ministère des Affaires Foncières, Environnement et Tourisme Boîte Postale 12348 15 Avenue Papa Iléo Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8802093, 8802403, 8802394 Fax: (+243-12) 34390 Fax: (+243) 8844987 E-Mail: minaffedt@raga.net E-Mail: iccn@raga.net Internet: http://www.mecnt.cd Tourism Authorities: Secrétariat Général au Tourisme 40 Boulevard du 30 Juin Immeubla la Rwindi, 1er étage, #12 Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 810876778 mobile Tel: (+243) 995384606 mobile Fax: E-Mail: rdcsgtourisme@yahoo.fr Internet: http://www.mecnt.cd Tourist Board: Office National du Tourisme de la République Démocratique du Congo Délégation Générale Boîte Postale 9502 Building SOMIP 1er Niveau 68, Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8932238 Tel: (+243) 815091625, 816871184 Tel: (+243) 815091627 Managing Director Tel: (+243) 815091626 Deputy Director Tel: (+243) 815091628 Technical Director Tel: (+243) 9931939 Tel: (+243-12) 33945, 30070, 25078, 25080 Fax: (+243-12) 33781 Fax: (+243) 8848284 Fax: (+1-212) 376-9620 E-Mail: ont_rdcongo@yahoo.fr E-Mail: ontrdc@netcourrier.com E-Mail: ont-rdc@raga.net E-Mail: infos@rdcongo-tourisme.com E-Mail: contact@rdcongo-tourisme.com Internet: http://www.rdcongotourisme.com/accueil.php
● Travel Associations & Services Tourism Associations:
Association pour la Promotion du Tourisme a Kinshasa Rue G. Nzabi 17 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 815163685 Fax: E-Mail: manionio@hotmail.com COREX RDC Hôtel Invest de Presse, Bureau 005 Avenue Kabinda Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 993375983 Fax: E-Mail: sjabiti@hotmail.com Internet: http://www.corex.com Internet: http://www.corex-rdc.com Travel Agent Associations: ANAVCO / Association Nationale des Agences de Voyages du Congo c/o IMMO Voyages Boîte Postale 798 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 22284, 26774 Fax: E-Mail: immoaf@raga.net Tour Operators: ACREP Boulevard du 30 Juin Résidence la Rwindi Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 26921 Fax: (+243-12) 33714 AGETRAF 4200 Avenue Bobozo Concession Congo Container Boîte Postale 8834 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8840226, 8840133 Tel: (+243) 9940706 Fax: (+243) 8951449, 8910421 Tel: (+243-12) 26921 Fax: E-Mail: agetrf@ic.cd Airtime Travels Avenue Kasavubu 3371, Local 4 Immeuble Le Bon Coin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 819800044 Fax: E-Mail: info@airtimetravels.com
Internet: http://www.airtimetravels.com Amazone Hotel Memling 5 Avenue de la République du Tchad Boîte Postale 13535 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: E-Mail: lema_kal@hotmail.com A.M.I. CONGO Boite Postal 7597 600 Avenue des Aviateurs Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 26921/8, 25512, 233526, 26193, 24271 Fax: (+243-12) 26927 Fax: (+1-425) 963-2179 Fax: (+1-212) 372-3193 E-Mail: amicongo@hotmail.com Bavotours Immeuble Botour, Local 42 Boîte Postale 7221 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 21237 Tel: (+243) 8918832 Fax: (+243-12) 21237 E-Mail: bavotours@caramail.com E-Mail: mbikco@yahoo.fr Congo Containers Voyages 4200 Avenue Bobozo Q. Kingabwa Boîte Postale 1000698 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 2889555444, 2559733 Tel: (+243) 88466642, 8840170 Fax: (+243-12) 8841533 Congo Culture Tourism Promotion B.P. 14213 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 999709608 Fax: (+338) 267044073 E-Mail: afrosportsmgt@yahoo.com Congo Travel Service Boîte Postale 15812 11 Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 999998404, 898946604, 815000422 Fax: (+243) 8844525, 8844582 E-Mail: congotravelservice@raga.net E-Mail: accueil@congotravel.biz E-Mail: congotravelserv@micronet.cd
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
● Government Tourism Agencies
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015 D.P.E. 119 Avenue Colonel Tshatshi Immeuble C.C.I.C. Galerie Marchande, Gombe Boîte Postale 13727 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: E-world Travel 397 Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 812442144, 990911019 Fax: E-Mail: eworldt@yahoo.fr Excel Voyage Immeuble du 30 Juin Local 1597-40 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 851332200, 817152744 Fax: E-Mail: excelvoyagekin@yahoo.fr Internet: http://www.excelvoyage-drc.com Go Congo Tour Operator Mukonga 14 Kinkole Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 811837010 Fax: E-Mail: info@gocongo.com Internet: http://www.gocongo.com !(further office: Hotel des Grand Lacs, Goma) GTS La Générale de Transport et des Services 89 Croisement des avenues Wagenia et Equateur Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 21260, 31260 Tel: (+243) 815000150, 999945074, 999918740 Fax: (+32-2) 7062325 E-Mail: btsrigo@ic.cd E-Mail: gtsexpress@ic.cd E-Mail: gtsrigo@ic.cd E-Mail: gtscommercial@ic.cd Internet: http://www.gts.cd Hermes Boîte Postale 11.182 51A Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo
Tel: (+243-12) 33330 Tel: (+243) 8806430, 8911799, 9997074 Fax: Immo Voyages 50 Boulevard du 30 Juin Boîte Postale 798 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 22263, 26774, 25098 Tel: (+243) 999369611, 998196126 Fax: Internet: http://www.immoaf.net Icare Travel Boulevard du 30 Juin Résidence la Rwindi Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 818957000, 818957000, 999303780 Fax: E-Mail: icare@generalco.cd Icare Travel 60, Avenue Kasai Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-22) 819724103 Fax: E-Mail: icarelubum@yahoo.fr Immo Voyages 22/A Boulevard du 30 Juin Boîte Postale 798 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 22263, 255096 Tel: (+243) 9916351 Fax: E-Mail: immoaf@raga.net Jeffery Travels Boîte Postale 13943 60 Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+234) 819072960 Tel: (+234) 818887777 Fax: (+234) 1801751933 Fax: (+234) 815557585 E-Mail: jeffery@ic.cd E-Mail: jeffery@jefferytravels.com Internet: http://www.jefferytravels.com M.D. Consult 2 Avenue Colonel Lukusa Boîte Postale 14915 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 9937958, 8843032 Fax:
Miles Travel 1547 Boulevard du 30 Juin Immeuble Tabac Congo Kinshasa Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 818555009, 818555013 Fax: E-Mail: milestravelkinshasa@yahoo.com Internet: http://www.milestravelworld.com New Travel Avenue du Port Boîte Postale 13009 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 33119 Tel: (+243) 8843341 Fax: Okapi Travel Boulevard du 30 Juin No. 3559 B.P. 16205 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 9915795 Tel: (+243) 8933826, 8965373 Tel: (+243) 81814988 Fax: (+243) 5110807 E-Mail: okapitravel_aba@yahoo.fr Palma Okapi Tours Avenue Mwepu 36 Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 998789187, 990376100 Tel: (+243) 810567872 GSM Fax: E-Mail: palmaokapitours@gmail.com E-Mail: malysumba@yahoo.fr Internet: http://palomaokapitoursprl.blogspot.com Rayan Travels & Tourism Avenue Motombo Katshi 10-13, Local 2 Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 814357546, 997655017, 819296123 Fax: E-Mail: rayantrvl@hotmail.com Sagres Travels 460 Avenue C. Ebeya Boîte Postale 7761 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 25770 Fax: SOCODAM B.P. 2464 Avenue Tombalbaye 44-48 Immeuble ACP
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Internet: http://www.congotravel.biz
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015
Z.C. Voyages Boîte Postale 8733 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 23418, 26784 Fax: Hotel Associations: Comité Professionnel de l'Hôtellerie du Congo Boîte Postale 8697 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 28807, 27785 Fax: Convention Information: Grand Hotel Kinshasa (Inter-Continental) 4, Avenue Batetela, Gombe Boîte Postale 9535 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 898946660/1/2 Tel: (+243) 818110003 Fax: (+243) 815553005 E-Mail: grandhotelkinshasa@yahoo.fr E-Mail: grandhotelkinshasa@ic.cd Internet: http://www.grandhotelkinshasa.cd Hotel Memling 5d Avenue de la République du Tchad B.P. 68 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 817001111 Tel: (+243) 997002000 Fax: (+243) 813013333 Fax: (+243) 999975400 E-Mail: info@memling.net Internet: http://www.memling.net
● Transportation National Airlines: A.C.S. Air Charter Services Boîte Postale 5371 Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 28501, 31024 Fax:
Air Casai Avenue du Plateau Gombe Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 9932772 Fax: E-Mail: trak@raga.net Air Katanga Aeroport de la Luano Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 997117387 Fax: Bravo Air Congo B.P. 8552 118 Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 996012000 Fax: E-Mail: callecenter@bravoairlines.com Internet: http://www.bravoairlines.com Business Aviation 1345 Avenue de la Plaine, Limete Boîte Postale 8913 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 9942261, 9942260 Fax: (+243-12) 20095 Fax: (+44-20) 768120369 E-Mail: businessaviation@ic.cd CAA Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation Route des Poids Lourds 1 Kinshasa Limete Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 995903900 general Tel: (+243) 995903792 administration Tel: (+243) 995903777 director Tel: (+243) 995903806 ticketing Fax: E-Mail: reservation@caacongo.com E-Mail: dircom@caacongo.com Internet: http://www.caacongo.com Congo Express Airlines 741 Likasi Road Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 818306200 Fax: E-Mail: congoexpress@gmail.com Internet: http://www.flyexpress.aero Jet Congo Airlines Boulevard du 30 Juin Coté de Standard Télécom Kinshasa Gombe
Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 995984755 Fax: E-Mail: info@jetcongo.com Internet: http://www.jetcongo.com Korongo Airlines 1939 Avenue M'siri Route de l'Aéroport Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 996030101 Fax: Internet: http://www.flykorongo.com Korongo Airlines 33bis Avenue M'Polo Maurice Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 991001717 mobile Fax: Internet: http://www.flykorongo.com LAC Lignes Aériens Congolaises Aéroport de Ndjili Boîte Postale 204 Kinshasa 24 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 20938/9, 29040, 20759 Fax: (+243) 88411980 !(head office) LAC Lignes Aériens Congolaises Avenue du Port 4, Gombe Boîte Postale 8552 + 204 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 20759, 20938, 24985 Fax: (+243-12) 24658 Fax: (+243) 8841980 !(city office) Malila Airlift 2799 Avenue Colonel Ebeya Gombe Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 813016677 Tel: (+243) 8846428 Tel: (+243) 9939807 reservations Tel: (+243) 9929720 sales Fax: E-Mail: malila.airlift@ic.cd Internet: http://www.malila.cd Malu Aviation Aéroport de Ndjili Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8846801 Fax:
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 998303253 Fax: (+243) 813016645 E-Mail: socodam@hotmail.com E-Mail: socodam@ic.cd Internet: http://www.socodam.net
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015
Stellar Airways Avenue Kabasele (ex Flambeau) B.P. 98225 Kinshasa Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 817102827 Fax: E-Mail: info@stellarairways.com Internet: http://www.stellarairways.com Waltair 206, 9eme, Rue Industrielle Limete Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8846163, 8846089 Tel: (+243-12) 70308, 71511 Fax: E-Mail: waltair.rdc@ic.cd Wetraft Airlift Coin Avenue Colonel Lukusa et Avenue du Port Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8846428 Fax: Wimbi Dira Airways Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Internet: http://www.wda.cd National Airlines Abroad: Bravo Air Congo 70-72 Boulevard de l'Emperatrice 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32-2) 2137070 Fax: (+32-2) 5029879 E-Mail: callcenter@bravoairlines.com Internet: http://www.bravoairlines.com Bravo Air Congo Centre d'Affaires Capn Paris Nord Cedes 91153 Leblanc-Mesnil France Tel: (+33) 613021067 Fax: E-Mail: callcenter@bravoairlines.com Internet: http://www.bravoairlines.com
Bravo Air Congo C/Velazquez, 114-2øIzq 28006 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34) 917454970 administration Tel: (+34) 902438888 reservation Tel: (+34) 915633392 manager Fax: (+34) 915636777 E-Mail: administracion@bravoairlines.com E-Mail: callcenter@bravoairlines.com Internet: http://www.bravoairlines.com Fly Congo Johannesburg South Africa Tel: Fax: Internet: http://www.flycongo.com Korongo Airlines c/o Holiday Aviation Holiday House 156 Bram Fisher Drive P.O.Box 4942 Randburg 2125 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 2898123 Fax: (+27-11) 2898126 Internet: http://www.flykorongo.com Railways: SNCZ / Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Congolaise Boîte Postale 10597 17, Avenue du Port Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 26810, 22621, 28376, 22707 Fax: SNCZ / Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Congolaise Boîte Postale 297 Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-22) 223430 Fax: Ferry Services: ONATRA / Office National des Transports Boîte Postale 98 177 Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 22421/-4, 24761/-9, 22957/8 Fax: Régie des Voies Fluviales 109 Avenue Impumbu
Boîte Postale 11697 Kinshasa Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8848467 Fax: Automobile Associations: Congolaise Automobile Fédération Boîte Postale 2491 25 Avenue des Inflammable Kingabwa Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 20525, 20776 Fax: Roads Information: Office des Routes Boîte Postale 16299 Avenue ex-Descamps Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 32036/-9 Fax: Public Bus Services: B.T.G. Kintambro Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8805420, 8845742 Fax: City Train 18 éme Rue Limette Industrielle Boîte Postale 1449 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: GESAC Avenue Bosango Quartier III Commune de Masina Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: (+243) 8801727 E-Mail :kdavid30@hotmail.com E-Mail: gesacgroupe@usa.net SOTRAC / Société de Transport Congolaise Boîte Postale 8226 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 25279, 24503, 78445 Fax: S.I.T.A.C. Boîte Postale 10596
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Okapi Airlines Boulevard du 30 Juin Immeuble Gecamines ex Sozacom Gombe Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 817109300, 817109301 Fax:
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015
TRANZAM Boîte Postale 1897 Avenue Kabinda Kinshasa-Lingwala Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 27656 Fax:
● Outdoor & Recreational Activities Mapping Services: IGC / Institut Géographique Congolaise Boîte Postale 3139 Avenue de la Justice Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 31039 Fax: Régie des Voies Fluviales Avenue Lumpungu 109 Boîte Postale 11697 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 26526, 27408 Fax: Parks & Wildlife Information: Département de l'Environnement et Conservation de la Nature Boîte Postale 12348 13 Avenue Papa Iléo Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 31252, 30235, 32668 Fax: Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) Boîte Postale 868 13, Avenue Papa Iléo Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 31401, 34213, 34180, 34195 Tel: (+243) 8806065 Fax: (+243) 8844987 E-Mail: iccn@ic.cd E-Mail: pdg.iccn@ic.cd Internet: http://www.iccnrdc.cd !(and 13 Avenue des Cliniques) Ministère de l'Environment Conservation de la Nature Pêche et Forets
Boîte Postale 16137 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8834390 Fax: (+243) 8843675 E-Mail: ipalaka@ic.cd Coordinateur National PRIGE/UNGC-RDC Boîte Postale 3619 Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 34025, 34263 Fax: (+243-12) 33549 E-Mail: ipalaka@ic.cd Parc National de Virunga Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Internet: http://www.gorilla.cd Force des Femmes pour la Promotion et la Protection de Ressources Naturelles 7/F Q Tomba c/Matete Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 816914231 Fax: E-Mail: angekengo@yahoo.fr Tourist Attractive Center Chutes de Zongo Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: E-Mail: zongo@skybis.com Wildlife Conservation Society Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Internet: http://drcongo-wcs.org Golf Information: Fédération Congolaise de Golf Boîte Postale 545 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: General Sports Information: Comité National Olympique et Sportif Congolaise Boîte Postale 6232 Kalamu Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 32734 Fax:
● Publications & Information Sources Ministry of Information: Ministère de la Communication et de la Presse Boîte Postale 3171 19e étage de la Tour Administrative de la Voix du Peuple Avenue Kabinda Kinshasa-Lingwala Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8802780, 8802382, 8802254 Fax: (+243-12) 61205 E-Mail: minicomrdc@hotmail.com E-Mail: mininfordc@ic.cd Government Information Service: Government Information Service Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Internet: http://www.presidentrdc.cd National News Agencies: Agence Congolaise de Presse Boîte Postale 1595 44-48 Avenue Tombalbage Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 22035, 25424, 24656 Fax: Internet: http://www.acp.cd Internet: http://www.acpcongo.cd Congo Presse Service C.P. 1542 1211 Geneva 26 Switzerland Tel: (+41) 223753347 Fax: (+41) 223497230 E-Mail: courrier@congopresse.com Internet: http://www.congopresse.com CongOnline Belgium Internet: http://www.congoline.com Newspapers/Magazines with Travel Sections: "Alerte-Plus" Boîte Postale 407 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 9990174 Fax: E-Mail: alerteplus@hotmail.com "Congo Afrique"
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
14e Rue Quartier Industrielle Limete Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 77342 Fax:
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015
"Congo Daily" U.S.A. Internet: http://www.congodaily.com
873, Avenue Bas Congo Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-81) 5047056 Tel: (+243) 98183974 Tel: (+243) 8958280 Fax: (+243-12) 53369633 Fax: (+1-253) 369-6093 E-Mail: avenir@ic.cd Internet: http://www.groupeavenir.net
"Contact" Boîte Postale 54 1492 Avenue du Flambeau Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 24840, 26168, 26203, 28890 Fax:
"Le Grognon"
"DigitalCongo.Net" Avenue Kabasele Tshiamala No. 21 (Ex Avenue Flambeau No. 4) Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8941010, 9932199 Fax: (+1-801) 665-1067 E-Mail: letres@digitalcongo.net E-Mail: relapub@digitalcongo.net Internet: http://www.digitalcongo.net
"L'Eveil" 11 Avenue Idiba Lemba Foire Boîte Postale 9365 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 818134575 Fax: E-Mail: journal_eveil@hotmail.com Internet: http://www.eveil.info
"Kivu Safari" Boîte Postale 2468 Bukavu (Sud-Kivu) Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax:
"Le Palmarès" Avenue Mpolo, Gombe Boîte Postale 63 Kinshasa-Limete Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 98170544, 97016736, 98206490 Fax: (+243-81) 8146135 Fax: (+243) 1398618 E-Mail: lepalmares@ic.cd
"La Cloche" 1/9 Avenue Ikelemba Q. Matonge Boîte Postale 14076 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 203374 Tel: (+243) 9906352 Tel: (+243) 815014237 Fax: E-Mail: lacloche77@yahoo.fr "La Tempˆte des Tropique" 90 B Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 34216 Tel: (+243) 8845453 Tel: (+243) 9020597 Tel: (+243-81) 5017188 Fax: (+243-12) 43809 E-Mail: tempetrop@ic.cd Internet: http://www.ifrance.com/temptrop "L'Avenir"
Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8165006313 Fax: E-Mail: grognon@yahoo.fr
"Le Phare" 3392 Avenue Colonel Lukusa Immeuble du 29 Juin Boîte Postale 15662 Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 20337 Tel: (+243) 9906352 Fax: (+243-81) 3330195 E-Mail: le.phare@ic.cd Internet: http://www.le-phare.com Internet: http://www.lepharerdc.com "Le Potentiel" 873 Avenue Bas Congo Boîte Postale 11338 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 9919443, 9927244, 9932150 Fax: (+243) 1398472 E-Mail: lepotentiel@yahoo.fr E-Mail: courrier@lepotentiel.com
E-Mail: ccc@ic.cd Internet: http://www.lepotentiel.com "L'Observateur" Boîte Postale 11505 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-81) 5015079 Fax: E-Mail: journalobservateur@hotmail.com Internet: http://www.lobservateur.cd "Umoja" 28, Avnue Bunkeya Q. Matonge Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 9987705 Fax: E-Mail: umoja@moncourrier.com Book Trade: Office du Livre Boîte Postale 1682 4113 Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 31380 Fax: CARI Boîte Postale 16513 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Book Trade Abroad: Astrolabe 46, Rue de Provence 75009 Paris France Tel: (+33-1) 42854295 Fax: (+33-1) 45759251 Edition L'Harmattan 5-7, Rue de l'école polytechnique 75005 Paris France Tel: (+33-1) 43547910 Fax: (+33-1) 43258203 Librairie de l'Harmattan 16, Rue des écoles 75005 Paris France Tel: (+33-1) 43260452 Fax: (+33-1) 43298620 Présence Africaine 25 bis, Rue des écoles
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Boîte Postale 3375 9 Avenue PŠre Boka Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 30066 Fax:
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015 Fax: (+377) 7800660 E-Mail: feccongo@hotmail.com !(before Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Congo)
● Immigration & Foreign Affairs
Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et d'Agriculture de la République démocatique du Congo Boîte Postale 14213 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 1381099480 Fax: (+243) 15092676291 E-Mail: cciac.congo@caramail.com
Immigration Authorities: Agence Nationale d'Immigration Boîte Postale 1399 65, Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 22545, 25008, 25798 Tel: (+243) 8802487 Fax: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et de la Coopération Internationale Boîte Postale 7100 Place de l'Indépendance 1 Kinshasa-Gombe 14 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 998646754 Tel: (+243-12) 32450, 30248, 32239, 30996, 32735, 33325 Tel: (+243) 8802368 Fax: (+243-12) 8802368 E-Mail: minaffecirdctrans@yahoo.fr Internet: http://www.cde.cd (Vice Ministre des Congolaies de l'Etranger) Customs Information: Office des Douanes et Accises (OFIDA) Boîte Postale 8248 Place Royale Immeuble Sankuru Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 34870, 37061, 34062 Tel: (+243) 8800306 Fax: E-Mail: ofica_cab@ic.cd Internet: http://www.ofida.cd/home.htm
● Chambers of Commerce Fédération des Entreprises du Congo Boîte Postale 7247 10 Avenue des Aviateurs Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 22286, 22565, 24623, 24815 Tel: (+243) 8804610, 8800751, 8844056 Fax: (+243-12) 20614 Fax: (+1-212) 3723157 Fax: (+377) 99970069
Chambre de Commerce et d'industrie franco-congolaise Boîte Postale 8211 Immeuble de l'Union Congolais de Banques Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 21286, 21288 Fax: (+243-12) 26144
● Regional & Local Tourist Information Offices Local Tourist Information Offices: Bukavu: Office du Tourisme Boîte Postale 2468/2438 Bukavu Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: 3001 Fax: Bunia: Office du Tourisme Boîte Postale 188 Bunia Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax:
Bureau d'Accueil du Tourisme Aeroport de N'Djili Boulevard Lumumba Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 76103, 76104 Fax: Bureau d'accueil du Beach Ngobila Beach Ngobila Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Kisangani: Office du Tourisme Boîte Postale 1658 Avenue de l'Église Kisangani Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: 2648 Fax: Lubumbashi: Office National du Tourisme Agence de Katanga No. 64-68, Chaussée Mzée LD Kabila Immeuble LAC, 2é niveau Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Internet: http://www.katanga.cd Makiso: Office National du Tourisme Agence de Province Orientale No. 3, Boulevard du 30 Juin Makiso Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax:
Goma: Centre d'Accueil Touristique 1 Avenue Butembo Boîte Postale 730 Goma (Kivu) Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax:
Matadi: Office National du Tourisme Agence de Bas-Congo Avenue Pmolo No. 8 Immeuble La Cave Matadi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax:
Kinshasa: Centre d'Accueil Touristique Boîte Postale 9502 Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 25828, 22417, 25629, 25858 Fax:
Muanda: Office du Tourisme Boîte Postale 15 Avenue Colonel Tshiatshi Muanda Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax:
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
75005 Paris France Tel: (+33-1) 43541588 Fax: (+33-1) 43259667
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015
Business & Foreign Trade: Ministère des Transports et Communication 117 Boulevard du 30 Juin Immeuble ONATRA Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 21710 Tel: (+243) 8802470, 8802554, 8802333 Fax: (+243) 8802257 E-Mail: mintranscoms@raga.net Ministère du Plan Boîte Postale 9378 4155 Avenue des Côteaux Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 32843, 31345 Fax: Internet: http://www.ministereduplan.cd Ministère du Commerce Extérieur Avenue des Héros Nationaux, Gombe Boîte Postale 3095 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 33149 Fax: Ministère de l'Economie et Industrie Boîte Postale 8500 Immeuble ONATRA Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 24433, 24307, 23909 Tel: (+243) 8802347, 8802782, 8802347 Fax: (+243) 8802385 E-Mail: mjalulaliny@hotmail.com Ministère des Finances Immeuble de Finances Boulevard du 30 Juin Avenue Lubefu No. 20 Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 33232 Tel: (+243) 8807029, 8802256, 8802942 Fax: (+243) 8802381 Internet: http://www.minfinrdc.cd Ministère des Mines 3 ème Niveau Immeuble Gecamines Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 42816/7/8
Confédération des petites et moyennes entreprises congolaises (COPEMECO) Boîte Postale 20544 2550-558, 10éme rue/Limete résidentiel Kinshasa 15 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 70714 Tel: (+243) 8800698 Fax: (+1-212) 3769503 Fax: (+243) 8803208 E-Mail: copemeco@ic.cd SOFIDE / Société Financière de Développement Boîte Postale 1148 Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 25679, 25619, 25645 Fax: Agence Nationale pour la Promotion des Investissements B.P. 1791 Avenue Colonel Ebeya No. 54, 2éme niveau Immeuble de la Reconstruction Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 999925026 Tel: (+243) 816996548 Fax: E-Mail: anapi.investindrc@yahoo.fr E-Mail: anapirdc@yahoo.fr E-Mail: anapirdc@anapi.org Internet: http://www.anapi.org
Fax: (+243-12) 20614 Fax: (+1-212) 3723157 Fax: (+377) 99970069 Fax: (+377) 7800660 E-Mail: feccongo@hotmail.com Internet: http://www.fec.cd SONATRAD / Société Nationale de Trading Boîte Postale 15711 Building C.C.I.C. Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 30592/8, 32304 Fax: SONATRAD / Société Nationale de Trading Boîte Postale 1573 Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-22) 225249, 225371 Fax: Foire Internationale de Kinshasa Boîte Postale 1397 Boulevard Lumumba Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 77506, 78440/-6, 78451/-7 Fax: Office Congolais de Controle 98, Avenue du Port Boîte Postale 8814/8806 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 21177, 20004 Tel: (+243) 8805027 Fax: (+243-12) 21974 E-Mail: occ-dir@ic.cd !(Product Verification Authority)
Banque Centrale du Congo Cultural Associations & Organizations: Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Internet: http://www.bcc.cd Banque Commerciale du Congo Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Internet: http://www.bcdc.cd Fédération des Entreprises du Congo (FEC) Boîte Postale 7247 10 Avenue des Aviateurs Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 22286, 22565, 24623, 24815 Tel: (+243) 8804610, 8800751, 8844056
Ministère de la Culture et des Arts Boîte Postale 12348 154 Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa-Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 34607, 33245, 34451 Fax: (+243-12) 34607 Fonds de Promotion Culturelle 13éme Niveau, Immeuble de la RTNC Lingwala Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Contact Culturel avec le Congo Boîte Postale 7665 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
● Miscellaneous Information Offices
Tel: (+243) 8802959, 8802545 Fax: (+243-12) 21238 Fax: (+243) 8802498 Internet: http://www.miningcongo.cd
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015 ● Information Offices Abroad
Archives Nationales 42A Avenue de la Justice Boîte Postale 4328 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 8923624 Fax: E-Mail: prof_lumenganeso@yahoo.fr Institut des Musées Nationaux Boîte Postale 4249 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Other Relevant Institutions & Organizations: Centre National de Documentation Boîte Postale 1126 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: Fax: Institut de Recherche Scientifique Avenue des Huileries Boîte Postale 3474 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 24144, 25900, 25962 Fax: D.H.L. Worldwide Express 180 Avenue du Marché Boîte Postale 8115 Kinshasa 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 21526, 484030 Tel: (+243) 8848403 Fax: Colkin Express Service 5 Avenue du Port Kinshasa Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243) 9915449 Tel: (+243) 8846957 Fax: Express Mail Service Congo 19, Avenue Colonel Ebeya Kinshasa Gombe Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (+243-12) 21169 Tel: (+243) 9953245 Fax:
Tourist Information Offices Abroad: Office National du Tourisme de la République Démocratique du Congo c/o Intertourisme Inc. 429 Avenue Viger Est, Suite 005 Montréal, QC H2N 2L9 Canada Tel: (+1-514) 276-0202 Fax: (+1-514) 270-2315 E-Mail: jsabiti@hotmail.com Internet: http://www.rdcongotourisme.webs.com Ufficio Natzionale per il Turismo de la Repubblica Democratica del Congo Via Barberini 11 00187 Rome Italy Tel: (+39) 0697990400 Fax: (+39) 0697990401 E-Mail: info@congotouristoffice.it Internet: http://www.congotouristoffice.it Internet: http://www.rdcongotourisme.com/accueil.php Further Information Offices Abroad: Maison de l'Afrique 2, rue de Viarmes 75001 Paris France Tel: (+33-1) 55653551 Fax: (+33-1) 55653591 E-Mail: info@lamaisondelafrique.com Internet: http://www.lamaisondelafrique.com Chambre de Commerce Suisse au Congo Démocratique Sevogelstr. 21 4002 Basle Switzerland Tel: (+41) 613115820 Fax: (+41) 613115811 CongoVision North Carolina U.S.A. Tel: (+1-704) 596-8702 Fax: E-Mail: contact@congovision.com Internet: http://www.congovision.com
● Embassies/Consulates Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Largo António Marques Mongeiro 4 r/c
Luanda Angola Tel: (+244-222) 335424 Fax: Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Congo Neusiedlerstr. 52 2340 Mödling Austria Tel: (+43-1) 5324909 Tel: (+43-2236) 2240486 Fax: (+43-2236) 46090 E-Mail: rdc.konsulat@aon.at Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 30 Rue Marie de Bourgogne 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32-2) 2134980, 2134981 Fax: (+32-2) 2134995 Fax: (+32-2) 5030454 E-Mail: secretariat@ambardc.be E-Mail: mission@missionrdcue.be Internet: http://www.ambardc.be Consulate General of the Democratic Republic of Congo 22 Ankerrui Street 2000 Antwerp Belgium Tel: (+32-3) 2030780 Fax: (+32-3) 2030780 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 24 avenue de la DRC Boîte Postale 872 Bujumbura Burundi Tel: (+257-22) 226916 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Boîte Postale 632 Bastos Quarter Yaounde Cameroon Tel: (+237) 22225103 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 18 Range Road Ottawa, ON K1N 8J3 Canada Tel: (+1-613) 230-6391, 230-6582, 2308987, 255-3091 Fax: (+1-613) 230-1945 E-Mail: info@ambardcongocanada.ca
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Tel: Fax:
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Boîte Postale 989 Bangui Central African Republic Tel: (+236) 21613344 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Boîte Postale 910 N'Djamena Chad Tel: (+235) 22525935, 22522182 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 6 Dong Wu Jie San Li Tun Beijing 100600 P.R. of China Tel: (+86-10) 65322141, 65323224, 65321360, 65321995 Fax: (+86-10) 65322141 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Boîte Postale 2450 130 Avenue de l'Indépendance Brazzaville Republic of Congo Tel: (+242) 222812938 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Boîte Postale 1712/3961 Abidjan 01 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: (+225) 20225381, 20222080 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Havana Cuba Tel: Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Bosinsk 25 19015 Prague 9 Czech Republic Tel: (+420) 286854665 Fax: (+420) 286854665
Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Congo Noerrebred 153 2625 Vallensbaek Denmark Tel: (+45) 43626810 Fax: (+45) 43626810 E-Mail: congo_consul@hotmail.com Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 5 Sharia Mansour Muhammad Zamalek Cairo Egypt Tel: (+20-2) 23403662, 23411069, 23417954 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 32, Cours Albert 1er 75008 Paris France Tel: (+33-1) 42255750/4 Fax: (+33-1) 43593021, 42898009 E-Mail: amb.rdc.paris@wanadoo.fr E-Mail: ambacongoparis@orange.fr Internet: http://www.ambardcparis.com Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Boîte Postale 2257 Libreville Gabon Tel: (+241) 738141, 738142 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Ulmenallee 42a 14050 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49-30) 30111298, 30111296, 30111285 Fax: (+49-30) 3011297 E-Mail: ambardc_berlin@yahoo.de Internet: http://www.ambardc.de Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 2 Ariadnis Filothei P.O.Box 63568 15237 Athens Greece Tel: (+30) 6974097811 Fax: Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Congo 24/F Yardley Commercial Building 3 Connaugh Road West
Hong Kong Tel: (+852) 28505692 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo B-2/6 Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110057 India Tel: (+91-11) 41660976 Fax: (+91-11) 41663152 E-Mail: congoembassy@yahoo.co.in E-Mail: culture@ambardc-newdelhi.net Internet: http://www.ambardcnewdelhi.net Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 1/2 Rehov Rachel Tel-Aviv 64584 Israel Tel: (+972-3) 5248306 Fax: (+972-3) 6999270 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Via Curcu Massimo 7 00153 Rome Italy Tel: (+39) 065742985, 065742905 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Harajuku Green Heights, #701 3-53-17 Sendagaya Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151 Japan Tel: (+81-3) 34233981 Fax: (+81-3) 34233984 E-Mail: ambardc@tkm.att.ne.jp Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo P.O.Box 48106 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254-20) 2229771/2 Fax: (+254-20) 3754253 E-Mail: nairobi@ambardcke.org E-Mail: ambardckenya@yahoo.com E-Mail: ambardc.kenya@yahoo.com E-Mail: ambardc@wananchi.com Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo A-5 UN Mansion 1-35 Hannam-dong Yongsan-ku Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: (+82-2) 7922347
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Internet: http://www.ambardcongocanada.ca
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott Mauritania Tel: (+222) 45252836 Fax: (+222) 45255053 E-Mail: ambardc.rim@caramail.com Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo C.P. 2407 Avenida Kenneth Kaunda 127 Maputo Mozambique Tel: (+258-21) 490206 Fax: (+258-21) 494929 E-Mail: ambardc@tvcabo.net.mz Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Violenweg 2 2597 KL The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31-70) 3547904, 3548954 Fax: (+31-70) 3541373 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo P.O.Box 1216 1A Kofo Abayomi Road Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria Tel: (+234-1) 2614834, 2656289 Fax: (+234-1) 2614799 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Ul. Lasek Brzozowy 5/24 02-793 Warsaw Poland Tel: (+48) 697661819, 603208170 mobile Fax: E-Mail: ambardcvarsovie@yahoo.fr Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo 31, 7° 1050-117 Lisbon Portugal Tel: (+351) 213522895, 213523126/7 Fax: (+351) 213544862 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Per. Ostrovskovo 12 119034 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: (+7-495) 2017664, 2017673 Fax: (+7-495) 2017948
E-Mail: missionrdc@bulewin.ch Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Boîte Postale 169 Kigali Rwanda Tel: (+250) 252575327 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo P.O.Box 28795 Sunnyside (Tshwane) 0132 South Africa Tel: (+27-12) 3446475/6, 3342455 Fax: (+27-12) 3444054 E-Mail: rdcongo@lantic.net !(791 Schoeman Street, Arcadia) Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Paseo de la Castellana, 255, 1°C 28033 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34) 917332647 Fax: (+34) 913231575 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Khartoum Sudan Tel: (+249-11) 471125 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Herserudsvägen 5a, 7th Floor P.O.Box 1171 18123 Lidingö Sweden Tel: (+46-8) 7658390 Fax: (+46-8) 7658591 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Sulgenheimweg 21 3001 Berne Switzerland Tel: (+41) 313713538/9 Fax: (+41) 313727466 E-Mail: rdcambassy@bluewin.ch Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Congo to the United Nations Avenue de Budé 18 Case Postale 2595 1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Tel: (+41) 227401680 Fax: (+41) 227401682 E-Mail: mission.rdc@ties.itu.int E-Mail: missiondrc@bluewin.ch
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo P.O.Box 975 438 Malik Road Upanga Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania Tel: (+255-22) 2150282 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Boîte Postale 102 325 Boulevard 13 Janvier Lomé Togo Tel: (+228) 22215155 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo P.O.Box 4972 20 Philip Road, Kokolo Kampala Uganda Tel: (+256-414) 223377 Fax: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 281 Gray's Inn Road London WC1X 8QF United Kingdom Tel: (+44-20) 72789825 Fax: (+44-20) 78339967 Internet: http://www.ambardcongo.org.uk Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo 1726 M Street, Suite 601 Washington, DC 20009-3206 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-202) 234-7690/1 Fax: (+1-202) 234-2609 E-Mail: ambassade@ambardcusa.org Internet: http://www.ambardcusa.org Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Congo to the United Nations 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 511 New York, NY 10017 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-212) 319-8061 Fax: (+1-212) 319-8232 E-Mail: drcongo@un.int Internet: http://www.un.int/drcongo Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo Plot 1124, Parirenyatwa Road P.O.Box 31287 Lusaka
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
Fax: (+82-2) 7907361
World Tourism Directory African Series 2015 Zambia Tel: (+260-211) 213343 Fax:
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo P.O.Box 2446 24 Van Praagh Avenue, Milton Park Harare Zimbabwe Tel: (+263-4) 724494 Fax: E-Mail: ambardc@africaonline.co.zw
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World Tourism Directory African Series 2015
Published July 2015 The World Tourism Directory is published by Tourism Net Trading Ltd., London Burkhard Herbote, Editor Further editor of; Verzeichnis der Deutsch-Internationalen Beziehungen Directory of German-International Relations www.laenderkontakte.de World Tourism Directory www.worldtourismdirectory.com
The World Tourism Directory Editorial office Weststraße 25 59269 Beckum, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 2521.823333 Fax: +49 (0) 2521.823334 E-mail: burkhard@herbote.com E-mail: editor@worldtourismdirectory.com Skype: herbote North American office Montréal, Canada americas@worldtourismdirectory.com ISBN XXX-XXXX-XXX-X
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
While every effort had been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this ebook, the editor and publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions