WTD Saint Kitts and Nevis Tourism Directory

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World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series Saint Kitts and Nevis Edition 1: October 2017

The most extensive country by country source with over 120.000 contacts of all international, national, regional, local tourism authorities, associations and organizations, travel services, corporations and travel and tourism media, government information sources, tourism investment agencies, nonprofit organizations and much more. Editor: Burkhard Herbote Published by Herbote International Research 01/10/2017

World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017

Saint Kitts and Nevis Official name; Saint Kitts and Nevis Location; Caribbean Capital; Basseterre Official language; English Government; Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy Head of State; Elizabeth II (Queen) Timothy Harris (Prime Minister) Land area; 261 km2 Population; 54,821 (est. 2016) Currency; East Caribbean Dollar (XCD) Calling code; +1 869 Internet domain; .kn International Tourism Arrivals (2015); 122,000


World Tourism Directory Edition July 2017

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Saint Kitts and Nevis

Main tourism website :


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017 Immigrati

Contents T



● Ministry of Tourism ● Tourist Board ● Tourist Information Offices


……………..... 4



● Immigration Authorities ● Ministry of Foreign Affairs ● Customs Informations

A ai ………………


Chambers of Commerce ................................ 8

Travel Associations & Services ................. 4 - 5 ● Travel Trade Fairs ● Tourism Associations ● Travel Agent Associations ● Tour Operators ● Travel Agencies ● Hotel Associations ● Hotel Chains ● Restaurant Associations ● Farm Holiday Information ● Youth Hostel Associations ● Bed & Breakfast Information ● Convention Information

Regional & Local Tourist Informations Offices ............................................................................ 8 ● Regional Tourist Information Offices ● Local Tourist Information Offices

Miscellaneous Information Offices ....... 8 -9 ● Business & Foreign Trade ● Cultural Associations & Organizations ● Other Relevant Institutions & Organizations

Information Offices Abroad .................... 9 - 10 ● Tourist Information Offices Abroad ● Further Information Offices Abroad

Transportation ............................................ 5 - 6

Embassies and Consulates ........................... 10

● National Airlines ● National Airlines Abroad ● Railways ● Automobile Associations ● Ferry Services

Outdoor & Rec a i

a Ac i i i

● Cycling Information ● Diving Information ● Mapping Services ● Parks & Wildlife Information ● Hiking Information ● Mountaineering Information ● Hang-Gliding Information ● Camping Information ● Fishing Information ● Hunting Information ● Horse-Riding Information ● Sailing Information ● Windsurfing Information ● Golf Information

….. .. 6 - 7

● Government Information Service ● National News Agencies ● Travel Journalist Associations ● Tourism Newspapers / Magazines ● Newspapers / Magazines With Travel Sections ● Travel Book Trade ● Book Trade Abroad

Visit us online: www.worldtourismdirectory.com ● Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/wtdtweets ● Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldtourismdirectory @Copyright Herbote International Research, All right reserved

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Publications & Information Sources ...... 7 -8


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017 ● Ministry of Tourism:

E-Mail: nta2001@caribsurf.com E-Mail: nta2001@nevisland.com Internet: http://www.nevisisland.com Internet: http://www.nevis1.com

Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Consumer Affairs P.O.Box 132 Pelican Mall Rity Road Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4654040 Fax: (+1-869) 4658794 E-Mail: mintce@caribsurf.com E-Mail: mintitcc@stkittstourism.kn E-Mail: minister@stkittstourism.kn Internet: http://www.stkittstourism.kn Internet: http://www.stkitts-nevis.com Internet: http://www.stkitts-tourism.com

● Travel Associations and Services

Ministry of Tourism, Sports & Culture Port Zante Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 ext. 1496 Fax: (+1-869) 4657075 E-Mail: ricky.skerritt@stkittstourism.kn E-Mail: sknpmoffice@caribsurf.com

● Tour Operators:

Ministry of Tourism of Nevis Marion Heights Stony Grove, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 469-0109, 469-7037, 4695521 Fax: (+1-869) 469-1806 E-Mail: mintour@caribsurf.com

Annie's Caribbean Tours Caribbean Beach P.O.Box 641 Frigate Bay St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4657043, 4655425 Fax: (+1-869) 4657085

● Tourist Information Offices: St. Kitts Tourism Authority P.O.Box 132 Bay Street, Pelican Mall Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652620, 4654040 Fax: (+1-869) 4658794 E-Mail: mintitcc@stkittstourism.kn E-Mail: info@stkittstourism.kn Internet: http://www.stkittstourism.kn Internet: http://www.stkitts-nevis.com Internet: http://www.stkitts-tourism.com Nevis Tourism Authority P.O.Box 917 Main Street Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4691042, 4697550 Tel: toll free (866) 556-3847 Fax: (+1-869) 4691066, 4697551 E-Mail: nevtour@caribsurf.com E-Mail: info@nevisisland.com

● Hotel Associations: St. Kitts & Nevis Hotel & Tourism Association P.O.Box 438 Liverpool Row Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4655304, 4654040 Fax: (+1-869) 4657746 E-Mail: stkitnevhta@sisterisles.kn Internet: http://www.stkittsnevishta.org

All Seasons Streamline Tours Ltd Bath Estate Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4691138 Fax: (+1-869) 4691139

Blue Water Safaris Ltd. P.O.Box 1228 Princes Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 466-4933 Fax: (+1-869) 466-6740 E-Mail: waterfun@caribsurf.com E-Mail: phil@bluewatersafaris.com Internet: http://www.bluewatersafaris.com

Eco-Tours Nevis Silver Lining, Morning Star, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 429-2091 Fax: Flamboyant Tours Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4656170 Fax: (+1-869) 4651099 E-Mail: flamtours@caribsurf.com Greg's Safaris P.O.Box 603 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4654121/2 Fax: (+1-869) 4650707 E-Mail: g-safari@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.skbee.com/safaris Heb's Nature Tours Zetlands Village Gingerland, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4693512 Fax: E-Mail: hebsnature@hotmail.com Jan's Travel Agency Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4695426 Fax: (+1-869) 4695976 Juel Travel Agency P.O.Box 534 Main Street Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4698517/8 Fax: (+1-869) 4695834 E-Mail: juel@caribsurf.com E-Mail: readaniel@hotmail.com

Calypso Tours & Scooter Rentals P.O.Box 706 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4654607 Fax:

Kalypso Tours South Independence Square Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652801 Fax: (+1-869) 4651421

Carib World Travel P.O.Box 68 Springates Building, Suite 9 Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4695426 Fax: (+1-869) 4695976

Kantours P.O.Box 44 Liverpool Row Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4653054, 4652098, 4653128 Fax: (+1-869) 4653168 E-Mail: kantours@caribsurf.com

Visit us online: www.worldtourismdirectory.com ● Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/wtdtweets ● Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldtourismdirectory @Copyright Herbote International Research, All right reserved

Saint Kitts and Nevis

● Government Tourism Agencies


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017 Tel: (+1-869) 465-6170 Fax: (+1-869) 465-7042 E-Mail: tdc@caribsurf.com

Kisco Travel & Tours Cayon Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4654167, 4654039, 4655338 Fax: (+1-869) 4656400

Teach Tours

Kris Fix It & Tours New Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4654042 Fax:

Top to Bottom Hiking Guides

Nevis Travel & Tours Main Street Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4695423, 4695614 Fax: (+1-869) 4690487 Pereira Tours P.O.Box 2194 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 466-7515 Tel: (+1-869) 665-1943 mobile Fax: E-Mail: lizpereiratours@yahoo.com Internet: http://www.lipereirastourstore.shutterfly.c om Scarborough Tours Market Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4655429 Fax: (+1-869) 4659192 Sunshine Travel & Tours Frigate Bay P.O.Box 648 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4658651, 4652193 Fax: (+1-869) 4657498 Sunrise Tours Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4692758 Fax: (+1-869) 4693716 TDC Flamboyant Tours Fort Street P.O.Box 142 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis

Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 469-1140 Fax: (+1-869) 469-5399

Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4699080 Fax: E-Mail: walknevis@caribsurf.com Tropical Tours Canyon Street P.O.Box 393 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4654167, 4654039, 4655338, 4659649 Fax: (+1-869) 4656400 E-Mail: kisco@sisterisles.kn

● Transportation ● Transport Authorities: St. Christopher Air & Sea Ports Authority P.O.Box 963 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4658121/2/3 Fax: (+1-869) 4658124 The Nevis Air & Sea Ports Authority Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4692001 Fax: (+1-869) 4692004 E-Mail: nevports@caribsurf.com ● National Airlines: Air St-Kitts-Nevis Charter Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4969241, 4969064 Fax: Liat Ltd. c/o T.D.C. Airline Services P.O.Box 142 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652286, 4652511

Tel: (+1-869) 4658613 airport Fax: (+1-869) 4651099 Internet: http://www.liat.com Internet: http://www.liatairline.com !(Not a national airline, but owned by various shareholders within the Caribbean.) Liat Ltd. c/o Evelyn's Travel Agency P.O.Box 211 Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4695238, 4695430 Fax: (+1-869) 4691329 Internet: http://www.liat.com Internet: http://www.liatairline.com Tropical International Airways St. Kitts & Nevis Internet: http://www.tropicalairways.com ● National Airlines Abroad: LIAT Ltd. Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport Anguilla Tel: (+1-264) 497-5000/1/2 Fax: (+1-264) 497-5576 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. P.O.Box 819 V.C. Bird International Airport St. John's Antigua & Barbuda Tel: (+1-268) 4620700 Fax: (+1-268) 4623455 E-Mail: liat@candoo.com Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. St. Michael's Plaza St. Michael's Row Bridgetown Barbados Tel: (+1-246) 434-5428 Fax: (+1-246) 427-6950 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. Road Town, Tortola British Virgin Islands Tel: (+1-284) 4951187/8/9 Fax: (+1-284) 4951596 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. P.O.Box 122 8 Fort Lane Roseau Dominica Tel: (+1-767) 448-2421/2 Fax: (+1-767) 448-7875 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com

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Saint Kitts and Nevis

E-Mail: destinationservices@kantours.com Internet: http://www.kantours.com Internet: http://www.delisleco.com


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017

LIAT Ltd. P.O.Box 257 Plymouth Montserrat, W.I. Tel: (+1-664) 491-4200, 491-2362, 4912533 Fax: (+1-664) 491-4632 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. Terminal Building, #212 Luís Muñoz Marin Airport Isla de Verde Puerto Rico Tel: (+1-787) 791-3838, 791-3131 Fax: (+1-787) 791-5335 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. Brazil Street P.O.Box 416 Castries St. Lucia Tel: (+1-758) 4523051/2/3 Fax: (+1-758) 4536583 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. P.O.Box 616 Halifax Street Kingstown St. Vincent & The Grenadines Tel: (+1-784) 4571821 Tel: (+1-784) 4584964 airport office Fax: (+1-784) 4572000 Fax: (+1-784) 4584708 airport office Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. Consolidated Insurance Consultants Building 122-124 Frederick Street Port-of-Spain Trinidad & Tobago Tel: (+1-868) 6231838, 6234480 Fax: (+1-868) 6248211 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. Crown Port Airport Tobago Trinidad & Tobago Tel: (+1-868) 6390484 Fax:

LIAT Ltd. c/o CaribJet Ltd. 141 North Hyde Road Hayes, Middx. UB3 4NS United Kingdom Tel: (+44-20) 85812320 Fax: (+44-20) 85812321 E-Mail: sales@caribjet.com Internet: http://www.caribjet.com Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. 4 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-212) 251-1717 Tel: toll free 800-468-0482 Fax: (+1-212) 251-1767 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. P.O.Box 4680 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas 00802 U.S. Virgin Islands Tel: (+1-340) 774-2313 Fax: Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. P.O.Box 1516 Frederiksted, St. Croix 00840 U.S. Virgin Islands Tel: (+1-340) 778-9930 Fax: (+1-340) 775-9634 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com ● Automobile Associations: St. Kitts Taxi Association The Circus Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4658487, 4654253 Fax: ● Ferry Services: Caribe Queen Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521, 4652620 Fax: (+1-869) 4658794 Spirit of Mount Nevis Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4699373/4/5 Fax: (+1-869) 4699375

St. Christopher Air & Sea Ports Authority P.O.Box 963 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4658121/2/3 Fax: (+1-869) 4658124 ● Railways: St. Kitts Scenic Railways Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 465-7263 Fax: E-Mail: sksr@thecable.net Internet: http://www.stkittsscenicrailway.net

● Outdoor & Recreational Activities ● Parks & Wildlife Information: Ministry of Health and Environment Church Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 Fax: (+1-869) 4651316 E-Mail: minhwa@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net Ministry of Agriculture, Co-operatives, Fisheries, Lands and Housing Government Headquarters Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 Fax: (+1-869) 4650604 E-Mail: minafclh@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Society P.O.Box 588 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652609 Fax: Nevis Historical & Conservation Society P.O.Box 563 Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4695786 Fax: (+1-869) 4690274 E-Mail: nhes@caribsurf.com ● Mapping Services: Government Survey Department P.O.Box 186

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Saint Kitts and Nevis

Internet: http://www.liatairline.com LIAT Ltd. The Carenage St. George's Grenada Tel: (+1-473) 4402796/7, 4405428 Tel: (+1-473) 4437862 Carriacou Island Fax: (+1-473) 4404166 Internet: http://www.liatairline.com


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017

East Caribbean Printers Ltd. P.O.Box 683 42 Cayon Street West Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4655693 Fax: (+1-869) 4655715 ● Diving Information: Blue Water Safaris Ltd. Princes Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 466-4933 Fax: (+1-869) 466-6740 E-Mail: waterfun@caribsurf.com Kenneth's Dive Center Bay Road Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4657043, 4652670 Fax: Pro Divers Fisherman's Wharf Turtle Beach St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4653223, 4699086 Fax: (+1-869) 4651057 Scuba Safaris Oualie Bay, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4699518 Fax: (+1-869) 4699619 Internet: http://www.scubanevis.com Under The Sea - Sealife Education Center Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4691291 Fax: (+1-869) 4693967 E-Mail: terramar@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.undertheseanevis.com ● Horse-Riding Information: Nevis Equestrian Centre Clifton Estate Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4698118

Fax: (+1-869) 4693106 E-Mail: guilbert@caribsurf.com ● Sailing Information: Blue Water Safaris Ltd. Princes Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 466-4933 Fax: (+1-869) 466-6740 E-Mail: waterfun@caribsurf.com Leeward Islands Charters P.O.Box 586 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4657474 Tel: (+1-869) 4699595 Nevis Fax: (+1-869) 4657070 E-Mail: licsail@caribsurf.com E-Mail: sail@leewardislandcharters.com Internet: http://www.leewardislandcharters.com Nevis Ports Authority Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 469-0788, 469-0651 Fax: (+1-869) 469-2004 E-Mail: nevports@sisterisles.kn St. Kitts & Nevis Boating Club P.O.Box 200 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4658035 Fax: (+1-869) 4658236 ● Surfing Information: Windsurfing Nevis Oualie Beach Bay, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4699682 Fax: (+1-869) 4699176 E-Mail: windsurf@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.windsurfingnevis.com ● Golf Information: Frigate Bay Golf Club P.O.Box 315 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4658339, 4655776 Fax: (+1-869) 4654463 ● Tennis Information: St. Kitts & Nevis Lawn Tennis Club

Victoria Road Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652051 Fax: ● General Sports Information: Ministry of Information, Culture, Youth and Sports Eid's Building Cayon Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 Fax: (+1-869) 4657075 E-Mail: culture@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net

● Publications & Information Sources ● Ministry of Information: Ministry of Information, Culture, Youth and Sports Eid's Building Cayon Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 Fax: (+1-869) 4657075 E-Mail: culture@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net ● Government Information Service: St. Kitts & Nevis Information Service P.O.Box 186 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 ext. 1005 + 1039 Fax: (+1-869) 4651001, 4655202, 4664504 E-Mail: skninfo@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net Government Website Portal Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Internet: http://www.gov.kn ● National News Agencies: ZIZ Radio & TV Springfield Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652622, 4652623, 4652555 Fax: (+1-869) 4655624 Voice of Nevis Radio Bath Village Nevis

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Saint Kitts and Nevis

Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 Fax: (+1-869) 4653176 E-Mail: skninfo@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017

● Book Trade: Wall's De Luxe Book Shop Corner Fort & Princes Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652159 Fax: (+1-869) 4651056 Wayfarer Book Store Central Street East Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652638 Fax: ● Tourism Newspapers/Magazines: The Traveller Holiday Homes P.O.Box 535 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652801 Fax: (+1-869) 4651421 The Traveller c/o CPS Communications 7200 West Camino Real, #215 Boca Raton, FL 33433 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-407) 368-9301 Fax: (+1-407) 368-7870 ● Newspapers/Magazines With Travel Sections: Heritage c/o St. Christopher Heritage Society West Independence Square Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4655584 Fax: (+1-869) 4655584 Island Issues P.O.Box 560 Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4695681, 4695695 Fax: (+1-869) 4695706 Leeward Times Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4691049 Fax:

Observer Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4694994, 4664994 Fax: The Democrat P.O.Box 30 Buckleys Site Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4657950, 4652091 Fax: (+1-869) 4650857 The Labour Spokesman Church Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652229 Fax: (+1-869) 4655519

● Immigration & Foreign Affairs ● Immigration Authorities: Comissioner of Police Police Headquarters Cayon Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652241, 4658470 Fax: ● Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Education P.O.Box 186 Government Headquarters Church Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521, 4650297, 4652521, 4652103 Fax: (+1-869) 4652535, 4651001 E-Mail: foreigna@caribsurf.com E-Mail: minelsc@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net ● Customs Information: Comptroller of Customs P.O.Box 1 Bay Road Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 46523521 ext. 1075/6/7/8 Fax: (+1-869) 4658519

● Chambers of Commerce St. Kitts & Nevis Chamber of Commerce & Industry

P.O.Box 332 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652980 Tel: (+1-869) 4965326 in Nevis Fax: (+1-869) 4654490 E-Mail: sknchamber@caribsurf.com

● Regional & Local Tourist Information Offices ● Regional Tourist Information Offices:

St. Kitts Island St. Kitts Tourism Authority P.O.Box 132 Bay Street, Pelican Mall Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652620, 4654040 Fax: (+1-869) 4658794 E-Mail: mintitcc@stkittstourism.kn E-Mail: info@stkittstourism.kn Internet: http://www.stkittstourism.kn Internet: http://www.stkitts-nevis.com Internet: http://www.stkitts-tourism.com Nevis Island Nevis Tourism Authority P.O.Box 917 Main Street Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4691042, 4697550 Tel: toll free (866) 556-3847 Fax: (+1-869) 4691066, 4697551 E-Mail: nevtour@caribsurf.com E-Mail: info@nevisisland.com E-Mail: nta2001@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.nevisisland.com Internet: http://www.nevis1.com

● Miscellaneous Information Offices ● Business & Foreign Trade: Ministry of International Trade, Labour, Social Security and Caricom Affairs P.O.Box 186 Church Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 Fax: (+1-869) 4651778 E-Mail: mintica@thecable.net Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net Ministry of Finance, Development and Planning

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Saint Kitts and Nevis

St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4691616, 4691700 Fax: (+1-869) 4695329


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017

Investment Promotion Agency c/o Ministry of International Trade Church Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 ext. 1097 Fax: (+1-869) 4651778 E-Mail: mintica@thecable.net Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net Nevis Financial Services Department P.O.Box 689 Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4691469, 4690038 Fax: (+1-869) 4690039 E-Mail: nevfin@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.nevisfinance.com St. Kitts & Nevis National Bank Ltd. P.O.Box 343 Central Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652204 Fax: (+1-869) 4651050 E-Mail: national_bank@sknanb.com Internet: http://www.sknanb.com First Caribbean International Bank P.O.Box 42 The Circus Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652519 Fax: (+1-869) 4651041 E-Mail: peter.edmunds@firstcaribbeanbank.com Internet: http://www.firstcaribbeanbank.com Development Bank of St. Kitts and Nevis Church Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652288 Fax: (+1-869) 4654016 Eastern Caribbean Central Bank P.O.Box 89 Bird Rock Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652537 Fax: (+1-869) 4651051, 4659562 E-Mail: eccberu@caribsurf.com

Internet: http://www.doitcaribbean.com ● Cultural Associations & Organizations: Ministry of Information, Culture, Youth and Sports Eid's Building Cayon Street Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 Fax: (+1-869) 4657075 E-Mail: culture@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net

St. Kitts Tourism Authority 414 East 75th Street New York, NY 10021 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-212) 535-1234 Tel: toll free (800) 582-6208 Fax: (+1-212) 734-6511 E-Mail: info@stkittstourism.com Internet: http://www.stkitts-tourism.com

St. Christopher Heritage Society West Independence Square Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4655584 Fax: (+1-869) 4655584

St. Kitts Tourism Authority 3216 New Mexico Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016-2745 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-202) 364-8123 Fax: (+1-301) 364-8126 E-Mail: info@stkittstourism.kn Internet: http://www.stkitts-tourism.com

Nevis Historical and Conservation Society c/o Alexander Hamilton Museum of Nevis History P.O.Box 563 Charlestown, Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4695786 Fax: (+1-869) 4690274 E-Mail: nhcs@caribsurf.com

St. Kitts Tourism Authority 133 Richmond Street West, Suite 311 Toronto, ON M5H 2L3 Canada Tel: (+1-416) 368-6707 Tel: toll free (888) 395-4887 Fax: (+1-416) 368-3934 E-Mail: canada.office@stkittstourism.kn Internet: http://www.stkitts-tourism.com

National Carnival Committee

St. Kitts Tourism Authority 10 Kensington Court London W8 5DL United Kingdom Tel: (+44-20) 73760881, 73760076 Fax: (+44-20) 79376742 E-Mail: uk-europe.office@stkittstourism.kn E-Mail: stkitts.nevis@btinternet.com Internet: http://www.stkitts-tourism.com

Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4654151 Fax: E-Mail: skcarcom@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittscarnival.com

● Information Offices Abroad ● Tourist Information Offices Abroad: Caribbean Tourism Organization 80 Broad Street, 32nd Floor New York, NY 10004 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-212) 635-9530 Fax: (+1-212) 635-9511 E-Mail: get2cto@dorsai.org Internet: http://www.caribtourism.com Internet: http://www.doitcaribbean.com Caribbean Tourism Organization One Financial Place Lower Collymore Rock St. Michael Barbados Tel: (+1-246) 4275242/3, 4275248/9 Fax: (+1-246) 4293065 E-Mail: ctobar@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.caribtourism.com

Nevis Tourism Authority Nevis Island Estates Elm House Park Lane, Lower Froyle Acton, Hampshire United Kingdom Tel: (+44-870) 2001314 Tel: (+44-1420) 520810 Fax: (+44-1420) 22071 E-Mail: glynis.watts@virgin.net E-Mail: office@nevisislandestates.com Internet: http://www.nevisisland.com St. Kitts Tourism Authority c/o AirPass GmbH Leonhardstr. 22 61169 Friedberg Germany Tel: (+49-6031) 737630 Fax: (+49-6031) 725081 E-Mail: st-kitts-nevis@karibik.de E-Mail: st.kitts.nevis@airpasshome.de

Visit us online: www.worldtourismdirectory.com ● Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/wtdtweets ● Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldtourismdirectory @Copyright Herbote International Research, All right reserved

Saint Kitts and Nevis

P.O.Box 186 Basseterre St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (+1-869) 4652521 Fax: (+1-869) 4655202 E-Mail: sknpmoffice@caribsurf.com Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.net


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017 Internet: http://www.st-kittsnevis.karibik.org Internet: http://www.stkitts-tourism.com ● Further Information Offices Abroad: Eastern Caribbean Investment Promotion Service 3216 New Mexico Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-202) 363-0229 Fax: (+1-202) 363-4328 E-Mail: ecipsdc1@aol.com

● Embassies/Consulates Embassy of the Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States 42, Rue de Livourne 1050 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32-2) 5342611, 5441802, 5389826 Fax: (+32-2) 5384009 E-Mail: ecs.embassies@skynet.be Internet: http://www.caribisles.org Internet: http://www.oecs.org

Embassy of St. Kitts & Nevis 3216 New Mexico Avenue, NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20016 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-202) 686-2636 Fax: (+1-202) 686-5740 E-Mail: info@embskn.com E-Mail: info@stkittsnevis.org Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.org Internet: http://www.embassy.gov.kn Permanent Mission of St. Kitts & Nevis to the United Nations 414 East 75th Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10021 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-212) 535-1234 perm. mission Tel: (+1-212) 535-5555 consulate Fax: (+1-212) 535-6854 perm. mission Fax: (+1-212) 535-5521 consulate E-Mail: sknmission@aol.com E-Mail: sknconsulgeneral@aol.com E-Mail: info@stkittsnevis.org Internet: http://www.stkittsnevis.org/consul.html

Honorary Consulate of St. Kitts & Nevis 6389 Coburg Road Halifax, NS B3H 2A5 Canada Tel: (+1-902) 423-4423 Fax: (+1-902) 423-5170 E-Mail: vincent.audain@ns.sympatico.ca Honorary Consulate of St. Kitts & Nevis 500 Place d'Armes, Suite 1703 Montréal, QC H2Y 2W2 Canada Tel: (+1-514) 849-8381 Fax: (+1-514) 849-8383

High Commission of the Eastern Caribbean States 10 Kensington Court London W8 5DL United Kingdom Tel: (+44-20) 79379522 Fax: (+44-20) 79375514 E-Mail: stkitts-nevis@btinternet.com E-Mail: ec.highcomm@btinternet.com Internet: http://www.stkitts-nevis.com

Visit us online: www.worldtourismdirectory.com ● Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/wtdtweets ● Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldtourismdirectory @Copyright Herbote International Research, All right reserved

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Honorary Consulate of St. Kitts & Nevis 133 Richmond Street West, Suite 311 Toronto, ON M5H 2L3 Canada Tel: (+1-416) 368-7319 Fax: (+1-416) 368-3934 E-Mail: consulatestkittsnevis@rogers.com


World Tourism Directory Caribbean Series 2017

Published October 2017 The World Tourism Directory is published by Burkhard Herbote, editor Herbote International Research Weststraße 25 59269 Beckum, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 2521.823333 Fax: +49 (0) 2521.823334 E-mail: world@herbote.com Skype: herbote www.herbote.com Publisher of: Verzeichnis des Deutsch-Internationalen Beziehungen Directory of German-international Relations www.laenderkontakte.de World Tourism Directory www.worldtourismdirectory.com

The World Tourism Directory Editorial office Weststraße 25 59269 Beckum, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 2521.823333 Fax: +49 (0) 2521.823334 E-mail: editor@worldtourismdirectory.com Skype: herbote North American office Montréal, Canada americas@worldtourismdirectory.com

Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldtourismdirectory

www.worldtourismdirectory.com Visit us online: www.worldtourismdirectory.com ● Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/wtdtweets ● Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldtourismdirectory @Copyright Herbote International Research, All right reserved

Saint Kitts and Nevis

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