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Chapter 11: RESOURCES
Allen, Frederick. Secret Formula
HarperCollins, New York, New York. 1994. Anholt, Simon. Another One Bites the Grass
John Wiley & Sons, New York, New York. 2000. Axtell, Roger E. Do’s and Taboos Around the World
John Wiley & Sons, New York, New York. 1990. Axtell, Roger E. Do’s and Taboos of International Trade
John Wiley & Sons, New York, New York. 1994. Brislin, Richard W. Cross-Cultural Encounters: Face to Face Interaction
Pergamon Press, New York, New York. 1981. Bryan, Lowell, Jane Fraser, Jeremy Oppenheim, and Wilhelm Rall. Race for the World
Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts. 1999. Copeland, Lennie, and Lewis Griggs. Going International
Random House, New York, New York. 1985. Fields, George. From Bonsai to Levis
MacMillian Publishing Company, New York, New York. 1983. Foley, James F. The Global Entrepreneur
Dearborn Financial Publishers, Chicago, Illinois. 1999. Haden-Guest, Anthony. The Paradise Program
William Morrow & Co., New York, New York. 1973. Halberstam, David. The Reckoning
William Morrow & Company, New York, New York. 1986. Hay, Peter. The Book of Business Anecdotes
Wings Books, New York, New York. 1993. Herbig, Paul A. Handbook of Cross-Cultural Marketing
International Business Press, Binghampton, New York. 1998. James, David L. Doing Business in Asia
Betterway Books, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1993. Jeannet, Jean-Pierre and H. David Hennessey. Global Marketing Strategies, 3rd edition
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts. 1995. Kazenstein, Gary. Funny Business: An Outsider’s Year in Japan
Soho Press, New York, New York. 1989. Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1994.
Love, John F. McDonald’s: Behind the Arches
Bantam Books, New York, New York. 1986. Mackiewicz, Andrea. Guide to Building a Global Image
McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, New York. 1993. Malloy, Mary A. and Michael K. Malloy. The Buck Starts Here
Thomson Executive Press, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1996. Mattera, Philip. Inside U.S. Business
Business One Irwin, Homewood, Illinois. 1991. Morgan, James C. and Jeffrey J. Morgan. Cracking the Japanese Market
The Free Press, Detroit, Michigan. 1991. Moskowitz, Milton. The Global Marketplace
MacMillan Publishing Company, New York, New York. 1987. Ogilvy, David. All Consumers Are Not Created Equal
John Wiley & Sons, New York, New York. 1995. Paley, Norton. The Strategic Marketing Planner
The American Management Association, New York, New York. 1991. Porter, Glenn and Harold C. Livesay. Merchants & Manufacturers
Ivan R. Dee Inc., Chicago, Illinois. 1971. Reischauer, Edwin O. Japan: The Story of a Nation
Alfred A. Knopf Inc., New York, New York. 1970. Reischauer, Edwin O. The Japanese
Harvard University Press, Boston, Massachusetts. 1977. Ricks, David A. Blunders in International Business
Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1993. Rosenweig, Jeffrey A. Winning the Global Game
The Free Press, New York, New York. 1998. Rossman, Marlene L. Multicultural Marketing
American Marketing Association, New York, New York. 1994. Schoell, William F. and Joseph P. Guiltinan. Marketing: Contemporary Concepts and Practices
Allyn & Bacon Publishers, Needham Heights, Massachusetts. 1990. Seelye, H. Ned and Alan Seelye-James. Culture Clash: Managing in a Multi-Cultural World NTC
Business Books, Lincolnwood, Illinois. 1995. Sobel, Robert. When Giants Stumble
Prentice Hall Press, Paramus, New Jersey. 1999. Stanat, Ruth and Chris West. Global Jumpstart
Perseus Books, Reading, Massachusetts. 1999. Walden, Gene and Edmund O. Lawler. Marketing Masters: Secrets of America’s Best Companies
HarperBusiness, New York, New York. 1993. Winkworth, Stephen. Great Commercial Disasters
MacMillan London Ltd., London, UK. 1980. Wong, Angi Ma. Target the US Asian Market
Pacific Heritage Books, Palos Verdes, California. 1998.