Europe Event Programme

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World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony 2010

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50 Things To Do Before You Die: Rocky Mountaineer Mountaineer – BBC

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Welcome President of the World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 On behalf of the World Travel Awards, I wish you all a very warm welcome to our Europe Ceremony 2010. This evening is all about celebrating your incredible achievements, and we are honoured to have gathered under one roof the cream of Europe’s travel and tourism industry. More than one thousand of the region’s leading organisations have been nominated to win “a travel industry Oscar” and I am proud to say that competition is the fiercest yet in our 17-year history. So what does it take to win a World Travel Award? Though our winners hail from every sector of the travel industry and from every corner of the globe, they all share one thing in common – an unrivalled ability to rise to a challenge. Turkey in particular has emerged as one of the stars of the global downturn, continuing to grow market share whilst its competitors flounder. And our decision to host our awards here in Antalya is no coincidence. This city epitomises what Turkey does best – by combining a rich, welcoming local culture with superb hospitality facilities, sun-kissed beaches and value for money, it has created a winning formula that now attracts visitors from the world over, come boom or bust.

Elsewhere in Europe, nations are dusting themselves down after the annus horribilus of 2009, and are now showing signs of resurgent growth. Spain, one of the tourism economies hit hardest by the downturn, has reported an upsurge in tourist numbers this summer as its key source markets including the UK and Germany rediscover their appetite for travel. France, Europe’s largest tourism economy, is also bouncing back as the US, Japan and other Asian markets increase their long-haul expenditure. Greece has had a buoyant summer season despite suffering some fall-out from the civil unrest in May. Tourism generates almost one fifth of national output so the industry is playing a pivotal role in the nation’s long road back to economic recovery. Congratulations to all award winners and also to those who have made this evening possible, in particular our host, Rixos Premium Belek. This sumptuous resort represents Turkey at its finest – sumptuous, charming and facilities that are truly world-class.

We also extend a special thank you to event partners Turkish Airlines and World.Mobi, as well as our media partners BBC World News, Breaking Travel News, eTurboNews, L’agenzia di Viaggi, ABTA Magazine, Travel Daily News, Focus on Travel News, New Focus Travel Magazine and Xenios. Honouring and promoting excellence and innovation in travel and tourism are why we are gathered all here – so please enjoy yourselves with this in mind, for we value your incredible achievements and what you are doing for our industry. Thank you all for being here with us on this very special occasion, and congratulations once again for your incredible achievements.

Graham E. Cooke President and Founder World Travel Awards


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Welcome Chief Executive Officer Rixos Hotels Group Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Welcome to the Rixos Premium Belek, Antalya. It is a pleasure to have you staying with us on the occasion of Europe’s most important travel and tourism event, The World Travel Awards. We as Rixos Hotels, feel honored to have been chosen to host the WTA Gala Ceremony, described as the “Oscars” of the Travel industry and what is universally recognized as a major champion of excellent customer service, encouraging and inspiring products and services to improve business performance and innovation.

To those of you in the battling arena for the Awards, I would like to wish the very best of luck.

Kees Hartzuiker Chief Executive Officer Rixos Hotels Group

Our team of professionals will be very happy to provide you with any assistance required to make your stay and this event a memorable one. Look forward to seeing you all at the Gala, in the meantime please do make time to visit the city and region of Belek and Antalya which hide some of Turkey’s most inviting and interesting sites.


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Special Focus:

Focus on Europe Guest Editorial

Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

It’s a been a tough year for tourism across Europe, but with Germany, the economic powerhouse of the continent, firing on all cylinders again, the outlook for the likes of Spain and Greece is looking considerably rosier than 12 months ago.


Whilst the burning question Europe’s tourism industry was asking last year was when we would see the green shoots of recovery, this year it has turned to which nations are emerging fastest.

Germany spluttered badly during the slump in world trade. And when the Germans started reigning in their travel expenditure, popular outbound markets such as the Spanish costas and the Greek islands rapidly felt the squeeze.

In the United Nation’s World Tourist Barometer, international tourist arrivals in Europe grew the slowest globally in the first half of 2010 – just 2 percent higher compared with 14 percent in Asia and the Pacific, 20 percent in the Middle East, 7 percent in Africa and 7 percent in the Americas. But within the European Union positive signs of a recovery are emerging, led by Germany, the region’s economic engine and its largest travel consumer.

But the country is once again firing on all cylinders. GDP grew by 2.2 percent (an annualised rate of close to 9 percent) in the three months to the end of June, well above even the most optimistic of forecasts and representing its strongest since reunification almost two decades ago. The German revival is being felt across the continent. Spain, Germany’s largest outbound market, has finally turned a corner after being one of the tourism

economy’s hardest hit by the global downturn. Overnight stays by international arrivals rose by 11 percent in July this year, compared to the same time in 2009, according to official figures from Spain’s National Statistics Institute. The Spanish revival was also helped by renewed confidence in the UK, its second largest source market. The country has also been seeking an unlikely ally in China. At a recent meeting between Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao, the two nations have agreed to collaborate on a number of economic fronts, including tourism. Initiatives will include policies that make

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it easier for Chinese to obtain travel visas for travel to Spain and other European countries. The heads noted that events such as Spain’s victory in the FIFA World Cup and the Shanghai World Expo 2010 – where the Spanish pavilion is one of the most visited – have piqued Chinese citizens’ interest in visiting. Madrid’s goal in the short term is to triple the number of 90,000 Chinese tourists who visit Spain each year. Zapatero said he was working on a new plan that promotes Spanish cultural and ecotourism destinations rather than the traditional model of sun, sea and sand. For now, Spain ranks behind France, Germany and Britain as a favoured destination for Chinese travellers heading to Europe, though the Iberian nation is the world’s number two tourist destination overall. Meanwhile, Spain’s great European tourism rival, France, has been attempting to woo the Arabian tourism dollar and encourage strengthening political, economic and cultural ties. This summer the French police deployed officers with foreign-language skills – including Arabic – to key tourist locations during busy holiday periods. But it remains to be seen what impact the French government’s ban on facecovering garments in public will have on the willingness of Muslims to visit the country. The UK too is pushing hard to lure the Arabian traveller. In May VisitBritain launched a business-to-business travel trade event, Destination Britain & Ireland, in Dubai, with more than 200 key companies and travel industry specialists attending. And its efforts seem to be working. Inbound tourists from Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates rose 9 percent year-on-year in 2009, and accounted for 1.7 percent of all visitors to the UK. VisitBritain said Gulf tourists were particularly attracted to the UK by the opportunity to shop for fashion and luxury goods not available at home, and to watch Premier League football.

Britain’s reputation as a safe, wellorganised country, with polite, approachable people and low levels of theft were also key pulling factors. Other positive factors included Britain’s temperate climate, in contrast with the average 45ºC summers in, say, Saudi Arabia. In Greece, tourism receipts have dropped by nearly a quarter in the past two years, with strikes and civil unrest denting a sector already hit by the global crisis. The strength of the Euro has also proved counterproductive, with Greece losing share to non-Eurozone neighbouring destinations Turkey and Croatia. Greece relies on its sun-drenched beaches and historic monuments for nearly a fifth of its economy and a recovery in tourism is crucial as the country struggles to recover from a debt crisis and its worst recession in 36 years. Spending by international tourists fell to €2.8 billion in the six months to June, down 11.9 percent year-on-year and 23.3 percent over two years, according to Greek Central Bank. Revenues were hit particularly hard in June following the death of three bank employees during anti-government protests in May, at a time when almost daily strikes were leaving tourists stranded at airports and harbours. It has upped value-added tax to 23 percent this year as part of an austerity drive aimed at pulling the country out of its debt crisis.

But Greece appears to have turned a corner over the summer. In July tourist arrivals narrowed to 1.3 percent from a 6 percent drop in May. August arrivals came in marginally higher than last year. Whilst Greece has been one of the highest profile victims of the downturn, its neighbour Turkey has emerged as one of the stars. As our travel patterns have shifted to more adventurous pastures, mid-haul has become the new short-haul. The likes of Istanbul offer an entirely different experience yet are only an hour or two further than traditional city break European destinations. The shift to mid-haul has also sparked a boom in tourism across the country. Take Antalya – a sleepy ancient city that has been transformed into the country’s main holiday resort, complete with palmlined boulevards, glitzy marina and summer home to affluent Germans and British. This city also epitomises what Turkey does best – by combining a rich, welcoming local culture with superb hospitality facilities, sun-kissed beaches and value for money, it has created a winning formula that now attracts visitors from the world over, come boom or bust.


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World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony 2010

Date: Venue: Location:

1st October 2010 Rixos Premium Belek Antalya, Turkey

✶✶✶✶✶ Evening Programme Cocktail Reception: Gala Dinner & Show: Carriages:

18.45 20.00 23.00


The Oscars of the Travel Industry” Wall Street Journal


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History World Travel Awards Honouring excellence in travel & tourism worldwide since 1994


1994 Hollywood

1995 New York

1996 Las Vegas

1997 New York

1998 Bahamas

1999 London

2000 Jamaica

2001 Malaysia

2002 St Lucia

2003 New York

2007 Abu Dhabi New York Newcastle Bangalore Turks & Caicos

2008 Durban Sydney Shanghai Orlando Poprad Rio de Janeiro Dubai Turks & Caicos

2004 Barbados

2005 London

2009 Dubai Durban Riviera Maya Obidos London

2010 Dubai Johannesburg Antalya Delhi Jamaica London

2006 Turks and Caicos

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About Us World Travel Awards

The World Travel Awards acknowledges and celebrates those organisations that have made the greatest contribution to the global tourism and travel industry. It also recognises those brands that are driving the industry to greater heights and innovation in travel. Celebrating its 17th anniversary this year, the awards has grown into a truly global search for the very best travel and tourism brands, with the winners from the five regional ceremonies progressing to the World Travel Awards Grand Final in London on 7 November. Last year, 183,000 travel professionals registered to vote and participate in the prestigious World Travel Awards programme – a phenomenal 10% rise in registrations compared to the year before. This record number is conclusive evidence that World Travel Awards has become the “Oscars” of the global travel industry. Graham E. Cooke, Founder and President, World Travel Awards, said: “World Travel Awards is a unique benchmark for industry quality and business excellence in every region and sector.”


“The increase in registered voters, despite a global recession, demonstrates the vital role of performance delivery in a challenging and highly competitive marketplace,” he added. This level of accountability makes the World Travel Awards one of the highest accolades in the travel business and is why the award ceremony is broadcast by BBC World News and other networks to over 254 million households worldwide and attended by the industry’s global decision makers. For the tourism trade, winning a World Travel Award is more than an award – it is an endorsement from the thousands of professionals from around the globe, as well as a gold seal to the consumer of travel excellence guaranteed.

The World Travel Awards has continuously evolved, expanding the number of awards as the industry has grown. There are now over 1,000 different categories – an understandable number seeing how the industry has diversified and given the fact that there were over 3,600 different nominees last year. And as confidence returns to the global economy, the World Travel Awards will be there to reward those travel and tourism players that spearhead the recovery.

“ The Oscars of the Travel Industry” Wall Street Journal

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Wine World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony 2010

WHITE WINES Emir Narince ✤✤✤✤✤ RED WINES Öküzgözü Boğazkere Kalecikkaras


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Menu World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony 2010

SEA BASS accompanied by Aegean herbs and olive oil ✤✤✤✤✤ PASTRY FILLED WITH VINE LEAVES diced cucumber and garlic with a mint and yoghurt sauce ✤✤✤✤✤ MIXED SALAD accompanied by goats cheese, walnut and pomegranate syrup sauce ✤✤✤✤✤ MINT SORBET accompanied by fresh mint ✤✤✤✤✤ STEAK FILLET GRATIN with village cheese; fresh asparagus, potato purée and pepper sauce or OVEN-BAKED GROUPER polenta and spinach Florentine or MUSHROOM BALLS accompanied by bulgur risotto and vegetables ✤✤✤✤✤ “A TURKISH TRIO”


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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Europe's Leading Airline

Europe's Leading Airport Hotel

Europe's Leading Beach Resort

Air France Alitalia British Airways Iberia KLM Lufthansa SAS Scandinavian Airlines Swiss International Air Lines TAP Portugal Turkish Airlines

Hilton Copenhagen Airport Hotel, Denmark Hilton London Heathrow Airport Hotel, England Kempinski Airport Hotel Munich, Germany Radisson SAS Hotel London Stansted Airport, England Renaissance Barcelona Airport Hotel, Spain Sheraton Amsterdam Airport Hotel and Conference Center, Netherlands Sheraton Paris Airport Hotel & Conference Centre, France

Abama Hotel Resort, Spain Anassa, Cyprus Grand Resort Lagonissi, Greece Kempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza Sicily Mare Nostrum Resort, Spain Minos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & Spa, Greece Praia D'El Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort, Portugal Rixos Premium Bodrum, Turkey The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta

Europe's Leading Airline Business Class

Europe's Leading All-inclusive Resort

Air France British Airways Iberia KLM Lufthansa Swiss International Air Lines TAP Portugal Turkish Airlines

Europe's Leading Airport Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Netherlands Barcelona International Airport, Spain Copenhagen Airport, Denmark Domodedovo International Airport, Russia Hamburg Airport, Germany Heathrow Airport, London, England Helsinki-Vantaa, Finland Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, Italy Lisbon Airport, Portugal Madrid Barajas International Airport, Spain Munich International Airport, Germany Zurich Airport, Switzerland 30

Aldemar Rhodos Paradise Village, Greece Aska Costa Holiday Club, Turkey Club Hotel Riu Chiclana, Spain Club Hotel Riu Gran Canaria, Spain Club Hotel Riu Paraiso Lanzarote Resort, Spain Club Hotel Riu Vista Mar, Spain Concorde De Luxe Resort,Turkey Da Balaia Club Med, Portugal Kemer Resort Hotel, Turkey Rixos Premium Belek, Turkey Titanic Hotel Antalya, Turkey

Europe's Leading Beach Cannes, France Corfu, Greece Costa de la Luz, Spain Costa Smeralda, Sardinia, Italy Dona Ana, Lagos, Portugal Formentera Island, Ibiza Marbella, Spain Panormas, Mykonos, Greece Patara Beach, Turkey Plage Port Grimaud, France

Europe's Leading Boutique Hotel 101 Hotel, Iceland Aquapura Douro Valley, Portugal Athens Life Gallery, Greece Bulgari Milano, Italy Cap Estel, France Choupana Hills Resort & Spa, Portugal Draycott Hotel, England Hotel Josef, Czech Republic Hotel Les Ottomans, Turkey Hotel Quinta da Bela Vista, Portugal Hotel Splendide Royal, Switzerland Lato Boutique Hotel, Greece Metropolitan London, England The Dylan Amsterdam, Netherlands Vila Joya, Portugal

Europe's Leading Boutique Resort Adriana, Hvar Marina Hotel & Spa, Croatia Choupana Hills Resort & Spa, Portugal Hotel Les Ottomans, Turkey Kivotos Hotel, Greece Rocabella Santorini Resort & Spa, Greece Vila Joya, Portugal Villa Aminta Stresa, Italy

I your mobile city guide to Vienna Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Europe's Leading Business Car Rental Company Alamo Auto Europe Avis Budget Enterprise Europcar Hertz Record Car Rental Tiger Car Rental

Carlo IV Hotel, Czech Republic Conrad Brussels, Belgium Conrad Istanbul, Turkey Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Germany Hotel Arts Barcelona, Spain Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow, Russia InterContinental Paris Le Grand Hotel, France InterContinental Warsaw, Poland Jumeirah Carlton Tower, England Langham Hotel London, England Mandarin Oriental Hotel du Rhone Geneva, Switzerland Movenpick Hotel Istanbul, Turkey Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, Belgium Swissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow, Russia The Mayfair, England

Europe's Leading Car Hire

Europe's Leading City Hotel

Domaine de Divonne, France Fairmont Monte Carlo, Monaco Hotel Torrequebrada, Spain L'Imperial Palace, France Le Palais de la Mediterranee, France MeliĂƒÂĄ Tamarindos, Gran Canaria The Mayfair, England The Pestana Casino Park, Funchal Madeira

Carlo IV Hotel, Czech Republic Conrad Brussels, Belgium Conrad Istanbul, Turkey Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Germany Hotel Baltschug Kempinski, Russia InterContinental Paris, France InterContinental Warsaw, Poland Jumeirah Carlton Tower, England Langham Hotel London, England Mandarin Oriental Hotel du Rhone Geneva, Switzerland Milan Park Hyatt, Italy Movenpick Hotel Istanbul, Turkey Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, Belgium Swissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow, Russia

Europe's Leading Casino Resort

Europe's Leading Business Hotel

Auto Europe Avis Budget Europcar Hertz Holiday Autos Sixt Thrifty

Europe's Leading Casino Hotel

Evian Royal Resort, France Hotel & Casino Torrequebrada, Spain Kempinski St Moritz, Switzerland Le Meridien Lav, Split, Croatia Lopesan Costa Meloneras, Spain Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik, Croatia The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta

Europe's Leading Charter Airline Monarch Airlines Sky Airlines Smartwings Thomas Cook Airlines Thomson Flights Tui Fly

Europe's Leading City Break Destination Istanbul,Turkey Lisbon, Portugal London, England Madrid, Spain Oslo, Norway Paris, France Prague, Czech Republic Rome, Italy Tallinn, Estonia Venice, Italy

Europe's Leading Couples Resort Adam & Eve Hotels, Turkey Aldemar Olympian Village, Greece Anassa, Cyprus Concorde De Luxe Resort, Turkey Kemer Resort Hotel, Greece Minos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & Spa, Greece Mykonos Grand Hotel & Resort, Greece St Raphael Resort Cyprus

Europe's Leading Cruise Destination Amsterdam - Netherlands Athens, Greece Cannes, France Copenhagen, Denmark Dubrovnik, Croatia Lisbon, Portugal Oslo, Norway Reykjavik, Iceland St Petersburg, Russia Stockholm - Sweden Venice, Italy

I your mobile city guide to Brussels Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards


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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Europe's Leading Cruise Line

Europe's Leading Destination

Europe's Leading Golf Resort

AIDA Cruises Costa Cruises Fred Olsen Cruise Lines Hapag Lloyd Cruises Holland America Line Inc Norwegian Cruise Line P&O Cruises Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Silversea Cruises

Amsterdam, Netherlands Barcelona, Spain Berlin, Germany Crete, Greece Dublin, Ireland Dubrovnik, Croatia Istanbul, Turkey Lisbon, Portugal London, England Pafos, Cyprus Paris, France Prague, Czech Republic Rome, Italy Tallinn, Estonia Venice, Italy Vienna, Austria Vilnius, Lithuania

Bovey Castle, England Cornelia De Luxe Resort, Turkey Dona Filipa & San Lorenzo Golf Resort, Portugal Evian Royal Resort, France Fairmont St Andrews, Scotland Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa, Spain Grand Hotel Quellenhof, Switzerland Hotel Quinta do Lago, Portugal La Manga Club, Spain Old Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St. Andrews, Scotland Palazzo Arzaga Hotel Spa & Golf Resort, Italy Sport & SPA Resort A-ROSA Scharmuetzelsee, Germany The Gleneagles Hotel, Scotland The K Club, Ireland

Europe's Leading Cruise Port Amsterdam, Netherlands Barcelona, Spain Copenhagen, Denmark Genoa, Italy Istanbul (Sali Pazari), Turkey Las Palmas, Gran Canaria Lisbon, Portugal Marseille, France Oslo, Norway Southampton, England Split, Croatia Stockholm, Sweden The Port of Kusadasi, Turkey

Europe's Leading Cruise Travel Agent Cruise Line Gills Cruise Centre Kuoni Travel Netherlands Thomas Cook

Europe's Leading Design Hotel Adam & Eve at Belek, Turkey Almyra, Cyprus Do & Co Hotel, Austria Envy Suite, Klaus K, Helsinki, Finland La Reserve Geneva, Switzerland Le Meridien Vienna, Austria Sanderson Hotel, England The Belvedere, Greece The Vine Hotel, Portugal

Europe's Leading Family Resort Aldemar Olympian Village, Greece AquaCity Poprad, Slovakia Forte Village Resort, Italy Hotel Eden Roc, Switzerland Kemer Resort Hotel, Turkey Kempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza, Italy Rixos Sungate, Turkey Sani Resort, Greece Sheraton Voyager Antalya Hotel, Resort & Spa, Turkey The InterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel, Cyprus The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta Tivoli Madeira Hotel, Spain

Europe's Leading Golf & Leisure Resort La Manga Club, Spain Praia d'el Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort, Portugal Sheraton Golf Parco de' Medici Hotel & Resort Sport & SPA Resort A-ROSA Scharmuetzelsee, Germany The Celtic Manor Resort, Wales The Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire, Scotland

Europe's Leading Green Hotel Apex City of London, England AquaCity Poprad, Slovakia Ariston Hotel, Italy Bedruthan Steps Hotel, England Chateau Mcely, Czech Republic Choupana Hills Resort & Spa, Madeira Hotel FOX, Denmark Ice Hotel, Sweden Kolarbyn Eco-lodge, Sweden Radisson SAS Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland Strattons, England

Europe's Leading Hotel Aquapura Douro Valley, Portugal Castel Monastero, Italy Ciragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul, Turkey Donbass Palace Hotel, Ukraine Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centre and Spa, Croatia Grand Hotel Lienz, Austria Hotel Le Bristol Paris, France Hotel Ritz Paris, France Leťić Dimitri Palace, Croatia The Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt, Ireland White Pod, Switzerland

I your mobile city guide to Sofia Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards


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World Travel Awards Winner Europe’s Leading Long Sea Ferry Operator - 2007, 2008, 2008 20 2009 009


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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Europe's Leading Hotel Brand

Europe's Leading Luxury Hotel

Barcelo Hotels & Resorts Hilton Hotels InterContinental Hotels & Resorts Kempinski Hotels & Resorts Le Meridien Hotels & Resorts Malmaison Hotels Marriott Hotels Resorts & Suites Radisson Hotels & Resorts Rixos Hotels

Grand Hotel du Cap-Ferrat, France Grand Hotel Europe, Russia Hotel Cipriani, Italy Hotel de Paris, Monte Carlo Hotel Formentor, Spain Lygon Arms, England Mardan Palace, Turkey Pestana Carlton Madeira Hotel, Madeira Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Belgium Rocco Forte's Hotel Astoria, Russia The Eden au Lac, Switzerland The Lanesborough, England The Luna Baglioni Hotel, Italy

Europe's Leading Island Resort Choupana Hills Resort & Spa, Portugal Fota Island Resort, Ireland Hilton Villa Igiea Palermo Hotel, Sicily, Italy Inchydoney Island Lodge & Spa, Ireland Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz, Malta Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort & Thalasso, Spain Mykonos Grand Hotel & Resort, Greece Pullman Timi Ama Sardegna, Italy Reid's Palace, Portugal The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta Vedema Resort, Greece

Europe's Leading Long Sea Ferry Operator Accione Trasmediterranea Brittany Ferries Color Line DFDS Seaways Minoan Lines Stena Line Tallink Silja Line

Europe's Leading Low-Cost Airline Aer Lingus Air Berlin bmibaby Condor Easyjet Monarch Airlines Vueling

Europe's Leading Luxury Hotel Brand Baglioni Hotels Conrad Hotels Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company The Rocco Forte Collection

Europe's Leading Luxury Lifestyle Club Finest Hotels of the World Francorosso Italy OK Service Business Travel Quintessentially Red Travel Italy TOURUA

Europe's Leading Luxury Resort Abama Hotel Resort, Spain Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Turkey Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque, Spain Kempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza, Sicily Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz. Malta Mardan Palace, Turkey Rixos Premium Belek, Turkey Rome Cavalieri, The Waldorf Astoria Collection, Italy Villa Vita Parc, Portugal

Europe's Leading Marketing Campaign - “Where you book matters” Spanish Institute of Tourism - Spain, a country to share... STA Travel - iPhone campaign The Hans Brinker Budget Hotel Amsterdam The Worst Hotel in the World Thomas Cook - 2010 Marketing Campaign Visit London - Only In London VisitDenmark & Expedia - Joint Campaign - Welcome To Yorkshire

Europe's Leading Meetings & Conference Centre Birmingham NEC Centre, England ExCeL London, England Fira Barcelona, Spain Geneva Palexpo, Switzerland Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin (ICC Berlin), Germany Palais Des Congres De Paris, France

Europe's Leading Meetings & Conference Hotel Conrad Istanbul, Turkey Corinthia Hotel St Petersburg Divani Apollon Palace & Spa, Greece Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centre and Spa, Croatia Grand Hotel Stockholm, Sweden Hotel Gothia Towers, Sweden Hotel Okura Amsterdam, Netherlands Le Meridien Lav, Split, Croatia Movenpick Hotel Istanbul, Turkey Renaissance Zurich Hotel, Switzerland Ritz-Carlton Berlin, Germany Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik, Croatia Rixos Sungate, Turkey Sheraton Hotel & Convention Centre Ankara, Turkey Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Center, Italy Swissotel Zurich, Switzerland

I your mobile city guide to Zagreb Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards


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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Europe's Leading Meetings & Conference Resort Divani Apollon Palace & Spa, Greece Dolce La Hulpe, Belgium Grand Resort Lagonissi, Greece Meliá Altea Hills Resort, Spain Rixos Sungate, Turkey Rome Cavalieri, The Waldorf Astoria Collection, Italy The Europe Hotel & Resort, Ireland The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta Vila Sol Spa & Golf Resort, Portugal

Europe's Leading New Boutique Hotel Palazzina Grassi, Italy Poseidonion Grace, Greece The Halcyon, Bath, England

Europe's Leading New Hotel Borgo Egnazia, Italy Casa Dell'Arte, Turkey Hotel Missoni Edinburgh, Scotland Hotel Palais Stéphanie, France Il Salviatino, Italy Kameha Grand Bonn, Germany La Reserve Ramatuelle, France The Buddha Bar Hotel Prague, Czech Republic

Europe's Leading Ski Resort

AquaCity Poprad, Slovakia Dromoland Castle, Ireland Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centre and Spa, Croatia Elounda Beach Hotel, Greece Evian Royal Resort, France Forte Village Resort, Italy Kemer Resort Hotel, Turkey Le Couvent Des Minimes Hotel & Spa, France Marbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa, Spain Mardan Palace, Turkey Minos Beach art hotel, Greece Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort, Monaco Pullman Timi Ama Sardegna, Italy Rixos Premium Belek, Turkey Rixos Premium Bodrum, Turkey The InterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel, Cyprus

Alpenroyal Grand Hotel, Italy Badrutt’s Palace Hotel, Switzerland Cristallo Palace Hotel & Spa, Italy Gstaad Palace, Switzerland Hotel Christiania Val D'Isere Hotel de Charme Les Airelles, France Hotel Madlein, Austria Hotel Salzburgerhof, Austria Kempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. Moritz, Switzerland Thurnhers Alpenhof, Austria

Europe's Leading River Cruise Company

Europe's Leading New Resort

AMA Waterways Avalon Waterways Brendan European River Cruises Imperial River Cruises Noble Caledonian Phoenix River Cruises Trafalgar European River Cruises Viking River Cruises

Borgo Egnazia, Italy Martinhal Beach Resort & Hotel, Portugal Rocco Forte Verdura Resort , Italy

Europe's Leading Short Sea Ferry Operator

Europe's Leading New Spa Hotel Aquapura Douro Valley, Portugal Castel Monastero, Italy Grand Hotel Lienz, Austria Rocco Forte Verdura Resort, Sicily 38

Europe's Leading Resort

Irish Ferries Norfolkline P&O Ferries SeaFrance Stena Line

Europe's Leading Spa Resort Aldemar Olympian Village, Greece Aldemar Royal Mare Village & Thalasso, Greece AquaCity Poprad, Slovakia Castel Monastero, Italy Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Turkey Elysium Beach Resort, Cyprus Forte Village Resort, Italy Fortina Spa Resort, Malta Hotel Les Ottomans, Turkey Imperial Hotel, Czech Republic Kempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. Moritz, Switzerland Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz, Malta Le Couvent Des Minimes Hotel & Spa, France The St David's Hotel & Spa, Wales

Europe's Leading Tour Operator Cox & Kings Expedia Kuoni Oger Tours Page and Moy Thomas Cook Tui Travel PLC

I your mobile city guide to Copenhagen Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Europe's Leading Tourism Development Company

Europe's Leading Travel Management Company

Athens Tourism and Economic Development Company Ayendiz Group De Vere Cameron House at Loch Lomond GMT Group OEC Developments

BCD Travel Carlson Wagonlit Travel Chambers Travel Management FCm Travel Solutions Midas Travel Management Travel Management Group Travizon, Inc Uvet American Express VISTA Travel Weco Travel

Europe's Leading Tourist Board French Tourist Board German National Tourist Office GNTO (Greek National Tourism Organisation) Instituto de Turismo de España (TURESPAÑA) Italian State Tourism Board Turismo de Portugal Turkish Culture and Tourism Office VisitBritain

Europe's Leading Travel Agency Amphitrion Holidays First Choice Opodo Seat24 Society Of Travel Thomson Transtour Viajes Iberia

Ararat Hotel Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan Avan Dzoraget Hotel Europe Hotel Golden Tulip Hotel Yerevan Hotel Yerevan Metropol Hotel Yerevan •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Austria's Leading Hotel

Europe's Responsible Tourism Award Apex Hotels Eagles Palace Hotel Greece Europcar UK Limited Hotel Alexandra Copenhagen Hotel Omm NCL Freestyle Cruising The Alnwick Garden Virgin Atlantic Airways •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Bio-Hotel Stanglwirt Grand Hotel Wien Hilton Vienna Hilton Vienna Plaza Hotel Bristol Hotel Imperial Hotel Sacher Wien Hotel Tennerhof InterContinental Wien Radisson SAS Hotel Altstadt Schloss Velden, a Capella Hotel The Ring Hotel Vienna Marriott Hotel

Albania's Leading Hotel Chateau Linza Resort Hotel Adriatik Hotel Butrinti Mondial Hotel Rogner Hotel Europark Tirana Sheraton Tirana Hotel

Europe's Leading Travel Distribution Solution Provider Blue Star Infotech Datalex Final Quadrant Solutions Pharos Datacom RWA Travel Solutions Sabre Travel Network

Armenia's Leading Hotel

Austria's Leading Resort


Astoria Relax and Spa, Seefeld Balance Resort Stegersbach Dorint Vital Royal Spa - Seefold, Tyrol Hotel Sacher Salzburg Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol Supreme Hotel Bad, Tatsmannsdorf

Andorra's Leading Hotel

Austria's Leading Spa Resort

Andorra Park Hotel Casa Canut Hotel Crowne Plaza Hotel Andorra Hotel Plaza Princesa Parc Hotel Sport Hotel Hermitage & Spa

Aurelio Lech Dorint Vital Royal Spa - Seefold/Tirol Grand Hotel Lienz Grand SPA Resort A-ROSA Kitzbühel Hotel Salzburgerhof Hotel Weisses Rössl Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol Mavida Balance Hotel & Spa



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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Azerbaijan's Leading Hotel Grand Hotel Europe Hyatt Regency Baku Park Hyatt Baku Park Inn Azerbaijan, Baku

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Leading Hotel Bristol Hotel – Mostar Hotel Atina Hotel Kriva Cuprija II Old Town

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Belarus' Leading Hotel Bulgaria's Leading Hotel

Crowne Plaza Minsk Hotel Belarus Hotel Europe, Belarus Hotel Luchesa Hotel Minsk Hotel Orbita

Crystal Palace Boutique Hotel Hilton Sofia Kempinski Hotel Zografski Radisson SAS Grand Hotel Sofia Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan


Belgium's Leading Business Hotel Crowne Plaza Hotel Brussels Hilton Brussels Kempinski Hotel Dukes Palace Bruges Radisson SAS EU Hotel Renaissance Brussels Hotel Royal Windsor Hotel Grand Palace Sheraton Brussels Hotel Warwick Barsely Hotel

Belgium's Leading Hotel Brussels Marriott Hotel Chateau du Lac Genval Conrad Brussels Hotel Le Plaza Brussels Le Meridien Bruxelles Manoir de Lebioles Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Brussels Rocco Forte Hotel Amigo Warwick Barsely Hotel

Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centre and Spa Excelsior Hotel & Spa Grand Villa Argentina Dubrovnik Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik Hotel Hotel Bellevue Hotel W.A. Mozart Istra Hotel & Spa Le Meridien Lav, Split Lešić Dimitri Palace Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik Sheraton Zagreb Hotel The Regent Esplanade, Zagreb

Croatia's Leading Spa Resort

Bulgaria's Leading Resort Grand Hotel Varna Hotel Yastrebets Wellness & Spa Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko Marina Royal Palace, Duni Royal Resort Premier Luxury Mountain Resort, Bansko Riviera Beach Hotel

Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centre and Spa Hotel Adriana, Hvar Marina Hotel and Spa Hotel Ivan Hotel Milenij Opatija Istra Hotel & Spa Le Meridien Lav, Split

Bulgaria's Leading Spa Resort


Grand Hotel Varna Imperial Hotel Riviera Holiday Club Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Croatia's Leading Boutique Hotel Design Hotel Astoria Hotel Kastil Hotel Vestibul Palace Riva, Hvar Yacht Harbour Hotel The Pucic Palace

Cyprus' Leading All-inclusive Resort Alexander the Great Beach Hotel Olympic Lagoon Resort St Raphael Resort Cyprus

Cyprus' Leading Hotel Anassa Elysium Beach Resort Grecian Park Hotel Hilton Cyprus Londa Hotel Thalassa The Annabelle


Croatia's Leading Hotel

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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Cyprus' Leading Resort

Czech Republic's Leading Hotel

Denmark's Leading Hotel

Anassa Columbia Beach Resort Coral Beach Hotel & Resort InterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort St Raphael Resort Cyprus

Falksteiner Hotel Maria Prag Four Seasons Hotel Prague Hilton Prague Hotel Aria Prague InterContinental Praha Mamaison Suite Hotel Pachtuv Palace Prague Mandarin Oriental Prague Prague Marriott Hotel Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel

Copenhagen Marriott Hotel Front Copenhagen Hotel d'Angleterre Hotel Koldingfjord KongebroGaarden Palace Hotel - A Meridien Hotel Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel, Copenhagen

Cyprus' Leading Spa Resort Almyra, Pathos Anassa Columbia Beach Resort Elysium Beach Resort InterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort Londa Hotel Paphos Amathus Beach Hotel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Czech Republic's Leading Boutique Hotel Hotel Aria Prague Hotel Hoffmeister Hotel Josef Hotel Ruze Le Palais Hotel Prague Mamaison Suite Hotel Pachtuv Palace Prague Maximilian Hotel

England's Leading Boutique Hotel Czech Republic's Leading Spa Resort Alchymist Grand Hotel & Spa Bristol Palace Falkensteiner Grand Spa Hotel Marienbad Hotel Esplanade Spa & Golf Resort Mandarin Oriental Prague Spa Resort Sanssouci The Chateau Mcely •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Carlo IV Hotel Four Seasons Prague Hilton Prague Hotel Savoy InterContinental Praha Prague Marriott Hotel President Hotel The Crowne Plaza Prague

Blakes London Blanch House Cadogan London Dorset Square Hotel Draycott Hotel Hotel du Vin, Tunbridge Wells Le Manoir aux QuatSaisons Lucknam Park Number Sixteen The Soho Hotel

Denmark's Leading Boutique Hotel England's Leading Business Hotel

Broholm Hotel FOX Steengaard Herregardspension The Nimb The Square Copenhagen

Denmark's Leading Business Hotel Czech Republic's Leading Business Hotel


Copenhagen Marriott Hotel Hilton Copenhagen Airport Hotel Palace Hotel - A Meridien Hotel Radisson BLU Scandinavia Hotel, Copenhagan

Andaz, Liverpool Street Claridges Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Canary Wharf Hilton London Park Lane Hotel Felix, Cambridge InterContinental London Park Lane Jumeirah Carlton Tower, England Langham Hotel London Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Rocco Forte's The Lowry Hotel, Manchester The Mayfair

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World’s Leading Booking Engine Technology Provider Nominated Nomina ted in 4 Award Aw Award ca categories tegories in 2010 :

W orld’s LLeading eading B ooking World’s Booking Eng ine TTechnology echnology P rovider Engine Provider

W orld’s LLeading eading TTravel ravel World’s Distr ibution P rovider Distribution Provider

W World’s orld’s Leading Leading Travel Travel TTechnology echnology P rovider Provider

EEurope's urope's LLeading eading TTravel ravel Distr ibution SSolution olution P rovider Distribution Provider

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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 England's Leading Conference Hotel

England's Leading Spa Resort

France's Leading Boutique Hotel

Claridges Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Canary Wharf Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel Rocco Forte's The Lowry Hotel, Manchester The Dorchester The Park Lane Hotel, London

Babington House Chewton Glen Cowley Manor Four Seasons Hampshire Hoar Cross Hall Hotel Le Spa Macdonald Bath Spa Pennyhill Park Hotel The Grove

Abbaye de la Bussière Cour des Loges Hotel crillon le brave Hotel de Vendome Hotel Lumen Paris Louvre Kube Hotel, Saint Tropez La Mirande Hotel Le Mas Candille Murano Urban Resort Pershing Hall Renaissance Paris Vendome Hotel The Lancaster

England's Leading Golf Resort Bovey Castle Hanbury Manor Marriott Hotel & Country Club Matfen Hall Slaley Hall St Mellion International Hotel Golf & Country Club Stoke Park Club The De Vere Belfry The Grove The Manor House Hotel

England's Leading Hotel Amberly Castle Claridges Hotel Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel Jumeirah Carlton Tower Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park The Berkeley The Dorchester The Lanesborough The Mayfair, London The Ritz London The Waldorf Hilton


Estonia's Leading Hotel Georg Ots Spa Hotel Hotel St. Petersbourg Hotel Telegraaf Pädaste Manor Radisson SAS Hotel Tallinn Schlössle Hotel Swissotel Tallinn The Three Sisters Hotel Villa Ammende

France's Leading Business Hotel


Finland's Leading Hotel Crowne Plaza Helsinki Hilton Helsinki Strand Hotel Kämp Klaus K, Helsinki Scandic Simonkentta Helsinki

France's Leading Conference Hotel


England's Leading Resort Champneys Resort Tring Chewton Glen Cliveden House Danesfield House Hotel and Spa Four Seasons Hampshire Hoar Cross Hall Stoke Park Club 48

Four Seasons Hotel George V Hilton Arc de Triomphe Paris Hotel de Crillon Paris Hotel Prince de Galles - Paris Champs Elysees InterContinental Carlton Cannes InterContinental Paris Le Grand Hotel Le Meridien Etoile Paris Martinez Hotel Paris Rive Gauche The Ritz Paris

Domaine de Divonne, France Domaine De Verchant Four Seasons Hotel George V Hotel de Crillon Paris Hotel du Palais Biarritz Hotel Prince de Galles - Paris Champs Elysees InterContinental Carlton Cannes Le Meridien Montparnasse Paris Rive Gauche

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France's Leading Golf Resort

France's Leading Spa Resort

Germany's Leading Conference Hotel

Chateau Des Vigiers Domaine de Belesbat Domaine de Divonne, France Domaine du Roncemay Evian Royal Resort Four Seasons Resort Provence Golf Du Medoc Hotel & Spa Les Bordes

Evian Royal Resort Hôtel Fouquet's Barrière Paris Hotel Miramar-Crouesty Hotel Plaza Athenee Paris Les Fermes de Marie Les Pres d Eugenie Les Sources de Caudalie Trianon Palace & Spa

Dorint Sofitel Schweizerhof Berlin Hotel Adlon Kempinski Hotel Nassauer Hof Hyatt Regency Cologne InterContinental Berlin Renaissance Dusseldorf Hotel Ritz-Carlton Berlin, Germany Sheraton Frankfurt Hotel & Towers Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof Swissôtel Berlin


France's Leading Hotel Château Les Crayères Four Seasons Hotel George V Grand Hotel du Cap-Ferrat Hotel de Crillon Paris Hotel de Palais, Biarritz Hotel du Cap - Eden Roc Hôtel Fouquet's Barrière Paris Hotel Le Bristol Paris Hotel Le Meurice Hôtel Plaza Athénée Paris Hotel Ritz Paris InterContinental Paris Le Grand Hotel Trianon Palace & Spa

France's Leading Resort Domaine de Divonne, France Evian Royal Resort Four Seasons Resort Provence Hotel du Palais Biarritz Les Sources de Caudalie Sofitel Biarritz Le Miramar Thalassa Hotel

France's Leading Ski Resort Hotel Christiania Val D'Isere Hotel de Charme Les Airelles Hotel Le Hameau Albert 1er, Chamonix Le Grand Coeur Le Melezin

Georgia's Leading Hotel Germany's Leading Golf Resort

Courtyard by Marriott Tbilisi Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel, Tbilisi Sheraton Metechi Palace Tbilisi Marriott Hotel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Germany's Leading Boutique Hotel Brandenburger Hof Berlin Furstenhof Celle Heidelberg Suites Boutique Hotel Hotel Burg Wernburg Hotel Louis C. Jacob Parkhotel Adler The Mandala Hotel The Schlosshotel Berlin

Bad Griesbach Hartl Golf Resort Golf & Spa Hotel Tanneck Bad Worishofen Golfanlage Schloss Ludersburg Land & Golf Hotel Stromberg Lindner Golfhotel Juliana Wuppertal Schlosshotel Kronberg Sport & SPA Resort A-ROSA Scharmuetzelsee

Germany's Leading Hotel

Germany's Leading Business Hotel Berlin Marriott Hotel Dom Hotel Grand Resort Lagonissi Hilton Cologne Hotel Hotel Adlon Kempinski Hotel Concorde Berlin InterContinental Berlin Mandarin Oriental Munich Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin Ritz-Carlton Wolfsburg Swissôtel Berlin Westin Grand Berlin

Bayerischer Hof Hotel Breidenbacher Hof, a Capella Hotel Excelsior Hotel Ernst Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg Hotel Adlon Kempinski Hotel Concorde Berlin Hotel Nassauer Hof Mandarin Oriental Munich Raffles Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Rocco Forte's Hotel De Rome The Schlosshotel Berlin

Germany's Leading Resort Bad Griesbach Hartl Golf Resort Brenner's Park Hotel & Spa InterContinental Resort Berchtesgaden Schlosshotel Kronberg

I your mobile city guide to Reykjavik

49 Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Germany's Leading Spa Resort

Greece's Leading Conference Hotel

Guernsey's Leading Hotel

Brenner's Park Hotel & Spa Grand SPA Resort A-ROSA Travemunde InterContinental Resort Berchtesgaden Raffles Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Ritz-Carlton Berlin, Germany Rocco Forte's Villa Kennedy

Athenaeum InterContinental Athens Athens Ledra Marriott Hotel Divani Apollon Palace & Spa Grand Resort Lagonissi Hotel Grande Bretagne Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki Plaza Resort Hotel The Westin Athens, Astir Palace

Bella Luce Hotel Fermain Valley Hotel La Fregate Hotel Guernsey Old Government House Hotel & Spa The Farmhouse Hotel



Hungary's Leading Business Hotel

Gibraltar's Leading Hotel Bristol Hotel Gibraltar Caleta Hotel O'Callaghan Eliott Hotel The Rock Hotel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Greece's Leading All-inclusive Resort Minos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & Spa Oceania club Terra Maris Hotel Vasia Beach Hotel

Greece's Leading Boutique Hotel Amphitryon Hotel Chromata Elounda Gulf Villas & Suites Fresh Hotel Hotel Katikies Lato Boutique Hotel Nafplia Palace Hotel & Villas Santorini Grace - by Grace Hotels Group The Belvedere Zannos Melathron Hotel

Greece's Leading Business Hotel Athenaeum InterContinental Athens Athens Ledra Marriott Hotel Hilton Athens Hotel Plaza Resort Hotel The Westin Athens, Astir Palace

Greece's Leading Family Resort Aldemar Royal Mare Amathus Beach Hotel Rhodes Creta Maris Golf Resort & Convention Centre Elounda Beach Hotel Minos Beach Art Hotel Mykonos Grand Hotel & Resort Pilot Beach Resort

Budapest Marriott Hotel Hilton Budapest West End InterContinental Budapest Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest Le Meridien Budapest Mamaison Hotel Andrassy Budapest Ramada Plaza Budapest Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge

Hungary's Leading Hotel Greece's Leading Hotel

Boscolo New York Palace Budapest Budapest Marriott Hotel Corinthia Hotel Budapest Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Hilton Budapest West End InterContinental Budapest Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest Lanchid 19 Hotel Le Meridien Budapest Mamaison Hotel Andrassy Budapest

Athenaeum InterContinental Athens Athens Ledra Marriott Hotel Divani Apollon Palace & Spa Hotel Grande Bretagne King George Palace Minos Beach Art Hotel The Belvedere

Greece's Leading Resort Aldemar Royal Olympian Spa & Thalasso Arion, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa – Astir Palace Danai Beach Resort & Villas Elounda Bay Palace Elounda Peninsula Minos Beach Art Hotel Minos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & Spa Mykonos Grand Hotel & Resort Pilot Beach Resort Saint John Vedema Resort

Hungary's Leading Resort Hotel Europe Fit Pólus Palace Thermal Golf Club Hotel Radisson SAS Birdland Resort & Spa •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Iceland's Leading Boutique Hotel 101 Hotel CenterHotel Thingholt Hotel Glymur

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Iceland's Leading Hotel

Ireland's Leading Spa Resort

Israel's Leading Spa Resort

Hotel Borg Hotel Holt Odinsve Hotel Radisson SAS 1919 Hotel

Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort Aghadoe Hights Hotel & Spa Castlemartyr Resort Fota Island Hotel & Spa Inchydoney Island Lodge & Spa Monart Destination Spa Park Hotel Kenmare The Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt

Carmel Forest Spa Resort Le Meridien Dead Sea Mizpe Hayamim Resort


Ireland's Leading Boutique Hotel Bentleys Townhouse Dylan Dublin Hayfield Manor The G Hotel


Isle of Man's Leading Hotel

Ireland's Leading Business Hotel Four Seasons Dublin Hilton Dublin Radisson SAS Hotel & Spa, Galway The Shelbourne The Westin Dublin

Ireland's Leading Golf Resort Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort Dromoland Castle Marriott Druids Glen Hotel & Country Club Mount Juliet Estate The K Club The Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt Waterford Castle Hotel & Golf Club

Ireland's Leading Hotel Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort Castlemartyr Resort Dromoland Castle Four Seasons Dublin The Clarence The Merrion Hotel The Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt The Shelbourne The Westin Dublin

Glen Helen Inn Hilton Isle of Man Mount Murray Hotel & Country Club The Town House •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Israel's Leading Business Hotel InterContinental David Tel-Aviv King David Jerusalem Hotel Renaissance Tel Aviv Sheraton Tel Aviv Hotel & Towers The Carlton Tel Aviv


Italy's Leading Boutique Hotel Bulgari Milano Castello del Nero Hotel & Spa Furore Inn Resort Grand Hotel a Villa Feltrinelli Hotel Caruso Hotel Splendido Hotel Villa San Michele Il Salviatino J. K Place, Capri La Posta Vecchia Le Sirenuse Milan Maison Moschino Palazzo Sasso Ravello Villa Aminta Stresa

Italy's Leading Business Hotel

Dan Tel Aviv Hotel Inbal Jerusalem Hotel InterContinental David Tel Aviv King David Jerusalem Hotel Renaissance Jerusalem Hotel Renaissance Tel Aviv The American Colony Hotel The David Citadel Hotel

Hilton Milan Hotel Milan Marriott Hotel Milan Park Hyatt Rocco Forte's Hotel de Russie Rome Cavalieri, The Waldorf Astoria Collection Romeo Hotel Sheraton Bologna Hotel & Conference Center St. Regis Grand Hotel The Westin Excelsior Florence The Westin Excelsior Rome

Israel's Leading Resort

Italy's Leading Conference Hotel

Hilton Eilat Queen of Sheba Hotel InterContinental Taba Heights Le Meridien Dead Sea Leonardo Hotel Haifa Mizpe Hayamim Resort Mount Zion Hotel Renaissance Tel Aviv

Melia Milano Hotel Rome Cavalieri, The Waldorf Astoria Collection Rome Marriott Grand Hotel Flora Sheraton Bologna Hotel & Conference Center Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Center St. Regis Grand Hotel Tanka Village

Israel's Leading Hotel

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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Italy's Leading Golf Resort

Italy's Leading Spa Resort

Liechtenstein's Leading Hotel

Bogliaco Golf Resort Palazzo Arzaga Hotel Spa & Golf Resort Sheraton Golf Parco de' Medici Hotel & Resort Tanka Village

Adler Thermae Spa & Wellness Resort Capri Palace Hotel & Spa Carlton Hotel Baglioni Castel Monastero Castello del Nero Hotel & Spa Fonteverde Natural Spa Resort Forte Village Resort JW Marriott Capri Tiberio Palace Resort & Spa Kempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza Sicily Le Sirenuse Masseria Torre Coccaro Palazzo Arzaga Hotel Spa & Golf Resort Relais San Maurizio Rocco Forte Verdura Resort

Hotel Schatzmann Park Hotel Sonnenhof Residence Hotel

Italy's Leading Hotel Capri Palace Hotel & Spa Four Seasons Hotel Milano Grand Hotel Baglioni Grand Hotel Florence Hotel Cipriani Hotel Principe di Savoia Milan Hotel Raito InterContinental De La Ville Roma Rocco Forte's Hotel de Russie, Rome Rocco Forte's Hotel Savoy St. Regis Grand Hotel Villa Aminta, Stresa

Italy's Leading Resort Cristallo Palace Hotel & Spa Forte Village Resort Hotel Cala di Volpe Kempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza Sicily Le Meridien Chia Laguna Mezzatorre Resort & Spa San Clemente Palace Hotel & Resort Santa Caterina Hotel

Italy's Leading Ski Resort Alpenroyal Grand Hotel Cristallo Palace Hotel & Spa Hotel Baita dei Pini Bormio Hotel Croce Bianca & Spa Vivenes Vigilius Mountain Resort


Lithuania's Leading Hotel Crowne Plaza Hotel Vilnius Hotel Vanagupe Le Meridien Villion Resort & Convention Centre Palanga Hotel Radisson BLU Astorija Hotel Reval Hotel Lietuva Scandic Neringa Hotel Stikliai Hotel The Narutis Hotel

Italy's Leading Villa •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Borgo Egnazia Palazzo Santa Croce Villa Cima Villa Isabella Villa Maria Taglioni, Lake Como

Luxembourg's Leading Hotel


Jersey's Leading Hotel Atlantic Hotel Jersey Chateau La Chaire Grand Jersey Hotel De France L'Horizon Hotel & Spa Longueville Manor The Club Hotel & Spa The Royal Yacht

Eden Au Lac, Luxembourg Grand Hotel Cravat Hilton Luxembourg Hotel Albert Premier Hotel La Gaichel Hotel Le Royal Luxembourg Sofitel Luxembourg Europe •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Macedonia's Leading Hotel Classical Makedonia Palace Deluxe Hotel Arka Hotel Stone Bridge Metropol Lake Resort Ohrid

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Latvia's Leading Hotel Ainavas Grand Palace Hotel Hotel Bergs Reval Hotel Latvija Reval Hotel Ridzene Royal Square Hotel & Suites •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Malta's Leading Hotel Corinthia Palace Hotel Hilton Malta Hotel Ta'Cenc InterContinetal Malta Palazzo Capua Sliema Malta Preluna Hotel & Spa The Palace, Malta The Xara Palace

Mediterranean's Leading Family Resort Abama Hotel Resort, Spain Aldemar Royal Mare Village, Crete InterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel, Cyprus Kempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza, Sicily Marbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa, Spain Minos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & Spa

Malta's Leading Spa Resort

Mediterranean's Leading Hotel

Fortina Spa Resort Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz Le Meridien St Julians Radisson Blu Resort & Spa Malta Golden Sands The Barceló Riviera Resort & Spa

Calista Luxury Resort Elounda Peninsula Hotel Puente Romano Marbella Hotel Quinta do Lago Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz Kempinski Hotel The Dome Belek-Antalya Minos Beach Art Hotel Palazzo Sasso Ravello Rixos Premium Belek


Mediterranean's Leading Beach Resort Abama Hotel Resort, Spain Aldemar Olympian Village Aldemar Royal Mare Village, Crete Anassa, Cyprus Elounda Peninsula, Greece Forte Village Resort, Italy InterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel, Cyprus Mare Nostrum Resort, Spain The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta

Mediterranean's Leading Boutique Hotel Chromata Estalagem Quinta da Casa Branca Hotel L'Hermitage Londa Hotel Palazzo Sasso Ravello

Mediterranean's Leading Resort Anassa Forte Village Resort Four Seasons Resort Provence InterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel Kempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza Sicily Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz Marbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort St Raphael Resort Cyprus The Westin Dragonara Resort

Mediterranean's Leading Suite Resort Azia Resort - Cyprus Byblos Saint Tropez Capri Palace Hotel & Spa Cosmopolitan Suites - Santorini Minos Imperial Select The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Moldova's Leading Hotel Budapest Hotel, Moldova Hotel Diplomat Club Jolly Alon Hotel Leogrand Hotel & Convention Centre •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Monaco's Leading Hotel Colombus Hotel Monaco Fairmont Monte Carlo, Monaco Hotel Hotel de Paris, Monte Carlo Hotel Metropole Port Palace Monte Carlo

Monaco's Leading Resort Fairmont Monte Carlo, Monaco Hotel Hotel de Paris, Monte Carlo Le Meridien Beach Plaza Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort Monte Carlo Beach Hotel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Montenegro's Leading Hotel Mediterranean's Leading Spa Resort Columbia Beach Resort Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centre and Spa Fonteverde Natural Spa Resort Gran Hotel Elba Estepona, Spain Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz Myconian Imperial Hotel & Thalasso Spa Penha Longa Hotel & Golf Resort

Aman Sveti Stefan Hotel Vardar Villa Montenegro •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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Dorint Vital Royal Spa Seefeld/Tirol – arrive and let your journey begin Looking for stunning surroundings where you can breathe in the fresh mountain air, relax whilst looking over the amazing views from your balcony. This is a haven designed to enhance your health and well being where body and soul come together. Where nature’s beauty merges with gracious hospitality, leisure and business travel become an unforgettable experience. Welcome to the world of Dorint Vital Royal Spa Seefeld/Tirol, the paradise of wellness. Located on the sunny Seefeld plateau in the Tyrolean Alps, only 20 minutes from Innsbruck international Airport, surrounded by impressive mountains, we’ve created the ideal oasis for you to discover a natural and healthy balance. Enjoy Tyrolean service from the heart and take advantage of the creative facilities to be enjoyed from the world of water, beauty, relaxation, fitness, therapy and the great outdoors, just a few examples of what we have to offer as you have never experienced it before.

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Made by

The Dorint Vital Royal Spa Seefeld/Tirol boasts an astonishing 3,500 m² signature Spa dedicated to providing holistic wellbeing and natural health. There is no better place to find relaxation – come to the Spa now! For further information please contact us: Dorint · Vital Royal Spa · Seefeld/Tirol (A) Krinz 32 · 6100 Seefeld Tel.: +43 5212 4431-0 · Fax: +43 5212 4431-450 E-mail:

You’ll be back.

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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Netherlands' Leading Business Hotel Bilderberg Garden Hotel Hotel Okura Amsterdam Hotels Van Oranje InterContinental Amstel Amsterdam Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel Swissôtel Amsterdam

Netherlands' Leading Hotel Druin & Kruidberg Country Estate Grand Hotel Amrâth Amsterdam Grand Hotel Huis Ter Duin Grand Hotel Karel V InterContinental Amstel Amsterdam Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel Steigenberger Kurhaus Hotel The College Hotel The Dylan Amsterdam The Grand Amsterdam Sofitel Demeure, Netherlands Townhouse Hotel Maastricht

Netherlands' Leading Spa Resort Chateau St. Gerlach Fontana Bad Nieuweschans Hotels Van Oranje Thermae 2000 en Thermaetel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Northern Ireland's Leading Business Hotel Europa Hotel Belfast Hilton Templepatrick Hotel & Country Club Hotel Tower Derry Radisson Blu Belfast Radisson Blu Roe Park Resort Ten Square Belfast The Merchant Hotel Belfast

Northern Ireland's Leading Golf Resort

Poland's Leading Business Hotel

Hilton Templepatrick Hotel & Country Club Lough Erne Golf Resort Ramada Portrush Slieve Donard Hotel

Northern Ireland's Leading Hotel Culloden Hotel Malmaison Belfast Radisson SAS Hotel, Belfast Radisson SAS Roe Park Resort

Hilton Warsaw Hotel & Convention Centre Hyatt Regency Warsaw InterContinental Warsaw Marriott Warsaw Radisson Blu Centrum Hotel, Warsaw Radisson Blu Hotel, Krakow Sheraton Sopot Hotel Sofitel Warsaw Victoria

Poland's Leading Hotel


Norway's Leading Business Hotel Clarion Hotel Royal Christiana, Oslo First Hotel Millenium Grims Grenka, Oslo, Norway Holmen Fjordhotell Radisson Blu Hotel, Alesund Radisson Blu Lillehammer Hotel

Dwór Oliwski Grande Real Villa Italia Hotel & Spa Hotel Copernicus Hotel Podewils Gdansk Hotel Wentzl, Krakow InterContinental Warsaw Le Meridien Bristol, Warsaw Mamaison Hotel Le Regina Warsaw The Westin Warsaw •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Norway's Leading Hotel

Portugal's Leading Boutique Hotel

Bristol Hotel Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica Hotel Continental Hotel Union Oye

Bairro Alto Hotel Choupana Hills Resort & Spa Estalagem Quinta da Casa Branca Hotel Infante Sagres Hotel Quinta da Bela Vista Monte do Casal Romaneira The Vine Hotel Vila Joya

Norway's Leading Ski Resort Dr. Holms Hotel Radisson Blu Resort Beitostolen Skogstad Hotel Vestila Resort

Portugal's Leading Conference Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon Lisbon Marriott Hotel Sheraton Porto Hotel & Spa The Campo Real Golf Resort & Spa Tiara Park Atlantic Porto

Norway's Leading Spa Resort Quality Spa & Resort Holmsbu Quality Spa & Resort Norefjell Selje Hotel Solstrand Hotel & Bad ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 62

I your mobile city guide to Warsaw Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Portugal's Leading Family Resort

Portugal's Leading Spa Resort

Russia's Leading Hotel

Hotel Quinta do Lago Pine Cliffs Resort Praia d'el Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort The Campo Real Golf Resort & Spa Tivoli Ocean Park

Blue & Green Vilalara Thalasso Resort Convento do Espinheiro Hotel Quinta do Lago Lapa Palace Penha Longa Hotel & Golf Resort Reid's Palace The Cliff Bay Vila Sol Spa & Golf Resort

Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow Golden Ring Hotel Grand Hotel & Spa Rodina Sochi Grand Hotel Europe Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Moscow Marriott Royal Aurora Renaissance St. Petersburg Baltic Hotel Rocco Forte's Hotel Astoria Swissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow

Portugal's Leading Golf Resort Dona Filipa & San Lorenzo Golf Resort Hilton Vilamoura Hotel Quinta do Lago Palacio Estoril Penha Longa Hotel & Golf Resort Praia d'el Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort Sheraton Algarve Hotel, Pine Cliffs Resort Vila Sol Spa & Golf Resort Vila Vita Parc

Portugal's Leading Hotel Aquapura Douro Valley Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon Hilton Vilamoura Hotel Infante Sagres Lapa Palace Palace Hotel do Bussaco Pestana Palace Reid's Palace Seanhora Da Guia The Cliff Bay The Vine Hotel

Portugal's Leading Resort Hotel Quinta do Lago Le Meridien Penina Golf & Resort Praia d'el Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort Tivoli Ocean Park Vila Vita Parc


Romania's Leading Hotel Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest Carol Parc Hotel Howard Johnson Grand Plaza InterContinental Bucharest JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Russia's Leading Boutique Hotel Golden Apple Boutique Hotel Golden Garden Boutique Hotel Mamaison All Suite Hotel Rossi Boutique Hotel Savoy moscow

Grand Hotel Europe, Azerbaijan Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Hotel National, a Luxury Collection Hotel Radisson Royal Hotel,Moscow Rocco Forte's Hotel Astoria Swissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow Taleon Imperial St Petersburg The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

San Marino's Leading Hotel

Russia's Leading Business Hotel Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow Corinthia Hotel St Petersburg Corinthia Nevskij Palace Hotel Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Hotel National, a Luxury Collection Hotel Radisson Blu Royal Hotel St. Petersburg Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya Hotel, Moscow Renaissance Moscow Hotel

Russia's Leading Conference Hotel Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow Corinthia Hotel St Petersburg Corinthia Nevskij Palace Hotel Le Meridien Moscow Country Club Moscow Marriott Grand Hotel President Hotel, Moscow Swissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow

Russia's Leading Luxury Hotel

Grand Hotel Primavera Grand Hotel San Marino Hotel Cesare Hotel Titano Hotel Vintage iXo Hotel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Scotland's Leading Business Hotel Caledonian Hilton Edinburgh Hotel Glasgow Marriott Hotel Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow Rocco Forte'sThe Balmoral

I your mobile city guide to Lisbon Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards


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Your loyalty program

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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Scotland's Leading Golf Resort

Serbia's Leading Hotel

Spain's Leading Boutique Hotel

Balbirnie House Fairmont St Andrew Marriott Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club Old Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St. Andrews The Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire Turnberry, A Luxury Collection Resort

Aleksandar Palas Hotel Belgrade Hotel Park, Serbia Hotel President Hotel Zlatnik Hyatt Regency Belgrade

Castillo Hotel Son Vida El Castell de Ciutat Gran Hotel La Florida Hotel Cortijo Soto Real Hotel Formentor Hotel Maria Cristina Hotel Marques de Riscal Hotel Urban, Madrid Miro Hotel Bilbao

Scotland's Leading Golf Resort & Spa Cameron House Fairmont St Andrews Marriott Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club Old Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St. Andrews The Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire Turnberry, A Luxury Collection Resort


Slovakia's Leading Hotel AquaCity Poprad Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras Hotel Grand Jasna Hotel Hubert Hotel Marrol's Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel Bratislava •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Scotland's Leading Hotel

Slovenia's Leading Hotel

Caledonian Hilton Edinburgh Hotel Old Course Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa, St. Andrews One Devonshire Gardens Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow Rocco Forte'sThe Balmoral Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa The Gleneagles Hotel The Scotsman Hotel

Grand Hotel Bernardin Grand Hotel Metropol Grand Hotel Toplice Hotel Lev Hotel Plesnik Kendov Manor Hotel Park Hotel, Bled

Scotland's Leading Resort Fairmont St Andrews Marriott Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club Old Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St. Andrews The Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire Turnberry, A Luxury Collection Resort

Spain's Leading Business Hotel Hilton Barcelona Hotel Arts Barcelona Hotel Hesperia Madrid InterContinental Madrid Sofitel Madrid Plaza de Espana The Westin Palace Madrid Villa Real Hotel

Spain's Leading Golf Resort

Slovenia's Leading Spa Resort Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana Grand Hotel Toplice Kempinski Palace Portorož Lasko Thermal Spa Resort Terme Smarjeske Toplice The Golf Hotel

Abama Hotel Resort Denia Marriott La Sella Golf Resort & Spa Hotel Las Madrigueras Hotel Villa Padierna Marbella La Manga Club, Spain Las Lomas Village Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort & Thalasso Mallorca Marriott Son Antem Golf Resort & Spa Marbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa

Spain's Leading Hotel


Scotland's Leading Spa Resort Fairmont St Andrews Mar Hall Hotel Old Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St. Andrews Stobo Castle The Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire Turnberry, A Luxury Collection Resort

AC Palacio del Retiro Eurostars Grand Marina Hotel Hotel Alfonso XIII Hotel Arts Barcelona Hotel Claris Hotel Majestic Barcelona Hotel Occidental Miguel Angel Hotel Puente Romano Marbella The Mandarin Oriental Barcelona


I your mobile city guide to Bucharest Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards


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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Spain's Leading Resort

Sweden's Leading Hotel

Abama Hotel Resort Barcelo la Bobadilla Denia Marriott La Sella Golf Resort & Spa Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque Hotel Villa Padierna Marbella Kempinski Hotel Bahia Estepona Costa del Sol Lopesan Baobab Resort Mallorca Marriott Son Antem Golf Resort & Spa Marbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa

Grand Hotel Stockholm Hilton Stockholm Slussen Hotel Hotel Gothia Towers Krägga Herrgårdar Radisson Blu Hotel, Linköping Victory Hotel

Spain's Leading Spa Resort Alva Park Resort & Spa Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa Gran Hotel Elba Estepona, Spain Hospes Villa Paulita Spain Hotel Arts Barcelona Hotel Rey Juan Carlos 1 InterContinental Mar Menor Golf Resort & Spa La Residencia Mardavall Hotel & Spa Mare Nostrum Resort •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Le Richemond Les Trois Rois The Dolder Grand

Switzerland's Leading Ski Resort

Sweden's Leading Spa Resort Holiday Club Are Hotel Tylösand Selma Spa Storhogna Högfjällshotell & Spa

Switzerland's Leading Spa Resort


Switzerland's Leading Boutique Hotel Alden Hotel Splugenschloss Chalet Eugenia, Klosters Grand Hotel Bellevue Hotel d'Angleterre Geneva Hotel Giardino La Reserve Geneve The Cambrian

Turkey's Leading All-inclusive Resort

Switzerland's Leading Business Hotel

Berns Hotel Elite Plaza Hotel Hotel J Nacka Strand Ice Hotel Lydmar Hotel Nordic Light Hotel

Sweden's Leading Business Hotel

Switzerland's Leading Hotel

Grand Hotel Stockholm Hilton Stockholm Slussen Hotel Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel, Stockholm Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Gothenburg Sheraton Stockholm Hotel

Beau-Rivage Palace Fairmount Le Montreux Palace Four Seasons Hotel des Berges Geneva Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva Grand Hotels Bad Ragaz Hotel Continental Zurich InterContinental Geneve Kempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. Moritz Lausanne Palace & Spa

Beau-Rivage Palace Grand Hotel Park Gstaad Gstaad Palace Switzerland Kempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. Moritz La Reserve Geneva The Dolder Grand •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Crowne Plaza Zurich Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva Hilton Basel Hotel Mandarin Oriental Hotel du Rhone Geneva Movenpick Hotel & Casino Geneva Park Hyatt Zurich Radisson Blu Hotel Basel Zurich Marriott Hotel

Sweden's Leading Boutique Hotel

Badrutt’s Palace Hotel Hotel Survetta House Kempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. Moritz Kulm Hotel St Moritz Palace Hotel Gstaad White Pod

Concorde De Luxe Resort Cornelia De Luxe Resort Gloria Golf Resort Gloria Serenity Resort Gloria Verde Resort & Spa Kremlin Palace Titanic Resort Topkapi Palace

Turkey's Leading Beach Resort Adam & Eve Hotels Calista Luxury Resort Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa Ela Quality Resort Hilton Dalaman Resort & Spa Mardan Palace Rixos Premium Belek Rixos Sungate

I your mobile city guide to Moscow Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards


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Europe Nominees Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Turkey's Leading Boutique Hotel

Turkey's Leading Golf Resort

Ukraine's Leading Business Hotel

Ada Hotel Ajia Hotel Anatolian Houses Hotel Les Ottomans Sumahan on the Water The Sofa Yunak Evleri Cappadocia Cave Hotel

Calista Luxury Resort Cornelia De Luxe Resort Gloria Golf Resort Kempinski Hotel The Dome Belek-Antalya Klassis Golf & Country Club Sirene Belek Golf Hotel

Donbass Palace Hotel Hotel Otrada Hyatt Regency Kiev Leopolis Hotel Premier Palace Hotel Radisson Blu Hotel Kiev

Turkey's Leading Hotel

Ukraine's Leading Hotel

Adam & Eve at Belek Ciragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Conrad Istanbul Divan Hotel Istanbul Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul Hilton Dalaman Resort & Spa Hyatt Regency Istanbul IC Hotels Green Palace InterContinental Ceylan Istanbul Kemer Resort Hotel Mardan Palace Park Hyatt Istanbul-Macka Palas Radisson Blu Bosphorus Hotel Istanbul Rixos Premium Belek Swissotel Grand Efes Swissotel The Bosphorus The Ritz-Carlton Istanbul

Donbass Palace Hotel Leopolis Hotel Opera Hotel Premier Palace Hotel Radisson Blu Hotel Kiev

Turkey's Leading Business Hotel Conrad Istanbul Crowne Plaza Hotel Izmir Divan Hotel Istanbul Hilton ParkSA Istanbul Hyatt Regency Istanbul Movenpick Hotel Istanbul Renaissance Polat Istanbul Hotel Sheraton Hotel & Convention Centre Ankara Swissotel Grand Efes Swissotel The Bosphorus

Turkey's Leading Conference Hotel Conrad Istanbul Hilton Izmir Hotel Kemer Resort Hotel Movenpick Hotel Istanbul Sheraton Hotel & Convention Centre Ankara Swissotel Grand Efes Swissotel The Bosphorus

Turkey's Leading Design Hotel

Adam & Eve Hotel Bentley Hotel Casa Dell'Arte Hillside SU The Sofa Hotels and Residences

Turkey's Leading Family Resort

Adam & Eve Hotels Agean Dream Resort Concorde De Luxe Resort Ela Quality Resort Guendoenuemue Mevkii Hotel Baia Bodrum

Turkey's Leading Resort Hilton Dalaman Resort & Spa IC Hotels Green Palace Kemer Resort Hotel Richmond Nua Wellness Spa WOW Bodrum Resort


Wales' Leading Golf Resort Bryn Meadows Golf Hotel & Spa Marriott St. Pierre Hotel & Country Club The Celtic Manor Resort The Vale Hotel

Wales' Leading Hotel Bodysgallen Hall Marriott St. Pierre Hotel & Country Club Pale Hall The Celtic Manor Resort Hotel The St David's Hotel & Spa

Wales' Leading Spa Resort

Turkey's Leading Spa Resort

Bodysgallen Hall The Celtic Manor Resort The St David's Hotel & Spa The Vale Hotel

Adam & Eve at Belek Concorde De Luxe Resort Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum Mardan Palace Richmond Nua Wellness Spa Sisus Hotel SuSesi Deluxe Resort & Spa The Marmara Bodrum •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I your mobile city guide to Belgrade Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards


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Delivering world-class service that matters to you. We call it 5-Star MH. There are 19,478 men and women at Malaysia Airlines with one job: seeing to a customer’s every need. Treating every passenger like we would a guest in our own home. MH is more than our airline code, it is our unique brand of service - Malaysian Hospitality. A genuine service standard that has been responsible for making us truly world-class to over 100 destinations, across 6 continents.

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GRAND TOUR 2010 Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

Middle East Gala Ceremony 2010 The Address Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE 3 May 2010 The World Travel Awards Grand Tour 2010 kicked off in style with the Middle East Gala Ceremony. Held at the luxurious The Address Dubai Marina, the Middle East Gala Ceremony 2010 was a memorable and inspiring evening attended by more than 400 senior industry figures from the region’s leading travel and tourism companies. Guest of Honour was HH Prince Bandar Bin Saud Bin Khalid, who was presented with the ‘Middle East’s Leading Personality of the Year’ award. Also in attendance were Ahmad Hussein, Deputy Director General, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority; His Excellency Sheikh Faisal Khalid Sultan Al Qassemi; Her Excellency Dr. Rajiha Bint Abdul Ameer Bin Ali, Minister of Tourism of Sultanate of Oman; His Excellency Jamal Al Hai, Senior Vice President of Dubai Airport; Sheikh Sultan S. Al Qassimi, Owner, Six Senses Hideaway Zighy Bay; Bernhard Bohnenberger, Chairman & Managing Director of Six Senses Resorts & Spas; John Bullough, CEO of Aldar Properties; Ali H. Lakhraim, President & CEO of Millennium Hotels & Resorts; Ahmed Al Mammari, Vice President of Royal Jet Group; Theodore Teng, President & CEO of The Leading Hotels of the World; and Peter Baumgartner, Chief Commercial Officer of Etihad Airways. The full list of winners for the World Travel Awards Middle East Gala Ceremony 2010 can be viewed at winners2010-10

Graham Cooke, President & Founder of World Travel Awards, presents the award for ‘Middle East’s Leading Personality of the Year’ to His Highness Prince Bandar Bin Saud Bin Khalid

The overall winners will now compete against the crème de la crème throughout the world at the World Travel Awards Grand Final, which will take place in London (UK) in November, immediately before World Travel Market. 77

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No N o: 112 M Ma arrc ch/ h/ April’2010 pril’2010 riill’2010

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GRAND TOUR 2010 Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

Africa & Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony 2010 Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa, 7 July 2010 The Africa & Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony was a memorable evening. This year’s prestigious event was held at Sandton Convention Centre, located in ‘The City of Gold’, Johannesburg, South Africa. CEO’s, directors of leading travel companies, Government Ministers, heads of tourism departments and destinations, industry association leaders and celebrities gathered for Africa’s most important industry evening. VIP’s included: Hon. Tokozile Xasa, South Africa’s Deputy Minister of Tourism; Senator Tokunbo Afikuyomi, the Hon. Commissioner, Lagos State Delegation; Mr. Kenneth Racombo, First Secretary at the Seychelles High Commission; Mr. Mansoor Mohamed, Executive Director of the City of Cape Town; and Ms. Mariette du Toit-Helmbold, CEO of Cape Town Tourism. The biggest applause of the night was saved for Dr. Aupindi Tobie Aupindi, Managing Director of the fast-expanding Namibia Wildlife Resorts, named Africa’s prestigious Tourism Personality of the Year. Guests were treated to an entertainment feast including the world acclaimed theatre production Africa UMOJA, Kwela Tebza and instrumental pop super group Sterling EQ. The full list of winners for the World Travel Awards Africa & Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony 2010 can be viewed at The overall winners will now compete against the crème de la crème throughout the world at the World Travel Awards Grand Final, which will take place in London (UK) in November, immediately before World Travel Market. David Falcon, Senior Vice President of World Travel Awards, presents the award for 'Africa's Leading Destination' to Mansoor Mohamed, Executive Director, and Felicity Purchase, Mayoral Committee Member, Cape Town Tourism.


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GRAND TOUR 2010 Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

Europe Gala Ceremony 2010 Rixos Premium Belek, Antalya, Turkey 1 October 2010 The World Travel Awards Europe Ceremony is sure to be an enjoyable and inspiring evening. The Turkish Riviera is the tourism capital of Turkey, and an ideal location for the 2010 World Travel Awards Europe Ceremony. The region, bathed in sunshine for 300 days of the year, is a paradise for sunbathing, swimming and sports activities like windsurfing, waterskiing, sailing and mountain climbing. The Rixos Premium Belek is a leading resort hotel located in Antalya, Turkey – the Pearl of the Mediterranean. The Rixos Premium Belek covers an area of 400,000m2 and is built in a forest of pine and pistachio trees with a 1,000 metre long sandy beach, 1,700 beds, and a staff of 900! The All Exclusive-All Inclusive concept practiced by the Rixos Premium Belek guarantees the very highest standards.


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GRAND TOUR 2010 Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

Asia & Australasia Gala Ceremony The Claridges, Surajkund, Delhi, NCR 14 October 2010 The World Travel Awards Asia & Australasia Ceremony 2010 will take place this October in Delhi, India, to coincide with the XIX Commonwealth Games (Delhi, 3-14 October). Delhi is a fusion of the ancient and the modern. In Old Delhi you will discover formidable mosques, monuments and forts, as well as lively and colourful bazaars. The imperial city of New Delhi is known for its wide, tree-lined boulevards and many national institutions and landmarks. Delhi is undergoing extensive rejuvenation and transformation, to ensure it looks its best 90

“These awards are internationally recognised and are a big morale boost" CEO, Cathay Pacific

for visitors during the XIX Commonwealth Games. The Games will bring positive benefits to the Indian tourism industry.

Tickets to World Travel Awards events are always in high demand, therefore early booking is always recommended.

Located just a few minutes' drive from the bustling commercial and residential addresses of South Delhi on one side and the corporate hub on the other, The Claridges, Surajkund, Delhi, NCR, overlooks the imposing entry gate of the famed Surajkund Lake Complex. The hotel blends the best of an exclusive business hotel and luxury resort with its extraordinary architecture, elegant dĂŠcor and designer amenities.

To secure your seats for this must-attend event for senior decision makers and global media, please contact our events team using the details below: Email: Telephone: +44 (0)207 925 0000


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Annual guides distributed with the JAX FAX magazine and at select trade shows: • The Travel Agent Specialist Program distributed with the January issue • The Air Consolidator Guide distributed with the March issue • The Guide to Host Agencies, Co-ops & Consortia distributed with the July issue • Plus Regional Guides to specific destinations such as India, Hungary, Egypt...


Our Weekly News broadcast is sent every Wednesday to travel agents with the very latest offerings from our Air Consolidator, Tour Operator, Cruise and Hotel partners. Individual email broadcasts provided by select travel trade suppliers uniquely designed to help travel agents sell their latest products and services.

HBTAR: HOME BASED TRAVEL AGENT REGISTRY The Home-Based Travel Agent Registry is designed to help home based agents working through host agencies be recognized as professional home based travel agents by suppliers who may not be aware their status and specialties. ❖ The HBTAR directory will provide agents with a list of home-based agent friendly suppliers and will have a directory of BDM’s so agents will know who the local contact person is. To register your home-based agency for free go to: and sign up today! ❖

COMING SOON: NEW AIRFARE SEARCH ENGINE Visit: for additional information or call 800-952-9329

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GRAND TOUR 2010 Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

The Americas Gala Ceremony 2010 Sandals Whitehouse, Jamaica 22 October 2010

Jamaica is the exciting location for this year’s World Travel Awards The Americas Ceremony. Jamaica is the third largest Caribbean island and the largest English-speaking country in the region. Jamaica's tourism product is as diverse as it is eclectic. Accommodations range from bohemian cottages to luxurious villas to all inclusive resorts. From Negril’s seven mile stretch of talcum beach to the lush and restful rainforests of Port Antonio; from the cultural mecca that is our capital city Kingston to the “complete” resort city of Montego Bay; from the majestic Dunn’s River Falls of Ocho Rios to the rolling cane fields of the South Coast … Jamaica will provide an experience to fulfil your treasured dreams.

Located within a 500-acre wilderness preserve, Sandals Whitehouse European Village & Spa perfectly blends the exotic allure of old Jamaica with the refined elegance of Europe. Three Europeaninspired villages – Italian, French and Dutch – are home to luxurious rooms and suites. Each one offers magnificent views overlooking the two-mile long beach, and top tier suites come with Sandals’ legendary Butler Service. Seven restaurants serve mouth-watering gourmet cuisine from around the world, and entertainment ranges from a sophisticated piano bar to bonfire beach parties and a chic nightclub. This resort is truly a world unto itself, where time is all but forgotten and the only moment is now.

“The biggest travel event of the year" Gulf Times Tickets to World Travel Awards events are always in high demand, therefore early booking is always recommended. To secure your seats for this must-attend event for senior decision makers and global media, please contact our events team using the details below: Email: Telephone: +44 (0)207 925 0000



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GRAND TOUR 2010 Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

Grand Final Gala Ceremony Grosvenor House, a JW Marriott Hotel, London, United Kingdom 7 November 2010 The World Travel Awards Grand Final is the culmination of a year-long search for the very best travel brands in the world, covering seven continents and featuring over 3,600 nominees. Winners from the five regional events will fight it out for the ultimate travel accolade. The ceremony, taking place in London on 7 November 2010, will reveal who is ‘the best of the best’, and will be a celebration of the outstanding achievements of the travel industry. Nearly 1000 senior management and decision makers from the world's travel and tourism industry came together at the 2009 Grand Final. Some of the thought leaders who were present included: Jean-Claude Baumgarten, President, WTTC; Kumari Selja, Minister of Tourism, India; Steve Ridgway,

CEO, Virgin Atlantic Airways; Hon. Ed Bartlett, Minister of Tourism, Jamaica; His Excellency Mubarak Al Muhairi, Director General, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and James Hogan, CEO, Etihad Airways.

“A great networking opportunity for the travel industry”

Also in attendance was Antonio Pedro F. de Mello, Secretary of Tourism, State of Rio de Janeiro; Tan Sri Dr. Mohd. Munir bin Abdul Majid, Chairman, Malaysia Airlines; Raj Kamal Taposeea, Chairman, Air Mauritius; Bruce Nobles, President and CEO, Air Jamaica; John Watson, CEO, Diethelm Travel Group; Mikael Andersson, VP Expedia EMEA,; Gerard Greene, CEO, IFA Hotels & Resorts FZ LLC, Luiz Mor, Executive Director, TAP Portugal and Jehan de The, Global Marketing Director, Europcar.

Tickets to World Travel Awards events are always in high demand, therefore early booking is always recommended.

Zina Neophytou, Travel Distribution Account Director, BBC World News.

To secure your seats for this must-attend event for senior decision makers and global media, please contact our events team using the details below: Email: Telephone: +44 (0)207 925 0000


The World Travel Awards Grand Final 2010 is the must-attend event of the year.


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By 2011 over 85% of handsets will be able to access the mobile web... Contact Nick Salter to find out how can help your destination harness the power of the mobile web | +44 (0) 20 7925 0000 Mobile Guides The world at your fingertips | Š World Mobi Limited

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Thank you to all our partners We wish to express our gratitude to our partners and supporters worldwide. In particular, we extend a heartfelt “thank you” to our gracious host Rixos Premium Belek for their outstanding hospitality and professionalism. We would also like to thank our event partners Turkish Airlines and World Mobi, as well as our media partners BBC World News, Breaking Travel News, eTurboNews and all other media partners around the world.

World Travel Awards Team President & Founder Graham E. Cooke

Sales Director Tony Prince

Online Project Manager Sid Thaker

Executive Vice President & Event Director Manon Han

Marketing & Communications Manager Deanna Walker

Senior Vice President David Falcon

PR & Marketing Executive Lauren Brady

Web Team Ben Roberts George Cooke Tom Fogarty

Group Vice President Kevin Taylor

Events Production Manager Susan Mundy

Financial Director Xiaolan Tang

Events & Projects Executive Ben Seal

Global Sales & Marketing Director James A. A. Khan

Editors Anton Strack Christopher O’Toole

Commercial Director Christopher Frost Director, Global Business Sion Rapson Head of Business Development Max Miller Marketing Manager, South America Antonio Castro Neves

Official Photographers Mark Hakansson Gareth Morris E-Commerce Managers Kelly Footit Hayden Pitout

Creative Director Mike Gibas Designer Adam Williams World Travel Awards 1 Northumberland Avenue Trafalgar Square London WC2N 5BW United Kingdom T +44 (0)20 7925 0000 F +44 (0)20 7925 2552 Copyright © World Travel Awards 2010


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“The Oscars of the Travel Industry” Wall Street Journal

Can we help your brand exposure? World Travel Awards Grand Tour 2011 350 million worldwide audience • 183,000 voters • 1,500 nominees • 6 events “The most exalted accolade an establishment in this industry can receive.” Hassan Ahdab, Vice President, Regional Director, Starwood Hotels & Resorts

“The ceremonies are covered by high-profile local, national as well as international media, therefore providing global exposure throughout the year, across the world. The overall package provides excellent value and we would not hesitate to recommend the World Travel Awards.” Gordon Nardini, Head of Global Brand & Marketing Communication, Corporate Marketing, Amadeus IT Group SA

“It was a true delight to host the event. The exposure has been phenomenal.” Amit Aror, Vice President, Emaar Hospitality Group LLC, The Address Hotels & Resorts, Armani Hotels

“It makes sense to partner with a high profile and well-connected event like World Travel Awards.” Zina Neophytou, Travel Distribution Account Director, BBC World News

Previous Sponsors include: ABAV, ALDAR Properties, Amadeus, Asia Luxury Travel Market, Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau, Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi, Etihad Airways, Europcar, Eurostar, Governo do Rio de Janiero, Jamaica Tourist Board, Municipio de Obidos, NewcastleGateshead Initiative, RCI, Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau, Sandals Resorts, South Africa Tourism, TAP Portugal, The Trade Show, Turismo de Portugal, Turks and Caicos Tourist Board, Virgin Atlantic, VIVE Mexico.


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