World Travel Awards North & Central America Gala Ceremony Programme 2009

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North & Central America Gala Ceremony 2009

Ceremonia Norte y CentroamĂŠrica 2009

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Welcome President of the World Travel Awards North & Central America Ceremony 2009 Dear Travel Friends, We are delighted to stage our first ever World Travel Awards ceremony in Mexico. And what an incredible setting! The blend of Mexican and Mayan traditions makes for a truly unique experience, and we hope that tonight’s ceremony will help showcase this region to the global travel and tourism industry. Over 500 of the region’s leading brands have been nominated to win “a travel industry Oscar”, and I am delighted to find that competition this year is keener than ever. The last month, in particular, has seen a huge flurry in votes from North and Central America ahead of tonight’s ceremony. In spite of the challenging economic times, it should make you all so proud to realise that the leading brands in this region are continuing to redefine what makes the ultimate travel experience. Our industry is under no illusions that this year is enforcing widespread strategic reevaluations, both globally as well as here in North and Central America. Yet these turbulent times are also being welcomed by the true travel leaders as an opportunity to rise above the parapet by turning adversity into opportunity. And tonight’s winners all share this vision, entrepreneurial spirit and inner strength to succeed.

For winning a World Travel Award is the ultimate travel accolade. The endorsement of over 170,000 voting travel professionals will demonstrate to both the travel industry and the travel consumer that your brand stands in a class of its very own. Tonight is all about celebrating the incredible achievements of North and Central America, and we are honoured to have gathered together under one roof of this region’s travel industry elite. Congratulations to all award winners and also to those who have made this evening possible, in particular our hosts, Yucatán Holidays and Haciendas Tres Ríos, as well as Cancun Convention & Visitor's Bureau, the Mexico Tourism Board, RCI and Yucatán State Government Tourism Board. Honouring and promoting excellence and innovation in travel and tourism is the reason we are all gathered here – so please enjoy yourselves with this in mind, for we value your incredible achievements and what you are doing for our industry. Thank you all for being here with us on this very special occasion, and we wish tonight’s winners the best of luck in the World Travel Awards Grand Final in London this November.

Sincerely yours,

Graham E. Cooke President and Founder World Travel Awards

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Welcome Government of the State of Quintana Roo North & Central America Ceremony 2009

The Mexican Caribbean is pleased to give you the warmest welcome to the World Travel Awards 2009, North & Central America Gala Ceremony. The Government of Quintana Roo is honored to congratulate the organizing committee and all participants of this grand event which has gathered, for the first time in Mexico, the best of North and Central America travel industry.

I congratulate the organizing committee of the World Travel Awards for promoting a healthy competition among hotel industry leaders and travel services providers in the search of quality and excellence in service. The people of Quintana Roo are honored to welcome this group of companies who have worked with great effort and determination to become better every day while facing all kinds of challenges and adversities.

Let us share with you the many natural wonders of Cancun, the Riviera Maya, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres and Mahahual, which together receive more than 12 million visitors a year.

I would also like to acknowledge the Mexico Tourism Board, the Government of the Yucatan, RCI Group, Yucatan Holidays and Hacienda Tres RĂ­os for bringing here this important event which consolidates the image of Mexico and Quintana Roo within the world tourism map.

The Mexican Caribbean is home to traditionally hospitable people who are proud of their ancestral roots, and are always happy to share the best of their culture and traditions with visitors.

Certain that the World Travel Awards 2009 will be a great success, I send you my greetings. Sincerely,

Its natural beauties and the entrepreneurial spirit of its business people has gained this multi-destination a leading position in the travel industry of Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and North America, offering currently more than 70 thousand rooms.

Sara Latife Ruiz Chavez Secretary of Tourism Government of the State of Quintana Roo

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Welcome Haciendas Tres Ríos North & Central America Ceremony 2009

In less than one year since opening, Hacienda Tres Ríos Resort, Spa & Nature Park has become internationally renowned as the first luxury sustainable tourism development in México. To be hosts of the World Travel Awards, that for the first time in 16 years are celebrated in our country, represent one of the most important achievements for our new and exclusive resort, whose doors opened in November of 2008. I am proud to be part of a group of Mexican entrepreneurs with more than 30 years of experience in generating income and employment through tourism, respecting the social and environmental environment of the community in which we play a part. Our commitment to ecological conservation and the development of native communities has garnered the recognition of the Mexican government as well as the major travel industry events in England, Spain and Germany, where we have been invited to share our experience as a case study as the first luxury “green hotel” in the Mexican Caribbean.

With the support of the important international organizations such as Green Globe International, World Heritage Alliance of the United Nations, Sustainable Travel International and Rainforest Alliance, Hacienda Tres Ríos is a clear example that Quintana Roo and México are ever working towards improving tourism and a healthy environment. It is together that we must continue the trend towards sustainable tourism. I invite you to participate in the future of the tourism industry – ecology responsibility and the protection of cultural values. I am certain that the Gala Ceremony of the World Travel Awards is the perfect setting in which to strengthen our ties of friendship and cooperation within North and Central American tourism and I offer you the warmest welcome. Sincerely,

Ing. Orlando Arroyo Marroquín CEO Tres Ríos

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Mensaje de Bienvenida Haciendas Tres Ríos Ceremonia Norte y Centroamérica 2009

A menos de un año de su apertura, Hacienda Tres Ríos Resort, Spa & Nature Park Riviera Maya se posiciona internacionalmente como el primer complejo ecoturístico de gran lujo y socialmente responsable con la naturaleza de México. Ser anfitriones del World Travel Awards, que por vez primera en 16 años se celebrará en nuestro país, representa uno de los más importantes logros para nuestro más nuevo y exclusivo resort, que abrimos el 15 de noviembre pasado, con una inversión de 60 millones de dólares. Es para mi motivo de gran orgullo formar parte de un grupo de empresarios mexicanos con más de 30 años de experiencia en generar divisas y empleos siempre respetando el entorno social y ambiental. Nuestro compromiso a favor de la conservación ecológica y del desarrollo de las comunidades nativas nos ha merecido el reconocimiento del gobierno mexicano y de las grandes ferias turísticas celebradas en Inglaterra, España y Alemania, en donde hemos sido invitados a compartir nuestro caso de éxito como el primer hotel verde del Caribe Mexicano.

Con el aval de importantes organismos internacionales como Green Globe, World Heritage Alliance de la Fundación de las Naciones Unidas, de Sustentable Travel Internacional y de Rainforest Alliance, Hacienda Tres Ríos es un claro ejemplo que en Quintana Roo y en México se está trabajando a favor de un mejor turismo y de un medio ambiente más sano. Los invito a que todos juntos sigamos sumando esfuerzos a favor de la naturaleza y del turismo social. El futuro turístico está dirigido hacia quienes privilegian la responsabilidad ecológica y el rescate de los valores culturales. Estoy seguro que la Ceremonia de Premiación de los World Travel Awards será el escenario ideal para fortalecer nuestros lazos de amistad y cooperación a favor de la consolidación turística en Norteamérica y Centroamérica. Sean todos ustedes bienvenidos a esta su casa. Cordialmente

Ing. Orlando Arroyo Marroquín Presidente del Consejo de Administración Grupo Tres Ríos

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P RO U D H O S T S O F 2 0 0 9

This year the World Travel Awards 2009 are proudly hosted by Hacienda Tres Ríos, an eco-luxur y resor t located in a 326-acre pristine nature park in the Riviera Maya. It is a 100% Mexican resor t that offers unique activities and Mexican traditions to travelers while striking the delicate balance of luxur y vacations and environmental conser vation. Tres Ríos is recognized as a leader in sustainble tourism by a number of nationally and internationally renowned environmental and sustainable exper ts. Discover for yourself the new Hacienda Tres Ríos and its Endless Luxur y All Inclusive plan. Come enjoy beautiful beaches, rivers, cenotes, regional flora and fauna, ecological adventures and experiences unlike any other. www.hac i end at resr ios. com

Hacienda Tres Ríos and The Rainforest Alliance have established an alliance to suppor t Best Management Practices in Sustainable Tourism since July 2008

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This year’s gala ceremony is proudly sponsored by Yucatán Holidays. Founded by travel exper t Erika García, it is a visionar y company committed to providing travellers with their ever-increasing social and ecological awareness, a more engaging, multi-faceted holiday experience in tune with the beautiful environment of the Yucatan. Yucatan Holidays works with local resor ts, communities and charities to provide unique holiday options and experiences, which offer the consumer the chance to discover the real Yucatan Peninsula while providing positive benefits to the local area through eco-tourism. Immerse yourself in civilization: regional haciendas and archaeology. Experience adventures that range from family friendly to extreme, with the gastronomy of a rich cultural histor y. www. yu ca t a n h ol i d ays . t r ave l

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World Travel Awards North & Central America Ceremony 2009

Date: Venue: Location:

21st September 2009 Hacienda Tres Ríos Riviera Maya, Mexico

✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ Evening Programme Cocktail Reception: Gala Dinner & Show: Carriages:

19.00 20.00 23.00

✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶

Travel industry's equivalent to the Oscars...” Wall Street Journal

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Menu World Travel Awards North & Central America Ceremony 2009

Morilla stuffed with foie gras with xtabentum reduction on rye pastry ✤✤✤✤✤ Lobster medallions flavored with white truffle oil on a fresh vegetable net ✤✤✤✤✤ Pumpkin martini with green asparagus and quail kennels of cumin crouton ✤✤✤✤✤ Santa leaf sorbet served in bowl of ice ✤✤✤✤✤ Rack of lamb coated in macadamia and chimichurri hot jelly with three vegetables timbal ✤✤✤✤✤ Chilean grouper loin with hot mixed grains and reduction of spicy tamarind vinegar with seasonal vegetable stew ✤✤✤✤✤ Caribbean indulgence with mixed caviars ✤✤✤✤✤ Reefs of chocolate ✤✤✤✤✤ Coffee, tea

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Breaking Travel News World Report: North & Central America

No one can dispute how badly the global downturn has rocked every strata of the tourism industry. But how is North and Central America bearing up in global adversity, and how are the two regions positioned for recovery?

According to the World Tourism Organisation, Central America as a whole received 8.4 million visitors last year, which was an increase of 8% over the previous year – the highest increase in the whole of the Americas. By country, the breakdown was as follows: Belize – 244,000; Costa Rica – 2,089,000; El Salvador – 1,385,000; Guatemala – 1, 527,000; Honduras – 899,000; Nicaragua, 858,000 and Panama – 1,308,000. In 2008, international tourist arrivals in Mexico grew by 5.9% to 22.6 million while US dollar travel spending by all visitors rose 3.4% to US$13.3 billion. Research from the WTTC shows that the country’s travel & tourism economy grew 3.8% to 13.2% of Mexico’s GDP – as against stagnation in growth posted by the Americas as a whole. Meanwhile the WTTC expects Mexico’s

tourism economy to growth at 5% per annum over the next decade (2009-19), generating some 2 million direct industry jobs by the end of the period. Of all countries, Panama had the biggest percentage increase – up 18.6% year on year. However, the world economic crisis has taken its toll and in the first four months of 2009 the number of foreign visitors was down by 3.7% compared to the same period last year. The falls aren’t as dramatic as the region’s neighbours however – visitor numbers to the Caribbean were down 6.5% in the same period, for example. Central America’s downward trend is predicted to be a short term blip, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council. It predicts that from next year, tourism in the region will continue to grow by an average of 4.0% and generate a significant increase in

jobs and receipts. By country, the WTTC expects a third of the population of Belize to be employed in tourism or tourism-related activities within the next 10 years. It predicts Belize will post an average growth per year of 3.6% and that tourism will contribute almost $600m to the economy by 2019. In Costa Rica growth is predicted to average 4.0% and export earnings will be more than $5billion by 2019. El Salvador – this year’s host of the Central America Travel Mart – will see an average growth of 3.1%, with export earnings topping $2.5 billion by 2019. Guatemala’s real GDP growth for travel and tourism will average 3.7% per year and will top $2.5 billion in tourism exports in the next ten years. Honduras will post an average growth of 3.7%, while export earnings from visitors will hit $1,826m by 2019 – or 10% of all exports.

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Nicaragua and Panama are expected to see the sharpest rise in growth per year of 5.1%. In Nicaragua export earnings are expected to top $700m by 2019 and in Panama more than $5billion.

North America – has the bottom been reached? Tourist numbers to North America have hit the bottom and will rise in the next few months and into 2010, according to figures from the Travel Industry Association of America. International arrivals started their steady decline last September, hitting a high of just over 58m before dropping to the current figure of 51m – a fall of 11.3%. In Europe, the sharpest drops came from the UK with a 15% drop in visitor numbers and Ireland with a 21% drop. However,

these figures are set to reverse with a forecast of 53m visitors by mid-2010 – a percentage increase of 3%. The UK will lead the return with 3.8m visitors in 2010 – a 1% increase on this year’s tally – and Ireland will stay flat at 418,000. However, it will not be until 2011 that all countries post positive figures to the US. And visitor figures are predicted to overtake the 2008 high sometime in 2012 when the 60m figure will be reached. Airlines are reporting similar trends in terms of US-bound travel. After almost a year of falling load factors to the US, British Airways finally posted a positive set of figures in August with a 3.4% increase to 88%. However, within the US its sales were down 17% year-on-year in July, according to Simon Talling-Smith, BA’s executive vice president for the Americas. Talling-Smith said although the corporate

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market in the US was down, he felt that the situation had plateaued. His views were backed by outgoing Continental CEO Larry Kellner at a conference in July, who said: “We think we have hit the bottom, but we don’t know how long we’ll be there. “The big question is when does business traffic come back and at what volume.” At the US’s biggest business travel event, the National Business Travel Association Conference, in August, suppliers seemed confident that the market had hit the bottom. However, travel management companies remained less optimistic as corporates continue to hold back on travel spend. Research released at the event predicted that business travel spend in the US would increase by 2% over the next three years.

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History World Travel Awards Honouring excellence in travel & tourism worldwide since 1994

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2009... History in the making World Travel Awards

As well as addressing the challenges that a deteriorating world economy will bring to the travel and tourism industry, the key message in the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer is that times of crisis often lead to the biggest opportunities. The industry is under no illusions that the course of 2009 will enforce wide-scale strategic re-thinks and many tough decisions will have to be made. But what is just as certain is that the industry is a highly-resilient sector and will eventually return to strong growth. These challenging economic times will only succeed in separating those companies who with fortitude and vision remain unbowed in their commitment to excellence from those companies complacent or average.

Since 1993, “the Oscars of the travel industry” has stood unrivalled in impartially recognising and rewarding those who set the standards across all sectors of travel and tourism. This year, all eyes will be on Mexico and the World Travel Awards North & Central America Ceremony. Tonight’s winners will show what it truly takes to make a difference and will act as beacons of hope for the rest of the industry. History will prove that 2009’s World Travel Awards Winners will be those companies that best navigate economic fluctuations and will emerge from these challenging times with exponential growth, augmented market share and galvanised reputations.

Through an unswerving commitment to excellence, through recognising examples of best practice and through collective learning and solidarity, these challenging times present us with the opportunity to re-enforce the overall industry infrastructure. 2009 is a year of positive action for everyone involved in the travel and tourism industry. We hope that World Travel Awards can play its part in helping the region to be in the best possible shape for the upturn.

There has never been a more important year for positive action. Now is the time for individuals to step forward and demonstrate what can be done to make a difference.

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North America Nominees North & Central America Ceremony 2009

North America’s Leading Airline Air Canada American Airlines Continental Airlines Delta Airlines North American Airlines United Airlines US Airways Virgin Atlantic Airways

North America’s Leading Airport Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Georgia, USA Calgary Airport, Canada Chicago O'Hare Airport, Illinois, USA Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, USA Denver International Airport, Colorado, USA Los Angeles International Airport, USA New York JFK Airport, USA Newark Liberty International Airport, New York, USA San Diego International Airport, USA San Francisco International Airport, USA Trudeau Airport, Montreal, Canada Washington Dulles International Airport, USA

North America’s Leading Airport Hotel Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Marriott, Texas, USA Fairmont Vancouver Airport Hotel, Vancouver, Canada Hilton Miami Airport, Florida, USA Hilton Montreal Aeroport, Canada Hyatt Harborside, Boston, Massachusetts, USA InterContinental West Miami, Florida, USA The Ritz-Carlton Marina Del Rey, California, USA

North America’s Leading Beach Hotel Four Seasons Resort Maui, Wailea, Hawaii Shutters on the Beach, California, USA TheTides Hotel, Florida, USA Weekapaug Inn, Rhode Island, USA

North America’s Leading Boutique Hotel Campton Place Hotel, California, USA Chateau Versailles Hotel, Montreal, Canada Hotel Gansevoort, New York, USA Hotel Victor South Beach, Florida, USA Opus Hotel, Vancouver, Canada Sutton Place Hotel Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada The National Hotel South Beach, Florida, USA The Sixty Thompson, New York, USA The Waldorf Towers, New York, USA

North America’s Leading Business Hotel Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, Quebec, Canada Four Seasons Boston, Massachusetts, USA Hilton New York, USA InterContinental Buckhead, Georgia, USA Jumeirah Essex House, New York, USA St. Regis Hotel San Francisco, California, USA The Fairmont Copley Plaza, Massachusetts, USA The Peninsula New York, USA The Ritz-Carlton New York, Battery Park, USA W New York, Union Square, USA

North America’s Leading Car Hire Alamo Avis Budget Dollar Eurocar Hertz National

North America’s Leading Casino Resort Bellagio Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Caesars Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA Caesars Palace Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, USA MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Nevada, USA Mohegan Sun, Connecticut, USA The Mirage Las Vegas, Nevada, USA The Venetian, Nevada, USA Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort, New Jersey, USA

North America’s Leading Conference Hotel Hilton New York, USA Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Illinois, USA InterContinental The Barclay New York, USA MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Nevada, USA Sheraton Fallsview Hotel & Conference Centre, Ontario, Canada The Fairmont Washington, D.C., USA The Westin Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin, Florida, USA

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North America’s Leading Cruise Line

North America’s Leading Destination

American Cruise Lines, Inc Carnival Cruise Line Celebrity Cruises Crystal Cruises Disney Cruises Holland America Line Inc Norwegian Cruise Line Princess Cruises Royal Caribbean Cruise Line

Las Vegas, USA Los Angeles, USA Miami, USA Montreal, Canada New York, USA Orlando, USA San Francisco, USA Vancouver, Canada

North America’s Leading Cruise Port

North America’s Leading Golf Resort

Anchorage Miami New York Port Canaveral Port Everglades, Fort Lauderdale Port of San Diego San Francisco Vancouver

Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North, Arizona, USA Lodge at Sea Island The Breakers Palm Beach, Florida, USA The Diplomat Country Club & Spa, Florida, USA The Fairmont Turnberry Isle Resort & Club, Florida, USA The Lodge at Pebble Beach, California, USA The Phoenician Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

North America’s Leading Cruise Travel Agent Cruise Value Center Cruiseland USA Cruises Plus Family Friendly Vacations Landmark Travel Travel & Transport Vacations Travel Store USA

North America’s Leading Hotel Burnham Hotel, Chicago, USA Four Seasons Hotel Chicago, Illinois, USA Jumeirah Essex House, New York, USA Mandarin Oriental Miami, Florida, USA Parker Palm Springs, California, USA The Beverly Hills Hotel & Bungalows, California, USA The Mansion on Turtle Creek, A Rosewood Hotel, USA The St. Regis Hotel New York, USA The Westin Grand Bohemian, Miami, USA Trump International Hotel & Tower, New York, USA

North America’s Leading Hotel Brand Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Hilton Hotels Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Marriott Hotels & Resorts Sheraton Hotels & Resorts

North America’s Leading Green Hotel

North America’s Leading Marketing Campaign

Brentwood Bay Lodge & Spa, Canada Gaia Napa Valley Hotel & Spa, California, USA Hotel Terra Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA Hotel Triton, San Francisco, USA Plantation Golf Resort & Spa, Florida, USA Ravens Heaven, British Columbia, Canada Sunwolf, British Columbia, Canada The Orchard Garden Hotel, San Francisco, USA

California Tourism - Find Yourself Here Emirates - Houston Launch JetBlue Airways - Happy Jetting Las Vegas - What Happens Here, Stays Here O'Rourke Hospitality Marketing Virginia Tourism Corporation - Virigina is for Lovers Visit Britain - Be a Brit Different

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World Travel Awards Celebrating 16 Years of Excellence World Travel Awards is the most prestigious, comprehensive and soughtafter awards programme in the global travel and tourism industry. Established in 1993 to acknowledge and celebrate excellence in all sectors of the industry, World Travel Awards is recognised as the hallmark of excellence, with the winners setting the benchmark to which all others aspire. The Wall Street Journal recently heralded World Travel Awards as the "travel industry's equivalent to the Oscars". World Travel Awards is proud of its impartial nature and the comprehensive process of its voting programme. Votes are cast by an audience of over 183,000 travel agents and tourism professionals from over 160 participating countries. Voted for by industry peers, this level of accountability makes winning an award the greatest form of recognition in the travel business. Attended by the industry’s key decision makers and figure heads, World Travel Awards brings together all corners of the globe and all areas of travel and tourism to celebrate both individual success and the collective achievements of the industry. World Travel Awards attracts an unprecedented amount of both trade and consumer media coverage spearheaded by BBC World News - our global media partner - whose coverage spans a global audience of over 274 million. This year our Gala Ceremonies take the World Travel Awards to the Middle East, Africa, North & Central America and Europe. London is our final stop where the Grand Final will take place. 2010 will see another exciting Grand Tour take World Travel Awards across the globe.

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North America Nominees North & Central America Ceremony 2009

North America’s Leading Resort

North America’s Leading Spa Resort

Boca Raton Resort & Club, Florida, USA Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, Florida, USA Four Seasons Resort Whistler, British Columbia, Canada Lodge at Sea Island, Georgia, USA The Fairmont Turnberry Isle Resort & Club, Florida, USA The Lodge at Pebble Beach, California, USA The Phoenician Scottsdale, Arizona, USA The Ritz-Carlton Bachelor Gulch, Colorado, USA The Shore Club, Florida, USA Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin, Florida, USA

Boca Raton Resort & Club, Florida, USA Four Seasons Resort Aviara, California, USA Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka'upulehu, Hawaii, USA Red Mountain Spa, Utah, USA The Biltmore Hotel, Florida, USA The Boulders Resort & Golden Door Spa, Arizona, USA The Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, Arizona, USA The Lodge at Koele, Hawaii, USA The Peaks Resort & Golden Door Spa, Colorado, USA The Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay, California, USA

North America’s Leading Ski Resort

North America’s Leading Tour Operator

Four Seasons Resort Whistler, British Columbia, Canada Sonnenalp Resort of Vail, Colorado, USA St. Regis Resort Aspen, Colorado, USA The Fairmont Chateau Whistler, British Columbia, Canada The Lodge at Vail, Colorado, USA The Ritz-Carlton Bachelor Gulch, Colorado, USA

Abercrombie & Kent Accent Travel Group American Express Vacations Euro Vacations Trafalgar Tours World Class Vacations

North America’s Leading Tourist Board California Tourism Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority New York City Orlando VisitFlorida

North America’s Leading Transatlantic Airline Air Canada Air France American Airlines British Airways Continental Airlines Delta Airlines Lufthansa Virgin Atlantic Airways

North America’s Leading Travel Agency Anthony Travel Maupin Travel, Inc McTavish Travel Uniglobe Donaldson Travel Uniglobe Geo Travel

North America’s Leading Travel Management Company All Carlson Wagonlit Travel Corporate Travel Management Group FCm Travel Solutions Merit Travel Group Travizon, Inc Uniglobe The Premiere Travel Group Vision 2000 Williamsburg Travel Management – American Express

Canada’s Leading Business Hotel Hôtel Le St-James Le Saint-Sulpice Montreal Le Soleil Hotel & Suites Loews Hotel Vogue Montreal Pan Pacific Vancouver The Fairmont Palliser The Sutton Place Hotel Toronto

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Canada’s Leading Golf Resort Delta Grandview Resort Fairmont Le Château Montebello Gray Rocks Resort, Mont Tremblant Rodd Crowbush Golf & Beach Resort The Fairmont Chateau Whistler

Canada’s Leading Hotel Crowne Plaza - New Brunswick Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hyatt Regency Calgary Le Meridien Versailles Pan Pacific Vancouver Park Hyatt Toronto Radisson Plaza Hotel Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador The Fairmont Winnipeg, Monitoba The Great George, Prince Edward Island

Canada’s Leading Ski Resort Delta Banff Royal Canadian Lodge Four Seasons Resort, Whistler The Fairmont Banff Springs The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge The Rimrock Resort Hotel The Westin Resort & Spa, Whistler

Canada’s Leading Spa Resort Chateau Bonne Entente, Quebec Galiano Oceanfront Inn and Spa Poets Cove Resort & Spa Spa at the Monastery and Suites Temple Gardens Mineral Spa Resort Hotel The Fairmont Chateau, Lake Louise The Windsor Arms Hotel, Toronto Wedgewood Hotel & Spa

United States’ Leading Business Hotel Bellagio, Las Vegas Four Seasons Hotel, New York Jumeirah Essex House, New York The Hay-Adams, Washington DC The Omni, San Francisco The Palace Hotel, San Francisco The Whitehall Hotel, Chicago Trump International Hotel & Tower

United States’ Leading Casino Resort Beau Rivage Resort and Casino Caesars Palace Las Vegas, Nevada French Lick Springs Hotel, Indiana Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino MGM Grand, Detroit Ritz-Carlton San Juan Hotel, Spa & Casino The M Resort Spa Casino, Las Vegas Wynn, Las Vegas

United States’ Leading Conference Hotel Bryant Park Hotel Fairmont Turnberry Isle Resort & Club Halekulani Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Los Angeles Hotel Hyatt Regency, Indianapolis InterContinental, Chicago Loews Philadelphia Hotel SeaPort, Boston The Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin

United States’ Leading Green Resort El Monte Sagrado, Taos, New Mexico Habitat Suites, Austin, Texas Inn By The Sea, Cape Elizabeth, Maine La Posada of Santa Fe Plantation Golf Resort & Spa Sadie Cove Wilderness Lodge, Alaska

United States’ Leading Hotel Capella Telluride, a Capella Hotel Hotel Granduca, Houston Shutters Hotel on the Beach The Alex Hotel, New York The Hay Adams The James, Chicago The Langham Pasadena, California The Mark, New York The Pierre The Rittenhouse Hotel The Setai, South Beach, Miami The Westgate Hotel, San Diego

United States’ Leading Ski Resort Beaver Creek Lodge, Colorado Hotel Jerome Marriott's Mountain Valley Lodge, Breckenridge Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort & Spa, Colorado Sonnenalp Resort of Vail St Regis, Aspen The Little Nell, Aspen The Stein Ericksen Lodge Topnotch Resort and Spa Stowe, Vermont

United States’ Leading Spa Resort Balboa Bay Club and Resort, Newport Beach Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North Little Palm Island Resort & Spa Park Hyatt Century City Plantation Golf Resort & Spa Ritz-Carlton San Juan Hotel, Spa & Casino The Beverly Hills Hotel & Bungalows The Cloiste, Sea Island

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P We’re working to ensure that sustainable tourism makes a world of difference at favourite destinations. A Protecting the natural environment, traditions and culture – the things that make holidays special. w P improving lives – so that local people benefit from tourism and are happy to give visitors a warm And sA welcome. All of which can offer customers a richer holiday experience and help ensure there are w special places for us all to sell, into the future. Everyone wins! s JUST SOME OF THE WAYS WE’RE ALREADY CHANGING LIVES... IN MEXICO, WE’RE CHANGING LIVES WITH JAM TChildren like Elsy now have fresh hope for the future. The ladies of Chumpon are creating a whole new business, b Tmaking jams for visitors to enjoy. There is a long way to go, but these amazing women have already developed new skills and confidence... and are on the road to creating a more secure b future for their families. Two communities have fresh hope through beekeeping and jam making initiatives in Mexico, supplying produce for tourists to enjoy.

IN TOBAGO, WE’RE CREATING FRESH LIVELIHOODS Amswell’s family depend on fishing for their living. Over-fishing has led to a drop in income of up to 40%. Amswell is now learning about fish farming at his school, which is teaching a whole new generation about sustainable fishing. The fish farmed is to be sold to hotels and restaurants in the area, providing the school with an additional income for books and other materials. Amswell is developing skills for his future, as well as helping to ensure sustainable fishing on the island. Speyside School is demonstrating that freshwater fish farming can offer fishermen a supplementary or alternative source of income.

– Find out much more at t– and access a range of communication and training tools – help transform your business. to t

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Mexico & Central America Nominees North & Central America Ceremony 2009

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Airline

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Beach

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Conference Centre

Aeromexico Copa Airlines Mexicana Airlines Taca International Airlines

Bocas Del Toro, Panama Cancun, Mexico Jaco Beach, Costa Rica Playa Santo Domingo, Nicaragua Tulum, Mexico West Bay Beach, Roatan, Honduras

Atlapa Convention Centre, Panama City, Panama Cancun Center, Cancun, Mexico Figali Convention Centre, Panama

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Airport Benito Juarez International Airport, Mexico City, Mexico General Juan N. Álvarez International Airport, Acapulco, Mexico Juan Santamaria International Airport, San Jose, Costa Rica La Aurora International Airport, Guatemala City, Guatemala Panama City Tocumen Airport, Panama City, Panama

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Airport Hotel Barcelo San Jose Palacio, Costa Rica Best Western San Jose, Costa Rica Camino Real Aeropuerto, Mexico City Airport Dos Lunas Airport Hotel, Guatemala Embassy Hotel, Belize Excellence Riviera Cancun, Mexico Gamboa Rainforest Resort, Panama Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton San JoseAirport, Costa Rica Hotel Quinta Real Monterrey, Mexico

Mexico & Central America’s Leading All-inclusive Resort Doubletree Resort by Hilton Costa RicaPuntarenas Dreams Cancun Resort & Spa Hacienda Tres Ríos Resort Occidental Grand Cozumel Paradisus Playa Conchal All Suite, Beach & Golf Resort Radissons Fort George Hotel and Marina

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Boutique Hotel Esperanza, An Auberge Resort, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico GAIA Hotel & Reserve, Costa Rica Hotel Parador Boutique Resort & Spa Hotel Portal Del Angel, Honduras Hotel Secreto, Mexico Meson Panza Verde, Guatemala Rancho Pacifico, Costa Rica The Bristol, Panama The Tides Zihuatanejo, Mexico

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Business Hotel Gran Melia Mexico Reforma, Mexico InterContinental Real Guatemala, Guatemala InterContinental Real Hotel Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel & Towers, Mexico Tegucigalpa Marriott Hotel, Honduras W Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Car Hire Alamo Avis Budget Dollar Europcar Hertz Holiday Autos

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Conference Hotel Grand Tikal Futura Hotel, Guatemala Occidental Grand Xcaret, Mexico Radisson Europa Hotel & Conference Center, Costa Rica Real InterContinental Hotel Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica Sheraton Centro Historico Hotel & Convention Center, Mexico Sheraton Panama Hotel & Convention Center, Panama

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Destination Acapulco, Mexico Bay Islands, Honduras Cancun, Mexico Grenada, Nicaragua Los Cabos, Mexico Panama City, Panama San Jose, Costa Rica

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Family Resort CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallerta Resort, Mexico Dreams Cancun Resort & Spa, Mexico Four Seasons Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica Hacienda Tres Ríos Resort Hotel Punta Islita, Costa Rica One&Only Palmilla Resort, Mexico Paradisus Playa Conchal All Suite Resort, Costa Rica

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Mexico & Central America’s Leading Golf Resort

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Hotel Brand

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Tour Operator

Casa del Mar Beach, Golf & Spa Resort, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Fairmont Mayakoba, Mexico Four Seasons Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica Grand Bay Hotel, Isla Navidad, A Wyndham Luxury Resort, Mexico Hotel Coronado, Panama Los Suenos Marriott Ocean & Golf Resort, Costa Rica Paradisus Playa Conchal All Suite Resort, Costa Rica

Barcelo Hotels & Resorts Camino Real Hotels & Resorts Hilton Hotels InterContinental Hotels & Resorts Marriott Hotels, Resorts & Suites Occidental Hotels & Resorts Radisson Hotels Sheraton Hotels & Resorts Sol Melia Hotels & Resorts

Adventure Life Andale Mexico Costa Rica Tour Footloose Adventure Tours Pesantez Tours Panama Vacation City

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Green Hotel

Four Seasons Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica Hotel Parador Boutique Resort & Spa, Costa Rica InterContinental Playa Bonita Resort & Spa, Panama Las Ventanas Al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort, Mexico ME by Melia Cabo, Mexico Occidental Grand Papagayo, Costa Rica The Fairmont Acapulco Princess, Acapulco, Mexico The Westin Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Balamku Inn on the Beach, Mexico Fairmont Mayakoba, Mexico GAIA Hotel & Reserve, Costa Rica Hacienda Tres Ríos Resort Hotelito Desconocido, Mexico Rancho Pacifico, Costa Rica

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Hotel Costa Rica Marriott Hotel San Jose, Costa Rica Four Seasons Hotel Mexico D.F., Mexico Hotel Parador Boutique Resort & Spa, Costa Rica InterContinental Real San Salvador, El Salvador JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City, Mexico Radisson Decapolis Hotel Panama City, Panama Real InterContinental San Pedro Sula, Honduras The Ritz-Carlton Cancun, Mexico The Westin Camino Real, Guatemala W Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Resort

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Spa Resort

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Tourist Board Belize Cancun Conventions & Visitors Bureau Costa Rica National Tourist Bureau Guatemalan Tourist Board (INGUAT) Nicaragua Tourist Board Panama Tourist Board Visit Mexico - Consejo de Promocion Turistica de Mexico

Mexico & Central America’s Leading Travel Agency Exito ILS3 - Intelligent Leisure Solutions and Discover Travel Group L'Alianxa VacationCity Viajes America Viajes Tivoli Vitur

Ceiba Del Mar Spa Resort, Mexico El Santuario, Valle de Bravo, Mexico Hotel Parador Boutique Resort & Spa, Costa Rica InterContinental Playa Bonita Resort & Spa, Panama Las Ventanas Al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort, Mexico One&Only Palmilla Resort, Mexico Tabacón Grand Spa Thermal Resort, Costa Rica The Fairmont Acapulco Princess, Mexico

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Mexico & Central America Nominees North & Central America Ceremony 2009

Costa Rica’s Leading Golf Resort

El Salvador’s Leading Hotel

Mexico’s Leading Business Hotel

Four Seasons Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo Los Suenos Marriott Ocean & Golf Resort Paradisus Playa Conchal All Suite, Beach & Golf Resort Tango Mar Hotel Beach Spa & Golf Resort

Hilton Princess San Salvador Hotel InterContinental Real San Salvador Radisson Plaza Hotel Sheraton Presidente San Salvador Hotel

Gran Melia Mexico Reforma Hilton Guadalajara Hyatt Regency Cancun InterContinental Presidente Mexico City Radisson Hotel Flamingos Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel & Towers W Mexico City

Costa Rica’s Leading Hotel Costa Rica Marriott Hotel San Jose DoubleTree Cariari Hotel Parador Boutique Resort & Spa Hotel Punta Islita Radisson Europa Hotel & Conference Center Real InterContinental Hotel Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s Leading Resort Barcelo Tambor Beach Four Seasons Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo Hotel Parador Boutique Resort & Spa Los Suenos Marriott Ocean & Golf Resort Occidental Grand Papagayo Paradisus Playa Conchal All Suite, Beach & Golf Resort Tabacón Grand Spa Thermal Resort Tango Mar Hotel Beach Spa & Golf Resort

Costa Rica’s Leading Spa Resort Hotel Parador Boutique Resort & Spa Hotel Punta Islita Premier Fiesta Resort & Spa Tabacón Grand Spa Thermal Resort Tango Mar Hotel Beach Spa & Golf Resort Xandari Resort & Spa

Guatemala’s Leading Hotel Casa Santo Domingo Crowne Plaza Hotel Guatemala Grand Tikal Futura Hotel Guatemala City Marriott Hotel InterContinental Real Guatemala Radisson Hotel & Suites Guatemala City The Westin Camino Real

Honduras’ Leading Hotel Hilton Princess San Pedro Sula Hotel Mayan Princess Beach Resort Real InterContinental San Pedro Sula Real InterContinental Tegucigalpa Tegucigalpa Marriott Hotel

Mexico's Leading All-inclusive Resort Hacienda Tres Rios Resort Dreams Cancun Resort & Spa El Dorado Maroma, Cancun Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort, Mexico Occidental Grand Cozumel

Mexico’s Leading Boutique Hotel Deseo Playa del Carmen Esencia Resort Hacienda Puerta Campeche Hacienda San Angel Hotel Habita Hotel Secreto Quinta Real Acapulco The Tides Zihuatanejo Villa Ganz

Mexico’s Leading Family Resort CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallerta Resort Dreams Cancun Resort & Spa InterContinental Presidente Los Cabos Resort InterContinental Presidente Puerto Vallarta Resort One&Only Palmilla Sheraton Hacienda Del Mar Resort & Spa The Westin Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta

Mexico’s Leading Golf Resort Casa Del Mar Golf & Spa Resort Fairmont Mayakoba Grand Bay Hotel, Isla Navidad, A Wyndham Luxury Resort Las Hadas Golf Resort & Marina

Mexico’s Leading Hotel Capella Pedregal Four Seasons Hotel Mexico, D.F. InterContinental Presidente Mexico City JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City Radisson Hotel Flamingos The Fairmont Acapulco Princess The Ritz-Carlton Cancun W Mexico City

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Mexico’s Leading Resort

Nicaragua's Leading Hotel

Capella Ixtapa Esperanza, An Auberge Resort Four Seasons Punta Mita JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa Las Ventanas Al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort

Barcelo Montelimar Beach Crowne Plaza Hotel Managua Hilton Princess Managua Real InterContinental Hotel Metrocentro Managua

Le Méridien Cancún Resort & Spa Occidental Grand Xcaret Paraiso de la Bonita Resort & Thalasso Royal Hideaway Resort & Spa The Fairmont Pierre Marques The Westin Resort & Spa Cancun

Mexico’s Leading Spa Resort Casa Del Mar Golf & Spa Resort Ceiba Del Mar Spa Resort Dreams Cancun Resort & Spa El Santuario, Valle de Bravo Fairmont Mayakoba Grand Velas All Suites & SPA Resort Las Ventanas Al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort One&Only Palmilla Paraiso de la Bonita Resort & Thalasso The Fairmont Acapulco Princess

Panama's Leading Hotel Crowne Plaza Hotel Panama InterContinental Mirimar Panama Panama Marriott Hotel Radisson Decapolis Hotel Panama City Riande Continental Hotel & Casino Sheraton Panama Hotel & Convention Center The Bristol

Panama's Leading Resort Coronado Golf & Beach Resort InterContinental Playa Bonita Resort & Spa Melia Panama Canal

Nicaragua's Leading Boutique Hotel Casa la Merced Hotel Los Robles Morgan's Rock Hacienda & Ecolodge

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This Year's Ceremonies... World Travel Awards 2009 World Travel Awards attracts an unprecedented amount of both trade and consumer media coverage spearheaded by BBC World News – our global media partner – whose coverage spans a global audience of over 274 million. In 2007, World Travel Awards expanded its portfolio by adding a Grand Tour of Regional Awards to recognise winners in their own territory.

World Travel Awards Media Partners:

Middle East Ceremony Dubai, UAE, 5th May

Event Partner:

This year's regional awards for the Middle East, Africa, North & Central America and Europe were staged in Dubai, Durban, Mexico and Portugal respectively. In November a twoday Awards Ceremony will take place in London to announce the winners of Asia, Australasia, Indian Ocean, Caribbean and South America. The second day of the event will be the Grand Final ceremony where the Travel Technology and World winners will be revealed.

World Travel Awards is currently selecting the destinations to host the prestigious 2010 Regional Awards. The winning hosts will be presented to the world as the respective region’s premier top quality tourism destination with the World Travel Awards endorsed global message. To find out more contact:

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Africa Ceremony Durban, South Africa, 11th May

Event Partner:

North & Central America Ceremony Riviera Maya, Mexico, 21st September

Event Partners:

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This Year's Ceremonies... World Travel Awards 2009 Europe Ceremony Obidos, Portugal, 17th October

Event Partner:

Regional Ceremony: Asia, Australasia & Indian Ocean, Caribbean, South America London, UK, 7th November

Event Partner:

Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel

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World & Travel Technology Ceremony London, UK, 8th November

This year's World Travel Awards’ final will feature 120 Miss World 2008 contestants. The Miss World contestants, who will be representing almost every country in the world, will present country winners with their trophies during the gala ceremony. Photo opportunities with Miss World contestants will be available for award winners. The World Travel Awards 2009 final highlights excellence in the worldwide travel and tourism industry and as such, celebrates some of the outstanding achievements of key organisations and individuals.

Event Partner:

Grosvenor House, A JW Marriott Hotel

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) & "! "$ %& ' & "! & ( & % &" %' & ( $*"!

& ( $ *"'$ " # $ & $ ) & "! * & $ * $$ "&& % # &" " $ *"' %'# $ " " &(& % ! %'$ #'$%' &% ! ' ! • Football pitch • Championship golf course • 7 Tennis courts • Volleyball • Jet-skiing • Surfing • Kayaking • Sailing and snorkelling

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Portugal’s Leading Resort "$

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11 June-11 July 2010 Š 2005 FIFA TM

Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa

World Sport Destination Expo will for the very first time showcase the inter-linked importance of sport, sporting events and travel and tourism at the heart of one of the biggest and most important events that the world will ever stage. The world's most sought after sporting destinations, resorts, specialist tour and event organisers, sporting bid committees, worldwide media and elite buyers will meet to conduct business in a unique expo co-located alongside the 2010 FIFA World Cup in Johannesburg, South Africa's economic powerhouse.



World Sport Destination Expo will take place from 6-10 July 2010. The event will put into focus the true value of sports tourism during the busiest period of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

For more information contact:

2010 FIFA LOCATION Johannesburg - Official Host City for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. As well as hosting a total of 15 World Cup matches including the opening ceremony and opening and final matches - Johannesburg will be the world's business and media hub for the 4 weeks of the World Cup.

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World’s No 1 Online & Hard Copy


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Virtual World Internet designs, develops, hosts, and markets high value visual content for the travel and tourism sector with a proven track record of delivering world class solutions to our clients.

Grosvenor House Dubai

The Monarch Dubai

Swissotel Nai Lert Park Bangkok

Contact Virtual World Internet to discuss how we can help produce and deliver video, virtual tours, and image galleries of your hotel or resort to your online visitors.

Email: Phone: +44 (0) 20 7925 0000

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Global news Global politics Global culture Global sports Global business Global style Global opinion Global thinking

Be a global thinker every day.

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Abu Dhabi

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Thank you to all our partners We wish to express our gratitude to our partners and supporters worldwide. In particular, we extend a heartfelt “thank you” to our gracious hosts Yucatán Holidays and Haciendas Tres Ríos for its outstanding hospitality and professionalism. We would also like to thank our media partners BBC World News, Travel World News, Breaking Travel News and all other media partners around the world.

The Team World Travel Awards President & Founder Graham E. Cooke

Sales Director Tony Prince

Online Project Manager Sid Thaker

Executive Vice President & Event Director Manon Han

Marketing Executive Diana Hayes

Senior Vice President David Falcon

PR Executive Anna Gouldman

Web Team Ben Roberts George Cooke Tom Fogarty

Group Vice President Kevin Taylor

Events Production Manager Susan Mundy

Financial Director Xiaolan Tang

Event Organising Executives Kim Hawkins Ben Seal

Global Sales & Marketing Director James A. A. Khan Commercial Director Christopher Frost Director, Global Business Sion Rapson

Editor Anton Strack Official Photographers Mark Hakanson Gareth Morris

Head of Business Development Max Miller

E-Commerce Managers Kelly Footit Hayden Pitout

Marketing Manager, South America Antonio Castro Neves

Online Marketing Executive Chris Whitfield

Creative Director Mike Gibas Designer Adam Williams

World Travel Awards 1 Northumberland Avenue Trafalgar Square London WC2N 5BW United Kingdom T +44 (0)20 7925 0000 F +44 (0)20 7925 2552 Copyright © World Travel Awards 2009

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Congratulations… …to all of tonight’s 2009 North & Central America winners.

Over the past 12 months, each one of you has demonstrated what it takes to make a difference and will stand as inspirational examples of travel and tourism excellence for the year ahead. The North & Central America winners will go head-to-head with the other regional winners to compete for the ultimate travel accolade at the World Travel Awards Grand final in London on 8th November 2009.

…roll on 2010 World Travel Awards will shortly be announcing the host and venue for the North & Central America Ceremony. The initial 2010 Nomination programme, which will decide the 2010 North & Central America nominees, will open on January 1st 2010. As the benchmark of excellence is once raised, will 2010 see your brand voted the very best of the very best? New categories being introduced next year include; Best Hotel Architecture, Leading Luxury Hotel and Best Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative. To reserve a table at the World Travel Awards Grand Final 2009 or North & Central America Ceremony 2010, or to discover more about the World Travel Awards Nomination Programme please contact: or call +44 (0) 20 7925 0000.

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‘The Oscars of the Travel Industry’ Wall Street Journal

World Travel Awards Regional and Grand Final Awards Ceremony Grosvenor House Hotel, London 7th November - Regional Awards Ceremony 8th November - World Grand Final

For the first time ever, this two day event will feature all 120 Miss World 2008 contestants. Photo opportunities with Miss World contestants will be available for award winners. For more information and to book tickets please email:

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