World Travel Awards Latin America Ceremony 2018

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LATIN AMERICA CEREMONY Saturday 15th September 2018 Palacio de Cristal, Guayaquil, Ecuador





uayaquil is a city that breathes art and culture, a destination of great tourist interest. Its high cultural value is showcased in fourteen museums that from different perspectives reveal the identity of this city port. Guayaquil museums offer the possibility to appreciate several cultural manifestations of the city, recounting its history and recreating the stages and most important scenes of the city’s life through time. Some museums highlight the importance of emblematic institutions like the National Navy and the Fire Department. Others, display popular culture icons like the Music Museum; the Main Soccer Teams Museum of Guayaquil, or the Beer Museum. In this wide range of exhibitions no expression of art is left out. The Museums panoply include paintings, sculptures, numismatic displays, sacred art, and archeological pieces that gave origin to our identity. Cosmopolitan city scenes are also portrayed in murals and stained glass windows of “Street Art” depicted all over the city under the overpasses, in viaducts, traf c exchangers, land terminal, airport, streets and parks. Guayaquil art is also manifest in representative sculptures in parks and squares, which recall aspects of the local history, identity and folklore: Juan Pueblo, icon character of the city, pays tribute to the modest worker struggling to progress; sculptures portraying endemic fauna like the iguana, the monkey, the parrot and the cat sh; popular characters like the sherman and the equilibrist; or the ones depicting various themes like “Don Quixote”, the “Venus of Valdivia” or “The Faun and the Bacchante”; among others.

GRAHAM COOKE WELCOME BIENVENIDO On behalf of World Travel Awards, I warmly welcome you to our Latin America Gala Ceremony 2018, this year being hosted here in the stunning Palacio de Cristal in Ecuadorian commercial capital Guayaquil. What a unique location we have this evening. This is the second time World Travel Awards has visited the South American tourism powerhouse of Ecuador, and can I be the first to say what an honour it is to be returning here. This is an exciting time for tourism in the country, with nearly two million international travellers arriving last year, up from fewer than a million a decade ago. While Ecuador has always been famous as the gateway to the ecological wonderland of the Galapagos Islands, its other attractions are now gaining attention. Capital, Quito, is putting itself on the cultural and culinary map, while our hosts this evening, Guayaquil, have been leading the way in MICE tourism.


Combined, Ecuador has a unique and well-rounded tourism product. Do make the most of you time here in Guayaquil – there is so much to see. From the River Guayas promenade and in the historic neighbourhood of Las Peñas, to the 465-step climb to the top of Santa Ana Hill this city has plenty to offer. Tonight’s event is the fourth stop on our year-long Grand Tour 2018 – a series of regional events to celebrate the world’s outstanding travel brands, covering six continents and featuring over 9,000 nominees. In this, World Travel Awards’ Silver Jubilee year, we began in April in Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, with the Middle East Gala Ceremony, before visiting the Zappeion Megaron Hall in Greek capital Athens in June for the Europe Gala Ceremony. Earlier this month we hosted the Asia & Australasia Gala Ceremony at the InterContinental Grand


Stanford, Hong Kong, and will next head to Sandals Montego Bay, on the paradise island of Jamaica, for the Caribbean & North America Gala Ceremony. The final event, the Africa & Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony, will this year be hosted by the Durban International Convention Centre, with hundreds of industry leaders from across the continent expected to be in attendance. Winners from each of these regional events will proceed to the Grand Final 2018, this year taking place at the Pátio da Galé, Lisbon. The event will take place on December 1st and I hope to see many of you in Portugal for the show. Each year our locations, categories, nominees and, most importantly, the number of voting travel professionals increases exponentially, revealing the tremendous public demand for the recommendation a World Travel Award signifies. The recognition we offer is one of a kind, as no other organ-

isation has the experience, the gravitas, or the loyal following of more than half of a million travel, tourism and hospitality professionals we possess. I wish to thank our hosts this evening, the Public & Municipal Company of Tourism of Guayaquil, and supporting partner Delta Air Lines. Appreciations, too, to our International Media Partner TV5 Monde and thank you all for joining us on this special evening. Finally, congratulations to all our nominees on your endeavours and achievements this year - and the very best luck!

World Travel Awards President & Founder Graham Cooke

En nombre de los World Travel Awards, les doy una calurosa bienvenida a nuestra Gala de Premiación, Latinoamérica 2018, que este año celebramos en el espectacular Palacio de Cristal de Guayaquil, la capital comercial de Ecuador. ¡Qué increíble ubicación que tenemos esta velada! Esta es la segunda ocasión que visitamos este destacado destino Sudamericano en Ecuador y quiero ser el primero en decir que es un honor estar de regreso. Son tiempos apasionantes para el turismo del país con casi dos millones de visitas de turistas extranjeros el año pasado lo cual representa un crecimiento de más de un millón en la última década. Si bien Ecuador siempre ha sido reconocido como la puerta de entrada al asombroso y ecológico

paraíso de las Islas Galápagos, son sus otros atractivos los que están recibiendo atención. Quito, la capital, se está ubicando en el mapa cultural y culinario, mientras que Guayaquil, nuestra anfitriona de hoy, lidera el camino en la categoría de turismo MICE. Esa combinación convierte a Ecuador en un producto turístico integral. Aprovechen su tiempo en Guayaquil – hay mucho por descubrir: desde el Malecón del Rio Guayas y el histórico barrio de Las Peñas hasta la escalinata de 465 peldaños que los llevará a la cima del cerro Santa Ana. El evento de hoy representa la cuarta parada en nuestro Gran Tour 2018 de un año de duración – una serie de eventos que celebran a las marcas turísticas más excepcionales del mundo, abarcando seis continentes y destacando a más de 9,000 nominados. Este año, que marca además las Bodas de Plata de los World Travel Awards, empezamos el trayecto en Ras al Khaimah, Emiratos Árabes, con la Gala de Premiación de Medio Oriente, antes de viajar al Salón Zappeion Megaron en Atenas, Grecia para la Gala Europea en Junio. A principios de mes celebramos la Gala de Asia y

Australasia en el Intercontinental Grand Stanford de Hong Kong y próximamente nos dirigiremos al Sandals de Montego Bay en la paradisíaca Jamaica para la Gala del Caribe y Norteamérica. El evento que cierra el Tour será la Ceremonia de África y Océano Índico que este año se realizará en el Centro de Convenciones de Durban, donde esperamos contar con la presencia de cientos de lideres de la industria de todo el continente. Los ganadores de cada evento regional participan automáticamente en la Gran Final 2018 que este año se celebrará en el Pátio da Galé en Lisboa. La cita se dará el 1 de Diciembre y esperamos ver a muchos de ustedes en Portugal para ese show.

Quiero agradecer a nuestra anfitriona de hoy, la Empresa Pública de Turismo de Guayaquil y a nuestro patrocinador Delta Air Lines. Un agradecimiento especial para nuestro socio internacional TV5 Monde y muchas gracias a todos ustedes por acompañarnos esta noche. Para terminar, felicitaciones a todos los nominados por sus trabajos y logros durante este año - ¡y mucha suerte para todos!

Presidente y Fundador, World Travel Awards Graham Cooke

Cada año se multiplican exponencialmente los destinos, las categorías, los nominados y lo que es aún más importante, la cantidad de votantes profesionales de la industria viajera, demostrando la importancia que tiene cada recomendación del World Travel Award. El reconocimiento que entregamos no tiene parangón ya que no existe otra organización con nuestra experiencia; atracción; ni con nuestro más de medio millón de leales seguidores profesionales de la industria de viajes, turismo y hotelería.




Guayaquil es por historia el puerto de la patria. Como guayaquileño que soy, nacido en esta tierra a la que amo inmensamente, he dedicado mi vida para hacer de Guayaquil la ciudad grande y cosmopolita en la que hoy vivimos. Desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad, he tenido el honor de representarla y de liderar un proceso de transformación que no ha detenido su ritmo desde entonces, y cuyos resultados han llenado de orgullo a cada conciudadano. De este


modo, el cabildo guayaquileño ha materializado una propuesta de revalorización de la ciudad a través de una gigantesca obra de regeneración urbana para el desarrollo del destino turístico. Hoy Guayaquil es el destino turístico de todos, con gente cálida y alegre, que trabaja día a día por hacer sus sueños realidad. Los significativos cambios urbanísticos que ha experimentado Guayaquil en los últimos años, develan plazas


con historia, iglesias y museos que cuentan los acontecimientos que forjaron esta ciudad, y muchas opciones de entretenimiento para la recreación tanto de sus ciudadanos como para quienes nos visitan; cuenta además con una completa planta de servicios y una excelente conectividad; todo ello convierte a nuestra ciudad en un destino líder y acogedor. Guayaquil fue, es y será un referente del libre pensamiento y el trabajo creador de

su gente; un manantial que inspira la construcción de una sociedad sana, en la cual el arte, la cultura, la naturaleza, nuestras tradiciones, hospitalidad y el emprendimiento creativo que nos caracteriza, son sinónimos de progreso en libertad. Sean todos bienvenidos. Ab. Jaime Nebot Saadi ALCALDE DE GUAYAQUIL


Guayaquil is by history the port of the nation. As a citizen, born in this land, which I love immensely. I have dedicated my life to make Guayaquil the great and cosmopolitan city in which we live today. Since 2000 until now, I have had the honour of representing the city and lead a transformation process that has not curb its pace since then, and the results have filled every fellow citizen with pride. In

this way, the Municipality of Guayaquil has materialized a proposal to revalue the city through a massive urban regeneration work to support the development of a touristic destination. Today, Guayaquil has become the touristic destination of all; our people are kind and joyful, they work everyday to make their dreams come true. The substantial urban changes

that the city has experienced during the last years reveal squares full of history, churches and museums that tell the events that forged this city, and much more entertainment options for the recreation of citizens and visitors. Guayaquil also offers a full range of services and excellent connectivity. All of these attractions make the city a leading and welcoming destination.

Guayaquil was, is and will be a reference of free thinking and creative work; a spring that inspires the construction of a healthy society, in which art, culture, nature, traditions, hospitality and the creative entrepreneurship that characterises us are synonymous of progress in freedom. Welcome to everybody. Ab. Jaime Nebot Saadi MAYOR OF GUAYAQUIL



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Proudly celebrating its 25th anniversary, World Travel Awards has grown into the most prestigious travel industry awards programme in the world. World Travel Awards continues to build its reputation by seeking out and rewarding those organisations that have made the greatest contribution to the global travel and tourism industry.

Graham E. Cooke, Founder & President, World Travel Awards, says: “World Travel Awards is a unique benchmark for industry quality and business excellence in every region and sector.”

Launched in 1993, the awards programme features the winners from six regional ceremonies progressing to the Grand Final at the end of the year.

For the tourism trade, winning a World Travel Award is more than an award – it is an endorsement from the thousands of professionals from around the globe, as well as a gold seal to the public of travel excellence guaranteed.

Hollywood – New York – Las Vegas – Bahamas – London – Jamaica – Malaysia – St Lucia – Barbados Turks and Caicos Abu Dhabi – Newcastle – Bangalore – Durban – Sydney – Shanghai – Orlando – Poprad – Rio de Janeiro – Dubai River Maya – Obidos – Johannesburg – Antalya – New Delhi – Sharm El Sheikh – Bangkok – Qatar Algarve – Singapore Lima – Antigua – Nairobi – Quito – Athens – Anguilla –Seychelles – Bogotá –Zanzibar – Hong Kong – Morocco



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As World Travel Awards arrives in Ecuador for the Latin American Gala Ceremony, we here take a look at some of the biggest headlines f rom across South America




LATAM Airlines has unveiled plans to renovate the cabins of two-thirds of its global fleet with a $400 million investment. The company will revamp the interior of more than 200 aircraft over the next two years with passengers being able to fly on the first renovated aircraft before the end of 2018. LATAM will transform the cabins of aircraft that serve long and short-haul routes throughout the airlines’ network. LATAM Airlines Peru will receive the first renovated aircraft before the end of the year, followed by LATAM Airlines Brazil at the start of 2019, offering passengers travelling via Lima and São Paulo the chance to be the first to experience the new design. LATAM Airlines Group’s Chile affiliate will operate aircraft featuring the new cabins from the second half of 2019. The airline will remodel the cabins on a number of differ aircraft including


the Boeing 767, the Boeing 777 widebody aircraft for long-haul flights, as well as the Boeing 787-9’s and the Airbus A350-1000. LATAM Airlines will also renovate the cabins of over 150 Airbus A320 and A321 operating on domestic routes within Latin America. These cabins will feature Wi-Fi connectivity and improved in-flight entertainment options, ergonomically designed seats by Recaro for greater comfort and fast-charging USB power ports. LATAM Airlines - considered Latin America’s Leading Airline by World Travel Awards - has spent three years developing the design of the airlines’ new cabins by consulting passengers and experts, carrying out seat trials and ergonomic tests over the course of 360 evaluations involving customers, cabin crew and LATAM Airlines members.


To develop premium business seat, the airline simulated flights with sleep trials over a two-week period. Claudia Sender, vice president of LATAM Airlines Group, said: “Plans to renovate LATAM Airlines’ cabins were agreed as part of our long-term vision to offer an industry leading on-board flight experience to all our passengers, including those travelling for pleasure who want to ‘travel for less’ and business travellers who want privacy and rest, and to be able to offer upgrades to those who desire one.”

ARGENTINA The city of Buenos Aires has announced it is expecting a large increase in international tourism in 2018 and 2019. According to official statistics released by the government of the city, bookings to

travel to the city from July-December this year are by 25 per cent. London was Europe’s fastest growing point of origin by these metrics (growing by 76 per cent or by 2,900 passengers), followed by Frankfurt (up 39 per cent), Bogotá (up 23 per cent), and Madrid (up 17 per cent). With regards to arrivals between January and May of 2018, international tourism arriving in the city by air transit grew by 3.4 per cent, with 796,000 tourists arriving to Buenos Aires, exceeding the 2017 figure by 26,000. Foreign tourist expenditure also grew by 5.2 per cent, US$25 million more than in 2017, while the room occupancy rate in hotels shows a sustained growth rate,

which peaked at its highest level in the last seven years between January and April 2018 (58 per cent).

However, the distance and cost of visiting the city has been a brake on growth of tourism.


But with a recent devaluation of the peso, Argentina’s national currency, tourists are increasingly finding they can enjoy world class hotels, dining, fashion, culture and nightlife at very affordable prices. Perhaps an even more important long-term factor is the new and increased international air connectivity which Buenos Aires is witnessing.

First, as a world class city - recently named as the most liveable city in Latin America by The Economist Buenos Aires has a unique cultural, historical, architectural, artistic and gastronomic appeal to foreigners, mixing European sophistication and Latin passion, and preserving its identity whilst constantly being at the vanguard of new global trends.

Norwegian have led the way with lowcost long-haul flights to direct from London. And far from harming their competitors, this has opened up Buenos Aires to a whole new marketing, with competing routes also seeing an increase in reservations since the Norwegian route opened. Furthermore, in the coming months there will be new connections in Zurich and Los Angeles, which are projected to add approximately 38,700 more tourists per year. Gonzalo Robredo, president of the Tourism Authority of Buenos Aires, said: “We have the opportunity to position the city as the most visited place in the southern hemisphere. To achieve this, it is necessary improve infrastructure and the value and capacity of our hotels. We will also be working closely with the UK trade, media and airlines flying from London - currently our leading point of origin in Europe - to promote our destination.” Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, considered South America's Leading Culinary Destination by the World Travel Awards.



Guayaquil City to have fun and enjoyment

Guayaquil is a hospitable, cheerful city whose warm weather energizes its active, hardworking citizens. To complement their day of work, many seek out peaceful rest areas for a change of scenery, entertainment, and fun. For this reason, throughout the city and its surrounding areas, there are locations that offer different types of fun and recreation. This has turned Guayaquil, Port City of the Pacific, into the ideal tourist spot for recreation. Within the tourist entertainment industry, Guayaquil has many locations for all likes and ages. The range of possibilities is inmense and attractive. For instance, children can enjoy playgrounds, waterparks with slides and water jets. Also there are sports fields, bicycle lanes and rest areas.

For those nature lovers there are places of natural beauty that offer peace and tranquility were they can admire the floral and fauna of the Ecuadorian coast, go hiking, play various kinds of sports, or enjoy a time of leisure. The mangrove reserves, zoos, forests, beaches, and spas among others, represent a great tourist attraction where visitors can find different kinds of services for their convenience. Athletes have the opportunity to practice their favorite sport in the city’s parks. There are multiple fields and fitness areas where they can exercise to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. There are sporting venues where different types of sports can be seen at both an amateur and professional level. The city also offers many green recreational areas that allow contact with nature, such as parks and piers that have a natural, traditional and historical charm. Guayaquil’s bohemian night life is one thing tourists cannot miss. There are a number of places that offer culture and evening entertainment such as theaters, cinemas, bars, night clubs, restaurants, art galleries, and exhibition rooms among others. This productive city, engine of the national economy, also has comfortable and well served malls where the visitor can enjoy shopping, cinemas, food courts, bars, restau-




Host to the World Travel Awards Latin America Gala Ceremony this evening, and considered South America’s Leading Business Travel Destination by voters, we here take a tour of Ecuadorian commercial capital Guayaquil

Guayaquil is the gateway to the unique Galapagos Islands and offers its own city experience as unforgettable as the famed ecological destination. It sits on the border of the Guayas River, with an estuary that gives access to the Pacific Ocean, and is nestled amid remarkable scenes of natural vegetation, mangroves, tropical flowers, and regional fauna.


The river network of Guayas surrounds the city to the east, while the Salado Estuary surrounds it to the west. The city therefore offers easy access to the ocean through the Gulf of Guayaquil. Thanks in part to its perfect blend of exotic beauty and modern-day services, it has been chosen as one of the top ten desti-


nations on the rise in the South American region. Thanks to a massive regeneration project of the public squares, parks and urban areas, Guayaquil also boasts a five-kilometre waterfront (Malecón Simón Bolivar), attractions ranging from historical monuments, churches, local artisan mar-

kets, and botanical gardens, to a new Ferris wheel and several museums, as well as the newly added harbour and promenade of Port Santa Ana.

ronment. Not for nothing has it received the title of South America’s Leading Business Travel Destination at World Travel Awards for the past two years straight.

Guayaquil is famous for its original cuisine, at the forefront of Ecuador’s developing gastronomy, as well as offering family entertainment, fun activities, history, and culture. Also, in town is a bustling business and commerce envi-

The city is also a specialised destination in the MICE category. It has a critically acclaimed international airport, the largest convention centre in Ecuador, and around 2,500 beds in differently categorised hotels, while its newly established Convention & Visitors Bureau was showcased as one of the most active in the region at the latest international ICCA Meeting in Prague. Gloria Gallardo, president of Guayaquil Tourist Board, indicated: “It is a real honour to welcome the major players of the tourist industry in the region to our city. Representatives from cities, airlines, hotels, and tour operators, all of whom have performed outstandingly this year in promoting and

offering the best possible tourist experiences in leisure, business and combined travel, will join us for the event.” Guayaquil can be visited in any time of the year, since the city does not have extreme temperatures. Gallardo added: “Guayaquil boasts an unparalleled mixture of warm hospitality, tropical beauty, modern-day services, and hot climate all-year round.”

M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N To find out more about the city head over to



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One of the smallest tourism regions, Central America is also one of the most exciting. Here we take a look at some of the latest headlines

Aeromexico has announced the start of a seasonal twice a week non-stop flight to Belize. The service will start on November 17th and run until the end of April next year. The move makes Aeromexico - considered Mexico & Central America's Leading Airline by the World Travel Awards - the first major Mexican commercial airline to offer such service to the country of Belize.


Flight 67 will be on Saturdays and Sundays. It will depart Mexico at 08:30 and will arrive at the Phillip Goldson International Airport at 10:30. It will depart Belize at 12:00 and arrive in Mexico at 14:25. “Mexico is a fast-growing market for Belize and therefore we welcome Aeromexico’s new flight as it will highly facilitate the movement


of people between both neighbouring countries. Belize is a country of countless attributes. Its cultural and natural wealth is virtually unmatched. Its indigenous lineage and multiple ethnic groups, excellent cuisine and friendly people, and the many historical attractions, festivals and natural wonders all makes Belize a perfect Destination, which Mexicans will surely enjoy,” said Karen Bevans, Belize Tourist Board director of tourism.

Bevans added: “The Belize Tourist Board is also dedicated to developing and implementing tourism programs that will help strengthen and grow the Belizean tourism industry; promote good destination stewardship; and instil high quality standards for accommodations.” Aeromexico has served the Central American market for more than 11 years and operates more than 600 scheduled passenger flights per day, with service to 43 destinations in Mexico and 49 international destination from Mexico City. Its fleet of more than 130 aircraft includes Boeing 787 and 737 jet airliners. Announcing the new flight, Aeromexico chief revenue officer, Anko van der Werff, said: “At Aeromexico, we are very happy to celebrate this new route that has also become the airline’s 50th international destination, which will help us expand our global connectivity network. This achievement is another sign that we are working to offer better products to our customers, removing barriers between countries, regions, and people.”

C O S TA R I C A The latest statistics released by the Costa Rica Tourism Board reveal that a total of 40,907 visitors from the UK travelled to the country in the first half of 2018 – representing an increase of 2.5 per cent compared to the same period in 2017. This steady growth is a reflection of the upward trend in UK visitors to Costa Rica that has been seen in the last few years, enhanced by the launch of the British Airways direct flights from London in April 2016. The latest figures position the UK market as Costa Rica’s second largest source market in Europe, only surpassed by France, which has received 44,843 visitors from January to June this year. All other European countries have also seen an increase in visitor figures, including Germany (up 6.8 per cent) and Spain (up 1.6 per cent). The Irish market has also seen a positive increase in the first half of this year.

From January to June 2018, a total of 2,400 Irish travellers visited Costa Rica, representing an impressive 17 per cent increase compared to the same period last year. In global numbers, Costa Rica welcomed 1,661,145 worldwide visitors from January to June 2018, a 1.7 per cent upsurge compared to the same period in 2017. Perched between Nicaragua and Panama, Costa Rica offers a plethora of wildlife, landscapes and experiences to cater for all tastes – from sloth encounters and turtle nesting to incredible rainforests, cloud forests and idyllic sand beaches. Accounting for only 0.03 per cent of the earth’s surface, Costa Rica contains five per cent of the world’s biodiversity, having 26 per cent of its territory under protection.




Taquile Island, Puno


A look into the history of a beautiful city: he Historic Center of Guayaquil was already being formed since colonial times and has followed the spatial transformation and evolution of the city. Despite the fires that destroyed its outstanding wooden architecture, each reconstruction of the “New City” during republican times kept the urban checkerboard structure (blocks layout) applied in most Spanish colonial cities by royal edict. The parks and squares of the Historic Center house a valuable statuary crafted by European and national sculptors from the XIX century to the present times. The Patrimonial Center of Guayaquil also offers samples of republican architecture: the influence of world architectural trends is made evident in public and private, lay and religious buildings, crafted in the XX century by engineers and architects from Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and Ecuador who contributed to the city’s urban development. Among these professionals stand Venezuelan Francisco Manrique Pacanis who built the municipal prison –the first concrete building of the city–; italians Francisco Maccaferri, Mario Gherardi, Rocco Queirolo, Luis Fratta, Paolo Russo, and Pedro Fontana; belgian Carlos Van Ischot; spaniards Jose Antonio Gomez Gaut and Juan Orus; chileans Hugo Faggioni and Alamiro Gonzalez; French George Chedanne; German Augusto Ridder and Ecuadorians Juan Francisco Icaza, Manuel Gambarrotti, Guillermo Cubillo Renella, Miguel Salem Dibo. The conspicuous sculpture works that adorn squares, churches and buildings were made by Italians Enricco Pacciani, Emilio Soro Lenti, Benneducce Marin, Renzo Michelucci,


Augusto Faggioni Vanucci, Geovanny Anderlini and Giuseppe Beneducce; spaniards Agustin Querol, Juan Rovira, Jose Monserrath, Jose Folgueras, Jose Homs and Juan de Avalos; french Jean Alexander Falguiere and Virgil Chaudejeau and ecuadorians Alfredo Palacio, Luis Veloz, Rossana Villagomez, among others. The Historic Center includes two different regions: the first northern area, where the urban layout (but not its architecture) still displays the remnants of the colonial city, and the second southern area from Loja to Manabi streets and west of Quito avenue, which show the urban design and architecture that marked republican life from late XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. Despite its contemporary architectural designs, the narrow streets in La Bahia zone next to the pier are also witness of colonial times. Some buildings of the city have been considered architectural treasures of great historical value, and some have even been declared heritage buildings by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Culture and Patrimony. Today, Guayaquil is entrenched as an international destination of great importance due to its numerous attractions, its culture, and specially to the kindness of its people. These reasons have projected the city as a tourist port receiving hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. This reality is the result of the great urban regeneration work carried out by the Municipality since 1998, which has turned the city into one of the most renowned referents of South American development.


MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING AIRLINE 2018 Aeromexico Copa Airlines VivaAerobus Volaris MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING AIRLINE BRAND 2018 Aeromexico Copa Airlines VivaAerobus Volaris MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING AIRPORT 2018 Benito Juarez International Airport, Mexico City, Mexico Cancun International Airport, Mexico General Juan N. Álvarez International Airport, Acapulco, Mexico Juan Santamaria International Airport, San Jose, Costa Rica La Aurora International Airport, Guatemala City, Guatemala Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero International Airport, El Salvador Tocumen International Airport, Panama City, Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING AIRPORT HOTEL 2018 Barceló San José, Costa Rica Camino Real Aeropuerto Mexico NH Collection Mexico City Airport T2


MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT 2018 DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Central Pacific Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park, Mexico Hard Rock Hotel Cancun Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya Hyatt Zilara Cancun, Mexico Hyatt Ziva Cancun, Mexico Occidental Cozumel, Mexico The Westin Golf Resort & Spa Playa Conchal, Costa Rica MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BEACH DESTINATION 2018 Ambergris Caye, Belize Bastimentos Island National Marine Park, Panama Cancun, Mexico Jacó, Costa Rica Placencia Belize, Belize Riviera Maya, Mexico Tulum, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BEACH RESORT 2018 Beach Palace, Mexico Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa, Mexico Dreams Delight Playa Bonita Panama El Mangroove, Costa Rica Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa, Mexico Hard Rock Hotel Vallarta JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa, Mexico JW Marriott Los Cabos Beach Resort & Spa NIZUC Resort & Spa, Mexico One&Only Palmilla, Mexico Paradisus Playa del Carmen Secrets Papagayo Costa Rica The Cape - A Thompson

Hotel, Mexico Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto Villa del Palmar Cancun MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Casa Fayette, Mexico Condesa DF Mexico City Distrito Capital, Mexico El Secreto, Belize Gaia Hotel & Reserve, Costa Rica Hotel Secreto, Mexico La Casa Que Canta, Mexico Parador Resort & Spa, Costa Rica Rancho Pacifico, Costa Rica Thompson Playa Del Carmen, Mexico Villa Caletas, Costa Rica MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE RESORT 2018 Belizean Dreams Resort, Belize Blancaneaux Lodge, Belize El Mangroove, Costa Rica Gaia Hotel & Reserve, Costa Rica Ka'ana Resort, Belize Lapa Rios Lodge, Costa Rica Las Alamandas, Mexico Morgan's Rock Hacienda & Ecolodge, Nicaragua Punta Caracol Acqua Lodge, Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Alamo Avis Budget Dollar Rent A Car Hertz Sixt

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Bristol Panama InterContinental Costa Rica at Multiplaza Mall InterContinental Presidente Mexico City, Mexico InterContinental Real Guatemala NH Collection Guadalajara Providencia Sheraton Mexico City Maria Isabel Hotel, Mexico The Westin Santa Fe, Mexico City W Mexico City, Mexico Waldorf Astoria Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS TRAVEL DESTINATION 2018 Cancun, Mexico Mexico City, Mexico Panama City, Panama San Salvador, El Salvador Tegucigalpa, Honduras MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Alamo Avis Budget Dollar Hertz Sixt MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CITY BREAK DESTINATION 2018 Acapulco, Mexico Belize City, Belize Cancun, Mexico Mexico City, Mexico Oaxaca, Mexico Panama City, Panama Playa del Carmen, Mexico




MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CITY TOURIST BOARD 2018 Acapulco Tourism Board Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau Los Cabos Tourism Board Mexico City Convention & Visitors Bureau MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CONFERENCE HOTEL 2018 Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City Grand Hyatt Playa Del Carmen Resort, Mexico Grand Tikal Futura Hotel, Guatemala Grand Velas Riviera Maya Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit, Mexico Hilton Mexico City Reforma, Mexico Hilton Mexico City Santa Fe Iberostar Cancun InterContinental Costa Rica at Multiplaza Mall Occidental at Xcaret Destination, Mexico Sheraton Grand Panama Waldorf Astoria Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CRUISE PORT 2018 Costa Maya Cruise Port, Mexico Panama Port Port of Cozumel, Mexico Port of Mazatlan, Mexico Port of Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING CULTURAL HOTEL 2018 American Trade Hotel, Panama E&OE

El Silencio Lodge & Spa, Costa Rica Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa, Mexico Hacienda San Angel, Mexico Hotel Punta Islita, Costa Rica UNICO 20˚87˚ Hotel Riviera Maya, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING DESTINATION 2018 Acapulco, Mexico Ambergris Caye, Belize Bay Islands, Honduras Cancun, Mexico Granada, Nicaragua Los Cabos, Mexico Mazatlán, Mexico Mexico City Panama City, Panama San Jose, Costa Rica Tijuana, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING DIVE DESTINATION 2018 Costa Rica Honduras Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING EVENTS COMPANY 2018 Audiosystems Encore México JSAV Mexico PSAV MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING FAMILY RESORT 2018 Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park, Mexico One&Only Palmilla, Mexico

Panama Jack Resorts Cancun, Mexico The Westin Golf Resort & Spa Playa Conchal, Costa Rica Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING GREEN HOTEL 2018 Fairmont Mayakoba, Riviera Maya, Mexico Gaia Hotel & Reserve, Costa Rica Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park, Mexico Imanta Resorts Punta de Mita Morgan's Rock Hacienda & Ecolodge, Nicaragua Papaya Playa Project Paradisus Playa del Carmen Tabacón Thermal Resort & Spa, Costa Rica MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Costa Rica Marriott Hotel San Jose, Costa Rica Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City Gran Hotel Ciudad de México Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya InterContinental Presidente Mexico City, Mexico InterContinental San SalvadorMetrocentro Mall, El Salvador The Westin Playa Bonita Panama, Republic of Panama Waldorf Astoria Panama Zephyr Palace, Costa Rica

Marriott Hotels Meliá Hotels & Resorts Radisson Riu Hotels & Resorts Sheraton Hotels & Resorts MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Master Suite @ Gran Hotel Ciudad de México Master Suite @ Hilton Mexico City Reforma Presidential Suite @ Four Seasons Mexico City The Grand Penthouse @ Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING ISLAND DESTINATION 2018 Ambergris Caye, Mexico Coiba Island, Panama Cozumel, Mexico Holbox Island, Mexico Isla Mujeres, Mexico Little Corn Island, Nicaragua Roatán, Honduras MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING MEETINGS & CONFERENCE CENTRE 2018 Atlapa Convention Center, Panama Cancun ICC, Mexico Centro Citibanamex, Mexico CIFCO El Salvador

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL BRAND 2018 Barceló Hotels & Resorts Camino Real Hotels Hilton Hotels & Resorts InterContinental Hotels & Resorts LATIN AMERICA GALA CEREMONY 2018


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MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING MEETINGS & CONFERENCE DESTINATION 2018 Cancun, Mexico Guatemala City, Guatemala Mexico City, Mexico Panama City, Panama San Jose, Costa Rica San Salvador, El Salvador Tegucigalpa, Honduras MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING NATURE RESERVE 2018 Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panama Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park, Mexico Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve, Costa Rica Punta Laguna Mexico - The Spider Monkey Reserve Río Secreto, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING NEW HOTEL 2018 Hotel Cartesiano, Mexico Panama Jack Resorts Cancun, Mexico Rosewood Puebla, Mexico The Santa Maria, A Luxury Collection Hotel & Golf Resort, Panama City, Panama MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Dreams Delight Playa Bonita Panama Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica Gamboa Rainforest Resort, Panama Las Ventanas al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort, Mexico ME Cabo, Mexico NIZUC Resort & Spa, Mexico E&OE

Parador Resort & Spa, Costa Rica The Westin Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto, Mexico MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING TOUR OPERATOR 2018 Asuaire Travel Costa Rica Tour Explora Caribe Tours Grand American Adventures Pesantez Tours, Panama Yampu Tours MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING TOURIST BOARD 2018 Belize Tourism Board Costa Rica Tourism Board Guatemalan Tourist Board (INGUAT) Mexico Tourism Board Nicaraguan Tourism Board Panama Tourism Authority Salvadoran Tourism Corporation (CORSATUR) MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING TRAVEL AGENCY 2018 Costa Rican Vacations FCM Travel Solutions Mega Travel Mundo Joven Viajes Tivoli MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S LEADING TRAVEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY 2018 Authentic Travel Condor Verde Travel FCM Travel Solutions Viaventure Central America

MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA'S MOST ROMANTIC RESORT 2018 Coco Plum Island Resort, Belize Kura Design Villas, Costa Rica One&Only Palmilla, Mexico Oxygen Jungle Villas Rancho Pacifico Rio Perdido, Costa Rica The Cape - A Thompson Hotel, Mexico Victoria House Resort & Spa, Belize BELIZE'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina Ramada Belize City Princess Hotel San Ignacio Resort Hotel Victoria House Resort & Spa BELIZE'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Belizean Dreams Resort Captain Morgan's Retreat Cayo Espanto El Secreto Ka'ana Resort Las Terrazas Resort & Residences Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina Turtle Inn BELIZE'S LEADING VILLA RESORT 2018 Blancaneaux Lodge Chaa Creek Hopkins Bay Belize Matachica Resort & Spa Turtle Inn

COSTA RICA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Dollar Rent A Car Europcar Hertz Thrifty COSTA RICA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Costa Rica Marriott Hotel San Jose Hotel Punta Islita InterContinental Costa Rica at Multiplaza Mall Nayara Springs Parador Resort & Spa Zephyr Palace COSTA RICA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Cristóbal Colón Presidential Suite @ Parador Resort & Spa Presidential Suite @ Andaz Costa Rica Resort at Peninsula Papagayo Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa COSTA RICA'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Andaz Costa Rica Resort at Peninsula Papagayo El Mangroove Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa Parador Resort & Spa Secrets Papagayo Costa Rica The Westin Golf Resort & Spa, Playa Conchal




EL SALVADOR'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Barceló San Salvador InterContinental San SalvadorMetrocentro Mall Sheraton Presidente San Salvador Hotel EL SALVADOR'S LEADING RESORT 2018 La Cocotera Resort & Ecolodge Las Flores Resort The Royal Decameron Salinitas GUATEMALA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Casa Santo Domingo Grand Tikal Futura Hotel InterContinental Real Guatemala The Westin Camino Real HONDURAS'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Hilton Princess San Pedro Sula InterContinental Real San Pedro Sula InterContinental Tegucigalpa At Multiplaza Mall Mayan Princess Beach & Dive Resort Palmetto Bay Villas MEXICO'S LEADING ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT 2018 Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya Hotel Riu Yucatan Hyatt Ziva Cancun Moon Palace Cancun Paradisus Playa del Carmen


MEXICO'S LEADING BEACH DESTINATION 2018 Acapulco Cancun Cozumel Los Cabos Playa del Carmen Tulum MEXICO'S LEADING BEACH RESORT 2018 Andaz Mayakoba Resort Riviera Maya CUIXMALA El Dorado Maroma Hyatt Ziva Cancun Paradisus Los Cabos Rosewood Mayakobá, Riviera Maya The Resort at Pedregal The St. Regis Punta Mita Resort Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto W Punta De Mita MEXICO'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Casa Fayette Casa Kimberly Condesa DF Mexico City Distrito Capital Hacienda de San Antonio Hacienda Uayamon, a Luxury Collection Hotel Hotel Esencia Hotel Secreto Imanta Resorts Punta de Mita La Casa Que Canta La Tortuga Hotel & Spa Thompson Playa Del Carmen MEXICO'S LEADING BOUTIQUE RESORT 2018 Casa del Mar, Golf Resort & Spa Casa Velas Hotel Boutique Chablé Resort and Spa Hotel Downtown Mexico

Hotel Esencia La Casa Que Canta Las Alamandas Las Brisas Acapulco Hotel Thompson Playa Del Carmen MEXICO'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City Hilton Mexico City Reforma InterContinental Presidente Mexico City JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City The St Regis Mexico City W Mexico City MEXICO'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Hertz MEX RENT A CAR MEXICO'S LEADING CITY BREAK DESTINATION 2018 Cancun Mérida Mexico City Oaxaca Ministry of Tourism Tijuana MEXICO'S LEADING CONFERENCE HOTEL 2018 Barceló Mexico Reforma Hilton Mexico City Santa Fe Hyatt Regency Mexico City JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City Santa Fe The St. Regis Mexico City MEXICO'S LEADING DESTINATION 2018 Cancun Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Los Cabos Mexico City

Oaxaca San Miguel de Allende Tijuana MEXICO'S LEADING DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY 2018 Destination Mexico Maritur DMC Mexico SAT Mexico DMC Tropical Incentives MEXICO'S LEADING FAMILY RESORT 2018 Cozumel Palace Hacienda Tresrios Resort, Spa & Nature Park Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya One&Only Palmilla Panama Jack Resorts Cancun The Westin Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto, Mexico MEXICO'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City Gran Hotel Ciudad de México InterContinental Presidente Mexico City JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City Las Alcobas, Mexico City The Ritz-Carlton, Cancun The St Regis Mexico City W Mexico City MEXICO'S LEADING HOTEL RESIDENCES 2018 Esperanza, An Auberge Resort Fairmont Heritage Place, El Corazon de Santa Fe Grand Residences Riviera Cancun Hacienda Beach Club & Residences



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The Oruro’s diablada is an overflowing demonstra�on of religious syncre�sm that arises from the bowels of devo�on expressed in embroidered costumes, masks and stories.


MEXICO'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Bret Michaels Rock Star Suite @ Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya Presidential Lagoon Suite @ Rosewood Mayakobá, Riviera Maya Presidential Suite "El Camaleon" @ Fairmont Mayakoba, Riviera Maya Presidential Suite @ Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City The Ritz-Carlton Suite @ The Ritz-Carlton, Cancun The St. Regis Suite @ The St. Regis Mexico City MEXICO'S LEADING LUXURY BEACH RESORT 2018 Casa Dorada Los Cabos, Resort & Spa Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit JW Marriott Los Cabos Beach Resort & Spa Sandos Cancun Lifestyle Resort Secrets The Vine Cancun The Cape - A Thompson Hotel The Ritz-Carlton, Cancun Villa del Palmar Cancun Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita MEXICO'S LEADING LUXURY HOTEL VILLA 2018 Beachfront Three-Bedroom Pool Villa @ Banyan Tree Mayakoba Beachfront Villas @ Viceroy Riviera Maya Five-Bedroom Private OceanView Residence Villa @ Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita Royal Villa @ Chablé Resort and Spa The Ty Warner Mansion @ Las Ventanas al Paraíso, A Rosewood Resort


MEXICO'S LEADING LUXURY RESORT 2018 Banyan Tree Mayakoba Chablé Resort and Spa Esperanza, An Auberge Resort Fairmont Mayakoba, Riviera Maya Grand Velas Riviera Maya Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit NIZUC Resort & Spa One&Only Palmilla Villa del Palmar Cancun MEXICO'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita Grand Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Cancún Hyatt Ziva Cancun JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa JW Marriott Los Cabos Beach Resort & Spa Las Ventanas al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort Nizuc Palafitos Overwater Bungalows Royal Hideaway Playacar The Westin Resort & Spa Cancun W Punta De Mita Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita MEXICO'S LEADING TRAVEL AGENCY 2018 Journey Mexico Mega Travel Mexico Kan Tours Mundo Joven MEXICO'S MOST ROMANTIC RESORT 2018 Belmond Maroma Resort & Spa Hotel Esencia Las Ventanas al Paraíso, A Rosewood Resort One&Only Palmilla

The Resort at Pedregal The St. Regis Punta Mita Resort Villa del Sol Resort Zihuatanejo Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita NICARAGUA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Dollar Rent A Car Hertz Thrifty NICARAGUA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Barceló Montelimar Crowne Plaza Managua Hilton Princess Managua Hyatt Place Managua InterContinental Managua At Metrocentro Mall Morgan's Rock Mukul, Auberge Resorts Collection PANAMA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 El Otro Lado Las Clementinas Los Establos Tantalo Hotel PANAMA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Dollar Rent A Car Europcar Hertz Thrifty

Ovation Global DMC Tsar Events Panama DMC & PCO PANAMA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Bristol Panama Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis Hilton Panama InterContinental Miramar Panama Le Méridien Panama Panama Marriott Hotel Sheraton Grand Panama Trump International Hotel & Tower Panama Waldorf Astoria Panama PANAMA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Diamond Suite @ Le Méridien Panama Presidential Suite @ Sheraton Grand Panama Presidential Suite @ Trump International Hotel & Tower Panama The Buenaventura Suite @ The Buenaventura Golf & Beach Resort PANAMA'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Dreams Delight Playa Bonita Panama Gamboa Rainforest Resort Melia Panama Canal The Buenaventura Golf & Beach Resort




SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING ADVENTURE TOURISM DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru Uruguay SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING AIRLINE 2018 Aerolineas Argentinas Avianca GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes LATAM Airlines SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING AIRLINE BRAND 2018 Aerolineas Argentinas Avianca GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes LATAM Airlines SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING AIRPORT 2018 Aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado, Bogotá - Colombia Brasilia International Airport, Brazil Carrasco International Airport, Uruguay Ezeiza International Airport, Argentina Jorge Chavez International Airport, Peru Mariscal Sucre International Airport, Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro Galeao Antonio Carlos Jobim Airport, Brazil Santiago International Airport, Chile


SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING AIRPORT HOTEL 2018 Costa del Sol Wyndham Lima Airport, Peru Holiday Inn Santiago - Airport Terminal, Chile Hotel Panamby, São Paulo, Brazil Pullman São Paulo Guarulhos Airport, Brazil Sao Paulo Airport Marriott Hotel, Brazil Venezuela Marriott Hotel Playa Grande, Venezuela Wyndham Quito Airport, Ecuador SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BEACH DESTINATION 2018 Easter Island, Chile Fernando de Noronha, Brazil Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Máncora, Piura, Peru Mar del Plata, Argentina Margarita Island, Venezuela Rio de Janeiro, Brazil San Andrés, Colombia SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BEACH RESORT 2018 Dom Pedro Laguna, Beach Villas & Golf Resort, Brazil Enjoy Punta del Este, Uruguay Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort, Uruguay Suites Beach Park Resort, Brazil Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte Bahia, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE CRUISE 2018 Anakonda Amazon Cruises Aria Amazon Australis Cruises Galapagos Legend Boutique Expedition Cruise Ship Galapagos Sea Star Journey

Ocean Adventures Santa Cruz II SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Casa Gangotena, Ecuador Correntoso Lake & River Hotel, Argentina Design Suites Buenos Aires, Argentina Esplendor El Calafate, Argentina explora Patagonia, Chile Hotel 101 Park House Suites & Spa, Colombia Hotel Cocoon, Brazil Hotel del Parque, Ecuador Hotel Fasano Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Hotel Fasano São Paulo, Brazil Hotel Plaza Grande Quito, Ecuador Hotel-Art & Spa Cumbres, Uruguay L'Hotel PortoBay São Paulo, Brazil La Mirage Garden Hotel & Spa, Ecuador Las Balsas, Argentina Saint Andrews Gramado, Brazil Tcherassi Hotel & Spa SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE RESORT 2018 Aldebarán Hotel & Spa, Argentina Charming Luxury Lodge & Private Spa, Argentina Correntoso Lake & River Hotel, Argentina Cumbres Hotel-Art & Spa, Uruguay explora Patagonia, Chile

Grand Hyatt São Paulo, Brazil Hilton Bogota, Colombia Hilton Lima Miraflores, Peru Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil, Ecuador Hotel San Fernando Plaza Medellín, Colombia JW Marriott Hotel Lima, Peru Swissôtel Lima, Peru The Ritz-Carlton Santiago, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS TRAVEL AGENCY 2018 CONTACTOS SAS Rotamund Sintectur Turismo Pecom SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS TRAVEL DESTINATION 2018 Bogotá, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Guayaquil, Ecuador Lima, Peru Medellin, Colombia Montevideo, Uruguay Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil São Paulo, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Budget Dollar Hertz

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil Belmond Miraflores Park, Peru LATIN AMERICA GALA CEREMONY 2018


Mejor Tren de Lujo de Sudamérica



Guayaquil - Quito

Quito - Guayaquil

Salida Sábado Arribo Martes

Salida Martes Arribo Viernes

Tarifa Luxury adultos $ 1735

Tarifa Luxury adultos $ 1735

Tarifa de niños aplica para tercera edad y personas con discapacidad. Tarifa Niños aplica desde los 2 años hasta los 11 años 11 meses.



¿Qué incluye? Boleto en tren, guianza durante el viaje, alimentación según itinerario, entradas a atracciones, bebidas soft abordo, hospedaje, excursiones. No incluye: Bebidas alcohólicas, propinas, gastos personales, souvenirs y otros gastos no especificados.


SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CASINO RESORT 2018 Delfines Hotel & Convention Center, Peru Enjoy Punta del Este, Uruguay Iguazú Grand, Argentina Park Hyatt Mendoza, Argentina SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CITY BREAK DESTINATION 2018 Bogotá, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Cuenca, Ecuador Guayaquil, Ecuador Lima, Peru Medellin, Colombia Montevideo, Uruguay Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CITY HOTEL 2018 Belmond Miraflores Park, Peru Grand Hyatt São Paulo, Brazil Hilton Buenos Aires, Argentina Hotel San Fernando Plaza Medellín, Colombia Radisson Blu São Paulo, Brazil Sofitel Bogotá Victoria Regia, Colombia The Ritz-Carlton, Santiago, Chile Wish Hotel da Bahia, Brazil Wyndham Guayaquil, Ecuador SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CITY TOURIST BOARD 2018 Buenos Aires Turismo District Institute of Tourism of Bogotá Fundación Municipal Turismo para Cuenca Public and Municipal Company of Tourism, Civic Promotion and International E&OE

Relations of Guayaquil Lima Convention and Visitors Bureau Medellin Convention & Visitors Bureau Quito Turismo Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CONFERENCE HOTEL 2018 Grand Hyatt São Paulo, Brazil Hilton Buenos Aires, Argentina Los Tajibos Hotel & Convention Center, Bolivia Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Convention Center, Chile Sofitel Rio de Janeiro Ipanema, Brazil Swissôtel Lima, Peru Swissôtel Quito, Ecuador SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CRUISE DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru Uruguay SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CRUISE LINE 2018 Carnival Cruise Line Celebrity Cruises Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines MSC Cruises Regent Seven Seas Cruises SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CRUISE PORT 2018 Pier Mauá International Cruise Terminal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Port of Buenos Aires

Port of Cartagena, Colombia Port of Montevideo, Uruguay Port of Valparaíso, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CULINARY DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CULTURAL CITY DESTINATION 2018 Bogota, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Cuenca, Ecuador Cusco, Peru Guayaquil, Ecuador La Paz, Bolivia Lima, Peru Medellin, Colombia Montevideo, Uruguay Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Santiago, Chile Sao Paulo, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING CULTURAL DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru Uruguay

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING DESIGN HOTEL 2018 Atix Hotel, Bolivia B.O.G. Hotel, Colombia Carlota, Ecuador Click Clack Hotel, Colombia Hotel B, Peru Hotel Pulitzer Buenos Aires, Argentina Hotel Unique, Brazil Kenoa - Exclusive Beach Spa & Resort, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING DESTINATION 2018 Bogotá, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Guayaquil, Ecuador Lima, Peru Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil São Paulo, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING ECOLODGE 2018 Cristalino Lodge, Brazil Don Enrique Lodge, Argentina Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica, Peru Mashpi Lodge, Ecuador Merecumbe, Colombia Napo Wildlife Center Luxury Eco-lodge SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING EXPEDITION COMPANY 2018 Blue Parallel Explora Latin Excursions Nomads of the Seas The Singular Patagonia




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SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING FAMILY RESORT 2018 Hotel Casa da Montanha, Brazil Llao Llao Hotel & Resort, Golf-Spa, Argentina Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort, Uruguay Suites Beach Park Resort, Brazil Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte Bahia, Brazil Wish Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING FESTIVAL & EVENT DESTINATION 2018 Bogota, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Guayaquil, Ecuador La Paz, Bolivia Lima, Peru Medellin Convention & Visitors Bureau Montevideo, Uruguay Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Santiago, Chile Sao Paulo, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING GREEN DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING GREEN HOTEL 2018 Finch Bay Galapagos Hotel, Ecuador Inkaterra Machu Picchu E&OE

Pueblo Hotel, Peru Kiaroa Eco-Luxury Resort, Brazil Mashpi Lodge, Ecuador Pikaia Lodge, Galapagos Islands Posada Amazonas Lodge, Peru The Singular Patagonia, Chile Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte Bahia, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING GREEN TOUR OPERATOR 2018 Explorandes TERRA Group Tucan Travel Yampu Tours SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HERITAGE HOTEL 2018 Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil Belmond Hotel Monasterio, Peru JW Marriott El Convento Cusco, Peru Pestana Convento do Carmo Bahia, Brazil Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena, Colombia SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HONEYMOON DESTINATION 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Fernando de Noronha, Brazil Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Paraty, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil

Belmond Hotel Rio Sagrado, Peru Faena Hotel Buenos Aires, Argentina Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires, Argentina JW Marriott Hotel Lima, Peru Mandarin Oriental Santiago, Chile Palacio Duhau - Park Hyatt Buenos Aires, Argentina Palácio Tangará São Paulo, Brazil Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena Swissôtel Lima, Peru Swissôtel Quito, Ecuador The Brick Hotel Buenos Aires Mgallery by Sofitel, Argentina The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center, Peru

The Suite @ Hotel Cartagena Plaza

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL BRAND 2018 Four Seasons Hilton Hotels & Resorts Marriott Hotels Meliá Hotels & Resorts Radisson Sofitel Swissôtel Hotels & Resorts

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING LUXURY BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Aranwa Cusco Boutique Hotel, Peru Casas da Vila, Brazil Cavas Wine Lodge, Argentina Grace Cafayate, Argentina Los Cauquenes Resort & Spa, Argentina Pousada Estrela d'Agua, Brazil Saint Andrews Gramado, Brazil Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel, Peru

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Enrique Grau Suite @ Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena, Colombia Penthouse Suite @ Belmond Copacabana Palace, Brazil Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Quito, Ecuador Presidential Suite @ The RitzCarlton Santiago, Chile St. Regis Suite @ Park Tower, Buenos Aires, Argentina Suite Plunge Pool @ Hotel Paracas, A Luxury Collection Resort, Peru The Presidential Suite @ San Cristobal Tower, Chile

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING LGBT DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING LUXURY ALL SUITE HOTEL 2018 Hotel 101 Park House Suites & Spa, Colombia Hotel Plaza Grande, Ecuador Saint Andrews Gramado, Brazil

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING LUXURY TRAIN 2018 Belmond Andean Explorer Belmond Hiram Bingham Serra Verde Express Tren Crucero



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Š2018 Marriott International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Preferred Guest, SPG, St. Regis and their logos are the trademarks of Marriott International, Inc., or its afďŹ liates.

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SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING MEETINGS & CONFERENCE CENTRE 2018 Fiesta Convention Center, Brazil Iguazú Grand, Argentina La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires, Argentina Riocentro Convention & Event Center, Brazil Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center, Argentina Sheraton Lima Hotel & Convention Center, Peru Wish Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil

Park Inn by Radisson Santos, Brazil Radisson Hotel Guayaquil, Ecuador Tierra Chiloé Hotel & Spa, Chile

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING MEETINGS & CONFERENCE DESTINATION 2018 Bogotá, Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentina Guayaquil, Ecuador Lima, Peru Medellin, Colombia Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil São Paulo, Brazil

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Arasha Tropical Forest Resort & Spa, Ecuador Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel, Uruguay Costão do Santinho Resort, Brazil Dom Pedro Laguna, Brazil Enjoy Punta del Este, Uruguay Hotel Paracas, A Luxury Collection Resort, Peru Iguazú Grand, Argentina Llao Llao Resort, Golf & Spa, Argentina Tambo del Inka, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Valle Sagrado, Peru Termas Papallacta, Ecuador

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING NATURE DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru Uruguay SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING NEW HOTEL 2018 Alvear Icon Hotel & Residences, Argentina Awasi Iguazú, Argentina Casa Republica, Barranco Boutique Hotel, Peru Conrad Cartagena, Colombia Hacienda La Danesa, Ecuador Illa Experience Hotel, Ecuador E&OE

SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING PRIVATE JET CHARTER 2018 American Jet ATSA Jetstream Air Services Líder Aviação Privé Jets


SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING SPORTS TOURISM DESTINATION 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina Lima, Peru Rio de Janeiro, Brazil San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina Santiago, Chile São Paulo, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TOUR OPERATOR 2018 Adios Adventure Travel Chimu Adventures CTM Tours CVC Latin Trails Luxury Latin America Metropolitan Touring Say Hueque Argentina Adventures Terra Group Tucan Travel Yampu Tours SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TOURIST ATTRACTION 2018 Angel Falls, Venezuela Atacama Desert, Chile Christ the Redeemer, Brazil Iguazu Falls, Argentina La Compania de Jesus, Ecuador Las Lajas Sanctuary, Colombia Machu Picchu, Peru Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona, Colombia Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia Torres del Paine National Park, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TOURIST BOARD 2018 Argentina Government Tourist Office

Ecuador Ministry of Tourism EMBRATUR - Brazilian Tourist Board ProColombia PromPeru - Peruvian Tourism Board SERNATUR - National Tourist Board of Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TRAVEL AGENCY 2018 Costamar Travel CVC Exito Travel Turismo Pecom SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING TRAVEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY 2018 Aviatur Carlson Wagonlit Travel CONTACTOS SAS CVC FCM Travel Solutions Rotamund SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING WHALE WATCHING DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru SOUTH AMERICA'S LEADING YOUTH TRAVEL DESTINATION 2018 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Peru Uruguay



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SOUTH AMERICA'S MOST ROMANTIC DESTINATION 2018 Atacama Desert, Chile Buenos Aires, Argentina Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Fernando de Noronha, Brazil Galapagos Islands, Ecuador La Paz, Bolivia Lima, Peru Paraty, Brazil Quito, Ecuador Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Santiago, Chile SOUTH AMERICA'S MOST ROMANTIC RESORT 2018 Belmond Miraflores Park, Peru Carmelo Resort & Spa, A Hyatt Hotel, Uruguay Charming Luxury Lodge & Private Spa, Argentina Hotel Casa da Montanha, Brazil UXUA Casa Hotel & Spa, Brazil SOUTH AMERICA'S RESPONSIBLE TOURISM AWARD 2018 Cristalino Lodge, Brazil Hacienda Manteles, Ecuador Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica, Peru La Sirena Eco Hotel, Colombia Laguna Lodge, Guatemala Playa La Roca Ecohotel, Colombia UXUA Casa Hotel & Spa, Brazil ARGENTINA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Aldebarán Hotel & Spa Auberge Du Vin, A Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Tupungato Casa Calma Hotel Casasur Recoleta Charming Luxury Lodge & E&OE

Private Spa Entre Cielos Faena Hotel Buenos Aires Home Hotel Buenos Aires Hotel Arenales Las Balsas Mine Hotel Boutique Purobaires Hotel Boutique ARGENTINA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Emperador Hotel Buenos Aires Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires Hilton Buenos Aires InterContinental Mendoza Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center Sheraton Cordoba Hotel ARGENTINA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Hertz Thrifty ARGENTINA'S LEADING DESTINATION 2018 Buenos Aires Córdoba Los Glaciares National Park Mar del Plata Mendoza Puerto Madryn San Carlos de Bariloche ARGENTINA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Alvear Palace Hotel Claridge Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires InterContinental Buenos Aires Meliá Buenos Aires Park Tower, Buenos Aires The Brick Hotel Buenos Aires -

MGallery by Sofitel ARGENTINA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 La Mansión Presidential Suite @ Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires Presidential Suite @ Park Hyatt Mendoza Royal Suite @ Alvear Palace Hotel St. Regis Suite @ Park Tower, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Alma del Lago Suites & Spa Cacique Inacayal Lake Hotel Iguazú Grand Las Hayas Ushuaia Resort Llao Llao Resort, Golf & Spa Park Hyatt Mendoza Villa Huinid BOLIVIA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Hertz Thrifty BOLIVIA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Atix Hotel Hotel Europa La Mision Hotel Los Tajibos Hotel & Convention Center BRAZIL'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Casas Brancas Boutique Hotel & Spa Fasano Rio de Janeiro Fasano São Paulo Hotel Unique Insólito Boutique Hotel & Spa Kiaroa Eco-Luxury Resort

L'Hotel PortoBay São Paulo Saint Andrews Gramado UXUA Casa Hotel & Spa BRAZIL'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Belmond Copacabana Palace Grand Hyatt São Paulo Hilton Barra Rio de Janeiro Hilton São Paulo Morumbi InterContinental São Paulo Pestana Convento Do Carmo Bahia Radisson Blu Belo Horizonte, Savassi Windsor Barra Hotel BRAZIL'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Hertz Thrifty BRAZIL'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Belmond Copacabana Palace Gran Meliá Nacional Rio de Janeiro Gran Nobile Rio de Janeiro Barra Grand Mercure Belém do Pará Hilton Barra Rio de Janeiro Hilton Rio de Janeiro Copacabana JW Marriott Hotel Rio de Janeiro Meliá Jardim Europa Palácio Tangará São Paulo Pestana Rio Atlântica Radisson Blu Belo Horizonte, Savassi Sofitel Rio de Janeiro Ipanema BRAZIL'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Penthouse Suite @ Belmond Copacabana Palace Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Hotel Rio de Janeiro Presidential Suite @ Tivoli




Mofarrej São Paulo Hotel Royal Presidential Suite @ Ouro Minas Palace Hotel BRAZIL'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Carmel Charme Resort Casa Grande Hotel Resort & Spa Dom Pedro Laguna Fazenda São Francisco do Corumbau Ponta dos Ganchos Exclusive Resort Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte Bahia Txai Itacaré Wish Foz do Iguaçu BRAZIL'S LEADING ROMANTIC BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Fazenda São Francisco do Corumbau Saint Andrews Gramado UXUA Casa Hotel & Spa CHILE'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Casa Real Hotel explora Atacama explora Patagonia explora Rapa Nui Luciano K The Singular Santiago Tierra Chiloé Hotel & Spa Uman Lodge CHILE'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Hotel NH Iquique Mandarin Oriental Santiago Santiago Marriott Hotel W Santiago


CHILE'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Thrifty CHILE'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Hotel Magnolia InterContinental Santiago Mandarin Oriental Santiago Radisson Blu Acqua Hotel & Spa Concón Santiago Marriott Hotel The Ritz-Carlton, Santiago The Singular Santiago W Santiago CHILE'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Extreme WOW Suite @ W Santiago Presidential Suite @ Mandarin Oriental Santiago Presidential Suite @ Santiago Marriott Hotel The Singular Suite @ The Singular Santiago CHILE'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Awasi Atacama explora Patagonia Puyuhuapi Lodge & Spa Sheraton Miramar Hotel & Convention Center COLOMBIA'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Casa Pestagua Hotel Boutique Spa Cartagena Hacienda Cafetera Hotel 101 Park House Suites & Spa Hotel Acantilado de la Tierra Hotel bh La Quinta Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena Hotel de la Opera Hotel LM

Sofitel Bogotá Victoria Regia The Orchids Hotel COLOMBIA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Bogotá - Parque 93 EK Hotel Hilton Bogota Hotel Andes Plaza - Bogotá Hotel San Fernando Plaza, Medellín InterContinental Cali InterContinental Medellin NH Collection Bogotá WTC Royal Sofitel Bogotá Victoria Regia COLOMBIA'S LEADING CONFERENCE HOTEL 2018 Hilton Bogota Hotel Caribe By Faranda Hotel Las Américas Hotel NH Collection Medellín Royal Hotel San Fernando Plaza Medellín InterContinental Medellin JW Marriott Hotel Bogota NH Collection Bogotá Teleport Royal COLOMBIA'S LEADING GREEN HOTEL 2018 Hotel Amazon Hotel Karlaká La Sirena Eco Hotel NH Collection Bogotá Terra 100 Royal Playa La Roca Ecohotel COLOMBIA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Bogotá - Parque 93 Four Seasons Hotel Bogota Hilton Bogota

Hilton Cartagena Hotel Hotel Andes Plaza Bogotá Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa Cartagena Hotel San Fernando Plaza Medellín JW Marriott Hotel Bogota NH Collection Bogotá Teleport Royal Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena COLOMBIA'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Enrique Grau Suite @ Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena Hotel Acantilado de la Tierra Hotel Amazon Presidential Suite @ InterContinental Cali Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Hotel Bogota The Suite @ Hotel Cartagena Plaza COLOMBIA'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Cocoliso Resort Decameron Aquarium Estelar Playa Manzanillo Irotama Resort Zuana Beach Resort COLOMBIA'S LEADING TRAVEL AGENCY 2018 Aviatur CONTACTOS SAS Gema Tours Molitur Panturismo ECUADOR'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Boutique Hotel Cultura Manor Casa Gangotena Hacienda San Agustin de Callo Hotel del Parque Hotel Patio Andaluz




Hotel Plaza Grande La Mirage Garden Hotel & Spa Mansión del Angel ECUADOR'S LEADING BOUTIQUE RESORT 2018 Finch Bay Galapagos Hotel Galapagos Safari Camp — Santa Cruz Island Hacienda Zuleta Kapawi Ecolodge & Reserve Tanusas Retreat & SPA ECUADOR'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Balandra Hotel Hilton Colon Guayaquil Hilton Colon Quito Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil JW Marriott Quito Swissôtel Quito ECUADOR'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Hertz Thrifty ECUADOR'S LEADING CITY HOTEL 2018 Hilton Colon Guayaquil Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil JW Marriott Quito Swissôtel Quito Wyndham Guayaquil ECUADOR'S LEADING CONFERENCE HOTEL 2018 Hilton Colon Guayaquil Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil JW Marriott Quito Sheraton Guayaquil Swissôtel Quito Wyndham Guayaquil


ECUADOR'S LEADING DESIGN HOTEL 2018 Carlota Finch Bay Galapagos Hotel Mashpi Lodge Zahir 360 Hotel ECUADOR'S LEADING GREEN HOTEL 2018 Casa Ceibo Boutique Hotel & Spa Finch Bay Galapagos Hotel Hacienda El Porvenir, Tierra del Volcan Hacienda Manteles Mashpi Lodge Napo Wildlife Center Luxury Eco-lodge Pikaia Lodge ECUADOR'S LEADING HERITAGE HOTEL 2018 Boutique Hotel Cultura Manor Casa Gangotena Hacienda San Agustin de Callo Hotel del Parque Hotel Plaza Grande Mansión del Angel Molino San Juan Hacienda ECUADOR'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Hilton Colon Guayaquil Hotel NH Collection Quito Royal Hotel Oro Verde Guayaquil JW Marriott Quito Le Parc Hotel Royal Palm Hotel Galapagos Swissôtel Quito ECUADOR'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Presidential Suite @ Hilton Colon Guayaquil Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Quito


Presidential Suite @ Swissôtel Quito Royal Suite @ Hotel NH Collection Quito Royal ECUADOR'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Arasha Tropical Forest Resort & Spa Barceló Salinas Hillary Nature Resort & Spa Royal Palm Hotel Galapagos Samari Spa Resort Termas Papallacta FRENCH GUIANA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Hertz Thrifty FRENCH GUIANA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Best Western Hotel Amazonia Grand Hôtel Montabo Mercure Kourou Ariatel GUYANA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Dollys Auto Rental Europcar Thrifty GUYANA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Cara Lodge Guyana Guyana Marriott Hotel Georgetown Pegasus Hotel Guyana Regency Suites Hotel

PARAGUAY'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Hertz Thrifty PARAGUAY'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Aloft Asuncion Bourbon Asunción Convention Hotel Esplendor Asunción - A Wyndham Grand Hotel Granados Park Hotel Hotel Guaraní Asuncion Resort Yacht y Golf Club Paraguayo Sheraton Asuncion Hotel PARAGUAY'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Presidential Suite @ Bourbon Asunción Convention Hotel Presidential Suite @ La Misión Hotel Boutique Presidential Suite @ Sheraton Asuncion Hotel PERU'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Atemporal Belmond Las Casitas Casa Andina Premium Valle Sagrado Hotel & Villas Casa Republica, Barranco Boutique Hotel Costa del Sol Ramada Cusco DCO Suites Lounge & Spa, Mancora El Golf Hotel Boutique Sonesta Posadas del Inca Sacred Valley Villa Barranco


SOUTH AMERICA NOMINEES 2018 PERU'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Belmond Miraflores Park Hilton Lima Miraflores Hotel San Augustin Exclusive JW Marriott Hotel Lima Meliá Lima Plaza del Bosque Royal Park Hotel, Lima Sheraton Lima Hotel & Convention Center Swissôtel Lima PERU'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Hertz Thrifty PERU'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Belmond Hotel Monasterio Belmond Miraflores Park Country Club Lima Hotel Delfines Hotel & Convention Center El Pardo DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Hilton Lima Miraflores JW Marriott El Convento Cusco JW Marriott Hotel Lima Palacio del Inka, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Cusco Swissôtel Lima The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center PERU'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Presidential Pool Suite @ Belmond Miraflores Park Presidential Suite @ Hilton Lima Miraflores Presidential Suite @ JW Marriott Hotel Lima Presidential Suite @ The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center E&OE

PERU'S LEADING LUXURY BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Aranwa Cusco Boutique Hotel Country Club Lima Hotel Hotel B Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel Titilaka PERU'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Aranwa Sacred Valley Hotel & Wellness Belmond Sanctuary Lodge Hotel Paracas, A Luxury Collection Resort Tambo del Inka, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Valle Sagrado PERU'S LEADING TOUR OPERATOR 2018 Adventure Life Andean Treks Condor Travel CTM Tours InkaNatura Travel Kuoda Travel Lima Tours Machu Travel Peru PERU'S LEADING TRAVEL AGENCY 2018 Costamar Travel Cusco Peru Travel Peru Travel Company SAS Travel Peru The Luxury Peru Travel Company SURINAME'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Hertz Ross Rental Cars

SURINAME'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Eco Resort Hotel Krasnapolsky Residence Inn Paramaribo Torarica Hotel & Casino URUGUAY'S LEADING BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2018 Hotel L'Auberge Hotel-Art & Spa Cumbres Radisson Hotel Colonia del Sacramento URUGUAY'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Dollar Rent A Car Europcar Hertz Thrifty URUGUAY'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Carmelo Resort & Spa, A Hyatt Hotel Enjoy Punta del Este Hotel Fasano Punta del Este Hotel-Art & Spa Cumbres Sheraton Montevideo Hotel THE GRAND HOTEL Punta del Este URUGUAY'S LEADING HOTEL SUITE 2018 Premium Bi-Level Suite @ Carmelo Resort & Spa. A Hyatt Hotel Presidential Suite @ Enjoy Punta del Este Presidential Suite @ Sheraton Montevideo Hotel

URUGUAY'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Carmelo Resort & Spa, A Hyatt Hotel Enjoy Punta del Este Punta del Este Resort & Spa Sheraton Colonia Golf & Spa Resort VENEZUELA'S LEADING BUSINESS HOTEL 2018 Crowne Plaza Maruma Hotel & Casino Gran Meliá Caracas InterContinental Tamanaco Caracas JW Marriott Hotel Caracas VENEZUELA'S LEADING CAR RENTAL COMPANY 2018 Avis Europcar Hertz VENEZUELA'S LEADING HOTEL 2018 Eurobuilding Hotel & Suites Caracas Gran Meliá Caracas Intercontinental Maracaibo JW Marriott Hotel Caracas Pestana Caracas VENEZUELA'S LEADING RESORT 2018 Hesperia Isla Margarita La Samanna de Margarita Hotel & Thalasso Laguna Mar Hotel, Resort & Spa



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Guayaquil Is my destination to enjoy nature uayaquil, seated in an alluvial plain, boasts of various tropical land-based and aquatic ecosystems, of which the mangrove marshes, considered a transition between water and land, are among the its most striking resources. The Gulf of Guayaquil, the largest national reserve in this ecosystem, contains a wide variety of mangrove species, such as the Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), the Black (Avicennia germinans), Jeli (Conocarpus erectus), Caballero (Rhizophora harrisonii), and White (Laguncularia racemosa). These mangroves are home to particular flora and fauna that help sustain other environments and provide jobs for thousands of inhabitants that fish shrimps, crabs and clams to sustain their families. Another important ecosystem that embraces our city is the Dry Tropical Forest, which is home to such emblematic trees as the Guayacan, the Ceibo, the Algarrabo, and the

Guachapeli. Such trees have long contributed to the natural landscape and to the identity of the mountains and hills that surround the city. Our city grew thanks to the resources of the mangroves, using wood harvested from swamps as posts to build docks and housings/moorings. The Dry Forest also provided better wood from which homes and commercial buildings were constructed. This same wood was also used to construct river vessels, which helped establish Guayaquil as one of the major ports and shipyards in South America. Regarding the fauna, various species inhabit Guayaquil’s surrounding hills. Endemic to the area, animals such as the Guayaquil Parrot (Ara ambigua guayaquilensis), the Coastal Monkey (Cebus albifrons) the cuchucho (Nasuanarica) and the Guayaquil Squirrel (Sciurus stramineus) have come to characterize these environments. It is imperative to point out that the Guayas River is the key protagonist among Guayaquil’s natural environments, as it is the country’s most important drainage basin and one of its largest fresh water sources owing into the Pacific Ocean. One of the continent’s largest estuaries forms where this river joins the sea, rendering the area a special interest site for shing and harvesting bio-aquatic species. Due to the importance of such areas, the city, through both public and private funding, has designated several ecosystems as protected natural resources. Examples include protected forests such as the Cerro Blanco Forest, the Bosqueira (Lago de Capeira), the Cerro San Eduardo and the Cerro Azul; National Parks like Parque Lago (Chongon Reservoir), Los Samanes, Santay Island; and wildlife reserves such as Manglares El Salado are also included. Such efforts, among others, aim to preserve Guayaquil’s native ecosystems and ensure the natural legacy of its people. Thanks to its geographic location, Guayaquil possesses a privileged natural environment.






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