WORLD TRUCK RACING PROMOTION It is an Internet magazine that is published in digital form once a month. Its content focuses on the worldwide promotion and advertising of truck racing on race circuits as well as associated truck shows and truck festivals. The main attention is paid to the key actors, competition teams and their sponsors whose support is absolutely crucial for the existence of these automobile competitions. In the magazine World Truck Racing Promotion - August 2019 we used photos from the FIA European Truck Racing Championship 2019, Round 2 - TRUCK RACE OG HUNGARY in Hungaroring (,, #WORLDTRUCKRACINGPROMOTION #AUTOMOTIVEMARKETING #CESKYTRUCKER #fiaetrc #fiaetrc2019 #onetruckfamily #truckraceofhungary #hungaroring #truckgp #truckracing #welovetruckracing