Dent county mo online guide

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Dent County is a county located in the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 15,657. The largest city and county seat is Salem. The county was officially organized on February 10, 1851, and is named after state representative Lewis Dent, a pioneer settler who arrived in Missouri from Virginia in 1835. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft was one of the earliest visitors to Dent County, which was then unmapped and unknown. In 1818, Schoolcraft and Levi Pettibone left Potosi, Missouri on an adventure that often left them hungry, lost, lonely and in danger. They started headed west from Potosi on a trail that is now followed by Highway 8, then turned south through southern Dent and Shannon counties, where Schoolcraft found the Current River, “a fine stream with fertile banks and clear, sparkling water.” Today the river attracts tourists who launch canoes by the thousands during the summer to enjoy the fast-moving water of the Current and Jack’s Fork Rivers in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. Schoolcraft traveled to the area of today’s Springfield, Missouri, then wnet east on White River and finally back to Potosi, completing a journey of 89 days. The White River trail had long been used by Native Americans in Dent County. It later became one of the branches of the Trail of Tears, which saw many Cherokees pass through on their forced trek to Oklahoma. Some stopped in Dent County and many old families take pride in their Cherokee heritage. The “trace” wound from Sligo southwest to the Ephraim Bressie Farm on Spring Creek north of Salem. It left the county about the present town of Maples. The first white settler was George Cole, who cleared

a farm on the Meramec near Short Bend. It was later the site of the Nelson Mill. An abundance of waterpower and difficulty of transportation made mills important in the settling of the new land. Some of the first settlers came in 1829, mostly to the Meramec, Spring Creek and Dry Fork valleys. Land could be purchased for five cents or less an acre. William Thornton, Daniel Troutman and Daniel W. Wooliver were among the 1829 settlers, followed by William Blackwell, Elisha Nelson, Jerry Potts, Ephraim Bressie, Robert Leonard, Abner Wingfield, Lewis Dent, Wilson Craddock, Thomas Higginbotham, Jack Berry, Silas Hamby, Smith Wofford, Turkill McNeill, Dr. John Hyer, Samuel Hyer and David Lenox. In 1851 the Missouri Assembly created Dent County from Crawford and Shannon counties. It was named for early settler Lewis Dent, who served as the first representative. G.D. Breckenridge, Samuel Hyer, Jr., and Jotham Clark were the first elected county officials. Joseph Millsap served as sheriff and David Henderson as clerk. They met at the Bressie Farm. The first mayor of Salem was appointed or elected just after the Missouri state legislature passed the laws relating to village government in 1860. He was W.P. Williams, often referred to as “Rip” from the positive and often violent expression of his feelings and opinions. He lived in Dent County a long time and was a prominent citizen throughout his long life. He became mayor in 1860, but how long he served is unknown. The American Civil War came about in 1861 and city governments were suspended. After Williams, records show that O.A. Kenemore, a prominent farmer with a home in Salem, be-

came mayor. E.T. Wingo, a lawyer and representative, was next, followed by C.L. Allen, who was also a lawyer but never practiced law. He did, however, serve as Deputy Circuit Clerk and Probate Judge. Allen was succeeded by Samuel Sachs. No dates are available listing terms of office for these mayors, but it is likely they served from 1870 to 1881. An earlier log courthouse, built about 1851 or 1852, was Dent County’s first and was located on the Wingfield farm northeast of Salem. In 1852-53 a courthouse was built south of the present courthouse. The building measured about 20 by 40 feet (12m) and was built by J.T. Garvin for $800. It was burned during the Civil War. The next courthouse, built in 1864, also fell victim to fire in


May 1866. The beautiful Victorian courthouse—which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places—was built in 1870 for $15,500. A.E. Dye came to Dent County to build this courthouse. His son, E.L. Dye, assisted him and was to become the leading builder in the county. W.P. Elmer in his history reports that when the courthouse was finished, pictures of it were published in McClure’s Magazine and newspapers in the East to show the development of the West. Minerals have greatly influenced the Dent County economy. The iron furnace, built at Sligo, was the greatest, starting in 1880 and active until 1923 (43 years). Sligo was the fourth iron works built in the state, World Views Guides

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following Meramec, Midland and Nova Scotia. There was plenty of iron ore—Simmons Hill in Salem, Orchard and Cherry Valley, Millsap, Pomeroy, Hawkins Banks, Red Hill and Scotia. Elmer writes in his history that the Sligo furnace was the most successful and continued longer than any other iron furnace in Missouri. The Sligo furnace was built on Crooked Creek and produced 60 to 80 tons of pig iron a day with some runs of up to 100 tons. E.B. Sankey came from New Castle, Pennsylvania in 1870 to survey the St. Louis-Salem and Little Rock Railroad from Cuba to Salem. The Sligo & Eastern Railroad ran a branch to East End to gather wood for the kilns producing charcoal for the furnace. Sligo’s population in its big years reached 1,000. In recent times the largest mining and milling operations were in the “New Lead Belt” some 30 miles (48km) east of Salem. St. Joe Lead started the mining boom at Viburnum in neighboring Iron County and soon other major mining companies bought land and mineral rights. The mines brought new families and well-paying jobs with many choosing to live in Salem. Doe Run in nearby St. Francois County con-

tinues mining and battery reclamation in the area today. In 1909 a band of 23 pioneers realized the dream of bringing electric lights to Salem with the formation of the Salem Light & Power Co. The city eventually took over the electric system and produced electricity with two big diesel generators. When the generators could no longer meet the demand and were costly to operate the city contracted with Show-MePower Cooperative. Mrs. Thomas A. Bruce organized the first telephone system. Charlie Jeffries joined the Bruces to install the system around 1900. Homes paid $1 and stores $1.25 per month. Mrs. Bruce suffered agony from her eyes and was blind for 30 years until her death on May 8, 1942. The telephone system was sold to United Telephone, now Sprint. Salem led the world in the production and shipping of railroad ties for a time. While the early lumber companies cut the vast Ozark pine forests, timber has remained a major asset, with white oak staves for barrels, oak flooring, pallets, charcoal briquettes and lumber. The BunkerCul1er Lumber Co. in Bunker was one of the area’s biggest industries, and like the mines which hauled


wood for the kilns from a large area, Bunker-Cul1er used rails to bring in logs. Dent County has had its ups and downs economically, but is proud of its record of having five banks during the Great Depression without a failure. The Great Depression years brought many changes. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) brought young men to the area, many of whom stayed. There were CCC camps at Boss and Indian Trail. In the 13,503 acres (54.64km2) of the Indian Trail Conservation Area, crews built most of the area’s 55 miles (89km) of access roads. The Conservation Department purchased much of the cut-over land for $2.50/acre. Dent County’s skilled labor force made needlework industries a natural. Ely & Walker’s four-story factory (now the Fourth Street Mall) was the first. After World War II the Industrial Building Corporation raised funds for the International Shoe Factory. Other factories followed, including Salem Sportswear, Barad Lingerie, Paramount Cap and Hagale. Today, foreign competition has all but wiped out the local needlework industry. Today’s largest employer in Dent County, U.S. Foodservice, is an institutional food business and began in Salem as Craig Distributing. After World War II, Farris Craig started with a panel truck and peanut vending machines. In 1986, the Craigs sold their business to Kraft Foods, which later sold to Alliant, and is now owned by U.S. Foodservice. The Craigs have left their imprint on Salem with Craig Plaza, the Alice Lou Craig Municipal Swimming Pool, the Salem Visitor Center, and the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center. After World War II and through the

1950s, 60s and 70s, Dent County underwent changes. There were 60 one-room schools in 1950 and consolidation reduced this number to five districts/plus high schools in Salem and Bunker. Roads were built and improved. Salem Memorial District Hospital was built and became a major industry and health provider. In 2012 Salem attracted widespread media attention when it impounded a Labrador retriever accused of biting a child during a backyard playdate. Missouri state investigators became involved when allegations that the city was abusing the dog were reported to the Missouri attorney general’s office. The dog, Phineas, was eventually scheduled to be euthanized and a judge ruled in favor of the city. Legal action from the dog’s owners attracted attention from national news outlets, social media, and even a professional athlete when St. Louis Blues hockey player David Backes publicly spoke out. After months of legal action a new court date was scheduled for May 23, 2013. The story attracted national attention when national outlets started carrying the story. More legal wrangling occurred and a final courtdate was again set in October 2013. A week before that final hearing, Phineas was kidnapped from the veterinarian clinic at which he was boarded. The judge at the hearing determined that Phineas had never bitten and ordered Phineas returned to the family at which time the person who had stolen Phineas returned him to the care of his owners. The result of the case was that local powers in the 4th Class city arrangement were redistributed and at the next local election, the mayor of fourteen years was replaced by the veterinarian who boarded the yellow Labrador retriever.

With guidance from Missouri University Extension the county became the Feeder Pig & Calf Capitol of Missouri, with huge sales in spring and fall auctioning large numbers of livestock graded into pens for size and quality. Loss of farm population often due to the aging of farm owners ended these sales.

World Views Guides | 2014


Five Secret Habits of Successful Weight Loss! by: Joseph S F Ng


ello! May I start this article by sharing with you my most inner secrets. I want to reveal to you that no matter how difficult your weight problem may seem, you can change your life for the better. If I can do it, so can you. As many know I wasn’t always so strong or sure of myself, and much of that insecurity has to do with my weight. I have had a weight problem practically all my life and I always will. But now things are different, and they can do for you, too.

port and immediately start following the tactics and strategies recommended. Everyone s body is different from another.

study of successful dieters to date researchers have found that sticking with a low-fat’ low-calorie diet and exercising regularly helped the particiWe have DNA s that are very pants shed and keep off at least different even from our blood 30 pounds. Sounds impossible? brothers and sister. Why then But trust me it s true. You can bet your eyeball on this fact.

Enough of this lengthy intro, at least for now! OK? Then let s dive in with the first success habit of thin or slim people. Success Habits No.1. Fol- should you follow exactly low A Rugged frame- what people tell you. Even adwork for diet and exercise. vices herein. The best bet is to use your own body to study Let me set the record straight! the actions and reactions of Diet and exercise guidelines the guidelines given and apcan provide you with a frame- plied there. Fair enough? work for making these healthy changes, but ultimately it’s up Success Habits No. 2. Adto you to devise your own rules here to a low-fat’ low-calorie and come up with your own diet and exercising regularly strategies for healthy living and dieting. It is not expected of Let me clue you in on an undisyou to grab any article or a re- puted statement. In the largest World Views Guides

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By the way, are you are you getting into this, or it is rubbing you the wrong way? Just be patient and carry on reading. It s worth your few minutes of your precious time. Then shall we proceed to secrets number three. OK? Success Habits No.3. Discover and Adapt to Better Dieting Therapies OK, I know you re probably shaking your head after reading success habits number three .But rests assured what you about to read is no rocket science materials. It is just plain and simple fact. Here goes!


ready to see what s next then ing to better dieting therapies Rest assured that successful di- go ahead and continue read- Fourthly, have a strong belief eters aren’t afraid to do things ing but brace yourself first! in Quitters Never Wins, and far different from the norm. Winners never Quit motto. Just to find tactics that really Success Habits No. 5. And finally take the concerted works for them. And to use Progressively overcom- efforts to progressively overthem when they work for them. ing unhealthy life styles coming unhealthy life styles. Time changes so does things. Remember the old adage, Time and Tides awaits no man or for that matter woman Get my drift? Up next, Success Habits No. 4. A strong Belief in Quitters Never Wins, and Winners never Quit motto. Hello! Are you prepared to prepared to be shocked, disappointed and finally refreshed, reading this success secret no. 4. Right? Then let me get straight to the point! Make no mistake, along the road to change, lapses are inevitable for any one. But in and of themselves, they’re not necessarily setbacks; it all depends on how you handle them. Remember this weight loss thing is not a one shot affair. We have to live in our body every day of our lives, by the minutes, days, weeks, months and years. How our mind adapts to failures will largely determine the condition of our inherited body. Agreed?

No matter how you argue or try to justify this habits number 5, common sense dedicates this obvious fact. Changing distasteful habits involves six predictable stages, researchers have found. If you can identify the stage where you are, you can take steps to spur yourself forward.

In closing, let me add to these facts! This article has given you this weight loss information . It has given you the justification and the facts and the best advice we can give, the rest is up to you. Health is really is wealth in more than just financial, and whatever choices you make, we wish you best of luck in your pursue of a slimmer In case you don t know the and healthier body. Goodbye six stages, let s have a fast re- and happy weight loss endeavminder. Step One. Know the or. Thanks for reading. Bye! exact problem causing the unAND/ healthy lifestyle. Step 2. Find DISCLAIMER LEGAL NOTICES alternative solutions to over- OR come the problem. Step 3. The information presented herein Select the best alternative to represents the views of the author overcome the problem. Step 4. as of the date of publication. BeSchedule the start and finish cause of the rate with which conditimes to work at this problem tions change, the author reserves the Step 5. Get down to solving rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. the problem and step 6. Finish, This material is for informational follow up and revise if there purposes only and the author does is a need to. Simple enough? not accept any responsibilities for

To sum up, let s recap! Firstly adopt a rugged framework for dieting and exercising . Secondly, to adhere to a low-fat’ low-calorie diet and engage Correct me if I am wrong. But in indoor or outdoor sports what you are about to read may regularly. Thirdly to conbe shocking to you. If you are tinue discovering and adapt-

any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author and his referrals cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.

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World Views Guides | 2014


Environmentally Friendly Ways of Reusing and Recycling Paper, Books and Mags by: Reuben Frye


s consumers demand the need for more paper, whether it’s for newspapers, plain paper or books, we continue to cut down vast numbers of really old trees. It will take numerous years to see this turned over. Reusing and recycling paper is really important nowadays.

reuse and recycle.

always straightforward and can be made chalThe traditional means lenging by the stapling of recycling paper is of books and mags. by making use of reMagnets may be uticycling facilities. You lized to handle the will observe that where problems of metal and you dwell, there are op- recycling companies portunities to recycle, are constantly try to including in numerous find ways to better the cases your local grocery process.

Mags and books can be reused, it is only a matter of using our All paper, including imagination. Those old books and magazines, books and magazines are virtually wholly bio- store. You may notice are a fantastic learning degradable, meaning that your local area has resource for your kids they don’t clog landfills different bins so you and they will have the for many years and will can sort your paper for chance to give them to merely degrade into recycling. So that the other people in the funothing. The fact that paper can be usable ture. An old book will there is a need for more once again, the recybe of use to somebody paper makes it appear cling process should be else and it is not hard daft not to recycle as put in place. This saves for us give it this way. much as we possibly the trees and makes for can. That is why we a healthy environment. There are always places should Paper recycling is not like libraries that are World Views Guides

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happy to take your old books from you. Some libraries will take donations of old books and even magazines, providing they are in good condition. The library and the public will be more glad since they will have more reading choices. So instead of merely tossing a book or leaving it to collect dust, think about giving it to a library.

ing your old books.

for the wellbeing of the environment. There are To sum it up, paper is plenty of choices for us being utilized more and to recycle paper and to more but fewer trees. ensure that books and Beasts use trees as a magazines are reused natural home ground instead of thrown away. and they are essential

Books can also be sold instead of given away either locally or online. EBay and Amazon are popular places online where you can try sellWorld Views Guides | 2014


by: Allen Williams


ith budgets tightening the first area administrators often cut is their after-school programs and many booster clubs today can only assure their existence by self-funding. Most booster clubs, like other school groups, have come to rely on fundraising to help pay for their equipment and uniforms as well as their trips to out-of-state tournaments and competitions, often not paid for by membership fees. Booster clubs are willing

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| 2014

to try just about anything to raise money. But selling popular consumer items is one of the most tried-and-true methods available today. In fact, product fundraising programs help non-profit groups, such as booster clubs, raise nearly $1.7 billion each year, according to statistics. It is often the case that it is up to the booster club president to motivate the parents, coaches, teachers, students and other supporters so rally behind your president. Make sure everyone is moving in the right di-

rection to create a fun and successful event. SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers are here to assist your booster club in reaching their goals. With Autograph Shirt Kits and other unique products. For additional information on how SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers can benefit your organization, simply click the video link below. Evaluating products for your fundraiser should involve a few major points of decision making. First should you choose a tangible prod-


uct like SIGnaShirt Specialties Promotional Fundraisers or something less tangible such as candy bars and food items. Are you stuck making bulk purchases and taking the risk of harboring unsold stock items or should you go with a company such as SIGnaShirt Specialties Promotional Fundraisers, where everything is made to order, removing bulk order risk. (No Bulk Pre-Purchases)

motional Fundraisers Spread The Power of a that offers their clients a Smile with SIGnaShirt sales website to automate Specialties. your orders. And you can also view Upon careful analythe fundraiser program sis, we think when you in action and learn why evaluate SIGnaShirt Spe- SIGnaShirt Promotional cialties Fundraisers com- Fundraisers are rated in pared to other fundraiser the Top 18% for Innovaprograms on the market tion and Marketability at that you will choose to Fundraiser.Deco-Craft.

Should you go with products that are unbranded or branded products that will display your logo with the added benefit of free advertising. Do you really want to have your team selling door-to-door, given the security issues involved, or should you go with a company such as SIGnaShirt Specialties ProWorld Views Guides | 2014

Aries: Are you ready to

have your world of romance, creativity and relationships totally rocked, Aries? This year focuses so heavily on all themes related to your love life and integrating your opposite polarity (Libra). Get ready for a serious indoctrination on beauty, peace and justice. this year promises to deliver endless opportunities to perfect your skills in being the best lover and partner you can possibly be. This doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your authentic, individual Firewarrior spirit, but it does mean you’re about to learn the art of compromise in a colossal way. Starting in March, the Nodes of Fate will move into your stars right before your birthday, preparing you for a new cycle focused on the ever-elusive balance between ‘self’ and ‘other’. You may feel you are still shedding old aspects of your personality that no longer serve you or your partnerships -- but the payoff is so worth it. You’re a true romantic at heart, ever in search of a truly beautiful and harmonious partnership, and this year just might be the year you get to truly live and experience this like never before. Speaking of love, another major bonus arrives just in time for summer when lucky Jupiter moves into your sector of romance and pleasure for a year.

Taurus: this year is the year

of expansion, fulfilling work and stellar wellbeing, Taurus! If you’ve

fallen prey to the typical Taurus legacy of neglecting your own needs and taking care of everyone else’s problems, this is the year to take your power and your life force back so that you can invest in a brand-new life. No, this does not make you selfish or uncaring, this makes you true yourself and with a greater capacity to give to your loved ones because you will

no longer be running on empty -- which is probably how you’ve felt over the past few years. You’ve certainly learned the art of releasing control in last year. The good news is that the fog is finally about to lift as the South Node finally moves out of your stars this March. You’ve been letting go of so many things -- from material possessions to antiquated concepts around values and security. In fact, you’ve relinquished so much that you may barely recognize your life at this point, Taurus. You’ve certainly learned to simplify your world in last year, and now you’re getting ready to go rebuild towards greater beauty and harmony. The focus of this year is all about

communication, work and daily ritual. If you’ve been promising yourself for eons that you’ll get your daily routine into better balance as in: more exercise, better sleep and less work, this is the year to make that happen.


All of your hard work is totally paying off in this year, Gemini! The rewards started trickling in throughout last year, but the real windfall of success is still yet to come. This is the year of perseverance and pay-off. Plus, the super lucky money spree that began late last year continues in this year. Take advantage of the first six months of the year to work the generous influence of Jupiter in your money zone. The bounty that started last July will continue all the way until summer, so stash some of this awesome surplus for potential rainy days down the road.

Cancer: You’re still riding

high as lucky Jupiter continues his generous tour through your stars in this year. Maximize this amazing good fortune for the first six months of the year before Jupiter moves on to your neighboring sign of Leo in July. Don’t fear that all of your luck will run dry when Jupiter leaves Cancer. The good news is that starting in July you’ll have the benefit of the big planet working on your money house for a year. If you’ve been waiting for a windfall in your finances, watch how drastically your money situation

improves starting this summer. Your confidence has been on the rise since last year, and the increase in self-esteem is about to pay off in myriad ways, Cancer. Yes, you’ve officially come out of your shell and now you’re in high demand, baby!


Your star is about to rise and shine in this year, Leo. Are you ready for an amazing spell of luck? This summer, the planet of fame and fortune (Jupiter) moves into your stars, catapulting you to the rock star status you so desire and so deserve! Use the first half of the year to prepare on an inner level because the second half is going to explode beyond your wildest imagination. You’re dance card will be so beyond full, it’ll leave you very little time to keep up with yourself. Leo, you’re about to enter a cycle of goodness that only comes around once every 12 years, so prepare to party and live large like the royalty you are!

Virgo: This is the year

for vacation and retreat, Virgo! You’re known as the proverbial workaholic, but this year you’re about to totally transform your image. If ever there was a time to learn how to kick back and relax, it’s now. Although the first half of this year will continue with the crazy social frenzy that began in last year, by summer you’ll be ready to enter a phase of serious seclusion. Too much socializing proves to be incredibly taxing on your nerves, Virgo. You’re more sensitive than most, and it’s hard for you not to feel the pressure of wanting to help, nurture and support all those who come to you for your brilliant guidance.

Libra: If you’ve been a

sad and solo Libra, fear not; relationships take ridiculously high precedence in this year! You surely will not be alone. If you’re already hitched, expect a series of mind-blowing lessons and non-stop insight in the realms of romance and long-term commitment. This is your year to uncover and break through any codependent patterns once and for all. If you’ve been struggling with commitment issues (what Libra, doesn’t?) you will have tremendous support from Saturn and the Nodes of Fate to keep you from your usual fence sitting. The big shift takes place in March when the North Node of Fate moves into your constellation triggering a series of very fated, life-altering events and destined relationships that will unfold over the next few years. All of your relationships (not just romantic) will be radically transformed, as will you. The themes of balance, justice, and beauty will be all consuming starting in March when the North Node moves into Libra. You’ll feel right in your element as others will also be learning all about the art of diplomacy and compromise with you for a change. Life is about to feel infinitely sweeter in this year.


The intensity continues, Scorpio! You’ve been through quite a ride in last year and you’re very clear that change is the only constant. With all of the trials and tribulations endured, you’re certainly stronger than ever. The metaphor of the Phoenix rising from the ashes (often associated with your sign) could not be more apropos this year. You’ve let go of so much during the last year and

now you’re preparing for a major rebirth. After shedding layers upon layers and ancient attachments, you’re ready for the new. This is your year to get crystal clear on what you’re most passionate about and commit to it in the deepest way possible. You are an all-ornothing sign to begin with, and this is a year when you simply must embrace your all-encompassing nature. You want to live life to the fullest, even if that means going to hell and back. It’s what keeps you feeling on fire and stretched to your max. You want to know that you’re growing and facing your deepest fears and insecurities, and coming back stronger for having done so. This is exactly where you’re at when this year kicks in.

Sagittarius: this year

could prove to be one of your most social years on record, Sag! The isolation you endured in last year is finally coming to an end. Nothing is more unbearable to your free-bird soul than the feeling of being sequestered! Luckily, this year proves to be just the opposite. If anything, you’ll be craving a retreat by the end of the year just to recover from the non-stop mixing and mingling. There’s so much emphasis on your house of groups, friendships and long-term goals that you’ll happily be back in the ambitious saddle this year. You live for goals, challenges and aiming sky-high. This is your year to totally push past every limit imaginable. You’ll even surprise yourself with how resourceful you can be. Plus, you’ve got so much support from friends, family and colleagues that you cannot possibly lose.

Capricorn: Get ready

for one stellar career year, Capricorn! this year could easily be one of your most successful years on record, thanks to a huge conglomeration of planetary energies pushing you to the next level with your professional goals. For one thing you’ll have the planet of drive powering up the top of your horoscope for an extended stay, January through July. Plus, the North Node of Fate will meet up with Mars in March in your professional zone through the end of the year, making the push to excel a dire necessity. Finally, add to all of this ambition the fact that lovely Venus will be kicking off the year in your stars for the first two months. She’ll be retrograde during your birthday month in January, urging you to revisit old values and relationships. You may even see old friends or lovers crawling out of the woodwork. When Venus moves forward in February, you can expect some serious sweetness in your relationships -- and possibly

some extra cash.

Aquarius: this year is the

year to broaden your horizons and fly the friendly skies, Aquarius. The emphasis is on long-distance travel, philosophy and all forms of conscious awareness. If you’ve been hiding out at home, this is the year to get packing. Unprecedented adventure awaits. Life is sure to take you on some important journeys (literally, figuratively or both) on the quest for revealing the kind of mind-blowing truths that can only come from direct experience. You’ll have Mars firing up your house of travel for the entire first half of the year and quickly joined by the North Node of Fate in March. Wanderlust and travel fever could easily become daily themes, especially during the first half of the year. If you’re not able to physically travel, opt for activities that expand your mental and spiritual horizons, even if that means learning a foreign language or furthering your education.

Pisces: this year is the year of

major transformation and rebirth, Pisces. You’re about to undertake such a massive personal renovation project that your inner world will never quite look or feel the same. Of course, this will in turn revolutionize your outer world in the most fantastic ways imaginable. The first half of the year continues to celebrate romance and pleasure in a big and fabulous fashion. The overwhelming abundance of love that started crashing into your dreamy world last summer will continue to flourish straight through July. It’s not a question of falling madly in love -- it’s a question of why it seems to be a daily occurrence. The spell won’t be broken until summer, so enjoy this incredible fantasy. Once summer comes you may have to choose and commit.


SBA Business Loan Criteria To Obtain SBA Loans by: Jassica Thomson W hile you t r y to obt ai n an on SBA

need to discuss the amou nt you feel

process is ext remely cr ucial. It is

busi ness loan there are cer t ai n re-

is necessar y for you r vent u re and

related with all the f i nancial st ate -

qui rements that need to be f ulf illed.

then specif yi ng the det ailed i nfor-

ments regardi ng you r busi ness ven-

Let us have a look at them below:

mat ion about how you will use these

t u re st at us. However, this scenar io

T he f i rst requi rement is to provide a

f u nds for you r busi ness. One thi ng

is com mon to ever y loan package

det ailed prof ile of the busi ness that

should be kept i n m i nd: Always read

that you will obt ai n f rom any where.

you are cu r rently r u n n i ng. T his will

caref ully all the schemes and plans

All the f i nancial st atements are re -

i nclude det aili ng of the busi ness

available before applyi ng. You need

qui red to be subm it ted per t ai n i ng to

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to ensu re that you are choosi ng the

the last th ree years and also of the

also need to provide the t i me li m-

best scheme to meet you r needs and

present year.

it f rom when you are r u n n i ng this

requi rements. Unless you u ndergo

Not only the f i nancial st atements

busi ness. Also, any i nfor mat ion re -

but also cer t ai n other f i nancial cal-

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World Views Guides | 2014

Tankless Water Heaters- Tankless Water heater repair and installation for your home by: Trish

We all know hot water less water heater. Have you bill. This is why if you are is very much a necesfound yourself scratcha conservative or a home sity. Most of us have waing your head when the owner that simply wants ter heaters at home and electric bill comes, most to save money and endo not give it a second of us have. Depending on joy effective water heatthought, we just assume your household size and ing consider switching to we will have hot water on use, your conventional hot different system. It may a daily basis until you are water tank can even drive be time for to try using a standing in the shower your electric bills through tankless water heater. and the water goes cold the roof. because someone in the With electric bills soarother part of the house Did you know that most ing and people becoming decides to turn on the conventional heaters make more eco- friendly there water, trying to get the up for almost 20% of your are many people now dishes done after dinner household energy conconsidering having a tankand no hot water or we get sumption. Think about less water system. Do you ready for that therapeutic this for a moment 20% believe a tankless hot waevening bubble bath so we is a lot of consumption ter system is right for your can unwind or that morn- when you begin thinking home? There is no reason ing shower to get us going about the different house- why it should not be. The and there is no hot water. hold items that make up reasons for having a tankIf this sounds familiar it your electric bill clothes less verses not having a may be time to consider dryers, stoves, heat, wash- tankless system certainly that tankless hot water ing machines, lights, hair outweighs the disadvantank. dryers and the list goes tages. on. So when you think Let s discuss the advantage about it on this level 20% Lets review some of the s of replacing your old hot for the use of hot water is reasons why installing a water tank with a Tankquit a bit of your electric tankless heater could be

very beneficial: Tankless hot water heaters are energy efficient. You can cut your heating cost to up to 30%. Now think about this for a moment If your hot water is costing you up to 20% on a conventional hot water tank and your saving up to 30% on a tankless hot water system and the tankless is also eco -friendly well, this sounds pretty beneficial.

time, wow .no more be20 years and still maintain ing deprived of hot water its efficiency. in your home. It does not matter whether two or more faucets are running at the same time. But keep in mind speak to your professional plumber so they can advise you on what you may need as far as a whole house type of heater or what your options are by installing two or more of this type system to meet instantaneous hot water demand.

Water Heaters� work differently from the conven- You should know tankless tional water heaters. With water heaters are safer bea Tankless water system cause the system does not the water is heated only store water that can be a when it is needed. When breeding ground for bacyou turn on the faucet that teria such as Legionella. is when the Tankless heatKeeping the water teming system kicks in and at perature at an appropriate the same time the water temperature is important is heated (using a heating to keep these type of bacelement). That is why a teria s from thriving. Tankless hot water system is also called “InstantaPreventive maintenance neous or Demand. is still periodic same as a conventional heater but With tankless water heat- the cost is lesser. The next ers there is constant flow great advantage of a Tankof hot water, so this allows ess water system if you do everyone in your home to what the manufacturer have hot water at the same requires, it can last up to

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