Annual Report 2013

Page 1

Narges Ghafary/ World Vision


Contents LL

Where We Work

ল৻ŕż‚ߏ Financial Highlights

ΛᑢБ With Deep Gratitude

ŕź…ฝဳ‍ Ř?‏ Resource Governance

ೕࢄz੣‍ی‏ɼဍތˎೕ Development-for Children's Well-being

É°á„—ŕŁ?ল৻ం‍ ٲ‏ Audited Financial Statements

ŕŞ&#x;ŕą?ŕ ‡â€ŤŰşâ€ŹzÓśÎ•Î€á—’ŕŻ–â€ŤÚŠâ€Źá‡ƒ Relief and Rehabilitation-at the Forefront of Calamity

áƒĄá‘˘ Acknowledgements

Đ‘â€ŤŘżâ€ŹÉˆŕľ´ á”?Ę?Í Őœ Your Effort Transforms Lives

ŕťŽÔ‘ŕ¸œ Board of Directors

Ňˆŕ ¨ÉŽĐ?‍ؿ‏Δਂ

With Deep Gratitude

Asa Chong/ World Vision



˔㡝ს௟ɡ෰ᑢɣࡼΛαԞȹ‫ق‬ᆅʶ਄ၤ ᘿᗝɍɊ e Dr. Rosanna Wong is grateful for the public’s continual support for 30-Hour Famine.

Αࠖȹαc҈ࠨ‫ޜ‬Ӯ৚ቕɁɟಕʭȿcɃᚾਥᓣઠө‫ۦؿ‬ɥΛȿc൝ᔴᑺΉɝαೕࢄ͌ᅟɌ‫ٶ‬ȹ үh҈ࠨ‫ޜ‬ӮҡΛࢶХّdХቔّɺඩ᎖᎖˟ˮcҡ෰ܷӸᖾ‫ؿ‬Ɂ਄ၤʻ‫ܛ‬e஛Ԓ஭੡Ԟɺ‫מ‬e ༏ᗒϷcЎτБ΃Ϸcܰ௖˿ൔ‫ؿ‬e ಳϤc๫‫ޜ‬Էᘗᙩʠज़‫ؿ‬તСԓʑኝcࡼ්࿉าć᜙ා‫ݳ‬cᗒ̵‫ؿ‬ᐻΕേ႓ˢࠨ‫ؿ‬భ྾‫ܨ‬ԑh ๫‫ޜ‬Էಲᅕɩ‫ۦ‬ΐȹԒ˿དԉ‫ؿ‬झञcϤ༦ɺȿʄั‫́ؿ‬ˀh҈ࠨҡ߬ᑞՀcသɐҰʗɈጷ ұ‫ۦ‬ɥ‫ؿ‬ါަcᜑҰ࠯‫ۦ‬ɥ஭τ৪੖dઅՇઠөdᏵሬʘ‫ړؿ‬ᙶdΕෲɻι‫ٽ‬e ᒖಳ҈ࠨԳɎɺॶҝᛰֺτc҈ࠨΐടྦྷɐ۴‫ڌؿ‬c‫ג‬τѴશc‫ۦڌޚ‬ɥผτҡΡ‫עؿ‬ʨe ҈ࠨ෰࢟cΐ‫ۦݯ‬ɥ‫ؿ‬ॐᐻcˢࠨΌ੡ཙcτ࣊ᚾcτ৪੖e ҈ࠨ෰࢟cΐ‫ݯ‬Ҧ̵Ϭ೽Ϭӷc༛ଐᄈ˱ć‫ݠ‬ҝഁe ҈ࠨ෰࢟cΐ‫ݯ‬ਯɤࠇ‫ܣ‬Ϭ‫ڌ‬c΢ࠨᏵɩᔾ൘ಁೕࢄɩ́෮cయʥኬ࠯ࡼ࢓e ҈ࠨ෰࢟cΐ‫ݯ‬ӎ̵Ε΀ᗒᗐ፾ᏵᎳХc‫ޜ‬ӮѴશe ҈ࠨ෰࢟cΐ‫ݯ‬Бࠨᗙ෮΃ʶ΃Ϸc‫ݯ‬ஔᆯɁ˟ˮdೕᐰe ෰࢟˞̔c҈ࠨҡ˱ЦɈc‫ޞ‬શΕ̰ԞȹαcτҡΛཫБȹᅚ‫΃ؿ‬Ϸّ˱ɃcӮᖬҡΛ́՜‫ ؿ‬ ҝᛰe ‫ˈܪ‬Շҡ‫ݯ‬τါe

Gloria Cheung/ World Vision Ⴁ๖‫ע‬Εቭʱ྘c‫ݚݯ‬੢‫ؿ‬તСԓԫ೧̨ࣩe Kevin Chiu visits Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.

Closer to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, this past year has seen the number of hungry people around the world decrease, while more children have been able to receive a basic education. We have also witnessed many donors and sponsors whose love and passion have mobilised others to also become givers. It wasn’t without obstacles that we have come to bear these fruits, but your companionship has kept us going, rain or shine. Yet, in a world where wars like the Syrian conflict are tearing countries and lives apart and where numerous under-five children are still dying from preventable diseases, we must continue to humble ourselves to do our best enabling every child access to health, education, protection and love. Although it is hard to rid the world of atrocities and injustice overnight, we, with our faith in God, believe that a brighter future is within reach for all children. We give thanks for children who enjoy food, education and health. We give thanks for self-sufficient villagers who enjoy better crop yield and lives. We give thanks for women who regain their confidence through small businesses funded by microfinance. We give thanks for disaster survivors who receive timely help. We give thanks for you who walk with the poor and speak up for the oppressed. In the coming year, we pray that there will be more people like you joining us to witness many more beautiful lives transformed.

໎ԑผ˚࢐ ˔㡝ს௟ɡ

ᐢ෦ԑ Ⴁ๖‫ע‬

Dr. Rosanna WONG

Kevin CHIU

Board Chair

Chief Executive Officer

World Vision Hong Kong

It is more blessed to give than to receive, always.



Development–for Children’s Well-being

8,500,000 Ő‡ŕ°ŻÉ á…• People Benefited

Ň°ŕ Żâ€ŤŰŚâ€ŹÉĽŕŽ­Ü°â€ŤŢ‚â€Źŕľ”â€ŤŘżâ€ŹcŇˆŕ ¨á…ĽÓŽâ€ŤŰŚâ€ŹÉĽß?Ń•Κ‍ٽ‏cᕤŕ´&#x;â€ŤÚŒâ€ŹĘśâ€ŤŮ´â€ŹÎ‰Ě°Ôžeಲ ŐŞcŕŽ”Ńˆŕ¨?۹໧‍ڳ‏သܰ৚ມㅸㅸdŕ¤?ञᙨӸdŕŽ”á†Żá—’â€ŤŰŚŘż×?‏ɼcË˘ŕ ¨Ě‹ ҹȚáŽ ŕšƒŕ˝™cಲŕž’Ëżŕ°–cŕłśâ€ŤËĽ×Žâ€ŹŕŽ”á†ŻË¤Ë¤â€ŤŢšâ€Źŕś¨e ۧâ€Ť×˘â€Źŕ¸œ੣‍ی‏ɼ‍ؿ‏ဍތˎೕc஦༦ͅ—мቔԍ೧ߎིÂ˜ŕź…ĐĽâ€Ťŕ¨‚Â—Řżâ€Źŕ¨&#x;ೕࢄ ŕś–ÍŒÂ˜cŕŞ?ϡ኏Ͳ‍ਂمؿ‏ೕࢄcáœ‘â€ŤŰŚâ€ŹÉĽdŇŚĚľcËžßŽáŠŹŕ Żâ€Ťŕ¨‚Ů…â€Źá‘şŇŻÎ‰ ‍ڊ‏cŕŻšâ€ŤŰşâ€ŹČšŕ Żâ€ŤŰŚâ€ŹÉĽËżÔ”Ď„৪ŕŠ–dઅՇઠӊdá?ľáˆŹŕšŤâ€ŤŘżâ€Źŕš‘áš‹d‍ړ‏ᙜd਄ á ¤cË˜ŕĽśŕˇ˛á ¤ŕ­˝ŕˇ˛â€Ťŕ¨‚Ů…Řżâ€Źe ࡰá‹?мቔّʼ࢜мŮ‘ಲÓ?‍Ë&#x;Řżâ€ŹËŽĘĽâ€ŤÍ¨ÚŒâ€Źcŕ —ŕ˛‹Ë–â€Ť×˘Ű§Ţˆâ€Źŕ¸œ੡ËžÎ‘áŽśŕŽ”á†Ż É â€ŤŘżâ€Źáƒ?ߏcΕ Îąâ€ŤŢˆË–×›â€ŹÎˆÎ”ŕŞ?ϡೕࢄɎĐ?cŕ°ŻĘĽ ŕş’É c˳‍ܢ‏Ε ŕ Żŕ¨?य़ŕś€ŕ˘„ ŕ ŻÂ—ŕ¨‚ŕ¨&#x;ŕł•ŕ˘„ŕś–ÍŒÂ˜cмቔ༩ ຒΊ‍ی‏ɼcŇ?ഠԯय़ ࢓ʼ‍ਂم‏hϤмá‰”Ů‘ŇĄËżáŒąÓ¸ÓŽá–ŹČšâ€ŤÝ’Ý’â€Źá‹?áŽžÉ ĘśĘĽŮ›Ö Í Őœâ€ŤŘżâ€Źá‹ƒ೥e ÎƒŕŁ‚cŇˆŕ ¨Í›Ęťâ€Ť Ü›â€Źŕś–Éťŕł›๨ŕś–ÍŒc๫ɻ˳‍עۧ—ܢâ€ŹÉžĘ¤Â˜ŕź…ĐĽŕś– ÍŒcԞмŕŽ”Ńˆâ€ŤŰŚâ€ŹÉĽĘĽŕĄźŕ˘“ӜˎŕŽ”á†Że

Every child is precious. We are always happy to see children grow and face future challenges with confidence. Yet, in places that are poor, all we see are children in hunger, poverty, or with diseases. Unlike other children full of dreams and visions, they always need to worry about finding enough to eat or battling with generational poverty. Through the Child Sponsorship Programme, World Vision implements Area Development Programme (ADP) that brings children and their community forward to create a love-filled community where children can enjoy health, education, care, protection and participation. Thanks to your generous contribution and trust, World Vision Hong Kong has faithfully answered the needs of the poor. In 2013, we were able to help 8.5 million people, including launching 106 ADPs in 27 countries and sponsoring over 200,000 children, helping also their families and communities. Sponsors could also witness the enlightening life-changing process. Besides these, we have also supported 166 short to mid-term projects, of which some are funded by World Vision Partners, helping the poor walk out of poverty.

ԭϽХቔɤ‫ࡼۦ‬ɻ‫්܃‬ɣᔔνcΐ‫ݯ‬΢ࠨ‫ححؿ‬ ຤༦ۧ‫ע‬ผ‫ؿ‬༛१਩ফ‫܃‬cɰι‫ݯ‬๫Δᅡᆲ༛ ʩcΕ‫ိ්܃‬࿶ᇙ‫׮‬cɺЎϬ೽Ϭӷcҡੀ௛቗ ‫ؿ‬ˮਕᑨ፠e

Feleseta Kassaye/ World Vision

Food Security · Ethiopia

World Vision Hong Kong


After receiving World Vision’s agricultural training, the father of these sponsored girls is able to support his family with the vegetables and fruits he planted. He even has extras to sell for additional income.

World Vision

૜ᅳࠕˋf‫ހ‬Сၐԓ Clean Water · Bolivia

ΕৱႩɬਂ໧c૜ᅳࠕˋᗒұeۧ‫ע‬ผΕ஛໧ઠ ኒҦ̵ഁ͂Δଉ᏷ྊνඑ૜ᅳࠕˋcಕ‫ؿˋܥޘ‬

Htet Htet Oo/ World Vision


Clean water is not always available in remote rural areas. World Vision teaches villagers to use local geographical resources to collect clean water and educates them on environmental conservation.

࠯˂ɣ‫ؿ‬ϝԓࡼྊஔшcடʟᎁɖӀτcɌ຤ ੒ຼᓌʥೕዖh ั‫ؿ‬ոոҰʨɺᖽ௜ߕ੓ˢԷ ۧ‫ע‬ผ‫ؿ‬Ꮺቔɻʶc೽ˢΌӲ̘dᙈ˳ʥᆪ‫ذ‬ξ ᎁ೩c໤˨Ꮺቔe


Healthcare · Myanmar

17-month-old Myint doesn’t have enough food and gets fever and diarrhoea often. His 13-year-old sister takes him to World Vision nutrition centre daily where he gets soya milk, bread and cereal for breakfast.

Namuun Tsegmid/ World Vision


Growth in Love · Mongolia νԷࠗಋХቔّ‫ؿ‬Ԟ‫ڌ‬ʥጱ೫ೋ‫྇ؿ‬ೋcၬ̀Ә ‫ۦ‬ዸΪࡐॐ஢ᔿ඀cΐ‫ݯ‬ˢ૯૯᛽ผԷПɁ೽ˢ

World Vision


The letter and picture from a Hong Kong sponsor bring great joy to this Mongolian sponsored child Munkh-Otgon! The love and care of his sponsor has given him confidence in his future.


ั‫߻ؿ‬ձঢ়ጙኍΔ႓i ˞‫ࠨ҈ک‬τȹ࠯ໜ ᆱcЎɺ‫ك‬༞ΣЄ̨ଉe֗੡ۧ‫ע‬ผᐾፒቔໜফ ᆻc҈ࠨଊΕɰ຤τʒ࠯ໜᆱcԎ́ଐȿʒʔʾ ၹጅԜˮਕc஛̋ܰ඀նՙk

“We had only 1 beehive and didn’t know how to handle it. But thanks to World Vision’s beekeeper training, we now have 6 beehives and they produced 6kg of honey for sale,” 25-year-old Tiniko says excitedly.

World Vision Hong Kong

Economic Development · Georgia

Ratana Lay/ World Vision


Lifting the Impoverished ¡ Cambodia ูÓ˜â€ŤŰŚâ€Źŕ§?ࣚ˞֥ŕź?࡞࡞‍ݚ‏ᔴֺ̖cӸಲ‍ذٽ‏c ˞ഡ‍य़ݯ‏hÎ?ŕ´&#x;ۧâ€Ť×˘â€Źŕ¸œâ€ŤŘżâ€ŹáŽłĐĽcŕŹŠÎ•ŕˇžŕˇžŐ—ˢȚ ঴ϾΕϏɯ‍ؿ‏ɊָɼcÎŞá–‡Í â€ŤÝ â€Źc຤ŕŠ’ŕŞŽŕ´&#x;Čšá?ť

Charles Kabena/ World Vision


Ȟูâ€ŤŘżâ€Źá€”ŕŹ‰á„¨Î•ۧâ€Ť×˘â€Źŕ¸œŕ¸“á °â€ŤŘżâ€Źá‡žŰŠĘ‘É?ᇞcŕŁ&#x;Ě” ጙáŠ?cϤË˜ŇĄŐ‡ŕ°Żâ€ŤŕžŠ×›â€Źŕ¸“â€ŤŘżâ€ŹŕŞ áŠ?Ř’cΕá‚?ÎĽĘĽá…• áŠ?É?ÉŁĎ„ྏүe

In this new classroom built by World Vision, 9-yearold Malita enjoys her classes and has improved in her vocabulary and Mathematics under the new teaching methods.

ઠӊá‹€ŕ¸œf৛֟á ? Education ¡ Malawi

13-year-old Kosal and his mother used to live on the streets. Thankfully, they now have their own shelter and enjoy a more stable life with the assistance of World Vision.

Addie Liao/ World Vision


Disabled Persons Protection · China ੩τ೐ᛟ‫ێ‬຾ᜉ‫ؿ‬ΪዉɺॶϷӶ՗ॎ͓cϬɩɃ ϾါС৑eۧ‫ע‬ผ‫ݯ‬ˢΪખɃϾ਺ቔࡼ࢓cᜑˢ ෰ՇԞϬࡼ࢓‫ؿ‬ᗐෲcɌ‫ܞ‬ኒቔ̴Ԛ͂Ϭႇᓯ‫מ‬ ‫ؿ‬ɮԮ২న੖ফᆻc˥ˢ൬үɺʭe

Suffering from cerebral palsy, An-ze cannot walk nor stand by himself. World Vision arranges for him to stay in a foster family and teaches his foster parents simple rehabilitation exercises to improve An-ze’s recovery.

ɻਝඖ͌ Projects in China ඖ͌ᗘПᅕ͌ No. of Projects by Programme Types

Area Development Programme including Child Sponsorship ઠө Ɂɷ਩ফ

Education/Leadership Training ᔢᏻ㡮́

Healthcare վԫ τऋࣦ჏߬ԫ೧ʥ‫ڇ‬α

Orphans, Children and Youth with Special Needs ‫ے‬൰́‫ݠ‬ҝഁ

Rural and Urban Livelihood Improvements ટ౐ʥࠇ‫ ۺ‬ԉӎ

Relief and Rehabilitation/Disaster Mitigation

ඖ͌ᐢᅕ Total No. of Projects

ࠗಋ˖‫עۧވ‬ผ༅Х‫ؿ‬ඖ͌Δਂ Areas with WVHK-funded projects

΁‫׳‬ Jilin

19 21

ྟࡧ Ningxia ณᖀ Xinjiang

˵ԕ Beijing ،˵ Hebei

3 6

‫ࣵڇ‬ Qinghai

ʨ‫ݛ‬ Tianjin

̀ആ Gansu ᾮϹ Shaanxi


ಙ˵ Hubei

̒ɭ Sichuan

ಙ‫ڲ‬ Hunan


ϐϹ Jiangxi

ൔή Guizhou


ඔ‫ڲ‬ Yunnan

ᄤϹ Guangxi

ᄤ‫׭‬ Guangdong

World Vision Hong Kong

ਂਟೕࢄඖ͌ ˳‫ܢ‬Хቔԫ೧ི߮


ࠇ‫ۺ‬zӶΕ΀ᗒ௖‫ک‬ᇃ Relief and Rehabilitation– at the Forefront of Calamity


αcӎࡻɺಕc௖̉ɁɺΪܰɁ‫ݯ‬ӎᗒe તСԓʑኝ‫ܛ‬ᙩ˘ɺᒾʠज़cϋඬಲᅕc༩ ຒΊᗒ̵‫ؿ‬჏߬ҡܰ߾Ε‫ޛ‬๹e‫ݘڈ‬ᓰ঄ ԗಳᗲ࢈cடαҠӎ˥̛ٛԓdॗ৛Ԉd৛ Ԉd̛ˀဍd৛ּၐd‫ݛ‬ʱ̠ࠏཙՇᓰ঄ֺ шc‫ۦ‬ɥ৪੖௖Շۤ९eᑹτ̒ɭΔቊdഥ‫܁‬ ႝࠓӎdͿ۹՗˵ᒚˋӎ೩eۧ‫ע‬ผӶΕӎᗒ ௖‫ک‬ᇃcτࢽʥӾ஠ΑᎶcટХӎ̵cࠇ‫ࡼۺ‬ ්cѴશˢࠨʥξ୓ᔴᗒᗐe


Maria Frio/ World Vision

People Benefited

ͲፆҰȹϽࢶХّ‫ؿ‬ᆅʶʻ‫ܛ‬cБࠨಲʗਝ ‫ވ‬c̋‫ݯ‬ᎳХӎᗒɻ‫ؿ‬ȹະeБࠨ‫ࢶؿ‬Хʻ ‫עۧܛ‬ผΕ˖‫ވ‬ΈΔઐϷ ࠯ટ౐ʥࠇ‫ۺ‬ඖ ͌c˞௖҄‫ؿ‬஠۹‫ݯ‬ӎ̵ొԜ၇‫ذ܈‬༅ʥᎳ Хcᜑˢࠨࠇ‫ܣ‬కᗲc‫ޜ‬ӮѴશeۧ‫ע‬ผၤӎ ̵Ԏ٘΃ϷcऋПᗐᚋ‫ۦ‬ɥՇӎ‫ؿ܃‬ʶ᜙௚ ඬcԎߎɈԾХ‫ۺࠇਂم‬cొঢ়ҊӎॶɈe 2013 was a difficult year. The most disturbing were man-made disasters. In Syria, the ongoing civil war has caused massive casualties and destruction, leaving over two million refugees in dire need of help. Famine in Africa persisted. Years of droughts have led to severe food shortage in Kenya, Somalia, Mali, Niger, Malawi and Zimbabwe, seriously affecting the health of children. Besides these, there were also earthquakes in Sichuan, China, storms in the Philippines, and floods in India and North Korea. World Vision worked at the forefront of calamity and responded promptly to the needs of affected children and families, bringing them relief and helping them rebuild their lives.



Africa Food Crisis

ዸऋ੩ɐᗲࠇᏪቔɺ Ӫc᛽ࠇඩΣณ́Ꭹ ‫ۦ‬e຤༦ۧ‫ע‬ผԭ࠯˂ ‫؝ؿ‬ᏻֲᒝབྷcˢ‫ؿ‬᛽ ࠇᄈ˱ȿԭʔʾcԎ̳ Ε੖నɻe

I n M a li , 6 - m o n t h - o ld M o u t i a n s u f f er s f ro m acute malnutrition and weighs like a newborn. After 2 months of therapeutic feeding from World Vision, he gained 2kg and has gradually recovered.

Your helping hands have touched the hearts of many disaster survivors. Your donations have allowed World Vision to launch 102 relief and rehabilitation projects worldwide, providing emergency supplies and other necessary assistance to the needy, restoring their dignity and hope. World Vision worked closely with them to rebuild their communities and strengthen their disaster resilience, and paid special attention to the psychological needs of children after disasters.

Gloria Cheung/ World Vision

તСԓ΀ዀ Syria Crisis ࠗಋ˖‫עۧވ‬ผᐢ෦ԑ Ⴁ๖‫ע‬ጱ߳ቭʱ྘઄஄ તСԓᗒ̵cˤ‫ࢶٲ‬Х ّ঺ɐᄱਐ՗ूါe

̒ɭΔቊ Sichuan Earthquake ۧ‫ע‬ผટӎɁࡗΕ̒ɭ ඏΪΔቊӎਂ഼ྦʥᄱ ਐӎ̵cԎΉˢࠨ‫ݢ‬ೕ ટ౐‫ذ‬༅Σᇯ́˳c˞ ໬ዝ‫ޛ‬ɾ‫܈‬e World Vision relief worker conducts assessment in the quake-affected areas in Ya'an of Sichuan and dis tribu tes emergency supplies such as hygiene kits to ease sur vivors’ difficult situation.

World Vision Hong Kong

Meimei Leung/ World Vision

Mr. Kevin Chiu, CEO of World Vision Hong Kong, visits some Syrian refugees in Lebanon, bringing them blessings and regards from donors.



á”?Ę?Í Őœ

Your Effort Transforms Lives

мቔԍ೧ߎི Child Sponsorship Programme

á˜ż á—?É?ÉŠ 30-Hour Famine

Őšá„ŤŕŞŁÎžâ€ŤÚŠâ€ŹÔˇŕąœÔˆá™ŹËşŕŞ„ŕŽ„ŕŽ”Ńˆâ€ŤŰŚâ€ŹÉĽcá‘š ŕ –Ď‰Î•ŕź›Ҍय़ŕ˘“ŕ¤œਟcáŒąÓ¸á›˝á›ťË˘ŕ ¨Í â€ŤÝ â€Ź â€ŤËœŕ˝´Řżâ€ŹeŕŽ›Ď‰á—’ѿ຤ዃŕŞ?৽΢རáŽžŇĄÎ›É Îšâ€ŤÝŻâ€ŹĐĽá‰”Ů‘e

ࡰá‘˘ŕźŠ É ŕ¨„á ¤ËžÎąâ€ŤÂ—Řżâ€Źá˜żá—?É?Ɋ˜dÂ—á˜ż á—?ČšáŽ Â˜d—༼ßœá˜żá—? ÉŠŕŁ‚Â˜cÔŽáŠ?࣎ʼઠŕ¸œ â€ŤŘżâ€Źá˜żá—?â€Ťŕ§˝Ý â€Źcá—?á•¤ÎˆÎ”ŕ§šá‰•ĘĽĎ„áƒ?ߏâ€ŤŘżâ€ŹÉ c É–঺É?ྡྷáƒŒáŽłĐĽe

Vivian Chow visited the poor children in Sri Lanka and stayed overnight in a rural household for the first time to experience the insufficiency of the poor. This unforgettable experience has driven her to encourage more people to become sponsors.

Over 34,300 people participated in last year’s 30-Hour Famine, Skip-a-Meal, Elderly Famine, and other school and church famine activities, sending love and help to the needy and the starving people.

á ‡â€ŤÜˆâ€ŹŕŞ&#x;ŕą?Ő“á?‘ Emergency Relief Appeals

Ęťâ€ŤŮ‘Ü›â€ŹŕŞ„ŕŽ„ŕž†ĘĽĐĽá‰”Ů‘á ™ŕ¸œ Supporter Tours & Sponsor Gatherings

á‘˘á‘˘Îˆâ€ŤŕžšŢˆâ€Źŕ°ˇŕ˘śĐĽcáœ‘Ňˆŕ ¨á˜—á™ŠÓžŕŽ Î‘áŽśË– â€ŤŢˆâ€ŹÎˆÎ”â€ŤŘżâ€Źá ‡â€ŤÜˆâ€ŹÓŽੱcŇĄŇ?ŕ˛‹á‹ŒĚ&#x;̾‍ؿ‏á—?á•¤áŒą Ó¸ŕŠ“Ôˇá‰­Ęąŕž˜cá„ąŕ¨?๫Δ‍ؿ‏તХԓᗒ̾՗঺ É?áŽśâ€ŤŘ°Üˆâ€Źŕź…e

ΛΊ࢜мŮ‘á?­ŕž†ÔˇŕąœÔˆá™ŹËşdܻࡣྣd á ŹĚ€ĘĽÉťŕ¨?cȿ໬ۧâ€Ť×˘â€Źŕ¸œâ€ŤŘżâ€ŹÉŽĐ?c஫Ę—ŇĄ á ¤ĐĽá‰”â€ŤŰŚâ€ŹÉĽŕ¸œŕ ?c˱૯ੱᇡcĚŠá?žá?’Čż Ď‰á ™ŕ¸œc޸ É ŕ¨„Ëąe

Thanks to our donors’ generous support, we were able to respond promptly to the emergent needs in different parts of the world. Besides emergency supplies, donors’ kind regards were also sent to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

Over 60 donors joined our tours to Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Mongolia and China to learn about our local work. Some of them also met with their sponsored children. 13 sponsor gatherings were organised last year with about 1,300 participants.

Đ‘â€ŤŘżâ€ŹĘťâ€ŤÜ›â€ŹŐ—ŕ¨„á ¤cԞмۧâ€Ť×˘â€Źŕ¸œÎ•Ͳ ŕŹˆÎˆÎ”â€ŤÝŻâ€ŹŕŽ”Ńˆԍ೧â€ŤÍ Řżâ€ŹŐœʼԯय़࢓ ŕŠ“Ôžâ€ŤŮ˝â€Źá‚Šâ€ŤŘżâ€ŹŇ?á›°e Your generous support and active participation enables World Vision to bring lasting change to the lives of poor children and their families around the world.

ۧ‍ע‏ɞʤ World Vision Partners

ۧ‍ע‏ɝŕ¨?ɞʤ World Vision China Partners

ᓿ࣊Ανຎሒɣϡ৽ Used Book Recycling Campaign

̡ɺá?˜ŃżÎˆÎ”Ńˆß•â€ŤÝšâ€Źá”´â€ŤŘżâ€ŹÉ c—ۧ‍ע‏ɞ ʤÂ˜á˜—á™Šâ€ŤÝŻâ€ŹŕŽ”á†Żdá“°ŕ •ɺӷʥӸாᇰޯʑ ඤ೩ŃˆĘŁâ€ŤŘżâ€ŹÉ ŕąŠÔœŕą?ĐĽcཌྷ‍ݢ‏ೕˉಇ՗ ÔŻ ˢ Í â€Ť Öş Ý â€Źáƒ? Ę€ ী á—’ Ôˇ उ Éł ŕź á—’ Ěľ á?Ş â€Ť ؿ‏ ‍ނ‏ŕĽ?e

Éťŕ¨?຤á?œá™‚ŕ ”â€ŤÜƒß‡Řżâ€ŹcĘ‹Ď„â€ŤŰžâ€ŹÎ›ŕŽ”Ńˆŕ˘•ÉŠâ€ŤÝ â€Ź Î•ŃˆŕžŠe—ۧ‍ע‏ɝŕ¨?ɞʤ˜˞ιΕʑΔ஦༦ ઠӊdᔢá?ťdâ€ŤŰ’â€Źŕľ°Í â€ŤÝ â€ŹŇ?ŕ´ cԎ՞ԍ՗τऋ ࣌áƒ?ߏԍ೧‍ঢ়ר‏c᮳Х༩ ŕş’É e

ŕ —ŕ˛‹Ě&#x;̾‍ כ‏ι࢜ˎ޸ ຒ̯ᓿ࣊ຎ ሒcÍłá˜?੡ಋྫྷ ŕş’Ę?cĘťâ€ŤÜ›â€Źá„¤â€ŤŢ˜×­â€ŹŕŽ&#x;‍ڲ‏ ‍ڲ‏ŕŠ?ɝʜáŠ?ŕŁŽáŒ™â€ŤŰşâ€ŹŕŞ áŠ?á…˘cáŽłĐĽŕ˘‘Í Ň?ŕ´ áŠ?ŕ­Œá?ˇŕžŠe

Behind China’s tremendous economic growth are a large number of poor people struggling to survive. Last year, World Vision China Partners helped over 300,000 people in China through education, medical care, improvement in urban and rural living, and services for orphans and children with special needs.

In 2013, Hong Kong citizens donated about 340,000 used books for the Campaign, raising HK$1.57 million to support the teaching block construction of Nan Gang Secondary School in Liannan county, Guangdong, so that students and teachers can enjoy a better learning environment.

ϡ৽ —Ň?á›°Ë–â€ŤÂ˜ËžËżŇˆŢˆâ€Ź ઠӊá‘&#x;࢔ʼઠӊá›˝á›ťŕž† Educational Talks & Study Tours “Change the World, Yes I Canâ€? Campaign

á‹Œâ€ŤŮžâ€ŹŕŞ ÓŠâ€Ť ŕ§˝Ý â€Ź Educational Activities in Macau

޸ ΊԞϬ༩ ŕś‚áŠ?࣎‍ؿ‏áŠ?Í ŕ¨„á ¤Ďˇ ৽c஦༦ႇĐ?ʚɎʼԯˢâ€Ťŕ§˝Ý â€Źcá‚?á–ŤĚ–áŠ?ྦྷ ԍ೧‍ؿ‏ᄧᚊcҥ‍̖ݯ‏áŠ?ԍ೧á˜?ಠcáŽłĐĽË˘ŕ ¨ á?ľŕŠĄáŽśĎ„‍ؿ‏ઠӊʼೕࢄᚏХe

ΕáŠ?࣎՗ઠŕ¸œá?žá?’ Λ௿á‘&#x;࢔c༩ É á‚?á–Ťŕ§šá‰•ĘĽŕŽ”á†ŻŕłŠá˜Şá•€hČšŕş°ÉŁŕ¨żÍ Í› ŕ¨„á ¤ÜťŕĄŁŕžŁá›˝á›ťŕž†cĘŚâ€ŤÜ†â€ŹŕŽ”á†Żdŕž’ŕˇąĘĽÍ ŐœáƒŤŕ ¤e

༩ ÎŠá‹Œâ€ŤŮžâ€ŹáŠ?Í á”„ŕ´&#x;ઠӊá‘&#x;࢔á‚?á–ŤŕŽ”á†ŻÉ â€ŤŘżâ€Źáƒ?ߏh๢ৼࣂ͛á˜?á?’ȿɝŕ¨?ŕŽ&#x;‍ڲ‏ઠӊ᛽ᛝ ŕž†cŕž†ʤŕ¨„á ¤ŕż‚Ě˝Ď?ೊŕź›ঢ়â€Ťŕ§˝Ý â€ŹcáŠ?ŕ­Œâ€ŤŢ‚â€ŹŕŠ´ Ő—Ę—Ô”e

Abou t 28,000 s tudents from over 100 schools joined the Campaign, learning about the impact on children deprived of education through making handicrafts and other activities. They also raised funds to help the needy children improve their rights to education and development.

Over 450 talks were held in schools and churches, reaching over 96,000 people with topics on hunger and other poverty issues. A group of university students went on an experiential trip to Cambodia where they had new reflections on poverty, dreams and the value of life.

Over 9,100 Macau students learn about the needs of poor people through our school talks. Experiental trip to Liannan of China during the summer holiday provided an opportunity for participants to try different agricultural activities, through which they learned to cherish and share what they have.

World Vision Hong Kong

Never forgetting the suffering people around the world, World Vision Partners strives to provide aid for people living in poverty, food shortage and civil conflict, like distributing blankets and other living basics to Jana who fled to Ugandan refugee camp.



Financial Highlights

νʝá“Żŕ°‚ Summary of Revenue and Expenditure


ഠಠνɃ Total Revenue

ഠಠÔžฝ Where the funds came from

91.7% 5.7% 1.6%

Ę”ଠࢶಠDonations from the public

ŕŞ&#x;ŕą?â€ŤŘ°â€Źŕź…࢜á–˛ Gifts-in-kind for relief

ŕ —ŕ˛‹ŕ¤‹Đ&#x;ϡ‍֚࢜ܧਂܧ‏ಠDonations from the HKSAR government


0.8% 0.2%

Donations from international relief and development organisations

ԯˢ Others

ŕ —ŕ˛‹Ë–â€Ť×˘Ű§Ţˆâ€Źŕ¸œČšâ€ŤßŽŮ‚â€ŹÉˆŕ´ Í‚Ň°Ę—Ň°ŕŤ?‍࢜ؿ‏ಠeΕ ιۚcĐŒá?˘Î˝Éƒ ‍ؿ‏ഠಠŇ™â€ŤÍ˛×›×™â€ŹŕŹˆ ŕŞ&#x;ŕą?ʼ‍ਂم‏ೕࢄɎĐ?cĚ‹Ď„ ĘĽ Ę—Đ&#x;͂‍כ‏ϡ‍ܧ‏ʼá˜?ಠʿŕ ?cĚŠĎ„ ͂‍כ‏ઠӊŕŞ?ᄤe World Vision Hong Kong strives to be a good steward of donations, making sure every dollar is well accounted for. In the 2013 financial year, 93.5% of our total income was allocated to global relief and community development programmes. Administration and fundraising costs accounted for 2.1% and 3.2% respectively of the total income, with the remaining 1.2% spent on public education.

ഠಠÍ‚ப Where the funds were allocated



International relief and community development programmes, and reservesÂŻ

3.2% 2.1% 1.2%

á˜?ಠŕľ’Í‚ Fundraising

ϡ‍ܧ‏ྒ͂ Administration

ઠӊŕŞ?ᄤ Public education

áŽ?ŕŻ?Í‚â€Ť×›â€ŹÎ‘áŽśĚ°Ôžá ‡â€ŤÜˆâ€ŹŕŞ&#x;ŕą?‍ؿ‏áƒ?ߏʼਨϡ‍ਂم‏ೕࢄɎĐ?

reserved to respond to future emergency relief needs and carry out community development programmes

ĚŻŕ¸œâ€ŤŘżâ€ŹŕŚ˛ŕ§ťŕź…ࢿ ࿀ϭ Îą Ë‚ ˀ˅€cÍ…Ϊ̡ŕ¸œߎ࢑ԑঢ়ֺá„—ŕŁ?cá“Żŕź—â€ŤĚŻ×›â€ŹÎąŕ°‚଱ ŕ ’e Financial information for the year ended 30 September 2013 audited by Ernst & Young, Certified Public Accountants, printed on pages 20-21 in brief.

World Vision Hong Kong




Resource Governance

ഁಁʥ༅Хඖ͌‫ဳؿ‬ଉ Fund and Project Management ۧ‫ע‬ผ‫ؿ‬ҍஔೕࢄɮАʥࢶಁя̯ͅผɮАɁࡗ ጱϬဳଉʥဟྦcԎஉτᗲࣟ‫ؿ‬ೡѵᆢ‫̳ړ‬ᆢ༜ ͂ࢶಁeΕҺցʻ‫ܛ‬ȹ࠯ඖ͌‫ک‬c҈ࠨผ࣓ኣඖ ͌‫ؿ‬჏߬cിЅԯི߮ʥད့cԎᆢ‫ړ‬τӷਪ‫ؿ‬ ഁಁ˿༜͂eϤֺτഁಁ༜͂я߬ଲ΋‫ܫ‬ց‫ܧؿ‬ ೪ʥೡѵcԎࠗͅಋ˖‫עۧވ‬ผʥ๫Δۧ‫ע‬ผဟ ဳe๫༅Хඖ͌ѧιࣂc҈ࠨผിЅʥᏎদඖ͌

In order to increase the transparency and accountability of World Vision Hong Kong, we hereby outline our main practices and mechanisms on resource governance.


World Vision manages all projects and donations independently and there are rigorous procedures to ensure the proper use of donations. Before supporting a project, World Vision Hong Kong ensures the availability of ministry funding and appraises the project plans and budgets based on the needs assessments. All funding and budget commitments follow World Vision’s standard policies and procedures and are monitored by World Vision Hong Kong as well as the World Vision office in the project country. After a project is completed, an evaluation is performed to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the project for future improvement.

Crislyn Joy A. Felisida/ World Vision

‫˱ݯ‬ੜࠗಋ˖‫עۧވ‬ผɮА‫ؿ‬஦‫ע‬۹՗ ྦྷʔଠ߲ஐc҈ࠨᔑϊᓯ߸̯ผֺਨϷ ‫ؿ‬༅฻ဳ‫؝‬ʥτᗐ༜Аe



Cost Control

External and Internal Audit







൒͂ઁԹΕഁಁνɃ‫ ؿ‬c ҙ‫כי‬ਝ


჌ટ౐ʥ‫ਂم‬ೕࢄɮА՗᎝ௐcϤઠөઐᄤ‫ڬ‬Ќ e

Our operations are bound by strict cost controls. Internal policies and procedures on expenditure are in place to ensure that every dollar raised is properly used. During this past year, only 5.3% of our annual income was spent on administration and fundraising, while 93.5% was allocated to international relief and community development programmes and reserves, and 1.2% for public education.

‫ݯ‬ᆢ‫ړ‬ઐϷ᎚ሔԑɮʥሬ๫༜͂ഁಁc҈ࠨ͛உ ͓ʑ஫ဟဳዀԹeਝ჌˖‫עۧވ‬ผʥΈΔඖ͌‫ؿ‬ ፒԑ୮஭‫͓ۺ‬ȿʑ஫ᄗ߮஫‫پ‬cցࣂ൬Ϸα۹ʥ ɮАᄗ࣏eϊ̔cਝ჌˖‫עۧވ‬ผ‫ࠓܘ‬፮ിЅ೶ ‫ྦྷ׮‬ΈΔඖ͌‫ؿ‬ፒԑ୮ʥԯɮАԹ߯ࣂං‫ٲ‬൬Ϸ ʑ஫ᄗ࣏eȹঁϤӰcϭʭ˞Ұʄα‫ݯ‬ȹᄗ߮՚ ౨eϤࠗಋ˖‫עۧވ‬ผΛαԞɰ຤‫͓ۺ‬ȹࡨʑ஫ ᄗ߮ӡ଻c˞˱ੜʑ஫ဟઁcҝഁι̯ʥొঢ়ɮ Аࢽऩe

World Vision Hong Kong has appointed Ernst & Young to perform the annual financial audit. Various fundraising activities and relief projects funded by government grants are also audited by

Audit Committee

external auditors as required by the Hong Kong

̯ผ‫ؿ‬໎ԑѫ‫ כ‬αι͓ᄗ࣏կࡗผeկࡗผ

SAR Government.


To ensure ministry quality and proper use of funds,

ࡗ‫ؿ‬կͨe α۹ɾկࡗผιࡗ‫ݯ‬ᅩফᚬͱ́

and that internal monitoring mechanisms are

˚࢐ dඡઢ̵ͱ́ʥжʏ‫́ͱڌ‬eկࡗผ˚߲߬ ஐկͨዟ͓࣏ᅕ࢑ʥᔤցԯ༭‫ټ‬hদሃτᗐዟ͓ ʥʑ஫ᄗ࣏ԑփhᄗቇ՚αল৻ంйԎᏎদʑ஫ ဟဳೡѵe

properly in place, the World Vision International Office and project offices around the world have established their own internal audit department. Annual audits and operational audits are

The Board of Directors set up an Audit Committee

performed regularly. World Vision International

in 2003. The Committee comprises three members;

Office would decide, based on risk assessment,

its membership is reviewed every two years

the internal audit frequency cycle for individual

by the Board. The members in 2013 were Mr.

project offices and their programmes. In general,

Fun-kuen Au (Chairman), Mr. Kai-man Wong

at minimum a 5-year audit frequency cycle

and Mr. Joseph Yuen-shun Lu. The Committee

should be met. World Vision Hong Kong has also

considers the appointment and the audit fee of the

established an internal audit function for many

external auditor, discusses internal and external

years to enhance internal control and to improve

audit matters, and reviews the annual financial

cost efficiency and effectiveness.

statements and internal control system.

World Vision Hong Kong


ɰᄗ࣏ল৻ం‫ٲ‬ ϊ࿂߬Ƚࠗͅಋ˖‫עۧވ‬ผᓺᘭʥຝ፣Ϭ̯ผ‫ߜؿ‬ʼ‫خ‬ɾዟ͓࣏ᅕ ࢑ంй࣊՗ɰᄗ࣏ল৻ం‫ ٲ‬࿀ϭɀ³ȹɍαȾ˂ɍɊˀ˅ cͅ Ϊ̷ผ߮࢑ԑ৻ֺᄗ࣏e Ϊ̷ผ߮࢑ԑ৻ֺ ෮Ӯ Ю೩ႏ‫ݯ‬cϊল৻ం‫ॶٲ‬भྡྷʥʔ̡Δʦ‫ܮ‬bൔผ࿀ϭɀ³ȹɍ αȾ˂ɍɊˀɾল৻‫ؗر‬ʥ ൔผ࿀ϭ໮ˀ˅α۹‫ޔؿ‬቗՗ଊ‫ݚټ‬ ൴cԎɰ‫ܘ‬๑ࠗಋল৻ంйๅ‫ڬ‬ʥࠗಋʔ̇ૈԝɾׄᚉஃցሬ๫ ᇁႇe Ϊ̷ผ߮࢑ԑ৻ֺ ਨพผ߮࢑ ࠗಋ


ࠗಋ˖‫עۧވ‬ผ Ͳࠍνऩ‫ٲ‬ ࿀ϭɀ³ȹɍαȾ˂ɍɊˀ





νɃ ࢶಁ ԯˢνɃʥνऩ ‫ذ‬༅ࢶᖲ ֺτࢶᖲdԯˢνɃʥνऩ

ʻˮ Ϸ‫ܧ‬ԑ৻




ਝ჌ટ౐ʥೕࢄ ଊ‫ټ‬ ‫ذ‬༅ࢶᖲ

ೢ‫ک‬༜А‫ޔ‬቗ ֺ੡ೢ ༜А‫ޔ‬቗ʥͲࠍνऩ

ࠗಋ˖‫עۧވ‬ผ ল৻‫ٲؗر‬ ɀ³ȹɍαȾ˂ɍɊˀ










‫৽ݚڈ‬༅ଐᐢᔾ ‫৽ݚ‬༅ଐ དᅆ˖‫עۧވ‬ผιࡗಁඖ ᗐᐲԑɮᎶνሏඖ



‫߲৽ݚ‬ඦ ԯˢᎶ˟ಁඖʥᎶᖔ൒͂





ȹঁ༜Аਥ‫ټ‬ ‫ܞ‬ցʥࠉ͂ਥ‫ټ‬ ਥ‫ټ‬ᐢᔾ ϊল৻ం‫ٲ‬ล˞ߜʼ‫خ‬Аๅ

World Vision Hong Kong


Audited Financial Statements This summary was extracted from the Independent Auditors’ Report and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 September 2013 audited by Ernst & Young, Certified Public Accountants. (The Chinese translation was made by World Vision Hong Kong.) ERNST & YOUNG Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 30 September 2013 and of its surplus and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.

Certified Public Accountants Hong Kong 19 December 2013







REVENUE Donations Other income and gains Gifts-in-kind Total donations, other income and gains







EXPENDITURE Administration






Public education
















International aid and development - Cash - Gifts-in-kind














NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment properties Total non-current assets CURRENT ASSETS Advance funding to World Vision International member organisations Due from a related ministry Other receivables




Prepayments and deposits



Cash and cash equivalents



Total current assets



CURRENT LIABILITIES Other payables and accruals Deferred income Total current liabilities NET CURRENT ASSETS Net assets













General operating fund Designated and restricted funds Total fund balances



World Vision Hong Kong


სᑢ Acknowledgements ࠗಋ +RQJ .RQJ ۧ‫ע‬ผୄӸຮɮ Lifelong World Vision Volunteer ਜ਼ϴཽ Sylvia Chang

ඟᏎਥ Fung Kin Kee, Frederick

ጱɥ˔ਝ Baby Kingdom

ඡɥജ Wong Tze Wah

ᚾّʼ࿂ Reader’s Digest

ඡ˖Ԅࡼ࢓ Wong Sai Pong and family ඡ̷‫ ؀‬Viann Wong ฦ‫ٻ‬ձ Charlie Young

‫֚ܧ‬ዀ࿚ Government Body ႞ӎਥ‫ټ‬ጺ໺կࡗผ Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee

࠯ПɁɡ Individuals Betty Bownath ɿ޻̽ Ruby Wan ʼᙬٟ Man Lan Fong ̇࢖̷ఒ Ricky Szeto

ฦ൓ԯ Hockey Yeung

$(21‫ڌ‬൘ল৻ ԓ‫ ݘ‬τࠉʔ̇ AEON Credit Service (Asia) Co. Limited

່ਝᑞ Ip Kwok Him

Coffee Concepts (Hong Kong) Limited

໊औί Elizabeth Quat

FlexSystem Limited

ᇞ။ಾ Violet Tsoi

Make It More Group

ሲӞʼ Sammi Cheng

Neo Derm Group Limited

ሲཽዷ Kevin Cheng

NOW Advertising Production Limited

ሲነ৩ Chang Hok Wai

Red on Red

ያણშ 0RQH\ /R

Tesco International Sourcing Limited

ᖭ࿘ 7DP :LQJ

ɣณႺϷ Dah Sing Bank

̈́˵ӻ Tien Puk Sun, Michael

ͬพ ྆᛽ Corporations/Organisations

ɻਝႺϷ ࠗಋ τࠉʔ̇ Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

Ϊᄨక Anderson Junior

ඨఌ Media

д‫܆‬฻ Ng Sze Yuen

ңʶᅳ Lee Sinje

ңᄫ Lee Wai King, Starry

ң፦‫ ݙ‬Lee Kam Hung

ӹૠ૆ Chea Shuk Mui


՚ᄫણ Vivian Chow


˒‫ݛ‬ɣነˮ‫ مخ‬ɻਝ τࠉʔ̇ Oxford University Press (China) Limited

‫׳‬ሲ˂ࡵ Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor, Carrie

̯ȹ̔ࢄফᆻɻʶ INSPIRE Training Limited

݀ዷ൚ Ko Ying Chao, Melanie Elaine

̷ϼႺϷ Wing Hang Bank Limited

߈ҁ৩ Wu Chi Wai

ẋᔑ͇ To Kun Sun, James

̷‫ࠗ ל‬ಋ ϛஒτࠉʔ̇ AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited

ঢ̷়ʼ Ko Wing Man

Zip / Zip Homme

̷ຮ ࠗಋ τࠉʔ̇ United Italian Corp (HK) Limited

ਜ਼ఉ٠ Gigi Cheung

̙ෞ‫ ہ‬Pre-mo

ᥛɡ̨‫࢑܁‬Ϸ Mayer Brown JSM

ਜ਼ൔ‫ ࢓ࡼע‬Cheung Kwai Ming and family

Ρෞ‫ ہ‬Baby-mo

Ϊ̷ผ߮࢑ԑ৻ֺ Ernst & Young

ୣኹ፦ Tony Mok

ӹ˚ᔵႌ Automobile

ΪͲஒ࠸τࠉʔ̇ Safety Godown Co., Limited

ஈҁΪ Andy Hui

ࠗಋൗೕѫͬพ HKTDC Enterprise

СԄઁٖτࠉʔ̇ Trinity Limited

ஈ঎٪ Valen Hsu

ࠗಋཋ̎ Radio Television Hong Kong

஬Ӫϡ Erica Kwok

ࣂංᜮ֨ Time Square

ҁਥສพτࠉʔ̇ Chi Kee Investment Co Limited

ஹ˿Ӻ Chan Ho Sun

ਆพཋ̎ Commercial Radio

ஹ؈ᑈ Ellen Chan

ඡࠒ Yellow Page

ஹਮᄐ Chan Yuen Han

຤Ꮬȹ൪ Economic Digest

஺ߎЇ Luk Chi Yau, Anthony

຤ᏜΔଐ࢒ EPRC Limited

ʨ́එ྆ Tien Sung Group ʪ̀‫ذے‬พဳଉτࠉʔ̇ Taikoo Shing (Management) Limited ʶ೥‫ݘڈ‬རᅥၙ Sharings African Drumming Arena ˒̘ʔ̇ The Dairy Farm Group

‫מ‬ፒԑ ࠗಋ τࠉʔ̇ EPS Company (Hong Kong) Limited ‫׭‬ʿ᎝༜τࠉʔ̇ Oriental Logistics Company Limited ٛᄨਥ Birdland (Hong Kong) Limited

૜ˋᜪ൰Ҧ࠭ᅥ஫ The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club

‫ڌ‬ᄨɻࣁ୛৻ဳଉτࠉʔ̇ Shun Tak – China Travel Ship Management Limited

୩Ԉ‫ݠ‬ᄤ௿τࠉʔ̇ Plaza Hollywood Limited

‫̟ے‬ཋ঩ ࠗಋ τࠉʔ̇ City Telecom (HK) Limited ۴஭ৈ֙ Royal Park Hotel ́ႺϷτࠉʔ̇ Hang Seng Bank Limited ̛݀˺޻ॶ༠ਆพӡ଻ ࠗಋ τࠉʔ̇ Konica Minolta Business Solutions (HK) Limited ࠗಋɐࣵමᔔႺϷτࠉʔ̇ The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

஝‫ے‬ᘸ፜τࠉʔ̇ Thong Sia Watch Co., Limited ௏ᄨᇚਥ‫ټ‬τࠉʔ̇ Fu Tak Iam Foundation Limited ௚ጙႺϷτࠉʔ̇ Chong Hing Bank Limited ఒ‫ے‬එ྆ Urban Group ಔ̨ႺϷ ࠗಋ τࠉʔ̇ Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ಋȾ z ɻਝ૥ቷɠτࠉʔ̇ Hong Kong — China Concrete Company Limited

ዌ‫ پ‬0DFDX ̵‫ܧ‬ᐢອဳଉկࡗผ˚࢐ President of Administrative Committee of Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau ࢀͮᘚѫ‫ ٽ‬ Iong Kong Io, President of Social Welfare Bureau ੌ˖ΪϷ‫ٽܧ‬ւ Fernando Chui Sai On, Chief Executive of the Macau SAR ਜ਼໩̇‫ ٽ‬ Cheong U, Secretary of Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture ષ᎞ѫ‫ ٽ‬ Leong Lai, Director of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau

ࠗಋɣነਿพ൬࠳ነ৑࣎ʤผ HKU SPACE Alumni

ಋᚁ‫ذ‬พဳଉ MTR Property Management

ࠗಋɬ੆ᙈཙτࠉʔ̇ Yamazaki Baking Co. Limited

ಲ ၉೼ཋ഼τࠉʔ̇ TVB Network Vision Limited

ᘣ౩ሣ˚ͨ Sou Chio Fai, Coordinator of Tertiary Education Services Office

ࠗಋɮೡ࢑ነผ The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

ജ஝फ़‫ۂ‬එ྆τࠉʔ̇ Wah Tong Paper Products Group Limited

ɣᔔႺϷ Tai Fung Bank Limited

ࠗಋ߻ɡ̛ᅥ් Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

ඏֈᅥΔଐઁٖτࠉʔ̇ Agile Property Holdings Limited

ɻਝɮਆႺϷ ዌ‫ٖͫ پ‬τࠉʔ̇ Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macau) Limited

ࠗಋ‫ڇ‬αᆉ᎞ི߮ The Hong Kong Award for Young People

඗ᔔ஠༜ ࠗಋ τࠉʔ̇ S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited

ɻਝႺϷዌ‫پ‬ʗϷ Bank of China Macau Branch

ࠗಋࣴ‫ڌ‬ผᔢ৑ਂኹ‫ݙ‬৪੖ɻʶ Hong Kong Baptist Hospital Au Shue Hung Health Centre

ඟˊ ෯ഁਥ‫ټ‬τࠉʔ̇ Fung (1906) Foundation

̵‫ܧ‬ᐢອ Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau


̷ϼႺϷ Banco Weng Hang, S.A.

ࠗಋ஝঩τࠉʔ̇ Hong Kong Communications Co., Limited ࠗಋཋ዗τࠉʔ̇ The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited ࠗಋᄖ፼၉೼τࠉʔ̇ Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited ࠗಋ᏷ྊ༅฻ဳଉᚋਐτࠉʔ̇ ERM - Hong Kong Limited ࠗಋᘬྦຮɮ‫৻ר‬අ Hong Kong Police Volunteer Services Corps ࡼʤॎຮɮ྆ Carson & Friends Volunteer Group ࣂˤᄤ௿τࠉʔ̇ Times Square Limited ࣍ႚы Langham Place ࣵಋ‫ے‬ສพτࠉʔ̇ Harbour City Estates Limited ੄ԙͬพτࠉʔ̇ Sonca Products Limited ੖ᅥʥʼʝԑ৻ອ Leisure and Cultural Services Department

ෙࣵ‫ ے‬Olympian City ณ˖‫ވ‬଱ȹಎረ‫৻ר‬τࠉʔ̇ New World First Ferry Services Limited ณᒤਥΔଐೕࢄτࠉʔ̇ Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited ༠ޫᅕኣ஝঩ɻਝ ࠗಋτࠉʔ̇ Dimension Data China/ Hong Kong Limited ཋॶྡྷพτࠉʔ̇ Power Assets Holdings Limited ၐˢ̘ਝ჌එ྆τࠉʔ̇ Vitasoy International Holdings Limited Ⴚᐲ஝ᗸτࠉʔ̇ Joint Electronic Teller Services Limited ᄨঢ়Ӵ೔ JCDecaux Pearl & Dean Limited ᄫ‫܆‬௚ౣ Wise-Kids Educational Toys ᐣ኷ɀɝτࠉʔ̇ G2000 (Apparel) Limited

ਟΛСஒ༜τࠉʔ̇ Victor Pacific Service Limited ജཬం Va Kio Pou ณ́ˤ˂˰ New Gen. Monthly ᄤܱඨ঩ Kong Seng Paging Limited ዌ‫پ‬ˀం Macao Daily News ዌ‫́پ‬ଐɈ࿒ޫҌᔝଫɻʶ Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center ዌ‫ڌࣴپ‬ઠผ Macau Baptist Church ዌ‫پ‬ਆพႺϷ BCM Bank ዌ‫پ‬ਝ჌ႺϷ Luso International Banking Limited ዌ‫پ‬ᄤᅌཋ഼ٖͫτࠉʔ̇ TDM-Teledifusão de Macau, S.A.

ᒤါਦඑ྆ Hung Fook Tong Holdings Limited ખΊ˞ɻʼ೫ིѵ Names are listed in Chinese stroke order

World Vision Hong Kong

‫ڌ‬՗‫ذ‬พဳଉτࠉʔ̇ Sino Estates Management Limited


Hong Kong Board of Directors

˔㡝ს ˚࢐

Rosanna Yick-ming WONG Chair ஹኹΪ ৹˚࢐

Cecil Shu-on CHAN


International Board of Directors

Josef STIEGLER (Chair) – Austria James BERÉ – USA Soriba CAMARA – Mali Maria Consuelo CAMPOS – Colombia

Vice Chair John CROSBY – USA ඡઢ̵ Ίᙷল‫ ܧ‬

Kai-man WONG Honorary Treasurer ᅩফᚬ

Fun-kuen AU

José Miguel DE ANGULO – Bolivia Sharon DYMOND – Canada Silvia M. Novoa FERNANDEZ – Mexico Joyce GODWIN – USA


Hubert Chung-yee CHAN

Kleo-thong HETRAKUL – Thailand


Tiffany Tair-fen HUANG – Taiwan

Thomas Sze-tong CHAN ஬ષᅳ٥

Ingrid KWOK

Kevin JENKINS (President and CEO) – Canada Callisto JOKONYA – Zimbabwe Vinod KHISTY – India


Ching-choi LAM

Ruddy KOESNADI – Indonesia


Rachael MASAKE – Kenya

Ping-kwong LI жʏ‫ڌ‬

Joseph Yuen-shun LU

Peter McCLURE – New Zealand Ron McKERLIE – Canada Annemarie PFEIFER – Switzerland

Watt SANTATIWAT Stephen W. PHELPS – UK ሳᄪ࠷

Helen Hing-lun TANG

Donna SHEPHERD – Australia


Elizabeth SMYTHE – New Zealand

Sui-see YUEN

Ja SONG – Korea Akiko Minato UCHIHIRA – Japan

Jon Warren/ World Vision

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