World Vision - Orange News march/april 2019, English

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Por los niĂąos

Orange News N






March/April 2019



Protected Children

World Vision makes film forums to promote integral values In the framework of the global campaign “We need everyone to eliminate violence against children”, World Vision Nicaragua makes a series of film forums under the theme “Reflecting on our values”. In each of the activities about 200 adolescents and youth from different municipalities in which the organization has a presence participate. In these film forums the Christian film “Flywheel: Lesson of honesty” is presented, the film is about the story of a dishonest car salesman who must return a cheated money and that ends with surprising results from this action. “World Vision is promoting the living of values ​​for harmonious coexistence among the inhabitants, especially among the youth, and this is an opportunity where they will be able to share and reflect on the value of honesty and the importance it has in the daily life, interpersonal relationships and conflict resolution, “says Oscar Chicas Oliva, National Director of World Vision Nicaragua. In addition to the film, participants have the opportunity to share with each other and organize groups in which they reflect on different situations in which they have to act with honesty and other sets of values. In the events there are also many dynamics and time to please God.

“The topic of values ​​is basic for personal growth and strengthening. In that sense, we have been developing a series of workshops on values, violence prevention and leadership, promotion of culture and sport, as platforms that allow growth and enhance the human development of the people with whom we work “, explains Ana Arely Alvear, Technical Coordinator of the Protection Program. The activities culminate with a cultural night in which the boys and girls show off their talents, from reciting poems to dancing, singing and acting.

World Vision Nicaragua recognizes that the private sector is an important and fundamental partner to impact the education of the country’s most vulnerable children and adolescents.


World Vision Nicaragua and Café Las Flores, together for education World Vision Nicaragua and Café Las Flores inaugurated the reading animation education project that will encourage the reading habit in primary school children from the Miravalle School in Granada. The project contemplates a series of activities that involves first, second and third grade students. The initiative will also benefit the teachers who will receive training to strengthen their pedagogical practices. “We are going to carry out trainings with the teachers to equip them with pedagogical and methodological tools that allow them to design dynamic classes that motivate the student to be in the constant search of knowledge; likewise, we will conduct campaigns on the importance of reading with parents and direct support with children to encourage literacy in them”, explains Lisseth Espinoza, manager of the technical program Children Educated During and For Life. The Miravalle School, located in the foothills of the Mombacho Volcano, has counted during the last five years with the support of Café Las Flores.

“As Café Las Flores we have recognized the children of the Miravalle community as a very vulnerable sector and decided to contribute to their education; That’s when we identified that World Vision also shared the same values ​​that we do, which goes with the families and children and we decided to create the project ‘Reading Animation’, “says Vledya McRea, Human Development manager at Café Las Flores. The school authorities recognize that this project will be very beneficial. “For us this is a great blessing because we need our students to come out with a good reading comprehension and to know about the iimportance of reading,” says Onis López Centeno, director of the Miravalle School. Several components of the program Children educated for and during life, of World Vision Nicaragua, they are implemented in different schools in the country in coordination with the Ministry of Education; likewise, together with companies that from their corporate social responsibility decide to contribute to Nicaraguan education.

The alliance between Polaris Energy S.A. and World Vision Nicaragua in favor of childhood education in Telica, Leรณn, started in 2016 and has been maintained thanks to the excellent results achieved. The project has been implemented in the communities of San Jacinto - Tizate, which surround the geothermal plant owned by Polaris Energy S.A.


Polaris Energy and World Vision Nicaragua in partnership for Nicaraguan education Polaris Energy S.A. and World Vision Nicaragua initiated the education project “Learning Today, shining Tomorrow” that will benefit more than 800 students in Telica, León. The project includes educational support in pre-school, primary and secondary with various methodologies, appropriate to each age range, which encourages literacy, critical thinking and imagination development. “The partnership made with World Vision is to provide accompaniment from pre-school to secondary school for students of the Sara María Parrales School Core, with the aim of providing new playful methodologies and training to all teachers”, shares Marcela Bascopé, Specialist in Corporate Social Responsibility and Communications of Polaris Energy SA. Since 2016, the Travel Backpack and Reading Animation methodologies focused on children from first to third grade of primary school at the cluster school Sara María Parrales and its five satellite schools El Chorro, San Pío, El Listón and Los Salgados have been implemented. Also, the “I want to read to learn methodology”, which uses new technologies such as tablets to strengthen the education of students from third to sixth grade.

However, this year the alliance between both entities will implement the piloting of the Learning Roots methodology in the San Pío school. Also, the methodology I Want to Read to learn will be extended to secondary school. Our commitment is to ensure the successful execution of the, as has been the case since 2016, in order for students to have better learning tools and teachers with different trainings that facilitate developing better educational spaces to promote literacy,” sates Liseth Espinoza, World Vision manager of the Technical Program Children Educated for and during life . World Vision Nicaragua implements its education program in coordination with the Ministry of Education and with companies that, from their corporate social responsibility, decide to contribute to the education of the country’s most vulnerable children.

Vittoria Peñalba, Sustainability Director at World Vision Nicaragua, along with Marcela Bascopé, Specialist in Corporate Social Responsibility and Communications of Polaris Energy S.A.

Safe Water

World Vision Nicaragua aims for water security World Vision Nicaragua participated in the National Forum and Technological Fair of drinking water and sanitation NICARAGUASAN 2019, this past Tuesday March 26 at the Hotel Camino Real.

Por los niĂąos

NICARAGUASAN 2019 was organized by the Water and Sanitation Network of Nicaragua (RASNIC) and its objective was to contribute to the strengthening of capacities to raise awareness and knowledge management in water for human consumption, comprehensive sanitation, hygiene and water resource management in the urban and rural areas. Por los niĂąos

Among the presentations on Access to Water and Comprehensive Hygiene, World Vision Nicaragua had a leading role, through the exhibition on Experiences in the implementation of playful education aimed at children in watershed, water, sanitation and hygiene topics, which was in charge of by Silvio Gonzales, Coordinator of the technical program Resilience to climate change for water security (safe water). Likewise, in the search for alliances to impact the lives of the most vulnerable children and communities, World Vision Nicaragua signed an agreement of intension of joint work with Water for People and Water for Life, in order to collaborate in different activities focused on the promotion of water, sanitation, and hygiene and water resources management.

In 2018 World Vision Nicaragua, through its technical program Resilience to climate change for water security, impacted the lives of 15, 342 children benefiting them with access to drinking water in their schools, 39,162 participated in hygiene days at school and they were provided with personal hygiene kits, also 8,350 households received a donation of filters as technology for water treatment.


children with access to clean water in their schools.


children trained in hygiene habits.


households benefited with filters for water treatment.

“It is important to know what governs the functioning of the organization and as members of the Advisory Council we must have ownership of the policies that World Vision has in all areas of its institutional life

Advisory Council

Advisory Council and Club of Friends empowered in Organizational Policies and Governance World Vision Nicaragua developed a Workshop on Strengthening Organizational Policies and Governance in which the Advisory Council, the Friends Club and members of the Executive Team participated. The training was held on Saturday, March 30, at the facilities of the National Office, in Managua. The objective of the workshop was “to reinforce the issues of the Advisory Council’s work as well as the recognition of Policies that World Vision has and should apply in the daily work ... likewise, it is a refreshing in the governance processes in search of alignment with the Partnership proposals and Global Strategy “, assured Oscar Chicas, National Director of World Vision Nicaragua. The Organizational Policies and Governance Workshop represented the beginning of several actions that aim to be aligned with the Peer Review, which will be carried out at the Partnership level at the beginning of 2020 and whose main standard is knowledge on World Vision’s policies and core documents. “The Advisory Council is convened to provide strategic advice and it is essential that they have full knowledge of the policies, norms and standards that govern the organization, otherwise they could not make effective their advice,”

said Manuel Hernández, Regional Advisor of Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean of World Vision. The Advisory Council and Friends Club of World Vision Nicaragua are a group of volunteers with extensive experience in various areas of development and child protection, who provide accompaniment to members of the administrative team of the National Office, in order to support the sustainability of the organization based on the contextual analysis and the diverse external relations that these could promote from their social role.

Our People 21

Members of World Vision Nicaragua participated in the Global Leadership Summit Members of World Vision Nicaragua participated in the Global Leadership Summit so that the staff is better able to represent and efficiently guide their team. Among the participants were directors, managers, coordinators and facilitators of comprehensive development of World Vision Nicaragua. The Global Leadership Summit contributes to the strengthening of leadership capacities from a Christian perspective, to the end that each leader can with their work maximize the impact of the Kingdom of God.


Our People 21


In recognition of having complied with the highest standard, it meets the SOI, SHORTFALL, CMS and RC standard.

AP of march 2019: San Nicolás

AP of april 2019: Casitas

Supervisor Thelma Lagos

Supervisor Miriam Ramírez



Julio Balmaceda Abdiel Laguna Erika Soza José Rodríguez Janeth Murillo

Bertha Carvajal Venus Real Esmeralda Padilla Georgina Andino José Fletes

Central Note

Hilda Kernc visits vulnerable communities in Nicaragua Hilda Kernc, Senior Manager of the Sponsorship Program for Latin America and the Caribbean, of World Vision, visited several of the most vulnerable communities in Nicaragua, in order to directly know the reality and problems faced daily by girls, boys and adolescents in the country. Kernc’s visit lasted a week and during his stay in Nicaragua he visited the Area Programs of San Nicolás, Estelí; and Casitas in Chinandega, which correspond to Programs in their Implementation and Transition stages, respectively. We also visited the municipalities of Santamaría de Pantasma, Jinotega and San Ramón, Matagalpa, which are severely vulnerable territories and potential programs for new growth in alignment with our imperative # 1: deepening our commitment to the most vulnerable children in the world. During her visit we met with representatives of churches, community leaders, facilitators, teachers, and many children who benefit from the programs.

Among the problems identified in these communities were the difficulties in accessing the territories, lack of access to water, floods in winter, child labor, high rate of teenage pregnancies, domestic violence and little access to middle and high school. We greatly appreciate the dedication and tireless work of Hilda for supporting the improvement of the quality of life of our children and adolescents. Also a special thanks to our support office of World Vision US, who continues to support WV Nicaragua in growth or AP in the most vulnerable areas.


al Note


Kelvin Condega, Estelí Por: Thelma Lagos, Supervisora del Núcleo Centro Norte

In a rural community of Condega, Estelí, lives Kelvin, 6 years old, who affirms that one of the most significant changes in his life is “having learned to take care of his health through community cleanliness.” Kelvin says that his community remained dirty because there were many plastic bottles thrown everywhere, without any use and deteriorating the image. He states that from personal and community hygiene training, which was provided in his community with the support of World Vision, he came up with the idea that, in order not to contaminate, the waste could be reused. The idea went further and it occurred to him to make a donation to the local church, which consisted of plastic flower pots made with his own hands, in this way he contributed to catechesis and influenced the habit of placing garbage in its place and maintaining the temple clean. Parents are more aware of managing waste to be recycled, so now they give their children plastic containers so that they are taken to a collection point and that students perform different crafts, now the community looks cleaner and diseases are expected to decrease due to this action.

“I am very happy about this initiative because I see my community cleaner and more beautiful. We are all involved and in addition to being clean (the community), we have improved communication. We all participate with joy and we want to continue contributing to the cleanliness of my community and my school, “says Kelvin. “Life is beautiful if there is cleanliness, love, companionship and total integration. I feel grateful to God and World Vision for being present in our community, “he concludes. Kelvin is the child in the center of the photograph and holds the bottles. He is accompanied by his friends and classmates.

“We participate with joy in the cleanliness of my community and my school”

Editorial Santillana and World Vision Nicaragua contribute to the education of Nicaraguan children In the search to contribute to the strengthening of the education of children, Editorial Santillana donated packages of educational books for preschool and primary to World Vision Nicaragua in order to share them with the schools the organization accompanies. The donation of 2,589 books is valued at US$ 24,236.22 dollars and benefits more than 2, 589 children in 49 schools in the north of Nicaragua.


Donated books

24,236.22 Dollars in book value


Children benefited


Schools in northern Nicaragua benefited


Thank you for your kind donations, help to enhance our impact in favor of children, their families and their communities.

Pizza donations

Book donations.

Delivered in AP Larreynaga (OS Canadรก)

Distributed in AP for San Nicolรกs (OS USA) y PA Quizaltepe (OS Canadรก)

Bonos de exรกmenes de laboratorio

Donation of personal hygiene kits

Distributed on demand.

Delivered in AP El Sauce (OS Alemania)

Join this initiative!

United States





Thanks to the generous support of our support offices and their sponsors

we could benefit

39,249 450 children in

communities in Nicaragua


More than 5,000 girls and boys receive gifts from Germany Thanks to the sponsorship of Germany, 5,553 Nicaraguan children, adolescents and young people celebrated their birthdays in the company of their families and inhabitants of their communities. As part of the celebrations, there were piĂąatas, sweets and snacks, which guaranteed a very pleasant moment for the attendees. The Area Programs that participated were Limay, El Sauce and Achuapa. Children from 0 to 5 years received a small backpack, which contained boxes of crayons, a coloring book with different models and a book with varied stories. The backpacks had different designs for girls and boys. Children aged 6 to 12 received a medium-sized backpack that included a box of crayons, a coloring book and a story book. Meanwhile, adolescents and young people aged 13 to 18 were given large backpacks with a pack of pens and a plastic thermos. Another 111 sponsored youths were also given a large backpack and a plastic thermos. Victorina Flores, grandmother of a sponsored child and community volunteer, said that “the celebration was very good, the children were happy, they gave good gifts and I am happy to contribute with my volunteer work, because it is worth it when they bring benefits to the community and to those who need it. “

Support our work for the well-being of children in Nicaragua.

Donate now: WorldVisionNic Contact: Vittoria PeĂąalba - Sustainability Director

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