World Vision - Orange News september/october 2019, English

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Por los niĂąos

Organge News N






September/October 2019




Young girls part of the Youth Ready programme present their initiatives


Youth will receive funding to start their business World Vision Nicaragua will fund four business ideas presented by youth who were trained on the Youth Ready methodology. The announcement was made by Sathya Bermúdez, specialist for the Education Technical Programme, during the graduation ceremony of 152 adolescents and youth who participated in such training.

Edwin, one of the young entrepreneurs who outlined the proposal, explained that the materials they use include foam sheets and ribbon-made handicrafts. They also rent furnishings including chairs, tables, awnings and audio equipment.


Wendy, one of the members who developed the youth completed the Trinichile, el fuego arde en tu interior [Trinichile, Youth Ready fire burns inside you] initiative, another project training course that will be founded, stated that they put a lot of effort, dedication and enthusiasm in their project. She also added: “World Vision has helped us to grow up as youth, and we have learned not to get stuck and become young and smart entrepreneurs ready for the future.” “Youth Ready seeks to provide adolescents and youth over 16 years with an opportunity to acquire and master proactive skills so that they may start profitable businesses, work in large companies or even take the technical course the want” Stated Bermúdez. Some of the business ideas that will be founded include Clarita’s, a young girl from Santa Lucía municipality, Boaco, who together with her friends presented the Nutril-Cereal project. Clarita offered. “I feel very excited. I thank God and World Vision for teaching us about tools required to launch this business idea. We presented a nutritious cereal which is made up of several ingredients, including soya, cocoa, corn and jicaro seeds. This product can be taken mixed with water, milk or as you please.” Another initiative that will be founded is the Estilos, Servi-eventos y Decoraciones [Styles, Servi-events and Decorations] initiative. It is about a small-sized company that will offer products and handicrafts for any type of events.

Part of the youth who completed the Youth Ready methodology


The fourth business idea to be founded is “Arts House”. Yenklin, one of the members who produced the idea stated that it is a handicrafts project. She also added: “We would like to thank World Vision for both contributing to improving our knowledge, and for providing us with materials and everything we needed. We are very glad with this organization, for their interest in the well-being of children, adolescents and youth” offered.

“Put all your enthusiasm and do things well. Then, you will reach your limits.” - Óscar Chicas Oliva

In order to obtain the funding youth presented their business ideas during a fair held in a hotel located in Managua city. A panel of judges listened all the proposal and four winners were selected after reviewing the feasibility of the projects. Other ideas presented by youth who received the Youth Ready methodology training included setting up of baker’s shops, cake shops, milk shake business, and cafeterias; others went for businesses such as craftwork, dressmaking and barber’s shop. Other proposals included production of bottled chilli pepper, cereals, and other products. “Entering into the entrepreneurship business is an adventure. The invitation is for you to go on, knowing that you will have some setbacks on the way. We would like to congratulate you for making the decision of undertaking your projects, let’s dream of being recognized for the quality of your products. Put all your enthusiasm and do things well; then, you will reach your limits” stated Oscar Chicas Oliva, national director of World Vision Nicaragua, during the graduation ceremony.

Recognition to facilitators During the graduation ceremony, certificates of recognition were awarded to facilitators who participated in the Youth Ready methodology. They are young experienced volunteers at World Vision Nicaragua who graduated in psychology, social work and business management. “These facilitators joined the cause to help adolescents and youth to make their dream come true. They have donated their time and skills. It has been six months during which they have provided continued support.” Offered Elizabeth Mercado, National Coordinator of the Volunteering programme.

Elena ZuĂąiga, UNFPA representative in Nicaragua and Oscar Chicas show work agreement


EmpowerMe, application to empower adolescents and youth with their sexual and reproductive rights The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and World Vision Nicaragua will launch EmpowerMe, a free and interactive mobile application with educational-friendly content addressed to male and female adolescents, which is intended to empower them personally, social and financially about sexual and reproductive health topics, children’s rights, gender equality, youth ready for employment and contents for developing life plans. EmpowerMe will be developed as part of a work agreement signed between both organizations in September. It is intended to promote education, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) among adolescents and youth. For Elena Zuùiga, UNFPA representative in Nicaragua and country director in Costa Rica and Panama, this partnership will enable adolescents and youth to make informed and conscious decisions regarding their sexuality. As part of the mobile application geared towards adolescents and youth aged between 13 and 19, there will be a digital forum where they will be able to voice their concerns, clarify any doubt and share their experiences as well. This section will be supported by a specialist in topics such as sexual and reproductive

health, rights and gender equality; consequently, he/ she will answer any question or comment made be the application users. Oscar Chicas, national director of World Vision Nicaragua asserted that this initiative will reach more vulnerable adolescents and youth to provide them with a safe space where they might express their concerns about their rights and sexual and reproductive health. At the same time, they will be able to learn about sexual self-protection mechanisms. Both organizations believe that if these issues are addressed together with adolescents and youth, then it will contribute to reducing levels of sexual and genderbased violence and early pregnancy.

Oscar Chicas, National Director of World Vision Nicaragua shaking hands with Erling Alvarez, legal representative of Save their Smiles in Nicaragua.

Safe Water

Oral health campaign for boys and girls from Yalí community

Children benefited from the oral hygiene campaign.

World Vision Nicaragua and the organization Save their Smiles signed an agreement to jointly implement an education and dental care program in a rural community located in San Sebastián de Yalí municipality, Jinotega. This agreement was signed by Oscar Chicas Oliva, National Director of World Vision Nicaragua, and Erlin José Alvarez Jiménez, legal representative of Save their Smiles in Nicaragua. Engineer Silvio González, manager World Vision Nicaragua’s Safe Water Technical Programme stated that the Oral health programme was launched during the September 7th – 14th period. “The organization Save their Smiles launched a dental care campaign in a rural community in Yalí municipality, and it included oral hygiene talks, dental consultations and assessments”. Offered engineer González. Primary beneficiaries of this project implemented in coordination with churches, the Ministry of Health and community leaders are local boys, girls, adult people and students. “As part of this agreement, 95 medical consultations were provided, 66 of them were for children. On the other hand, 293 students from the local school were also examined” offered engineer González. Beneficiary girls and boys received oral hygiene kits that contained toothbrush and fluoride (oral product recommended to prevent dental caries as it increases the resistance of dental enamel).


medical consultations


students were examined in the school

Alexis Argüello school and World Vision Nicaragua inaugurated some sanitation infrastructures

“A block of latrines separated by sex was built, including a latrine with special measures for people with reduced mobility in wheelchair for them to be able to access to these facilities. Similarly, a hand washing station and two water drinking points were built. One for preschool students and another for primary school children” offered Luis Muños, specialist in hygiene and sanitation at World Vision Nicaragua.

Alexis Arguello school and World Vision Nicaragua inaugurated some sanitation infrastructures and the first sanitation system including water drinking points and hand washing stations in the school. Students, schoolteachers, parents, representatives of the Ministry of Education (MINED), volunteers and World Vision Nicaragua officers participated in this activity.

The project also included the construction of a dish washing station as this community is served by the Children Reading and Nourished (CREAN) project implemented by World Vision with funds from the US Department of Agriculture “Previously, my school did not (USDA); and another washing station was have any latrine, hand washing built exclusively for washing kitchen utensils. stations, or water drinking In addition, some access ramps to latrines point… we had to bring and hand washing stations were built. water from our house, and in order to wash our hands José Murillo, in charge of Alexis Arguello we had to extract water school, expressed that children were not from a basin … now that able to use the two latrines in the school we have all this, I feel happy because they were broken, and this is the because my school has new first time, 25 years after it was built, it is stuff ” equipped with water drinking points and -Belinda, aged 8, 3rd grade student. hand washing stations.

The school located in La Sirena community, in Estelí which is served by the different programmes implemented by World Vision Nicaragua, and on this occasion with the support of the Safe Water programme - launched a project aimed at promoting sanitation and hygienic conditions which will benefit 26 preschool and primary school students.

This project was designed by Borda Nicaragua under partnership with World Vision Nicaragua. It was implemented with funds raised during the Leyendas del Fútbol [Soccer legends] event held by Premier Producciones in November 2018.

Safe Water

Children during the campaign held to inaugurate the project.

Igdadina Lรณpez Radwel, Sobreviviente de femicidio


“I was never to recover the vision in that eye”

“I can play soccer because now I can see who is on my left hand”

Kevin is a 10-year old boy. He is active, a soccer fan, and attentive to his two little sisters. He, together with his family live in Malpaisillo, León department, in the western part of the country.

Because of his medical condition, Kevin was a victim of bullying at his school. His classmates of both sexes called him “white eye”. On several occasions, he arrived home crying and in distress. Kevin was not able to see with his left eye, and he had reading and writing problems with his right eye.

Two years after Kevin was born his mother observed that he had a “white cloud” in his left eye, which impaired his vision. When Kevin turned seven, for the very first time his mother took him to the physician, and there he was diagnosed with congenital cataract. This a disease in which children are born with a clouding or opacification of the lens which prevents them from seeing. “ Depending on the size of the cataract, whether it is central or total, the vision may be more or less compromised as it may cover the pupilar area (central area in the eye through which light enters)”, as indicated by the Institute of Ocular Microbiology. Kevin was also diagnosed with strabismus, which is a visual condition in which eyes are not aligned properly and point in different directions. Optical treatment must be provided (eyeglasses or contact lens), which, generally cures this type of visual condition. “Physicians told my mother that they would operate on me until I reach eight years old, and I remember they said I would never recover my vision again in that eye”. Sadly, offered Kevin.

“I always wanted to play soccer, but I didn’t dare to because I was not able to see who was at my left hand, then I thought I would never play soccer” stated Kevin. Kevin is part of World Vision Nicaragua’s Sponsorship programme, through which the organization has contributed to improving the educational, health and nutrition condition of children around the country. In October 2018, thanks to actions and support provided by World Vision Nicaragua, Kevin underwent an eye surgery in which the congenital cataract that had affected his vision was removed.

“I can now play soccer, because now I can see who is at my left”.

Kevin at 10 years of age, after his operation.


Subsequently, he received a pair of eyeglasses that would help him to correct strabismus. “When Jilma (WVN’s Integral Development Facilitator) gave us the news that I was to undergo an eye surgery, I felt very happy because that white cloud in my left eye was going to be removed” Kevin gladly expressed. Apart from the surgery, Kevin and his mother received support to cover their transportation, lodging and medicine expenses and all their needs to have a successful surgery.

Sponsor a boy or a girl in Nicaragua and transform a life!

“The day I was operated, I remember that Jilma came early in the morning in order to travel together with us to Managua city. When I arrived to the hospital, they put a little blue cap on my head and when I woke up I did not have the cloud in my eye any more” Kevin gladly asserted. Since Kevin was operated he is more self-reliant, he has improved his grades at school, and now he enjoys a lot playing soccer with his friends. “The most significant change the surgery is that I do not have that “cloud” in my eye any more. Now my classmates do not make fun of me, and I can play soccer because now I can see who is on my left hand.” Thanks for the support of sponsors and goo-hearted people committed to the comprehensive well-being of the most vulnerable children in Nicaragua, our Sponsorship programme will enable more children like Kevin to improve their living conditions. Our Sponsorship programme benefits over 39,200 most vulnerable children in Nicaragua, and with your assistance, we can reach more communities.

“… When I arrived at the hospital, they put a little blue cap on my head and when I woke up I did not have the cloud anymore”

United States





Thanks to the generous support of our support offices and their sponsors

we were able to benefit

39,249 450 children from

communities in Nicaragua


Over 2,472 children benefited from World Vision Nicaragua health campaigns Over 2,472 children from different communities around the country benefited from several healthcare activities. They were carried out by the World Vision Nicaragua’s Sponsorship programme. As part of these activities, 15 nebulizers and 1 electrocardiograph were donated to 6 health posts to improve both attention and treatment for children who suffer from respiratory infections. Over 1,670 children were reached with that donation. Similarly, in coordination with the Ministry of Health (MINSA), an oral health campaign was launched and 292 children benefited at the national level. Similarly, an ophthalmological campaign was conducted, and it benefited 382 children around the country. It included ophthalmological assessment, provision of medical treatment and distribution of eyeglasses. Through these actions, the organization has contributed to improving the vision of school children’s so that they can improve their school performance.

In addition, World Vision Nicaragua provided medical check-ups, medicines and laboratory tests for 120 children who suffer from diseases that may threaten their lives. World Vision Nicaragua works so that every girl and boy may have life in all its fullness so that they may perform well in environments enabling them to reach their full potential.

With God, beyond what we imagine “The Day of Prayer helped me feel spiritually full, the songs and reflections contributed to creating greater awareness about our work in the ministry of World Vision Nicaragua, likewise, the opportunity to share with all colleagues was very pleasant,” he shared Yalveska Sánchez, contributor to World Vision Nicaragua. United in praise of God, World Vision Nicaragua collaborators celebrated the “Day of Prayer”, an internal event that takes place at the beginning of each fiscal year on October 1 and in which, it is placed in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ the welfare of Nicaraguan children and the development of the annual work plan. Based on Ephesians 3:20, the organization defined the motto “Beyond what we imagine” for the execution of its work plan for fiscal year 2020. “I feel joyful to share with you this Day of Prayer. This is something that unites us in our daily work, in serving the Lord and in putting all our heart and prayer so that each child lives in fullness. Everyone who has a vocation for service and loves children has a place in World Vision, ”shared Nathalia Barillas de Montiel, president of the World Vision Nicaragua Advisory Council. The event lasted two days, in which collaborators held prayer sessions, biblical reflections, presentations on service leadership, interaction activities and ended with a Christian concert.

Oscar Chicas Olivas, national director of World Vision Nicaragua, was in charge of the presentation on Service Leadership in which, he called on his collaborators to be excellent in their service roles from the organization and at the personal level to the community service “we all have to help us in that, to model excellence and ensure that those around us are excellent. We are doing the best job in the world, we are at the service of the Kingdom of the Lord, so we cannot settle for anything, ”he said. On the other hand, he questioned what the mentality of service leaders should be. “Our mentality must be: I am here to serve. Each one of us. Do you feel you are here to serve? That can be told to us by the boys and girls with whom we interact. I have seen how children surround them, how they come and appreciate them; that shows that they are well treated, ”he said.

girls develop with the potential that God has placed in their lives. So together as the motto of the Day of Prayer says, together with you we want to go beyond what we can imagine. ”

“...Everyone who has a vocation for service and loves children has a place in World Vision”

Likewise, he made a special greeting to the volunteers who with love contribute to the work of the organization “We send a special greeting to all the volunteers who have walked with World Vision and have contributed to the well-being of children from places in those that operate. For us it is a cause for celebration to have a large number of people who voluntarily contribute their time, knowledge, skills, and put them at the service of children in their communities. You are a special treasure for God and for World Vision. We encourage you to continue contributing and you will be able to see how boys and

-Nathalia Barillas

Football, a game to promote values ​​in childhood and adolescence Nahomi, 11, takes love to football as an “inheritance from his father.” He is a midfielder and enjoys every game he plays in. She, along with more than 60 girls, boys and adolescents, had a leading participation in the first Sports for Development workshop, promoted by UNICEF. Nahomi, is accompanied by World Vision Nicaragua. UNICEF recently held a two-day workshop where he presented the PARTIDI methodology (football in 3 times), which is an educational proposal implemented by the Center for the Development of Intelligence (CDI), of Paraguay, which uses football as a space of learning, where skills are developed that help to live, value, think and work with others. It is a methodology that can be developed in any community, neighborhood, school or club. In the workshop, Ana Alvear, coordinator of the Childhood and Adolescence Free of Violence program, of World Vision Nicaragua participated as a panelist and presented the experience of the organization implemented the Un goal for Tenderness initiative, a World Vision initiative that promotes, through Soccer as an integrative sport, the promotion of values ​​(fraternity, solidarity, friendship, encounter, love of God and neighbor), the prevention of violence and culture of peace in girls, boys, adolescents and young people.

The workshop was attended by the Ministry of the Family, Ministry of Education, Supreme Court of Justice, International Organization of Migration, World Vision Nicaragua, Nicaraguan Football Federation, Nicaraguan Sports Institute, Special Olympics, the Network of Family Women of Migrants, Children Believe, Casa Alianza, SOS Children’s Villages and UNICEF volunteers.

Jasiel and Nahomi, the representatives of World Vision in the Sports for Development workshop, are also part of our “A Goal for Tenderness” initiative.


Find out more about the work of World Vision in Nicaragua. Help us to transform children’s lives.

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