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Humanitarian aid in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic #CristoEnElCentro
Response Plan World Vision Nicaragua World Vision Nicaragua, in response to the health crisis that Nicaragua is going through, and in accordance with the global guidelines provided by World Vision, presents a contingency plan focused on four objectives:
1. Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 2. Support health systems and workers and vulnerable people 3. Support children impacted by COVID-19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
4. Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
2. The impact of Covid-19 has been multidimensional: · 79% of families have reduced their income, choosing as their main strategy to adapt to the crisis, the reduction in the quantity and quality of the food they consume.
1. The main needs expressed by the families were
· WV conducted a rapid diagnosis to assess the impact and needs of families in 21 municipalities in Nicaragua during the months of May and June 2020. It was done remotely and digitally, based on a universe of 22,959 families with a contact phone number.
95% of families prioritize food support.
84% of families prioritize the acquisition of hygienic and biosecurity supplies to prevent infection.
52% of families give priority to medical treatment to ensure the care of chronically ill people and in case of contagion.
3. The physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development of children has been significantly affected.
40% of children have totally stopped attending school.
54% have been affected in their recreational activities.
33% of wage earners lost their jobs.
Remittances have fallen considerably, 22% have stopped receiving and 62% mention that they have fallen in quantity.
33% of families stated that there was 1 day in the last month when there was no food in the home.
67% of families do not consume the 4 types of food needed to be considered good nutrition.
· 89% of families have opted for negative adaptation strategies, change of diet, use of savings, followed by migration. ·
77% of producing families had losses due to drought last year.
4. Perception of risks, fears and family self-care measures. ·
75% believe that the impact of the pandemic may be severe to moderate.
68% of families feel that their main fear is that they will be infected or that a family member will die.
· Although there are 50% of families with chronically ill people, 52% of them have discontinued treatment due to lack of financial resources and fear of contagion at the medical station.
In 50% of the homes, there are problems with living together, some of which are due to conflicts with children.
· Handwashing is the most used practice (83%), followed by physical distancing and minimal exits among the main means used by families.
· ·
According to our records, the number of cases reported against child protection has doubled during this period.
60% of families have economic difficulties in obtaining supplies for their self-protection. Even 20% of families believe some myth or have a mistaken belief about Covid-19.
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
World Vision Nicaragua implements personal protection plan against COVID - 19 Guided by Christian and humanitarian commitment, World Vision Nicaragua has developed various strategies to contribute to the physical and emotional well-being of its collaborators in the framework of the health crisis arising from COVID-19. “Internally, trainings were carried out on COVID-19 and prevention forms so that our collaborators take measures at work and personal level in their homes; Also, 80% of the personnel are working from the teleworking modality and the remaining 20% are carrying out awareness-raising and prevention actions in the communities ”, shares Bayardo Figueroa, Coordinator of Corporate Security and Humanitarian Affairs of World Vision Nicaragua.
World Vision staff using the safety and disinfection kits during a field visit
Objective 1:
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
To protect the health of the staff, World Vision Nicaragua gave its collaborators a hygiene kit consisting of masks, liquid soap, gel alcohol, a thermos of water and disposable towels. Likewise, a safety and disinfection kit is delivered to employees and / or their families who are affected by the Coronavirus. As part of the actions for the care of the personnel, the organization has established an “Orange Line”; which consists of telephone numbers where employees can call to make health inquiries, request a psychological session and receive advice on teleworking.
“The Orange Line has been created in order to attend to staff inquiries on the subject of COVID-19, so we have active doctors from our office and providing telephone consultations to staff. Also, the telephone numbers of the People and Culture staff for teleworking inquiries and to follow up on registered cases. As the support must be comprehensive, in the same way, we have psychologists from the Safe Organization area to attend to these issues with the staff ”, shares Soraya Flores, Business Partner of People and Culture of World Vision Nicaragua.
More than 500 students benefited from the water, hygiene and sanitation project. More than five hundred students from six communities of Yalí and San Lorenzo will benefit from a new Water and Sanitation project that aims to contribute to the reduction of diseases (COVID-19 and others) in children due to lack of hygiene. The project executed by World Vision, in partnership and thanks to funds from the We are Water Foundation, will be developed in five schools in the municipality of Yali, Jinotega and a school in the municipality of San Lorenzo, Boaco. “The project consists of the extension of the community water system. In the five schools in Yalí they will be rehabilitated with new pipes that go directly to the schools; in the case of San Lorenzo, the electrical system of the school well will be rehabilitated,” shares Silvio González, Manager of the Safe Water technical program at World Vision Nicaragua. Similarly, the project includes the construction of drinking fountains and the rehabilitation of the basic sanitation system with latrines divided by sex, age range and enabled to be accessible to people with motor disabilities. “As part of our commitment to the most vulnerable children, we are working in partnership to bring safe water, sanitation and hygiene to the communities of the country. We cannot stop having a presence in the communities; therefore, we are taking all the necessary preventive measures; safe water and personal, family and community hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of the virus,” says González.
Objective 1:
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
The organization’s staff, as well as the contractors who are in charge of the project, will use the necessary protection and hygiene measures to avoid the possible infection and/or spread of COVID-19 virus in the communities.
Health is in our hands: World Vision Nicaragua campaign to prevent COVID-19 World Vision Nicaragua developed the communication campaign “Health is in our hands” focused on promoting messages that contribute to the prevention of the infection and spread of the COVID-19 virus, which has created a global health crisis. The nationwide coverage campaign began in mid-March as an organizational effort to influence the hygienic practices of the population to prevent the spread at the personal, family and community level. The messages designed in Spanish, Mayagna and Miskito were aligned with the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization and were shared through arts on social networks, banners, posters, radio spots and television media. The physical communication materials have been located in strategic areas of the country, schools, health centers and maternity homes. Along with the campaign to prevent the infection and spread of COVID-19, the organization has shared a series of articles focused on addressing issues of educational innovation at home, water purification methods, psycho-emotional care of children and adolescents; ways to combat stress in youth and adults, etc.
Objective 1:
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
4,156,055 Campaign’s reach in RRSS
185,565 Reproductions
25,792 Printed material
World Vision Nicaragua launches Ninja Soap, an app to prevent COVID-19 Continuing with actions to contribute to the prevention of COVID-19, World Vision Nicaragua launches Ninja Soap, a playful digital application in order to train in an entertaining way on guidelines that prevent the infection and spread of the virus. The application, already available on Google Play, is free to download and is aimed at groups of ages 6 to 12 years, 13 to 18 years and over 19 years. The application has additional options depending on each age range. “The app was created by a developer and graphic designer, who already knew the work carried out by World Vision in favor of children. The partnership for the launch seemed like a good opportunity, considering that it will allow us to reach various people with the message of hygiene and prevention in an innovative, entertaining way to arouse their interest,” said Javier Moncada Sequeira, World Vision Nicaragua’s Director of Operations. Since the beginning of the health crisis, there has been a wide dissemination about the prevention measures that must be implemented to avoid or flatten the spread curve, however, much of this information may come from unofficial sources. Ninja Soap emerges as an interactive option to transmit COVID-19 prevention messages.
Objective 1:
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
The information shared by Ninja Soap was reviewed by the World Vision Nicaragua medical team to verify the concordance with the messages issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO); likewise, so that the graphics and the language used are under the organization’s protection guidelines. “Launching Ninja Soap with the support of World Vision Nicaragua is a great opportunity to spread and contribute to the fight against COVID-19. Each contribution can be perceived as negligible, but if we add all the various initiatives, it becomes something significant that generates substantial changes in humanity. I am confident that this contribution, added to the actions they develop, will translate into fewer infected families and an improvement in well-being in general,” shares Juan Crovetto, designer and developer of Ninja Soap. The application features Ninja Soap, a fantasy character who promotes the ownership and implementation of his messages in real life. To do this, different levels must be overcome and questions about COVID-19 and ways to prevent it must be answered. The player is obtaining belts as he advances to become a true ninja and the prize is not only a fun time but a greater protection against Coronavirus, through knowledge.
Work in partnership to impact more vulnerable areas With the inherent commitment to ensure the comprehensive well-being of children, World Vision Nicaragua has carried out various actions focused on preventing the contagion and spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in the municipalities and communities where it is present. Since March of this year, it has developed a COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan that has a community approach, based on the safety of children and their families from the most vulnerable communities in the country.
“The Protection and Communication areas of the 14 MMI organizations have worked on a communication campaign focused on the recognition and prevention of various forms of violence. Audiovisual spots, radio vignettes and digital campaigns were produced with appropriate messages on child protection and personal hygiene based on the current context we are going through, ”says Olga Moraga, UNICEF Communication Specialist.
Likewise, together with various organizations that are part of the Nicaraguan Water and Sanitation Network (RasNic), the As part of this response plan, World Vision has strengthened the Drinking Water and Sanitation Committees of the communities work together with other institutions and movements, in order have been monitored and a communication campaign was to benefit more children and the most vulnerable communities in launched with messages that promote hygiene and sanitation. the country. “Internal partnerships have been made with organizations that have a direct impact on the communities to provide support to “Together with other organizations that make up the World the Drinking Water and Sanitation Committees, to guarantee Movement for Children (MMI) Nicaragua Chapter, we have the provision of drinking water and in those areas where clean designed a work plan that aims to prevent violence within extended coexistence and we are also preparing to promote and water cannot be assured, reinforce family and community practices for the treatment and purification of resources, as well strengthen pedagogical methodologies that impact virtual and distance education ”, shares Óscar Chicas, National Director of as the hygiene habits necessary for the prevention of diseases and viruses, ”says Mauricio Villagra, Acting Country Director World Vision Nicaragua, an organization part of the MMI. of Water for People and National Coordinator of the RASNIC Committee.
Objective 1:
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
“Internal partnerships have been made with organizations that have a direct impact on the communities to provide support to the Drinking Water and Sanitation Committees, to guarantee the provision of drinking water and in those areas where clean water cannot be assured, reinforce family and community practices for the treatment and purification of resources, as well as the hygienic habits necessary for the prevention of diseases and viruses,” says Mauricio Villagra, Interim Country Director of Water for People and National Coordinator of the RASNIC Committee.
In the same way, it has influenced webinars coordinated by the National Volunteer Network on recreational activities related to occupational therapy in adolescents. Likewise, it has participated from the Childhood Educated During and For Life program, in digital presentations on Employability, Entrepreneurship and Innovation convened by the Inter-American Development Bank, Fabretto Foundation, Plan Internacional and Funides.
Team Europe’s initiative in the face of the pandemic
More than 22,000 people at risk, from highly vulnerable Involved in the health of the most vulnerable communities, including children, youth, women victims of With the work in association with Red Nica Salud, made up of 14 violence, indigenous groups and people with disabilities will be organizations that aim at the comprehensive improvement of benefited by the new project “Girls, children, adolescents, young health in Nicaragua, we worked on the communication campaign people and their families resilient to the health emergency of “Health is in your Hands” with the aim of preventing infections Covid-19 in Nicaragua ”, promoted by the Delegation of the and the spread of COVID-19. European Union in Nicaragua. Gertrudis Medrano, Executive Director of Red Nica Salud, affirmed that the objective of the joint work was to “empower the Nicaraguan population in the key role of preventing the spread of the pandemic and with the communication campaign reaching a little more than half a million of people, beneficiaries of the organizations that make up Red Nica Salud in the national territory.” In continuity with the work in association to influence the integral well-being of children, the organization has participated in virtual conferences led by the Nicaraguan Union for Corporate Social Responsibility (UNIRSE) on the emotional care of children in times of the pandemic.
Objective 1:
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
The project will last 18 months and will be implemented in the departments of Managua, Estelí, Jinotega and the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast, through World Vision, Educo, Horizont 3000 and Children Believe.
World Vision Nicaragua’s COVID-19 response arrives at the Caribbean Coast The Coronavirus pandemic is also hitting the Caribbean Coast, aggravating the various forms of violence in the territory and limit the development of the coastal population, as well says Shira Miguel Downs, director of the Movement of Women Nidia White, partner of World Vision Nicaragua “Since before the pandemic, there were already problems here. The coastal population is being harmed by the issue of access to water, we had Malaria and Dengue fever outbreaks. In addition to this, the COVID-19 virus is coming to complex our context,” says Miguel Downs. Faced with this situation, as part of its Response Plan in Emergency before COVID-19, World Vision Nicaragua has made two shipments of hygiene kits reaching 6,000 inhabitants of the Caribbean Coast. With the first delivery of personal hygiene kits, conformed by two soaps, a hand towel and a package of towels, 2,000 children and adolescents were reached in the area. Likewise, a communication campaign was initiated in miskito focussing on preventing the spread of the virus. The first donation was distributed in early April in Siuna and Bilwi. The second donation consisted of 1,500 hygiene kits and benefited more than 4,000 people in the communities most vulnerable in Puerto Cabezas. The delivery was made to in early June aimed to contribute to the prevention of COVID-19 in the area.
Objective 1:
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
World Vision Nicaragua donates hygiene kits to the area
For his part, Javier Moncada, Director of Operations for World Vision Nicaragua highlighted that “this is an area of high needs. With this help we contribute to meet part of the requirements, but still, we need to contribute more.
The hygiene kits, consisting of a laundry soap, two hand soaps, disposable towels and a pack of black bags, were channeled and distributed by the Nidia White Women’s Movement and The second donation was distributed over a week; among the delivered to single mothers, people with limited resources, beneficiaries are 2,166 children under 18 years of age and families with multiple members, pregnant women and children in 2,032 beneficiaries over 19 years of age. conditions of abandonment.
The second shipment also included the delivery of 300 posters, “We appreciate the solidarity that World Vision has had with 200 stickers and 27 blankets with virus prevention messages in the vulnerable communities and populations of the Caribbean Spanish and miskito. Coast, through the sending of hygiene kits to people who do not have the resources to access prevention materials, “said Miguel Downs.
With this delivery, we have benefited
2,166 children, and 2,033 people older than 19
Objective 1:
Scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19
Support health systems and workers and vulnerable people
Global Fund Supports National Response to COVID-19 Pandemic The Country Coordinating Mechanism, the Ministry of Health and World Vision Nicaragua, the main recipient of the grants awarded by the Global Fund for HIV and Tuberculosis in the country, manage support for more than 400 thousand dollars to contribute to the country’s response against COVID-19 pandemic.
Similarly, a national campaign has been created with COVID-19 prevention messages in Spanish and in languages of the Caribbean Coast of the country.
Permanent accompaniment The collaborators of the project financed by the Global Fund and administered by World Vision Nicaragua continue to monitor, “Among the actions approved by the Global Fund is the purchase evaluate and accompany the health centers where patients with of laboratory equipment to perform COVID-19 test analysis HIV and Tuberculosis are treated. and we are supporting the transfer of samples to the national reference center,” said Manuel Solís, Director for World Vision “The staff who continues to visit the health units have been Nicaragua-World Fund Project. Likewise, within the framework equipped with a protection kit to reduce a possible spread of COVID-19 and protect, in the same way, the vulnerable of the national response proposal, protection kits are being populations we serve,” says Solís. The protective equipment supported for health staff and laboratory staff in the different public health units. Also, protection kits will be delivered to consists of liquid soap, disposable towels, alcohol gel and N95 masks. sub-recipients that support the implementation of HIV and Tuberculosis projects in the country.
Objective 2:
Support health systems and workers and vulnerable people
World Vision Nicaragua and the Nicaraguan Red Cross renew their partnership in favor of the most vulnerable given this, the Red Cross with its psychosocial care helps people to have a healthy mental health and thanks to the cooperation with other entities we can do it,” shared Óscar Gutiérrez Somarriba, President of the National Council of the Nicaraguan Red Cross.
Both humanitarian aid organizations are interested in strengthening capacities and combining actions in situations such as disasters or other contexts that put the lives of Nicaraguans at risk.
The agreement between both organizations will be valid for two years and will cover assistance at the national level. World Vision Nicaragua delivers donations to the Nicaraguan Red Cross.
For Oscar Chicas Oliva, National Director of World Vision Nicaragua, the renewal of the agreement represents the reaffirmation of the relationship between both entities and the importance for the organization of joining forces with strategic partners to contribute to the first protection response to save lives and protect vulnerable populations.
As part of this agreement, World Vision Nicaragua gave the Nicaraguan Red Cross a donation valued at US$ 69,867.00, which consisted of 10,000 surgical masks, bedding, mosquito netting, and office furniture. Gutiérrez assures that the donation represents the opportunity to reach the most vulnerable people in the country and for the protection of staff who will be in front of the attention of those affected by COVID-19 and will allow the execution of a virus prevention campaign.
Part of the agreement stipulates that both organizations will exchange methodologies that allow prompt and better care in response to natural disasters or other crisis situations, according to the target groups of each organization, with emphasis on the For Óscar Chicas it is satisfactory to support the Nicaraguan protection of children in emergency and psychosocial care. Red Cross with this donation because the sum of these efforts Likewise, strengthen the national pre-hospital care provided makes it possible to influence the country’s population. by the Nicaraguan Red Cross with financial resources and/ or donations provided by World Vision Nicaragua. Likewise, share knowledge for the formulation of project proposals in risk management and/or disaster response as partners.
Signing of the agreement between the parties. World Vision Nicaragua and Nicaraguan Red Cross
Objective 2:
In the midst of the health pandemic caused by COVID-19, World Vision Nicaragua and the Nicaraguan Red Cross renewed the work agreement signed in 2018, in order to join efforts and impact the most vulnerable population of the country.
Support health systems and workers and vulnerable people
“Currently, as a country, we are in a difficult moment, where the spread of the virus can spread more and where fear in the population has increased due to the uncertainty that exists;
World Vision supports health posts in 10 departments with cleaning kits and medical supplies Likewise, it contains a 20-liter bucket with an integrated tap for hand washing or for water storage, a one-liter spray bottle to apply the chlorine or ethanol solution to surfaces, two garbage containers with a lid for the common waste, two pairs of gloves As part of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan, the Christian humanitarian aid organization World Vision Nicaragua for staff to clean, and a shoe-cleaning device. delivered in March a donation of cleaning kits, infrared thermometers and oximeters to the Ministry of Health (MINSA) Moncada Sequeira assured that the World Vision Nicaragua to contribute to the improvement of its ability to respond to the Response Plan is focused on supporting the most remote and vulnerable areas of the country; therefore, in conjunction with health crisis. MINSA, the necessary requirements for the donation were agreed. Likewise, it was distributed in the departments where The donation consisting of 260 cleaning kits, 240 infrared the organization has a presence. thermometers and 16 oximeters were distributed among 16 Health Centers and 244 Health Posts in the departments of Estelí, Matagalpa, Managua, Jinotega, Boaco, León, Chinandega, Masaya, Granada and Carazo, in addition to Siuna and Bilwi in the Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast. “One of the global objectives defined in the COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan considers supporting health institutions and their workers; Likewise, together with the Ministry of Health, we take the message of prevention to the communities,” shared Javier Moncada Sequeira, Operations Director for World Vision Nicaragua. World Vision supports health posts in 10 departments with cleaning kits and medical supplies.
The cleaning kit consists of three hand soaps, a gallon of 70% alcohol, four cleaning towels, a gallon of bleach, a 900 gr detergent, a liter of liquid soap, a mop head, a mop stick and a 4-pack of toilet paper.
Objective 2:
Support health systems and workers and vulnerable people
Infrared thermometers
Health centers
244 Health posts
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
World Vision reinforces psycho-emotional care for the most vulnerable children and adolescents With the commitment to fully accompany children during the health crisis caused by COVID-19, World Vision Nicaragua reinforces psycho-emotional care for children and adolescents from the most vulnerable communities in the country. During emergencies, the vulnerability of children and adolescents deepens due to situations of violence, grieving, orphanage or forced migration, which can trigger depression and suicide attempts, according to Zorayda Gómez, Safeguarding Advisor.
As part of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan, the organization has developed various actions such as the distribution of more than 70,000 personal, school and church hygiene kits, more than 40,000 protection and tenderness kits, in addition to food packages for families of children and adolescents accompanied by our Sponsorship program directly or indirectly affected by the virus.
From the Safeguarding area, various measures have been taken to continue psychological support for children and adolescents who have been victims of some type of violence, without exposing them to a possible spread of the virus. “For the comprehensive approach of our target population, World Vision has adapted the psycho-emotional and psychosocial support of children and adolescents who are survivors of violence, a situation of grief, depression and suicide attempt, through a virtual methodology, that is, via WhatsApp or phone call,” says Gómez. Since the World Health Organization decreed COVID-19 a pandemic, World Vision began preparations to reorient its operations towards prevention and response to the health emergency, having Jesus Christ as guide and children and adolescents as the center of our service.
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
40 thousand protection and tenderness kits have been delivered throughout these months
World Vision Nicaragua delivers food vouchers to families affected by COVID-19 Under the commitment to accompany the most vulnerable children and their families, World Vision Nicaragua is delivering Food Vouchers to families directly or indirectly affected by the pandemic caused by COVID-19. This initiative is part of the Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19 that the organization has implemented since midMarch of this year. The delivery of food vouchers is aimed at families of children and adolescents accompanied by the World Vision Sponsorship program. “As a father I am very grateful to God and to you for the great collaboration you are doing with us. We are facing a very difficult situation such as COVID-19 and we are also unemployed. I used to work in Costa Rica, but now I can no longer travel and with the delivery of the food voucher it will be of great benefit to us as parents and my children,” shares Marlon, father who benefited from a food voucher in León. To deliver the food vouchers to a family, it must meet a series of standards established by the Emergency Committee of the organization. The main requirements are: having a direct relative infected with COVID-19, unemployed parents, being a single father or mother, that the children or adolescent is in charge of grandparents and/ or that there is a case of disability in the family.
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
“The food voucher was designed so that a family of five had access to food for a period of 15 days. A purchase of 2,000 packages was made and it was a mechanism to make the delivery of the food package by local suppliers and reduce physical contact,” shared Javier Moncada Sequeira, Operations Director for World Vision Nicaragua. Development Facilitators and community volunteers are the people, who support the collection of information about families that could apply to the food voucher, share the information in the monitoring system and value it based on the established criteria.
Mothers after retrieving their food, using the food voucher
2,500 families will be benefited with seeds for plantings and family gardens Two thousand five hundred families of communities accompanied by World Vision Nicaragua will be benefited with packages of seeds of corn, beans and other diverse species for the establishment of family gardens. The donation is part of the Emergency Response Plan caused by COVID-19 and arises as a way to contribute to the nutrition and strengthening of livelihoods of families affected directly and indirectly by the health crisis. “World Vision is committed to the health, well-being and right to protection of children, adolescents, youth and their families, for this reason we are meeting the basic needs of rural families with the supply of supplies for reactivation and recovery of their sustainable livelihoods, through cash transfers or the provision of agricultural packages,� shared Javier Moncada Sequeira, Operations Director for World Vision Nicaragua. The donation will benefit 1,500 families with packages for planting corn, 500 families with packages for planting beans and 500 families with seeds for the establishment of family gardens. The packages will be distributed during the month of August among families of children, adolescents and youth within and outside the coverage of our Sponsorship program.
Objective 3:
Corn packages consist of 25 pounds of seed corn, two quintals of fertilizer, and 250 cc of insecticide. Likewise, bean packages are made up of 50 pounds of seed beans and a quintal of fertilizer.
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
On the other hand, the packages for the establishment of family gardens are made up of squash, cucumber and onion seeds.
World Vision distributes more than 8 thousand personal hygiene kits through friend churches More than 2,800 personal hygiene kits will be delivered by World Vision Nicaragua to children and adolescents through three churches with which the Christian humanitarian aid organization works. This collaboration is part of the Emergency Response Plan against COVID-19 launched since last March.
together, there is an international agreement and work coordination. In Nicaragua and in Latin America we have participated in seminars and trainings.”
According to the leaders, the kits will be distributed in vulnerable areas of the departments of Managua, Matagalpa, Azucena López, Faith and Development Coordinator, explained Boaco, Chontales and Chinandega. “All these places are of that “within the work carried out by World Vision Nicaragua, the very scarce resources and therefore this comes to be a great church is a preferred partner. We acknowledge the contribution blessing for the families that will no longer have to buy them and they make to communities, especially children and adolescents. especially for those who have not bought in all this time,” said In recent years we have been doing work closer to the churches Ponce. with the aim of developing their capacities in child protection and at this time that we have the COVID-19 crisis they are also Kits delivered with the support of community volunteers Likewise, 6,015 hygiene kits were delivered to the churches making their contribution.” accompanied by the organization at the national level, so that in The beneficiary churches, both Catholic and Evangelical, that support with community volunteers they could be delivered to children and adolescents outside of our Sponsorship program. will distribute the 2,825 personal hygiene kits are: Iglesia El In each distribution of hygiene kits, both staff and community Nazareno, Iglesia de Dios and Archdiocese of Matagalpa. “We volunteers use hygiene equipment and recommended standards are very grateful to World Vision, thank you for the gesture of sharing with us. It is very important, especially in these times of to prevent the infection and spread of COVID-19. World Vision crisis in which children must walk with their hands well washed, distributes more than 8,000 personal hygiene kits through friend churches. well cleaned. These kits are going to reach the most deprived communities,” said María Antonia Ponce, Priest of El Nazareno Church in Nicaragua.
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
For his part, Adolfo Sequeira, President of the Church of God in Nicaragua, stated that this World Vision contribution “is conducive due to the moment we are living in and that has affected all sectors of the population. It comes to give an answer, to take care of health. We appreciate the gesture.” Sequeira also recognized the continuous collaboration with World Vision and highlighted that “we have been working
You can also get hygiene kits to more vulnerable children and their families. From 4 dollars or its equivalent in cordobas, donate a kit through our website or through new accounts at BAC Credomatic: Córdobas: 363252701 / Dollars: 363252776
Juntos Vamos a Superarlo and World Vision deliver 10,628 food and hygiene kits to vulnerable families With the aim of contributing to the prevention of COVID-19 in most vulnerable populations in the country, the trust initiative Juntos Vamos a Suoerarlo gave to World Vision Nicaragua 10,628 food and hygiene and cleaning packages to be distributed to families who accompany the organization.
“I feel happy with the donation, because with the situation we are going through, this help comes to alleviate our food expenses and honestly, I feel very happy with the hygiene package because here it is very difficult to find those things,” said Don Jose, 76, farmer, provider of his home and father of a sponsored child from San Lorenzo.
The first donation, consisting of 1,200 hygiene kits and delivered in June benefited families of children and adolescents Also, in August a new donation of 2,000 kits was made and accompanied by the sponsorship program of World Vision in the distributed in Managua and the North Caribbean Coast. municipalities of Tipitapa, Managua; San Marcos, Carazo; and San Lorenzo, Boaco. In July, 1,000 kits were delivered to families in Nandaime, Granada; and from Limay, Estelí. “This is a real blessing. There are many families who we don’t have enough to buy what is needed for the house and less for that new virus. With this donation we will help a lot; in my case, I am very happy and grateful because with this help I can save a little more and buy more things for my baby that is coming,” said Marjurie, a beneficiary with the donation and mother of a sponsored child from Tipitapa. Each food package consisted of 10 pounds of rice, 10 pounds of beans, five pounds of sugar, five pounds of corn flour, five bags of oats and two liters of oil. On the other hand, the hygiene and cleaning kits contained: 10 Reusable masks, 10 pairs of gloves, three laundry soaps, two liters of alcohol and one liter of chlorine.
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
World Vision has already begun the delivery of another 6,428 hygiene kits and food donated by JVS throughout the country, including the Atlantic Coast. In addition to these kits, masks, bleach and other non-perishable foods such as cookies and soups will be delivered, also donated by JVS.
execute it privately, generating collaboration between the contributors and other relevant actors, depending on the beneficiaries.
“I decided to be a volunteer because I am very passionate about supporting other people and in the context of the pandemic I take on my commitment even more; I’m not afraid of catching it, I cover myself with the blood of Christ and the organization gives us masks and gloves to reinforce our protection.” shared Rosa, 22, a community volunteer for World Vision Nicaragua.
Each employee participating in the package distribution must complete COVID-19 safety and management courses; This is an indispensable requirement for their mobilization to the communities.
“For us partnering is very important because we know that alone we will not be able to cover all the requirements; Therefore, Leading role of community volunteering we thank our partners for the trust placed in World Vision Together with the organization’s staff, the volunteers from Nicaragua; our community presence implies responsibility, each community joined in the distribution of the donation. They efficiency and accountability,” shared Javier Moncada Sequeira, had the responsibility of ensuring the correct hand washing Operations Director of World Vision Nicaragua. and application of alcohol to each person before entering the delivery room and developing talks on the prevention of High standards of hygiene and protection COVID-19. World Vision Nicaragua was responsible for the delivery, mobilized the personnel in each area and developed a logistics Likewise, they supported the information registration process of plan that included the essential hygiene and physical distancing the benefits and the transfer of the packages from the delivery standards to contribute to the prevention of COVID-19. Each area to the exit of the premises. family receives a food and hygiene package.
“Juntos Vamos a superarlo (JVS) is an initiative that has been and will be of benefit to the population that in various ways has been affected by COVID-19. On behalf of all JVS donor companies, we extend our gratitude to World Vision Nicaragua for joining us, for taking the donation to different parts of the country and, above all, for doing it with the capacity, transparency and sensitivity that is required,” said Edda Callejas, Executive Director of Juntos Vamos a Superarlo .
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
Juntos Vamos a Superarlo is an initiative led by a group of companies committed to Nicaragua, through a trust operationally supported by the companies that form it, to
Helping hands in the fight against COVID-19 Various organizations and companies have joined forces with to World Vision Nicaragua to reach out, together, to girls, most vulnerable children and adolescents in the country in the context COVID-19. Donations received have been part of the World Vision’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Nicaragua has implemented since the beginning of March to assist children and families accompanied by the organization. In partnership for contributing to the welfare of Nicaraguan children, Convoy Of Hope delivered, in June of this year, 330 boxes of fortified rice with soy to World Vision Nicaragua to be distributed to the most vulnerable families in the country. Each box contains 36 bags of one pound each, which is equivalent to 11,880 pounds of rice with soybeans. These were delivered to the families of the children and adolescents in the communities served by World Vision Nicaragua. “Rice and soy are a source of protein that combined improve the nutritional quality and nutritional intake of children. For Convoy of Hope the partnership with World Vision allows us to support the feeding of children in places where we have no presence,” said Abdiel Navarrete Morales, Coordinator of the Food and Nutrition Program of Convoy of Hope.
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
Similarly, the Food Bank and PriceSmart made food donations to World Vision Nicaragua; these were delivered to the children’s dining room of the social organization The Hope Project International, which works with children and adolescents living in poverty. “Twinning with World Vision represents the opportunity to count on someone else to jointly reach the goals we have and support those who need it most,” shared Raúl Castro Castillo, National Director of The Hope Project International.
McDonald’s and World Vision, together, give away smiles Five hundred children in a state of vulnerability from Managua received a Happy Meal in the Children´s month as part of the donation made by the McDonald’s hamburger franchise to World Vision Nicaragua. “We decided to work with World Vision Nicaragua because we are committed to the work and the causes they support. With the donation we are supporting children who are in abandonment, street children who are in rehabilitation programs and we feel committed to giving back to society part of what they have given us,” said María Auxiliadora Sarria, Marketing Manager for McDonald’s Nicaragua. The donation consisted of 500 Happy Meals, consisting of a hamburger, French fries, a soda and a toy. It was delivered to children in a state of vulnerability served by the Inhijambia Association and the NITCA Foundation, partner organizations of World Vision Nicaragua.
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
To celebrate the month of children, World Vision Nicaragua and Mcdonalds gave children a smile
Education and hygiene are added to the donations received At the beginning of July, Librería San Jerónimo donated school supplies and crafts to World Vision Nicaragua to be distributed to children that the organization supports in the most vulnerable communities in the country. “We feel that it is material that the children you support can take better advantage of in these times of confinement, since in the case of school supplies they are reinforcement for their studies, while the crafts will help them keep entertained by doing their own works of art, ” shared Karla Guzmán, General Manager of Librerías San Jerónimo. The purpose of the donation available is to help children continue with their learning and have the resources to establish moments of healthy distraction with the completion of crafts in times of the pandemic. Likewise, Suplidora Delgado provided World Vision Nicaragua with cleaning and personal hygiene supplies that will be distributed among vulnerable families to prevent the infection and spread of COVID-19. “We join the call that World Vision has made us. We say that it is a small contribution, a grain of sand for so much need that there is here in Nicaragua in children and adolescents,” commented Adela Delgado López, owner manager of Suplidora Delgado.
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
Among the products donated by the company are 60 units of liquid soap in 460 ml presentation, 100 liters of liquid alcohol, 50 liters of gel alcohol and 50 atomizers with a capacity of 1 liter, explained Enrique Villegas, National Coordinator of Gifts in Kind for World Vision Nicaragua.
If you want to contribute with gifts in kind, contact Enrique Villegas at the email enrique_villegas@wvi.org; or, donate through our website or through our accounts in BAC Credomatic: Córdobas: 363252701 / Dollars: 363252776 / Description: Donation for hygiene kit and/or Donation for protection kit.
Walmart Foundation and World Vision Nicaragua impact the most vulnerable communities and populations “I am very happy that you come to teach us how to prevent the virus and to support us with this kit. I am a single mother and for me, it is difficult to buy all these things. Now, my children and I are going to have what it takes to protect ourselves,” shares Elsa López, a mother who has benefited from Hygiene Kits. Last Thursday, June 4th, Elsa and 223 other mothers were benefited with the donation of a personal and household hygiene kit to prevent the infection and spread of COVID-19 in the most vulnerable communities of San Ramón, Matagalpa. The donation provided by the Walmart Foundation and distributed by World Vision Nicaragua included hand soaps, alcohol gel, masks, bleach, laundry soaps, detergent, garbage bags, a 5-gallon bucket, and toilet paper. After weeks of coordination at the organizational and community level, World Vision Nicaragua deployed a convoy from Managua to the communities where the delivery would take place. Both collaborators and volunteers used equipment and safety methods necessary for the prevention of the virus. Under heavy rain, each team, made up of collaborators from the Managua and Matagalpa headquarters, went to the corresponding communities where more than a dozen volunteers and community leaders were waiting to accompany the delivery and develop COVID-19 prevention training.
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
This space was used to carry out an exercise in proper hand washing, use of alcohol and use and disposal of masks. Likewise, the activity highlighted the importance of physical distancing to reduce the scope of the pandemic.
“From what I learned today, I am a woman with more risk because I am diabetic and hypertensive, so I must take great care of myself for my own good and that of my grandchildren, since they are in my care. From now on, I will no longer allow visitors to my house and use the mask every time I go out,” shared Doña María Antonia. For his part, Oscar Chicas Olivas, National Director of World Vision Nicaragua reaffirmed the importance of the partnership to accompany the most vulnerable communities “For us it is satisfactory to be able to have that collaboration from Walmart that adds to the response in this critical time. We continue to add efforts and collaborations in favor of the Nicaraguan population.” Impacting beyond the communities The Walmart Foundation donation also included the delivery of bio-security equipment to the Nicaraguan Red Cross. The delivery took place this Monday, June 8th and consisted of 800 pairs of gloves, 12,600 masks, 5 stretchers, 40 infrared thermometers and 39 pre-hospital care kits with all the required supplies. “In these difficult and uncertain times that the entire country is experiencing, for the Nicaraguan Red Cross this donation is significant because it allows us to reach the most vulnerable people in the country. This cooperation also comes to protect our staff that is on the front line,” shared Óscar Gutiérrez, President of the National Council of the Nicaraguan Red Cross.
The accompanying donation to the communities of San Ramón, Matagalpa and the Nicaraguan Red Cross was valued at C$ 1,710,450; assembled that are added to the C$ 6,539,010 that Walmart Mexico and Central America donated in the country during the months of March and April 2020, through the Food Bank, institutions and private initiatives, with food, basic consumption and personal care products. For his part, Richard Lugo, Walmart’s Corporate Affairs Manager in Nicaragua, assured that for this donation these two strategic partners were sought “because of the scope that both have. The Red Cross because it has a presence at the national level and World Vision because we know it is committed to supporting Nicaraguan children.” The Walmart Foundation is a non-profit organization that channels resources to help the neediest communities.
Together we go beyond what we imagine!
Objective 3:
Support children impacted by COVID19 through education, protection, food and livelihoods.
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children. World Vision Nicaragua aims at strengthening faith and protecting children during COVID-19.
Objective 4:
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
Together for Children, Interchurch Center for Theological and Social Studies (CIEETS), Compassion, One Child, Hope in hard places and World Vision Nicaragua.
With the objective of strengthening the spirituality and the comprehensive well-being of children, adolescents and their The role of the churches in times of crisis families, World Vision Nicaragua in joint work with the Christian Likewise, World Vision Nicaragua from its Christian identity Network for children develop various actions within the is developing a series of virtual trainings aimed at leaders of framework of COVID-19. churches and faith-based organizations, with the objective of sharing reflections focused on recognizing the work of these “The Christian Network for Children is a platform from which communities within the framework of a crisis. seven institutions seek to contribute to the comprehensive well-being of children among Christian churches, through the The topics addressed are: First emotional and spiritual care for promotion of the protection and spiritual nurturing of children, children in crisis, Protection of children in the context of the and by equipping Christian leaders to actively participate from pandemic, Redeem and restore children and adolescents who their churches in the prevention of violence and the protection suffer violence, The ministry of the Church in context pandemic, of children and adolescents,” shares Azucena López Namoyure, Pastoral accompaniment through a telephone line, human pain Faith and Development Coordinator for World Vision and communities that embrace. These topics are important Nicaragua. because they provide resources and strategies to church leaders for effective pastoral ministry in their response to the The actions cover the spiritual and economic sphere with the COVID-19 pandemic. aim that the accompaniment of families is comprehensive. Currently, the Christian network for children is also developing Similarly, days of prayer are being held virtually, as a space for a project of emotional and spiritual care for 20 low-income reflection and spiritual strengthening through Bible study, families with an economic contribution to start small family prayer, and reflection with groups of church leaders, children, businesses. adolescents and their families. They aim to contribute to people’s responsiveness to overcome adversity. Likewise, it is running training on child protection in the context of the pandemic and the role of the church and the family in the For Namoyure, the development of these initiatives is an accompaniment and emotional and spiritual care of children and opportunity to broaden the horizon and hope, but also to equip adolescents, and their families. the churches for the exercise of accompaniment to communities of faith, especially children and adolescents. The Christian Network for Children is made up of the Baptist Theological Seminary (STB), United Bible Societies (SBU), Live
Tenderness Starts at Home: World Vision Nicaragua begins child protection campaign World Vision Nicaragua began the child protection campaign “Tenderness begins at home” as a way to promote positive parenting messages among parents and caregivers.
“We try to put sentences in which parents can recognize their actions of punishment and humiliating treatment; and propose the correct way to approach children.
The campaign aims to share more tender and protective parenting guidelines, with greater force, in the context of confinement caused by the health emergency of COVID-19.
We want to create awareness in parents, that tenderness begins at home and that we, the parents, are responsible for taking care of the children,” shares Vittoria Peñalba Córdova, Sustainability Director for World Vision Nicaragua.
“The following proposal is part of the global campaign in which Similarly, the campaign is being promoted through digital we want to work together with partners from all sectors, through the generation of alliances in defense of children.” publications in the official accounts of the organization. Nicaragua has chosen to work on two key issues this year: Physical punishment and humiliating treatment, which are more relevant due to confinement,” shares Claudia López Meneses, Manager of the Violence-Free Children and Adolescent Program. Tenderness Starts at Home is part of the global campaign It takes a world to end violence against children, launched by the World Vision Partnership in 2017 to contribute to the elimination of various types of violence that affect more than 1 billion children every year in the world.
“Not like this, like this” messages call for reflection
Objective 4:
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
The “Tenderness Starts at Home” campaign includes “Not like this, like this” messages, with which it wants to show that there are everyday phrases and behaviors that can represent humiliating treatment and often trigger and justify physical punishment. Therefore, it is proposed to express ourselves in another way, with love and tenderness, towards our children.
The campaign, which will last for three months, includes the presence of messages on TV channels and national radio stations, small street billboards, digital screens and street crossing bridges located in the busiest streets and avenues nationwide.
World Vision Virtual Camp begins: Opening Paths of Protection and Tenderness World Vision Nicaragua started the Virtual Camp: Opening Paths of Protection and Tenderness, an initiative to accompany children and adolescents in strengthening self-protection mechanisms within the framework of confinement, as a result of COVID-19. 161 children and adolescents from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Costa Rica participated in the workshop, which began on Tuesday, July 7th.
Objective 4:
Likewise, topics such as spirituality, gender and advocacy will be addressed in a cross-cutting way.
The virtual camp is made up of 16 sessions that are taught by the team of specialists from the Protection program. Each session is segmented into three age ranges so that the message reaches more appropriately to children from 6 to 9 years old, from 10 to 13 years old and to adolescents from 14 to 18 years old; all this “It was fun and very nice, I liked the class because it was dynamic through a playful learning adventure where, through interaction, and we learned to recognize the value of the things that are exercises and games, knowledge, understanding and application around us,” said Nahomy, 9, from Managua. She, along with her of the topics is strengthened. 6-year-old sister, participated in the introductory session. The sessions will take place from July 7th to August 21st and it The initiative, under the Violence-Free Children and is proposed to carry out 2 weekly sessions (Tuesday and Friday) Adolescents program, takes the protection methodology of one hour until completing the learning path of the Opening Opening paths of Protection and Tenderness to a virtual Paths of Protection and Tenderness methodology. platform as an alternative to offer training and education resources to children and adolescents outside the coverage of “It was the first time I received classes like this (online); it was the organization. awesome. I never imagined playing a game like this; in which I had to find the seven wonders of my house. I am very excited “From the program, we have considered taking advantage of to learn, to meet more kids my age, even from other countries,” the technological platforms for the realization of a virtual camp shares Luis, 11, from Chinandega, a participant in the virtual that allows us to implement the playful methodology Opening camp. Paths of Protection and Tenderness, which contains information and exercises about self-esteem, rights, responsibilities, gender equality, sexuality, life plan, coexistence with tenderness, communication, bullying prevention and safe use of digital technology, among others, all organized by age range,” shares Claudia López Meneses, Manager of the Violence-Free Children and Adolescents Protection Program.
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
World Vision Nicaragua presents “video capsules” of positive discipline and parenting with tenderness. With the aim of promoting positive discipline guidelines and parenting with tenderness, especially in times of confinement, World Vision Nicaragua has prepared a series of “video capsules” aimed at parents and guardians. For these video capsules, Gabriela Narváez, a certified specialist in Positive Discipline, will participate as a special guest, accompanying Haydeé Calderón and Salka Somarriba, psychologists from World Vision Nicaragua. The videos will be shared for free on the official profiles of the organization’s social media. “What we want is to give parents, directly and easily, practical tools to use in the upbringing of their children and that allow them to start parenting with tenderness”, shares Gabriela Narváez, certified specialist in Positive Discipline.
What is positive discipline? Positive discipline is an educational model based on communication, love and understanding through simple tools that allow parents and guardians to understand the behavior of their children and redirect it with respect, without power struggles and always in a positive way. It is an approach that includes neither excessive control nor permissiveness. It is based on respect and collaboration, all with the intention of teaching the child basic life skills.
Objective 4:
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
This approach fully coincides with that of Parenting with Tenderness promoted by World Vision, which consists of the comprehensive development from childhood to adulthood supported by parents and/or guardians, taking as a central axis the positive feeling of protection which is associated with tenderness, that is, to give affection, love and care.
The topics to be addressed There will be 12 capsules issued every Monday for 12 weeks in which topics such as the importance of hugging, direct communication with sons and daughters, how to identify feelings that generate bad behaviors and how to react to them will be addressed. Tools will also be shared to strengthen the connection between parent and children and the equitable way to correct with tenderness; likewise, to empower children and adolescents to face adverse situations. For Narváez, the context of confinement is a situation that generates a lot of stress and pressure in adults, and that awaken certain emotional instability, which can further enhance violence against children and adolescents. Given this, World Vision recognizes the importance of promoting positive discipline guidelines to promote parenting with tenderness in Nicaraguan society. Gabriela Narváez will answer the questions that parents and guardians ask each week on the topic addressed through the World Vision Nicaragua social media accounts. Likewise, at the end of the compendium of four video-capsules, a special session will be held to answer live other questions that are generated as a result of the shared tools. “Each video capsule brings practical exercises that will surely help us to establish greater emotional closeness, understand and attend to the most felt needs of our sons and daughters. This contributes to the harmony of the family nucleus and builds the character and values of the new generations that will lead the future of our nation,” shares Zorayda Gómez, Safeguarding Advisor for World Vision Nicaragua
Objective 4:
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
World Vision Nicaragua aims to the adaptation of educational strategies To counteract secondary effects of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in the academic sector, World Vision Nicaragua, since April of this year, is aiming to adapt and reinforce educational strategies at the primary level.
Regarding the community approach, the organization activated with greater force the community volunteer groups that were trained in this methodology to provide virtual accompaniment to parents of children in primary education.
In the country, many household leaders have decided that their children stop attending school as a way to reduce the chances of acquiring the virus, which, in turn, has repercussions in a possible delay in the academic development of children. In this context, the organization under its Education program Children educated during and for Life, is executing actions focused on promoting literacy from home and aims for parents and/or guardians to be directly involved in the learning process of their children.
Partnering for Educating
“We are working our Unlock Literacy methodology from the teaching component and with greater force, the community component to accompany parents online. The objective is that even in moments of this crisis, children education is reinforced, the time is used to develop literacy habits and the recognition of the importance of the active role of the family in the education of children,” shares Lilliam Cárdenas, Coordinator of the Education Technical Program. The teaching component included training for teachers at the national level and the replication of these in schools; however, the contents are currently being adapted to be taught through video conferences.
Objective 4:
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
As part of the Global Movement for Children Nicaragua Chapter, World Vision is joining forces with other member organizations to continue with educational training for the country’s faculty. Each organization is developing virtual workshops with specific topics and approaches to contribute to the adaptation of methodologies that reinforce education in a context of confinement. Similarly, under the Youth Ready methodology of the Education program, three different ways of reaching adolescents and youth participants are being developed, according to Sathya Bermudez, Specialist of the technical program Children educated during and for life.
• Educational cells. These consist of having leaders in the communities who implement the methodology to a group of 3-4 participants. The leader is sent a recharge to activate data and connect to the virtual sessions developed by World Vision. There are times when there are up to five simultaneous cells.
• Individual sessions. In communities where everyone has cell phones and network access, individual recharges are sent to them to carry out personal sessions. Thus, children receive classes from their homes.
• TeleClases. They are individual and given to those who have access to the internet in their homes. They are given an activity notebook and personalized videos are sent to train them in the methodology. Periodically, they meet with the leader, so that evaluations on their development can be assessed.
Youth ready to undertake On the other hand, since the month of May, World Vision Nicaragua from the Education program made a partnership with Impact Hub, to develop the pilot project Youth Ready to undertake, which aims to develop and strengthen skills, soft skills and technical knowledge for the creation of enterprises and/or the increase of employability of the beneficiaries. Likewise, the Claro telecommunications company has provided spaces for adolescents and youth of our Youth Ready methodology.
Objective 4:
Collaborate and advocate ensuring the protection of children.
World Vision has participated in Webinars with the Nicaraguan Union for Corporate Social Responsibility (UNIRSE) on topics such as the safe use of ICT for children. She has also participated in virtual conferences with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on employability and entrepreneurship, among other topics.
Thank You!
To companies, organizations and friends of World Vision Nicaragua for their generous support of our humanitarian aid response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Juntos Vamos a Superarlo Walmart Serlisa Pricesmart Min. Educadores Comunitarios para la Salud Suplidora Delgado McDonalds Librería y Distribuidora Jardín Librería San Jerónimo S.A
Gonper Librerías Creaprint Deportes Rivera Teresa Molina Jesús Evenor González Herrera Connect International Nuevo Carnic Grupo ASSA Inkia Energy
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Donate now: WorldVisionNic www.worldvision.org.ni Contact: Vittoria PeĂąalba - Director of Sustainability vittoria_penalba@wvi.org