Orange News I
January • February • March 2022
Child Protection
Over three thousand children and adolescents from Siuna are supported by the Community Network for Child Protection Between late 2020 and throughout 2021, a total of 3,074 children and adolescents from Siuna received comprehensive and psychoemotional support by the Community Network for Child Protection. This network was created by World Vision Nicaragua after hurricanes Eta and Iota struck the zone. “Several cases of violence against children were identified during child-friendly spaces established in 10 communities in Siuna, after hurricanes Eta and Iota. Once the project was completed, community leaders that received training on our Child Protection methodology organized themselves to keep the network active and continue supporting children and adolescents,” Cristina Centeno stated. She is specialist in Children in Emergency at World Vision Nicaragua. The 20201 Children's Festival was held as annual closing activity where children and adolescents played a key role during cultural activities and their leadership capacity was recognized. he Community Network for Child Protection still continues its work in the territory. It is made up of 60 volunteers who tirelessly conduct fun and learning processes, and sports activities for protection and both emotional and spiritual recovery of children and adolescents in 10 communities in Siuna. Similarly, they engage community and church leaders to reinforce the faith-based component.
World Vision invites Nicaraguan families to create “Espacios de la Ternura” This initiative includes the participation of Gabriela Narváez, specialist in Positive Discipline, and Vos TV; this TV channel will provide TV resources and digital platforms for broadcasting the message of tenderness. World Vision launches the Espacio de la Ternura child protection campaign, which aims to create environments where tenderness is experienced through positive discipline and parenting with tenderness at home, school, church and any other place.
Ana Alvear stated. She is National Advocacy Coordinator at World Vision Nicaragua.
The campaign will last two months, and live group discussions will be broadcasted on Channel 14 every week. Topics addressed will include tools for positive discipline and parenting with tenderness at home, school or church, World Vision's experience to World Vision Nicaragua create child-friendly spaces and reading launches a campaign to clubs, how do adolescents experience the highlight the importance different types of parenting? How do they of positive discipline and feel and what decisions do they make? etc. parenting with
“Espacio de la Ternura is an initiative tenderness addressed to society at large with a particular emphasis Gabriela Narváez will host the different sessions of Space for Tenderness. She is a specialist on parents, caregivers, schoolteachers, faith-based certified on Positive Discipline and she will be leaders, Sunday school teachers, adolescents, and youth who want to transform their family and interpersonal accompanied by World Vision Nicaragua's specialist relationships in terms of respect, empathy, and on Child Protection. particularly tenderness”
Similarly, children adolescents and parents will play a leading role when sharing their experiences of the different types of childrearing and parenting with tenderness. Gabriela Narváez stated, “The impact of parenting with tenderness on children and adolescents is tremendous because it enables young children to positively develop their self-esteem, which in turn provides them with tools to achieve their full potential.In addition, it has a direct effect on the development of their socioemotional intelligence that affects their immediate environment and communities where they live and develop” Where and when to watch Espacio de la Ternura? With the support of VosTV, Space for Tenderness will be aired every Wednesday of March and April at 09:00am in the Sol a Sol morning show. At the end of the morning show, both books and digital applications on positive discipline will be raffled
Every broadcasting of Space for Tenderness will be live streamed simultaneously on the social media of VosTV and World Vision Nicaragua. Subsequently, broadcasting recordings will be played in communities where the organization has presence in order to invite dialogue and reflection on the importance of positive discipline and parenting with tenderness to transform family relationships and build a safer society for children and adolescents. Espacio de la Ternura is part of the global campaign, It Takes a World to End Violence against Children, launched in 2017 in over 95 countries where World Vision has presence as a response of the Partnership to the situation of violence that affects over one billion children across the world. Ways to participate You can join this campaign by watching every episode of Espacio de la Ternura, or participating in proposed activities, and putting tenderness into practice at your home. You can also support World Vision's efforts by making a donation to help the most vulnerable children in Nicaragua to have access to quality education, safe water and escape child labor. You can donate to our bank accounts: BAC Credomatic: Córdobas: 363252701 Dollar: 363252776 Description: Niñez Libre de Violencia
World Vision Nicaragua provides training on Positive Discipline The Ciao Mamma Family Training Center, with the support of World Vision Nicaragua, holds five conferences on Positive Discipline in different departments across the country in order to train parents, caregivers, schoolteachers, and people who live or work with children and adolescents. Topics addressed in each training session include childrearing tools for today’s parent:
How does children, adolescents, and youth's brain work? Why it is so difficult for us to educate with respect? What happens when we do not educate with respect?
How can we educate with positive discipline?
“No child comes to the world with a child-rearing manual under their arm, and although we want a different and respectful education for them, parents and teachers need to receive this information in order to know how to use it. These are 1-hour long conferences where participants will also receive an online attendance certificate and an e-book containing tools to be used at home and at the school,” Gabriela Narváez stated. She is principal at Ciao Mamma Family Training Center said. She is certified on Positive Discipline, and she is also specialist on Emotional Intelligence and Assertive Communication. Total attendance was reported in the first conference held by Gabriela on March 10 in Estelí. The other training sessions were held in: Matagalpa on March 24 Carazo on March 31 Managua on April 6 Juigalpa on April 28 Rivas on May 6
In total, six conferences on Positive Discipline were held between March and May 2022. These events were organized in alliance with World Vision Nicaragua, and they were supported by other private sponsors. Ana Alvear, Advocacy Coordinator at World Vision Nicaragua stated, “These conferences are intended to provide participant with training on formative, awareness-raising and transforming contents to make a positive change in children and adolescents' lives across the country. Our commitment is to support the construction of appropriate, harmonious, safe and tender spaces for children and adolescents.” The conference cost was US$ 15.00 per participant. World Vision Nicaragua raffled tickets to all the conferences through easy-towin activities in its official profile page at Facebook @WorldVisionNic. This initiative is part of the global five-year campaign entitled It Takes a World to End Violence against Children launched in 2017 in over 95 countries, where World Vision has presence, as a response of WV Partnership to the situation of violence that annually affects over one billion children across the world.
World Vision trains teachers of the Preschool Education Program of the Baptist Convention in Nicaragua As part of joint efforts made with the Convención Bautista de Nicaragua, World Vision provided 50 teachers of both the Preschool Education Program (PEPE in Spanish) and Sunday schools - taught by the Baptist Convention - with training on positive values considering a biblical approach. “This training was such a great blessing for us as teachers because they taught us dynamic strategies to support children using fun and learning classroom sessions. To me, this workshop will have a great impact because we will be able to teach and reinforces the values of the character of our Lord Jesus Christ to children through PEPE and Sunday schools. In turn, they will bring that 'light' to their homes”. Elisa Silva stated. She is schoolteacher at Nazareth El Pastorcito preschool and Sunday school teacher at Nazareth El Salto First Baptist school in Managua.
The training included two workshops; one of them was addressed to 22 teachers from four schools of the PEPE program and Sunday schools in Tipitapa zone, and it will reach 103 children. While the second workshop was held with 28 teachers from three schools of the PEPE program and Sunday schools as well, and it will reach 127 children from San Rafael del Sur zone. According to Azucena López, Faith and Development Coordinator at World Vision Nicaragua, the main objective of the workshops was to help teachers of the PEPE program to develop methodological competencies contained in the guidebooks of values considering a biblical approach. These competencies are intended to contribute to the formation and practice of values including friendship and responsibility among groups of children and adolescents from communities served by the Baptist Convention in Nicaragua.
World Vision launches “Chosen” in Nicaragua: the power to choose in children's hands
The first launching of Chosen reached 100 children in Tipitapa. In late March,World Vision Nicaragua launched the global initiative of the Sponsorship program CHOSEN through which 100 children from vulnerable zones, in Tipitapa, had the opportunity to choose their sponsors.
The first CHOSEN event in Nicaragua was held during two consecutive days, and all the programs of World Vision participated with the support of communities, religious leaders, community volunteers and partners, including the Nicaraguan Red Cross and the Ministry of Family as well.
With the Chosen initiative, roles in the process of sponsor selection are reversed. In traditional Sponsorship programs, adults select the child who they want to support; however, in this World Vision program children have the power to select among a list of voluntary sponsors the person who will support them during their participation in the program.
A World Vision Nicaragua initiative that enables children to select their sponsor.
“Chosen is an opportunity where children are able to select their sponsor. It is the opportunity of choosing that person who will support them for many years in the development of their life. It is one of the first occasions where we celebrate an event shared among all our programs and the community; particularly because it was organized and led by the community; they invited children and their parents. It is something different to what we are used to, specifically this leadership at the community level in an activity for children”. Cintya Flores stated, Sponsorship manager at World Vision Nicaragua.
Impact of Sponsorship in Children The Child Sponsorship program of World Vision is based on a development approach through which communities, families and children are empowered to change the conditions that expose them to vulnerabilities in their environment.
Cyntia Flores stated, “Sponsors are our main partners as they support the development of our projects voluntarily through a monthly financial contribution. They undertake to support children and their families throughout their growth and long-term development process. Sponsors use different communication means to strengthen bonds of friendship and become part of the child's life”.
Sponsorship in Nicaragua Currently, World Vision Nicaragua, serves over 36,000 children in 24 municipalities through its Sponsorship program. They, together with all the other community children, participate and benefit from activities carried out by WV's technical programs that address aspects such as universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene, education, empowerment and entrepreneurship, spiritual nurturing and comprehensive child protection. You can support World Vision Nicaragua's efforts by making a donation that will enable the most vulnerable children in Nicaragua to gain access to quality education, safe water and escape child labor. You can donate to our BAC Credomatic bank accounts:: Córdobas: 363252701 Dollar: 363252776 Description: Niñez Libre de Violencia
The power to choose in children’s hands
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World Vision Nicaragua distributed over 300,000 protective gowns to the Ministry of Health So far this year, World Vision Nicaragua has distributed 440,200 protective gowns to the Ministry of Health to help them fight COVID-19. This donation was made possible thanks to the support of our support offices, including World Vision USA y World Vision Canadá. 150,000 protective gowns were distributed this week. Such protective equipment is distributed by MINSA to its Local Systems of Integrated Health Care (SILAIS) in different departments across the country.
In World Vision we are grateful to God for the life of our female employees, and we celebrate that they are role models and devoted to community service. We invite you to learn about Darling's story; a WV Nicaragua employee who supported the implementation of the Covid-19 Emergency Response project. Despite getting infected by the COVID-19 virus; once Darling recovered, she continued supporting the most vulnerable families across the country.
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United States
Thanks to the generous contribution of our support offices and their sponsors
we have benefited
41,894 470 Children in
Communities and neighborhoods in Nicaragua
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Doná ahora: WorldVisionNic www.worldvisionorg.ni Contacto: Vittoria Peñalba - Directora de Sostenibilidad CA4 vittoria_penalba@wvi.org