Orange News | November & December 2019

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Por los niĂąos

O r a n g e N e w s N I C A R A G U A November/December 2019

Children of all ages from different parts of the country participated in the conference.

Conference on children’s rights

We (children) are the world’s hope Right to life, education, health, safe water, protection and participation are the main demands made by Nicaraguan children (boys and girls) and adolescents during the event held to commemorate the thirtieth (30) anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), this 20th of November 2019. Juan, aged 9, is an excellent student. His favorite subject is mathematics, and he stated “[authorities] must ensure quality education for children, because we (children) are the world’s hope”.

Oscar Chicas Oliva, National Director of World Vision Nicaragua expressed: “30 years after the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the need to move faster towards the fulfilment of children’s rights is recognized. The organisation, through its different programmes and projects, has provided every vulnerable child and adolescent with access to safe water. We promote safe spaces for children to develop, and we contribute to strengthening quality education, and the building of a fairer society that works for children to reach their full potential provided by God”.

The Nicaragua Chapter of the Global Movement for He is a boy who is being supported by World Vision Nicaragua Children (GMC), in charge of the event, is made up of different and one of the more than 200 children and adolescents who organisations working towards child well-being. These attended the event held by the Nicaragua Chapter of the Global organisations include Aldeas Infantiles SOS Nicaragua, Casa Movement for Children (GMC). Alianza, CODENI, Children Believe, Luis Alfonso Velásquez Child movement, Food for the Hungry, Plan International, Educo, Juan together with more than 1,000 children and adolescents Save The Children, Terre des Hommes Italia, Plan International, were consulted on the fulfilment of their rights to get to know World Vision and UNICEF. the reality in which Nicaraguan children grow, and reflect on existing challenges and opportunities in the country to promote the fulfilment of their rights. The consultation finished with a statement where children and adolescents demanded the fulfilment of all their rights, and they did stress the need for protection, access to safe water, [right to] life, education, health, active involvement, elimination of bullying and harassment, and social inclusion of children and adolescents with disability. This statement was shared during the commemoration event attended by a plenary led by children and adolescents, including experts on education, health and [children’s] right.

Continuous improvement process

World Vision in a Continuous Improvement Process Collaborators of World Vision Nicaragua initiated a certification on continuous improvement under the Lean Six Sigma methodology to launch internal level projects intended to speed up processes, save on costs, and get the most of the skills of collaborators at World Vision. “The Continuous Improvement programme is a flexible induction and learning programme based on the Lean Six Sigma principles, and it is geared to World Vision Nicaragua’s leaders who have expressed an interest and willingness in launching projects to improve processes and best serve children”, stated Mauricio Barquero, National Manager of the Procurement and Administration department. On this occasion, 12 collaborators from different departments will participate in the Yellow Belt certification, which is part of the Lean Six Sigma Continuous Improvement methodology. “[The] Lean Six Sigma Continuous Improvement [methodology] provides a deep understanding of the key aspects of the Lean Six Sigma Method, including competencies related to the concepts of Defining, Measuring, Analysing, Improving and Controlling (DMAIC)”, expressed Barquero. In its quest to achieve excellence in processes conducted, the organisation has trained more collaborators in this methodology, and currently there are 20 collaborators who received training on the Green Belt level and an expert on the Black Belt level, as part of the Lean Six Sigma methodology.

Continuous improvement through evidence of impact In addition, as part of World Vision Nicaragua commitment with its donors, partners and the most vulnerable children, it will hold a Kaizen event; a continuous improvement methodology addressed to collaborators from different departments and programmes launched by the organisation. The event called Kaizen of Kaizen: Evidence of Impact, will take four days and topics to be taught include planning, data collection, monitoring, reporting and communication. This event was held as a global initiative of the Partnership to make World Vision an organisation that shows its impact in an effective way.

MarĂ­a BelĂŠn participated in different activities, at the same time she met other youth, like her, from other parts of the world.

Triennial Council

Triennial Council: “We remain united to promote changes” For María Belén a two-and-a-half-day flight was not a challenge, because her desire to travel overseas, for the very first time in her life, was a dream came true. On the morning of November 06th, 2019 she arrived in the Asian continent to participate in the Triennial Council, the highest governing body of World Vision Partnership. María Belén is a teenager sponsored by World Vision Nicaragua, who since age 10 has participated in initiatives launched by the organisation to prevent and eliminate violence against children around the country. She, through her participation in the event held in Philippines, carried the voice of over 40 thousand Nicaraguan children and adolescents sponsored by the organisation. The event brought together over 400 leaders of the Partnership, who represented more than 80 offices at worldwide level. Similarly, children’s and youth leaders from different countries also participated in this event. “For us, children and adolescents, it is very hard to think about a life project; however, we remain united to promote changes, and we know that we can mobilise a whole country, and we want to do it to protect children with tenderness to eliminate violence”, offered María Belén. Children’s and youth leaders challenged and inspired World Vision representatives to serve with great care the most vulnerable children and communities around the world. For his part, Andrew Morley, president and CEO of World Vision International shared his vision to fulfil the organisational promise with great urgency and with Jesus Christ as a linchpin in the years ahead.

“This has been an amazing experience and I have realised how World Vision can change your life”

Children participating in activities such as breaking a piĂąata

GIK Christmas

A gift, a smile On the occasion of Christmas, collaborators of the transnational company GILDAN in Nicaragua joined World Vision to distribute 1,600 toys for boys and girls (part of WV Sponsorship programme) from San Marcos and Masatepe, Carazo. Juan Carlos Mendoza, plant manager at GILDAN in San Marcos, expressed that the distribution of Christmas gifts was possible thanks to the good heart of all the collaborators of the company. “Every year we launch a campaign named ‘A gift, a smile’ through which we donate a toy for every child in the poorest communities. This time we allied with World Vision” offered Mendoza. For his part, Enrique Villegas, Gift-in-Kind (GIK) Coordinator at World Vision Nicaragua thanked GILDAN and all its collaborators for having the willingness of sharing this moment with children. “We do ask God to continue blessing you”. Apart from the gifts, children had a good time with music, piñatas [breaking], balloon twisting and face painting. “We are very happy for this moment of joy that you have brought to our children in Christmas. My girl received a doll, and she is jubilant. We do appreciate it so much because it is a great blessing for our children” offered Juana, mother to a sponsored girl. Finally, Cintya Flores, Sponsorship Programme manager expressed the “nice gesture” of GILDAN collaborators when they donated these toys. “We would like to thank them, and God as well because He touched their hearts to show this gesture of love”, offered Cintya.

GIK Christmas

Collaborators at BAYER distributing gifts among children from Tipitapa Children from our Area Programme in Tipitapa municipality, Managua department, received nice gifts from collaborators at BAYER in Nicaragua. Children enjoyed Christian music, ate snacks and candies, broke piñatas, etc. during the distribution of gifts prior to Christmas. “At internal level, we invited our collaborators to distribute gifts. All of them were active and participated in the initiative. Today several collaborators participated in the distribution [of gifts] and we are glad for receiving those smiles from children, particularly during this season when you need lots of affection”, offered Francis López, head of BAYER local platform. In the meantime, Enrique Villegas, GIK Coordinator at World Vision Nicaragua thanked BAYER collaborators who put their heart into distributing these gifts as part of Christmas celebration. “Thank you for this great blessing received by our children. May God bless you all the collaborators at BAYER and World Vision” expressed Francisca, a community volunteer from Tipitapa.

Over a decade serving with love to the most vulnerable children With the advent of December celebrations and to celebrate Christmas, World Vision Nicaragua made the most of this season to celebrate those collaborators who have continuously served Nicaraguan children for 10, 15 and even 20 years. At World Vision, we would like to thank women and men who have dedicated over a decade of their lives to serve with love the most vulnerable children, adolescents, their families and communities around the country. Their effort, braveness and commitment have enabled us to witness the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

May God bless their lives!

Find out more about the work of World Vision in Nicaragua. Help us to transform children’s lives.

Donate now: WorldVisionNic Contacto: Vittoria PeĂąalba - Sustainability Director

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