Orange News I
October • November • December 2021
A Child Will Be Our Shepherd: Central American interreligious forum in favor of child wellbeing On the eve of Christmas, World Visiondeveloped the Central American interreligious forum, “A Child Will Be Our Shepherd”. Through this event, churches of different denominations have been invited to unite in favor of child protection. The forum was held and included pastors, priests, and children from evangelical and Catholic churches from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua as panelists The fundamental message of the forum was to announce the gospel, with joy through the birth of Jesus, as well as to trust in God’s support in the execution of actions in favor of child protection in Central America. The children of the region face contexts of migration, poverty, drought, and violence. In the forum, Nicaragua had the participation of Bishop Gilberto Guido and Priest Eyleén Castro, as well as the presence of the Geisha and Deyvi (children).
World Vision donates technology packages to strengthen training in methodologies of Protection World Vision Nicaragua delivered a donation of 22 technological packages to the Ministry of the Family (MIFAM), so that they can be distributed in various delegations at the national level and provide better resources for families who are trained in methodologies of Protection. “The equipment delivered will allow the delegations municipalities have these tools and can potentiate the delivery of service to our children, we can strengthen their development and children, of course, they will be able to learn in a more playful way”, shared Johana Flores, minister of the Ministry of the Family. World Vision Nicaragua, in its work to contribute to the comprehensive well-being of the most vulnerable children of the country has joined efforts together with the MIFAM to replicate at the national level the methodologies of Protection and Tenderness that the organization promotes.
“With our donation, we are contributing to promote the methodologies of Parenting with Tenderness, Opening Paths of Protection and Tenderness and all the mechanisms, activities, actions, and strategies that we are developing together to reinforce the violence prevention components and thus guarantee the protection of children”, expressed Lilliam Cárdenas, World Vision Safe Organization Coordinator Nicaragua. Each technology package consists of a speaker, a projector (Data Show) and a screen. These will be distributed in MIFAM delegations in Tipitapa, Malpaisillo, La Trinidad, San Juan del Limay, Matagalpa, San Dionisio, Esquipulas, Matiguas, Santa Lucia, Teustepe, Boaco, San Lorenzo, San Nicolas, Condega, San Sebastián de Yalí, Pantasma, San Rafael del Norte, Nandaime, La Concepcion, San Marcos, Posoltega, and San Francisco Libre.
World Vision Nicaragua trains volunteer reading promoters on issues of Reading Motivation with Theater Techniques.
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Through a workshop on Reading Motivation with Theater Techniques, 29 volunteer Reading Promoters dramatized and contextualized various literary works that focused on problems such as gender violence, child violence and human trafficking. This with the aim of extracting the moral, presenting these situations in various ways to children to show them and reduce these forms of violence. The Reading Motivation workshop with Theater techniques lasted three days with a potential impact of 1,225 children who attend the Reading Clubs in Condega and Tipitapa.
‘‘The voice of children in the response to Eta and Iota and the COVID-19 Pandemic’’ World Movement for Children (MMI) Nicaraguan chapter, organizes a meeting focused on ‘’Accountability Reporting to Populations Affected by Emergencies’’
The objective was to share experiences and good practices among member organizations of the World Movement for Children (MMI), Nicaragua chapter. A meeting was held as part of the Reporting of Accountability to Populations Affected by Emergencies, in which the main protagonists were children who participated in the response actions to the hurricanes (Eta and Iota) as well as in the Covid-19 pandemic. “Now I know more about myself and my rights as a child. This has helped me a lot as well as my classmates”, said Nayeli, a girl from the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region (RACCN). She participated in this meeting on behalf of Plan International Nicaragua.
“In the MMI it has been 10 years since this chapter in Nicaragua. We have been promoting different initiatives and facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Always with the aim of listening to the voices of children and identifying what actions we have to take. In the same way, during the emergency situation of Eta and Iota, each one of the organizations implemented methodologies, mechanisms, and tools, to make the participation of children a reality”, said Argentina Martínez, Coordinator of the World Movement for Children MMI, Nicaragua chapter, and director of Save the Children Nicaragua. In Estelí, a group of children has launched a campaign to promote the prevention of COVID-19. Lahyeska, protagonist of this campaign she shared her experience: “Here I have this example that says To School I Return and from COVID
I protect myself. This reflects that prevention is teamwork which will be done and attended to by everyone. We are young and we have set out to do this so that all children can continue their studies in person, maintaining the measures to avoid contagion by the virus,” said the girl participating in Children Believe Nicaragua. Accountability in Emergencies Under a rights approach, the response to emergencies should include accountability to affected populations. This must be an active commitment of humanitarian workers and organizations
“This meeting marks an opportunity for reflection and mutual learning. Reflection should be focused around accountability practices that we have implemented and which we could learn from each other as well as learn from the children”, commented Antero Almeida de Pina, Representative of UNICEF Nicaragua. He emphasized the importance of “adopting a mechanism for feedback, participation and dialogue with the populations served within emergency contexts. This presents us with the important challenge of guaranteeing participation”. Maykeling, a girl from Jinotega and an Educo participant, commented the following: “We were able to get them
to account to us despite being children addressing the authorities. We did not expect them to respond to our request to know which process they were executing in detail. They wanted us to know and that is something that in. The personal fills me with pride. This allowed each one of us to empower ourselves in the promotion of our rights to participation and to have access to information” The MMI Nicaragua chapter is committed to promoting the protection of these rights among member organizations and their counterparts. The activity had a hybrid modality, combining face-to-face participation observing biosafety measures, with online connection by the communication team. The organizations that watch over children who presented their good practices and accountability tools are the following: Save the Children, World Vision Nicaragua, Plan International Nicaragua, Educo, Fundación Terre des Hommes Italia, Children Believe and UNICEF.
“Batteries Ready”; Organizations celebrate the work of Nicaraguan volunteers On the occasion of International Volunteer Day, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) together with the National University of Engineering (UNI) carried out an interorganizational meeting called “Batteries Ready”. The objective of this event is to recognize the great work of thousands of youth and adult volunteers from different programs that they contribute to the development and wellbeing of children in the country. “International Volunteer Day is a commemoration of our commitment and our fight for a better world. Our main objective is to recognize their work and dedication, as well as that of the organizations that support them,” shared Gema Espinoza, UNICEF Communications Officer for Development. At the event, a discussion was held where young volunteers from the National University of Engineering,
Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Polytechnic University of Nicaragua, Nicaraguan Red Cross and World Vision Nicaragua shared both their experiences and motivations for being part of social volunteering. Likewise, the National Volunteer Network participated. “Being part of a volunteer is making a decision within our hearts to give our best effort to help the growth of our society and the development of Nicaragua. I want to congratulate all the volunteers and tell them to continue supporting to have the fruits of a better future”, said Alex Porras, Volunteer and Southwest Regional Leader of the Baptist Convention of Nicaragua. After the conversation, a fair was held where each organization demonstrated the characteristics of its volunteer programs and the processes to enroll in them.
The strength of youth, their energy and motivation is of great vitality for the institutions we work to help humanitarian the academy”, shared Elizabeth Mercado,Coordinator of the National Volunteer Network and World Vision National Volunteer Coordinator Nicaragua. Additionally, the event was intended to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the work of the United Nations Children’s Agencies, who during this time have contributed to the comprehensive well-being of children in more than 190 countries. For World Vision Nicaragua, UNICEF has been a valuable ally in the implementation of sustainable development projects, emergency response, and humanitarian aid. We thank God for the tireless work of our volunteers and for the anniversary of UNICEF who work in favor of the most vulnerable children.
Video here
Doña Hilda and her husband Timoteo lost everything due to hurricanes Eta and Iota. Getting food is almost a titanic task. A year after the disaster, they are still suffering from the aftermath of such an event. They are part of the 200 households of the Mayagna de Sikilta community, who benefited from the execution of the Emergency Response and Food Security project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Vision Nicaragua. Thanks to this project, Doña Hilda and Don Timoteo enjoy food security.
United States
Thanks to the generous contribution of our support offices and their sponsors,
we managed to benefit
41,894 children in
communities and neighborhoods in Nicaragua
Learn more about World Vision’s work in Nicaragua. Help us transform children’s lives.
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