Int r oduct ion Four volunteer s, three camp leader s, two cats and one fr iendly Icelandic worker Magnus. We were living, working, eating and enjoying nature together from 6th to 16th October 2018. Our home was in East Iceland, in village Stöðvar fjörður, only five meter s from the sea. We combined two projects into one: Renovation and Auror a hunting with Photogr aphy and Jour nalism. In other words, we involved our hands, br ains and senses too. Above all, we were great team of open- minded, fr iendly people and nature lover s.
Renovat ing r oof
Hik ing in Iceland
Fr iendly monk s in Reydar f jör dur
Shape of happiness
Renewable ener gies in Iceland
Vat n
Our Wor ldw ide Fr iends exper ience
Who am I?
Sh i h o Tanab e? 21? f rom Japan. I am i n th e 4th year of uni v ersi ty. I maj or i n b usi ness admi ni strati on. I v i si ted I cel and to ex peri ence i nternati onal ex ch ange and ri ch nature.
Peter Spi el mann (25) f rom th e Neth erl ands near Rotterdam. I graduated at th e b egi nni ng of th e year as Hydraul i c Engi neer i n Del f t. I am trav el l i ng now f or some month s bef ore search i ng a j ob . I n I cel and I am a camp l eader f or 3 month s f rom Septemb er ti l l Nov ember, af terw ards I w i l l go to A si a. I l i k e to b e i n th e mountai ns and am an outdoor l ov er i n general .
Rol and Touch ĂŠe (20) f rom Bri ttany (France) I h av e j ust f i ni sh ed my studi es i n w aste management. Now , I am tak i ng a gap year b ef ore search i ng a j ob . I ?m a h uge f an of sport and especi al l y ath l eti cs th at I practi ce si nce 8 years.
Rasto Bori s (23) f rom Sl ov ak i a, b eauti f ul country i n th e mi ddl e of Europe. A f ter graduati on i n j ournal i sm I am trav el l i ng f or some month s. M y motto i s: Nature, di scov eri ng, rel ax i ng. I l i k e readi ng b ook s, doi ng di f f erent sports, col l ecti ng new ex peri ences.
Hi , I am Fl av i o f rom I tal y. Came to I cel and to di scov er th i s b eauti f ul I cel and. Hi , I ´m V i ctori a 29 years ol d. I am f rom M ex i co Ci ty. Di scov eri ng th i s amazi ng i sl and. A l w ays ex ci ted ab out meeti ng new peopl e and l earni ng about di f f erent cul tures. Lov e spi cy f ood! Hel l o, my name i s Eugen, I 'm f rom Uk rai ne, I m 28. Th i s i s my f i rst ti me i n I cel and and 17th w ork camp i n general . Trav el i ng around al l Europe and do v ol unteer w ork , th i s i s my l i f estyl e. Now I came to th e b eauti f ul I cel and to mak e h er ev en more b eauti f ul .
RENOVATING ARbyOeugene OF Worldwide
Friends gave me a unique
opportunity to acquire useful skills of different types of work in a multicultural environment.
This is what vol unteers think about thework: I had never hammered before, neither I had worked on a roof. This for me was a new experience, and for this reason it was both strange and fun to do at the same time. It was an occasion for me to learn how this kind of work is actually done, and this is an acquired skill that I will always bring with me. Flavio Marco Todesco 21 (Italy)
The process was so exciting that after the end
Work on a roof was cool. When you are working with good people and with beautiful view on fjord at same time, the work is not tiresome, but funny and inspirational.
of the working day the volunteers continued
Rasto Boris, 23 (Slovakia)
to work. The motivation was also the fact that the roof opens a stunning view on the
For the first time in my life, I did the work of
mountains and fjord... the good weather only complements
?making the roof ?. We did it all by hand. So I
obtain skills which hit a nail and
Currently we are working on the roof. It is
miscellaneous. when it was completed, it was
interesting because this work involves a lot
full of accomplishment. In my daily life I
of nuances, such as applying glass wool for
would never experience such a wonderful
thermal insulation and applying a tar paper
working day. Shiho Tanabe 21 (Japan)
for moisture resistance.
Making a roof was a good experience, it was the first time I did a work like that. I It turned out that none of my team had
got some new skills I hope I could use in
done such work before, so it was very
the future. Working under the sun with
interesting to study in the process, also with us was a professional carpenter who
such nice people was a great time not unpleasant at all. Roland Touchee 20 (France)
gave us advice and corrected our work. 6
I celand is ver y well known for its untouched natur al wonder s and is a par adise for outdoor lover s. W ith fjor ds, water falls, volcanoes, glacier s, hot spr ings and colour ful m ountains I celand has an astonishing var iety in landscapes. Som e of these r em ote landscapes ar e best discover ed on foot, which m akes hiking in I celand a popular activity.
a climber/alpinist I am enthusiastic about being in the mountains. During my stay I hiked a lot, topping most of the mountains in the vicinity of the eastern town of Stöðvarfjörður and Mt. Esja near Reykjavik. Unfortunately I was not able to visit the highlands, which is a very popular hiking destination, due to the early winter conditions this year. There are hiking trails in every
Iceland, ranging from short and easy to difficult multi day trails. Most of the hiking trails can be find in the highlands of the country, which are only accessible with
vehicles. and
Þórsmörk are popular hiking 8
areas and here the country?s
with you. In addition it is
most popular hikes can be
important to take proper
found; Laugavegurinn and
navigation equipment like a
Fimmvörðuháls. For
multi day trails it is possible
compass or GPS in order to
to sleep in mountain huts or
on camping grounds.
Further it is necessary to leave your travelplan with someone who can react and never hike alone in the mountains. For the relatively easy hike of Mt. Esja near Reykjavik hikers are warned beforehand with a sign about the risks involved of the hike and how to minimise them. The different seasons are especially important to consider, as different types of equipment and experience are needed.
Som e gen er al equ i p m en t t h at m ay be n ecessar y / u sef u l f or a h i k e: -
Waterproof and warm clothing Waterproof shoes Water bottle (refill in rivers) Snacks Phone Map (tangible or offline)
First aid kit Trekking poles Camera Surf shoes (to cross rivers; going barefoot is not advised due to sharp stones)
Before heading of to a hike there
considerations to take into
Iceland are infamously unpredictable.
an hour the weather can go from warm and sunny
foggy. Therefore it is very important to check the
beforehand and always take
(warm, waterproof etc) 9
Ei n b ú i n n
? 9.6 km, 4 to 5 hours
ascent & descent Within the northward facing vally of Jafnadalur a hiking trail brings you to Einbúinn, ?The Hermit?, a voluminous and solitary rock in otherwise flat surrounding. Within the vally, on the eastern slopes of Mt. Álfafell, there is also a beautiful 6 meter stone arch.
H i k es St ö ðv ar f j ö r ð u r In the surroundings of Stöðvarfjörður there are two easy hikes which can be done with volunteers. These hikes have the advantage that there is a marked trail, which makes orientation and hiking easy. It should be kept in mind that the weather and the seasons can make these hikes more difficult. Bring the proper equipment and check the weather forecast and experience of your volunteers. In the house of WF in Stöðvarfjörður trekking poles and shoes and clothing can be found.
Most of the mountains around Stöðvarfjörður do not have a marked trail. You decide how to
(64.868738,-14.002108). There are no
next to the coastal/ring road (64.843274,
markings to the stone arch which makes it
-13.961879), here you can park your car.
difficult to find it. Moreover, there is also
From here the trail, which is also suitable
no trail to the arch which makes the hike
for 4x4 vehicles, is marked with yellow
challenging on the steep slopes of Mt.
wooden poles. The walk till Einbúinn,
Álfafell. With snow in the mountains the
indicated with a 1 on the map,
walk to the arch becomes very difficult,
(64.872405, -13.970912) takes
and is not suitable for a group of
approximately 2 hours. To the stone arch,
walk to the top, which
indicated with a 2 on the map, it is
may result in finding a
approximately 30 minutes longer
the may
San d f el l
? 9.6 km, 4 to 5 hours ascent &
areas as well, so good waterproof shoes are necessary.
This 743 m high rhyolite mountain is located between Stöðvarfjörður and Fáskrúðsfjörður.
around Stöðvarfjörður The hike starts at a parking spot (64.894191, the
of -13.851825) next to the coastal/ring road. From
be here you walk next to the river, following the
used, in particular the markings. The track is marked with red/green ?Breidalsvik Surroundings?
& wooden poles about half a metre high, which are which also visible with snow. The trail crosses the river at
500 one point and continuous to the shoulder of the
Icelandic Krona.
mountain. From here there is a short steep hike to
the top. On the top of the mountain there is a guestbook
The trail starts at the end of a gravel road
-13.898365). 11
Friendlymonks in Reydarfj ördur byRASTO
U sef u l l i n k s. -
Safe adventure in Iceland
Icelandic Meteorological Office
Hiking in Iceland
Overview of mountain huts in
https://www.nat.is/hiking-in-iceland/ https://www.nat.is/mountain-huts-in-iceland/
Iceland -
Ferðafélag Íslands, the Iceland
Touring association
Download 112 Iceland
Th e t y p i cal sm al l f i sh i n g v i l l age Rey ðar f jör ðu r , si t u at ed at t h e base of ep on y m ou s an d East I cel an d ´s bi ggest f jor d , ch an ged a l ot i n 21st cen t u r y. Th e con st r u ct i on of an al u m i n i u m p l an t an d r el ev an t h y d r op ow er st at i on at t r act ed h u n d r ed s of n ew i n h abi t an t s, at t h e m ost w or k er s f r om cat h ol i c Pol an d . Accor d i n gl y , i t i n cr eased n eed f or est abl i sh m en t of sm al l Cap u ch i n Fr an ci scan s m on ast er y on a h i l l abov e v i l l age, w h er e f r i ar s f r om Sl ov ak i a ar e l i v i n g m or e t h an t en y ear s.
?Tea, coffee, chocolate?? Monk Peter KovĂĄ?ik welcomed us with hospitality and in T-shirt supporting Slovak ice-hockey team Slovan Bratislava: ?I do not wear habit during sport activities or work and before your visit I was preparing lunch.? Cooking is easier part of his mission. He is not only priest, but sometimes manual worker during reconstruction of chapels and long distance driver too.
Simultaneously, Icelandic language represent connection between Catholics in Iceland, whose are from Latin America, Philippines or different regions of Europe. Statistically, representation of registered Catholics in Iceland is around 13 500 (3,8%). However, 14 Catholic priests and one bishop from six countries - Slovakia, Poland, Argentina, France, Germany, Ireland - have good
Three monks from Slovakia care about the
relationships with pastors from major Icelandic
Catholic parish East Iceland with around 650
Lutheran church: ?We meet and pray together,? told
registered parishioners scattered on more than
us Peter.
700 kilometres of roads. ?Sometimes I wake up at 6:00 AM and I am serving masses, teaching children and driving 600 kilometres until 11 PM,¨ started Peter
approximately in the middle of the road around Iceland from Reykjavik, so also many tourists visited them. Last year was record-breaking with more than 250 visitors. Biggest group was Polish
H u m an con n ect i on s In
amateur cycling peloton with 55 members.
spite of long working time, Capuchin Peter is
different activities for community: fishing races,
They improve their Polish language skills in
Catholic priests and one bishop from six
carnival, painting on asphalt for children. Monks
interpersonal communication and studied
countries - Slovakia, Poland, Argentina, France,
also reduce distances between believers with
Icelandic language on evening courses for
Germany, Ireland - have good relationships
modern technologies - inform about masses on
workers after arrival. Masses are in these two
with pastors from major Icelandic Lutheran
the Facebook, broadcast baptism or marriage via
languages. ?When you once time know Icelandic
church: ?We meet and pray together,? told us
Skype for family.
language, it is easy to learn Swedish, Norwegian
or Danish language. It is old conserved language They improve their Polish language skills in
of Vikings, so you can understand books, which
were written before thousand years,? explained
Icelandic language
Simultaneously, Icelandic language represent
languages. ?When you once time know Icelandic
connection between Catholics in Iceland,
language, it is easy to learn Swedish, Norwegian or
whose are from Latin America, Philippines or
Vikings, so you can understand books, which were written before thousand years,? explained Peter.
approximately in the middle of the road around Iceland from Reykjavik, so also many
workers after arrival. Masses are in these two
Danish language. It is old conserved language of
evening courses for
His home, small monastery, is situated
Competition in painting for children (FB Catholic Church
different regions of Europe. Statistically,
in Iceland)
representation of registered Catholics in
tourists visited them. Last year was record-breaking with more than 250 visitors. Biggest group was Polish amateur cycling peloton with 55 members.
Iceland is around 13 500 (3,8%). However, 14 15
T r av el l i n g w o o d ch u r ch The Slovak monks live in a rare wooden church on a hill above Reyðarfjörður . It was Ph oto Caption
made in the Slovak village Hri?ová, disassembled and shipped location,
re-assembled. The height of church is 12 metres. It was the idea of Slovak Catholic bishop in Iceland Dávid Tencer, who also met
Rel i gi o u s w av es an d V i k i n g t r ad i t i o n s
with pope Francis this year together with other bishops from Nordic countries. The rare story of the travelling church
Religious history of Iceland was
problem with car or in request
only every second year. What
different waves, which came
for dance on disco. Maybe it
from the sea. Catholic slaves
has historical roots. When men
?Forest. And from human point
of Vikings from Scotland and
The Capuchins supporting the
were on sea, women manage all
of view, I miss special foodstuff
hockey team from Bratislava
house and livelihood.?
D ar k w eat h er , co l d I cel an d er s?
are living in the land of ice and
missionaries, the
Norway, later fishermen from
sweetened milk.?
fire from year 2007. How he
characterizes Icelanders? ?First
We also asked Slovak monk,
feeling is cold, you feel a border.
what is most difficult during
On the other hand, in Iceland
However, when you get through
his mission in Iceland. ?Get
he likes free time activities:
proclaim Christianity as the
it after time or when you ask for
over weather. During the polar
hiking, relax in geothermal
nights, we live in dusk and do
water or swimming. ?There are
country in year 1000.
friendly and helpful.? Peter
not see sun three months here
between mountains. Moreover,
another European countries, so
position of women in Icelandic
weather is always windy.? Peter
people here usually say: We
Religious history of Iceland
has option goes to home for
meet in swimming pool.?
Icelanders see
Althing, oldest parliament in
person of first contact with
one month
year, but
different waves, which came
usually uses this opportunity
from the sea. Catholic slaves
of Vikings from Scotland and 16
Ireland or missionaries, whose sent the king of Norway, later fishermen from France and so on. The Althing, oldest parliament in the world, decided to proclaim Christianity as the general
to the fact that aluminium is together with seaproducts the most exported commodity from the land of ice, fire and cheap natural electric energy. On the other hand, some
religion in whole country in year 1000.
environmentalists or the famous singer Björk
Sh ape of h appi ness
presumed and protested against bad effects of aluminium factories for Icelandic nature. In Icelandic roots remain also Viking traditions and close relationship with nature or folklore. One of small registered churches renew Viking
Monks from Reyðarfjörður have concurrently
cult with Nordic gods Thor, Odin and Frigg. By
with this battle between economical and
the way, speciality of Iceland from folklore are 13 Yule Lads, figures which put rewards or
environmental goals another aim. ?Our goal here is to support people on their way to heaven.
punishment into shoes of children during last
Frequently, we have time only for basic services.
13 nights before Christmas.
However, it is difference, when you visit people once per month or when you live with them together in a community. Bishop Dávid Tencer
Statistically, amount of Icelanders registered in
had idea that 30 Catholic priests on Iceland will
some church is decreasing. Catholic church is
be suitable number,? finished talking Peter
slightly improving in numbers, but mainly due
Ková?ik, who live in Iceland more than ten years. Then he showed us the interior of the
to immigration. ?Iceland is rich country and rich people do not need God so much, when they have all. History was different. When sailor started long expedition, he thought about what is better - pray
" I gr ew u p in Japan , an islan d sim ilar t o Icelan d. Th e t w o cou n t r ies ar e locat ed ver y f ar aw ay. Bu t in f act t h er e is a sim ilar w on der f u l cu lt u r e."
or not,? openly told us Peter Ková?ik.
A lu m i n i u m f r om th e f j o r d s, h eav en f o r p eo p l e The friendly monk in the end confirmed us the importance
Reyðarfjörður, which transformed the small town in a multicultural town with some apartment buildings in last years. The Factory belongs in the portfolio of the United States based company Alcoa and is named Fjarðaál, what means aluminium from the fjords.
This third aluminium plant in Iceland contribute 18
example, hot springs. People will heal
their daily fatigue while soaking in hot springs. While doing so, they talk about a wide range of topics from weather talks to political stories. Next, you can drink tap water directly. In a lot
Iceland are living in harmony with nature without being chased by the arrival time of the train, being pursued by "things we must do". When I saw this landscape and people's life, I knew what is "happiness". is
Renewabl eenergies in Icel and by ROL AND
of countries the tap water is not good for
consumption and people buy bottled water.
fascination of old-fashioned nature in Iceland,
But in Japan and Iceland you can drink tap
the land that I love so much, the mountains,
Carbon emissions generate environmental
water directly. In Japan this is due to high
the nature including the ocean, and so on, is
performance water purifiers, while in Iceland
the natural water comes from the mountains.
In recent years, the global environment is
issues like climate change. That?s why many countries are working to increase their renewable energy capacity. In this area Iceland is the most advanced country.
changing to threaten its nature. have many
I heard stories about global warming in class.
similarities, "the form of happiness" is quite
However, the room is equipped with air
conditioning. In Tokyo there is not much
nature, and I didn?t realize how valuable the I live in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Tall buildings stand side by side. The artificial light from the buildings never turns off, even at night. The train, which
According to Eurostat, Iceland?s green energies capacity is up to 80%. That is more than twice of Sweden?s part that is the second best result in Europe. For 2050, Iceland have the objective to be the first country to use 100% of renewable resources for all energy consumption. To reach this goal Iceland has to change all its means of transport in electric vehicles.
natural environment is. But now, as I visited Iceland, I saw nature that I liked in a moment and I wanted to protect this nature.
is a means of
transportation, arrives every 5 minutes on time. The trains are often crowded with
One week after writing this article, I will return
people, and they do not seem happy. If you
back to Tokyo. Returning with a different
have something you want, you can get it at a
mindset then when I left.
convenience store that is open 24 hours a day. There are always new products introduced tailored to the needs of the consumer, discarding obsolete items. There is "material
Iceland is the only country in the world which uses 100% of renewable resources to generate electricity. There are two ?green energies? in Iceland: the main one is hydropower (75%) and the second is geothermal power (25%).
On the other hand, Iceland, especially East Iceland I visited, is not "convenient". However, there are huge and magnificent mountains around. In the morning, as you open the curtains you can see the ocean and mountains there. In the evening, when you look over the wide sky, full stars are shining. People in 20
Hydr opower : Hydropower plants are the main source of energy in Iceland. Indeed, with important precipitations and extensive highlands, Iceland is a perfect site to exploit hydropower.
Geot her mal ener gy Iceland is located on the Mid-Atlantic ridge that means an unusually great volcanic activity and many high-temperature areas. Therefore, Iceland is one of the better places in the world to use geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is used for two main purposes: electricity generation and space heating. Iceland is well known as a pioneer in the use of geothermal energy for space heating: 9/10 households are heated with geothermal energy. It is also used for swimming pools, melting snow, greenhouses?
Sust ainable ener gy in Iceland ? A model for t he wor ld?
How do hydr opower plant s wor k? Hydropower plants capture the energy of falling water to generate electricity. A turbine converts the kinetic energy of falling water into mechanical energy. Then a generator converts the mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy.
How does geot her mal ener gy gener at e elect r icit y? 1. Hot water is pumped from deep underground through a well under high pressure. 2. When the water reaches the surface, the pressure is dropped, which causes the water to turn into steam. 3. The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity. 4. The steam cools off in a cooling water and condenses back to water. 5. The cooled water is pumped back into the Earth to begin the process again.
In only 50 years, Iceland is passed from a country without renewable energies to one of the most advanced in this area. Is it a model we can apply all around the world? Or is this specific geographic situation necessary to reach the 100% of renewable energies? Obviously, Icelandic situation is favourable for the use of geothermal power and it is not something appropriate in every area that?s why copying the Icelandic model isn?t a good idea. Nevertheless, Iceland is the proof that reaching the 100% of renewable energies is possible even with limited financial means. Every country has to find the most appropriate renewable resources it can use, and with a real political will the Icelandic example can be followed.
Icelandic wat er is safe t o dr ink , st r aight f r om t he t ap!
Icelandic water is not only safe, It will
probably even taste better straight from the tap. As It does not have the faint taste of chloride that many associate with tap water, since it?s never chemically purified. It comes straight from sources where the water has filtered through lava and is clean as can be.
What does science say?
I celand is a rich country when it comes to water. I t is one of very few countries in the world that has almost limitless access and sources to clean water, both hot and cold!
Drinking water should have an alkaline pH to be good for your health. The reason drinking water with an alkaline pH is better for your health is that pH determines what you absorb from the water you drink. Water with an alkaline pH supplies essential minerals ? alkaline and magnesium ? that the World Health Organization says you need to get from your drinking water every day for good health. Icelan dic w at er pH levels ar e 8.4 ou t of 10 possible. Another big point for Icelandic water is that the natural occurring fluoride is only 0.1mg ? Comparing it with its biggest ?competitor ?, the water from Fiji, holds 0.26 mg of natural fluoride!
Si l f r a i s a f i ssu r e b et w een t h e N o r t h A m er i can an d Eu r asi an t ect o n i c p l at es i n T h i n gv el l i r N at i o n al Par k . T h e r i f t w as f o r m ed i n 1789 by t h e ear t h q u ak es acco m p an y i n g t h e d i v er gen t m ov em en t o f t h e t w o t ect o n i c p l at es. Si l f r a i s t h e o n l y p l ace i n t h e w o r l d w h er e y o u can d i v e o r sn o r k el d i r ect l y i n a cr ack b et w een t w o t ect o n i c p l at es. Si l f r a i s sai d t o h av e t h e cl ear est w at er i n t h e w or ld .
Ch lor in at ed w at er ? Is the process of adding chlorine (Cl. 2 . ) or hypochlorite to water. This method is used to kill certain bacteria and other microbes in tap water as chlorine is highly toxic. In particular, chlorination is used to prevent the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid* .
Does Icelandic water is chlorinated? Thats a big NO! No additives need it! You can safely drink the water from almost every single free flowing lake in the wild nature ? so no need to chlorinate at all! Basically, if you?re not drinking mud or seawater, it?s ok to drink.
Su lph u r t ast e? Not cold water at least. In this case hot water might taste like rotten eggs! That is true, hot water is not meant for drinking, only bathing? If you?re having coffee or tea, you need to get cold water and heat it up. Make sure to make the cold water run a bit from the tab so the cold and hot water won?t mix!
Bot t led w at er ? Bottled water manufacturers would like us to believe that bottled water is safer than tap water because it goes through a filtration process, which improves the color, taste and smell, and eliminates specific contaminants. However, bottled water is not required to be 100-percent contaminant-free.
Why do they sell bottled water in Iceland everywhere if is so good? It?s for the tourists! Bottled water is a very recent addition to Icelandic shops, gas stations and restaurants and the rise of water bottles in shops has coincided with increased tourism in Iceland.
Iceland to drink tap water and stay away from bottled water: "Do not buy this shit please. It's a scheme made to get money off tourists with a side-effect of a lot of plastic waste."
Our W orl dwideFriends experience!
Companies that package water in a single-use bottle are not concerned with the future. They are not invested in the long-term effects of climate change on an endangered watershed, nor are they working to prepare a megacity for an inevitable natural disaster.
In this case if you are actually concerned about global warming you should stick to tap water, or invest in buying a reusable bottle. Not only do they save you a lot of money and help the environment, but they are also a healthier option as opposed to plastic water bottles. Reusable water bottles are lead and BPA free, which is beneficial to your well-being.
In conclusion: Icelandic water is delicious and safe to drink. You don?t need to buy water while you?re here!
The persistent purchasing of plastic bottles of water by tourists is one of the greater aggravations amongst locals here because of the fragility of their country's environment.
* The BAFTA winning multi-instrumentalist and producer Ă“lafur Arnalds made this point on his twitter account, urging friends visiting
Myrenovatingexperiencein Icel and by FLA V I O
People usually travel to Iceland with the
almost any task I?m not gonna make it, or I?m
looking environment. A land that has not
not good enough, thinking that everything
been reached yet by the claws of humanity?s
has to be done perfectly. I decided to go on a
everlasting exploiting lust.
trip on my own to stop this, changing these
Beyond that, I have come here to grow, becoming more independent and confident with myself.
ideas printed in my subconscious. It?s not something will just change from day to night, but step by step every day until I will overcome the wall that is restraining me.
better and gather new ideas for the future. I wish this to be a cathartic experience. A
" Wh at matters i s th at I di d my best doi ng i t and th at I real l y enj oyed breath i ng th e f resh ai r, v i ew i ng th e mountai ns and h eari ng th e ri v er rush i ng th rough th e stones."
I live everyday with the reminder that for
purpose of finding a pristine and primordial
I want this to be an occasion to learn myself
" I gr ew u p in Japan , an islan d sim ilar t o Icelan d. Th e t w o cou n t r ies ar e locat ed ver y f ar aw ay. Bu t in f act t h er e is a sim ilar w on der f u l cu lt u r e."
having for many years now.
purifying journey for both my mind and soul, a ritual to get rid of all the anguish and doubts affecting me.
hikes done
something. It doesn?t matter if I haven?t reached the top of the mountain or if I did it in 2 hours instead of 4. What matters is that I did my best doing it and that I really enjoyed breathing the fresh air, viewing the mountains
Like for Herman Hesse?s characters, I see
and hearing the river rushing through the
myself as a ? suchende ? person, looking for
something more. In my case, questions that need to be answered and overall problems that still lack a solution.
Similarly seeing the aurora will forever be an indelible memory to me. Viewing these green lights dazzling waves of light dancing and
I want to live life changing experiences, those
flipping in the sky is a speechless event, one
kind of events that flip your point of view
of those things that you must see yourself to
completely. What better way of doing this that
fully comprehend it.
extraterrestrial looking island, almost lost in the Atlantic ocean, at thousands of kilometers from home?
I still have many unsolved questions and doubts,
enlightening and
clarifying experience in
many years. I started to tackle the problems
The experiences I had so far have been a true
besieging my mind and soul, and I can only
blessing for me. The manual work I?ve done
continue forward from here on.
as a volunteer here in Stöðvarfjörður has been both a physical and mental teaching. I have learned how to make a roof, how to hammer nails and use tools during the work. Furthermore this has also helped me to go
Here in Iceland I won?t be leaving a part of me, like travellers usually say, but I will be leaving with a much heavier backpack instead, full of the
through some mental blocks that I?ve been
worked on the roof of the garage. It was a
Vict or ia
lot of work, but luckily everybody was motivated to do some renovation work.
Starting a new camp is always super excited as
Again it was about measuring, loading, cutting,
we get to know different cultures and most of
framing, fitting and nails, lots of them. Which is
Iceland is the most expensive, but mainly
On the other days, the weather was
all making new friends!
unexpectedly satisfying. We had to look for
the most beautiful country, which I visited
typical Icelandic rain and storm. Perfect
For this camp, we combined Aurora hunting
more hammers as it would take all day long,
until now. It was cool to live ten days with
weather to stay inside the house to write
and Renovation with the Journalism and
and with the Icelandic winds we couldn´t risk it.
kind multicultural people in the house, which
We made many jokes about who´s line was
the articles, play some games and learn
Photography camp. On our first day we went out to look for auroras, I completely understood
straighter, who was working harder, who was
the meaning of beauty! It was such an amazing
hammering faster. It was without a doubt an
feeling is hard to put down in words. We were
amazing day! We all enjoy it and were
mega thrill about what we witnessed!
completely happy with the result.
This was my first renovation camp as a camp
We enjoyed as well a beautiful day hiking ?The
leader and believe me working with tools does
moon mountain? as that is how Peter named it.
not come naturally to me. We were working
At first, it was an easy hike, but as we got
closer to the top it got a bit harder as we were
unpredictable Icelandic weather was the one
walking on icy snow. Worth it for the stunning
deciding the work for the day.
Firstly we are installing new showers for
Personally, I enjoyed running this camp, along
volunteers: so first we had to clear the room
with Peter and Eugene and getting to know
which already took me weeks to order with all
awesome people: Shio, Flavio, Rousto and
the camping gear we have. Then measuring,
framing, cutting, drilling, more drilling and yes
Bedankt, ? ???? , ? ? ? ? ? , Grazie, V?aka,
you guess it even more drilling. Surprisingly
Merci, Gracias.
is situated near mountains and five meters from the sea. Above all, I enjoyed three hiking days with sliding on snow, tasting of
about different cultures. We also helped the Magnus with the construction of the
blueberries, skipping across rivers and
shower and toilet. He was in need of a big
breathtaking viewpoints. Our visit of friendly
hole in the wall; 15 by 15 cm in a wall half
Slovak monks was also interesting for me
a metre thick. This was a very dirty and
because I tried the role of journalist and
backbreaking job, but after hours/days of
translator for other volunteers at the same
drilling we finally managed to finish it.
During the weekend
we visited
nearby waterfalls, Beljandi and Flogufoss,
Pet er
and hiked around. On Sunday we did was
another windy and cold hike in winter
already my third camp since I?ve been in
conditions. After the weekend we finished
Iceland. With only 4 volunteers the group
the magazine and helped Magnus with
was smaller compared to the previous
some final things. The final evening we
groups I had, but nevertheless, it was a
made a BBQ and enjoyed some beers
great camp which I enjoyed a lot.
from the Magnus for our good work. The
It was one of the most wonderful experiences I
The camp was lucky enough to arrive in
the weekend, so on Sunday, we hiked to
couldn´t work if the weather was to rough. But
We quickly found a common language with
the top of Sandfell. A very beautiful hike
each of the volunteers and became literally like
a family. Work was extremely simple everything
already predicted that on Monday the skies will
was very organized and in synchronously. I will
be clear, and of course, he nail it! (Never trust
never forget this work camp.
enough is quite fun to drill holes through the wall, but it does take a whole lot of amount of
energy. Second project ?Building new garage roof?: as I said before we depended 100% on Thor, as we enough
Magnus, worker,
the weather channel but always trust Magnus)
next day we went back to Reykjavik along the south coast.
nearby Stodvarfjordur which I explain in more detail in my article. In the evening we were even more lucky to observe some very good Aurora. The next day the weather was still very good and we