27 Steps to Unlock the Power of Digital Printing Business Matters Guide

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WHEN? Welcome to the second in our series of Business Matters guides. Clear and consistent communication throughout your sales channel is key to staying focused, winning business and keeping your customers loyal. But your customers are bombarded with so much communication that it’s hard to imagine them reading all of it. That’s why yours needs an edge. Thanks to the latest advances in digital printing, the age of flexible, highly personalised marketing isn’t just upon you. It’s set to change your life forever. It looks at the different ways digital printing and personalisation tools can be leveraged across a wide spectrum of business sectors, and is a must-read for you if you’re responsible for: •

managing communication for your company or clients

developing business relationships

producing marketing, training or educational materials

prospecting and nailing new business

giving existing customers an even better reason to spend more

It follows more than 15 years in the design and print industry for Worldwide and a close working relationship with pioneers such as Fuji Xerox, Canon and Konica Minolta. During that time we have championed new techniques and processes, and continued to make significant investment in technology.

Worldwide Online Printing accepts no responsibility for any action taken which is based on the views expressed by contributors to this publication. Any part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, copied, recorded or otherwise used without permission. After all, that’s what it’s for. Good luck! Published by Worldwide Online Printing, Unit 31, 112 McEvoy Street, Alexandria NSW 2015. www.worldwide.com.au

STEP1. LET’S SEE WHAT THE FUSS IS ALL ABOUT OK, let’s get started by drilling down to the basics for a moment to make sure everyone’s clear on how digital printing differs from traditional offset production. Offset lithography is widely-regarded as the industry’s time-honoured workhorse. It’s the process used to produce large numbers of brochures, catalogues, newspapers, magazines - pretty much anything in fact, which needs to be printed in high volume (several thousand and above). If it doesn’t need to be personalised for each recipient and the print quality needs to be right out of the top drawer, offset remains the large volume favourite. It works on the very simple principle that ink and water don’t mix. Images (words and art) are put on plates which are dampened first by water, then ink. The ink adheres to the image area, the water to the non-image area. The image is transferred to a rubber blanket and from the rubber blanket to paper. That’s why the process is called ‘offset’ - the image does not go directly to the paper from the plates. Still awake? With digital on the other hand (imagine very sophisticated and high quality photocopying), every single sheet is printed directly from the digital image as new. Hence every single sheet can say something different to each person who receives it. It’s this power to communicate one-to-one – plus the ability to print as few of each document as you need whenever you need them – which has opened up a vast world of marketing and communication opportunities. PS: Digital also uses fewer chemicals and wastes less paper and so is much gentler on the environment.


STEP2. TIME…GET IT ON YOUR SIDE So you’ve had a training workshop dropped into your lap next week and need an impressive set of course handbooks - pronto. Sure, the bulk of your material doesn’t change from one course to the next, but wouldn’t it be great if you could add some last minute new product background and a snapshot of the annual report - and give each course delegate their own smart, high quality personalised handbook? You can, because this versioning capability is one area where digital printing really comes into its own. Talk to your local design and print Centre. They’ll take the standard material which is common to all your courses, blend it with the new content which is relevant only to this one, and use their clever personalisation tools to make it appear to each recipient as though their handbook is just that – theirs. There’s evidence that personalised course materials (by the way - you’ll hear the customisation process called Variable Data Printing or VDP) have a much higher perceived value than generic ones (you know, those with each delegate’s name added to the cover on a naff sticky label). Using digital printing to create a high quality bespoke handbook: • creates a memorable and professional first impression • means the course is more likely to be approached with respect • is likely to give your course material a much longer shelf life PS: Going digital means slick, highly personalised documents can be turned around very quickly. Many jobs can be produced digitally within 24 hours from proof to print.


STEP3. MAKE YOUR COMMUNICATION DOLLARS GO FURTHER Once dismissed as ‘fast and handy - but pricey’, major recent advances in digital printing efficiencies have now brought high quality, longer run full colour projects within the reach of most marketing and communication budgets. It means that most design and print Centres should be able to offer you a cost model that gives you all the upside of digital even if you only need a few thousand copies. Digital would once have struggled to win the cost/benefit argument above a few hundred copies. And when you also factor into the equation all the added value finishing services which most Centres can throw into the mix - such as innovative binding options - digital’s appeal on budget grounds becomes even more compelling. PS: If you’re fed up with having no alternative to the clunky old office colour copier for the handful of documents you need – it could be time to let digital broaden your horizons.


STEP4. START ENJOYING MAIL DOMINANCE According to postal and courier service research, we consciously open a staggering 73% of our mail over - or very near to - a rubbish bin. Typically, your direct mail has less than a 2% chance of getting a response. So, what if a few small steps could improve the chances of your Direct Mail (DM) piece getting read and acted upon rather than flicked into the circular file? The key is using digital printing together with today’s direct mail tools to customise and personalise your mailings by topic, audience or desired outcome. Along the way, you also benefit from digital’s ability to deliver clear, concise, easy-toread documents which go further than previously possible to address your prospects or customers as individuals rather than a mob. Needless to say, your approach should reflect your goals and budget. Driving the recipient or reader to your web site, for example, can be achieved as easily by a carefully crafted and cleverly personalised postcard or self-mailer as by anything more complicated. On the other hand, if you need to stimulate a request for more information or an appointment, or are asking for money, the power of personalisation can double the inclination of the recipient to respond. The key lies in the creative impact of your DM piece, the allure of the copy, the power of the call-to-action instrument, and the extent to which it’s personalised. Options range from a simple first name welcome to specific details relevant to that individual embedded in the body of the document. PS: If you’ve spent time collating background data on your prospects and customers, digital tools such as Variable Data Printing (VDP) can help you unlock its pulling power.


STEP5. APPEAR ‘JUST PERFECT’ FOR EVERY CUSTOMER A bride-to-be is looking for her wedding reception venue, a couple are searching for a kid-free autumn hideaway, a golf foursome needs a links resort with tight fairways, and an Executive Assistant wants somewhere a bit different for this year’s national conference. Could they all be thumbing through the same brochure? Well, yes. And er, no. With leisure businesses competing for a share of the wallet of so many different kinds of guests, the challenge is how to speak to them all without having to create, publish and manage the inventory of huge volumes of information and promotional material. Digital printing and tools such as XMPie from Fuji Xerox, have opened up a new world of flexibility and customisation for any business which wants to appear to be ‘just perfect’ for each individual’s needs, yet leverage the economy of scale which only comes with mass production. The solution is to produce generic brochure or catalogue sections with all the key features and benefits of the business which every visitor or customer needs to know, and then customise the remaining content into ‘versioned publications’ which are relevant to each interest group. PS: Creating marketing and promotional material which includes personal touch points helps it to connect with its reader irrespective of their needs and can dramatically increase the likelihood of a response.


STEP6. MAKE YOUR CONTENT KING We’ve heard that the way a versioned publication is written can have a dramatic effect on its ability to stimulate a call-to-action. But imagery also has a pivotal role to play in the personalisation mix. It gives brochures, catalogues and newsletters much more impact - and helps them to stand out when competing for attention against other material. Using full-colour photographs that relate to the recipient’s interests makes the document particularly engaging. Talk to your design and print Centre about the content of your versioned or personalised documents – and how you can store all your images in an electronic repository which you can access and use to update your promotional material real-time, on demand, as needed. Being able to draw from a ‘library’ in this way means that your visual imagery - like your variable text content - can then be customised by theme, audience, seasonal attractions etc. PS: Using high impact imagery to build a rapport with prospects before they become a customer is a sure way to build longer and more lucrative relationships.


STEP7. LEVERAGE YOUR CONFERENCE PRE-REGISTRATION DATA Successful group meetings such as conferences, seminars and workshops are invariably a triumph for attention to detail, program content and the extent to which delegates feel engaged by the experience they offer. If your business is involved in event management - or if set piece occasions have a part to play in your communication and marketing plans - take note of the outcome of some recent research which suggests that business events now: • are shorter • are increasingly more focused • include less social time and longer working days • feature numerous concurrent break-out sessions • are based on topics which change frequently and often at the last minute • often have to accommodate room changes to reflect delegate registrations The flexibility of digital means as well as the basic broad-based information about the seminar program, social event timings, floor map and a planner, every catalogue can include information relating to each individual’s declared interests based on information gathered from them during pre-registration. Few things get people’s attention like seeing their name in print, and the personalised event book could become a keepsake long after the function if it also includes a schedule and map of the pre-selected seminar venues, and directions from a person’s home or office to the venue. PS: With digital, your event catalogue can work harder by including content which is both generic to the venue and specific to each delegate.


STEP8. EXTEND THE SHELF LIFE OF YOUR EXHIBITION If you’re organising or sponsoring an exhibition or similarly high profile event – or are involved as an exhibitor or host venue, don’t underestimate the power of greeting or thanking attendees with a personalised gift. Novelty wrappers on sweets, personalised labels on wine or water bottles, customised show bags, mementoes and souvenirs – they all seize the chance to create the right first impression. They also benefit from the ability of digital printing to apply messages to just about any substrate. You can extend the shelf life of the event - or your participation in it - far beyond its actual duration. You can also provide a constant reminder of the recipient’s relationship with you, the event or the venue once he or she has returned home or to work. So take advantage of digital technology’s ability to print onto so many shapes, sizes and materials. Add an individual’s name to a wine bottle label to commemorate his or her attendance at an anniversary event. Print your personal thanks on each individual luxury confectionery item. Or maybe even include a photograph of an attendee or group in each personalised souvenir pack. PS: With digital printing, there’s a world of options beyond paper.


STEP9. BUILD EVEN MORE TRUST INTO YOUR REAL ESTATE RELATIONSHIPS If you make your living from selling real estate, you’ll understand that success is based on people liking you, trusting you, and being willing to spend hours with you. It’s a very personal industry and you need some powerful communication tools. Getting personal means using the power of digital to make sure every set of property details is packed with sensational photographs, floor plans and information – and that it looks slick and professional. An eye-catching selling brochure can work wonders in keeping visitors to residential or commercial property ‘openings’, mindful of the property’s features and benefits long after they’ve returned home or to work. It also helps you to meet your client’s need to represent the property in the best light. The problem is that while you know how much pulling power the property brochure has, you’ve no idea how many packs to produce. Admit it; the easiest way has traditionally been to produce copies on the office copier. Quality is a bit 'hit and miss' and you know you could do better – but ‘they’ll do’. Your digital design and print Centre can produce high quality property packs on demand, and keep changing them to highlight certain features. This means you can reflect visitor reactions as they change from one viewing session to another. There’s no longer any need to settle for whatever will ‘do’. PS: Think about following up each viewing session with a personalised ‘thank you’ note including your picture and any key concerns/issues raised by each viewer.


STEP10 TURBO-CHARGE YOUR RETAIL ‘SPECIALS’ If you retail anything, you know how important it is to be able to offer your customers special offers, discounts and coupons based on what’s hot and what’s not. But put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Most of the offers you receive are too generic and you’re fed up of being sent the same old boring communication. Unlike a generic offer, a specific time-limited discount offer is far more likely to prick your interest and get you to take action. Today, many database mining tools are available to help companies identify consumers’ specific buying habits and patterns. And many retailers who have customer ‘clubs’ need to track the spending habits of their members much more clearly. Uniting these capabilities with the power of digital printing and communication tools, means information retrieved from point of sales activity can be used to produce coupons, flyers and offers highly targeted to each customer’s declared preferences and habits. Numerous controlled studies have shown that targeted up-sell and cross-sell campaigns yield much better results than generic ones. Producing flyers containing graphics or messages tailored to a customer is extremely effective. PS: Marrying a specific discount offer tailored to the needs of each recipient or groups of recipients, turbo-charges your flyer.


STEP11 KEEP YOUR STAFF MOTIVATED AND FOCUSED Motivating employees and keeping them focused on company goals can put any business to the test. Good communication invariably marks the difference between a workforce which feels included, important, informed and valued - and one which doesn’t. It’s a challenge faced by companies of every size and across every industry sector, but one which is compounded by the tyranny of distance. Businesses with a network of branches or franchised outlets spread across the country often find it especially hard to keep in touch. Add the additional difficulties faced by companies with large numbers of part-time or shift-based staff and the challenges become a bloody nightmare. For many businesses, digitally printed information pieces such as newsletters have gone a long way towards bridging that communications gap. A professionally designed and written newsletter featuring a blend of lively and engaging generic information of broad interest – and stories specific to a location, State or special industry is a very effective way to share information and demonstrate a high level of care. Even in the face of demand for electronic communication, the printed newsletter has a key role to play. Add to that the opportunity to include personal recognition messages, and the result is a major contribution to developing a well-informed, satisfied employee; which translates into higher job satisfaction and so better workplace performance. PS: The costs of uninformed, unmotivated employees can be devastating.


STEP12 WORK EVEN HARDER AT AFTER-SALE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS If you’ve ever questioned the importance of seizing every opportunity to leverage relationships with customers before, during and after the sale itself has been closed – speak to a car dealer. They understand that while the might of a manufacturer’s corporate brand provides a layer of comfort and powerful buying incentive, it’s the extent to which they build relationships in their territory which really count. While a car maker’s centralised corporate marketing departments clearly needs to control the look, design and brand treatment which appears throughout each dealer’s promotional and information literature, they are happy for local material to be customised with content such as logos, location maps, service hours, featured specials and so on. Each dealer’s local design and print Centre can store personalised content in an electronic repository which can be accessed and updated quickly, real-time and on demand. Marrying the speed and versatility of digital to new developments in data capture and management techniques means customer communication can be tailored. For example, if data has been captured correctly, it's possible to use it to match the appeal of a specific vehicle model to a prospect’s status and spending power. PS: Personalised sales and marketing documents can make a dramatic impact on a dealer’s profitability.


STEP13 MAKE YOUR FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS READERFRIENDLY…AND COMPLIANT Life in the financial services fast lane means juggling the demands of customers for more user-friendly Plain English documents - while also staying compliant. For insurance brokers, credit companies, banks and any other regulated business, Product Disclosure Statements and other statutory documents provide a crucial blowby-blow account of a product’s features and benefits; many of which often need to be produced and delivered within very tight timeframes. Whether it’s being used to enlighten and attract new customers as part of a product launch, or comply with due diligence requirements in a proposed merger, it’s a tool which can be dramatically enhanced if it can tap into multiple sources of information for content which is often at various stages of development. For many financial sector businesses, the answer lies in the ability to harness the flexibility of digital printing to include the latest information, details and graphics. This builds credibility by showing the strength of an organisation and its commitment to customers - and also puts a much ‘friendlier’ face on even the most formal mailings. PS: The ability to update ‘on the fly’ within moments, and easily integrate new information, can make the difference between building a lasting relationship and losing a business opportunity.


STEP14 AVOID POST-MERGER CUSTOMER CHURN In today’s fast-moving world of convergence and expansion, businesses can typically lose up to 15% of their customers following a merger. The biggest ‘customer bandit’ is the process of migrating them from one business culture to another, and great emphasis should be placed on making the transition convenient and accommodating. The key is making sure that every step of the journey is communicated clearly and honestly so that expectations can be set and easily met, and to ensure there is no loss - either real or perceived - of the personal touch. This can be helped with regular, meaningful and effective updates personalised to the specific needs of each customer or group of customers. Taking full advantage of digital printing and tools such as variable data printing to produce material such as personalised letters, news bulletins, welcome messages and ‘what’s in it for you’ incentives, means helping customers through the process of change and substantiating your business-as-usual claims. PS: Change is often unsettling, and the more frequently you issue information updates - and the more tailored they are - the more likely your customers are to accept the changes you’re seeking to impose upon them.


STEP15 BECOME AN EXPERT IN PATIENT COMMUNICATION Medical professionals understand the importance of communicating with patients in print in a way which extends the care and attention they deliver in the practice, surgery, hospital or consulting rooms. The emphasis on effective and targeted communication is even more significant when it comes to talking to prospective patients who have a number of healthcare options to consider. Gaining a competitive edge means resisting the urge to send generic messages, and recognising that people want to deal with doctors, nurses and consultants - rather than with institutions. Using the versioning capabilities of digital printing means brochures can cover the generic material of interest to any patient - but also contain content tailored to match age, gender, location, illness or other indicated preferences. It’s now easy to create the illusion that there are many versions of the brochure by using bespoke content drawn down from a central creative asset repository, while at the same time using a centralised design operation to ensure brand consistency. PS: A professional brochure will show the strengths of your business by highlighting the qualifications and specialities of its key players and promoting the facilities and services




STEP16 EMPOWER YOUR STUDENTS You’re a college or university administrator and want to make sure that students arriving on campus for the first time are greeted with highly personalised orientation handbooks featuring their course details, lecture venue maps and faculty policies. Even last week’s last minute changes to their degree syllabus must be included. You want them to feel informed and connected rather than isolated and overwhelmed. By combining both generic and need-specific content, every digitally printed handbook can seem just perfect for each student’s specific needs, and become an indispensable companion during the first several weeks of classes. It also addresses a key weakness in the communication arsenal of many educational establishments; namely the inclination to mass-produce generic information material which talks at students rather than to them. Using digital technology means compiling essential academic information into one easyto-use format, blending it with information of relevance to each recipient, and then printing exactly the number of handbooks needed. There’s also the added bonus of being able to produce covers for the handbook in colour inside and out, for less cost and a more attractive end result. The combination of a colour cover and black and white content – all printed digitally – makes for an attractive but very economical print-on-demand piece. PS: Digital helps to ensure that communication and cost reduction objectives are met, waste is eliminated and storage costs and obsolescence become irrelevant.


STEP17 MAKE SURE YOUR MANUALS CONNECT AND ENGAGE The government is Australia’s largest employer and economic force, and so it’s not surprising that it generates such a significant number of training manuals. It’s here that clarity, relevance and up-to-the-minute information can make the difference between a compelling and engaging manual, and an underwhelming one. Whether the audience includes one or one thousand staff members, the more relevant and easily accessible the information, the more frequently it will be used as a reference source. When employees of any large and disparate organisation know their job specifics and have a reliable resource to turn to for questions, they are more productive and comfortable in their roles. In addition to role-specific information, high-quality cost-effective manuals can include information on the organisation itself - and highlight benefits which help to build understanding and a shared sense of purpose. PS: Thanks to the advantages of digital printing, manuals can be packed with all the crucial generic information - and yet also appear to have been tailored for every single employee grade.


STEP18 CUSTOMISE YOUR CALENDARS The power and impact of digital printing and variable data tools doesn’t have to be temporary – you can use it to keep your message in front of customers throughout the year by personalising a calendar for them. And don’t think you have to restrict your calendar offer to something drab and ordinary with your logo and a handful of bland stock images. Instead, it could: • Show your customer’s company logo • F eature imagery tailored to appeal to your customer’s customers. An insurance provider, for instance, may wish to reach out to pensioners with completely different imagery from that which it would use to woo imported sports car fanatics • I nclude pre-marked key dates such as a service reminder if you’re a car dealer, a regular check-up if you’re a dentist, or BAS reminder if you’re an accountant. PS: Using digital printing means reminding your customers every day that you care about the main events in their lives.


STEP19 MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS MESSAGES STAND OUT This year, like every year, your clients and business partners will have mailboxes stuffed with business cards and event invitations. Here are some ideas for getting yours elevated to the top of the pile: • U se digital printing and personalisation tools to customise full-colour, digitally-printed Christmas cards with your client’s name, a personal message and even their company logo • S end your customers an end-of-year hamper with each product label featuring a tailored message or your logo/tagline • M ake the invitation to your Christmas function more engaging by featuring a personal message or photograph PS: At Christmas, make your customer material personalised and professional - show your clients how much you value their business.


STEP20 REINFORCE RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUR EXISTING CUSTOMERS Often, businesses can focus so much on finding new customers that existing ones aren’t targeted often or directly enough in day-to-day marketing. You can use regular communications such as member letters, to reinforce your interest in the customer’s needs by including bespoke messages. Remember, the response rates of regular direct mail, addressed but not personalised, is around 1-2%. Studies have shown that personalising mail can create much higher responses. • Send letters from your financial institution which include graphs or charts about the customer’s financial performance, or particularly relevant policy updates • S end your regular customers offers which you know relate to their business interests or lifestyle • S end your loyalty club members discounts which apply to their location and demographics; such as local store ‘specials’ or relevant discount offers PS: It’s easy to get engrossed in your crusade to win new business. Remember that digital printing techniques and personalisation tools are just as powerful in retaining the loyalty of your existing customers.


STEP21 WOW YOUR MOST IMPORTANT AUDIENCE In Step 11 we spoke about using the power of digital to boost staff motivation. Because your company’s culture is also integral to your commercial success, cultivating team spirit and a sense of mutual respect and shared purpose means recruiting better staff and improving the loyalty of the existing employees. Here’s a few ideas for using digital printing and personalisation tools to build even better relationships with your most important asset: • D igitally print your next social event invitation - and spice it up with a colour picture of the venue. Or maybe even embellish each one with the name/nickname and a photo of the recipient. You could also include any cultural or dietary information which is relevant to the individual • I f your business has undergone an update in direction or you’ve added some new core values, think about using digital to produce eye-catching posters featuring slogans and taglines. Personalised desk accessories can include each individual’s name and perhaps a relevant motivational message relating to a significant achievement or personal milestone • I n a tight job market you need to work even harder to attract the best candidates. Personalised, full-colour recruitment booklets can include information about the prospective candidate gathered during careers events or recruitment fairs. You can also be sure to send graduates recruitment information which relates specifically to their qualifications and declared interests PS: Your people are your most prized asset and with digital printing you can place them at the centre of your communication strategy


STEP22 IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE COLOUR The rapidly increasing quality of digital colour printing doesn’t mean professionally printed digital black-and-white material should be treated as the poor relation. There’s certainly no need to resort to the office photocopier for important documents. Even options such as paper choice have expanded over the past decade to the stage where crisp, sharp images can be printed in striking black and white on almost any paper - and as thick as 280gsm. It means materials can be produced in black and white whenever you think it might add impact. Monotone or sepia photographs, for example, can be beautifully printed and professionally bound and finished. PS: Digital black and white printing lets you save money without necessarily losing any impact.


STEP23 INCREASE THE SHELF LIFE OF YOUR NEWSLETTERS Newsletters are an immensely powerful marketing and communications tool – but are only as good as the relevance of the stories they tell. The problem faced by many companies seeking to improve the flow of communication amongst customers and staff is that the cost of producing a small number of newsletters has traditionally meant they’ve become quarterly or even bi-annual publications. Going digital means achievements can be published as they emerge. Small numbers of newsletters can be produced cost-effectively monthly, weekly or even ‘as and when’ news breaks. It also means that even the smallest company can now produce well-written, compelling and professional newsletters - each featuring a generic cover and carefully targeted news inside. PS: Thanks to the immediacy, flexibility and affordability of digital, the newsletter playing field is now level.


STEP24 NEVER BE OUT OF PRINT The versatility of digital printing is making the term ‘out of print’ itself obsolete for the book publishing industry. Printing books after they’ve been ordered and paid for, provides publishers with a much more acceptable risk profile – particularly if the books are rare. They can print what the customer wants, when they need it. Even the smallest runs become economically viable. The power of digital has also allowed small commercial and university presses to expand their catalogues without busting their budget. They no longer need to have piles of publications waiting to be ordered, nor do they have to so delicately manage the expectations of customers who place orders for particularly obscure works. The same advantages can be enjoyed by institutions or companies with large libraries of archived or historic material which needs to be made available in very limited amounts or infrequently. Important documents need never be ‘out of print’ again. PS: Producing your short run books digitally means obsolescence is a thing of the past!




Want to get noticed? Think big. If you only need a handful of bespoke posters to promote your concert, event, open day or trade fair, but want maximum flexibility and high quality without breaking the bank, digital could be your best bet. You might also only need the posters or point of sales material for a short time - perhaps for a VIP opening or a product launch. Bear in mind that digital printing isn’t restricted to standard-sized documents. Wide format digital is opening up a big world for smaller businesses. So when it comes to decorating shop windows or office walls, think about adding a picture of an individual or entire team to give the message added impact. And remember that the flexibility of digital means you can quickly and easily use short shelf life promotional posters with ’here and now’ messaging to complement your leaflets and other core branding/sales tools. PS: Wide format digital printing means your medium can be as big as your message, without the big cost.


STEP26 GET CLOSER TO COLOUR One of the most rewarding aspects of using the latest advances in digital printing technology is the opportunity it now provides to work in brilliant, affordable colour. Here’s a few tips for getting the best out of your colour printing: • Break up big blocks of colour – digital printing is more suited to smaller, varied images • A void using gradient colour – the transition from dark to light (or one colour to another) can occasionally look a little ‘chunky’ • Avoid dark text on dark solid colours – this can make the finished product harder to read • A void using solid colour on areas which are likely to be folded – they can crack slightly. If you must do so, get the paper creased • U se colour swatches only as a guide – digital colour has slightly more variance from job to job than offset. Cover yourself by insisting on colour proofs PS: Producing your short run books digitally avoids obsolescence.


STEP27 FINISH IT OFF Advances in finishing technology for digitally printed products mean you can now enjoy all the usual advantages of folding and binding processes. Here are some thoughts for taking advantage of them: • Turn your standard newsletter into a booklet with a few fancy folds or staple binding • P erfect-bind your report to give it an extra professional touch and make it look like a high quality commercial publication • P roduce a few elaborately customised calendars for your key customers and maybe consider printing personalised fridge or cabinet magnets or innovative bookmarks • P rint small quantities of personalised stickers (eg Keep This Kitchen Clean) to keep your name on your customer’s radar for longer PS: Digital doesn’t have to be flat, or even just on paper. If you can ‘think’ in different shapes, digital will let you ‘print’ in different shapes.




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