Woroni: Edition 7, 2014

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Shoulder your woes.

The media and South Korean adoption

The sixth stage of Tinder 18 Life & Style

Ukraine. A reply to a reply to a reply to a something.

WORONI 15 Life & Style





13 MAY 2 0 1 4 - NO. 7, VOL 66 - WORONI.COM.AU - T: @WORONI - F: WORONI

ANU NEWS Areti Metuamate Woroni elections Nominations for Woroni closed last week with 9 be found in this paper and online. Voting will take place during the week of May 26 – 30 and every ANU student will receive an email with links available to the online poll and with information on each of the candidates. PARSA elections ANU’s Postgraduate and Research Students’ Association is about to hold elections for new council members. The PARSA Council has 29 members, two from each college and 15 general reps. is to be held on 30 April. Current PARSA President, Arjuna Mohottala, is going to be standing again but with heavy competition as his popular Ben Niles, have also indicated they will be running for the position. Photo by Ross Caldwell

That incessant show-off, the UC, made it clear to Canberra that NOT ONLY does it own its own Football team, but it also gets all the bands. Here at the ANU we have to settle for Nobel Prize winners.Anyway, Woroni took some sweet pics, check them out on the Back Page and our Facebook page.

Libs Put Students on a Budget Fergus Hunter THE Abbott government is poised to unveil sweeping changes to higher education in today’s budget. Education minister Christopher Pyne has been doing the rounds in recent weeks, reportedly preparing for the deregulation of university fees and the extension of government funding to private colleges and TAFEs. “We want to set up our universities so they can compete,” Mr Pyne has been telling anyone who will listen. “We want to unshackle them so they can The extension of Commonwealth supported places to “teaching only” colleges and TAFEs aims to increase innovation and competition in the sector. Colleges have welcomed the idea and Mr Pyne has strongly indicated the government’s intention to implement it, despite the hesitance of some in the higher education sector. Fee deregulation is the more controversial of the two. Critics argue that it will damage equity and access, with the size of the debt for expensive degrees putting off people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. However, some analysis has suggested that - under the HECS-

HELP system - higher fees don’t discourage poorer students from going to university. Any changes in this area will come after strong voices outside the government have made their preferences clear. The Group of Eight, chaired by the ANU’s own Professor Ian Young, support deregulation as a way of increasing funding and quality. The government’s Commission of Audit recommended a 12-month investigation into deregulation options before implementing anything. The report also suggested that students pay a greater share of their fees (up from 41 to 55%, reducing the government’s contribution) and lowering the income threshold for HECS-HELP repayment from its current level of $51,000 to the minimum wage ($32,000). In a recent opinion piece published in The Australian, Professor Young and Chancellor Gareth Evans said that if Australian universities want to compete internationally, they need a funding model that encourages diversity and not “perverse incentives”. Young, Evans and others advocating for deregulation have said that it is a recognition of a harsh economic reality: while governments should be increasing funding to the sector, this isn’t going to happen so the money has to come from somewhere. They also suggested equity scholarships would be an important part of protecting diversity.

The issue has divided vice-chancellors across the country, however, with some favouring more cautious deregulation and others completely oplation have also stressed that it shouldn’t come at the expense of existing government funding. Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon slammed deregulation as “code for jacking up fees at Australia’s highest ranked universities - and creating a more unequal, elitist education system.” The National Union of Students says that “students already graduate with almost a decade’s worth of debt to repay, and deregulating fees would only increase that debt burden.” Commentators have offered that full deregulation of university fees is unlikely, as it would result in an explosion of HECS debt and bring us very close the situation in the United States - where total student loan debt stands at $1 trillion . Professors Young and Evans proposed capping fees at the same level as international students’. Whatever happens, university students

New Chair for ANU Union a number of services and food outlets within the Union building and around the ANU campus, has a new Chair. Joshua Orchard, a member of the Labour party and lead candidate at the last Union elections has taken up the role. ANU Registrar off to UniSA ANU’s Registrar of Student Life, Dr Laura-Anne Bull (listed as No.13 on the 2014 ANU Power List) is leaving to take on a new role at the University of South Australia as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Engagement and Equity). Not long into her newly created portfolio, which now includes all the ANU halls of residence, Dr Bull has surprised many with the announcement made last week via email to staff. ANU has launched a MOOC (Massive Open Onbilingually in English and Hindi. The Engaging India course has well over 10’000 enrollments and is available free to anyone who can access the internet. A number of ANU students and staff, including the DVC Marnie Hughes-Warrington, have enrolled in the 10 week course.

AIME Launched at ANU The Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) program, aimed at increasing the number tralia, was launched at ANU recently. AIME’s goal is to engage students and support Year 12 budget of the Abbott Coalition government. student in particular to transition from school to Woroni is inside the budget lock-up today - look further education, training or employment. out for our coverage of the government’s higher education measures.


NEWS// 2

News Briefs

The Fortnight in Numbers

Samantha Bradley


public service job cuts proposed in the Commission of Audit.

China detains human rights lawyer for ‘causing disturbance’ Pu Zhiqiang, a prominent Chinese human rights lawyer, has been detained with Chinese authorities war of dissent over the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, this coming June. Zhiqang specialises in free-speech and has represented many prominent Chinese dissidents. His detention is believed to be to do with the fact he attended a meeting that urged an investigation into the bloody fessors have disappeared since attending this meeting.


current public service employees.

Brunei adopts brutal penal code The Sultan of Brunei has adopted a so-called “phase one” of Islamic law, a penal code which will


public service jobs are in Canberra.

Quotes “Can I be a little indulgent? I drive to Canberra to go to parliament ... and I must say I find those wind turbines around Lake George to be utterly offensive” - Joe ‘easily

burden of proof and judges would have discretion as to avoid them. Several prominent charachters, such as Ellen DeGeneres, and Jay Leno have boycotted the Dorchester Collection, a luxury hotel collection linked to the sultan, as a result.

Health of AlJazeera jounalist Abdullah Elshamy failing in prison AlJazeera journalist Abdullah Elshamy, who is currently detained in an Egyptian prison with Australian journalist Peter Greste, has been on a hunger strike for more than one hundred days, and the results of blood tests he has received tell that his health is rapidly failing. The tests showed that he is suffering fromm acute amaemia and kidney disfunction. Elshamy has been imprisoned for 272 days, at the time of publication. Three AlJazeera journalists, Peter Greste, Mohammed Famy and Baher Mohammed are also imprisoned in Egypt. All journalists have been accused of spreading false news and with aligning with the Muslim Brotherhood. These allegations are strongly detained by all of the journalists.

ANC win in South Africa by a landslide the ANC is in the hears and minds of the majority of South Africans.’ The elections were declared by the African union to be ‘free, fair, transparent and credible.’ Political analysis have also dubbed the victory unsurprising, stating that many South Africans believe they owe their liberation to the ANC, and that this ‘liberation dividend’ is a global trend, and typically lasts 3-4 decades.

Woroni is published on the traditional lands of the Ngunnawal people. We pay our respects to their elders past and present.

More MERS deaths in Saudi Arabia The World Health Organisation is reportedly preparing for an emergency meeting over concerns of the spread of the Middle East Respiratory Sytem Coronavirus, with more than 13 people dying from the disease last week, bringing the total number of deaths to 139, in Saudi Arabia alone, since 2012. The UN health agency’s emergency committee has already met four times to talk about the virus since it surfaced in 2012. MERS is considered a deadlier, but less contagious cousin of the SARS virus that killed more than 800 people in Asia in 2003.

Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Fergus Hunter Deputy Editor-in-Chief Areti Metuamate Managing Editor Tara Shenoy Digital Ross Caldwell Print Sam Bradley Print Elena Tjandra Print Lillian Ward Radio Polly Mitton

Sub-Editorial Team News Daniel Lynch Comment Ben Stilling Features Alice Zhang Life & Style Beatrice Smith Arts Nina Haysler Science Eleanor Campbell Sport Josh Chu-Tan Radio Seth Robinson Radio Polly Mitton Radio Michael Carton Radio Jamie Cole Photos Janis Lejins Design Lauren Cawthron Video Matthew Solomko Advertising Alex Catalan-Flores PRINTED BY CAPITAL FINE PRINT PUBLISHED BY ANU STUDENT MEDIA

Advertising inquiries, submissions and letters to the editor can be sent to contact@woroni.com.au (02) 6125 9574 Shop 15, Lena Karmel Building 26 Barry Drive, Acton 2601

According to a Danish study which tracked the work and heath patterns of 10,000 men and women, aged between 36 and 52 over 10 years, an unhappy marriage can potentially tripe the possibility of a man going to an early grave. The main cause of death was cancer, followed by heart disease, stroke, liver disease and suicide. The researches concluded that at least half of the deaths could have been prevented if the individual had not also been siffering from the added burden of a hostile marriage. live longer, than their un-wed counterparts.

of livestock. Thus far, more than 800 sheep have reportedly died on one property alone and farmers fear other weeds and pasture. The Darling Pea can be found throughout Australia, and it contains toxins that affects enzymes in animal’s brains. Farmers are hopefull that recent rain will encourage more suitable pasture to take hold.

Corruption allegations haunt Israel’s Rabbinate shekels in bribes. The allegations have reportedly angered the Israeli public, who are already highly suspicious of its religious institutions. Outraged editorials, in papers such as the Jerusalem Post, and politicians, have called more a major overhaul of the state’s Chief Rabbinate. The Rabbinate, which is paid by the state, oversees religious courts, and has jurisdiction over Jewish marriage, divorce,



PARSA Fails to Call for Nomination

A Bone-afied Saint

NEWS// 3

Tara Shenoy Managing Editor THE ANU Post-graduate and Research Students’ Association (PARSA) is the student representative body for postgraduates at the ANU. Under Chapter 6(2) of the PARSA Constitution, the Administrator shall call for nominations of ordinary members by advertising four (4) weeks before the date appointed for the Annual General Meeting. PARSA’s AGM has been set for the 30th of May was via Facebook on the 6th of May at approximately 5pm. The statement, as it reads, states, “Nominations for the election of the Postgraduate Representative Council for 2014-2015 are NOW open and will remain open until Thursday 15th May at 5pm.” Additionally, the PARSA website, which has been checked regularly, has also provided record of the call for nominations on the 6th of May. Arjuna Mohottala, current PARSA President, has been emailed for comment. He has stated, “The PRC met mid April and appointed Dale Bro-

Sophie Yates News Correspondent Title by Andrew Feng

JOHN XXIII College has celebrated the recent canonisation of Pope Saint John XXIII by receiving a splinter of the Saint’s bone from the Vicariate in Rome. All residents, as well as some members of the ANU and special guests, were also presented with a commemorative medallion embellished with the papal crest of Pope John XXIII and the date of his canonisation, 27 April 2014. The relic was received by the College on Tueselection timeline that required the notice of calling day, 15 April and is contained in a small circular for nominations to go out. From that point on, my direct involvement or of the PRC ends.” box. The splinter of bone, a ruddy-coloured square It is unclear at present whether failing to fragment a few millimetres long, is mounted on meet an essential electoral regulation will white card against the red velvet background of pose a question of invalidity as to the election. “Ex Corporre S Joannis P.P. XXIII” from the body of Saint John XXIII. The relic was conferred in response to a letter sent by Steven Foley, the previous Head of College, in February this year. “I asked if, in consideration of John XXIII College being named after a “Saint-to-Be”, the Vicariate might confer a relic of John XXIII on the College.” Foley requested “a pen or article of clothing of the late Holy Father”, and was instead “very surprised” to instead receive a relic of bone. The fragment arrived via the Archbishop in a diplomatic bag from the Vatican, and was accompanied

by two letters from Cardinal Comastri to certify its authenticity. One letter, written in Italian, con- Saint’ has been recognised around the College by a change in the names of some of its more sigof devotion, a relic of the blessed Saint John XXIII whose remains are kept with veneration in the known as the “Saints” Common Room. “There was...talk of our becoming St John Papal Basillica of St Peter”. XXIII College”, writes Foley “but the Dominican Order determined we should remain John XXIII College, being named for a great man at a point in history”. Acting Head of College, Stacy Curtis Foley requested “a pen or adds “that’s who we were named after, that’s who article of clothing of the late we are”.

Holy Father”, and was instead “very surprised” to instead receive a relic of bone.

Paul II, the other pope to be canonised in April. John Paul visited the College Chapel in 1967 when he was a cardinal. “He prayed in the John XXIII College chapel on that visit and there is a plaque in our chapel recording that visit”, says Foley. During his short term in the papacy from 1958 – 1963, Pope John XXIII was credited with moddisplay of the relic, it will be kept secure in the ernising the Catholic Church by ousting out-dated College’s St John the Evangelist Chapel and accessible for anyone wishing to view it. Father the college of cardinals, and renewed ideologiLaurie, of John XXIII College, suggests that the cal traditions through convocation of the Vatican bone may be kept in a display alcove somewhere Council II. “Vatican 2” recognised non-ordained members of the church as co-equal with its senior in the Chapel. The relic was displayed in the Chapel on the day of the historic double canonisation in Rome. brought the Catholicism “up to the current day, to Members of the ANU and John XXII College take on the current era”. “His idea was to open the place up, to take on communities attended a special mass, followed by a commemorative dinner in the John’s Dining modern beliefs”. Hall.

“Bob Carr is not Welcome Here”

sents and that ANU is a campus where people who we have stepped on the right toes”. peddle the anti-refugee rhetoric that he does are “We didn’t really think we would convert the not welcome”. She adds “It’s not like we’re going AROUND twenty protestors holding placards whole audience into pro-refugee advocates,” says reading “safety not cruelty” and “stop offshore Geraldine Fela, spokesperson for the protest. pus because they’re too scared as we saw when Christopher Pyne cancelled the other week.” processing” demonstrated with chants and imEarlier in the week, student protesters interpassioned speeches to on-lookers awaiting Bob members actually did join RAC at that event.” In June last year, Carr told Lateline that refu- rupted the ABC’s live Q & A broadcast to contest Carr’s book launch. The group continued to chant as patrons entered gees are not “people feeling persecution. They’re the proposed fee deregulation of universities. Suthe Manning Clarke lecture theatre before storm- coming from majority religious or ethnic groups revival of student activism. “It was a student caming inside and instigating a sit-in. ANU Security paign in the 60s and 70s that brought us things like and police were called to remove the protestors. here as economic migrants”. Protestors left on their own accord, after addressProtestors condemned the ex-foreign ministers free health and free education and it’s the student ing the audience. assertion with one protestor stating that “Bob Carr campaign that will help the broader refugee moveOrganisers of the event appealed to the audi- was instrumental in legitimizing the view [that ment.” ence to evict the protesters from the theatre. Al- refugees are not genuine asylum seekers] … deThe protest was organised by the ANU Refumost the entire theatre put up their hands when spite the evidence from the immigration departasked who wanted the group removed. ment that evaluates about 90% actually are and gee Action Committee. The group meets at every Thursday in MORAN G008 at 1pm. Protestors appeared to be content with the out- they do deserve to have asylum granted.” come of the demonstration despite a disapproving audience. Marko Supic from the Refugee Action last year, Fela explains that the protest was “more Committee stated after the event “every time [about] showing opposition to the views he repre-

Elena Tjandra Print Editor

Current PARSA President Arjuna Mohottala. Photo credit: Belinda Thompson

NEWS// 4


woroni. the lost edition. Woroni’s end of semester Magazine edition will focus on the themes of Lost and Found. Written and visual submissions accepted. Email contact@woroni.com.au if you have any questions. DEADLINE: 20TH OF MAY, 2014 Get lost, ANU.

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Mark Fabian EVERYONE is foaming at the mouth about the Liberal party’s spin campaign of a budget ‘crisis’. But while some of it is rubbish, much of it is quite legit. Caring for an aging population is going to put incredible amounts of pressure on Australia’s


is not a budget emergency because America, the -

citizens are uniquely inclined to hold low-yield thereafter), and we need to start taking measures now if we want to maintain our social welfare system into the future. So there is indeed a budget problem, though perhaps not a crisis. Certainly this is not a Labor that Japan would default around 2020, potentially party legacy as the Liberal party spin machine disorder.

So there is indeed a budget problem, though perhaps not a crisis. Certainly this is not a Labor party legacy as the Liberal party spin machine would have us believe...

to educational outcomes in Australia are likely current Liberal administration is also big on eduto misunderstand economics. Climate and clean air is an endowment just like clean water or petrol Certainly some business practices are now more -

Second, the wealthiest 10 per cent of superanparty needs to be frank with the electorate about

situation that the current Abe administration’s

how they are going to tackle it. Labor needs to annuation is an integral part of our management of the aged care issue. But that doesn’t mean we get an intelligent, sophisticated discourse grounded in reality not spin. Some aspects of a plan to manage the budgetary lar, why does it get a fuel subsidy? Madness; reform needed.

Managing the aging population is going to be the first world’s biggest but perhaps most mundane challenge over the coming decades...

retirement age seems a no-brainer when there is pressure from pensions, but manual labourers are

older-aged cerebrally-employed people will be to-


ambitious programmes of economic reform, with two elements worked out, the third has stalled. we are okay because we don’t look like Japan is because he isn’t on life support. Managing the aging population is going to be -

This budget problem is the result of demographic trends and a decline in China’s demand for Australian coal and iron...

costs of production. - Liberal party needs to show some leadership on graphic trends and a decline in China’s demand for Australian coal and iron. Neither party engi-

tralia. First, thousands of people destined for high -

Some aspects of a plan to manage the budgetary pressure should be obvious. ..

structure needs to be reformed so that those people earning degrees that will net them huge returns

weeks until we are 80 is in order—but how will economics) pay a suitable amount for those de-

Huge sums of health care funding are spent on

but it should be directed at the teaching and re- How do we feel about euthanasia? How do we feel search staff and infrastructure, not at student con- about letting people die? tributions. A lot of these reforms are going to be hard for the left to get their head around because they chalthat higher fees do not discourage low socio-

some of the world’s highest rates of social mobilthey make tertiary study less affordable for those people. You only pay if you earn enough to pay! Subsidised fees are a subsidy for the rich to get

maintained. But if we want to uphold our welfarist seeking currently at work in Australia. Bizarrely, ideals we are going to need to answer some hard

uni-students are from well-to-do backgrounds, but isn’t a problem is just going to mean deeper cuts and more pain in the long run. subsidy. Whaaaa? The author blogs at markfabian.blogspot.com



America: cutting off its head to spite its face

Michael Gemmell IN the aftermath of the recent botched execution of Clayton Lockett by lethal injection in Oklahoma, debate over capital punishment led pundits from both sides of the divide to agree on an antiquated solution: bring back the guillotine. It’s almost unfathomable to think in the 21st century that arguments for the reinstatement of the guillotine still abound. One would think that despite the French Revolution not being the freshest memory in collective human consciousness, any quick reference to the role that the National Razor played during the Terror would be compelling enough to deter even the most ardent supporters of capital punishment. Just think about why the gas chamber hasn’t been called back for operation. That part of the impetus for this proposal was the result of exposing the gruesome nature of state-sanctioned killing is strange enough, yet things got even stranger when pundits from both sides of the capital punishment divide came to agree that bringing back the guillotine would support their own cause. Like other visceral issues in the American culture wars, you would think that the delayed lethal injection that left Lockett violently convulsing intermittently for 43 minutes before he died of a reported heart attack would uniformly

In the eyes of those who support the death penalty, the guillotine is a cost effective and painless means to an end... divide the nation. Ideologically speaking, this still appears to be the case. However in policy outcomes, there seems to be some consensus. In the eyes of those who support the death penalty, the guillotine is a cost-effective and painless means to an end. The only drawback prohibiting its reinstatement is that Americans have drawn a line in the sand when it comes to statesanctioned execution, only permitting methods that enact no suffering. The problem with the guillotine is that society’s measure of suffering appears to be equated with how much As Sonny Bunch, managing editor of The Washington Free we have decided bloodlessness is a suitable stand-in for lack

of suffering… But the guillotine really seems to solve everyone’s less death. It performs that task admirably.” Whilst such a revered endorsement smacks of alarming callousness, the unnerving revelation is how ‘humane’ punishment has lowness of mass sensibility. Sensibilities are not epistemologically blood has favoured lethal injections and electrocutions over say have been preferred nor does it go close to answering the central question of whether we as a society should take the lives of citizens who commit heinous crimes. The only thing that is being decided upon is death done neatly. It is for this reason that some of those who oppose state-sanctioned murder (their words) supported the return of the guillotine. The thought being that by lifting the veneer from the death penalty, and by having the device demonstrate in no uncertain terms

its function in the butchering process, society’s sensibilities would turn against capital punishment. To paraphrase Conor Friedersdorf, a journalist at The Atlantic, as heads start rolling so too will support for the death sentence. In essence, philosophical theories of justice that turn on principle take a back seat when trying to persuade people on this issue. If the litmus test for capital punishment is society’s sensibilities, the argument to let the guillotine expose the hard and it, the paradox of a few brutal deaths to save more lives may not sound that convincing. Yet if society’s sensibilities are determining whether such punishment should be sanctioned by the state, it could be the next policy advocated by some that oppose the death penalty. Whatever is to occur, I guess we in Australia can count ourselves fortunate that we don’t have to discuss the merits of the guillotine.



OVER MY DEAD BODY: Sexual violence in HBO’s Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Rape Hypocrisy

Lucy Stone

the expense of the eunuch Varys, who was sexually ...unless you complain about every other brutal- abused as a child and his hacked off genitals used ity in the series. SPOILER ALERT: Jaime Lannister rapes his do you think social commentators on this Eartheros Thrones’ fourth season. The social hurricane that of ours would react? Even if you accept the gen-

*Spoilers for the most recent series of HBO’s Game of Thrones in this article. Ye be warned* For a show that exposes within its roughly 56 minute segments a medieval concoction of incest, prostitution, murder, torture, beheadings, zomand people sure do get worked over a bit of rape. Because there is nothing at all light about sexual violence, and for it to be displayed in one of the most popular and widely pirated television series recently as part of the newest season of HBO’s medieval drama currently showing on Foxtel in Australia, and received a good deal of backlash for its depiction of a previously deplorable – and now fan-favourited – character, Jaime Lannister, raping his twin sister in very close proximity to their dead son. Yes, this show is that insane. Up until now it has garnered nothing but praise.

...there is nothing at all light about sexual violence, and for it to be displayed in one of the most popular and widely pirated television series of all time has done more than ruffle a few ravens... son, GoT has received widespread critical acclaim and popular support, boasting one of the largest medieval land of Westeros, it chronicles the violent dynastic struggles of seven noble families as

peep of outrage when compared to the uproar that followed one recent scene. There is a surprisingly simple reason for this. In our society, we are fortunate enough that beheadings, incest, torture, and slavery are virtually unheard of. They strike a chord with very few viewers, providing only bloody colour for a world of entirely foreign substance, a world that doesn’t even exist. They blend into the fantasy. They become, in this context, forgivable. Rape does not. And that is because it remains for us – more so than ever due to its exposure – a social concern that has ongoing implications. Sexual violence remains prevalent, and the psycho-

ter all, why should anyone be tormented, physically or sexually?) but also inexcusably arbitrary. With all the torture, mutilation, grievous bodily harm and wanton sadism that goes on in this show, why does a rape scene arouse the only substantial condemnation after nearly three and a half seasons? It is an unbalanced and superbly in-a-vacuum criticism.

everlasting. That is why the blasé handling of rape the gay prostitute Olyver was also raped in the epion the show has sparked so much uproar, and with good reason. Personally this widespread reaction, in the bisexual orgy of Prince Oberyn, at which unique thus far to the series, has triggered in me point the Dornish royal reminded him of his power and forcefully demanded he take off his clothes. Rape does not need to be by physical coercion and categorically includes the kind of verbal threat - Oberyn made. What social anger occurred when guably affords it a degree of responsibility. It is unable to continue to stretch the line when it is a cultural phenomenon that can at any point be seen to be championing or over-exposing issues that are of huge social sensitivity. It cannot be careless with its portrayal of crimes that are still abhorrently prevalent in our society. My second contrasting concern is that viewers are being selective about the deplorable facets of the human condition they condemn. As mentioned repeatedly, Game of Thrones far from holds back in depicting shocking events. Let’s come away from Westeros for a second. As a politics student, I have Thomas Hobbes’ famous quote claiming

still has more power and institutional privilege, by virtue of her birth, marriage and family, than Varys. Did the same people now complaining about the

dished out to Varys? No, they did not, namely because they are hypocrites interested in narrow con-

featured on Game on Thrones. If feminists are interested in eradicating violence and misogyny against women, perhaps it would be better they also call out and recognise violence of

shared experiences of both men and women who

child, might I add) it would have made more sense for them to comment on Varys or Olyver en masse - much earlier as well. Discussing sexual or other ment of all forms of suffering and violence. Nowa- not a zero-sum game where only the experiences of days the rigid category determines the sympathy women can or should be acknowledged. Neither is or outrage we feel, not the actual level of suffering a dialogue about violence more generally.

dits expressed a desire for Joffrey to die well before greater crime than rape or grievous bodily harm. Did the moral crusaders come out of the woodwork he actually did. Yet what’s the difference between then, even if his murder was committed off-screen? wishing death on Joffrey and someone wishing ering of a boys’ parents in front of him in the same comparable streaks of sadism prior to their respective sufferings, so ideas of different karmas do not Sexual violence is different and should be treated apply here. It is a quaint anachronism that we permit oureyelids. Humans do evil things. The reality of selves to wish for a character like Joffrey to die or ‘medieval’ times was that these things often went un-policed, and Game of Thrones is famed for ad- bership of a particular demographic should not be the benchmark for how we react, however. Even if were happy to see Theon’s pecker cut off), but it’s dressing this with ruthless accuracy. taboo to have the same attitude towards rape. It has Tell me, did Ned Stark feel relieved or die any tional universe where incest, murder, torture etc is tively ridiculous to have mores against showing less - when Ilyn Payne swung the sword that ended his honourable existence? Did he say to himself in

really expect a show famed for its realism to sudwhile shadowed by looming supernatural threats denly omit its portrayal of one aspect of human evil? This would arguably cripple the power of its Game of Thrones has become well known for storytelling. its merciless displays of violence, sexual intrigue, I will never defend sexual violence. It cannot be and the innumerable dark facets of human nature, excused. But I do believe that fantasy is fantasy, evoking a realism and moral ambiguity that sets and that storytelling should cause discomfort. Art it apart from fantasy stereotypes. In short, there exists to turn a mirror on us all, exposing human seems to be no line in this gritty series. But recent- darkness. ly, viewers stood up and marked one, ripping their Regardless, viewers have drawn a line. In realtears. ing edges, walls must be raised to keep out sensishow has gone in the past. In season one, we witnessed incest, the attempted murder of a child, nudity, and beheading. In season two, sadism, tion, torture, mass slaughter and the sowing of a wolf’s head onto a human body. And yet for some reason, none of these portrayals have triggered a

Gary Oldman

times every episode. How about some consistency - either way? This is not to say that wishing violence on anyAnd why is rape so taboo in a show where we hap- one, real or a character, should be permissible. But

every episode? Stop forming little islands of out- to have any cogency in their argument, they need rage in a sea of sadistic television behaviour. ceived his genital mutilation at the hands of Ram- in similar or different ways. And the fact is that no say Snow, the blogosphere would have erupted such argument exists. Let’s be clear: no woman, no matter how disgustin a North-style rebellion. How dare he violate a en) deserve to be mutilated, tortured or attacked. Theon was a man, his suffering became something world. Though shiny and rogue in the early days If you’re going to call out a rape scene, for God’s of a far smaller viewership, with fame comes acsomeone having their penis removed with a sharp sake call out every other act of brutality. While the countability. principle of women deserving respect is correct, the And for a cultural phenomenon with such treoutrage actually becomes manufactured because all would hurt even more if I had a vagina and you were sawing my clitoris and other bits off instead. show are routinely ignored.



Rewoke The Spirit 68: A Partial Defence of Bad Manners Duncan Stuart RECENTLY, on the May 5th episode of Q&A, our well-loved political panel talk show, dissensus erupted. As Christopher Pyne’s glistening jowls slapped back and forth against an already antagonistic audience, protesters stepped forth to challenge him, with banner and chant; a barbarian horde of destruction to the glorious Roman empire of civilised discourse that is Q&A. Who was responsible? As well as the University of Sydney’s Education Action Group, Socialist Alternative members, of course! Those nosey, noisy and niggardly bourgeois Marxists. From step one these protesters are on the back foot; their intervention was loud, abrasive and unfair. Add this to general perceptions about Socialist Alternative, outdated idealists to boot, and we can’t help but

the current government’s attitude to refugees, the environment and future students is in fact aggressive.... feel the protesters were in the wrong. As Kevin Rudd, sorry Tony Jones, said, “That is not what democracy is all about.” They were breaking the rules: they silenced Pyne’s responses, spoke out of turn, and some of the questioners engaged in long introductory tirades that made it clear they didn’t really care about what Pyne, or anyone else, had to say. They broke our rules of what a good political discourse should be, and for that they should be condemned.

It is this reaction I want to analyse. Having spoken to a few people (I’ll side step saying “the general opinion” here), it seems that the protesters (I mean both the chanters and questioners) were too aggressive and this made them ineffective. Let’s deal with the issue of being aggressive. For some reason engaging in a slow attrition of the environment, the rights of refugees, or the future of education is not considered aggression, but staging a harmless protest that’s a little disconcerting – that’s aggressive, that’s too far. Of course, wanting to be logical, we can formulate two responses ment’s attitude to refugees, the environment and future students is in fact aggressive. This does little to explain the disjunction in perception. The other is that one is ongoing and constant; it is a slow, steady aggression, always there, and barely noticeable, whereas the protest was sudden, unexpected, and most important of all, singular. What we’re faced with is a disruption in our perception of how things should be. However, behind this lurks a more ominous question: what determines how things should be? There’s a moment of discomfort watching those who asked questions interrupt and talk back to poor old Pyne (dilapidate Vulture that he is), but this doesn’t exist, at least not for me, whenever Tony Jones needs to make a witty remark, or is trying to squeeze a straight answer out of those elusive something off with the gut reaction to May 5th’s episode of Q&A. Frankly, for reasons only relating to his suit and status as host, Tony Jones is given more freedom than the questioners – but there’s no Q&A without the questioners. It’s power disparity. This issue here in Q&A is that

what comprises its essence and cornerstone holds ions of whom it would affect most: students. This an inferior relationship to a variable element. It comes amongst the general rhetoric of a by the people for the people line. There’s a power dispara Q&A without a host than one without question- ity between who governs and the governed despite ers. Yet, because of the centrality of Tony Jones’ the fact Democracy implies those should be the Kevin Rudd-esque face (warm and charming as it same thing. Yet as soon as the people start exercisis), it is he who does the back talk. This is such an ing a voice outside of elections to correct this disaccepted fact that the deviation from it is challeng- parity we return to a discussion about ‘manners’, ignoring the very lack of that in the current political order. The asymmetry reveals much about our Assuming Democracy is for de facto referral to whichever talking head occupies a position in government.

the people, I find the expression of the demos served far better in interruptions in Q&A than in placid questions flung hopelessly around while Tony Jones holds court...

with righteous fury at the shit stirring protesters. This weird analysis of Q&A is obtuse and strange, but it will help shed light on why I think more protest on Q&A is a good thing. All the things annoying about the protesters – their silencing, interruptions and general contempt – in short their sidelining of Pyne – is a response to what seems in our current Democracy an approach to those not worthy of speaking. While the current Government quotes the Commission of Audit and the Kemp-Norton review, coming across like a poorly researched undergrad essay, there appears to be little or no effort to ask or consider the opin-

the expression of the demos served far better in in-

hopelessly around while Tony Jones holds court. The interruptions are necessary because there is always a group who is excluded – the pragmatists are right when they say we cannot represent all the people. It is the moment of protest, the staging of dissensus (the opposite of consensus), and the interruption and aggression to correct past aggressions that will give Democracy its strength. Democracy is about an active polity, not a passive polity, and I think those who interrupted Q&A are reinvigorating politics, ultimate effectiveness of their tactics in convincing others aside. The point is not to be reasonable, the point is to disagree. As soon as we all agree, as soon as we lose our voice and view those who express their politics loudly with contempt, we kill politics, and with it hopes of justice, balance and representation. N.B. I recommend anyone interested in the concept of Dissensus look into the work of philosopher Jacques Rancière, notably his book called Dissensus.



It’s Time for a Flag to Represent All of Us Steven Squires FOR the past few decades, people have proposed to change the Ausper left quarter (the canton). This debate most notably rose to prominence with then Prime Minister Paul Keating publicly supporting remained in the background, due to both a lack of a design for supporters to rally around, and the lack of public discussion, especially among national politicians. The main point of objection to the current design is and has alThe position it occupies implies that Australia is a colony controlled by Britain, and is not an independent nation. No Australian should is not only British, but also includes Aborigines, Torres Strait Islanders, Irish, New Zealanders, Chinese, and many other cultural groups. enous to the United States, as the 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies (in the same way which the Federation Star represents our states and territories). And in the place of honour on the U.S.

A frequent criticism to change is that changing the flag would be disrespectful to former soldiers. I refute this idea... symbolism derives from institutions of the American people, and not from a former colonial power.

The lack of appropriate cultural symbols leads to the situation where many Australians do not feel comfortable with the Australian current design. The Federation Star, and the Southern Cross have (i.e. the Union Jack), then it is time to adopt a design which can.

rule, but also the continuity of our existing national symbols. Lastly, the design is culturally neutral, in the sense that no social,

uses the Southern Cross and Federation Star to form the night sky, the criticism that Aboriginal elements should be incorporated into be disrespectful to former soldiers. I refute this idea on two bases: and our national colours (derived from the wattle) to form the Australian landscape. It incorporates culturally neutral, but nationally intrinsic Australian elements. to the ideals of multiculturalism. Cultural neutrality is therefore a their respects in any way. A nation which has already gone down Firstly, the design is aesthetically pleasing. Over the course of the public imagination, due to either the contentious placement of ebarrier to Canadians respecting their war dead. Secondly, there is a strong misconception that the Blue Ensign symbols, or a general unattractiveness of the design. The placement can achieve this. e Facebook: . The - one with broad appeal. Secondly, the design has no divisive or strange elements. In my page is relatively new, but we have already made gains in obtainted for private, personal use). In the same sense that abandoning the Union Jack did not disrespect the Australian soldiers which fought personal experience, the biggest design faux pas was one which had ing support among the public, and has received a mostly positive a leaping kangaroo on the left side, with the Federation Star below reception so far. , the kangaroo’s rear, making it appear that the kangaroo had pooped r


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f t s e





Is positivity overwhelming the South Korean adoptee experience in the media? Elise Horspool Reunion is a powerful word in adoptee media and literature. It’s something only Korean adoptees or adoptees in general can dream of, or force the possibility into the back of their mind. It can be empowering, a fundamental part of an adoptee narrative, joyful, confusing and also bitterly painful and traumatic. With two hundred thousand Korean babies and children adopted out of South Korea since the Korean War, the Korean adoptee community stretches far and wide. In Australia alone there are almost three thousand, and in America there are one hundred thousand. Although two hundred thousand is relatively minute in comparison to South Korea’s population of forty million, it is estimated that over two thousand Korean adoptees from around the world return to Korea annually. Returning to the country of birth has become almost a rite of passage, a pilgrimage for South Korean adoptees both young and old. Returning can be for a number of different reasons: to connect with Korean their biological family. In recent media there has been a spotlight on the reunion of two sets of Korean adoptee twins with each other, and for one set, their biological family. The story of American Samantha Futerman and French Anais Bordier who were identical twins separately adopted and reunited through youtube, brought joy and happiness to the entire Korean adoptee community. They successfully got Kickstarter funding for a documentary called ‘Twinsters’ that documented their about their reunion called ‘Another Me’ to advertise their Samsung Gear products. Although the twins haven’t found their biological parents, their own intimate reunion was a powerful message about the lack of transparency within Korean adoption. They were never told of each others’ existence and it took social media to reunite them. The other individual who has recently come to prominence through his youtube documentary is Dan Matthews of Wong Fu So the question is, do these stories of success represent the entire Productions and the Far East Movement. His documentary was also founded by Kickstarter and chronicled his return to South Korea ity, being a Korean adoptee may be a nonchalant or detached, or emotional, or painful or happy or sad experience. No experience is called ‘AkaDan’, we follow him moment by moment as he meets ever the same, as can be said for most things. Some adoptees can happily go on with their lives never knowing about their biological out he has a twin brother who wasn’t adopted and remained with his family or searching. For some, these stories represent the ideal ending to a life long experience. Although true, these stories also add Sam also feature in this documentary when they meet Dan at an an- to the imagery within the Korean adoptee experience of a romantinual adoptee gathering in Seoul. cised, completely positive reunion. Within the adoptee community, Both of these social media projects are emotionally powerful every reunion is a success without a doubt. But these successes are for all who see them, whether adoptees or not. For adoptees, it’s not the majority and media lacks stories of what does not happen. a chance to see the possibility, the potential ending for their own Reunion is generally considered something positive and exciting. stories. They also bring a tear-jerking positivity to lives of painful But for the stories that are not told, Korean adoptees have nothing separation and the feeling of not knowing. In his documentary just to prepare them for the possibility of a negative reunion. Finding before he meets his family, Dan says something poignant that sums biological family can take up to decades in some instances, and for others weeks or months. The biological family could have passed looking for’. For these individuals they have essentially found what away. But once the family is found, it doesn’t necessarily mean they were looking for – on the surface. In Korea they even have a they want to meet the adoptee or have anything to do with them. TV show called, ‘Find My Family’ where Korean adoptees go on

K t n a n

surrounding the details of their birth and parents. Adoptees grow up

they’re from. However, unfortunately as is being discovered more

and in a lot of cases, fabricated. Their birth date and birth-place could be wrong, their mother’s age or name is fabricated, and the family situation and why they were given up also wrong. Current Korean privacy laws protect the biological mother but not the adoptee’s rights. Korean adoptees have their nationality taken from them and are made orphans to legally be adopted. Korean overseas adoption has been South Korea’s deep and

Korean Presidents have publicly acknowledged the Korean adoptee Diaspora. Korean media are now publicising Korean adoption as the positive reunion experience. But to properly heal the wounds of many adoptees and biological parents, the media needs to reconcile the negative aspect of reunion, for it is by far the most overwhelming majority experience. It might not be joyful and uplifting like reunion stories, but it is the truth and a truth that needs to be told. Elise is a Korean adoptee who recently found her birth mother with their biological parent’s new family and also their reputation after two years of searching. The birth mother declined reunion befor everyone else the reality is that reunions for Korean adoptees are cause her husband and children did not know. numbered at two percent success rate. no information, a little bit of information or a lot of information


WORLD// 11

Letter to the Editor: Reply to replies Re. Ukraine David Tuckwell and Luke Smyth WE are the authors of the piece ‘Australian Media

Kyle Wilson suggested we tried to “justif[y] Putin’s annexation” of Crimea. Yet the annexation of Crimea does not feature in our piece...



he is referring to was focused on the geopolitical

We are unsure what utility there is in personal attacks such as these; there is probably none...

West and East.



Freedom to organise at the ANU John Passant

justice against the apartheid Israeli regime. The growing success around the globe of the Boycott, It is not every day you get labelled a violent anti- Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel Semite. But that is effectively what Woroni called has seen the defenders of the apartheid regime beme and other socialists when it published a piece come shriller and shriller and more and more hyscalled Anti-Semitism at the ANU on 11 March this year. justice for Palestinians. They sometimes resort to On 5 March The Canberra Times published a making unsubstantiated accusations. report by Fleta Page and Emma Macdonald about For some in the pro-Israeli camp being proallegations of anti-Semitism at the ANU and the Palestinian automatically renders one anti-Semitfact the University through pro-Vice-Chancellor ic. This is a convenient smokescreen which they Richard Baker was investigating the allega- think allows them to avoid the basic question of tions. (‘ANU Probes Jewish students’ harassment the apartheid nature of Israel and the genocide it claims’, The Canberra Times 5 March). commits against Palestinians. Anti-Zionism is not The accusations included the alleged use of the anti-Semitism. It is this ‘lie to protect Israel’ mentality that of Socialist Alternative against 2 Jewish students. sees all sorts of ridiculous allegations and actions A paper plane with the words death to the Zionist entity, love from Hamas’ on one side and on the other side a petition from Socialist Alternative was also allegedly thrown at the Jewish Students There is a sense of hopelessAssociation stall. ness among many at universiAs Sol Salbe has pointed out, Socialist Alternative doesn’t use this type of sexist and racist ties in the face of the attacks language or indeed any such language. (‘Anti- from capital and its governsemitism: A Good Idea to Find the Real Culprit’ Galus Australis 23 April 2014). Salbe is the for- ments... mer editor of the Australian Jewish Democratic Society Newsletter, the only full time monitor of the Israeli media and a journalist at the Middle against the pro-Palestinian left in general and SoEast News Service. cialist Alternative in particular. Nor does Socialist Alternative, as Salbe has also Why single out Socialist Alternative? Because pointed out, describe Israel as the Zionist entity. while it is the most vibrant group on the revoluSome idiot (Salbe›s word, not mine) who knows tionary left and its ideas are winning a growing nothing about Socialist Alternative might imagine audience it is still relatively small and doesn’t that that is the way the organisation and its mem- have the support of major working class forces, bers talk and write. yet. Without much social clout, the defenders of Socialist Alternative had until 17 March to apartheid Israel might mistakenly believe Socialrespond to the ludicrous accusations. Yet on 11 ist Alternative is an easy target for their untruths March Woroni published the article mentioned and smashing them is a defeat of all the pro-Palabove which effectively convicted Socialist Al- estinian left. ternative of anti-Semitism and used ‘an unnamed So it is that we should see the accusations of source’ to also suggest it went around campuses violence and anti-Semitism against Socialist Albeating up opponents. Natural justice anyone? Ap- ternative in Canberra in the Woroni article of 11 propriate journalistic standards anyone? March as part of the wider campaign of lies to deI have to confess an interest here. Radicalised fend Israel. by the Vietnam War I have been a socialist for 44 There is another aspect to this. The ongoing years and a member of Socialist Alternative or its precursor organisations for 34 years. I resigned in a less critical atmosphere on campuses and more December last year over differences in direction. sausage like ‘products’ at universities. Those who In my lifetime in these organisations I have challenge the neoliberal status quo are often ostranever heard a member or supporter utter words cised and marginalised. You can see that clearly in the purge of critical If a member had they would have been expelled. thinkers and critical thinking from the School of That’s because Socialist Alternative is an anti- Politics and International Relations at the ANU, racist organisation. It has for example been very the School where I am doing my doctorate. active in campaigns defending Aborigines, refuThe end result of 30 years of class collaboragees and Muslims. tion by unions and a lack of real mass social strugSocialist Alternative strongly supports the gle has created an atmosphere of passivity socicause of the Palestinians in their struggle for

campuses. There is a sense of hopelessness among many at universities in the face of the attacks from capital and its governments on working people, University staff, students and the poor. Even where there is political engagement it is what Chomsky talks about in the Common Good as being ‘to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....’ Socialists who are members of a growing organisation and who are very active in their support for Palestine are obviously not part of that limited spectrum; they challenge it. Socialist Alternative and the other student activists who protested on ABC’s Q&A about the Abbott government’s attacks on higher education are clearly not part of the debate of the one many feel. The support for Palestine, the activism of the

group, and the growing realisation by many that Labor doesn’t represent their interests and the Greens are too focussed on Parliament and playing by the bourgeoisie’s rules, is why for some Socialist Alternative has to be silenced and even driven off campuses. What better way to do that than to smear them with the brush of anti-Semitism and so, the smearers may think, also undermine the Palestinian cause? The task for all of us on the Left concerned with the right to organise freely on campus and with justice for Palestine must be to defend Socialist Alternative against ridiculous and ludicrous allegations which hide a much more sinister and authoritarian intent. John Passant is a PhD student in the School of Politics and International Relations at ANU. Although he is no longer a member of Socialist Alternative, a member of his family is. John blogs at En Passant (http://enpassant.com.au)



Photo by Samantha Bradley

Bombarded. Weary. Confused.

An open reply to John Passant. Samantha Bradley Print Editor

For the 3rd edition of Woroni this year I wrote a News article titled “Anti-Semitism at the ANU,” concerning allegations against the ANU branch of the Socialist Alternative of disparaging behaviour towards Jewish students, on the ANU Market Day, in O-Week of this year. Since the publication of this article, the Woroni board of editors has received more than forty strongly worded emails from a Mr John Passant. Each email containing a unique cacophony of accusations and complaints, and cc’d to a number of other authorities, from both within and external to the ANU, including the Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Richard Baker, The Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson, and the Federal Ombudsman. Mr Passant, I would like to here address several accusations you have made against both Woroni, and myself. I hope that this will not further anger you. I hope that through the publication of a ver-

Anyway, please Mr Passant, hear me out. “Anti-Semitism at the ANU” and this writer’s disdain for “he said, she said” journalism While writing the article “Anti-Semitism at the ANU” I contacted not only the Jewish students involved at the ANU, but also those at other Universities, who had knowledge of similar altercations with different branches of the Socialist Alternative. I also contacted Richard Baker, the pro-Vice Chancellor of the ANU, for comment, the leader of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students (now the Australasian Union of Jewish Youth), for tcomment, and used the public statement issued by ethe federal Minister for Education’s, Christopher

eThe Age, published on the 4th of September, 2006, ntitled “Jews in fear of hardline uni groups.’ t I did not, however, contact the Socialist Alternative organization itself for comment, instead using quotations from their public statements. I had my reasons for doing this, chief amongst them hbeing time constraints. However, at the time of hwriting, the organisation was also yet to provide tany individual publications with specialized comment, Fairfax and the ABC both using the same public statements. Another reason is that as a student journalist, I lam wary of falling into the typical “he said, she .said” journalism we regularly see and read on both Australian and global news platforms. “He said, she said” journalism is a term coined by Jay Rosen, a professor of journalism at New York University. According to Rosen, “he said, she said” journalism occurs when an outlet reports both sides of a public issue, making no attempt to evaluate either side of the debate. In this situation, it was already two sides simply saying that vastly different things had happened, and this was already widely known to the student body at the time. Consequently, publishing an article to that effect would have been no use to anyone. What no outlet had yet done, at the time of writing, was look for similar situations on other campuses; situations which might add validity to one side of this debate, or much needed context. In sum, though you repeatedly referred to the article in question as “gutter journalism,” Mr Passant, this is actually what I set out to avoid. The Publication of your Writing As an editor, I value conversation on an issue,

and I know the rest of the board does as well. We would have had no problem with publishing any of the various versions of the article you sent us (subject to our sub-editor’s edits), if you had endeavoured to be polite and patient with us, and our sub-editor, in your communications. Mr Passant, we may be editors of Woroni, but we are also ANU students, like you. Somewhat understandably, we dislike being spoken to as if we’re petulant, idiotic children in need of a good lesson. Understandably, we also were not overly impressed with being reported to the Human Rights Commissioner, Tim Wilson, and the Uniof your article, by not even a day after you had sent it to us, when there was no print edition coming out, for more than a week. Mr Passant, as hard as we may work, it still usually takes us more than two hours to respond to any email. We are all full-time students and do have our own studies, paid work and personal lives on our plates, like I’m sure you do too. Freedom of Speech As I have already mentioned here, within only a couple of hours of sending Woroni sion of the article you wished for us to publish, you had reported us to the Human Rights Commissioner, Tim Wilson, for suppression of your purported right to Freedom of Speech. Within only another day, you were threatening to take us to the Supreme Court, for a writ of Mandamus, to publish your article, and in doing so uphold your self-styled right to freedom of speech, stating that you were already in meetings with your solicitor. Firstly, as I am sure your solicitor must have told you, Mandamus cannot really be ordered against a body such as Woroni, empowered by its own mandate, rather than public statute. Secondly, Mr Passant, we don’t actually have any ultimate right of free speech here in Australia. The Racial Discrimination Act impedes this, for example (unless Mr Brandis gets his way). However, what we do have is an implied, but limited, right to freeWoroni, in no way, ever violated this through declining to instantaneously publish the various pieces of writing you pushed at us. If the Australian government decided one day to unilaterally take your blog down, that could be a violation of your freedom of political speech, Mr Passant. However, if a publication, independent it appropriate to publish an article submitted to it, this is simply editorial discretion. Right of reply Mr Passant, a right of reply would be available to you, under Woroni’s constitution, if you were a Socialist Alternative. However, you made it quite clear, in most of your correspondence, that you are not. The question of Israel Mr Passant, before you self-constructed Woroni as The Man denying the masses their purported civil liberties, “Anti-Semitism at the ANU” was an article about Jewish students being allegedly targeted for their beliefs, and being allegedly conceived of as emblems of Israel, by other students. It is my opinion that many students are habituated very early on in their university careers, into a generalised hatred of Israel, without adequate When I travelled to both Israel and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, in July last year, I learnt that the situation is more complex than my lecturers, or the protestors in Union Court, had ever adequately described to me: the long and

Photo by Samantha Bradley

Mr Passant, during my visit to Israel and Palestine, I was often reminded of a passage in the novella Night, by Jewish-American writer Elie Wiesel. The passage is widely thought of as being the World War II contemporary of Zola’s J’accuse. Zola’s piece was a heartfelt accusation of injustice and anti-Semitism against a corrupt government, scapegoating an innocent man. Wiesel’s passage also contains impassioned accusations of injustice and anti-Semitism, but the accusations are against God itself. ‘’ in the camp, which has turned my life into one long night; seven times cursed and seven times sealed... Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust.” Surviving the Holocaust, Wiesel emigrated to the British Mandate of Palestine and became involved with the Irgun as a translator, before moving to the United States in 1955. This passage reminded me that Israel does not exist in a vacuum: why Palestine is oft described as the victim’s victim. In conclusion I apologise for going on too long, perhaps we have that in common. I also apologise that Woroni made you so angry. However, I would also like to remind you that we, the editors and sub-editors of Woroni, are students. Students doing our best with limited time and resources. Students who, in some instances, felt just a bit intimidated and upset by the accusapeople, and should not be thrown around lightly, tions you were wielding against us. as I’m sure you know. precarious road to “peace” in Israel-Palestine is only complicated by ignorant foreigners blindly proclaiming themselves to be pro-Palestine or pro-Israel. Both sides have committed atrocities, and both sides are still crippled by these. Both sides suffer demographic polarization, and radicalization, that is exacerbated by foreign money, and that pushes the prospect of any solution further away. As an observer, the abstract consequences of the current situation in Israel-Palestine are heartbreaking on both sides. For example, I visited a Palestinian market in Hebron, near the renowned and sacred Mosque of the Patriarchs, where Palestinians shield their stalls with old fencing and wood, from the rocks and urine thrown at them from the settlers above. I also visited a bus station in Jerusalem, on a Saturday evening after the Shabbat had ended. Families and couples huddled close and the mood was sombre as they farewelled loved ones bound for military bases, the result of nationwide compulsory military service. J’accuse? Mr Passant, in most of your writings you espouse J’accuse, the open letter published in the French Newspaper L’Aurore, in 1898. In the letter, French writer Émile Zola addressed the then President of France, Félix Faure, accusing Faure’s government of anti-Semitism over the unlawful jailing of Alfred Dreyfus, a French Army General ment for Espionage. J’accuse is a powerful piece


FOOD & WINE// 14

Ian is a total oenophile whose love for wine has resulted in him examining Canberra district wines for Honours, while working part-time in wine retail. Ian Lee BEING poor students with a weakness for booze means that quantity matters, relegating the quality of what is being drunk (if one even notices it) to being of, at best, secondary importance. Due a student has resorted to the goon sack to sate the palate’s craving for alcohol of some description because it constitutes a cheap way to get drunk fast. For the more discerning student, however, some choices exist, though most often, what supermarkets’ stock will limit your choices to a few wines: Yellow Tail, Wyndham, Penfolds Koonunga Hill or Rawson’s Retreat, Lindeman’s, maybe Rosemount or De Bortoli’s Deen De Bortoli Vat series, and the occasional Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc that the market is saturated with. the price, sometimes, some more interesting wines are available for about the same price, or maybe a few dollars more… So… Here I present a number of different and under: 1. De Bortoli Windy Peak Heathcote Shiraz This Victorian cool-climate Shiraz is an absolute stunner sneaking in at a few cents under


Budget Bottles

tively well-known Australian wine company. Vital Statistics: 14.5% ABV, $15 2. Yalumba Y Series Shiraz Viognier While Canberra winery Clonakilla takes the plaudits for pioneering and setting the benchmark for this blend in Australia, Yalumba’s expression of this gorgeously aromatic style is an absolute bargain for around eleven dollars. Vital Statistics: 13.5% ABV, $11 3. Tulloch Verdelho While currently a very unfashionable wine, this lovely example of a Verdelho has excelmore, this is the winery’s signature wine, and all at a very modest price of $14 a bottle! For those looking for lots of alcohol though, this might not be for you. Vital Statistics: 12.5% ABV, $14 4. Robinsons Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc For all you fans of Kiwi Sav Blanc, this is a good wine for you. Buckets of passionfruit

For those who are slightly more adventurous, Casillero del Diablo is a Chilean winery that happens to make wines of exceptional value. This Malbec, while actually the signature grape of Argentina, still shows the classic varietal notes of black pepper and plum, is full bodied, and tannic. Blanc nose of elderberry. Fruity, zesty, and incred- An excellent, warming red for winter. manages to be 14.5 percent alcohol by volume. ibly easy to drink. Vital Statistics: 13.5% ABV, $13 Vital Statistics: 12.5% ABV, $12 While not the cheapest wine on this list, it would This concludes a very short list on some qual5. Casillero del Diablo Malbec -

ity wines for very affordable prices. Some top tips for choosing cheaper bottles of wine which taste good would be to experiment, but keep in mind what is popular (because of the economics of supply), look out for values, especially imports from Chile, which generally deliver quality far beyond their price, and if in doubt, ask a staff member at a grog shop who (hopefully) knows what they are selling.



John Goldie Personal Trainer

Shoulder Woes

A little counter-intuitively, the largest demographic for shoulder reconstructions is young men (Science Daily, 2010). As a group, we’re both highly active and still growing, meaning our joints are mobile. This makes for a bad combination when in comes to structures as fundamentally unstable as shoulders. Bear in mind, everything that follows is equally true of young, active women. Whether it’s an irritation after a workout that you decide you’re just going to tough out, or a full-blown dislocashould never be ignored and injuries are almost always avoidable.

Before I offer any advice, please note that this is not a professional article on shoulder rehabilitation... Before I offer any advice, please note that this is not a professional article on shoulder rehabilitation. If you have an issue with your shoulder, go and see a physio. However, for anyone interested in general shoulder health, here’s a few simple pointers. There are only two things you absolutely need to know about shoulder anatomy in order to take care of them; they break easily, and they’re complicated. Shoulders achieve mobility at the expense of stability. Compared to your knees or elbows for example, shoulders have an enormous envelope for movement, horizontally, vertically, and rotationally. Second, shoulders are really really complicated. There are four (that’s right, four) joints articulating every time you move your arm (glenohumeral, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular and scapulothoracic). This means there are a lot of variables to think about if you ever get injured. Here’s how you can avoid it: First, it’s all about your shoulder blades (scapulas). If your scapula is in a bad position, your shoulder is in a bad position, period. There are 17 different muscles that attach to your scapula, stable before you perform any given movement. Think about squeezing your shoulder blades together and pushing your entire shoulder girdle down as often as possible. It doesn’t matter whether you’re cycling, doing push ups, or going rock climbing; that’s where your scapulas should be. Second, you can’t get your shoulder back and

There are only two things you absolutely need to know about shoulder anatomy in order to take care of them; they break easily, and they’re complicated... down if you slouch. The more rounded your upper back, the tighter your neck will become, pulling your scapula up and forward. If you sit down less and stretch/rollout/do yoga regularly, your shoulders will thank you. Third, anyone who has ever been to the physio for anything related to their shoulder has probably been told to do rotator cuff exercises. The rotator cuff is a collection of four muscles originating from your scapula that attach to the head of the

humerus (upper arm bone). They are responsible for rotation, but more importantly, they hold the humeral head in a secure, central position in the joint socket whenever you move your arm. If your rotator cuff is weak and you add force, it won’t take much for the humeral head to slide out of place. This could mean a click or a niggle at best, and a full-blown dislocation at worst. If that sounds familiar, Youtube “rotator cuff exercises” and give them a go.

So before you jump on the climbing wall, decide to take up full contact rugby, try a barbell turkish get-up, or go for a slam-dunk-just-because-itsawesome, ask yourself ‘are my shoulders actually ready to do this?’. Save yourself the trauma. Physio is expensive, rehab is boring, and surgery is hell. Take care of your shoulders.



Prof Love LOVE3005: Finding the Balance Professor Love (AKA Gary Leigh) Each edition Prof. Love will seek to answer your questions on the discipline of romance.

up re-evaluating you it’s because you’re failing to make her feel valued, special and most of all, demonstrating that you’re able to handle whatever life throws at you handled. Face it, if you can’t get a couple of quizzes and assignments handled, how are you going to handle 2 kids, a dog, mortgage, in-laws, bills, repairs, holiday planning, that all of her own life too? I’m not saying you have to appear like marriage material. Just realise that you’re going to be this busy for the rest of your life, and if you’re planning on having someone along for the ride, University is the perfect time to try and perfect the balance between work and relationships.

A friendly word going straight out to the lads. It’s easy around this time of semester, and even around the mid semester exam period, to begin to lose yourself in your work. Or, in some cases, lose your work all together and focus more on your healthy balance, and evaluate if your current relationship helps or hinders what it is you’re really here at university for. Women, want you at your best. I know the notorious, “if she can’t stand with me at my worst, she can’t have me at my best” self-patter, is feel good, but you’ve got to put that on the back burner. Why? Because, if for some reason, she can’t have you on a rainy day, or wait for you for a few weeks, or there’s something happening in her life that you can’t be there for, because you’re either neglecting your commitments to her or ignoring her altogether, she might very well walk away.

Women, want you at your best. I know the notorious, “if she can’t stand with me at my worst, she can’t have me at my best” self-patter, is feel good... I’m not saying to go and take a break from the relationship, and I’m not saying turn into a cold

am saying is that, making sure that, you don’t let your work take over, you don’t let her take over, and most of all, when it all gets too much, you don’t completely fall apart. Despite what you see in movies, breaking down and letting it all go isn’t that sexy. What’s sexy is being honest, open, humble and connecting with your feelings, but in a way that shows your being masculine, you’re not work, and your relationship isn’t a source of posi- a robot, and that, she can see a vulnerable side to tive strength, encouragement, respite or fun, then you, but with an underlying attitude of “I got this”. Professor Love you’re so involved in your work that she ends

write read share learn create

cultivated reflections on sustainable development

Ambiente is a publication for the abundance of students working on the cutting edge of sustainable development research, whose efforts and ideas often go unheard of outside of academic circles. Although a student-driven publication, Ambiente invites readership of a wider audience, and is designed to be a space for sharing and learning. Available at selected outlets.




Image by Khoroshunova Olga



The Sixth Stage of Tinder

Christopher Orchard

Call me old fashioned, but Tinder is shallow, -

Public servants, some students, whoever else lives in Canberra. They’re all on Tinder... -

Of course, if you’re only into Tinder for the sex and glory, then this probably won’t apply to you... -














22 pieces of advice from your barmaid Samantha Bradley 1. Don’t bother asking if the house white is “any good.” Let’s be honest, if you’re already ordering it, you mustn’t care. 2. Ditto the house scotch. Of course it tastes like petrol. to understand why this is suddenly a problem. it. Unless you look like Channing Tatum on a good day…. let’s be honest, you don’t. Especially not if it’s stupid, façade-of-classiness, tall glass.

6. If you’re the type of guy that still rates girls on a 1-10 scale then it is guaranteed you are a solid 2. If you do so in front of me, I will cut you off on principle. Regardless of whether or not you are actually drunk. I will also ignore your request and pour you “Umm, that’s not a smooth pussy, you need like, cranberry.” *Deliberately blank stare* “That will be $7, thank you!”


If I cut you off, I will pour it the way you don’t like it for the

rest of the night, just to be contrary.

I am not a dog. I basically refuse to come when called. 14.

On that note… Madam, jumping up and down and regally proclaiming, “excuse me, I was next!”, will I am al-

ing your drinks. 17.

Also, if you wait with your hand out-stretched for 10 cents change, and it’s busy, we’re all going to There’s beer, spirits

and cider. Take your pick. ously the one with the problem. That is disgusting.


ARTS// 20

ANU disabilities awareness and inclusion - Spoon theory was conceived by Christine Miserandino to describe life

ANU Bar Trivia Charity Night

ANU Bar - Tuesday 13th of May - 5:30 -7:30pm Teams of 5-8 pick a charity to donate to. Then they play 3 rounds of trivia and the winning team gets all registration money from every team given to their charity. Cost? Registration is $5 per person Freebies? FREE DRINKS AND FOOD


Spoon Week Universal Lunch Hour

ANU Union Court - Thursday 15th of May - 12pm-2pm -

Egg and Spoon Races Free Coffee by Sly Fox Free BBQ Quesadillas Spoon Week Merchandise




Woroni Elections

Voting for the ANU Student Media Election will run from 26th to 30th May. Voting is online all students will receive a link to vote via email.

Meet the candidates.

I have always been interested in journalism. Information is the main force that drives our society today. I think it is important to inform the masses of current events and provide them an outlet to express their views and ideas. Woroni is one of the main role. However it seems that Woroni, as it currently

Within my studies my interests at the moment musician and a wannabe writer, with some of my

student myself, I would like to help Woroni move in a direction that better represents all ANU students.

Luke Mansillo -


I believe that my experience has prepared me to take the next hierarchal step. I have a real passion for the media, and I consider its role paramount in -

distraction, particularly at a university level. The


instead offer a variety of topics so as to cater for


and ultimately a centrist view. But there should also be space for people distract themselves with


Alex Catalan-Flores

between all levels of Editors, Sub-Editors and Con-

Beatrice Smith

selves, so people who want to contribute, but lack inspiration, have a pool to draw from. old and I am in my second year of a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE), History and Photomedia and I plan to complete I have exhibited and worked locally and nationally. My academic and professional experience will allow me to improve the readability, accessibility and visual coherency of Woroni in lay-

Communication aspect of Media. I studied it in Illustrator and Photoshop ever since. On the side, -


Abigail Widijanto content drive an explosion in the weekly reach -

Janis Lejins

and consume the content they fund Woroni to town, Bayreuth. I came to Canberra when I was the quality, consistency, coherency and importantly the inclusivity of the content it delivers. “Axl Rose of Harmonica� and I once heckled columnist for the Republic Square. I have keen

so we can share our inspirations and learn from one another. The Woroni is a fantastic means for

media. While I am at ANU I want to contribute dents to have a voice. I am passionate about diversity and equality, and will push for these val-

with the rest of the student community and I want to be a part of that experience and contribute as much as I can to it.

the world of journalism I believe I have much to contribute to the Woroni community.

Eva Buzo

Michael Quincey O’Neill


ARTS// 22

Diary of a Big Night Outer Cameron Stewart and Otto Hello

THE evening is brisk and blustery as we walk up university avenue, among the doves of others headed to Bruce Hall and one of the best events of the ANU arts shield; the big night out. For those not in the know, big night out is an inter-collegial battle of the bands; each college forming a band to perform a set of covers. As we join the throng waiting to enter, in the audience seemed to know the words to; a sweet cover of I’ll Be There For You by the Rembrandts, best known as the theme from f.r.i.e.n.d.s, a fond 90’s classic. The amazing songs kept on coming though, with many other honorable mentions going out to; Johns with Dancing in the Moonlight, UniLodge and their spot on version of muse’s Feeling Good (man that guy can sing!) Bruce’s classic CCR Heard it Through the Grapevine off by Burgmann. The problem that big night out sometimes has is that of pacing, with eight individual bands playing sets there can often be a bit up and down in the energy of the

Little Lion Man and Wrecking Ball, it was really fun to sing the backups to that and everyone went crazy in the audience!

combining with a superb effort on the part of all of the performers all contributing to an amazing night, while big night out is technically a competitive event, it really didn’t feel like it, and the amount of support from the audience for all of the artists was lovely. Yet another year of proving why the event is one of the biggest nights out of the university year.


ARTS// 23

Diary of a Groovin the Mooer

David Winter

OVERPRICED carni food, men in singlets, short shorts, bearded old men and mud – welcome to your Groovin’ the Moo 2014, Canberra! Australian music festivals are not the ideal hangouts for accountants and lawyers (unless they are going through a quarter life crisis). However, there is a cleansing moment, at some point during a day full of music that is inevitable. One beer, then two, then Architecture in Helsinki, and relaxation reigns supreme. 30 acts, 2 stages and 12 hours of music = unavoidable happiness! This is why everyone loves music festivals. The line-up had a little something for everyone. Karnivool and Parkway Drive for the heavy headed, Disclosure and the Presets for the club hounds, Illy and Dizzie Rascal for those who like talking fast, and all matter of pop and rock acts in between. also managed to win me over with a cool cover of Paul Kelly’s classic, To Her Door. Architecture in Helsinki got my vote for feel good act of the day, in part because of the consistent quality of their set, but mostly because of their brightly coloured suits, Andy Warhol background and Contact High. The vocals of the Kite String Tangle (Danny Harley) were extremely impressive. He managed to cover Lorde’s Tennis Court in electronica form, with vocals identical to the original (bare in mind he is a boy and she is a girl), a feat the crowd aptly rewarded with applause. One set that took a while to get going was The Naked and Famous. Slow and unknown songs to start a set are always a risky move. However, as darkness falls, an expansive crowd forms and Hearts Like Ours comes on, everyone has their respective cleansing (and sing-a-long) moments. The act I was most looking forward to seeing was the Jezabels. And, although I knew more of their songs than any of the other acts, it was the sexiness (especially her dancing) of Hayley Mary that stood out. ol’ fashioned boogie Disclosure set was by far the most enjoyable. If you ever think overpriced carni food, men in singlets, short shorts, bearded old men and mud are not your thing – think again.

Photo by Janis Lejins

ARTS// 24


This week at the PALACE

Film Review – Wadjda Rhea Nair taining, of course, but I very rarely emerge from a cinema thinking about the world in an entirely new and interesting way. However, the feature Wadjda managed this with grace and ease. is also (ground-breakingly) written and directed by a Saudi woman – former University of Sydney student Haifa Al Mansour. It tells the story of Wadjda, a young girl who dreams of owning and riding a bicycle – an act which was illegal in Saudi Arabia until early last year. On her quest to earn the 700 riyalls she needs to buy the bike, the audience is given rare insight into the practice of religion, schoolyard politics and the complexity of domestic life and relationships in a polygamous society. Waad Mohamammed, exudes both sass and a sense of wisdom far beyond her years. As she interacts with shopkeepers, her family and friends her expressions convey knowledge of the strict social expectations of her society and equally an indifference to them. She is more than willing to laugh and joke and tease. We are also invited to

Vihan Patel

engage with the physicality of her world as she trudges through the rubble on Riyadh’s streets in illegal Chuck Taylors and impatiently adjusts and readjusts her headscarf as she runs. ly refreshing. She is wary of the Western world’s attitude towards Saudi Arabian customs and seeks to undermine and re-characterise them. For example, rather than presenting Saudi males as oppressors, she makes it clear that they too are bound by the cultural conventions. Male characters are complex, emotional and display a sense of humour that Western media often fails to recognise. The notion of oppression is also dealt with uniquely. Where we tend to characterise a female’s life in Saudi Arabia in terms of injustice and discrimination, Mansour does not allow us to indulge in those ideas. Instead, she takes us on a journey from kitchens and cars to schools, hospitals and shopping centres and in doing so iling lives despite it. Ultimately, Wadjda exudes a sense of hope and progress. Through the eyes of a young girl, Mansour shows us that Saudi Arabia is complex and changing and it is time that the West recognised it as such.

audio mixers. Adam’s sudden desire for Eve spurs her to pay him a visit – something evidently done often throughout the centuries. They each have their own sources of pure blood - local hospitals where the blood lacks contamination from alcohol or careless diets. When Eve’s intrusive sister Ava (Mia Wasikowska) drops in from L.A., Adam and Eve are tried and tested, and pushed to the limit. It appears that there are two side-effects of

JIM Jarmusch presents a thinly plotted portrayal of a pair of vampire lovers, stuck between their frustration for the ‘zombies’ (us mere mortals) and their basic need for blood. This meditation of life as a modern vampire admittedly surpasses its contemporaries – it doesn’t absurdly rely on action, nor is it so banal as Twilight. However, Jim Jarmusch’s hipster-alternative to traditional vampire movies is substantiated by nothing but atmospheric sets, and the apparent cultured coolness of his tedious love of references to popular literature characters. In the end, it isn’t enough. He isolates from the last millennia, and secondly, a recluus with the intellectual prowess of Adam (Tom Hiddleston) and Eve (Tilda Swinton), and when once friends with the ‘asshole’ Byron, while their vision, he disappoints with poorly composed CG elderly vampire friend Kit wrote material eventually ripped off by Shakespeare. All this airy Adam and Eve are a pair of vampire lovers liv- dialogue littered across the movie is, put simply, ing on opposite sides of the world – Detroit and pretentious. It gets rather irritating, in fact, as if Tangier (in Morocco). Adam is a withdrawn ex- a somewhat insecure undergraduate lit student perimental musician – his mystery generates more tried to unleash his or her foremost wisdom and interest than he’d like from “rock ‘n’ roll zom- knowledge onto a very, very minimalist plot. The bies”, and his only zombie contact Ian endlessly result is, in the words of the considerably less insupplies him with vintage guitars and obscure formed Ava, “condescending” babble. None of it musical artefacts. On the other hand, Eve is prac- feels entirely organic, and mentions of profound tically a savant in the way she devours books of cause. A clear incoherency appears too: despite their aversion to the mainstream culture of the

Decoding Chinese Puzzle Tara Shenoy CHINESE Puzzle is a study of relationships through the lens of a forty-year-old father of two small children who is compelled to recollect himself in the aftermath of a shattered marriage. Before you decide to scramble over to Palace Electric without your trusty monocle, Chinese Puzzle is in French. Redolent of Moulin Rouge, we begin with the writer, Xavier, hunched over a computer screen, same success in his private life. Here arises the eternal question that surrounds the meaninglessness of monotony unbroken by adult companionship. The portrayal of connection could have been tured by Xavier and the Asian woman who he convinces to pretend to be his wife in order to gain American citizenship highlights the farcical character of the rituals of love. When Wendy, the mother of his children, leaves him for another man in New York, there does seem to be a suggestion that blame is an intersection of wills of two separate entities. However, the camera investigated the aftermath quite shallowly in the

suddenness of change in feeling. Interestingly, the complexity of the lesbian relationship lies in the

the unwillingness of one to commit to rules traditional to a relationship of this kind. Essentially, this is a romantic comedy that transplants itself from the romance of Paris into the epicenter of commerce. Settling in Chinatown was an interesting choice by the director. The melting pot of culture in New York was expressed somewhat stereotypically, through low-cost housing and middle-aged Asian women practicing tai chi in the park. Nevertheless, the bustle and noise is probably

as a gateway for immigration to the United States. The denouement seemed lackluster. Ending up with one of the women seemed counter-intuitive to any revelation other than that human connection is what we subsist on. However, I later learnt that Chinese Puzzle is the third installment of a three-part journey that follows the lives of these characters. Therefore, a snapshot of their lives at forty would, perhaps, be of more substance when placed adjacent to their prior histories. Theoretically though, a movie should be able to work as a standalone. Arguably, this movie is an interesting microcosm of crossed paths and missed connec-

only acknowledge the most common, mainstream impacts ordinary people. Unfortunately, there was characters of each era. Jaramusch appeals to an barely any discussion on the issue at hand, but a emerging pseudo-intellectualism in the audience simplistic presentation of facts. When the characters experience the entrancing pleasure, the shot of immortality is occasionally integrated into the used is almost identical to one found in the second plot believably – old fashioned habits between lords and ladies remains part of the ritual between portray the same vigorous struggle between drug Adam and Eve and can be respected as an interest- use and society found in the latter. ing feature. However, for a more intelligent disSwinton and Hiddleston are both accomplished cussion on the effects of immortality, I’d recom- enough to work well with the script, but as per mend Jerome Bixby’s The Man from Earth. usual, the vampire characters aren’t particularly exciting roles to play, and so the acting lacks the vor is gritty and dark - certainly nice to look at. has that disappoints, it’s what Several shots showed great promise in composi- is lacking. There isn’t enough substance in any of makes for some fantastic images bursting with itive review. We’ve seen movies without coherent detail. Artistic poses from a naked Tom and Til- plots quite often (Paul Thomas Anderson’s The da in bed each day are also visually appreciated. Master is the last I can recall), but these still inFurther yet, Jaramusch gives sadly rare, sombre corporate complex character relationships or other moments for the audience to enjoy. Set entirely power-dynamics to drive the whole thing. Even at night, there is an air of peace about Adam and then, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Only Lovers - Left Alive forgoes this complexity to appeal to a sic, too, can be applauded. It most certainly did wider audience, but ends up being poorly paced these things well, though not well enough to sal- and left me with feeling that the director is out of his own depth in trying to write the thing. It’s One of these vices happens to be the recurrent just too underwhelming to even justify a watch, allegory between the experience of blood-drink- though a promising indication that the genre is on ing, and modern-day drug use. Yes, the pleasure its way to some level of respectability. is immense and indescribable. Yes, it inevitably


Steptones EP Review

I will make it no secret that I have seen these talented lads live on a number of occasions and have seen them grow from their early days under the name All The Kings Men. The amount of talent and musical ability between the members of this pop-rock quartet is immense and that is why I must say early on that I have set the bar so high for their debut EP Someday Soon. The only real gripe I have with Someday Soon is to do with the style of production and it might nitely is very, very crisp and of a high-quality. The work they did with acclaimed producer Lindsay well-invested. My only issue with the production is that it, despite the high quality, has a little too much sheen from time to time. This sheen creates a sound that lacks punch in moments that ful sound like the one the band tends to have in their live performances. Despite it, production is suitable for most songs and, in unison with The

ing around my apartment. Out of all the songs on the EP, this is the one er, harder approach to the production and sound. Much like the preceding track, ‘Streetside Shuf-

melodies, the well-crafted guitar solo and wellplaced key change, there is a lot going on in this song, in terms of the writing, and all of it goes together beautifully to create the best-written song on the EP. Eleanor Though I have mentioned my minor gripes with how clean and shiny this EP may sound at times, it

collection of guitar-driven pop songs worthy of purchase. The Steptones have a great sound that is incredibly accessible without compromising any musicality. I can foresee them breaking out and as musicians. My recommendation is to GO SEE THEM

a light, refreshing sound perfect for a casual living

smyself singing this one to myself constantly walk- support them with an EP purchase. a

Woroni Radio Presenter Profile: Giordano “bow-tie” Borzuola & Mitchell “Skinny Jeans” Scott

d LITTLE bit about yourself: r Hi, you don’t know us yet. That’s a problem. That’s why we have the show. We’re not going to e talk about ourselves now, because we do it on air and if we did that now we’d run out of material. What’s your show about? The show is based on the premise that hipsters are better than us mere mortals. With our pleasant yet alluring voices as your guide, we hold your e

life. Want to know why it’s okay to have Ke$ha on vin nyl? Want to know which aspects of hipster culture s are under natural selection? Ever thought about a why disliking corporations is mainstream? If so, d enrol in Indie101! t Would you rather be able to speak any language or be able to speak to animals? Giordi: I’d speak any language. I don’t need to n understand felineese to know that cats are evil. Plus, eskimo’s have over 30 words for “snow”

cinity of The Pot Belly, faraway from my comfortable Campbell home. It s not important, nor should it concern you. What is important and should consequently concern you is the promising, Canberra-based Hard Rock collective Signs & Symbols. With a sound that is pure and raw, and an admirable attitude, Signs & Symbols capture the very essence that is lacking from the Australian Rock music scene. Whilst I arrived quite late into their set, I Hysteria, one of their originals compositions. An energetic and FooFighters-esque track, Hysteria features a fantastic melody line and impressive dynamics. As musicians it was evident that these guys were tight and connected. Their melodies remained elegant throughout their set, and despite the calibre of their arrangements falling through at times, their tone was crisp and their presence remarkable. In saying that, S&S -

rhythm and rocking riff-work, even moshable song in a live setting. However, the production fails to give the song the impact the writing de- for different songs. Treble, Middle, Bass, Contour serves. and Reverb are valuable tools to a musician, and Hold On I initially found this track to be a question- ignored either. Later in the night S&S paid rendition to Michael Sembello s Maniac and Wheaas strong as most Steptones songs, much less the tus s Teenage Dirtbag. Smart choices given the - nature of their sound, and whilst Maniac ly grown on me with multiple listens. The smooth were executed brilliantly. Pulling people from the track, sure to tighten/moisten the pants of listen- crowd to sing the bridge in Teenage Dirtbag, S&S ers everywhere. I may even decide to place this brought a sense of familiarity and warmth to the song in the iPod playlist I use as mood music to room. romance the ladies. Delicious indeed. After the gig I sat down with the members of Cloud Boulevard S&S for a chat. They are truly inspiring and hiThe lush layering of instruments in the closing larious individuals, and I can attest to their passion track is a testament to the effort put into making for music as being genuine and well intentioned. - Uninterested in fame, S&S emphasised the paraally the weakest one on the album. Though still mount importance of their sound above anything a solid, well-written ballad in its own right, there

creates an easy and comfortable listening experience for audiences. Anyway, on to a song-by-song breakdown: Penny The EP opens with a smooth, soulful guitar riff that is part of what will one day be The Step- that deserved a spot on the EP tracklist. In conclusion, regardless of any criticisms held in this review, Someday Soon favourite track on the EP, thoroughly showing off the talents of the band as songwriters and their in-


Reviewed: The Pot Belly Bar Alex Catalan-Flores

Azim Zain

t d

ARTS// 25

which seems like the sort of useless thing I’d like to learn. guage. I already speak French, which is great for sounding pretentious in Australia, but imagine if I could sound pretentious in France too! Best and Worst thing about ANU? Best: Being in Canberra Worst: …being in Canberra What would you choose for your last meal? Mitchell: Tiramisu. It has all the major food groups: alcohol, caffeine and cake! Just because it’s my last meal, doesn’t mean it should be unhealthy too. Giordi: Something that took a long time to cook. What’s your favourite thing about being on the Radio? Mitchell: The sound of my own voice. It’s like a cross between Barry Manilow and Ron Burgundy. Giordi: The fame and adoration. We do it for the fans.

else. They welcome advice and direction, but they try and steer away from the musical traps of AutoTune and digital manipulation. They explain that they prefer to learn from their mistakes, and that “it doesn t matter whether there s one person in the crowd, we ll fucking rock that crowd.” Their iPod playlists currently consist of artists such as City & Colour, Queens of the Stone Age and Arctic Monkeys source of inspiration. Listening to their favourite artists creates an irresistible impulse within them to compose and rehearse, and they feed off each other s energy to achieve their goals. It is a complex task to truly encapsulate the essence and soul of a band through the means of a written review, as much of it is about the moment and the experience. In this case, I believe that the story they told me behind their band name represents an accurate representation of them as people and as musicians. After telling me stories involving open sternums and dirt bikes, I was able to extract the true story behind the name, or at least what I think is true. At a Battle of the Bands competition in 2009, the guys were next in line to perform, but the rules of the competition required them to have a band name. In a split second deci-

and symbols”. Meaningful? Not in the slightest. Does it matter? No. It is the spontaneity of the act; the Punk Rock attitude of the move which should inform your opinion. These guys care not whether you think their name is pretentious, they simply wish to make music that will please them as artists and you as the audience, without ever losing focus of the principles in which they believe. Signs & Symbols consists of: Brent Brosnan (Vocals/Guitar) Callum McDonald (Drums/Vocals/Cow) Matt Madsen (Guitar) Brodie Heidtmann (Bass/Vocals) Stuart Jackson (Roadie)

ARTS// 26


To the boy that I’ve been stalking for over a year... I’m sorry, but I thought you would have noticed by now. I’ve been harboring this ‘not so secret thrill’, this ‘spinal chill’, this ‘if looks could kill’ deal for you since, since, since Jesus was pre-pubescent, since moses was sent, since I didn’t get asked if I wanted a plastic bag at the supermarket. For a while right? And this is all secondary - my point being that if looks could kill - then man you would drown me, or burn me, or maybe just complete me. Drowning in the need to be surrounded by you, to fall deep into this well of love- I would sacrifice my air and my life to be held by you till the end, On fire because well, you’re hot, and I’m worried it’s superficial, a simple delusion and that touching you would destroy the illusion. But not worried enough to stand back - hence the death by fire and the life by desire. 1. You are fundamentally attractive - and by fundamentally I mean - you define attractive for me, the closer someone looks like you - the more attractive you are. 2. I often walk past where you work to see you, even after dark falls and my chances are small - I cut myself of their fine and hopeful edges. 3. You have a great smile. it hits me in the chest and sends me floating spiralling away. 4. You hold my story -my indiscretions and my glory - my bumps and bruises and lovers and abusers in that simple and solid storyboard of bus-stop emotions when we check in. Cause we check in. A ‘what’s been happening with you’ 2 minute conversation that gets uploaded to the data bank of ‘’I share to much with practical strangers’’ - but any way. 5. I like your girl friend. I think she’s down to earth and beautiful - but hey, I can pray for the rubber band man in you to decide on a rebound relationship and smack into me latter. 6. Part of me stays in this city for you - and the hope that these hopeless hopes will come true see I’ve been broken like glass - resurrected myself with equal parts perspex, glass, glue and spirit - and broke a few other peoples in mis-directed revenge. I’m ready to sit on the wings of the bird that thinks to itself at every moment of its journey “I’m exactly where I want to be” But this is not a ‘think quick! heart drop kick moment- it’s percolated for a while - its strong and at risk of leaving that bitter taste of another mislaid plan of mice and crazy women.


ARTS// 27

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Could End Modern Medicine As We Know It Janelle San Juan

developed over the last thirty years. A concerning trend identified in the report is the spread of resistance to carbapenems, laEARLIER this week, the World Health Orbelled the “antibiotics of last resort” by Proganisation (WHO) released their first global fessor Timothy Walsh, a medical microbioloreport on the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance. Data from 114 countries, including The problem of Australia, revealed the widespread ability of seven different bacteria responsible for com- antimicrobial resistance has mon, serious diseases such as blood infec- become widespread due to tions and diarrhoea, to survive treatment by the overuse of antibiotics... antibiotics. The Director-General of WHO, Dr Margaret Chan, warned that if the ineffectiveness of antibiotics continues to increase, this could gist at Cardiff University. mean that “things as common as strep throat A category of bacteria known as gram-negor a child’s scratched knee could once again ative bacteria, which cause more than half of kill” and sophisticated medical procedures the bacterial infections in some areas of the such as organ transplants and cancer chemoworld, are becoming increasingly resistant to therapy would become “far more difficult carbapenems; these include Escherichia coli or even dangerous to undertake” due to the (a cause of urinary tract infections) and Klebrisk of infection. According to Dr Chan, this siella pneumoniae (a major cause of hospitalwould bring about “the end of modern mediacquired pneumonia and blood infections). cine as we know it”. E. coli and K. pneumoniae normally reside The declining effectiveness of antibiotics in the human gut but can opportunistically inis compounded by the fact that no new major fect the body. In these bacterial populations, types of antibiotics have been discovered or it is likely that some bacteria are resistant to

particular antibiotics due to spontaneous mutation. Resistance proliferates when antibiotics taken kill or inhibit the growth of susceptible bacteria, but resistant bacteria survive and multiply and are capable of passing resistance to other bacteria. The problem of antimicrobial resistance has become widespread due to the overuse of antibiotics, particularly in hospitals and agriculture, over-prescription of antibiotics and their purchase over-the-counter without prescription. The use of antibiotics to treat viral diseases such as the cold and flu eliminates susceptible bacteria that are present in the body but not necessarily causing disease, allowing the growth of resistant populations. Resistant bacteria are then transmitted person-to-person by poor hygiene and sanitation and on a global level by human travel and the food trade (in 2011 Russia banned the import of all vegetables from the EU to prevent transmission of a highly virulent and resistant strain of E. coli). The difficulty of finding alternative antimicrobial drugs is coupled with the lack of incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to

look into drugs that would quickly become useless before the investment could be recouped. However, measures to stop the spread of antibiotic resistance can be implemented, such as the more prudent use and prescription of antibiotics by health professionals and restricted use in food production. Furthermore bacterial infection and therefore the need for antibiotics in the first place could be prevented through improving hygiene, access to clean water and sanitation, infection control in healthcare facilities and vaccination. You can help tackle antibiotic resistance by: using antibiotics only when prescribed by a health professional completing the full prescription even if you feel better never sharing antibiotics with others or using leftover prescriptions

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Research Roundup Eleanor Campbell

Influenzal Science James Ansell

Science Sub-Editor







What will we call 117? AN international team of researchers (including scientists from the ANU) has created a new chemical element; the 117th on the Periodic Table. The


element has be spotted again and its existence

scientists remain optimistic about future appliapproach has the potential to be used as a pre-

the principles behind its creation and destruction -

Breakthrough in Depression Diagnosis of Vienna has suggested that depression can be diagnosed through a blood test; a method of dimental illnesses. After monitoring the presence of nin (a neurotransmitter associated with happiness) between serotonin concentration in blood and the -

Silver Solution to Bacterial Infection -

WEIRD NATURE: Pitcher Plant Edition Ellen Rykers





This One Weird Trick to Build a Pyramid

ronments that other plants can’t.



trap insects via a rather fascinating mechanism.

defecates into the pitcher and this fecal matter -



Some pitcher plants are home to red crab

ahead on this one; there are ancient images depicting one person pouring water ahead of sleds car-


into the pitcher.

chemical) or downward-pointing hairs to prohibit the insect from climbing out. These obstacles

the bottom of the pitcher.


SPORT// 29

Sports Shorts

IB Aftermath – Mountain Designs Geoquest

Zach Mackey & Josh Chu-Tan Rugby League

NBA - NBA playoffs for 2014 are well underway with

in the aftermath of his devastating neck injury. pushed all the way to seven games. The Atlanta Hawks, Brooklyn Nets, San Antonio Spurs, Oklahoma City Thunder and Los Angeles Clippers all came away as winners from the seven game thrillto a research project associated with spinal inju- and Portland Trail Blazers rounding off the adries. The Newcastle Knights have also pledged to vancing teams. The conference semis have pitted Washington with Indiana, Brooklyn with Miami, Portland with San Antonio and Los Angeles with Oklahoma City. who was also dealt a career ending injury, Simon

Football When you read this, the 2013/14 season of the

Tom Brazier

to navigate using a map and compass through a few hundred kilometres of checkpoints and transition areas. SO you slogged it out for a couple of months of enThere is also a Geoquest half version, where they produrance running training and completed the hardest event of your life, ANU Inward Bound 2014. Where to – we’ve selected this 24hr version in order to pop our from here? There’s at least 350 days until IB 2015 - so much time for new training and adventures! There are race HQ at Crescent Head on the north coast of NSW. a plethora of running and related events to get involved in, such as The North Face 50/100 and the Glow Worm train with a group – check out the ANU Tri/Friends -

shore up our weaknesses in various disciplines – such

long MTB ride and face a section that is either too steep Team IB Bandits - Keith Conley (B+G), Sarah column, leaving him with no use of his right arm. and the champion crowned. At the time of writor thickly covered in vegetation, so you have to drag/ ing though, it is still not set in stone. Manchester City are heavy favourites to win now, after Liv- in Inward Bound – whether it’s as an event coordina- from Bendora Dam, straight up the spur to Bendora Arerpool’s loss against Chelsea and dramatic col- tor, college coach, navigator or keen spectator wishing since his injury. lapse at Crystal Palace allowing Pellegrini’s side there, so we’d encourage you to capitalise on your IB to surge to the top of the ladder. Chelsea are out



tackling another challenge – Mountain Designs Geochallenges. Plus, we’re even allowed to train/socialise Meanwhile, Arsenal have secured fourth spot and quest 2014. with people from other colleges now that IB season is over – until 2015! City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal to the Cham-


interested in sponsorship and advertising on shirts etc. ing. There are no course markings. It’s up to the team

right hook. The Aussie stated that, “I was just trying to stand up for myself and my country and my family and my reputation, and I threw a punch

matches. The A-league champions of this season securing a third title in four years over the Western

Athletics -

Super 15 Expansion Plans

full time at 1-1. With all the momentum on their on the 108th minute.

thing even more impressive, check out American -

Boxing World heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko easily retained his WBO crown when he knocked

Zach Mackey

light up with dollar signs. The new model will see an increase of 120 regular

undefeated for 10 years. The Australian didn’t go ing hits as he looked for an opening to unleash his

tournament to a four-conference, 18-team competi-

stating “It’s not the end of the Lionheart. I’ll just

nations participating in the competition.

account. Fighting Argentine Marcos Maidana,

held in a sudden-death format over three weeks,

Zealand conferences and three from the South Afri-

of the most important results we’re looking for and

groups. Other key changes to the competition include: the Australian and New Zealand Conferences will re-

revenue perspective.” The new plan has appeased everyone, with some of the Australian franchises and

four-conference model which will see an additional Zealand teams each season, compared to playing division in South Africa. four New Zealand teams per season in the current rican franchise - the Southern Kings, an Argentine Zealand teams will play all teams from the other South African conference.

nation Nic White and Matt Toomua. Inside centre, Christian Lealiifano, is still weighing up offers from


SPORT// 30

Tom Palmer


First For Women At Le Tour

THERE is one important difference between the cyclists who have raced the Tour de France and the ones who weave across campus between classes and cafés. It isn’t their power to weight ratio. It’s their gender. While our paths and avenues may not discriminate Le Tour has been exclusively for men. However, that’s about to change. On the 29th of May the organisers of the Tour hold a women’s race this year. “La Course by Le Tour” will take place on the same day as the men’s Women’s cycling supporters have long fought for a platform to showcase their sport. Now they are celebrating the chance to do so with a race at the Tour de France, the biggest stage in the world of cycling. Reigning Olympic champion MariParis. She called the race “a revolutionary develnew era for women’s cycling.” Vos, along with former racer Kathryn Bertine, former triathlete Chrissie Wellington and racer/ triathlete Emma Pooley, founded “Le Tour Entier,” an organization of woman racers lobbying for the Road, which broadcasts the stories, personalities and obstacles of the world of competitive female cycling, a world that is ordinarily hidden at the fringes of mainstream sports coverage.

Cyclists at the ANU are relishing the news that La Course will be broadcast globally. Ailie Mc- male rider.” Ailie McDonald’s team, Suzuki Brumby’s, is at the ANU and is also a successful cyclist. She the product of local sponsors and government - and managed by local woman, Elizabeth Fitch. ment saying, “[the] televised Tour de France al- It is one of the most professional and successful lows a vast panoply of people to view cycle racing cycling teams on the national scene. McDonald – for the racing, the scenery or the spectacle. The thinks Canberra is ahead of the curve but believes inclusion of La Course means that that audience this announcement is part of a wider movement will be exposed to women’s pro cycling, perhaps towards equality. She said, “La Course indicates - that the cycling world has recognized the current fect. It also allows women and girls to see where imbalance between genders and is slowly, but intheir aspirations can take them.” exorably, addressing it.” Canberra women’s aspirations have taken them Bicycle usage may be synonymous with proto the very top of women’s cycling. The capital gressive ideals but the professional sport can historically produces formidable racers, including at times seems archaic. Peter Sagan put women at least two of the favourites for this July’s big into the cycling headlines just last year, for all the race. The course will suit powerful sprinter Chloe wrong reasons, by grabbing the backside of an unHosking who has already shown her form this year suspecting female presenter on the podium of the with a victory in the classic Omloop van Borsele Tour of Flanders. Wikipedia.com has over 14000 for Swedish trade team, Hitec Products. Current words on its Tour de France page yet none of the Australian champion, Gracie Elvin, is sure to an- words “women,” “female,” “gender” or “equal- ity” feature even once. ing to big occasions. Recently, though, there have been signs of Hosking is a vocal women’s cycling advocate improving attitudes. 2012 Tour de France winand has also worked this year as a mentor for Qa- ner Bradley Wiggins, now, personally sponsors a tari women training to become elite cyclists. She top women’s team. This year they will be able to said this week “more has happened for women’s race alongside him. Calls to address the obvious cycling in the past six months than had happened disparity have recently taken the form of debates for the six years before that.” Elvin said, despite over regulating the predominantly male sport to always having always followed “Le Tour” in awe, dedicate equal prize money, a minimum wage or “Not even in my wildest imagination would I have minimum broadcast minutes. In these debates the

values of equality and the realities of viability are often at odds. La Course by Le Tour is far from equality but it is a breakthrough victory for women’s cycling. The Tour de France is a business and a world-class event. La Course is recognition of the fundamental value of women’s races. The move signals to the cycling industry that promoting women’s cycling is the world’s best practice. It also provides an unprecedented platform for women’s cycling to develop and market itself on the biggest possible stage. Now it’s over to the ladies. The Tour de France may be a cultural icon but it is also a commercial product. If the sport is to continue to grow it will need to establish its place in the market. For

chance to do just that. The world will be watching when La Course and Le Tour reach Paris together in July. About the author: Tom Palmer is a professional cyclist racing for Drapac Professional Cycling. Based in Canberra, he is also completing a Bachelor of Arts at ANU part-time. When asked why he writes about women’s cycling he said: “Sometimes I think it’s a bit like pro cycling is incomplete because it locks women out. So maybe we just need some of the dudes to open the door from the inside.”

PARSA Online Elections 2014 - 2015


9am on Thursday 1st May to 5pm on Thursday 15th May

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Woroni grooves the MOO(d) Images by Janis Lejins and Ross Caldwell

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