ARTWORK: Sian Williams
NATCON 2021 wrapped
In December 2021, the National Union of Students (NUS) held its National Conference (NatCon) over Zoom for the second year in a row. Delegates Zoomed in individually or in state or campus hubs from across the country to passionately discuss motions across climate change, women’s rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, Indigenous rights, unionism, disability rights, amongst other policy issues. NatCon delivered its usual screaming matches, cheers, jeers and much more, chaired by outgoing NUS President and ANU student Zoe Ranganathan. The usual suspects gathered for the conference – Student Unity (SU), National Labor Students (NLS), Socialist Alternative (SAlt), and Grassroots Independents (Grindies) and the Liberals. The ANU’s five delegates this year were: Grindies Luca Corby, Phoenix O’Neill, Christian Flynn, NLS member Sinead Winn, and independent Blake Iafeta. Corby did not attend, but sent a proxy, and Iafeta did not appear to be in attendance.