Wet Ass Patriarchy By Aditi Dubey This piece needs no introduction. You know what WAP is. You’ve seen the video. Or you’ve heard people talk about it. Or you’ve seen hundreds of people almost break their legs/arms/ much more sensitive parts trying to do the dance on Tik Tok. You might have your own opinions about it, and you certainly wouldn’t be alone. Some of them are really, really strong opinions, and often very negative. This is unsurprising, given that it’s a song about slick vaginas. Some people think that it’s the height of depravity. Not only is it perverse and “what happens when children are raised without God”, as one outraged American congressman put it, it’s also apparently a terrible influence on young women and girls in general. Noted right-wing wanker political commentator Ben Shapiro lamented that WAP goes against the idea of treating women as “independent, well-rounded human beings”. Of course, their comments make a lot of sense. After all, these conservative white men are staunch advocates of women’s empowerment. They know that pussies should only be referred to when a president talks about grabbing them nonconsensually.