Woroni Edition Six 2020

Page 46


rorriM yaW-owT ehT maL-gnU eineeuQ yB fo ssendliw eht otni gnitcejorp ydaerlA .tnedfinoC taht cisum ot gnivom fo ssenesool eht ,thgin eht dekcap si taht seidob fo gnorht a ni ,duol oot si eborts esoht hctac lliw rethgilhgih reH .thgit oot meht fo lla ,sdneirf ot tuo hcaer lliw smra reh ,sthgil .evila os gnileef fo yticoref eht no ydaetsnu

ni emit driht eht - niaga enohp ym ta kool I - etal os s’ti tub ,edur s’ti wonk I .setunim 03 tsal eht neris eht dna ,oga sruoh owt ypoord erew seye ym enoemoS .reduol nettog ylno sah deb ym fo llac !timmaD .sknird fo dnuor rehtona redro ot seog tuohtiw tixe na ekam ot wodniw ym seog erehT .ma I taht amdnarg eht ekil gnimees

,evilA .niaga enohp ym ta kool I .tsiser t’nac I

,evilA .EVILA fo noitcefler eht ta rorrim eht otni kool I ydaer m’I sa tsuj ,evael ot ydaer s’ehS .em raey tsrfi siht ni detseretninu ,em tsap skool ehS .ni emoc ot era sworbeye reH .gnieb detum ,derit ylgnimees erehW .sees ehs tahw ta detnioppasid s’ehs ,desiar .srednow ehs ?morf emoc amdnarg siht did raey driht a m’I ,edud ,reh llet ot tnaw I tneduts fo sraey eht ,raey htruof a ylraen ,kcuf ,won EBC tihs dna syasse drow-0002 etunim tsal ,scitilop taht em evig t’noD .nwod em nrow evah slairotut og ot tnaw ot ,taebpu niamer ot deirt ev’I .kool tneduts dna krow ,inu fo keew eritne na retfa ytrap sriatsnwod ton ,tser si deen I tahw tub ,msivitca eht fo gniht a si yrehcuabeD .stohs aliuqet esooM ,enilesaV htiw decalper neeb sah kcitspil der ,tsap htiw sesserd ytterp dna sggU htiw stoob hgih eenk .samajyp lennafl tsum uoY ?reh ksa ot tnaw I ,uoy erob I oD mp 01 ta emoh ,enadnum ylbirret ,ylbirret em kniht ydaer eht ot deneppah tahW .thgin yadsruhT a no hsub a otni delbmuts ohw eno eht ,lrig gnihtyna rof idlA paehc taht gninwod erofeb mov-cat kciuq a rof ?akdov .lla ti fo tuo werg ehS .tahw uoy llet ll’I pu gnikaw sgninrom ynam oot eht saw ti ebyaM niatnoc ot daeh reh gnihctulc ,esirnus retfa sruoh ,seitilibisnopser ni egnahc eht spahrep rO .sehca eht emaceb htlaeh revil taht os seitiroirp fo gnitfihs eht .tuo thgin gnigar a naht tnatropmi erom ohw ,won si ehs ohw rettam t’nseod ti tuB desigrene uoy ,nuf ruoy evah oG .emoceb sah ehs gnikcuf s’ehS .tser raey driht siht teL .htuoy dliw dna .derit

ot ti ekam reven ll’I ,etar siht tA !mp 93:9 .hgiS .mp 01 yb deb su fo puorg a rof tneve gnidnob maet a s’tI tsrfi nmad eht dna sgnineppah supmac no devlovni .rethgin-lla na otni siht nrut ot ygrene eht evah sraey wef eht fo eno m’I ?ykrep gnikcuf os yeht era woH eht —derebmuntuo leef dna maet eht no sraey driht .pu wohs ot rehtob neve t’ndid sraey htffi dna htruof .llird eht wonk yehT tsrfi ehT .pu parw ot strats ti ,yllanfi ,yllaniF civiC ot klaw eht ekam ot ydaer ,ystna era sraey derots bmaL taF elttiL eht fo elttob a gnirahs tslihw .raey driht wollef a htiw seye kcol I .hsub ybraen a ni .ereh fo tuo teg ot ydaer er’eW gnicar ,hguone tsaf rac ym ot klaw t’nac I .01 ot resolc kcit setunim eht sa enruobhtroN nwod .eunevA edialedA no m’I .mp 45:9

.teerts ym otno ylprahs nrut I .mp 65:9

cirtcele ,moorhtab eht ni m’I .mp 85:9 dna der ,etihw fo senil gniraems ,dnah ni hsurbhtoot .seltsirb eht ssorca etsaphtoot eulb ot gnivah ton ,ecaf ym ta burcs ylkciuq I I .yadot yrellewej oN .puekam gniraew tuoba yrrow ,roofl eht no ti gnivael ,kcen werc yggab ym ffo pils .teksab yrdnual eht revo ti gnah neve ot derit oot eht ni ffo sthgil eht nrut ot tuoba m’I sa tsuJ ni ecaf s’enoemos fo espmilg a hctac I ,moorhtab .rorrim eht eht ni ssenmid eht etipsed tnayoub s’ehS gnileef fo hgih eht no gnitaofl ,ruoh etal dna moor .tuo thgin a rof ydaer nac uoY .yrehcuabed fo thgin a rof ydaeR .rorrim eht ni tuo flesreh skcehc ehs yaw eht yb llet

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Articles inside

Woroni 70 Years

pages 19-21

Introverts Lament

page 65

Tuesday 18th

pages 61-62


pages 63-64

The Moose that Drank too Much

page 60

Ephemeral Revelry

page 58

The Fund

page 59

Garema Place

page 56

The Two Way Mirror

pages 46-47

The Art of the Confusing

page 45

Let Loose: The Benefits of Psychedelics

pages 35-38


pages 41-42

I May Destroy You: A Review

pages 43-44

A Message To Conservative Students

pages 33-34

In Complete Opposition to Scomo's 'Exclusion-for-Failure' Policy

page 32

Wet Ass Patriarchy

pages 28-29

What Does Capitalism Have to do with Promiscuity?

page 27

Three Men, One Corroborree

pages 25-26

So, You Ran For Student Elections

pages 16-17

Tariff Saga

page 18

Baby’s First Dating App

page 49

In (Partial) Defence of Scomo's 'Exclusion-for-Failure' Policy

pages 30-31

What Does RBG"s Death Mean for US Politics?

pages 23-24

Do Not Expect An Easy Year

pages 14-15

Woroni’s Guide to Armchair Activism

page 38

An Interview with Andrew Barr

page 7
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