Surrey Governor Dear Governors Welcome back to what I foresee as a challenging Autumn term. I am sure many of you are aware of yet another new Ofsted framework from September and it is quite apparent that governance will be under greater scrutiny than in the past. Governor training opportunities are being offered this term for appraising governors of the new framework. Details of the courses for the term, together with the Hot Topics sessions are available from page 33 of the Surrey Governor.
Autumn Term 2012
IN THIS ISSUE… (click on title for quick link to article) Pages 2 3 4
Plans for our annual conference with the Surrey Governors’ Association are in progress and we have been fortunate to secure the services of Sue Hackman, the Chief Adviser for School Standards from the Department of Education to be our key speaker. The venue is the Holiday Inn, Chessington as it has a larger car parking capacity than our previous locations. Please put the date of 17th November in your diary and book a place at the earliest opportunity – details p.18.
Governors need to be aware of a number of new regulations from September 2012, not least of all being the opportunity for schools to change their constitution. Full details of the new regulations will be shared with clerks at their briefing sessions at the beginning of this term and the team will be happy to answer any questions via our telephone and e-mail helpline. My advice, however, would be to consider the options carefully.
Governors will also be required to implement the new appraisal policy for teachers and an article describing the new system can be found on p. 4.
There are a number of interesting articles in this term’s Surrey Governor which I trust you will find useful. However, I am always pleased to receive any suggestions for articles for future editions, so I look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, enjoy the coming months, Regards, Sue Boustead Governance Consultancy Manager
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Statutory Tasks Ofsted & Governance Changes to Teacher appraisal Regulations, Capability Procedures & Standards from September 2012 What Must be on the School Website this Term National PSHE CPD Programme School Governors Wanted Finance Update for Governors – Autumn Term 2012 What the Governors said & What Ofsted Said Academy Financial Management & Governance Evaluation (FMGE) Returns Young Carers in Schools Advanced Skills Teachers Ofsted, Safeguarding & CRB Checks Independent & Impartial Careers Guidance Update Training the Next Generation of Teachers – The Growing Role of Schools Premises BuyBack & Building Statutory Inspection Scheme Babcock/SGA Conference Dates for your Diary Chairs’ Meetings Celebration of Governance Training & Development Programme
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
STATUTORY TASKS Governing Body Appoint officers to the governing body for the forthcoming academic year. Review committee structures with regard to the strategic role of governance and subsequently review terms of reference. Budget Plan Agree draft budget plan for 2013/2014 and to submit to Babcock 4S by 30th November 2012. It is strongly recommended to review a 3 year budget forecast and agree planned balances. Any revisions to the approved budget plan should also be submitted to Babcock 4S by 30 th November 2012. Academy Financial Management Governors/Directors to ensure they have appropriate arrangements in place to complete the FMGE by the required deadline. Appraisal Arrangements Governors to ensure performance management meetings have taken place with the Headteacher by 31st December 2012. Adopt an appraisal policy which meets the requirements of the 2012 regulations. Adopt a capability procedure which will sit alongside the appraisal policy, allowing for progression from one to the other in the event of poor performance being identified.
RECOMMENDED ACTIONS Categorisation Governors to ascertain their school’s category and to receive the termly SIA Note of Visit. Revised Ofsted Framework Governors to make themselves familiar with the new Ofsted framework from September 2012. School Information Governors to ensure school website displays appropriate information from September 2012
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
OFSTED & GOVERNANCE Ofsted have revised the Inspection Framework for Schools for September 2012 and whilst much of the January 2012 framework is unchanged, in terms of the four key judgements (i.e. Pupil Achievement, Quality of Teaching, Behaviour & Safety and Leadership & Management) there are some significant changes of which governors need to be aware. It has been widely publicised that “satisfactory” was to disappear from the framework and from September there is no longer a satisfactory judgement. In its place the new framework has four judgements:
Outstanding Good Requires Improvement Inadequate (in which case the school will be put into “Serious Weakness” or “Special Measures”)
The new judgement of “Requires Improvement” replaces “satisfactory” and is in line with Ofsted/DfE thinking, in the past, that satisfactory was not good enough. The government and Ofsted expect every school to be good or better and this is reflected in the description of “Requires Improvement” in the new Evaluation Schedule, which states: “The school requires improvement because one or more of the four key judgements requires improvement and/or there are weaknesses in the overall provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.” Governance is not separately judged but is evaluated in considerable detail in this new framework, within the Leadership and Management judgement. Governors will need to be mindful of the criteria that Ofsted use to evaluate governance in the school and will want to reflect on how effectively current practice and evidence of that practice sits alongside these criteria. Ofsted instruct inspectors to evaluate governance by considering: The effectiveness of governance including how well governors:
ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction contribute to the school’s self-evaluation and understand its strengths and weaknesses support and strengthen school leadership provide challenge and hold the headteacher and other senior leaders to account for improving the quality of teaching, pupils’ achievement and pupils’ behaviour and safety use performance management systems, including the performance management of the headteacher, to improve teaching, leadership and management ensure solvency and probity and that the financial resources made available to the school are managed effectively operate in such a way that statutory duties are met and priorities are approved engage with key stakeholders use the pupil premium and other resources to overcome barriers to learning, including reading, writing and mathematics.
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
Governors should review each of these criteria in turn, focusing on the evidence they have and the quality of that evidence in demonstrating to Ofsted how effectively they meet the expectation. We are offering governor training opportunities on the new Ofsted Framework on several occasions this term. See Training and Development Programme pages in this Surrey Governor (Ofsted – New Expectations of Governance) Governance Consultancy.
CHANGES TO TEACHER APPRAISAL REGULATIONS, CAPABILITY PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FROM SEPTEMBER 2012 In the first electronic issue of Surrey Governor we reported on changes affecting teacher appraisal and capability procedures and the introduction of revised Teacher Standards, all of which are due to come into effect on 1st September 2012. A reminder of the key points: New Teacher Standards come into force from 1st September and these will play a key part in teacher appraisals from the 2012/13 cycle onwards. New appraisal regulations will also come into effect on 1st September (note the change of terminology from performance management to appraisal). Maintained schools must still put in place an appraisal policy and follow certain rules, less of the detail being prescribed than previously. The regulations do introduce a new requirement, that all teachers are assessed against the revised Teacher Standards as part of the appraisal process. This includes headteachers, if they teach, other members of the leadership group and post-threshold teachers, not just main scale classroom teachers. The assessment against standards should be documented in the appraisal report. Statutory teacher capability guidance and a model capability policy (which date back to 2000) will cease to have effect from 1st September, freeing up schools to determine local procedures and specifically allowing for the current duplication of process between performance management and capability procedures to be removed. By, or as soon as possible after, the 1st September 2012, governing bodies should have: Adopted an appraisal policy (either for teachers only or for the whole school) which meets the requirements of the 2012 regulations; Adopted a capability procedure which will sit alongside the appraisal policy, allowing for progression from one to the other in the event of poor performance being identified. There is scope within the appraisal regulations for schools to continue to operate their current performance management arrangements until the end of the 2011/12 cycle, even if this extends beyond 1st September, and to implement new arrangements to coincide with the start of the 2012/13 cycle. The new regulations do not apply to academies, but academies may consider it good practice to follow them.
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
Resources available: During the Spring and Summer Term 2012, Babcock 4S Personnel Consultants ran briefings and training sessions for schools to ensure that headteachers and other key staff have all the necessary information to be able to assess the implications of these changes. Training for appraisers will continue to be available in the Autumn Term and beyond and other sessions can be organised on request. A full set of resources to support the implementation of the new appraisal regulations (including example policies) is also available, alongside information about the new teacher standards on the Babcock 4S website within the ‘Personnel Services’ area. A combined disciplinary and capability model procedure has been consulted upon with the recognised unions for Surrey maintained schools and is also available on the website. Whilst schools are not obliged to adopt this model, it is recommended to community and voluntary controlled schools in particular. Babcock 4S Personnel Consultants can provide additional advice and support on any aspect of these changes. Personnel Helpdesk: 0800 073 4444 x835200
WHAT MUST BE ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE THIS TERM! As part of the government’s drive to reduce the burden of bureaucracy in schools, from September 2012 regulations will no longer require schools to publish an annual prospectus. Instead, schools will be required to publish certain key information online. The DfE website provides full details but governors will want to ensure that they meet the new requirements by ensuring that the following information is included on their school website from September:
Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact on attainment
Curriculum provision, content and approach, by academic year and by subject
Admission arrangements
The school's policy in relation to behaviour, charging, and SEN and disability provision
Links to Ofsted reports and to the Department’s achievement and attainment performance data; and details of the school’s latest Key Stage 2 and 4 attainment and progress measures.
Academies should refer to their Funding Agreement for full details on what they must publish on their websites. The DfE website confirms this: Academies and Free Schools are required to provide much of this information through their funding agreements or the Independent Schools Regulations. The new model funding agreement will require academies and Free Schools to publish the same information as maintained schools. For more information: Back to Index
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
NATIONAL PSHE CPD PROGRAMME Do OfSTED describe your school’s Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) lessons as ‘outstanding and inspirational?’ Is the leadership of PSHE informed by a high level of subject expertise and vision, inspiring confidence and commitment from staff, pupils and the wider community? Are these questions ones to which, as a PSHE or Healthy Schools Lead, governor responsible for PSHE, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team, you can answer a definitive ‘Yes!’ If so, it is more than likely that your PSHE Leader has taken part and successfully gained the National PSHE CPD Certificate through Roehampton University. Have these questions been asked at governor meetings? Can your pupils resist peer pressure, assess and manage risk successfully?
Are you able to effectively assess learning and progress in PSHE?
Does your PSHE curriculum help to reduce bullying and increase pupil well-being and safety?
Do your pupils and teachers look forward to PSHE as the ‘best lesson of the week’?
If you are not sure, or the answer is ‘No’ then it may well be that the National PSHE CPD Programme is something from which your PSHE Lead, PSHE teachers or other members of staff supporting the subject would benefit. The National PSHE CPD Programme is a successful piece of Continued Professional Development which combines practical activities and theory to provide the very best in PSHE developmental training and pedagogy. Over the last seven years more than 10,000 teachers and other professionals have benefitted from taking part. PSHE addresses skills including communication, assertion, reflection, managing emotions and assessing risk. It also considers the specialist areas of Drug Education, Sex and Relationships Education, Staying Safe, Financial capability and Emotional Health and Well-being – making a huge contribution to the Behaviour and Safety and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of children and young people. Tutor: Sarah Lyles – PSHE and Healthy Schools Please visit or contact Programme Administrator, Valentina Cafarelli on 01372 834019 - for further information or an application form.
SCHOOL GOVERNORS WANTED Refer-a-friend to become a School Governor. Do you know someone who would make a great school governor? Why not accept the challenge and help schools in your area? For a recruitment pack contact Esther Stovell, Governance Co-ordinator Back to Index
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
FINANCE UPDATE FOR GOVERNORS – AUTUMN TERM 2012 Benchmarking Data Financial benchmarking data for Surrey schools for the financial year end 31 March 2012 will be available. The data shows income and expenditure as a % of school budget share by school type and governors should consider the data when reviewing the 3 year draft budget plan in November.
School Funding Reform Following the postponement of the schools national funding review the Department for Education (DfE) have instructed Local Authorities (LA) to simplify their funding formula to secure greater consistency nationally and to move towards a pupil-driven system. In Surrey, this is likely to mean that funding will be distributed using 8 factors (reduced from 37) with more funding being distributed within the pupil-led elements. The impact on funding for individual schools will become clearer in October when Surrey will publish details of the funding factors on its website. Surrey will submit the proposed formula to DfE by 31st October, although the units of resource are likely to change when all October 2012 census data is received from schools. Headteachers and bursars will be invited to attend a funding/budget planning workshop later in the term when funding figures are released for schools.
SFVS All governing bodies must consider how their school meets the requirements of the School Financial Value Standard (SFVS) which is due to be submitted to the LA by 31 March 2013. We recommend that 2 governors review the SFVS together with the headteacher and the bursar. If you were involved in FMSIS, the material will be familiar to you and the process is designed to be less bureaucratic. Your attached finance consultant can offer a 2 hour twilight session to enable this group to start to consider their responses and identify action necessary to comply with the guidance before the deadline. Governance Consultancy are offering the following course on SFVS. See page 39 for more information. 26/09/2012
Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)
10:00 - 12:00
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Schools Forum Update The DfE have made changes to the way in which Schools Forums operate. The regulations will operate from 1 October 2012 and will require all Local Authorities to comply. The main changes are: Forum meetings must be held in public Local Authorities must publish Forum papers, minutes and decisions promptly on their websites Voting on the funding formula must be restricted to schools members (heads and governors), academy members and the Private, Voluntary & Independent (PVI) representative. (Note however that the outcome of voting is a recommendation to the local authority and the final decision rests with the local authority.) Voting to retain a central provision for either primary or secondary sectors is open only to members representing maintained schools in that sector From April 2013, Pupil Referral Units will receive delegated budgets and will be entitled to representation on the Forum as a schools member The Education Funding Agency has observer status at Schools Forum, with the right to participate in discussions. Back to Index
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
School Fund Accounts If the year-end for the school’s ‘School Fund Account’ is the end of July or August you should expect to receive the Financial Accounts and “audit certificates” for the fund at the autumn meeting. The accounts should be prepared in a format which is appropriate to the size of the fund and the transactions which go through it. The Surrey Scheme (section 2.8) requires schools to be able to produce “audit certificates” each year. This does not mean that the accounts have to be audited by a registered auditor, but they must be examined each year by an independent examiner who should be independent from the management of the school and the operation of the fund. A governor would not be seen as being independent. Babcock 4S can offer a service to undertake the independent examination and to provide an Independent Review Certificate to Governors. This service is charged at hourly rates (£83 per hour) and carried out at the school to eliminate the need to transport boxes of files. If the school fund is registered with the Charity Commission the accounts need to be prepared in accordance with charity accounting requirements and we are able to advise on the format required to comply. For further information please contact Janet James, Finance Consultant Email:
Tel: 0800 073 4444 Extn 834423
Big Lottery Funding Awards for All England This programme aims to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. If you are planning a project and you need between £300 and £10,000 then Awards for All may be able to help you. Sometimes quite small sums of money can have a big impact. The application form is short and simple, and you will find out if you are successful within six weeks. Projects could be funded that meet one or more of the following outcomes: People have better chances in life - with better access to training and development to improve their life skills. Stronger communities - with more active citizens working together to tackle their problems. Improved rural and urban environments - which communities are better able to access and enjoy. Healthier and more active people and communities. Please call 0845 4 10 20 30 for further details and an application pack, or visit the Awards for All website
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
WHAT THE GOVERNORS SAID AND WHAT OFSTED SAID!! Sue Boustead, Governor Consultancy Manager has recently contacted a number of chairs of governors who have experienced Ofsted since January. They were happy to share their thoughts and I felt it would be useful to quote Ofsted’s findings. I hope governors will find their comments useful. Chair of Governors: School A “This is exactly my memory of the process. The inspector was very upbeat and positive and asked us what we would like to tell her about our school and our work with the school. I believe the inspectors had already looked at our files, including monitoring, training, and minutes of meetings (which are very well presented and documented by our fantastic clerk!) She could see that we are currently a robust governing body with a good strategic overview of the school and a proven record of acting as a critical friend. We were able to talk about the positive aspects of the school’s recent development and the succession planning and overview for the coming years. I had prepared a governors' monitoring plan that linked closely with the School Development Plan and a list of governors' priorities that linked closely with the SEF. As I have weekly meetings with the Head I was able to clearly demonstrate a sound knowledge of all on-going concerns, including staff development, curriculum planning and development, areas of concern that are being addressed, SEN provision and behavioural strategies and pupil data tracking and marking strategies. We told the inspector that we felt that the governing body had come a long way since the last inspection, but that we were aware of areas for improvement and we mentioned the plans in place for addressing these. Finally, we asked the inspector if she had any specific questions. She said that we had covered almost everything that she had wanted to discuss and asked a final question about issues that had been raised in the SEF by the Head. In total the inspectors spent half an hour with the Chair of Resources and half to three quarters of an hour with the Chair (myself), backed up by our previous Chair.” Ofsted: School A The school has a good capacity for sustained improvement. This is because all leaders, including the governing body, have maintained a strong focus on good pupil achievement and the development of an effective Key Stage 2 curriculum during a period of significant challenge as the school has moved from infant to primary school status. The governing body provides effective support and a good level of challenge. Governors are enthusiastic and rigorous in their commitment to the school. They have supported the school effectively during its transition, having themselves undergone major change. Chair of Governors: School B “We did not get lots of specific questions from the Inspectors – rather they asked things like “what do you like about the school” or “what are its strengths?” This gave us lots of opportunity to stress the positives and while we had prepared for these we had not prepared quite so well on “What does the school need to improve upon” or “what are the school’s weaknesses.” A bit obvious in retrospect but definitely worth thinking about areas for improvement in advance.”
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
Ofsted: School B The governing body is actively involved in many aspects of the life of the school. Governors are provided with quality information which they use effectively to monitor and challenge the work of the school. Along with senior leaders, they provide a clear direction and ensure that statutory requirements for safeguarding and protecting pupils are met. School leaders and governors are ambitious and they have high expectations for staff and pupils. Chair of Governors: School C “I can’t recall specific questions that were asked by the inspector, but we spent some time talking about safeguarding, and the 3 governors, including myself that were interviewed, had made a point of reminding ourselves who held what safeguarding roles in the school so we were up to speed before the interview took place, and able to name names as it were. We also discussed academic achievement, and we had all done a bit of homework on Raiseonline, if only to show we knew what it was and how it worked in principle. We did not, however, claim to be proficient in analysing the various Raiseonline tables, but I don’t expect many governors are especially those who aren’t from a teaching background. As a school, one thing that we found was that using email to send out and collect in the Ofsted parent’s survey didn’t give us the level of response we were hoping for. Next time we have resolved to use a paper based survey sent home with the children to make it as easy as possible to reply. Too many people said that they hadn’t opened their emails for several days and therefore missed the return deadline, or they use their work email and get so many emails each day that they hardly look at emails from the school let alone reply. Overall, I think the real basic element for the overall inspection is the lesson observations carried out by the Inspectors. My recollection is that there were more lesson observations carried out this time, and it doesn’t matter if the teacher is a NQT or a TA or an experienced teacher, they are all marked according to the same criteria and standard, and if you don’t score over 50% outstanding with zero satisfactory scores, you don’t stand a chance of being rated as outstanding. I think the message is that schools need to set up a rigorous internal monitoring regime including unannounced internal moderation and peer to peer observations with good feedback and coaching to really raise the level and keep it high. Our experience suggested that our internal moderation was not quite as rigorous as Ofsted’s and it may be that we lulled ourselves into a false sense of security and suffered somewhat as a result. Still we retained our Good status and some schools haven’t. Ofsted: School C Since the previous inspection, the school has maintained pupils’ good achievement, raised attendance and increased the rigour and use of pupil progress tracking to evaluate and support pupils’ achievement. The governing body is supportive of the school and fulfils its statutory duties well. Arrangements for safeguarding are secure and all staff are properly trained.
ACADEMY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & GOVERNANCE EVALUATION (FMGE) RETURNS Governors/Directors in Academies will need to ensure that they have appropriate arrangements in place to complete the Financial Management & Governance Evaluation (FMGE) in time for submission to the Education Funding agency (EFA) by the required deadline. Back to Index
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
The Department for Education (DfE) is yet to update dates on their website, but all Academies opened prior to 31st July 2012 are expected to be required to submit their completed FMGE form to the EFA by 31 st December 2012. Governors/Director in Academies will need to ensure that that have planned time for completion of the return and a Full Governing Body or appropriate committee (with delegated responsibility) to formally agree the content prior to signature and submission. For more information: ternal-assurance/financial-governance-returns
Support for
Surrey Young Carers (SYC) is a charitable service working across the county to support young people, aged up to 18 years, who have a caring role for a family member or friend with a disability or a long-term health problem (including mental illness, or a drug or alcohol addiction). Current reports indicate that there are at least 12,000 young carers in Surrey, many of them hidden from view and providing practical, personal and emotional support. From these reports, and from the evidence of working with schools across the county, SYC believes that at least 10% of all pupils in every primary and secondary school are providing some form of caring. Although many cope with these conditions, up to two-thirds of these young people experience considerable difficulties. Emotional, physical and social problems can manifest from inappropriate caring responsibilities and from the impact of stress and low income that can be associated with disability, ill-health and addiction within the family. Such problems within the home often causes difficulties for young people in their education, such as getting to school, being able to focus upon schoolwork, and completing assignments. Over time, this can have a considerable impact upon their ability to achieve qualifications and to move into further education and careers. Surrey Young Carers work with schools to assist them in identifying and supporting these students, to help them to get the most out of their education. OFSTED recommend this work as best practice. Our top recommendations to schools include: 
Designating a member of staff to lead on supporting young carers and liaise with external agencies (as is the case for looked-after children and other groups of vulnerable pupils)
Embedding regular training on young carer issues into the INSET programme
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
The creation of a young carer policy, and the creation of individual support plans in consultation with the families
Promotion of in-school and charitable support via the Home-School Agreement, ParentMail and newsletters and website
The inclusion of questions on admissions forms regarding health problems and disabilities amongst family members, that impact upon the child
Each school to create a young carer register and carer status to be included on a pupil’s records, with the information transferred to each school the child attends
The inclusion of lessons on disability, illness and caring within the Personnal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) curriculum, particularly around mental illness and emotional health
For more information on these recommendations, you can download a copy of our manual for schools from the following web address: Alternatively contact us via the details below for a copy to be sent to you via the post. We are able to provide briefings, information and advice to staff on all of the above recommendations and more, to assist them in creating ‘carer-friendly schools’. We can also present assembly talks to inform students on the issues and the support that is available. We have produced PSHE materials to enable primary and secondary schools to teach on the topics. Surrey Young Carers also offers a range of individualised support, including assisting families in accessing the statutory services they require to reduce the young person’s caring role, and providing social activities, breaks and one-to-one support for these young people. For further information on Surrey Young Carers and to contact your local Education Adviser, please call 01483 568269 or visit To contact your local Education Adviser directly:
for Runnymede, Surrey Heath, Woking, Guildford and Waverley, call 01483 457008, or email
for Spelthorne, Elmbridge and Mole Valley, call 01737 245576, or email
for Epsom and Ewell, Reigate and Banstead, and Tandridge, call 01737 245576, or email
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
ADVANCED SKILLS TEACHERS Many governing bodies and headteachers across the country recognise that the appointment of Advanced Skills Teachers (ASTs) can have a significant effect on teaching and learning and drive up standards in their schools. ASTs are exemplary, highly creative practitioners of teaching. Pupils in the classroom of an AST are engaged, motivated, absorbed: they love learning. As a consequence excellent progress is made. ASTs raise the quality of teaching and learning right across the school because, by sharing their expertise and excellent pedagogical theory, they inspire other members of staff to ‘raise their game’. ASTs do not consider themselves as members of an elite group but as coaches, mentors and people who share best practice. They provide cost-effective, pertinent continuing professional development for staff because they understand the context and needs of both the staff and pupils. They are often members of the school’s senior leadership team where they can lead teaching and learning strategy across the school and create a culture of high expectations and challenge. Traditionally, AST posts have been funded by the local authority but, with the refocusing of funding directly to schools, many schools of all sizes are now creating and funding AST posts. For example, in July 2012 nearly 60 assessments for AST status were carried out and the vast majority of these AST posts are school-funded. Some schools create many AST posts. For example Ninestiles School, an Academy in Birmingham has 18 ASTs on their staff. Christine Quinn, Principal, says, “Investment in outstanding teaching is the way we show our determination to support and challenge all our students. AST status provides our outstanding practitioners with a platform to impact on the quality of teaching and the richness of learning across the school.” Closer to home Glyn School has twelve ASTs. Tom Hayter, AST at Glyn School says, “Effective teachers are often effective learners; there is a real culture here at Glyn that staff, both new and experienced, are always looking to grow, nurture and develop their classroom practice.” ASTs make a difference in schools of all sizes. Barcombe Primary School is a rural primary in East Sussex with only one AST but Caitlin Yapp, Headteacher finds his support invaluable. “An AST creates energy in your school. They share their skills and expertise, and encourage and support others. They are excellence in action!” Babcock 4S has been appointed by the Department for Education (DfE) to carry out, at no charge to the candidate or the school, the assessment of ASTs, the only higher professional teaching standard that is externally assessed. This external assessment gives added credibility to the status. When a teacher has AST status you know that he/she has met a very demanding set of standards through a robust assessment process that is nationally rigorous and consistent. This means that you can be confident that ASTs are exceptional teachers who will work with you to raise standards in your school and to improve the life chances for your pupils. We will be pleased to talk to aspirant ASTs and/or school leaders who want to know more about this exciting status. For more information please contact us: T: 01372 834282
E: :
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
OFSTED, SAFEGUARDING & CRB CHECKS With the advent of the new school year comes a further Ofsted Inspection framework for schools and the new framework is accompanied by the usual array of new and updated publications. Whilst safeguarding remains relatively unchanged from the January 2012 framework, the guidance document entitled “Inspecting Safeguarding” has been re-published. This document contains broadly the same information as the version published in March this year but Annex 2 has been updated to make reference to the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and the changes that will be introduced in the Spring of 2013, relating to portability of Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks. Governors need to be aware, as confirmed in last term’s Hot Topics sessions, that both Ofsted and the Department for Education (DfE) are clearly stating that unless governors have unsupervised access to pupils (e.g. volunteering to come into school and listen to them read) they do not need a CRB. The Ofsted Safeguarding document points out, as does the DfE website that schools are not expected to renew CRBs at all. Ofsted state in para 9 of the document, “There has never been a statutory requirement for CRB disclosure certificates to be renewed, and the DfE is renewing and strengthening its guidance to deter schools from such routine re-checks which are considered to be a poor use of resources” Governing bodies need to be mindful of this especially in light of the NEW criteria for evaluating governance, within the Leadership & Management judgment, in the September 2012 Ofsted framework (see article Another Ofsted Framework in this issue of the Surrey Governor). Governance is now evaluated against 9 new criteria, one of which is “…how well governors ensure probity and that financial resources made available to the school are managed effectively.” It is highly likely that inspectors will consider the school’s policy on CRBs and their renewal under this heading. To download a copy of the full Safeguarding document go to: (Briefings and information for use during inspections of maintained schools and academies from September 2012 – select Inspecting Safeguarding Briefing) Governance Consultancy
INDEPENDENT AND IMPARTIAL CAREERS GUIDANCE UPDATE Following the update in the Summer Report, we can now advise governors that the Department of Education (DfE) published a new guide offering practical information on the new duty to secure access to independent and impartial careers guidance. ‘Securing Independent Careers Guidance – A Practical Guide for Schools’ can be accessed from the following link: The guide has been widely welcomed as providing helpful information alongside the ‘Statutory Guidance for Schools – Careers Guidance’. Back to Index
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
Brian Lightman, General Secretary, Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) said: “Within the context of the current economic situation and the emphasis on improving social equality, it is more important than ever for young people to have access to high quality, independent careers guidance. In the context of recent changes to the careers service, this practical guide is welcome and will be very useful in helping schools to understand their new statutory responsibilities. ASCL commends it to school leaders and careers coordinators.” The new Guide highlights three aspects of quality assurance schools should take into consideration:1. The quality of the independent careers provider 2. The quality of careers professionals working with the school 3. The quality of the school careers programme If your school is looking to demonstrate the quality of your overall careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) programme to pupils, parents and the wider community, you can contact other schools in Surrey which have already committed to the Investor in Careers Award (one of the quality awards nationally validated by the Quality in Careers Standard). To find out more contact
TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION OF TEACHERS – THE GROWING ROLE OF SCHOOLS For ten years schools in Surrey have been involved in a variety of initial teacher training (ITT) initiatives, including university undergraduate (BEd) and post graduate (PGCE) courses, primary and secondary graduate teacher programmes (GTP). GTPs run by George Abbot School, the Thamesmead Partnership and Surrey LA (through Babcock 4S) have enabled schools to work together with them to train many of Surrey’s outstanding teachers. Now, under major changes unveiled recently by the education secretary Michael Gove, all graduate teacher programmes will come to an end. The last of these employment based routes into teaching will run in 2012/13. It is Mr Gove’s intention to enable schools to become more involved with training the next generation of teachers, requiring universities and other ITT providers to forge closer partnerships with them. The new School Direct route, starting this September, will allow schools to work closely with accredited providers to train new teachers in the subjects and phases they need, and have more influence on the way they are trained. They will also be able to select the ITT provider, including universities and Teaching School partnerships, they want to work with. Under School Direct, schools awarded training places will be expected to find a job for the trainee once they achieve qualified teacher status (QTS). School Direct is expected to grow significantly over the next 3 years, taking many of the current BEd and PGCE places allocated to university providers. School Direct trainees will pay fees to the provider for their training and will be able to access fee loans to cover this cost. Good honours graduates will be able to access significant bursaries between £5k £20k depending on subject and phase. First class degree trainees in secondary maths, physics and modern foreign languages will attract the top bursaries. First class degree trainees in primary will attract £9k. Back to Index
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
The GTP will be replaced with a new employment based training programme that will be a strand of School Direct. It will be open to high quality graduates who have at least three years’ experience in other careers. As with the fee paying strand of School Direct, schools or consortia of schools will seek and be awarded places and will decide on the provider with whom they work. The provider will agree with the school the apportioning of grant to cover the cost of training and salary subsidy. It will also need to agree through a partnership agreement with the school the amount of time the trainee must be made available for training. The Government expects around 5,000 teacher training places to be made available for career changers from September 2013. As there will be a financial commitment for schools seeking to take on a School Direct (salaried) trainee, governors will need to be involved in such decision making by the headteacher. Better performing ITT providers will be awarded an allocation of traditional undergraduate, post-graduate or school-centred (SCITT) places. Surrey LA, working in close partnership with South Farnham School as the primary teaching school in Surrey is likely to be allocated 10+ school-centred places and will be looking to grow the Partnership across Surrey, with schools willing to act as host for a trainee for the academic year 2013/14. To this allocation will be added those trainees supported by schools through the School Direct fee paying route. Again governors will need to be aware of the intentions of their schools regarding the capacity to support trainees on this route. Having a high calibre trainee brings great benefit to the school, especially in the final term of the course when she/he will be teaching a class on four days of the week. However, there is an inevitable commitment on the school with regard to the school-led elements of the training, mentoring and support. Governors wishing to read more detail about the forthcoming changes to ITT and the expectation the coalition government places on schools and ITT Partnerships can access information through the following link: Ian Hollingsworth, ITT Manager, Babcock 4S
CALLING ALL CLERKS TO GOVERNING BODIES Babcock 4S has an established Clerking Service supporting over 125 schools throughout Surrey and we are looking to expand our database of experienced clerks. If you would like to join the Babcock 4S team by taking on another school, please contact me for further details or an informal discussion. I look forward to hearing from you. Carole Ford - Clerking Co-ordinator 0800 073 4444 ext 834104 Back to Index
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
PREMISES BUYBACK AND BUILDING STATUTORY INSPECTIONS SCHEME April 2013 – 2018 The current Building Maintenance Buyback scheme expires in March 2013 and Surrey County Council will be launching Buyback IV in April 2013. Many Governors will be familiar with the current Green Book. The scheme will retain all the existing features with a few additional extras that can be purchased. The Health and Safety at Work Act allows Government to make regulations about aspects of health and safety in the workplace. There are many regulations and they are continually being added to and revised. The European Union also make directives which must be followed. Failure to comply with health and safety regulations puts the employer at risk of criminal prosecution. Whilst Surrey County Council is the employer of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools, individual schools can also be prosecuted. For all other categories of school the Governing Body is the employer and is therefore liable for complying with health and safety regulations. The Buyback Scheme is in 2 parts:
Buyback Inspections
Pick and choose from a list of available inspections – most of which are statutory
all inspections undertaken by specialist contractors managed by Surrey County Property Department
ensures building related statutory inspections are carried out.
Back to Index
Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
Buyback Works An indemnity scheme which is managed by the Property Department based at County Hall. Schools pay an annual premium which provides peace of mind that maintenance requirements falling within the scope of the scheme, foreseen or unforeseen, will be managed within the funds available. This provides indemnity against building and services failures whilst minimising the need for school staff administration and management in solving complex solutions to premises failures. Schools who subscribe can ring the Surrey County Council Property Helpdesk (24/7) with regards to any premises related queries. All works are undertaken by competent specialist contractors who are CRB checked. For schools who subscribe to Buyback Inspections and Works, repairs that come to light following an inspection will be covered by the scheme, subject to priority and sufficient funds. Rachel Bradley, Building Surveying Maintenance Surveyor
BABCOCK / SGA CONFERENCE EXPECTATIONS OF GOVERNANCE, 2012 AND BEYOND 17th November 2012 – 9.00 – 13.00, Holiday Inn, Chessington, Leatherhead Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 2NE
The 2012 Babcock 4S and Surrey Governors’ Association joint conference will ensure Surrey school governors are aware of current DfE policy on education and how this impacts upon governance, how Surrey schools effectiveness is supported and monitored by Babcock 4S and the expectation of governance represented within the new Ofsted framework. Sue Hackman (Chief Adviser, School Standards, Department of Education)
Sue will provide governors with an overview of current government educational policy, the DfE’s vision for schools and how the government’s expectations embrace the role of governance. Head of School Effectiveness
The Head of School Effectiveness will provide governors with an insight into how Babcock 4S ensure effectiveness of provision within Surrey schools and spearhead Surrey’s drive for continuous improvement in pupil performance in all phases of education. Steven Barker (Governance Consultant)
Steve will ensure governors understand the new (from September 2012) Ofsted framework and specifically the new Leadership & Management judgement and the expectations within it of the role of governors in schools. There is no charge to attend for schools with a Governance SLA. 2 free places per school. Bookings on a first come first served basis. To book a place please visit Course code: 12T/06419 For further information contact: Janice Beach
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Surrey Governor
Autumn Term 2012
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ASG (ADDITIONAL SKILLS GOVERNOR) TRAINING DAY Saturday 20th October 2012 9.30am – 3.30pm Reigate Baptist Church. Course code: 12T/06237 For full details please see page 28 of the Training & Development Programme
Future Dates for Chairs’ Meetings These dates are subject to revision due to the availability of the Cabinet Member for Children & Learning and the Assistant Director of Children’s Services. 2012 Autumn Term th 6 November 2012 – Esher High School 7.15pm – 9.15pm th 16 November 2012 – Sunbury Court, Sunbury on Thames 10.15am – 12.15pm
(Please note change of date) 2013 Spring Term th 5 March 2013 – th 13 March 2013 –
Venue tbc - 7.15pm – 9.15pm Venue tbc - 10.15am – 12.15pm
Summer Term th 4 June 2013 – th 12 June 2013 –
Venue tbc - 7.15pm – 9.15pm Venue tbc - 10.15am – 12.15pm
Autumn Term th 5 November 2013 – Venue tbc - 7.15pm – 9.15pm th 13 November 2013 - Venue tbc - 10.15am – 12.15pm
Celebration of Governance Tuesday 18th June 2013
Surrey County Council will be hosting the Celebration of Governance, the annual event at County Hall in the Ashcombe Suite at 7pm. If as a governor you have completed three terms of office, please remind the clerk to notify Esther Stovell and we will ensure you are invited. Back to Index
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
The Autumn Term Training Programme contains full details of all governor training opportunities offered by Governance Consultancy. To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: A guide to using CPD Online, the on-line booking system, can be found on the next page. Any amendment or update to the governor training programme will be communicated via link governors and clerks.
Some date changes have been necessary since publishing the Autumn term flyer please note: Performance Management HT Review 12T/06119 - date change to 17th October Introduction to School Governance 12T/06095 - date change from 4th October to 11th October
WHOLE GOVERNING BODY TRAINING Schools that have bought in to the Governance Service Level Agreement at Level 2 can expect to receive a 2 hour in-house training session delivered by a Governance Consultancy Associate Trainer or, where appropriate, the school’s Leadership and Management Consultant (Personnel or Finance) or School Improvement Adviser. To get the best from a whole governing body development session, it should be planned well in advance. This will ensure that the date is agreeable to as many governors as possible. Training sessions must be taken before the end of the financial year i.e. 31st March 2013, so it is never too early to plan yours! Please email
If you require any further help or advice with any aspect of governor training, please contact Governance Consultancy: Janice Beach – Training Co-ordinator 0800 073 4444 ext. 834385 Email: Elaina Taylor – Training Administrator 0800 073 4444 ext. 834483 Email:
To access the site please use the following URL:
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
CPD Online GUIDE FOR GOVERNORS AND CLERKS Logon - New User Governors and clerks can register as individual users to CPD Online (or they may wish to ask their CPD Leader to action the booking – see below). From the front page click on the New User option within the Logon box. This opens the New Online User Step 1- complete this page with your personal details and enter your own user name and password. Continue to Step 2 – This allows you to choose which subject area and target audience you would be interested to receive event information for. Once this is complete the user will be able to login immediately. All new users should be set up via their establishment (school); it is important for governors and clerks to be linked to an establishment (either a named school or “Babcock4S Clerk” if you are a Babcock 4S Clerk) and not to set themselves up from their home address. Logon – Existing User Type your username and password into the Logon box and select ‘Enter’ on the screen. CPD Leaders Setting up new CPD Leaders or making changes to existing CPD Leaders will be actioned by a member of the training and conferencing team. Link Governors may wish to be set up as CPD Leaders to enable them to make booking’s on behalf of colleagues from their own governing body. Please contact a member of the training team on 0800 073 4444 ext. 835008 or email User Amendments Any user can amend their contact details. To change a password please click on My CPD Online at the top of the screen then select Change username and password. To change your contact email address click on Change contact details. If a member of staff moves establishment we are able to keep their history and transfer them to their new establishment. If a member of staff is retiring or leaving without relocating to another Surrey establishment then please notify us and we will remove them from your establishment. Search Events Enter the search criteria for a specific event, or leave blank to view all events. You can search by keyword, subject area, using the calendar, target audience or Event Code. To view the event details select the Full Details tab to the right of the screen. Making a Booking Once you have found the event you wish to attend, select the Request a Place tab on the right of the screen. There is no attendance charge for governors and clerks from schools with a Governance SLA Level 1 or Level 2. The system will recognise that your school has an SLA and you will not be charged. Once any special requirements have been inputted and the Terms and Conditions have been read, tick the box to confirm you have done this. Click on ‘Submit’ to request a place on the event. A message will display to confirm the booking request is complete. If you are attending a conference with seminars follow the process above making sure to also enter your preferred seminar choices. Cancelling a Booking If you need to cancel a booking please click on My CPD Online at the top of the screen and in the Event section select Cancel a booking.
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 21
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012 To cancel a place booked for a colleague, if booked by CPD Leader, select Events colleagues are due to attend in the CPD Leader Tools section. Waiting List If the event you wish to attend is full then you will have the option to request a place on the waiting list. Once your CPD Leader has authorised your place on the waiting list if a place becomes available on the event you will be notified by CPD Online. If you no longer require a place on the event then please notify us immediately and we will offer it to the next attendee. Authorisation (when appropriate) Once you have made a booking an automated email will be sent to your establishment’s CPD Leader for authorisation. When authorising a booking, the payment method will default to your establishment’s chosen payment method – usually covered by a Governance SLA. If this needs to be changed please contact a member of the training and conferencing team. Once your CPD Leader has authorised your booking, your place on the event will be confirmed. Paying for events There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or Level 2 Governance Service Level Agreement with Babcock4S or if you are a Babcock 4S Clerk trying to book onto a Clerks training course or briefing session. If your school does not buy in to the Governance SLA and you wish to attend a training course, the school will be invoiced for your attendance once authorised by the CPD Lead. When Babcock 4S cancel an event An email is generated and sent out to all the attendees booked on to the event. A full refund will be issued for the cancelled event (if not covered by an SLA) and if you wish to rebook on an alternative date please do so via CPD Online. Forgotten Password If you forget your password, please click on the Forgotten Password option in the Logon box on the left hand side of the screen. Type your email address in the box and click the ‘Enter’ button. The copy of your account details will be emailed to you. However, if there is more than one user with the same email address e.g. this will not be possible and you will need to contact the Babcock 4S Training team for help. Further Support If you require any assistance or if you have training course enquiries, then please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Babcock 4S Training team: Tel: 0800 073 4444 ext. 835008 Email: If you require any further help or advice with any aspect of governor training, please contact Governance Consultancy: Janice Beach, Training Co-ordinator - Elaina Taylor, Training Administrator - Babcock 4S website - Governance Consultancy makes available training and development materials that have been developed through the SLAs with schools on the Babcock 4S website. In order to gain access to the additional information provided to governors at schools with an SLA, customers are required to have registered with Babcock 4S to receive an individual password for the site. Materials available to download include all the Good Governance Guides and the school-based welcome pack for new governors.
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 22
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Schools with a Governance SLA have access to a range of on-line learning modules for governors and clerks which include:
Safeguarding – The Governors’ Role Governors’ Visits to School E-Safety for Governors Health and Safety The Role of the SEN Governor
How to Register on the GEL Website To open the GEL home page please enter the following web address
To access the registration page click on the yellow box titled ‘Register Here’.
Choose your Local Authority (Surrey) from the drop down menu and click on ‘Continue Registration.’
Under ‘Your Details’ please fill in your Forename and Surname. Then select your School from the drop down menu. (If your school name does not appear please inform Keren Clifford at Governance Consultancy to update the school details.)
Your chosen Local Authority (Surrey) will appear in the ‘Your Details’ section but if you selected the wrong one you have the option to change it underneath. Only Local Authorities who have subscribed to GEL are listed in the drop down menu.
Under Login Details please fill in your Email Address; this can be your work or home address and will be used for logging in to the GEL website. Useful information from GEL, such as confirmation of your account registration, will be sent to this address.
Please choose a Password of 6 characters or more and enter the same password in the box below to confirm. If you forget your password in the future there is the option to be sent a reminder, on the Member Login page.
After entering your chosen password click on ‘Submit’ and an email will automatically be sent to Governance Consultancy. Keren Clifford, our Database Administrator, will check your details and you will then receive an email to say that your GEL account has been approved.
To login to GEL click on Member Login, enter your Email Address and Password then click Login.
If you have any further questions, please contact Keren Clifford, Governance Consultancy email: Tel: 0800 0734444 ext. 834381
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 23
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Autumn Term Governor Training & Development Programme Events (in Course Order) Date 19/09/2012
Title Academies – Questions for Governors to Ask Academy Governor Responsibilities
Code 12T/06125
Time 19:00 - 21:00
19:00 - 21:00
Venue The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Holiday Inn, Guildford
10:00 - 12:00
Reigate Baptist Church
9:30 - 15:30
Reigate Baptist Church
10:00 - 12:00
19:00 - 21:00
Achievement of Pupils – What Governors Need To Know Additional Skills Governor (ASG) Training Day Chairing Skills for Committee Chairs & Aspiring Chairs of Governors Chairing Skills for Committee Chairs & Aspiring Chairs of Governors Clerking a Pupil Discipline Committee
9:30 -12:30
Clerking Formal Hearings
9:30 – 12:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone Holmesdale Community Infant School, Reigate The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone NASUWT, Send
Clerking Induction 1
9:30 - 15:30
Clerking Induction 2
9:30 -12:30
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
13:30 – 15:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone NASUWT, Send
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
Bourne Hall, Ewell
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone Reigate Baptist Church
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
South Farnham School
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
19:00 – 21:00
Curriculum Monitoring
10:00 - 12:00
Exclusions for Governors
19:00 - 21:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Governors’ Conference
9:00 – 13:30
The Holiday Inn, Chessington
10:00 – 12:00
Headteacher Recruitment – What Governors Need to Know Hot Topics for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Leatherhead Golf Club
Hot Topics for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
Hot Topics for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
Tandridge Confederation Learning Centre (de Stafford School) The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Hot Topics for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Saturday 22/09/2012 18/10/2012
Hot Topics for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Reigate Baptist Church
Introduction to School Finance
10:00 - 12:30
Reigate Baptist Church
08/11/2012 24/09/2012
Introduction to School Finance Introduction to School Governance 1
12T/06052 12T/06184
19:00 - 21:30 19:00 - 21:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford The Holiday Inn, Guildford
01/10/2012 20/11/2012 Saturday 20/10/2012 08/11/2012 19/11/2012
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 24
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Introduction to School Governance 1
10:00 - 12:30
The King’s Centre, Chessington
Introduction to School Governance 1
19:00 - 21:30
Bagshot Infant School
Introduction to School Governance 2
10:00 - 12:30
The Kings Centre, Chessington
Introduction to School Governance 2
19:00 - 21:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Introduction to School Governance 2
19:00 - 21:30
Bagshot Infant School
Introduction to School Governance 1 & 2
9:30 – 15:30
Saturday 10/11/2012 13/11/2012
Introduction to School Governance 1 & 2
9:30 - 15:30
Reigate Baptist Church
10:00 - 14:30
New Chairs & Headteachers – Working Together Ofsted – New Expectations for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Ofsted – New Expectations for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Ofsted – New Expectations for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Performance Management – The Headteacher’s Review Performance Management – The Headteacher’s Review Pupil Behaviour and Safety - What Governors Need to Know RAISEonline
19:00 - 21:00
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Holiday Inn, Guildford
10:00 - 12:00
The King’s Centre, Chessington
19:00 - 21:00
Bagshot Infant School
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
10:00 - 12:00
Reigate Baptist Church
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Safeguarding – The Role of the Governing Body Safeguarding – The Role of the Governing Body Safer Recruitment
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)
10:00 - 12:00
Secondary Phase Network Meeting
19:00 - 21:00
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Special Educational Needs (SEN) - What the SEN Governor needs to know
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
17/10/2012 18/10/2012 22/11/2012 16/10/2012 15/11/2012
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 25
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
ACADEMIES – Questions for Governors to Ask All schools are now eligible to convert to academy status and it is vital that schools, if they are to consider this, ensure that their decisions are based on sound knowledge. This session will provide governors with an overview of Academies, an insight into the application and conversion process and the opportunity to have their questions answered. The session will be a mix of tutor input, group discussion and the opportunity to raise questions. Governors will also be made aware of where they can go for further support and information.
Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will : be aware of what academies are and how they are structured know how the application process works have reflected on questions that need answering when considering academy status have had the opportunity to ask questions
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 19/09/2012
Venue The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06125
ACADEMY GOVERNOR RESPONSIBILITIES Governors' roles do not change with Academy status but their responsibilities do. Most notably, governors are directors of the company that operates the academy. This session will brief governors on these new responsibilities and ensure they are aware of how to discharge their legal duties Intended Outcomes:
Requirements or Follow Up:
Cost :
Date 01/10/2012
Course participants will gain : a clarification of their role as governors an understanding of the responsibilities of being a governor in an academy awareness of strategies to ensure that Academy Governing Bodies fulfil their responsibilities Attendance at ‘Academies - Questions for Governors to Ask’
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06181
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 26
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
ACHIEVEMENT OF PUPILS - What Governors Need To Know Achievement of Pupils at the school’ is one of the four key judgements in the current Ofsted framework from September 2012. This course will ensure governors understand this how this judgement is made by inspectors and how their own monitoring should inform their view of standards in their school. Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will: understand how the judgement on Achievement underpins the Ofsted Framework know how Ofsted make the judgements on this aspect of the school’s work be aware of strategies to ensure governor monitoring equips them with an overview of standards in the school
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 20/11/2012
Venue Reigate Baptist Church
Time 10:00 - 12:00
Code 12T/06105
ADDITIONAL SKILLS GOVERNOR (ASG) TRAINING DAY The Additional Skills Governor (ASG) Programme is now in its 11th year and has a proven track record in demonstrating that experienced and effective governors have the greatest impact in providing support to governing bodies in other Surrey schools. Intended Outcomes :
This whole-day session includes content on: the roles ASG’s are asked to fulfil focusing the agenda on school improvement understanding and using performance data supporting and mentoring governors
Requirements or Follow Up :
We know that experienced governors are best placed to support governing bodies who find themselves in challenging circumstances and we are looking to recruit governors who want to build on their existing experiences and are prepared to give a little extra time to help others A light lunch will be provided
Cost :
£145.00 (£174.00 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date Saturday 20/10/2012
Venue Reigate Baptist Church
Time 9:30 - 15:30
Code 12T/06237
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 27
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
CHAIRING SKILLS FOR COMMITTEE CHAIRS & ASPIRING CHAIRS OF GOVERNORS Increasingly tasks and responsibilities are delegated to committees. It is essential, therefore, that committee Chairs are confident in their role and have a good understanding of statutory requirements and how effective meetings contribute to school improvement Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will gain: an understanding of the role of the chair an appreciation of how the chair can effectively lead a meeting an understanding of how committee meetings can be more effective and contribute to school improvement a knowledge of statutory legislation with regard to committee documentation
Cost :
£88.00 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 08/11/2012 19/11/2012
Venue The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone Holmesdale Community Infant School, Reigate
Time 10:00 - 12:00 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06124 12T/06115
CLERKING A PUPIL DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE This session builds on the skills gained in technical, administrative and statutory procedures outlined during the 'Clerking Development Programme: Induction' course. It will introduce the legal framework that governs the exclusion of pupils as outlined in the DfE Exclusions Guidance 2012 (or any subsequent updates) and Surrey Exclusions Guidance, highlight the duties of clerks and consider potential problem areas. This course is co-delivered by a solicitor from Surrey's Legal Services Department and a member of the Governance Training Team Intended Outcomes:
Course participants will gain: an understanding of the administrative, legal and practical aspects of the exclusion process knowledge of the legal framework for exclusions the opportunity to discuss the role of the clerk to a Pupil Discipline Committee information about other resources and support
Designed for :
Clerks to governing bodies
Cost :
£103.00 (£123.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 09/10/2012
Venue The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Time 9:30 - 12:30
Code 12T/06182
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 28
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
CLERKING FORMAL HEARINGS This course will consider the organisation, regulations, policies and procedures governing formal hearings. Participants will be made aware of the practical issues, including the organisation of a hearing and the content of minutes, packs and letters. There will also be detailed discussions of the other roles and responsibilities a clerk will carry out during an entire formal hearing process. Intended Outcomes:
Course participants will gain: knowledge of how a hearing should be organised understanding of the different roles and responsibilities involved in a hearing awareness of the requirements in taking the minutes of a hearing understanding of the issues that can arise and the confidence to deal with them information of how the outcome of a hearing should be recorded
Designed for :
Clerks to governing bodies
Cost :
£103.00 (£123.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 08/11/2012
Venue NASUWT, Send
Time 9:30 – 12:30
Code 12T/06020
CLERKING INDUCTION This one and a half-day introductory module of the 'Clerking Development Programme' will focus on the procedures that a clerk must follow in order to provide efficient support that will be pivotal in contributing to the effectiveness of the governing body. The first day will provide information about the role of a governing body and how they work and concentrate on the clerking skills that a new clerk requires. The follow-up half-day session will focus on Surrey's model agenda and how to provide effective minutes of full governing body meetings Intnded Outcomes :
Course participants will gain : a comprehensive understanding of the role of the clerk in their statutory and strategic responsibilities an opportunity to network and share problems and solutions
Cost :
£248 (£297.60 inc VAT) A light lunch will be provided on Day 1 There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 11/10/2012 18/10/2012
Venue The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Time 9:30 - 15:30 9:30 - 12:30
Code 12T/06195 12T/06195
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 29
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
CLERKS’ BRIEFINGS AND DEVELOPMENT SESSIONS These briefings are an opportunity for clerks to receive up-to-date statutory and legislative information and to consider the yearly model agenda and other paperwork distributed to all clerks at the start of each term by Governance Consultancy. The sessions provide a forum for clerks to share best practice and network. Intended Outcomes:
Course participants will gain: up to date information on current issues and best practice opportunities to network and share problems and solutions
Designed for :
Clerks to governing bodies
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 10/09/2012 11/09/2012 12/09/2012 14/09/2012 14/09/2012 17/09/2012
Venue NASUWT, Send Bourne Hall, Ewell The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone Reigate Baptist Church South Farnham School The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Time 13:30 – 15:30 09:30 – 11:30 09:30 – 11:30 09:30 – 11:30 09:30 – 11:30 19:00 – 21:00
Code 12T/06057 12T/06058 12T/06059 12T/06060 12T/06062 12T/06061
CURRICULUM MONITORING Governors are responsible for ensuring that pupils in their school receive their entitlement to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary to prepare them for later life and ensure they have options available to them. This course will highlight how governors should, at a suitably strategic level, monitor their school’s curriculum and be assured that it meets requirements. Intended Outcomes:
Course participants will gain : knowledge of the National Curriculum and other requirements an insight into how Ofsted judge the quality of the curriculum an understanding of how the curriculum quality should be reflected in their school’s self-evaluation and what they should expect to monitor within it
Designed for :
All governors
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 15/10/2012
Venue The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Time 10:00 - 12:00
Code 12T/06199
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 30
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
EXCLUSIONS FOR GOVERNORS This session will provide information and advice to enable Disciplinary Committees of governing bodies to reach decisions on exclusion with confidence. It will make clear the legal requirements for exclusion, the role and responsibilities of governors in meetings of the Disciplinary Committee and the wider concept of social inclusion that underlies recent legislation. The tutor will highlight for governors, the key criteria for exclusion laid out in Circulars 10/99 and 11/99, as well as the salient points in subsequent documentation from the DfE. Intended Outcomes:
Requirements Or Follow Up: Designed for:
Cost :
Date 10/10/2012
Course participants will gain : an understanding of the role and responsibilities of the Disciplinary Committee guidance on the key areas for clarification at meetings an understanding of the administrative, legal and practical aspects of the exclusion process A separate session is offered to clerks of governing bodies to gain an understanding of their role in an exclusion hearing. All governors, especially those serving as members of a Disciplinary Committee considering fixed term and permanent exclusions and clerks £103.00 (£123.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Time 19:00 - 21:30
Code 12T/06183
HEADTEACHER RECRUITMENT – What Governors Need to Know Focussing on headteacher recruitment and interviewing skills, this course will outline the aspects to be considered throughout the leadership recruitment process. Initially examining the planning and preparation required, this is followed by techniques governors can employ to promote an effective recruitment interview, aided by an interactive question planning workshop. The session briefly mentions other selection procedures, how to reach your final decision and lastly the debriefing of candidates and post interview procedures. Intended Outcomes:
Course participants will gain : an appreciation of the Leadership recruitment market succession Planning considerations an outline of leadership recruitment process interview planning and techniques reaching the final decision post interview procedures
Designed for :
All governors
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 15/11/2012
Venue NASUWT, Send
Time 10:00 – 12:00
Code 12T/06121
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 31
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
HOT TOPICS FOR GOVERNORS Governors are increasingly required to respond to and embrace new initiatives and comply with new statutory requirements placed upon them. This session will cover a range of new "hot" topics each term, ensuring governors and clerks are kept abreast of the latest developments in education. Details of the specific content of each term's session will be sent to link governors and clerks at the beginning of each term. Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will gain : awareness of new statutory duties knowledge of new government initiatives the opportunity to consider the impact of these initiatives on schools and on the way governors work strategies for implementation
Designed for :
All governors, clerks and headteachers
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 12/09/2012 13/09/2012 18/09/2012 20/09/2012 Saturday 22/09/2012
Venue Leatherhead Golf Club Tandridge Confederation Learning Centre (de Stafford School) The Holiday Inn, Guildford NASUWT, Send Reigate Baptist Church
Time 10:00 - 12:00 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06250 12T/06114
19:00 - 21:00 10:00 - 12:00 10:00 - 12:00
12T/06047 12T/06050 12T/06094
INTRODUCTION TO SCHOOL FINANCE This course provides governors with an overview of school finances, how schools are funded and strategies that governors can use in monitoring expenditure and ensuring that available funding is used to meet the needs of the school's pupils. Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will gain : an understanding of where school finance fits within the statutory roles and responsibilities of the governing body knowledge of how schools are funded strategies for monitoring and evaluation school financial decisions
Designed for :
All newly appointed governors, and those governors who are members of the finance/resource committee.
Cost :
£103 (£123.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 18/10/2012 08/11/2012
Venue Reigate Baptist Church The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Time 10:00 - 12:30 19:00 - 21:30
Code 12T/06251 12T/06052
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 32
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
INTRODUCTION TO SCHOOL GOVERNANCE – Part 1 This two part course will provide governors with an understanding of their role and main responsibilities. The first session will focus on the strategic role of governors and begin to explore monitoring and evaluation, which will be further developed in Part 2 of the course. Intended Outcomes :
By the end of the session, governors will: have an overview of the education system know the main purpose of governing bodies be aware of the three key governor roles and know what strategic governance is know what makes an effective governing body begin to explore the role of the Critical Friend
Requirements or Follow Up :
‘Introduction to School Governance Part 2’ is an essential follow-up to this course. New governors are strongly recommended to attend 'Introduction to School Finance' as a follow up to Parts 1 and 2 of the Induction programme All new governors and those who want to clarify their roles and responsibilities.
Designed for : Cost :
Date 24/09/2012 25/09/2012 24/10/2012
£103 (£123.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford The King’s Centre, Chessington Bagshot Infant School
Time 19:00 - 21:30 10:00 - 12:30 19:00 - 21:30
Code 12T/06184 12T/06185 12T/06187
INTRODUCTION TO SCHOOL GOVERNANCE - Part 2 This course follows 'Introduction to School Governance Part 1' and explores the key roles and responsibilities of governing bodies in achieving effective schools. Building on knowledge gained from Part 1, the session will focus on developing good practice in monitoring and evaluation, including using the headteacher's report, classroom, visits and curriculum monitoring. Intended Outcomes:
By the end of the session governors will : know how to be an effective Critical Friend have thought about governor visits to school understand accountability have thought about the relationship between Headteachers and governors know where to go for further support and advice
Requirements or Follow Up :
'Introduction to School Governance Part 1' is an essential prerequisite to this course. New governors are strongly recommended to attend 'Introduction to School Finance' as a follow up to Parts 1 and 2 of the Induction programme.
Cost :
£103 (£123.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement
Date 08/10/2012 09/10/2012 14/11/2012
Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford The King’s Centre, Chessington Bagshot Infant School
Time 19:00 - 21:30 10:00 - 12:30 19:00 - 21:30
Code 12T/06191 12T/06194 12T/06200
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 33
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
INTRODUCTION TO SCHOOL GOVERNANCE - Parts 1 & 2 This whole day course combines Introduction 1 and 2 and will provide governors with an understanding of their role and main responsibilities. The session will focus on the strategic role of governors and on developing good practice in monitoring and evaluation, including using the headteacher's report, classroom visits and curriculum monitoring. Intended Outcomes :
By the end of this day governors will: have an overview of the education system know the main purpose of governing bodies be aware of the three key governor roles and know what strategic governance is know what makes an effective governing body be able to act as a Critical Friend understand the importance of accountability
Requirements or Follow Up :
New governors are strongly recommended to attend 'Introduction to School Finances' as a follow up to 'Induction'.
Designed for :
All new governors and those who want to clarify their roles and responsibilities.
Cost :
£145 (£174 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement. Lunch is included
Date 11/10/2012 Saturday 10/11/2012
Venue NASUWT, Send Reigate Baptist Church
Time 9:30 - 15:30 9:30 - 15:30
Code 12T/06095 12T/06097
NEW CHAIRS AND HEADTEACHERS - Working Together The role can often appear very daunting to the newly appointed chairs. This briefing is intended for both new chairs and their headteacher to attend and will provide an opportunity to explore together the role of the chair and the expectations each has of the other in establishing an effective working relationship. Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will gain : a shared understanding of the role and responsibilities of the chair the opportunity to consider the expectations headteachers have of their chair knowledge of best practice in jointly leading the strategic direction of their school
Designed for :
Chairs of Governing Bodies and headteachers A light lunch will be provided
Cost :
Date 13/11/2012
£145.00 (£174.00 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement. Venue NASUWT, Send
Time 10:00 – 14:30
Code 12T/06099
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 34
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Ofsted – New Expectations for Governors The revised Ofsted framework which comes in to effect on 1st September 2012 requires inspectors to evaluate governance using criteria which will be far more demanding than has previously been the case. This session will brief governors on the new framework, ensuring that they are fully aware of Ofsted’s expectations on them. Intended Outcomes :
By the end of the session governors will: • be aware of the changes of the framework for September 2012 • understand how Ofsted make their judgements • be aware of strategies to ensure that they are fully prepared for when Ofsted visit their school
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement.
Date 06/09/2012 20/09/2012 06/11/2012
Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford The Holiday Inn, Guildford The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Time 19:00 - 21:00 19:00 - 21:00 10:00 - 12:00
Code 12T/06378 12T/06048 12T/06196
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – The Headteacher’s Review This session will focus on the role of those governors who serve on the headteacher's performance management (PM) review panel. They will learn about the wider context of performance management, their specific role in the process and the support that they receive in conducting the review and planning meeting from the School Improvement Advisor (SIA). Intended Outcomes :
Cost :
Date 10/09/2012 17/10/2012
Course participants will gain: an insight into how the setting of targets for the headteacher should contribute towards school improvement knowledge of various strategies for monitoring performance against the set objectives an understanding that the headteacher's PM review is a continual process rather than a once-a-year responsibility
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement. Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford The King’s Centre, Chessington
Time 19:00 - 21:00 10:00 - 12:00
Code 12T/06046 12T/06119
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 35
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Pupil Behaviour and Safety This session will brief governors on the new judgement within the September 2012 Ofsted framework. The Behaviour and Safety judgement represents a key strand of government policy and governors will need to ensure that they know its significance in future inspections and have an awareness of their school’s provision and its impact in this vital area of its work. Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will gain: knowledge of the current framework and how significant the behaviour and safety judgement is an understanding of what evidence Ofsted will consider in making this judgement an awareness of strategies to ensure that governors share an appropriately strategic overview of what their school does to promote good behaviour and ensure pupils are safe from bullying.
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement.
Date 18/10/2012
Venue Bagshot Infant School
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06197
RAISEOnline The RAISEonline report, produced by Ofsted/DfE every year for all maintained schools, is one of the key sources of performance data available to schools and provides invaluable information on standards and value added. It is a vital tool for governors to use in understanding standards and progress within their school. The new report provides information very differently to how it has previously been supplied and this session will ensure governors understand the key pieces of information available and how to use them with regard to improvement priorities in their own schools. The session uses a variety of tutor input and interactive training methods and is an opportunity to share ideas Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will gain: an understanding of how the RAISEonline report is complied knowledge of the key information it contains an understanding of how to interpret key data an appreciation of how to use this report to inform school self-evaluation and improvement priorities
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement.
Date 22/11/2012
Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06107
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 36
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN - The Role of the Governing Body This session will provide governors with an overview of safeguarding issues in schools and also a clear understanding of their statutory duties. Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will gain : an understanding of their responsibilities with regard to the safeguarding children strategies to monitor the effectiveness of safeguarding procedures within their school, on behalf of the governing body an understanding of the changing Statutory Framework and how Ofsted inspect it
Designed for :
All governors including those with specific responsibility for safeguarding.
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement.
Date 16/10/2012 15/11/2012
Venue Reigate Baptist Church The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Time 10:00 - 12:00 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06096 12T/06108
SAFER RECRUITMENT Governing bodies have statutory responsibilities relating to safeguarding of children in their schools. This course will ensure governors are aware of their duties relating to the recruitment of staff and the procedures that need to be in place which help safeguard children. This training raises awareness of key issues for governors, including how to monitor Safer Recruitment. IT IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE STATUTORY ON-LINE TRAINING Intended Outcomes :
Requirements or Follow Up :
By the end of the session governors will gain: an understanding of what Safer Recruitment is an appreciation of the statutory duties relating to schools best practice advice for governors on how to monitor this vital aspect of ensuring children and young people are ‘Staying Safe’ valuable advice on safer recruitment practices 'Headteacher Recruitment' is a complementary course.
Designed for :
Any governor, particularly those involved in recruitment and interviewing of those on Resources/Personnel Committees.
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement.
Date 23/10/2012
Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06051
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 37
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
SCHOOLS FINANCIAL VALUE STANDARD (SFVS) The Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) was introduced in September 2011 to replace FMSiS. Unlike FMSIS the new standard is not externally assessed or accredited, but it is a statutory responsibility for governing bodies to ensure is completed. Intended Outcomes :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement.
Cost :
Date 26/09/2012
Course participants will gain: an understanding of the timetable for completion of SFVS knowledge of the key components of the SFVS self evaluation strategies for ensuring successful completion of the standard and actions to follow up any required outcomes
Venue The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Time 10:00 - 12:00
Code 12T/06208
SECONDARY SCHOOLS PHASE NETWORK MEETING The Secondary Phase Network meetings are opportunities to learn about new aspects of Secondary Education and share information and best practice with headteacher and governor colleagues from the same phase of education. Each meeting has its own theme and usually focuses on a topical issue that has specific implications for secondary schools. Each phase network is coordinated by an associate trainer who has extensive experience of governance in the secondary phase. The theme for each meeting is determined in consultation with the schools and information is sent directly to chairmen of governors and headteachers confirming the specific focus for each meeting. Intended Outcomes :
Course participants will gain : up to date information on current issues specific to the secondary phase opportunities to network and share best practice
Designed for :
All secondary school governors and headteachers
Cost :
£88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement.
Date 12/11/2012
Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06122
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 38
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (SEN) - What the SEN Governor Needs to Know This session is intended for governors with a responsibility for SEN in their school, but provides a valuable insight into SEN in general, for all governors. Governors will gain an understanding of SEN provision in schools and what it entails and also practical support and guidance on how as governors linked to this vital aspect of all schools' work, they can ensure that the school meets the needs of pupils with special educational needs.
Intended Outcomes :
Designed for : Cost :
Date 26/11/2012
Course participants will gain : an understanding of SEN knowledge of the role of the SEN governor opportunities to share good practice and concerns an insight into how they can provide challenge to the school £88 (£105.60 inc VAT) There is no charge for schools that have a Level 1 or 2 Governance Service Level Agreement.
Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Code 12T/06106
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 39
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Autumn Term Governor Training & Development Programme Events (in Date Order) Title
Ofsted – New Expectations for Governors Performance Management – The Headteacher’s Review Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
12T/06378 12T/06046
06/09/2012 10/09/2012
19:00 - 21:00 19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford The Holiday Inn, Guildford
13:30 – 15:30
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
Bourne Hall, Ewell
Hot Topics for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Leatherhead Golf Club
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
Hot Topics for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone Tandridge Confederation Learning Centre (de Stafford School) Reigate Baptist Church
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
South Farnham School
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
19:00 – 21:00
Hot Topics for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Academies – Questions to Ask
19:00 – 21:00
Ofsted – New Expectations for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Hot Topics for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Hot Topics for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Reigate Baptist Church
Introduction to School Governance 1
19:00 - 21:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Introduction to School Governance 1
10:00 - 12:30
The King’s Centre, Chessington
Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)
10:00 - 12:00
Academy Governor Responsibilities
19:00 - 21:00
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Introduction to School Governance 2
19:00 - 21:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Introduction to School Governance 2
10:00 - 12:30
The King’s Centre, Chessington
Clerking a Pupil Disciplinary Committee
9:30 -12:30
Exclusions for Governors Clerking Induction 1
12T/06183 12T/06195
10/10/2012 11/10/2012
19:00 - 21:30 9:30 - 15:30
Introduction to School Governance 1 & 2
9:30 – 15:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Holiday Inn, Guildford The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone NASUWT, Send
Curriculum Monitoring
10.00 - 12.00
Performance Management – The Headteacher’s Review Safeguarding - The Role of the Governing Body Pupil Behaviour and Safety – What governors need to know Clerking Induction 2
10:00 - 12:00
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The King’s Centre, Chessington
10:00 - 12:00
Reigate Baptist Church
19:00 - 21:00
Bagshot Infant School
9:30 -12:30
Introduction to School Finance
10:00 - 12:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone Reigate Baptist Church
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 40
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Additional Skills Governor (ASG) Training Day
9:30 - 15:30
Reigate Baptist Church
Safer Recruitment
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Introduction to School Governance 1
19:00 - 21:30
Bagshot Infant School
Ofsted – New Expectations for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Chairing Skills for Committee Chairs & Aspiring Chairs of Governors Clerking Formal Hearings
10:00 - 12:00
9:30 – 12:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone NASUWT, Send
Introduction to School Finance Introduction to School Governance 1 & 2
12T/06052 12T/06097
08/11/2012 10/11/2012
19:00 - 21:30 9:30 - 15:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford Reigate Baptist Church
Secondary Phase Network
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
New Chairs & Headteachers - Working together Introduction to School Governance 2
10:00 - 14:30
19:00 - 21:30
Headteacher Recruitment - What Governors Need to Know Safeguarding - The Role of the Governing Body Chairing Skills for Committee Chairs & Aspiring Chairs of Governors Achievement of Pupils - What Governors Need To Know RAISEonline
10:00 - 12:00
Bagshot Infant School NASUWT, Send
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
19:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 12:00
Holmesdale Community Infant School, Reigate Reigate Baptist Church
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Special Educational Needs (SEN) - What the SEN Governor needs to know
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 41
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Dates for your Diary – Spring Term 2013 Below is a list of our planned courses for Spring 2013. At the time of going to print these dates have not all been confirmed with the venues and may be subject to change. Full details will be provided in the Spring Surrey Governor and on CPDOnline in due course. Date 05/02/2013
Title Academy Governor Responsibilities
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Venue The Holiday Inn, Guildford
19:00 - 21:00
Bagshot Infant School
Saturday 16/03/2013 14/02/2013
Achievement of Pupils – What Governors Need To Know Additional Skills Governor (ASG) Training Day Am I An Effective Governor?
9:30 -15:30
Clerking Accreditation Day 1
9:30 -12:30
Princess Alice Education Centre, Esher Tandridge Confederation Learning Centre (de Stafford School) Guildford Training Rooms
Clerking Accreditation Day 2
9:30 -15:30
Guildford Training Rooms
08/02/2013 15/02/2013 14/01/2013
Clerking Induction Day 1 Clerking Induction Day 2 Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
9:30 - 15:30 9:30 -12:30 09:30 – 11:30
Reigate Baptist Church Reigate Baptist Church Reigate Baptist Church
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
13:30 – 15:30
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
Bourne Hall, Ewell
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
09:30 – 11:30
South Farnham School
Clerks’ Briefing and Development Session
19:00 – 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Curriculum Monitoring
19.00 - 21.00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Hot Topics for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
Hot Topics for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
Tandridge Confederation Learning Centre (de Stafford School) The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Hot Topics for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Reigate Baptist Church
Hot Topics for Governors
19:00 - 21:00
Hot Topics for Governors
10:00 - 12:00
Introduction to School Finance
19:00 - 21:30
Meadhurst Club, Sunbury-OnThames Princess Alice Education Centre, Esher Godstone Village School
Introduction to School Finance
10:00 - 12:30
14/03/2013 23/01/2013
Introduction to School Finance Introduction to School Governance 1
19:00 - 21:30 19:00 - 21:30
Introduction to School Governance 1
10:00 - 12:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford Holmesdale Community Infant School Reigate Baptist Church
Introduction to School Governance 1
19:00 - 21:30
Bagshot Infant School
Introduction to School Governance 1
19:00 - 21:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
19:00 - 21:00
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 42
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Saturday 02/03/2013 11/03/2013
Introduction to School Governance 1 & 2
9:30 – 15:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Introduction to School Governance 1 & 2
9:30 - 15:30
The Runnymede Centre, Addlestone
Introduction to School Governance 2
19:00 - 21:30
07/02/2013 11/02/2013
Introduction to School Governance 2 Introduction to School Governance 2
10:00 - 12:30 19:00 - 21:30
Holmesdale Community Infant School, Reigate Reigate Baptist Church Bagshot Infant School
Introduction to School Governance 2
19:00 - 21:30
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
New Chairs & Headteachers - Working together Ofsted 2013- The New Framework
10:00 - 14:30
19:00 - 21:00
The Holiday Inn, Guildford
10:00 - 12:00 10:00 - 12:00
Ofsted 2013- The New Framework Safeguarding - The Role of the Governing Body Safer Recruitment
19:00 - 21:00
Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)
19:00 - 21:00
Secondary Phase Network
19:00 - 21:00
Tandridge Confederation Learning Centre (de Stafford School) Holmesdale Community Infant School The Holiday Inn, Guildford
31/01/2013 06/03/2013 08/02/2013
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 43
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Venues Governance Consultancy quality standards for all venues are:
full disabled access and facilities parking* tea/coffee/water/biscuits available on arrival good signage for governors on arrival
Please note that although all venues provide parking facilities, a space for your car cannot always be guaranteed. Venue details Bagshot Infant School Bourne Hall Godstone Village School Guildford Training Rooms
Holmesdale Community Infant School
School Lane, Bagshot, GU19 5BP
01276 473385
Spring Street, Ewell, KT17 1UF
0208 3939571
Ivy Mill Lane, Godstone, RH9 8NH
01883 742326
Larch Avenue, Guildford, GU1 1JY
Ring for enqs 07590 601 412 (not venue)
Alma Road, Reigate, RH2 0BY
01737 243678
Leatherhead Golf Club
Kingston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 0EE
01372 849 966
Meadhurst Club
Chertsey Road, Sunbury-On-Thames, TW16 7LN
01932 763 500
NASUWT Offices
Milestone House, Portsmouth Road, Send, Woking, GU23 7JZ
01483 226130
Princess Alice Education Centre *
West End Lane, Esher, KT10 8NA
01372 461884
Reigate Baptist Church
Sycamore Walk, Reigate, RH2 7LR
01737 248258
South Farnham School
Menin Way, Farnham, GU9 8DY
01252 716155
Burntwood Lane, Caterham, CR3 5YX
01883 347818
The Holiday Inn
Egerton Road, Guildford, GU2 7XZ
0871 9429036
The Holiday Inn
Leatherhead Road, Chessington , KT9 2NE
01372 734600
The King’s Centre
Coppard Gardens, Chessington, KT9 2GZ
0208 391 5522
Chertsey Road, Addlestone, KT15 2EP
01932 794000
Tandridge Confederation Learning Centre
The Runnymede Centre *
Parking at Princess Alice is available in the venue car-park and across the road in the recreational ground in the spaces highlighted in blue.
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 44
Training and Development Programme for School Governors & Clerks Autumn Term 2012
Babcock 4S Governance Consultancy For further information regarding any article in the Surrey Governor please contact a member of the Governance Consultancy team. Governance Governance Consultancy Manager Sue Boustead 0800 0734444 ext. 834388 Email:
Governance Co-ordinator Esther Stovell 0800 0734444 ext. 834481 Email:
Training Governor Training Co-ordinator Janice Beach 0800 0734444 ext. 834385 Email:
Training Administrator Elaina Taylor 0800 0734444 ext. 834483 Email:
Clerking Support Clerking Co-ordinator Carole Ford 0800 0734444 ext. 834104 Email:
Database Administrator Keren Clifford 0800 0734444 ext. 834381 Email:
To book a place on a course, please use the following URL: 45