Governor Update For Governors and Clerks Welcome Where did June go? Apologies and welcome to the July 2013 edition of our new, monthly, update for governors and clerks in Surrey schools. Thank you to all those governors and clerks who continue to take the time to provide us with such positive feedback on the new format and style of the monthly Governor Update, especially those who asked why no June issue had been received. We had been waiting on some questions that we had posed to the Department for Education (DfE) being answered and the month passed us by. There will not be an August issue of Governor Update but we will be back with you very early in September. The entire Governance Team wish all governors and clerks a relaxing and enjoyable summer break.
Disclosure and Barring Service Checks With effect from 17 June 2013, anyone receiving a new Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate will also be able to subscribe to an update service, which will enable employers to check online, without charge, if there have been any updates to their DBS certificate. Applicants choosing to subscribe will pay an annual subscription fee directly to the DBS (£13 for employees, free for volunteers). Schools have the option to reimburse individuals who subscribe, although schools should note that Ofsted’s view that rechecks are not good use of school resources has not been withdrawn. This means that a new employee/volunteer may show the school a DBS certificate they already have, (which must have been issued under the new system, so after 17 June 2013). The applicant should tell the school if they subscribe to the update service, and provide their update details and their permission for the school to undertake a status check (i.e. to determine if the certificate they have presented is valid, and/or whether changes have been made since its issue), via the DBS website. The DBS will no longer send schools a copy of new certificates. School must therefore ask new employees to produce their DBS certificate for checking/risk assessment. Schools can register with Babcock 4S to use the online DBS application service, which makes following up new DBS checks simpler, quicker and more secure. Extensive guidance is available to schools via the Babcock 4S website in the HR (personnel) section.
New Pay Policy Further to the recent article on Performance Related Pay and the major reforms which will be phased in between 2013 and 2014, all governing bodies should have updated their pay policy, in readiness for the new round of appraisals commencing in September. A specimen School Pay Policy has been drawn up by Babcock 4S colleagues in HR/Personnel and is available on the Babcock 4S website.
Governors’ Handbook The Department for Education (DfE) have published the long awaited replacement for the Guide to the Law (GttL). The Governors’ Handbook was published in May and in line with current government policy, is a far slimmer document than the GttL that it replaces. Notwithstanding how the statutory framework continues to define the role of governors, the Governors’ Handbook states, “governing bodies should have a strong focus on three core roles” which are defined as: •
Ensuring clarity of vision ethos and strategic direction
July 2013
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Governor Update • •
For Governors and Clerks Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Many governors will know that these three core roles align closely with the current Ofsted framework and are the focus for questions that Lead Inspectors routinely address to governors during inspections. The handbook does contain some helpful information for governors. It is probably best used as an electronic document as it contains numerous hyperlinks to other DfE guidance documents click here Governors' Handbook
Headteacher Appraisal - external support package Further to our announcement in the last Governor Update, Babcock 4S have now finalised details for the buy-back packages that governing bodies can access to secure the external advice for Headteacher Appraisal. It is a statutory requirement for all maintained schools, academies and free schools that governors secure this external advice. Effective forward planning will mean that you get the adviser you want, when you want them. Many schools have already fixed the date for the annual headteacher appraisal meeting in the Autumn Term, which for maintained schools must take place before December 31st. For further details click here Headteacher Appraisal
New Surrey Safeguarding Policy Surrey County Council have revised the model Child Protection and Safeguarding policy. A copy of it is available on the Babcock 4S website click here Safeguarding Policy Model Document May 2013 Governors and clerks will need to ensure that when their school policy comes up for review, which is an annual requirement, they should adapt this new version rather than any previous one that may exist in school.
Top Question The Governance Team helpdesk receives and answers numerous questions every day and each issue we will select a question to focus on. We hope publication of the question and our answer provides governors and clerks with useful advice and guidance on important topics. This month’s question: If we want a Local Authority (LA) governor reappointed, does their term of office automatically continue to a second term? Our answer: No, LA governors’ terms of office are confirmed by the appointing County Councillor and unless schools ask their clerk to request a reappointment well in advance of the end of the LA governor’s term of office, it does end and they are no longer a governor. The appointment process is prescribed by Surrey County Council and we are unable to follow up with councillors before 45 days has elapsed from submission of the request. Please therefore carefully consider upcoming term of office completions and where re-nomination is sought, allow enough time.
Governor appointments – please let us know! Our records show that Surrey schools are currently running with governor vacancy rates at, in excess of 11%. Our research confirms that this figure is not wholly accurate and that often vacancies have been filled but the Governance Team here at Babcock 4S have not been informed. We would like to remind all governing bodies that a governor’s term of office is not automatically updated when it comes to an end. With the exception of the appointment/re-appointment of a Local
July 2013
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Governor Update For Governors and Clerks Authority Governor, it is essential that a proforma A is completed, signed and emailed to Keren Clifford, Governance Consultancy. Clerks are advised to request a copy of their constitution on a termly basis to monitor and update any changes.
Electronic submission of documents As part of our commitment to improve our support for Surrey schools, we are moving to paperless storage. This will enable us to have immediate online access to all constitutions, appointment letters and other documentation and respond more quickly to queries from governors, clerks and schools. Could we please ask clerks to submit all documents (i.e. minutes, proformas, safeguarding reports, etc.) electronically to
Promoting Achievement for Children in Care A reminder that the Virtual School for Children in Care at Surrey County Council are offering this governor training opportunity free of charge. When:
Thursday 18th July 2013 7.00 – 9.00pm
Manor House Hotel, Newlands Corner, Guildford GU4 8SE
How to Book:
send an email to
Teacher Appraisal – What Governors need to know There are still spaces available on this additional training course – details below Course code: 13T/07530 Date: Thursday 18 July 2013 19:00 - 21:00 Venue: The Holiday Inn, Guildford
Contact the Team: All members of the team can be contacted via email in the format of or telephone 0800 073 4444 + extension: Steve Barker, Interim Governance Consultancy Manager
ext 834342
Janice Beach, Training Co-ordinator
ext 834385
Elaina Taylor, Training Administrator
ext 834483
Carole Ford, Clerking Co-ordinator
ext 834104
Keren Clifford, Database Administrator
ext 834381
School Effectiveness Team Sue Boustead, Senior Consultant Governance Leadership
ext 834388
Dates for your diary July 2013
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Governor Update For Governors and Clerks Chairs’ Meetings – the dates for the autumn term Chairs’ meetings are given below. An agenda and registration details will be communicated next term. Tuesday 5th November
7.15 pm - 9.15 pm
Thursday 14th November
10.15 am - 12.15 pm Silvermere Golf Club, Cobham
July 2013
Holiday Inn, Guildford
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