CARE Missions Magazine

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Growing into Missions PAGE


Family in the Field PAGE

Juárez: a Trip for All Ages




Worship Center’s plan to serve our world. PAGE



Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession. PSALM 2:8

CARE 2014


few years ago I was in the country of Moldova. As I interacted with the people there, I was moved again by the utter hopelessness of those in poverty, and especially by those in poverty without Christ. My mind went to the hope I have in Christ and how that hope could make a difference in the lives of the wonderful people I met there. In Luke 12:48, Jesus said, “When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” Here in America, we have been given so much, and in turn, we have lots to give. That is why we, the WC family, spend time, energy, and resources to help those around the world who are less fortunate. I hope that, as you read this magazine, you will be inspired to take the next step God is asking of you. There are so many needs around that world, and together, we can make a difference. As we act on what God is telling us to do, we will be able to serve our world with the hope and healing of Jesus Christ.



2014 CARE




The CARE Plan Worship Center’s missions strategy

03 // Letter from John Smucker 06 // What Did I Get Myself Into? A First-Time Missions Experience 08 // India: A Regional Study 10 // Beginning in the Right Direction A closer look at the ministry of Joe & Linda Bird

14 // Serve Our World


Emily Allegretto

20 // 10 Ways to Spend $10

Continuing a family calling

22 // Keeping It in the Family: Emily Allegretto 25 // The CARE Plan 43 // Honoring Oliver & Ulla Lindberg 46 // Our World View A World Map of Worship Center’s Global Outreach

48 // Business as Missions Funding Missions Work in Unique Ways

The Lautsbaughs p.50 A family on the mission field

50 // Family On the Field A look into the life of the Lautsbaugh family

54 // Juárez: A Unique Mission // Look for this symbol after some of the articles. You will be able to go to and find extra content for the article!



Juárez, Mexico WC’s unique team experience

CARE 2014


Joel Allegretto Bonnie DiSciullo Kim Eby

Peter Hershey Lisa Hurst Lisa Kalbach Janice Kirk Petal Mattheson Tammy Pringle

Danette Shelly John Smucker Sam Smucker Don Wambolt

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. MATTHEW 20:28


2014 CARE

What Did I Get Myself Into? A First-Time Missions Experience

Danny helps his hosts cook dinner.

anny Fisher was born and raised in the heart of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Coming from a large, hard-working family, Lancaster was the only world he knew. He never thought much about traveling out of the country until a friend mentioned the idea of going on a mission trip to India. He shrugged off the comment until the persistent friend mentioned it again - and again, and again.

Persistence paid off, and three weeks later,

Landing in Calcutta at night, the team

Danny was on a plane with a team of 17

crowded its way through customs and

people heading to Calcutta, India.

common cow, the team arrived at the hotel, exhausted.

piled into a taxi to brave the traffic on the

Seeing third-world poverty firsthand

The thing that made Danny the most

way to the hotel. As long as the flight was,

made a lasting impact on Danny. “You can

nervous was the plane ride. Having never

the journey had only just begun. Culture

hear someone talk about poverty, but

even been out of the country, his first-

shock from peaceful Lancaster County

you will never know it as deeply until you go and see it yourself.” Danny’s

time-flyer emotions ranged from excitement, to fear, to the general thought of “what did I just get myself into?” Twelve hours on a plane gave him plenty of time to think. Danny’s thoughts were on

It’s only two weeks. I can do this for two weeks.

response to the chaos was, “It’s only two weeks. I can do this for two weeks.” Thinking a shower would be helpful, Danny was soon shocked to hear a voice on a loud speaker flooding through the city. Shouting

the unknown of what the next 14 days would look like and the realization

to boisterous, crowded, dusty, and hot

to his roommates from the shower, he

there was no turning back. Unsure of what

Calcutta would make just about anyone’s

asked what was happening. When he

to expect, he prepared himself to be open-

head spin. After miles of honking horns,

learned it was just the Muslim daily call


street vendors, complete gridlock, and the

to prayer, he again reassured himself that

CARE 2014


Danny with one of the vacation Bible school students.

everything would be fine. It was, after all,

in front of people one day and desires to

just two weeks.

challenge people to allow themselves to be

The team traveled to the small village of Churachandpur and spent the next 10 days running a Vacation Bible School (VBS)

pushed out of their comfort zones, just like India pushed him out of his own. For anyone on the fence about going on

for 1,900 village kids. It was during this

a mission trip, Danny would say, “Ask God

VBS that Danny was challenged to step

and jump at the opportunity if He says to

out of his own comfort. He never dreamed

go. It was an extremely good experience,

he would lead worship, speak in front of

it changed my perspective, and I never

Only when Danny arrived back in the United States did he realize the impact the trip had on his life. people, or be in a skit before 1,900 kids,

realized how much I took for granted until

but, he did! “There was the occasional

I got back.”

equipment which wouldn’t work quite right

Only when Danny arrived back in the

or forgetting what you were going to say in

United States did he realize the impact the

front of the crowd, but each day got better

trip had on his life. Sitting alone in his room,

and better.”

he broke down and cried. In just two weeks

By the end of his trip, Danny was no

Above: Danny with one of the teens from an orphanage/school. Below: Danny helping lead worship.

and in another country half way around the

longer thinking, “It’s just two weeks.” His

world, his heart had been changed by kids

perspective had changed. He no longer

he had never met before, but who left him

needed the comfort of the American

never the same.

lifestyle. Comfort was replaced with compassion and love for the kids at the home. “I would have stayed two months longer if I could.” Because of this experience, Danny dreams of speaking

Watch a video recap of Danny’s trip to India online. SERVEOURWORLD.ORG


2014 CARE

BenYehuda & Mrudula Adidala Serving Mandapeta BenYehuda & Mrudula, founders of Elim International, reach into the country of India. Their vision is to reach the unreached, equip individuals to reach others, and to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the underprivileged by making them aware of the love of the Heavenly Father.

Timbrel Adidala Serving Mandapeta Timbrel is the vice-president of ANCER, a ministry that reaches the for-

Andrew & Anne Taylor

gotten children of India. Through ANCER, she cares for an orphanage with

Serving Bangalore

fifteen children, serves in leprosy colonies, and is part of the administrative and teaching team in a school for underprivileged children. Timbrel

Andrew, founder of APT Foundation,

also leads the youth ministry at a church in Andhra Pradesh, India and

along with his wife, Anne, run three

mentors young girls in the village areas.

Bible colleges in Fiji, Indonesia, and India. They also operate two Christian schools in Fiji and India, and a medical clinic. They reach out into Asia-Pacific nations and Australia with the Gospel via their teaching ministry. They also run Door of Hope, a daycare center for

Sam & Dawn Taylor

destitute children in Bangalore, India.

Serving Rayakotta Samuel & Dawn Taylor, born and raised in India, established Eternal Light Ministries (ELM) with their base in Rayakotta, Tamilnadu, India in 1985. In 1990, Dawn and he established the Word of Christ Bible School. Over 7,500 students were trained, and its graduates have planted in excess of 4,000 churches and house groups. They also have a one-month praise, worship, and music school, graduating over 4,500 young people. In 2004 ELM began


an academic school with Grades K–10. Twelve hundred children are now enrolled.


Mark & Vijeta Taylor


Serving Rayakotta Mark & Vijeta Taylor serve under Eternal Light Ministries. They travel sharing the Gospel and praying for the sick in remote parts of India. They also direct a praise and worship school and school education for rural children. The Taylors are actively involved in starting Christian schools and colleges offering the best education for those who can least afford it.

CARE 2014



Spotlight on India


That’s more than the entire population of USA, Mexico, and Canada combined.

How Worship Center is reaching the second most populated country in the world.






live in India.


INDIA HAS 300,000 MOSQUES That’s more active mosques than in any other country, including the Muslim world. KNOWINDIA.GOV/MYINDIA

1 David & Debbie Hollinger



4 5

After five years of classes, fewer than 60% of children can read a short story or do simple arithmetic.

Serving Chennai, Kalimpong, and Dimapur David & Debbie are the founders of HOME International, whose mission is to make orphans family. Girls in India who have been abandoned, orphaned, or otherwise at risk now live safely in one of the three homes



HOME International operates. Funding for these homes is provided by churches, compassionate individuals, and businesses who also want to help orphans.


2014 CARE

A Closer Look at the Ministry of Joe & Linda Bird

CARE 2014


The day has arrived to trade prison bars for beautifully draped windows. single bed in a shared

of guards is transitioned to the love of

cell is exchanged for

family and a fresh introduction to freedom

a single bedroom in

after incarceration. This experience is the

a stately hundred-

one House of Ruth in Lancaster County,

year-old home with

Pennsylvania, aims to offer women coming

exquisite woodwork

out of prison.

instead of concrete walls. The scrutiny

Recognizing the challenges that women face when they re-enter society after


2014 CARE

two, “Martha,” teaches them to balance both their spiritual lives and practical obligations, helping them put their lives into proper balance–usually for the very first time. The “Esther” phase finishes out the first year at House of Ruth. During this time, women are encouraged to learn what it is that God is calling them to at this time of their lives. It is a time of discovering their unique purpose in God’s kingdom. Women who complete the first year are invited to continue through “The Lydia Program,” a second-year leadership course to train Christian business women. Participants of this spiritual training program are encouraged to take a role in ministry and develop accountability. The women who have completed The being incarcerated, Joe Bird, a chaplain

farmland, this peaceful, four-bedroom

Lydia Program are now making a positive

for Lancaster County Prison, and his wife,

home offers the ideal setting for healing

difference in their communities.

Linda, decided to follow God’s calling

and spiritual growth.

and establish “Beginning in the Right Direction”–or “BIRD”–Ministries. HOUSE OF RUTH

At House of Ruth, it’s definitely not all

“Every girl comes with baggage, and it

work and no play. Each Friday night is a

takes at least a year to unpack the bags

special ladies’ night for fun and relaxation.

and realize that ‘I’m valuable.’ This is a

Although their schedules are very strict

very painful process,

September through

The Birds actually began their ministry

and it’s hard for

May, the summer

in the prison system, preparing female

them to look at their

lightens up for days

inmates for re-entry through pre-release

stuff,” Linda explains.

life skills, education, and support. The

“For that reason, the

women inmates come from all walks of life,

women must commit

and their ages span multiple generations.

to living at House of

However, the one thing they all have in

Ruth for at least one

common is a painful past, and most of


them having been abused and terrorized.

Each resident

Healing and direction is needed in each of

moves through three

their lives.

distinct phases during

For the incarcerated women who truly

Miracles always include a process. There’s always something that we first need to do.

her year-long stay

at the beach, Hershey Park, and for attending an annual Beth Moore conference. These are experiences that many of the women enjoy for the first time in their lives. LIGHT ON A HILL

want to move forward in life and live

at house of Ruth.

beyond the devastation of their pasts,

Phase one, “Ruth,” encourages women to

enterprise of BIRD Ministries called “Light

House of Ruth becomes their new home

surrender their painful pasts to the Lord,

on a Hill is operated by the residents of

upon release. Situated on a hill overlooking

including their tightly held secrets. Phase

House of Ruth. The women produce,

CARE 2014


A creative social

History of Obedience: A Timeline of the Birds’ Ministry 1985






Joe & Linda marry in Florida

They obtain a license for a six-bed children’s home in Florida, operating as a Christian crisis center.

They receive a prophetic word: “You’ll be packing up and heading north!”

Joe and Linda serve as house parents at Christ’s Home, Paradise PA.

House of Ruth opens for women being released from prison.

“Pursuing the Promise” capital campaign launches to purchase the House of Ruth property.

package, market, and sell hand-poured soy and specialty massage oil candles.

other personal obligations. Linda explains, “These are candles with

all of its facilities, but Joe and Linda have consistently heard a “quiet persistent

a purpose. Buy a candle, help change a

instruction” from the Lord to pursue the

to boost the women’s confidence in

life.” Her goal for Light on a Hill is to grow

purchase of the House of Ruth property.

themselves and their skills. The paid

the business to the point where it covers

They are moving forward in this with the

positions provide on-the-job training and

ministry costs. Additionally, any extra

“Pursuing the Promise” capital campaign.

This creative opportunity has proven

money raised would go into a foundation

Once this campaign is completed and the

to give graduates a boost into their new

house is purchased, the Birds will welcome

lives. Linda would even like to be able to

workers from the community to provide

offer graduates a full-time position as the

needed updating for the aging structure.

business grows.

Unfortunately, not all of the women choose to finish the one-year program.


As in any ministry, finances are a constant

returned to jail. “Ultimately,” Joe and Linda

challenge. Joe and Linda have always

commented, “We can all help these women.

trusted God completely for His provision.

Love them, first by not judging them. We

“It’s a way of life,” comments Joe. “God

can just listen and offer them a safe place

always provides.” They both believe that

to talk.”

“if we do the natural, God will do the super part.” The women are not charged for any of

It’s a way of life. God always provides.

But for the 30 or more who did, none have

Joe is amazed at the amount of different “hats” they wear. But it’s all worth it “when the women become bright-eyed after

the services they receive, and the ministry

experiencing a light bulb moment–when

completely trusts God for its operating

they finally get it. Their word patterns and

capital. “If it’s God’s will, it’s His bill,” says

demeanor change. They are excited about

Joe. “God’s timing is always perfect. He’s

God and what He has done, right where

always on time and never late. Miracles

they are.”

always include a process. There’s always something that we first need to do.” As with most outreach efforts, the Birds have many practical needs. Consistent and

To learn more about BIRD Ministries, House of Ruth, and Joe and Linda Bird, visit

reliable volunteers help to keep ministry learning opportunities in important areas,

flowing at House of Ruth, as well as a

such as promptness, following instructions,

stable flow of funds, which would allow the

House of Ruth resident Dawn Cunningham

teamwork, conflict resolution in a Godly

Birds to continue the ministry, purchase a

shares her story online.

way, and operating a business from scratch.

computer, provide supplies, and to support

Each woman earns a monthly stipend

other household needs.

which she then uses to pay fines and any


BIRD Ministries is currently leasing


2014 CARE

Serve Our World Pastor Sam’s perspective on –then and now.

CARE 2014



orship Center’s first mission overseas was to Kingston, Jamaica in January of 1979. The team was sent to help

a pastor build a church building. That pastor was V.T. Williams, and while that church has since given in to the elements from the last almost 40 years, Worship Center’s call and efforts to serve our world are ever stronger.


2014 CARE

I had never seen or felt the needs of humanity. The reason WC sent those 44 people to Jamaica was to build a church building, but back then, it was viewed as sowing a seed for a church building for WC here at home. While traveling across the island country back to Kingston, I received what I call a mandate from the Lord. As I looked out the window of the van I was riding in, with tears running down my face, I sensed the Holy Spirit saying to me, “Go home and build a missionsminded church.”

CARE 2014







...with tears running down my face, I sensed the Holy Spirit saying to me, “Go home and build a missions-minded church.” Prior to that time, I had never seen or felt the needs of humanity. Back in Lancaster County, all I saw was lush green fields, prosperity, and blessing. I was never really acquainted with any part of the world that was hurting. But since that time, the Worship Center family and I have become deeply acquainted with human suffering, hopelessness, and despair around the world. But we have equally become more PHOTO GUIDE

and more deeply acquainted with, and have seen for ourselves, the

1 // Previous page: a crowd in Albania receives

life change that comes from God the Father through Jesus Christ

Bibles in their own language.

and the work of the Holy Spirit!

2 // Children in India

I believe with all my heart that this mandate will continue to

3 // Pastor Sam and V.T. Williams preach in

drive our missions outreach, not just to the far reaches of the

Jamaica, one of WC’s very first mission trips.

world, but to those in need right next door.

4 // Living Word Academy, Nigeria 5 // Poverty in Juticalpa, Honduras 6 // Word Fellowship Church, Nigeria ALL PHOTOS FROM WC | MISSIONS PHOTO ARCHIVE

_____ Taylor, one of Worship Center’s long-term 2014 CARE 17 missionaries, in India in 19990.



CARE 2014




PHOTO GUIDE 7 // Sam Taylor, a WC Missionary, baptizes a new believer in Bangalore 8 // Construction work, Nicaragua 9 // A crowd gathers to hear preaching in Bulgaria 10 // A 2014 young adult team on a trip to India ALL PHOTOS FROM WC | MISSIONS PHOTO ARCHIVE

We are seeing the emerging generations pick up the cause of serving our world, and they are going as missionaries from Worship Center. We can’t do everything that’s needed, but we can obey the Spirit of the Lord in what He is asking us to do. We will serve our world with compassion, assisting, reaching, and equipping.

We are seeing the emerging generations pick up the cause.

What Jesus said in Luke 4:18 applies to us today: The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because He has anointed us to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

See more photos from Worship Center’s missions history online. SERVEOURWORLD.ORG


2014 CARE

T e n Way s t o s p e n d T e n We asked our missionaries, “What would you do with $10?”

1 2 3 4 5   CARE 2014


Provide lunches for 25 girls for one school day. David & Debbie Hollinger, India

Pay the electricity bill at Reposo Divino for one month. Jalisa Godshall, Nicaragua

Deworm a class of 20 students. Roger & Dorothy Dulo-Godfrey, Kenya

Produce 35 loaves of bread in the bakery, which would feed 15-20 households for a week. Jörgen & Maria Lindberg, Republic of Moldova

Provide a day’s wage for most blue collar workers. Chris & Lindsey Lautsbaugh, South Africa


6 7 8

Just $10 given to our missionaries


Pay for an entire year’s school enrollment for one orphan. Aaron & Patricia Rissler, Mozambique

Place three Bibles in peoples’ homes with the Bibles for Nicaragua project. Rick & Karen Allegretto, YWAM

Allow a woman to attend one month of clinic visits for HIV/AIDS. Roger & Dorothy Dulo-Godfrey, Kenya

Pay a two-week salary for one staff person at the Home International children’s home. David & Debbie Hollinger, India

g o e s a l o n g w ay in various parts


Provide corn meal and bread for a family for one week. Chris & Lindsey Lautsbaugh, South Africa

of the world. So what would you do with $10?

Consider spending $10 per month to sponsor a WC missionary. WORSHIPCENTER.ORG/PARTNER


2014 CARE

Keeping It in the Family An interview with Emily Allegretto


orship Center missionaries John and Elaine Allegretto have been serving the Lord through Youth With a Mission (YWAM) for over 30 years, discipling young people and sending them out to preach the Gospel. The Allegrettos have four children and currently live in

Lyndale, Texas. Their youngest daughter, Emily, now 21 years old, shares what it has been like to grow up with missionary parents.

WC: Emily, tell us about your family.

I am so fortunate to have had that strong

WC: Overall, what is your fondest

EA: I hold my family dear to my heart. I

foundation within my home. That’s where

memory of being a child of missionaries?

have three older siblings – two brothers

I received the most influence. My parents

EA: I have so many! When I was four, I

and a sister. They are all married, and

explained that homeschooling was a calling

remember going to Mexico. For some

surprisingly, for the time being, everyone

on our family. It wasn’t about sheltering us

reason, I thought Juarez was China, and

still lives in Lyndale. I feel so bonded and

from the world or to get us into missions. It

so when we’d get home I would tell people,

close to my family, especially my sister,

was purposeful. The Lord definitely used it

“We went to China today.” My mom would

Alyssa, who is my best friend. It’s such a

in some cool ways.

correct me, saying, “She means Mexico.”

blessing to be able to serve together. I don’t know how long that will last, but for the time being, I am totally enjoying that. WC: You were homeschooled growing up. What was that like? EA: Homeschooling was super fun, and it created a really strong bond between my siblings and my parents. When we were younger and living in El Paso, we would all try to finish schoolwork by Thursday. Our family would go over the border for the weekend into Juarez, Mexico, to the orphanage that we work with there. It was great to be able to take school “on the road.”

CARE 2014


Emily displays some of KEEPS Boutique’s name-brand apparel.

As I got older and realized that Mexico

EA: I remember going to YWAM summer

wasn’t China, I thought, “I really need to

camp at the age of 14. I listened to the

get to China!” I felt like God was leading

hearts of so many young people my age,

me there. I did my YWAM discipleship

and my heart really broke. It was eye-

course after high school in England, and I

opening to see the painful circumstances

ended up going to China on my outreach.

that are some people’s norms. This was a

WC: What have you admired about your

season when God challenged me with the

parents and their work?

struggles of my culture and my generation.

EA: That is an overwhelming question

When I did my YWAM Discipleship

because I admire my parents so much. Now

Training School (DTS), that was when, as

that I’m older, I feel like I need to serve

an adult, my life was completely changed.

alongside them. They spent so much time

He started to shape my identity and let me

pouring into us and discipling us as the next

know how much He truly loved me. It was

generation. They never brushed us aside.

so powerful. I walked away from that time

Instead, they poured into us. I feel like they

knowing who I was and Who I belonged

have really invested in me. They always

to. It has changed my journey, my identity,

stayed very active in whatever church we

the way I view love, and the way I can

were attending. I respect the way that they

love other people. Knowing that He really

were able to manage it all and do it so well.

delights in me just changes everything.

WC: What has been hard or do you have

WC: What is Keeps Boutique and

any regrets being in a missionary family?

what was your inspiration for your

EA: I don’t have any regrets about being


a missionary kid. I wouldn’t trade it for the

EA: Keeps Boutique is a ministry for teen

world, but there have been hard things. I’ve

girls in foster care and works in affirming

learned that God is so faithful. I never felt

their value. Giving them brand-new stylish

that I never had what I needed. I just might

clothing fills a practical need and it gets

cannot believe my mom trusted me to do

not have always gotten what I wanted

them to visit us, enabling us to share the

this at 15!

when I wanted it. When you’re younger,


WC: What is the experience like for the

that’s hard to deal with. Trusting God

I was only 14 or 15 at the time when

KEEPS BOUTIQUE KEEPS Boutique offers new, in season, designer clothes at no cost to teen girls living in foster homes in East Texas. KEEPS also hosts KEEPS Kamps & Girls Night Out programs that provide encouraging messages of value and self worth as well as an opportunity to receive Christ.

girls who come to Keeps?

to bring in every dollar has really given

friends who had founded a Keeps Boutique

EA: The store runs by appointment only,

me a great perspective in my financial

in Dallas, TX randomly called me. They

and the girls shop one-on-one with me,


wondered what I thought about starting

my sister, Alyssa, or my mom. We get to

WC: How has your faith been shaped

a Keeps Boutique in Lyndale. The Lord

know the girls and learn what they’re

by the work your parents have been a part of? EA: I remember so many church services, outreaches, sitting for hours, and our

going through. Before

I feel like I have received an inheritance. I don’t feel like I would be where I am today if it weren’t for that.

leaving, they write down prayer requests on a notecard, and we pray with them. These girls need love; they need to know what it looks like to know God.

parents reminding us that this was our family’s calling. I enjoyed

had been preparing the way, so when they

WC: Will you be continuing in

listening as my parents would share their

asked, it was like, “Yes, that’s it. I want to

missions work?

testimonies. I developed a passion to never

do that!” We were given a field on the

EA: I can’t imagine my life NOT being

settle for a little bit of Jesus–I wanted all

property of Living Alternatives ministry,

involved in missions. As believers, we’re all

of Him!

which is part of YWAM, and we began

in the same mission, even though it might

WC: When would you say your faith

construction with tremendous support

look differently. I am a missionary. My

became your own?

from our community. My parents and I

platform at the moment is business.

were the contractors for the building. I


2014 CARE

Left: Emily Allegretto. Right: Emily praying with one of the girls visiting KEEPS Boutique.

Giving them brand-new stylish clothing fills a practical need and it gets them to visit us, enabling us to share the Gospel. I am currently a junior at a college,

taught me to do the same thing. All along

majoring in Business Marketing, with a

the way, I want to obey the calling where

minor in Merchandising. It’s two and a

I am today, and I know that whatever the

half hours away from Keeps, so my mom

experience, He’s using it to build in me for

and sister have been a great help when

the future. I need to always be looking for

someone calls for a Keeps appointment

ways to serve people. I don’t need to be

and I can’t come back. My dreams include

on an outreach to do this. I can serve Him

running a business that will help women


and teens who have been in sex trafficking or perhaps been abused in some way. I would love to work internationally and possibly in the fashion industry.

Listen to the full audio recording of the interview with Emily Allegretto at

WC: How would you say your experiences being a part of a missionary family have shaped your ambitions today? EA: My parents felt called and they obeyed. Growing up in the family, they

CARE 2014


Learn more about an upcoming trip to KEEPS through WC Missions’ Give a Week Away program. GIVEAWEEKAWAY.ORG


So what is the CARE Plan anyway? The CARE Plan is Worship Center’s response to God’s call to world missions in four distinct areas: showing Compassion to the poor and needy and children; Assisting those in crisis and rebuilding lives; Reaching individuals by sharing Christ and planting churches; and Equipping through education and training leaders.



2014 CARE



JAMES 1:27

pure and genuine religion in the sight of G o d t h e Fat h e r m e a n s c a r i n g fo r orphans and w i d ow s i n t h e i r distress.




we should be moved with compassion just as Jesus was when He saw the multitudes. As we are moved to help others out of their distress, we begin to live out the life that we are called to in James 1:27. Worship Center works toward answering that call to bring compassion to people around the world.




Poor nutrition causes nearly half of the deaths of children under five. That’s nearly 3.1 million children!




people live on less than $2.50 a day.

of those people live in extreme poverty.

That’s almost half the world’s population.

That’s less than $1.25 a day.

The number of orphaned children without shoes, in Sub-Saharan Africa alone, is estimated to be above 20 million.





2014 CARE


Compassion missionaries focus on: CHILDREN


Ruby Jones

Lauren Clark

Perish No More

YWAM El Paso/Juárez

Ruby is the founder of Perish No More, a minis-

Lauren serves the children at Rancho Los

try committed to loving God and loving people

Amigos, a children’s home, with Youth With

by living the Gospel in word and deed. This

A Mission El Paso/Juárez. She is a high school

is done through small groups and children’s

teacher for the school on base, works with

ministry, as well as pastoral care through prison

children in the community through a program

ministry, addictions support, hospital visita-

called Club Amigos, and is involved in the fight

tion, and one-to-one counseling. The ministry

against sex trafficking with the dream of seeing

meets the practical needs of food, clothing, and

it end.

support for families in crisis. This is all accomplished by partnering with churches, ministries, and individuals.

CARE 2014


Ricky & Sarah Allegretto

Michael & Crystal Anderson

Children's Relief International

YWAM Tyler

Jörgen & Maria Lindberg People To People International

Jörgen & Maria serve with People To People

Ricky & Sarah serve with Children’s Relief In-

Michael & Crystal serve with Youth With A

International (PTPI), founded by Jörgen’s

ternational (CRI) to take Christ to the poor.

Mission in Tyler, Texas. Michael serves with

parents, Oliver and Ulla Lindberg. PTPI reaches

As development manager and part of the CRI

the Living Alternatives ministry at YWAM-

throughout Eastern Europe (Poland, Romania,

leadership team, Ricky’s ministry responsi-

Tyler, helping unwed expectant mothers with

and the Republic of Moldova). The ministry

bilities include vision building and direction

an opportunity to pursue their education while

finances pastors’ efforts to rescue street chil-

setting for the organization, developing and

living at a home called “Fatherheart.” He also

dren. They also support works among the roma

managing new ministry projects, mentoring

assists in the discipleship training schools.

(gypsy) children and conduct pastors’ confer-

new missionaries, developing CRI’s college

Crystal provides assistance at the maternity

ences. PTPI assists the Daily Bread Project with

internship program, and pursuing long-term

home by providing discipleship and love to

distribution of food packages to The Republic of

ministry growth. Sarah serves in the college

the residents. Together, they are seeing lives


internship program and in ministry partner

changed, restored, and redeemed.


Anne Pierson Loving & Caring, Inc.

Anne and her late husband, Jim, founded Loving & Caring, a life-affirming ministry that provides support, and expertise to the fatherless, orphans, and children in foster care. By partnering with national and international life-affirming ministries, Loving & Caring provides resources, training, and restoration.

OTHER COMPASSION MISSIONARIES: Timbrel Adidala, see pg. 8 David & Debbie Hollinger, see pg. 9 Rodger & Dorothy Dulo-Godfrey, see pg. 48 Mary Beth Maifeld, see pg. 55


2014 CARE



m at t h e w 2 5 : 4 0

I tell you the t ru t h , w h e n y o u did it to one of the least of these m y b ro t h e r s a n d sisters, you were doing it to me.

th e re a r e m an y ti me s ar o u n d th e w o r ld a n d i n ou r nat io n


when disaster strikes or when people’s lives are shattered. It is during those times that the body of Christ needs to rally together to bring healing and hope to those that are hurting. Worship Center responds to those needs as we partner with missionaries and organizations around the world to help those in crisis rebuild their lives. Matthew 25:40 says that when we help those in crisis, it’s as if we are doing it for the Lord.

CARE 2014



the number of individuals around the world infected with HIV/AIDS. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION

An estimated 23 million of these are in Sub-Saharan Africa.

20% of all pregnancies end in induced abortion.


1.2 MILLION About 1.2 million people were killed by natural disasters between 2000 and 2012. Over 300,000 lost their lives in 2010, many from the





earthquake in Haiti.



2014 CARE


Assisting missionaries focus on: THOSE IN CRISIS


Bob & Melanie Lewis

Jim & Margie Johnson

Jalisa Godshall

The Gathering Place

Upward Call/Shepherd’s Touch

Reposo Divino

Bob & Melanie founded The Gathering Place, a

Jim is the director of Upward Call and Shep-

Ministering in Nicaragua, Jalisa offers spiritual

ministry to individuals who have been infected

herd’s Touch Counseling Services, a position he

and emotional support to church leaders and

and affected with the HIV virus. Their heart is

has held since 1992. Jim’s vision is to see the

the community by encouraging rest, refresh-

to bring the love of God to people with HIV and

ministry continue to expand in order to bring

ment, restoration, and rejuvenation. Her vision

their families and to restore and/or maintain

healing, restoration, and mending of broken

for ministry is to build a retreat center, Reposo

hope, dignity, and value to their lives.

relationships, along with educating others

Divino (Divine Resting Place), which will wel-

through a variety of seminars.

come many leaders from Leon, Nicaragua and its surrounding areas.

CARE 2014


Dale & Tracy Weaver YWAM Orlando

Dale & Tracy serve with YWAM-Orlando. Dale is the founder of Mission Connect and has a vision to empower missionaries by providing them with technical support, installation, and repair of computer systems. Tracy’s passion is to help impoverished women and children by assisting them medically and, at the same time, encouraging them spiritually. Her long-term vision is to become a certified, missionary midwife.

OTHER ASSISTING MISSIONARIES: Joe & Linda Bird, see pg. 10


2014 CARE



MARK 16:15

go into all t h e wo r l d a n d p r e ac h the good news to e v e ry o n e .

wors h ip c e nt e r ta ke s je s u s’ co m m a n d se r io u s ly   CARE 2014



to go into all the world and preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15). We help others share the Gospel of Jesus around the world through missions because there are people dying every day without His saving knowledge. As we help people plant churches and share the Word of God throughout the world, we can make a difference in many lives and fulfill this commission of Jesus.


people do not have any scripture in their language.


Research shows that American millennials believe that universities, more than churches, have their best interests at heart.


159,960 The average number of Christians worldwide who are martyred for their faith per year.





2014 CARE


Reaching missionaries focus on: SHARING CHRIST


Christopher & Britta Alam

Kelly & Ursula Daniel

Shawn & Chapa Ginder

Dynamis World Ministries

Worship Center, Albania

Vienna Christian Center

Christopher & Britta are founders of Dynamis

The ministry home base for Kelly & Ursula

Shawn & Chapa serve as missionaries at Vienna

World Ministries, which holds Gospel cru-

is Albania, but they have also ministered at

Christian Center (VCC) in Vienna, Austria.

sades, planting churches, and training pastors

churches in the Caribbean and the United

Shawn oversees the ministries of VCC and is

in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and

States. Their church in Albania serves as an

involved in equipping and training leaders.

Latin America. Through their ministry, over

outreach to the gypsy community, where they

Chapa oversees the music ministry, which

1,400 churches have been started, including

are currently building a playground for chil-

includes leading worship, and also directs the

178 new churches in unreached areas of Burma.

dren, a gymnasium, volleyball and basketball

Alpha course. Together they conduct Encounter

Thousands of pastors have been trained in

courts, and a library.

retreats, which take place several times a year.

their schools of ministry. They also oversee more than 350 churches in Africa and Asia, a church-planting school, and an orphanage.

Josh & Dania Harder

Janelle Kauffman

Vereda Church

Campus Target

Mung Dam Suan & Vung Ze NIang Full Gospel Assembly

Josh & Dania pastor Vereda in Mexico City,

Janelle is part of a missions organization whose

Mexico. They are passionate about the local

heart is to see people come to know Jesus and to

Dam Suan Mung & Vung Za Niang, founders

church and are excited about what God is doing

see churches spread throughout East Asia. Her

of Full Gospel Assembly, desire to minister,

in the city. Pointing people to Jesus, connecting

passion is to reach the lost and disciple them

teach, and share the salvation of God with

them in the church so they can belong, and

through life. Her desire is to share the hope

people throughout the world. They especially

expanding God’s kingdom here on earth is their

they have in Jesus through investing in the

have a heart to reach the Burmese people - to

greatest pleasure.

students on the top college campuses in Asia.

see them refreshed in the Lord and to provide

Janelle will be leading teams to help disciple

them relief from their daily stresses through

young women and establish house churches.

fellowship in faith.

CARE 2014


Rose Piazza

V.T. Williams

Agape Italia

Jamaica Evangelistic Association

Rose works in an art-based ministry as a part of

Born and raised in Jamaica, V.T. and his late

Agape Italia (Campus Crusade for Christ). Using

wife, Dorrett, founded Jamaica Evangelistic As-

her gifts and talents, she shares Christ with

sociation. His vision is to reach into new areas

those who have not yet recognized His beauty

of establishing and directing training pro-

through visual projects and at workshops that

grams, as well as conducting conferences, Bible

take place in various locations, including a local

schools, and schools of evangelism in order to

HIV care center, a nursing home, and commu-

reach the lost.

nity centers.

OTHER REACHING MISSIONARIES: BenYehuda & Mrudula Adidala, see pg. 8


2014 CARE



M at t h e w 2 8 : 2 0

t e ac h t h e s e new disciples to obey all the commands I h av e given you.

j es us tells us t o “teach t hese new d iscip les to   CARE 2014



obey all the commands I have given you.” Part of Worship Center’s world mission is to continue to train future generations and leaders so we can make a difference for years to come. As we build into the lives of young people who are yearning to learn, we can help shape their futures. This is why we help start bible schools, academic schools, and universities around the world.


Only 9% of all American adults have a biblical worldview. BARNA, FREEVECTORMAPS.COM

In developing, low-income countries, every additional year of education can increase a person’s future income by an average of 10%.









Of the world’s estimated 854 million illiterate adults, 544 million are women. ABOUT.COM


2014 CARE


Equipping missionaries focus on: TRAINING LEADERS


Gary & Amy Hector

José & Mayela Davis

Aaron & Patricia Rissler

South American Touch

Ministers’ International Fellowship

Afrika Wa Yesu

Gary & Amy, founders of South American

José & Mayela, founders of Ministers’ Interna-

Aaron & Patricia serve as campus directors of

Touch, desire to see the Body of Christ increase

tional Fellowship, reach out to Mexico, Panama,

the Afrika Wa Yesu ministry base in Inhaminga,

in Argentina and neighboring countries. Their

Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala,

Mozambique. Their passion is to share the love

foremost passion is to provide individuals with

and Nicaragua by providing continuing educa-

of Jesus with the people of Mozambique and

biblical truths and principles so they may grow

tion for the pastors and evangelists they over-

equip believers through evangelism, church

spiritually. They use every means available to

see. They manage three rehab-centers in San

planting, Bible schools, conferences, and

carry out the teaching of God’s anointed Word

José, Costa Rica, and have a desire to establish

literature distribution. They also work with the

in an understandable way, offering practical

Bible schools in each of the Central America

the poor and needy. They have been serving

application for everyday life.

nations in which they minister.

in Mozambique since 2000 and are part of a dynamic team of diverse nationalities, touching the nation through the love of Jesus Christ.

Tefera & Hannah Bekere

Mike & Lora Bordon

José & Adriana Curiel

Global Disciples

YWAM Lebanon

YWAM Guadalajara

Tefera ministers in Ethiopia and other nations

Mike & Lora serve with Youth With A Mission in

José serves as the base director with Youth With

throughout Africa through Global Disciples.

Lebanon, PA, training and mobilizing the body

A Mission-Guadalajara, Mexico. Training plays

He also holds Global Disciples Training (GDT)

of Christ to be effective in world missions. They

a large role in the work he and Adriana do as

sessions in the nations of South and Central

are also involved in evangelism and outreach

they continue to equip the staff, students, and

America, Asia, and Europe. Through his efforts,

efforts here in Pennsylvania and abroad.

people of Guadalajara. They recently started a

many nationals in these countries have been

School of the Bible for the staff, and plans are

trained in business principles and discipled

underway for the School of Foundation, a pro-

in the Word of God. He also desires to plant

gram specializing in community development.

churches in the nations of the world.

CARE 2014


Henry & Diane Fisher Dunamis Connections

Henry & Diane, founders of Dunamis Connections, focus on empowering individuals in underdeveloped countries to reach their potential and realize their purpose.

Emma & Chinyere Okorie

Joyce Englerth

Living Word Ministries


Emma & Chinyere are founders of Living Word

Since her husband Ray’s homegoing in January,

Ministries based in Aba, Nigeria. They continue

2010, Joyce relocated to Lancaster. She con-

their work in God’s kingdom through serving

tinues to stay in touch with the pastors they

churches, schools, and hospitals. They have

worked with in Mexico. Joyce also counsels,

also established a Christian university in

leads a small group, speaks at various small

Western Africa.

groups, visits people in the hospital, and prays for the sick.

Andy & Betty Petersheim

Steve & Rose Shank

Rick & Eileen Steffy

El Tabernaculo Del Señor

Eastern Mennonite Missions

Christian Motorcyclists Association

Andy & Betty have been missionaries in Guate-

Steve & Rose Shank work with Eastern Men-

Rick & Eileen oversee 15 northeastern states as

mala for 37 years. They continue to reach out to

nonite Missions and are currently developing

the northeast regional evangelists of the Chris-

the people of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador,

training to work with children in crisis and

tian Motorcyclists Association. Their vision is

Spain, and other areas of the world through

mobilizing people to work with street kids,

to train and equip leaders and members to take

preaching and teaching the Good News of Jesus

prostitutes, AIDS, and orphans throughout

the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the motorcycling


the world.

community and the world beyond.


2014 CARE


David & Krista Stoltzfus

Jonah & Mary Bedan

Rick & Karen Allegretto

Happy News Church

Christian Outreach Ministries, Worldwide

YWAM Tyler

David & Krista assist in establishing Happy

Jonah & Mary, founders of Christian Outreach

Rick & Karen serve with Youth With A Mis-

News Church in Hong Kong. They feel directed

Ministries, Worldwide (?) based in Kenya, are

sion in Texas. Rick & Karen train and mentor

by God to be a voice in and out of the nation.

reaching into the nations of Kenya, Uganda,

national missionaries for service in other na-

They host life groups and regularly gather to-

Tanzania, Ruanda, Burundi, Congo, and South

tions. Working with the underprivileged to the

gether leaders and pastors to teach and encour-

Sudan in East Africa. Since 1995, they have

professional, their principal vision and passion

age them in their places in the Body of Christ.

planted over 500 churches and trained 500 pas-

is to see individuals come to a relationship with

In September 2013, they pioneered Happy News

tors. They conduct a Bible school, whose main

Jesus Christ. They also desire to develop and

Training Centre with 8 students. The vision

campus is based in Nakuru-Kenya. They also

release leaders into Christian service and into

for their church is to bring every generation to

run two children’s homes in Lowar,

their God-given callings through teaching,

Jesus and to change lives through God’s love.

North Kenya.

leadership development and pastoral care.

Keith & Marian Yoder

Wayne & Ruth West

John & Elaine Allegretto

Teaching the Word Ministries

Praise Unlimited

YWAM Tyler

Keith and Marian are founders of Teaching the

Wayne & Ruth, founders of Praise Unlimit-

John & Elaine serve with Youth With A Mis-

Word Ministries, cultivating healthy leaders

ed, seek to present Jesus to people through

sion (YWAM) in Texas. John serves on the Inter-

who transform their worlds and finish well.

experiences of praise and worship and through

national Leadership team for the Discipleship

They develop and mentor marketplace,

teaching God’s Word to reveal His incredi-

Training School (DTS). John and Elaine work

ministry, and congregational leaders with the

ble love and grace. They minister in churches

together to train leaders and staff missionaries

Word of God.

of all denominations at spiritual life camps,

working with the DTS in 19 YWAM locations

conferences, and retreats. In addition, they

throughout Mexico and Central America. They

serve on the mission field by training pastors

provide leadership for training schools, pastoral

and leaders.

care, outreach teams, and hospitality ministries on their home campus in Tyler, Texas. Their ministry also includes Living Alternatives and KEEPS Boutique (see page 22).

Jeff & Cindy Weber RHEMA Singapore


Jeff & Cindy teach, train, empower, and equip

Sam & Dawn Taylor, see pg. 8

Christians and marketplace leaders through

Andrew & Anne Taylor, see pg. 8

ministry in Bible schools, churches, seminars,

Osman & Barbara Kamara, see pg. 49

and evangelistic crusades. They also plant

Chris & Lindsey Lautsbaugh, see pg. 50

churches in partnership with local churches in Singapore and other areas.

CARE 2014


Oliver & Ulla Lindberg Honoring 30 Years of Missions 2




n 1984 Oliver and Ulla

and insulin to sick children in Poland to

Lindberg founded People

speaking in underground churches and

to People International

Bible schools. Over the years, over 300

(PTPI), based on the

tracker trailers of humanitarian aid were

vision they received

delivered and numerous churches were

from God in 1978: “I, the Lord, have called

built. The Lindbergs sent in equipment

you for a special purpose; to support the

to set up print shops that would print

pastors and churches in the Soviet Union

Christian resources. Altogether, 10

and Eastern Bloc countries.”

presses were sent.

Since then, Oliver and Ulla have had

Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, the

a huge impact on the spiritual lives of

situation changed significantly. These

many people in the former communist

countries now have religious freedom,

states of Central and Eastern Europe.

which, in turn, has enabled evangelical

through PTPI. Under communist rule,

work to be done in a completely open way.

evangelical activities were banned or

The vision given by God still remains as

severely restricted, so outreach had to be

the core foundation and guiding principle

done in strict secrecy. They did everything

for the work that is going on today, even

from smuggling Bibles and providing flour

though the needs are very different.

See more on next page


2014 CARE




Congratulations from Sam & Sherlyn Sherlyn and I congratulate Oliver and Ulla Lindberg on their retirement from over 30

helped to provide leadership and vision

Today, PTPI continues to work mainly

years of Gospel ministry in many Eastern Eu-

in Poland, Romania, and the Republic of

for the ministry while being a constant

rope countries and the Scandinavian nations.

Moldova by the efforts and service of

companion and help for her husband.

Oliver and Ulla have faithfully taken the

Oliver and Ulla’s son and daughter-in-

Gospel to these nations through Bible distribution, supporting pastors, and conducting pastors conferences. Countless lives have been blessed and impacted with the Gospel

In January of 2014, Ulla decided to

law, WC missionaries Jorgen and Maria

retire from the ministry to be able to spend


more time with Oliver. God has done incredible things through

Over 15 years ago, Oliver was attacked

of Jesus Christ. It has been our privilege as a

by a drunken man and sustained severe

the ministry of Oliver and Ulla. They are

congregation to help them bring hope, help,

injuries. Because of the incident, Oliver’s

very excited to see how God will continue

and healing to these nations. Blessings to

activities were greatly hindered, and Ulla

to enable PTPI to minister to those in need.

you, Oliver and Ulla, as you enter into a new season of life.

Sam & Sherlyn Smucker


PHOTO GUIDE 1 // Oliver at the dedication of a church building at Petru Groza, Romania 2 // Oliver loading a tractor trailer with flour 3 // The Lindberg family in 1984 4 // Ulla loading a trailer with flour 5 // Church in Petru Groza, Romania 6 // Oliver with one of the printing presses delivered by PTPI 7 // Oliver & Ulla in 2014 with Missions Director John Smucker

CARE 2014


Consider partnering with one of our missionaries! Missionaries can’t do what they do alone, but with the monthly support of partners like you, they don’t have to. They know they have a team of people supporting them, and it makes the difference in what they do.

Pick up a partner card along Main Street Or partner online:   45

2014 CARE


A WORLD MAP OF WORSHIP CENTER’S GLOBAL OUTREACH Countries where Worship Center missionaries currently live. Countries that Worship Center missionaries currently reach into. Countries currently unreached by Worship Center missionaries.

CARE 2014




2014 CARE

Business as Missions Funding Missions Work in Unique Ways


hile they rely on the financial support of their partners, many of Worship Center’s missionaries have created ways to supplement funding of their missions outreaches through business. Here is what three missionaries are doing:

Rafiki Africa Supporting children through Central Market.

All profits from the African market stand go directly to the ministry, with neither Rodger nor Dorothy receiving a paycheck. In an effort to maintain sustainability, they are currently looking for opportunities

Dorothy Dulo-Godfrey remembers being

to increase their sales volume through

a sickly young girl in Kenya. She was often

catering and supplying coffee shops with

hospitalized, sharing a bed with three

finger foods, salads, and sandwiches. “We

other children, and the child next to her

met lot of our most faithful supporters

usually died. She prayed to God to let her

through the business,” states Dorothy.

live so that she could grow up and keep

In addition, women in Kenya are being

children from dying. Today, that prayer

trained in a variety of trades and skills by

is being answered through the mission

Rafiki Africa. The women receive wages,

Dorothy founded called Rafiki Africa. Rafiki

and the profits from goods sold go directly

Africa provides clean water, education,

toward benefiting Lighthouse Academy, a

healthcare, food, and shelter to her home

Christian K-8 school sponsored by Rafiki


Africa. Once the women master their

After becoming a nurse, Dorothy

trade and begin a business of their own,

worked hard at saving money for a

a percentage of their sales will continue

business, following the models like Jesus

to sustain the ministry in exchange

and His carpentry or Paul and his tent

for benefits, such as health insurance.

making. “I made a contract with God that I

The ultimate goal of Rafiki Africa is

would never ask people for money,” jokes

sustainability – for the ministry and for the


village of Alendu, Kenya.

In 2003 Rafiki Africa opened for business in Central Market, a popular Lancaster City marketplace. Rodger Godfrey joined Dorothy’s vision for Rafiki Africa when the two were married in 2005.

CARE 2014


Visit to find out more about the trip to help Rodger and Dorothy Dulo-Godfrey in July, 2015.

Central Market in Lancaster City, where Roger and Dorothy have their Rafiki Africa food stand.

HOME International Supporting girls in India through a thrift shop.

values and to enjoy healthy emotional

location in Bowmansville, will fully support

development, while also receiving an

all the girls’ higher education needs,

education -- none of which would be an

whether those needs include funds for

option for them otherwise.

college, nurse training, or to achieve other

In 2007, the Hollingers didn’t want the

goals the girls may pursue. It’s a long and

David & Debbie Hollinger started HOME

financial responsibilities for the nonprofit

sometimes frustrating road. “We’re up

International, a non-profit organization

to rest mainly on their family business or

against ’the big guys’ of the re-use-it shops,

assisting orphan girls in India, in 2000.

missions support alone. Debbie wanted to

Debbie explains, “but we just keep going,

“HOME does not operate orphanages,”

pitch in as well. Second Street, a re-use-it

hoping to grow into our goal.”

Debbie is adamant about making that

apparel and household goods shop, was

distinction. Abandoned or orphaned girls

established in Denver, PA, with the goal of

are brought into the homes at ages three

eventually supporting the higher education

or four to belong to a family, not just exist

needs of the girls in the three homes that

in a “warehouse.”

HOME International operates.

Each home is lead by a couple that

Visit to find out more about the trip to help David and Debbie Hollinger in September, 2015.

While that goal is not realized yet,

raises each of the 15-20 girls as its own

Debbie hopes in the future that the

daughters, helping them to learn Christian

Denver store along with the newer

Horizons of Hope Harvesting cassava for missions Osman Kamara, missionary to Sierra Leone, does not expect a quick fix for this devastated land in western Africa. Years of civil war took an incredible toll on the country and its people, and although it has been nearly a decade since Sierra Leone has returned to peace, the infrastructure

A field of cassava in Africa

there needs much work. Osman’s mission, Horizons of Hope, has a wide approach

also be used for Horizons’ primary school,

of God, leadership, education, agriculture,

to ministering to Sierra Leone’s people,

a much needed learning facility, as access

business, community development, and

including plans for a future of self-

to educational facilities and supplies

health care. We believe when God has the


for children are scarce in West Africa.

heart of the people, amazing things can

Proceeds from the cassava harvest could


While Horizons of Hope is still primarily funded through donations today, Osman

also help to support Horizon’s Life Training

is excited about its upcoming harvest

Centers, where locals can learn the Word

of cassava, a staple crop of the area.

of God and how to live a Christian life.

This harvest is to be a special one for

Health care is much needed in

Horizons, as it is the start of the goal of

Sierra Leone–clean drinking water and

self-sustainability for the local people. The

prevention and treatment of basic health

growing, harvesting, and processing of

concerns–are also funding goals for the

cassava into meal (or tapioca) will provide

profits earned from Horizon’s new cassava

agricultural and factory jobs to the adults

manufacturing facility. Osman states,

in the area, plus marketable goods for

“Horizons of Hope wants to empower

them to sell. The money profited could

people with skills and training in the Word

Visit to find out more about the trips to help Osman in November, 2014 and February, 2015.

To help with these efforts, consider partnering with each of the above missionaries online: WORSHIPCENTER.ORG/PARTNER


2014 CARE

CARE 2014


Family o n t h e

Field A look into the life of the Lautsbaugh family, living in South Africa.

very day in America, families wake up, get

“Our lives take a lot more logistical

ready for school and work, and strive to

work than a normal family,” replies Chris

make a difference in their communities.

and Lindsey Lautsbaugh, Worship Center

So, how different is this experience when a

missionaries currently serving in the

family is living as missionaries in a

Capetown area of South Africa. “We

foreign land?

are constantly sorting out international


2014 CARE

banking, applying and reapplying for visas,

have seen their boys embrace life as a

figuring out systems we don’t understand,

missionary family. “It’s part of their calling

as well as standing in long lines for random

for this season of their lives, at least in

legal requirements. Frankly, it can be

the way the boys understand it. Although,


since all they know is living in a foreign


Chris and Lindsey are both seasoned in missions work. Chris has been serving


them,” shares Lindsey. “Most of what we


student–not the usual YWAM experience.


“We had been in missions for many years before we had children. When the kids came, the sacrifices seemed suddenly

and Lindsey do school runs, go to work, out what is for dinner. KEEPING BALANCE

They married, and their call to missions as a couple was clear.

fact that we do it in a different country is

manage after school activities, and figure

(YWAM) Discipleship Training School. Chris was an instructor, and Lindsey was a

do in our family life is very ‘normal’. The perhaps the ‘unusual’ part.” Each day, Chris

in missions for 23 years, Lindsey for 18 years. They met at a Youth With A Mission

country, it just feels like ‘normal life’ to

According to the Lautsbaughs, they are always trying to make sure everything and


everyone is thriving and doing well. They accomplish this with varying degrees of

much bigger and the ramifications more

success, just like everyone else. “We try to

far-reaching,” shares Chris. “But we

balance work, marriage, and family time

approach this calling as a ‘family calling’

like everyone else.” But Lindsey quips,

and not just what mom and dad are doing.

“Even completing kids’ homework is a

We view it as we are either all called or

challenge when you don’t know the local

none of us is called.”

way of doing the things that, for locals, is

Chris and Lindsey have two boys– Garett, 9, and Thabo, 8. The Lautsbaughs

Family fun in South Africa

CARE 2014


simply assumed.”

Garett and Thabo are exposed to

stories about situations that did not work

many wonderful people from cultural

out. And while missionary couples can

backgrounds, experiences Chris and

make their sacrifices, making them for

Lindsey never had when they were kids. In

a family brings on an added dynamic. To

addition, the Lautsbaugh boys will know

really know a missionary, one needs to

three languages by 8th grade. But while

get beyond the newsletter stories and

the imagination can create an adventurous

ask about the struggles, the failures, and

picture of life in an African nation, the

the frustrations. For the Lautsbaughs,

realities are not so glamorous. “The boys

the Lord’s faithfulness keeps them on the

go to a public school in South Africa and

mission field as a family. “We love seeing

are immersed in the nation in every way

lives changed. A life set in a new direction

possible. Unfortunately, they still get their

with a brighter future is worth all the

accents from their American parents. Our

headaches and disappointments.”

oldest gets bullied at school for the way

Besides the standards of “astronaut”

he talks. This has been difficult,” shares

and “firefighter,” Garett and Thabo include


things like “missionary” and “worship

The Lautsbaughs are also exposed to a

leader” when answering the question

high level of crime. Unfortunately, this has

about their future dreams. The Lautsbaugh

become a normal living condition for the

boys hear stories of people who are paying

boys. “Just last week, Garett came home

a high cost to follow Jesus and then they

from school and said, ‘Mom, my teacher

get to know those people personally. Chris

told me to take a different route home

and Lindsey pray this shapes their boys

from school today. Three people were shot

deeply for the rest of their lives.


dead there yesterday!’” Lindsey pauses. “Well, this is an announcement my third grade teacher never gave me. And no one expects the need to define words like ‘rape’ or ‘smash and grab’ (when a car is stopped at a traffic light and thieves smash the car


window to steal a bag) to their kids so early in their lives.” What do the Lautsbaughs do for fun? Chris says, “Our favorite thing to do is travel. Even though outside ministry projects are missions-related, we try to make them a high priority because it


The Lautsbaugh family lives in Muizenberg, South Africa, a suburb of Capetown.

requires us to travel, which the boys love to do.” The culture in Africa places a lot of value on children and does not view them as a burden. The Lautsbaughs receive positive feedback when their kids are with them, and they seem to receive a greater level of trust when they are presented as a family. FAITHFULNESS


Missions work can be difficult and discouraging. Lindsey shares that, for every amazing testimony, there are ten MAP OF SOUTH AFRICA BY FREEVECTORMAPS.COM


2014 CARE




The WC trips to Mexico’s Rancho Los Amigos are an experience for all ages.


Because as I get older, I don’t want to be a liability to the team. But I‘ve discovered that God can use us, no matter how old we are. And it seems like there’s always something I can do that makes a difference and contributes.”

ohn Shertzer, 71, has been part of

often more perceptive to God showing

to travel to Juárez because I feel like God

a Worship Center missions team

Himself in amazing ways.

really speaks to me through relationships.

Fifteen-year-old Madison Smucker was

I have built strong relationships with the

just six years old the first time she went to

kids down there, and no matter how old

five times. His is just one of many stories

Rancho Los Amigos. Since then, she’s been

they are–five years old or a teenager–God

that can be shared from the dozens of

on teams a total of eight times. “I continue

always seems to use them when He wants

sent to Rancho Los Amigos, a children’s home in Juárez, Mexico,

to show me something new.”

individuals who have gone on trips to


Juarez over the past 15 years. Of all the trips put together by Worship Center each year, the Juárez trip is unique because it is specifically designed for kids, adults, and families to experience missions together. The teams are typically sent to Mexico late winter/early spring, so most who go along are sacrificing schooling or vacation time. But by taking time away from a normal routine, individuals are

CARE 2014



God reveals Himself to a mission team member in unique ways, even as


he or she begins planning the trip. Often


funds come together or in the people He


God’s handiwork can be seen in how the matches up for each trip. While on the trip, His amazing creativity is seen as team members visit new places in the world and immerse themselves in a new culture. Karli Monger, 14, says, “Each year I


go back, the kids have grown up a little bit, and


I feel I can get to deeper levels with them. I keep


going back because each year, God teaches me something different.” On this last trip in 2014, Karli says God showed


her that no matter the


background, He can satisfy us with His love.


She sees this as she spends time with the kids


at Rancho Los Amigos. Amy Greenly and her

team. Amy explains how

Part of the whole missions experience is how God uses the team members to

God’s provision was witnessed by the team

encourage each other and help each other

while at Rancho Los Amigos. “In addition

grow along the way. When team members

to dealing with children who were sick, we

work alongside each other and spend

were facing a situation where funds were

“down time” together for several days, they

unavailable to purchase supplies for a

really get to know each other more than

deck–one of the big projects we had hopes

if they were in everyday circumstances.

of working on. But, through prayer and

Many of these relationships continue long

faith, God was able to have the final say.

after the trip ends.

Children got healthy again and the needed

“I expected the experience to be eat,

funds for supplies became available. The

work, sleep,” says Scott Monger, 50.

deck was finished in just three days!”

“But it was much more about building

Amy says this was an amazing moment

relationships with the kids at Rancho, as

for the team.

Mary Beth is the director of YWAM El Paso/Juárez. Rancho Los Amigos, located at the YWAM base in Juárez, Mexico,

family were members of a recent Juárez mission


provides love, protection, a clean home, good meals, and an education to an average of 35 children, primarily from the Juárez, Mexico area. It brings hope to children who find themselves growing up in very difficult situations and seek to “reach, raise, and restore” these needy and hurting children. Rancho is constructing a new children’s home, a facility that will house up to 90 kids. In 2015, WC will send teams to work on this new home.



2014 CARE



missionaries affirms that they are on God’s

love spending time with them, and it makes

heart, and it helps to renew their vision and

me want to help others, too.”

purpose. In a unique way, the excitement of the team causes missionaries to “look up”

serve them, can look forward to more visits

from their daily schedules and see all that

from the Worship Center family in the

God is doing.

future as Rancho Los Amigos embarks on

For the kids of Rancho Los Amigos, they well as with our team members. And most

anticipate the teams coming annually and

of all, for me, it was about unplugging from

enjoy the consistency of the visits. They

life as we know it back home.”

look forward to meeting other children

“Seeing God work in Juárez is awesome. Each year I have gone on a trip, God has shown me how powerful He is, how His bank account is unlimited, and how He will accomplish something if He wants it accomplished,” shares Amy. Not only are team members encouraged, but the missionaries serving at Rancho Los Amigos are uplifted as well. For individuals to take the time to plan a trip communicates to them that what they are doing is important, and that teams of



people want to be a part of their mission.

and adults, and it gives them and the

Mary Beth Maifield, the director at the

communities around them the chance to

Juárez YWAM base, says, “Teams that visit

observe the dynamics as families come

are able to multiply the work of the staff

to serve together. Laura, a10 year-old at

and help them reach more people.”

Rancho, has a dream of being a missionary

Team members serving alongside our

CARE 2014


The Rancho kids, along with those who

one day. She says, “When the team comes, I

their next project–building a new children’s home.

Read more of the Greenly family’s mission experience or watch the Juárez Mission 2014 report online. SERVEOURWORLD.ORG

Got a week’s vacation? Why not put it to good use. For a complete list of mission trips, pick up your copy of “Give a Week Away” along Main Street at WC.   57

2014 CARE


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