While My Soldier Serves by Edie Melson

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WHILE MY SOLDIER S E RV E S Prayers for Those w ith Loved Ones in the Militar y

Edie Melson


This book is dedicated to two special people: Our precious daughter-in-law, Katie Melson, Who walked through our son’s deployments, Supporting her husband, and us, With beauty and grace. *** And also to my husband, Kirk Melson, He’s always seen the vision Of what God wants for me as a writer Much clearer than me.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements—xiii Introduction—1 How to Use This Book—3 PRAYERS FOR MY SOLDIER—5 Wisdom—7 Help My Soldier Make Wise Decisions—8 Give My Loved One Your Eyes to See the Plans of the Enemy —9 Give My Soldier a Clear Head—10 Help My Loved One Choose Joy—11 Thank You for Your Steadfast Love—12 May My Loved One See Beauty—13 Give My Soldier the Tools to Deal with the Fear He’s Facing—14 Help My Soldier Remember Why She’s Serving —15 Grant My Soldier God’s Perspective—16 Thank You for a Firm Foundation—17 Keep My Soldier Grounded in Your Truth—18 Make the Plans of the Enemy Obvious —19 God Please Intervene for My Soldier—20 Help My Loved One See God at Work—21 Help My Soldier Understand What He Sees—22 Give My Soldier Discernment—23 Let My Soldier Find Joy—24 Give My Loved One Clear Direction—25 Praise for My Loved One’s Wisdom—26 May My Loved One’s Homecoming be Joyful—27 Strength—29 Give My Loved One Courage—30 Strengthen My Soldier’s Prayer Life —31 Let My Loved One Know God’s Love—32

ADVANCE READER’S COPY Give My Soldier Time to Laugh—33 Praise for My Soldier’s Strength—34 Lift My Soldier’s Spirits—35 Keep My Loved One’s Hope Alive—36 Give My Loved One Refreshment—37 Keep My Soldier Spiritually Strong—38 Give My Loved One Physical Strength—39 Prepare My Soldier for Her Environment—40 Give My Loved One Your Courage—41 Give My Soldier Inner Strength—42 You are Stronger than any Enemy We Will Ever Face—43 Be My Soldier’s Security—44 You Are My Loved One’s Strength—45 Use My Soldier to Strengthen Others—46 Protect My Loved One from Despair—47 Faith—49 Replace My Soldier’s Fear with Faith—50 You are Worthy of Our Faith—51 Fill My Loved One with Hope—52 Let My Soldier See You at Work Around Her—53 Give My Soldier the Faith to Make it Through—54 Let My Loved One See Faith in Those Around Her—55 Give My Soldier Faith in Times of Trouble—56 Don’t Let Guilt Overwhelm My Soldier—57 Thank You for Strengthening My Soldier’s Faith—58 Give My Soldier What She Needs to Stay Faithful—59 Wrap My Soldier in Your Love and Care—60 Give My Soldier the Courage to Believe—61 Show My Soldier Your Love in the Hard Places—62 Feed My Soldier’s Faith—63 Let My Loved One See You Walking Beside Him—64 Help My Loved One Trust God’s Character—65 Thank You for Your Steadfast Love—66

UNCORRECTED PROOF - Not for Resale or Distribution Let My Soldier See the Difference She Makes—67 Renew My Loved One’s Faith in You—68 Instill Confidence in Those around Her and in Herself—69 Teach My Soldier to Rely on You—70 Protection—71 Protect My Soldier as He Leaves for War—72 Thank You for the Protection You Provide My Soldier—73 Be My Soldier’s Shield—74 Protect My Loved One from Guilt—75 Protect My Soldier from Becoming Bitter—76 Protect My Soldier from Her Enemies—77 Send Your Angels to Guard My Loved One—78 Guard My Soldier’s Rest—79 Provide Deliverance for My Loved One—80 Protect My Soldier’s Faith During the Difficult Times—81 Protect My Loved One from Trouble—82 Confound and Confuse My Loved One’s Enemy—83 I Know You Surround My Soldier with All the Protection She Needs—84 Go Before My Soldier—85 Be With My Soldier as She Sleeps—86 Make the Enemy Unsuccessful—87 You are a God Who is Mighty and Able to Save—88 Make My Soldier’s Transition in Country Easy—89 Guard My Loved One’s Mind—90 Bring My Loved One Home Safely—91 Peace—93 Teach My Loved One to Pray—94 Put My Soldier’s Mind at Rest—95 Comfort My Soldier with Your Presence—96 I’m So Thankful for Your Peace—97 Finding Peace in the Midst of War—98

ADVANCE READER’S COPY Grant My Soldier and His Companions a Sabbath Rest—99 Let My Loved One See Beauty Every Day—100 Reassure My Soldier—101 Keep My Loved One from Worry about Her Children—102 Thank You for the Peace You Provide—103 Grant My Soldier Peace when She’s Exhausted—104 Don’t Ever Let the Loneliness Become too Much—105 Give My Soldier a Like-minded Companion—106 Comfort My Soldier So He Can Comfort Others—107 With You I Know We Have Nothing to Fear—108 Protect My Loved One from Being Discouraged—109 Give My Loved One A Word from Home—110 Protect My Loved One from Despair—111 Those Close to My Loved One—113 Give My Loved One Strong Friendships—114 Give My Soldier Commanders of Character—115 Give My Soldier’s Commanders Wisdom—116 You are Always With Us—117 Protect My Soldier’s Spouse—118 Surround My Loved One with a Group of Believers —119 Protect Our Marriage—120 Don’t Let My Soldier Worry about Those at Home—121 Care for My Loved One’s Children—122 Bless the Friends My Loved One Left Behind—123 Help My Soldier be a Friend to Those in Need—124 Keep My Soldier’s Friends at Home Safe—125 Relieve My Loved One of Financial Worries Back Home—126 Grant My Soldier Unity with Her Comrades—127 Give My Soldier Freedom to Worship You—128 Guard My Soldier’s Marriage—129 Thank You for My Loved One’s Family—130

UNCORRECTED PROOF - Not for Resale or Distribution PRAYERS FOR ME—131 Fear—133 Staying Strong—134 The Dark Pit of Fear—135 Give Me Rest from My Fears—136 Thank You that You are a God Who Never Rests—137 Late Night Burdens—138 Bring My Loved One Home Safe—139 Peace—141 Your Perfect Peace—142 Help Me be Joyful—143 Help Me to Continue to Move Forward—144 Restore My Sense of Fun—145 You Provide Hope to the Hopeless—146 Overwhelming Loneliness—147 Relieve My Guilt—148 Patience—149 Thank You for the Changes I See in Me—150 Patience for My Loved One’s Return—151 Make Me Willing to Wait—152 Help Me Beat Back the Loneliness—153 Let Me Cling to You—154 Trusting God for Everything—155 Help Me with the Small Stuff—156 Help, I’m Totally Overwhelmed—157 Faith—159 Help Me Hang On—160 Strengthen My Faith—161 Grow My Faith—162 Give Me the Faith to Pray and Believe—163

ADVANCE READER’S COPY Thank You that You Hear and Answer Our Prayers—164 Running Low on Faith—165 Give Me the Faith I Need to Stand Firm—166 I’m Putting All My Trust in You—167 Lead Me into Hope—168 Strength—169 Show Me How to be Strong—170 Thank You for Sharing Your Strength with Me—171 Carry Me When I’m Weak—172 The Power of Prayer—173 Help Me Take Care of My Health—174 Lend Me Your Strength—175 I Don’t Know How to Be Strong—176 Anger—177 Don’t Let Me Resent My Loved One’s Service—178 Give Me Assurance about My Loved One’s Safety—179 You Will be Found by Those Who Seek You—180 Take Away My Anger at the Enemy—181 Help Me Not Meet Ignorance with Anger—182 Take Away My Anger at You—183 Help Me Channel My Anger into Something Good—184 Reaching Out to Others—185 Lead Me to Help Others—186 Use Me to Help Others Who are Hurting—187 Help Me Encourage Others—188 Help Me Develop Joyful Anticipation—189 Thank You that You are a God of Joy and Blessings—190 Give Us Unity Across the Miles—191 Protect our Conversations While We’re Apart—192 Lesson Learned—193

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS No book can ever see the light of day without an entire team of people moving it forward. That’s especially true of this book! First I want to thank those in my life who have given this project, and all of us involved, much needed prayer support. I’d especially like to mention Sheri and Brian Owens, Randy Harling, Steve Genoble (and the youth ministry at SFBC), Ashley Moore, Valorie Moore, Gloria Moore, Sarah Moore, Noelle Lawson, Mary Denman, Pam Zollman, Caroline Eschenberg, Alycia Morales, and especially my long-time writing partner, Vonda Skelton. A special shout-out goes to my amazing (and in my opinion best) agent in the world, David Van Diest. I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Pamela Clements and the team at Worthy Publishing. You took my vision and made it shine. Additionally, no writer is ever able to move ahead without other writers to share the journey. Thank you to all those who helped with proofing, including Cathy Baker, Marcia Moston, Deb Koontz Roberson, Tammie Fickas. I’m grateful to all my fellow writers who encourage me, especially Alton Gansky, Charity Tinnin, Erynn Newman, Jess Koschnitzky, Amanda Stevens, Beth Vogt, Susan May Warren, Alena Tauriainen, Melissa Tagg, Lisa Jordan, Michelle Lim, Rachel Hauck, and the gang from The Light Brigade. Most of all I want to thank my amazing boys (and now girls, too), Jimmy and Katie Melson, Kirk and Weslyn Melson, and John Melson. They’ve always encouraged me and been my staunchest supporters. xiii

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INTRODUCTION Many of us live daily with the reality that war is a part of life. We’ve sent someone we love off to war, and now we’re left with our own battles to fight. Our adversaries include loneliness, fear, worry, and nightmares we can’t share with those who haven’t been in the trenches with us. I’ve been where you are. Our oldest son went straight from high school graduation to Marine Corps Boot Camp to Iraq as a frontline infantry Marine. I know just how frightening it is to have a loved one in a life and death situation and be unable to do a single thing to help. I’ve sat up nights, filled with fear, trying to pray when words just wouldn’t come. Thousands of families send loved ones off to fight on a daily basis. These families spend a lot of time living in a world out of control. This kind of stress can take an incredible toll, but there is hope. When we feel helpless, we can take our fears to the One who loves us more than anything and holds the universe in His hands. In this book you’ll find the words to usher you into His presence. These prayers are a place to visit again and again as you take your own fears to God. They’re just a starting point, written to help you find your own voice as you call out on behalf of the one you love. Blessings, Edie Melson


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HOW TO USE THIS BOOK This book is written to be used by many people, in many situations—from the spouse or parents of a soldier, to the close friend, to everyone in between. In addition, because we have so many women serving in our armed services, the pronouns change from prayer to prayer. The best way to use this book is to insert your soldier’s name in place of the pronouns. This is also a good resource to use in a small group setting, as several come together to pray for those serving in our military and their families. There are two main sections within this book; Prayers for My Soldier and Prayers for Me. While my son was deployed I discovered that when I took time to pray for myself, my prayers for my son came easier. Within the two sections, the prayers are further organized into topics, with a more specific focus reflected in the titles of the individual prayers. You may choose to read the book straight through from beginning to end, or search for individual prayers that focus on the needs you and your soldier are currently facing. The power of our prayers is amplified by the fact that so many of us are praying the same thing, at almost the same time, for those in our armed services. We can take encouragement from being a part of a great choir of voices, praying for our soldiers. When we each give voice to these prayers, we become a mighty concert, directed by the power of the amazing God we serve.


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FAITH Trying circumstances can deepen our faith—or destroy it. When we remain focused on God, a stronger faith is the result, and that’s our prayer for those who serve.



REPLACE MY SOLDIER’S FEAR WITH FAITH “Faith is the very first thing you should pack in a hope chest.” Sarah Ban Breathnach

Dear Lord, I’m asking You today for special comfort for my soldier. I know he’s battling fear as he serves his nation. The ugliness of war is all around him. He’s surrounded by so much that I can’t even comprehend. Protect his mind from the images of all he’s seeing and from the memories that are forming. Lift him out of the circumstances he’s in, and show him the things going on around him that are good. Help him focus on You, and on the way You’re working in his life and the lives of those around him. Don’t let what he sees destroy his faith. Instead, use this time to grow his faith. Put people around him to help him process what he’s seeing and experiencing. Let him feel Your presence constantly. Give him Your hand and lead him through this time of danger. Be there in a real way, giving him no reason to doubt Your love and Your protection. Give him a glimpse of his future, when he’s back with his family, and finally safe at home. Give him the answers that point him to You. Be his foundation and don’t let him accept anything as truth unless it comes from You. Amen

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 NASB 50

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