The following information is a glimpse of the ROA’s general updates for the month. A copy of the official July 27, 2021, meeting minutes can be obtained on the Community Network, The board approved a Halloween event previously known as Kidtoberfest to be coordinated by Tim Weber Events. The board approved duct cleaning and addition of air purification system including UV lighting for the Grace Hopper Hall A/C systems. The board appointed Mr. Robert Slavens to the Baldwin Park Architectural Review Committee. The board reviewed and accepted the 2022 Reserve Study Updates provided by Dreux Isaac & Associates. The board ratified the renewal of the Florida Water Features contract for the Mattamy Mews fountain preventative maintenance. The board approved renewing all contracts expiring by the end of 2021, including the pool maintenance contract not to exceed a 6% increase. The board approved the Baldwin Park Elementary School Shindig to be held in Corrine Commons, including the use of the Grace Hopper gathering room for setup materials. In addition, Baldwin Park Elementary will provide port-a-lets. The board approved three sets of replacement free weights for the Enders fitness center.
The board approved landscape replacements in various parks/ mews.
Enders facility center paint: The approved work is being scheduled.
Grace Hopper Hall touch-up paint: The approved work is being scheduled.
Tree replacements: The eight tree replacements in various parks/mews have been completed. Grace Hopper pool resurfacing: The amendment to the contract, including the timeline, was emailed to the pool specialists. They are to provide the timeline dates, including the start date. Baldwin Park Services App: The number of new requests from June 15 to July 22 was 67 entries. Fifty-five have been completed, and 12 are currently in progress. Landscape replacements: Plant installations at the following parks/mews have been completed: Fenwood Park, Bailey Square, Virginia Park, Oak mews, Nolan Court, City Homes No. 4 mews and Union mews. Podocarpus at Union Park has been completed. Pool and fitness center signage: The approved signage has been installed. Pool fence and light pole painting at High Park: This work has been completed. Pressure wash, caulk and touch-up paint (faux) at High Park: This work has been completed. Enders pool deck: The approved work to repaint, replace backer roads and re-caulk the expansion joints is being scheduled for a little later in the year to avoid interfering during the summer months during which the pool is in full use.
Grace Hopper pool bath house painting: The approved work is being scheduled. Clean gutters at High Park: This work has been completed. One of the gutter downspouts at the large pavilion is being replaced as it was split. Clean, caulk and paint pergola at Union Park: This work has been completed. Enders Park lot reseal and re-stripe: The contract with DMI has been executed, and the permit application process has begun. The city of Orlando permitting department rejected the initial application/plans. Management is working on providing the documents needed. Townhome roof replacement for 2022: The TSAC manager has been working with ARC Associates (roof consultants) and legal counsel on the contract for each service area. 2021 Reserve Items: Management reviewed the 2020 Reserve Study Full Site Inspection for items due in 2021. For Grace Hopper: Replace vinyl flooring upstairs, downstairs and elevator. Items on hold: Proposals for bollard light painting in City Homes No. 2 and City Homes No. 4 mews; proposal for park signage.
HELPFUL INFORMATION FOR OWNERS WILDLIFE IN STRUCTURES The tree-lined streets of Baldwin Park offer shady canopies for residents to enjoy the outdoors and provide homes for amazing animals such as songbirds, squirrels and even bats. Bats provide great pest control. They are protected yearround from harm and cannot be evicted from buildings until after the end of the annual bat maternity season, between April 15 and Aug. 15. Now is the time to evaluate your home for potential wildlife entry points and make necessary repairs. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission provided a comprehensive video addressing how to remove bats from buildings. You can access it by going to Need more information about finding a professional bat excluder? Please contact your local FWC Regional Office at (352) 732-1225. If you have something you would like Community Manager Stacey Fryrear to make the community aware of, please email her at