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Dedicated to YOU…

Yes! YOUUUUUUUUU. Who’s in a relationship, but unhappy. :’(

Who’s not sure, if they’re doin’ the right thing. 

Who has a secret, but doesn’t know how to tell somebody. 

The Promise…

I promise to keep YOU close…

so no one can hurt you.

Relationship Issues…

From an athletic point of view.



If you REFUSE to accept anything but the very best

YOU very often get just that! 


To extract the hero, hunter and the Prince… from EACH asshole Oops! I mean guy. LOL

Appetizers A Note for Adults - 1 The Message… - 2

Specialty of the Week DON’T even think ‘bout missing this part- 4 Lessons - 3 Glossary – 27 The Relationship Bible: LOVE 101 - 36

Main Course M I S S – CONCEPTION - 62 MR – CONCEPTOR - 84 What makes this book so URGENT? - 100

Extra Spicy Blend Our RECIPE - 146 Top things to do when she’s PISSED - 162 Girls… Guys… TAKE YOUR POSITIONS - 186 Our Gut <3 ‘Instincts’ - 200

A Must Have The greatest WEAPON - 210 What is love… What isn’t love - 226 How love OPERATES - 260

Dessert How do you hold it…? - 280 When we give our guy SHIT - 290 Blame game DOESN’T work - 306 GUYS love 3 things… - 322

Real Yummy If YOU could ask… And get it? - 330 How a girl’s built/How a guy’s designed - People ‘Manufactured’ - 358 Our SEX - 372 What guys KNOW about girls - 378 What girls DON’T know about guys – 381

Mints What guys DON’T know (but wish they did) - 382 Tale signs a guy’s in love (My List!) - 384 Just one mo’ thing - 386 REACTIONS!! Youtube Channel - 394 Emails: From Young Adults – 395 WARNING The statements in this book have not been FDA approved. You may have difficulty absorbing, assimilating & digesting the substance in one sitting. LOL Take your time, a meal rushed is never savored. I’m serious, it’s deep.

The Glossary is designed for the unaware, the unconscious and the adult world. The terms and slang of this book are explicitly in sync with the Y generation (Young Adults of today). Generation Y is also known as The Millennial Generation. FYI Generation Next and the Net Generation also belong to us. Haaa The terms in this book were obtained from all the guys and girls I met while writing and a couple I created on my own (desperately needed). ď Š

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Horn dog (a guy who just wants SEX is extremely horny) Sick (insane-good, amazing, super cool) Spazzing (out of control, flippin’ out at someone) Chirped (givin’ someone shit in public, insulting them or just making fun of them) Straight up (seriously meaning what you’re saying, no bull, for real—the truth) Sketch bag (root word – sketch (y) someone who looks like they’re up to no good. Questionable, weird, whack. You can tell they would take advantage of YOU if they thought they could. Booked (caught) Manwhore (a guy who sleeps with ANYTHING that moves) Stoked (excited) Skank (a girl who sleeps with anyone, disgusting, a slut. Dip Shit (an idiot who says stupid things, is annoying) Wuss (zero balls, no guts, not a real man—pussy) Butter Face (Everything’s hot but her face) Va-jay jay (vagina) Baked (someone very high from smoking pot—STONED) Enigma (a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand… ‘us’. lol) WTF (what the fuck) TTYN (talk to you never) LMAO (laughing my ass off) True (confirmed) Without prejudice (without implying an admission of liability ‘guilt’). Ho (a person who has zero self-esteem, no morals, will sleep around for ‘any’ reason, basically a slut) Magic stick (penis) Bitch (a girl with an attitude, can be insensitive, doesn’t really care what anyone thinks) Bitching (complaining; “She wouldn’t stop bitchin’ ‘bout her boyfriend.”) Man-up (be a man) Orifice (an opening out of the body) Pubic wig/landing strip (full very bushy vagina—shaved and clean ‘except’ for one thin line of hair, like a landing strip for a plane)

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Banging (having sex) Uber (a German word meaning ABOVE. Americans have translated it to mean ‘super’, the best, greatest) Murk (to beat or defeat someone or something fiercely) NGL (not gonna lie) Tool (an idiot, loser, someone who’s gullible) Boss (something or someone that is so awesome or unique, they stand out) DL (‘down low’ something that is a secret and needs to be kept quiet... hidden on the DL) Mack (to make out with someone) Swagger (how a person shows themselves to the world, and how they walk—super cool) Dutty (dirty, used, gutter mentality) Slu (slut – sleeps with anyone, short form of slut) Sexting (texting dirty shit, literally like foreplay, being really graphic and prayin’ they’ll be lured to sleeping with YOU) Solace (extreme comfort) Wheeling n’ Dealing (Toronto slang—pursuing a guy/girl) Brutal (something intense) WWJT (what would Jesus text? Texting etiquette) Manscape (when a guy shaves his territory ‘private area’ clean, like landscape but with a guy and his parts) ROFL (rolls on floor laughing) Bootyism (like a religion, but all about ass) HBIC (head bitch in charge) Drum driving (drumming on your steering wheel to a song, while driving) Ta-Ta’s (boobs) Twat (used on a person who is ignorant, annoying or just unbearable) I’m down (wanting to definitely ‘do’ something) SPIRITS (A nickname given to alcohol cuz of the way people’s personality spirit changes when they’re WASTED. Alcohol is this strong smellin’ shit, that can make you easy—a target for guys. It causes co-ordination issues, blurred vision, loss of memory ‘temporarily’ so you look like a fool. LOL Guys who have consumed A LOT lose their ability to get it ‘up’ hold it up (do anything with it really). Contributes to aging skin by

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dilating small blood vessels in the skin and breaking capillaries permanently along and around the nose. So you look like Rudolf the red nose reindeer—only with tiny red spider veins. Leaking (crying) Dang (another word for damn) Shag (screw – “I shagged a big girl.” Austin Powers) Chlorophyll (is the molecule that absorbs sunlight and uses energy to synthesize carbohydrates from CO2 and water. This process is known as photosynthesis and is the basis for sustaining the life processes of alllll plants. Since animals and humans obtain their food supply by eating plants, photosynthesis can be said to be the source of our life also— google benefits!) My bad (admitting you’re sorry that you’ve made a mistake) Propagate (spread, re-produce, breed) LOL (laughing out loud) Killed it (victory) 11:11 (when you notice by ‘chance’ it’s eleven minutes after eleven o’clock. It’s a magical time for us. YOU make a wish) OMG (oh my God) Omigosh (oh my God—in slang) Cock blocker (when somebody tries to get in the way of YOU and the guy or girl you’re tryin’ to hook up with) Fo shur (for sure) A.k.a (also known as) Douche bag (someone who takes advantage of people, puts people down to make themselves look better. Acts like a knowit-all. Annoys you to no end) Crib notes (writing cheat notes to keep the teacher from noticing or catching you) Steeze (combination of style and ease) Dweeb (a person who doesn’t fit in or someone who acts like a LOSER) GED (General Education Degree) Junk (a term we use describing a guy’s load–sexual organs) Squats (a leg exercise usually performed with a bar behind your neck while you squat down and up again. Repeating till your thighs feel like they’re ripping apart. Someone standing behind you spotting is advised)

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Pen15 (a word used to disguise the word penis) KO (knock out in a fight) Family ‘jewels’ (a guy’s most precious commodity: his balls) One-eyed beast, joystick, mini-me (some guys’ nicknames for their penis) Amnesty (granting pardon for committing some specific crime, getting off the hook) Chated (when you someone has ripped you off, or lied then lies more to try and cover it) Daft (stupid) Plea bargain (an agreement in which a defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge, and the prosecutor drops the other more serious charges) Rainbow Party (affair) (where girls wear different color lipsticks and give guys a blowjob, resulting in all different colors on their dicks) BFD (big fucken deal) Till (How many guys you’ve slept with.) Shittles (cute version of shit) Dope (signifying amazing like, “That’s dope!”) Erotica Jones (my way of sayin’…. ‘erogenous zones’) Vas Deferens (Latin term: ‘carrying away vessel’. A narrow tube of the male reproductive system that carries sperm from the epididymis into the body to prepare for lift off. During ejaculation the smooth muscle in the wall of the vas deferens contracts, pushing the sperm toward the penis. A special re-union. LOL My TERMS: Only when we’re SATISFIED do we want to see your jizz pipe contract to shoot the load) Gumby (a green clay ‘plasticine’ humanoid character created and modeled for a cartoon series in North America. Cuz he’s made out of clay he’s sooo flexible). ;P Vag (ina) Numb-nuts (someone who is a VERY stupid person, with the IQ of a pebble). Sesame ( Taken from Alibaba and the 40 thieves. As in ‘Open sesame!’ A magic word used to OPEN a door concealed among the bush–how fitting!) LOL

CAUTION! YOU will miss vital information if you attempt to read this book, fast…

(Your call)



Nichole K. Kolman

This book is EVERY guy’s birthday present.

It’s cryptic…

If you don’t get it now I assure you LATER… you will.

Peace out. 

Girls have CHANGED. We’re not the little damsel in distress. We’re confident, independent—we call you on your BULLSHIT. It’s not a secret anymore (sex) we’re up front about it! LOL It’s not mysterious anymore. Stop tryin’ to hide things. We know you’re tryin’ to get in our PANTS. Don’t sugar coat it—just say it! We’re open. We’re into sports and we’re ambitious—we wanna kiss YOU so we do! (Sweeet) But then we change... something really upsets us and we cry. ;_; After all, we’re still a girl.

AND IT TOTALLY THROWS YOU A CURVE BALL Guy: Now I have to re-design all my plans. Why couldn’t she just show this part all ALONG? I have no idea what to do! I ASK a friend and (sadly) get some real bad advice.  It seems like she could handle anything. >.< So you guys are MORE confused than ev-errrrrrr. (Fair) You’re self-conscious about things ALSO. Especially, when it comes to something ‘simple’ like opening the car door… “Should I be chivalrous? But, if I open the car door is she gonna think that I think… she’s ‘weak’? Cuz she just KILLED a 10k! She’s a mixed martial artist, heads the debate team, works out like, FIVE days a week. Hey! She could even hurt me, man!  Whatta I do?” While we’re thinkin’… “Why’s he so SLOW? What’s his problem?”

“DID I MENTION SHE BENCH PRESSES MORE THAN ME?” (We get the picture dude) “Did I mention, she’s a total BITCH when she acts like that?” (Understood) LOL

As a Venezuelan Manager, at one of the café’s used to say “To be a MAN iz not eeeasy. YOU have to deal with their moods. Everything iz big deal. For us it’s yes, yes—no, no. Iz fine. We don’t want to argue and you know what? Even if we don’t want to argue, iz BIG deal. So we just accept it.” LOOL Girls… It’s not easy swingin’ from one side to the other—wanna take the lead (ask HIM out, make plans, fix his issues) ‘aggressive’ energy. And, we want him to make PLANS (surprise us!) take us out, buy us things FLOWERS—that shit just does not get old (by the way) ‘passsive’ energy.

RULE #1 Guys Be more romantic, protective—like a true vampire. LOL :-E We sooo want that (even if we don’t say it) ‘we do’. We don’t like to come out and say it… It’s NOT the same thing. And this way we can feel like an ‘actual’ princess… Alluring, magnetic ‘special’. And hopefully, we won’t pull any TOADS into our pond. Warts are so unpleasant (check his fingers). (You just never know) He could have a sore under his dick and not tell you—then YOU ask him why he has a bandage on it he’s like, “I cut my dick shaving.” (So booked) And he’s tryin’ to shag YOU and you feel like a complete tool. (YOU believed him) }:< Rule on next page is reserved for a Prince… not a TOAD. Vital Tip: All you wanna-be-princes, on the way to becoming… a prince (prince in hiding lol) to get rid of a wart, soak finger in apple cider vinegar for 20 minutes, remove dead skin with pumice stone (or emery board) and cover with apple cider vinegar soaked cotton ball. Put bandage on it.  Keep it on for several hours. Then air out, let dry. Repeat, till dead and gone. FYI Most warts are due to a potassium deficiency, change THAT and you change your fate man!

RULE #1 Girls Be his dream girl—NOT a pitbull with lipstick. (Cuz THAT could actually hurt) Lmao K! Being sarcastic with him (especially in front of friends) givin’ him shit over every little thing he does wrong. Instead of inspiring him—cuz you’re such a mystery… especially to yourself. LOL (HALF the things you do baffle YOU) :P Still, you abide by no law but your OWN. Cuz you ROCK girl! Like Lebanese-born American artist (philosopher/writer) Khalil Gibran, who writes… “Yesterday we obeyed Kings and bent our necks before Emperors (peer pressure, social media) today we kneel only to truth (our gut) follow only beauty (what makes us happy) and obey only love...” (Something we know is true) YOU… Dream Girl are pure at heart. You know what you want—and you’re not into leftovers. (Barf) You’d never sell yourself short and you’d never sell out. YOU’VE got way too much goin’ for yourself. You’d never hook up with a TOAD (hate those friggin’ warts) cuz you can pierce any guy’s heart with just ONE look. God help him—he’s SO toast. You’re not afraid to look a guy in the eye and ‘smile’ (that you like). Requirement: Big balls Then he knows he’s found YOU… He feels like a Prince… with YOU. He can’t take your face outta his head. You’re allllll he thinks ‘bout... so he forgets to pack his important stuff for a trip (misses the exit off the freeway). LOL Girls, when we go back n’ forth like that—tough then, soft then tough (again) it’s like a BROKEN traffic light—guys go mental! Cuz they can’t figure out what to do! Move forward (take charge) hold back (we wanna lead) no go! We want them to make plans—be in charge. 

But don’t want them to take over. Till eventually... they’re just sittin’ there in a daze. *_* NOT sure what to do. Might explain that ‘dumb look’ they have at times. LOL (Not always their fault) The beast in man just doesn’t do well with shocks. ONE time this way—then this way. Oops! No warning now THIS way—shift gears!! No wonder they feel stripped of their manhood (most times). Whenever there’s experiments done on animals—they get ZAPPED (shocked) they always end up docile (passive). I BET even if we put a guerilla in a cage… Oops! I meant gorilla… eeeenglish! K ZAP him every time he tries to leave—eventually, even if we leave the door open he won’t even try.  No killer instincts left. The beast in him… dead. He becomes passive (yielding to control). Animal cruelty NOT ALLOWED!!  (Even to our two legged animals) LOL And tell me you’re gonna trust a guy you can CONTROL (has no mind of his own) be honest… Seriously, we jar our guys when we take charge—then wanna be tender n’ cuddly. Feel their arms around us (especially when there’s a storm outside). LOL One minute, we’re tellin’ them what to do—how to do it (as if they don’t know) next (on an ‘emotional’ day) we don’t understand WHY they don’t take charge—help us! In the way that we need it. God damn it! LOL (My bad) :-} And every time we shock ‘em (spaz out on our guy) cuz he’s not gettin’ it ‘right’—it fucks them up.  Not that you can’t share your feelings— you CAN (it’s necessary). But when they’re not used to hearin’ it cuz you hold it in (sooo guilty) it takes them off guard. Cuz they’re not used to you TELLIN’ them (your feelings). Tell them from the get-go!! Cuz when YOU trust a guy to handle your shit–he’ll do his best NOT

to let you down.  Some guys have no clue what ‘manly’ is ANYMORE.  Especially since we’re doin’ it mostly (actin’ like a ‘guy’). LOL Ohhh… poor guys.  But we have also gotten so fucked up (fathers not being around) feeling isolated (left out) not being cared for—it scares us!!  And when you’re scared—it’s cuz you haven’t had anyone there for you (for a while) so you don’t TRUST anyone will be. And even when someone is there you still don’t trust that. So everything gets stuck inside (feelings) and NO ONE knows shit!  So to us… We feel like we have to be strong (act like a guy) cuz we’re not used to it, being there. ;_; But then we crave all that guy stuff you do… And secretly we just wanna be your ‘girl’.

We just both REALLY need each other…  But now YOU guys are confused, when you should ‘man-up’ when not. Cuz then it might look like you’re tryin’ to take over (our life) and YOU don’t want that. It’s like watchin’ a ping pong game. LOL She’s on this side (you need to take care of her, look out for her) now she’s FLYING over to that side. K! You need to back off! She’s MAD. Oops! She’s back on this side, stand up for HER. Don’t hesitate— he who hesitates loses one or BOTH balls. Hold up! She’s rollin’ (coasting) can’t tell? Does she want me to step in or not? K... She’s on this side for awhile... wants me to hold her. Fuck! Now SHE wants to be da’ boss. Tellin’ me what to do.  5 minutes later... Dammn… She’s squirming in my arms, makin’ all these love noises. Guess I’m the MAN again. And you guys are just wishin’ you could text...

S.O.S Manual. Girl CAN’T make up her friggin’ mind! Soon baby… (Real soon)

Ladies! I’m not siding with them. Cuz, as long as they don’t know how to be we’re frustrated as hell.  After all, as far as we’re concerned… If YOU loved me you would know. Right? But they have no idea when to take action—OR, IS IT GONNA PISS US OFF. And if they hold back cuz they’ve tried so much (and it did nothin’) we’ll be pissed. Cuz we think they don’t care.  All this SWINGING back n’ forth, changing our mind (no warning) alllll the time—it’s not only tiring they get friggin’ dizzy just watchin’ us! So to them we’re being bitchy. SPIDERMAN at least lands! LOL Let’s PLAY dominos!

THE DOMINO EFFECT… Let’s examine how one thing leads to another thing, tilts on that thing, makes it do something and how that continues. Cuz somehow, somewhere we lost our game—relationship line BLURRED. LOL There’s all this grey shit ‘wheeling dealin’ clouding up our vision. Hooking up... at least has some potential. Haaaa! So YOU tell me… by the time you get to actually dating after all this wheeling shmeeling, do you feel relieved, happy…? Kinda nervous— what? Cuz I wanna know. THE PROCEDURE: We’re goin’ to wheel Tom (communicate, text msg) then Tom’s goin’ to tell everyone we’re dealing (going out, last minute calls, we can mack, but no emotion—it just a test run). LOL And I get that! YOU just wanna test run your dick—see how well it goes, with our vagina.

See if it’s a MATCH. LOL Then eventually (hopefully) we can work our way up… to actually being ‘asked’ on a DATE. (If that ever happens) How come this feels like being in the Army? I start out as a solider… It’s the battle of the SEXES—I can take it (I think).  I wanna work up to being a private (special privileges fo shur) LOL but how many hits do I have to have? And will I survive?  Or will I permanently be wounded? Cuz that’s the LAST thing I want. Or, will there just be scars for EVERYYYYYONE to see. (Hate it when that happens)

CUZ… GUYS DON’T WANNA DATE. They have this wheeling dealin’ shit goin’ on. They can have their cake and stuff their faces in it too—just love our ta-ta’s. :D So now BFD we’re finally dating. Or, as some of you guys think… she’s suckered YOU into dating her. All the excitement and suspense of actually gettin’ to know a person… gone. (Or has it?) YOU tell ME. Check off one box:




And other than seeing someone’s profile on Facebook thinkin’, “Oh he’s cute…” asking your girlfriend (who knows him) is he proper? There’s just no way of really knowing (these days). We buy into all the latest Teen Magazines (read all this crap) try to catch things online (try to keep up) skim through, ‘He’s just not into you.’ books, ‘I hope they serve beer in hell.’ (Raunchy shit) TOLD one thing... then another and it’s stillll all messed up. 

FYI This book’s gonna be the antidote to allllll those out there tryin’ to fuck with a girl’s mind, turn a guy’s mind into silly putty. Sorry! We won’t be infected—we’ve been injected with The Wisdom of the Penis. LOL  It stops now!

Truth be told YOU guys can be assholes… You call us fat all through grade 9 then we get BOOBS—you’re like, “Whoa! You’re so HOT.” Like, we’re gonna forget.  Sometimes you guys’ll joke (so you say) when you take us out, pay for a movie. Then you’re like, “Next time you PAY—only kidding!!” And we’re like, “What a dick.” Shame. Cuz now it’s branded in our mind. And there’s NO WAY we won’t remember (or let you forget). You’ve been sentenced, tried and executed—and not necessarily in that order. I HAVE to tell it like it is. Of course we took it seriously. Cuz we took YOU seriously, dude. And now we hate your guts forever (and never tell you why). MONEY is the one thing man puts incredible value on (it’s a known fact) so it’s also the toughest thing for him to let go of... it has to be worth while. If he’s rich, then time is what he values (we know this intuitively). So when you JOKE about it with us we see it as a comparison to us– AND you just go n’ try feel up your dollar bill dude. Lmaooo (NOT quite the same thing, huh?) It makes us feel un-valued. I know it’s under value—I took a short cut. LOL We don’t like to feel we owe you… anyyything. So the very next time you see us, we will pay you (just to get the whole thing over with). Cuz when you make it seem like we owe YOU—it’s highly insulting. Cuz YOU failed to notice you’re gettin’ us for the evening! And we have cut off the rest of the population to be with you, enhancing your WHOLE ENTIRE IMMUNE SYSTEM—just sittin’ next to you, dude. ;<> So maybe we should send YOU a bill. What’s that? What if you’re givin’ up the whole population too? Ahhh… But you FORGET in this world the egg doesn’t chase the sperm… The sperm CHASES the egg. Lmaoo So sorry! Don’t see it that way since in the HISTORY of testicles it’s always been girls who inspire guys. :D Not the other way around.

Nice try though! LOL So don’t just sit there feelin’ like a dumbass cuz you made a stupid mistake—make it up to her!  Taking action will always break fear in HALF—and stop wondering what woulda, coulda happened, if you talk to her. YOU have a penis… It points for a reason.

GO GET THE FRIGGIN’ GIRL. And this is also for alllllll you guys who invite a girl out to eat—tell her to order whatever she wants. Then go OVERBOARD on your Heineken, so now you wanna go halfsies (in order to lower your half of the bill) and still TRY to kiss her good night. >;{ NOT gonna happen unless, she’s too SHOCKED to tell you. She’ll be in no rush to see you again (either). YOU just put yourself in the ‘friend zone’. You have no manship over her—you’re not a man in her eyes, you’re a friend. So don’t even think of crossing the border, fugitive. Don’t worry, I’ve outlined a specific chapter how to un-do what now appears to be so ‘done’. It will take precision, it will require patience. And plenty cupid arrows. LOL To pierce hardened smiles (locked up hearts) an attitude of steel. Doable... (When innocent on your part) On the other hand. Us girls can be so unaware… Girl-on-girl hate! What’s up with thaaat? Pickin’ on a GIRL cuz your boyfriend’s hooked up with her? Welcome to TWATVILLE.  Meanwhile our guy gets away with it! (Don’t think so) And has he learned anything? Yeah… That you will be aggressive and protect him (like a guy) and he can be like a girl, passively magnetic (keep pullin’ you in) no matter how MAD you are (you can’t resist). And you wonder why he DOESN’T man-up in other areas? YOU just grew a dick. Congrats. LOL

Guys don’t mind lettin’ us do all the work—they’re programmed for LOGIC. And if we wanna do allll the work why would they stop us? And every time we think we’ve figured it alllll out (how to be) it changes... Stand up for your MAN (why has he been abducted by aliens?) GO to the guy (he’s shy) no wait! Count 3 seconds. Then… ‘Say hi’. Cell alarms on!  Encourage his feelings. DO I really wanna sit and listen to him whine all day? It boosts his self-esteem. (We got PLENTY other ways of boosting his self esteem). :D Then he starts comin’ to you with shit like, “You hurt my feelings.” (He’s so sensitive)

…OHHH CRY ME A RIVER. (- _-) I was livin’ with this roommate he was like, “You HURT my feelings.” (When I told him how I didn’t have feelings for him) So I’m like, “WHY you actin’ like a girl, dude—I’m the GIRL. You’re the guy. All this vagina envy is just NOT gonna get you anywhere.” He’s like, “So when are you gonna take me out anyway?” “Again—I’M the girl. You’re the guy. YOU have the balls. You can take me out! HURRY UP and find your masculinity. There’s this great concert I’d wanna go to… Friday.” “Are you sure you don’t have my balls?” (Good question) Speaking of vagina envy. Omg! This is hilarrrrious... my boyfriend (current) is like, “I had a dream I had BREASTS.” Whoa… (feminity OVERDRIVE) ‘creative types’ what can ya’ do. He's like, “...K, I’m in the shower and I knew I was dreaming—I had these BIG breasts. So I thought well... Before this dream ends I need to take advantage of this. :P I jump up and down. (Ouch!) Take both of ‘em… raise one, lower the other—squish ‘em!! (Nooooo they’re not balloons!) Shake my body side to side—REALLY fast. (Scar tissue fo shur) GRAB both nipples— shake ‘em up and down!” STOP!! I can’t take it! Callin’ all cars. Callin’ all cars man abusing his breasts (in dream). Armed… And very threatening to our connective tissues! Kkkk… Now we know why we have the breasts, it doesn’t like to be man - handled. LOL K, back to da’ sensitive dude.

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