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Emails of guys & girls who have sampled chapters during the long development of this book and/or met with me for advice on their personal issues in one-on-one sessions.

Names have been changed to protect the privacy of these people. Hugs... <3

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 Mark wrote: Nichole did what others couldn’t... listen. She could listen to more than just problems, she could hear the tone in my voice. The amount of weight I carried with each story as one progressed darker, she could visualize the pain I had. It was incredible, simply because she gave me power to see where to go, to lead me on the right path. She’s a life mentor, a guardian. She’s a special person with a gift to give people, the courage to walk away from shadows, to back away from dark tunnels. She gave me the courage to turn away from those who did me wrong, she gave me a lantern, a special lantern that lit up the dark. I have no desire to do drugs. I knew I needed to see her because I couldn’t take it anymore. I had no strength to fight my demons, to cast aside my temptations. She showed me courage, she showed me a plan… A plan to jump to an opportunity of a lifetime. My life. I cried in front of Nichole nor did I care if anyone saw. The only thing was, I loved how she still listened and knew. Just KNEW what to say, how I felt, where I was coming from. You know, if it wasn’t for January 29th 2013, 9:05pm when I saw her, my life would be out of control… Spiraling down into a world of addiction, no sense of love and feeling, just temptation… winding and winding. Nichole is and will always be more than a treasure or an asset, she is a gift. She is inspiration, she is a message in a bottle, cast upon an open sea, reaching out to anyone who’s interest is to read what this message in a bottle is. She’s more than advice, she’s an artisan whose only objective is to shape our

world’s alive. To build an empire of our own, to fill it with knowledge, wonder and love. Side note: Nichole, ever since that day I have no desire for pot nor those who I surround myself with. You have honestly altered my life once again. I remember the first time I cried on the phone with you, you gave me the strength to turn away from the girl who hurt me, the vultures picking at my dead Mark, to lift him up and nurture him. P.S. I fully extend an invitation to my wedding. I don’t know where she is but you’re invited and it’s happening lol!! On Fri, June 26, 2009 Sandra wrote: *Hug* Nichole you are inspiring, contagious, stunningly beautiful, imaginative, young, vibrant, intelligent, a role model, a leader, an out-of-the-box forward thinker, innovative, and so many other things! And I have barely met you! You are awesome, truly. Nichole, if “we are the future”, we need people like YOU to share with us, guide us, help show us we can be ourselves and to help show us we can step outside of what is comfortable (routine, tradition, or safe in a possibly unhealthy way) if we want to. And I think we NEED to! YOU and what you have to share are a big part of the future too! And you so have something HUGE and shaking to share, so be loud girl! On Oct. 27 2013 Mirianna wrote:

I was ready to walk out the door. I knew Nichole would be the only one who would get to him. I couldn't believe how she ‘knew’ what I was feeling. And would tell my husband in our session without me telling her. That got me to trust her. Her insight, about how my parents are freaked me out. How would she even know my mother doesn’t throw the scraps of vegetables out but throws it into the soup? The assignments she left us on put us on track. She brought to my awareness myself, my needs, my voice (which I never released). She made it fun. She made me laugh so much with her analogies. She made it simple and it was ‘clear’ what was off. Her concepts were right on and made sense. I felt completely safe with her. I could NOT believe when my husband started doing the laundry, picking up his clothes—asking me if he could help me around the house. I WAS IN SHOCK. If you go to Nichole you too will be surprised, relieved (laugh a lot) see yourself, your life and your guy (girl) in a TOTAL different way. As a newlywed I had a very hard time adjusting to the changes in my life. A final conflict between my husband and I made me realize I needed some help. Calling Nichole was the best thing I could have done for myself and my marriage. She was able to make us see each other’s sides, she taught us valuable lessons that will help us in the long run and she restored my hope. On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 Steven wrote: Nichole, thank you so much! Your insight has proved invaluable! :D With what happened twice I thought I was going to lose it. I couldn’t stand that whore of an ex that was giving lap dances to some guy that I hated at the bus stop. I thought that I was going to kill them all, I felt pissed at both

the guy and my ex. Moreover, I felt stupid about myself, because I asked her out before. I saw someone beautiful, not a slut. But this is where you showed me how different you were from everyone else. You didn’t say ‘ignore it’, you showed me a way to not just stop her actions—that really hurt me, but to change how she behaved towards me. And as I did what you said when she was trying to be a slut, she never did it again. It worked flawlessly! She never waited for me to come to the bus stop, and she never did it again. She’s out of my life now and all because of some simple, but golden advice that I would’ve never been able to fathom. When you gave me a chapter to read I could not believe what I was reading. Finally!!! Someone who understands us! I want to go scream at the top of my lungs about The Wisdom of the Penis! It is so NEEDED!!!! Nichole, thank you sooo much! :DDDDD. On July 5, 2010 David wrote: Nichole I feel so comfortable talking to you about my problems cuz it’s not like you just have knowledge but also the understanding that not even parents understand. It’s like you took Anatomy and Psychology at the highest of levels and just made it seem like a joke. Nichole you’re not just the person I just want to run away to for my problems, you’re more than that and everyone knows that. You help me with problems I didn’t even think were rational and realistic. I can pretty much say your work is ‘ludicrous’ but by far the best damn thing. You’re not an average adult, the kind that’s either, snobby, horny, vile or pathetic. You’ve got funk and soul. Since when do you see adults like that these days? Sometimes it’s better to be different and far from the norm. It’s what you’re best at Nichole. You’re what's needed in this world.

Nichole you’re the shit! You're like the Modern Prophet Isaiah! On May 3, 2008 Kim wrote: This book is more than unique Nichole it’s the Bible that Jesus would use. I mean this in the sort of humorous, nonoffending way of course, ha! But this overall gives a genuine tone of honesty. You like what you do and people like what you do too. You know we all got the questions and uncertainties, and that at the very least, you have the have the guidance that shall direct us to the right answer. Softcore poet. I like. On Sept 24, 2010 Darren wrote: It was a complete surprise when you just came and sat next to me. I had only seen you in the gym on a few different occasions. What you did was different than what anyone else had ever done. I’ve never had anyone be so ‘exact’ about who I am, what I’ve been through, where I’m going. That’s RARE. You feel me, you know where my strength is. That’s extremely comforting. You hit the nail on the head. And I knew you knew me inside cuz I had never talked to you. You reinforced the things I wanted, needed on the way, doin’. Moving in circles, you walked with me until I could move ahead—now instead of circles my focus is clear. Again, very I mean WHO DOES THAT? comforting and very rare— After you talked to me Nichole… I began to question myself less. I am not influenced by others but I was affected by you. I know now that the circle has stopped... I’m focused, I strive for people to understand me, but they don’t. You do...

Thank you. On Aug. 27, 2014 Christina wrote: I have known Nichole for five years now. I met her while she was in the midst of writing her book. Instantly, I was intrigued. Once I read a sample chapter I was excited to see that the way she writes reminds me of Maria Montessori and her principles in regards to the way she developed the Montessori School System. It just felt so right. The life lessons, inner tools, self value principles, connection with nature and your own instincts all matched, were sound and inspiring. It’s about time a book like this came out. Most of the information seems like ‘common sense’ however, most people on earth are missing this knowledge. This book is meant to offer inspiration, support, wisdom, and knowledge to Teens and Young Adults who have always wanted ‘more’, but didn’t know how to get it, were driven to be unique, but didn’t fit in, felt lost, scared, pressured, hurt, or oblivious to the mistakes they were making. This book is like the key answer to the biggest exam (life). As a Montessori teacher, I see the huge need and value for this book to our students, parents, as well as us adults, who don’t feel threatened when knowledge is presented in away that’s designed for the generation preceding us. Since the book deals with a time when we, most likely didn’t have a book to make sense of things, it gives us closure on some things, establishes a healthy, inspired re-connection to ourselves and has the innocence, newness and energy of first-time love within sight again. Nichole presents all her ideas through personal stories and metaphors, in a language they understand (slang) and makes it interactive which makes it fun to read. Sadly we, as well as our girls use the media as a reference as how to act

and look. The media is sending incorrect and destructive messages. She addresses this on all Tfronts, from media control, to self image, forced peer pressure (work, school, relationships) and going against the pack, when threatened. In today’s world, when watching a show or movie the female characters are usually having casual sex. This is how sex is portrayed. They almost always sleep with the guy on the first or second night, or leave that one and find someone else. Is this the message you want to be sending to your teens? Or even to adult women! In overcoming her obstacles, the hits Nichole has received in her life and during her ten year run writing this book, she never stopped writing no matter what loss she incurred, health challenge she faced or emotional pain she endured. This enables her to reach every single person from every corner of the world. I’m always amazed by her strength and determination. Those are awesome qualities that she posses. Anyone reading this book will feel like she’s right there, with them. They’re NOT alone. They feel like they can get through anything. Nichole breaks it down for them and shows them how to respect themselves. This book is not only amazing it is a must for anyone human especially young adults.

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