Wow 2013 01 spring

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Michelle Obama: Inspiring Women and the World

JAN/FEB 2013

Empowering Women



Conversations with Wealthy Women






Publisher's VIEW



As I sat and watched the 2012 Election Campaigns winding around the nation, going through the process, I was reminded of the lyrics of Lee Ann Womack’s song, “I hope you dance.” Some lines seem so fitting and others I felt a need to change to fit what the nation was going through. I would often say to myself, “America, I hope you never lose your desire for change, and may you never take your right to vote for granted. God forbid the voting process ends and you never took a chance. I hope you still feel small when you enter that voting booth and close those curtains. Remember, when one four-year reign closes, another one will open, and you will have the opportunity to have a say in who is standing in the winner’s doorway.” I found myself hoping that you would give faith a fighting chance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance. God bless America, for here you do have the opportunity to sit it out or dance. You have the opportunity to choose your partner. I love this part of Lee Ann Womack’s song: “I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance … Don't let some hellbent heart leave you bitter, when you come close to sellin' out, reconsider … and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.” It is true, that “time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,” so I hope you danced. I am certain that no one wants to look back on November 6, 2012, and wonder, “Why did I not vote?” So I say: When you had the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you danced. The Election is over, and I know that women did not sit it out; they danced. We need more of you in Washington. When women run, women win, Democrat or Republican. Congratulations America, you voted and voted your choice. Women Of Wealth Magazine wish to extend its congratulations to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. May God bless you and America as we embark on our next four-year journey with you.

— Dr. Lei Lewis I am ecstatic about the opportunity to contribute to this exciting and prestigious magazine. We welcome your 12

comments and encourage you to let us know how we’re doing. Visit us at


May/June 2012 January/February 2013






The First Lady Michelle Obama Who is this dynamic woman? How does she see her role?

NFL Moms

Meet the moms behind PFPMA, the Professional Football Players Mothers' Association


Publihser's View


Finance Profiles The Moss Group The Sage Group MetLife



WOW Factor Lisa Nicole Cloud, a self-made, multimillionaire business woman, motivator and coach WOW Social Elite Andrew Young's 80th birthday celebratiion Dikembe Mutombo Caring for Congo Charity Gala PFPMA Professional Football Players Mothers' Association Banquet Celebration


Hillary Clinton

72 Princess Keisha Omilana

30 Tira Clay

Princess Omilana merges her love of fashion and film with philanthropy.

The President of Westwood College

Northlake shares her insight for success.

74 First Lady Adrienne Crutch

68 E. King Pinyin "Learn how to become an achiever."

Learn how to achieve freedom in your life with principles used by First Lady Adrienne Crutch, a life coach, minister and entrepreneur.

Think outside of the box with King Pinyin.

46 Maureen Yancey

74 Dara Albright

An entrepreneur with passion, wisdom and

Creator of NowStreet shares exciting, upcoming investment regulations that will affect everyone.

customer service shares her story of triumph in the hair care business.

46 Dedra Johanneson


The first Hispanic woman to serve as SCORE's Chairman of the Board explains how they can

help your business get off the ground and succeed.

09 Women in Politics Superstar women in power

50 WOW Global Summit

Women of Wealth Magazine honors 50 outstanding women business owners.

66 Chlon Rodgers

Chlon Rogers gives us the keys for success

that she used to become partner of a successful

luxury auto dealership at the young age of 25.

40 Holly Hughes

A warrior of justice for the people, legal

commentator and cold case expert motivates

and encourages others with simple but profound keys to success.

January/February 2013




Women of Wealth CONTENTS Ceo & Publisher Associate Publisher Executive Editor Chief Operating Chief Financial Officer Executive Director Business

Contributing Fashion & Beaty Editor


The First Lady Michelle Obama Who is this dynamic woman? How does she see her role?


Publihser's View


Finance Profiles The Moss Group The Sage Group MetLife



WOW Factor Lisa Nicole Cloud, a self-made, multimillionaire business woman, motivator and coach WOW Social Elite Andrew Young's 80th birthday celebratiion Dikembe Mutombo Caring for Congo Charity Gala PFPMA Professional Football Players Mothers' Association Banquet Celebration



January/February 2013

Lifestyle Editor Entertainment Editor Jr. Entertainment Editor Latina Power Editor Senior Copy Editor Copy Editors

Contributing Writers

FEATURES 30 Tira Clay

The President of Westwood College


Lei Lewis Trisonia Lewis Nakeisha R. Jennings Michael Edgerton Tony Martin Shivonne Taylor

Dwight Eubanks Nakeisha R. Jennings Shondalon Hoffler Somalia Ra-Min Valeria Torres Vanessa Burke Lisa Birch Tamara Smith-McPherson LaGeris Underwood Bell Angela Renee Coakley Owerri Marrasha Hillary Clinton Anne Lenox Judy Washington Nykole Wyatt

Northlake shares her insight for success. Art Director Jeremiah Bates Lead Designer Trisonia Lewis E. King PinyinDesigner Amanda Chapman "Learn how to become an achiever." Bernard Shepard


NFL Moms

Meet the moms behind PFPMA, the Professional Football Players Mothers' Association





72 Princess Keisha Omilana

Princess Omilana merges her love of fashion

Mentoring Campaign and film with philanthropy.


Think outside of the box with King Pinyin. Photography

46 Maureen Yancey

Sonia Johnson Chriss Baker

74 First Lady Adrienne Crutch


Learn how to achieve freedom in your life with principles used by First Lady Adrienne Crutch, a life coach, minister and entrepreneur.


An entrepreneur with passion, wisdom and

customer service shares her story of triumph Makeup Artists LaKesha R. Quinn in the hair care business.

74 Dara Albright

Creator of NowStreet shares exciting, upcoming investment regulations that will affect everyone.


Sales & Advertising Director

46 Dedra Johanneson Account Executive

Cheryl Ray Collier Dee Moore

The first Hispanic woman to serve as SCORE's

Chairman of the Subscriptions Board explains howSatia they Th canomas

help your business get off the ground and succeed.

09 Women in Politics Superstar women in power

66 Chlon Rodgers

Chlon Rogers gives us the keys for success

that she used to become partner of a successful

luxury auto dealership at the young age of 25. | Letters to the Editor info@ Correspondence may be edited 40 Holly Hughes for length and clarity. please include name, address and email. A warrior of justice for the people, legal Published six times a year | subscription rate: U.S.: one year commentator cold casechanges expert motivates $19.95. Send and address or change of subscription to: and encourages others with simple but profound corporate and sales offices: Women of Wealth (WOW) Magazine, P.O. 870149, Stone Mountain, GA 30087. For ADVERTISING keysBox to success. OFFICES call 678-855-7133. CopyrightŠ 2012 Women of Wealth Magazine USA Inc.



of Wealth Magazine honors 50 1000Women WOMEN STRONG outstanding women business owners.


I have been very successful in my own businesses, and now it is my turn to help others.



AS I WENT TO INTERVIEW DEDRA JOHANNESON, the new Chairwoman of SCORE, a non-profit resource partner of the Small Business Administration, I remembered feeling overwhelmed with pride because of her recent accomplishment. I knew that another glass ceiling had been broken. Truly this is the year of the woman. We have achieved so much. I found Johanneson to be very engaging, beautiful inside and out, with hidden strength that peeked out every so often as we traveled in our conversation down various paths that she felt very passionate about. “You have come such a long way and in such a short period of time,” I stated. “Breaking down 6


many barriers as you traveled the journey gracefully, humbled and confident. How awesome is that? I know women are so proud of your accomplishments. You see, a victory for one of us is a victory for all of us. WOW: Dedra, describe the journey that brought you to this position. DMJ: Well Lei, I am highly passionate about business and entrepreneurship. My parents grew-up with very modest beginnings, yet very creative and entrepreneurial. My mother was always selling something, always in business. I still remember my mom at the young age of 82; she was living in the outskirts of

January/February 2013

the city. She purchased a soda machine and set it out in front of her lovely home. She would stock the machine every week. She netted about $400 a week from the machine. We (her grown children) were all so frustrated and concerned about her safety. We tried to discourage her from keeping the machine, and we offered to buy it from her. But when my mom set her mind on doing something there was no changing her mind. We thought it looked a little tacky in the front of her garage and thought neighbors would complain, but she planted beautiful purple flowers around the machine; it was actually lovely but strange. The neighbors loved my mom and the soda machine. Surprisingly, the police would

As I think back, I realize what an inspiration she was to me. By watching and listening, she taught me that all things are possible if you put your mind, heart, passion and hard work into it. She was a woman who knew what she wanted and went after it. I remember the many challenges she plowed through and never gave up. She grew up with a very modest beginning in a difficult generation, but she didn’t stress over facing hard facts—she dealt with life’s hardships in a very matterof-fact way. She displayed an unshakeable sense of humor and remained steadfast in the face of difficult conditions and still did things her way. She gave all those qualities to me, along with the power and permission to be myself without excuses. For me business is like home cooking; it just feels good. I joined SCORE in 2004 as a volunteer business mentor, and from there, I served in several leadership positions at the Greater Phoenix SCORE Chapter. I joined SCORE for the simple reason that it gave me permission and the ability to mentor business clients and all the while live my passion. I have been very successful in my own businesses, and now it is my turn to help others. SCORE gave me that opportunity. I hope to share, help and inspire other women to achieve what is possible. WOW: How does it feel to be the first Hispanic Woman to Chair the SCORE Board, an organization totally lead by men for decades.

stop weekly to purchase a soda and check on her. She never needed the money; she was just so determined about owning her own business. She never lost her will and love of business and had the last laugh. It is no wonder all of my siblings went into business.

DMJ: I am so proud to be the first women to Chair the SCORE Board at a time when change and diversity are at the face of our nation. As a Hispanic woman, I understand the challenge and opportunities facing many women. I have two granddaughters who need to know that their great grandmother and grandmother helped to pave a path for them. I too have had many challenges, and I too have plowed through them with determination and conviction. I am proud to represent an organization with 12,000+ mentors who unselfishly volunteer their precious time because they care about business and our nation. There is no turning back for this nation. Change and diversity is at the forefront of all that we do. We must embrace both with courage, boldness and enthusiasm. I undertake the position of Chair with such attributes. I know they will serve me well as SCORE embarks on a different style of leadership. I am confident that we will be very successful as we push forward into the future, armed with all that we have learned from the past leadership. WOW: We here at WOW are very much concerned about women business owners, and we have found that a major problem is a lack of funding. How will you address this concern? DMJ: The first thing that we would do is to make sure their business is ready to go out and find funding with efficiency and effectiveness. If not, we get them ready. Having the correct papers are vital to that business. We arm them with a business plan and corporate identity, which is vital if you are seeking funding for your business. WOW: Does SCORE work with all industries? Describe the process.

DMJ: We cover every industry because all of our volunteers bring something different to the table and come from every walk of life. We are 12,000 counselors strong throughout the United States, and they are all volunteers. The way it works: a client can go online and sign up and say this is the type of business I’m in, this is what I’m doing, and these are the questions I have. They put in the information, and according to what they have indicated, they will then be matched up with one counselor and two additional counselors. The data is referred out, and whoever answers the client first would connect with her and give her some answers. That being said, she still has the choice of going to the next counselor on her list, which connects best with the industry that she is in. For instance, I have a background in the grocery and bakery industry. Therefore if someone comes to us in that industry, I would serve them well. I have helped people in New York, Florida, California and Indiana. Once they call or email us with their problem or challenge we will either email or call them back. We listen to the problem with a well trained ear and focus all our attention on what they are saying, so that we can hear about what they are trying to achieve and provide the solution. So I will encourage entrepreneurs from all industries to get in touch with their local SCORE office. I know they can and will help you. Presently Johanneson owns 19 Mystic Mountain LLC, a real estate investment company. Previously she was President/Owner of a chain of Pick’n Save Supermarkets in Appleton, Wisconsin and other supermarkets in Colorado. Johanneson was responsible for the success and growth of a 40 million dollar company with 400 employees, and she was in the wholesale and retail supermarket industry for 24 years. In 2007, Johanneson received the “National Champion of Women Business” award from SBA. You can contact her at djohanneson35@

January/February 2013



Lisa Birch is a writer and editor who has contributed a variety of work to corporate, creative, editorial and ministerial environments. Her experience includes news reporting and feature writing for daily, weekly and monthly publications; print magazine coordination and editorial planning; Web content writing and editing; communications project management; book and manuscript copy editing; ghostwriting; and blog writing. She most enjoys writing devotionals and blogs that encourage and teach. Contact Lisa Birch:

LaGeris Underwood Bell is a 31-year award-winning producer and writer for television, radio, print and the Internet and has traveled as a documentarian throughout the United States and to China, Russia, Sweden, Japan and France. She was the associate producer of two documentaries on the life of Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Thurgood Marshall. She has received four Emmys; two International Film and Television Festival of New York Awards; and three Telly Awards. Contact LaGeris Underwood Bell:

Vanessa Burke is a professional editor, writerand proofreader who desires to uplift, encourage and inspire others through her gifts. Burke’s experience includes such positions as Editor at Large and Editor in Chief, working with magazines, websites, online interactive, marketing and public relations, corporate communications, books, blogs and devotionals. She has been described by one magazine editor as an “insightful writer with a flair for personalization without losing objectivity—a rare skill.” Contact Vanessa Burke:


Nykole Wyatt is a multitalented, freelance writer and was recently published in Your Business At Home Magazine. Wyatt is currently working on two books. She is the founder and CEO of Kole’s Konsulting, which maintains a “God First” doctrine, offering administrative support and business development services for small businesses. The company motto is “Short term sacrifices for long term gains.” Contact Nykole Wyatt:

Powerful Women in Politics

Yolanda Harper has had a career in modeling, acting, talent shows, local theater productions, commercials, and the like. She is driven by an incredible passion for creative self-expression. After having met Tyler Perry on the set of Madea’s Family Reunion in 2005, Harper made a conscious decision to share her God-given gift of “story telling” with others. Contact Yolanda Harper:,

Owerri Marrasha enjoys creatively writing articles, short stories and screenplays, as well as working with nonprofit organizations. Her background includes over 15 years of client services, project management and telecommunications. Marrasha’s passion is writing, along with mentoring, volunteering and shopping. She writes to motivate, uplift, encourage and heal. Her goals include becoming an award-winning screenwriter, novelist and starting her own nonprofit organization that teaches people how to live, give and receive. Contact Owerri Marrasha: 8


January/February 2013

January/February 2013




ver the years there have been many strong women in the political arena. Hillary Rodham Clinton is certainly revered as one of the most influential women, not only in politics, but of our time. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, and the first of three children. Despite growing up in a Republican home, Hillary Clinton became and still is, a proud Democrat. With a traditional early life, Clinton went to college and law school where she met her husband, Bill Clinton, and they later had a daughter, Chelsea. Clinton entered the political arena as Bill Clinton’s wife when he was elected Attorney General for the state of Arkansas. She worked as a lawyer and founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. It was here where Clinton was able to really begin to advocate for children. After Bill Clinton was elected Governor of the state of Arkansas, First Lady Hillary Clinton continued 10


January/February 2013

The Clintons continued to rise higher in the world of politics. When Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States, Hillary Clinton was appointed to Head of the Task Force on Health Care Reform. During this role, Clinton made woman’s rights a worldwide initiative. In a 1995 speech in Beijing, she proudly said that “human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.” The late Admiral Elmo Zumwalt Jr., former Chief of Naval Operations during the Vietnam War, in a supportive tribute to the Clintons, said that Hillary Clinton would be remembered for “opening the eyes of the world” to women and children’s rights. His tribute, on New Year’s Eve, December 31, 1998, was the “most moving” of all she heard that night.

Having a husband that reached the pinnacle of politics as the President of the United States, some may think that Hillary Clinton’s political career and interests had summited, but no. Before Clinton left the White House as First Lady, during the midst of the huge weight of impending impeachment trial results for her husband, she dealt with the death of King Hussein of Jordan on February 7, 1999 — bringing a blow to a cause near and dear to the Clintons, peace in the Middle East — and then had to face nationwide democratic and public pressure to run for Senator in the state of New York. Before she could make a decision on the Senate race, much to her relief, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit Bill Clinton of impeachment charges. During the trial, her amazing strength prevailed. Clinton’s thoughts during this extremely challenging time were revealed in her autobiography, Living History:

“I was relying more on my faith every day. It reminded me of an old saying from Sunday school: Faith is like stepping off a cliff and expecting one of two outcomes — you will either land on solid ground or you will be taught to fly.” With such depth of resolve and much grace, she eventually decided to run for Senator.

Clinton won the Senate race in the state of New York and made history as the first woman to be elected as a U.S. New York Senator, serving from 2001-2008. Throughout her term, Clinton maintained strong values and beliefs in the area of economic opportunity and affordable healthcare, adding fuel to her political steam engine, which continued to roll forward, setting her on a path that would eventually lead back to the White House. In 2008, Clinton decided to run for President of the United States. After a hard fight to win the democratic presidential primaries, Hillary Clinton announced that she was withdrawing her candidacy and pledged full support for then Senator Barack Obama. In her Democratic National Convention speech of 2008, she stated, “Whether you voted for me or whether you voted for Obama, the time is now for us to stand together as one political party.” She was smart enough to realize that working together for the one chosen to be the democratic presidential candidate was the best policy for a Democrat to win the election, and she was correct. Later, with Senate consent, President Barack Obama appointed Hillary Rodham Clinton as the 67th Secretary of State. She was the third woman to hold this position, and her primary duties were foreign policy.

After serving as the Secretary of State for one term under President Obama, Clinton has decided not to return for another term. President Obama says, “I could not be more proud of the work she has done.” So what lies ahead for Hillary Clinton? With such an extensive political career, what will she do now? She is powerful and full of purpose. She has stood by her man through serious adversity, political upheaval and tremendous pressure. Clinton has also stood by the country and the president when the administration was under attack, including taking full responsibility for the recent events in Libya resulting in the death of a U.S. Ambassador. The lingering question from many Democrats is beginning to stir … Will Hillary Clinton once again run for the President of the United States? Will she be the one to make history as America’s first female president? Regardless of her future choices, we can likely rest assure that her political views will remain the same: equality for women, healthcare and children all matter. Regardless of what lies on the horizon for the former First Lady of the United States, the former Senator of the state of New York, and the former

Secretary of State under President Barack Obama, we are confident that she will always come out on top.

Furthermore, we believe that Hillary Clinton will remain a strong leader, a strong advocate for necessary change and a strong woman. The highest honor is bestowed to Hillary Rodham Clinton, and we acknowledge and appreciate her for her contributions to this country, past, present and future.

Opening the eyes of the world to women and children’s rights.

her advocacy work for children. While being the First Lady, in addition to being a mother and lawyer, over the next 12 years, Clinton served on boards dedicated to children, such as the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Legal Services and the Children’s Defense Fund. She also fought for equality and women’s rights. As chair of the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, Clinton pushed hard to raise teacher salaries and set the standard for statewide curriculum in schools. She became the first woman to serve on the board of Walmart and while serving, led a hefty push for equality of pay for women.


f we want our economy to flourish and grow, we must lift up women in our economy,” said Nancy Pelosi. “Women in the academic world, women in health care. Any subject you can name is more wholesome, more successful, more efficient with the involvement of women.” Such strong, supportive words for women came just before Pelosi made the decision many, even those on her staff, were still waiting to hear: “I have made a decision to submit my name to my colleagues to once gain serve as the House Democratic Leader,” said Pelosi to a packed caucus on November 14, 2012, much to the relief of many Democrats. Pelosi, now 72 years old and a member of congress for the last 25 years, was surrounded by House Democratic women as she made her announcement and these supportive words for women. It was a befitting scene, as Pelosi is the very first woman to lead a party in either chamber of congress. Born as Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, she’s also the first Italian American, as well as the first Californian to lead a party in congress.

Pelosi must have made quite an impression in congress to be the bearer of so many firsts, and she also has undoubtedly had a favorable reputation with her constituents, as Pelosi has represented the same California district—that comprises most of San Francisco —since 1987. On the global scene, Pelosi is the highestever sitting U.S. official to pay her respects to the victims of the 1945 Atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Japan, as she did so on September 2, 2008, during a G8 summit meeting.

There is one talent Pelosi possesses that has undoubtedly made her invaluable to the Democratic party: fundraising. Since 2002, she’s raised a total of $328 million for House Democrats, including $85.1 million for the current election cycle. This gift certainly adds to the democratic congressional support she consistently garners, year after year. Many would think of retiring at the age of 72, especially having served for so many years, but Pelosi is still going strong. Known as the best and most influential person to hold the seat as Speaker of the House, Nancy has been able to accomplish many things during her tenure, including healthcare reform, passing a $787 billion stimulus, The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a minimum wage increase,

student aid, extending health coverage to 11 million children, and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Politics is not foreign to Nancy Pelosi. She was born in Baltimore Maryland, where her father was mayor for 12 years and later, her brother also served two terms as Mayor of Baltimore. Pelosi’s political career started with volunteering. She hosted parties and campaigns. After winning a special election in 1987 to represent California’s 8th district, as a member of the House of Representatives, Pelosi served on the Appropriations Committee and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. It was in those early years that she beganto advocate for health care, human rights and the environment. Pelosi’s years in congress have proven to make a difference. She is just the person to help pull the two political parties together to accomplish great strides that will continue to help the American people. As the Democratic women applaud and cheer for Pelosi’s announcement to stay as Minority Leader, they do so knowing that Pelosi will put women, equality and human rights first. In her first speech to Congress after her election as the first woman Speaker of the House, Pelosi said, “For our daughters and our granddaughters, today we have broken the marble ceiling. For our daughters and our granddaughters, the sky is the limit. Anything is possible for them.” Judging by the continual and successful climb of her career, it seems as if Pelosi has always believed this, and then made sure she lived out that belief in her chosen field of politics. We are blessed to have a woman of her stature as part of the leadership of this country. article/425315/nancy_pelosi%3A_the_most_effective_ speaker_of_the_house_in_history January/February 2013



member of the United States House of Representatives from Florida’s 20th District. The district she represents covers parts of Broward and Miami-Dade counties, which encompasses parts of Florida as far north as Fort Lauderdale and as far south as Miami Beach. Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz serves as a member of the Democratic House Leadership and the House Committee on the Budget, which sets the levels of spending and revenue expected in a fiscal year. She also serves as Vice Chair of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee where her primary responsibility is working to communicate Democratic priorities to Congress and the media. Furthermore, she is also the Chief Deputy Whip where she works to help advance legislation that has been deemed important to the Democratic caucus.


resident Barack Obama chose Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, and many wondered why. Wasserman Schultz, 44, was chosen for her strength as a fundraiser and as a television messenger and for her clout in the crucial swing state of Florida. Women are excited because Wasserman Schultz becomes the first female DNC chief in 15 years and the third in history. The congresswoman is beloved by the Democratic rank and file for her aggressive, outspoken advocacy for liberal points of view. She’s frequently deployed as a surrogate, particularly to groups of women and Jewish voters. 14


January/February 2013

“Since she was first elected to Congress in 2004, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has emerged as one of the most outspoken leaders in the Democratic Party,” Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, said in a statement. “A strong voice for ordinary people who didn’t cause the recession but are too often asked to pay the price, Wasserman Schultz will be a great advocate for President Obama and for Democrats across the country who are fighting to grow the economy and create jobs for middle-class families.” This election placed truth within his words. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a well-known

Wasserman-Schultz was born Deborah Wasserman in Forest Hills, Queens, in New York City and raised on Long Island. WassermanSchultz obtained her Masters of Arts in Political Science with a certificate in Political Campaigning from the University of Florida in Gainesville. In 1992, Wasserman-Schultz became the first Jewish Congresswoman ever elected in Florida, in addition to becoming the youngest female legislator in the state’s history as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s 97th District. She also served as a member of Florida’s Senate from the 32nd and 34th Districts prior to becoming established as the incumbent of the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s 20th District in 2005. Her political views are pro-choice, pro-gun, and pro-gay rights. During the course of her terms in office, she has weighed in heavily on several highly publicized issues. In 2009, after announcing her own battle with breast cancer, WassermanSchultz introduced the Education and Awareness

Requires Learning Young Act (E.A.R.L.Y. Act). This legislation became a part of the Affordable Health Care Act in 2010. It directs the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to develop, implement and maintain a national education campaign about the threat breast cancer poses to all of us, with particular emphasis on young women. Then in 2011, Wasserman-Schultz became the Democratic Vice-Chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues. In March of 2012, Wasserman-Schultz called for the repeal of her state’s “Stand Your Ground” laws in the wake of the shooting of teenager Trayvon Martin. She was quoted as stating the following on her website, “Trayvon Martin’s death is a tragedy and that has rightly spurred a national conversation and calls to action. This case is further evidence that Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law, which passed in 2005, needs to be repealed. The failure of the Sanford police to further investigate this crime as a result of their interpretation of this law is an injustice to Trayvon’s family and to all Floridians.” Wasserman-Schultz is committed to improving the quality of life and education for our children; securing Social Security and Medicare for our senior citizens; providing affordable health care for all; and honoring, as well as compensating, our veterans and troops for the services they have provided to protect our country. Today, WOW Magazine salutes you, Congresswoman Debbie WassermanSchultz, for working tirelessly when there were no accolades, audiences or applause. We celebrate your vision, perseverance, commitment and dedication to being a public servant who is able to transcend our perceived differences with regard to social economic classifications, race, creed, nationality and gender. You have chosen to view us as a global community in your effort to address the pressing issues of this hour with courage, grace and wisdom. We are truly grateful. Thank you. January/February 2013



watching Seinfeld. There are so many Seinfeld moments in life. We quote Seinfeld all the time. She laughs and asks me if I remember the episode where Kramer says, “These pretzels are making me thirsty. t”Apparently, that one stuck with her. Hirono is also an avid reader and loves to do ceramics, not that she has much free time. This is one committed Congresswoman.

When you ask Hirono about her greatest personal achievement, she smiles broadly, gladly takes credit, and proudly pronounces, “Being smart enough to marry my husband.” She is talking about Honolulu Attorney Leighton Kim Oshima. She describes him as having a “very strong sense of self, and being lots of fun.” Mazie was 42 years old and very busy. She wasn’t looking for a husband. After all, her mother had been through a very bad marriage, and Hirono had a full life serving her constituents. After realizing that this guy was worth the try, she told him, “This marriage had better work. I don’t have time for another one.” Happily, it has worked like a charm. “What other man do you know who would say, (when you tell him you want to move your mother and your grandmother in), ‘Okay’?”


azie Hirono started her bid for the U.S. Senate with more than 40 years of public service under her belt. Before the election, she served as the Democratic Congresswoman for Hawaii’s Second Congressional District. Hirono is the first female immigrant of Asian ancestry to be elected to the U.S. Congress. This lady knows a thing or two about being a trailblazer. She learned well from her mother, whom she credits with teaching her many of the life lessons that drove her to a life dedicated to others. When Hirono was only eight years old, her mother packed up Hirono and her two siblings and fled an abusive husband. This was no trip to the next neighborhood. This incredibly brave woman, with three young children in tow, booked passage in the steerage compartment of the President Cleveland and fled Japan for America. It was a slow journey over the rough seas, with nothing but the clothes on their backs. When they arrived in their new country, Hirono’s mother began working low paying jobs with no insurance or benefits, all without knowing the language. Mazie Hirono learned early that one person can make a difference. She had a living example. Watching her 16


January/February 2013

mother struggle spurred Hirono to emulate her mother’s work ethic and devote her life to helping others realize the American Dream, even those born and raised here. After putting herself through college and Georgetown Law School, by way of federal work study programs, Hirono went to work managing campaigns for others. While in law school, she worked in economically depressed neighborhoods to improve the quality of life for others.

When asked about her greatest accomplishments, she is quick to tell you, “They’re not mine.”Anything I have achieved professionally has been in collaboration with others. She credits her very effective management style to being a woman. “Women are more collaborative. In a time like this with so much partisanship, we need leaders who are collaborative. Women bring that type of life experience.” Hirono puts her money where her mouth is. She is a founder of a bi-partisan women’s caucus, on which she served while in the State Legislature. She has also worked closely with Don Young, a Republican Congressman representing Alaska on drafting an Amendment to secure educational grants for native Alaskan indigenous peoples.

Mazie Hirono could be called a “thoroughly modern Mazie. ”When asked what type of campaign she is running, she happily talks, once more, about collaboration. In one sense, it is a very modern campaign, utilizing social media and regular media. On the other hand, she is a firm believer in the grass roots approach. Hirono represents the inhabits of seven different islands, some of which are very rural. She loves to visit those areas and give her constituents the opportunity to see their candidate face to face.

When we hear the word “wealth,” most people’s minds turn immediately to money. After speaking with this amazing woman, I can tell you, it is so much more. Mazie Hirono is a wealth of life experience, compassion, education and true passion to make a difference. This is what makes her a Woman of Wealth!

They’re not mine. Anything I have achieved professionally has been in collaboration with others.

When asked about her thoughts on the recent Supreme Court Decision regarding Healthcare Reform, she is quick to tell you, “It’s victory for millions of Americans. ”Some of the highlights for her are that the plan will cover a lot more people, women will not be discriminated against simply because they are women, and there is no lifetime cap on care. When you consider her youth, her upbringing, and the struggles her mother and siblings endured, you can appreciate the sincerity of this answer. When Hirono champions these causes, you know she knows whereof she speaks. This is what makes Mazie Hirono the real deal. When asked what is the one thing her constituents would be surprised to learn about her, she chuckles and gives up some secrets. “I love playing Scrabble on my iPod with friends. Oh, and my husband and I both love

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In addition to her mother, Hirono also credits Former Congresswoman Patsy Mink for being one of her biggest inspirations. Patsy Matsu Takemoto Mink was an American politician from the U.S. state of Hawaii. Mink served in the U.S. House of Representatives for a total of 12 terms. While there, she authored the Title IX Amendment of the Higher Education Act. Mink won her last election after her death in 2002. She was the first woman of color, and the first Asian American woman ever elected to Congress.

I concluded my interview by asking her, “What is the one question you always wish a reporter would ask you and they never do, and how would you answer? She thinks about it for a moment, and then tells me, “I would like to be asked...If I wasn’t a public servant, what would be my dream job?” So, of course, I ask. She tells me, “If I weren’t doing this, I would be a writer, an artist, a director, like Nora Ephron.”

becoming a hands-on warrior in the war on drugs. She worked on the City Council and the Board of Supervisors.

Karen Bass names Congresswoman Diane Watson as one of her greatest inspirations. Diane Edith Watson is a former U.S. Representative for California’s 33rd congressional district. She served from 2003 until 2011. In 1999, President Bill Clinton appointed her United States Ambassador to Micronesia. It was Congresswoman Watson who first encouraged Karen to run for political office. And the rest, as they say, is history. But, make no mistake; while the word history connotes the past, this story is far from over. It is still being written and will continue to be as long as Karen Bass has breath. Her desire to make a difference is as innate and ingrained as her eye color. It is an immutable characteristic that will drive her to continue to change the world.

Many children dream of what they will be when they grow up. Karen Bass, however, didn’t want to wait that long. The mother of one of her friends was a parent activist working to integrate schools and Karen wanted in. Like most women, or in this case, girls, just one focus wouldn’t do. Karen Bass wanted to make a difference on multiple fronts. A committed, passionate multi-tasker was born. She signed her mother up to work on Bobby Kennedy’s campaign at the local precincts when Karen was just fourteen years old. Naturally, Karen went along to learn, to work, to matter.

As she grew into the dynamic woman that she is today, Karen chose community activism in Los Angeles in the 1990’s, 18


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ongress Member Karen Bass, of California’s 33rd District, knows a thing or two about commitment to community. She ought to; she started her career as a community activist at the tender age of 10. Growing up in the ’60s, Karen would watch the Civil Rights Movement unfolding on television with her father. As she watched and discussed these momentous, historical happenings with her parents, the seeds of passion and determination were sown.

Politics goes way beyond being an elected official; it is changing the world for the better.

In this case, “change the world” is not just an expression or a figure of speech. When I interviewed this amazing woman, she had just returned from a whirlwind tour of Russia, Astonia, Ireland, and the newly formed Republic of Georgia. In Astonia, she addressed the issue of cyber-security. In Russia, the discussions turned to current foreign policy. U.S. relations was the topic in the New Republic of Georgia. Ireland was the last brief stop before returning to the United States and there, the Congresswoman did what she does best, impressed the Irish citizens with the caliber of a U.S. politician.

When asked why she chose politics as her vehicle for a life of public servitude, Karen quickly answers with a strong conviction, “Politics goes way beyond being an elected official; it is changing the world for the better. I am honored to have served with such great leaders as Congressman John Lewis, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Congresswoman

Barbara Lee, just to name a few.”

In answer to my inquiry about her dream accomplishment, Karen tells me, “I want it to be said that I made a very significant contribution to the foster care system in this country and our foreign policies with Africa and other countries. She is well on her way to achieving that dream. In her very first term, Bass created the bi-partisan Foster Youth Caucus. Working alongside Republican U.S. Representative Tom Marino, they have developed a program that will review the best and worst of the foster care system throughout the entire United States. The results of these investigations will ensure that the negative aspects can be eradicated and the positive can be used nationwide to improve the lives of these children who need champions. In addition to her work in the foster care system, Karen has also been honored to be appointed to serve on the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights, as well as the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

As committed and truly caring as this public servant is, I could not let the opportunity pass to discuss with her the recent U.S. Supreme Court’s

Decision on Healthcare Reform. “I think it is a tremendous victory; I’m very excited about it. I only wish they had kept in the provision that Medicaid be expanded.” In this magazine where we highlight and celebrate women of power, Karen Bass is an easy inclusion. I asked her if she thought being a woman in a male-dominated field gave her advantage. She chuckles as she tells me, “Yes, because women are always underestimated.” I know what she means. It calls to mind the old expression, “never let them see you coming.”

I posed the question, “What is the one thing your constituents would be surprised to learn about you?” Her response is thoughtful: “How well I get along with my Republican colleagues.” That is indeed, a pleasant surprise for those voters she represents. It says, loud and clear, that the end result, which will benefit the public, is more important than partisan politics. It is refreshing and a reason for hope in a day and age when the American public is disillusioned with so many of its elected officials. Regarding the recent presidential election, Bass said that things are very serious in this country and that the vote in November will change the face of this country. She was clearly a

proponent of “having a government that will provide a safety net for our most vulnerable citizens.”

So, at last, we have come full circle. We began by talking about the integration of schools, the war on drugs and the struggling foster care system, all issues that affect our children and consequently our future. When most people hear the word wealth, they think of money. Here, however, wealth can be found in abundance in the human soul, in the spirit. In particular, it can be found in the spirit of a woman who has dedicated her life to making a difference for others. A woman of intellect, passion, a fierce work ethic, and a fire in her belly to truly change the world. This is what makes Congresswoman Karen Bass a Woman of Wealth!

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is reflected in a number of bills she has authored over the years, including The Children’s Trust Fund Bill, Saturday Academy Program, Kinship Care Subsidy Program, Social Work Practice Act, and Arts in Education—just to name a few.

When asked what her passion is, Senator Broome stated, “It is simply serving and empowering others.” She spends a lot of time away from the Capital empowering people. “My purpose in life is motivating individuals to be the very best that they can be,” she says. “It is very important to make the best of everyday. We all have the same amount of hours that all the famous people had. We need to begin to use those hours. This is a very challenging season in our nation; if we do not exercise our right to vote, then we cannot complain.”


haron Weston Broome is nationally recognized as one of the most motivational and passionate speakers in our country. Broome’s personal mission is to equip and inspire others to connect to their life’s purpose. With warm-hearted exuberance, she helps people move from seeking success to pursuing greatness. Presently, State Senator Sharon Weston Broome is the first African-American female elected to represent District 15 in the Louisiana State Senate. Her role as a public servant has spanned over two decades. She began her career in politics in City Council. On September 8, 2011, she was reelected to her third term to the Louisiana State Senate without opposition. Senator Broome currently serves as President Pro Tempore of the Louisiana State Senate. She served in the Louisiana House of Representatives (District 29) for 12 years and was the first female elected as Speaker Pro Tempore of the Louisiana House of Representatives. During her tenure in the Legislature, Senator Broome has been a vocal advocate for issues surrounding children and families. Her passion 20


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Married after having been in politics for 10 years, Senator Broome discovered that family is a foundation for everything. She has three grandchildren. Says Broome, “My family is top priority for me. ”In addition, Senator Broome is president of Sharon Broome Communications. She was cited by the Baton Rouge Business Report as one of the “Top 25 Most Influential Women – Leading the Way in the Capital City.”

In addition, she is the recipient of the prestigious Morehouse College’s Gandhi, King, and Ikeda Award. With a B.A. in mass communications from University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse and a M.A. in communications from Regent University, Senator Broome has served as an adjunct instructor at the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University (LSU) and at Southern University. She has made various television appearances, including the Montel Williams Show, Court TV’s Your Turn, CTN Live and PBS’ Debates. Additionally, Senator Broome served for five years as a reporter for WBRZ-TV (ABC

affiliate, Baton Rouge).

“When asked how important the women’s vote was in this election, Senator Broome responded, ”Women played a very critical role in this election. We are a very significant part of the voting process. President Obama recognized our importance early on and deliberately went in search of the female vote. I believe we should not be singlefocused voters. I realize that for some voters some issues are a make it or break it situation for them. Still, it is important for voters to make a check list of issues important to them. If a candidate makes three out of five on your list, then you should probably vote for that candidate. We need more women in politics. When women run, women win. Women bring so much more to the political office, diversity and so much other value to the political arena. The women vote was strong throughout the nation and we won. Women are wives, mothers, entrepreneurs, business owners, etc., and we should not sell ourselves short. We need more women to run for political office and should not allow anything to discourage or stop us from running.”

January/February 2013



own business for a while and worked with resource development in both corporate and private organizations … so I had that political experience.” Young currently serves with The White House Task Force on Women and the Economy. She is known for hosting the White House Business Council Round Table in Austin, Texas. She informed us that she will be hosting another later this year. I was present when Young was elected President of The National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) in the summer of 2011. She was elected to the position after my good friend, Lulu Flores’ term was up. Young was a great choice to succeed Flores because, not only was she a very strong and active member, she has served on the NWPC National Board for over 12 years. Prior to that, she served two terms as President of the Texas NWPC. Young very passionately states that “through the years, my work with the caucus has been focused very much on women’s issues because that has been my passion much of my adult life.”


inda Young, a longtime member of NWCP and now President, is an educator. She has been in higher education most of her life. She received her Bachelors degree from University of Houston, Masters from Sam Houston State University, and her Ph. D studies were accomplished at Texas Women’s University. She currently serves as Special Assistant to the President for External Affairs at Austin Community College District, which is a multi-campus, community college serving central Texas with more that 50,000 credit students and 20,000 non-credit.

When asked how did she get started in politics, Young replied “I have been in politics as a volunteer since I was 18 … so a very long time. I believe that politics is a vehicle that we can take to make sure we are influencing the future for ourselves and our families because if you do not participate in political activities and understand who is running for election, or if you don’t arm yourself and educate yourself on those decision makers, you are not going to effectively weigh in on what you hope for the future for yourself, your family, children, grandchildren — all those who follow after us. So I believe strongly in working with the political process.” Young went on to state that she worked as a lobbyist when she was not with the college system. “I had my 22


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When asked about the beginnings of the NWPC, Young very proudly gave us their history. “The NWPC was established in 1971. This was a time when there were a lot of organized efforts to impact politics. During this time women also became much more vocal when they were trying to get equality for women, so I think it was just the right time for the voices of women in politics to be heard.” I was surprised to learn that some of the women who worked together to establish the NWPC back then included women like Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. Young stated Chisholm was considered to be one of the main leaders of the organization as it formed, along with Congresswoman Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem and Liz Carpenter, who had been a part of the Linden Banks-Johnson White House.” When asked what the purpose for forming the Caucas was, Young stated “one of the things they planned to do and made their focus was to get women a seat at the table where decisions are made.” Congress, Young stated, “is very critical to the process, if you really want to have not only a seat at the table, but be able to impact your own future and the future for your family and your neighbor’s family.” I quickly realized that this was an organization that was very serious about bringing women out of the shadows into the political light. Young excited me even more when she began to name some of the candidates that they endorsed in the 2012 election, like Senator Barbara Boxer, certainly a well-known Senator and someone who has been incredible in her leadership as a Senator, not just representing California, but as an advocate for women’s issues. Young stated, “We also endorsed Robin Carnahan, who was running for Senate in Missouri. We endorsed Terry Sewell for the Alabama 7th district for

Texas native Linda Young has served on the national board of the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) for over a decade. The NWPC is a multicultural, intergenerational, national multi-partisan grassroots organization in the United States dedicated to recruiting, training and supporting women who seek elected and appointed offices. She currently serves as Special Assistant to the President for the External Affairs at Austin Community College District and on The White House Task Force on Women and the Economy. Linda Young continues to work hard to ensure that women have a voice and an opportunity to serve. Congress, an attorney who has been incredibly active in grass roots community organizing efforts. She was the first African-American woman to serve in Congress in the state of Alabama.” According to Young you will need to go to their website,, to see the names of the many candidates that they have endorsed.

Of course, this being the year of the woman, I wanted to know more of whom received their endorsement in 2012. According to Young, “We endorsed quite a few women candidates. Dianne Feinstein, who is an incumbent Senator in California; Mazie Hirono who ran for Senate in Hawaii; and Elizabeth Warren, who ran for Senate in Massachusetts.” Young beamed when she told us that “Warren was selected by President Obama to chair the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Additionally, Warren helped establish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.” When women run, women win. I was impressed. All of these women won. When I was first introduced to the NWPC, I noticed that they are multi-partisan. According to Young, “We do not base our endorsement on political party; that’s what sets us apart and makes us different. We simply ask candidates who are interested in us endorsing them to fill out a standard questionnaire about their views and a wide range of issues and how they would vote on those issues if elected. Then the political planning committee reviews the responses, and they make a decision to endorse. That decision or recommendation then goes to the NWPC Board where it is reviewed, and then we formally make the endorsements.” When asked how the NWPC renders support to those they endorse, Young stated, “We do campaign training and candidate training. This was a part of an agenda that began more than 40 years ago when the founders started the caucus. They decided that this was one of the things that needed to be done … that we needed something to train women on how to run since women had not been encouraged in any way to run for office and certainly hadn’t been given a seat at the table. The founders believed it was important to give the women the tools to run, if you will — like a “how to” book. We have classes that encourage; we have people who have worked on campaigns; and we have people who have been elected

themselves who come out and help teach and give their perspective, and give them positive things they were able to do in their campaigns.”

I was wondering about the financial impact that running has on these women. According to Young, “We also have training to teach women how to raise money for their campaign, and that is often one of the deal breakers for women. We as womenv sort of hate asking people for money; we always want to support folks to take care of themselves and their families, and it’s harder for women to say, “Please give a contribution so that I can run for office.” Men didn’t have that hesitance. They were willing to ask, willing to stand up and say, “I need you to give me $20,000,” and they wouldn’t think twice! … But as women we take that seriously; we are concerned that we are not asking beyond what we should, so I think women might be more sensitive not to ask for money, but that is what we have to do.” The interview ended with Young enlightening us on the mission statement of the NWPC. “We do not discriminate, regardless. We want every individual, whatever their belief system is, their religion, their ethnicity, their sexual preference — whatever it is, to participate. We believe people have the right to have opinions and decisions. As far as the same-sex marriage issue, when President Obama came out with his statement about that, I did put my statement on the NWPC homepage stating that we appreciate it, and we congratulated the President on being courageous. So we do take on such issues, and we are definitely against any discrimination for any reason, period.”

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atherine D. Kimball, known as Kitty Kimball, is the Chief Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court. WOW Magazine was extremely impressed by this great opportunity to interview her. In 1992, she became the first woman elected to the Louisiana Supreme Court. Kimball was in private practice as a trial lawyer for 10 years, and then she ran for district judge. She won, thereby becoming the first female judge in the 18th Judicial District of Louisiana. Today we talked to a woman of many firsts. Chief Justice Kimball was born in Alexandria in Rapides Parish. She is married to Clyde Kimball, who served as a former member of the Louisiana House of Representatives and a deputy secretary of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The Chief Justice received her J.D. in 1970 from the Louisiana State University Law Center.

“My path was a little odd,” said Kimball. “I went to law school and had two kids while in law school. My third child came afterwards. I never intended to practice law or become a judge. Nevertheless, I end up with a job that I truly love. Timing is everything. My husband’s uncle retired, giving me an opportunity to run for his seat. I ran and won. The pay was drastically different, but the timing was right. Once I began to serve my community as a judge, I loved it.” When asked about her first surprise when she took her seat on the Supreme Court, Kimball stated, “I did not expect the sheer volume of cases at the Supreme Court level. I threw my neck out from just reading the cases. We knew the court was busy but had no idea just how busy.”

In spite of such an impressive record, we learned that Chief Justice Kimball has announced her retirement from the court, effective February 1, 2013. Kimball had a stroke on January 10, 2010, and underwent post-stroke rehabilitation therapy at the Neuromedical Rehabilitation Hospital in Baton Rouge. She was there until February 19, 2010. Kimball served 20 years on the highest court in her state, and her current term runs until 2018. When asked what she will do after retirement, the Chief Justice stated, “First, I will learn how to relax. As the first woman on the Louisiana Supreme Court, I feel an obligation to go forth speaking to women and speaking on their behalf. I believe women today can have it all. My passion is helping women and children, and I hope to do more of this when I retire. I had no idea what people do to children. We have a foundation; it is called the Sunshine Foundation. We distribute self-esteem books to preschoolers. We have

given out over 100,000 books. After retirement I plan to be more involved.”

Chief Justice Kimball’s successor is expected to be the current associate justice, Bernette Joshua Johnson. She is an African-American Democrat from New Orleans. According to the Louisiana Constitution, the longest-serving associate justice succeeds to the position of chief justice if a vacancy occurs in the higher position prior to the next election. Johnson’s service dates back to 1994, when she was elected to a circuit judgeship but was appointed to the Supreme Court under a federal consent decree whose purpose was to temporarily increase the number of justices from seven to eight.

The number two in seniority is Justice Jeffrey Victory of Shreveport, Louisiana, a white Democrat-turnedRepublican. He argues that he is the rightful successor to Kimball because he was elected to the Supreme Court in 1994 while he was already a circuit court judge. Victory began his current service on the state Supreme Court in January 1995. After an extensive investigation and consideration, the federal courts stepped in to decide the outcome in this controversy. It was decided that Justice Johnson will be Chief Justice Kimball’s successor. Chief Justice Kimball’s voice in the courtroom will be missed.

I did not expect the sheer volume of cases at the Supreme Court level. I threw my neck out from just reading the cases. We knew the court was busy but had no idea just how busy. January/February 2013




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TIRA HARNEY CLAY Campus President, Westwood College – Atlanta Northlake

For Tira Harney Clay, following her dream of becoming a teacher wasn’t just a figure of speech – it was, in fact, quite literal. “I had a reoccurring dream where I was in front of 30 or so college students,” she recalls. “It was as though they were on the edge of their seats and couldn’t wait to hear what I had to share. I had this same dream for many months and it was very powerful. Then low and behold, I landed my first position as a college psychology instructor and advisor; my classroom looked just like my dream!” That was years ago and since then, Clay has built a remarkable career in higher education. Today, she is president of Westwood College’s Northlake campus in Atlanta, a role she has held since 2008. She traveled an interesting path to where she is today and credits much of her success to the mentors in her life, mainly, her father. “My father and mother have been with me for the long haul and still provide me with a wealth of knowledge,” said Clay. “They are full of integrity, quite transparent, and authentic. Their lives radiate with persistence and purpose. My dad, a successful entrepreneur and graphic designer, has taught me so much. He has given me a legacy of the right way to deal with people and provides wisdom Sharing her knowledge with others is core to her foundation and is something she has dedicated herself to since an early age. As an undergraduate student of Spelman College, a prestigious liberal arts college that prepares women to change the world, Clay was active in the community and shared her time by tutoring and mentoring high school students in language arts and science, helping to build their self-esteem. In graduate school, she worked as a Stevens Institute Technical Enrichment Program Coordinator, where she mentored inner city high school students interested in pursuing academic degrees in the math and sciences. Upon receiving her master’s degree from Steven’s Institute of Technology, Clay landed a job as Training and Planning Consultant for the Prudential Insurance Company of America where she trained and developed managers and executives. Concurrently, she was a coordinator for INROADS 30


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School of Business

School of Design

School of Justice

Westwood College School of Healthcare

School of Technology

(http://www.inroadorg/), which develops and places talented, underserved youth in business and industry, preparing them for corporate and community leadership. Clay married after graduate school. Her first husband passed away when she was pregnant with their second son. A very difficult time in her life, Clay needed to make a change and a testament to her strength and drive, she picked up and moved to Atlanta with her two infant sons in 1989. “I had a cousin in Atlanta and she helped us make a fresh start. Atlanta has been our home ever since,” said Clay. She continued her work with the Prudential Company, but much of her job required extensive travel. As a single mom with young children, the travel became challenging and Clay looked for a new job. She knew she wanted to teach – as this was the time she was having her reoccurring dream – and she saw an opening for a faculty position at Bauder College in Atlanta. When she returned home from the interview, there was a message from the college offering her a job. This was the beginning of her new career in higher education. Since then, she has held various positions in higher education including adjunct professor, psychology advisor, academic dean/director of education, executive director, and college president. She taught psychology for many years at Bauder College and Shorter College. Additionally, she assumed various appointments as an academic dean and college president for other private institutions before assuming the role of campus president at Westwood College. Clay is also actively involved in her community. She served as a board member to the University Outreach Committee of Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB). She is currently a member of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, Resurrection House for All Nations’ (RHFAN) Women’s Ministry, Marriage Life Ministry, and the Women of Worship Dance Ministry. She has held leadership roles in various associations including the Education Committee of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, and the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) where she served on the Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Bylaws Committee, and the Research and Survey Committee. Through her education, work and personal passions, Clay has received numerous awards and honors including the National Institute of Health (NIH) Research Scholar Award, Parent of the Year Award, Community Leader of the Year Award, and the City of Atlanta and the DeKalb County Public Schools Partner in Education Award. In her role at Westwood College, Clay works with students every day in a variety of capacities, but what she takes the most pride in is passing on the lessons she learns from others including her parents. Over the years, she estimates she has mentored more than 100 students, colleagues and families. 32


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Tira Harney Clay, Campus President, Westwood College – Atlanta Northlake

On February 15, Clay was honored to donate a mural created by Westwood College student Tiffany Housey to Clay’s alma mater, Spelman College. Clay enjoys helping Tiffany share her talents and took great pride in being able to help a young artist showcase her work. Tiffany’s mural, titled State of Relaxation, Recovery and Hope, is currently on display at Spelman College’s Women’s Health Services Clinic as a tribute to breast cancer awareness.

“I believe deeply that mentoring leads to success and I make myself available to do just that as much as humanly possible,” she said. Clay mentors members of her church, Resurrection House for All Nations’, through their women’s ministry and a married life ministry. She has taught Russian Ballet to students in grades Kindergarten through 12th Grade. Along with her academic dean, Clay also spearheads a student and staff mentoring program at Westwood College. When asked about her golden rule for success she says, “To always seek God first in all of your endeavors and utilize the talents you have been blessed with; never hide the gifts you have been given. At times, people may be fearful and insecure. They resist the need to explore their talents and put them into practice. Whatever their reasons, I try to encourage them to tap into their potential and bless others with their gifts.” To many, this can seem like a daunting task. It’s easy to say you are not gifted with a skill or that you just cannot succeed in an area, but Clay says these tend to be justifications that keep people from achiev-

ing the good plans designed for their future that can be filled with hope and prosperity. “In my interactions with individuals, I naturally act as a catalyst, asking questions, stirring people to act, encouraging individuals to enhance their lives. What do you spend a lot of time doing? What are your passions? If you could do anything – and have no boundaries to limit you – what would it be?” she said. Clay says she draws inspiration from working with people who value integrity. She views the Westwood College faculty and students as a family, one that is inclusive and supportive to people from all walks of life. Although she loves her role as a college president and finds it extremely gratifying, she also faces challenges. “When I see a student leaving school and it’s not for a good reason, it discourages me. If a student is progressing on a great track, and a home or family issue overshadows their goal to graduate, it is painful to me and I take it personally. As a team, we do everything possible to collaborate with students and support them through student success plans.” The generosity Clay shares with her students and colleagues is only part of her remarkable life. In 1997 she married Zettler Clay, and together they have raised five children, Zettler III, Takara, Emmaus, Emmanuel, and Nathan, now between the ages of 14 and 27. All located in and around Atlanta, the entire family gathers weekly over dinner (when schedules permit) to complete their family book entitled, “The Legacy of a Blended Family.” They hope to publish the book within the next two years. Four of her five children have graduated with bachelor’s degrees and one also earned his master’s degree in Journalism. Her middle son, Emmanuel graduated from Westwood College with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management. Clay’s youngest child is a freshman in high school. Clay is also pursuing her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychophysiology. It is clear she is taking her father’s advice to heart… “if you want to touch the stars, you must reach for the heavens!”duct yourself professionally


Students work on display throughout the college

The Importance of


When talking with Tira Clay about her work, family and the community she dedicates herself to, you will likely hear her use the word “integrity” to describe her expectations of herself, as well as those around her. As a mentor to youth, adults and families, she offers valuable advice that can be summed up in one word:

In all that you do, be filled with integrity Never quit – always be persistent Tell yourself your season will come, and when it does don’t miss out!

Each and every day, be customer service oriented

Give away the talents that you are blessed with

Remember to put God first in all that you do

Inform yourself – be well-read and in touch with your community

Tell others about you, listen to them, and build a network for support

You must always be AUTHENTIC! January/February 2013



Lawyer, Advocate, Commentator, Warrior

Holly B. Hughes


t five foot three and petite framed, Holly Hughes does not necessarily strike fear in the hearts of her opponents when she walks into a courtroom. That is, until she opens her mouth. As her booming voice fills the room people sit up and take notice.

“Most people think that being a great lawyer means being a great talker. That’s part of it, but most important, a lawyer must be a good listener.

She practices law in Atlanta, concentrating on Criminal Defense, Family Law and Personal Injury. When asked about her philosophy on what makes a good lawyer, she responds quickly. “Most people think that being a great lawyer means being a great talker. That’s part of it, but most important, a lawyer must be a good listener. Let’s face it, most people don’t need a lawyer until something bad or negative has happened to them. They come to you frightened confused and stressed out. You have to take the time to listen to them to fully comprehend not only their legal issues but also their fears and their desired outcome. Every client has a story to tell, and if I don’t know their story, backward and forward, inside and out, I cannot tell that story to a jury with passion and conviction. Not knowing those details makes me ineffective to fight on behalf of my clients.” Oh, she listens. The proof is in the results she is able to deliver for her clients. Dekalb County Superior Court Judge Stacey Hydrick describes Hughes’ lawyering. “I have known Holly for over ten years. Recently, she tried a case in front of me where I was able to personally observe her high level of professionalism, her dedication to her client, and her ability to think on her feet. Holly was extremely well prepared and was well versed on the law. She argued zealously on her client’s behalf and successfully convinced the jury that her client should be found “not guilty.” I can say without hesitation that I look forward to Holly’s future appearances in my courtroom.” Her ability to tell the story and break down the law in meaningful and understandable terms has led to another career she loves. Holly can



January/February 2013

be seen on CNN every Saturday evening with award winning journalist Don Lemon, analyzing and discussing the latest legal news stories. The popular CNN anchor describes her like this, “I don’t know anyone more passionate about people, let alone, how they are affected by the justice system than Holly. That’s why it’s always a pleasure to listen to her speak about people, justice and power, or the lack thereof.” Holly is a frequently sought after legal commentator appearing on CNN, HLN and TruTV several times a week. She has hosted the very popular Nancy Grace show on HLN as well as appearing on the local CBS affiliate. Her love of storytelling and law has also led her to authoring articles for the McClatcheyTribune Group and Women in Crime Ink Blog. She has been published in newspapers across the country from California to New Jersey. There is another story Holly likes to tell, her own. For most of her adult life she battled her weight. At forty years old, with a great dual career, she took a step back and began to focus on her personal life and health. “I had poured so much time and energy into being a conscientious lawyer, I had neglected my health and fitness. I was dangerously and unhealthily overweight, at almost 300 lbs. I knew if I didn’t act soon, I was going to be in real trouble. So I did what we lawyers do, I started researching. To my absolute delight I found the world’s most renowned bariatric surgeon right here in Atlanta. Dr. Titus Duncan of Peachtree Bariatrics was located right downtown just several blocks from the courthouse. I threw myself into getting healthy the same way I would attack a case. Suddenly, I was my own client. I attended the monthly seminar, followed their instructions and in 2006 underwent gastric bypass surgery. After dropping 160 pounds, Dr. Duncan invited me to be a motivational speaker to patients at his monthly seminars. It is so satisfying to help others realize a dream of renewed health and vitality. It is just another way to change a life.” Six years after her surgery, she is still speaking,

encouraging and motivating others to “go for it”. Holly serves as an expert with the Cold Case Investigative Research Institute. Founder and Director Sheryl McCollum has this to say, “Holly Hughes is a formidable asset to the CCIRI. She is intelligent, witty and fearless. She brings the prosecution and defense side to our investigations. She never fails to teach and share her gifts with our students. Holly Hughes is the real deal - hard nose prosecutor and justice seeking defense attorney rolled into one. I have had the pleasure of watching her at a crime scene where members of a hate group tried to stop us from searching using fear tactics - they were counting on us being afraid - they did not count on Holly Hughes!” Holly is represented by Jai Curry, owner and founder of the JAI Agency. If you are looking for a lawyer, a speaker, writer or an advocate, consider this accomplished woman who brings all that to the table. She is a wealth of education, experience, commitment compassion and fierce fighting spirit that just won’t quit. This is what truly makes her a “Woman of Wealth”! For booking or appearances, please contact Jai Curry at or 1-800-2350732. Holly B. Hughes, Esq., 4200 Northside Pkwy NW # 8A Atlanta, GA 30327 404-493-4290 Website: Facebook Page, Holly Hughes, Legal Analyst Twitter,, Cold Case Investigative Research Institute, website: Dr. Titus Duncan, Peachtree Bariatrics, 404881-8020 website:

January/February 2013



Social Elite


Andrew Young Birthday Celebration

Stars came out for Andrew Young’s 80th Birthday Cabaret. To honor Ambasssador Young on his birthday members of the corporate community, family and friends hve planned an evening of festivities. The event was hosted by Comic Jonathan Slocum and actress, dancer, writer and producer, Jasmine Guy.



January/February 2013

January/February 2013



Social Elite

Social Elite

Dikembe Mutombo Foundation’s

“Caring for Congo” Gala Experience Atlanta’s top stars, celebrities, corporate VIPS and more gathered at the grand St. Regis Hotel Atlanta for the Caring For Congo Gala Experience 2012 hosted by NBA Superstar & Global Ambassador Dikembe Mutombo. This spectacular Gala Experience boasted traditional cultures, delicious four course culinary display, fashion spectacles and high end LIVE auction . The night of celebration raised awareness and funds for The Dikembe Mutombo Foundation to benefit The Biamba Marie Mutumbo Hospital – a $29 million state-of-the-art facility, built in 2007, in Mutombo’s homeland of The Democratic of the Congo in honor of his beloved mother. The hospital has served hundreds of thousands of residents.



May/June 2012

PFPMA Annual Banquet PFPMA (Professional Football Mother’s Association) held their Annual convention at the Westin Hotel in Buckhead. It was a wonderful night of celebration, acknowledgements and fun.

January/February 2013



She is working to team up with Dress for Success, the dynamic non-profit organization that provides career development services to low-income women in over 75 cities worldwide, to provide hair and wig services for the career-bound women that Dress for Success helps.

Yancey will be the first to admit that this disparity is still very evident today and is more prevalent than ever. Awareness had been given to the state of the industry as a result of Chris Rock’s 2009 comedy, ‘Good Hair.’ However, since then there hasn’t been as much awareness or consideration given to the plight of an industry that was pioneered by Madame C. J. Walker, the first African-American millionaire, entrepreneur, philanthropist and developer of hair care products for Black women. After four years of research and a virtual kick in the rear end that she attributes solely to divine intervention, Yancey began the process of opening MY Beauty ~ Beauty Supply.


ENTREPRENEUR MAUREEN YANCEY is the CEO/Owner of MY Beauty ~ Beauty Supply, an Atlantaarea beauty supply retailer that features multiethnic beauty supply products with a focus on customer service. Yancey was an honoree of one of Atlanta’s Top 25 Women in business, and her store is making a name for itself as one of the few female, minority-owned beauty supply stores in the area. My Beauty ~ Beauty Supply opened its doors in September 2011, and after only one year in business, it has been voted Best Beauty Supply Store of 2012. Yancey was born and raised in Washington, D.C., and attended Howard 40


University where she studied Business Management and International Business. With a background in computers, she went on to obtain multiple IT certifications from Novell and Microsoft, and several technical hardware, software, and trainer certifications with prominent software developer companies throughout the years. Yancey moved to Atlanta in 1994 and has worked in the IT industry in various capacities since then. However, around 2007, Yancey — a regular consumer of hair care products — began to recognize a growing disparity in the Black beauty supply industry between how much of the industry was not owned by African Americans, and how much of

January/February 2013

this $9 billion a year industry is sustained by African American and other minority dollars. As she began to research, Yancey was incredulous to discover that not only did immigrant Koreans own 95 percent of all beauty supply retailers in the country, but that Koreans own a major percentage of the distributors and manufacturers as well. It was her realization of this disparity, along with a desire to serve and give back to the community, that primarily motivated Yancey to delve head-first into an industry that is saturated by Asian-owned stores, non-existent customer service, and even discrimination, and instead provide a store where the primary focus is customer satisfaction and individualized service.

“There were days when I couldn’t get out of bed, and the only strength I had was spent in therapy and prayer.” Yancey rededicated her life to Christ and stepped out on pure faith and belief in God’s plan for her. “I had to be strong if I was going to persevere in this industry and in my life because everything seemed hopeless at the time.” “The affirmation that everything happens for a reason, and the knowledge that God ‘has’ me, has kept me going. Even though I often appeared strong and together from an outwardly perspective, inside I was a wreck. My motivation during these difficult times was the excitement of owning my own store, the opportunity to provide knowledge and a service to the community and to other aspiring entrepreneurs, and the inspiration provided by the Black beauty supply pioneers that paved the way for this industry as business women who were empowered to follow their dreams.” But what really provides satisfaction for Yancey is her loyal customer base, and the look on her new customers’ faces when they realize her store is Blackowned! “We need to take this industry back, even if it’s a little at a time. We need to help one another and provide

motivation because, despite the discrimination I continue to experience today, it can be done. It has to be done.” Yancey demonstrates the need to work together by reaching out to several of the other minority-owned stores in the Atlanta area, although there are just a few.

“My advice to women that want to enter the entrepreneurial arena, specifically the beauty supply industry, is that you must be passionate and patient, while at the same time strong, aggressive and persistent. Above all, have faith!”

I had to be strong if I was going to persevere in this industry and in my life because everything seemed hopeless at the time

Additionally, she is involved in various initiatives to provide charitable efforts, services and products such as community-related food drives, providing back-to-school supplies to children of lower-income communities, and scholarship sponsorship for collegeor cosmetology school-bound youth.


Says Yancey, “2011 was the best and the worst year of my life.” During that year, Yancey’s dream of owning a beauty supply storefront came to fruition at the same time she began to go through a two-year, life-changing and devastating experience of the crumbling of her 12-year marriage.

While working to expand the brick and mortar and face-to-face customer presence of MY Beauty, Yancey is also setting plans in motion to expand globally on the Web. Through all of these initiatives, MY Beauty ~ Beauty Supply is quickly becoming recognized for the superior customer service skills Yancey demands of herself and her staff, the chic and comfortable ambience that enhances the shopper’s experience, and the store’s extensive selection of hair products, jewelry and accessories.

Yancey is also finalizing plans to provide wigs, hair pieces and wig/hair accessories at highly discounted rates and as charitable donations to Atlanta area cancer centers, such as Radiotherapy Clinics of Georgia, Georgia Center for Total Cancer Care, and the Dekalb Medical Cancer Center, for women undergoing chemotherapy treatment. January/February 2013



“My passion is mentoring young people, particular young women. I came into the realization that it was not about me but about how I serve God, and serving God is helping others. I mentor in a lot of different ways, through my work in entertainment. I have this job because of a mentor. The young people I’ve mentored find me through media, word of mouth and speaking at events. I work with Spelman College and I am on the Advisory Board for Morehouse College’s newly formed Cinema, Television, and Emerging Media Studies Program.” — Traci Lynn Blackwell




January/February 2013

Blackwell also recommends shooting a short film and attending festivals, as many agents go to festivals looking for content. Simply put, Blackwell says, “Go out and make it happen yourself.” “If it is your passion or purpose, go for it,” Blackwell says. However, she quickly admonishes, “Don’t chase money, chase purpose. When your purpose is to serve, educate, inspire, etc. the money will show up.” She urges those interested in the business to go through the process of reading about it, to “know the business behind the business,” and to “understand it from the inside out.” She acknowledges that being a showrunner, writer or director is lucrative, but again, she cautions, “Don’t do it just for the money — it will leave you empty.” Such wisdom is very likely what propelled Blackwell to the top position she now holds, and we fully expect that wisdom, her knowledge and experience, and her willingness to give back, to take her even higher.

Don’t chase the money. When your purpose is to educate, inspire, etc., the money will show up.

At UPN, Blackwell says she started working at the bottom and “worked in every phase of creative programming.” Eventually UPN became known as the CW Network, which was formed as a joint venture between Warner Bros. Entertainment and CBS Corporation and is America’s fifth broadcast network. Blackwell has been with CW for eight years and is now VP of Current Programming. She explains that Current Programming does the day-to-day creative management of all scripted shows at the network. Blackwell obviously has a heart of a mentor, as she readily gave up detailed advice for those seeking an agent or manager and says that such representation is necessary “for their protection as well as ours.” Blackwell says agent seekers should make sure the agent has a relationship with networks and production companies. She also encourages meeting with the agent. “It is difficult to get your show on the air, but there is no need to wait; use the Internet and YouTube,” she says. “There are so many ways to get your product out there now.”


WHEN BLACKWELL FIRST MOVED TO LOS ANGELES she found work through referrals from friends. She even worked with Sinbad and also for multimillion dollar producer/director Reginald Hudlin for a few years. “The connections and experience were invaluable,” says Blackwell. One day she went to an event given by the Black Film Maker Foundation (BFF) and attended a television network programming seminar. “One of the panelists described exactly what I wanted to do,” exclaimed Blackwell. Since the panelist already had the career Blackwell wanted, she walked up to the Lady and said “I want to have your job one day and will you be my Mentor.” Blackwell said that was “not a great way to secure a mentor by putting someone on the spot,” but — perhaps just for Blackwell’s sheer boldness — nevertheless, the lady became her mentor and assisted her in securing a job at UPN as an Executive Assistant.

January/February 2013



Chlon Rogers

Chlon Rogers

Options Luxury Automotive Group


OW was able to catch up with the lovely Chlon Rogers, CFO of and Partner in Options Luxury Automotive Group in the prestigious section of Atlanta known as Buckhead. The 25 year old has a Masters in Accounting and Management and Bachelors in Business Administration. In the meantime, she is also currently working on her Doctorates Degree, as well as her CPA License. In her gorgeous, chic black and white suit, she looks the epitome of success. WOW was very impressed with her beauty and her intelligence. As the CFO, she stated, I have to Chlon poses with one of her luxury vehiclesehicles be beyond knowledgeable about every aspect of the business, and although I feel my knowledge is sufficient, I still have plenty to learn, and I am ready and willing to do whatever it takes to be successful. WOW: How does it feel to be a young woman in the automotive industry? CHLON: It feels great; I am honored. I have come to the realization that I am an encouragement to other young women in a variety of ways. First and foremost, I am here in a partnership and management role at the age of 25. This is a perfect example of how hard work pays off and how age does not define how soon one can possess success and wealth. Our age as partners is what will separate us from other dealerships because our delivery is unique. Women visit our dealership, and they feel more comfortable and relaxed. They see me at the helm in management along with my partners; therefore, they do not have to feel as though they should have to bring along a male to help them get the best deal or to help them make the best decision. My presence is what makes my guys here a lot more receptive and attentive to the women and their desires. As the only woman here, it is my responsibility to convey to them the proper approach when dealing with a woman and what makes a woman comfortable. Also, as a result of me being in this position, young girls and older women can see that it is possible to enter this non-traditional profession that once belonged entirely to men. I am here to encourage, motivate and educate women on entering into any profession that they wish, whether it is predominantly male or not, young or old. All you have to do is remain focused on the goal and apply your talents and efforts, then prove that we can do it too, possibly better. I am always here and available to speak to them at schools, colleges and conferences.

Chlon’s business partner Girvan Henry

WOW: How did you get started in this business? CHLON: I am an accountant and business consultant. Girvan Henry and I met and discussed this project as a result of his interest in cars and some research in which he had done on the automotive industry. He shared with me what he had learned and his vision, and I put together a business plan for the company. We came together as a team to birth a dream of his, which has now become a dream of ours. Building and growing this dream has not been easy, yet still rewarding. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. Not only has it been rewarding, but we have learned an array of things, which are beneficial for many more things beyond the automotive industry. We make changes and improvements every day; we are learning through experience. As we grow, the dream is growing, and we have been blessed tremendously with the proper people and resources to enhance knowledge, growth and development. We give thanks every day to God. WOW: I know what got Options there, but our readers want to know, what is keeping you there?

Defining Success In The

Luxury Car Game

CHLON: Structure, Strategy and Team Effort make a great difference in whether you stay in business two years or 10 years. We continue to evolve because of our dedication, persistence and eagerness to succeed. We have had several sleepless nights. We are always up planning, creating analysis and researching the market, trying to ensure that we are ahead and prepared for anything that may present itself. In any business, you have to know the business in order to succeed. There is no way that you will ever be successful at something in which you know absolutely nothing about. Even as an inactive investor, one should still have at least the basic knowledge of that in which they are investing. Also, you have to know your competitors so that you have competitive advantages to exceed your competition. We are currently building our foundation, and we have our goals in place for each department. Every Wednesday morning we meet with our team to go over the goals and to see where everyone is in accomplishing those goals. More important, we start off our mornings here with prayer. Every morning our team gets together, and we each discuss that of which we want to pray about, and then we pray on those things in addition to the business. As a result, God has truly blessed us and continues to provide us with the resources needed to succeed. WOW: I know this is a trick question, but what is your impression of your partner and Owner of Options Luxury Automotive, Mr. Girvan Henry? CHLON: Mr. Henry is a great person. I have known him for many years; therefore, he is also a great friend. He is very motivating, supportive and humble. He is always working and trying to figure out better strategies for growth and development. We are a great team, and we complement one another, which is a great contribution to the success of the business. He is very strong in his talents, as well as I, and we have come together as one to build a strong foundation for this business.



January/February 2013

January/February 2013



Do you think you should be in one of the issues of women of wealth magazine?

Conversations With



We are searching for women that are doing extraoridinary things to expose their story to the world. Should we feature your story? Contact us at, Wow Magazine is partnering with wealthy women in search of phenomenal female business owners who desire to take their business to millionaire status. If you qualify, Please email us at January/February 2013




Million Dollar Lady

By Owerri Marrasha


s a self-made millionaire, business woman, motivator and coach, Lisa Nicole Cloud is living her dreams, simply because it’s possible! From pre-med at Emory University to CEO of Elite Marketing Strategies, Cloud has become a woman of wealth by staying grounded in her faith, building relationships, helping others to discover their God-given talents and achieve their dreams. She has helped thousands of people build their finances by teaching them how to start businesses that create residual income. Cloud is regarded as one of the nation’s leading businesswomen and has built her empire, teaching people how to start their own “Essential Services” business and leverage the vehicle of Direct Sales. Her track record is proven. She has successfully helped and coached several entrepreneurs to become millionaires and dozens to get to five figure monthly earnings. These individuals have ranged from young aspiring entrepreneurs out of high school to successful corporate executives aspiring to create multiple streams of income to entrepreneurs desiring to grow themselves and their businesses to the next level. Cloud’s success is driven by her belief that “Your Attitude in Life Determines Your Altitude in Life,” and she also believes that there is nothing more POWERFUL than a made up mind and a will to win. She teaches her students how to dream big and put strategies and systems in place to turn dreams into reality. In addition to Cloud’s success in building a successful direct sales business, she is an accomplished author, business coach, CEO of several successful businesses, loving mother, devoted wife and philanthropist. She is also the founder of the Women’s Empowerment Network (WEN), a foundation dedicated to helping women grow personally, professionally, financially and spiritually. The WEN foundation gives money to organizations that support women and children’s initiatives. Her most recent business endeavor is the launch of “The Lisa Nicole Collection,” a business couture clothing and accessory line for “Today’s Fashionable and Sophisticated Business Women.” Today, Cloud enjoys life to the fullest by living her dreams, spending

time with her family and friends, traveling, giving back and helping others pursue their passion and live the life of their dreams. A WOW interview with “Ms Millionaire Maker” herself, revealed many lessons about success and strategies TO CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS AND LIVE IT FULLY! Enjoy!

WOW: I’ve heard your signature slogan, “Live Your Dreams, Its Possible” How does one live their dreams?

fail to plan … then plan to fail!

LNC: Living the life of your dreams starts by knowing what the life of your dreams looks like. Most people stop dreaming and they start settling for just living and getting by. My advice to WOW readers is to start dreaming again. Dream vivid and colorful dreams. Dream the unimaginable because “what the mind can first conceive and believe … it can achieve.” Next, I want WOW readers to realize that God has given each and every one of us unique gifts. Many times our gifts go unused, undeveloped and unnurtured. Living your dreams is realizing what gifts you possess. Once you understand what your gifts are, you must use them to the fullest. Living your dreams is accomplished by doing what you love. I strongly believe if you do what you love, the money will follow. I personally believe that God has equipped all his children with everything they need to live the life of their dreams. All we have to do is tap into our God Given gifts, have faith, take action and believe in our dreams. I also believe dream fulfillment is about finding a vehicle to achieve your dreams. Wanting the “Good Life” is not enough; one must also have a vehicle to get to the life of their dreams. Lastly, one must develop a plan, or as I like to call it, “A Success Strategy.” I’m a firm believer: “If you

WOW: What was the vehicle you leveraged to achieve the life of your dreams? LNC: I used the vehicle of entrepreneurship and direct sales. The American Dream is not working for someone else … it’s owning your own business. Wealthy people don’t work for other people … they work for themselves. The world as we know it has changed. Long gone are the days of the W2 worker who works for a company for 30 years and retires to a great pension and 401K. Society has shifted to a 1099 environment … it is the decade of the 1099 independent contractor. Every person who longs to create stability in their life needs to learn and understand the concept of “Multiple Streams of Income.” When I worked in corporate America, I had the “good job.” I had a six-figure career, and it still wasn’t enough. ‘JOB’ for me was ‘Just Over Broke.’ I made a living, but I wasn’t getting out of debt. I wasn’t achieving financial freedom, and I wasn’t fulfilled, and that’s when I knew I owed it to myself to explore other avenues such as starting my own business. This was how I came to love the world of “Direct Sales.” Direct Sales is a viable business model that companies big and small leverage. It is an industry that generates billions in our global economy. Direct Sales opportunities allow people to start businesses for a nominal investment with no experience. By learning and mastering successful training systems of a company, a person has unlimited earning potential. Direct Sales allows you to grow professionally, personally, financially and spiritually. I tell people that Direct Sales is a business model for ordinary people to live extraordinary lives. It’s a vehicle that can create unimaginable financial resources to create the life of your dreams. In eight years, I’ve helped ten people become millionaires and dozens of people to earn five figure monthly incomes by teaching them the direct sales model. WOW: Lisa how do you teach people to become successful entrepreneurs? LNC: Entrepreneurship can be very scary. Having the capital and expertise to start a business can be difficult for the average person. I teach people who are interested in pursuing entrepreneurship how to leverage direct sales and monetize their network. “A person’s network equals their net worth” if they know how to monetize it. As a business and life coach, I also teach people fundamental business principles, and I teach them how to have a mindset of success and abundance. Most people don’t live their dreams because they are too busy living their nightmares. They allow life to get in the way. I teach people that life always happens. What I mean is illness, death, career changes, divorce, family tragedy etc., is always going to happen, but those who are successful realize it’s not what happens to you in life that matters most; it’s how you respond to what happens to you that determines whether you are a victim or victor. Success is about having the right mindset and learning strategies to succeed. Finding a mentor will keep a person accountable to the goals they set for themselves. Lastly, one achieves success by studying successful people that are already living the life they desire. If a person is willing to work hard and be a good student of success then they can create success for themselves. Success leaves clues. They have to be willing to work hard because the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Success happens by CHOICE … not chance. I encourage WOW readers to contact my office at 877-486-4774 or visit to learn more about mentoring or business coaching with me. 50


January/February 2013

WOW: What advice would you give to people who are looking for new levels of success? LNC: I advise people who are looking for new levels of success to find a MENTOR. Look for people who are living the life you desire or professionally doing the things you desire to do and follow their success strategies. Also put your goals on paper and find a person who will hold you accountable to the goals you set for yourself. The road to new levels of success is just beyond a person’s comfort zone. A person has to be willing to get uncomfortable before they get comfortable. My advice to WOW readers is to STAY FOCUSED, HAVE PERSERVERANCE, BE DISCIPLINED, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and WORK HARD. With these key things, new levels of success are on the horizon. WOW: You are a woman, a wife, mother, daughter and entrepreneur. How do you find balance between all of these things, especially your personal and professional life? LNC: I think balance is one of the hardest things as women we probably struggle with because we do wear so many hats,and we are, in many instances “all things” to so many people. I’m not perfect in this area, but it’s a work in progress. I’m always striving to have balance in my life. I believe balance is a critical ingredient to have “True Success.” If a person lacks balance in their life, other areas of their life are suffering, which will ultimately keep you from having joy and fulfillment from your success. The Bible says, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” I believe another way of applying this statement is, “What [will it] profit a woman to gain the world and riches but lose her family, marriage, friends and peace?” As women, we sometimes are so focused on our careers and our successes that we let other areas in our life that matter most, suffer. I carve out quality time for my family to have balance. When I spend time with my children I try to be 100% in the moment with them. The same is true with my husband. We try to have quality time and plan date nights at least once a month to keep our lives balanced. I try hard to give equal, if not more time to my marriage and children, and that is one reason I not only have success, but I’m living the life of my dreams! As women we also have to find time for ourselves! A lot of times women are so busy taking care of other people that they don’t take care of themselves, and we have to remember that if we break down, everything else breaks and many times nothing else functions. So I mentor women to carve out that time and just get away and “Do You.” Treat yourself nice and clear your mind. I meditate and pray daily. I call it “my hour of power!” I also always treat myself to the spa. Lacking balance in your life is like having a car and not putting oil in it. Eventually the car will break down, and a life without balance will eventually break down too … so balance is very important. January/February 2013



Getting To Know


WOW: In Your opinion, what keeps most people from succeeding at the highest levels and truly living the “Life of their Dreams”? LNC: I believe life gives you what you demand, and in my opinion most people don’t demand enough. People have stopped really dreaming big, and they have settled for a job, a nice car and a nice house. I believe in dreaming BIG, colorful, and what others might think are “impossible” dreams. I believe what the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve with the right plan of action. Success is nothing more than a made up mind and a will and a strategy to WIN! Everyone can get to the life of their dreams with a little mentorship, determination and a no-quit attitude. I believe there is no passion in playing small or settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. You must have the courage to bet on your dreams, take the calculated risk and leave behind things that hold you back. Dare to Soar. The only limits in life we face are the ones we self-impose. Those who envision greatness usually achieve it. Life takes on new meaning when you set goals and charge after them in an UNSTOPPABLE manner! My advice to WOW readers: Dream Big and Live Your Dreams…It’s Possible.

Getting to know Lisa Boldest Move ... I made the decision that I would no longer settle for making someone else wealthy by working a job. A job was my security blanket. I had a great job and I made a great living, but it still wasn’t enough because I wasn’t fulfilled, and I wasn’t achieving financial freedom. My boldest move was letting go of my fears, starting my own business. I had to believe in myself and believe in my abilities, and when I left corporate America, while it was a scary thing to do, it was definitely a step that propelled me to the next level of success.

has everything in them that they need

Greatest achievement thus far ...

to live the life of their dreams, and once

Being a great mother, a devoted wife and a successful businesswoman are my greatest achievements thus far. Women inspire me because ... We are strong beyond measure. Women have an innate ability to make a way out of no way. I am inspired by strong, courageous women who don’t take no for an answer. They achieve greatness despite adversity and show other women what is possible. Also, I am inspired by positive women who embrace sisterhood and collaboration. I get inspired by ... Greatness. I love when people share their gifts with the world and achieve greatness. I love learning about their journey and studying their success strategy. I’m most inspired by people who come from humble beginnings and achieve greatness. Trailblazers inspire me. No one knows I ... I am a big practical joker. I love laughing. I love having fun. If you catch me in one of my playful fun modes, you better be careful because I am a big jokester. You would never know that about me. We love having fun at my house; we are always playing Candid Camera with our family and friends. Secret to success is ... Refusing to quit. If you want to be successful, you absolutely have to be prepared to do whatever it takes. You have to be willing to fail. Failing over and over is part of succeeding. Failure is part of the cycle of success. A setback is a setup for a comeback. Embrace failure and have a “Never Quit” attitude, and success is inevitable. 52


January/February 2013


I personally believe that every person

they realize that they have all that they

My favorite motto is ...

When I was a little girl my mother use to always say to me, “Lisa, your attitude in life determines your altitude.” I never forgot that ‘til this day. I post it all the time, and whenever I am interviewed I share that quote. I also tell people, if you think you can, you’re right; and if you think you can’t, you’re also right. A positive attitude is everything.

need, they just have to have faith, believe and take action. Then you can get to the life of your dreams, you just need a VEHICLE that’s it.

My favorite way to unwind is ... I love to unwind in the Caribbean on the beaches of the world. I love being by water, and I love being in the sun. I am a sunflower and I’m a water child. When I get around water I get very clear, and when I’m in the sunshine I feel like God’s love is upon me. I feel God’s presence all around me in these elements. My Goals in 2013 are ... To professionally continue to grow to even higher levels. I believe to whom much is given much is required. I want to keep giving back to the community, pouring into others, pouring into children. I have several books being released in 2013 and a few media projects in the works for 2013 as well. I’m very excited and 2013 is about achieving new levels of success, continuing to grow, continuing to learn and continuing to be a student of success. January/February 2013



You Are Your Most

Valuable Asset!

Juanita Ann Washington (BS, HSA, LNFA, FACHE)


r. Lei Lewis sat down with Juanita Washington to discuss her phenomenal success as an entrepreneur. She shared with us a few of her accomplishments, some of the keys to success she discovered as she continues to fulfill her destiny, and her most recent business ventures. These ventures include the opening of a spa in the Alpharetta area, the launch of a magazine, as well as staring in a new reality television series. Washington is an accomplished, motivated, energetic, seasoned multi-specialty servant of the masses within the healthcare industry. She was the first African-American female to establish and operate a rehabilitative hospital in the state of Louisiana. Thirteen years later this establishment, St. Charles Specialty Rehabilitation Hospital in Luling, Louisiana, is not only still standing but is thriving under her dedicated innovative leadership. Washington has made and continues to make an indelible impression on both her clients and patients alike with her commitment to the day to day healthcare operations; in addition to the long term strategic planning she performs to preserve the hospital’s integrity and viable future as a business entity.



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fter operating the hospital for a few years, Washington made a conscious decision to extend her health care education, training, and knowledge into the community by opening Anuschka Sjai Wellness in Alpharetta, Georgia. It is Washington’s desire to empower the community with the knowledge that wellness is more than merely avoiding being physically or mentally ill. Prior to establishing St. Charles Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington graduated from Our Lady of The Lake College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with a Dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Health Service Administration and Long Term Care Administration with an emphasis in Gerontology. These degrees in addition to the work that she accomplished after her graduation and her natural inclination to honor the knowledge that the senior, more mature members of our society have amassed throughout their lives was the catalyst to recently inspire Washington to launch a new magazine. This new magazine is entitled Boomerang and was developed to cater to those males and females of our generation that were born between 1946 and 1965 which we affectionately refer to as baby-boomers. Although Washington is not a baby-boomer herself, she credits many of her successes to the wisdom that she’s gained through the seniors that God has graced her life with. Look for Boomerang to hit your local news stands soon. WOW: Juanita what is your definition of success, Washington: Success starts not with a dream or a hope for the future, but with a vision that is imparted to you by God. Furthermore, to have success you must understand and know your purpose in life. You must know why you are here, what you are gifted to do, and how you are going to do it. You don’t have to have all of the “how” worked out as long as you have discovered your purpose, began to work on it, and are trusting God to reveal the divine connections and your unique path to you. Education is a major and necessary component to any successful business endeavor. However, to be successful and not just have a successful endeavor requires more than an education and a well executed business plan. To be successful requires wisdom, determination, and internal fortitude. I believe that I am successful because I did not focus on the money that I would potentially make but instead I chose to focus on following the vision that God gave me of helping people. I have known since I was seven years old that I would live and enjoy a successful life if I worked in healthcare because I discerned that was what I was born and equipped to do. WOW: Juanita share with us some more tips to success. Washington: You should not try to do something because someone else is doing it or because you are impressed with them or their finances. Aspire to discover and fulfill your own destiny. Study and learn from those mentors who have gone before you. Then have faith in God, trust that your steps are ordered, and always remember that you are your most valuable asset. These are some of the golden nuggets of wisdom that I will be sharing with others as I impart them into the contestants that I will be mentoring each week on the new television reality show Shine 56


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and Sizzle in The Boardroom. WOW: Washington and eleven other successful business women have agreed to partner with Women of Wealth Magazine on Shine and Sizzle. The contestants on the show are up and coming business women of various ages and ethnic backgrounds that have identified their purpose, are attempting to develop their vision, and are tangibly beginning to realize that vision as they compete for the title and all of the associate privileges and blessings that go along with it. The show itself promises to deliver the audience with access to the contestants as they are presented with real opportunities to succeed, and challenges to overcome without the attached stigma of the negativity that has been seen in other television programming of a remotely similar nature. Stay tuned. There’s so much more to come! Written By: Yolanda Harper

PURPOSE e n i d l e m E g n i K E

meldine King Njoya-Pinyin, the first of six kids from the amazing continent of Africa, now resides in Maryland with her family. She is married to Babila Sunny Pinyin, and together they have an adorable 10-year-old son, Denzel. Emeldine, affectionately called King, and her husband Sunny have been blessed with a very successful business of their own through a direct sales company. According to King their company markets for several well-recognized, name brand, essential service companies in North America and Canada. She has been credited with the company’s international expansion efforts to Africa and Canada as Vice President of Sales. King and Sunny represent companies that provide services in the energy, wireless, VOIP, text marketing, merchant account processing, Internet, and satellite television markets. “This INC 500 company retired my husband and me from Corporate America in record time,” says King.

We caught up with King at her Ignite Your Life Women’s Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, and I was so impressed with the power, passion and purpose that I saw imitating from this woman. She was focused and so direct. I could easily see that she was Spirit-led. Ignite, a conference for women and about women was simply spellbinding. We listened as woman after woman stood up to share her amazing story of how she had to overcome so many obstacles on her journey. They all seem to have the same ending, “I am still standing.” King will be doing this conference next year, and it is one that you will not want to miss. She is a phenomenal conference host and speaker. I watched as her message and those of her speakers brought tears to the eyes of those precious women. One thing King said stood out above all the other words that she has spoken, and I quote, “I like to think of the world as a concrete jungle because concrete is the first thing you step on when you leave the safe confines of your home to take on the whole wide world! And instead of trees, shrubs, bugs, bushes and animals, our jungle is made up of people, buildings, cars, jobs, obstacles and opportunities, failures and successes, winning and losing, good times and bad times, sickness and health, and so on. In order to survive, you must make up your mind to put your best foot forward once you step onto the concrete daily. It takes the spirit of an achiever to succeed in our concrete jungle,” said King.


Emeldine King Njoya-Pinyin is a woman of beauty, power and success

WOW: King, you have enjoyed significant success in life so far. What is the secret behind your accomplishments? PINYIN: First and foremost, it has been by the grace and blessings of God. You must consistently hold in your mind the image of what success represents to you. It is very easy to slip into the trap of thinking that hard work alone will make you an achiever. But nothing could be further from the truth. I started out with nothing but radical faith and a very strong desire to be successful in life. Then I aligned myself with other successful people whom I admired and respected because of what they had accomplished in their areas of expertise. The evidence of a genuine desire to be successful is the ability to exercise self-discipline during the execution phase. For the majority of people, it is easier to start working on their dreams than it is to finish. The tendency to become impatient and distracted is a common cause of failure. In order for you to remain true to yourself and your dreams, you must work with determination and commitment. I



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These individuals refuse to give up on their dreams even when it seems that they have exhausted every possibility. They have no plan B, C or D like everybody else. They are good at leading and motivating the key people around them. This is a hallmark of achievers. No one can accomplish anything spectacular by themselves. The Achiever’s ability to inspire and lead people to buy into his or her vision and remain focused until completion is a characteristic shared by all achievers. They form strategic alliances with people of a similar mind-set. This could be in the form of partnerships or mastermind study groups. Perhaps you might have heard that many business deals are done on the golf courses around the world. Well, that’s because achievers like to hang around other achievers for the purpose of networking and sharing business ideas and strategies.

had a major breakthrough moment when I realized that nothing can stop a mind that is made up! Sounds simple, but it is profound. I was at a crossroad between a highpaying job and pursuing entrepreneurship a few years ago. I have always wanted to experience life on my own terms financially and otherwise. So I started my own homebased business in 2005. WOW: King, it seems that you have become an achiever against all odds. What are the characteristics of an achiever?

WOW: How significant is goal setting?

PINYIN: Know who and whose you are. There is potential for greatness in everyone. We are the only creatures on Earth who are created in the image of the Creator. We have been given dominion over the fishes in the sea, the birds of the air, and all of God’s creation. Developing the spirit of an achiever begins with wrapping your mind around this truth. Achieving incredible success will become inevitable once you become aware of the kingdom within you. Just know that there can be no permanent obstacles in your path unless you choose to make them so. Know King and her family, husband Babila Sunny Pinyin and 10-year-old son, Denzel what you want. Developing a definite aim and purpose for your life is a non-negotiable matter if you want to be successful. Achieving success of any kind begins with this simple step. Every achiever starts out discovering who they are and exactly what they want to accomplish in life. An achiever must find the answers to the below questions. Who are you? Why are you here on Earth? Where are you going? What do you want? Why do you want it? Achievers, however, continue to invest in themselves. Personal development should be a top priority on your to do list. Surround yourself with other achievers. Iron sharpens iron and success leaves clues. If you want to become a doctor, get into that circle. If you want to become a lawyer, find some lawyers and hang around them. If you want to become a teacher, get with some teachers. If you want to become an entrepreneur, then get into that circle. Every achiever has failed woefully at something on his or her way to the top. Achievers think outside the box. The ability to go against the grain in order to get what they want is a trademark of achievers. Conventional thinking is not in their DNA. They trust and rely on their instincts or higher self for direction. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of shutting out all the outside voices in your ears right now! Achievers do not give in to third voices. They are in tune with the only voice that really matters, their voice. However, unlike the vast majority of people, they are wise enough to seek expert or professional advice when the need arises. They are purpose-driven. Achievers are very aware of the choices they make in life. With purpose comes clarity, and clarity makes choices obvious. When you know what you want from life, making the right choices becomes easier. They focus on their dominant goals and strengths. 60


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PINYIN: Setting the right goals and expectations is a must for every achiever. Once you discover what your mission in life is, the next logical step is to come up with a game plan. You must have heard it said before, “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” Failure comes as a result of the lack of proper planning. You must take time to plan your life! Abundance is a word that is very familiar to all achievers. They believe in a life of abundance. Proper planning must precede a life of abundance. Ironically, many people struggle with setting the right goals and expectations. To accomplish any big goal is to break it down into smaller goals, and then execute the big goal one small goal at a time. In order for you to become an achiever, you must learn how to set the following goals: Short-term goals: These are your daily, weekly and monthly goals. What you do daily, you become eventually. The secret of what your future will look like is hidden in what you do daily. Therefore your daily, weekly and monthly agenda should be based upon what your ultimate goal or purpose in life is. Mid-term goals: These are the goals you want to achieve within the next three to five years. They are a build up from your short-term goals. Get into the habit of assigning specific tasks to every day, week, month and year. The bigger your goals, the longer the length of your mid-term goals will be. Invest in yourself. I can write a whole book about the importance of investing in the temple called you. This is one area where the achievers greatly distinguish themselves from the crowd. If you want to become an achiever, you must sow into your mind, body and soul. Your mind is your most prized possession. Long-term goals: These are the goals you want to achieve in your lifetime. They are the sum total of your short- and mid-term goals. It takes discipline, persistence and focus to achieve these goals. It is also very important to constantly review your goals and to take corrective measures as you go along. If you do a great job of setting and managing your short- and mid-term goals, achieving your lifetime dream will be inevitable. WOW: King, I know you are an achiever and a very successful one at that, but I also know that there are sacrifices and costs involved in this journey to success. Please share with our readers some of the downside to achieving success. PINYIN: Absolutely! Life is a series of tradeoffs. There is no such thing as something for nothing in life. I grew up hearing older folks say that life is not a bed of roses. I think that life is a bed of roses, but in order for you to pluck the roses you will have to deal with the thorns! The alternative is sacrificing the bed of roses for fear of the thorns. History is full of people who had to make huge sacrifices for their accomplishments in academics, sports, government, the arts, business, religion and beyond. Nothing good comes easy! WOW: King, what should be the next step for people looking to become an achiever? PINYIN: Revisit and re-evaluate their dreams and aspirations to make sure they are on the right path. Believe in themselves and their dreams and never give up. In fact, I am seeking purpose-driven individuals who are looking to start their own home-based business to


join my growing network of entrepreneurs. If any of your readers want to become a part of a rapidly growing INC 500 company that has been featured on CNN, NBC and the Wall Street Journal, they should visit my website and let me help them get started. In addition, please visit my event website,, for updates on conferences, workshops, seminars and mastermind study groups.

Emeldine King Njoya-Pinyin

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Emeldine King Pinyin is the CEO and Founder of Agnitio Consulting LLC, a peak performance company focusing on helping businesses, organizations, schools, churches and women. King is an entrepreneur, an author, John C. Maxwell Certified Coach, speaker, trainer and woman of profound faith. She has mentored and inspired many to reach their peak in life through her seminars, coaching sessions, mastermind groups, workshops and speaking engagements. King is in the direct sales industry where she is a top leader in her company and an advisory council board member. She has co-authored with celebrity authors Les Brown, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen in Mastering the Art of Success. She has also co-authored with Brain Tracy and Dr. John D. Gray in Words of Wisdom. As a successful entrepreneur, King has been featured in Your Business at Home magazine as a home-based business superstar and mentored many individuals to a six-figure income. She has also been featured in Success from Home magazine as a successful entrepreneur. Having come to America from a thirdworld country and now at the peak of success, King is a living testament to the fact that your past or present does not have to dictate your future. She has appeared on Wisdom Keys television show with Dr. Mike Murdock and on the ABC affiliate At Home Las Vegas Morning Blend television show. As one of the nation’s dynamic conference speakers, King travels more than forty weeks a year, delivering keynote speeches, seminars, and workshops to a diverse group of audiences. You can contact King Pinyin at,, 62


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To inspire women I typically use either a historical or contemporary role model to whom they can relate.

LADY ADRIEN: I believe with my whole heart that it’s the Lord’s desire for everyone to live the abundant life. I believe one of the reasons the Lord Jesus Christ came to earth was to give men and women the opportunity to live their best life both spiritually and naturally. I identify the 5LINX opportunity as a ministry assignment. In the book of Luke, chapter four

WOW: How do you motivate and inspire women?

—Lady Adrien Crutch

LADY ADRIEN: As a Pastor’s wife, it’s very important to me to demonstrate what it means to be a Daughter of the Most High God. To inspire women I typically use either a historical or contemporary role model to whom they can relate. I then explain a spiritual truth from


the women a supernatural breakthrough



a helpful personal focus throughout the years. For example, at a recent Women’s Empowerment Conference, I highlighted the biblical examples of Ruth and Esther to expound on the topic “No More Drama.” My objective was to help women discover examples of how to get emotional control in chaotic circumstances. As a Life Coach, I live transparently and freely to let others see that even those in ministry are ordinary people who allow our extraordinary God to work without restraint in our lives. I believe we are more than conquerors, and the Lord always causes us to win in life. WOW: Who inspired you the most?

I HAD THE PLEASURE OF MEETING A WOMAN OF GOD that understands the true meaning of living the abundant life. Lady Adrien Crutch, a 3-dimensional woman: business woman, God’s anointed, and a motivational speaker, empowering, equipping and spiritually challenging women. She is a woman on is that in addition to being the First Lady of New Praise Christian Life Center, her assignment to empower exceeds beyond the pulpit. WOW: Lady Adrien, please tell us about you, your family and your church. 64


LADY ADRIEN: I’m from the great city of New York. I was born and raised in South Jamaica, Queens. I came from a nice-sized family, the youngest of four girls, and two younger brothers. My parents gave me a strong solid foundation of faith, community and a love of family. I’ve always been active in ministry and the creative arts. From a very youth ministry activities or coordinating a community event and participating Island University, Brooklyn Center, I married my childhood sweetheart, Kenneth E. Crutch, who was later called into the ministry, and became the Pastor of

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New Praise Christian Life Center. Our We are consistently focused on gathering, developing and transforming lives by the powerful Word of God. My husband and I have two wonderful sons, Kenneth and Joshua, who work with us in our ministry assignment. I recently authored

LADY ADRIEN: I’ve been blessed to have great mentors in my life. My parents gave me a foundation of faith and a sound work ethic that fuels me today. Dr. Bridget Hilliard, Gloria Copeland, and Lisa Nicole Cloud have all served as a source of great inspiration in my life. Even so, I believe a person must truly

Daughter,” and am currently working on my second book project. I’m also a Senior Vice President with 5LINX Inc. I travel across the country teaching others

action and achieve success. Outside of the Lord, you are your greatest inspiration.

freedom in two of the fastest growing industries of our time.

WOW: I know you are a speaker, minister, entrepreneur and SVP in the 5LINX company. How do your faith and your 5LINX business work together?

the Lord is upon me; He has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted and to announce that captives shall be released and the blind shall see, that the downtrodden shall be freed from their oppressors, and that God is ready to give Living Bible) Jesus was able to clearly articulate His purpose and successfully I regularly ask this question, “What would be good news to poor people?” Good news to the poor is simply, “You don’t have to be poor anymore!” As I share the 5LINX opportunity, I’m bringing good news to as many who would receive the option to break the chains of poverty and lack in their lives. Poverty and lack are both enemies of God and certainly not His will for us. In my opinion, I consider the 5LINX opportunity to be ministry with a compensation plan. WOW: What do you say to encourage others to become business partners in your 5LINX company? LADY ADRIEN: I earnestly explain that “Freedom” is the will of God. By freedom I mean, unrestricted, unrestrained and able to move around at will. Financial freedom enables us to live an incredibly

LADY ADRIEN: I believe understanding money and how it works is the key choices. Within the youth ministry we’ve developed a program that encourages the in the Word of God. Students participate in age-appropriate sessions that explore and acquiring debt. It’s always rewardspenders to wise stewards, strategically positioning themselves for long term success. WOW: Do you encourage your members to develop multiple streams of income? LADY ADRIEN: Yes, I absolutely do. In fact building wealth is a vehicle that allows us to achieve the dreams we see on the canvas of our imagination. My husband and I both encourage our partners in ministry to pursue avenues that will diversify their incomes. Within Vice Presidents that have evolved from the 5LINX opportunity. With the wealth that’s being created, new opportunities are opening to help us spread the Gospel and good works throughout the world and to live our dreams. It doesn’t get any better than that. Lady Adrien is a Conference and Motivational Speaker. You may contact her at

can replace lack with a supply of abunpromotes an avenue for generational wealth. As a minister’s wife, I found my place in network marketing. Where else could you, with a small investment, make an unlimited stream of income with little and the future is bright. I’m now exploring new areas of expansion I might never come. WOW: How do you help the young entrepreneurs in your church move to the next level? January/February 2013




Keisha Omilana

eisha Omilana, a native of Los Angeles, paved her way in the fashion industry as a successful designer and model. She was known as the “Pantene Girl”, pioneering a successful campaign as their first African-American model with a series of commercials and print ads for the brand. These days she’s known as an actress, mother, bonafide princess and philanthropist. Keisha married Nigerian born Prince Kunle Omilana, and together they run a successful international entertainment conglomerate, Wonderful Media, which provides Spirit-filled interactive broadcasts to over 100 million homes worldwide. Keisha agreed to chat with us about her path, her public image, business and balancing it all. 1. As a young girl from Inglewood California did you dream of being a princess? I must admit, I did not dream of being a princess when I was a young girl ONLY because I thought I already was a princess. My Mother will tell anyone who will listen that I was the most high maintenance little Inglewood Cali girl you ever did meet! Refusing to continue wearing an outfit if a spill occurred, even if it was water. Picking everything up with my thumb and pointer finger as I did not want my hands dirty. Requesting gloves to do any house work. I was so much in Princess land that when it was my turn to do the dishes I would just go to my room and sleep. My Mother would wake up in the morning to find the kitchen had not been cleaned. When she would ask me why the kitchen was still a mess I would simply say, “ What do you mean Mommy? Are you saying that Elma did not clean the kitchen last night?” (Elma was my imaginary cleaning lady!) 2. Do you remember a point in your life where you questioned your path? Was there something in particular that threatened to deter you? No, I have never had a point where I questioned my path. However, there have been many days when I questioned why my path had to be so difficult, challenging and hard. Of course we all know hard work pays off and nothing in life is as easy as it seems or the way we want it to be. 3. How would you describe yourself? Driven, loyal, determined, funny, God fearing, passionate and very giving

Portrait of a

s s e c n i r P By Angela-Renee Coakley




you have the t e y , sy a e T O N Know that it is ear that way. p p a it e k a m to y power and abilit

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4. You’re many things; model, actress, business woman, mother, wife and more. Some may say you have it all. What advice do you have for other women that are striving to keep it all together with a full life and family? Know that it is NOT easy, yet you have the power and ability to make it appear that way. I basically live my life by Philippians 4:13 “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” Always give 100% in every aspect of your life including YOURSELF. We tend to forget to take care of ourselves when we are wearing many hats. When you are happy and taking care of you, you have the energy and ease to take care everything/ everyone else. Always stay in communication with your spouse. My husband and I do not do anything nor do we make any decisions without having each other involved. Making all this a way of life and a priority will give you a full life. 5. Is there any other career that you would explore if the opportunity presented itself?

Yes, a Motivational Speaker. I love motivating others, putting a smile on someone’s face, mentoring and making people feel better about themselves. 6. As a princess, I am sure you have to be concerned with your public image. If you were asked to be a cast member of a reality “housewives” series, would you participate? (Why or why not?) Prince Kunle and I have been approached by five different networks asking us to participate in a reality based TV show. So it is funny that you would ask this question. My father- in- law raised my husband to live by the saying “Good name is more valuable than silver and gold”. I could never participate in any TV series that would tarnish The Omilana name. Besides, no one wants to see a ratchet royal, right!? 7. Are you concerned that the portrayal by some members of reality shows damage our public persona as women and may affect the healthy image of our young girls? That is a very tough question. It’s kind of like when asked if listening to certain hip hop artist or watching “those videos” damage our public persona as women... in my opinion, what you listen to and what you watch on TV could never negatively affect young girls who know their worth, have high self esteem, were taught who they are and what is expected of them and are not interested in 15 minutes of fame. Now, if the young girls were not taught this or brought up this way, we are in trouble. 8. You and your husband, Kunle, spearhead a multi-faceted business that encompasses fashion, television and the Internet. Are there any new projects on the horizon that we can look forward to from your company, the Wonderful Brand? Prince Kunle and I are very excited about our new projects. We are in the development process and will have all three project patented next week. I wish I could say more about them. However, I can say this, I will be sure to give WOMEN OF WEALTH the first interview when we launch. Promise me you will be ready? (We’ll be ready!) 9. Will you share something that would surprise us to know about you? I love adventure and will pretty much climb, jump off or fly over anything! I climbed Table Mountain in South Africa in less than an hour. It was one of the most surreal experiences ever! Angela-Renee Coakley has more than 10 years of leadership experience inthe entertainment industry, specializing in the production of high-caliberentertainment and branding events for top-tier companies. She has served as manager and producer for a number of theater, television and concertproductions throughout Europe, Asia and the Caribbean. Ms. Coakley has worked on campaigns for Pepsi, General Mills,Blue Note Jazz Clubs (Asia),Kraft Foods, Independent Film Channel and withtalent that includes, Chaka Khan, Patti LaBelle, Gretchen Wilson, MaryWilson of the Supremes, Estelle, John Legend, Robert Altman, Christian Bale andothers. Ms. Coakley began her career accidentally helping a friend facilitatean event while on vacation. Thereafter she cut her chops as a productionassistant for Sinbad’s Soul Music Festivals. She went on to produce A-list events and concerts for the likesof Grammy Award winning artists such as Phillip Bailey of Earth, Wind and Fire,CeCe Winans, Kirk Franklin, Gladys Knight and more. To add to her live musicevent production, she co-produced events for television, including Evening withthe Stars for UNCF and a variety show series featuring George Wallace and othercomedians for local television in Las Vegas. She makes guest appearancesas an on-air talent judge for CBS 5’s (Phoenix) Lucky Break. She has alsoworked in production for the famed Cirque du Soleil’s Zumanity. Ms. Coakley wasa professionally trained dancer and studied at the acclaimed Alvin AileyAmerican Dance Center. She enjoys tennis and is an avid player withSouthern Nevada division of the USTA. Photo courtesy of Marty Frierson. AngelaRenee Coakley of CoakleyEntertainment 818-266-8844 347-422-7770Office

M ICHELLE O BA M A “My Most Important Title is Still Mom in Chief ” w r i t te n b y L a G e r i s U n d e r w o o d B e l l

“Over the past few years as First Lady, I have had the extraordinary privilege of travelling all across this country. And everywhere I have gone and the people I’ve met and the stories I’ve heard, I have seen the very best of the American spirit. I’ve seen it in the incredible kindness and warmth that people have shown in me and my family, especially our girls. “I’ve seen it in teachers in a near bankrupt school district who vowed to keep teaching without pay. I have seen it in people become heroes at a moment’s notice, diving into harm’s way to save others, flying across the country to put out a fire, diving for hours to bail out a town. And, I’ve seen it in our men and women in uniform and our proud military families … Every day, the people I meet inspire me. Every day they make me proud. Every day they remind me how blessed we are to live in the greatest nation on earth.” From the podium of the Democratic National Convention on September 4, First Lady Michelle Obama demonstrated yet again why she is the most formidable weapon in President Obama’s arsenal. Her dignity and style, juxtaposed with an approachable grace are the underpinning of the Obama White House.



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The Rocky Road To Destiny

Her start on the road to the White House was a rocky one. She was vilified for saying that her husband’s success had made her proud of her country for the first time in her life. On the cover of the July 21, 2008, New Yorker Magazine, she was portrayed as an angry black woman with a super-sized Angela Davis Afro and a terrorist weapon strapped across her body. And she has been the target of scathingly sanctimonious attacks because of her wardrobe, jewelry, vacation choices, and overall joie de vivre. But this year she catapulted into the fray of the campaign trail with an approval rating higher than her husband’s and with the poise of a 70


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seasoned pro. She fired up thousands of supporters; raised millions in campaign funds; silenced a few pundits; and extended her heart to innumerable heartbroken, battle-weary citizens who ache for the American economic nightmare to end.

The Intentional Victor

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was born in 1964 on the wrong side of Chicago—the Southside. Her family lived in a one-bedroom apartment; the family living room was also her bedroom, which she shared with her older brother Craig. Her father Fraser was a pump operator for the Chicago Water Department, and although debilitated by multiple sclerosis he pressed his way to work every day — this great truth in young Michelle’s

life formed her core values. She bore witness to his trials, his tenacity and his triumphs; and she determined to press through to her own. Said Mrs. Obama, “I know what it feels like to struggle to get the education that you need.” Thanks to her family each stepping stone was steep, but not insurmountable. For starters she was an outstanding scholar in her elementary school’s gifted and talented program. She graduated in 1981 from Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago’s West Loop as class salutatorian. In 1985 she graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in Sociology, and then went to Harvard Law School where she earned a J.D. in 1988. Next stop on her whirlwind journey into destiny: the Chicago law firm where she met her soul mate … and future president of the United

States. En route to the White House, she worked as a lawyer, a Chicago city administrator, and a community outreach worker. From a one-bedroom apartment on the Southside of Chicago to the 132-room mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the nation’s capital? As illustrious as her life and career were, any way you figure it, her background adds up to one unequivocal truth …

…. “We’re Not Supposed To Be Here”

The Obama presidency is no one’s American dream. Not even many of the African-American voters who stumped and then voted for him actually expected him to win — after all, he’s black, for heavens sake. Michelle Obama herself said in 2008 shortly after their first landmark January/February 2013



victory, “We’re not supposed to be here. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” But it did and she continues to ride the shock wave with panache. She’s done push-ups on The Ellen Degeneres Show … jumped rope with Dr. Oz … donned sleeveless sheaths with those “guns” blazing … worn J. Crew and Jimmy Choo. She’s graced the covers of Essence and Vanity Fair magazines and been listed as #58 among Harvard’s annual list of most influential alumni. She has become the standard bearer of classical elegance and casual chic for her generation. Michelle Obama is the embodiment of everyman/woman, and she strives to make the White House an all-access showcase of diversity and down-to-earth living. Command performances at the Obama White House have included Earth Wind and Fire…Los Lobos… Sheila E…Justin Beiber…Common…Brad Paisley. Jazz and country music in the East Room? Yes we can!

Let’s Move!

In response to the alarming epidemic of childhood obesity, the First Lady hit the ground running with the clarion call “Let’s move!” A third of American children are overweight, and in African American and Hispanic communities, the percentages are even higher. Failure to act now will result in a future epidemic of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma and other obesity-related diseases. Mrs. Obama has put the weight onto the shoulders of parents, teachers, health care providers, elected officials, churches and corporations to help children make the lifestyle changes that will ensure they have a healthy future. Local officials are charged to create more play areas to increase physical activity, athleticism and exercise among youth. Through the program, parents are encouraged and supported in their efforts to gather everyone together and eat wholesome meals as a family. Mrs. Obama: “In the end, as First Lady, this isn’t just a policy issue for me. This is a passion. This is my mission. I am determined to work with folks across this country to change the way a generation of kids thinks about food and physical activity.” In photo after photo of this internationally renowned role model, it’s evident that she practices what she preaches. To jump-start the dietary changes she advocates, she trumped the rose garden bordering the West Wing by planting an organic garden on the South Lawn, digging in her well-appointed heels to tackle childhood obesity at the root — puns intended.

Her conviction is fierce: “I want to send a very clear message to the men and women who are wearing — or who have worn — our country’s uniform and to their spouses: when you have finished your service to our nation, you’ve got 2,000 great American companies ready and waiting to bring you on board,” she declared in August.

Mom in Chief

From the very start in 2008, bloggers, journalists and fashionistas compared Mrs. Obama with Jackie Kennedy-Onassis: the swanflipped hair … the sleeveless sheaths … the pearls. But the historical contexts of the eras during which their husbands served as commanders-in-chief are too disparate to make serious comparisons about anything but the superficial, even trite — and that would be a disservice to both of these great stateswomen. Barack Obama’s two terms as POTUS are both groundbreaking and heartbreaking. He and his First Lady have been the target of more hate speech and death threats than any president in our nation’s history. Mr. Obama has born the unfathomable disrespect of being publically denounced as a liar by a member of Congress. He’s been accused of being a Muslim [as if that’s a capital offense] and a foreign imposter. Mrs. Obama has been branded a gold-digging spendthrift; her academic credentials the product of misguided affirmative action. And for the first time in history, the entire Obama family may have single-handedly unified the African American church in its vigilant prayers for their divine protection against assassination. Barack Obama’s place in history may well prove to be legendary and not just because he’s black. He took office during the start of what threatened to be the second Great Depression in American history. His presidency has been a confluence of the greatest domestic and international economic, and geopolitical crises of any American president. From Obamacare to Osama’s assassination, he gets the job done. He demands full disclosure and accountability from credit companies and continues to rail against the super rich who refuse to pay their fair share of taxes. He’s weathered the earthquake in Haiti, the tsunami in Japan, and Frankenstorm Sandy on our eastern shore — and he has led unfalteringly. Through it all, while her husband continues to keep watch on the state of the union, Michelle Obama manages one thing — consistently, even incessantly: In the eye of every storm she keeps her eyes on the prize — the state of her family. “You see, at the end of the day, my most important title is still ‘Mom in Chief.’ My daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my world.” Malia was born in 1998; Sasha in 2001. They will be 18 and 15 respectively at the end of their father’s second term in office. Michelle Obama will have shepherded her two little girls from childhood into young womanhood in the brightest spotlight on earth. With that singular feat accomplished, the Mom in Chief may assess her term in office as mission accomplished. wow

“ You see, at the end of the day, my most important title is still ‘Mom in Chief.’ My daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my world.”

Joining Forces

She wants to “make it right” for military families struggling to regain some semblance of normalcy after years of conflict and conflagration in Afghanistan. Last year she and Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden joined forces and created Joining Forces, an initiative to secure jobs, housing and rehabilitative care for returning servicemen and their families.

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EW: My son is phenomenal. I have always told him

to remain humble, stay prayerful, and success will always follow you.


ur research on the Professional Football Players Mothers’ Association (PFPMA) led us to Euwayne Denise Wayne, President of PFPMA and mother of Reggie Wayne. She was reigning at the PFPMA’s 15th Annual Pre-Season Conference when we caught up with her. WOW learned that PFPMA is a 15-year-old association that renders support to rookie and veteran moms, as well as to their sons. It was established in 1997 by mothers of the NFL players. They recognized that there was a need for a space where mothers could come to for knowledge about the challenges, benefits and expectations of being another seasoned NFL Mom. According to Wayne, the vision of PFPMA is to reach out to new mothers that need to know about the business of the NFL and to become informed advocates for their sons. According to Wayne, “Transitioning into the fast-paced world of the NFL will increasingly become a smoother process with the knowledge and support from our PFPMA Moms.”Wayne has been in PFPMA for 11 and one half years. She was excited; she has completed her first year as president of PFPMA and felt that she was successful in leading her mothers to a whole new level. When asked about her son Reggie, Wayne stated, “He plays for the Indianapolis Colts as a Receiver. He is in his 12th season and loving it. Fans scream every time he steps on the field and rush over to him for autographs. He has truly turned into an offensive leader with the reenergized Colts.” Regarding why Reggie chose to stay with the Colts, she responded, “Reggie truly wants to be with the Colts. He feels that he can help bring this franchise back to its old winning ways. He believes in what he is doing.”




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WOW: What advise do you have for mothers whose son is showing potential for a career in the NFL? EW: Whatever your child is interested in, take

interest, whether it is sports or not. Mothers need to show their sons even more support and listen to what he has to say.

WOW: Do your son have a foundation? EW: Yes he does and it is called the Reggie Wayne

WOW: Ms. Wayne, what are some of the benefits of being a NFL Mom? EW: Great experience. You get to meet wonderful

foundation. He works with kids in church and in the community. He has a tutoring program for kids. He takes them on trips and has been doing this for over 12 years. Last year the kids were taken on a cruise. The foundation requires that they stay out of trouble and make good grades. I am very proud of his work with the foundation.

people, and your life changes for the better if you and your son(s) take advantage of the opportunities that you are being blessed with.

Foundation, who would they contact?

WOW: Do mothers of sons that are in the NFL have

EW: They can reach us at

an opportunity to exercise their influence over the contract that their son signs with the NFL?

WOW: If kids wanted to apply to participate in the

EW: No, we have no influence whatsoever over the

terms of the contract. This side of the business is strictly between the son’s agent and the NFL. Of course, our sons have a voice in the negotiating of the contract. All contracts are not the same; they vary according to what terms were negotiated on behalf of the NFL Player.

WOW: What advise do you give to your son to carry with him on his NFL Journey? January/February 2013





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OW caught up with America’s favorite Sports Mom, Mama McNabb, the Campbell Soup Mom, Wilma “Char” McNabb, in Atlanta where she and her family were attending the Professional Football Players Mothers’ Association (PFPMA) Convention held at the Western Hotel in Buckhead. We all remember the commercial that Mama McNabb did for Campbell Soup. That famous commercial ran for over six years, and she became known around the nation as the Campbell Soup Mom. McNabb, the mother of Donovan McNabb, is a registered nurse by trade, married and has four grandchildren from her quarterback, Donovan McNabb. Mama McNabb is a comedian, philanthropist, noted mentor and mother to two sons, including an NFL superstar. Our Campbell Soup Mom proudly stated to WOW, “I can truly say I am wealthy with pride in my son, Donovan McNabb. He has truly served well.” WOW: Talk about some of the challenges that you have had to face as the mom of an NFL Superstar. CM: A challenge we sometime have is media. As long as your son is in the limelight, they are going to talk about you. It is very hurtful, but we are going to get through that too. Another challenge, our sons sometimes get injured. I can remember when Donovan McNabb got his first injury; we were scared, and I was just crying, and one of the mothers called me, Donna George, mother of Eddie George. She said,“Your son played a fantastic game.”I was so encouraged. WOW: Let’s talk about the NFL Mothers Professional Organization. 78


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CM: The Professional Football Players Mothers’ Association, better known as PFPMA, is such a supporting organization for our sons and the mothers. Our job is to help the rookie mom get through. We have been in existence for 15 years. We were established in 1997 by mothers. We just keep it moving, trusting in God. I served as president of PFPMA for five years, and prior to that I was Vice President and prior to that Regional Coordinator. We do our Annual Convention in various states around the nation. WOW: Mama McNabb, who is Donovan McNabb? CM: Donovan is my quarterback. He has always had a love for football; he has played football from grammar school through college. Syracuse University gave him a scholarship, and after college he moved to Philadelphia and asked me to move with him. I did and managed his affairs. He was a young boy right out of college. As his mom, I knew I needed to be there for him. Whether he wins the game or loses the game, we, his parents, are always going to be right there with him. He was a first round draft pick in 1999 by the Philadelphia Eagles, and the second player overall. He raised the bar with

superstar accomplishments on and off the playing field. During his first 11 seasons in Philadelphia, he helped resurrect an Eagles franchise that finished 3-13 in 1998, the year before he joined the club. With Donovan under center, the club posted one of the best records in the NFL, averaging 10 wins per season. In addition, the Eagles went to the postseason eight times, won the NFC East Division five times, played in five NFC Championship Games, and had their first Super Bowl berth in 24 years. Donovan quickly established himself as one of the finest players in Eagles franchise history. His 4,746 pass attempts, 2,801 completions, 32,873 passing yards, and 216 TD passes are franchise records. Donovan piloted the club to more wins (92), postseason games (16) and postseason victories (9) than any other QB in team history. Counting his last two seasons — in Washington and Minnesota, respectively — his 98 wins rank 12th in NFL history behind eight Hall of Famers and three sure-fire selections (Brett Favre, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning). While best known as one of the top players in the National Football League, the six-time Pro Bowler has parlayed that platform to a more expansive audience. In both the profit and nonprofit worlds, Donovan’s influence has risen above the playing field and into the boardroom and broadcast booth. In 2002, just three years after his graduation from Syracuse University with a degree in communications, he was named to the school’s Board of Trustees. Donovan is a family man, married to his college sweetheart and raising four children. He is the man who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars and raised millions more to open a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Voorhees, NJ.

PLAYERS during his tenure in Philadelphia through the American Diabetes Association and At Risk Youths programs. Every year he gives scholarships to students attending the high school he attended, Mt Carmel High School in Chicago. He displays countless acts of kindness by giving out Thanksgiving dinners to needy families in Washington D.C. and Minnesota. Donovan started his foundation with a desire to make a difference in the life of those who already have diabetes and suggest preventive measures for those who are on the borderline. Statistics tells us that over 15 million people in the United States alone have diabetes, but nearly 5 million people are unaware that they have contracted the disease. Preventative measures, however, can reduce the possibility of the spread of diabetes. These preventative measures include educating, regular exercise, controlled diet and regular checkups by a doctor.

WOW: Thank you, Mama McNabb, for such an

informative interview. By the time this article airs, former quarterback Donovan McNabb will have retired and joined the NFL Network Broadcast Team. Well deserved, Donovan. In a Bleacher Report article by Joe Boylan, September 5, 2012, it was said of Donovan McNabb, “During his career, he was hailed nationally as an elite quarterback and a great person.”

WOW: Does Donovan have a foundation? CM: Yes he does. It is called the Donovan McNabb Foundation. It was established in June 2000 in honor of his close family members that have been diagnosed with diabetes. I proudly serve as Director of the Donovan McNabb Fund. He has raised thousands of dollars to support the children with Diabetes Camp January/February 2013





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DM: The name of the foundation is “I think I Am.”

It was founded in November of 2008. The name comes from a French philosopher, who said “I think, therefore I am.” The Word of God says, “As a man thinketh in his heart so he is.” The I Think I Am Foundation (ITIAF) is a Warner Robins, Georgia, based 501c3 nonprofit organization that focuses on children that have been placed in the foster care system and or adopted. The (ITIAF) is making a global impact within communities, one child, one parent at a time. I Think I Am Foundation was a lifelong dream of mine to help children who are given up for adoption or placed in foster care to realize their unlimited potential, despite their beginning.


s we studied the members of PFPMA while waiting for makeup to finish with them, I immediately noticed the woman that I had communicated with often over the previous few days, Deanna Moore. I found her to be a very fascinating woman. To look at her, you would think that she looks too young to be the mother of a seasoned NFL Player. She, in fact, is the mother of Kyle Moore, a line backer and defensive end with the Buffalo Bills. She gave me the impression that she is a very determined and caring woman that walks with a purpose. She does not simply occupy space on Planet Earth; she utilizes the time that she has very well. We were very blessed to meet her, her son and her husband at the PFPMA Convention in Atlanta. It was indeed a family affair. While in college Deanna was a strong athlete herself. During her interview, she was very gracious and funny. WOW: Deanna, what is your position with the Professional Football Players Mothers’ Association (PFPMA)? DM: I serve as the Media Coordinator for this conference, and I am also the Southern Regional Coordinator. I think this is a wonderful organization. I have met so many mothers with the same energy as myself. We have so much in common, the welfare of our sons. We must stay focused and keep them grounded. Kyle was drafted from college. So we have come a long way on this journey. WOW: I can truly say that I have found all of the

mothers of PFPMA to be very nice and caring. All 80


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of you are truly amazing women full of strength, determination, courage and confidence. Deanna, please share your story with our readers. DM: I was given up for adoption and placed in

foster care. I was later adopted out of foster care by a remarkable woman, Fannie May Jones. She is the reason I am as successful as I am today. She always believed in me and taught me how to believe in myself. There were times when I would go with her to the houses she cleaned for the wealthy. At the age of 5, I told her that one day I was going to have a house and drive a nice car like the ones parked in their garages. I was also going to travel all over the world and have a maid too! We were very poor at the time, but Mama lived to see everything I dreamed I would have that day! My motto is “What I can imagine, I can achieve!” I knew I needed to give back; thus, the “I Think I Am Foundation” was founded.

WOW: Tell us about your foundation.

PLAYERS that will improve self image, self worth and self actualization. The foundation was able to raise a little over $25,000. We host a yearly camp for children. To request additional information please email us at

ITIAF hosted a Celebrity Sports Moms’ Tour May 30-June 3, which made an impact in the Middle Georgia area by visiting the Dove Center and Rescue Mission of Macon, the Safe House of Macon, The American Professional Institute (API) and HODAC of Warner Robins. Some of the NFL Mothers spoke at local businesses, such as Destiny’s Boutique and Golden Corral of Centerville. Each mother shared their own stories of abuse, drug addiction, single parenting, rape, etc., and encouraged each person to not focus on their current circumstances. ITIAF launched its first fundraising efforts with a Celebrity Midday Soirée on June 2, 2012, in Warner Robins, Georgia, which was a huge success. The soirée was held to raise awareness of the mental and emotional challenges often faced by families of children who are given up for adoption, placed in foster care or in other at-risk situations. Proceeds from the Celebrity Midday Soirée went toward ITIAF’s programs that promote the importance of maintaining positive thinking and belief patterns. The goal is to foster sustainable training initiatives January/February 2013





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Season’s Collide: Dealing With The Family Secret.” Out of my pain as a mother whose child has experienced molestation, I birthed an organization called “Breaking The Silence.” It is for abused and molested kids and their families. Also, I am the founder of Prayer Warriors for the Game, whose mission it is to lead and encourage intercessors to pray and minister to professional athletes. The goal of this dynamic ministry is to win these athletes to the Kingdom of God while ministering to their personal needs in a highly confidential manner.

“The Power of a Praying NFL Mom”


race and elegance are words which truly describe the multifaceted ministry of Dr., Pastor, and Evangelist Sirretta Williams. It is no surprise that expectancy fills the air as this dynamic woman of God begins to minister the Word of God with prophetic authority and God ordained power to shake the gates of hell. Tearing down the strongholds of the enemy is the norm in this very powerful ministry because of this servant’s faithful obedience to the call of God on her life for the last 23 years. In the spirit of the “power of a praying NFL mom” we highlight Dr. Sirretta Williams, the driving force and mother of retired NFL Player Laveranues Coles of the NY Jets. As a mother of a famous NFL player, she has bonded with other NFL mothers and their families to stand in the gap and continuously pray for their sons. We know that professional football is one of the most popular sports in our country and displays some of the most highly distinguished, robust athletes to ever grace the field. It is a sport that requires great strength, focus and endurance, which oftentimes comes with the high price of fame and fortune. In the midst of all the competition, the injuries, the wins and the losses…and even the wealth, these players are covered by the unyielding, unwavering support and fervent prayers of those women they call “MOM.” We met with Pastor Williams at the PFPMA Conference in Atlanta. It was as if electricity was in the air when conversing with her. WOW: Dr. Sirretta, what is your position with PFPMA and duties associated with that position? SW: I am the National Chaplain for the Professional Football Players Mothers’ Association(PFPMA). As per my duties, I open us up with prayer, close us out in prayer. At our events, we sometime have an actual service where I minister to the NFL Moms and their guests. Every week I am responsible for putting out an encouraging word or a newsletter. I have just completed my first year. It’s been really great and very 82


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WOW: What are some of the challenges you faced being an NFL Mom?

interesting to learn that so many women have such strong faith. After my son, Laveranues Coles NY Jets, came aboard with the NFL, I ended up joining this great organization called PFPMA. My position within the Kingdom was recognized, and I was appointed to this position. WOW: Tell us a little about who you are. SW: I have been a pastor in Jacksonville, Florida for 23 years. I began to minister the Word of God in 1992 and was later ordained Pastor and Evangelist at Spoken Word Ministries Church under the leadership of Apostle Kim Daniels. I have been pastoring my own church for nine years. I am the founder of Lion of the Tribe of Judah Ministries,which serves as a bridge for men transitioning from prison back into society, as well as ministering deliverance and inner healing to the people of Jacksonville, Florida. My doctorate degree is in psychology. I am licensed and certified in counseling as well. After my own personal testimony of abuse and molestation, I went into this field to try to help other people heal from it. I have been blessed and seasoned to minister the Word of God all over the United States and abroad. I have ministered in Frankfurt, Germany, Alaska and Hong Kong, China. In addition, I have ministered to groups as large as 10,000 to 13,0000 people. After my appearance on the Oprah Show, I authored “When Your

SW: People think that our sons make a lot of money; therefore, everybody comes from everywhere with dreams and ideas and they feel that you are doing them an injustice if you don’t support their dream or their vision. They don’t understand that after you go to a certain status, you have to try to maintain that status, as well as manage your money for a long length of time because retirement comes around the corner very fast in the NFL. Transition is very hard for the player, as well as the family because they can’t do the things that they use to do. Time in the NFL is not that long. Normally their life span [in the NFL] is from three to seven years, maximum. Some of the players go pass seven years, however they are just blessed by the Lord to be able to do that. Many of them are coming out very damaged and very hurt with injuries that they will deal with for the rest of their lives. I am referring to concussions, broken limbs, messed up knees,and some barely can walk. They show you the glamorous side where they are running up and down that field, but they don’t show you the side with the pain and what those guys have to go through to end up on that field every week.

PLAYERS billion out of one being chosen. We have been blessed that our children were one of those statistics, but after they get there they have to hold up. The price they have to pay to play on that team and be on that field is very high. To see them traded back and forth like a piece of commodity is disheartening. We are very proud of our sons, and we thank God for their discipline and making a way for them to stand before millions every week and play this gruesome game called football. Most of our sons were raised in the church. They were raised by mothers who love God and they know the word. Dr. Sirretta L. Williams is the pastor and founder of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Ministries, based in Jacksonville, Florida. She is the founder of Prayer Warriors for the Game, whose mission is to lead and encourage intercessors to pray and minister to professional athletes. She is also the founder of Breaking The Silence, a nonprofit organization that provides practical support systems for victims of abuse who have determined to break the silence. She is an author of “When Your Season’s Collide: Dealing With The Family Secret,” a chronicle of her journey as the mother of a victim of sexual molestation. Dr. Williams holds a Doctorate in Christian Psychology from Jacksonville Theological Seminary and Word Bible College. Pastor Sirretta Williams currently resides in Jacksonville, Florida. She is the mother of two, Laveranues and Rashetta. She is the proud grandmother of five, Trillion Isaiah, Landon Christopher, Taylor Laveranues, Amariah Noviah and Ja’Nia Lauren. Her son, Laveranues, is an outstanding professional football player with the New York Jets. You can connect with Dr. Sirretta Williams on Facebook or email,

WOW: How have you helped your son transition into retirement from the NFL? SW: My son was in the NFL for 12 years; he just retired. We are in the process now of helping him transition. It’s just helping him mentally accept that he is not going to be on the field anymore, which was his decision. Sometimes a part of him wants to go back and another part says I want to come out as whole as I can possibly come out so that I can live a regular life afterwards. If I had to speak to young men right now who’s dream is to play professional football, I would say get your education because you are going to need something after football to fall back on. We know that the statistics of playing professional football is not that great; it’s one point something January/February 2013





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LS: Always. Matter of fact, I didn’t want him to play football. He started playing very young because my second son Eric was playing football, recreational league. Eric played, so Takeo (they were close in age) wanted to do what Eric was doing. My husband agreed to let him go out there. The funniest thing was Takeo couldn’t really make a tackle or anything because he was the smallest one at the time.

“Lillie Spikes and the Great Warrior”


n 1976, Lillie Spikes gave birth to one of America’s top NFL players, and even though she wasn’t sure what to name him at first, his life seemed predestined to be that of a “great warrior,” and her assignment was clear. She and her husband Jimmy would raise him to be humble, grateful and strong, that is, strong enough to grow in self discipline, hard work and perseverance. Early on, Mrs. Spikes often made deals with her young son to help balance his needs vs. his wants, a principle that her son Takeo (meaning“great warrior”in Japanese) and his three siblings don’t take lightly to this very day. As a retired special education teacher of 30 years, Lillie Spikes of Sandersville, Georgia, now enjoys a life of family, traveling and fellowship with the Professional Football Players Mothers’ Association (PFPMA). It is said that behind every great warrior is a great teacher. However, as history continues to repeat itself, we know most likely it’s a great mom.“Each year during July I look forward to the PFPMA Conference. This year it is being held in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Western Hotel. I served as Coordinator of this awesome event,” said Spikes. WOW: Lillie when did you become a part of PFPMA? LS: PFPMA was formed in 1998. At the time I was

working and did not join until 2002. I like being around positive people and women who have the same interests as I have, a son in the NFL. My son Takeo plays with the San Diego Chargers. This is his second year with them. I have three other children, three boys and one girl. Takeo is the 84


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PLAYERS if you are flying high, everybody is with you, but if you go low, then you’re down there by yourself.

WOW: Has he ever been injured? LS: He has. Matter of fact, he played successfully

youngest of the boys. WOW: How Did Takeo Get His Name? LS: My husband was named Jimmy Lee at the time

Takeo was born. We hadn’t picked out a name, so I asked my husband did he want the baby to be named after him, and he said “no” because “Jimmy Lee” was an old fashioned name. During this time the Prime Minister of Japan was named Takeo Miki. I didn’t know the meaning of the name, but I liked the name. I later learned that the name meant “great warrior.” I did not find that out until he was playing with the Cincinnati Bingles. One of the news broadcasters told me that it meant “great warrior,” and really I could not have picked a better name. He’s been playing for 14 years now, and he is still loving it; he is just as excited about playing now as when he first started playing. WOW: Were you fearful that he would get hurt

playing football?

for about eight years before he really got a serious injury. The first one was when he tore his Achilles in buffalo. He had hamstring issues. Then the second one that he had, that was devastating, when he tore his Achilles. I felt so sorry for my son, but he was determined that he was going to work through it. And he made it through. They thought that was going to be a season injury and that would end his career. Takeo was one of those kind that just didn’t listen to negative talk because he believed in himself and God. He sat out for the remainder of the season, but he came back the next year. Last year he had a concussion; this year, so far so good. WOW: What are some of the challenges of being an

NFL Mom?

LS: The most challenging thing for me right now

is being without my husband. I lost him in 2001. Truly, living alone is very challenging for me. Another thing that can be challenging is making major decisions without his help. WOW: Are there things that surprised you since

becoming an NFL Mom?

LS: It opens a lot of doors or opportunities for you

if you are in the right place. However, I learned that January/February 2013





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FY: He has created the Vince Young Foundation, which works with incarcerated children. I oversee his foundation. WOW: At the time of this interview,Vincent Young was number 10 Quarterback with the Buffalo Bills. He has been in the NFL for over six years.

“My mother’s work and vision has already reached many people in need of spiritual guidance and love. I fully support the Felecia Young Ministry as she continues to change the lives of many people who have struggled to overcome their addictions and find God.” Vincent Young


OW! We met the amazing Felicia Young and came away stunned at the humility that seems to fold as a cloak around her. Her very essence spoke of an inner peace and faith. Yes there is certainly more to Ms. Young than an NFL Mom. In an interview with her at the PFPMA Convention in Atlanta, we were able to see that for ourselves. Young was more comfortable telling us about her awesome son, Vince Young, than she was talking about herself. She did not tell us that she was the author of the bestselling novel “Touchdown From Heaven, ”Nor, did she go into details about her ministry. Our research revealed that Young’s ministry has taken her as far as Israel, South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Young’s heart is for prison ministry. She spends much of her time ministering to the lost and forgotten ones that live behind prison walls. She enjoys her work in a ministry that empowers women. WOW: Felicia, I know you are a member of PFPMA and feel that PFPMA has been such a support for you and your son. Where did it all begin for your son? FY: Vince got into this business of football when he started with the little league. I was a working mom and happy that he had found something positive to keep him busy. I almost lost him when he was 9 years old. He was 86


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hit by a car while riding his bicycle. They did emergency surgery on him because his intestines were ruptured. God gave me a second chance with my son. Channel 13, ABC News, did a story on him about bicycle safety during the time the bicycle helmets came out. He played in the Rose Bowl Championship game, and they actually brought out that news clipping of the article done on him concerning bicycle safety. The year he became the MVP for the University of Texas, he left school early. We prayed about it and he got the third pick for the Tennessee Titans. After four years of playing with the Titans, he got hurt. Vince has always been a winner, so it was hard for him when that happened. People booed him, but God had another plan for his life. He left Tennessee and got picked up by the Philadelphia Eagles Franchise. He was later picked up by the Buffalo Bills. Vincent is 28 years old, married and has three children. He has really matured and makes very good choices. WOW: Felicia, what’s next for you and Vince?

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of the

Minneapolis. Youths 7 to 16 years old, boys and girls, attended. The Barber Foundation has donated computers and printers to inner city high schools in Dallas, Texas and Minneapolis. In addition, we have donated funds to support programs at the Minneapolis North Side YMCA, [we’ve had] food drives, [and donated] toys and clothes. We believe in giving back.


aren Barber, a member of PFPMA, is a phenomenal woman. She boasts of NFL experience from three different aspects: her husband and her two sons and possibly a third son. Karen happily tells everyone that she is married to her High School Sweetheart for 30 years, Marion Barber Jr. Their oldest, Marion Barber III, played six years with the Dallas Cowboys and one year with Chicago Bears. He decided to retire from the NFL this year. Dominique is also in the NFL. He spent four years with the Houston Texans and is waiting on the call to join his new team. Thomas is their 14-year-old. He is on his way to high school and according to Karen, just a bundle of LOVE. In spite of that great success, we found her to be very humble, gentle and caring. She was very interested and instrumental in the story of the NFL Mothers being told. She worked untiringly with Lillian Spikes, Coordinator of the PFPMA Convention in Atlanta to help make this the very successful convention that it was. Karen retired from a career in fundraising and decided to create her own jewelry designs. She named her business Karen’s Design. She designs custom-made jewelry, using precious stones, gems and sterling silver. All designs are made from the heart. WOW: Karen, I know you held a position on the Board of PFPMA, so tells us what you think of the organization and what position did you serve in?

KB: The NFL Moms are wonderful to work with. I love PFPMA. We are very supportive of our rookie moms, each other and our sons. I served in the capacity of National Events Coordinator. 88


January/February 2013


WOW: Karen, how would families get in touch with you to enroll their children in your Football Skills Camp? KB: They can email us with their request at, and we will review their application.

WOW: What are some of the challenges that you and your husband have encountered since your sons entered the NFL World? KB: When your sons get drafted into the NFL, expectation of you and your son now changes. All of our sons in the NFL have different contracts. Some make more money than the others. It is according to the contract that was negotiated on their behalf. WOW: Karen, share with us a little about your family. KB: My husband and I are retired. Previously, I worked as a fundraiser. I stay busy with my jewelry designs. We do very well. They are one of a kind, custom-made for the individual. WOW: Tell us about your sons’ Foundation? KB: Our sons are strong on giving back to our youth, so they founded The Barber Foundation, a 5013c, organization five years ago, and they have been really busy. This year was the fifth year for the Barber Foundation Free Football Skills Camp in the Intercity of January/February 2013



mother’s of the


WOW: I can see why you love him so much. I understand he knows Michael Vick quite well. Did he talk about the situation with Michael Vick?


rom single mom to Executive Director, Joenethia White continues to be a praying NFL mom. Born and raised in Charleston, SC, she has two sons, Sharod and Tyrone. Sharod is known as “Roddy” White, and he is the wide receiver for the Atlanta Falcons. Also, White is currently a part of five living generations. This NFL mom has a powerful impact on the lives of her children, especially Roddy White, whose professional status keeps her humble, compassionate and frequently on the road to Atlanta with her faithful travel companions, her mom and grandmother. We were so excited when the call came that we would be interviewing the renowned Joenethia White, a member of the Professional Football Players Mothers’ Association (PFPMA) and mother of one of the most promising athletes starring in the NFL League today, Roddy White. She is full of smiles when she talks about him.

WOW: Joenethia, I know that you are a member

of PFPMA, so tell us what type of support PFPMA provides to mothers of NFL players? JW: I like this organization because I love helping

people, and I like giving and helping the best way I can. We help unfortunate children and give to charitable causes like the Children of Atlanta Habitat for Humanity and an Atlanta Shelter for Women and Children. More importantly, it is a huge 90


January/February 2013

JW: He loves Michael Vick; he really does. They had a very good relationship. Whenever he did something with the kids, he would say “bring Michael Vick.” When they put Michael Vick in prison, he said, “They need to let that man out because his friends did it, not him.” They are still good friends today, and he was recently in Michael Vick’s wedding. WOW: What are some of the challenges of being the mother of an NFL player?

support and praying organization for all mothers who have sons in the NFL. WOW: What is it like to be the mother of a famous

football player?

JW: First, to be his mother is a blessing from God.

I keep him prayed up in Jesus Christ because anything can happen in football. I want to stay ahead in this game.

WOW: When did you recognize that he was destined to be a famous football player? JW: I would say when he was six years old, because

he always said he was going to be a professional football player. I asked, “Are you sure about that?” He said, “Yeah, Momma, I’m going to be the best wide receiver in the league.” I laughed and told him, “You are not going to be the best wide receiver.” He said, “Watch, just watch me, Momma. I will succeed and you will not have to work anymore.”

JW: Everybody thinks you are rich and comes to you whether they are close family, cousins or neighbors …Because my son has money, everyone thinks I have money. People come to me asking for help, but oftentimes I have to tell them that I am only the mother of an NFL player. WOW: So they think you are rich! JW: Yes, they think we as mothers have the money. And I have to say, there are a lot of NFL mothers that are not rich — “stuck up maybe”— but not rich. I don’t think we should look down on others because some of our sons have money. You don’t put others down because of where God has blessed you to be. So I try to abide by that principal. If I can help someone, I will. WOW: We talked about the challenges, but what are some of the benefits? JW: The benefits of being an NFL mom: For some of us, we don’t have to work anymore, and we don’t have to worry about how our bills are going to get paid. For most of us, our sons have provided us with homes and cars. Yes, it is a blessing to have a son in the NFL.

PLAYERS JW: Yes, and I love it. When he first started, I told him all I needed was for him to pay my trailer off and I would be happy. He paid it off, and a year later he bought me a house. Earlier, I told him that I did not need a house. It would be enough for him to pay off my trailer. He smiled and bought me a truck. I told him I was happy, and he didn’t have to do anything else for me. He said “Mommy, I told you when I was 6 years old that I was going to take care of you when I became an NFL player.” WOW: How many 6 year olds would remember a promise made at that young age? How awesome is that? He must have been very persistent and focused. JW: Yes, he is a true blessing. WOW: What is the name of his foundation. JW: The Roddy White Keep The Faith Foundation. He puts on a children’s camp every year, and he brings other NFL players in to help. This year we had over 525 kids to attend. The children participated in football and cheerleading. In addition, we taught finance and leadership classes. Some of the people there were from the Arizona Cardinals and the Falcons. Julius Jones was also there. WOW: Does Roddy have a family? JW: Yes, Roddy has five children, and he spends as much time with them as possible. He loves to take them on vacation. He is a blessing to his entire family … his grandmother, his great-grandmother, his aunts … He tries to do whatever he can do to help everyone. He has a giving spirit. He gives to the Boys & Girls Club and Children of Atlanta Habitat for Humanity. Here in Charleston, he gives to Humana Kids, and every Thanksgiving and Christmas he donates dinners to families in need.

WOW: Did your son buy you a house?

January/February 2013



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JW: That’s all we need! (Laughs) Roddy has been to the Pro Bowls four years in a row, so all we need is to get to the Super Bowl. I believe we will. I said to him, “All I want is to get past the 1st round, and he said, “Mom, we get in, but the first round always kicks us out.” I told him this year we will make it; we will get past the 1st round!”

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WOW: Thank you so much for sharing with us and allowing us to get to know you and your life as an NFL mother.

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JW: Thank You and I appreciate you.

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January/February 2013

we salute the women who are the heartbeat of the players on and off the field


CROWDFUNDING: ON THE NEW FINANCIAL KID THE BLOCK WOMEN OF WEALTH MAGAZINE WAS INVITED TO COVER AN EVENT in Atlanta, Georgia, that left us excited and exhaling. It was enlightening, encouraging, promising and empowering, so much so, that we opted to become a part of this incredible movement. $3.7 trillion sitting in traditional IRAs, Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds, and they are all nonperforming according to Dara Albright, host of this Crowdfunding Symposium and Founder of NowStreet Media. Albright, a leader in financial markets reform, told WOW that NowStreet is part of a movement to repair a damaged capital market system with the inclusion of a marketplace that encourages longer-term small cap growth investing. There is very little growth in the traditional market. American workers will never enter the Social Security program. There will be a whole generation that will not have social security or savings. America needs a mechanism to create jobs and opportunities for a larger percentage of people to create wealth. According to Albright, “For far too long our capital markets have been monopolized by high frequency traders and a handful of supersized banking conglomerates at the expense of our small businesses.” Furthermore, Albright says that there is a new and very exciting game that is being played out in the United States now. “We are witnessing a renowned moment in history, the embryonic period of this cutting-edge stock market change. The U.S. regulatory environment, its capital markets and 94


the innovation that drives those markets are simultaneously on the threshold of extraordinary change.” There is a financial paradigm shift that is taking place in the financial world today, and we are a huge part of it! God bless America. On April 5, 2012, the “Jumpstart our Business Start-ups Act” (JOBS ACT), introduced by Congressman Patrick McHenry of North Carolina’s 10th District, was signed into law by President Obama. Congressman McHenry, who serves as a Deputy Republican Whip, is a member of the House Financial Services Committee. In 2011 Representative Patrick McHenry introduced The Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act (H.R. 2930) to foster relationships between investors and entrepreneurs. What this JOBS ACT effectively does is amends unjust regulation that has stymied economic growth by restricting the small investors’ access to private growth companies and by granting large corporations a disproportionate advantage in raising capital in the United States. This piece of legislation has the potential to finally narrow the nation’s great wealth disparity. The SEC has 150 days to create rules to govern it. On January 1, 2013, the law will be made legal. Now is the time for Americans to come together and talk about what the rules should be. We are seeing a new kind of stock market. Main stream media has not grasped the importance of this new development and has not sufficiently notified the public of this new game changer for Americans. According to Albright, she started

January/February 2013

NowStreet to spread the word. This is a way to put the prosperity back into America. The only way to fix the problem is to fix the market structure. We can look at Facebook and see what is wrong with the stock market. Small Investors could not get into it. All the guys in Silicon Valley invested; however, the American public was shut out and did not have the opportunity of investing in Facebook, a $104 billion dollar value. We wanted in then, not now, just to become the Silicon Valley’s exit strategy. Early shareholders and employees stock became available, then that brought in credible investors that created a game changer. The JOBS ACT is providing a market to small investors, which we did not have before. It is a new way to raise capital for your business. Small business can now raise capital through crowdfunding. Multiple Investors no longer have to go public to raise money through multiple investors. This new JOBS ACT will have great impact on the public. Crowdfunding for equity is still illegal but crowdfunding for rewards is legal. For example, the Pebble Watch Company, using its product raised 3 million dollars on Kickstart. A Company that created espresso machines for the consumer raised hundreds of thousand dollars. Both companies raised the money but did not give out equity, only rewards. It is a new day for entrepreneurs and the public. There has never been a more opportune time for smaller investors and entrepreneurs to capitalize on change. We say farewell, NASDAQ, the most

powerful stock market in the world. Albright concludes by saying, “The next wealth generator has been unleashed.” Do your due diligence and get in the game. The Symposium was very well attended and boasted of such renowned speakers as Congressman Patrick McHenry. The JOBS ACT panel gave us a very informative overview. Speakers included Vince Molinari, CEO of GATE Technologies; Sara Hanks, Cofounder and CEO of Crowdcheck; John D’Agostino, Global recognized leader in exchanges, asset management and market structure; Richard Salute, Capital Markets and SEC Practice Director with J.H. Cohn; Freeman White, CEO and Cofounder of; and Jonathan Wilson, Member of Taylor English. Another panel taught us about capitalizing with Equity-based crowdfunding. Speakers included Richard Swart, Executive VP of Grow America; Ryan Feit, CEO of Seedinvest; Kris Anderson, U.S. Operations Manager for Grow VC International Limited; Scott Purcell, Founder of Arctic Island; and Eric Corl, Co-founder of Fundable. We also heard a crowdfunding Success Story from Gleb Polyakov with PID-Controlled Espresso Machine. Next, we learned about Raising Capital in a Social Media Driven World, and our panelists included Sean Carr, University of Virginia’s Darden School Of Business; Gene Massey, CEO of Mediashares; April Rudin, CEO of Rudin Group; and Robert Dobyns, Founder/CEO of Conzortia Business Funding, Inc.

The final panel discussed lending opportunities for the small business owner and included such renowned speakers as Candace Klein, founder and CEO of Bad Girl Ventures and SoMoLend; Connie Koch, President, Southern California Region of Keiretsu Forum; Dr. Charles Sidman, Managing Partner of ECS Capital Partners and Angels; Steve Cinelli, CEO of Primarq; Yvan De Munck, Principal of Edgewood Capital; and Chochol Gupta, CEO of Rebirth Financial. No one was left out; Albright even had a panel to specifically address Foreign Funding for U.S. Venture Development. The panelists consisted of Michael Gibson, Managing Director of USAdvisors, Overseas funding; Teri Simmons, Partner at Arnall Golden Gregory LLP; John Gornall, Partner at Artnall Golden Gregory LLP; and Mike Xenick, Co-founder of LGC. In addition, we heard from Steve Repetti, CEO of RadWebTech, who spoke on “Capitalizing on Innovation.” We also heard from James A. Jones, Director of Business Development at Accuplan, who spoke on “Structuring Retirement Accounts to Gain diversified Exposure to today’s Fastest Growing Private Companies.”

DARA ALBRIGHT, Founder of NewStreet Media

Dara Albright and NowStreet hosted the Crowdfunding Symposium. Albright is the founder of NowStreet, the author of the NowStreet Journal, a primary provider of analysis and insight into the private company marketplace, as well as the legislation and innovation currently fueling it. Prior to NowStreet, Albright has held a distinguished 20-year career in investment banking, investor relations and institutional sales. Albright has helped raise capital for companies across the globe in a variety of industries at various phases and rollouts. Prior firms that she has worked for include Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Divine Capital and Citigate Dewe Rogerson. She is a graduate of George Washington University and holds securities industry Series 7, 24 and 63 licenses. To reach Dara Albright, email her at dsa@

January/February 2013




Reduce your taxable estate through gift giving For high and ultra-high-net worth individuals, a central function of an estate plan is to minimize taxes and preserve as much of your estate as possible. “Gifting” assets to your beneficiaries during your lifetime is a popular estate planning tool, designed to remove property from your estate to help reduce estate taxes, while also enabling you to give gifts tax-free (within certain guidelines). The federal government (as well as certain states and municipalities), assess taxes on estates over a certain threshold. Until the end of 2012, $5.12 million is exempt from federal estate gift tax, with the excess to be taxed at a 35% estate tax rate. * Effective January 2013, however, only the first $1 million will be exempt and the highest estate tax rate will rise to 55%. Simply put, gifting this year means you can transfer more of your estate during your lifetime without it being subject to a gift tax. Gifting assets now not only provides the benefit of removing the assets from your estate where they may be subject to higher estate taxes when you die, it also serves to remove the future growth on the gifted amount from your estate, saving further taxes. Some popular gifting strategies to reduce estates are:

True wealth management means having a holistic view of all aspects of your financial life. It involves understanding what’s important to you and the causes and goals you find meaningful. These should all form the basis of an estate plan suited to you and your family’s circumstances. Putting a plan in place, however, can be a complex challenge. Let’s partner together—along with your tax advisor and our network of professionals—to identify and implement strategies for your goals, such as managing estate taxes, planning for business succession and maximizing gifts.

• Funding college costs for children and grandchildren. You can make a contribution to a 529 college savings plan, which will be treated as a gift to the beneficiary. This year, the gift tax annual exclusion amount is $13,000, so you can gift up to $13,000 to any individual tax-free, and to all individuals over your lifetime up to the maximum exemption amount (currently $5.12 million). You are permitted to accelerate up to five years’ worth of such contributions, putting in as much as $65,000 at once ($130,000 with your spouse), but that contribution will be treated as if it were being made in $13,000 installments over five years. This can remove considerable assets from your estate while preserving your lifetime gift and estate tax exemption.

The Sage Partners

Life and legacy: charting a start Today, the advice you receive can give you confidence that the wealth you’ve worked so hard to achieve will protect your family’s future and be transferred in a way that reflects your wishes for years to come. It’s especially critical in today’s challenging environment to establish and maintain a comprehensive estate plan. With UBS, our trusted advice and a network of estate planning specialists will all come together to pinpoint the ideal strategies for your plan and help ensure that the legacy you envision will become a reality. The financial security of your family depends not only on how you manage your wealth today, but also on how it will be managed and maximized in the future. It involves preserving your estate to the greatest extent possible for the use of your loved ones and for wealth to be transferred promptly and peaceably when the time comes. Let’s take a look at a few of the essential core elements of any estate plan:

UBS Financial Services Inc. Sage Partners 299 South Main Street Suite 2100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111-2370 801-524-1827 888-660-5750 Allison Smoot, CFP®, CIMA® Sr Vice President--Investments 801-323-2446 Terri Yeckley, CFA Sr Vice President--Investments 801-323-2445 Elizabeth Nielson Financial Advisor 801-323-2440

• A will. Your last will and testament directs the distribution of much of the property you own upon your death. (Some assets pass outside of a will based on their titling, such as a joint account with rights of survivorship or an IRA through a beneficiary designation; for this reason, correctly titling of assets is essential.) It also names an executor for your estate and guardians for any minor children. • Advance medical directives speak for you should you become incapacitated. A health care proxy appoints an individual to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to communicate. And a living will states your wishes in regard to end-of-life medical treatment.

• Power of attorney (POA). This authorizes someone to make business or legal decisions on your behalf. There are differ ent kinds of POAs. Some go into effect under certain circumstances (e.g., incapacity) and others stop going into effect under certain circumstances (e.g., when a person reaches the age of majority), while others are durable, or last despite circ umstances.

• Making payments directly to educational or healthcare institutions. You can pay an unlimited amount annually on behalf of an other person, as long as you send the money directly to the institutions where the expenses were incurred. Qualifying medical and educational expenses are generally not considered gifts and can be made in addition to the annual exclusion amount. • Donating to charitable organizations. By investing in charitable gift funds and community foundations, donations can stretch be yond your lifetime. Charitable gift funds permit you to make a tax-deductible donation, grow your donation, and then direct a contribution—in your name—to nonprofits of your choice whenever you like.

Protect assets and preserve wishes with trusts As part of a comprehensive estate plan, a trust can help you preserve your wealth during your lifetime and facilitate the transfer of assets to your descendants or to a charity that you value and support. There are many different types of trusts and varying goals they seek to accomplish, including: minimizing estate and inheritance taxes; protecting assets from the consequences of disability, family conflict, spendthrift beneficiaries, bad business decisions or other legal issues; providing for special needs children throughout their lifetime, as well as minor children or grandchildren; and enhancing privacy, since trust assets avoid probate’s public proceedings. Briefly, three trusts often included in estate plans are: • Bypass or credit shelter trust. This enables both spouses to take advantage of the estate tax exclusion amount which would not be available if each spouse simply left everything to the other. Assets equal to the estate tax exclusion amount are placed in trust after the first spouse’s death (currently $5.12 million). At the second spouse’s death, the heirs receive both exclusion amounts tax-free. • Irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) can remove life insurance proceeds from your taxable estate. The proceeds may be used to pay estate costs and provide beneficiaries with tax-free insurance proceeds. Since the trust becomes the policy owner, you forfeit the right to borrow against it or change beneficiaries. ILIT proceeds can be very useful and, for example, provide financial support to heirs until they can sell an illiquid asset like a business. • Qualified terminable interest property trust (QTlP): In a QTIP—often used in the case of second marriages—the surviving spouse receives income for life but the balance is left to someone else, typically the decedent’s children. It takes advantage of the marital deduction, provides an income for the surviving spouse, but controls who the ultimate beneficiaries will be. UBS Financial Services Inc. does not provide legal or tax advice. Any discussion of tax matters contained herein (including any attachments) is not intended to be used, and cannot be used or relied upon, by any taxpayer for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or tax-related matter(s). *State estate taxes may also apply. All tax rates are subject to change. UBS Financial Services Inc. and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. Clients should consult with their legal and tax advisors regarding their personal circumstances. CIMA® is a registered certification mark of the Investment Management Consultants Association, Inc. in the United States of America and worldwide. CFP® is a certification mark owned by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are trademarks owned by the CFA Institute. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. ©2012 UBS Financial Services Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. Please visit our website at for important disclosures and information about our e-mail policies. For your protection, please do not transmit orders or instructions by e-mail or include account numbers, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, or other personal information.



January/February 2013

January/February 2013


97 “What does all this mean for MY retirement?”

idual v i d n i es ould h m s i t t a e h s e “W in th o d s r tility o a l o v t e invest mark e m e r t x of e tainty? r e c n u and rees, in i t e r d l ou How sh , position their lar particu ” o? portfoli

Retirement Investment Strategies for Uncertain Times These are truly uncertain times for investors. While markets have rebounded from the sharp declines of The Great Recession, many investors are still wary of the sharp ups and downs which have occurred during the recovery. Uncertainty over sovereign debt in Europe, plus speculation that the European union itself might fall apart, combined with slowed growth in China and anemic growth here in the US have whipsawed markets around the globe. At home, gridlock in Washington over how, and if, to stimulate growth and how to deal with the deficit, plus last year’s downgrade of US government debt due to Congress’s drawn out battle over the debt ceiling has left investors on a wild roller coaster ride. November’s pending presidential election is the latest phenomenon spurring a lack of confidence among investors. With the prospect of another fiscal game of “chicken” over tax cuts and deficit reductions, it is un98


January/February 2013

derstandable that many investors are confused and just plain frustrated about what to do with their retirement money. That confusion is amplified by the steady drone of financial news widely available to investors. Unfortunately, despite more financial news being available to the individual investor than at any time in our history, the only certainty investors have gleaned from this informational overload is more uncertainty. What should individual investors do in these times of extreme market volatility and uncertainty? How should retirees, in particular, position their portfolio? Should they be entirely in bonds? In overseas markets? Should they be in equities at all? What about commodities? Will the huge run-up in government debt at home and abroad result in inflation? Or will sluggish economic activity sink us into the murky world of deflation with prices declining for lack of demand? Investors are asking

Here are a few suggested answers. But first, some questions. The first step to a successful retirement is to envision the kind of retirement you want. How will you spend your time? Traveling, golfing, tennis, dining out? The next step, once you can clearly see that picture, is to ask, how much income you will need to support that lifestyle. We say “income” because retirees need income for the rest of their lives. Traditionally, advisors have tended to focus on asset size, thinking that a large enough portfolio will produce sufficient income to support the desired lifestyle. The flaw in that thinking is that it does not sufficiently consider the uncertainty of returns, nor the impact of inflation on the portfolio’s purchasing power. What retirees really want to know is that they will have enough income to support their lifestyles for the balance of their lives. With the uncertainty of markets, investors are right to be cautious, especially with the growing disappearance of pension plans in portfolios and the guaranteed income they once provided. In this sea of uncertainty, where can investors place their bets to have the best chance for a financially successful retirement? Our answer to this problem is simple: don’t expect the market to solve all these problems. Instead when it comes to basic needs in retirement, look for income solutions – not investment returns. Food, clothing, shelter, utilities, medical care, property taxes and homeowners fees are too critical to leave to chance. Tom Hegna, in his book Pay Checks and Play Checks: Retirement Solutions for Life, suggests that these retirement necessities should be covered by guaranteed sources of income not investment returns subject to the vagaries of the market. Remember too, the market’s timing may not be the same as your timing. The market has no regard for your age or your retirement date or how long you live. Hegna recommends, and we concur, for retirement, invest in guaranteed income sources. Despite worries about the long term health of the system, Social Security benefits are a guaranteed source of retirement income. If you are lucky enough to have a defined benefit pension plan (with a lifetime retirement check), you have another source of guaranteed income. Unfortunately, with the number of such plans declining nationwide, this benefit

Raiford Roman & Associates is fast disappearing from the American retirement landscape. Hegna argues, and again we concur, annuities are an excellent way to provide this retirement “pay check.” The “play check” in Hegna’s book refers to income to cover non-essential, but still important, activities. These expenses might include travel, golf fees, club memberships, dining out, cultural events or any of the many leisurely things that people want to do in retirement. Hegna makes the point that more money is spent on Saturday than any other day of the week. Why? Because, Saturday being a non-work day, people have the time to spend it. In essence, Hegna says, “ In retirement, every day will feel like ‘Saturday’”. Being able to spend on non-essentials will be vitally important to the quality of your retirement life. Here, too, annuities can play a part in your retirement - providing “play checks” as well as “pay checks.”

peace of mind, but the flexibility to use more of your money while you’re alive! Life insurance can also cover any estate tax liability, meaning your heirs will net even more from your assets. Finally, it can leverage – multiple times – the amount of any gifts to charities. In summary, while markets may be volatile and uncertain, your retirement investment strategies don’t have to be. Structure your retirement investments to get guaranteed income for your needs (and perhaps even your wants). Use life insurance and long term care coverage to provide additional certainty. This combination allows you to control the things you can, (the amount of income you will have in retirement and the financial legacy you leave behind), while reducing the risks from the things you can’t control – market volatility being at the top of the list. The opinions above are of Dwight Raiford and Don Roman and

A well-diversified investment portfolio with sensible asset allocations and rebalancing can also help work to supply some of the “play checks.” Unlike food, clothing and shelter, these “play expenses” (travel, golf and other recreational costs), can be adjusted fairly easily. So, having a portion of your play money in unprotected, but well diversified, investment portfolios can help provide income for play, but also liquidity in case of emergencies. Also, a portfolio with an equity component may be one of the best protections to help against inflation, while having a fixed income component can help smooth out returns (of course never guaranteed). Finally, a word about legacy. Most people want to live the life they want in retirement and leave something for loved ones and favorite charities or institutions. But, what if the markets go against you, or inflation flares up and you have to use more of your assets to support your lifestyle? Won’t that affect the funds you can leave behind? What if you get sick and need care? Will that eat up your guaranteed income and your assets, leaving your heirs and charities out in the cold? The solution is insurance – life insurance for your heirs and charities and long term care insurance for non-medical costs, either at home or in a facility.

not of MetLife nor its affiliates.

Dwight Raiford is a financial services representative and Senior Financial Planner with Raiford, Roman & Associates, an Office of MetLife. A graduate of Yale College and Harvard Business School, he has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry. Don Roman, a financial services representative and Senior Financial Planner, is also a Yale graduate with a JD degree from Harvard Law School. Together they advise affluent clients with comprehensive financial planning services. They operate from New York and Atlanta. Don Roman & Dwight Raiford

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MLIC), New York, NY 10166. Securities products and investment advisory services offered by MetLife Securities, Inc. (MSI) (member FINRA/SIPC) and a registered investment adviser. MLIC and MSI are MetLife companies. L0712271707[exp0713] [AL,CA,DE,GA,NC,NJ,NY,TN,TX]

Knowing that your financial legacy to your heirs and the institutions you care about are covered by life insurance will provide not only

Hegna, Tom, Pay Checks and Play Checks: Retirement Solutions for Life, Acanthus Publishing, Boston, MA, 2011, various pages. Ibid, Hegna, page 42

January/February 2013



10 Things Professional Women Should Know About Their Financial Future Courtesy of: Dan Moss, Jr., CFP®, Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor Branch Name: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Atlanta/Pinnacle Phone Number: 404-365-3674 Web Address:


10 Ten Things Professional Women Should Know About Their Financial Future


Anticipate that you are likely to live a long life. And plan accordingly. In fact, according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, a woman who reaches age 50 today without serious health problems can anticipate celebrating her 92nd birthday. Women in the United States, on average, will live to reach 81.1 years of age, compared with men’s life expectancy of just 76.2. 1 So if you’ve always left money matters to your husband, start learning why you need to know how to manage on your own.


Beware of being overly conservative in your investments. While there is a correlation between your age and the amount of risk you should assume when investing, being too conservative can seriously erode the value of a retirement account. You may need to rely on this money for 30 years or more. That’s why you should think of retirement as a long-term investment. Consider keeping a significant portion of your portfolio in stocks, as long a possible.


Pay yourself first. Invest for your future now. By investing systematically over a period of time, you will be surprised how fast your nest egg can grow. Hypothetically, if at age 25 you began investing about $5,000 per year ($417 per month) and earned an 8% return, you could build a nest egg of about $1.3 million at age 65.


Choose an IRA that’s right for you. Take advantage of complimentary IRA and pension calculators, or ask your Financial Ad visor to run a calculator for you, to compare the projected results of contributing to different types of accounts, including transferring assets from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.


6. 100

Fund your IRA, 401(k) or other employer-sponsored program to the maximum. You can build up a good portion of your retirement savings if you contribute the maximum allowable amount into deferred income plans, such as a 401(k). You will you reduce your current taxable income, and the tax-deferred compounding feature of these plans allows you to accumulate more than you would in a comparable account that taxes earnings each year. Remember this special Social Security tip: Even if you are divorced, you are entitled to half of your ex-spouse’s Social Security benefits if you are 62 or older, were married for at least 10 years and have not remarried.2 A widow, as long as she WOMENOFWEALTHMAGAZINE.COM

January/February 2013

doesn’t remarry before age 60, is entitled to at least 71.5% of her husband’s Social Security benefits. If she waits until full re tirement age, she is entitled to 100%. For more information on your particular circumstances, call the Social Security Admin istration at 1-800-772-1213. 7.

If you are employed and decide to switch jobs, check your complete benefits package, including the portability and vesting rules of your retirement plan. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that, on average, working women over age 25 switch jobs every 4.8 years.3 This job-change frequency often limits the growth of retirement plan assets due to vesting requirements typically set at five years.


Investigate your employer’s tuition reimbursement benefits. In the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2011 Retirement Confidence Survey, 74% of workers said they expected to work for pay in retirement.4 Going back to school to develop “secondary employment skills” or to learn a new field can be a tremendous benefit if you choose to make a career or job change at a later date.


Consider long-term care health insurance. Since the cost of spending a year in a nursing home can exceed $100,000 in some parts of the country,5 and the average duration of care is about three years,6 you could face unplanned expenses of at least $300,000 in retirement.


Plan ahead to make sure you don’t leave everything to Uncle Sam. If you expect to leave something to your heirs, establish an appropriate estate plan. Without proper planning, estate taxes, state taxes and income taxes on retirement plan distribu tions could reduce your estate substantially. Essentially, your heirs may receive only a fraction of what you’ve worked so hard to accumulate.


Call your financial advisor to discuss your goals. To put build a financial strategy that will help you achieve your ideal retire ment, consult with your legal, tax and financial experts regularly.*

1 The World Bank, life expectancy charts, 2 Age 60 if your ex-spouse is deceased, 50 if you are disabled. Dana Anspach, “Key Things to Know About the Social Security Spouse Benefit,”, 3 Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, “Number of Jobs Held, Labor Market Activity, and Earnings Growth Among the Youngest Baby Boomers: Results From a Longitudinal Survey,” Sept. 2010. PDF available at 4 Retirement Confidence Survey, Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2011, 5 Genworth 2009 Cost of Care Survey, page 6. PDF available at care.html. 6 Ibid. * Bonus step. For More Information If you’d like to learn more, please contact Dan Moss, Jr., CFP®, 404-365-3674, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney does not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult with your tax or legal advisor for such guidance. For clients whose account is carried by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney offers insurance products in conjunction with Morgan Stanley Insurance Services Inc. For clients whose account is carried by Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Morgan Stanley Smith Barney offers insurance products in conjunction with SBHU Life Agency, Inc. The author(s) and/or publication are neither employees of nor affiliated with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“MSSB”). By providing this third party publication, we are not implying an affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, approval, investigation, verification or monitoring by MSSB of any information contained in the publication. The opinions expressed by the authors are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of MSSB. The information and data in the article or publication has been obtained from sources outside of MSSB and MSSB makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of information or data from sources outside of MSSB. Neither the information provided nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation by MSSB with respect to the purchase or sale of any security, investment, strategy or product that may be mentioned. Article written by McGraw Hill and provided courtesy of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisor [FA NAME] Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. 370108 January/February 2013



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