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Newton’s Toolbox Experiments

Index Balancing Blocks


Equal and Opposite - Balloon Pinwheel


Equal and Opposite - Balloon Rocket


Center of Mass




Friction Board


Inertia and Mass 1


Inertia and Mass 2


Newton’s Cradle


Penny in a Cup


Second Law Separation


Supply List




Children’s Literature




Balancing Blocks


A stack of blocks, or books, can be balanced in a surprising way that seems to defy gravity. Even though it may look ready to tumble, the stack of blocks can be surprisingly stable. It just requires patience and practice finding the center of mass.


12-15 Jenga blocks

What To Do

On a steady tabletop stack all of the blocks vertically with the long side of the blocks parallel to the front of the table. Move the top block to one side as far as possible without allowing it to fall. Move the top two blocks together in the same direction so that they are just balanced on the edge of the block below. Continue by moving the top three blocks, then the top four, and so on, so that each time a group of blocks is moved it overhangs the block below it as far as possible. While moving the blocks notice how far each group can be moved as compared to the one before it. Try to find a pattern.

Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where is the center of gravity for a single block? Why is that not the point at which each of the blocks in the stack is balanced? How can the center of gravity of a group of balancing blocks be found? Was there a pattern in the distance each of the blocks could be moved? How else can the blocks be surprisingly balanced?


The center of gravity of each block is in the very center of the block. That is why the top block could be moved so that the center rested on the edge of the block below it. But when the top two blocks were moved together the center of gravity of the second block was not the point balanced upon the edge of the third block. The center of gravity of the combination of the first and second blocks was the point balanced on the edge of the third. With each movement the center of gravity of the growing group of blocks was positioned over the balance point. The first block was moved one half of its length, the second block was moved only one fourth of its length because it was also supporting and balancing the top block. The group of the top three blocks was moved one sixth of a block length. Other materials could be used, such as a stack of textbooks, just as long as the stacking materials are uniform.


“The Spinning Blackboard and Other Dynamic Experiments on Force and Motion.” Paul Doherty and Don Rathjen and the Exploratorium Teacher Institute, John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1991. © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Equal and Opposite - Balloon Pinwheel


When a balloon is inflated and released without tying the inlet, the balloon flies all over the place as the air is released. The balloon and the air flowing out of the balloon travel in opposite directions. The Third Law of Motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This information can be used to create a balloon pinwheel.


Pencil with an eraser Straight pin Round balloon Flexible soda straw Tape

What To Do

Tape the inlet of the balloon around the straw at the end opposite the flexible joint of the straw. Make sure that the seal is airtight so that the straw can be used to inflate the balloon. Inflate the balloon by blowing through the straw, and once inflated pinch off the straw near the balloon inlet. Push the pin through the straw about an inch and a half from the balloon inlet. Push the pin into the eraser end of the pencil, but leave room for the straw to twirl around freely. Hold the pencil and release the opening of the balloon. Does the pinwheel spin? Re-inflate the balloon and experiment with different straw angles and balloon sizes to make the pinwheel spin well.


1. Why did the balloon not spin when it was first released? 2. What force caused the balloon to spin? 3. In what direction was the balloon spinning? In which direction was the air being released from the balloon? 4. Were these forces equal and opposite as Newton’s Third Law states they should be? Suggest other examples of Newton’s Third Law.


The equal and opposite action and reaction in this experiment were the balloon’s motion and the motion of the air. The air forced out of the balloon caused the balloon to react in the opposite direction. Since the balloon was attached to the straw as a pinwheel, this motion resulted in a circular path. When two actions like this fit the Third Law of Motion, they are called a Third Law pair, and in this experiment the motion of the balloon and the motion of the air are the actions that make up the Third Law pair.


“Blast Off.” Lee Brattland Nielsen, Teacher Ideas Press, Englewood, 1997, p.25-26. ISBN 1-56308-438-4 © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Equal and Opposite - Ballon Rocket


When a balloon is inflated and released without tying the inlet, the balloon flies all over the place using the force of air. Have you ever noticed that the balloon and the air are flowing in different directions? The Third Law of Motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. A balloon rocket is a great way to observe this.


Balloon 15 feet of string Straw Tape

What To Do

Thread the string through the straw. Then attach the ends of the string so that the string is pulled tight. Blow up the balloon and hold it shut, but do not tie it shut. Tape the balloon onto the straw and pull it so that the inlet of the balloon is to one end of the string. Let go and watch the balloon rocket travel across the string.

Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.

What force caused the balloon to move across the room? In what direction was the air flowing out of the balloon? What direction was the balloon moving? How fast would the balloon travel if it were not inflated as much? How fast would it travel if it were inflated more?


The balloon traveled in the opposite direction as the air escaping from it. The air provided the force for the balloon to travel and thus produced equal but opposite (in direction) actions. The amount of air blown into the balloon affects how quickly the balloon travels in a number of ways. Adding more air to the balloon gives a greater force to move the balloon, but the extra air also adds mass, which increases the balloon’s inertia and requires the use of more force to move it. Try a variety of balloon sizes to observe how the amount of air affects the motion of the balloon. Overall, the Third Law of Motion is shown by the action of the movement of air in one direction out of the balloon and the reaction of the motion of the balloon in the opposite direction.


“Physics for Every Kid.” Janice VanCleave, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1991, p.142-143. ISBN 0-471-54284-9 “Investigate and Discover Forces and Machines.” Robert Gardner, Julian Messner, Englewood Cliffs, 1991, p.48-50. ISBN 0-671-69046-9 © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Center of Mass


The center of mass is an important concept in physics. The center of mass is the point at which an object can be balanced. Sometimes finding the center of mass of an object can be challenging, especially if the object has an odd shape. This experiment illustrates a simple way to find the center of mass of some interesting shapes.


Cardstock Single Hole punch String Washer (1 in diameter) Nail (3 1/2 in) Paper clips

What To Do

Cut odd shapes out of the cardstock and make sure each student has at least one shape. The shapes should have three or more sides and should have straight or nearly straight sides. On each side of the shapes punch one hole about 1/4 inch from the edge. Attach the string to the washer and tie a loop in the other end. Tape the nail down to the edge of a table so that the end sticks out by approximately 1.5 inches. Slide the shape onto the nail and then slide the loop end of the string on after the shape. Let the washer hang until it stops moving. Draw a line on the shape that follows the string. Repeat step five the hole on each side of the shape so there will be as many lines drawn as there are sides to the shape. The place where all the lines cross is the center of mass of the shape. It should balance if supported at that point by a fingertip or a pencil point. Try changing the center of mass by adding paperclips to the shape at a number of locations. Test where the support needs to be placed to balance the shape with paperclips and compare that point to the original center of mass.


1. Could you balance your shape on the center of mass? 2. How did the center of mass change when you added weight to your shape? 3. Where would the center of mass be located for a square? Where would it be for a circle? Where would it be for a triangle? 4. Connect to the foam airplane experiment that was done earlier this year. The weight is added to the front of airplane to adjust the center of mass of the plane so that it is just in front of the tail wing.


The center of mass can easily be found for various shapes using this method. Also, the center of mass can be found much faster if the shape is symmetrical. The center of mass changes as the mass of the object is redistributed. It was clear from the experiment that the center of mass moves toward the place where the mass was added.


“Science is Fun” in “Playground Physics.” Janet Tarino, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, 1994, p. 77-80. © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.



The law of inertia, Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion, states that an object tends to stay at rest or in remain in straight line motion if no outside force acts upon that object. It can also be described as the resistance of any object to change in its motion. Inertia is seen everyday and most commonly recognized while riding in a car. In this experiment, Newton’s First Law will be examined through a car crash.


Car (capable of having some type of action figure attached) Action figure Rubber Bands Wooden board as ramp Stationary object for the car to crash into

What To Do

Build a ramp using the wood board and several books. Position the stationary object about two car lengths in front of the ramp. Use tape to secure it. Set the car at the top of the ramp and place the action figure on the car. Then let the car race away down the ramp. What happens to the action figure when the car is stopped by the crash? Try the run a second time, but strap the action figure to the car with the rubber bands. (This acts as a seatbelt for the action figure). Test several ramp slopes to observe the effects of various speeds on the distance the action figure travels after the crash.

Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.

When the car stopped what happened to the action figure? Why? What force was it that acted on the car but not the action figure? Did the rubber bands hold the action figure in place? Describe the forces acting between the car and the stationary object? The force between the car and the rubber bands? The force between the rubber bands and the action figure? 5. How did the different slopes affect the distance the action figure was thrown? Which crash had more force?


Both of the objects, the car and the action figure, have the property of inertia. Inertia is a basic property of all matter. After traveling down the ramp, both objects had some type of motion. When the car hit the stationary object an outside force acted on the car but this force did not act upon the action figure. This resulted in the car stopping and the figure continuing to travel. However, with the seatbelt, several forces were acting together with the result of both the car and the figure stopping at impact.


“Physics for Every Kid.” Janice VanCleave, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1991, p.142-143. ISBN 0-47154284-9 “Teaching Physics with Toys.” Beverley Taylor, James Poth, Dwight Portman, Terrific Science Press, Middletown, 1995, p. 101-105. ISBN 0-07-064721-6 © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Friction Board


Friction is a force that both resists motion and makes movement possible. Friction is the resisting force when two materials slide across each other. The types of materials affect the amount of frictional force. This experiment is designed to test the effect various materials have on frictional force.


Cork board Foil Felt Sandpaper Double-sided tape Waxed paper Coins (quarters are best) or 1” washers Books, or something to prop the board up to make a steep ramp

What To Do

Cut strips of felt, foil, sandpaper, and waxed paper that are about two and a half inches long and are as long as the corkboard is wide. Tape the strips next to each other on the cork board and leave a section of corkboard uncovered. Prop the finished board up on a pile of books to make a steep ramp. The strips of the different materials should be vertical, so each one can act as a ramp. Hold a quarter flat against the board at the top of one strip of material. Release the quarter and count how long it takes for it to slide down to the bottom after being released. Repeat this with each of the different materials and compare the results. Also, try racing the coins down the ramp.


1. It took the longest time for the quarter to slide down which material? Over what material did the quarter travel fastest? 2. Which material created the smallest amount of friction with the quarter? What characteristic of the material contributed to the small amount of friction? 3. Is there more friction between smooth or rough materials? Why?


“Investigate and Discover Forces and Machines.” Robert Gardner, Julian Messner, 1991, ISBN 0-671-69041-8 © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Inertia and Mass 1


Mass has an effect on almost all aspects of our lives. Inertia, the resistance to change in motion, is one property of all matter that is affected by changes in mass. This can be observed in the varying resistance to motion of objects with different masses.


1 kg weight 0.5 kg weight String Spring scale (5 N) or 2 rubber bands

What To Do

Tie a piece of string in a bow around each of the weights. Attach the spring scale to the 0.5 kg weight by hooking it through one of the loops of the string. Pull the weight across the table by pulling on the spring scale. Notice how much force is used. Use the spring scale to pull the 1 kg weight across the table. Notice how much force is used. If using rubber bands instead of spring scales and string, wrap one rubber band around one weight. Cut the other rubber band to make a straight piece. Tie the straight piece of rubber band to the one wrapped around the weight. Pull the straight rubber band to move the weight and measure how far the band had to be stretched. Repeat this with the other weight using the same rubber bands. Compare the length the band had to be stretched to move each weight.


1. For which weight was more force required to move it? For which weight did the rubber band have to be stretched further to just begin to make it move? 2. Which weight had the most inertia? 3. What was different about the weight with more inertia and the weight with less inertia? 4. How can we relate the properties of mass and inertia?


Both the weights have inertia and both have mass. However, the larger weight has more inertia because mass and inertia are related. The more mass an object has the more inertia it has. The force applied from spring scale, or the rubber band, acted as the outside force to cause motion in the weights and it was easy to see that more force was needed to overcome the inertia of the heavier weight.


“Physics for Every Kid.” Janice VanCleave, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1991, p.132-133 ISBN 0-47154284-9 “Science is Fun” in “Playground Physics” Janet Tarino, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, 1994, p. 41-45. © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Inertia and Mass 2


Mass has an affect on almost all aspects of our lives. Inertia is one property of every object that is affected by changes in mass. This can be observed in the resistance to motion of objects with different masses.


4 marbles Styrofoam cup Scissors Meter stick Ruler with a center groove Books for a ramp

What To Do

(1)Build a ramp using the book and the ruler. Try to make a ramp with an incline of approximately 20 degrees. (2)Use the scissors and cut out a square (1” x 1”) from the side of the cup. Make one edge of the square hole run along the very bottom of the cup. (3)Place the cup at the bottom of the ruler with the square opening facing the ruler. (4)Place the meter stick running parallel with the ramp and with the zero mark at the point where the cup and the ruler meet. (5)Roll a marble down the ramp and record how far the cup moves when the marble strikes it. (6)Leave the first marble in the cup and reset the cup at the bottom of the ruler. (7)Roll a second marble down the ramp and observe and record how far the cup travels this time. (8)Repeat step seven with three marbles in the cup.


1. When did the cup move the farthest? 2. Why did the cup not move as far when a marble was inside the cup? 3. What would happen if we were to roll a larger marble down? Would the cup move farther or less? 4. What property of the cup is it that is resisting the change to motion?


Every object has inertia and mass. Initially the cup does not have much mass, so the marble rolling into it has a significant impact on the movement. However, when more mass is added to the cup by adding marbles it has more resistance to change in motion. In other words, the cup has more inertia when it has more mass.


“Science is Fun” in “Playground Physics” Janet Tarino, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, 1994, p. 41-45. © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Newton’s Cradle


The law of inertia, conservation of momentum, and Newton’s Third Law are all illustrated by Newton’s Cradle. This popular toy consists of five steel balls suspended from a sturdy frame. When one of the balls collides with the others the actions and reactions of the entire system demonstrate Newton’s laws.


Newton’s Cradle Balls of various weights to be used in the cradle

What To Do

There are five balls in a row suspended from a frame. Pull a ball away from one end of the row, and then release it so it collides with the four stationary balls. Observe the results of the collision. Try this again, but pull two balls away from one end and release them together. Observe the results.Try all of this again, but use a cradle that has balls of varying masses. How does this change the results?


1. How does Newton’s Cradle show the Third Law of Motion (every action has an equal and opposite reaction)? 2. When one ball collided with the other four balls how many of the balls moved in response to the collision? Why? 3. Would the same results be seen if the balls were not the same size and weight? How might differing sizes or weights affect the motion of the balls in Newton’s cradle?


Newton’s First Law, the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force. The ball that is pulled back and released wants to keep moving, and the stationary balls would like to remain motionless. The collision that takes place between the moving ball and the stationary balls results in forces acting upon all the balls in the system. The moving ball has a certain amount of momentum (a tendency to remain in motion) and when it is stopped by the collision, this momentum is transferred to the next ball in the line. The next ball cannot go anywhere since it is sandwiched, so it transfers the momentum to the next ball in line. This transfer of momentum continues until the momentum is given to the last ball in the line. Because its movement is not blocked, when the last ball receives the momentum it continues on the path of the first ball. This process will repeat itself, going back and forth, until the energy of the system is lost to air resistance, friction, and vibrations and all the balls again come to rest. When two balls are pulled back and released then two balls at the opposite end will move. This is the result, rather than one ball moving with twice the momentum, because both momentum and energy must be conserved. The only way to satisfy that condition is if the same number of balls are ejected as were hit. Newton’s Third Law, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, can be observed by the motion of the Newton’s Cradle system.

Source © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Penny in a Cup


The law of inertia, Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion, states that an object tends to stay at rest or in straight line motion if no outside force acts upon that object. It can also be described as the resistance of any object to change in its motion. Using inertia, we can drop a penny into a cup without touching it.


Penny Clear plastic cup Index card

What To Do

Place the index card over the cup’s opening. Place the penny on the index card directly over the center of the opening on the cup. With a fast motion, flick the index card straight out from under the penny and watch the penny fall into the cup.


1. To which object was a force applied by the flick and which object was not acted upon by the flick? 2. Why did the penny fall into the cup and not fly off with the index card? 3. What force held the penny in place while the card was flicked out? What force brought the penny down into the cup? 4. Would the penny move in the same way if sandpaper was used instead of the index card?


The inertia of every object resists the change in motion. In this case, the inertia of the penny held it in place while the index card was flicked out from under it. The force acting on the index card was not applied to the penny. After the index card was moved from under the coin, gravity supplied the force to bring the penny down into the cup. If a force had been applied to both the card and the penny, then both would have moved and the penny would not have fallen into the cup.


“Science is Fun” in “Playground Physics” Janet Tarino, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, 1994, p. 29-32. “Experiments in Motion.” Robert Gardner, Enslow Publishers, Inc., Springfield, 1995, p. 11-12. ISBN 0-89436667-4 © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Second Law Separation


The second law of motion states that when a force is applied to an object, that force is equal to the objects mass times its acceleration. If the same force is applied to two objects of different masses how will each react? Many factors are part of this, but this experiment will primarily examine one factor, mass. Afterwards, a conclusion about the relationship between mass and acceleration can be made.


Two toy trucks (one large mass and the other small mass) Spring type clothespin Plastic Tab (BRead bag fastener cut in half lengthwise) Rubber bands Meter stick

What To Do

Attach the clothespin (open side down, the side that you squeeze with your fingers) to the larger truck using the rubber bands. This can be done by wrapping the rubber bands around the truck and then one of the teeth of the clothespin. Make sure that the rubber band does not restrict the movement of the tires. Now squeeze the open end of the pin and place the plastic tab in the top to hold the clothespin open. This may take a few tries to get it to stay. Place both cars face to face with each other, each touching the clothespin between them, and place the meter stick so that the 50cm mark is where the two trucks touch. Flick the plastic tab so that the clothespin snaps open and creates a force that moves both of the cars in opposite directions. Observe the differences in each of the cars’ travels.

Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.

Which truck moves the farthest? What caused each truck to move? Was it the same force on both? What is different about the two trucks that would cause the difference in travel length? How does this relate to Newton’s Second Law stating that F = m x a (force equals mass multiplied times acceleration)?


The force applied to both trucks is the same because it comes from the same origin. The clothespin applies the same force to both trucks, but the one with less mass travels farther faster because of the relationship described in Newton’s Second Law. This experiment also shows an example of the Third Law of Motion -- for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.


“Science is Fun” in “Playground Physics” Janet Tarino, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, 1994, p. 129-132. © S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.


Supply List Balancing Blocks 12-15 Jenga blocks

Center of Mass

Cardstock Single Hole punch String Washer (1 in diameter) Nail (3 1/2 in) Paper clips


Car (capable of having some type of action figure attached) Action figure Rubber Bands Wooden board as ramp Stationary object for the car to crash into

Equal and Opposite Balloon Pinwheel Pencil with an eraser Straight pin Round balloon Flexible soda straw Tape

Equal and Opposite Balloon Rocket Balloon 15 feet of string Straw Tape

Friction Board

Cork board Foil Felt Sandpaper Double-sided tape Waxed paper Coins (quarters are best) or 1” washers Books, or something to prop the board up to make a steep ramp

Inertia and Mass 1

1 kg weight 0.5 kg weight String Spring scale (5 N) or 2 rubber bands

Inertia and Mass 2

4 marbles Styrofoam cup Scissors Meter stick Ruler with a center groove Books for a ramp

Newton’s Cradle

Newton’s Cradle Balls of various weights to be used in the cradle

Penny in a Cup Penny Clear plastic cup Index card

Second Law Separation

Two toy trucks (one large mass and the other small mass) Spring type clothespin Plastic Tab (bread bag fastener cut in half lengthwise) Rubber bands Meter stick



“The Spinning Blackboard and Other Dynamic Experiments on Force and Motion.” Paul Doherty and Don Rathjen and the Exploratorium Teacher Institute, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991. “Science is Fun” in “Playground Physics.” Janet Tarino, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, 1994. “Physics for Every Kid.” Janice VanCleave, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1991. ISBN 0-471-54284-9 “Teaching Physics with Toys.” Beverley Taylor, James Poth, Dwight Portman, Terrific Science Press, Middletown, 1995. ISBN 0-07-064721-6 “Investigate and Discover Forces and Machines.” Robert Gardner, Julian Messner, 1991. ISBN 0-671-69041-8 NewtonsCradle.html “Experiments in Motion.” Robert Gardner, Enslow Publishers, Inc., Springfield, 1995. ISBN 0-89436-667-4 “Blast Off.” Lee Brattland Nielsen, Teacher Ideas Press, Englewood, 1997. ISBN 1-56308-438-4

Children’s Literature


“Energy Makes Things Happen.” By Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, illustrated by Paul Meisel. HarperCollins Publishers: New York, 2003. ISBN 0-06-028909-0. “Why Doesn’t the Earth Fall Up? And Other Not Such Dumb Questions About Motion.” By Vicki Cobb, illustrated by Ted Enik. Lodestar Books: New York, 1990. “Why Doesn’t the Sun Burn Out? And Other Not Such Dumb Questions About Energy.” By Vicki Cobb, illustrated by Ted Enik. Lodestar Books: New York, 1988. “How Things Move.” By Don L. Curry. Yellow Umbrella Books: Mankato, 2001. ISBN 0-7368-0724-1. “Making Things Float and Sink With Easy-to-Make Scientific Projects.” By Gary Gibson, illustrated by Tony Kenyon. Copper Beech Books: Brookfield, 1995. ISBN 1-56294-617-X. “The Magic School Bus Plays Ball: A Book About Forces.” By Nancy Krulik, illustrated by Art Ruiz. Book adaptation of an episode of the animated TV series The Magic School Bus, based on the series by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degan. Scholastic, Inc.: New York, 1997. ISBN 0-590-92240-8. “Around and Around.” By Patricia J. Murphey. Children’s Press: New York, 2002. ISBN 0-516-26863-5. “Push and Pull.” By Patricia J. Murphey. Children’s Press: New York, 2002. ISBN 0-516-26864-3. “Science Magic With Forces.” By Chris Oxlade. Aladdin Books Ltd.: London, 1994. “Forces and Motion.” By Simon de Pinna, photography by Chris Fairclough. Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers: Austin, 1998. ISBN 0-8172-4962-1. “The Usborne Internet-Linked Library of Science: Energy, Forces & Motion.” By Alastair Smith and Corrine Henderson. Usborne Publishing: London, 2001. “Forces.” By Robert Snedden. Reed Educational and Professional Publishing: Chicago, 1999. ISBN 1-57572-869-9. “The Usborne Illustrated Encyclopedia: Science and Technology.” Usborne Publishing: London, 1996. View summary “Forces and Energy.” By Alan Ward. Franklin Watts: New York, 1992. ISBN 0-531-14132-2



There are currently no notes on this unit. If you have suggestions or changes to make on the experiments or units, please email us! Our address is wow@ Š S. Olesik, WOW Project, Ohio State University, 2002.

Copyright Š 2002-2010 by S.Olesik, Wonders of Our World Project (WOW), the Ohio State University. Permission to make digital or hard copies of portions of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page in print or the first screen in digital media. Abstracting with credit is permitted.

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