37 minute read
Foam Rollers Ease Pain and Workout Recovery
by Marlaina Donato
Foam rolling— rolling parts of the body on top of a lightweight foam cylinder—targets trigger points or painful knots in muscles and is a valuable tool for reducing chronic pain and enhancing workout recovery. From sciatica to pelvic floor dysfunction, there is a foam roller for almost every condition, including low- to high-density, heated and textured types for massage-like benefits.
Research during the past several years shows that using foam rollers before or after exercise quells fatigue, improves joint mobility, lowers risk of injury and eases muscle soreness. Its effectiveness is attributed to the activation of the central nervous system resulting in better circulation and reduced inflammation.
“Foam rollers are used to relieve tension in the fascia (connective tissue), ‘roll’ out sore muscles and provide a soothing, self-controlled, soft-tissue massage,” says Amber Kivett, owner of Kivett Kinetic Solutions, in Monrovia, Indiana. “They can also be used for proprioception, balance, flexibility, core stability training and most importantly, natural pain relief.”

Freeing the Body
Fascia, the body’s all-pervasive connective tissue, tightens like an invisible net from injury and other stresses and can adhere to the underlying muscles, creating pain and restriction. “Foam rolling has the power to change and realign the 12 fascial lines responsible for human movement and support,” says Kivett. “Those same fascial lines also sense and transmit pain and emotion far greater than any nerve or muscle and respond well to foam rolling. There’s an emotional and spiritual release in the body when fascia is compressed and released. That response facilitates a structural change to human alignment and an immediate change in pain levels for all types and causes of pain.”
Foam rollers offer an opportunity for self-care, according to Los Angeles fitness trainer Ashley Borden. “Foam rolling is one of the best ways to troubleshoot your own body, keep it healthy and mobile. Using an inexpensive tool like a foam roller not only feels good, but it also connects you to your body. Foam rolling the entire body encourages circulation and an immediate feeling of relief afterwards. My clients who don’t like to work out are usually surprised how good they feel post-rollout and feel encouraged to do more.” She cites research that shows that a dynamic warm-up, paired with the use of foam rollers before and after workouts, amplifies recovery and aids in the repair of muscular micro-tears.
For Rafal Augustynowicz, founder of TeamRAF Fitness, in Kent, England, it’s about counteracting lifestyle stresses. “The foam roller is a beautiful and great tool, especially in the 21st century, when we sit too many hours. It is a great tool to get our mobility and our posture back to normal.”
Recovery, Joint Pain and Sciatica
Gently rolling targeted muscles below and above specific joints can help to resolve certain types of pain, including in the knee. “Many times, when a person has pain in the knee, it’s more than likely they have
tight muscles elsewhere—calves, inner thighs, hip flexors or glutes—and the pain shows up in the knee,” says Augustynowicz. “Foam rolling and using a massage ball have saved me many times when I had a lot of problems with my back, neck, hip and a dislocated shoulder.”
The practice can help ease sciatica, a sometimes-excruciating condition. “Most cases of sciatic pain are caused by tight muscles deep in the buttocks, including the piriformis muscle,” says Kivett. “The sciatic nerve travels through the piriformis, so if it’s tight, it will cause a sensation similar to that of sciatica nerve pain. A foam roller can be used along the back, throughout the buttocks and the legs to relieve tension, soften tissues and calm the nervous system for instant pain relief.”
Kivett, who was introduced to foam rollers during intensive physical therapy after a life-altering accident, found them to be a way to recover from severe fibromyalgia pain. “My nerves were hypersensitive from the injuries, and I used foam rolling to reboot the ‘software’ in my brain, which allowed me to engage in recovering.”
Foam rolling is an all-around boon, Borden highlights. “The immediate relief, the muscle definition, the decrease in cellulite, all of these are added benefits.”
Marlaina Donato is an author and composer. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.
what to know before a roll Amber Kivett: Ideally, it’s best to perform foam rolling right after a light warm-up for five to 10 minutes to increase circulation to the muscles and decrease tension and stiffness. If there is extra time, do a quick three to five minutes of foam rolling after a workout, but preferably after you’ve done your cool-down or some walking. You don’t have to foam-roll the entire body post-workout; just do a quick “scan” of areas that are more sensitive or painful.
For those with high levels of pain, fibromyalgia, MS, autoimmune conditions or an acute injury, I would recommend buying a low-density, soft, foam roller or [one] that vibrates, because soft and/or vibrating foam rollers are gentle to fragile areas. Ashley Borden: Foam rolling is a valuable tool for the senior population to improve overall body tightness and circulation. Assistance is needed if you have a hard time getting up and down. I would also suggest a non-slip yoga mat and using the softest foam roller first to gauge the pressure. If you feel like you have to hold your breath when you are foam rolling, the surface is too hard. Rafal Augustynowicz: Never use foam rollers on bones, joints, the spine or armpits; only on the muscle/flesh. Be informed to avoid arteries, etc. If it hurts too much, it’s probably not right. Watch tutorials or go to a professional.


Peak Wellness Creates Post-Covid Recovery Program
Peak Wellness, a wellness and detox spa located in Somers, has created a special program for anyone suffering from the lingering effects of Covid-19. Clients will receive a customized assessment along with a private session of multiple wellness modalities to aid in their overall rehabilitation and recovery. The protocol includes Exercise with Oxygen, a 10-to15-minute guided exercise session with supplemental oxygen, to help heal and rejuvenate the lungs and oxygenate the blood, brain and cells. According to Peak Wellness founder Greg Ribaudo, this technology also boosts energy, immunity, mood and well-being. The protocol also includes a combination of red light, PEMF and Scalar laser therapies designed to boost energy, optimize vascular circulation, and facilitate cellular detoxification and tissue repair. It finishes with an infrared detox sauna to help the body release toxins and recharge.
For clients who have experienced a loss of taste or smell, Peak Wellness offers an olfactory training protocol with essential oils, to speed recovery. Peak Wellness also offers emotional and nervous system support with biofeedback frequency and meditation technologies designed to release trauma and emotional stress from Covid-19.
For a limited time, new customers participating in the post-Covid program will receive three sessions for the price of two.
Location: Peak Wellness, 13 Edgewood Dr., Somers, NY. For more info, call 914.301.3393, email peakwellnessny@gmail.com or visit PeakWellnessNY.com. See ad page 39.
Promote your Fitness Business with Natural Awakenings. Call 845-593-0065
StepWISEnow Strength.Flexibility.Balance Online Classes Available 914.292.0602; Stepwisenow.com
Hourglass Women’s Wellness 33 S. Broadway, White Plains HourglassWomenswellness.com 914.831.3800
Peak Wellness Holistic Wellness Coaching 13 Edgewood Dr., Somers, NY 914.301.3393 PeakWellnessNY.com
In Balance Concepts Qigong. Tai Chi. Meditation 2505 Rt. 6, St. 108, Brewster 845.803.1992 Inbalancetaichi.com
StepWISEnow Strength.Flexibility.Balance Online Classes Available 914.292.0602; Stepwisenow.com
Crossover Yoga Project 420 S. Riverside Ave Box #223 914.319.4010 crossoveryogaproject.org
Yoga Society of New York Ananda Ashram Monroe, NY 845.782.5575 anandaashram.org
Yoga Teachers Association Workshops 2nd Sat. 1:30 pm Via Zoom until further notice ytacommunications@gmail.com ytayoga.com YOGA RETREATS
Yoga in the Adirondacks, LLC 2 Coulter Rd, Bakers Mills, NY 518.251.3015;914.556.8258 yogaintheadirondacks.com
Beacon Yoga Center 464 Main St., Beacon NY 845.440.6452 BeaconYogaCenter.org
O2 Living Sanctuary 792 Rt. 35 O2 Living Village 914.763.6320 o2livingsanctuary.com
DOBBS FERRY Sacred Spirit Yoga & Healing Arts Center 343 Broadway (on campus of South Presbyterian Church) sacredspirityogacenter.org
Golden Prana Yoga 223 Katonah Avenue 914.984.3408 goldenprana.yoga
Putnam Yoga 30 Tomahawk Street Baldwin Place 845.494.8118 PutnamYoga.com
SOMERS Zen Garden Health Coaching & Yoga Edit Babboni; CHC, RYT 200 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529 yoga.zengarden@gmail.com
YogaShine Kripalu/Meditate/Yoga Therapy 7-11 Legion Drive, 914.769.8745 yogashine.com

Please call ahead to confirm times and dates. Pre-register early to insure events will have a minimum number to take place. To place a calendar listing, email us before March 12 (for the April issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Email WPCcalendar@naturalawakenings.com for guidelines on how to submit listings. No phone calls or faxes, please.

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation – 9:3011am. Fridays, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19 & 3/26. An inspiring way to start the day. Gain greater clarity and soul awareness. $25/session. Golden Prana, 223 Katonah Ave. Katonah. Info: 914.984.3408; goldenprana.yoga.
Green Squad at Blue Mountain Reservation
– 10am-1pm. Volunteers will remove litter at Blue Mountain Reservation with Green Squad volunteer site leader.Blue Mountain Reservation, 240 Welcher Ave, Peekskill. Info: thewpf. org; 914.231.4600.
914 TLC Monthly Networking. See March 17.
Lucky and Magical Crystals for the Month
of March – 3pm. A facebook event. Free. Universal Healing Arts. Info: universalhealingarts.com.
Beekeepers Association Meeting – 7pm. Zoom. Regardless of level of expertise, the goal of this group is to share apiary experiences and knowledge while mentoring or supporting each other. For non-members, there is a drop-in rate of $15. Info: stonykill.org/programs/beekeepers. SUNDAY, MARCH 7
Follow Your Heart Part 2 Class – With Bernadette Bloom. Topics will include advanced chakra teachings, spiritual initiations, 7 rays, the eyes and the eyes of the soul. Chappaqua or virtually via Zoom. Info: 239.289.3744; theesotericbloom.com.
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation – 9:3011am. Wednesdays, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31. With Hari Sangat Kaur. In person and on Zoom.An inspiring way to start the day. Gain greater clarity and soul awareness. $25/session. Golden Prana, 223 Katonah Ave. Katonah. Info: 914.984.3408; goldenprana.yoga. Qi Gong for Beginners – 10-11am. 3/3 & 3/10. Online class. Led by Jian-Yang Rong. Similar to Tai Chi, Qi Gong consists of gentle stretching exercises that incorporate the mind and the body. Yonkers Public Library. Info: 914.337.1500; ypl.org. Women’s Wednesday – 7-9pm. Wednesdays in March. Spring cleaning on what does not serve us. $20 per session. First class is free. Zoom event. Info/ register: universalhealingarts.com.
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation –11am12:30pm. Thursdays, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 & 3/25. With Hari Sangat Kaur. In person and on Zoom. An inspiring way to start the day. Gain greater clarity and soul awareness. $25/session. Golden Prana, 223 Katonah Ave. Katonah. Info: 914.984.3408; goldenprana.yoga.
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally
– 6pm, lasts 30-45 minutes. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015; quitwithquinn.com. TUESDAY, MARCH 9
Stress and Insomnia: Breaking the Cycle – 6:157:30pm. With Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician. Free online lecture. Through the Warner Library, Tarrytown. Registration required: 914.631.7734 or WarnerLibrary.org. Saw Mill River Audubon’s Bird Chat – 7pm. 2nd & 4th Tuesdays. Join local birders and photographers on Zoom for an informal gathering to share sightings and pictures, and discuss local birds and birding places. Free. Info/register: sawmillriveraudubon.org/chat.
Guided Sound Meditation – 6-7pm. Led by Cristina Reyes-Schleifer. Participants relax the body and mind, and reduce stress to discover new levels of fulfillment. $5 donation. The World Peace Sanctuary, 26 Benton Rd, Wassaic. Info: text 917.900.7705.
Cat Spay/Neuter Clinic – 7-8:15am. T.A.R.A. hosts a mobile cat spay/neuter clinic once a month at their facility in Hyde Park. Dutchess County SPCA. Service is by appointment only. Info: 845.452.7722, x 425.
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally
– 6pm, lasts 30-45 minutes. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015; quitwithquinn.com. Kidney, Liver, Lymph: Essential Detox Pathways with Dr. Kaushik. See March 23.

Are Bees for Me? – 3-4:15pm. Zoom. Stony Kill Workshop with Jorik Phillips from Hudson Valley Bee Supply. Outlines everything from associated costs and time commitment, to dealing with pests and pathogens, to harvesting liquid gold at the end of the season. $5 donation. Info: stonykill.org.
Second Saturday Walk at Brinton Brook Sanc-
tuary – 9-11am. No registration needed but social distancing a must and all participants must bring a mask to wear if 6 feet of distance is not possible. Rain or shine. Meet in main parking area. Info: sawmillriveraudubon.org. Moving into Stillness – 1:30–4:30pm. With Hunt Parr. Combine yoga asana and pranayama practice with Buddhist mindfulness and compassion meditation methods to downregulate and cultivate a sense of integration. $45 members/$65 nonmembers in advance. Via Zoom. Info: Audrey Brooks: 914.582.7816. ytayoga.com. Westmoreland’s 17th Annual Sugarfest –2-3pm. Completely outdoor program taught by experienced Naturalists. Participants learn how to tap trees and have a COVID-safe taste-test to see the difference between 100% maple syrup and imitation syrup. $5. Must register. Info: westmorelandsanctuary.org.
Lunar Sound Bath New Moon in Pisces with
Hari Sangat – 4-6pm. With Hari Sangat. Special talk on the astrology of the lunar energies. Then relax, release and renew with the healing sounds of the gongs. In person only. $30. Golden Prana, 223 Katonah Ave. Katonah. Info: 914.984.3408; goldenprana.yoga. New Moon Event – 7-8:30pm. Zoom event. How to create balance in all areas. $20. Info/register: universalhealingarts.com.
WHN Meeting: Spring Cleaning for Your Business and Life – 7-8:30pm. Webinar Presentation with Katie Corritori. Westchester Holistic Network. Networking begins at 6:30pm. Free. Pre-registration required: WestchesterHolisticNetwork.org.
914 TLC Monthly Networking – 8:30-10am. Online via Zoom. A morning filled with connection and great conversation with Tribe TLC, a holistic practitioner and wellness entrepreneur networking community that values collaboration, connection and support. Info: 914TLC.com.
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally
– 6pm, lasts 30-45 minutes. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015; quitwithquinn.com.
How to Make Your own Crystal Grid – 7:30-9pm. Zoom event. $25. Info/register: universalhealingarts.com.
Finally - the Spring Equinox – 7pm. Join in on zoom to participate in this event and find out what this equinox joyfully means. $20. Info/register: universalhealingarts.com. Edgar Cayce Workshop on Arthritis – 1-4pm. With facilitator Jack Rosen. Learn Edgar Cayce’s holistic approach to healing arthritis using remedies; including products to make the blood system alkaline. $20 donation. The World Peace Sanctuary, 26 Benton Rd, Wassaic. Register: Ann Marie Robustelli 845.337.2599.
Energy Medicine for the 21st Century Part 2
Class – With Bernadette Bloom. Learn how to heal mental, emotional and physical issues by balancing the chakras. Chappaqua or virtually via Zoom. Info: 239.289.3744; theesotericbloom.com. Jikiden Reiki 1 Shoden Certificate Class – 10am–5 pm. (3/21& 3/28) Anne Bentzen, teacher. Original Reiki relieves stress, pain, inflammation, boost immunity. Learn history, how to follow energy and use 1 symbol, receive 3 activations, supervised practice. $350. Class size 4. 137 East Lake St., West Harrison. Info: 914.588.4079; Balancing4life.com.
Saw Mill River Audubon’s Bird Chat – 7pm. 2nd & 4th Tuesdays. Join local birders and photographers on zoom for an informal gathering to share sightings and pictures, and discuss local birds and birding places. Free. Info/register: sawmillriveraudubon.org/chat.
Kidney, Liver, Lymph: Essential Detox Path-
ways – 7-8pm.With Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician. Free online lecture. Through the Desmond-Fish Public Library, Garrison. Registration required: 845.424.3020 or DesmondFishLibrary.org. Guided Sound Meditation with Cristina Reyes-Schleifer. See March 10.

A Visit with Carl Safina, Becoming Wild – Zoom. 7-8pm. Opportunity to hear directly from Carl Safina about his latest book, “Becoming Wild.” Zoom space will be limited. Info/register: SawMillRiverAudubon.org.
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally
– 6pm, lasts 30-45 minutes. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015; quitwithquinn.com.
Soul-Vival – 9am-3:30pm. One day retreat with Holistic Therapist Wendy Pichardo Valerio and Yoga Instructor Andrea Petroni. Quiet, relaxation time for self-care and restorative practices on a beautiful farm estate. $300. Lunch included. Ryan Family Farm, Lagrangeville. Info: spiritvida.me. Lunar Sound Bath Full Moon in Libra – 7-9pm. With Hari Sangat. Special talk on the astrology of the lunar energies. Then relax, release and renew with the healing sounds of the gongs. In person only. $30. Golden Prana, 223 Katonah Ave. Katonah. Info: 914.984.3408; goldenprana.yoga.
Lunar Sound Bath Full Moon in Libra – 4-6pm. With Hari Sangat. Special talk on the astrology of the lunar energies. Then relax, release and renew with the healing sounds of the gongs. In person only. $30. Golden Prana, 223 Katonah Ave. Katonah. Info: 914.984.3408; goldenprana.yoga.

Find and post events at WakeUpNaturally.com
NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 12th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email WPCcalendar@naturalawakeningsmag.com for guidelines and to submit entries. No phone calls or faxes, please. Ongoing Calendar listings must be resent quarterly for our January, April, July & October editions.
Irvington Farmers Market – 10am-1:30pm. Main Street School parking lot (101 Main St, Irvington. Info: irvmkt.org. Beacon Farmers Market – 10am-2pm. VFW Hall, 413 Main St. Beacon. Information: beaconfarmersmarket.org. Hudson Valley Regional Farmers Market – 10am-2pm. Year-round indoor-outdoor Farmer’s Market. Pet-friendly. Organic produce, Kombucha, plants, wine, organic coffee and more. Hudson Valley Cerebral Palsy Association, 15 Mt. Ebo Rd. South, Brewster. hudsonvalleyfarmersmarket.org. Afternoon Tea & Meditation – 1pm. With Diane. Tea, conversation, guided Meditation followed by messages from tarot or oracle decks, good conversation and fun. Walk-ins welcome or by Zoom. $20. Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique, 12 W Main St, Pawling. 845.493.0432. AngelAuraBoutique.com.
Virtual YogaShine for Adults – 9:15-10:45am. Kripalu-based, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity, and compassion. Individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com.
Virtual YogaShine for Pre-Teens and Teens
– 5-6pm. Gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, Kripalubased, developing consciousness, curiosity, strength, and compassion. Individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com. PULSE Call of Hope – 8-8:30pm. With Janet Catalina. Monday evening from PULSE Call of Hope to help participants through the Covid Pandemic and envision an even better future for self and the world.Free. Info: Email catalina.janet@gmail.com.
Functional Strength – 9:30am. Zoom. Class is geared towards seniors or anyone dealing with limitations or injuries but still want to practice and improve strength. $16/drop in. Hudson River Yoga. Info: 845.797.0640; hudsonriveryoga.com.
Green Street Radio Conversations on Healthy
& Sustainable Living – 10am. With Patti and Doug Wood, produced by Grassroots Environmental Education on WBAI-FM in New York and streaming live around the world at WBAI.org. GreenStreetRadio.com. Rocks with Rhi – 6:30pm. Join Rhianna Mirabello for a half hour lecture on Crystals. The study will change for each week. Free. Facebook Live @dreaminggoddess. Info: 845.473.2206; DreamingGoddess.com. Vinyasa Restorative Flow – 7:30-8:45pm. With JoAnne Salomone, CYT. A great vinyasa flow class that incorporates restorative yoga. Open level Class.Via zoom. $10. Contact: Jo-Anne 917.364.1871. Eastchester. thetemperancecenter.com.
Virtual YogaShine for Adults, – 9-10:30am. Kripalu-based, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity, and compassion. Individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com. Midweek Rhi-View – Noon. Live on Facebook. Weekly check-in with Rhianna Mirabello. Topics range from Manifestation How-To’s, SelfCare Check In’s, or current Astrology to personal musings and current events. Dreaming Goddess. Info: DreamingGoddess.com.. Winter Market at the Valley –1:30-5:30pm (through-4/7). New indoor Farmers Market inside the Jefferson Valley Mall near the food court. 650 Lee Blvd. Yorktown Heights. Info: Bacebook.com/ TheValleyFarmersMarket.
The Angel Aura Show: The Round Table Live
Q&A – 6:30pm. Live Facebook and Instagram stream (and recording later on YouTube) from the spiritual shop in Pawling. Ask mediums questions about the Spirit World. Free. Info: 845.493.0432; AngelAuraBoutique.com.
Evidential Psychic Mediumship Class – 6-7:30pm. Via Zoom. With Star. For those seeking to unfold and improve their Mediumistic and Psychic Gifts. Learn to connect with Spirit, give evidential information and messages through various exercises. $40. Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique. Info: 845.493.0432. AngelAuraBoutique.com. Virtual YogaShine for Adults – 7-8:30pm. Kripalu-based, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity, and compassion. Lots of individual attention.First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com.
New Rochelle Farmers Market – 9am-2pm. Through Nov. 20. Located at Thomas Paine Cottage Museum in New Rochelle. Information: downtoearthmarkets.com.
Virtual Chair YogaShine, Super Gentle, for Senior Adults and Adults with Special Needs/
Health and Recovery concerns – 10-11am. Gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, Kripalu-based, developing curiosity, flexibility, and compassion. Individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com. Gentle Accessible Yoga – 10am. Zoom. Class is geared towards seniors or anyone dealing with limitations or injuries but still want to practice and improve strength. $16/drop in. Hudson River Yoga. Info: 845.797.0640; hudsonriveryoga.com.
Cold Spring Farmers’ Market – 8:30-1pm. Boscobel, 1601 NY-9D, Garrison. The indoor market. Info: csfarmmarket.org.
The TaSH Winter Market – 2nd & 4th Saturdays.
9:30-12:30pm, January-April. Outdoors at the Tarrytown Recreation Center Parking Lot. Info: tashfarmersmarket.org. Hastings Farmer’s Market – 9:30am-1pm. Outdoor winter farmers market with local meat, eggs, produce, fruit, and more. 1st & 3rd Saturdays in the commuter lot across from the Hastings-on-Hudson Metro North station. Info: hastingsfarmersmarket.org. Pleasantville Farmers Market – 8:30am-1pm. Metro-North. Pleasantville. Indoors for winter. Info: pleasantvillefarmersmarket.org.
Mamaroneck Winter Down to Earth Farmers
Market – 9-1pm. 1/9/21- 4/17/21. Outside the pavilion in Harbor Island Park. Mamaroneck.
Ossining Winter Down to Earth Farmers Market
– 9am-1pm. 01/9/21 - 5/1/21. Parking Lot near the corner of Spring and Main Streets, Ossining. Info/ updates: downtoearthmarkets.com Gossett Brothers Farmer’s Market – 9am–1pm. 1202 Rte. 35, South Salem. Info: Gossett Brothers Nursery on Facebook.
Millerton Farmers Market - Winter Season
– 2nd & 4th Saturdays. 10-2pm. Millerton Methodist Church, Corner of Dutchess Avenue and Main Street in Millerton. Info: neccmillerton.org/ farmers-market Yoga Teachers Association Workshops – 2nd Sat. Open to teachers and students, members and nonmembers. Via Zoom until further notice. Info: ytayoga.com. 914.582.7816.
March 2021

Astrology with Pamela Cucinell
Do Your Research
Regardless of how in synch negotiations or relationships seem on March 1, prepare a contingency plan. Save important conversations for late afternoon or evening on March 2 to maximize results. Bumps in the road March 3 still drive powerful outcomes; everything flows later in the evening. Prioritize time alone to recharge on March 4. A persistent message can be short-sighted March 5; request facts. Exuberance can distract on March 6, but don’t overexert.
Presence of Mind
Attention to an old wound on March 7 transforms the habit of it. Productivity and focus dominate March 8. Keep alert on March 9 when engaged with accelerated communications. There’s fabulous energy March 10 to wrap up projects and connect with like-minded alliances. Dark of moon on March 11 encourages the release of old business. This continues March 12; make way for new opportunities and visions.
Fresh Take

A powerful Pisces new moon on March 13 invites big transitions; in the morning find a moment to focus on your ultimate vision. No matter how clear the road, keep a moderate pace March 14. A confrontation defines the importance of something or someone March 15. The zone of follow- through on March 16 allows everything to hum; be open to inspiration. A tight schedule on March 17 ensures productivity. Excellent opportunities March 18 shift dreams into reality.
Spring Promise
Initial conversations on March 19 reveal differences in values. The spring equinox on March 20 indicates a cycle of increased dialogue about compassionate sustainability. Expect pushback March 21; find common ground when a shared meal feeds the soul. Weak links of support gain scrutiny March 22. Stay the course on March 23, but allow play time in the evening. Too many options March 24 fracture productivity; prioritize for best results.
Deep, Delicious Dive
Enjoy creative refreshment March 25. Laser focus hones projects on March 26. Imperfections that appear on March 27 are ripe for decisive revision. Individual expression is essential in relationships under the March 28 Libra full moon. Pressure-cooker conversations on March 29 make or break collaborations. Revelations and reflection deepen awareness March 30. Even if the journey feels too uphill, expect a lovely affirmation in the late afternoon on March 31
Pamela Cucinell offers spiritual insight with a practical twist through astrology and tarot at InsightOasis.com. Discover guidance through her website, private sessions, podcasts and webinars. For more information, contact her at 917.796.6026 or pamela@ insightoasis.com. See ad page 29. Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month, $25 minimum. To place a listing, email content to Dana-NA@ WakeUpNaturally.com. Deadline is the 12th of the month.
White Plains – Start your own fitness business. Attention all fitness instructors and personal trainers. We are seeking instructors and trainers that want to start a business in our large and safe facility. Call for more information: 914.831.3800.
PART-TIME – If you have a great personality, love working with people and are willing to learn, I have a part time job available in Cortlandt Manor in our crystal shop! Call Shima at 917.279.9577.
PERSONAL ASSISTANT: PT Work from Home. We are looking to hire a Personal Assistant to the Director of Procurement Services of Northeastern University. We are looking for part time work from home Personal Assistant. It pays $400 per week plus benefits and takes only little of your time. To be considered for this position candidate must be detailed-oriented, a problem solver and is able to work independently, have above-average organizational and troubleshooting skills. Basic computer skills are also essential to this role. Two-three hours access to the internet weekly. Position will require excellent customer service skills orally and we will train the right person. Please contact us for more details. Must be over 24 years of age. Must be efficient and dedicated. If you are interested and need more information contact: Mi.mcnamara87@ gmail.com for more details. Text: 617.586.2587.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Stray HELP, a 501c3 cat rescue, needs your skillset: humane trapping, adoption events and marketing among others. Contact ann@strayhelp.org or call 845.488.5211 for more information.
List Your CLASSIFIED HERE Regional exposure in Westchester, Putnam & Dutchess
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Dana-NA@WakeUpNaturally.com to request our media kit.
115 E. Stevens Ave, Suite 100 Valhalla, NY 10595 914.940.4449; sandrcpa.com
Our goal is to help people have less anxiety about managing their finances, to maximize their income and run their businesses better. Giving people a stronger financial foundation can absolutely contribute to a better quality of life. ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE
Member: Westchester Holistic Network 153 Main St, Suite J, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914.649.9565; Awareness-in-Action.com
Move with ease! The Alexander Technique is an educational method for learning to release patterns of tension that may be causing stress, pain, or poor body usage. Feel lighter and learn to undo compression of the spine and joints.
SearchLight Medical 2424 Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310; SearchLightMedical.com
Frustrated with not feeling or looking your best? Let me guide you on your path to better health and well-being. Utilizing: Medical Acupuncture, ONDAMED Biofeedback Therapy, Reiki, Mei Zen Acupuncture for facial rejuvenation, weight loss and fertility. See ad pg 9. ASTROLOGY
Pamela Cucinell NCGR PAA 917.796.6026; InsightOasis.com
Astrology & Tarot with spiritual perspective and a practical twist. Find your way to flow instead of fight; economy of action leads to a beautiful life. Skype, Zoom and phone. See ad pg 29.
Briarcliff Manor and Midtown Manhattan Steve.healingny@gmail.com 914.473.2015; QuitWithQuinn.com
Quit with Quinn helps people overcome daily addictions and unwanted habits ranging from sugar, smoking, alcohol, weight loss, to overeating and other compulsive habits. All natural, painless, no medications, needles, or hypnosis. 85% success rate. See ad pg 41. AYURVEDA

Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rte 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725 Drkaushik.com; drkaushik@drkaushik.com
Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may includesupplements, diet/ nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: M-F. See ad pg 31. SAMANTHA SLOTNICK, OD, FAAO, FCOVD
495 Central Park Ave, Suite 301, Scarsdale 914.874.1177; DrSlotnick.com
A whole-person, holistic approach to vision care, for all ages. Specializing in vision therapy and rehabilitation for vision problems which interfere with reading, learning, attention, performance and efficiency. Please visit website for details.
25 Depot Plaza Bedford Hills NY; 914.218.8357 customcandleco.com
Locally made in Bedford. Hundreds of candles in stock or create your own custom candle. Choose your favorite scent, wax color, wick type and container. All natural soy candles, handcrafted and nontoxic with long-lasting aroma. Shop in stores or on-line. Stores are open 7 days a week. See ad pg 27.
Scarsdale, NY 10583 914.320.9506; liz@AAAWellnessCBD.com aaawellnesscbd.com
Take back control of your body, center your mind and lift your spirits today. Adopt alternative approaches to wellness with the most luxurious assortment of CBD infused, clean, cruelty free, non-GMO, beauty, wellness, pain management, and clean vaping merchandise on the market today. See ad pg 27.
222 E. Main St., Mt. Kisco, NY 914.276.5409 YourCBDstoreMtKisco.com
Your CBD Store® is the largest hemp retailer in the US. All of our products are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO and ThirdParty Lab Tested. We offer the highest quality hemp products including CBD Tinctures, Topicals and Water Solubles for people and pets. See ad pg 27.
A Division of Custom Candle CO. Bedford Hills, NY 914.705.1111; CBDLiveNatural.com Open 7 days a week. We want our customers to feel their best and know that there is a solution to change their quality of life so that they can live naturally without prescription drugs. Products for People and Pets. Please call for more information. See ad pg 27.
Bring. Balance. Back.™ ShiraSynergy.com Shira@ShiraSynergy.com; @ShiraSynergy
Trusted Since 2011! Modern Alchemy of Cannabinoids and Essential Oils. Infused Aromatherapy, Bliss Butter, and High Mg. tinctures created by Founder & CEO Shira Adler — internationally vetted CBD Expert, Speaker, Consultant, and Author of “The ABCs of CBD.” See ad pg 28.
8 Bacon Place, Yonkers, NY 10710 914.523.7947 Chiropractor-WestchesterNY.com
PERSONALIZED treatments designed for YOU by Westchester’s only dually licensed practicing Sports Chiropractor and Massage Therapist. Receive a unique combination of muscle work and adjustments not provided elsewhere. Dr. Leigh can help you move and feel better. Get back to the life you love!
Certified life coach Member WHN 914.548.8372: pulsemanifestation.com
Empower yourself and create what you want in your life. Janet will coach you through this process as well as teach you a powerful technique to help you become a Master Manifester. Please call her to learn more. Mili Ristic: 925.705.0789 milorcoaching.com Mila Radak: 914.562.6467 milavita.guru
Change your thoughts, change your results. Are you ready to shift from where you are now to where you want to be? We teach you to create your own movie, to eliminate fear, doubt and worry and help you bring certainty and balance into your life. Your thoughts are powerful.
Joymatalon.com 914.519.8138 Ossining & Garrison
CranioSacral Therapy with a specialty in Somato Emotional Release and Process Acupressure allows chronic physical, emotional, and spiritual issues to be intimately explored bringing relief from pain and activating a healing process which continues after the session is over. Certified Jikiden Reiki Shihankaku Jikiden Reiki Teacher/Practitioner Custom BACH Flower Essence formulas, Energetic Counseling Locations: West Harrison, Scarsdale balancing4life.com; 914.588.4079
Health requires energetic balance. Reiki clears stress, reduces pain, inflammation and restores energy flow. Strengthen your immunity. Relieve anxiety. Depression and insomnia. Learn the original Reiki teachings with Jikiden. Private sessions and small classes. See ad pg 29.
Energy Medicine Practitioner, Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Physical Therapist 239.289.3744; theesotericbloom.com
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you exhausted from pain, stress or PTSD? Balance your body’s energies for optimal physical health and emotional well-being with Esoteric Healing, a high vibrational technique from Tibet. See ad pg 11.
MEMBER: Westchester Holistic Network 845.709.5245 dowsing@househarmony.org HouseHarmony.org
Protect yourself from EMFs and other negative energies! A professional dowser can block the negative effects of cell phones, satellite dishes, high-tension wires and more. Moved into a new home? Want to sell? Have unexplained health issues? Call now! FLOATATION THERAPY
111 East Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914.241.1900
A Center For Awareness and Relaxation through Floatation Therapy. Create the ultimate Relaxation Response by removing all stimulation from light, sound, and gravity. Choose from three different float environments to find your perfect experience. Appointments available from 10am to 10pm daily. Free Parking.
250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, NY 400 Rella Blvd. St. 165, Montebello, NY 914.472.0666; HartsdaleHomeopathy.com
Looking for a physician with 25 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care.
Hair care, Skincare & Make up 190 Rt 117 By Pass, Bedford, NY 914.242.1928; FreshOrganicSalon.com
A healthy approach to beauty and wellness led by Maureen Toohey, Regional Educator for Organic Salon Systems. The fresh team is committed to making your experience fully complete and satisfying, organically. Receive a gift valued at $75 with your 1st color appointment, when you mention Natural Awakenings.
Shima Chayvet CEH, MRM, CHHS, CCP 4 Crestview Avenue, Cortlandt Manor, NY 914.737.HEAL; universalhealingarts.com
Healing. That’s what happens here. A healing community within a spiritual space that offers zoom classes as well as in person events for Reiki certification for adults and children, Reiki healing, yoga, exercise classes, massage therapy, holistic weight loss, crystal classes, women’s groups and ongoing mini lectures on a myriad of metaphysical subjects. There is also a metaphysical shop open to the public with a variety of crystals, sage, jewelry and so much more. You can also shop at our E-Commerce store. Enlighten your mind, heal your body and nourish your soul.
Registered Herbalist (AHG) 263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredbyNature.net; 845.416.4598
Lorraine offers Individual Wellness Consultations based on the Chinese Herbal Medicine Paradigm which provides a preventative and individual approach to balanced health. Each “unique” individual protocol will include Chinese, Western, Ayurvedic Herbal remedies and Nutritional planning. Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678; holisticdentist.com
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 3.
250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, NY 400 Rella Blvd. St. 165, Montebello, NY 914.472.0666; HartsdaleHomeopathy.com
Looking for a physician with 25 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care.
Certified Hypnotherapist Somers, Ny 914.400.9508; lisableasdale.com
Willpower often falls short. Hypnotherapy taps into the power of the subconscious mind to transform your life by creating positive changes. Lisa helps individuals with stress reduction, addiction, weight loss, smoking cessation, procrastination, overcoming fears, phobias, anxiety, grief, and divorce. Liviu B. Saimovici, MD 3020 Westchester Ave., Ste. 306 Purchase, NY; 914.500.9594 AdvancedRejuvenationCenters.com
Emsella is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that improves incontinence. Patients sit, fully clothed, on the Emsella chair, nicknamed “Kegel-throne” can stimulate the pelvic floor with electromagnetic energy. One treatment can stimulate the equivalent of 11,000 Kegels. The Kegels can strengthen the muscles that control urinary retention.
Laura Giacovas,LMT, MS Ed., 4th Dan Master Instructor Taekwondo Briarcliff NY 914.941.2400, soulauras.com
Our mission is to enhance wellness and quality of life through Therapeutic Massage and Integrated Holistic Healing. We are committed to providing an inspired, nurturing environment from which wellness and harmony can be realized.
Open Mon-Sat. 10-6 2264 South Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 845.204.9090; DavisFurnitureOnline.com
Do you want a healthier night’s sleep? Visit locally owned Davis Furniture and see their full line of all natural American-made mattresses. For over 90 years they have been giving their customers more, and charging them less. And they’ve once again been voted the best furniture store in the Hudson Valley. See ad pg 9.
Find and post events on Natural Awakenings free Community Calendar and find more local businesses in the free Business Directory at: WakeUpNaturally.com
Certified Medical Marijuana Practitioner 914.525.6536; DrParodneck@gmail.com DrLynnParodneck.com
Evaluations and Consultations; Dr. Parodneck works in compliance with the New York State Compassionate Care Act. She is one of the leading medical marijuana clinicians in New York, with numerous referring specialists and an extensive professional network in the cannabis industry. See ad pg 29. Nuspecies.com 866.624.4117 Westchester. Long Island. Brooklyn. Jamaica, Caribbean
NuSpecies Health Centers provide free health consultations with certified nutritionists/life coaches. We make custom recommendations of our Raw, Organic, Liquid, Natural nutritional formulas and then work with our clients until they achieve their health goals. See ad pg 5. Pamela Hoffman, DPM Glenn B. Weiss, DPM 200 Katonah Ave., Katonah, NY 914.232.8880; Katonahpodiatry.com
Foot care for people of all ages. Board certified holistic podiatrists who use a comprehensive, integrative approach. Customized treatments utilizing the best of today’s technology combined with nutrition and 30 years of experience.
Guided Meditative Walks thru Nature Dutchess/Putnam/Westchester 845.489.7250; MeditativeWalks.com
Teaching people how to connect with nature through Walking the Trail Workshops – Wisdom Walks and Forest Bathing. Once a person becomes one with nature; plants, animals and magical creatures respond by giving answers to one’s questions and by providing healing. PET RESCUE/ADOPTION
PO Box 245, Fishkill, NY 12524 845.232.0336, strayhelp.org
Stray HELP: a registered not-for-profit managed by volunteers. Our mission: rescue and care for stray and homeless animals while providing humane education to the community. Our vital community programs: Trap/Neuter/Return, Spay clinics, adoption and working cat program, colony caretaker support. REFLEXOLOGY
ARCB Certified Reflexologist 263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredbyNature.net; 845.416.4598
Foot and/or Hand Reflexology sessions are offered with the use of Essential Oils applied to acupuncture points based upon each individual’s presenting pattern. Please refer to Services page on web site for the many benefits of this ancient modality.
Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rte 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725 Drkaushik.com; drkaushik@drkaushik.com
Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: Monday-Friday. See ad pg 31. PHARMACY-COMPOUNDING
Nagi Wissa, R.Ph., IP, CEO 559 Rt, 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 lakemahopacpharmacy.com T: 845.208.0424; F: 845.208.0425
We are your neighborhood holistic compounding pharmacy, ready to support your health. We offer compounding prescriptions, on-line prescription renewals, supplements, homeopathic remedies, personal care products, fair trade gifts and more. We deliver and we are happy to answer your questions. REIKI
Cynthia M Chase, LCSW, Reiki Master 860.395.0284; cynthiachase.com cynthiamchase@gmail.com
Manifest yourself as a healer; fulfill your life’s purpose! Cynthia offers personalized classes leading to Reiki levels I, II and Master level. Go to patreon.com/ cynthiamchase for details.
2 Coulter Road, Bakers Mills, NY 12811 518.251.3015; 914.556.8258 yogaintheadirondacks.com
Yoga in the Adirondacks is nestled in the valley of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains, where yoga embraces nature. Connect your mind, body and spirit and explore your retreat with likeminded people to build a happier and healthier life. Studio available for your yoga/wellness private group as well.
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 3. Tarot Therapy Remote via Email 646.932.2240; RevivaBody.com
Tarot readings offer insight on soul development, provide spiritual guidance, present alternatives, and provide clarity to confusing situations. Available readings include: Relationships, Career, Monthly and Yearly Forecasts, Past Life, Twinflames, Starseed, and Soul’s Purpose – all readings incorporate energy healing. Addiction-Free Naturally Briarcliff Manor and Midtown Manhattan Steve.healingny@gmail.com 914.473.2015; QuitWithQuinn.com
Quit with Quinn helps people lose weight by overcoming addiction to sugar and white flour, and compulsive overeating. After treatment, most people experience indifference towards refined sugar, sweets and treats, leading to easy weight loss. 30 years experience. 85% success rate. See ad pg 41.

Westchester’s ONLY Certified Green Spa 280 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 310, White Plains, NY 914.358.9898; balance-dayspa.com
As Westchester County’s ONLY certified green spa, Balance Day Spa has been in business since 2010. We specialize in all aspects of esthetics, including: facials, peels, waxing, tinting, bronzing, aromatherapy, energy healing and makeup.All organic, all the time. TMJ DISORDER
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 3.
Rev. June Tompkins, Pastor 609 Rt. 22, Croton Falls, NY chapelatcrotonfalls.org
Join a unique monthly Interfaith Sunday at the Chapel at Croton Falls at 10:30am – Enjoy prayer, music, movement and dialogue. Check our FB page for information on upcoming programs or e-mail Rev. June Tompkins at jtgleneidashore1@ verizon.net.
Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Services 914.962.6402; 800.532.4290 Supportconnection.org
Support Connection provides free support services to people affected by breast and ovarian cancer. Services include: One-onone counseling (counselors are also cancer survivors); Support groups; Educational and wellness programs; Webinars; Social gatherings; Referrals; A national toll-free information and support hotline. See ad pg 41. VETERINARY HOSPITAL
44 Saint Nicholas Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845.227.P-A-W-S (7297) Earthangelsvet.com
Where East meets West with compassionate care for a holistic approach to your pet’s health. Offering a wide range of services/ products including wellness exams, nutritional support, alternative cancer therapies, surgery, dentals, acupuncture, CBD products, pet boarding and more on our beautiful 9-acre facility. See ad pg 37. TOBY TOTALLY LLC
White Plains, NY 914.328.7777 Tobytotally.com
Weight-loss and wellness using acupressure points and clean food. No special surgery. No pills. Toby utilizes acupressure points to control hunger and strengthen the digestive system. Most clients lose 5%-10% of their weight in the first ten days.
510 N. State Rd., Briarcliff, NY Soulauras.com
The practitioners of Soulauras are committed to providing an inspired, nurturing environment from which wellness and harmony can be realized. Services: Therapeutic Massage, Bodywork, Auricular Acupressure and Integrated Holistic Healing Services, Yoga, Reiki, Reflexology and Chakra Balancing.
13 Edgewood Drive, Somers NY 914.301.3393, PeakwellnessNY.com PeakwellnessNY@gmail.com
Cutting-edge Technologies, Holistic Health Practices, and Energy Medicine are utilized to Supercharge your Immunity, Vitality & Wellbeing with minimal effort and maximum results. Appropriate for all ages and lifestyles. Look, Feel and Be your Best from the inside out! See ad pg 39.