9 minute read
MARCH 2023
Astrology with Pamela Cucinell

Hidden Gems

Opportunities beckon March 1 for those able to step out of their comfort zone. Stay the course March 2, but implement inspiration and magical connections when they appear. A warrior’s courage March 3 bring results that satisfy. Keep alert and honor commitments on March 4 when exuberance soars and compels. More is required than indicated to make it happen March 5; be prepared with backup plans. Mine below the surface because wealth hides in the details March 6.
A New Orientation
e March 7 Virgo full moon shines as Saturn, which symbolizes structure and discipline, enters Pisces to support our ability to adapt over the next few years. Conversations and collaborations engage March 8. Dialogue shi s March 9 as mitigation so ens an impasse. Compromise works March 10 if power balances. Explore new options without fear March 11; o en the answer requires fresh perspective. Process emotions March 12 to clean the slate for new beginnings.
Fast Forward
Even a short walk in nature March 13 refreshes your outlook to initiate a week of ow. First thing March 14, set projects in motion and reserve play for the later day. Productivity churns March 15. Address practical matters March 16. Community activities gain emphasis March 17.
Creative innovations explode March 18, either for individual projects or within a group project.
Age of Aquarius
Meditation and re ective time strengthens goals March 19. e spring equinox March 20 demands accountability; take action. e March 21 Pisces new moon ignites an intention for your big goal. Burn that re of desire March 22. Pluto steps into Aquarius March 23 to signal that change is upon us. Be part of the change because there is no going back. Some fear the changes; spiritual connection with nature dissolves concerns March 24.
Stay Grounded
Focus on taste and touch soothes on March 25. Confusion accelerates March 26. Turn down the noise March 27 to keep centered. It becomes easier to pace yourself March 28. Distractions abound March 29; take breaks, quiet the breath and nd safe harbor. Work on ongoing projects March 30. Playtime on March 31 heals the soul.
Pamela Cucinell o ers guidance, validation and spiritual insight with a practical twist. To nd her comprehensive forecast of 2023, visit InsightOasis. com. To nd her weekly podcast, visit ActiveSpirituality.Life. To schedule a onetime or ongoing sessions, contact her at 917.796.6026 or pamela@insightoasis.com. See ad, page 46.

Calendar Of Events
Please call ahead to confirm times and dates. Pre-register early to insure events will have a minimum number to take place. To place a calendar listing, email us before March 8 (for the April issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Email Admin@WakeUpNaturally.com for guidelines on how to submit listings.

Nutrition and Wellness – 6pm. We can’t achieve wellness without optimizing our nutrition! Nicki Parlitsis, an Integrative Registered Dietitian, will be breaking down common diet myths and showcasing how to incorporate healthier choices into your daily routine. Light refreshments will be served. There will be Swag Bags! Space is limited. Free. Your CBD Store, 222 East Main St., Mt. Kisco. RSVP requested: 914.276.5409; YourCBDstoreMtKisco.
Meditative Art Journaling Series – 1-3pm. March 2 & 9. With Karen Rippstein, CPT. We’ll collage images and words that express our spiritual journey. No experience needed, Sharing is optional. Please bring a magazine, unlined notebook, scissors, glue stick, and a favorite pen to class. Additional art supplies will be available. $60/series. The Center at Mariandale, 299 North Highland Ave., Ossining. Preregister: 914.941.4455; Mariandale.org.
Psychic Readings with Suey Mendez – 4-7:30pm. Receive clear messages from spirit with Suey. Choose 1 hr. session for tarot card reading ($125) or Akashic Record Consultation ($150). Balancing 4 Life, 25 Broadway, Ste. 101, Pleasantville. Preregister: 914.588.4079; Balancing4Life.com/ upcoming-events.
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally –6:30pm, lasts 30-45min. Quit with Quinn addiction-cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015; QuitWithQuinn.com.

New Deadline
The Brotherhood – 6-7:30pm. Come sit in a safe space, free of charge, and discuss the mystical side of being a man. Commune with other men to discover ways to effectively navigate a Goddess centered practice. Free. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460; PersephonesPearl.com.
Wicca 101 – 5:30-6pm. Ever wondered about the mystical practice that is wicca? Come to the Pearl and explore the aspects of wiccan practice and see if it resonates with your spiritual walk. $15. Persephone’s Pearl,1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460; PersephonesPearl.com.
The ABC’s of Preschool Vision – 7-9pm. Crawling, walking, speaking…but is my child’s visual development on track? Recognize the early signs of visual disturbances in time to correct their course. Free. Dr. Samantha Slotnick, 495 Central Park Ave., Ste. 301, Scarsdale. RSVP: 914.874.1177. DrSlotnick.com.
Bemer Afternoon of Wellness – 2-4pm Free demos of Bemer Therapy for physical vascular health. Bemer Group leader, Rick Gabrielly, presents detailed benefits of Bemer for microcirulatory O2 blood flow used 8-min daily. Balancing 4 Life, 25 Broadway, Ste. 101, Pleasantville. Preregister: 914.588.4079; Balancing4Life.com/upcoming-events.
Group Spiritual Meditation – 5-6pm. You yearn to connect deeply in meditation but it is inconsistent and often a struggle. Let me guide you to a deep, inner blissful, spiritual experience. Free. Held via Zoom. Contact Michael Rosenbaum for Zoom link: 914.589.3601.

Sound Bath for the Full Moon – 6-7pm. With Lisa Pearl-Edwards and Suey Mendez. Program includes astrology energies, tarot card pull, sound bath with moments of reiki to aid transformative experience. $44. Balancing 4 Life, 25 Broadway, Ste. 101, Pleasantville. Preregister: 914.588.4079; Balancing4Life.com/upcoming-events.
Paint & Sip – 6-7pm. What better way to end the week than to sip on a house made spirit and let your creative side take over? This event is a self-paced paint and sip. Must be 21 to attend. $20. Drinks are included in cover charge. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460; PersephonesPearl.com.
Pony Pals Program – 10am. A fun, hands-on equine experience that teaches youngsters the basics of horse care, grooming and riding. Horse enthusiasts ages 5 & under are invited to drop in for exciting and educational program. Takes place rain or shine. $10 per child. Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, 2699 Rte. 22, Dover Plains. No reservation needed. LuckyOrphans.org.
Psychic Development Workshop – 1-4pm. With Michelle Lorenzo Psychic/Medium. Learn to develop your own psychic ability through exercises such as aura reading, tarot reading, psychometry, and more! $45. Universal Healing Arts, 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor. UniversalHealingArts.com.
The Healing Circle Online – 10:30-11:30am. With Beryl Hay. During these complex times, the ealing circle offers a safe and sacred way to connect to our breath while deepening meditation and mindfulness practices. This practice helps to provide a more compassionate way to live. Held via Zoom. Preregister to receive link: 914.941.4455; Mariandale.org.
Group Spiritual Meditation – 8:30-9:30pm. You yearn to connect deeply in meditation but it is inconsistent and often a struggle. Let me guide you to a deep, inner blissful, spiritual experience. Free. Held via Zoom. Contact Michael Rosenbaum for Zoom link: 914.589.3601.
Free Online Lecture: Stress/Insomnia –
7-8pm. Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician, will hold a free online lecture, “Ayurveda’s Approach to Common Disorders: Stress/Insomnia” through the Pawling Free Library. Held online. Registration required through the library: 845.855.3444 or PawlingFreeLibrary.org.
Mark Your Calendar
Nature Spirit Communication Workshops
Meditative Forest Immersion Walks
Tune in and listen to the intelligence of nature. Join us for life-transforming workshops. 3/19: Spring Equinox, 3/26: Earth Elementals
CreatingSacredPlaces.com/ kinship-with-nature meditativewalks.com
Psychic Readings with Suey Mendez –4-7:30pm. Receive clear messages from spirit with Suey. Choose 1 hr. session for tarot card reading ($125) or Akashic Record Consultation ($150). Balancing 4 Life, 25 Broadway, Ste. 101, Pleasantville. Preregister: 914.588.4079; Balancing4Life.com/upcoming-events.
A healing
Healing Circle – 7-8pm. Recharge and reactivate your chakra bodies through universal healing energies. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460; PersephonesPearl.com.

cover the wisdom within, and promotes the manifestation of our dreams. Free. Held via Zoom. Register: 860.395.0284; CynthiamChase.com.
Energy Practices for Healing & Renewal –
2-3:30. With Penny Lavin from One Light Healing Touch School. Learn self-healing practices, release stress and develop innate healing abilities. $20. Held via Zoom. Info/register: 845.878.5165; OLHT1.com.
Yoga with Horses – 11am-12pm. Let’s exhale the negative away from your body & breathe in positive energy. Massage your body & soul from the inside out. We will do Hatha Yoga inside the barn with the horses! Please bring water and a mat. $40 (a portion goes directly to the horses). Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, 2699 Rte. 22, Dover Plains. RSVP requested: LuckyOrphans.org.
Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar
Spring Renewal Retreat
“Where Yoga Embraces Nature”
March 17-19
Open Studio for Quilters & Artists – 3pm. March 17-19. Are your creative tendencies looking for expression? Join like-minded creatives, quilters, crafters, and other artists for a quiet retreat weekend to work on a project of your choice. Participants bring their own equipment and supplies. Provided for each will be a large table & c air, access to resources for reflection and ins iration, and occasional demos. $240/weekend fee. Add $150 for 3 meals/day. The Center at Mariandale, 299 North Highland Ave., Ossining. Register before March 10: 914.941.4455; Mariandale.org.
Maple syrup season: experience the natural sweetness in life. Yoga in the Adirondacks at The Divine Acres
Info/register: 518.251.3015
Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally –6:30pm, lasts 30-45min. Quit with Quinn addiction-cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q & A regarding smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Details: 914.473.2015; QuitWithQuinn.com.
Reiki Fusion Demonstration – 11:30am12:30pm. With Reiki Master Cynthia Chase, MSW, LCSW. Reiki is a healing technique fostering stress reduction and relaxation. Shamanic journeying is combined with energy healing allowing us to dis-
Blue Lotus

Yoga & Healing Studio

Reiki Infused Restorative Yoga
Vinyasa Style Yoga
Meditation • Reiki Sessions
Ayurvedic Massage
5 Dover Village Plaza, Suite 3
Dover Plains, NY
RE-Awaken Wellness Fair!
…Awaken to Your Best Self…
Awesome new location!
Westchester Marriott
670 White Plains Road (Rte. 119) Tarrytown NY
Visit our unique vendors, expert speakers, intuitive readers and gifted healers for a day of education and inspiration!
March 19, 2023 from 10am to 5pm
Bring a guest for FREE with this ad
Kundalini Yoga with Suzanne – 11am12:30pm. Kundalini Yoga supports the awakening of inner intelligence for health, happiness, and spiritual vitality. The primary focus is on the movement and transformation of energy. $20. Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, 5 Dover Village Plaza, Ste. 3, Dover Plains. Register: 845.242.3625; BlueLotusYogaHealing.com.
Taste of Spiritual Blooming – 10am-5pm. You’ve had some spiritual experiences, but not consistently. Your life is mostly mundane. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can live life from a place of inspiration. $150. Held via Zoom. More info: Michael Rosenbaum ACHT, MP; 914.589.3601.
Gong in the Cave – 6-7pm. Allow the sound and vibrations of the gong engage the parasympathetic nervous system to allow yourself to rest, digest, and connect. Let the gong do the work as it bathes your body, mind, and soul. $50, dry salt therapy included. The Hudson Valley Healing Center, 51 Springside Ave., Poughkeepsie. Info: 845.849.0838; HudsonValleyHealingCenter.com.

LGBT+ Spirituality Group – 6-7pm. Join others in the community to speak on being queer and how that blends with your spiritual walk. Free. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460; PersephonesPearl.com.
Spring Equinox Celebration – 7-8:30pm. With Anne Bentzen, Lisa Pearl-Edward and Zee Mendez. Journaling intentions, a tarot card pull for 2023, special sound bath and guided meditation to plant seeds for 2023. $44. Balancing 4 Life, 25 Broadway, Ste. 101, Pleasantville. Preregister: 914.588.4079; Balancing4Life.com/upcoming-events.


Mediumship 101 – 5:30pm. Have you ever wanted to learn how to tap into the spiritual realm? We’ve got just the thing! Sign up for our class to learn how to develop your psychic abilities. $15. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St., Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460; PersephonesPearl.com.
Akoshic Records in the Salt Cave – 6-7pm. With Laura Mazzottta. In this workshop, we will enter the guided meditation to balance your energy before immersing in sacred ritual to enter the Akoshic Records. Bask in this high vibration to receive aligned ealing rotocols s ecifically for your field. , dry salt t era y included. e Hudson Valley Healing Center, 51 Springside Ave., Poughkeepsie. Info: 845.849.0838; HudsonValleyHealingCenter.com.
Paint & Sip – 6-7pm. What better way to end the week than to sip on a house made spirit and let your creative side take over? This event is a self-paced paint and sip. Must be 21 to attend. $20. Drinks are included in cover charge. Persephone’s Pearl,1014B Main St, Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460; PersephonesPearl.com.