6 minute read
From Dr. Laurie R. Mallis M.D., LAc Founder of SearchLight Medical, in Hopewell Junction
Deep Breathing. Find a quiet place to sit with both feet planted on the floor and hands resting on top of your thighs. Take a slow, deep breath in through the nose and slowly out through the mouth. Focus only on your breath and nothing else. Repeat this cycle 10 times to help decrease cortisol levels, slow heart rate, lower blood pressure and quickly ground your energy.
Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Class with Modifications – 9:30-10:30am. For those who are more familiar with yoga, we incorporate yoga poses and techniques that are designed for in-depth strength training, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place. Pricing/register: Christine Dodge, 845.494.8118; PutnamYoga.com.
1 Hour Gentle Alignment Yoga – 9:30am. Class includes movement, breath work and meditation. $20 drop-in; call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info/register: 914.806.3286; TulaYogaForWellness.com.
The NuSpecian Live – 9:30am. Aston and Jillian talk about health-related topics and NuSpecies products. Viewers can chat during the live show to comment on the topic and ask questions. Info: NuSpecies.com/pages/the-nuspecian.
All Levels Yoga - 4 am. odifications given as necessary for those new to yoga, injuries, or certain medical conditions. $22. Back2Health Yoga, 6 Broadway Ave., Wappingers Falls. Register: 845.202.2228; Back2HealthYoga.com.
2 friday
Adult Coloring Books. By concentrating on the process of coloring, you can activate different areas in the brain that will help you to relax and recharge. It’s a great way to reconnect body/ mind/spirit. (Avoid using the coloring apps on a device; this needs to be done the old-fashioned way, with colored pencils/pens and paper.)
3Take a Short Walk. At home, walk around inside or outside. At the office, take a bathroom break or find a quiet place to regroup for a few minutes. Just taking a break to walk away will help to reboot the body and promote relaxation.
4Reconnect with Nature. The benefits of being outdoors are enormous. Inhale some fresh air and observe surroundings, near and far. This can do a lot to increase endorphins. If getting outside is an issue, consider bringing nature inside by growing some houseplants. This will not only improve indoor air quality, but it can also help to elevate your mood.
5Take a Mental Vacation. Try a guided imagery meditation to travel to the beach, lake, mountains or wherever you prefer to go to experience rejuvenation.
Connect with Dr. Mallis: 845.592.4310; SearchLightMedical.com. See ad, page 35. For more tips from local practitioners, visit WakeUpNaturally.com.
Chair Yoga/Balance with Elena – 12:30-1:30pm. Gentle, breat -based flow. ncreases fle ibility and joint mobility, reduces stress, and improves balance. Standing and seated exercises. No experience necessary. In-person on via Zoom. $25 drop-in; $22 online. Health Balanced Fitness Studio, 900 South Lake Blvd., Ste. 6, Mahopac. For reservations: call/ text 845.216.68.10 or HealthBalanced.com.
Mat Pilates with Elena – 6-6:50pm. Core-based exercises to work on strength, stability, functional movements, and balance. (You must be able to get down and u from t e floor . n- erson on via oom. 2 dro -in $22 online. Health Balanced Fitness Studio, 900 South Lake Blvd., Ste. 6, Mahopac. Reservations: call/text 845.216.6810 or HealthBalanced.com.
Yogic Soul Dance – 6:15pm. Fun, invigorating, rela ing, oyous and different every time. e use all types of music to entice free movement and healing. Dance as softly or wildly as you want. Dance while seated, while lying down, or all around the room. Let your Asanas dance. Glorious Yoga Nidra rest afterwards. $15 drop-in; class cards available. Lilac Soul Yoga, Billings Plaza, 2419 Rte. 82, Flr. 2, Ste. 6, LaGrangeville. Register: LilacSoul.com/schedule.
Mindful Vinyasa – 7pm. A practice that utilizes the com onents of a inyasa yoga class w ile flowing with more awareness. In Mindful Vinyasa there is still time to slow down, tune inward, and meditate prior to completing a particular series of postures. $20. Blue Lotus Yoga & Healing, 5 Dover Village Plaza, Ste. 3, Dover Plains. Register: 845.242.3625; BlueLotusYogaHealing.com.
Power Ease – 7:30-8:30pm. Vinyasa sequence to build heat and prep the body for deep stretching and t en i -o ening in oses t at increase fle ibility and create ease. $25 drop-in. RedTail Power Yoga, 810 Rte. 82, Hopewell Junction. Info: 845.605.2257; RedTailPowerYoga.com.
The NuSpecian Live – 9:30am. Aston and Jillian talk about health-related topics and NuSpecies products. Viewers can chat during the live show to comment on the topic and ask questions. Info: NuSpecies.com/pages/the-nuspecian.
Wise & Strong – 9:30am. Post-menopausal women build back muscle mass in a safe ways to protect joints, muscles and ligaments. In these classes we fig t age-related loss of strengt and muscle mass using body weight and resistance bands.$20. Amenia Yoga – A Place for Wellness, 18 Old North Rd., Amenia. Info/register: 646.401.4188; AmeniaYoga.com saturday
Gentle/Moderate Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:3011am. With Chris Glover. Gentle, nurturing, yet strengthening. Develops a calm nervous system and embodied awareness thru compassionate selfobservation. In-person or virtual. Info/register: SacredSpiritYogaCenter.org.
Virtual Chair YogaShine – 10:30-11:30am. Super gentle, for senioradults and adultswith special needs/health andrecovery concerns.Gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heartcentered, Kripalu-based, developing curiosity, fle ibility, and com assion. itala imon. oom invitation:914.769.8745;YogaShine.com.
Healing Dance am- m. asy flowing energy lifting movement. Supports spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. Meditative and creative. $25. Millbrook and virtual. Info: 845.677.3517; WhiteLotusGrace.com.
Sound Meditation Fridays – 5pm. We invite you to go on an intimate excursion with your breathe, your body and your whole being. All it takes is an open mind and a willingness to engage with yourself and a symphony of sonic vibrations. $20. Viale Yoga, 39 Main St., Bedford Hills. Preregister: VialeYoga.com.
Luna Gentle Flow – 5:30pm. This all-levels gentle class is geared towards those looking to ease into their practice, while still developing awareness of their body through stretching, strength building, and breat wor . odifications offered. 2 . Drop-in. 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619;LunaPowerYoga.com.
Yoga Teachers Association Workshops – 2nd Sat. Open to yoga teachers and students, members and nonmembers. lub it, 84 tate d., Briarcliff Manor and/or via Zoom. Info:ytayoga.com.
Ossining 2022 Down to Earth Farmers Market – 8:30am-1pm. Year-round. Parking lot near the corner of Spring and Main Streets. Info/updates: DownToEarthMarkets.com.
1 hour L1 Alignment Vinyasa – 9am. With Kathy. All classes include movement, breath work and meditation. Beginners welcome. $20 drop-in; call for packages. Tula Yoga for Wellness, 22 Sutton Place, Brewster. Info: 914.806.3286; TulaYogaForWellness.com.
Luna Power Flow – 9am. This all-levels Vinyasabased class provides the opportunity to ground through mindful movement and build strength and endurance through power-driven flows. Modifications offered. $25 drop-in. 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619; LunaPowerYoga.com.
Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:15-10:30am. With Kathleen Hinge. For more experienced practitioners who desire more of a challenge. Be guided through more advanced postures, and invited to hold poses longer and explore personal variations. In-person or virtual. Info/register: SacredSpiritYogaCenter.org.
Soul Flow Yoga – 9:30am. Vinyasa in slow, easyflowing movements wit sun salutations and standing asanas, followed by sweet seated stretches and a blissful yoga nidra. $15. Lilac Soul Yoga, Billings Plaza, 2419 Rte. 82, 2nd Flr., Ste. 6, LaGrangeville. Register: 845.234.8886; LilacSoul.com/schedule.
Yoga Flow with Elena – 10-11am. 60-minute breat -based flow of yoga ostures to reduce stress, and im rove strengt and fle ibility. n- erson or via Zoom. All levels welcome. $25 drop-in; $22 online. Health Balanced Fitness Studio, 900 South Lake Blvd., Ste. 6, Mahopac. For reservations: call/text 845.216.68.10 or HealthBalanced.com.
Beginner Kripalu-based Yoga – 10:45am-12pm. With Kathleen Hinge. In-person and virtual. Learn gentle pose sequences and embodied awareness. Suitable for new students and those with physical limitations or recovering from injury. In-person or virtual. Info/register: SacredSpiritYogaCenter.org.
Props & Flow – 11am. With Francesca Bove. This class combines the elements of Vinyasa with the use of props, including blocks, straps, chairs and ropes. By having boundaries, this practice plays with the dance between being held and moving. All levels welcome. $25. Viale Yoga, 39 Main St., Bedford Hills. Preregister: VialeYoga.com.
Beginners Yoga – 11am-12:15pm. Class consists of poses to build strength, balance and improved fle ibility. lear, detailed instruction wit focus on proper form will help you build a safe, fun and nurturing practice. $22. Back2Health Yoga, 6 Broadway Ave., Wappingers Falls. Register: 845.202.2228; Back2HealthYoga.com.
Bhakti Healing Arts – 11:30am-12:30pm. Ancient spiritual healing practices from devotional wisdom of the Vedas. Gentle, intuitive, timeless, and transformative. $25. Millbrook & Virtual. Info: 845.677.3517; WhiteLotusGrace.com.
Gentle Hatha Yoga – 12:30pm. A yoga style based in Kripalu tradition, focusing on yoga postures, mindful awareness and self-care. Breathing techniques and meditation will be explored as well. Suitable for all levels. 30 Tomahawk St., Baldwin Place. Pricing/register: Christine Dodge, 845.494.8118; PutnamYoga.com.
Aston’s Virtual Office Hours – 4-5pm. Every other Saturday. An open forum for those that are new to NuSpecies or currently on the products to ask any questions they have. Info: NuSpecies.com/pages/ webinar-registration.