1885 v1 i01

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LA U:fDay aVUT 1'uEsD,j,T.



Vol. I. THE W Publ '-hed Mouthl!"

T 1.

durlDJ ttle School ,.ear, by lbe

Studf:D.U at tbe Woreeet.er Technlcalln.tltv.t.e.


.1. B. CHlTrE:rr.'DEN . ... E~o.l". J . A. CHAM.BERLlN, '17. J. F . PIEBl"O~"T. ·8&. C. B. MURRAY, '81. A.. D. RJS'IEES , '85. L. a.USS&LL, · ...



O. H . BURa., '811.

Tertlll ; ODe Year, ,UlO.

I J . G. ALDIUCR , '8.5. 8lDgie OOpl tIJ , U O!'nta.

IF"'BemittaDCft lbould be made to the riD&Dotial EdltoT. o:..:nmuuicatiota with f eCUd to au other 1Il.at.ten l hould be directed totbe KdItor-la-ehle',1 SIlllQlIlde. KDt.ered at tbe Po.t.-OftIce a t WOreetlter, If.... , M


ad.c1_ maner.

No. I.

slight is the world's knowledge of college papers, we fear our purpose will be misunderstood. This is truly what we hope to do! to educate the young I edify the old, encourage the successful , pour balm on the wounded spirit, and iostruct the facu.1ty i in short, to enlighte n the world and elevate mankind.

.l SIDE from nn earnest attention to 1:l.. the requirements of the institute, there is nothing in the power of the students that will reSect 80 much to their credit and to thnt of their Alma


Muter ILS f1 well conducted journal. In recognition of thi s fact, the faculties of the leading colleges of this country and of Great Britain have ever since tbeir institution given them their bearty encouragement and support j and yet,

and present before tbe gnpiog world

editors are colls idered , it is remarkable that they bave attained so fair a degree of success. No less noticeable is the rapidity with whicb the fever bas spread. They have sprung up like mushrooms in every State from Maine to California. until hardly n high school can be mentioned that does not bonst of its paper. The life of many of them, it is true, may be likened to that of the variety which springs up, flourishes and dies in a single day, and the value of SOUle that endure is hardly equal to that of a first rate puff-ball , and yet we will venture to say of such esses,

are about to write salute Oh I shade of Spartacus, we do beg your pardon. 'Ve would have y,~ritte n it u to die," but nowadtlys those verbs, except by college journalists, are not recognized as synonymous. Teehs, it is with pride we raise your banner to the breeze, and, though tbe odds are against us, we will strive fuithfully to the end. For you, we will boldly fill up the pages j in your cause, we will lay bare our inmost thoughts E

tbe undefined void froOl which they come, and, if we fall, bappy indeed wiu we be if you will kindly ally: I I He was a boy, who bravely tried to be a man ." If to buve felll'S is to be cowardly , then do we stand confessed, for of Olany things we are afraid. Above all , 80

wben the many duties of the youthful


THE W T 1.

that the difficulty lies in the lili lure of their conductors to :tppreci:ttc the principles which lie nt the foundation of c \'cry college journal. To keep :l good scrap-book whose contents shull be limited to matters relating directly or indirectly to the co llege wOI'ld is :lpp:lrcnUy the so le rcason fo r the existence of the schoo l pnpc r. Nor arc we prepared to s.... y lhut , c \'cn if this we.re its o nly npology. it could not be proved sufficient, for nil coll ege institutions that 801''0'0 to bren k the monot.onolls routino of the class room arc \'alUtllJlc, and o f these it is mro that the pa pe r is uot co unted :llliong th e first. Aside from the principles of education, th e (bily life of tho student has for the limo be ing but little in common with the world ttt l:l f'1"~c. F or him ll111ny (IUcstions have Ii g rout importance and certnin matters nro of :\bsorbing interest with regard t.o whieh he seeks in vltin for real appreciation unless he fin ds it in the colleg e journal. In that the {IUestionH will he cliscusscd :Inti the 1U:ltW I'ij commented upo n by those who vie w thom from the same stand po int, and ns be rends his sense of isolntion is removed and a new force lont to lJt!'cubrthen the reaLity of life. Espccinlly in schoo ls and coll eges where tho compnrntivcly small num ber of students, 01' the amount of work required renders it impossible to curry on successfully many of the institution s whi ch RfO possible to Yale or U ll rvard, is the work of a journal in uniting the school vnlualJle. :For, whntcvcl' may he suid to the contmry, unity of work and of feeling cnn not be attained t hrough the influence of a learned fae-

ulty and n good curri culum alone. However deeply impressed we In"'y be with the thought that tbe first work must be in prepuralion for the future. we find o ur:;el"cs fa cc to fnec with today und must necessarily be actively engnged in its interests. In insuring thnt ull of these shall have :L defini te relat ion to the work for the future, t he Athlet ic Ilod the T ennis associations, th e foot-bull "ele ven " and the " nine" :trc doing :l good work , and to sustnin :lod emphas ize these l'e lntions , fOl1n s n legitimate field for the college paper . But behind these v:lri olls fun ctions. supporting them and in suring the ir fulfilm ent, there is the nohl er thought that n well conducted journal helps in It modest way to dhmove r the evils and t.o pl'otect nll thn! is excell ent in the pre..... vniling systems of cd ucntion , The school-Illnstcr of Dickens has lost his means of support nnd there hllve ari sen in his place men so truly lea rned as to appreciate their own limitntious 3.ud to recognize what expe rience Ims taug ht , thnt. to govern succcssfully e ither Illcn or boys you must give them a voice in aU matters directly concerning them, nod nt lenst lead them to believe they have some influence. The bond of union between the student and the professor often loses the clnss distinctions Imd appears in its true foml to unite two workers for :t common rosult--the experi enced and thc inexpel'ienced. But between the F aculty n.s a whole Imel Ole students aA a body there is alwllYs much difference of opinion and much mutunl misunderstanding . because of the iguornnce of one or of both parties of the renl motive that influences



THB W T I. tbe other. Does this not open nn important fiold for some power that can COUCelltmte the thought of ftt least ono of these patties Ilnd thus provent tho possibility of :l mistake nnd the too oflon di 8:\strous (:o nsequenccs? Is this not :~ mORt Illiluml fun ction of college jOlll"llaiislll ? Controlled n.'J n I'lI le so le ly lJy the ~tll颅 dents we e;m not pe rhaps argue thut the co llege p:lpOl' holds the sumo relative position in the school u.s the press occupies in the world at large, but it is slirely :l. step in the right direction unJ as 8U('h Illay hope to ,'ccc ive the approval ovon of thoire who muke the g l'Ciltcst sport of the ~ p:'''llIodi c cft(lItB of t.h e coll ege editor. N Ilccol'dancc wilh the expressed d clIwjol'ity of the stud c nt~. the first numbe r of volume 0 110 h:UI hecn i s.~ u ed lit Commencement. Accordingto it.'! Constitution, the first number WitS not due llntil next Octohe r , but ill :mf; wel' to tbis gcneruJ rocluest, the ' 10:11"<1 ullnnimolls ly conscnted to im:ul' tho atlditiollnl (~xpell se nnd tr"Ouhl c of issuing all c xtrn numoor, mnking ten in the first volume instead o f nine . \\The Ll the alllollnt and vn.riety of work attending the preparation of n ne w jo unml is considered . it would indeed 00 rClUurkuLle if in mtlDY wllys it cnu ld not be eusily improved, The editOl"s wi ll he g lad to receive ne w id etl.~, fi Uggcslions . nnd kindly criticism from parties in any Wt1Y interested.

I- sire of the

l'IIE question has been often asked of


so vuri ed aud oftelltimeH so exnggernted thtlt n st'lLement of the situation as understood by the editori:l must be in ordor. " Then intcr\路ie wed pl'ivnte ly the professori'! readily de roted :1 halfhour to the di scussion of the {Illcstion. The unanimo lls vote was t:hnt I..IOCllUliC of the tim e it would rC<luire of its conductor they would not :ulvisc its puhlic:.ltion , The vnln eof the work that mig ht he pe rformed by :l filirly conducted journal was gellCl-:dly acknowledged, :and, with two eX(Jcptions, it wns dire(JUy , 01" indirectly stl.lted , thnt if the students founel they could s p:lre the time without injul'y to their health 0 1' st:mding the project. would meet with their apllI"oblltion. \Ve infe rl-ed thnt the suhjoot bad !lcen brought up in J:;'aculty meeting, Ilnd were directly told that lUi far :IS any netion of tbe F:lc ulty WIL'! conccMlell we were llt libC1ty to go on witb the paper. As Dr. I!' uller rema.rked in cJmpel the llttitude of the }' aculty may be S:lid to be that of indiflc rence. l'ho word sounds harsh, fO I' e ven the town hon'o l's liS with something '..lOtteI'. Nor d()e~ it do justice to thc I'MI s pil'it of the professors. All Iltlve proved their interest, when as kod to do so; to PI'of. Gladwin we arc inde bted for many vltluahl e suggestions. and D,'. Fuller espccifllly hM g ivcn the matter much kind cOlisidemtio ll,

U TE hope thaL during Lbe SlImmcr Yf somc attention will he paid to the

,'c ntibtion of some of th e rOOllls nt the lale, \Vhat is tbe nUitude of the hull, Althoug h wo are ill f:n 'o r of econ}....aculty loWRl'ds the paper? The I"e- omy , wc n,'o lIot willing to go into a port8 concerlling the subject have heen rec ittltioll rOOUl just after n cJu.ss hus left



:lIld be compelled to hrc:1 lho the same ail' lor another hour. A ventilator or two in tho wimlowl:I wou ld I'c medy tbi::.. Also tim :ll'l':lngclllcnL of the se:lts in fl cO l't:lill room could he changod to g rcnt

It is \' C l'Y tI'ying 1'01' U Illan to sit an hour :lttcmpting to rcnd fl"OUl a

adv:lIll:1gC .

hoo k with tho light fl"OlII tlll'co windows into hi;; eye,.;. By :II'I':mging ll10 80at5 as in other 1'00111;; the work would


ItO lU:ldc much cllsic .. fol' U1:II1Y students.

WHAT team ?

is the mattOl' with om' h:l l1

Ofte n 11:18 tho quest.ion been as ked . and, if :Is kcd in vain, it

is no ,路:tin '1llcstion. We CUll hurd ly adva nce t he rC:lSOIl (J f' luck of tunc for pmclicc . although no one clln doubt. that. IIll1ch more is needed. the :nno uul however dependent on the :;pirit with which it iii entered inlo, Good pillying lInd elll'nest pt'!lcli ce go haml ill hand , and I,y no IlilIonnt or Inoso pmclicc Clill the mon nltu in lhat pl'Oficiency of whiell :111 cOllcodo lbey are cnplllJl c, und which is Illiso lute ly necessary to lho life of a nino nnd to the life of n 11:1:,0 bnll inte rest in tho scbool. So, ho lieving as wo d o thut the nin e is capable of good work, we al'C forced to the obv ious conclusion tbat lhoy have not entcred hCHIti ly enoug h into Uleir practi ce , W e am not. disposed to crit ic ise lhe matlugc me nt. of the Directors, fm we Lcli e\'c thnt endeavoring to do all t hat was expected of the m, they ha ve huste ned :1 more d eplomhlo I'csu lt than if 1I0thing had heen :lltcmptcd. Th e school lIns the rcput::!t ion of a sccondmle leam, wherC3s they could be broug ht to make II ve ry crcditnble I'CCO l'll. Wby not then accept Ole facts und prerer

happy ig no rallce tLan to dcmollstnlte tho folly of .. wisdom," nnd instend of tryi ng to st rike beyond our rench, rest content. Witil g Ullles betwee n the diHe l'ell t class nines? In tJlis way un inlel'est will :trise that will s t:md ; the hcst players will be shown up und we 1ll:IY g radu:dly push beyond our own lim its and hold a pos it ion not IlO8sib ie to he reached hy abortive attempt:; s uch :IS the ga mc wiUI the Guild nine proved, Sneh tililul'cS and dilly..(lnllying liS the rceo rd of the Plist spring sho ws, ure SlIl'O tlenlh to elltbus iasm alllong tbe p layers and interest in lhe schoo l, lUl U of this tho fi lliing aw:~y (If !lase hllll intC' I'C8t , once so g reat, iu thi s city, is 3pot.ent. e XIlIllplC', It is not the purposc he l'C to wetIJhlllk ot :my pillus ible ambition, for not fililu l'C JIU t. low aim is crime, yet, Ill'tcH' It elll'Ofll1 analysis of' our powers, cult,ivat e 1111 amhition wo may hope to rcll liy.c, :lIld not rcc klessly "go i t. blind," for t hough we llIay, a.nd , we s ineel'ely t rust. ha ve g ained knowledge hyexpel'i elH.:c, she is of old II deal' te:teher, :lIId had h~t he Ict alone if we may S('e t.he res ults of her instruction else where and I)l'otit t.hel'e1'l'om.

'I'll拢IfE the '" 'I' T not th e sole propc rty editors, eShlb lishcd and curis

ried un for thci l' speeinl benefit. :tnd lu nli solllclIl , but be longs to o:lch and e\'~ I 'y student in the In stitute . If th ey \路 :t1I1 C its s uccess they must support it not o nl y a 8 suhscribel's hut a lso llS contl'ihlltOl'S , Jti:; columns :lrc o pe n to a ll, aUlI we 8Uggcz;" tha t CllCh o f tJl oae tm ly inlc rested prepu rc for it an article during Lho leisure bours of tbe s ummer .


TH,Eschool year is virtually ended.

free, and then up :Iud :Lway with lessons Exnmimltions h:lVC como and gono, and work in the dim fill' future.



the timo of writing it is


kno wn with what S lI OCC8S we have III Ot. them. Sollie prohalJly WC I"C so 1II1fOl'lUDate 1\8 to full holow tho sl:m tl:tl"tl. If flllY ho co nditioned we e xte nd ou t' lS)' IIIpathy and hope tlmt hc ful1! next f:dl they lImy "II he made up . If 1m)' 1.0 dropped let us ex hort, .yUII Hot to dospair, hut take hO:I1'(, :lIld try the unfo rtunute year Ilg ain; Ilnd let us 1'C lllilld you th:lt JIlt\ny It stude nt who hll-S gone out wilh m'odi&' froUl thc. . c wall . . has fIlot the salllc fillo. 1::l ho w your pluck by trying 0 111;0 Ilg/lin. Show that in llftCl' life you Hlay m eet with defeat lind yet come out ill the cnd victol'ious. The t 0 1'1lI just closed has huon one .. f <Iuiet, sloudy progress. Nothing h ll.i occurred to destroy . the em of ·mod will prod uced hy the h:wdsoHle lind generous conduct of the jo"'tlculty last fall. We hopo nothing will OCC lll' . The work fo r the lust five months Im..'1 heen "Dlluestionnhly severo (,'ompal'cd with that of' any other institutioll in o ur knowledge; but previous C I:I S8C~ hav e passed over precisely tbe SU ln o ground and stood it well , and so b:Lve we. It amazes us nt times to think how much a young fellow of 18 or 19 call and will undergo if properly directed, and still retain hi s

Mr. MorgalJ . who rcprescul(!11 W~tmell.t h In the Jl ou~of COIIUUOIIS, caned o n Father Mooney. /lml IllOked hll .. ( o r hl8 \'oLe, The latWr replied: " Sir, I'll rather glvc It. 1.0 tltc dc \'II. t· . . But.... said the clIlIllltlaw • •• ill the event. o r yOll r [rie nd not. coming ro rwurll for the eOUllty what lliClI?" lie got tltc '·t.tw.- nIlJfalo ErpreM.

THB J UN IO lfS LilLENT. Old Chl\u\·~nllt.l\t lal!t Is safe, Ucucetorwartl he II tree t rom harm. The Junlor'8 rl~bteoUJIIIII!;cr now "'or him hll>i 110 Rlllrlll. It o;cltlolu hll l)'11 thl,t w hell " 1111111

LI M sore IIhullt.'<.i h l~ tellow·men. I h,'. leI go fr(.'1} without. word, '1'0 WlIIt hlil "plte ag'J.ln. A lItl yet. Lhlil fiend 111 uoultle IIhl\l)C For 10llg ou r joy dh1 wholly 1!1101i. Amillow 10 Ihlnk 0' U() re" CII~,­

WoukllUlllic II iI.iut·, bl<lOt1 ooil . !Jilt IIOW W<:' \·C nothing more to do. Extc:l)t. lO live .'Id ho lJoC. I nd Wi lt f'o r t hat ghat! hour wbe n we ilball be lle\'eub-ru by elght)'~lght.


good . pirit•. h


Although rooitati o ll ~ and lectures have ceased, lUauy of us, especially t.hc Mechanics , have not completed our s ummer prnctice. Those who have worked during their hard eRrned Satnrday afternoons no douht foo l paid now as tbey a.re, each after his fashion , enjoying their vacation. AU, however, will soon be

D1t. CIIALU.ES O. THOMPSON . Wh ~n. Lincc yeal's ago, our Principal, Dr. Charles O. Thompson. resigned his position berc and aC\lcptcd a similnr one in T erre Haut u, :tll who knew him felt that hi s departure WILS u. grout loss to the uOlll lmmity; and now thut he has been summoned to ttllother world we fee l nil tho morc deep ly thllt bis absence is un irrepnrnblo loas. He was 1m active champion o f nil tbat is good and grcat IIml purc. He was a member of sover:tl societies, among them being the Conf,'Tegalional Cluh of this city. How he was loved hy those who knew him will appenr by the follo wing remarks m:tde by Mr. CharlesE. Stevens before that society: More than sixtoen yours ago, Prof.



lasde:llh. dead . He He lived

Thompson clune to our city II young lIlall lInd:1 slrll ngcl'. In tlmt pt'ri od the ., 'oung m:m had ripened into strong and fruitfu l lIlan hood lind the str-Ulger b:td 1K..'t"ome one o f Ollr mos t fiun iliar figures. 110 hlld lIuilt up n rcputnti on liS one of New EIlg'land's most sllc(:essful cduelllot'S; and , indeed , it W:lS that which ill the end dcpri\'cd LI S of his company. H e was call ed uway to the W est to rcproduce the re tlto g ood work he had :lCcomplis hed here . But he was not sufrered 10 ICllvc us without rcceiving It most fl atte ring testimonial of I'ho public estcClI'l. At 1\ banquet gil'en to him on the occa:,ion o r hi s de part.ure, llIany of our citizens II11SCIllhl cd 1.0 do him honor. Tho principal g round of stH:h a demonstralion was undoubtedly the educ:tliomli work he had done. But I think nn additional incenti,'c to s uch honor was t he l11rc pe rson:l.1 {1U:llities which Prof. Thompson possessed . ~1:lIlY of those prcscliL had ollen meL IHiu he re as cls~ \~'hcl"C :md well know what tilose ~Iu.ahllcs werc: A fil~e pe rson, a bl路llImnt. mall!le r, f~lness 01 reso.urec!;! tho arL 01 pul.lmg tlllng:oJ! and :111 IIIft.~ tIOUS laugb, easily made. Jlln~ the conspicuous centre of 1m :ttlcnll\'e circle . " He h:l<I IL mre command of all hi s rc",o ul'ces. Some lIlell know morc th:U1 th~y ClIn tell , and some c lIn tell more lIwn lhey know . 1 should S:lY thnt Prof. Thompson cou ld tell ttll that he kne w, lind could so te ll it :IS to impress the li stener with its full vallie. " Hi s W!lS II hos pitable mind. H e hy no Ulcnus thought tlmt what ho did not know was not worth knowing. A now ide:!, or doell'ine, 01' proposition, 3t once engnged hi s ltlte ntion , and if it commanded bis nppl'OY31 be was open und omphatic in e xpressing bis IISSC Ut.

"Hut wbat impressed me perbsps uimost more than :myt.hin~ else W115 IUs :tboundillg yitnlity . ThJ8 it is that ma.kes it 80 difficult to conceive of him

WM the very llntithesis of in c \'cry moment of

his lifc , :md in e\'ery purt of his heing. And others we re made purhlkers of his vitality. Be WllS not like the s leeping top whit:h is int e use ly ul.:tive indeed, IJUt llcti,'c for itself tItone. His vitnl power l~lmo 1\ moving power; it brought him into contnet with others, and where he tou ched he stirred into activity in turn. How helpful is such a person! H ow stimulating! H ow relieving ut times Ilud in certain situations I Of this motive power we in this Club bad not a little e xperien ce, and especially during the :Hlministration of our affairs. " ' hil e his h:md was on the helm, there waS :t bris k :lIld steady and on ward movement. The re was no llul'ping of tbo s:lils nor rocking of tho keel, and , if J lIlay cany out tho figul'o, thero WtlS no lac k of service among tho crew. .. H ow felicitous he WllS as :l prc;,; idinO" oflicer you all know. On fcati"111 <>Co::: s ions, especially, his l"etldincss, :')1tnc88, sU:lViLy, :tnd poise 1ll:lde the di::iCllllrO'c of his official dutY:l 1l13l"ked Icnture ~,f the entcrt:linlllcnt. At the end of two years he took s teps to have :U1ulller elected in his plnce :l.nd then res umed the hono rs o f Ii priv:lle membe r. PI'OScntly CHUle his rcmo\,:.1 froll1 Itluong us into tbe distant West. There he hud already inulIgliratcd a Cl.lreel' whi ch pl'Omised cons pic uous res ults, wben :L short, sh:lrp sic kness Cllme and ol1d(.>(1 his Illortnl life. "Oil olle of the coldest d:l)'li of the SCllSon we, his neighbors , fri e nds , :IS80cinlcs , Imd form er pupils Ilssemhled 3t the r::lilwny st:ltion to receive his reDlains, :lIld uccomp:Uly them to ollr be3utifu l Cemetery. There they will rcst through 1111 the indefinite futul'I! in a parcel of ground the selection :md prep3ration of which was among t he last tbill~ be did be fore bis de parture to tbe "'est. There in due time u stone will mark his grave, but his true mOIlU-


mcnt is 0 11 YOlldOl' hill· where his life start OU Il plensant summer dny, and, work was accomplished." aller leaving the city hehind , enjoy the 'L'hel'c is ono cxpl'c"s ivc verse ill the seeue l'y, the birds , the roadside springs, English l:"lng'uHgo thut i.:i prominent in in I<hol't, the countl',)', If he wishes our thought whell we think of PrO/eliSOr morcly to pay expenscs hy his work he Tholilpson : need he ill no hUITY t.o begi n, but when he docs hogin. go at it in ea rnest. " \\,hUc mc mory hid,. me wCep thet:, Nor lhoughlil nor words arc rrcc, E\'cQ' pe rson seen is:l poss ible buyer , Thl': grie f Is laid too deeply allli :l travelling :a.gcnt h:LS nlways to That 1lI0U r U8 It mUll like thee." bear in milld this titCt. He lIlust judge his mall in two seconds, make up his mind as to what tn:mtmeut he wm bear, A CUI-:AP V ACATlON. :md then either 1Iood him with talk and Now that tho 8C:1SOIi of "M.CtllioIlS :Ip- take compl ete }X)f:lSessioll of his mind, proachcs :lIld o\'ory olle iii making plans. or let the m:lII take the load while the cal cu latillg cO:;l, and weighing the adnlll- canvass~ r merely auswers his questions lages of ono place with those of another, I'Cspt.'c l full y. A successful canvasser it l.)OOomcs :l seriou s question with the must be able to tell nt a golance the kind student of limi ted means as to whut he of m:lIl he is dealing with n.od must l1e \' 01' he afraid of anything Jiving. CLUJ do, No llIatter how 100winO' c c Iy he If the tr:n'oller makes up his mind to may look low:lnJ the mOllutnins or the enjoy himse lf he Clan get pleas ure out seasllOre, the co!o!t of l'uill'Ollds, hote ls , etc., 5 t'II'eS him in the face. Yet there of overy encountel', and he likos most of is It w:ty in which he can go where he all tltlel' he Ims nmde his day's expenses, I'lc:18es, see all that there is to he seen to sit dowlI in a sh:ldy p:u;ture or hy a • and hav e :t very elljoy:~hlc summer. A cool spl'ing , out his lunch, rest his tired CO Ullllon wily of spe nding 0. v:lcatioll body, sketch, write bis d iary of expe riis to tuke : l s:t111hl e nrticl c, It boo k, n e nces, and :tfter a nllp, go 011 his way limp, 01' :L chait and sturt on a plemmnt rejoicing. Each <I:ly t he scene changes , tOUl', c:mv:lss ing to pay expenses. The one moets now people :111<1 Ilew pbusos of Adirondacks or the White Mountains, Ufo, the traveller is respousible to no the Valley of the Hudson 01' tbe Con- 0110, he goes where he pleases, and, if llcct icut , or even along the Atillutic CO:1st, he is a gvod ca nVAsser, hilS no final1 citll are plcl\Sant trips for New Englanders , :mXletlcs, This free life to olle who hus If olle enjoys wnJkillg :md likes to been to schoo l lind to books for ten study human nature, 8 tOUl' of th is kind months has a chann to be reu.lized only is very int eresti ng. 'Vith un out fit of by actua l oxperience, the article one is co-oiUlr c to sell • a change of cloth ing, 1\ sketch-book, and a little bag for knick-knucks, one may .. The Jnstitute hill


FlliLD DAY. The most successful Field Day since tbe organization of the Athletic A.ssociution at the Institute was celebrated on



tbe 16th of )II\Y lASt. Not from our the hundred y:ll'ds dash for the past few own slnudpoi ut hut frolll that of the Fi cld D,ly a, The tug of Will' , after cullege rul es is fri ends of tho institution in gC IlCl,:d do we make this IIs8Crlion. Never hc lcwe luulld to bo much more interesting :tml have wo hecn fa\'oroo wilh such IUl audi- :l 1':1 1' hetter test of a tc:un's s kill and ence. Fully three lhousund pe rsons s t roll ~rth th:1Il by the meLhod employed woro present.. the majorit.y of' whom ill fonnel' yea.'s. By Imving tt suit:\blo were ladies. elm we not feel we ll l'Cp:tid lmc k for I'ulllling, the records n13do for :111 the tillle and lalXl I' spent in the upo n the institute g rounds havo heen prc pnl'lltion of these days Ilud look hack considembly lowered and the 220 y anl8 upun tholn with Jwide illld satisfaction d a.sh. a ne w fca lUl'C in o llr <!.poris, was Ie/iS than Yale's S pri n r, record by ! sec. long ancl' we h:t \路c left tho & hool! The wisdom (If the directot's in i ,,~ u颅 ' l'hn.'C schoo l records wcre hc ttered. ing invitations is fully appreciated lind Eig hty-seven bettered tho hop, step tho officers of tho d:ly shou ld he con- and j ump hy six inches, Eig hty -s ix g ratulated o n the orde r and omi.'!sion of hett e ring tho running hig h jump by 3i the !HUlal delay ill getting the lUen I'cady inches and the 8t:.lIlding iwoad jUIll)} hy for the L'O ntogh~ . A !le W fe.ature and n 1! inches. In IUllny of the lJO l.ltests, enoug h m e n very 811C(''Cssful ono W:I ~ tho musiu "y tbe Cadet Gand during the co nt est~ whi(,h do not e nter. Each <:lass should have fire of less interest to tho audie nce. It 0 110 or more entries for the 100 nnd 220 hardly seems right that we s bould COUl- .r:t rds das hes. S uch races lletwoon two pare our records to those of the colleges . men unlCSij vcry cloijcly l'ont ested Ilre of yet OUI' last UO IllP:II 'O well with Y:de's littlo interest. .Especially in th e bi cycl e ' pring reool'ds :md with lIl/tlly of the m cos thero s hould be more cntl'ies, and, smaller co lleges , Huving no gyltlll:t- (''Olls idel'ing tho Illlmhor of lIIadlines in siLun, OUI' tr,lining , of which there is hut tho school, we s hall oxped a. better result little, must he olJtuincd at odd IllOlllents, on OU I' next Field Day , W 0 would with sCliroo ly lilly l'Cgul:ll'ity, which :IIone encoul'l:lge memhers of the sc hool to insures Imccoss, yet our llIen entcr into endelu'or to Illttintnin the excell ent recthe contests, well know ing that 1111 cun- ord in the pole \':U1lt, now held hy th e Dot win. It ilS also plensant to nOlice Se nior ChlSS, 80 that the diroctors s ball the class fee ling shown on these dnys, huve no Clluse to throw it out. There when the excitement :lIld di sappointment RI'C but a few in a ll and it would add are forgotten in II night, whe n ea ch IlHHl to the intel'est hoth of fri ends and stu路 goes in to do his best, be it, to win 01' to dents if moro might enter. Not only to be tho winner, hut. :l1so to lose. This feeling makes it plell.S:tnt for 3. man to work for hi s el,.SS, ho is not lower a school record should be tLte rebl:lmed if defeated snd prnised if success- sult for which each man should aim. ful. 'Tis tb is respeet and love of class, Our records nrc becoming hotter every which makes tho tug of war 80 interest- yellr llnd Oll tbese depe nds g rently the ing and balS cau.sod 80 much rivalry in su.ccess of our Field DllYS. Then let

11 each man do his best and wbat he lacks the cigarette smoker and be in tnrn than in athletio skill , let him make lip in the USC I' of Il pipe, especially of f\ pipe encouragement and in tel'cst, :lOd our conducting the smoke through water. sports will he c\'cn more sllccessful than The British Government officials nre they 11:1\'0 hoon in former ye:lt's . making experiments with a new l ocom~ F. tive torpedo steered by electricity from the shore. They nppellr to have o~ YE MIDDLE R TO YE PREP. mined very good results. o thou Prep! bewRre J WBrn thee: o r those eye!l of 80Cte8t blue,

Or tile glances, 0



That IIhe ever casts at you.

'1'wlll be ha rd I know to r~tcr When the moonligh t, son. and elear, Scarce Illumes t he sbadowy pathway; And he r ru by lips so near .

Trust her not, wilen s he shall tell thee She WM ue,'er kissed before, M allY a SeniQr cao Maure you He has kls.'Ied he r o'cr 1"leI o 'e r .

o a\'oid the street that leadetb To the


o f Ice路creftm .

( HeLter wert thou studylu g' Dutch .

Or Iu,'e ntlng !lOme machi ne.)

Yes, m)' boy. I am a vete ran or the ramous M iddle clnss. MallY . da msel ila\'t'! I tended;Mftde myself a perfect AS!!. Yct 'tls lIot 80 much the cooing Or the walb, whic h now I moorn.

'Tis my dollars and my quarters That I rain would have r(:lu ro. DEAD FLUXK.

An exclllmge says that it is claimed 1hn1 hy n new process whitewood cun be Ill'l(le so tough as to require a cold chi sel to split it. After a long seri es of experiments, Dr. Zul ios ki has shown thut the cigar smoker receives more evil effects than

An engine. s:lid to be the smallest in the world, has been made by tl watchmaker now connected with a. watch manufacturi ng company. As descriiJed, the engine is of the upright pattern, tlnd is made of steel and gold. It resta on a twenty-five cent gold piece, and can be worked eithel' lIy steam or compressed air. The cylinder is a little less than a sixteenth of an inch in diameter. with a little less limn three thirty-seconds of un illch stroke. The balance wheel is tL third of an inch in diameter, and makes soT'llethi ng like a thousand revolutions a minute. The wrlstpin is a sapphjre cut for the purpo,e.-Lasell Leav...

Following the custom of previous classes, the Senior Mechanics huve during the past yeM devoted the time spent in shop pmctice exclusively to one thing. Former classes have built engi nes, thus the class of '84 built n straight line engine, and that of '83 a 40 h. p. Buc keye. But for vilrious reasons it WIIS decided that the gmduat,.. iog class should build a 26-inch Pond lat he. Arrnogcments were made with the makers whereby all the castings Bud forgings were furnished rough, and ~JU ch wor k was done by them J\S could not be done in the shop, from lack of facilities ; for example; tbe planing of the lathe ways or the cutting of the large spur

12 wheels tlnd be vel ge:lt'S. 1L is now successfully completed :md is :1 credit to lhc d:~s . The lathe has :t 2n-inch swing, is 18 fect. long, lllld weighs llhout 7.(;00 pounds.

we should I.e pl eased to sec rlclllollstmtioll:S from othel' Sources. Solutions must be "ccci\'ed by the editol'-in-c:hier on or he/ol'o :;cpi. UI, l8l:S5.

Experiments 11l1uIe HI the Hoya l Opera 1101180 at Munich, have shown tlmL, uillike gas . elecl l'icil y :tclually lowers

the tempcrl:ltllre of n. roolll lighted lIy it.. Distilled water is goWng in lil\,o1' for 1~1"l o use as well ItS in the trcnlmc nt of

disC!lSes of the digestive ol'g:lIJs.-E.c. Prof. A. S. K imha ll , of t.he Worces-

A. complete editiOn of the works Of Vi ctor Hugo WI\S late ly Isslled In I~"rls, It cous lo;18 of forty \'olu mes, o r which slx~1I Ilre of t>Oetry, fonrteen of Hc Llo n, (o nr of drama, two of philosophy, three Of IJI ~to rYI three or "A ctes et 1'/I,rolelJ," two of tnwcl8, IL ud two volumes o ( ., Victor li ngo !laconte,"

ter Tecb nionl Institute, hus l)()cll Illaking Mr. Jos e,,', G , Dalton is 80 cuUJuslW!t!e II ex tensiv e resca rcbes during the past few bicyclist thth .e 11M wrlttcn no 1e88 than aile and siwelity poe!n8 cele bmtlng his months upon cert:lill vllrintions ill the hundred fa\'orite Iliachlne. s pccitic inductive Ctlpacity of illiCIt. Th(' Londo n c ritics are nnaulmo us In the

Th e im!cstigntion is not yet completed, but il; hns boon cl.l rricd

cilough to I'CVC:11 cClt:till vcry intcrcslinO' Il'liths, hithe rto unknown to sc.ience. The wo r k i ~ cOluJucted with instruments of tlw (rrc:lt c~ t, delicllCY :Ind precision-sevel":l! of them hav ing l.eell designed "l' the professo r himsclf,-and, 80 f:1I', lhe results lire "ery s::llist:lclory, and nre understood 1.0 he d irect confirnwlions o f Maxwell 's theory of moler'ular vOI'l.ice.s. As the proressol' wishes tho I1lnUel' to he kept, (Iui et till he hlls eli minllted overy possihle source of errol', we RI'O not nt lil .el1.y to state th o preci s'! nat.ure of' the rese:lrches, hut we :l.re assured t1mL they will be puhlisbcd :\8 soon ns possilJl e. fill'

Given the two angle IJiscctors of tl pinna triangle C{Jual. PI'OVC hy It diroct goometriclll method that, the trillng le is i so~cles. Fi\'c dollars is ollcred fOl' the jir!l.t COl'l'ect demotlsil'lll.ion of thi s pl'Oblem by :1 member of Hie Inst.itute . While the (IOmpetition is tbus limited

opi nio n tllat Mr, Irvlug's perfo rlllllnce o( liI,mlet IIIHI much Imllro \'ed si nce hi;! vis it to thiS c(Jlllltr),. The dome o f St. P e ter's , Ilt Rome. hl!.i< been under replli rs (or clcl'cn yenrs, uut the wOl'k was s uccessfully completed this s ilring. The money Silent In re.col路c rlng the \'3l'lt cupola. with leud WIUl gh'e n alloost whotty by 1)lolls Spalll!mbc. Mr. Lawrence Barrett will IJrohably bring out next !K'ason his new play hy Mr. George Ilokf'r, lhe author of " l'raucesCR da Hlmllll. " It 18 e ntitled" Glnuc lIs," and Is an attempt to nrrnllge III (Irllllliltle form some or lhe Incident:-! of Bulwer'~ .. Las t DHYiI of Po mpeii ." The s tulue to Dllrwlu was uu\'clled last mo nlh by l'rofe880r Iluxley In the !tfuseum of Natural

1II"lory, Ke ns ingto n, f.ondo n, E ng. The dlrltl. catlOIl addl'e!ls, which Iluxley delivered, WIIS 011 .. The Sclc ntlOc Vahle of l)arwhl'S Hest:arches, " The Prince or Walell reeeh'ed the statue on behalf of the Museum, At the close of the Commencemellt e xe rcl8e!l Ilt l\I L'(:halllcs Hall the Trustees pre&cntcd to the l ustltutc a nne life-s ize portrnlL or Dr, 'I' homp_ !W I! , It Is the work o r Mr. Edgar A. I'n rku or Boston, and w\l1 he hung In the chapel. I n OlltillU fo r ,Iune the articlCIi are interesting to wheelmen, " I\ Modern T ramp"and "Across Ame rica o n a Bicycle." will be (ouod readable and ('ntertalnlng, .. All the Livelong Day, or


THE W 'li.' I.

have u sum of $182. per aunUIll for each mun . Multiplying Ulis s um by the LippincoU'. for JUDe contains II numhcr or number of me n, we find the total prllulcal stories, of wblcb " W hli\' !'huH ft amount to he $470,4!Jl,092 pe r annum. Womllll do wben ber H usband rallsl u BusineSS'" Is the mo!! \. s triking. Adding to this the lot:al of the se"entecn I II tbe Allaldic, as ide from the IIcrilli stories. war budgets, wh ich is $508,363,910, the most entertaining artlele Is caUpci " Dime tho toLd 108s sufier ed hy EUI'Ope :tIlIlUMUl!!culII!I from ft Nlltnrallilt.'a pa ilit of Vlcw," by li lly on Account. of her :U'IIH CS is $9 j 8,J . O. Wood. Tbc serial stories, except. tllul. Of D r. H o hnell, seem to us to be forced and " PUll 8a5,OOO.

From HUlld to Mouth In Camp," Is a good n.ccount ot one phillie of cam p lItc.


Harper'. for JUlie Is noteworthy for IIU arllcle by Prof. A. S. 11111 0 11 " English In t he Schoolll." PrOf. 1(. A. l>rocto r Il IIIO wrl tefl 0 11 .. lI o w EllorthqUlIkes a r c Cnu!!cd."

.. 'rhe Fuel or t he Ifuturc," by George Wanl· mau , I,. IlII excellent article 011 the natural gIlA que.~Lloll ,

III the P QPll la r

&(~ I«:f!

M f)Ntlily.

.f>ofiti@ef. In spile of the great work already accomplished Ily t he Ant i-S l:wCI"y Sot: icly in Bmzi l, it is e \·jdent tllllt SI:H'CI'Y will di e hurd , In Pern:unhllco. :l province

The RUSiibn :m ny on Il W:lr footing, according to the returns of the minister o f W:II', lluHl ool'od in 1883, two milli on th'c hundrod illld two thouSHnd me n .

The territory of Dakota which hns of late been seeking admission into the Un ion, el:lims :l grouter population th:m Delaw:lre, Rhode lsl:uul aud Nc\'udll comhin ed.



microscopist s

in whieh there arc e ig hty-three thousa nd of the S<lhool IIIlly be in lerc8ted in tbe fo llow ing piece of fooli shness, recently slnves, Illl influcnti:lI nati ve gentl ellian attempted to gain II sent in tbe C haml tC l' unearthed in Sy ria . So fa r as age is concerned , it Wtl S proL:Luiy lmld-he:tdcd of Deputies as:m oPl>Ollenl of slavery, whe n Caill WItS Ill:l rri ed; hut. we COIlhut WitS ullsllcce&iful. sider il pretty good. EU8.] A ccording to :l GernuUl pape l', the two IJroth ers Roth.qcbiid at }' rankrm"ton-thc-Mu.in Imvc recently declared t heir in come for the purpose of tllxut.inn , The elder brother,13a ron J\ I:lyel' K :trl. has set. clown hi s income at. $1,140,000. :md the younger hrother, H l lI'OIl Willy,

o come, my iO\'e, a nd S(."Ck with me ..\ rCllim by grosse r eye IIII!'!CCIl , Where f tllry form s will welcome thee, And dalu l y cn:atures hl\lI tllL'~ Illleell. In sllcllt. 1)()()ls the tube I'll Illy , Where green ct.mfcna·tltrclul,o;J lie c urlL'tl. ,\ ud Ilromlly Ilri ng to lh)' I'ri~hl cye The troll hlc>:I of the protist world.

at $I ,IVO,OOO. A Berlin pupe r gives some stati sti cfol of the cost to Europe o f he r Ill'luies. F or the seventeen sta tes of Europe the totul of tbe armies on :t 1)c~l ce fvo ting is 2,529,522 men. Cu lcu lating thei r wages at sixty-two ce nts pel' day , we

We'll roulW th ... 81.l"lI w r f rom hi" lair, Aud gaze Into thc eycloJl...• eye; In (; hlltll flml nl t.cll" hnlr The Ilrotopla.;;mic stream clcilCry, J.'ore\'er wCIl\' lng to lInd fro With faint. moit.'Cular melod y; Ami c urious rotlIcl'!l 1'1I 8110w. An d g raceru l vorticellldll!.

TillE W IF Jl.


W here IIIcliccrtte Illy tbeir craft. We'll wal ch t he plsy rul water-beAr. And no CllI-cnomed hydra's " huft Shalimar our pt'3Ceful J)ICH"lIre therc; But whllc w e whi~I\(' r 10\'(>'" sweet tnt,-

Wc'lIlmce, wllh S)'lIIllathctlc art, W ithin the e mbryon ic ,.m,iI The growing rudlllu: lIl:t1 heart.

Where ro\l:ol the "olvo:\':

~ I'hc re

of gref!lI ,

Aud pl:!o"llll" mOI'c In Hrownhtn dllute.I r. wllml('rlug '1U1,1 that. !!clltlc scene. Two fond IImwhlt! ",Imll lM!rcilllncc He ebnnged W oue hcnclltli uur sight. By prOl;'c~s of IJlocr:lsis. WI"\I N'co!!l1iz(!, with rllre Ile ikilt. A type of oLir ]lro~pecth'c bll .. ~.

o dearer tholl

b~' rnr to me III thy :oI1I'e4: t. lJlallle nly c~talc 'I'hl\l1 lin)' :oI,',·cnty.il(th ('uule! he. or :11);'rtlire howi' \'c r <!rcat! Come, 1;0 wilh lIIe. lIud we will s t ray Thro u,t:h r.-;11111 hy ~ros~c r eye IHI.;;cell , Wh ere prOlOl/hytes s ll:l111JOIIIIIgC PIIY,

1\II{il>rulOzlXl hull

th ~


( 1I'rillc" b!J .If/r oo p, Hc"riCi,j

duughter of the la.te Dr. Henry Cla rke of this city . ~II'. Edwin T , Paint.er , '74 , was grndwlted on May 12 from the Colle)!e of Phy ~ i c ian s and Su rgeons, N ew YOI'k City, witb the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He is lit present house physician at th e San:ltol'iulIl , D:msville , N. J . Mr . B.'lrtlett, '85, is goi ng t o Minneapolis, Minn. , whero he joins :l l en~ lIing pal'ty e n~:lged on tbe St. Paul find No rth ern Pneific R. R. MI'. Willi:un L. Chase, ' 77 , is now employed as draughtslllall :It the CI'ompt UIl JJOfl1l1 Works, \Vot'cestcl', The class o f '88 Ilrc plellsed to hav e their c!:u;s-mnte, Mr. Guido Von Wred e. occupy his old pineo flg:tin, The 1088 of hi ~ second :md tOlllth finge r~ in the •• (IIIZ:<: planer " kept him from tihoppl':lcl iCle for two months, hut durin,!!' t.hllt t.ime he made up the studies Ill' the .Junior ye:II', :md will prohnltly ;,!racillat.c with 'l:j 7. l:;u nnyside sustuincd :I doubl e 10 ,;;'; this s pring in the absence of Messrs. Burl' and McArthur. If MeA I'tbur had OCC llpi ed his ll('ClIstomcd plnce, 'SG woulll prohal)ly ha ve WOIl the I ' tug-of-war." We look for their return ill the FlIII. MI'. TholUflS S . Jllmi e~o n , '82, is with tlce Edi son S hllfting Mfg, Co., New Yo rk Oity . The address of Louis E. Howes. C. K, '82, is 4-7 Grant SI.., S pring fi eld , Mass. Will. B. Enston, '83 , is at pl'<"sent with W. P. Brass, Mining I:!:ngi neer, S:lllli'r:.lll c i ~co, CuI. Mr. Chadwick, '88 , spends hi.!4 S llllllIlel' 011 tl \\~es te1'll trip, going as ':11' as ~ctl rl.ls ka and visiting :U1101l b other plnces: St. Louis, St. Puul , and Chi-

j\ II', Qnc\'ndu, '68, in tends to go to Europe thilj Stimmel', On the e,!ening of ~by 14 , Prof, Lillie g ll \,C It lecture on .. S leam Boilers" belol'e the S t:ltion:II'Y Eng inool'S, The lecture contnined m:my pmctic.'d suggestions nnd w:ts evidently enjoyed by hil:! tllldi cnce. Jf the incre:lse in the 1l1l1ll 00r of w h eel ~ seen ahout the grounds menlls nllythiug, the interest in bicycling is ill crellsin~ , Child wick, '88, rides II 62-in ,. tllO largest lIl:lchine in New Englnlld . It is repo rted that W. F. Cole, '83 , is to assist students in the dl't\ughting C:I~O . :\Ir. A . L. S tone has g iven up hi s room during the summer practice. PI'of. Alden wu.s Illlil'l'i ed May 13, at posit ion ns assis\nnt in Chemist.ry und Lowell, to Miss Mattie A. Broad of that h:18 gone t.o A rizolla to occupy :l pos ition cily, aud, on JUlie 4, Prof. Kinnieutt in solne Chemical Works. Wil S married to Miss L . H. Clark, But few of the students of the l)I'esent


15 year C.!lU have forgotten Mr. C. B. g t'catly :Iggmvatod-the Profcssor WI\S Alhree, '84, nnd his luJcnt in drawing, anyway , whet hot, the cold Wl\8 or not . so oft en exerted in thoil' beh:. I!'. They Chapm:11I is pianist in tho West Side will 110 g lad to know of hi s continll ed Orchestra, and in the Harmony Cluh, inle l"CsL in the u Tech " liS dcmonstmtcf'i S:UD Groon p laya the violin , Burr IIy his kind and prompt uflcr to des ign (Junior ) the '",,110, and Miller the 0 1' d,'a\\' for us :U1)' thilw o wo mj 0,yht desire chtrionct. without. chargo. His pCllcil is now elllMr . J. H, Musu ll. '82, is with UI~ New ployed Ily the N. Y. iJlu1Strlltcd pllpCrIJ , J ersey ::i tce l ItIld Iron Co. t not the N. MI'. Joseph ileals of WC:itlicld dcliv- Y. Steel :lIld Iron Co., us per '85 Catae t-::; the Vldediclol'Y tllis ,rellr. i\II', logue. Fred. :;;. W cbhcr of I-Iu lyoko will ho

MARlllAG I:: INTENTIONS. class trce omlor, :lnd Mr. Allan D. lO st CCIl of Amesbury, poet . The fo llowing coupled seem to be ~II 路 . MlIl'wcdcl is going to Europe thi s happily contcllIl'lnting the (loming evenl S Stllllllle l' wilh his rath Ol' :l1ll1 :; i sl c t'. W e th:tt. arc :tll'cady (.,ts tin~ their shudows hope we !!hall hear from !Jilll ooc:t~it} lI颅 before : Mr. 1I-lTy 13r-wn Pc-ndl"lIy. and Mi ss G- -I'6',-F. H-gg-ns j MI'. Bellis' dclcl'min:ltioll of tim intensit y W- Ih-Im F. }o'-sch-r and Miss of g ra vity at this place is VOI'Y lie- W- II--111 O . .Em-l'y; Mr, Fr-nk K . CUrlltc. Accurding to his ex pe riments R-g-rs and '\ l iss Alh- rt S. C-fl'-n; fl = 32.1626, At Now Y O l' k t! und , la8l1y, MI', M-rc-.<s J. P-tt-rs-n 32.1 598 . These arc almost idelltical nnd l\1 iss G- -rg- P. Sm- th . We wish whell Itll owltllce is lIIad o fiJI' the dif1e r- them all joy-hut we feel, with the oncos ill I ~ve l und latitude betw6Cn th o Doctor. they had bette r go south for t wo places. fiv e yours, first. Cook is happy. Hi s smiling countenance is omnipresent. $lUO. TJ-IJ{E8 'J"I::CHS. Thero ure u numbe r of !S ingers in the Institute just no w, Chapman sings lit Th ree T echil wl!llLguily aWILY to the town , the Universa li st, anu Hunt, Miller, AW lLy to tile t(JWUIIiI the 11lOO111U'OIle. E~h thoug ht or the ~..'irl wl,o k)\'oo blul be", Tucker. lind .McFadden tit the Plymouth. AmJ gilluoed w ith I.Idlg ht ilL hi;; SUllIbly clotb". A gk>e dull is in oruer, :Ind we under-

stand that steps arc bciug taken to furm ono 1'01" next yea I' . Histecn, one of tho seniol' editors, is to spend the month of July with Prof. Quimby. Superintendent of tho COILSt. Ilnd Geodetic S urvey . The civ ils ought to he gi\'cn n little plane-table work. A polar planimeter wou ld be acccpbtbio also. The jun ior Higgins favored all enthusiastic nudiencc ill the Phys i<:8 lectureroom , the otber dllY , wilh a melodious solo upon the organ (nll.8ul organ ) . He was kindly excused by Prof. Kimball, but. the day wtLS so fri gid that it is feared the poor organistts cold was

"'or T~h 00)'11 ulu~L 1)111)" tho' they afterw llrdll we.'I), And t,hc roM! to destruclion is prelly darn steep, And hy thi~ 111110 tllO bar ill groaning. Three ., I'rota" sat In council in thc old T ech towe r , And they laid their 1)lane lUI t be eun wcnt down, "hey ipoke of th e;!e youth!! with expre5illon~ ,o;our. Aud the mid-night n.ck,.lt Wail dolto very brown. f'or tbe T ech Ulu~t Ilill), alltl SPI!Ol.l bill cuh, To break tbe mOO()tony of boardlng-honle h ... lI. And at liIe b., thoy ulll are groaning. Three Techli now IlIUlllngly mournfull y Itll nd, Alld wt.'eP bitter leurs (we will lay by tb6 1>ee k); TOOir comfftdca look ~!U.I, &II they gl'lLllp tho hand or thO!!e wbo no more will be!eeD at the Tecb. "'or the ~路ou tht they ba \'o played, aod tbey bav'o't k:a.rned lIIuch, And III,,'e reeeived lhelr exit in pretty ~ I rong Dutch, Jo"'are ..... ell to tbe T ec hll, IWd tbe b., ..... Itb lli wO&lIing.

U. C. NInA-G.


M I:. 1:.:011'01::1I01"\C'5l a.., the moli\'o of the BoaI'll of Tru:,lccs undouhtedly Willi , tho actiun it ha s 1"L"Cc litly taken i ~ lL little s urpris ing. II' the WritOI' is cO I'l'eetl.r informed, the prc:-cnl Senior ChlS8 had g ive!! its word lIot to c ngll~o ill puhli shing :lIIything in any way lia"lo to injure the schoo l 0 1' its reputation. The memlie rs of the class , I utuh.mst:lIId, wenJ deci ded ly o ppo~cd to ~u c h .t puIJlkatioll , and froqucnLly cx pr(lsl':lctl themse lves to this

clled in tileil' moeling s. Can iL he poss ihle that the Board kne w tid !!? l hardly think so, 111111 yet it. seems quito natural that. they ~ holiid h01l1' of it. J do no" like to think that. the Board re:;'lI'(ls the word of the Sellio!"s as worthless. What! if tho cla ss is so di:lbo licul :t.i to inl entiollally h.'c:lk its so leulIl word , could it not coolly cork it.~ c;lI1I11111i c:o up, and wail a year ? But it W:l.li another thing 1 t.hought of. The C:lta l o~uo snyli, 0 11 page 33 : "U udol' authority of the l..cgislatu,·c, the Board of Tnlslocs will , at Couull enccmcnt, co nfer Diplolllas, wilh the d egl'cc of B:It:hcl or of ticicnco, upo n all memhers of thu ::;eniOl' cb sH , who IlllVO completed the p I'o8criltcd course uf study, pnssed f.; lIti sfu()LOl'ily tho required exa minations, and aro commended hy tho Facul ty ns de.'mrvillg ." And thi .; wns tho undel'stnnding that. wo students ull had when we emne here i but th is recent action S(."E)IH S to sot 118 ilie the promise alremly ;.:-i,!oll. Tho present. students :I1'C to have their degrees Irnm ed to them I'M the s pace of' one y eur, with the pI'omiso that they call IUlve them pcrmnnenUyat the end of that limu if they use tbem creditahly Illcnnwhilc . But. let us P:lSS to a third eonsidemlion which , it seems to me, outweighs those already mentioned . Not only is it trllo that this new condition is imposed

upon the students now attending the Institute, conlrary to the unc1erst;md ing whc n they came hore, hut it is also true that lite conditio" '8 no(. lo {;p, elllel'ed in lite coming Citlcdogue8.' Thi s, Mr . .Editor. ili what trouble!:! mo. If it is intended that eve lything 1:= hnll hc dono lit irly and sq uarely, then why is it. not right 1'01' future students to know thaL the re is :lIIo1hel' condition they IlIlIs t comp l,}' with ? ~tr. Ed it(lI", ] have endeavored tn ask my que1'3 lion ll 1; filil'll' M "I cou ld. I f I bave said an j,thing dis respectful it. liaS heen unilltcntiunal. and 1 willl'ctrad it. 'rho quci:i1ion I have lls kcd is :Is ked in 8inccrityalld J s hou ld like to know its answer. Vory respectfu lly, M 11)I)I.EIt. [ In ans wer 10 thi s lettcr we will s irup ly sbte that it hns not hec n the Cllstom of the UO:lI'd to cons ult. the editors of this paper 11.'; to the propl'iet.y of their actions . Therefore the editors fcel qui lc irrcs J10ns ihle in this Illalte l', :lIld , altbough they think there lIlay he something wurthyof noto in MI'. Middler's remarks, they do not cure 10 he(,'0 1110 involved in any s lich discussion as hi s leUe r co uld I);tsi ly lead to. •• A s yo wou lll t1mt mon should do Ullto you, do yo oven so unto t hem. " \V e wa nt. tho Tl'lISt('>C8 to let us :done; hence we !Shall 8Ct. tho example liy lotting t hem alone.

En, ] 1\11:. EI)ITOH:-

'V iii you plcafSC kiudly tol\me whether there is 1\ Stunding Committee on Tcnuis Grounds 0 1' noL ? ANXIO US .

1\l y dear Mr, Anxious , wo s h:\1\ I.e most b:lppy to do anything we cun to alleviate your s ufterjogs . It is rumored

17 that in the time of J a.phct such 3. com- prohi bited pnx:essiolls and tho like withmittee was appointed nml exempted out such consent, I Cllll llot hCl'C discuss from all assessments thut mi.,ht he made. the validity of all the l'C:l8Qn:, Ild v:mced Howe ve l', for the la.-,;l three thousand yeurs thi s committee has show .. no sig n of life, and it is s upposed that its melllbers huve !=!Uccumhcd to the cholc m. We ought to he Illo rc ca reful how we impo rt s uch dangerous diseases, if wo

fot' the withho lding of Ihe necc8SuI'Y pe rllIi ssion-suftice it, that it was refu soo, :I ud tbi lj practi cally seUled Iho ques tion j 1'0 1' II C huu \'cnet" with no procession was nut. tn he desired , ~, at lenst , thought the J llllior <..:1:1$8 ill whoso 11Iluds furthe r ellol'L llty ,

Othe r plulls more or less filVoroo were wish to avoid sucb di sas trous consc- proposed, hut the fonner ummimity quences. This is It gratis hint to the IihoWIi in fa.vor o f the old custom was lust and , Illt.ho ugb mnny stood ready to QUllnUltino Department. pus h ullY feas ihle p l:Ul , too many vot.ed IIg:tinst nil that were hl'ought I'ol'wlll'd M it. EmTOn:to make it poss ible to do anything with In common with It large mlljo l'ily of tho least prospect of SUC("'CS8. Hellce the members uf tbo Institute 1 have to the choice Illy hetween :UI entiro omisreg,'ct the om ission of the usual JUlliu l' s ion or It bune :tft:tir if not a 4.."Ol1Iplete C hau\'c neL dUlIIonslr:ttioli. J:lilu l'o, ami no ne hesitated at accepting By tho members of the uppe l' cliLSSCS the form er, howe ve r uuslllisf:tetory. there is nod is likely to be considerahle I be lieve that there is much good feeling lind, it wus tllI"Oug h the lac k of to be gotten 1'1'0111 s uch :t85ClIlblies of the d csil'C or c n e q~'Y 011 the part of the entire schoo l, whe n llll , f(.'C lillg that t.hey Juniol' (Jlas:.; that this c.!une alx mt . A tLl'O ha\'ing :L share in the undertaking, littl e l'eflection wi ll , J tbink, lend to Il make it Il t:i UCCQ8S not mOl'ely in itself modification , aL leust, of th is opinion, hut. rot, Ihelllsch'C8 , und throug h themFo )' some .real's the custom has hee n ~e l\' es for the schooi, -for the tendency losing favor among those interested in is towllrds the promotiull of '" gencl"fll the school, and principally hec:msc of school fi..'C ling. Yet. we :Iro, at the same the 0PPOl1.uniLy tuke n in cOllllention time. forced to rocogn izo the chance of with the celebration to show class fool- di~:tppro\'al of such an extensive jollificaing 01' to st.rive fol' physical cI:UI,iI s u- tio n , on ncco unt of the ex pe nse , which to prelliacy, 1m undert:lking o n e n result ing mUlly ilS of major (,'QllstXluc nce, especially in dioorder and occasioning sore head s ill a schoo l li ke ours, and this exif Ilothing wOI'lSe. The o hjectional fetlt.- pense tibrgreglltes JIlO I'O Hnd more lUI the UI'C ex isted only so long liS it WlIS made d esiro on the part of one c11l88 to e xce l a Junior aflhir exclusively, :U1d was pl'o"ious cllorts . hecomes stronger , entirely obviated hy the nction o f lust In the present case this is a valid and y car'~ class, who seL tbe good ex:unple st.rong a rbrtlment, and while I sincerely of inviting nil to j oin , thus lnak.ing it, ho pe "Ch:lUvenet " has not become forus the r esul t proved, :l pe.'lceu.ble and ever a thing of tbe past, 1 can but feel ord6l'Iy affair, that it was wisely omitted tills year, The immediate cause of the setting A JUNIOR. aside of the custo m, WII8 however , tbe necessity of ohtllin ing tho consent of the We are delighted to find that Prof, Faculty for a street demonstration, 8 S the n ew rules of o rde r, resu lt.ing from H enry p , A.ru.uJby, ' 71 , retuins hi s inthe trouble during last fall 's election, terest in his Alma Mllter, for in answer S



lIIr. Smith while cheerfully warbling to our circul:u' he forwllrdcd to us sev" r am so ~llld that J esus loves me," enll p:unphlcts rcl:lting to tho Agriculoverhenrd hI S fri end Sly , "ThCl'e is no tum! Expcl'illlcnb; ill his depnrtmcnt of accounting fol' tnste." the University of' Wisconsin. They S-a-Il-Y , who h:lS been eating the wou ld have considemble interest for the Dr.'s alum: 41 Doctor, is alum good to student or Chemi stry, as !:Ihowing the cnt?" Dr.: " Yes, it is used ll8 a kind of work that some of them may physic for horses." hav e to pe rform ill lifo, and they lUay Prof. (with excuse book in his hand 00 obtained 011 Ilppli ctltion to tho editors. Ilpproaches student) : "See here, you We were agrectlbly s urprised to re- have had four lame bncks and two fevers j chunge it next tim e." coivo a May numhc r of tho Bosion At the Military AcndelllY the qucsJ ourlHtl of Oonmu:rce, containing an tion at present under <ii8("ussion is : announooment of the publi cation or tho If one man cun sec 6,"e miles , how far " W T ]," lind find wo are indebted to can two men see? tho Mcch:mic:d Ed itor , i'lr. ](". :\{ , The physica l prowcss of the separate classes n8 established lIy last Field OIlY Clark , '73. W:lS, on a scale of 100, Seniors 29, Middlers 62, Juniors 9, Preps O. " Where, O! whero is the honor of the Tech ?" All right, dear boy, for it does not depe nd wholly on the success "No whistling ill tho hall. " of the" nine." "Look it up in Whi tney." " S ketching! sketching ! You have . • The Elevator is not to he used until got the whole SUllllller before you. " YOll will huve mnlly opportuuities. II. meter is :lU~t (; h ed." 'York hard. Be industriolls . .. Students wi ll plcsse not leave tbe •• If you have teurs prepare to shed shop lIy passing tbrough the oltice." Oh! Sc uiors, why need you s:lcrifice them now ." A Prep W:l.Ilts to know if they Jock the Chapel for feur some one those full he:mls for Commencement? wil l curry oft' the hymn-hooks. The musicn l efforts of the Civi l En'85 gave a .. spread" in honor of their gineers are not npprcc.iated by the winning tug-()f-war team, but we Ilre :Faculty . The grounds :tbout the huildillrrs are unnhle to furni sh detnils I\S they neglectltt. present looking fin ely. We hgpe to ed to send invitations to the press. sec them kept so. 'Vhen even the blind slops p1t~ying 'Ve nrc glad to subscribe for soap, nod rushes from the stand to watch the but prefer to furni sh our own per- events, it surely speaks well for the e nthusiasm of the spectntors. fum ery . There was an odd person named X, Student trying to g ive R collected " "ho lila Junior claM! o rten did vex, nccounLof the story of Ulysses: •• 'V ell, By sayi ng" Chal1vellet. ls merely boys' play, And very Imprope r ror Teehs." you see, when the sai lors saw those Prof. in German: "Is there any those s-s-siringes they bnd a soeakioO' 0 Engli sh equivalent for the German word desire to jump overboard." Schwindeucbt?" Bri~ht student: " I The invitations and prognlmmes for guess it menns a searching for wind. " the spring field day were a credit to the

THE W' T I. directors . They were not only nttraotive but eminently practical, providing ample space for Iltlllles Imd records . We know some girls Ilt Welles ley also, and if we bad ou ly rememhered it in time, we should have been sp:lred the anguish of gnzi ng with admiration and envy on those magnificent Seniors. A much needed tool-room, similar to that in tbe iron department, bas been



partitioned 00' in the wood-room , and some one is to be appointed to take the sa le charge of it. Next year a new forqe is to be opened in the basement of Ule shop for the use of the Mecbltnics, and under the tuition of John, the blacksm ith, they will learn how to dress II. tool and to te mper I how to forge and to weld. The interment of the remains of Prof. C. O. Tborup,oD took place Tbursday afternoon, May 21. All exercises of the school were suspended IlIHI the Faculty attended the burial. The Hag was displayed at half-mast. How do you like the new cover? Whatever the verdict may be, it will surely be acknowledged that it loses noUling from being produced by home taleut. We are deeply indebted to its designer, Mr. A. R. Brown, '85 . There have been four daring Seniors this year who have worn silk hats in Lhe (by time, but following the rule relating to discretion and vlllor they hllve wisely kept away from the vicinity of the" Tech." The !!TOUp pictures of the officers of the A.A.., and those of the winning men at the spring meeting and of the tuO'-ofWllr team of '85, are altogether too dark to be considered good. Tbe pbotographs of the graduating e1uss gave genel'll l satisfaction. The tennis court;a have been in great demand between and after recitations . The sport was given an impetus by the opportunity aKordeel the students of


making their own rackets in the shop. Keep up your practice for the tournament next fn ll. At the be~inning of the summer practice the I\.{iddlers took the lend, havinO' one milD with two hundred Ilud forty~ three hours to WIlke up. A Prep comes next with over two hundred, then a Junior with one bundred :lIld eightyeight, while the lucky Senior with the worst record had but fift.y-fiv e. E:lrnest parent.: .. Hobin, you have been pillyio" horse 00 the Lord's Day." Robin: "Yes, I know, but you didn't see me. " E. P.: H Ah I Robill, but God SI\W you." Coming mno of principI e: II 'Veil, I just wi sh God would mind his own business nnd oot keep wntching me the whole time." I I 'Vl1lTcn's Elements of Machine Construction" though always used as a. hook of reference hns this year for the fi rst time been adopted us a text-book. Six dollars is a high price for a sUlull volume, but tbe genorul verdict of the c1as!t is that it is better to pay U, little more and obtain a work which will be a valuable add ition to their library. The amount raised this year for icewater is $12.65. Last year it was $10.00 aod the year before $14.60. It is a good pla.n to have the tank in the wll.8h-room ruther than iu the iron-room, but it is fortunate thill.. <I ice-water " is painted thereon, for otherwise some uninitiated Prep might look in at tbe top and take it for lemonade. A prayer meeting under the atUlpices of the Society for the Promotion of Religious Interest bas been beld n1. tbe hall Sunday a.fternoons, at three o'clock, durin" the past year. It will he continuea'till further notice, and the attendance of the students is requeated. The averuge of the number present is aoout twenty. Some discontented members of the Prep class, bewailing the lllCk of excite-


THE W' 1.' J[.

mOll l ill the drllwiug l'OO Ul, soug ht to e nli\'(, 11 the SCt'no hy bring ing with them nine fl"Ol-rS, and placing' them ill ditlc l'cnt p:L rt s of the room. Tho stilllLc,s.-; W:lS iUl(,IlSC , until urokcn h y :t solo from 0 110 of tb e " nin e." " Theil and the re was hurry ing to :md 1'1'0," but we will 10:1\'0 the rcst to Ihe illl:lg in:lti on. A ('IISO of di s<: iplin e occlIl'I'cd rc('cllliy in the I;-'reo Inst itute Kindcrw-lI1.cn. One of the i llfitllts wus sont home by t.he l'l"ccc pl rcss fOI" the :Il'l el'nooll, 111I! Wll S h:l(' k :Wilin ne xt m O l'nin'10~ allcl' II:I" ln 10 (' 10 · hlkcn the prcsc l'jhcu quantity of Liquid Food ( none ge nui ne unless lhe Ilallle is hlo wn in the hottle . ) The l')()OI' lit.t1e

On Friday , Jun o 12, the g:lI11e hetween the Juniors llnd l)rcps was decided in f:L\' Ol' of the Juniors . the score ill the end of' the 6t h inning being 26 to 7.

TENN IS. Th e "dol/Illes" hetwccn the J unio rs and Preps wero won hy tbe lattel', the Preps winning foul' [:lots out of the fiv e .

From o wr fl €:i ~(.1 11>0 rs .

W elles ley will not send a crew here thing j :1lI11UCd its f· huhby fist into its the Fourth of July , M was expected, mouth :lnd cried wholl it WAS told it hocallse the s tudents: U I'O unwill ing to 1H1Ist go . hu t it was no lISC. It weilL suppo rt a boat clull . Two members of tho Princetoniu n BA SE BA I~ I~ BULLET I N. l3o:Lrd of Editors huve been s us pended T cch;j \' S . H igh & 1:1001[01, 12 to II III fo r writing ahout the Fllculty of the college. ftL\' OI' of the rormot' . T cchs \'S . H W . T. I. Di scontents, tt The chlss of '87, Boston T ech , is to 2 1 to 20 in 1';1\' 0 1' o f the laUeI'. iss ue nil Tnstitute Annua l lIext year. n is estimated that Yale College Nines solected Illainly fJ'OIIl the .Juninl' :mc! Middle classes played :l G il lll ing hrings nenrl,)' It million doll ars into Now gn me on the morning of J;'icld D:\'y! the H:l\'en every year. Juniors beating by It score of 20 to 3. A new litem!'y mo nt hly i ~ being Tho ball ga me hetwccn the Second tlliked o f Ilt Httrvnrd, Nino fln d the Wo rcester A Clld cmys , There is t~t1k of' nn annex at Columhia Mellioriltl Duy llfi.ernoon , was It "i elory sirnilar to t1mt of Harnrd . for t.he Techs ; 18 to 9 in fivo innings. There arc th irty-ono co\oroo students On Sut\miay llftcrnoon~ June G, in the }. . reShI1lIlU class of Yule. nine lIlon picked from hoth Ih e 8<:hool It is s:tid tlmt Pres. E liot of Harva rd lc:.l.I11S, leurned to their cost that a ball is il, tending to go lo Europe next fa ll temu in the cOlUpll r:ltivcly l1\W mate rial l~'ll' II yellt', in orde r to obtain reel, cllllnol even ly compete witIl pl'tl cl iscd 'Pile Princeton R eview is to be srul'led players. Their opponents, the Guild ngam. P I'e:;. McCosh is to be one of th e nine . played n steady "lIsinc8s-likc Illilnagers. g:1Il1C, and were :18 highly IImllscd as A Chinese student took the prize nt were tb e spcctntors at the wCllk halling, ¥nle for E ng lish Composition. fielding, IlIld fix edness of purpose disThe B o&t011 Advertiser clflims 27 pl:lyed by the T ec.bs . graduates for the Boston Tec.h, wbkh

THB W T I. seems rnther n smnll number for a school whoso bOll.St is seven hundred /Students nnd nin e regubr courses. '''ith but four courses and ono hundred tlud forty students , we clai m twe nty.6\路c grndmtles this year, t wenty-one of whom urc mechanical eng ineers. Some Vassar g irls have been photo-

grnphing th e moon.

It's funny how :\

g irl longs to POSses8 a mau's picture , even th oug h she mllY not kno w him. B~ton

P ost.

The trustees of the College of the ci ty of New York h:1V C ui:)()lished the Pro fessorship of SI):lIli sh. Th e third of :t series of Greek pl:lyS is to be acted hy t he university men, nt O'tllb"idge , Eng l:llld, nex t Novcmhe r. The AmcriC:lI1 Yacht Clu b begills its They will pn~

Rununt cruii:le July 16.

ceed to New London, wbere they will hold tbeir nnmml rebTfttta, July 17. nEATIN O



The annunl spring gumes of the Athleti c AsSOCitltioll of the Uni versit.y of Pcnnsylvunia occurred on their ne w grounds in Philadelphia, May 14-. The event. of the day was the running hig h jump, in whi ch 'V . B. Page clenred the relllllrkable height of 6 feet 1-4 inch, which is 1 1-4 inches belle r than the beat Arueri CllIl record wndc by E. W . J o hnston Rnd J ohn 'Vest., professionals , and 2 1-2 inches better than the oo:;l amate ur American record. So hig hly decorated are t he rattan chalra In t he fas hionable dra wi ng roo m! t hat. IL I" h:u'd w tell which III chalr and which Is r lbboll. Uue who IIlLi-J In o ne of thelle chal~ make", lUI Clltollly of the (am lly.-SprlngJdd UnWN.


o what In the wo rld wou ld t he Edi to r do, W lien th e H ~ o tl In the fonny dcpart mcnl h' blue, J( his s hea N! could n't cull OUt a fOiSIl o r t wo FrOID t he columns o f papel'll t hat publish the m lIew ? lV,wt ? ! 01 WU .... T! P! Baby, ne w to earth a nd s ky , Soon as born lx!glns to c ry, Day and nig ht doe:< baby yell, Aud makes It!! d~'d dy mad liS - - ,veil , Mad 88 any t ltlug.


M . A LOOTT . (Adapl芦i.)

Durl ug a t hullderato rm o ut W es l, II book IIgent. touk shel te r u nde r a t ree alld was atnlc k by lightnIng o u the c heek. T ile docto r u ys th .. lIght nIng can't II ve.-E:t..

Ouly a common doorya rd BILek o r a commo n itat; Only a kI tchen d uof !Jtel), Aud au old J . T hus. ~B t LazUy In t he s Ullshine Dozing on the ma t. Only a ll open wi ndo w Directl y o \'erhead ; Only a fl endlsb board tor, His face wit h grins o'era pread (,\11 ot which Im pl le8 '" bIg 8urprli5c F o r t hat llleeplng q uad rn ped). Only. piLche r of wl te r Dumped wi t h precls lol1 sqUllre; Icy do wn upon t.baLJ. T , C. So ca lmly 8iee.plng thereAnd a lrenz h:d Chunk of cn.t meal Jumpa !Jill: (eet In t he air. -lJIllrQ.l lIal8tead.

Fo r hea rLfeh I) hllosopby nut! meek l! ubmiS81011 to au overruling (ate, lbe8e li nes lire ul1lq ue:

"I wo uldu't Ih'e roro ver ; I wo uldu't 1,( I could ; Bu t I need n't fre t about It, Fo r I eouldu' t Ir I would ."

Then! Is tl pun of Chicago llia' Is kno wn as ,. LILth.' Hel1"- to dls t lngu ll:!h It Crom the large r portion of the CIty.-Botltm COWImercial BId'eth,.



('A 8'1' A.NO l' UIo:SEN'r .

I nto a nnk with fo ur bleat wails, That bla7,ed with Ii glare like midday light, Where ne ve r a s bado w of IIOtTOW falls , Somebody'lt d ude Itrolled In ODe nig ht ; SOlnebodY'!I dude 110 young and 110 whi te, Wearing upon his Innocent race N..,ver a Ilgn o f mAnhood's might, Uut hi,. l14!arl'plo showed a tlu8plclou o r paste.

A Marsbal gsllaut. g rand Rlld tall, A Itgu re It t to moye a "tole, About to me<!t. the fatal ball,

UllbJenching bared hi" IJreast heroic. Hut ,,"hy that cider day rllcall ? We surely Ilaven't ret rograded.

.,'a\r womAn now, (or c\'cry ball, Unl1ll1dtl n~

blir es-ye, lIlor c than Ney dId.

Carcrlllly combed a re hl8 raveD cu rlll, That lightly lie on hl8 delicate bl'lllll, Aud III his lingers he lallg uldly twirls The e ntente cordhllc of married life, after the 1.11 ceaaelellll motion a gold beaded cane ; (ull honeymoon hall come And gOlle like II. bl1s/lfui Somebody carefUlly combed hili halrj dream, Is satls lled by till a no nymou!'I poet.-lK>ss lWnslt his mother, wbose s igh t now rlules' blya femi nine o ne, &II the rdort. hI against the Was It a blus hing maldeo fair, .. bearded lord o f creation :" Or n barbe r lUI black M the ace o f IIpeu!Cil'

W. P. D.

Loud hrayed an II.8'C. Quoth Tom, " My dear, ( T o wife wilh >ICOrnf'u1 carrlAf,'1l) i Que or your relatives I lIe.r- "

" Yes, lo\'c." said she, .. by marriage." " T o mmy, did yo u hellr you r mother call yon? " .. Coursu I di d ." I . Theil . why don 't you

go to her at otlce? "

.. 'Veil, yo u see,

'l'Ile re'l! ne ver A doubt he Is $lomebody's pet ; SOlllcbody'lIlteart hill! e ns hrined him there; M !!ybe t hu d ude has a fathe r yet, Or II. mother, who walts at the head or the II tal r ; MlLybe a malden, with chC(!k o f rose, I ii !lad ly a waiti ng tbill missing link, And tbere he stands In a beauUt'ul pose, III the glamou r a nd gilire o rthe II katlng rink.

~ he'll

Hut there cornell a man fnll of honeyed g Uile And l'alltens the cruel ilkate!l to his feel; Theil IlLandll 48lde with a cyulcallllnlle, l)regldent. J c ncfiiOl1 : ., Yo u carried out. those And walt8 for hili bead and his heels to meet. mcu ures of econom y I told yo u aoo ut P" • • • • • • • lI ead of Department: " YCII, sir. I sold all KIs... h.l m once for his grandmother's saku; the cane i:le"t c hlllrl:l a ud got woode u o nes, auu It'lj do ubtt'ul lf ever s he k ldell him mo re; I nlllde t he hoy lake back tl,e DCW onlce broom The s kates from his reet 110 tende rly t ltke, whic h my luxurious predecessor ordered, lIud SWeel) out the dC:bl1t1 alld clO8C the door. told him to do t he Iweepl ng with a shovel." -Ewgl!IIS Clav Ftrgu8Qn. " That'. right. Retre nchment II the order of the hour. Hut that, I hope, Is nOl all'" L~ NO DANGER OF BA VI NG TO PAD . .. Oh, 110. 1 dillchuged lbe woman who w&Rhed the unlce to wels. We CAli Il hake them The bullying manner o [ Ule Gennan stude nts o ut lind dry thelll In t he !Iun. " Is l)rOve rbllll, A8 Is IllMt t Ltelr manla fo r due Uing. .. Ah I Huw ell8y It l>j to tiave the people's I t W98 at Heldelburg that a quiet cltlzell, leaving money wh en oue III In earnest about It. How t.he cars, lIaid to a " waggertng s tude nt : lUnch have you !Ial'cd Lbu!l flU'" " Sir, yOIl IU'C crowding me ! K~ !) back a .. Aoout 811.60." lillie bit, sir! " .. Good! Hal!'le Mike MulJigan's &Alary to The student tlll'lIcd oe rcely , and lIald, In a loud ' :1,000 a yenr." - PhUadtlpAia Call . Wile, " Do you not like It' W ell, , II', I am at The re Iii no adequate hbtorlcal ev ide nce that your s er\'lce whe never you please! " t he Light Hrlgalle which won fame at Hlllaklava " Oh, thank you ! .. said the tra'·eler. .. Your W IIS composed of pilnnberl:l, but Teooy80tI's ofter Is ye ry kllld, and you may c&l'Tl my \'allse ca8ulll expressio n, .. Oh , lhe wild c harge they to the hotel f o r me," made!" ~rJ.ve!l rl jj.() to a well grounded lIuaplclOIi The IItudcut tied amid s bouts o f laug hter.that thlll was the fllct.-Somertl(l/I! JQur"al. H dddbllrg Zdh'ltg. DcrvuUil, IIl1d It'd shock her tl wfu! lf I s bould go too s udde n. "-Chkago 7'rEbllue .

23 UNDER A CRAZY QUILT. .. can again," he said to the butcher, " Call again anothe r day." He slept and dreamt that the kaugaroo The butcher pocketed his bill Had given a Cancy ball ; And sad1y turned away. The elephant. came with the f csth'e gllll, The mouse with the ostrich tall. " He's busted," s aid the butcher , A funn y giraffe, that did nOlbing I)lIt laugh, " Flat broke, alack a day! Dropped. in with II. centi pede; He Is an honcst customer ; And a cricket and flea that had ju..t iJecu to lea, Too bad h e canuot pay." Waltzed. round with re mar ka ble s peed.. The butche r took his wife that nig ht A wasil and !l. bu.mble bee bad a chat To see a fOllr bit play; Just O\'er his little nose; But in t he tI rty do llar bolt And a hoa constrictor ullOn the II1l1 t, Sat the mall that couldn't pay. UrelSsed up in his Sunday clothes. -San Pra~i8oo New, Leller. A crow and a raccoon, In a lire balloon, Paused over Ws bed to s ing ; And !l. neat armadillo crept up 011 his pillow S. R . LEL.A.ND &:; SON" To dallce t he Highllng fli ng. Theil all, ere t hey left, made a g raceful bow , And o ut in t he moonlight SIJed ; or u,"r,. _ . I I,l lon. AII",nl rur Except II. po nde l'ou8 brind le cow , OhlokeriDg' 80111, Hallett, n.rit 6; 00., Willl&a KlIabe Which s topped to stand o n her head. 6; 00., 1. 4: O. Filahlr FIAlf03. 0.0, Wood.,lth&o& Orp li 00., WOroelter Orpa 00. OrpllI. The little boy woke and g rlnncd a t the joke. S llra llg out of bis he d with t\ lUI.; Fh'M' G rade.. 1·.ICIi I J.illht l'I' loli Vah. " I CRn drt!am it all ove r ," said he, "while Uley BAND ::INSTR~NTS. cover AU Idodlo or I ...ullruenta rur Sal" or lo lteonl. Sbee, Mu.k: and Mll ileal M.... cbaudlae. l'IallO lnnlllll: In cit,. 0 . _"lry. Me up in tills crazy (I um. " -Geor!](l Coo~r. 4,4,6 St.., Opp. Ci ty Hall, Woreester, 1Ia88.









- - D I U.LER8 IN"--

DRAWING MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Saperlor 8 ....... Draw.a . . . . .Cr• •e •••• Wbatman's Drawing Papers, all slze8, bot and cold pre!l8Cd. Roll Dnwing Pllpers, both plain, and mounted on mus lin ; all widlhR, and qualiUea. Prlee. . . . . . . . . Co •• wllLb










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A large line of Optical Goods, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, etc.




THE W 11.' I.


Tile Re~I'esentative Drr Goo~s ~tom of Central MassaclU seUs, t:w' ry ODe of lite fifteen lk'llll.rtmenll are full of l)(Iill.llll.f lind quick-M!lIing bRrglliu~. rreilb every w eek.

II2iir Dry Goods were never sold so cbeaD as now. J)oll~li~ t:OUOII~ •


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"W"~UBN K.A.~





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