1912 v4 i11

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AT LAST! 1915 WINS In II "ttl pla~ecl l!"•m~. full of RIIS<O· '""' r~nlure., eta..& ur 19U a t last t rlumphrd o• cr the Freshm<'n lhru lh., prowcos of her foot hnU t~am. 1'h~ Sophollll!lrc\ ~lrrnglh Illy in hrr lmckRdd, lll j:IW<' and Barn~ pulling off mnny ton~~t non~ nrnund lht: tJotls, whit.- ,\\·cr) -.•11Uic.l Hl wn\·s bf' eoUJlted on t o mn"co 4\c'\ · l'rnl 1 nrol~· lhm c.:nler. Thr f"rr<hman Ill-" I;UltliR) o'<l I~ OpJ>OnC'II~ 011 lht" "0011'. !>I Ill• AI l1 rt rnd ".,. their t•nr pftrticu· IHr') hrljrltl •l•r and t:pton showed dillS in II•<' ltar~llrld. rrpt"atedly m~ldn~~t con· ,;.t nl tr•in, lhrn tiM' S 1ph••m<1rr lint' ('r•n .. Ieic-k••' o lf l" Warrm ..-hI rum"'"'' '"' tlot' :!5-~ ard line-. Iii ~~til« 'IC'OOp<"d lilt- h~ll at f ull ~pe-t'<~ ond m••k 10 1 nrcl¥ lwfnrt• lot' hil Sto>nr's ~lllrd•· shoutolr"' llarn~ mrule 15 ntdi at lrrt rnd •·n lh•· ,....,""' play. The S ophomorM "' do• Rrot <J,,,. n lhru thrtt phon~ lhru " nt,•r h1 \Hr\ nnd rour p 1rds olf Jl'rt tnr~l•• h\ l\11rnc:~. H ere thr "Prnsh" hrhl fn r dow'ru~ "'"' Ston,. punted ont of dnnll"r to Wurrtr1 " " his 45-ynrd llu.-. H ll(" '""' tntulr tour ) ud.' ~ t righ t rud and lhn ll11nl ~ rllrrl<:<l u,., bull for 10 ~·•r~l• "round ri![hl end 1111d liM'n ri~1t yard• a t u,... left "intt· B•trnt"o mad~ a prtll) (ON•Ird I"'' t ·• IIi~, n~ttlng 1:!






jolunltt"' I•) llittb« and \'1'~1"). War ro-n "tn t l hru t'Ccntn rnr nine 'ar<IJ and a t oucl1<l•n•n. Th<' S<ltlhomi<!M' cup (I( jo) """~ ft" 'tl l-t lilt- hrim ..-b~n B10rots Ut~ o·d Ill<' ~nel. pultio@' ~lr t~1un ln th~ l~<td, 741. ller~ th..- llrlit quarter cnded. \ H•r) l.lc o·ll oft' to Lipton. "ho ran It hft~k Ill 1 " " " Thru a pcnodty and linf'


'r'IOmbs a nd .\ndr• ,."S, 1916 •n1ul.- nr• l dO"'~'~· ' fhen t:pton r~lrd n lf ''"<' II( hi• st U311tlonol runll muklng I ~ tt)

y•~rd, Oh left la~kle. Tbe f'r1'11hm~n uuatl~ two &uc«edmjr 6r&t duwn.<~ h) tl1e


morgin thru lint plunj,.,.., hrinlrinF Ute bll.ll to the S'lphomo>re s 20•ar•l hnc. Jlrrr \H·n inl~r~plrtl ll for~ ard I"'"" and U>e haJJ soon mdt'd. , ,,.,.) ktcl.ed otr tn l 'pt ·m c>n his OM') rd lm , """ r•n lilt- bnU b8ck 15 y1u·tb ()n lh~ 11nl play lhc ball nnl nutsid~ ""'' "•"' taken In 15 yards. ~ f'~h­ m ·n', rlfltht end. Jon...., lay p i'05trale nn th.- •l•ldine •nd •as uonoti~ by the S 'l''"'"'"r"" Oo the nerl pln~ \ndre•• 111 ,dt' 1\ lln'tt~ P"-~ to hlm, n~ttmg ~ \'llr<l•. l'rmrlp..U) thru U1e pl:l) lng nf 't 'plun, t111' l'r.-shm<!n wo rked the hall "I' ' " 111111'• lt •)&rd lln~. whrrr th~y I ,., ft. Th• SupbomoTe~ "urked th~ hn II fn•m I his pulnt btC'ndll)' lu '16'1 20.ye rd linr thru Ute , tcllnr plDyinjr of Hsrn<"' • nd lll!(l!('(', t'nrh of whom J!Ol ol! a 16) •rd run The tlllrd quarter .-nded at tht. I''''"' •ith no chenlt<' ln l"" ..-nrr. l>uriug tilt' 11\st quarll'l' lM 111111 Iff· '""C'tl "I' nn<l down the fi~d. lilt- SophoIIH>r..,. hn•in,r tilt' ad.-anlagt" Ounnr; thiJ ,,..,.; .... n anon "''""' nm> nr :!.l ~a.rda -.nd IS ~"""· Th.- ~one rndM ..nth 1916 In ~.....,...,on n( lhe baU on h<>r O\O'll ~ ••rd lmr. S<WI 10\l()ltl'. $-7 ~FRF.SH \t£:-.l)ln It lt SlOM, capt. 11.-dhurjt. llll.<t'llon It lkcl<er, Chsndlt-r Sh~rwuod l~t 111: J;lklns II Khll'l' ~ C: Rra~OII lloy~. l.nppldos rjt rjt Shumwsy II AI'Ioin• rl rl l:pson. 'J'uUoch. Frary St .... tr, "nhiJclnn rt rr .J on.,;~, Kloss, W-.rnrr \\'arr.-n, llooth qh qh \ndrrws, Booth lllr:b••.. lhb lhb C'ran~ tl~ml"!<, o·.•r•t. rhh rbh l'pU>n

\,....'>. fb fb T uomi T out'hd.,,.,., \\'a ri"C'' G<>lll from toneh· do" n Barn< Rdertt. C'lnu!lh l mplr.-. Wult. IJne;man. Frlal'l> Tim.-. " and to-mmutt' •tuarte"'

PRICE R\C cr.'IT:->

Thanksgiving Communication

\\ or~,tt·r, :\11\..~ .• ll. o1. l!!l, I!H~. The e3 rly settler;, of \ ew England, our own fordtallu: " • fo~tnd '" \~H: mut'h in llwir lives for which to be tlumkCuJ that tlat•y ~fl a~ich• a dny to l'iri/1 1'1"!1 IIH; Jl•rltn~<irt " '~""''"' 7'i•. ~ dl' \ UICU (Ormtllly to lh1111~1gh flli• 'J'lti~ W ILq d OIIL Ill II limt: "lu-n l,jlo,l Satnrdny's gHnll~ w.-rr ~hrttd tht·y were enduring hnrtl•<l1ip au gnat tltul w~ oC the prt·~c nl day would ""' " tu. a '"'"~~' hy " el""h "''""''." thr \l e-t•lwntt, t'llnl g -.n_i,_r ("a\'1l't 'nu· I(IWW •lmnk frum il in db em•.' . 'J'Iwy haJ •·••lo·d thtm~dn,s fron1 llu·if' IIIJIUI'\ "115 ru tu~l h) iJ\dhirlnnl pln~n•~r rnlh· and nil the llssocialionll of lhdr lormcr li.-C!o-frum tho-c mcmoric:t of t'r thnn h ·•m " or!. • ..-llh l'or1rr •t•rrina ft>r tht' \lrehanl<"' omd t)Hnn•nu fo r lh<" tht' J.l"Sl ..-hich ..-e all hold '" d\'ttr. 1 h~y {(lwld Utt:m~ch·cs \tran~r.a in f••·ll• 1\ h.a··-.u 1\lld unfr11·ndl~· lnnd, And lh ··~ \>.:J'e fat·in~t llll' rijtltrl of " Tilt- ~m.. ..-as s tarted lw lb.- u~·'- 1 kkklnJI ntr h lh~ \l reb•mc< TI1r tatl~r •ttrn ,.;oto:r for which lht-y wt·l't' ill pnp'll't·d. And ytl, in •Jilt< of all tiL~h<-d U. • h..U for ~<'•rrol tm•t• h)· tho. tht.' ((lund lhdr ht·nrb o>ullonm,rwith thiUlltfuln•·•s: and lhry ~ · runa •~•••frtng II« ~'llnli or ""'~ "t.. n on in<"•mph It' fo....-ard pn'>3 !t>'t' Ill<' lllhobhtd a dny which '"'-' now IX r ""d for nearly lhrt:c hundn·d hall t•• tiM' Ci\'ih on lh<' nmltll.- elf thr ~·cttr~. " ·bich we know "' Thaulugn '"It· n~ld. Th• n<':il 1:\\o pl«ys ••r~ chnrftt'leri<ctl b) u~ )lr<"hnuir-, hrlntr ... ..... .Each one ot Ul> hu,. \O murh more f<>r "'loich we should be th11nk· t>rnnll•t•tl (M olf•i<lt' pin~ • (or n tliotnnct (ul, than hnd the PilgTt ms of a>Jymoulh, lhttl t'Ompari~on bdw•·t•n uur of R•r \nrtl~ tMdo time. n1c- Ci•lh wrre un11blr 'tc• frtlin and so f)~nn•nn wnt t•ondition nnd theirs nt·t'd nut fur 1111 irl'>taut be considt•rt•d. And y.:t, ftlr...-.1 t·• kh•lc. In lhdr ne~t plot) lht' Me<'hnu lt'>! fumbh-d hut lur'd l~ rt't~t\'• •·nl.'h one of us luu hi'l hour~. hi' d.~·· of deep diswurt~gcm('nl. 'fhi, mu'l not lx-, And itn(·td not be. In •tlitt· or nil di•"PJ'Oinlmt·nu, dis· ('r~d 1 'hr CfU3rlt'r thtn tiHird "' \rtn<~ur (1111.-.1 tn J{nin IU'fluud lrfl rnol S«<md quorkr-C'h·IL, 11; \ll'<'h•niCl> 0. • ·vu rn~o"tm<!nl.'l. 1\nd f~tllurt,, th!' ,.,,.1 ,1 C'<llll<llns "" muC'h for c•·fryonr wlto Till• Jk·ric>d "l"'""tl .,.;t~ thr lo·•ll ' "" ro nd~ the<' lines th11t lifr •~ ~un•hinr ~nd "hcerfulne • eompllrt'd wath 1

- -- Til \T SENIOR(;

In \ l,..·h•nit..,' btontlo,. TI1t' Ch•l• •~rr "h:;t il wiiS for lhost' who r~tahlisbrd the• first Thanbgh·ing Day. pcnaliud n•., r•nls art.. lilt' ............ ~ru.rul lhttt you nre h~:rr In thiJ> ~oocl world of uur'i; be: thank· nuh for olrsidr rtny. 11..- nnt F•ln WU m•de h~ a fo........ rd JU'I.t fl"•lll \nn Cui that you""~ you ; be th11nl.ru.l for what you IIA're ; a.nd be llwll.Cul our to 'l'i<'rney. "hlch n<'tlC'tl It n \'1\Nl. It Smith thm plun~ lh.ru """' "' for a··•rn fo r tht fair J>rO'iJ)('Cl whidl lift• 'Prt·ftd~ b.-fore e'tt'h one o( y?u. 1·a nt•. hut lht' of t~ ..-rrr "''"'trurtrd r .. nt.-•iru. treMures untold If you wl I < nh- lind and ~eiae upon lht·m. a pctu•llraUon for olf· hlr 111~) 1'h~ Desl wishes for n llll'ft,.I\Rl 'J'h •.t:U.s/(ivlng Dny Ill homt, and for a nt't p!n~ n dnuhl.- 1••s• tn 'l'ltrllt). who "f'nt ftntund riJ[Itl rncl (ur .,...., n goud rest in tJ1e litlk ,,.,...,, II(' fnrt• our \\ urk is rl'$Umtd DPX t wto·k. 1urd,. ' l'hr Me"hnniri ro>ntnHtC'fl thrlr Lt'\ I J.. C't)Milt. ~·"" until th~y reM·h~d lh • C'l•ll~ 1111· l'ard lhH•, Where lhl'\ Wt'rl' lwlfl for itn .. us. Th• hnll <Cnto't'll' In I ht JNI)()()R TR.\CK REJ ,A\. ,..,.~ ptnd. r~pC't•l•lly All tlu·lr ~AJII41n, Civil• 1•·•sse«slnn ..-h~n lht' ~~~•·h.,niC'I "'' r twl~ pnonliM-d for nlf•irl~ piA) . t•noS PJo:M'8. C'•ld,.~ll. has 11:0"" t•> C'om,IJ . 111M't' t. a k>t of hord worlc eh~•d ( t;r l'ullt•r thtn l'>llk lbt- hnll hut lo-t •I' ' lltf' t'Jo>'O(: ()(lilt- fnotbrtJJ •rii>'IU A lhr man•F"t to; ntakr th.- lntlnor Jt.U<lll ) arrb. lltl• I<I'S Willi th~u m~tlt' "I' h) ~Uft't'U. In lhr nrst plaN'. II I• IIIIJ>ed I) •n•" on aruund rntl. Sh~rth aflrr thl• thr '"""'" trade St'U<m. on omlrr u.~t 01Ml·" •n was fOf'CI"ol t ~ ~irk: '111~ h~tr T...-h hould not foiJI)". h.-r IHn.,.hotnnro'tf tho I lhr\ ,..Ill lll'ron"" • trfl..,.Julr "'ith rndrtl with the hall m lh~ )1...-h,nia nt.•tnm o( slartlnF too IIIC': and .., It It ,..., ..,.a) inHta for u... rrla•· lt'Hm, 110 tt ptk,, . ,_..,l..,n hn1""l that at l!'ast b~ oMlllt'r ll~r will ,..,. tt...m tu train u !&-} ahc ...td t .ut " intrr "'' h>nc dU.Inllft' ,.,.... ,..,..,. Port.-r o~Mtl U.k holt h1 lclrlcinF 111 boanl lroek ..-w II<' v t up on \lunonl o!...-rl•tt>ed. whic-h wu a hiJI' ml•tnk.-. \I th<- ('tnt. 15-)·ard lin I' "lti.'N' ('.Jtn l<~u t"l nrtd. Tht' rt'lny ~a.m 1\a. t..-o t'•pt·rlrot"-tl pret.-nl ..-~ ha•e ar.-rnl Jl"'•l rnrn, •n•l lh~ ' "'" anol nm It bnd• R•r ',,..,,, \ fuml•!t"' lh<'n f••llo·wcrl hut wa- • rff •vt"rt"d nlrn in ( ',.plain " l) lrk'' 1\rllh a ucl n· tml.,.,. tnl'l'l• •hc•uld 1..- "''""'· •lolt'lt CoptoJu ~sun· Pnrtt'r, ""'' II•• .-.m•lll· will Fl•• tht'm th.- nrt't'll•urr r•t"'rlrJ>.-.. "llh n lhrre-p~rd '""' Tht- boll short!~ ·•ftt'r •·tnl t'> lbl.' ~I 'l'h"niN ''" d"""4 trnU) (n..<l Umr for thrllhl) )•r«l"- 11~trt- tncl trnlninp:. On thi~ ltn~ II ""ultl '""a nrr twt> vacandi'S morl• hy Ulnl ll nlll· l(flOd piAn for thl' rnnllftl(tmt·nt tu inftu• Thev t hen made- th~r tl,•wnoJ hv ..,y~ .. ~h·.,_.: run"' u( lhrt"e~ fuur ttltd 0\ t' \"Ard,. wh" f!l'A<Iuot •d )l,.t ·'"""· nml Uob rurr hu•ln~ mrn ur Wnrrr• trr tn olf.r lmt fooiletl !01 fi'JlCHt the prrf11rmnnC:r nn<l Sl"'''"""· whn 18 I''Orkh•F In ""' rll\, but c·ur,.. whlt-11 could t..- "'ml,..tl'ol ror In • ' l'ht•rw wn•• lhnt would dr>rlop orwn for tlw tim~ 11 • ( 'h ll.s lll"'in hrld thr hnJI. 111<'1' lulrn<to; to be bode n~•l Jt'nr. "'U•· ounhl• '" gain mudt ti!Jilllll<'r, and pia<'<'~ ,.111 ht' hnrtl on"" l., Rll. hut wr • 1•rlnK ~c·nwn. ~·• f) '""' an \\''IS (orl't'<l to punt Jlifnln. holt· u,.. in"lrrlol nn u... IIIII ,,,. II rut \rmuur Jl'•l thO" t..ll <>n the- 27-lnrrl llnr. nlfj(rrll'f'tlllll. 1\l U•e pn-r.t'nl writlnF• \ftc-r " frv. ~nmll g~uu.~ nnd "ff.t.rJ'C"fMI Ja<"k l>ononn. (:ror(ll' SluC'omh. IAdtl C.\l .E'I0 \11 fum hlt'. l'ort"r lddtl'd tn lh<' Ci• II• 811- ontl 1.) mnn look to be th<' tnotlll Ukl'l) Jln•d•J, .\'w. 2.5. ~•mllthtlt'< for the ut'Anl po..olt•,n•, hut yard !on~. ·n,~ <rutrlt'r .-nd... l ~h'lrll) \ft'fl.ln~~: Treb Sew \ ·n at a 1'. \1. lh<·r~ arr """'" mt'lDIM'rs fmm our Infant an ..r. 1-" uurth tJIIOr1"r (1.-lls t), \lrchantt" ll, da~ ..-ho will make tbnn '"''k In tlo• tr 1'rt·b Srn Rld~t. r.u.,.L• With lh<' matt'rlal o•ur c-hant:'<' t1f lkl,.rcu IJ Uart~n ~lt'l.ain rrt•h...-.1 \lt'('ulh (or lbt- Ci•·Us and Pttlrr<un and t...altnl[ ~1. \ .C. at th<- 8 \ , \ . l"'n>l'll II f•t•tl•l• ,Ynr. ~. Slnc-•onb rrpla~ 1\,.... and Chuar rf'll~a,.,.al or (;1..., Cluh at )I 1' . ' '· ln ~1'"'"' ~l) for lh«" )l.,.,homM ThU. ttn~r· ... lll•h"l' ltr "~' 'hullu to lhr ulht·r<. T u11 a rd lh,. &-I"•Rrld• ..rfl', lll•nthnrd or Orrhf'•Jr,, at II 1'. \1, In lut nf lh< qu•rtrr lilt' Ci.-ils !I'll lhr """ \lrt'ull), \lt'IA'All, IK rt. t'hkk with'" kl<-kinll disb11...- n f u,.. ~1 .-t'hon· ''a""'· <lndl~ 11. r«"'. Clu•1•in ' \I C \ ""'"" 1\rlldford, I~ l01' tronl hut failed In tnnk.- I(<Hl<l. •tb. \nnnur lflllll'' <lltll'll .. tth lh • hall on thr \II'· ("oulun. •Jh rhb. ( 'lonsr. Sln<"mnh W~tlu••rlll.Y, ~or 21. llono• on. lhlo t"httuh-,' pct!i"C'S"'iuu lhh. Purtrr Suth·r. rhh l.lt1t up: n,, Smith \ntlt-i Jl"lion. ~I!-;( II\ '>I('S ('I\' II .s. Sr<•~ () ••. Sti.-ku.-•. rt· '"· 'l'krnt·\ llt-ft'rt.'O'. C'l•>u~.Jo. l ' mplro·. \\'oM Jl ro•l flt~r~·IO!t, iYnr. ~ ri H. \l "rtln Jtralf&.at.i4t1 tu. Hit.,-. 1'.-tt,·r.tfut tin•·t.n&att. t'r1drs-. rJ:









n,.a ... ,,,.,,.,




"""'"· "'



the S\Blclll Ill Tech wl>f'n"\'l'r • IUIUI hos Tbe EdltorlaJ Stall' or Lbe J a 1,.,.;...~ 11 m nr his >~uric goes bod. 011r tHterma~b n-iU meet Tuesday. ;oov. truii.IS rnn~ 1u>t >~In •··~r} ~ur, but thut ~ •. >t~ o. P . l l . at Lbe T oob ~ews / r uhli>oh d nerr ~londoy of tbe Scloool is nu rvasou for A -slorw u! prott::ttts: Uu•h_h ng. · \ tar by ,..,.,.". time the• hnppcn ro lose. lt may lw 1;..rth '""·own f~tull, und no on~ CKE~UC.<UJ CLUB. The Tec:b '\ews t\ssodrulon of clouhl• th.,t the nwn tn· to do ..u llll'rl' Tbe rtgulnr 11\L..,t'Uig of U.e ChrwlcaJ \\' orct·31C'r I'OI) technic lmll.llute Is ir1 their Jl<YW~r to gain the •ictory. oClub wUl hr hdd tuuigflt in Uoe swall '\ulhiul' hnrfi >0 much .u< ridlculo<, yet lectuf;- N?"l• S~lshury LahorMtory; S. TERMS "'" ar< <o oit"cu,.hmu:d to making tun of .\ . N lms U, wtll I>()Ctlfc 011 GltS \\ urlrs Sultsrrlption p<'r year 'Ll!5 our 1urruundln~ ood customs lh1>t tl•e Prublcrus uucJ C. P. Crawshaw, recently Single. Coplti .06 u!Umntc ell'~d is hardly npprecl11ted. conn<"Cted wltb the Gener11l El.,.;trle rltis ~ n11t o ~pLrit tho I hdpo• 'tech. 'l'hl5 ! Compnny, will give a paper un tl1e •pirll fuUuw• U$ nil of the Ume 110d clu:onistry uf Lite lWl(!$"tC'n filameoL ho" rAil ''" npl'ct To-<:h tlt oonllnoc Jts , pr.-s<'nl prosperity i! we continue to , C LASS GA.YES. . .. BUSINESS DEPARTME.'IT s 1oreud ti~<'S<' critid~rn• 111! over U1c cnonnoc succ~ of tl1e class ond dll' LSton PuR '18 Business Manager lt\: 11tb is Tluonkfltrh·in~ Un1c t~.nd "'" 1 football gauoes &tunlny ~ tu show Chid< '18 .\dvertvling Mnnuger h,;,.. bnd noudt to lko thiiJlldnl for during whnt an opporttw!t~· tl1e_re L• for s!m1e Ssow '18 Subscription ~1anall"r tJ•e past y<'ftr. l.et us 110 to onr hurnes ..,.) cl4>S& c~mr>etotoon, 111 tb" ''IU'oous nnd SJl<"llk of the good tbinj!S we ha\'f\ sports repre;entt:d here at Tt:e:h. ll Is oc'<'tii<'S$ to !hi(. mucll wiU• resp«t ft>r!""1-lln!f flit " few hours thc fnllinp • --that w.. 111n, think e:<lst In our system. to footholll, c~cept l1nt dlvh;lon games l)o 't knt>clc lh< f<k)t boll tenm. but SJ)(!ftk shrnald he e>.tend~d to ..n the cl~.• r ~ \ml st •·ictory Don't try to 'l11e splrll &huwn by those compctrng 80.\JlD OF EOI'~ORS ~ tl~~t ou~"~thlelie fa;llities are pt~>r, Jnst w~k ee~n.lnl.v warrunts it. Now BnLu.ao '18 t:dltor-ln-cl1lef but trll of lh.- ""'""·'' liLDI lhe Alumni toke boc~e~·· Ito~ sc'!son for It os fast Ta<•IIC.IITI' '18 AssJStnnt Editor h , ro .Ut"d d or th~ n"w licld ,..., •PI>runchon(r nnd dh•U.ton or class games Oaot&ne '1~ Associnte Editor ~~J h~:·e 800; "nnd or the: Gym the-r~ would bring to ll~ht 111~11)" good meu wbo \ V.HJ:I:'J'UUI '18 .Oepartment.s ~~tor will he llwn. R!'noember the flrtv-tl•u•L~- 1 ~·tgt.t lull <Jlh.,rwlbt' lull c lwcou dls<.·o.werc~. H al Q 'Ill Mnnaglug .Edator and " ~... r WI" get rrum Ute Stote and of f b<""" illt..r-class gtotnt8 would ruso pa•c: l oNI:tl 'J~ Socrielid Ed1tor Uae lrnj>ro•·elntnls lhnt have aJr.,•dy been lh~ '.;~Y fur tiH: nouch·tulkt-d of v11rslty R~LL a Exc:bll11~ Editor mod<'l TC'II 1·our friends o f the high hoc:k,) t~an~ Athletics Editor sluraclbo Trcl; hu ami of the good things In s~rong com~ trttck and bnsdlall. • \U toonmunleotions sMuld be !lddrcsscd in you! own coursed .Oon't t ry to tell to Tedt .Ne~s Wo~ter Polyth~m lh11t r:uuns Are nU llrrnugt·d to men for the lrtltk tum. In the case tednuc llt.ltlwle. lrun lhe ruen nuot, tbnt h"ll of thc.~ui'Sd of l>l~St'bnli il is dilfcrrnt. ]·h.. vnrsity ure all w-ronl(l ' ou kn~w tbot thiS IS not men are out nucJ llrncUrJng ns soon a& '"· but "~ u~noolll' let ol get by here! be- th f st (fi . 1 ( th od so class 0 All ~ llhou.lcJ be ronde puyahle to ra~" .ll L~ ~- <Jt.'i<''ur '•Everybody's ~olng ho!eb:ll ,. pu rpose 1011 ~•orve the (luslness Manager. 0 11 IL rtoeh LS " or the lko$t CIIJIUll't!f· th"rt llow~··<!r ll(l to lost \'CIIr there The T tclt News welcomes eornmunica- In~ sehools In thr c<,)untr~\ nnd we wa~t hns ~wa\'s bet·n· S111ue relll live division time but does not bold IUclt rcspon.~lblt :•veryone to lwc.llllr so lmpr""-~et.' wl~t tins lu;s~b.U 'tu the Preshmrn cln&~. Everyfo r tiLe Clpintons th<!rcio aprcssrd, tart Utal llwy will llt'l'er qui'JOliuu tt. Jn •n t'X1k an llltrrt:SI In il and nil p.l ayAll mll!e rU.l should be in before frlclJty ~ f~w ytltrS WI' wU! ull wnnt to rc:ff!r to ~..: thtorou,trloll' <lljOI'rtl iL ('an'l thi:Se noon at tbe J...te.t in order to loA .-c It r!X'h, ftnt( wo• l't!rWllll)' t'ICJ>«l lbis mer- dh-islon J('lllleS 1Jr r~•·•·d IUid u.b!ndffi nppee.r In the week's Issue. -ntt Ito ba•·e wme ll'~lghL £1"1-.'in no~ to b<erond the Fr,.s luntuo eiMI!? i-et us ali "'"llhotohc! lhl5 superooritr und ll-.n "hen tr\• and , 11 1 11 lltU!' more iootet"eSS In alb1 lift• ,,.,..• t T<'th b)• starling you come hae.k n wn-k _from "?dny !or~t r~itcs nnd 11 t<l kmock. \\ b~n ~ lhm~t lilnkc.s you .35 the ball roll ill~ In rllrt-ctiou of rt-al Uve Entered as second clttS.' fnft llf'r S<p- good sprKk ot. lJ you. are ~nt saU.- rh1ss and dwi$ion ccontest.s. t-ber, 21, lPlO, at the postolfice at flt"d, lcup ololl a "'' hlle. ' ou woll prnba· \\e orctSIA'r, 111-.s., under lhe Act ot bly 1\ud that ~·uu 11re mlsl!1ktn or llllou- -------~---­ i\lordt 8d, 1879. one "iU1 much mflre r.xptoraenee Uum ynu ..-111 sul<e lh~ prvl>l<'nt. The sy5knt hen •• IJ!~ bruJti lf!J UIIWrJI ilaJJI!~ll ~igiJ •• "'"" 11ot fl<'''clo~l in a day. ll is thr on a .Urn attb nltk--bomw rtlllllt ·• rt'Sull of aunny ~ Clli'S ot ..nglnrering e.~ ­ PRI NTE.O . BY


•rll: .. Uttt"~n

a \ ~ • ..l'\



~ · ltJ


Subscription Dance

rnanksgiting EVE . '



Te]lSichorean Hall




~~nl~;::':t? ~~~:r':J' ~:!el,;t'¢0~"~~~·:~








and if th.:-re wr:rfl'


LM.•tter ·"'""Y

I wuultl hn•·e ti<"C:n adopted long ago. , f.u<•k fur lhC" h ..st 11nd If tl1ln@"' go n llttlr '""""~ I•· rrbll~· th11nkful th~tl so much 'l'hl• if !be 'fbankagl.-in~ ntunl>rr. llut 1 mnrr J<t>rs· right. we wnn'l JHt'Ac:b you a little •ermrm litis -----time.

S40 Main StTeel

SOME MOllE 'l11t'fC W<re IJetw~ four aruJ nvr hUll• clr~ ktters sent Olll o( tlle oilier lhl> week, notifying oUC'n of low nutrlcs. The tw>w srstf'm curiously Moujl:la, dO«'iil'l noUce a I) following an l'l while 2 OJ In su.<,...essi<to &re e.use (or wamlng.

As- ~

•umiug that tllc system wiU! installed ro pre>·cnt wo;rk for DtArlur only 1fr for U1.e pnov~lllh>n of complaints abou t pn.'!Sin{! rurfcs..-its odvnnllj(eS are )'t't to be shown. Why sMu.kl the student IJ<• kept woo t<IJ!"'' h~· U1e ft"ar tl111l be hilS onl) Jo-.. Cs tn sume su.bjrcts? Ca1Tful planotin~ of his work at'COrding to pa.st rO'C'· o)td h..a kevt mowy a fllolll up tn Ute $larufft rd ill aU IW; subjectl<. A«nin• tbc- ,.-ork of tli.. olfiet" fora: hn.~ heen quadrupled and the lnterv~ws with department hcooh m""l IJUI.i<e U1clr life ,.•..,. tooiuus-fnr a day or two nfl<'r the ·T he inlc.n·lew sch~uae i8 a tl.lstinct ad-

The St-nlor ~al S.:inttisls In " clos.-h· cont~lffi _game defeated the S<oiur Si."lt'trlo-s. with \ "&nee stftrrin~ for llw winne-rs nnd BurweU, 11.t times, showlnjt up ,.·--11 tor the other t ..aoo. Dlk' to llld< llf spoo..., the gruc:soone d~tolls are mnittc<l

urit~ itrC'~ to

utsit our

Nrm £unrq ltonm iu •uunton .uti. llbo111 Brrrmbrr l at. itl}r fjuru-~ Lum utUl lfuur for ttJI •otto 1Jurr ~oob Ult' Jlt"rut. tJrotrrtiur llnion' a SnguoJm (!Jutrrr. ar. tjrnry •rrm in r~Ft,rg~. &tubrttl <tlrrlu;.


(:ra•n•iUe is ("'umintt up t o :.lu.>w.. .s-ew- F.n~lft.ncl l~urihms bow l11e\· cln it in Lhr .. Big \ 'illsl'e," lo


Jlannix liuutq inuitrs rurry-

bolly comlt'rull

,..,,;d.,•·iltf''s m<ltil •mbilious playlet ..Th.. S•·.. t~nl.' \s he hi\S ..!tout twn <iU2'.~n ti,.,;tstant:c to ~<ny nothtull or a t·nrlond l!f qe~ncry, llt~rl' shnuld 1J<, s"m~ shnwin@'. ll's a mi,rlaty fin~ bi t u r 6 tHfl<'-l'ro fl. l••ys. oond )'Clu'IJ cll'K'0\'·1 er It i!.n't n onil.- 11\\'8\ fi'Qm u,., story that dnssmntt• of youl'3 from Ne:v York ton~ I"'""" ole•·ourlng froara n~'tl-llhc:•et rrom IM»u~.


rn 1 \!.;






Il l

'lrrattklitt &qoarr . 1\nuury &quart

IUB I""l



howe1er, makin1 for 11 better wtdcrstandln,; bet\\.,..., professor and stull~nll!. 1l111s theu nrc adl'lllllojld bul no lloubt U1e Btudenl bo<h as a wholr wiU soon f!'d that the old S)Stc>m wu l~t. Wh~· nt~t tcll tnryU1iog "" "ill work fu,. marks tt.n,rwa~~ as luug as ""'' hn-.-r any at otiL


th" cl11ns at

T4\\ l(\r

rnu<"h ror him. And If you w>ll ronsltler ._.,.,.,~ men "Ito qpe11lcs to you this wo~·. as one or those who bcli..,-., in n wor" uniTersol ft"'Jualnb.nce of tllf' stu<lent.s. l 6: automt~bil$. 6; ond city hc:ll~rment. G. Jil ..a, it will he a ver~• shot"~ time.. wll<'n 'l real ~~ollcg" Bpirit O f frl<-t1dlhiC$$ " 'IU ~cHI..- qui ..th- down upon the tlUl. · - - -- - -

Tilt-: Tfll llD G.\ ME.

ErJJO- Tht' hullllny. J)ouhl<' .. rgohno: !(h'f'olhnnks- for pthrring of



\1Jflll' mtn, lef- gd logelh!'r IJII tlllS thing nn<l If ..onoebody spenks to you on lht• IIIII lhnt JOlt don't l<now. don't IJ<o dl•~tstoo at tlat breal'h of etiqurtt~ hut tlclk tn him. It mny be the d arotool who wrot" to 't'h., St"Wa wlth the lmpre6Sion thnt h~ oul!'ht to kll<lw .. ,·er~· man on thco IIIII: oml tr It ,rives blm an~· !UltisfaeUon tu tulle witb ~·ou. why ' do that

marl.s ('tune ouL



COMEDY nN.< of II.


of it snug and

Jiig~ ~c~nul fiig~ &c~uul



t~·:·~~~h~~..~;~~~~~~.t ~~... ~r~'::~~ ~ ~ klu pit•. Incidentally, hurrah for






THA.'I'XSGinSG. 0 R.U I.\ TIC ASSOCUTlON. Crockery, Silver Cutlery, House 'l'hia week th<' Rrsl IYo\g l'nl:'atlon nt U1e ~c:"r com~. ::-:~11rly ~very mau will go l'h<'n- "'ill be Rn lmportnt """"thai{ Pumishings, Gas a nd Electric hnnac, hut what will he sny of Tech: " ' c of the \\'. t>. ( .Oraun~tic Association Fixtures. I l>cn.r much eriU~isut all of the tlmr and tllO!lt' ..-hn \18\ ""'l a Big B.,n. ""lllc of it mfty be ji>St. bul much uf It 'l'uto<<lll~, O re. 8rd in room 19, Buynt(ln You ought to know our prices like 478-484 M ain SL

<'!'rlainh !. OOL It

St'etll~ to




• lui lilt' to ;,a~ :.omt"thing b Wt'Oug "ith c'()u•·cuit•owo· lo W. P. I.



cube root.

W orcester,


TECH NEWS TF.(' H.'i ll'.\ I.IT i f :S. I h.- Junior .\ft-chllniC'al t:nglltt't'N rrmnd.- ft trlp to th" "orlu of Ute: Ll~th t e nd ~oom) fuft·l'lerC<' Co., \\'oon~ocket, II . 1., 8 Tables. lllll'r<' tnul> nnd ji8!> n r.: c:onstruclt'tl un u lurf!tt ~c•ft-. C. M. HERRICK 'l'"<'lll)•>b. stud<'nl.$ nltrncllng the f cl. ~H 5 PLEA5Ar\T ST. Thn~ •' r ~dtool of rlvll enK'nt'C!nng nt l>ortmoullt rollrjC<' •·l~ltrd lht' purllkn· "<Irk< in Quiruupmond lht< mornTH E TECH PHARMACY linn mg. l'lob nftrntoon tilt'~ "'IIC'd the \\ or<'t.,trr l'olrt«huic lnsbt utr lo in · 0 F KEUEJ IER. PI>- 0 •tl('('l t bt' d«lrlcal nppMrat'" at thAt lnH~•.n«nf• 1!-utuhon.. "f'nt!~· u~ tu hoc• ~\lt'til8 ••( ll'rof. Drup Candtet Ctpro Ctprett<L Nc"' •·

Billiards a nd Pool

papera. Stattont':r) . W P. l. m<ll.

Spec.ia1 auentioo




YO UR POSTERS A NO FRA 'f\INO 00 TO G. S. BO T E LLE & CO. 256 M ain S t reet

APOLLO CHOCOLATES IN FANCY BOXES I 0 Cis. to 80 Cts. Each C. A. HANSON, Druggist 101



Sweater Coats T he F all Season h 1he.> Sweater time of the yea r .

The Foo t Bol l (1anw and all tlu: strenuon, Winter ~port.-, l'all 1or :-weate r... \\'., :t re :.lu \dug the /.,·.>1 style~ of the /o,•.</ Mak ers Re~ul :tr s,Hau~r -,tylc

ur the

Coat ' "eater. Colora of Cray, Navy. Wtn<. Crc<:n C..rdtnaland Whtt< Platn or bordered

$2.00. $3.00 to $8.0 J Font llall Men, Skater!>, nnd nl : n ut-do(lr :\Icon

interested in "weald'!>.


o ur



!'\pI" n




ONC DOOft P ltO•

MA t H

~·rrndt. "I h~ "tucl.-••ls

arrh('() in \\'or~t"r Y<"'lrrdfty and put in lh<' <'nlir<' tift~ "' 1111 "ur"" of the 1\mc rlrtul Slt't'l & \1 lr<' ('uuol''"'~·· .\flt'r looking OH'r the tturlflcn tion "orks lhlo momlug lh~ stu· denl~ " 'rut to the local plnnt ut lhr Nc"' l'.ntt:lnn<l Td~honc: & ' t'dt•I!TnJ>h Company and v. ere &bo.,..n thNUifh hy lht' tOCOJI maua~r, (,ld,..ard Shallut'k. The • tudr11li .u.o ba.-c: mspa-1«1 the: lOC'al g rad<' • ·orl. mdudlng the c:onrl"'"l<' hrldJ«'>. lloiiC'rt l'lctchl'r, tlir<"Ctor or ..... school, ctnd l'rof. l'.• \ . H olden ....., .. tth the slu<lt-n\b. 'l'hc• Chemistry Depnrhn~nt hwr made arrniiJ(<'Ul<llt• for ever y l'reo~hmJtn to bU) hUd o" n hi.s uwn baJnn<.'Ci. URIUnC('S wert_ t>alllt. \\'rltrhL> are pru•idt'd and wur• tlt'Sil(llC'd b) Or. Bennt'tl IUid "tU b.: at'<'Uratr to 0.01 !!fll '1<111 be ~lble. ' l'h.. r<~llcf:c: maptaine for 0<-tol><'r h&& an IllustrAted article on U~r 11\illtule b) l' r nf 1- \\ . t'oomllo<. rt... Srn,or elM:~ in &lt"llnt cn,rln~ring ll<'<'lntt>nmcd b•• Prof. C. ' ' · llrad, rt~ c·•nll• mude n 'visit to thr work• o f U11 \\ or~t'lolt'r C..:ultl S lurngr l'o. 'l'hey wen shu\\ n lh~ "ariou~ Joelhotls and mndtina for 1111' ,..... tudion luw lt•mtwratu"", ""'" the- mnnufa rlur" of a r llllclal ice. I ~tln tn lit<' c.la~, U1c plant of 'fait 6""' ln>tl<"'t..d. llr. 1'C'l•u, 1111' kt-...:rcam nuo~rr, ',.,~ kindl) U~r """""' ,, •......,.... Mtd l rt'niC'd each ut IM vWtor. "•th " l(t'nrroUJ •li{'c: or ,...,...,........ l'rof l 'luu. M. •\llt"n r«tnUy g,.•·e a 1...-turr on hy<lrttulic rtll(lll~crulg l>Cfon tlw pu~t jtrntluu le hluclcnlt In h)draullc l'llj(llll•t•rlng nl llllrvartl lli••crslty. Aflt·r lh<" ltl·turc he lnviiNl lht• s tu •h·ntJ. tu 1 isil the \\' . 1'. I. h) drtculit J'l•nt ot Ch~tllins. .\ 11uu>l><'r took nd•nn lnjC(' or thl• In• ltat11m And can>«' on ru"""'l lASt ,.·hen u ...y ao.>i>tC'd l'rof. \11<-n 111 a •·atrr """"J l ntL \ tran5fufm<'r has hc~rn installed in







l lwhl CUI lllC' HilL 'l'hc- •JlC'a~tr <'HniniC ,. ..., l'rof""""r l'ro:nch o f ('i• II l)rpurtn..,.l. l'l•mmn~t."





247- 249 Main St.. tor. Central Luftn I• noate f untiDIIIfS fer f ortr Years






h.H\("n"t tiuw fur c-hll dt"pnr1mf"nl fuuth~ll

gnmM hut it's renll) snld II.





.\lEET IS(l OF 'i fo~W YOHK .\l, l')I S I ,\ &..0(' 1.\T IO:X. Th~ annuf\1 R"unlon a.ncl hnnqurt o( .!= LIM':-;,.,. Yorl. \SSOt:laUon o f \homnl ""' held 'nJUrsda), .Sn~ II, 111 H old Sn\u~, Fifth 11\I'IIU~• .St'W York. n ... a tltnd· ~ ~''"''lltlonnlly lorj[r. lnrludin~t ""PtC'S<'nlaiiH'S of nenrly I'H'r~ t•la.•ad from IS71 to 1912. l're.it.knt ' ' · I) Fl inn, ·ua, l"""itl«l. \ fent ur r of thr dlnnc:r "'M thr ln l rodudinn uf two •peakrrs rroom outsltlr. !Jon. W. ( \ ltt'<l· l field, mrrnllt"r of Con~tri.'SS f rom Or<Klk· lyn. !<pole<' on l'l"rlAin phnk$ of lnclu,. trial artlvlh• todo\ , And R~v. Dr. J ohn llaynrs I lo)mrs. iru, prominwt l ' nllnlan ('ltrg) man o f Nrw York C'll), diJ· I'USSd thr rltoic•l •Ideo nf Uoc p!bC'nt In· dustrlal movrnH'tlt.. l nstltulr • •as ~c:prct~rntC'd hv ;\ rting Pri'Sicltnl Conant nd t'r<'lf. '!.. \\'. ('cl(lmb!<, each o f •Mm lrll•·rrr<l Athlrt'S~l'li on lrn.lltulo· tot•ll'll r@]l!:::l====:!JI 1611==11@1 Prttf. 1\, f) , llullrrfl~ld Sf'Cike hrl~ft)' of >he prc•s,•nt ~ln ht R nt thC' Alumni l'und, 'or thr hnpmvrmrnl o f .\lumnl l'lo•lcl tnd Ult' t rt'<·tlon o f " g)'mnulm. 'l'hl~ 'und, ht' <tnlrd, amounte-d at lh~ prrs'lll lim<', to i l71,000, paid in ctr piNlJ!I'fl ~ r'l'unlon wu onr or tile' moot rnthUii..stlr '"''" fo r " Inn~~: lim<'. at, '1\DjCI'<t"'nl.s .. t rt In the bands or • rom 11,.. F• .,.,,;,~ Scm" h> huy '!lilt.... ron•lsllnjt nf Pl't'Sidm t \ , I) ""~"-"'i~ll)' ju.<1 n""'. wttlt C or..rm... in Flinn, '93, Sffrrlnrv F. 0. Pritt, '(l(l, nnd ,jllht. Trrllllurrr K I~ \\'atkrr, '97. AnoiiU'r ttneral ml't'tlnK nt the Nc;w Yorlc Alum· nl IU!It><'ln lloo will he held In MRrdt, 111 whlrh plnns ror the 8'Y"l"Mium v.lll '"' furtiiC'r <ll~•·u 'ISNI nnd .. t whlr h It Is hopt'll that lant.,n elld<S mAy b< s~>o1o·11, iii!U· Irati~~ or U1r ~~:ro,.'th of the l lllllltutr durtnr tet'<nt ytars.

~ Vaudeville fiJ

llll"" "' ...

Moving Pictures





·nw .,.


thC' the

H l• lhC'fllf' was "Cit y H e: disruSSC'<I lhl< lyp<: of Dainty Cafe and College Grill ""rk fnnn nil 'icw \IOtnh, nncl Mipcdnlly in Ito N'IIII<'Ction w Ut ch II <'nj(ini'C'ring. One bloclr. from U nton St>~tton. " l'rof." "'"" SJIOkr nl lrn~CU• ou tlw •uri· T.J. 4)'10 Raomo ointl• and rn Suur em' pl11ns proJ!OSrtl fur the IJcnutlflraUon Cl( thr dty o f \\'o rc~lC' r, which th.- rom mi,~itm "l'l'"lnt..d by r<· ) l ayor l.opo wn,idrrrt, and diJ!ic'ultlM nl<'t in a tlt'niJ'tllll( to earry out an) t'Otl{'c:rtC'd J'l•ll uf c.cti<HI. The \'1\MOU4 lmpro\nnc'IIU llt:,..k .... n..n k R:t< k, and tilt· prop<..,r<l hv lhb rommloslon, o f 11·hldt i')ll~ ::'\nn·lt~ Furmtun: at record l'rof. l'nn~h "'liS C'flalnultll, •n·r<' titus· l rttlccl h) means of maj», ~ltc>,.ln~t the prict'. curt loNtlon~ of prop<,..c;<l n,.,. • tr... ts. See Onr rLil Tnp l>e:;k, at '""' tlw C'lonlljl'l'S in ll1r lit~ ou t or uld nn~ nruum1 tht.· t•t·ntttr ur \ror(•("th •r. I ll'l rxSp~tdal :-\tudt•ut' ... l'ric~: 1'"''''"' lh~ ltnfl«' th11l the clnrk mod <lis· tnnt futuro.- •multi ,e., lhrsr 1'"'110ht~l hltIf your Land lady ne ..d Ji ..., ,. thia ' pnt\ r1urnl.;; made-. IC'ct11r~ " 'I•S ,.,,.,. ""II atlt'lt<lftt, R ecom m end Fe rduuuub .. t>Out 76 IIC'in.rr p~t.' \ oKllht'r •nt<>k~r "ill he• IIC'Id in the- nror fut ur'l'. 'Hwh

Ferdinand Furniture Co.


CHE~II<'•"• CXU, IA>QV l l ' \1. rrduC'In~t the •·ol1'he rrp~lu colloquim of the mnniiC'N lAK" llf u,.. lilfrht sysl<'fn from ~'20 to J 10. of lb~ J)I"I>Artmrnt of Ch...rurtr~· WIIIJ hc:l•l l'nr ol<l c·nrhon l.. wps hn>'r IX'<'n n:plt<ced 11\.St ~1 nntl3y rvf'"nln,r;. ~nl~ sprak(•r.ll "c•r.• h~ lnnj!$lr115, wbiclt give 11. rnud1 lm- Mr. II . 1'. Pnwrr, lnstrut'toT In lfNit•rnl lllumlnutloo. Chrmls lry aud MlnrrolojO, "llfl prf~rnt('tl a P•P"r on milk prohlt'1ll3. ntnl llr. ('. K SOCIF:'I'\ . ~nu;,'T INO. D. F. thone, lnstrurtor In l ndu•trlnl On 'J'hur.tl!l) e~enln~t l11.~t. the Civil Chrm!Jlrv, who dwrll on lM lolt"<l drHI ""lf"'"""ng Socidv hdd a moot rnjOf· opmrnt.s in l ndus trical C'bc:mlstry. >tbh· '""'ker, the llrst of IIJI kind ever


H otel W arren

t•f :ltSOS.U .

Jlill U"'" n tran;.latt-<1 "dbtllljllli•hrd \waul) ·• In Grnn•n hy "o;lln111Jhhrd lwauh ... \\' c '""ul~r If he lun1~cl tlw hoSt' im her. "t::d" 1.) "'" " 1, .un loukjnll fnr thr mnn "ho wrot ~ till' note rcqu..... Untt: him ~H to report In lhl' Cllllff cal on<'<' •ml llhll'll F wo.• ~IK'I«I I I. l'. 1. Gt*O. Ito.~... a.~~id in Ow- SAnih,tion l~"m' that to ddrnnlur h.tctrrln ~ vu "•·ltd• 1 'r-ru.. ""'""'" Mknl Ooc .lmuio~ If 11.&0d~·~ \\I'Uld t... v3lnnhl<' to d)r gold fhh l'rof. l'rc•nrh ~ald: "You '">' )OU

Soli<hur) l .ahoratory,

Guy Furniture Co. I1'"" ,.,, H OUSE FURNISHERS




Wo rk for the F.dJtor .


M011t anyone- c-an he- IIJ\ c~ditor \II l'ditnr hu to do Is ln J il al his dt"'k ••~ da\-w In Ute' ,.•.,..... four wrrka o f lh~ monUt a rut twcoh·r months In the Y<'llr Mt:tlll" ~urh • t uff q lhi•:" M n . Jnut:A nt l ""'l Creek l<l n rnn opener glip IMl wt~·k And •·ut hrrstlf In tilt' ponlry." ~A ml5chC'vlou• lntl of MllthC'rton thrrw a att>tlf' nntl atru<'k n ('(lmpanlllu In thr allt'V last Tue~>tlay." ~john r>oe rllmbl-<1 on the nlOf ot ht. l houR lu t ,..,..lc looldn« fo r • IC'ak •n•l tell, slrllclnjt hlnlklf ftD the bade f>Orrh." " \\'bile- JIArold Gri'C'fl was e.rorthll( M iu \ ' lol<:t \\' I~C' honl<' fmm n dou rr h social lnsl Saturo iAy nl~t n sn • All" doll attacked Uor m ami hit ;II r. Grrcn em Utt' public Aqunrr:" ISIIIah 'l'rlrnmcr or 1-"honcm 'WM pi·~ . hog with n <'Ill l'riday when It ..craldord him 011 tilt' \~rantla ." Mllr. Whit<', •hllr hnrna~inrr n hr<tncho lut Salurda), ,.M klci<td jU>I 'lOuth of U... rono <'tih." IIMton ClollC'.

Lewandos Americas firtatest S

nncl lCLfANSfAS DnA LA


ht•hl,.h,J 1X 1

Jl oraslc•r


1'/rtr>nll/ .)/rrt'l

f e lt f'hHRC



Hu ...llu l.•ll...l I or JnJ 11.11\<n..J Jim ran rl'~l' "" /..rwamlur

Cutlery of Merit and eve.rytluna pena1ntna to a


A \\'O RO TO On~ .\0\'ERTlSJ.~ IlS S.l.,ty Bbdeo honed and Stropped. lOt' ~· ( lor on Hlm. donn. It f'tl>"' to thh er11~. "I ur• rr j ndjfl" n woman b~ hrr \\'hrn o clurlc lttfS llfl t'fllt. bhr ju.~l t"lothes:." oi.H'tr\'Cttfl t. ..1\mart'"' youn,r uttUI ,..,,,"'"" oil' tt• if nothing hnd h11p(IC'nML to • lad) fri•ntl. \\.ht•u a ht'u lttrs un t:~K lhrrt"H • '*'hfllr ''No:· J>Ul lu thc- ~nun~ hul~. ''o mnn K. H. STEPHAN & SONS nf 11 lllli~r. Thr hen aclvrrtl~. trrroct 5· \laon Str I lhr tl<·mnn<l fur '"'"'' tfl~ hL•I~•d uf who griJJ lo •• "'"'" huriNI"" •'"'" 4 "" •luc·~···

~nu rlo " "HUltfu•t.



o t·n X.\.TIOX.lL .\ XTH£ll.

Y. \1 . ('. • \ . SVTES.


'l.r •w·ke)'. ·n.~ or 1hee. ~wee1 bll'd <lf c-raniM>ny.

~u P u1mln r lhl... \\e-~k.. T he n~xt 1•nP'"' ulu r " ill 1,.. !).,...,,.,\ ...,. ~lh. 1\()dr~<t-d b) \1 r. ' Se-creto r~· or the f'hlnesr Stml<nl~ \Jtinnc~· of :-lorth \tn~ri<!a. '\lld Eclllor-lLH .'blc•f of lht' C'hints~ Students ~tonthl~·· \I r. 'r;,gu b "'' orator or unu~unl ahili~·. htn-inrr won whit~ n ~tudomt at Yair the hiJ<h'"'t oratorictd honor--tht' .luulor Ornturkrd Con'll:st. l;;l\'1.' tht" d•cle Hnd wnt<'h fur tort.ht:r nnuoum.'t"mrnl.,. Thr nnrmlll "orth1ldc1 Cnnrpfirc look piK<'r S>llurcla\' ~'''f'ninj!' In tht· I A.t{Ce SQ<'ird room of tht! 'otd ~lanse nt Greert Hill 1•,rk. ~'-""' ~Mlhlldcl llootrr on the Hill "'1l1i p.:.:S..nt. ~-ernl \\'•>rt•est.tr \lmnni who ar" ruembt>rs of the or~n­ i.zathlu w,~r(' JntsenL Ttl~ e·,·enin~ WAS 'flt'lll m jollity- pktnr"> trtlum HI ~orth­ htld IA.Sl Hnr ,.·rrt' s lw"·n f11r the flrst

or tb..e J ><rutt : I '""" thy hrea;.L and wingS. n ark, leg.~ and other tbJng<.

s. ...,.,...

1 10\ e Lby gootl "tuftln~

0. lnsdous birll! .\ Lot.!<tlng

t.esson .


All shapes, with and without cases; inlay silver monowams, college initials, dates, societies, etc. Put on when so ordered, at the lowed prices. No trouble to show them. Prompt

Green the Druggist

.\ l\ortb Carolinn nrgru ""'l" brought Serviee nut "" lh" [rldlows to he hung fur mur· dtr. .. lltur\"' ~ s ttld tlH• sheriff hhnYe vou an~ thini lo s ay?-.. ' · E . M . WHAI.£N F . A . EASTON "Y!b •rdl.'. llllltl the ronrlemnrd man. E.-Td .L.I5Hp)1•7a tNC.O .. rGit.ATIOieO». "Pbc ((Ul n f~· word,• to ~II\ . I merdy F. A . EASTON CO. wt~h"" tn ~talc dat dis snttlni~· Is ~oin' to CONFECTIONERS be • lrsson to mr !*- Slllurdny ~;"en1ng NEWSDEALERS COR MAl., AHO ~SAHT" STS. WORCESTER. MASS. tim<' ~tncl ·he• IOJt was rt'Acl , \r- Po~ I . JAM ES M ITCHELl. GRACE M . WHELAN ""'ll'"'"""ts \1 err n t'hRrJre uf Presldt'nl ,f unt"!ft \r. \rm.o ur and ~rC"lnry ('lentr J"uFI 1be Same. t'hnrl··~ n. Garmon. Pipe Repairing \ lrttrr rrt•l.'h'M just as tiiC' l\ cws of ever y Descriptio n Tl ... roung man was disrons.>lole. SRi~ wrnt t<> pres fron1 Or. Seerley prncti- he: "I Mlced her if I rould S<'f' her home. .5PECIAL PIPES (IAI)E TO ORD~ r nUl' rrnnl\s'"' to rondud " sc:ric:s of le~ "\\'by. eertolnly," sh~ llii$WI.'ted: "I'll BALL ClGAR STORE tur~~ on Se.< H~·jlirnt' at T c:eh llond11ys twtw...-n II And ~ P . :'\J ., pru,·idinp; Slllis- smd ynu n JJicture or it•• 2-4 1 Main .Street f"<'torv nrTn.ng<'mrnts ~an be mndl' "'ith lhe InteTMtlonrd Conullltt·Ct! of theY. :'\1. CS'T'-8\.IaH&.D 1.a11 C' .\_ which hilS on <•ption on his spare tim" (or worlc 11lon,; St'X lly~eJJ<' lirles. Skipper- "Oid )OU ,e., that lighH" S.:~rrtftt\' Sh<!dd hl\5 at"' ~h·ed n letI .n<<knut- ·::-<o: Its 1'0 cluk I <'nll't •~ tr from ':\lr. Cbrorles 0. Hurr<'y. F.xeru- a thlng.''- llllf''o.rd Lllmpoon. th·r S.,e,.,tury uf thl' Studtnl O.p:art• mrnt of tl•c- lnternntlo11al Cornrnitlec u'urillp; him Umt hl' will dn n1J in bls sr»F: L L~ES TO T tfF. C HOS..; MANUI'ACTUR£RS COUXT IH ' . t•ower to moke it J>""'ible for us to h&''~ 444 MAIN Si TelcJ>I>ono 4+4 Or. Sec:rle\· for our rour~r of studlc:s. So rnnn\' tltutitnd~ han- <"Onu• In to the lol~r­ tine ~Inn Exrr<!"...., tbe T h ols or nstlonol Ct•mmittre for Or. Se<;rley's :\la n y. timl' this ,.·Inter thnl his week-.:nd time During the l!ll>l w«k n hil of uufrtlr is ..u hookrtl up for a yur •nrl collrg<'S nil .,,.,.., th<' <'<~unlr~· ar.. h<'illjr refusffi. trraltn~nl thnl hns l>rl'n ucrotded 1\ mt'ntOur """rnoss to Sprlngi\dd IUIO the (lJrt hcr of u 'recll t~m dcser, n; ILllenhon. that ,..., rnn use him al 1\11 hour \l·hrn it The lrentmrnt I rrfn to b thnt of .\r· • •ill only II<' neressuy for him to los.- a \hur Gernld lly the mann(,''t'r of the Trll<'k minlruum of Ume from Ids "·ork nl Tenm. \Vh.,n thC' Cross <:ow1tt\· Runs Sf•rln~dtl 'L'n1intng &hoot mukr our \l'er" p<l•led il was 11nmmnrtd lhBt the t"bant'eli for ~tr«tlnp; him ,·rry much hct- t"''"' tu r"present T«h nt Jlrook11ne tv tnan lbey oth<:rwise would b.-. &-c:rr- would be J>i<'kr<i from first Re\'eJt or mile run. Lary Sh..•ld bu})<:S lo '"' nbl<' to mllkr som< ..t~ht men to !lnisu In the fiord wnnunt'em~nl b.-fOrt' thr 'l'lnudrs- :\ littlC' J..t~r o postef' appcared Mfing ,O,·ing: re<"e,..,_ th" first ten men would have 11 trinl run. S...•r<t&r~· Shedd n-pr~enl<'d th• Trc•h When t·n trltlil "'•·rr rmul.r for the lntrr('(l\· 1 Buck him in the center- tddn .\ ss•lcintion nt 8 dinnt'r tri"<'n to the T<'P· lcjrilltt'S, Grrald's 11nmr WAS out on the r-ntnlfves ur the YounR Mens Christi8Jl list. IIISI ' l<d, 111111 of ('npt. Kr\th v.· ns his tackle-s k irt his end- and A.~soclaUons of ~lussnchusetls 1\Jid lt.hooe >Uit;,tilulrtl. "l>ick" luL' ne\'C'r run tross WJU1d 1.!1 Ford hall. BMI:on, last Tu..,.da v oounlrit'S at Teeh nml dirt not wl~h to when the distance comes hard, ' ''<nlng by MT. _u,,..ls .\. Cross-ett. • run at Brookline. I n (Ctrt, at-rording to try a forward pass. always reThe rnlC'ndar "'•mmilt« nnnnum""' thnl thr bulletin t><N>Ie<l hy Ute "''"'"~"· he l'•r 19 18 ulendor "'ill probnhh· "" r~nch on~ c><ll qnrtlillcd to do ~o. tor h<' hnd not membex-ing that Good Clothes (c>r distribution Ott.ocmbt-r 4th. \\'nlch cumrwtro In the flvr-mll,• nm. ror (urth~r n.nnoun~nt~'l'tls . Plcn·r tt•l<l Grrnlcl lhnt the enlt\· list will help yon make more first luu1 llt'<'ll rr1umecl w1lh Keith's In pl"c" of his. The 1111111111"r lllso tuld him downs in the Game of Life than ("H.K\II!iT~ H .\ \"E 1\ ~()TR}~ R Hllit-:. ln ko't'p It dt~rk 111111 nul t ·II ••nrone, for hr "'ould tr~ I" fix it or rourse. any other on" thing outside of thl• wa.• disAj>puiutinjC In C:l'Tuld, wl10 Gray :\l a tter. For out among lmd IM.'<'n lrulniuj[ fctithfully. :s'otl•ing \l nre fkan~. oould he cli >nl.' until • mt'<'Un[r of the E><· strnngers you ' re always ta k en t«!uth·r llrmrd thr t'ridl\\ before IlK' rae<!. l.nst Suturd11y ntrrtln fr>uncl thr rhrm- Thr mntter ."'"" en~rirtl tl~rrr ..;u, the at face \' alue. T.eave it to us. tSts o!' the ri)JuL J::vicle11tly th~\ ,.,. j!'<'l· re:'?lt tlto~t (ocrftld !ltd nul run Snturd,)'. That's o ur s pecialty . Suits nnd !ing ·~ trim for " I'>«'Tiod u f <leprM~Sinn lh<' r.'Sulh u( lhl' ral'r "'· llrouk~n• unmedo&ttl~ Mflcr Jlrncln 11 tlon. Wood, nre t r•• ~<·~II known to ntentwn. "ho Qyercoat.s, o£ K uppeuheimer 5<-h~~f~r• .\fl<'juek anol Cohurn st.•..tc:-d rould hdJ> hut fl"t'J. when lhr nnnounrefor ll~an Tn"'" at IS n. m. unci i~•ru- 1uenl "''" nuu1t· on Fitton flrl<l. lhl\t th• and 1, System m:tkcs. lt:t~<l tlceir junm~' tn , ...riuus plul."<'S r""ult would lm' " IM!<'1> dift'er~nt If ""'"'· ' ··Biomly • Gcrnlll had b«n the....- to run. ll would Sffm lltllt the .\tbletic .\SSQdHtlnu- thnl \""CK'iation whkb Includes Utr whulr >hHient hody- 15 mll whnt it J s hottld 1.... The IC'Ilders in the \'llrious J)odf!ln "'"" th~ new man~tger of " his- brnnchc~ nf ntl1ldlco; ~hou ld 1,.. m<'n who •·utl ~tnt't."m. 'Inert" " 'as ..__ workman n t are aC'\jURinted "lth the work. Athlc-tic:s ront'rrn "'ho 111<...-1 Ill sneAk off to <I rugjlh• he~ rei rnoufCh for th..;r ""islett~ n <hed at nhouJ 8 in the srt.truoon nud ftl T ..-b without sp<cndlng their paths •niOkt' n pl[lt' nnd look O\'CT the afternoon \\llh niJ..,tndt" nf poor mHMgement. pnpt"r for en hour or so. Well. 011<' da\· as thl" • ·orkman •at renilin[r cl!lcl tfmokillg in the' shed, Oodjl'in &J>J><'A rrd. ~ \\'h11 a tt 'I'OU ?" Dodgln RSked s tern\n imn"·atiun ul the l nstilulr whid• !~ . fnmninj! the idle ,.·nrkman. The workman fro•' n«l t.>ru:k. ''11 uh. will '"f'J!Iy n t.mg felt " '"nt Is the ""taiJ1/AJR ( l"'TTL\' &" JI,hmrnt of a luru-h MHirlh:r in the! ha$('""hn t<tr you:•· Mi<f be. mrut u f fl<>~~•ton H aiL ~l r. :\lnnnix, •· T a h" 111r11 J'4r a Cia.<.< ~· /lair ~rm Oodtrin. tlcr """' numn{l<'r." wn.< m.rullt!(<'r of thr \ men~ &tuar.. Cafe. hitS Cui try F a tir) •' r. 5 1 .lfa~ 11 .<it .. th.. r.pl~ . \t lhb lbe worlmca11 srnlloo. "51> am ll('en fltllnjl up ttw nlcl nthlctic t<ll>lll Kncl IIC\ I d our l o Stali rm . l. Ita> mnd ~ Uw place quite nttrncti\"f', Hr 1,' he snid llt"arlilr. "{'ome in and " " '<' e~p~ to n pcn up for bustn..ss in nbllul If. F . J.\'C J: Prop. " 'mnkr." K nnsM City Times. n ..-.,..k nncl IS su,... tn he Wt'll p !ltroni~ .










Kenney-Kennedy Co.


Mackinaws Thcoe garmcnto are aU wool and Union


Wannest Coats

Book & Supply Dept. STRICTLY S AN ITARY



a•o M AIH

The College Men's Store

401·403 Main St. worcester



1785 aT


fl'ftO ~

3-._.J..,SSO SLATtllt .L_DQ:


the World



We are agents




Catalogud of

root &II ~tll;tl l

kktY SGtes

WRJGHT & DITSON H 1 W ..shinJ.<ton




!\l.:..J.t ..


Carriage and Baggage Service. CALVI N FARNSWORTH. P ttOP'

Office: in Pa..cd Room. ncltt 10 &ggaae Room. URion Station. &aaa-rre Called for and Dcli,-ered Promptly. Fi,.,.cta.. H ack. and Coupu Furniohed for Weddinga, Rcccptioos a nd C...UinJI. T axicabo and Touring Ca.ra for H ire. 12 - Union ~pol •rct<phon.s- 13 S table II Pkdmonl St. Tel. 845

POSTCARDS fro m evrn·wbet"C. of c:\·try thing Qui~ ;:uoJ work in irn ita tiun "1\·pc:\\ f"itel"'; P ricB RigbJ. T ypewriter Suppli.s for :.11 mal<<'> of ma4..hinl"'S; S t atio ncrv. c::tc. e tc.

Agency lor the Empi~ J. .. unur\'. A Bag Pin f rce v. hen ) ou p:ty f·or \'nur hr< t wnsh. l SC· Ol' mo n:.


"A.s/t ]one:s "

The JonesSupply Co. 116 Main St.

Wol"'"ster, Mass.


)1.\(;X f;TIS~I

,\ XO :\UG XE'l'l C .\LLOl 'S.

n .... u m~

of nn hnpur1AlU ~Adll l'e b )'

l>l'(lr. Thomi>SO" · Til<- s ubj....-t uf f'<'rllltuornt to&gnt:llim

1, of t;r1'1Jl int ·tMII fn•m mnny points of

';,,,.. Prom " prat"tic'll s tandpoint, a lngt' 1\nd lnrr.-a.<~n, numbe-r of r!Ktril'al itb-tl'uu><'•lts utlll.u and dtJ'<'Dd upon th<' tnai(IJ..tk ron_,lafiC'\ of prn:rummt ma!'l<'IS. h•<'n roowderaboo atr.-cllng Uw constanr\ uillk-r o~anical. th<'nnal ~>nd mnp><'tir tliJ~turlmn<"<' l~>mcs note,.· orthv to tlw manufsctur"r nnd l•lo,·t"f o f "'urh ir'--'' rumt"nts. ~tot("''I\·e:r, o•\'e'n• roo"ltlrrntion aft'rctin~ th" a••11ilft· lll .. slrcnlfl.b of p<'rllltlnenl mll~ets under c•h<'mkAI ond pll\•it'ftl<•hnnJlt' of mal.-riAI 11> tqndJl~ uol~,.·orth~ • ..s olfnin@: orportuntit'< ror •«urinJP; aimplcr. cbupcr, llorhtrr or morr- rrllnblt' ma~..ts. Soul<' ur lhr fn.,tun. lwrr rnmhontd •·n~ disnh-t In Prof. S. 1'. 'lnotnpson in a lfe'turr- h<'fo"' a l't'<'<'nl rn...-tlnJP; of t.bt Brit· .sh l nstitutiom uf t:lc·<'h-it'al En~neers at Gin•~·· on th" ""'!lflrlism of pcnrn~nent


FR.\TKRXIT 'l MYft-:s.


J . ZAHON\, &

On Suturtl.a,·. ~o·,·. 9. ~h. ntt"'llh('·~ of Pho G~tnnnn beltll att~ndrd the T~h-

•\mhersl fot•tball gumt and A dinnerolton~ 111 tht" \Jphn C'hl ri••t•l<'r with friends borl'0\\·~1 from Smith nnd ML llnl)okr. 111<" Orlta Tau (raltn•il~ l'tt't'ntJ~· rn· tertam.,d Ult"ir tri..nds "ith a ll allmrr'w part\" a t !Mir C"baptn hou><' .\ dan..f. wu fM'""" h\ tht Sll(lna \lpha Ep'IIOD fratrmoty at th<'or c-haJ>Irr )1()1154! on Saturdoy <""et~ing ="o•nnll<'r A~nd. \lpha Tau Om<'p h<'ld n ho>ns••-dnne<" :So•·emb.-r ~t'rond. the nl~o t tlf tlo<' ll<'n· ~srlnrr p:o111r. T tU : W O R CEST E II l'l ' Jli ,J(' LmR. \ Rl', f«h dO<S not 11M" lht J>uhllc- lihrAr}· a; muril u it shot~ld In a ,.......1 a rticlr llr. Rob<-rt " · S!u&•. u,.. \Jhrar~an, 5ays: MYour J>ubli.- litoran u. a ,:uotl pia"" to lmo"' ~omtlhl.n,: ahout. l~au•.- 1111 rnnl(" of lntnl'l>t Is "idr rnouj{h to indude c:•·en• thinking man, "'"nan 11nd child In thr town.M MOf th.- 600-o<.lol omg!Uln('ill ~ull!l~rih<'d for hy thr puhli<' lihrar\ 61 on- jn'neml or literary In c-I~Aracler, ur trade journnb thnt: ar.- 10: of rdlp:ioo, 29 ; polltln and alraln, 21; roUeftl> and khotll•. ~ ; o<l~ tririty, 9 ; outdo->r lift', t!; an-hit""t""' and hullding. t.; rhotograph~. 6; music. 6; automobll<'ll. 5: and clt) tortl.-mlMII..5: :IIoct o( u......, • .., ktpl In p<'nnan.,.•l

co. Ttl...,..

l ..d,A.... _

Dr. R M. Garfield

149 M.aon Strret

!:>ureeon IJentist

1-:. _B_a_~_r_aHc_~_T_O_G_RAP _I H_ha_:_a_m~ _c



Ideal Place lor C'Ja. Banq...,..


Three-£;ght-One Main Str~el

Opp. Slat~r Buildi~

Co to 1he The Cboiceet Flowen ' I Ill' must hllll<trlant n>nj(nt'tiC property cl<-sirl'd in a prrmnn.-nl Is e<M:rAT IMPERIAL LUNCH c•ln· fo""'• tor th~t ' 'alu • of lh<' llllll{llt'ti<" THE Flower SHOP mt~ih whil'h rnu$l b.- applitd to thr 39 M ain Str~~~ •amp!.- ·...,nshte...d of a pr('Y)ously ma~t· } Pka•nt Strtel n.-liud <ut>stan.... in ord.-r to redutt ots W..-c..t•. M. . . s.~alt.o lor Chop. a Speoaloy mnnant na~et.lsm to •~ro. lD sort Iron T[.UPHOH I[ I'AI!I( ... ''' &1'<1 tlw r-<l<'mn· (of("<' may II<' onl) """ or t" •• g\Jbcru Jl<'' ('f'tltimrlrr, whUr In jrla.•s hard il'-"'1 ot ma~ br srw·nty or 11.1~." T ak.e a box of n10r.-. In " d<...,..l ring of rna"'t'tiud 1'hr rrf.-r..ntt drputment contal"" •t""J tlP drlllft~''IWII•lnjt forre IS \'C'ry J0111e 9() 000 \O}Unl<'S and this lihrarl COU• Chocolates Bon-Bona ,mull. so tlmt ,., rn vrr~ soft iron of Wtu.lc talrl8 m;,.t of the 61o:-s of t«hnlt'Af mn~ 9S Main Srn,"' <' ,..,~;··~ for<'<' "'".!' r.-taln a powrr( ul l't'll· ..,.; 11 ,... In ,.hlch th,. library ;. '"'' ri<"h. Wind..or Confectionery Company Stt-a.k• O.np. St•we ftt ~.laie C'rdrt n:-c\ •"• • i>huol nutj(llctk fluJ dcoslty lf pr~rred S.\ IO KING SPIRITl' AI.IZt : o . in th.- trorm or " C'losed rinp:. Wh<en, Part J. )11),.·.-v~r. th<' rinJ! b of'<'O<'d Ill on~ or This lndian ,.-red, no,. "itll<'rt'fl quitr, mort air-~t"l"' lll<' ~lrlual ma~tUc Thouj{h It""'" al noon. no I dm• n Rl nl,t.t. MATHIEU & WAR£ tlu\ J~inl' Uorou¢l lht' m~~t'ti<: Shows thy dtn) r.-.b t anff o f ra<'h alr-~p. prvdu~ ,\ll fle-sh Ia h&\': BARBER SHOP n t....-lc monf In subottAntWiy lh<' _,.. n.... ll•ink, and ~K>kt' tub..a-<> nlllJJner u " curr~nt In the ~l«tric J6& 1-2 Mam St rirnoit pRMing lhroup!An eled:rlc resb- '01<" pi~. S() lih·-Uic.- nnol "e..~. Inn<"<' prtMiurt'$ a hnck c·nof. ,,., bnek ()o('S thu th\' oi~o>rt•l stotr l""'l)<'nl. : 1111)1r didd.-d h~· lh.- len~h or Ute mag- ~ '11><111 nrl c'f'n such 111'1 lri•'tll M 11 quotient t he averap;t: n•lue Ount' with at tou\'111 nr the- clemnjCTleU.in, force. in the aub- ThUll think, and suooke tohac-ro •lane.- uf the• 101<"<'1. If t his ..-,cettda thr F . E . POWERS CO. <"<>c-rrll'<' for"" th<' "'"'"'"!Ism rollnps~ \nd wllt'n tbesmokr ~N"mb ••• hop>. untll th<' rtdu("<'tl ftux yields a drmal!"e- 'l'hrn thou hc•hold's t 01<' .-anlt~ 570 MAIN ST. tl•!nR fo....., "' ~'l • ·hn• lollr~r U..O th<' Of worldly <tu«J E W I:c:LER .. ..,,...;~., '"""'· llrn« long ma~b ...... Gone- with a pulrt - A Nonhlr l'l Sll31ain 4 mort powerful map1..Ur Thu.' think, and •mole.- I·•INtm• tluJC-dms•tr than Rl't' Jhort m8.JIIrls of OPTICIAN tilt' s11mt' ~lt·1f11JI dim.-miouo. \nd wbl'n thr pil"' ~rn•,..s roul "lt hln. WI M.-St...~-c II... PMut'h dt')M'IIIb "'"'" t ht' u... nnal tffnt- 'O>Ink on tlw soul<ldl.l«l "•ith •hH lllt nt or " rnof{lll'l RllJ>armUy (or two f 'M then the Rre find Comford and Style in \\1e aupply l'ec:h men with '""sons, the fll'l>l IH'in~ thnl at <"erlaln It doc-s r.-qoirr: ~THE NEW t<"l"l"'rntnrt'll Ill<' .-arhon In iron, an &1- 'l'hua tbln~, and 5Jnokr loh~te'CO. BANNERS FOBS .......,t iu..vltahlr lrnflurlt~. <'nters Into SEALS STEI.NS rhC'mi<"tl romluunllon~ "llh tb<" Iron, or \nd ll<'t'SI the AShes I'M I AWa~, LOCKETS PLATES. etc. •ill> otto..r alloytd ornpurito~• .,.,ru..b rom- 11tc-n to lh~ ,.-J( lbll\f Ilia~ •I ..a~ J,.welry and Optw:el ReJIOWUllt honatl<-M marl..tcll) alr...-t 0.., ~c: TR' APAIR ~ 'l'hat to ..... du>t prompely and •tial.ctonly do~ propc~ of U,.. final allo~· anc! th<' S<'t"· It dum thou mu.st: nnd that in slo• roolinlf both dwmkal 1hn1 think, ll.ltd srnok<' tnh11cro .. nd phy,.i<'al or rr,·stallln~ rilan~ OOC\It in tho: strurlul't'. \ llffl, suddC!nly Port II qu.-nd>"d at • llllfh tMllp!'ratur~. l<'nfb \\'u this smotll pl•nl fur Lh...- cui do"n~ tu rrlnln thr rilnnkal rnlldiUon o f Uml Sol """ Ult' plAnt or ICTt-1\l rrll(lWn, temJ>emtur" mort closC'Iy lhllu if allowtcl Which 111~rc:y SffitiH 1 M.a ...,. or .... Be.• tn rool slowly. For noble" rnds: Thr c-«....ts or thtnnal lrratnl\"llt on Thus lhlnk, 1111d ~mokc toha<'('(l, th• prop!'rlitS of majturllc alloys ,.·rre Spectacle• and E yeglasses "l"' flromin ..ntly brouj{hl forward in a Doth jul<'t' oUft!icinaJ t>J'OC'n'<l OL'-""'>Sk>n on th•t • ubjffi r«mtly hl'ld Prom suC"b 11 nau¢>1) fort'ltm ,.,....) ? bC!(Ort' lh<' P"r•d•y &leidy In London. Tbm whAt's th<' P""' rr Soon.- of lh<' llt'tl51tr a.lloya of aluminumQl.1C1C REPAIRS Of J~'s "'""~~ hron.... an- found to b.- dth<'r Thua think. and <IIJ()lc<' tnha<"C''. umtmC'ti<' or non•nlal('leli<', ..-cortlinf! to u,..;, ""'"'""" lhC'nnaJ lrf'&lmmt hlston· Th~ prom!$<-, liltr Uo~ )'J)>t', lnlayA, 'rlw hebn•ior or llH"'c- allo•·a 15 u Yd onh• ,\ud hy UN' mouth or fnlth C'(mvr)' EASTMAN rtLMS hnJ>rrt..... tly undrrstood. • It is belie-·cd, What •·lrtue Rows huwt-• .... tiUll eerl•ln .-h<'mlc&l c:ombin•P rom Sharon's nJSc: llun< ..ntr,.d into by th<' c:orl8Uhu·nt sub- 11ous think, and fiMk.- tulm.-ro. Walk-Over Boot Shop DEVELOPINC AND PR.Ir-TI~C .-taul't'S of tbt' allo} a n- nK>IKUlarly mag302 Maie St.-eel netic. so that ""ch moi«Ult' or that com- rn rain the unlij[bl('(l pil~ )OU hlu\1 Maio Street, comer hlnation is a llttlt' pcnnanmt mai!JieL Your pa.uu in out•·•nl nwlilb art" &n, ChftnJm> n f t.-mpcnt urt' a«m the st.a'Til h<'an:nly o.., hilih ur tM!i4- romhonatiom and thus Your he•rt IMplr.-: al trr u,.. niAI('Irll.- 1uvpcrtlet> of th<' mass Thu. think, and smok<' t <lhnm• M. H. TERKANIAN SHOE \ttcm:ling to this ''""' a mol..aal~ tha.t 1$ REPAIRINO CO. "'""'~"u~ m~J(tl~ti<' mny ronslst rlthu '""' wn>Oicr like hunoln11 hon·AAI' t""""'• nr like ~tom u~h " tho5e of Iron, So •hou ld a l"aylnt; htart nf ~our<; Me n 's s e w ed IIOIU 65c. T r y us one~ nkkl'l nnd M>b•lt or o ( unllkt' ato10s 111 1 With an rnt ,•r!es And you wi ll call ar:aln .... .,,. kind ur l'llt'UIIMII union, 5Udl "" Sum>Otmt the ski... : 5 40 MAIN STRE ET n>nn;mn..st and Aluminum. Mudt f ur• T hus think, •nd a:lll()Jcr tohnt't'n 75 A. Mai n Stre.-t th<'r in•·estiJ(IItivn Is nt'ftled in these (u•~ naun, llrllb nf ~ tud) .










Young Men


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of our


cou ~. • -c bcctmlC"

,..rll at'qoutlnto:d, lout too oft<'n ..-~ do nut ti O\\ Out> lla n f;' t>elll Aboul Llrt> o o rcnlh knu" th" uthers motU "'~ rub ~1110,.; "llh them nl AJunmi gnthcrlnp nft h e HUI. ter graduAtion, Nothho~t lrrlt'lli'" nor oo onu~h A• to be oskrd If I krto" \s a T~chuic•l school and a aourt't' for 'l''ltr uJoaiJI~ to plntt hom and lnt~r find he 1, , 'arst~I&SS education of the t~otlea.l in m~ own class or th<' on.. immrdtntcly t) J>t'. Tech olft<li nu criUdsm. " '" fot)O\<IIlJt. plao:t! in Ilk "oriel b RSaured by tl1C' surh and Sut'h a mron Ill lhc lu•tJLuli'- bo· work of tl1C' padua~ which tilt' ~ ~~ -wcm estrr~ for 'r,...h forth w lliSWA~ th• rt'Spmulblc posoliuns whoch ·~ asslgnl'fl only to rom of &bility and traonin,:. But as my t'f>ursc a.l the \ 8 11}1-; LlG EIT 0~ T HJO; FO() fll.\1,1, l nlllltule ne1u1l ('Onopklinn nnd 1 look ST,\It. bock over the y~III'!J tho l I ha,·e SJM!Ul Tlw following ~~rticlt' from th ltostou here ,. feclinf( of tlluallllfnctlou with lHotw I• wortlw or mudo Nn>hlcrallnn ctrt~ln phi\St!S of ou r school life m&ke.. ns It refutes ma'nv of lhc wilrl tlrl(lllllcnt. ltsdf r~lt. lluol nr.. l"""~nted on lhiB suhj >el b) T~h ha lfl'OWn alo-•ly from • lrad" Uul6.. "ho think t!Yy knCJw, but don't :~bool to tllC' m•p:nlflttnl Institution Hln tllC' lntert'St or u,.. olur<h ftnd sl.il•hoch is now pulthlf( U>t' ~n of tl1C' our ful plnH·r~ who malre our foothall n•nfuture Urru U~r pa«S and as 5bc b!IJI test> a' dehf(hl for U~ public, it •hould f(I'O" n, RIJ!D\' cvtnl> havc mukrd IIC'r h> 6tftt('(\ U•at u~ yount~ llll' n .. h<• tu .. ..,p:utSion milestones mark tllC' hi~ part Ito tht" r:amr.s art Mt i•·rh•u..•l~ n..wnyl: but simll11r to th~ mllt'>t'>lle$. lh~r p:lrelllllf t hdr studies, or If thr) drop '"~ l;.oinp: rorgott~ n and hurled. Whur llorm for R tJmr ..,.., still ~ hi~ lt> rnolntoiu orr 1., ('U'Jt mns ond lrntllt lons lb~l clus- "'tlsf1tel1.1ry elRb> slondrng. II i~ b..t~r "rounrl ~thnool ~very coiJege m the llt•'l'<l by J.uo .mnny p<'Ople lhut lhe- footcountry? Why nrt' th~ dtL~S l<Pes llhmtrd 1 bnll plu) n gocs to coll~p:e or to the nthy l he $~nior cll\5<1"1 for llliUI)', lnJin)' tinp: ....hool ~Imply to shin<' "" 1111 nthlel.,, 20 CENTS PER PAC KAG C:: 0'=' 10. "'.... in su~IC'n ollowrd to KG un- wllC'rt'U lllC' trut h b JliAyn un ioarl.td •nd f urgnttr11• Do not ~ partlclpalr in the glllJICt UJ>Icsi hi• 11ca~ stand for aomf'lhlnp;• th~ pllbong dru)lc standing 1$ •bo•·r a t.talt"d ronk. of hol t'<' in th<' ht'ut o r c••h g-nduat:-'''!'bose ,..ho follow u, .. r.me of foot does not t!Yir puv. th •nd prt5<'tll frlrth hAll rnrrfulh l.now that p a•·•rs arc ofrrp..-rrl ~ su..-.1>' ami h11rdihood of trn d..._1u ollflt'd rrom furt ht'r •ell¥1ty oo the mtn of th9Sr ...tass,.. thr Jrrldlron bv rulrs loid dov.n by thr Will' bftvr th: dnlt'M oln "hlch Wa.~h- 'nrulh or lfO'ernlnp: ho><llc-s. ns aoon "" You can buy a Live Tailor Made Suit or Overcoat cheaper hurn Sbup5 thl' Mffhanl<-nl 13nildonjl'. lh<'y l;..p:lu t•• r.n IIC'hlllcl in lhdr atucllcs. !Joptttln 1-Jnl!. t'1<', wrrl' l'Oonpleltd be~n l l u~h·ud of IJ<oing tM o rdlnnrr ~ludent than a ny ready made that you'd care to wear. rei~gated tP Uoe uttrrm<lllt corners of tor- who succt'rtb. ln k~pin~ up hy dUis~nt l(tlfnlnen? Wnuld nnl Hll ammo! l't'le- •t udl<"'!, t he footb.UI playn l• a n exhnoto<>n of tilt;,~ tl·~nts and • rt'<"lunllnj( lraordlnary student, on• "h•• kC'C'ps UJI .,, lh<' li.lcps. leadinlf( to 11>«-lr dcvdot.>"!Cnt in hili <"•>ll<'jr nr bigh schull "ork. end hrinjC l"" stodtnls lotl<'tllC'r and lnsbl mlo in atlditlnn lak<S parl in the port that IJw<m a l'l'' l' •nd admlrntl"n fur lhc mcn hold.t puhlit' alttntil'n cat'h .\utumn from THE TAILORS T HAT MAKE CLOTHES RiGHT '""" ,.,.~ or their worldly ~ that &lltt'mllC'r to l~mll<'r. "''"" an ln~tituthn mittht be " s~st With this <tAlem<'nt it w\U I)(' realhed H•m'l von belil'n lh•ot 11 n""' fttoling of thftt th • ft>Otltall stJ.r b not merely a lnlt'rtSt in th~ buildln~ ""ultl II<' lltoUSNl nnlll o f IH'f'f, an udrolt d!Xlgt'r. or • mftr""d ll111l somc nllo<'r (~<'ling l>e'lldrs work ><II" '" klrkt·r, hut nnt who I> rt'!lpteled w<•ulll be IL'IS•Whll't'l with ~M·h slrut·tnrt!? •n Hot rln••n•t/m and wbll l~ able l•> lmld \\'ouhin'l i1 '"' nl<"n If "" ml~o l sny lr• ~L. own In tht dc1turt:nwnt or hroin.l Ill .~. the' ••Lsltnr " 'l'hls hnllclinp: Will C'r!'<'t.-d hy well "' of lmav.'Jl;' • • fund>. part o f whkh .,.,.rr furmsbcd by - - - - - - a11cl part by •uh• · and n t'-~rrlllloon amnng thr n:~« 1.amN '";r " \\' 11 \'I' 1'1 1". ~. T Y..(' IDI \S DONE." "'ork<'rs in Wo...,..,.tt'r" ln.ot<"Ad Of *Thlb I'll stnf[ ) ,. " halhd, nry frln1d\, will I. I• wllC're J>itr~Y Bird ht'•,.~· hull a.l us. Ur a turkr• hljl". and A t'IJ~rr~· pi ~ W~ tuo..-r on annuol 'r..ch Banqucot and \ WnJI' uf 111~anks~• in g. thc da~· o r thr FO& 1 un triad t~ s~\ tbl\l Is An Aun...U suc\ t'llf C't'$..,, hut t'•·•n hir~. lllC'rf' Is room for im· \\'hen 'ht'arts art' llgbt Mfl 1\r'rr full u( pro•tmffll, i\ c-<'rlRin •tllfna' JM!rmMt..,. h P ertr.il Us to Emphatltl' g11 tht'ring and I 11<'11~,·~ thnt this luis Su ll•trn "'rll• ..., tllis son~r I sin,, lw.-n mo..,. 1uonounc-.-d lhr ltL<l two years. 1\nd gill her uiJout nl~ whils t I b~gln: size tbe V alue o/ Our owfnp: to tht se11tlnp; nrrnngrontort. I ml'l.' the slnj!lng M lhr «roupt at a slngl• T ·1 lla«' fqtlng 'rrtlnu"n's lnrglng c~n~. and tal•lt and t.bc< Mnslgnmtnt <lnt' nt a Pillrd v.llh a ,.•holc:somc, bright •urnriw. tim• - " ' dl thco Pr..rs tn ~the pit." Why A turk~y bi~t-• cllC'rry plr, are th<5<' all'fti<S stiff> ll<'<'au'l(' liY •tu- \ pla t • of ~ J>U..tt I'> hljrh •lrnl~ arc n'>l Wt'U llt"JURint«l. "hicb In \ \ e-re -.·o\ tn m a woud rou.<e mu~ cataloi(Ve and All llinclo of turn ls dul' to tht •~"""" of woup:b of ,\ nd ltrtl><'nl<tl lo bis rAJllu"'d guc. tbH<- Jr""~l jl'&lhf'rinp t•• t:tl the mm ochool printina in c•nnbtt"l •dtb em<' another. A ~nl l ie clap1ted hl• hands with j~'lrtful joy· .-dlt •orW In 'n~t• Nrw1 aup:l!t"'tod tbco Por In III!Ul) ways hr wu still n boyW., are ohow 11(1 She eo of ah· tonnali1111 of " stud<"n l cnuncll or simiio r ,\nd vl•lous o r tur kr\·s, cnkt'S and lhlnp • hotlv ttnd it 6C'C'ms t u me t11"t the ecle-""'"'~ :.OU u o..£ATH£ { INC . hrnilon of llthl<'liC vletorl"" and dates Of P.nOnj(h to sotil " hC>St of klnp, I HROUCHO~h;.,.-:w • lnopurtftntt to the p;mwth of lht' Jnstl- \\'rnl ftitttnlT thru his nimbl .. mind are aurr • ncl know a re the tutr which such 11 bod)' would look aft•r .\ncl ltanl\hcd U10ts or his rccent grind GtL..BERT G . DAVIS lltYonlrflll for the MOIW:7' tn ....,uld in a '"""''""'· brr11k do.., the llft'n("<5- ...UStlnl'( a t lht' p....,.....t time? ll r Snl<'llffi II~ n.itt thin~ t hru lh• door town Shoea of ~ wear W O RC ESTER. M ASS. If you art inclint"d to doubt m) st.Al..- H .- ht'oord tappiDJI' of fcet upon lllC' ftoor. 1han arc llhown c:ltLewhere mt·llt as to l~<'k o f at'qualnlan~. I &Bk II ~ heud t.bc< ra ttle o f pans and pots All the popular kathuo. 1 ou to lake •·our t'AtAIOif( And cho:ck otr \ "·antom pn.Kidinp; o f hunpf thola; Patent, Tan and biad.. 1n tllC' nanltS o( UK18t' you know and calcu- Yrt t hen'"" hut onc h<>ur lr ft. J8..+4 FRONT STREET 11\tt' the JM!r «nt o f lh~ totlll student Ancl theu. ye Gods I : : ? ~ r ? 1 buuon and la.:e. hod~. "'hldo thas<' nl\ln,... rtpi'C'S~nt. Prof. CMi:ni>S is pn>btohly thC' only mnn till T hr huur l'".s.cd nt IMl, you know, Care take n in 6tting by l llC' H ill who knnwa t'V<'ry nuut In lh~ Slowly, of cou~b. >·ery s low, We advertise here to help the experienced I nstitute ; ,..~ can't all be Ill! wt'll posted 'rh~n. flnnlh•, to hi~ ddlght, ... that:. bill 1 M\'1' no doubt that a U can Til<" turk~y· c~ ,.;thin hl8 s lpt. Saleapeo ple. paper, when you need Rowers do hettu than thcv h11•,. l,....n dum&· \nd •mlllntt with • «"'"If pin, W e c!Oln't "'lint ·rccll li fr tn he a tnt'~ " " loot~'..tt bls bclt. and ,.·aded ln. ~e OH"l''lani...,l proc:dS by which the semi-ra~ .fR~ciprot:ale pnKlurt ofbin..tt r.....n p ,...p sdtools 15 ~ow ~\II b wH1 that wd.,th rl.'(t into Boynton ll all and rj«t..tt from \ t lt-Mt lhllt's what thc poets tdl, ~~~ lh«' M«hankal, t:lcctrl~al, CIIC'ml...,l and Out no"' ,...,·r~ forttd to h<'a•·,. ,. alf(h. ('h·ll dcpartnlt'fll< M wlflnt'era, who ha\'e For lhls it eudrd otllC'A'is~; yet to make the friendships o~ life. Tech <\ nd thoup;h wr kJlOW wbnt t he I)Od snld . should f umlsh and o r CO\lMIC dO<'ll to a T he 'rtdunnn now Is with th<' ll<'acl. ~~rlain t'Xtent- s ullldrnt l«'iftl lifr for ·*· ·· .*·· II><' tormatinn of thotir t'llt.luring f rlend- .\ dl<•u, m• friends. m~· h~ll11d'• sung. 37 1-373 MAIN ST REET iihlps which ar~ ouc of th~ ~r~atrst assets 1\ut don't (Or!fd • -hAl lhC' rccbman '-'"·:.....!.- '·::J'L -- -......;.--- - - --.1::.. -..!-::J·' that any mnn nlA~ dann. ..\rnon~~: lht' done-."






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