1912 v4 i11

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AT LAST! 1915 WINS In II "ttl pla~ecl l!"•m~. full of RIIS<O· '""' r~nlure., eta..& ur 19U a t last t rlumphrd o• cr the Freshm<'n lhru lh., prowcos of her foot hnU t~am. 1'h~ Sophollll!lrc\ ~lrrnglh Illy in hrr lmckRdd, lll j:IW<' and Barn~ pulling off mnny ton~~t non~ nrnund lht: tJotls, whit.- ,\\·cr) -.•11Uic.l Hl wn\·s bf' eoUJlted on t o mn"co 4\c'\ · l'rnl 1 nrol~· lhm c.:nler. Thr f"rr<hman Ill-" I;UltliR) o'<l I~ OpJ>OnC'II~ 011 lht" "0011'. !>I Ill• AI l1 rt rnd ".,. their t•nr pftrticu· IHr') hrljrltl •l•r and t:pton showed dillS in II•<' ltar~llrld. rrpt"atedly m~ldn~~t con· ,;.t nl tr•in, lhrn tiM' S 1ph••m<1rr lint' ('r•n .. Ieic-k••' o lf l" Warrm ..-hI rum"'"'' '"' tlot' :!5-~ ard line-. Iii ~~til« 'IC'OOp<"d lilt- h~ll at f ull ~pe-t'<~ ond m••k 10 1 nrcl¥ lwfnrt• lot' hil Sto>nr's ~lllrd•· shoutolr"' llarn~ mrule 15 ntdi at lrrt rnd •·n lh•· ,....,""' play. The S ophomorM "' do• Rrot <J,,,. n lhru thrtt phon~ lhru " nt,•r h1 \Hr\ nnd rour p 1rds olf Jl'rt tnr~l•• h\ l\11rnc:~. H ere thr "Prnsh" hrhl fn r dow'ru~ "'"' Ston,. punted ont of dnnll"r to Wurrtr1 " " his 45-ynrd llu.-. H ll(" '""' tntulr tour ) ud.' ~ t righ t rud and lhn ll11nl ~ rllrrl<:<l u,., bull for 10 ~·•r~l• "round ri![hl end 1111d liM'n ri~1t yard• a t u,... left "intt· B•trnt"o mad~ a prtll) (ON•Ird I"'' t ·• IIi~, n~ttlng 1:!






jolunltt"' I•) llittb« and \'1'~1"). War ro-n "tn t l hru t'Ccntn rnr nine 'ar<IJ and a t oucl1<l•n•n. Th<' S<ltlhomi<!M' cup (I( jo) """~ ft" 'tl l-t lilt- hrim ..-b~n B10rots Ut~ o·d Ill<' ~nel. pultio@' ~lr t~1un ln th~ l~<td, 741. ller~ th..- llrlit quarter cnded. \ H•r) l.lc o·ll oft' to Lipton. "ho ran It hft~k Ill 1 " " " Thru a pcnodty and linf'


'r'IOmbs a nd .\ndr• ,."S, 1916 •n1ul.- nr• l dO"'~'~· ' fhen t:pton r~lrd n lf ''"<' II( hi• st U311tlonol runll muklng I ~ tt)

y•~rd, Oh left la~kle. Tbe f'r1'11hm~n uuatl~ two &uc«edmjr 6r&t duwn.<~ h) tl1e


morgin thru lint plunj,.,.., hrinlrinF Ute bll.ll to the S'lphomo>re s 20•ar•l hnc. Jlrrr \H·n inl~r~plrtl ll for~ ard I"'"" and U>e haJJ soon mdt'd. , ,,.,.) ktcl.ed otr tn l 'pt ·m c>n his OM') rd lm , """ r•n lilt- bnU b8ck 15 y1u·tb ()n lh~ 11nl play lhc ball nnl nutsid~ ""'' "•"' taken In 15 yards. ~ f'~h­ m ·n', rlfltht end. Jon...., lay p i'05trale nn th.- •l•ldine •nd •as uonoti~ by the S 'l''"'"'"r"" Oo the nerl pln~ \ndre•• 111 ,dt' 1\ lln'tt~ P"-~ to hlm, n~ttmg ~ \'llr<l•. l'rmrlp..U) thru U1e pl:l) lng nf 't 'plun, t111' l'r.-shm<!n wo rked the hall "I' ' " 111111'• lt •)&rd lln~. whrrr th~y I ,., ft. Th• SupbomoTe~ "urked th~ hn II fn•m I his pulnt btC'ndll)' lu '16'1 20.ye rd linr thru Ute , tcllnr plDyinjr of Hsrn<"' • nd lll!(l!('(', t'nrh of whom J!Ol ol! a 16) •rd run The tlllrd quarter .-nded at tht. I''''"' •ith no chenlt<' ln l"" ..-nrr. l>uriug tilt' 11\st quarll'l' lM 111111 Iff· '""C'tl "I' nn<l down the fi~d. lilt- SophoIIH>r..,. hn•in,r tilt' ad.-anlagt" Ounnr; thiJ ,,..,.; .... n anon "''""' nm> nr :!.l ~a.rda -.nd IS ~"""· Th.- ~one rndM ..nth 1916 In ~.....,...,on n( lhe baU on h<>r O\O'll ~ ••rd lmr. S<WI 10\l()ltl'. $-7 ~FRF.SH \t£:-.l)ln It lt SlOM, capt. 11.-dhurjt. llll.<t'llon It lkcl<er, Chsndlt-r Sh~rwuod l~t 111: J;lklns II Khll'l' ~ C: Rra~OII lloy~. l.nppldos rjt rjt Shumwsy II AI'Ioin• rl rl l:pson. 'J'uUoch. Frary St .... tr, "nhiJclnn rt rr .J on.,;~, Kloss, W-.rnrr \\'arr.-n, llooth qh qh \ndrrws, Booth lllr:b••.. lhb lhb C'ran~ tl~ml"!<, o·.•r•t. rhh rbh l'pU>n

\,....'>. fb fb T uomi T out'hd.,,.,., \\'a ri"C'' G<>lll from toneh· do" n Barn< Rdertt. C'lnu!lh l mplr.-. Wult. IJne;man. Frlal'l> Tim.-. " and to-mmutt' •tuarte"'

PRICE R\C cr.'IT:->

Thanksgiving Communication

\\ or~,tt·r, :\11\..~ .• ll. o1. l!!l, I!H~. The e3 rly settler;, of \ ew England, our own fordtallu: " • fo~tnd '" \~H: mut'h in llwir lives for which to be tlumkCuJ that tlat•y ~fl a~ich• a dny to l'iri/1 1'1"!1 IIH; Jl•rltn~<irt " '~""''"' 7'i•. ~ dl' \ UICU (Ormtllly to lh1111~1gh flli• 'J'lti~ W ILq d OIIL Ill II limt: "lu-n l,jlo,l Satnrdny's gHnll~ w.-rr ~hrttd tht·y were enduring hnrtl•<l1ip au gnat tltul w~ oC the prt·~c nl day would ""' " tu. a '"'"~~' hy " el""h "''""''." thr \l e-t•lwntt, t'llnl g -.n_i,_r ("a\'1l't 'nu· I(IWW •lmnk frum il in db em•.' . 'J'Iwy haJ •·••lo·d thtm~dn,s fron1 llu·if' IIIJIUI'\ "115 ru tu~l h) iJ\dhirlnnl pln~n•~r rnlh· and nil the llssocialionll of lhdr lormcr li.-C!o-frum tho-c mcmoric:t of t'r thnn h ·•m " or!. • ..-llh l'or1rr •t•rrina ft>r tht' \lrehanl<"' omd t)Hnn•nu fo r lh<" tht' J.l"Sl ..-hich ..-e all hold '" d\'ttr. 1 h~y {(lwld Utt:m~ch·cs \tran~r.a in f••·ll• 1\ h.a··-.u 1\lld unfr11·ndl~· lnnd, And lh ··~ \>.:J'e fat·in~t llll' rijtltrl of " Tilt- ~m.. ..-as s tarted lw lb.- u~·'- 1 kkklnJI ntr h lh~ \l reb•mc< TI1r tatl~r •ttrn ,.;oto:r for which lht-y wt·l't' ill pnp'll't·d. And ytl, in •Jilt< of all tiL~h<-d U. • h..U for ~<'•rrol tm•t• h)· tho. tht.' ((lund lhdr ht·nrb o>ullonm,rwith thiUlltfuln•·•s: and lhry ~ · runa •~•••frtng II« ~'llnli or ""'~ "t.. n on in<"•mph It' fo....-ard pn'>3 !t>'t' Ill<' lllhobhtd a dny which '"'-' now IX r ""d for nearly lhrt:c hundn·d hall t•• tiM' Ci\'ih on lh<' nmltll.- elf thr ~·cttr~. " ·bich we know "' Thaulugn '"It· n~ld. Th• n<':il 1:\\o pl«ys ••r~ chnrftt'leri<ctl b) u~ )lr<"hnuir-, hrlntr ... ..... .Each one ot Ul> hu,. \O murh more f<>r "'loich we should be th11nk· t>rnnll•t•tl (M olf•i<lt' pin~ • (or n tliotnnct (ul, than hnd the PilgTt ms of a>Jymoulh, lhttl t'Ompari~on bdw•·t•n uur of R•r \nrtl~ tMdo time. n1c- Ci•lh wrre un11blr 'tc• frtlin and so f)~nn•nn wnt t•ondition nnd theirs nt·t'd nut fur 1111 irl'>taut be considt•rt•d. And y.:t, ftlr...-.1 t·• kh•lc. In lhdr ne~t plot) lht' Me<'hnu lt'>! fumbh-d hut lur'd l~ rt't~t\'• •·nl.'h one of us luu hi'l hour~. hi' d.~·· of deep diswurt~gcm('nl. 'fhi, mu'l not lx-, And itn(·td not be. In •tlitt· or nil di•"PJ'Oinlmt·nu, dis· ('r~d 1 'hr CfU3rlt'r thtn tiHird "' \rtn<~ur (1111.-.1 tn J{nin IU'fluud lrfl rnol S«<md quorkr-C'h·IL, 11; \ll'<'h•niCl> 0. • ·vu rn~o"tm<!nl.'l. 1\nd f~tllurt,, th!' ,.,,.1 ,1 C'<llll<llns "" muC'h for c•·fryonr wlto Till• Jk·ric>d "l"'""tl .,.;t~ thr lo·•ll ' "" ro nd~ the<' lines th11t lifr •~ ~un•hinr ~nd "hcerfulne • eompllrt'd wath 1

- -- Til \T SENIOR(;

In \ l,..·h•nit..,' btontlo,. TI1t' Ch•l• •~rr "h:;t il wiiS for lhost' who r~tahlisbrd the• first Thanbgh·ing Day. pcnaliud n•., r•nls art.. lilt' ............ ~ru.rul lhttt you nre h~:rr In thiJ> ~oocl world of uur'i; be: thank· nuh for olrsidr rtny. 11..- nnt F•ln WU m•de h~ a fo........ rd JU'I.t fl"•lll \nn Cui that you""~ you ; be th11nl.ru.l for what you IIA're ; a.nd be llwll.Cul our to 'l'i<'rney. "hlch n<'tlC'tl It n \'1\Nl. It Smith thm plun~ lh.ru """' "' for a··•rn fo r tht fair J>rO'iJ)('Cl whidl lift• 'Prt·ftd~ b.-fore e'tt'h one o( y?u. 1·a nt•. hut lht' of t~ ..-rrr "''"'trurtrd r .. nt.-•iru. treMures untold If you wl I < nh- lind and ~eiae upon lht·m. a pctu•llraUon for olf· hlr 111~) 1'h~ Desl wishes for n llll'ft,.I\Rl 'J'h •.t:U.s/(ivlng Dny Ill homt, and for a nt't p!n~ n dnuhl.- 1••s• tn 'l'ltrllt). who "f'nt ftntund riJ[Itl rncl (ur .,...., n goud rest in tJ1e litlk ,,.,...,, II(' fnrt• our \\ urk is rl'$Umtd DPX t wto·k. 1urd,. ' l'hr Me"hnniri ro>ntnHtC'fl thrlr Lt'\ I J.. C't)Milt. ~·"" until th~y reM·h~d lh • C'l•ll~ 1111· l'ard lhH•, Where lhl'\ Wt'rl' lwlfl for itn .. us. Th• hnll <Cnto't'll' In I ht JNI)()()R TR.\CK REJ ,A\. ,..,.~ ptnd. r~pC't•l•lly All tlu·lr ~AJII41n, Civil• 1•·•sse«slnn ..-h~n lht' ~~~•·h.,niC'I "'' r twl~ pnonliM-d for nlf•irl~ piA) . t•noS PJo:M'8. C'•ld,.~ll. has 11:0"" t•> C'om,IJ . 111M't' t. a k>t of hord worlc eh~•d ( t;r l'ullt•r thtn l'>llk lbt- hnll hut lo-t •I' ' lltf' t'Jo>'O(: ()(lilt- fnotbrtJJ •rii>'IU A lhr man•F"t to; ntakr th.- lntlnor Jt.U<lll ) arrb. lltl• I<I'S Willi th~u m~tlt' "I' h) ~Uft't'U. In lhr nrst plaN'. II I• IIIIJ>ed I) •n•" on aruund rntl. Sh~rth aflrr thl• thr '"""'" trade St'U<m. on omlrr u.~t 01Ml·" •n was fOf'CI"ol t ~ ~irk: '111~ h~tr T...-h hould not foiJI)". h.-r IHn.,.hotnnro'tf tho I lhr\ ,..Ill lll'ron"" • trfl..,.Julr "'ith rndrtl with the hall m lh~ )1...-h,nia nt.•tnm o( slartlnF too IIIC': and .., It It ,..., ..,.a) inHta for u... rrla•· lt'Hm, 110 tt ptk,, . ,_..,l..,n hn1""l that at l!'ast b~ oMlllt'r ll~r will ,..,. tt...m tu train u !&-} ahc ...td t .ut " intrr "'' h>nc dU.Inllft' ,.,.... ,..,..,. Port.-r o~Mtl U.k holt h1 lclrlcinF 111 boanl lroek ..-w II<' v t up on \lunonl o!...-rl•tt>ed. whic-h wu a hiJI' ml•tnk.-. \I th<- ('tnt. 15-)·ard lin I' "lti.'N' ('.Jtn l<~u t"l nrtd. Tht' rt'lny ~a.m 1\a. t..-o t'•pt·rlrot"-tl pret.-nl ..-~ ha•e ar.-rnl Jl"'•l rnrn, •n•l lh~ ' "'" anol nm It bnd• R•r ',,..,,, \ fuml•!t"' lh<'n f••llo·wcrl hut wa- • rff •vt"rt"d nlrn in ( ',.plain " l) lrk'' 1\rllh a ucl n· tml.,.,. tnl'l'l• •hc•uld 1..- "''""'· •lolt'lt CoptoJu ~sun· Pnrtt'r, ""'' II•• .-.m•lll· will Fl•• tht'm th.- nrt't'll•urr r•t"'rlrJ>.-.. "llh n lhrre-p~rd '""' Tht- boll short!~ ·•ftt'r •·tnl t'> lbl.' ~I 'l'h"niN ''" d"""4 trnU) (n..<l Umr for thrllhl) )•r«l"- 11~trt- tncl trnlninp:. On thi~ ltn~ II ""ultl '""a nrr twt> vacandi'S morl• hy Ulnl ll nlll· l(flOd piAn for thl' rnnllftl(tmt·nt tu inftu• Thev t hen made- th~r tl,•wnoJ hv ..,y~ .. ~h·.,_.: run"' u( lhrt"e~ fuur ttltd 0\ t' \"Ard,. wh" f!l'A<Iuot •d )l,.t ·'"""· nml Uob rurr hu•ln~ mrn ur Wnrrr• trr tn olf.r lmt fooiletl !01 fi'JlCHt the prrf11rmnnC:r nn<l Sl"'''"""· whn 18 I''Orkh•F In ""' rll\, but c·ur,.. whlt-11 could t..- "'ml,..tl'ol ror In • ' l'ht•rw wn•• lhnt would dr>rlop orwn for tlw tim~ 11 • ( 'h ll.s lll"'in hrld thr hnJI. 111<'1' lulrn<to; to be bode n~•l Jt'nr. "'U•· ounhl• '" gain mudt ti!Jilllll<'r, and pia<'<'~ ,.111 ht' hnrtl on"" l., Rll. hut wr • 1•rlnK ~c·nwn. ~·• f) '""' an \\''IS (orl't'<l to punt Jlifnln. holt· u,.. in"lrrlol nn u... IIIII ,,,. II rut \rmuur Jl'•l thO" t..ll <>n the- 27-lnrrl llnr. nlfj(rrll'f'tlllll. 1\l U•e pn-r.t'nl writlnF• \ftc-r " frv. ~nmll g~uu.~ nnd "ff.t.rJ'C"fMI Ja<"k l>ononn. (:ror(ll' SluC'omh. IAdtl C.\l .E'I0 \11 fum hlt'. l'ort"r lddtl'd tn lh<' Ci• II• 811- ontl 1.) mnn look to be th<' tnotlll Ukl'l) Jln•d•J, .\'w. 2.5. ~•mllthtlt'< for the ut'Anl po..olt•,n•, hut yard !on~. ·n,~ <rutrlt'r .-nd... l ~h'lrll) \ft'fl.ln~~: Treb Sew \ ·n at a 1'. \1. lh<·r~ arr """'" mt'lDIM'rs fmm our Infant an ..r. 1-" uurth tJIIOr1"r (1.-lls t), \lrchantt" ll, da~ ..-ho will make tbnn '"''k In tlo• tr 1'rt·b Srn Rld~t. r.u.,.L• With lh<' matt'rlal o•ur c-hant:'<' t1f lkl,.rcu IJ Uart~n ~lt'l.ain rrt•h...-.1 \lt'('ulh (or lbt- Ci•·Us and Pttlrr<un and t...altnl[ ~1. \ .C. at th<- 8 \ , \ . l"'n>l'll II f•t•tl•l• ,Ynr. ~. Slnc-•onb rrpla~ 1\,.... and Chuar rf'll~a,.,.al or (;1..., Cluh at )I 1' . ' '· ln ~1'"'"' ~l) for lh«" )l.,.,homM ThU. ttn~r· ... lll•h"l' ltr "~' 'hullu to lhr ulht·r<. T u11 a rd lh,. &-I"•Rrld• ..rfl', lll•nthnrd or Orrhf'•Jr,, at II 1'. \1, In lut nf lh< qu•rtrr lilt' Ci.-ils !I'll lhr """ \lrt'ull), \lt'IA'All, IK rt. t'hkk with'" kl<-kinll disb11...- n f u,.. ~1 .-t'hon· ''a""'· <lndl~ 11. r«"'. Clu•1•in ' \I C \ ""'"" 1\rlldford, I~ l01' tronl hut failed In tnnk.- I(<Hl<l. •tb. \nnnur lflllll'' <lltll'll .. tth lh • hall on thr \II'· ("oulun. •Jh rhb. ( 'lonsr. Sln<"mnh W~tlu••rlll.Y, ~or 21. llono• on. lhlo t"httuh-,' pct!i"C'S"'iuu lhh. Purtrr Suth·r. rhh l.lt1t up: n,, Smith \ntlt-i Jl"lion. ~I!-;( II\ '>I('S ('I\' II .s. Sr<•~ () ••. Sti.-ku.-•. rt· '"· 'l'krnt·\ llt-ft'rt.'O'. C'l•>u~.Jo. l ' mplro·. \\'oM Jl ro•l flt~r~·IO!t, iYnr. ~ ri H. \l "rtln Jtralf&.at.i4t1 tu. Hit.,-. 1'.-tt,·r.tfut tin•·t.n&att. t'r1drs-. rJ:









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