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FldltorJal • • • . Pal-It 6860, 31149-.J Hoslness Manager ... Park 2278 Ad ..ertt.lna Maaqer ParJt 2:166-R


Relay Team

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Threal8 of ho.,Uie leglall•tlon 1n order to ·witness the most en· Ooean'L that name sound famlllu! There are still four places lett agalnat collece rraterniUea bave on the relay team this winter-no thuslaatle crowd or 11eople In lhla It ought If It doeen't. u the News and aroused frllterniLY members of Oblo one bas made the team aa yet, altho country, one muill see the New Year a few or the hockey euthuslaata In State Unlvenlty, Colo111bua; MIILIDI ushered In on Broadway. To the school have been til1rtg to lnellll there are several men practising a•·erage Inhabitant or Maaaachusetta, what the word meaoa Into thtl mind Unh•eraiLY. Oxford, and Oblo UniYer· mighty bard 3IId gettlnr; loto the "1tb Ita Puritanical Ideas, the locom· of lbe student body for over ll year. ally, Athena, to orpn1u for a bitter ftghL t:nme greaL The tenm will not be l ng of a new year Ia of no greater Howe\"ar there ba.-e &a tel been no Inereulnl' anU·lralernJty &enll· Importance than the dawn of a new reaulta. Wby! Simply beea1u1e no picked nodi early In February; now day; although Boston ha11 bad Ita one hu had the courage to atllrt ment Ill the1111 three edncatlonal In· is the time to come out and pro•·e spirit aroused somewhat by tbe un· something. We ha\'e the material In atltnt.lons, whldl llre auJIPorted by what a wbole month's steady Lraln- lmllated Manhattan lsle celebration. 11<!hool ror ll !lrat-c:laas team. Let e. &pproprladooa !rom tbe State Lreaa· Early In the enmlng or lbe last few or the names or the poaalble play- ury has resulted, It 11 reported, In a log will do tor you and for the team. da" of December. New York's popu- .era be mentioned. There a;.e Fran;: movement to enact a !iw •• the com· Coaeb O'Connor is rlght here every lnce lloeka to thllL "Great Lone or zen, Rockwell and Karl and HeJole 'og aea~loo or the Lesfllature abolish· nh;ht aborp at 4.45 P. M. at the Llle" Broadway. Here, armed with Schmidt In the Senior cl11.118. 1914 Log llOd torever problbltlnc •beae seboerd track; every mao who comes .,,ery conceivable rorm or noisemaker could contribute Parker, Keith. Orlf· cret orpolutlona. Their enemies with ticklers galore the tun be- fin and Howes. In the SophomON' cbnge that the fraternity 1yatem, by onl tor pract!ee will r ecel\"e atteot'oo and g:!ua They talk abou~ Broadwar be· claaa are Hoyea, ll former Allen creatine artificial exc:lualvenae, Ia o.nd ad••lce or an expert In tile run· log 'no p:Uitnre nciw, but lt'a a. aaft> School player, Murray, a.nd Penni· leatroylna the aplrH ol dem.ocraey nlng line for be bas been a success- bet that u1er e are more eow-beUa man. who waa a erac:.k player at among the etudente at the atate'a edful coneb both here and at otb"r tinkling on 1be Gay White Way New llosea Brown. There ue ae•eral ln ucational btltltudooa. , ellr'a (!ve than tile old Island ever the rreabmen claaa. who have been At Ohio Bt&le Onlnralty, where school II. saw lu Its earl)' blstor). mentioned such as Wood, the ex· there are no leu than thirtY trate:rolThe de !lnlte schedule to dale la:With the teitln& ou~ or tbe thea· Piltelleld li.lgh capta.In. With all lMa lles, the aoll.fraternlty movement la tera the re:l-1 celebration commeaecs. known material and the quantity of strong lu the atudeut body and growFeb. 8-B. A. A. meet at Boston. 1.-eb. 22- Provldence Armory meet BY elevl"n-thirt)' practically all ot material which Ia aa yet unlmowo, Ins conatantl)' In bltterneu. To voice ~e w York's Ove million or more peo- It certainly aeema a shame If aome- their proteata oplnat whllt they call at Providence. ~'le are ~ ovi ng up and down Broad- 1hlng can't be done to 1111 In the win- the "vleloua fraternity rio c." the Somellme between the abo.tre dates. way dauc.llng cow bella. tooting ter mouths. barba.rlao1," u the htanTgenta are The following Ia only a auneallon known, ba ve eatabllahed & weekly probably on Saturday the 16th, w1U ho•~a shaking rrylog p:ut elappera. bio'wlng wblsllea "'hlrllng rattlea and but IL ll hoped that the parUea r enewppaper CLiled the Ohio SUllo be held the llrsl annual In.terclau lhrowlug more eontetll than tl.t a rerred to will aet upon lt. Let the Wee1dy. They eharte that the Lftn· Ueln> meet on our own track. Rere buodrl'd .lew weddings. various clasa presidents call mecl· tern, the old paper, Is llbsolutely Is a chance for sixteen man. tour Probably tho greatest crowd U· toga of theJr rcapecllve claaaea and dominated by fraternft1 men. Since fraterolllel have already been from eac:b dnss. to show their beela spmbles In Herald square a.od Ill the bring the malleT up by calling Cor a hour or mldnll'hl . aa tbe gr.,al Ulu- motion wbJdl would lead to the for- abolished from the atate collecea of to their opponents. Before this meet mluated ball on the Times Bulldlor; matlon or a claaa team. Then with Mlaalaalppl. and from the blgb we WIUlt some good division relay descends the flag pole, completing at cless leBJDa formed and a aucceQo 11<!hoola or tbla &nd other atatea, trarae" •· Get your dl vision together and lbe boUom or Ita journe) the "leclrlc ful B'!ries Of ela118 came& carried on. terolty men reu that eentlment or challenge some other dh1alon to a connection which lls-bts up 1913, and I he wny would be clear to a varalt)• thla and many other 1tatea may become ao •tronc u to make poaalble ll r11ce. Drop your written eballenge seta olf a fireworks display; and the- <eam next )' C.ar. prohibitory law at the comlna .U· bronze me~banlc.'\1 laborers with -----In o Plr· Cl''s box. algoed ~~ wto mert. sledl!e5 on top or lht> Herold bnlldlng sembly. OA.LE:SDAR. .AII challeng-e& "111 be publlelled In "ring out tbe old, ring In the new," They ue, therefore, preparlnr; to ftr;ht. OwniAS property at the three the Ne,.·s at an earl)" dale. Take l h"'D pandPmonlum breaks loose. For ~fonda)', Jan. 6. lnnltullona valued Ill nellrl)' half a ltsH au hour the llln Ia terrill<:. With Sex Hygiene claaa Ill 6 P. M'. In your thumlls Ollt of your moulba and llve million people endea.vorlnl to n1llllon doll&ra, they are atronsly enforge t th11 t model!t)' or baahtuloeas. ?Utdo tach otber In the matter of E. El. lecture ball. trenched. Amonc thalr a.lumnl are a Cet busy and there will be something noise making, ,.lib e\•ery Lu~ boat l'ue~<Jay, Jan. 7. large number of prore..lonal and and steamer In tile North and ~~Bit doi ng. Tf'ch Newa Aas'n meelln& at 6 bualneat mea. Thousb not ILD alumnus of an Ohio Anybody, nnytlme, who bas any •!vera. blowtog lbalr ""lllatll"a, and .•. Ill. In Tech Newa building "''en thl" motorm~n on the elevated rehearsal at 6 P. M. In loatllullon. Mayor Newton D. Baker. qu(:s tlons to ask or suggesUona tn trnios leulns the elr wblatlea join ln. Y. Orchestra .\1 . C . A. room. of Cleveland, lean enthualaallc mPmmake about the relay or track teams one can but \'tlKUl'l)' lmar;lne wbJll th~ Glee Club rehearsal at 6 P . M. In ber o( tb.e Phi Gamma Delta !rater· just hold up Ed. Peirce or Keith and noise Ia lllte. It can not be described E. Fl. lecture ball. olty, which baa ll atronc ehat!ter at Ohio State, a.nd If the danger b!'make o joyful noise to that elfeet. -one muat ba there tO uruicrsta.ad Wby, n Cootbnll dleer lead!'r would Wcdnetiday, .Jan. R. comea real be will be depended on to We wlll be glad to Lnlk track with l<IAod as much chance or m11klux a Student popular at li P. M. In E. uao bla lnftueoC!e ror the defeat or you, nny lime. It Is going to be a friend at bla aide bear what he wn1 il. lecture bllll. the proposed meuure-Oberlln nevlew. good aeaaoo, both outdoors and ln- saying as John D. nockereller atanda or dying penniiPJ!S. Thtln'day, J"an. 9 . That the teelln& aca.Iost !raternl· .Make It bigger by coming out your· And to think that Ma.uachu8tllla Orcbl'atra rPhearl&l a.l 6 P . M. In tlea bu reached a polrtt where ler;t• self. 'tlooe wllb Kansas are the only two Y. 111. <... A. r oomt. fallon aphlet tbeJr exlateuce 11 prob· Prnctlc:e every nlgbt, 4.46 sharp. 'rAt~s of the Union In \\'bleb Nell' Glee Club rehearsal ot 6 P. M'. In able, Is not readily underetood here lf•ar's da)' Ia not a &tate holiday, nod E. E. lecture hall. R. L. Keith, CapL at the lllllltuJe, wbere every man t hat W. P. t. beld makeup exame. I teele that be fa not one whit better or wonder wby! f'rl.tlay, .J11n. 10. worae than hl1 fellow-etudent. Pel'Electrical En<loeerlog Soofety bapa, durlnc the Freahmao year, a Subject, sllcht leelln.& or "I'm an outaldor" m~elln& F'rlda,y nlcbt. Pf!RSEVE.RA..'"CF. A.SD DIAG.INA.· "Ozanatora." pervade~ the mhlda ot thoee who are TIQ:\1, not pledged, but thl1 quickly puaea CO.LLEOE SOTES. Sunrlay, Jan. 12. The essential thlnsa whleb dlatln· away lo the good-feUo,.·sbJp and Teeb Sbow rehearsal Cl~arel smoking b.a.e been forbid· gui.ah one lndlvldusl from another, hearty creetloce which all Tech m~n enter Into, rel!ardleu or membership wbicb give one IIUlD a blcher place den at the Weat Vlrstnla Wealeyan amo~ hta fellows and llDother a college. The clgaretla t.abooed, both In aoel~tlea. Tt Ia to be npected lbat lo\\cr, are just two:on the colle~e ~ouoda and In the What lJ! Vacation ? A ceaaatlon of trllterolty fellowahlp will occulooal· Firal of aU. neraeveraoce-the town, and two students, who h"d a aelentiOc tbougbt aod mldolcht appll· ly show llteJf In Tech lite, but that nblUty to keep everlatllngly at It; quiet amoke a.t a "aoollll event" In calion to study, aod the aubatltutlon It e.data to such an extent at other and, secondly, lm.aglnatlou or vlaloo the t.a\1-o, have been requeated to or aleepleaa nicbta and a merry, mla- J~Utullont u to require testslatlon -the ablllry to aee beyond the pra.- lellve college. The prealdeot Ia very dlreeled expenditure of e:nerKY- A Ia beyond our comprebensloD. That eot moment, and to undensta.nd that mueb opJ)O&ed to tobacco In thla pa.r· lime wben we relurn home tor a few the elrclu•l•eneu or traterultlea the work a.t band reaehea beyond the Ucnlllr form a.nd 111 tmuS. to preaeo t a minute• a.nd 1peod the re1t of rhe should be pushed to tueb a POint present moment, and ao Ia wortb petWon to the atale leJrlalature aak- time at Lbe theater, at Her bouse and seems dle~neetul to those enJoying while.-GIII'ord Plochot l:n St. Nlcbo- lnc that the ~ale or clcarete be made on the aiTeeta. Truly, a beautiful the democratic aplrlt that prevail• a miademeaoor In West Vlr~lnla.. tbougbt! on the Hfll. laa.

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