1915 v7 i12

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Editorial. Park 2778


\'OL 7


Pari. 1050

Subscription ,\\ anat:er, Pari. :Zl71>

-:\ l \\ :> PH O'\ I.S

\\ ORCt:STER. \\ ASS., NO\ f:,\I6Lit :10. 1915

E. E. Meeting

A. S . M. E. Meeting

Tlw \\ I' I Hnuwh , \ I ~. furtunaH· 111 M'f'Unn~ fur tto ntl't'lllllt nf n .... lith ~lr. Edwin 1:1 1\l!IH•, t'hit•f



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lint. I { '"'"'~ \ \ " ~ti-ll .\ r th~ \on•mlw·r n u~·tlnl( ••f 1!11· 1 \\ .... ,.t..,.U·r ,._ d wn t .r t Ja, •\. :,. ~ 1 1 tr&...l Cnltittt."t""r m f' h:U1fl• nf d( .... UCU. f"OU .. 11"1tt·1Jclfl. 1"t'<·h'l!- t•lt \'f·n. J•l:1~in~ tht• b.:.,..t (no~•llmll ll••tmc·lbn tf' ,,.~ AI" I Of'1•f:l1h»U ur lh~ t•ki·tri('; tr8t·Uun l"y- TJJ•....U.~ . "r I ' B. \o1lhr• th llllo·rt<,IIIIJt lnll. <Ill mai.llllt t·npplt., U•tflll • ( II 1'1lrt 1' " " ' tl< fmt"l '..~t-41 h\· lluh ll.·\ lm eth lt•JII nf Ill<' ',.,.- Y urL. <'••ntr"l H f"bttiJ•tt--m, 11~·1 I ~>I• ~ lhh ~lr. t :tlhn·lll Itt...,. 1)1'4'11 ... uuh mu. mutton ( 'm·~· f'lt•·n"""''"J Co. Elt• i.- ul-M> 1'1\IL•UIIin,r .-It·• trh'ul •m· 1'o'<·h ht'<'ll 1hl• "' ""I~ \\tlh tlu• 1'1111>1•·' \\ r<l• lo rbh l(lnh·r to tlw l'an•<'ll"' hmn.Jnlinn fllr t ffi<•tt•flt')' rur lht• l.i«l lifl;...•ll IIIUIIIh~ nl<·rln '"I pb), tlw Thtut~·un·in~t II""" tlurh·.1 .\th'lUlN·Uli'Ut of Tto:u·hmJt." r~ll·•" Ul tho• 111 th,. Eurt>)N'WJ lu .. ltitul· ;;.n.l tr•·llt·h,.._ \\-,,uS.I h:"··· ht-.·u a. eltff•·re·nt -.h•r) u in ~t·un h~ 1" n•t.h ,\ I. E. 1. ami ''it~· r•n~1•h•nt nf \ :-. M . II i:< t. ...tun•, illu-tnll"'l ll\ m:m\ •h·l•-. IIU utlwr dt·f 'lriiHf•nt u( tht· ~~tHI.Ot~ 1\a"' tf11 lletl) Cu.... ~ l:lrjtl·h \\Hh l(u, """" :•rHI ·,,,. .... ,., tlt·"h h IIi~ ~uhjr~·t i' "'1'111' Elt'N nhvntion

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<"titw·on nml Grnv ••h.-vt·u U\lh'llt>~HI , TuuduJnwn~, ~uHml'ttnnll. J),, tau lturtht• Grunt! C.•niml.'l't·nuiu.;l ' It will tlult wt~•tmi.-lull'n ''''" lw imt tu , ,rtt·r tlw '1'111' "''"''h•·r ""-' tl/orfc~·t. hut tlw ~lip- I•·~ . <:n,.J, rr11111 lidtl. I),., hu :.! U~>·•l• \\nJ'. l>t• Wll'""'lllll.!l~ iUu.•tDtt'<l h~· In nil n• l"''n t"4•mlit•un ,,f tlw fn-1•1 -.ruilc-.1 t•l"\~ fN•u• f••u•·l••lf•'An•. l.>t·,·lin , llru'AH·,\ t;,bl •liflr.,. h '"" pn1hlt-m ul\·.,1\·, .• ""'k in ·cftt·r ('W, . ,.,.,... 1\.1, UIJiln•l m~>r•· thnn 1111 ,.( Uro\\l<) It~(,,...,, lhnwl J' ('n·il und i'llt't'lmmrnl, 11.10 "o•ll ""in \'11~·tri· llnl) ('ro.-• m I hi• n·•J ~t•·t , '"' •lH' '"'" h•·llc-~, ~pnnl(hc·lol ('ullo•r•• lt,>jHrt', <'Ill ~nginN'rtlll(, thi• nu;•t in~t >hnuld llf' lit ul Th:wk"'!I\'UifC """ hllnl)tly co•l..ttmh~l lh1· tlt·ft•n•i••t• 11111,1 tcf tl11• llfltl' :u1tl t•lt•tllt llalj!h Jo;. i.)unudl.\, c;,_lt)tdt•\\11 u( inu.,..~t tu nil ~•wl<·lll• :11 th• In 1111111'. h~ t lu• \':IIi•••• fnll<·n>lll• :-;;1!'""' \lplu> ,,,..klmv: '""' ""'""' f,J,. litu '"""• \\ clh 111 II. H•ctl<T, \\' , II ;-; Ep•llt•n hwl 1 ht·lf ;>111111 J 'llwuc~ 1(1\'UII! l'l1t• ou,.. hn·.tk t)f tlw tllanu• \\f·l•l ru Tauut·....nunuh t•·r'f'•~~tt4. \lt~·ncftallf'il", PROORI:SS ON m \1 1'\AStt M . n·untt•n :tt thmwr, i'urultc,, '"' . :!I . tl~th ('roo,• t>nlm hurl"l n fun\nnl 1.·~~~ 1 1 Tht• IW\\ gymnn.•·ium nO\\ npp•-nr'!"l \l uuy O( tlu• tthl uhr.ttlu•r:-.' W( t1~ f)rl·"'t·Ui o I'""" rrocn 't'~~·h'K lll-~ rlltl li111·; _ ltt,~·tol l Suh,lltiiJII•n• tl ~oly ('n•!.<!, 1\\ oldii'Jl Nlltn'ly rom,•l•·tt• on tht , .....,,J.., :w•l th<· 1"111'ttt ( ' lu l•t·t.l :c h~nttut·t l:t.•l Tn• '"" m!l·l'l'•·tllt•l ol, hill in~~: rlu• luul w1ih '"' fur \\ ol It, llnr\\l• \ fur \ld'orlh) , llru"\IM.•Jllu•h, p,,,aiJ r..r ( ·,~u , rull bc:sUI) an•l grnJIII<·Ur colt Ill •tntrtun• t·\"t·nto,p:, ~tl Ytlurh tlu ar rtlumtn "' 1"11 f,:wtf-. hut Zuuuu·m~:tn ,, .. ,,,-,.n.,l l .. fun• h·\ I \IHcUt tift)· 1111 ll Wi'rl' Jlrt'!•l nt tht· lr,tll tuudu •I 1hr ~tM•tmol tuul rrc ...·t•l \htt lull ror .,.,.111·hc h T 11 ·l I ft!l' rlln b(' np(lrt"<'tutr.l lt adel• 1(1'1"'' I)· to 1(111..,1tlw ap(ll'ttrrtnrt> or Tc••·h If ill, unci U. :t .\ . 1~:. (lnnnnn. ~ltl. \\'tVt nut ... l•·r uf ••,.r.... 11.,. lull' fur 11" 1' t 'rc•·-' hr.l fnut•llll"""· Do•vhn, O'('ncumr fur l.•m·h, llt•\·lm lur It " ..,. JIUr< lurk '\'\\ itt•h••tl, L) nd1 fur ()'(\'"'"'r, 'J',,,I,trv·lh fitttol( mt·meon:tlto tiH' ulumni """mad!.' UlhUI(':"! fi,...l ........ thr· QRIIIe ·-···Ill 1111' fur .\ll<lfN•n,l\• lin f..r lhnl• \ H· II\ rnr h ('ft'('ll•>n J>t•--iltk \Jt '"'"!!h h) nn l'hi <•·'""" t Ddta t\11•1 .\lt•h:t TBU fiii'Ml.• t~•mrct..t.-1. tJw mtt'l'ior hrL• tu.kt'n Drnt•Jm t·nl•·rtu.inNf wllh tb_n('au,2 p:•riH-.,o linol llllotrtt·r 1\ltl·ll l>o •lcn tlnrr•·t.c..t..,l .\l udu·ll, {._.h fur I>~• hu, Hulill(•ll fnr rnuu lht• :Ui•JIInl hnt•. ''" fiJml funn !llld i, nt·c•rly rt'lltl)· Icc n•c•c·i\•t• Uf\ tfw t. Vt•llir1JC u( !\o\·t•Uif,.•r :.!:J l:ltllult·llun, H••··· ll fur llr··"l••). I I'Sulhln tht• "'"''lltlj>t•ritHI ll nl\· ( 1n<-< ..,.,,.,,, v.111 fm t.~·1wh, ~utlivnn f11r l'n\'llh lh<• linkbl"' Tb<' nmnm14 t "'""· nr l(;illkry, h,..., t.. ~·n .t'\"tm..l in f>O>olltnu. •uul i.~ I ''"if"t·. Hn " nu~f· 1\UII tlu·n nu h\0 .........,. , l..ttUft\ fur ""'''""' :O:t•.rn- (ur now l~ing nuhl, 1 hi' ""ll• of "It nf 1111• Pl.IU ICIT\ COM \III'T rt . r..nnml 1''"....,,. "h1rh twll••l m·o·r "t~ L•·uuc~ , \lt•rt•· fo•r \\'o·ttt<11, """'"'' fc•r l'IKUILO ftll\t' flt'<'ll Jllll•h·rt<l, 1\lld pnrtiaJly ..n .... t'(UIIIIlitlt"t• M'1,t•utb· :tpJ)4HHit'1l hy yrttd Durin!( thh•. JW·rmd Tt·('h ru.-n·d C"unfi4·1t1, l..t•nln) fur :O:tnrTM, C:tntu·M rur llu~toJcrd, ;.nt.l worl. 111 tit" btL'I'nlt'nt k tht• T!•·h (', 111111 .11 tol•••m lht•ll ..l~ ('n•"" 1111• l'urvh• lmt·t. in llwir nwu J!:lllt l hm•. ~ori(O·III . !)(·cog JliL ht•l rn.......J mpi<lly \\ hili• ltUUt•didRJ(T1tfch.oafh•-=:•·l Up~alhtl"'Lt"'IU Juat ":"1..'"' Utl!'\h1t• fft trtte• lflt'n' I<S lipplln•nt)y II ku·k "( 1\UUJCI,..,_ in B~ 1 m·~u ,,r .-..w.... ·•nmml thl' IIIII, "'"' In lh" thcn l I" ncwl ll••l) t'n>= ~·un•l 1 I.C HOt:S rR 0 \1 Till. 0~\lt:. thl' •id!"', .ufliril•nt light c,; cu lmhlrd Hlt·n wurkiiiJt lU f'twh t n.l"inll, 41 411111 ,. ,. It nul,\ tntwllal"wn un "trtti~th t rw·hiiiA th.ron~rb thO-<' cn the n~1f, tu ruuply Ww.ni· nwul>t'l' t•f •lnol•nl~ "''"' t•·r>oll~·h~l to Ou II fllkl· rnrmnt It'll tlurlc·v hnt thrhuj4h 1 .,•.,."·· \\'Uidt·WIIr<l ... • •• l'unlllrtll" lUll(' tht' hall. ta\' f\\'t·r. Hy tht• n~art~-~ tl( an 1IPJtt·r- r.•tlt•·r :uuJ m:mn~f'!lltu ju·t t'rn,., tluo lnw Ut,h t'n~.. ·.,. ~~~"u"' 1anl-r~-..;!lt \\ ""' cf "' J, .,Jntot ha•l ''"" ..,,1.,.,btcun 1.1,.,.,truUI, 11 "'~· 1,.,..11111 , 10 frl'"' ,.,.,.h T ht· h·t •l'con· ur '''" ~eoutt· ""mr 111 the A. S. M. t:. M I:ETS. :ouulr·nt n JoiiUUll (l'nrd hc·nrmtt Hr)l,UI11f'Ut~ r.,urt h <lutlrtt·r Ull It drtllt-ku·k a turktoy ,Jmn•·r'1 1'11r trot)· ('rn•M I)('VIiu •II~NI 1~111 pmcu1',.,.h'~ licu• w~~o~ tt<>nll' .urpn..,•l Tht> ln-tttutt> '"l' \\I'll rt•pn.,..·ntt~l b) llfltlllll: lice· uu·n tu ,tn\· fur the ,I(HIIII'. 11 .\ut :c ptnnll) fur T'"·l1 , """ cl ltti.• .;, uwml""" c•f the• J-'ne·uhy Ill th•· jomt 111 ~~ 1.,.,,.1, 1 1f1Jc«-.lufl, 111,.1 TN·h'•e·h,........ nwutly tul tilt' rn'm of uwn For 1\ ttrl'l·1.'01\\'I'DtiNI u( lht n.... wn ~ncJ f1rttVC•Jt.nr• lllfl ....,.lion""' cnudc ~•r~t•·r tlmn th:tt of l<r Wu•ltnmnn ~tont•, l)uJTy un•l , •.,._ dc.Htl(l•ll -hnnr 'l'···h "''" ll uly ••Ill~) nl lnu hi'IUlcbP• nf thl' A. S. :\1 . K bdtl en Pnw- tl uly n-...... \\ i••tlt•u uutnll cuul 1-ltouo• Jill I hnlhnnl llnb C'niNi plu.n~l .1 .. ,.,..,..".ahl" Jtlllllt', lll•·m•c• n "•···L. njl.o Jw.e l'htmtiJ>y ·n....,. •·tuhu~:!'t nn t ht·lr f~tlhn.ll t'tt.fl'f•f"o. J'uw• """ nl h·n<l"l rrmu lu·n '" ... l'n>fl··..,,.,. r~r!'H\1.V'o/ HATS ""'! ttjr\111 " \\ mch" (,,,..,. thn"'R" tl11 Rt•t\11, 'Frc·ndl '\'c·l"''"· (:allup ami I uir· \rtiujr -~· n tii'ICJ!l'lf' uf thl' ..Oflhumul't' lin•· Ill tbl'<l\\ the· Purplt Iott·!.. lt•r lu· • •; SOI)IJ ()\10R[ Ill CS fiphJ IU)d .\(r ftfl) ~. '1'111'11' \\t'l'l' "'\'<'I'!U WN'X Itt•· "'l)lhufll~tt· rl·-- ....II uth.,..,. P"""'"' from th<• 1·ct.' of \\ .,..,.,.,.,,.•. ··LI>•. n. Xo•wt•<JJI'lh, .,, (; "I>Ok(' lu lht.! \\h ill' ~Wllt' f JIIIII(IOI(. •·n•l nummp: lllltl 0 Th•• Jln'llrrun indutlr.l thl'{'(' lnp•. e·n· rn··lt!DAO t·b, 1:11'1 Tu• -d.tl\' nll<•ll Ill !Ill tlt·f•·u·iv•• \\nrk )'! 111} 1..! " (nl'l(t' (lltrl Ill ~tlll'l tht> (OI(llil·l'IIHII ..r tlu .\hhtMCJtlc at J•ro.,...·ut llw ,.,..... ·n~•1rv ia tt·rta~mm·nt at Brown I 111\'t'"'" ,. ·md " t·n<lt'AVOr 111 IU'Olll"' int<·n··l • ;11 tlot·tr ~L.~,.. ""''1'11111! T ... h in thf' fi~rhr or T>ufh till l'ur('lt· \\'1> piRinly Mnuol , in l!'fW-.l ............. n tht• nriiOil !!<,~ ..... htntljUCI. Ttw ruhln- · uf ~. t' h.utlt!- hal Thr l'<l[lheuuort' ""'"' bt"' h-.·n tli.;:.. tllt•h llufTy" wn.' tlwor wnt• hwunL rulvi<:tl;lt• iu tor<lt·r lfJ """"'" th1• hfttVY hur:., \"IN' Jlrt""it!t•u1 Of lht• \uu•rwttn Nll ,.furl nil tbt• wnr wtlh thl' .1,.1wln,rur 11 Tt·h·ph•tn" nut! T(·ll'ltU•I'h t'ompuny '"'" fn-bmtlll hal· 1;11 thf' hill RDd tt••k ihis 111111 twnuu•u w<·r~u•u:olly t·ut tflct ll •·ncpt ,..,...,..1n1·nt11 1\ith \\hit·h ttw •·niunt 1,. ac"f'utnJl!UH•""I h) u pmdu-tll c.h·ns,,,, .. rmtin1tl mt'lln~IOI·'t•n-tw:lropcni"n to rt .. •rn:··h· l '" l••oc ('(I' T•".h' ~lcwr ''"I'"' h<• wrut lu,..l. u( tmn.....,•ntu ... ntlll tdt·11huny l'rtrf<"<llr uuttl e·lt.,..•,.,. ,, .,.h,tl!•. It <• rt'tllilltll'l th~ tlu"n untlt•r Shill\' • (llllll•. )Icon• ti111Jl hll~W'\'I r, ...., PmJIIt• , .....; ....r Willi <'hurl!"' K \l u11r01' 11r {ot~>ll((' \\ t~Johutl(lun rn... hrnen I hill If tlwr ttitl n,ot ....... thl CA LL:>.U \It l 'nl\-c,.,.lty •JN•kl' un •·l.,l•io>h't"' •lltl tlw pn>rl(·r attihult• lmHml t hi.• r\L•hun """ <II>\\ 111~l Ill lu •. I rtwk-; . . TONIOI11' 1i I' 111 \l•·•ltriJI. uf :\r.w11 \1•-'>M'It tt:111111l ron•c•t• ntly Ihmnrh J .uf{iul'<'r" ;tntl )lr .\lorri• lJ, '"·llyn nf'xt , .....,. tlu·v woolcJ ~ mu.blc• 10 uulu,... Sl fT Tt<ll ' ' · " " lhut.lm.t th<l ria.-• Ctl ·it1 tn Wf'lll' tlll'tr hat•, th" I'"I'J'I" """anti"''"' •~fullll)· ....,,,.,.,.(ut (', ••~c. tiin,·lur nr [lllhlw ""rk" in l'lub"" lht> tl•·f<·notw wr l)ll,t:so" cl 1.; I•· rn . \'. r t • \ clt•lplua. J(!\\'C~ ~mil' •• f;~~P··rit•nr("" n( nn l•r-it~ul•lHJI ('nnllniltl·· rn• <•lt. \ . \I , llua 1 C'no~ 2tl Q--Wuut·I:•Ttll '1'1 r11 lnfli.u£'1'1' 111 l'ublcc Otlwt '' lt~.CHI) l ;v(•O'hllf tn\lh'll f.\C lt.T\ -\SS I.\16l.V. I cwur>: rl' J)ufT,· FIUOA \ -8 1'· m A S :'\1 . t:;. \I ret in,; \1 r( art hy It• Tttt: Tt:CH C \LC1'\DAR Till' v:ori<>•t• m•·cnli<'T' ,,r th• l'arulty, rt Cn «v.,;t MI'JCbaui;o 1,...""' n.""''· Hanley Tht• lllttl 1'1'<'.h C':clt·11tl:rr;, """ u1 tlu· \\tilt tht·ir lnol)' rru ml•. ht•ltl nnt~llu·r nry 'lrC'ullod1 II rsr. ~t ..rr• Bartlett, P111t ~~~ LAwyer w1! .,...,.k. ho.uds nf lht· print<·r nud \\ill Ill' un Nt.lr 1'1cjoyahlt• \ ..,.cnhly l:c-1 Tm""IBy t'\'l'ttitlfl:. Lynrh t~~: "C'aUllu·M OI:Cl.\ln(R 17 \ l t:. 1:. alouut Dtv- ·nclf(>r 15 It """ m:.n, Ol'W 1Ill(; \ . R. n...u Dllll<llll(""" tltl'f...tun \r1ft.~lUf>. I'll \\'t>itlf'l!m.~nn • Tlu• JJ<, trcfl• atiu11 of tl " l,rarJ<! ft· <lUI?" :cn•l 1.:! nnt oi tl11• bco.t r\'l·r Jltll .,r tl11• Mctf'TI.UIIIltfolol Thr· nt'Xt \...,.m. <'<>tt•IO I'Jt It liullft ll 1 (', nln•l 'l'f'rtt1111nl. ' ' ?:immt•nnAD r1 ont \\'nlrh lor it. hi) U. -rlu~lul1•l for .Tilnunr) HJ . (>(













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