;Z3~2;0===T.============================================~~~~================================================~ \ ulume ¥ L \\'on•••,lt•r l~(tl> l~ebuic l ni!l llutt•, " ' <tn-e&ll',r• .1\ta~jjachu~~ell>!. Wedut·~day. Or hliM•r 9, 1946 Nu m ht•r 7
President of United Aircraft to _,peak at Gradttation Exercises
IFiJtal As en1hly Incr eased Enrollment Demand
lias Been Acti ve in ·~~ Ue, ·elopina Pioneer Car·det· Air Force
Of Term Held Election s ancl Vurit•cl Atmmmccmc•utf! RcHuh In u Li'•ely 1\leeting
Addition of Twenty-six to Staff •p•·esident Appoints T heta Kappa Phi Many Distinguished Top All Houst~s in lustrnctors <·holastic Avet·ages
:\••1 lhc lc:tst important on the nf the a. ~mbly u[ 1'hur:Kiny, Prcsirll.'nt Cluvcrius has announced Plnne Ex<'c· ul h •e It~ Also .~ . were the cll'Ctlnns to the Ur tnher Lnmbtln Cbi Alpbu 2 rul (I li!>l of twcnly-six new members ns .\uthor o f Book " Ah: For T t'rm from ~lur«'h to an utldiliun tn thl' hu:ully here nt Tech Council JIIIU the .\thletic Counrower f or Pcwc·c ,, cil for the fullt)win~ yeur, which unJmw of T his Year the school. This is dul' ln the new Thr ~ cnior nu 'S hns nnnounct'd tlnuhtNily promuted nnr <•f the liv<..':'I I b~ Gt•rtrude R. RuAA. n•~islrar , high cnrnllrncnt which will be the ~ l r Eu~-tene Etl11urd \\'llson u.s their lie,t lllt't•tinf!:~ uf the ye.1r. Xomin:l· annnunccd that Theta Kappa Phi lnrgeJ"l in the school's history. , hllit:t' for Cnmmt'ncemcmt peaker at t inn~ f11r all ufl'lce~ \\t're rapidly eli - had 1ht> hi~hrst fraternity wl'i~thted Dr. Lnul' P. Grunnth of Spokanl.', urncluation exerri~s on Oct . 19. :\ lr. pu~ctl 11f, allh,,u~h the prnhlcm nf :.dmlastir avernJ':e fur tht· tcnn, Washington, will bt• nn assislnnt pro· \\ ilson, an nviutiun rxecuti,·e. b. the uallot in~ot mndt' l he u:>~t•tllbl y CXt:\!td ~l tlrlh lu junl' 194u, wit h Lnmbd:t fcsst1r in th~· Physics Department. uut hor uf " Air Power for Pence." ,\ ~ the time limit. lu ,m~ cust• tt Sl'Cond ('hi Alpha runkin~ next , tlw differ- He received his S, from Wnsh· \'k t'·Chairman nf lbe United :\ircrnft vntl' was required in ordt'r to rt'n.th ence in wci~h t ed liVIll'ttl(('~ bt'ill)( ingUm Stnlc Ctllli'ge in 1923, then I 'orporati<m and chairman of the a majority clt•dsiun in 1hr rtiC't.' for twenty-(our nne hundredths of nne did Knlduute work at the University Hnard t1f Governors of thr Aeronaul'rt'... idcnt elf the Tech t'oum.il. .\ s n pcn t' tH. Tht averages art~ a., fnllnws: of ~Jinne.••olu . He obtained his Ph. 0 . ttcrtl Chamber nf Commercl'. he is n rt>suh o f the :.ec01ul l>ltllot, Daniel 73.94t () from 1'\cw \'ork University in 1931. Theta Kapl.h'l Phi leading spok<!l!rnnn for the ,\ merican Lt•\\ i,, S.P.E , e~· \'- I Z -.tudent, was Lamhda Chi .\lphn 73.70 He w:tli an lnstrucwr in Physics at MR. El C:ENE t:. \\ ll~"ON dwllt'n tn head that ur~tan i.tn t inn . .tircra ft industry. He hns llet'n associa· N.V.U. until 1940 anrl uiSIJ taught Sil(tnn l'hi Epsilon 73..19 ~t·d with signilinmt en~inecring clevelIn tht: lull betwl!n hnii UH'cluntin~::., at 1\llnm•stlltLand Wnshinl(ton. From Phi Siftlll:t Kappa 73.00 «1pements indutihlf( the Cllnlrollable :.cvl'ral rathl'r important ttnnouncc1940 to 10 45, hr wns connectt'd with 72.83 ,\lpha 'l' ou Om.egu mcnl ~ wt·rt· madt• : It W,t... thr'>(.' which nltch propeller. the tWU·:lt'lll dive the 1'\avy Department. In 1945 and 71 .11 1 Si~ma \lpha Epsihm madc t ht· llrl~rnm lht· mn-.1 tli\'cr~ i· bomber. the long-rnnllc fif(hter-bomb· (II) .7 () Phi (:amma Della 104fJ , ht.' wn ... B':!'li"\tant profl':SS<>r at l'r, and the hi~h-power. air·cooled rn lo ftt'il \lf tht• year B11 h Kuykt.>ndall f1<> ,M the l rnivcrslty of Connecticut Ue l'hrta ('hL tHnl enuines. .. The hi~hli~;ht ,,r tlw mreting of prt''''ntctI tht' unnua I .Sk· ull .\ ware I IIK.t.h has written mnny papl'l3 and letters \l pha Ep~ilon l'i ~r r. Wilo;on wa-. hom Ull :\u,t.:ul\1 Ih~· i\ mericnn ~ocit ty ur Civil En~-;i - ('up In Iht' IIUlStundinl( frl'~hmun of IWrlainlnJ.( to his work. 7 1,l)h Zl , 1887, in the small town or Day· necrs last Thursday night \MS a talk thl' yrur : Genn Sanluudt'l'U , TK P. nf i\11 Frntt'rnily Russell E. Grlrflth will be an intun. Washington. trJlnn hi:> gradua· un " FIIxxl Control in the Connecticut Thnmpsonville, Conn. 'J'h(• honurable All Non-Fraternity 76.38 structor in Chemical Engineering. He ( 'ullrg1• 74 ..36 tiun from Seattle Hif,th . chool in \ 'nllt•y" by ~J r. Edwa rd D. Chase. nwntiun ~hin~le punsurcd by Skull received his n. S. in Chemical Engi1904, be entertd ~he United "tales ~ r r. Chase graduate(! fwm W.P.I. in was nwnrded tu J>can ,\midon, These nrt• tht· ii\'Cr31(t'l- whidt will be necrinl( (rom Virginia l'olyrechnic \;aval Academy at :\nnarolk While J9J3 and shortly after tl)(lk a civilian I'.S.I\ ., of \\'orcestt'r. Umh nwnrds U"'t·d in tht computntinn nccc:>sary Institute. He spent (our years with at Annnpolis ){r. \\'ilson joined thr positinn with the Ce~rp of Engineers 11 ert• bti.:ICcl nn l)oJ1ulnrlty, nclivitit-s, 111 d~>drlt• which frntrrnily will win the l>ul'unt J.: xplosive Division, and rine team, which won the ~ational uf the \\'ar Deparlmt~nl . In the ten and future prumi.o,e U!l wt'll as out- the Jlr{'sidt•nt's Trnphy for thtl pt'riod alsu did graduate work at the Unl· <'hampionship Ill ('amp Perry in year:~ he has wClrked for the Currs. standlnl( schnlnr~ hlp . vcrs!ty t1f Pennsylvania, where he from l\lurdl ln Octohcr 1946. I909. He was l(raduttted twrnly· firsl he hns become Hrad l'lannlnJ.t t<:nJ,ti· l·:lectlwls lo the .\thletir Council l'rofl'S'IIIr 0ay nnnuun< cd Ihut be- was un Instructor in Chemical EnRI· inn da~s of two hundred and lwenly. nerr on tlood-contrnl work in tlw rt•!iultecl in the ft>llowinl( !~late elf of· ('ll ll'~«' uf lrllk of money in the fund , neering. Wallact' D. Kilpatrick from Sterand awarded the "Class of 1871" <'•mnecticut \'alley hl'l'r' fur ni'xt lerm : l'r~ident, (C'nurlnoed on P:IJ«' 4, Col. 4) lin.l(, inslructur in Mathematics, at· prize sword for excellence in pract ir:tl Beside:. de::.crillin~t the ~enrral I· r:tnk Gru..;<., ~ rF . \'iu• l'rt"l., \\'iltended Antioch College and received :tll(l theort ical ordnance ~1nd l(Un· functions uf the Corp'- of Enginet>l'l', liam \ ' urkt•t·, I'SI\. : 'rn•a.,urcr, r.erhis B.A. from Clark in 1942, He nrry. he ~ave detail of noocl prevcnticiJl altl ~ l lt'urmick , TKP . St•cretary, was 11 Llcu.tenant In the U. S. Navy Mr. \Yilson joined the destroyPr measures in thr ('(mnt•ctit:ut \'allt•y. Kt·nnl·lh l\ l u~:dnfl, TX . The unnlutl fuJI gcl· lngrlht'r li(>On- from 1942 to 1946, where he did iJ,Hilla, in which he wns soon )(iven tl is office ha!S rt'commentfNI twenty In rt tllithcr uf the lmllotlnl( lulls, w mmand or the Truxton. In 19 u Ouod-contrul dam~ and many hX'al tht• rctirinJ.t pn.osident of the i\i hletic •ur<•cl hy thr Stutlenl Chri'ltian Asso- Radar technical work. Herman Kleine from Hempstead, hnwever. he wa orrlered to Annnpoli'> prntc<:t ions which at ~:urrent prices Cnundl , ,\ 1 Urcell, unnl)unrcd that datiun fur nil underg rucl uate~ will fur J")OSt~radunte training. a Her which will COlli 11 4 mlllltlll dollar;;. These I he nint'ty-clollar pmlit rcalitl'd from lw hrld in \lch·n Audiwrium al 7 PM N. Y., will bt an instructor in E<:ohe attended Cnlumbirt Unh·er ity. s tructures arc 111 rrrvt•nt future dam· tlw SprinJ.t f••rmal bud bel'n pu l int•l •m Frirlay t•\'enlnl( Nmrernbt'r 1sL nomics, Govern mente and Business. rr I I e ' tl e a funtl fllr II purtahll' J•Ublic nrldresi>S Thl11 a Hair will l(ive 1ht' up1wrclas.'l- He l(tJt his U. S. from N . Y. State 'k h \ fter winnin~ his 1\f.A. de~ree in n~rs l I ,. t <ISe su l'rec WI n Ill '. 19 15, he was nssinnrd lo lhe Arkansas 1927, 1936, and 19JR tlnods.:tn 1•stt- -.yblt•m. Thil> appun•ntly pmmpled nwn llwlr first <'hance In nwrt the 1'eadwrs l'<JIIe~e in Albuny in 1941 and hll< M.A. from Clark In 1942. "' 1 11 r ISO mIll tons wos tht· !lrniur dass tu acid u l(cnrrous frc ·..,hmrn . and became chief cn~~tineer . lo thi~ matcc tola c>'l.'> 0 (Jpacity he devcloptd a new system <')(pcrienced by tht< t'onnet ticut \ 'nl· '!('Vt'nly fi vr dollar' lo tlw aiK•Vt: Tlw hil(hlil(hl uf the evcninl(s ('lro- He then bet:ome a Lieutenant in the ley amount. jlrnm will br a greeting tn the Tech Army t\fr Force. .'\l pr~nt, he is a ,,f distillio" sea water through waste · Hreakina away fron1 th" ruuline 11f R" ch .....JCia•... Nattonal l ndus ' th ..... fe·l ,.. ' nl('ll lly l'rc.•,,•' ""'"nl Cluvorl'uo. 'l'he r>rA . '.'lear l "'3< ...... , I 1·•' 1ec ,.lllnS \\ere llt'II I '"l IU..:iliary exhaust steam. This econo· n Ul" '. ' ~ ' ... "'' ffi a.nnouncemcnL"• ~)11'1(! excellent vocaJ 11 r11111 w:ll oJ c~ 'tnclude ".11111.., •·hcer" led tnal Crmferenc.e Boar.d of N . Y. 111ical nrogress l(llined wide usaoe, lliWing memut·~ 11'1 new o tcer~ : ,.. , ,,., ~ .. .. " ,. ,.. J . . rc•nrllt ions hy BCJb Or('w and Bob lly •· h""r'""rl"rs· 1 • .. rol uurtrlllr an(l Lawrenre h . Olewme from Penn~ ( ~ " .... , " "' o hut iL~ inventor narrowly esca""d pr<'sidcnt, nse H1umon ; vtrc·llrCSt· J I d tl e p .,..~ I ) • \\' ~ '." n•y, accnmpanir!'l hy . t r. irPcn, , (' f the sylvanla 1 in11tructor In Mechanical 1 •w•s u1sun: ecrr1ury, re,. f '' 1a 1 .ore1on an I s1Ill(1ng o • punishment for '·unauthorized nltera· U!nt, cull Stevens: treasurer, Francis Lam· uruul(ht hrarty applnu!'lc mm the 1'<-ch ~>Unl(!l led by Mr. C.:llff Greene. Engineering, rece!ved hill ~.S. from tinn of the power plant." audlcncv. . . • Stale 'rtachers College MdlersviUe.1 bert. Refreshments were !'Cr\.-e<l at Dr. ( arpenter wLII tnlrodu~:e the cap· p . A d ta .... ' K It was after his participation ln tht end of the meeting. J ohn Osborn pre_,cnted the nr;mi· . f h , hi 1 a . 1n 19~ 3 an u!Y't at utztcnm, World War I while he was in com· natiun'l w Tau Hew l'i, which had lam,o f) t e vanoll! at etc teams Pa. High School. At present he is d "M· . ••• f bl' fur the comlnl( school year . 'ty of pennsy1vanaa . . 111rea y o...rn:n actcu upon, or pu 1c , and have at lbe U naverst man d or the Aviation )fechamC!l H ave y ou nu OUI(ht V<)l1r size up Lbe. team s hprO!Ipects. Joh n V" .•ch ool at the Great Lakes .KavaI ears : from l he sen1.or cIass, AI Breed them . ocl "' . Albus o£ R'-'JUJmon d 1 Va., . . 1 he leaders of some o1 Ti ck·eI For Th e \vorC""ter "" ant1 M yer K reu fi1eld i rrom th e JUnior , t e &55 . a· gr~d ua t e ass1!Ita nt .m Elec tr'tea1 E n1'raining Station that Mr. Wilson 'f , They such as the hMustc ,\Mociau . ; Joh n C . 8 ayer o f We.,. L mel Captain William A. Moffett who " us1'c Fest'1vaJ ~' If No., c1ass, Bob Beg1ey, Fran k ,.. vross, J ob n liuns . r . on, g 1neer1ng 1 1 1 Har d'mg, B"ll · ' Bill t:cu Nr-:ws, and ·-'·tan t in PhyaIca ·, tried to interest him in organizing a ""fay Be Ob·A .... ·med At Ste'm..."rt's 1 JaegIt' 1 0 an '&..ewas, . . t . e M8liC.Jue wtll te s te r, grad ua t e ...,_, 1 '1am . St. reet , un •orcester· Lonfemutr, . F red "'u Iarvm, . y azuo::\JI. '-~-L of thetr organtzallOOS pans f.or the John A. BJ'ork of 19 Lon·-~.ahureau of ;cronaulics in the !\avy - 308 •• .,n K'MI....... Sa rkees, ucvrge ~"'~Sch upp, an d D on coming school year. When thts pr~ Av.....nu... ; ft M·-'-·-lcal f est.tva I Da tes Are Oct · 14- 19• Department in Washington. D.C. ...1 IMtructor "' Q;IJiiiJ Tho nu. gr.am i.s completed, an informal miur Englner ing·, Jo-pb N. E•...n of 103 1946· D1·sPJay In Alden Li • .\t this time, Mr. Wilson bad lo comm"~n. .... -. plete a tou r of sea duty, but through brary Will Give All The Gelling Into the spirit of things, wlll be held In Alden to give the upper· Hamilton Sueet, graduate ualatant lhe intercession of Moffett, be was Details. Professor Swan took the opportunity classmen a chance to meet the fresh- in Physics; Orville D. Fn~~enden of (Continued on Paie 2, Col l) (Continued on Page 3, Col 2) men. (CoDtlnued oD Pap 4, Col. l) .t~enda
Ma·. E. D. Cha8t! Gives Leeture on Fluotl Contro l A. .C.E.
S.(;.A. Will Sponsor Sc hool Get-Toge the r
r ..~
T wo
October 9, 1946
Debating Club H lis L M as Of T ee g
Presid.t>nt of United Aircraft
divi:.ion as practic..lll)' nt an end.\ Tecb \\hen the prl~ident or Cnitt'fl .\ir· t tin" p c I I) <:raft died in 1940 ~lr. Wilson ~as 0 ( l'ut.l~h,,.J 81 "'«kly Uurinv: the Cob Year by t l untmu•" Jrom atzt' I, o · p r e ent ernt I _.. . h f h \\' . ht elected pr~ident, and thU) he \\3S n.~ T~.. Newe A-lation ol dae Worcatc:r Polytedlnk Jaatltaw p ~t;n• Ill c argt o I e ng . a new bead of the concern durinR mo:.t of . . FOITOR-1:-.' CHJEF " lute halluon and seaplane tender." .. .• f II . b ht The re:.oluuon before the meeunlt l:;dward f Suw1e • ruul( uf the OebaliDJt Clu b on 0c\Ouo L - 1 .WI) years after the :-.:a\-y's Bureau the penuu o ac<.e htrauon h SECRETARY M,o\."JAGISG EDITOR ANI> Ke-ntwth H . Trul"dtU uf \er.onaulic wa created in 1922, about by ~he ''akar " r en t e Ct~pa~y third wao;: Resolved that the Briti:.h FEATURE EDITOR NEWS EDITOR ~I r \\ jf..,tm "'""appointed head of the reached tb ~· . 0h lpro<h1ucdtw~. nf allow unlimited immigration intt1 Tbomu M . McC.w 11. F..dwrn J ohNOn 1943 he rthnqUI" 1.'( t c utu~~ <• • • t·nJ.(ine ...cuion ond did considerable .' J h' If h flale:.llne. am Rtn~le upheld the afSPORTS EDITOR • . president to t evute •m'C tn t e . d .Eck th Carrol E . Burtner work un the air-(t)(Jicd en~me. In .. f . h H . f~rmali\'C an Jerry ·erman, e pohllum u VIC<'·C ;ltrman. e w.1s . h ted h · BUSINESS MANACER .. 19U1 ~I r \\ jf..,tm completed a nine- . . . f ne~attve. 8 ot men presen t e1r Harris J. [)llfrtSne · Instrumental 10 fnrmmg a po1tcy 11 d h month~ c;uur-.e at Pens.1rnla Fla. and . r ('om- nrStuments very well an ad much AOVERTISJNC MANACER CIRCULATION MANAGER • ' th(• .\ emnauttrnl Cham 1>t'r o . d b· h · F..dward Cobum Edward T. George n•( t·iv('(l his wini(S. nuncnal on han to nng out t etr ASSISTANT ASSISTANTS G~mld F . McCormick Hugh M. Robin.son l mmccliatcly fulluwin~ this, he mcrce. pnint". There was no official decision Or.:Sto Persechino In :\luy IQI1 2, IH' tlt•livcred the nn the winner. After the boys bad wu"' plal<·d In c:har~o:e of the design commcntt•ment adch·es~ al ' I' nnt · 't Y (Jrt'<;(•ntcd their talks, an informal disBUSINESS ASlilSTANTS ~ruiun at llw Bun'au, and was reAll rerl 1... L~tourncnu ll••rn11rrl Kawecki A. j ol!;ph Ru~urwal ('nlh·~c. <at whkh hr wus awurclcd the c u~.,ion period was held on the subH.obt•rl \ 'u n Amlll'rl(h Ambro~ feeney Rene llltrhnrcl ~pum~iiJit' fur a htr~e part nf the work hunnrary DcK.lor of .Sc. irncr c1CJ(rec. ject, with president Al Gla1.er lead inA. ~·rnnk Wnllou clorw in dl"·l~nlng airplanes for the \t the commencement nf Ren~"alaer b · · h ld JUNIOR EDITORS rurrit•r, Lt~ingtun and . aratnga. \ .. hurt usmess meetmg was e L1rub C. Hlock Willard J. Adam<~ J ohn C Meadt l'olytechnil I n..,tilutc wher(' he J(aW IK•fnre the formal debate. ~\1 Glazer Roht'rl K ll uhh·) Grno J Sant11n1lr.·;r In 1911) Mr. \\'ils11n, thl'n an a via· lht• arldre ..-. in Ol>ttmher 1943, he rer)ortccl the Club bad a tentatiw COl.UMNISTS tiun ititlt• in the ="a''Y· wa' offered a wa~ il\lardrtl an hcm~>r;lry l>uuur of dillt' \\ith Lhe University of Maine ~Jalcnlm Cordon Robert E. lluhlty pr\·,ich·m:y in tht Hamjltun Standard Enl!inttrinll tlt·l(rt't' ) ( r \\'il,un has un !\o\ember 9, but, as yet, no ul;REPORTERS Bill julun PruJil'llt•r.., l nrp<~r:tliun, a suh,.idiary \dtlc hu!>inl''' lllllOl'Ctitm~ ht i' a di·brn hacl been decided upon by either Juhn Ll'f 1- rtdericlo: Hurak P:aul 0 IJunntll llruct Na11ltr John Mulbnt'y nf 1ht• lT llltttl \ m:ra ft and Tran,J)I>rl noctor uf tht• liartfurd 1-.lt:c. trk Cum- -.iclt·. He alo;o reported that city-wide tbrulcl Okum l'hlllp Ackerm:~n Paul t-:varu John Brotran l(ulrc:rl \llltl>on:tlfl l'oq)llf:tl iun Ill' :ttc<'pted the offer pan)' lh(' llartfurd ' :lliunaJ B.1nl.. dc:baling "ith leatl\$ from Hoty CrO'\s. Thoma~ Beakey PHOTOG RAPJJ ER CARTOON fliT tmtl ,,....,umt'fl hi" new pll..ition wilh and Tru..t CumJ)Jn)' and thr \tln:t Clark, ~lassachuseus tate Tt'acbers. Thomas M. McCaw Claude fl. \"traa 1hi.. t urpc~r;tt iun in J anuary. 1930. Li fl I n.. urant" ( ump:111y lit· is pn--.i- , ntl Tech would be resumed soon. 1 FACULTY AO\'LSOR In hi' nt'\\ (ll ...it ion. h~ unclcrhKik the tlt•nl ,,f lhc \~rcr.. ft lncJu,tric.·... "'"',.. l'lw '\atiunal Intercollegiate Debate John H. Scbulu / 3-1411 tin 1•lnpmt•n1 of u pntfK'IIer which dation nf \mt'rit .t .•1n1l tht· Xn\al ( lub qut.'"tiun nf the year was rend: New• Plumf'u Buln«'fa ~ S-2024 Editorial t S.2024 had h1.•cn palented by Hamilton 's lndu,lrial "-'"dation . llr i~ nl~• n Rt~•lvccl that labt>r be ~iven a sharr TERMS Sub~erlptlon per 'lthool )'tar, $1 .00, sin11le copies $0.10. .Mak.e all cheds po)·ablr to t h il•( l'lll(in('t'f, Frnnk \\'. Caldwell. memher 11f many utlwr SudNieo; noel in mana~ement. BUJinesa Man~~~tr. ~nttrrd u a«ond c:lus matter, Stptembtr 21, 11110, at thl! Post In the 'umnwr of 1930. ~lr. \\'iiSim Clults, bnth in thl~ muntry and in l'rr.,idrnl Claw said lhnt pl an ~ ()flee In Worct'Ster, Mou., undrr the Act of March 3, 1879. utu•ptt•d Jill' presidem Y uf :111other ( :rl'at Hri\11 in fur t hr next meet in~ would be an· \ ' nltt·d ~uh:;ldit•ry , the Sikorsky <:mtluntiou ,.,rni!'('>; IH•I(in uu Su i- nouucecl. 1\irrru fl <'ornpllny, •tnd soon aflrr- urclay nHirnin!( with llatcnlaurt•utc warcl lw IHtrk ovt•r thl' learltrship nf St:rvkr~ at II :00 A . ~ l. Tlw :~pt•llkt•r rt·cl'ptlon to be held in Sanford Riley Graduation I To all members of the Senior C l ~s. this r('l>rctwnts still II thlrtl l ' nill'ci ~uhsid iary . the will ht• l<t•v K " lnl(slund \'on ( 'mnnHH1.'> at 12:JO r'.)l. ~l rmbers of the height of scholastic nnd social accomplishment. Fur many, this ('hmwt• VuuKht ('orporation. \\'iukh•. rt't tm nf ~t. Luk1•''1 Epi!\· tlw gmdualin~ cla:."S will receive lheir will be a somewhat dt-layed achievement, since fightmg and winning lly IQ.l7, ~ l r. Wil'lun was -.enior wpal l'hunh. \1 nuon , thr da<.~ tree liat·hclor of ~cience Oegrees at the a war has Interrupted their journey along the road leading to thi-; viu·-prc·~itlrnt nf l ' nited .\ircrnfl and ancl i"Y. planted ut the northeast Commencement which begins nt 2:30 great goal. hucl ht.•gun tlt>vclopin~ n research di- curnt>r uf Safi.,.I>Ury l.ahmuturic.. , will I' ~ I ·\ , enior class d inner-dance will During their fuur-year stay herr at Tech, all of the~e men hnvc vi...inn. I n IQH, lw cnnsiclered the ht· dt•tlkatt·d l'rt·~iclt•ut Clu\erith will he held nl the TQwn Club on the prt'· made new friendship.,, and have learned to work with otht'r J)CO[lle. llrl(:tnil.lllllrn pt•riud u( thi~ r~arch IK' the hu-.t at a huffet lundwun nnd ct><linl( Friday night. Oct. 18. By taking active part in e~t ra-curricu l a activities, they havr found rest and relaxation, but most important of all. release from the ten..,...oess and strain whic:h accompany academic tasks. Ry wtJrldng \\ ith oth~ men, thry have ncquir<'d an appreciation and r~pect for other I
people's work, and even ~renter than th i$, they hnve realiztd an t•n· joymenl from actively participating in tb~e activiti~. It i~ thrse things, together with thr book-knowledge gained while hen• at col· lege, which will make each one of these men a !iUCCfl>S in thr wurld , Into which hr shall go UllOn his graduation. Although the accelerated program emphasized studies and books, many wild and glorious times will long be remembered by thN-c men after they leave their Tech days behjnd. It bar; been, however, n great opportunity for evt'ry man to meet and mix with all kinds of p~ple, and to form lusting friendships and ideals. Deeper than this, it has enabled each one to become a man in mind and attitude, and one whose tolerant<' toward his fellow man is very grc;H . In brief, this short period of college life has been one of moldinK and of shaping the man of years to come, and one which ha..., readit•d him for this great<.-..t and happiest moment, his Commrncement.
Graduating Clast< Mrrllalfical Engincrrint
Alltn Bre<'d, Utlmy Beach, Fin . Xtwtnn II . Uurr, Clinhm, Conn. Gtnrgt Butulfl, 2nd, EnStll'\\IMKI, '\. J. Loui 1'. ('upian, Wor<!!!'ler, ~In''· F.dward J . ()ulan, Creenlirld, MtL~. Charle~ J. Ftl'llt'y, \\ Rcr~hury, Mas'\. Thoma." P. Folty, \\'llr(t'Sler, l\lnM. J ordan Franklin, Wnrceslt>r, l\l uc;-.. Gerald F lfk kt•y, \\'!lrce!'tl<'r, ) Jugs, Jnhn E. Laffry, \Vnrceslcr, Mn!l.'l. Jt•hn Lee, Phllnrlelphln, Pn. Roberl W. l.otz, Leoniu1 N.J. J~cph P . Manna, Franklin, N. J. Richnrd II. Merritt , Wurccster, Mass. Gt'OI'gr R . l\lnrln, Sprin~liel<l, \'t. Walter 0. l\f ullt'r, Tnlccl(), Ohio John r. Oaborn, Dayton, Ohio Arthur P. Rostnqut"Sl, Ryt, :\' Y. Robert C. Tnyll~r, Glouce ttr, ~In s.
Cr.il E.n(illarittg l'nul Freese. Shadr:-idf.'. Ohin
Robert P. Kuykendall , Oixun, II.) . .Manuel Renascu, :\Lana~ua, Xil'tlr·~ua Clay R. Wadt>, Raleigh, ' · C. l>avidJ. \\"ri~h t, Xorthampltm1 ~ I a '· Cht'lni st ry Myer Krulfcld, Rc1xbury,
:\ l ao;~.
Cltcmiruf Engim:rri11g
John 11. j acoby, l'mviclcncr, R. 1. Russell Jenkins, J r., Tauntnn, 1\ luo;s, Gcor~c \\'. Scholl, Cliu tl)n, Mn <~s. Robl. Schramm, New Ruchclll•, N. \', fleet riral E11gillt:t'ri11g Regis E. Brealt, Spencer, ~ Ia~"· ~lux P. CraiJ.t, \\'orcC!-ler, Mn""· \\'alter Grimala, Jr., \\'orct'stcr, l\lo ~ ThomtL" M . 1\lcCnw, \ rtesin, N. M Richard F. Propst, Chnrlottt', •. C. Elmer S. cbsc, Clinton ~lru;.<~ .
T'- $lory ol JIM PYlE
JN 1 9~5
J im Pyle received his B. A. d~aree In them~atry from the Univcratty or Britrsh Columbtn, ••• l o 19~3 b~ was appointed director or the o~nrrol Electric Ptaatu:a l..aboratori«.••• Eiaht years to travel (rom collece unior to lende.nbip in the laboratoriq or tbe world'alaracat r)asuc:a molder-the record suuc.u that ~rbnp1 Jam hns found m bos t.tsltubn 10me accret ronnula rur auccnt. Jim'a friends aay. bowevu, that the lt'Crt't Ia mc:rdy a compound o r two very simple: elcrnenu: he waa wt'll prepared ~fore he came to 0 E and he has workm eneraeticnll)' and imaainauvcl)~ am re llrrepuna his G -E assianmt'nt. • P'or the collc:&c student inttreatrd in plnat 1n, J•m rc:c:ommrnds as a prcpRrat>on "a aohd aroundIll& In the .run.~am.entals of rhemtatry , phya 1c1 and mathemaw:a. HIS own preparation for rett'arch comprised two ~eara in biocht'mtllry, two ntorc Yt'ar•. In aynth~ttc organic c:hcminry and n final yenr an the chemistry of lignin. At O.E. Jim found that the Compnny'a procraa· InK of realna could be improved nnd improved It Ue . wnt plnccd in charge of doveto 1llncnt of l(lmlnole ptoatlca- nnd worked out o new line In tea~ ~.hnn o ye~r. H e helped dcvt'lop new typc1 of phlttoca mntenals, new t hemicnl J'roducta, 8 ynthcllc fibers, aynthetic rubbera, an ion exchonae rcalns each of them a milestone of hta cllrecr Tn ploatic:t.
One of Jlm'• spodol •tvdles 1ft eollege wos on llwo&llgot- of corboftydrole -lobol'-
Todoy fa, O.f ., ho dlracb ,.,oordt In now plo•hn morerlof• for lite hom.
Nul .. schools o nd lite U.S. o.v....,monf, O.nerol llettrlc Ia 11M foremost 0111ploy.,. of coli... ontJneerint
l.Jet's All Get Out For tlte Next P e11 R ally I
Oetub<>r 9 , 1946
Hit T ltose F inals!
Connecticut Teache1·s Trounce Tech 26-0 Engineers Make Mor e F ir:;t Downs, But Are
Ht>avily Outscored
Worcester Soccer Sqttad Faces Three of Section's Top Teams Only T wo More Gamf.'!il Of Ac-celerated Sehetlule Remain To Be Played
g<Xxl teams, nod the soccer squ~d which invaded Worcester was no exception. The '' i~itors established an early thrt>v to one lead which they pn1lected until the fourth quarter. In this peritl{l Howe, Collins and Hearne a'll scored., but Springfield also h;uumcrftl home two goals, one of 1hem un a p<·n:Lity shot, ttl win live to fuur. Tht two teams were very C\'c.'nly matched, and il was the fact that the ~pringfield team got orr to a qnick(•r stu rl that made the dif· fcrenct>. I )t•Loid nnd Petersen at the fu llback pns!s aAilin looked good for Tt~Ch . Newt Rurr and Bill Longmuir, who play tht> very tougb halfback positions, covered lots of gTound and stnrpe<l many Springf1eld offensives.
Although conJing out on the short end of a 26·0 score the Tech football By Jack Multanl'y team gave a far better account of Tech':; SllCCcr ll'atn in the past two lhenu;ch•es than Lhe lop::;ided score would indicate. Playin~t against n wcrks has faced lhre~ of New Enheavier and more e.xpt>rirnced team gl:tncl's tuu~-thest team:>. The sea.son the F.n~i neers nt times luok.t'(l as i£ opened with n tie with llarvurd in they \\t'rl' really gQing places unlil Cnmbritl~tt'. Harvard defeated Tufts they were stymied by a heavier line thr...e tn two lnst Saturday, sh<>winJ;t the qu.llity nf oppvsilion Ihe lloynor uy batJ ure:tks. The Jir!il prriud was sc.:un•lcsl:l, nei· tlm blloters faced. On Wcdnesduy 1 ther Ll'ttnl ftnding many upcnillJ.~S. October 2, Trch fuced u st ron~ The "ecuml quarll!r \\ll~n ' t n•ry uld Sprin~tfil•ld Cnll t·~e team here in hmH'ver when Tony Carbo, t' \ triple \\·un:el'tl•r. l' hc ~mee was <L nip ttnd threat from :\ew Britain ll i~th. piny- turk arfuir in which the Tech tenm • 0 NEAR, YET SO ~o~AR I lfo~ if' Green~. 2 1, ummrret~s fuJ iy a lte m J>l8 lo 8('0rt• \Vo r t'f'.. lt- r 'll in~ left hnlfhack for ~ew Britain, overhnulc>cl SJlrinj.(fiCld in the lnsl took the ball <111 n rl' vc•rsr and , run- quartt>r c'nly to h:wc till' " Physiral firt'l touchd own in lwo year s. nin~t lwhincl beautifttl hlucking, Educators" S<'or(' aAain in tht> clnsinR Wesleyan 8, Worcester 3 da!'hcd 32 ynrcls for a luuchclown . minult•s and win by a (lYe W fnur This j.lamc was played In weather count. Last !-i:\turdny, a.<~ a parl nf Kcvurk inn Irit·d fur a plact:'ment but which, while It would have been ideal Won·ester'R not·too.successful athletic failrtl . The ~econd New Britain score fQr busebnll, was ull wrong as rar as Gnne i 11 t ht• $ lOW peri<KI \\ lwn I)oo- weekend nl hume, tht> " booter<~" lost By LOU BLOCK \\ (' l l.ff'ynn hy n !~core of eiRhl to Tech's scK:cer tt'nm was concerned. to mnn slnshrd off tackle, revt•rsed his The ftr~>t quarter wus markfit by lidd hchind the> line of '-Crimmagc 1hrt't'. rc)IIJth play 1m I he part of the W~· ln a meeting in Alden Memorial l'n(l on the whole team rect,ived a ancl ran 70 yunl ~ fllr tl t•iUChclQwn. Tech 5, Harvard 5 lcyun team who St'emed to specialize l:~st week, the ofliccrs of the Athletic lt>ttt:r, bt><·:u:se 110 others hud plnycd Th<• try Cor 1he pluccmcnt wns l(uod On Friday, rptember 27, Tech In rnu~hi ng the ~c)l)lie. The ftrst scorCouncil for the cnming year were e11vu.uh timt> to warrnnt their earn- and malic> the• scnrt> 13 0. J ust nl>out met Hnrvard In nn empty lul across ing wus two goals in tbe second elected. The men elected to these in~ lllll'. Certainly there hncl to be this 1inw TN·h ·~ nffl.'ll't' tlt•dtll'U lei the -.tr('l'l fmm ll ar\'n rcl '~ hNHttiful quarter by \VI.''lleyrm. Then Hearne positions are undoubtedly capable ul lca,;t tw•) end. vn the tiehl al the start dit:kin~,t and tht• En~iul'ct ~ \\t'nt "tn11ium. l t~uk a pa s from Rcn:lSCo, feinted ones, and will try lei carry out their 'ill nw timl', so wby didn't or lrusl twu 1>0 yards tl11wn tlw fl<•hl on a su.;Tht· 1(11111(' 1\rl'l fa:.l ancl wellplayccl tht- Wl'.slt>yan J.tllalie out of position ta<~ks to the best ur lht>ir abiUty. t·ncl" rt'Ct•h·t• lcu.rro.i' N(lne of the tninrcl tlrlvr thnt brought thl'm ln the Cwm .;tnrt I•) i'mi!:'h , althnUJ<h mnrre(l i~ntl scored on a flnl' shot lo the up. With this lhouS(ht in minrl. we are rlc\'Cil men performed inm m:m rules: :-\ew Ht it:~ In 20. li ere tlwy Ju:-1 the !loml•what by :111 cwcr1.t'!tlous rcfen:c J)('r cMncr. Wesleyan !!Cored twice writ in~-: nn open lcller lo Ihese new tlwy hafl substitutes replru:inK them ball t•n duwns hnwcvcr and IIi <In ' t whu awurdrd penally t~hol!~ nn the more before halftime. In lbe second officers, extending to them our hearti- l'tmt inually. Tll(:refore, why shouldn't thrNllt'n n~ain until th<• !IIHrt of the ~lighl<'llt pmvocation. J (arvnrd wu~ half Wesleyan ugain dominated the est cungratulntions noel offering them thr suh~ti tut es rarn tltd 1 lellcll\ f11r finnl qunrler. in cnntrul ( If th in~ for most of the Aanlt'. Thi'y !!Cored (our more times, a few thoughts tn con!~idrr for the tin ;,. efiorti!? Durin~ 1hi!! period, the Tt•chnwn tiNt •Juttrt,•r due mainly tn C'xrcllent while \\'cH'l£':ltt'r could produce only coming year. 'l'hi'> situation 11.>:bt:. nut only in cacm• tlw cl,.,.<.~t tu :.cnrin~e tb:ll they wurk hy their center and in'lides. two more by Hearne. Tech was !acft~ttlhall , but also in cvt>ry other haw in 1he past twn '-('tl.'iOIIS. A l'utt t•r and 1\ scu llllftU. scort'cl early in ini( some l(ood men In this Wesleyan Dcnr Athlet ic Council Oftkcrs, ~port. \\'hy clon't you form 11 cnm- Gri'l'll{' to Gro~s pas.~, and then a tht· ftrst llllilrtt'r, and it WllR only team. Frccmun , at in!<ide left and With ytmr clcttiun to the ALhleLic mittt•t· of lhl' captain, mamt~Pr , and Greoaw t 11 i\midun pa,.,; hrOLtRht tlw I hrc•ul(h the tt.'rrlfic play nf full back~ Wult'rs ul ctontcr fmword were New t'uuncil, the duties oi the C<>uncil ((10-lt'h, and :1wartl lt'tlt•r:- to whom ball down to t he twu yarcl litw. llcre l>t' Luid and Jlt>t~;~rM>n thnt further l•;nglllnd 's high !ICOrl.'rs in 194 l. For for the coming year fall upon your 1ht•y n•rt•mmend a.... dt¥-.(•rvin~o: can<li· the tttlucJ.. fl1.:1.lrd out : twu pa~:-c:. Jlarvarcl !){·orin~( w:~s pr('Vt'nh'(l. }tte 'l\-ch, Cnllht'l, Howe unci Burr played !'houlders. One of the tnCi:>t importnnt drur... Thi-. would he lwrwlicinl not wt>r1· un ... ucn..,... ful, :cncl nn till' thircl Jlt>arnc, Tt•rh captain und center for- very well, but on the whole the team dutic~ is the awnrc.Jin~ot of letters It> only for 1he player,, hut nl!-tl fur the p;•~" Bill J)1•trick, Tt·:tthl•r.,' t.ubsti- ward . 1'\'l'nt'tl things UJI with two fine just cr)IJJrtn't st't'm to get started in athletes who ctlmpeted in varsity -.th~tol , f1)r it wcmlll <~huw that this tuh· cnrl , made on intt'nl'ptlon und J)l' llalty .~huts. In the second period llw heal. '~PUrls. Tn the past. since tlw adoption st.hnnl, wht•re mw's 1inw issu limilrtl, ran tlw hall back 92 yard!! fur a tht• Tt·r h !l<IUacl looked like nn ent>f the Athletic C'nuncil ('on'\litution, rl!lllf't 'cia te<~ the dfort of il'l 'itutlcnts ..cort·. This ~a me l>t•lrlt k hnd scorerl 1in•ly 1liffc:rent gmup of men. They vnr,;ity letter~ were nwarded only Lt) wh11 ~nl'T ilit'(' Iht•ir IIIIII' W Ctii11JX'lC t>arli1·r in I h•· game 1•11 a hltK'kt'cl l\1 c- lk'j(an I• • t::.rry the l(amc to H nrvartl tlu~e men cumpetinf,l in footbull, in vur:<ily ..pmt ~. Furtht•rtntlr<·, this Quillnn punt. Thr Tft·h el«'ven com· und had Jawn's boys on lhc dden· lm~eball . baskelb.tll, nr SQCcer who \\uulcl nfier an iau:c•nth•t' f11r more pill'd J 5 ltr:.t dol\ ll!\ Ill lht• Vl'4itc)r<:' !-iw thrnu$(htlllt the quarter. j oe hacl played in half the t111al ~·asonal .,t udc•nt ~ w try out f•or ancl compete 7, r111d ~·<•mpletrd 7 cout nf ninetcrn Hraraw got lwo more J,toals in this pa~<,c... ~t an (l uuts fur the Stll,l(l(nlf'n IX·riod, Oil(' on n blistering lnng ~hnl pinyin)( tilll('. Lellt•r · were awarderl in "'' r~it y '~flflrt "· In the cm~!l-coun t ry meet held ttl cross-country men r>nly if they fin I h•rt> i.; 1he :.it ua 1ilut hl'ftlre y(>U . wt•rt> l..nyl11t1 And r.ro~" in the line, with whit:h ht.: dimHxt•d u fnrty-yarll c.:cmcttrrently wit h the New "Britain i~hcd firs t or seconrl in a mt.:e!, whilt' \'r1u arc the o nt'l> whu tliiW have the and sull:.titutt· J im O' Rt'rlKnn In thr dribhl!'. In tlw I hird pcrlnd Jloltl'r foolhall Kftllll', nave Brown, who WB.I a 1r:tck man had (n eurn ft \ 't' r>r morr po"er tu maintoin thi n~t!l :ts "at:11us I);~(•J{fl(l)d . :.coretl <11(11111 fur Harvard ami Hearne an abl<· pc.-rfnrmrr on the spring track pnint~ in a meet in nrcler to earn his quo" nr tn t. hani!C them. The award ~J amnwcl ln hlo; fifth of the uftcrntXIII. team, C:t!tily coptured first phace. lt•lter. uf It'! tt-r.. L.'\ nuw in ynur hand-.. 5\l were l>f~t•n tu th•l"c undcr~nulualc ll lor.kcll 11~ if Worceslt•r had thl' Howevtr, tht next five men acr0811 h the ~itua t ion nnw ~land:-:. var- 11 b now up w yuu w act. nnd ncl iotutlent-. "ho rored tunllf'ntl, this for game on Ice fur a while, bulllarvurcl'l> the lini:J1 line were from the visltins ;,;ity lt'tters are aw:~rdecl t~nly to n arrorclin~ly ! thc ft r ..t time in ycnrs. .\ nrl nf par· l'otler put In 11 rch{)und after mi!lsinl( Coa~l Guurd Ac1uiemy team. llruwn's lime ftlr the steel> 3.7 Lintlur int<•rc·st 111 fraternit y men, he a prnulty sh!lt and, with lhrt'(' minfew men each yeur. To thO!\e who ttnnuunretl n rully on th(' evt•nln~ t•f utes h•fl in the game Ucl Kin t icd mile Newton HHI course was 19 min· practice daily ami uffer the compe- Fitwl Assembly Friduy, ~ovemher I, which would thin!(!! llfl at livt- a ll. The Engineers ute11, I 7 lleconcl~, about one minulf' tltiun for the star pl<•yer!l, the only (Continufci from Pa~:c I, <'<•1..\) "Hii'~fnct ion Lhal they derive frt>nl to announce that s.,rradunlion cxerci!.e:. have tht- t•ffe<'t nf rxposing Incoming made 11 valiant auempl lc> refiCain off the course> record, which was set 1heir ll'all. They J<nl one shut in the hy Ed Lc>mieux last season. tlh•ir efforts i the kml\\ ledJ:~e that to be held Saturday, Cktober 19, fre<~h mt-n tn the fra tcrnit ie'l. Han•ard gc>al only lo have the S<'Cir<' Sumrnnry: Drown, Tech; Chel· I hry M're members of the football nullifiPtl becaust' of a Harvard foul. teck, rG ; Klen~enllmith, CG ; Lar· nr "'ltcer Sf)Uad, as the cn"e might be. Hcarm•'!l JX'nally shot wa!l cnnght by kin, C<i ; Fi!zgl'rald, CG ; O'Rourke, The unfairness of this silunlion is the ~o:tlie nnrt the game r ndcd in n CC ; Penn, C.:G ; A. Brown, CG; qultl! apparent. Last year a total of Through Penonal deadlock. The len mmutc overtime Turner, Tech : Cor)pola, Tech; Silver, nnl\• t>leven letters were awarded to ATTENTION lndud rial S uppll.• period was a m11d ~~Cramblc, with both Tech: Jail(e, 'frch. thr rntire footbal squad. Only one If Yo.r llalr ltn't Beeomln• to Di.tribUlDr• tcamt~~rxhaustrd after the long gruel· YoR, ~ Shoald Be Co..U... IAbric•tlu -d Baner, Stntee to tl• Lawn and Gard~n Safpllee ing gnme. Rardware, Toot., P1lnt. KINGSBURY'S Pltof() Se~ The Court Boa ee Barber Fl:replaee, Farnl•hln•• FarftiWOrth'• Tesaco Coprf,_.. Breier,_. ·D.-..... Springfield 5, Worcester 4 Shop 154-156 Main Street Ser"lce Station l.tave Films at Highland Pb11rmacy The physiCAl education school al 25 M1la St. Opp. Court fiowe c.r. H._lalaed a c..w-. .... W or eeeter, Mau. On-lallt Serrlee L--- -- ---------' Sprinf(rtel(J usually comes llll with
E1wood Adams,
October 9 , 1946
By GAOGE ADMlS This la!\t issue for the term of the NEws nill ~ n temporary change in the aUilUde of this c<>lumn. Today instead of poking fun at all charncters met, n•al and imaginary, I shall reserve the space for handing out a few verbal laurels. Besides, I 'm darn nenr lllle for the Nr,ws makeup and it takes time and effort to geL my ra1.zbcrry in working condition. T he re.o;ult.s fur the election last meeting were as follows: The new president will lx! Mrs. Pbaneuff of crochet-hook fame. Viet> President is Mrs. Kerr, und Mrs. McTaggart will take the minutes. Ml'l\. Pierson will be custodian of the purllt' !ilrings, while Mrs. Ciani will be the corres· ponding secretary. The two chairmen nf permanent committees are Mrs. .\ dams for publicity ( I still won't gel tbe word l.il the nile before makeup) and Mrs. Bjork who will bave charge of social events. T he social dmirman is t>lanning to Jeel off to a Hy ing start with the substitution of a Halloween Party for the next re~ular n1eeli n~. The colocidenoe of this eerle eve with the monlhly date for meetings seemed like too good an opportunity for festivities to be passed up. T think I'll be on hand for this one especially if the girls can find some place to buy lhoee old fll!lhiooed candy corn
lnereaed EnroUment
Ikcmels. (I would settle for a hund rull of decenl jelly )
Col. S) Broo'kllne, N. H., in!ltructor in Mechanical En~tlnetrlng. William R. Grogan of Lee, instructor In Electrical Engineering; Robert N. Hamilton of Ocean Grove, N. J., lnstructor in Mechanical Engineering; Donald E. Johnson of Harvard, int1tructor in Languages ancl History; Owen W. Kennedy, Jr., of Boylston, Kfaduate assl'ltant in Electrical E ngineering. Russell H, Krackha rdl of West Berlin, graduate nssistnnt in Electri(Contln~
from 1-'aKt 1,
FOOTBALL DANC'E in Alden on Holiday Night,
Oct. 12.
Music by Royn tonians
.\pp:uently the sewing circle mel wilb success, for Lhe plans are tu make it a regular affair. J 1-(UCS..'\ the ladies still aren't caught up on all the mending yet, or , more likely, un all the gab. Con~mtu lations are in order to the Harry M ochon's for ndding :mother ctred to the ever-~rowing gmup of Tech undergraduates. Along lhesr same liues is lhc nnnoune<'mcnt from the Newt Burr household tha.t this young family has increast;>cl uy one boy.
I havt' been savi ng this notice til lnst: 1f any one accepted cigars from
George Barber it was jusl downri,l(ht injuslict>. By . ht.s he s houlcl he cntlrcting first ~racle, all Havana stogies, and gift certificates for several size 7 ·~ . teLSon hcad-pit.'Ces to re· place the uld ones that nu lcmJ.~er lit. George is the proud father ur twins, a boy and a girl. Statistics may show that this feat is nul extremely rare or unusual, llut J feel thrtt this is an unprecedented occurrence at the Institute and nne worthy or special mention and ucclaim. So it is with a deep sense "r reverllnce and awe that I present the orchid of lhe month to Mrs. and Mr. Barber, with the best wishes for health nnd happiness to the took-alike:~. cal Engineering; Robert A. Krcy of Mirror Lake, !\. H ., instructor in MechanicaJ Engineering ; Myer Krulfeld of Roxbury, As:;istant in.'ltructnr in Chemistry nnd Physic.o;; Geor~c A. Latinen of Clinton, Rrncluate assistant in Physics: Thomas LempACS of l)unkirk, N. Y., instrucl()r in Mechanical Engineering; Raymond F. l\l:1cKny, of 20 Paine , lreet, instructor in Electrical Engineering : ThCimas M. McCaw of Artesia, N . l\1., instructor In Electrical Engineering ; Charles F. McNulty, of Yonkers, N.Y., instructor in P hysical Education: Rohcrt P. Nugent of Richmond Hill, N . V., l(raduate assista.nl in Physics; Frederick W. Schneider (If Clinl{m, ~rnd uale assistant in Phy:;ics; Gt>OrJ(l' E. Stannard of FitchburJ(, instt·uctor In Electrical Engineering and \\'illium L. Wa~tner of Holyoke, l(rnduntt' ns· .sistant in Electrical Engineerinf(.
c'\vman Club Elect Officers For ext Term
T heta Kappa (Continued from Pt$:e I, Col.
ncithrr the ~cholastic prize, nor the Gt:neral Excellence l'rile \1 ill be IJ \\arded this year. Howe\cr, i( .some
·1hL \. E\\'.:\1 \.'\ CLl"B club held IZCnt'rous alumnus shl)uld replenbb it bi-wc..-ckly meeting in the janet lhis fund IJetween now and th~: timr J,_urlr rtll>m Fridny, October 4. Elec· oi award or the President'£> Trophy, tinns wt>rt' helrl for 11fficcrs for next lht' prize \lill be awarded . .\severy· ll'rrn, ancl 1hr following men were one !Jtould unrlerstuncl, the award of thn~cn: president, Xorman Padden ; the tmphy is made on the hasls of vicc-prl'sident. John :\I eade; secreta· sc:hulastlc stand in~ and extra-currie· ry-trcaMitCr, John :\'!ullaney; nudilor, ular activit It's, each counting equally. j oM• Biamon: seninr director, Ed- Since the activities pninls-per-man wurd S1.1pple; junior director, j ames average is mude up em n diffcrenl McKcrntln anrl snrhonwre director, scale than the sc h()Ja~tic avt'rage, lhe 'l homa!'l Carlin. activilics uverag~ of the fraternities Mtc•r the elections were completed, will be pru-rated again~llhe scholastic the llll'C I in~-( was hi)(hlighted with a averages ( nf the fraternities}, in nr· sp,•crh by Father Lucia a La Sallelte der 111 makt: each wciRh equally. mi ..~i11nory , wh11 spent thrre years and LENNI E DE RC five months in a Japanese conccn·J RtJpre•rntlnr ''" trtlllun cump during the war and has unly rt•t<-ntly returnNitn I hi-. country aftN a Inial of :.evrn years in China ami Burma Hl• told the assembled ... tuclcnts t~f his many c..xperienccs du· 111 Highland St. rinl( hi~ inH•rnml.'nl, th<' hard~hip:; en· 'rE I ~ 34298 cuunt(•red nnd brouJ(ht with him 11 ~ •. ,. UEJU; 111 \our Frutl.'rnh ltll':oS/11-(c to kt•ep faith in Gfld primary. u r Do rm itory fo'o r Cull o r D t'lln r t•rtlt'e l'rcsiclcnl j ack Lciffey tlwn tuld the members that Carmll Club of Worcester had rxtcndcd an invitation I!; Ihe club w uttcncl n Saturday night dunc(• nnd plans \VCre made to alle)td Sulurdny, October 14, 1946. 133 llis hlond Street \\'c wish w cxtl'llcl to all of the '1\·lepho ue 54351 C'at hnlk :.turlcnts 11£ \V.I' .J . un irwiWORCESTER 2, l\IA S. tation lh nt.lcnd the ne111l Newm:m dub meeting , the time of which will CoMrlr • r • Q Mal lly • ,.nlf:e be JKWlt•tl on the boards throujthout eAROLI NE M. COOPER the s<·hnol. Here"c; h!)ping to sec you nlltht'rc tit tht> nest meeting.
Teacher s Wanted Enginuri11r
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Worcester Telegram
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Dancing from 8 to I 2
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