1947 v41 i4

Page 1

Volumt• XLI

NumiH-r 4

Jolmny Both,vell Feanu·ed at ]turior Prom on Ju11e 6

·-----==-_, IGlee Cluh Ha.

i\ ht~<JU f>,

Ball Ga mt> Among IDghlights For W eckeud

Joint Concert Prom, With Si1n1non

It hardly seems (')(~S~>ible but the year is nearly over and Tec:h men's

t!Hlughts turn to the Junior the main attraction or thr ·rring Mixt•cl Glc.~(' (J uh and Fllrmal weekend, june 6th nnd 7th, WPI Octrt Fralurt•d whi<"h will also boast tht• } la5que Ll Annual ou~ft>"'l produnion of "The Mnle .\ninml," a ball )(ame wilh Ucv<•ru. 1\Jass. Till' lir:.t home crmcert ur the St!lte, the Freshman • Sophomore Spring seas•ln pr~~111ed hy the Rnpc Pull, Round Robin dancing W.JI.l. Clel' Cluh W:t!-1 hl•lcl Saturctay, and visiting among thr fraternities. t\pril 26, at '\lc'lt.'n ?.ll!moriul. Tlw nnd house parties which frnm nil in· Tt>th club was joined by lh<' Sim· clirotions wil l be th(· llf'll ever. mnn~ t'nlle~t> Clee ('lub in a prol'he j unior Prmn C111nmittee has w,un or scmg:; that werr m<•momble bern mosl fortunate in signing J ohn- :h well n~ ent('rtaining. ny Bothwell and his line dnm·e band Tht• Slmnmn!> Glt•c Cluh openrd tu play fur the Tt~rmnl on Friday wilh 11 )(roup of reli~lous ~t>n~s. 11 ni(<lhl frum 9 lo l i\ .~1 . The band wn!l a well-bahmct•d ).,'TOIIfl and c~re· i~ u fairly new unival amonA nation· dally Milled ln tht• wcmwn '!'l voices. ally known name l>nncl~, having been S1.1r1ing with ~fnacrl's. ",\ H• \ 'crmll orl(nnit.ed jul'l a year agu last Febru· Cnrpus" a nd concluding tht.> !(roup ary, bul in the short space ur a year with tlw ~lt·ndrl::..s(lhn - B;Itthuldy. it:- muo;icaJ excellence ha~ IX'Cn '' \'t.> Snn~ or lsrael", ttw religiuu-. pruvcd to the Cl>tcnl tht\l it linisb('() mood wa'! reverently Sll'ltnirwd hiKh up nn the lists in the DlrdJII- lhroughuut. lwut l'oll, leading such estnblished \\'h(llly in nccmci with the spirit f:wurites in the "swing'' divi!;ion as evoked hy the ladies fmm Simmons, Count Basic. Gene Krurxt, H!trry the Tcrh Glc>c Club urrcn•tl r1 fmc, Jumt'"• Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, nrg.1n-like perfom1ancr ur the Bach ancl l 'harley Barnet . nne! oulclassin~ l l huralt•, ". 11w ~ ing \\'c lu Our God (('onc.Joued OD r aR;c J, C"ol I) ( ( unllnut•lt 110 1':•~•· l, rot 1)

Skttll Taps Twelve Top Juniors Engineer Li~c118ing Law _T_o_B _ e_ •senior Honorary Di ru ed u1 Al(Ie11 011 May 5th Society Holds • r•roft~ssor Haertlf'in TraditioJtal Rite Anda•t\w llo hnsh·o1n Sp cakl!l at


Assc nthly Norton Cu. Offit'inl Tnll..11 On Umle rfCrucluutc> Ouzr in World War I

In the \\'edncsrlay mnrnin!( . cs· 11 eli trict paper. ",\ Pholtl<'lt'ttric Color. Temperature. aod f'<pc..,ure ~Jeter'', wM presented by Thnm:'-' M. :.\IcCaw of t he Electrical l·:nginecring Dt-'Jlllrlmcnt at Tech.


Concluding lhe technical sessions uf the convent.ion, wns the Friday lll11mioJ( meeting. AmonJ( the papers Jlrt.>!>Cntcd were two by Tech men. :\Iattin j . Reilly, a gmduale student, pre~t.>n ted his paper on the subject, ".\ Compact 45 Kilovolt Surge Gt•nerator''. J ohn Hambor presented

~ lussnchu~tts has a Jaw. T here nnw r~ists a pPrmissivc slate law providing for the licensing or engincl·rs who ntl\'crtisc their services. A rcronmwudatiun L'l now being prepnrecl for ~uuml~ion tQ tlw Stole Lcglslntu rc. Thi~; rccommcndn tIM will propos<• that, the lict'n.sing law be rhnngcd from permissive to mrllldatory, and it may cnccltnf>rt'>~ nil pr.tcl idnK cn~incers. The t•ffc\1 of this chnn~e or status of the law upon the social unu economic positions ()( CVC'I y <'llf,ltllt'Cr Or pr<>S(Wt tiye ('11• ginct'r in the Commc:mwca.lth will he lht discu-.sinn of i\lr. \V. 1<'. Ryan, on ~Iunday cwninl(, 1\lny 5, nl ~ J>.tn., in r\ldt.>ll ~lemorinJ. Mr Ryan, Dirt>ctor nf the National Society of Professional Engin~Jer~. will acctunlnt the cugint'ilr with the qualifications, mel hucls of prcpumtion, :w<l be1Wf1ts lx·hind tht• Jiccn!llng law. fot;lluwing the talk by Mr. Ryan, there will l>e n discussion period, at which 1imc, ~tr. Ryan, with the aid uf Profc<~sur A . 1:'. Haertlcin of HarWtrd llulwr,llity, member c•( the BNtl'cl or Rt·~ istrnUon of 1\mcrlmn Engitw(lr,, will discuss auy details rm~ntccl fur dm Hi cat ion uy the :Htcli<'nre. rhc 1npic to I)C presentt•d !!hnuld lx· nf th<> most t imdy intcr(''lt In nil futun• Ntl(ine<•rq, The formntlnn and rnnldlnl( or I he pruposc<l ltlW lfcs in tlw hunds uf the indiviclu:tl cngl· nccrs I)( ~ I :L'>.t;aC.huS(!US. Jle('LtliSC of the: vital n:clurc uf the tuph.; and hs effect on lh(' future nf cnginct•rinl(, :til sturlcnt~ arc invited l tl hear ann speak to ~ 1 1 . Ryan untl Proh•S$or llncrtlrin.

I he third KC?ncral n.s.scm(>ly of the 1946· 194 7 cullcge yenr wn.-; h('ld T ta•sday, .\ pril 29, al II :00 i\.:\t. ill thl.' Alclen ~ lemorinl .\uditnrium. Tlw ~J1Caker for the occMi(ln wns ~ J r•.\ntiii'W H. ll ol m~tr11m, \\'.1'.1. ' 17, who i~o nt present \'icr· l'rcsidl.'nt of tltt• nrlou Comnany. 1\'l'r. llnlm· ~ I rum, whu wa<~ 11 Cummuntler in the llnilrd Stairs Navy during World \\'a1 I. h.ts aL-.o rcndl.'rccl hl~ <>rrvicc:; n.s ... UJ)('f inllmdrnt ur Srwf'r~ In \\'urlr!>ll'r. llis talk for lhr not.... m bly W(h "Sludcnl l1ndcrgn11lurue •l>n;.<•' in \V•1rld War I,'' a subject that wa.!l uf grcnl interest In ull veterans hal'k ul T<~ch after NCI vkc in llw retrnl wnr. The sprnk('r w fLS inlrodu('c(( by I ~ chairman or the ru;St>mbly. UL•11rgc Schut1p, '4 7, l'rc ... ich-nt ur Skull, Won.c;,lrr Trrh's Scniur Sodely. Admirrtl Wt~t Tyler Cluvrrius tbcm spoke to those assembled ou the ~ubjt·cl "Tht• l"uturt: or Athlt•tics at \\'I ' I • Sintt· th~· n·~il(nation ot Cunth l'aul <-.t,IJC~, the ~tudt•nt hHdy .1 ll.1(ll'r nn the tupil, " \ Cirruil llr Tct'h hn" <tnxiou,ly nwaitt·d the Brc>:tkc>r for Gencrul Tfnu~t·hold ." ,\ s Prcsidf•nl'il views nn thi!'l nucial tht• tht•r1w uf the mnv(lntlou ww. ~u hject . l'lt•t t rkal cnginerrhll( appliratic n• ~. till tlmv o f 1h«.> parx~rs pn·~•·ntccl by T!~t h men were appmprinlt•. )fr. \It C:n1 '.. nw1 cr i~ t'\llt't h.•d lu be n btwm 111 lhc> rHlor f)hntugrapht•r ~ I r. ll:unl"•r'-. cirt uil hrr<tkn 1!1 r«.>placc 1111' ('01111111111 ru-.(' will, it ·~ h11ped, lw a n•liC'f to the harrlt•d hOU"t'· " In r<>et~~otnidon qf the two thoukN'Iler. ~ I r. Reilly \ "llrJ:t' l(cnerawr sand nwn ur Worc~ter Pcrly tt'c:hnit will )I(• a lint~ acltlitlrmnl piece tlf ln, tilut.e "h" M:rvcd their '·ountry l!cruipment for the dedrit ;~l llcpnrt during \\'nrlrl \\'ar II and In ewr· mcnt 111 T et h as "ell "' Ill 111 her l,cst l n~t mcmury of lhc follnwinK whn in-.t.tllotiuns. made the supreme sacrllkc" .,n Wllliam Jacl(l(', correqponlllng sec· Am11ng tht· social ('Wnt.s, lhc rcatlil lht• inl!lription uf the new rrtary of 'l'uu Beta Pi, announced ~mokcr tm \\'cdne~day nif!hl and brnnt.t· plaque nwunted tu thr right lhf' fnllowiul( initia~ions to the cngi· the ht~nqucl Thursday l' \ cning, hrld of thr stoJ(c In i\ldcn ~ l en111rin l llall. neering lrnnor society which t()Ok pruminenct.>. 1\ gift or the ..chool in honfJr ul her plact• ) larch 7rh : Willard ] . Adams, The f10al climax to the entire con· many war hrrl)(!...,, the memilrial will Henry J. Uuve, Harold L . Col(', Hat· vcnLinn wa~ reached with the in<qll'C· be 11fitdally dl'dicated Alumni Uay, ris J. Uul-rc•me, Allan Glazer, Dan· tion tuur uf various clcttril.nl instal- june 14. RllnfClng from the clns..c; o[ iel W. Knoll, and J obn H . Williams, lations in nnd ncar \\'orC('.~ler. l n- I!W7 to the class of J946 U, n total Jr .. all senior~; :md David I. Caplnn, rludcd in the list of plants visited of forty· thrt'C Tech al umni Kllve up R ol)(!rt N. Lerner, and R<>bcrL E. were: The American • teet and Wire their lives in the service of their ;\;owell, junlurs. Elections of new Co., the central cllsprttcher's office of country. .'\ great majority of the l>fficerll of the society and announce-the :\ew En~land Power Co., the men \\ere here at lhe Institute dur· ment of additional pledges is ~~ehcd· Heald ) lachine Co., the> Wyman- ing the years 1938·1943. uled fur later, this term. It wa'l aiS(> Gordon Products Corp., the trans· The plaque was installed under ~cnnounccd thttt plans are being made miller at Bolden for radio station the supervision of Professor J\ . ] . for a. meeting in May of all members WTAC Rnd WTAG JIM, a.nd lhe Knight of the Civil Engineering of Tau Beta PI now in the Worcester WorceSter JJolytcchnic Institute. Department. area.

Tec1Inical Paper and Faf·to1·y rfrip Feature AlEE Convention I he .\ merkan Jno;tJtutc of Eire· trical Enf.(inecr!> las t week held a runwnlitln fur tlw Nurthc>:t<;tern lli:.trill rmd for lhc student brnnch. Tlw thrt't' day cnnvcntinn at lhe llcHd , h('ralc>n or>tHl('(J 1d1h rt'AiS· tr<ction :11 8:.l0 .\ .)1., Wednesday, \ pril H , and conrludcd with an in· '-Jit't Linn lour Friday nfternuon l'rnfe'\..'iflr Theodnrc II. ) lorJ{an, hr~cl nf llw Electrical l-:nJ~i nccrln~-t Dr· partment here :11 1\•('h, ami JtrucraJ chairman uf thr "'= urtht•;~,t£•rn IXvtrltt, M'nrd a.' chnirmnn of the l>i-.· lrtn ~lectin~ Committl'C in (llrtnninA the: ;1ffair. There wrre eij:tht techni· cal c;ess ion~ as lhe hiKhlights of the rm1 vrn tlon.

Ancl .Mr. Ryun l o llt'll k Ancl lloltl DisctUIHion

Bronze Pla(JllC Honor Tech Wa1· Heroes

Tau Beta Pi Initiate Ten

Doctor Wil!'1on, lleud of Chenri('u) En g ineering Depnrtnwnt TupJlt'd B y EO GEORGE

Silence rci!(ned throughout 1\ldl.'n Tuesday, April 29th, as the members of Skull selected nn· other qualified group of future St'niors. This WI\.'> lhc first Skull tripping to lJe witnessed by the present Freshman <'lass, nnd you can be sure thal the "thud" that broke tht' silence was n new t.xperience to them. The following twelve men chQilen fur their oulslnnding lender!lhit) and inllut>nce on the campus art>: ROllF.RT II. ADAMS-Bob is the President of the Junior class, hns n.'l:eivt'<J n " W" in Track, has pMticipatell in Interfraternity sports, I' n dcleJ(!Lic lo tht' l.F. Council, nnd a member or Phi Gamma Delta. His home town is Norwalk, Conn. ARTHUR COLLINS-Art is a transfer s tudent here at Tech and hru; been with us for one year. During thio; time he was a regular on lhe J.V. Bn.'lkclbllll team and wll!l elected Vice-President of his rruterolty, which iR Sigmn. Alpha. ,EpslJon , llis hom(' town Is Philndelphia, Pa. JOHN CONC:ORIHA- John is a city boy lllld previous to the war he partidpated in SJ)(irts at the schoCll. He returned to school here a<~ a junior und ha.s played Varsity lln:'l.kctball, nflcr which he was elcctfcl C11pt:~in for the coming llt'ason. lfp ai.'>O is 011 the Baseball team. BU.lJDY T>EMBER-"Buddy" ls the receiver of n " W" for Tennis and j .V. Basketball. He is t1n offi. t'er or hill rmternity, played Interfraternity sporL'!, llnd is a dtJlegate to the I.F. Council. H is fraternity is Alpha Epsilon Pl. Duddy's home tuwn is Waterbury, Conn. RICHARt) K. HORNE- Dick is the Trcrtsurer of the Junior class, and President of his fraternity which is Phi Gamma IJella. He is Captainek'Cl of the Soccer team, is a member of the A.S.M.E., played Tnt.erfratcmlty o,porta, rtnd writes a column (Ctmtlnutd on Paac: • • Col. 1) ~ lt>moria l on


Jleteram~' Notke


form (! dititrlbuted at today'1.1 a11eembly by M.r. Ryan or thE- Vf'lf'ranll' Admin&.ll'ation mu~tt be retumed to the V.A. Offire In Boynton Hall promptly to Insure the reeotn• menc:ing of euh•blenee cbeeb n ext fall.


P ..e Two

TECH NEWS PuLiiJhfd Bl-w ·kly Uunnc the College Vnr by C'WI A- l ation or th l' Woi"C.,.,U Polfll"~hnie l n•titute FDITOR IN-CmEF R~ebnd 1.. T. acy FEATUR£ rmiTOR MANACli\C EDITOR Robtrt E Hubley Ronald A Molttnbrey SECRETAR\' NEWS EPITOR J ohn C. M ~dl! Paul E. £vallS SPORTS ED ITOR l..ouis C Block UUSlNESS MANACER Alfn-d r, I-etourneau ADVERTIS ING MANAGER CIRCOLATJON MANACER B~rnard J, Kowtckl Frank 11. Wotton ASS ISTANT MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGER AmbroM" P. Fteney Robert J. Vnn Am burgh Rene II. Baclumd J UNIOR EDITORS Fred J. Brcnnnn Pruncls J. BIKdn Thornns M. Bcakry Ocor!(e V. J.ehlo Wllllnm A. Jullnn Thomu R. Cnrlln Harold Okun J ohn K. Mullnnty Robt~rt W. Mncdonnld Wllfwl J. Wnchll·r (;!no J . San land rea Malcolm Sanborn COLUMNISTS John t), Saunier Rlchnrd K. Horne Malcolm Cordon

Tile TH..

Mrron E Lunthidt REI'ORTERS

Roland P. Btdard

F'rtd J. Burak

Paul D O'Donndl

l.tO D. Rose

Gerald F McCormlrk

CARTOONIST C1aude P. Veru Newt Plaonee 1

t:;ubbiah Mulhiab

Harold A Mtldtn Thomas J Coo~~;.~n

Irvin~ Usa~

Ntll E Sullh·an BUSINESS ASSISTANT Joaepb Gwludowsk:i FACUI.TV ADVISER John R . Macktnzit




3-14 11 Editorial { 5-202<1

Beware "Beware the l del' of !\larch", an old soothsayer once told Cn<'SM, and the warning has been carried down through the ages until in these times it means nothing more than, "Lookout for Spring fever." Tbe exact cause is unknown, but it is known that the fever is ruthless and cares lit tle about whom ll infects. Every Spring people from all walks of life are anlicted, but nationwide surveys prove thut its effect is most pronounced among college students. There can be no doubt of its nppenrnncc here at Tech before the freak snowstorm last week. Men were seen on the athletic fields variously attired, some for track, some for tennis, some for baseball , and others !\till, for soft ball. More nnd more cars began to make their appearnncc in front of all the houses on the Hill. Books and slide rules were being put a!lide for " LATI<.:R''. Fraternity pins were bein~ " lo:~l" in unending number.,. Snow and cold weather curtailed the <;pread of the epidemic, but with the melting of the snow, Spring hn~ returned to u with the idea of s taying on indefinitely. The results of Spring fever a re bad enough, but if left unchecked by each individunl, the results here at Tech would be di astrou-.. Words cannot be put Into warnings strong enough to convince every man at Tech of the con equcnces of leaving this fever checked within himself. I n Spring, a young man'" fancy turns lightly to anything hut books. Mere words cannot impress upon you the importnncc of checking this epidemic. So, beware, Spring fever is on its wny!

Fire Hazar(] T he Administration is much concerned about the fire haznrd in the Alden Building brcnuse of indiscriminate smoRing. 'fhh; i ~ to inform those who are concerned with the direction and mannl(cment of student organizations using Alden that it is their individual rr· sponsibility to see that the building is properly used. That mrnnl-1 that doors sbnll be locked after a room has been used, that li~hb have been extingui hed and that there is absolutely no smoking in restricted places. There must be no smoking on the '~lnge of Alden or in t he make-up rooms back tagc. The Trust«'S art much concerned with this hazard and we mu-.t cooperate to prottct our property by limiting smoking. \'our (O operation in thi5 matter ma} save the College a seriou l~s.

AprU 29. 1947


Fraternity cw Bits

charge and e.'l:pe<:b to slart back to Cigars were in order again. This school ne.'l:t Call. time it was John Bunter who deJ>aul .\nde~un '48, is the ftr l to cided his pin would look better if

hang his pin tbi!> Spring. a certain young lady were lo wear it. Lionel H. ~om!Je, '45, "ill exCarlton Lane was recently pled~ lpha Tau Onwga change vt,..,.) \\ilh Alice jane J tldl>n, to Lambda Chi Alpha. Brother:. ~Ianahan , ferltUSOn, :\lny J 0, at Wa!-hington, 0 C. Theta Chi Eager, and RaJ lard made a trip to Zero, a ~mnolh -haired (m, terri<'r, On )fay 3rd, Theta Chi and Phi ~Jiddlebury College, ~ l iddJebury, the newe~t addition lo the member- Gamma Delta will hold an outing \'ermnnt, this p.1.Sl weekend. They ship or the hou:.e took his Orc;t trip and softball game in Green Hill were pre'il'nt for the initiation cere- outside on his own tht" other morn· I Park, which will be followed by a monies or ATO's newest chapter, ing. The brother<~ have sighed with dance at the Phi Gam House. which were held on Saturday and relid, nv more smrLII working parties. Liquid refreshments for the afterSunday. Hurry McNulty, the national noon rtnd evening will be supplll'd by Brother Bill Clapp has recently chapter supc•·vi5nr, cxpccl!l tu visit the losing team. 1111110IIncecl hig eng:~gement to Miss the house the 29t h llf the month. Plans ure now being made fnr the 1948 National Convention of Theta Marjorlr rhtC!Itnan. Tlwtu Ku11Jln Ph i Chi Fraternity to be held at the Brothrr George Lehto was married On alurd(ly, April 2() and Sun· ('nplcy Pla~a Ho le!, at Boston. t>n prll 18 to the former Miss Pearl day, .\ pril 27, o11r or the l.trAt>SI Thumpsun of Worcester. On :\ray tOlh, Epsilon Chapter grwJ')S or plt:di.tl'' in chorltl'r hi~tnry will huld a pledge dance at the FraHruthcr j ohn l\1. l\1acGr~or, na· were initiatl'tl. Thr men initiatt•tl ternity H ouse. Lionul president of .\ lpba Tau were Gt'llrl(e !'!. U.trna, l.tlui~ J Omcl(u, visited the chapter house Pbi igma K appa Rauer. Rt1bert 1: Bl'aurt>f,t.trcl. Rt>Phi i~ annuunces the initiation of re<:en IIy. • II c II \\•eek em1e<1f or It· rleen pled ~res land F Beflanl, l'aul J Bmwn, Jnhn the following men on uoday, \pril · hl • am1 rorma 1 1n1 · -1·aa t·ton f • BurJ,:artll.t,~ Jt.,.('ph a t urc I:ty nts.t , 1. Hur)..r:trc•lla, 13, 1947: ;\rthur 0 . Bou\'ier, Jr ·'· 1 S d rt Tboo;e Jr., Harold l•.• De<• nrlt, \\. .tlttor ll \\' tllard L. Bowen, H enry H Brown, t Cl<IK p ace • un ay a emoon. whu ~urv ·i\'Cd th e \\CC k's ordea 1 are: Uenncn,. Jr., . . Frantl~ H. fay, R.ty· R. Rlh" Chapin, Jr.. \Yilliam J. Colk ll "I B d D mnnd I•. (,Jmrd, b er(•tt \. Tirone~· 'I • ( .ar 111lint1, 48 , a oy , ave . • ling~. Jnhn G. Coover~, Raymond · 1 D J{ d n · k !>ey, Frank !>. jurct.<tk, l•rnnm . 1·•. L. Cn line. Raymond \\'. Gil ben, ave u son, tc · _ . ' ) .t11tc <;On, Kearney, Br•mtl-law H Kurpre,,tCl, . . . Jr., Earle X .•\ . Halls trom, Richard 1ohns()n, Ln rry J ut ras, Frank ' 'f F. k p . Jr., Thoma J. ~l c.'\umam, l•rtmn'l li ~tc:'\l uhoo, Jr., J ohn B. Seguin, I inmourcu'C, I au 1 " ay, ran· ease, , • • "' ' "Vall Sc 1 K St t B b !\Jc:Pa rtlantl. f humll'l (,, .,tuck, nnd Philip R. Stanier, and Jeremy Welts. • . an un, en ewar , o \ " _ J 11_ S • tcwnrt, JoIln T ornriSz, Don \\'h'tie, ' Jncenl P. u'il' ,..,, • On the commg '~cckrnd it. t'l llt)(I 1'111'I \V'ltl t c all f reshmen. ' plunned thaL Uruthcrs of Epstlon S. P.E. C haplcr, Univet·sily or Now Hump· hy We had u crmvcntion nf the 'ew shirl'. and l ola Chuptor, Tempi(• EnAinn<l chnptcrs or S. P, F.. last •niversily, will vi.\lit lht" house rnr w<'l'k<'ncl. a sports re~ tival. Gllme, planned are ~f iss Gertrude R. Rugg, registrar. Ted Bush, the fteld St'Cretary or softball, tennis, basketball, nnd gntr. hn<~ just announced a new set of thr olionnl, hn.-. been here for the Recent visitnr (() the hott"<' in· wt'i~thled averages for the fu·st t errn pao;t wt't'k. eluded llrothen; Ton1 Landers, Maum or the school }'ear J 946-4 7. There Eel Tylt'r wns married Friday, l l..art>clnnia and john (:aRiinrclu. b a considerable increase from the \pril , IQ, lu Vera Steven • formerly ~o..ulll _ 1--• I I •1 1 previous terrn in the all-college 3\'er· ouO , t J' (1 10 nf Hn lnl, r~nglnnd . . a~-te l.i-.ted below are the a\era~otes: ·rh tre wns open hou..e a fler t he fhe hnu-.e was unu ually qutN T htta Kappa Phi 75.77 t \ . over the weekend. ~l ust or the ' I ('I b ( , ee u c11ncer tln • pn1 26. .\lpha Epsilon Pi 75.18 Brother~ l ol(lk ath anHlR<" of the huli· !tilgm a AIrho Elll'ilon cby and \\t'nt homt 1 he nnly C'-· fbeta Chi 75.11 Si~ma Phi Epsilon 74.81 En,, \!bert Rock .... t'luc.l. L" :\R, cilement w.ts :1 <:.ertr' uf minor e,. l..ambda Chi .\lpha 74.H \ln,lflt'cl in at the hrn.to;c on .\f)ril 17 plo~ion•. Twu of the uplo-itms M'rc> l'hi Si~nm Kappa 74.47 :tnt! is nnw in :'l:nr(ulk. lie will socm tin~ 1111 Wy Thcun.t~' r:tr ; llw third l'hi Gamma Della 74.21 mal.r n trip 111 South .\merica tnk· WtL., \\'y '~hen he rt•alilt•d he unly Alpha Tau Omega 73.12 inK navnl scientists to observe the hull cme !\t>:tre. Sil(lll:t Alpha Epsilon 7 I .OS c·c·Jip'l(• ()r the sun. H e expects to be .Bwther Bieslckcr, a fornwr gruel· .\11 Fraternity 74.49 lll~c·h :tr~l'CI this j une. uuw .studt•nt Ill the l n!itltnl<", visited 76.32 J. H. l\ leiklcjohn wi\S back ror a the house several timrs during 1ht• All ~on- Fraternity rcw minutes since his recent dis· pasl week. <'tlii('~C 75.30 fl,- 'I \1,



Weigh ted Averages Released Rcgisll·at·


Hospitality in your handr

Profe880r E1neritus Cl1arles J. Ad:uns Talks on Conaposition to Came1·a Cluh On Wednesday, April 23, lhe Camera Clu!J held n mt'eling in the Janet Earle Room. On thi11 occn.<~ion , Mr. Charles ] . Adams, P rofessor meritus or English, Wl\!1 the mnln peaker. Mr. Adams is an nmalrut· botograpber of considerable loclll ame, and it wM he who organized Che W.P.T. Camera Club in 1922. 1 Mr. Adams spoke on the subject of "Photographic Compoaition", and used as illustrations for his talk st\'· of the prize winning salon prints whlcb the club bas borro\\·ed from Tile C~~Mera magazine.



One or the most imJ>t.)rtnm points ihat he made is that photo,;tTtiJlhk composition i." not thr cumplirn h.•d term that most people think it i!l. but composition is merely pultin~t n picture together. Compusititm llt:lll ally follows common sense rt~lcs. Mr. Adams went on to !lay that the criterion for decidi11~ whelh<'r n subject will make n ~to<>d flh Otc~Araph is lO determine whether the o;cene seems to have somelhin~t to l!-1)' 1n other words, a picture is a rtpre· . enlation of the impre"Sion which an object gives to n brholder.



•\prll 29. 1947





... pring Form al (Continu~ from Page 1, Col. I)

Hal ~lclntyre, Guy Lombardo. Ben· ny Goodman. Frecfdy Martin, ammy Kaye, etc., in the "sweet'' division. J ohnny Bothwell himscH i.o; one of the outstanding musicians in the country on his instrument, the alto ~'\:ophone , as a few more slati:;tics show: the Esquir(' Poll placed him in the number two spot among " new stars" on the alto sax, while in the J!etronom c listing he was fifth, well ahead of such popular leaders as j immy LJorsey, Charley Barnet, Hal Mci ntyre, Les Brown, and Woody Herman. r\her starling out with Bob Chrs· tcr's orchestrA, Johnny played with Gene Kr upa. Sonny Dunham. Woody Herman. and Tommy Dorscy, and starred wilh the fast·risin~ Boyd Raeburn band before forming his ow.n orcbe:.tra. Don Darcy sings romantic hallads with the orchestra in the way that has brought him fame with nthcr name bands, while the mwchy and rhythm numbt'rs are done by

and very pretty Claire the !ltn~e with a no\'elly group Hogan- who, by the way. is ~lr~. nf their mvn. Mis..<; Jane 'Nicbob Johnny Both\\ell. ga'e :1n t'\Cellcnt portrayal to Lhc The band was heard in \\'nrt't'~tcr ~~l.ln part iu "1'\nncy Hunk$'', n dra· this wintt.>r at the \'l'ry !\Uccessful matiL 'lnn~ ·phantasy. ~ !u:.t popular· Holy Cross Purple Shield tl:mc<' Cit ly rt'('l!iH'd ''a<; " Gr.1ndma Grunts". the 1\ utlitorium, ;llld has ~n play- .1 :\•irlh Cumlina ~ l ountain Song ing theaters, ont•·nighters and wl -~ with 11 :.urpri"e Nltlln~o:. lege dates thr• 1 U~hout tht: Ea'il .•L'l'he cnmbinw Glee Clubs brou~ht well as s tints .H Xrw \'llrk'-. ··400 thr prnwam to .1 do~ wilh two exClu!)'' and fanwu~ " Roseland". ~~·rpL-; frnm (;ill.x•rt ttnd Sullivttn. The Prom ummittec-- Pnul lt: ,·••n'l ·'\\'hen llritain Really Rul'd the and jal·k • aunicr. a.ssi.~ted by \rt \\'a\'e::." frum lnl.lnthl.' anti lhe Collin.'. \I Rill'y, \\'illiam Ohln, and " Ua.nn• .t Ou..hucha" fr(lln The Gon· FranJ.. llnlby, unnounl'e" thur br· d11licr::. The juyou~ r·hythm~ of the cause nf the "'l'lfflr.d unprrccdrntt•d f:urtlnn~11 "''rc -.un~t with a fre~hnCl>S allt>ndancr. thrre will be nn bl)()'.t and .1 ~us.tn that frl1ctl the hnl1 witb in tickrt prkr fur Tech'~ wt Prom ,, feeling of gaiety rtnd set tht> rnlXl\1 in ye:LI". Watch the T~-:cu ' Fws for un t•wnin~ot nf d:111cin~ which fnl · and lnok r,,r poster~ around the In wed llw nmrell. campus for further ne"o; ahout tlw ~1r. l'liifurcl t:rt-o.>n, Director of weekentl. 1he \\'. 1'.1. t..:lee Club and ~lr. \\'il· nwr T. Harthulonww, Simmot\5 Oi· Cl f'f' Club rl'Ctot . -.hun'd in th(' appiJU'it' lav· ll:ltnlmut·•l fmm 1':111<' 1, t\rl n i--hett on their Hrl{ttllil.Hiinn« fr11 their un ll igh ''. l'hi'l was followt'<l by nn fine pcrfunnann•s. En~lish FnlkMlll~ and ''l'horu, Clf ~ l u:.h fur dnnunK in ,\ldt•n ~ lemoBacdl.mlcs'' hy Councxl. rial after tht> cllncert was plnyrd by Th€.' Simmons Glee Cluh returll(lfl the Bnynton itttL~.

for Engineers

e e

J t's hard to hurry a Switchboard Oc1e ,.r thr "'•JUt JHuhltn" to~crd by

\\·htt·rn ~.lc·l tllt rngcn•tn "' dw rtt)h "' m.tkr 1ric tthtcll~ ~" i 11 hbu .. rtb /u rt - In t~tctl Ultf\tntdtnlul cl< rnands'' the lfltttplt·\tt) ,,f m.nul.u;turc cn~ ' ""ttl

"·~···" '""i)

ur """I •• l.ll.n 10 fmlkc: .1 t~tt.ltl t tttudt •fttrdo•d t ) ttt uf

Why Conde nsers now live longer

ttl.ttliMI \\\Ill hhu~ Hitll\l.lll ~ t ttlll tOO· "'""~ ol It'll IIJI\' Iollf>r fl0\1111>0" ~·II ~1\'t) OU \ltlllt tJ<J t,flhc U tl11f'lt\ll)

Tating .lnd 'C:tllng ~l.md~HI, r.. r f\1.1• tcrr ,rh l$ ,, 1•11~1 p.tn ul (lroJu,uun at Wuttrn Flccttrc. Tak<', r11r r'"ml'lr. tht '""" l"'l'rr -o~hout 1/ ltl tltc rht(~nt" ul .r hu· man h~lf-llM'If ;" III•UI.IIUII1 htl\\ t~ll lit~ wnu nl ..tunltntntl lwl 111 mlllnnh ~,~r ·•p.1 pcr'1 tllntlen'r" fur 1hc Udl Sptcrn CunJcn\t r ltfc i, j!tnc 1 •lh 111 clrrrct JIWI'IIrlt(llt l•l th~ ttll•llll> .,f II'•Uc u•ed In \ttltl) rn~t dln '' c•l llrllt'r· encc• til dltlntl.ll lHIII(I""dcm, ftllre •trtc( turc. thtt Lnc"· pmhulr• :~nil

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Wesiern Electric or



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Curctl.llllll( ''"'"' uf d cr'O\' .t\\l'lrr. ~tt'd hfc lUIS 1\llh manuiJuurtt•t: d:.ta ltd to omfl'"' ' cl t"P"' nul. till; mt'thtxh - P•Jicr 111 onttfJ1 tllfllo~ 111.1 • chines Of n (\\ lit •tl(fl\ tiiHC•t •td Jlttl• ductton of 1hc 111tht kcnJ uf fl~ftcl­ longer·hvcd condcni4't$.

'"II· I ht·y





I• "' > \n \1 hrn it mc•n• m.odttnt ~·r•t•tty fnr \\dducg ·' tut. llun pltWttl\ IIICtJt V>ti(Jlh per )C.tr - " ''' '""~' the Jlrntntttl nc.t,..ttHIHtt prt•dtlllttltt IJtrl I h" pn.bl\'m wu• uctr .,f tltr "'"" .,,,, .., IJI'r<l hy \\est<'rtl I k( tnr rllf!tttrtr\ '" •n•N· tlltc trrmrndctll\ly 1111 t~J....,d tl~m.tntl• fnc cd(jlJtt>tl• tll UI(IIOrtll A pdtr nf thcw UHII.c!U i• t••tttltt•tl .11 t\'fl~ (ltJtOI in tdrphurtt liHtllf\ "he-re-t Ulftllll\ " " ' ' rut• I rei ut '"lith· lll•llltt.r l

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P roblem for Production E ngineers


CAMPUS QUOTES ".\ recent editorial in Teen l\'F.ws month during which interesting the return llf ' hazing' as spcakcr'l and chapel programs could u 111<'3115 uf impro\'ing !iehool spirit. be presented. These assemblies \\'hat dO }'I)U think or thi.'\ idt-3, and should be allotted their own time so \\hat mNhods would you suggt'St for that there will be no shortening of imtmwing :;cht~)J spirit?'' llw class prriods. Second, begin a !'his was the que lion askt>d in monthly or bi-monthly e\'ening prothi-. week's poll, and many jtOOd nn- gram to bring some of the better swrrs werr rt'{•eived. t-: d • upplt>, a muskal ~roups, dramatic groups and miHnllcr or the Seniur dns.s. had this movies ( lhe n on CO!\Sack Chorus to ~1y : ··1 am \'Cry ~t rongly nppused and Henry \ ' fur example) before Ln the rrturn nf 'ha..dng' as a ml!an · thr student body." ur i111proving srhool spirit. I fet'l that J ohn Cocker, a Freshmlln, is defrthe ..:une rt•sult can he realized by nitely against hnzlng. He hrtd this to a much It~ harbaroll'l method ant.! say: " l don't think hazing is the at Lhc snnw rime by a method that way tu Improve school spirit. t went i.'l fu lly ns plen.."-<1 nt tn all ptu·tici· through a hating period once, !Uld pant:; as thnt of haLing. Rrl.l h<'r, I it had j ust the oppOSite effect on tlu heartily agrl't' with another me. One ur the mo.st certain meth· tlwught expressed in the Editorial otis l>f making men take rtn interest l'lliUtlln or the 'I'F.Cll Nf:ws recently in sports, for example, Is to provide whit h slwwetl conclu~i"ely how the lhrm \\ith tenniS that can win. ~;ndal fr:tternitics at Terh c11uld ncj O!i~ Biamun, ~~ senior Civil, add· cmnplish this same red ing or good I'd the roi!Qwing comments: " I con"ill and "<'hllol spirit. H :lll nine sicler ha.zing a very good idea for frntt•rnitics, "hich ore t.he most impmving school spirit for various si ronRIY orRnnlzed SlJCinl groups on reusun'>. For instance, a Freshman the campus at the present tIme, who hns recently started at school Wllllld take upon themselves In the will soon lind that he has need of int.•rc~t of hrllering student relaroorH'rnLion wilh his classmates. l ions, :1 policy of in\'ilinl( !hi! l'ntire From this experience in ccxlpt'ratlon ~ludcnt body U> dances, ::.ong rest!>1 he l(t'ls to appreciate the fellows and similar Antherlngs, it could not rnm1 his duss and thcr{' is a good pos.'iibly lw vrry lonj.! hefore Tech c:hunce that this spirit of cooper a· wnuld bl' bursting with school spirit I inn will continut- with him through which h. imply nothing nt()rc thu.n the years. This spirit will also give the .spirit rhn.racteri7.tcl by Lhc phrase a man t hr. fct•ling of belonging l ll ' freet.c n jnlly good fellow'." Lhc S(roup ancl tiS a result, a greater A mrmber or the Juniur cla~ bud affllin.tion lo hi!! alma mater. this to sny : " I huvc no doubt that '' llllling not only rt'<luire!l coopcra· ha7.inJ.t wt•ultl improve school spirit. ~iun between the members of a class I rtlnlize thot hazing M w is prnctibut al!lo provides a very good meana cally impossible with the high per· of acquaintinR those members. A ccntagt• of nlder men in the Freshpart of the hazing belnsc the requireman class ; but ns soon us the classes ment of distingui&h.i.ng marks by tlw start return ing lo normal, ho.zing as Freshmen, helps those men to ~ one uf the means or re~toring school who the 01cmbt'rs of their class are. spirit should return. Another thing "The spirit of cooperntion ls al10 whil'h would itnprtlvt• school spirit continued into the Sophomore year i" mme puhliclty. It would help of thllt class gtl wht'n the members morale a lut if, when you mentioned their Olll)()rtunlty to do the huln". I hat you w1·re from Worcester Tech, " It might be brought out, by thoet pcpplc rcplird 'Oh yrs', instead of who do not agree, that all these rea· ' \\'hat WIIS thtll?'" A memhcr uf the Sot)homor<-' cla$5 sonc; are more or an argument fOC' hntl some vt: ry good suggesli()ns to I he development uf class spirit rath· mak<'. He suid : " While l would like er Lhnn school spirit. Well, this pojnt to see the n•turn l)f the skull cnp might be argued to be true ; but f)r some 11thcr devh:c: which woulfl Lo;n'L It obvious that class spirit II tt•ll mcmlwrs of all dnsses who the the basic step for the obtention of Freshmen nrc, I am opposed to htLZ- something which is screater, school ing. Two nwthod::. thn.t 1 would sug· spirit? " ll is wilh this in mind that l gest for lnrpr11vlng ~he spirit here at Tt•ch arc : first, institute an ns.CI(!m· certainly advocate the re-instatement uly prc~ram or two meetings per of hilling." atlvocat~d

Chess Cluh Defeats Clat·k Players Worccster Tech's Chess Club has successfully met and defeated the Chess Club from Cltr.rk by winning M:ven out of nine IJottrds in the recent match here at Tech. The CluiJ, guided by Professor , W. F. ~1. Longwell, a past expert ul the game, has al the present nine members. These men, in the order ()r their standing, are: {I) Norman l\1 . Lourie; (2) William S. Dorman ; (3) Vaikunth C. Thaker ; (4) Matthew J. Achramowicz; (S) Robert S. l ,awrence ; (6) Vincent J. Harac· k iewicz; ( 7) George Crompton ; ( 8) Robert M. Lerner; and (9) Walter

A. Ske rs. The President of the Club, DfH'man, was the champ of his high school Chess Club, whne Acbramowicz was close behind him. T he Secretary, Haracklewlcz, and Cromp-t()n are ardent corre§J>Qndence chess fa.ns, each carrying on games with many people scattered over the slates. Thaker has brought many t.ales of games from India where the average game runs for abQut fifteen houri!. At the present time there are no more match~ scheduled, but it ill rumored that the Worcester Cheu Club may invite the top four men from Tech, Clark, Holy Cross and \Vorcesler Academy for a matcllthat would decide the champions of these colleges.

Pqe Four


April 29, 1947


ON AND OFF THE RECORD Stttden t Wives American htdustry Issues Call By JAC.l SAUNIER fror Tech TI~ained Engineers This week I'm going to square ings, tbaL omnipotent oracle of rudio Announce Ne'v away and level n blast at that 20th century wonder, radi~lhe unlvcrsal entertainment mcdium- Worces· ter radio, and radio in generaL F or a function commercially designed to reach and satjsfy the people as a whole it is doing a bad job. I'm talking particularly uboul lhe networks, and not so much about the small independent stations, wbkh with their less adequate facilities are doing a whale of a lot better job of catering to the public than t.he nets Why is it lhnt, if the nets are supp0$edly presenting what Lhe peopie want in entertainment, there were four million phonograph records sold over the counter last year? Why is it that today there are duzens of men across the country who get exec;ulive sa1aries for spinning rec· ords-some good ones, many bad ones-interspersed with some o( the m06t childish and banal chatter, on lhe small independent statioru., when ten years ago there wasn't a single one? The answer is obvious; it is be· cause the public wants music--they want good musk, and they are wilJ· ing to sit and listen through a lot of bad music and a lot of silly talk just to bear a little good music. In cities where there is a large enough group of cognoscenti to constitute a commercial market, n more or less serious record program of modern music can be successlul-wilnes~ Freddy Robbinli1 WOV, New York, progrnm from 6:30 to 9 p.m., in the most expensive (network ) time in radio A quick glance at lhe Hooper rat·

SkuU Tappin• e

(Continued from Pagl' t , Col. S) · rrom for lbe 1. ECH Nt<.WS . D'IC k IS Valley Streams, Long lsland. r.•r:-RN i JAMES Mc.U. AN- J m is al· so a trans rer student and has been f h ·h w1t us a year. lc as p1ayed on the Football team, Varsity Basketball, and is now on the Bn~b:LIJ team Jim has house privllel(es at . home town The ta K appa rh i. H lS .a.s Lake R onkon k omn, Long 1sIttn d • " R ed" htiS JOHN C • 1\IE •r Aor. ~ " • h' S h held of11Ces II\ ts op omore and Junior da..'IS, is Vice-Presidl'nt or his fraternity, a clelegnle to the (.F. Council, Secretary or the T£Cil N .EWS, 1·s on the Pt' ddtcr stu ff, l'u b • licity Manager or the Masque, Debating Club, and Interfrnternity . f . ' 'Th sports. H IS ratermty •S eta Kappa Phi ancl his home is in Por· chester' Boston. RO~ MOLTEN BREY- Ron is the Manaaing Editor of the '!'Feu <) .•,, ,,,·.,", NE"'S " and holds all oflit•'"' ~..

popularity. will "how why the net· work bigwig.-t or<' tearing th"ir hair ; the record sb ()ws, good and bad, on

the smttll staliuns are wa.lkilll( off with all the listener time. L0i1king at the situation in Wor:· ccster, which has long been kn"wn ~o musicians In gcncrul as on<· of the " squa.rc!>t" or undiscernin~ bi~ small to\\ ns in the country, it heems evident that records are what the people want . \VNEB1 a brand new small ind('I>Cndenl statitm. is cornering thl.' listell<'r-time and resultantly the commercial advertising audil•nct· in Worcester unrl the loc<d urea, In spit e nf the fact that our fair rity has local out lets for three of the fuur big nt~l '\l J\nfl this i~n 'L h(•c:au!>e WNE O is putting on such cut nil· fired l£'rrilic pr~r..tm schellul<' ritlter, - it's I)('Cau:.c il •~ !'illlt>ly doing bettrr than <lilY olh~r station in the area. T here's lul:.; of r\Xlm, t'Vt'rt in \Vurc<•ster, fur auothcr smnll st.nLion, unaffiliated with any nl'l. tn make a serious ciTurt at raising the sttmcla.rds of rndlo with rcspc•cl tu motlern music, and you're ~oing In sec ;uwthcr small ~tation in Wnr· cester very s11un. I r the lmy ... ciCtwn at \VNEB urr smurt, and I think lht'y u1·c, they'll retain a goorl ~!tar<• of tlt<'ir audience and make it prelty lmt~h for the newcomer. 1f the newcumer is smart, it will be putting on good homo~tJncnus recvrd shuw~. segregating the hill-billy fmm Lhe jazz, and the banal from the justly popular, and giving WNEU n ~tnud ru n for lheir numry. 1\ncl wiWre will the nets be? Out in the cult!. One might even !<tty. ''Sttlnc t·ultl dead with no market." is in Uclmar1 New York. CllARLRS R El llUG- Chu,·k has l.)(•cn elt>cted Pre!>ident uf Phi Si11ma ,.. Kappa. While al T ech ht' played FO(llhall ~wd parlicipalcd in ull of the Interfraternity sports. Hl11 honw town is Fairhaven, New j crsry.

R I('Hi\Rl) TR/\CY- Dick is Lhc l'resid<'nl o( Theta Kappa Phi, pre· vious ~ecretary of T !lc.:H NhwS, Ellltur-in-Chicf of the T F.cu I\t·:ws Ul present, ha:- written ftlr lh(' Prtl(llc•r, is in tht! Masque, and a mombe1· of the i\.S.C.E. fl i!l hnmr tuwn is Uxbridgt.•, Mass. Rl'SSELL T PR:"ER- R tL"S is a tmnsfer from {'l;urwk b Coll~gt!, llcr(' he partici•-..'lted in J .V. Baskt.'thall, .... Cross Country, and lnterfraternity sports. He is the President of the Outing Club, Ol('lllhcr of the Rific and Ski teams. IIi! i · :t memlwr nr Th(•!tt Chi rrntt•rnity and his honw is in North .\dum.~ . Mass. 1>0(' l'OR \\'ll.,'O:", tlw Ht•atl nf 11 tht' l 'ht>tniral E11·~net•rin ,., "' l>t'J)arl· mrnt, was tho F til'Ully lllt'tnlwr lt• fraternity. lie played Fooluall here bt' tappt•d nt this twemony. durinig his Freshman and Sopbomore years, and partakes in Interfraternity sports. His [raternity is Alpha Tau Omega and hi~ home town is Westfield, Mass. AL RAYMON D- AI is a mem!Jt>r lndu•trial S uppll.t of the Outina Clu'·, is 011 Tech Di•tributor• n ~ Council, 1\.S.C.E., and was an orticer l.awn and C.rden S uppll~• llardwa.rc, Toot.. Palnl, of his fra ternity. He has played Vl\rFireplau, Fanllahln•• sity Basketball and participated in 154-156 !\lain Street rnterfraternity sports. Al's (rnternity is Phi Sigma Kappa. H ill home Worcelller, ~lase.

~intt' 1hl'

A ·tivitie~ Barn Darwc awl Tf'a Among ocial EH·n t ~ ' claeflulf'd "'oon Uy MRS. IWllERT S II A W

Hcll!l (;ab! This is yuur \\',l'.I. Sllult>nt \\'ives' Club r~'ptJrtcr hringing yuu the news of lht• day. First on the new-. bul· IL•tin is the fncully 1ea t•• lx: givrn by the studrnl 1\iv~ fur tht> fnculty 11iu•.; on Sunday, ) lay 4, at 4 11 dvck in I he j anrL Enrlt> f<t~«1m . ;\I r~. l:l'urw' Barher (~ncia l Chairman), ,\I rs. Kcnrwth <'tl<)k. ~ f ro.; I l~·an .\ mldtm, ,\lr:.. Ilt1ruld Gut:rd, ~ l r!>. Raymund U. l'hancuf. Mr~. '\cal ('ox, ~I N. R uiU.'rl H Shu w, ,\1 rs. \V(·~It·y Ballard and ~ I ro.;, Mthu• Bun,., have IJt-1'11 husy plaunln.L( the mt•nu and arrnn,1dn~ rnH'rt aimnt•nt and dl'('Orution'l, \\' t• haw lwt•n fill· lunull' in nbtaining a lint· !-pcakt>r, .\lis." Eleanur Carvey. mcmlwr nf th(' -.taiT Hf the \\'orce'>tcr \ rt :\luM'urn. wh11 will ~iw 1111 illust rnt rd talk ttiJoUI l ~a rly Anwrican ~i l v rr. 'J'h,• pruft•:..'>ors l ht·m~t·lvl'S ami our own :.luclt•nl hu!'harul... are invitt·d 111 !>harl' ill till' refrt"<hntcnto; fetllr!wing tlw program. Stl if lhttt hu tl~ct dnl'~n 'l quilt• WVl'r a lurgl' ~u nday nwal Ill ing your mnu nJun~ nnd lill him up 11n Ihe ROll() hnme-m•ult' fo11cl. ·ow then, wt• hav(' tlittdt• muny plans for lh~· futu•·e whkh wl.''d lik~· you .til tu kel'P in 111i111l. On Friday, :\lay 16, hy Jl' ~wla r l"{'<fUt•sl, Wt· art• having a r!'Jil'.tl pt>rf••rma rlrt' nf a barn d:tnct'. 'l'rlulsp<H'l~tl.itllt will he (Jt'ovicll•d fur ,til tho!!<' rouph·., who h:1ven't car~. Tlw lllSI will bt• .tp· prn-<intutcly $1.50 per couplt•. 1'\nw whl'r<' else t·an you huvt• gn·~l rum· J'lllly, wcmdrt'flll I dn·~hmt•na .., ;uul :t nhthl of lxtU1 '(JU;trr ancl m~tdt•ru dunring fur a ft't' "fl suit.thlt• lu a nim·ty tlull,tr n 111\mlh lnulg(•t, ~~~ ll'l's all 1urn nut Hncl ma kt• 1hi<; n~ much fun a$ the la.~t tl:mn· was. Ev(•ryorw pl.mnin~ l•, .tttt•ntl tht• barn dunn•, whidt will Itt• lwltl at Stl•rlin~. will mwt at tlw parking lut l.wtwet•n lliJ.U.(in" untl \ldl•n i\ ll·mnriul al R 11.m. <m f riday ni~ht, !\lay t n. .\ rt' ynu 1iml of haking ~ '\n· ynu ft·d up with tryin14 "' lhink up 11<'1\ d t'S\l'I LS? H )'IIU are. tht•n why nul 1-111 lo llon HLrd, l'iumncr. nnd Putnum ·~ dt•partnwnt h-lllt'(• Snt urtlay morning, l\lay N. Jnd try tht• <:O()k· ill,llllf oth(•r \\'.1'. 1. \\i\'l.... \II lllc.'lll ht•rs uf tht• J.: luh nrc nwking their prit.r dl'liracit•s llntl :tr(• pullinfl tht•m up inr ";til'. Ilt•rt•'.: y11ur c:hum·t· to ~ct ·• ci\'Ji, iuu.: dt•'-'-..'rl nntl al'n hrlp IIlii 1111 tht• t''\IWil"t'" th.tt will ....,....... ' ' in " 1,.i II" . t lott•aJ.. rnrtsl 1\11111\'l itlH' 'tn Jut~·. s';. dnn't for).{t'l lht· frlllll salt'

enginc:ers than tbo:.e wbe do. \\'it h n•gltfd to the interviews, PrnfPs'ior Swan made the following ~UJZI.I'estions. •·Go into these inter· view-. with an open mind, and if in rluuiJt at ull , haw~ as many intervit'ws as you wish before making up your mind to any p:1rticular contern. After nnce having made a <hoke. then ha,·c no more interviews, bl.'cause that leads only to confusion in yr1u r own mind. Having accepted one offer. u l>t'Wnd may prove more prj •litablc .•tml this would cnu5e only reJ!rch for a ll concerned. In addition, after arcepting nn offer, furllwr intt.>n iew-, merely waste the time uf yc1ur fcllo\\ studcnls and the tlnw nf tl1c JX'N>nnel man. as well 11~ your own. It was (dso brou~ht Hill that these inlcrvicws ure goinl( nn all the lime. Comp01nies which arc :.t-ndin~ their reprc:.entnth•es to tlw sdu)(ll ..,hortly aFc: T he Vnit<'d ShOt- l\Juthinery Co., whkh is sending ~lr. Hl!m•on who wiJI be here from .\ pril lith throullh the llth ; Sylvania l~lettrir, which expects to hn v" n man here on April l8 ; Ameriwn Optical, which will have un inknte\\'l'r ht·rt· on the first of :\lay . \\ alhtCl' and l'icranan Cu., on April \Ot It, are itHcrcskd in o;alrs and srr· vitc cn~inc('rs; and Socnny Vacuum un ~lny 2. In addition to the above detinite dutt·s, we have tentative ngn•t•menb for interviews, but no spt'('ific dale!> agreed upun as yel, with I he folluwin){ conc('rnl' who e~­ flt'l l Ln 'i-.it lht> ram pus: Chance \ tlllghl \ trl'raft, \\ t'!ilinghou!le, luiNtltltional Hu ,.inc"~ i\lar hines, llarttk"C'hft·grr ( 'rtrporatittn, Great Northern 1\ tp<'r t'n•. Philcn l'ttrporation, and ,\ll is l'halmers. These in· duslril's shuw :t deflnilr interest in both ~t'niurs and alumni, and any htrtht•r infunnal irm that i~ required ru n lw nhtained from J)(';lll wan, in lht• Publir Rl•lation!l Oflite on the li1·..,a llonr in Hoynlon l'l~tll.

\\htch t:. mmin~ in tlw \'t'rY ne:~r fu lmtl. .\ St•win~ t'htb unde r lht• clim•tinn 11f ~ ' ""'· Raymond H. l'h01wuf nWt•t-. fill lht• ~··runt! Ttte:.day nr l'ach nwnth in thl' janl'l E.trlr Rnnm. Su if yuu haw '-nrk~ to darn. hahy thing~ to IIIHk<•, nr if yuu ju~l W{Ult In t:Jlk n11ttc• illnncr .. anti J'•1in u.,. .\Jr,, l'h,tttt'ur \\ill ~htl\1 ~IIIII(' lllll' 1rkk to '<'Witw, .. surh :t" makinrr... buttnnlwlt•:.. l'lr, ul ~·a c:h mt•etinJ.t. li any of ynu arc \\i\t•s whu httwn't ht:·cn In our rllt'"linu~ or ,·r ' ..,.. you .•n· '"'" ,, ivt•s \\ II• I haven't a~ yl't hwn in\'ltl'cl. may 1 t'lllCnd a \l'l.) '"rdbl lnvit.1tinn 111 .v11u l\1 J.. >in tlllr tluh \\t• Cll<'•'t lhr l.l'>l l'hurv I ( h rOt .L \\liiHirrful l :t} II l'\1'1} mont lt'tlt , ' til n 1 It 1 1 · 1 .tn l' in'r:lrmal ~~~~::: ,., "~~~~~<•l t~~frt~~.

nwnts aflt.>n\ !lrcl~. ~r ust or us come fron t lllll uf tnwn and lhis gives u-, all IL l'hance to meet others in \\'ort•e.;tt.•r ..tnd build up friencbh ir>"· It :tL!u gi\'to;, us a chann· to get tn lllt't'l the ~-tirb who arr living on the sanH' :.tric:l l>tHI!(el, hnw the snme ap.lllln('lll dlfticultil'!> und 1hc samt' ~ript•. a,; we. o if you want to have a ~•1od tinw IIlli wilh the girl'> once a mcmth thl'll do come to our next IIW<'I in g. on Thur.sde~y, l\1 ny 29.

r--------------. ;:===========================~

Elwood Adruns, Inc.

. 1-.·... T

Jay s




Postal tation

15 I



fl rsl of the yclir, vari11us wncern!lt have twcn ~end· in~ pcrstmn(·l nwn to \Vurt.t•sler Tech it1r lhl.' spedtit. purpose nf <•Utainlng tr:Jim•tl nwu fur tm~ineering !)Ositions in their n.-srx·<.:the companie:.. It i~ 11f pl'inw intl'r('St to the St:niors that I lwy lakt· ttd\'UiltUI(e of l hi~ nppor· I unity tu J<{'l juln.. Let.'ttU<oc the:.e men rt•prc·~nt th(' l~t•,t t.unu•rn in the 1 uuntry. On the nv('ragt-. thl'st• t:•llltpunil'' dt~ uut pay partkularly hi14h ...alnri~·~. u,uall} :.lilrtiJtg about 50 dnl· l.tr~ a \\t>t'k. fl oi\C\'l'r, the'-t! low ~till' t ing s:tlnrit·s arc a ptmr indicati1111 •1f tht' \'Oiht<· uf these pu~itions, lle· 1 .tu ~c nfu•r wry -.lmrt pt.·rind" nf employmc·rH 1ht• ilttrt'lN'-' in wu~t:' lwtnrtw IIJII"I'tiuult·. Tht·M' r:~isl':\ rcmlt' in 'ilntt• l'Hitt•rns aftt·r a!\ ,.hort .1 1inw as lhrn• lttllnlhs, ltnd u'ually .til nf till' WllliMni<·~ offt•r 'llltlC ~nrt ,r :r Irain in~ program whit h is nf it It''> Iitttablt· v:llttt• tn int'\prricnrcd nwn. Tht'•l· 1rainin14 ruur.,l',; run nnywlwrc f111111 thrre mnnth<; tu 1h n•t· yc·ur.,, IIP!Iitlts tltt• t 'Ontpanit·~ o.;cncliug llll'll, u l ar~t· II lilt IIlilt nf p111li l<!UI\' liler,tlttrl' ahuut 'licnlilir llllll<'rns ran I"' rnuull hy th•.tSt' intt•rt•,Mtl. in till' l'uhlit Rt•lnlillt1'! Oftin:. !'his is of the higlwsl illl(k>rlann·: many n•mpanil':\ lh.tt du not st•ncl tnt'll to t lw ~~ huul dn :;end n•ry t•:-.tc•nsiw lite• ature, l'utlslsl ing uf h•ltt·r:~, bnok l<•ts, pla tl'l of study, in:-.ura nct' and n·tln•ntl·nL plans. Thi~ dt>o;triptiv(· lllot!t•t ial wver.. " rnultitUtlt• nf suh j ...,, .. , two nf whil'll ar~· lht· lypc:l nr t·n;titu•t•rs t ht· t·••urt•t·ns wn tl t. and 1ht· prutlutts tht.•y nwnufal'lun· In a ~n·al numlx•r or tnSI'!> tht• applic.ttinn furms an• ulso cnchiSt'd with thc olht•t rnatt•rinl. 'l'lwsr can Ill' filled 11111 ,tnd H'lll in if futther r·orn•'-pond l'llt t' ., dt•,it eel l'he fart 1h~u !'umt• t IIUI(I:tllit" litl nut ('OtJ })t'fSOnnt•l 1111'11 I11 t ht• 'i~ ltuol clot''< nut 111t'<ll1 I h,tl t ht•y art• It''-' htlt•rcMt'd in ob· indu~trial

III C lll~\~0


S' ntEF.T






ll tUU>IInf' e m enL l'rof''''"r tuul ~ lml~>nl 11, , bnnd•

You arc lllr<lially hwit<'d to join yuur \\·iv(•s at 5.30 to share the refr<',hmrnL... ft~llt>\1 ing th" "r•~arat·lt ... t ' . I'.....f hu lll·•· (ea wh'll h WI'II ··~ ~.~<: "Wen or t c "' faeully wiv<'s by the ~ludt'nt wive.~ on Sunday, :\l:ty -1.

;:============~ The u' I'I'Ugc 04(t• \ t'lf•runli tfOing to

o£ a11 school lllltlr r tl uo !'t>n iec· m rn's R f'· ntljn:<tuwnt A•·l ( G. I. Bill ) on U t•t·Nn h.·r :i I. 1946 ~'ttl' 25 ~ t'tu'll, hut tuh UIU'f~tl yeur11 anti "ur "'-IWrle tu•t> a r e no har8 to uut'~lundinJr :ic•holastit• rt"C'ordi!.. UI'C'o rtling to the \'e ter:tn!l \tim ini~<~ lrat iun.


Opening Baseball Gam e To m orr01o at 3:00 P.M. Against T rinity ,\ prll 29, 19"7


For the pasl few weeks varsity sports here at Tech )lave virtually been at a standstill with the result that Intramural competition has basked in the Jimelif(ht. This week aJI the varsity teams swing into action nnd Intra· muraJ sports will be forced to shnrc the headlines.

must take the softball title, but PSK nnd PE must finish .lnst and m-xt All uthcr houses rtre now mathenmtically eliminntt•d fmm the trophy race. Theta Kap pro\·ed to be the ~nson' big dis;appointment. Winners of the trvphy last year, TKJl ncvrr wnl• a serious contetldc>r tbi~ year ~tnd con::.cqucntly must forfeit the prized plaque. Lnmbda Chi, by not enterirw" a team in the swimming meet, lost nn easy thirty ,tv~inL'i and thus eliminat(•tl it self frum any l>tiSSibility ·•f ftn ishin", ... v in the lop five. For those un familiar with the r ules go, •trninK Intra mural pl11y, h('r c is how the 8f 8tcm work11• .Eurh house is a uto m tttlc·ully tclvcn thirty p oints for e nte r ing ~ 1 ••nn. In the minor tltH>r lil ( lH)wling and lc nni8) the ce llar lc:um g etJI the m inimum o r thirty Jmi nlfl. unci the \\inn ing house ~Nil the m ux imum of th irty-t!i,rht . Mujc•r 11purt11, llUCh 8 8 ao ftholl, outdoor ancl ind oor truck , h uskcthull, unci I!Wiltl· m ing, hrina fo rty-Hix t•oi ntt~ t.o th.- t•ha mps, fo rty-fo u r to the anti e tc. TIIU!j it ill imawroliv.- tha t cudt hou!Wl f' nlt'rll r unrwr -up, . i a lcurn an ever y sp ort o nrc 1.-r to stny 1n I 1te nmn 1ng.

w lnst re<;peclivt>ly.


\\'hen the houses are competing in buskctball, for example, 110 one holtl· ing a varsity ''W'' in basketball ls allowed to compelc. l n addition no one who survivefl the last baskrtball cut Is eligible, nor are graduate students or hou ~ privileges men. Thc;;e in brief are the rule- nutl the scorin~ system for rntramural Sports. Thl' c;et-up gi\'(:S C\•ery fra ternity nn cqunl chance, and it ~tlvc:.. everyone •tn llPIX)I'lunity for a littJe " healthful re<:reation''. The· comJ•Ie tf' t~t a ndiog of the hou~WB cu r r e ntly ill u11 follows: F rtderruly Tot11l Po inu l'hi S igm a Kappo ........................................... .. ....... 24-5 Slgmn Phi Epsilon ........................... .... ................... 242 P hi Gommu Delta .. ... .. ............................................. 229 The•ht Chi ..................... ..... .......................... ........... 2 1(• Tbr tu Ko..,pa PW ........................................ .. ......... 2 H ' i~ mu Alpha E~ ilon ............................................. . 2 11 Alphu Tau Om(' o ................................................. . 2 11 8 AIJ•hu Epsilon PI .................................................... 199 Lamhcla Chi Alp ha ................................. ................. 1;)7

~===========::;-~:::::::=::==========:; I' AUI. . DUIJONG


Re pre•enllna '"•

Ex.,crl 'f cnnis Re11tringing Do n e on Premi&ee 24 Ho ur .-rvice BANCRO FT RACKETS TENNI . llALL - ItAT S ' IIOES - COVER ' OCKS PHF.SSES -


289 MAIN T.-Cor. Exdaan5e St.



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C"'tom Made Suit• R eady Malle Clo thing Slack• • StCJeaters • Shiru 330 MAIN STREET Centr11l fJ ulldln•

Red Sox

of 1947?

Campllell Leads SPE to Victory In Track Meet


The nnly olher lwu~e wiLh even nn outside possibility of winninl( the LUP Is PGD. and in order for Phi Gnm l o come out on lop, they not only

t/1 ~



Highlighting the I. F. Athletic Trophy r ac:e lau.s he Nt the r lost• bulllc hetwcen P hi igm a Kopa'a mul Si~na P h i E1, 8 ilon for tlw cuf•· Curre n tly Phi ig is lcacllng ' ig Ep by tbe slim mo r~l n o f 2 ~5 po.inl8 to 242. W ith only softba ll r emaJniog t 1-, he pluyed , thitt l'orncr is going o ut o n tJ•e proverbial lim h und pretlic tlu~ th ut Phi ~ ig will no.ae out I'~ for tlw tro phy. In ordf'r for ig F.p to overtake P SK they m u~tt place two IH•sit ion~ hi~thc>r tha n PSK In th.- so ftball i~l o ndinft, ~ lwrt'llil p K """ still \\ in ('\'(•n if tht•y f'ini 11h o np spot lower than I'E.

Jf'J.at's TProng with

P K Finish es Second On Brillinnt Showing Of Rt>hrig Last week S'PB, paced by C<tmphell, took the interfraternity track mt-et by two and one-hal( !>Oints. T he cumpetitiun was close all the wny ns can l>e seen by looking al the stnndlngs or the \'arious team.'! . They were as follows: The high point getter or lhc mccl was Cnmpbell of SPE who accumu· lalcd a totnl of 13 points. Tied for secnnd place in this department wn.s Rehrig of PSK nnd T idball of PGD who cnme ou t with elevt"n points each. Holby of PG D ranked t hird with a total o f len points. Th e details of the events were as fnllllws: CARR VI C Til E IHWES O F TECII fo r thill yc>u r't~ ha!M'holl l 00 yard d ash : Roberts (T C) ; I' Williams ( PSK.) i Besselicvre (SPF:); 1 1 r I tWaso n nre I lt'8e• t•llt•r nlt'n o o rnwr t'll"'l'" 1g n11. to ltom rowr ( I• 1o r . ) : sh ' ' ' t' l letc• · 1a, f'arlit 11«1111; tuu1 r..uy Nlc•1ao 1f:!, r utc-ht•r . C'lark (PSK). Time: 10.8 seconds. 220 yttrd dash: Williams (PSK) i Se<·oncJ rtJ'\\ : Hurry 1\lodum ( wlau hus ilhtt•c• t (UII tlw squud ); AI llaflgoud, l•itc•lat>r l o nd Bill t.:orl11on, !!horll!to l•· Ahtti•nl when the RoiJerts (TC); Clark ( PSK ) i HIWl 24 p iNurt• ~ u~~ tuk(•n ~ &Ill Duh Curlt~ou, rwt•cmcl hu~&c•. (TKP). Time: seconds. 440 yard clash: Rehrig (PSK); Brenn:tn (T KP): From (SPF.) ; ~ p llri«.>rly ( JISK) · Time: SS second!!. r<"paa· "S to cet sso yu.rd ru n: Campbell (Sl'E) I Reh rlft ( PSK ); Woodma n (LCA) i Weikmn.n (PGD). T ime: 2 minutes, h k f. f lt>r I rce wrt· s o tnl cnse iotrn· 17.8 seconds. The Sophomores won ru1 easy v'ic· 114llll(1 praclice, (' tll&c11 St • RAA h a.~ cut Mile run : Holby (PGD j; Orechtnry over the Freshmen in Alumni his larl(e numbe1· of Lcnnis candidates sci (PGD); llrown (P SK ) i Turner p <!91 on 'l'hurstl ny oftcrrll'IOn. 0 lsl.m flown tn nine mcu• Coach ·. Sta~g ·se• ('l'C' ) . rr 1me: 5 min., 14 sees. und Kahn lrd thl' wny. Io:ach of lecLcd his nwn from persona.! games Tw<>-mlle run : Holby (PCO); them scorer! tO polnt1, and also with the men in wh1ch he put his llruno (TC): Drechsel (PCD); swam on the winning relny team fM chnrRes through their paces. Hin· Petrillo (TKJl). Time: ll min., lhc 'or)h'l. Oi( k Ol!lnn won the 100 dcrctl orRinnlly by the poor condition 26.5 sees. ynrd frec-~tylr anclthe 60 ynnl free· of the clay courts, Cunch StagR, lilgh hurd les: Tidball ( POD) , ~lyle. Krthn wns \'irtorinus in the nevertlwlrss, mrtnrlgrtl lo g«.>t a cl06e Campbell (S PE); Howie { PSK) ; I00 yard lwca..~lstmk<' and the 220 loilk a t nil the candidates. Doc Car- Story (I'SK). Time: 18.5 sees. yard free-style. Howe uf thr Sopho· J)enter has mrumswd to get the d ay Low hurd les: Tidball (POD) ; more clns., wvn the divin~ ('VCI\ 1 in c.nurts inth ~t)()(l cnnclition and tllc Dulong (l'S K); Bouvier (PSK) ; as fa ncy a style tL'I on the previous lll)y:i :tre ra pidly rounding 'into play· Mullaney (TK P). Time: 30 seC!!. duy whe!n he wun the same rvent irlg lrim. llil(h jump: Campbell (SP~); in the Intramural Competition. Thr prc'!enl 5CJUncl, rnnsisting of Sherman (SAE); Barna (TKI'); ummary nr re.. ull!\: :wch holdovers as Dember, Bressaclt, j ones (SI'Io;). H eight: 5 ft. 7 in. 120 yd. medley relay won by and Green, plus the added talents of Pole vault: Piper (TX) i Besse· Freshmen ( Bowen, R(,!Jt>rtson, J)ad- Hopkins, Horton, Jllqhburn, Fergu- lievre (SPE ); Williams (l£A) ; getl ). T ime: I :32.8. S!m, Slrogoff, and Fishman, looks as DeWire (TC). Height: 11 ft . 220 ycl. frel'-slyle won by Ka hn, thQugh it will do all right in compe· Broad jump: Barna {T KP); Reb· S; 2nd, Urown, F ; 3rd, Roberts, S. tition. Al pr('!Cnl Oember, Bres- rig ( P'SK); Besselievre (SP£ ); Time : 2:45.8. sack, and Green look like the cream 1'icJball (PCD). Distance : 19 ft . 60 yd. fr<'C'·SIylr won by Olson, of the m!p, bul thoy are being given 5:J4 ln. S; 2nd. Wenning, S; J rrl, Adorns, F. plenty of competition by the rest Shotpul: Norris (SP E) ; Carpen· f)f lhc mruacl. ter (SPio;) ; Ventres (TKP) ; MadT ime: 34.4. Diving- w()n by Jl(>we, !-i. The boys are a ll IO!>king forward wed {AEP) . Distance: 36 ft . 8 in. JOO yd. frce-~tyle won by Ols1m, to their first re<ll test against .Brown DI!Cus throw: Madwed (AEP); 100 ycJ. batbtmke- won by Bow- this Saturday, Mny 3, at home. Adams (S PE); Marvin (SPE); en, F ; 2nd. Rohcrtc;un, F ; 3rd, LA•ttermen llre'IS!lck, Dember, and Wo tton (TKP). Distance: 108 ft . Howe, S. Green arc expected to shoulder rnosl 1 ~ in. 100 yd. ureast!ilrukc - won by of the hurdcn for the Tech men. The results of this meet look very good. Coach Sanella should obtain Kahn, S; Znd, l>insrnflrc, . , 3 rd, Padgett, 1'. Time: I : 29.4. some promising material from these fmtcrnlly t.eums. It is hoped that all L60 yd. n:l~y-won by Sophmores these men who have made points for (Olson, Roberts, Kahn, Wenning). 397 Main Street Final score: the ir respective fraternities will come ( Opp. WARE PRATT CO.) out for the track team and try to Sophomores, 41; Freshmen, 21. r..t~plwne 3-9111 get points (or their school. r am sure that we will have a very The TECH PHARMACY WORCEST ER, MASS. formidable track team if only the Tl•e Beat Conage• Sol rtarowlu, W.PJ. "21 fra ternity men would show as mucb enthusiaam in varsity track as they in TotfJn Cor. Faa an.d H111alan.d 51.. do In interfrate rnity track.

SwimJnina Meet Tech T e nnis T eam M Caplttred l•y Brown U• " Saturday Sop)tomores \(

;: =============:: : Young Vets Florist


Baseball Team to Oppose Trinity In Season's Ope11er Wednesday Tech Nine Impressive Jn Practice T ilt With Botwinik Broth erto~

H ave Your Watch Repaired e e e

•Phi Gaunua Captures

On Wednesday, .'\prit 30. the Tech baseball team will open its 1947 season against Trinity Coll~e of Hartford on the Alumni Field din· mood at 3:00 P.M. Although this will be the ftr!lt start of the cam· paign for Coach McNulty's chllrges it comes just about in the middle of Trinity's schedule. The Hartford club has played ten games, startin~ wilh a southern trip during their spring vacation. On the trip north they met such schools as Washington and Lee, North Carolina, Rutgers, Army and Yale. Last Saturday Trinity ended a five game losing streak, which {ncluded a 1·0 ten inn· ing defeat by Yale, by overcoming Bowdoin 4- 1 in Hartford. Scully pitched seven hit ball for the winners and he and left fielder Faber were the leading hillers wilh a double and a single each for three times at bat.

Last Saturday the Tech nine l<Kl a (>ractice game to Bolwinik Bmth· ers, a local Industrial League team by a 7-4 oount. T he 'l'echmen turned In a creditable performance against an older, more experienced nine. The fielding was a little loose, due perhaps, both to lack o( experi· ence and the cold weather, but the squad really seems to be roundin~ into shape. Coach McNulty has been emphasizing hustle and heads-up ball playing and the results of this are beginning to show. On the bn.c;epaths Saturday the team looked like the Dodgers or Cardinals with their bunting and double steals. Southpaw Bob Mark hurled the first four inn· logs for Tech and was very effecth•e. He gave up only three hits durin~ the time he was in the game and struck out three of the vistors. Red Shattuck toiled in the next three frames for the "Mac-men" and Chapin, who had served as ball and strike umpire up unlit then, came In for the eighth and ninth. Steve Ueich and j ohn George each gm two singles In three time.ct 111 the plate while Jim O'Regan with n dou· ble and a single in four trip:; got the only extra base wallop. Short· sti>P .May and utility man jenkins nlso carne through with singles.

IF Swilnnting Ct·own In Tl1rilling Ma tch Bob


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150 Frll!monl Stret'l. Worcetter



Th e Heffernan Press



P rlnte.ra 14> B o lla Stude"•• } o.nd Fawlly / o r ' or1y Collere Publication•

"All T h at ' " " Name l mplle•'' NF.X'f TO P LVI\I OUTU TOEATER

Sweeping four firsts in the seven events PGD won the fn tramural swimming meet. Paced hy Bob Pettersen, the well-ba.lnnced team had lilUe !rouble in kccpin~ out in fronl throughout the entire competition. In the qualifications held on Tues· day, Bob brokr his old recnrd of 20.4 seconds for the 40 yard free· style which he set in '40. The new record is n<>w at 20.0 seconds. Bill Ritchie, PSK, also entered the " Hall of Fame" by kttilcklng off a. few tenths of a second rrom the old rec· ord for lhe 100 yard breaststroke. He swam this Rrind in one minute and 16.1 seconds. l'GD's Howe gave u fine exhibi· Uon of diving and easily won the event with 20.2 points for his three dives. The backstroke event wa.<: won by Robertson with a time of one minute and 24.2 seconds. Hunter was lhe high scorer for the runner-up PSK learn. He won the 220 yard free-style and placed third in the 100 yard free-style. The 40 yard free·style [(ave the judges the worst headache. The race was close all the way, and finally ended in a tie bet ween Petersen and Brumback, both of POD . PGD scored 30 points tc> win, PSK wns second with 23 p(lints, SAE scored 11 to place third, SPE Wits in fourth place with 6 points by virtue of their third in the relay :miJ the second taken by Adams in the back· stroke. ATO's only )>Oint mnkt•r was Whitaker who cnmc in third in the 220 yard free-style. AEP, LCA, T KP, and TC did not score. Summury of n.'!! Uih~ 160 yd. relay- Won by PCD (Peterson, M urthn, Holby, Brurn· back); 2nd, T'SK ; 3nl, SI'E ; 41h, Si\K Time: I :2S.H. Diving- Won by Howe, l'CD, 20.2; 2nd, Hall , PSK, 15.5; 3rd. .Murtha, PGD, 13.7. 40 yd. free·stylc- Ti~ between .Hrumbnck and Peterson, buth of PGO ; Jrd, Amidon, P!-iK. Timt.':


Pitchers will be announced at Rame time. 2 1.0.

Worcester Telegram

• The Evening Gazette

• Sunday Telegram

Radio Station WT AG

100 yd. bnckstrokr· Won by Robert."'n, SAE ; 2nd, Adams, SPE; 3rd, .Heaudry, AI::. Time : 1:24 .2. 220 yd. frce·$tyll' Won by Hun· ter, PSK ; 2nd, Logan. PSK ; 3rd. Whitaker. ATO. Time : 3:01.8. 100 yd. breaststroke- Won by Ritchie, PSK ; 2nd, H olby, PGD ; 3rd, Hcbditch, St\E. Timr : t : l b.l. 100 yd. free-style-Won by Peter· son, PGU ; 2nd, Wenning, SAJ.:; Jrd, Hunter, PSK. Time : 1: 7.Q. Labricatloa and Ballt!'7 S«nlce

F arnnDortll' 1 Texaco Service Stalion Cor. W.hlaad 4 Cowldla• S...







PRITCHARD SUCCEEDS COACH STAGG Head Coach Paul Stagg Resigns To Accept Position at Pacific To Become Director p F Of Athletics at rospects or U. of Pacific Track Look Tn a surprise announcement by Hopeful :\ dmiral \Vat Tyler Cluverius, the resignation of l'aul 'tagg, football, b:t ·ketball. and tennis coach wns made public las t week-end. The nnnuuntement came ttl! a surprise to the majority of the student body und to most of the local ~ports fans, although it had been known Cor quite some time. The resignation becomes effective June 30, and until then, Stagg will remain in his ca· pad ty as tennis coach and physical education instructor. He has resignt•d in order to accept a position as director of athletics and head football and baseball coach at Pacific 'nivershy in Forest Grove, Ore. He will assume his new duties in September, and in accept· ing the new position, he said, ·'This pusldon at Pacific University is just what 1 have been aiming for. l have been anxious to combine administrll· live work with teaching and l shall have just such an opportunity in my new position. " Pacific University has a major in teacher-training and L shnJI become a purl of that department as well as work as director of athletics and coach of football and baseball. J am taking a position which will give me both more money and more re:~ponsibilities,·• he ~on tinu ed. In n speciul message to the Tech student body, he stated, " Although I regr6l leaving the manY. line men of Te(.h, 1 am going on to a job where I will have more responsibility. I want to thank the student body for the supp(')rt they have Riven the teams during the si:< years l have been here. and I t hank all the players for their whole • hearted co-operation. With your continuf'd support to the new conch, I feel sure that the tran iLion period which we have been J(oing through will IJe of short dura· lion , and T ech can look forward ttl a bright future athletically. Best of luck to a II of you I .. Pacific University is situated not far from Portland, Oregon. ll is B lO·educationaJ in!!tit~tion Of SOme 700 students and is a ffiliated with the Congregational Church. ft is n membtr of the Pacific ~onhwesl Conference. tagg recently received his doctor· ate of philosophy from New York t:niversity. He was graduated from the University or Chicago with a bachelor of science degree in IQ32, (,Co,ti,ued Ofl Otltrr Side)

- Base ball Candidates •KiJtgstoJI Higlt Coacl1 to Assume Show Prontise As New Duties Here In September Pr·acticc Starts • Ex Tech Mentor Is

U.ptain Wltitf>, Brown, DeLoid, Howe, Hastings Uack from la8l Yelll'

Going into the M!cond week or track we lind many condidutes still glvin~ their best. There are very few lettermen av:~i iJble, but Coach nnt'lla expects a pretty good season. In the dashes Brennen and Hambor look impressive. Other up and coming prospects for this event are Sur· kees, IJeLoid, Willlnlils, Orange and Uesselievre. Trying out for the quarter mile are, Hastlnl(s from last year' squad, jaegle. n big fellow with u big stride nnd ~luthiah . On lhe une· hul f mile and the mile wt have an experienced letterman in Dave Hrown and also a hopeful In ''Hank" Brown, the former 's brother. For the long run, the two mile, utples, ' ilver, and HoiiJy are ex· puled to do good. For the hurdlt'S there is one of the best in ''Mac" Whitf', a former leuermun. Charley Tidball, a freshman, also Is expected tfl make a good showing in the hurdles thi senson. ;\Iovin!( over the hi(!h jump we have Howe, UeLoid, Oarna and Jor· dan. While we are in the air we'll look across the tield anrl see huw the pole-vuultinr< ill comin~ot nlon~. The canc.Jidates for this spc:cially :are Williams, Smith , Howe, Jordan. DeWire will also lX' a candidate for pole· vaulting if a bamboo pole is pur· chr1sed. At rhe broad jump Harnn, Uel.oid, and julian are spanning some good dlstan c~ for so early In the season. Throwing the javelin we have some promi ing men in Wotton, Howe, Adams and Horg. All of these btays look very good and we mn expeel a l(reat deal from them. For the weights, namely tbe shot and the discus, there nrc some good pn,specll!. Throwing the shot are Adams, ~fadwed , Car1len1er, Borg, and R ilcy. Borg looks impressivf' and with constant practice he should come.> Lluse w forLy·live feet. With the C'<l'Cption or Rilry all of these men are throwing the discus. ~lany or these men ore training f~;r the interfraternity meet on April 24, and 25th. h is hoped thnt all of these men will be OUl there after the Interfraternity meet. If anyone has any specialty and wishes to par· ticipate in the interfraternity meet he should get down to the field and get some advice from Coach Sanella.

Bill Carlson, i(• bol s~ Bob f.u rlson, unci Uci••h Re turning Lc•llt>rme>u

By JACK 1\tllLLANi;;Y ,\lthnuKh over~h:ult•wt•d morp than .,nrnewhat by other. m,,rc momentou:; nt•ws, the Tech baseball ll':tm Is cun· tinuinj( "ith its rt'Rulur wurkl)Uts uruler the direction uf Cnach Charlie ~ t eNuity. The squad ll~ts ht•en out · donrs fur a wt't'k now and quite a few likely l1x1king pro ()(!Cts have !shown up. This year's turn out uf 4 7 u~plntnt s was n rt"<'ord Cor Tech bull team~. :Inti " l\luc'' hus ellprc~st'd himself us being very wdl sntblled with the squad's hustle and enthu:.iu<~m. On Wt:dnt:'ldny the gruunds «.: rew h::ui tht" tliamund in l(llud l'nough ~hapt to '"e for the lir:.l time, so hattin14 pructicc h:as lwf'n lll!IVC(I in fr(lm lcfl raelcl lO the re)(ular bauer's box.

To date, the workouts hnve con· sisted uf batting practice and fungo chasing. . everw nf the candidates haw lx.>en doing right well with the willow, m?k!ng it look u~ If WPI ~ill huve u luttan,~< tenrn lhas year. l· or many nf the men thl11 is the fir~t h:L...,•ball In two or thr~ years, but the nld balling eyc>s ~rm tt1 lX' com· ing back nnd things really look hope· rul for 11 ehange in the athletit fortunes ht•re on R!)ynton Hill. ,\ lc,st uf the vctcrulll! rrorn past year'!> MJUads are hitting well and also !>t:Verul of the newcomer.. to the Tech diamond have been IJelllng the apple regularly. Steve Ul'lch, ftrst baseman on lnsl year's team and Bill Carlson. ~ortstop cm the 1943 nlne, huvt> both been gelling their share 1Jf well placed hits. Guy Nkhols who wru. CIHcbc-r and C3Jltain-elect at Tech in 1943, and played varsity bull at Cornell while in the Marine detachment there, has really been powdering the ball . Guy seems w thrive un a steady di<>t uf line drives, and hlo; liners have Leen t•mong the hardest hit balls seen at practice this ~pring. Third-unsemnn j ohn George, shortstop cnndidate Paul ~lay and tocky outlieltlt>r Hal Schmucki nre amon~ the outstanding hillers rJC the newconaerl!. Coach )1c~ulty has ru1 intensive training program planned between now and _.\pril 30. when the Tech team faces Trinity in lhe season's opener. Several inlersquad games will be necessary before a starting lineup nnd batting order con be decided upon.

Tech Mariners Ope11 Season Today in R.I.

Complet.- in }Jentagonal Meet at Provitleuce SJ,ousored by J.Y.R.A. Terh'11 lnndlockl'Ci mariners will get their 11nst charwe of Lhe seuson to cumpt•tc with yachtsman from other rollcl(e-. tnday, when, starting aL nine this morning they will cornr>ete in the PentaJ(Onal rrgntt.u at Provi· d~ncc-. The Brown suilin~ dub is tho host. team at this event, which Is SptHISUrcd by the Intercollegiate Yuchl Rudnl( Assodutilm. Schools enkred in thh. meet are Rhode lslund Statt.', Holy Cros.,, HO!iton Univcr~ily , Brown nnd Worcester Tech. The fullowin~ men will rnce under the pennants of the Tech Nuutlcal (.'lub: C.:rt•w I : j . Beckwith :uau R. Haywood ; Crew 2: K. Berg. wen und W. Underwood ; Crew 3: W. Hl'Ckwith and D. McQuillen ; Alternates: L. Reynolds, (), Hrum· back nnd R. Padgett. This race Is one or a serits In which Tc•!'h Yachtsmen will sail this !!prinl(. On the 19th llnd 20th, they will purtidpuh! in the HeplagC>nal ReJ.Iat ta to IJe hc!ld on the hallow''Ci prcmlst-S of the Harvard Yacht Club. The dub has been functioning very

or late nnd their principle need at present is new boal!l. T hey have ulltained the use ol the Rotary Club boathouse on Lndlun Lake and the dub's single bout i:~ now being uvcrhuuled . 1\nyone who knows the whcreallouls of a boat which they could usc, woulc.J be doing the club a great (uvor by contuctlng C.:orn· mvdore Bob Miller or Secretary Dan uclivt~ly

~lc:Qulllen .

New Ma11agers


Signed to Returu In Surprise Move The Athletic Department today announct'cl the signing oJ Robert W. Pritrhurd ns n successor to Paul Stagg, whose resignation was an· nuunccd last Sunday. Mr. Pritchard, who wus on the couching stuff here in 194 1·42 will come here In the cupadty of head coach of football and ii.S. istunt coach of baseball. Coach Pritchard is now Athletic DIrector und head football coach at Kingston HIJ<h School, Kin8Slon, Pn. Last fnll his team hod an undefeated season, scoring 267 points to its opponents' 49, and emerg~ as champion!\ of the Wyoming Valley Conference. Cuach l~rllchtud, who ill 34 years old, was graduated with an A.B. from Susquehanna University In 1936, and received his Masters from Penn. State ln 1940. His coaching career has been varied. He coached at Btrwick, Pa., High School in 193o and '37 and wu line coach, and freshman basketball and base· ball eooch at hli Alma Mater, Sua· quehanna. U. from 1937 to 1940. 1'ht 1940 Susquehanna team was Un· deft'llle!l UIHI captured the mylhlcal Pennsylvnnia small colltge cham· ploMhip.

In 1941 Cooch Pritchard tftme to Worcester Tech as line coach of foo!.ball, j .V. IJasketball coach and Var· sity Baseball coach. In 1942 he resigned to enter the service, where he serv~ as a lieutenant in char,e of physical training fn!lructlon for Army aviation cadets In Texas, A~­ bama and Mlssl~ippi. At the time of his discharge Coach Pritchard wu slated to help coach the Mowell Field, Alabama football team and to do the team's scouting. He was die· charged in September, 1945, and signed immediately with Kingston High.

Coach Pritchard favorJJ the "T" formation and the "A" formation 'l'he athletic department has just used by Steve Owen's New York annnunced the names of the manGiants of the National Pro Leafcue. al{rrs for the beason's varsity teams. What system he uses next fall, will Allan Glazer .wm manage the ~- derend upon the material available. uall. team, wath Ouo Kern us has cooc h 1,ra't <: hard uses a Iran I Ing tilm ass&~lunt manager. AI Riley Is man- . hi d d Ill h • h agcr uf the track team and j im afn 5 • a11Yh (r s s owmg 1 e two . C orma1aons e avors. A ·'unrm •'" assaslant. ompets from the freshman and sophomore classes r==Th=---e-T-ec--=h=N=e=w=e=S;;Id~=w=lahee=:::; are needed in both these spe>rts. to expreee Ita lhanke to the Any men who are interested In being admlnletratlon for ita coopermanagers and assistants In their atlon In maklq tha. extra junior and senior years should re· port til Doc Carpenter this week. leeue poeelble.


SPANNING THE SPORTS By BILL J ULIAN Interfraternity BueketbuJI 18 now a thing of the paet and A£ an huk in IU Jaurel8 until next IINAIOD when all the bouJU will he! 1trfvill8 to dethrone the lg Alpha quintet. With no " maJice aforethought" the sports starr has endeavored to select lhe All-Star All-Fraternity first and second teams. The players were not selected on their scoring ability alone, but also by their defensive play, team play, leadership, and sportsmanship. On this basis, the selection o( the All-Fraternity squad '" as follows: Flrll Team Lo111111ulr, PSK Fo rward Be~tellevre, SPE Forward Schmuekl, SAE Center Barhac-cla, TKP (;uurd Carleon, ATO Guard Second Team Hopldn1, SAE Forward Green, AEP Forward Re hrig, PSK Center Thomu, LCA Guard Mureino, TX Guard Bill Longmuir and Freddy Besselievre certainly would make ideal forwards on any club. Bestdes being deadly shots, they both are clever ball h.wdlers and excellent ball hawks. They finished first and sev~nth respectively in the "SCOring rae~, but more important than this was the fact that as Langmuir lllld Bessellevre went, so went their teams. To l ongmuir goes also the honor or captain, for be was lhe unanimous choice of the sports staff, and was judged the league 's outstanding player. Schmucki played consistently outstanding ball, scorin~ consistenlly and setting up many plnys. AI-

though center is not his usual position, HaJ is the type of ball player who can fit in well at any spot and would have no trouble handling the bucket position. In Carlson and Barbnccia we have

two outstanding playmakers and team men. Although small in statute, both are very capable under the backboards, and can really pass the ball around. As a unit, the team lacks any semblance o£ height, tis true, but its speed to burn and ummwork 1 roupled wilh the fact that every player ic; a definite scoring threat, makes this All-. Lar ("Jub a hard team to betll. The t·hoice of selec tion11 wus so close thut th.- l!eccmcl tcum would undoubtedly give the fir111 a te rrific hattJe for SUflremuC"y. The forward line of HOf)kins, (;r.-.en, uml Rehrig 1>ac:;kA o 8eoring punch that <"ould not he denied. Hopkins was 8Ccond hl~h &corer and proved u difficult man to 8lc•f•· IJowltl Gr een 8parked u hot und cold AEP outfit througboul oml dl8pluyed r•lenty of a hillty. Re hrig W08 Immense in controlling the huc.kbourcls and ull4o p011tltl8Bed a dt>udly huc.ket shot. lie w011 u threat every minute of the gume .


Elwood Adams,


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Po1tal Station


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Worcester, MaN. 2-9578 TOILETRIES SMOKES ~============~========~~=:=:=:=::--=:=:=:=:=======================.:

DAVE " BOO" FERRISS leoding p 1tcher ol the Americon l eogue- W.·25 L·6

rn Muccino and Thomas the second teum has an ideal guard combination. Ken Mussino was n demon on defense and his ubillty to cut in f1>r easy layups makes him an ideal running guard. Wy Thomas was cvnsidcred the league's outslrLnding playmaker and feeder. His passing was beautiful to behold ancl without him LCA would have been hopelessly outclassed.

Stagg Re1igru (Co"tmued from Fro" t Page}

Netm.en Take Noticf'

and he received his master's degree (rom Columbia University In 1 ~3 4 . While at Chicago be was a letterman for three years in football and tennis. Ht' helped his father, Al()nzo Stagg, coach at Chicago in 1932, und then served as freshman coach o( football at the College of the Pacific in 1933. He became footba ll, buseball. and basketball coach and director or athletics a t Moravian Collef(C in Be-thlehem, Pa., in 1934, from where he went to Springfi eld College in 1937 as football c()ach, assistllllt basketball coach and frosh b;lSilball


coach as well as teaching and serving as president of the alhletic board. Upon leaving Tech in june, he plans to spend some time in ~lichi­ gan before rtl>uming his new duties. We wish tu extend to him thr best ()( luck. and wish him loads of success in his new tasks. His stay al Tech ha!i !Jecn a pleasant one for the studenls, nnd in his parting, we can only say to him, "Good luck, coach, it was grent being with you."

The TECH PHARMACY Sol U.rowiJ&, W.P.I. '2J

8.-ll'ntlfie M11chlne Re~trln1in1 on PremJ~~e• with Nylon, Gut, and l..11mb'• Cut : t<t. IC> t9.50

TENNIS RACQUETS, DAI.LS, SH OES, CAPS. Bancroft, MecCt"f'•or, Cold,nlda, s,.lflln• .

rulf.~ : : =: : ;:;:==========; SPORTING GOODS

Worcester Telegram

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