1948 v39 i8

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'Wol"t'f't trr, Ma...,

\olu mt \ \ \I X 8



ON-. 10. lHI




At1d There Was For the Student A Weekend of Joy and Merriment

Ru ian Found Feeding City Hall Pigeons Rocketski Uses Dorm Leftover to Fallen Bird Tb~

rnited • Bird · 8Jnder... · and· • Peel..tr' ocicty of .\ merica recently reported In its monthly publicutiun. Tltr Unitrd-Bird-Band· crs·<llld·.Ytsl l'ultrrs Society of .lmrriru .\lmtlltl\', that the pigeon population in Central ~l assachu!.etts i<~ now the henhhit t t>igcon ~roup in the count ry. At this very momrnt , the Society's mem))ers are scauered throughout our county, peeking and notiog, not· inJC and peeking. Hut enough infor· mation bas already betn gathered t(~Re t her so that the more daring experts are willing, nt this time a nd for the first time, to state that the healthy pigeons are all fattening themselves on the City Hall Com· mon tranf(ely enough though, no mdication has ~n unearthtd, as yet, as to " hom the btnevolent bird re«~er is. At this point, this reporter took up the ~arch, and through incessant ptel..ing, has dL~overed that the un'ung hero b a quiet, unassuming Ru ian, R 1'. Rocketski. ~ J r. RockNski, a broom pu~<her nt n local educational center, in an exclusive interview, said : " l)al " He lurther stnted that, for years he h.1d ne,·er been able to observe lnrcb , because illl through the day he was pushing his broom, and the clouds or dust which he raised were too den.~ for his tired eyes to pene· tratt'. And, as the day drew to an end, and he put aside his broom, the birds hnd returned to LMir nests. But one ni~tht, )l r. Rocket'iki ob~1'\~ that the bird'i !locked to the brit~htly lighted Comnwn, and since that time, he bas !Jeen associating " ith hi first love. l~t. h night, unnot itetl, he loads hi~ ancient pu~hcarts with left-overs irum the dming hall and traip!>CS ,iff lu the Common, where he idles al\ay many an hour cooinl( at the pigeon<~, nfortunatcly however, he i~ able to say "coo" only in Russian, nnd the bird!l are hence unable to c•m\erH: \\llh him. But some day he may master the complexities of the f.nJth,h language. The moral: I r you e\'er want to I!Ct clo,.e to your pigeon, don't besi· tate to do a little cooing but oot in Rus.ian. ' :\~t

And 1\tusic CaMt ltH

Charm Over Him and H f' Became As U Alive o,



Onle upon a Lime, there wa. • very technical enginttring collct~e call~ \\'.P.I ., which ri~thtly mrant Worcellter Polytechnic lnstitutt. The students at W.r .I. were all v~ry con· scientio~ and Industrious, and they spent long hour-. slaving over bot slide rulr~. and they wort their tin~eer~> to the bone turnlnl( 1hrough the page of thc.> ir many Hlllle.s. And Lht'y wr re very learned ; for t hry " t , did not spenk in the common -· So il.t ll , • ., ,II elf. u... ~ oil h u e· Tht l\ ~ov ,et -tOnJ(uc!f, but spoke the very l!pcciul - - - - and very difficult languages of AIMe· bra, Geomet ry and Calculus. And llhey were very clever ; for tvery· Who is the man de:•ign. our pumps with jud~tment , skill and care? thing they uttertd was symbolic. Who is the man who builds 'em and who kctp them in repair? At the same Lime, there were many Who has to shut them down because thc.> valve•seat'l dist~ppcar? other collcges, IJul tht'SC:' other rol· The bearing-wearing. gearing-tenrin~ Mtchanicnl t::n~ineer. leges were interested only In the Arts, Philosophies and Languages or Who buys his juice for half a cent and wanu tel cha r~t,e a dime/ the World, and 50 their students \\'ho when we've signed n contract, can't deliver half the t imt? squandertd away their time with these \\'bo thinks a loss of twenty· ix per cent i'> nothing q ueer? dull and common amu~ mtnl s. The.~ The vult-inducing, load-reducing Electricnl l~ n~ineer. other school ~ looked down on the

E ngtneer8

Who is it takes a transit out to lind n sewer Ill tnp? \\'h() then with care extreme locale!l the junction on the map? \\'ho is it goes to d ig it up and finds it nuwhtrt near ?

little engineering school nnd tht•y called her W.P.t., which did not mean Worcester l'olytechnlc I nstl tutt, but meant Woeful Polytrade 1'he mud be!;pattered, torn and tatterl'd Civil 'Engineer. Instead. Sometimes they ca lled her \\'ho lakes the pleru,ure out or life and makes exiqtence hell ? ju t Polly or Trade for short. All the year 'round these schools held Who'll f1re a real gooo lookln' one because she cannot spell ? Who substilules a dictaphone for tt cornl tlntc•d ear ? dances, parlieR, balls and banquets The penny chasing, dollar-wa!>tmg Efliclency l~nglneer. and lived a gay lire, while all the year 'round Polly patiently drudged away at learning all• the conlempo\\'ho thinks without his prod ucts we would 1111 IJc: In the lurch? \\'ho has a heathen idol he designate " re:.earch?" rary scirntific concepts before new \\'ho tints the creek~, perfumes the ajr and make the lan d~ape drear ? discoverit!f made them Invalid. T he stink-evolving, grn.<..,·dbsolving Chemical Engineer. Only twice 8 year "ere danl.es - - - - - - - - - held for Polly's students, and at

Handbook For Girl at Formals written by English Department

W.P.I. 's English department c;cortS JJ(ain l Professor E. J. ' l ~en bottle, caJ>.1bly aided and abetted by Pro· fe<~. or J H. Mac Frenzy, bas just ridden to the height'! of fame with th~ publicalion of a new handbook entitled, What Every Girl Shovld Know ;.I bout tire Forma/JI!tckcnd al ll'orcrstcr Pyrotrclmir Institution. For the sake or IJrcvity the title may be chrmged to Bebop. :\ week ago at a special interview exdush•e to Lhe TECH KEWS, Profes.~r 'Jggenbott.le released the fnl· lnwiog communique: " ~1 ac and me knuw dat Bebop is in. \\'e has It on the woid of some Tech one-armed bandits dal dose who know can't wait for the scoop. We've put out

ju t dat in Hcbop. And Ltll me mud· dcr 1 t.tz Hello." The uccurncy or Profes.wr 'lggen· bottle '~ predict ion IS amazing. Be· bnp ~a'l relea ed only yesterday a nd nlrtady hru attained national fame. In Worcester particularly, rioting ll('(Juer girls overturned four trucks and !marlHI downtown traffic Cor hours In the rush for copies. On n more intellectual level, here are ~vcrnl comments about B'bop heard on the Tech camp~ : German rrofe.~ SboeOy : "Achl " ~ rath l'rofe~ Ty KlobiJ: " Be· bop f11ils to ~parate its variables." E. E. Professor F. J ay: " Errrrrr l Ahbhhl" (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1)

these they bfhaved them!'elves quite

TOMMY REYNOLDS the other. .~ n1l wM.never people beard him play they e.~dalrned, " 'Tis better than MacNamara himself'' or " It surpas.ws Aleunder &I his best.'' In fact, such were the wondrou8 a biliUes of Tommy R.ey· nolds a nd his orc~tra that his name became as ma~ic to the ear. I\ow it also happened tbat thla famous orchestra had been periU&d· ed to play at one or Polly'a two yearly da nce~. When Polly's stu·

dents heard thi! they cried out for joy. And when they fi nally left their work behind and began the preparations f()r the dance, they felt as if they had been li'Uiformedwhich · hows that they atUI bad some - feeling, for indeed they had been transformed. Their acid-eaten and foundry-stained suits were now full dress evening clothes, their alide rules were beautHuJ corsqa, and their tabk-5 were little bookleta 61Jed wilb the names of lovely ladies with whom they would dance that evenlng. The dance wu

everything that

as becomes eriOUs young engineer· young hearts could desire. Owr aU

in~ studenUi. When they approachtd their young ladies, each IJo•e<l u low as his calculated center of gravlty wuuld permit. When th~y dancrd, each completely covered the tables in his right hand with n handkt r· chief and Mepped to the mu~ic as gracefully Ull the slide rule lllrnpJXd to his leg would permit fur .yuu must know t.hat no engineering stu· dent is ever without his slidc• rule and tAbles. Now It bapl)cned that thrre wns an orchestra in the land that bad no equal for s.moothne and aweetne)$ or style or for variety in song, and it was called Tommy Reynolds' Orchestra. Tommy and his mU!Iicians were in constant demand to perform at all the famous places of entertain· ment from one end or the country to

the ~aitty and gallantry, laupttr _.d sigh.~ or love, the music of Tommy Reynolds cast its charm. Nothing ccxlld have bet-n more pleasant or delightful, and happlneaa became more complete with each round or dandng. The affair wu the envy of all LM other schoola which bad scorned the little mil· neering college. But when lbe fi rst hour of morn· lng atruck, the band stopped playing and silence railed the haU. Without lhe magic music of Tommy Rey· nolds the enchantment ceased. Slow· ly, the 1pe1J wore olf, and lin&ly and in groups or students were t.ransformed back ; and by dawn each was once more an ambitioua young enginetr equipped foe a day'a work with slide rule and tables.

, ... -rw.


TECH NEWS Published Wttkly Durt"' tht CoU~ Ynr by Tlae T t'C'Ia New. AMod.t lon o f the Worcutu Polyte-cltnie IMihu te EDITOR·I~

CHIEF J oseph E . l.tmlre


Fraternity ews Bits By 'OMI BROWN


Greetings, everybody , welcome to the be t Interfraternity Ball lhat William A } uiL1n Francb J, lli&d.a t>ver shook Alden Memorial to its SPORTS t~lJITOR foundations, but r don 'l have to tell John K . Mullaney BUS lNESS MANAGER you that, you kno111 it already, :.o Alfrtd L. Lttourneau let's see what give:. for tomorrow. AOVF.RTISING MANAGER CIRCULATION MANAG£R The big feature is the round-robin, H111h M. Roblnlon Robert Van Ambul'l(h ASSISTANT MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS which will start after the W.P.I. Yrall('l" T. McPartland Raymond Blanchet fo'rancls E. Kurney Bronislaw Jl. Kuprcwicz hol!!hots gel through with tbe JUN IOR EOI'r ORS Dcvens (no comment) bl!Sketball J crrmlah I". O'Neil l.u wrrrtce Do rat Gerald F M cCormlc:k Mall Babinski Uarry Mtlden I rvin" Haas team . l)ancing, decorntions, and deSubblah M utblab Raymond Braodob Fred J Brennan lectal.lle delicaciel> will be the main William Gri~:&s Thomu Carlin Waltrr B Otnntn , J r l.ro A L\ ndl. J r. Gto!Je Barna Jobn Brifrly attraction everywhere The pride a.nd l brold F OtCarll Philip Acurman joy of S .. \ .1::. will be JL'! punch bowl, COLUMNIST<; molded or solid ice wath a dozen red Mrs. l.ro A. Dumas Roland F. Bedard Norman Brow1 R EPORTERS roses frozen in ; come on over, grab Nt-il Sullivan F.dward C. Powers IUchard H . McM ahan a mop, and join the party. ~lost or Richard A Coffey, J r . Laweon T IIIII, Jr. Thomu Coonan Ro~rt Slllltb Donald C. Lewis Malcolm I> Horton the houses prefer to keep the lid on Gerald F. A~ their round-robin plans. but e1.·ery BUSINESS ASSISTANTh nne •>f them ha! a tr~t in tore for Tom Hodgett JOMJ)IJ Gwl&zdowaJ CroiJI! Cooky Bill Swaruon Fruit S. Juraali: W illiam Homey you, so try not to mi!:l any of them. Richard Folta J im G rtnltor , , _ . . , . PBOO'OGJlAPREit. S.A.E., L.C.A., and A T .O. are planC.UTOOifiST Phil O'Con nor CIHdl P. v... nlng a joint splash party for SaturFrancia McAullle FACULTY ADVISER day afternoon in the Alumni Gym· J oba H . Macli:eoale nn~lum. This is an excellent idea N........et 1 Bu'-i 5-2024 Editorial {~~ and 'lhould ~a huge success. S.P.E. has its own plans for 11 big weenie T£RKS S.blcriDdoa per edlool year, llnale cop~ $0. 10. M ake all checks payable to roast. P.S.K. either ovtrcstimates . . . . . \luapr. t:otertd u ~~eolld dul matter, Septaab«r l l , 1910, at tlae Poet it'l own strength or underestimates <Micl ID Won:.ter, Maa., under tiM Act of M.ardl 3 , 1179. the octivltles of l~riclay night. Al nny mle, they have IL harn dance scheduled fo r Snturday afternoon. LnmlxJ(L Chi, l'hi Sig, Sig Ep, and Bvery student here on the Hill has been anxiously awaiting to- A.E.Pi plan to feed the hungry in o night's star social attraction, the annual I nterfraternity Ball. This big way Friday evening before the HI no ordina ry dance. This is a formal dance, and marks the begin· toe-treading begins. ning of a very active social week-end. Books anrl slide rules are A change of style has taken place on Uoynton Hill. The cute red temporarily laid aside and the more important subjects of " women" " beanie" i~ a thing of the past, and is discussed. M~t Tech men arc well acquainted with this subject, pledge pins are now heing proudly and we feel sure that after this week-end they will know it cold. worn. On Decemlx'r 4, e.tcb fraSince this Ball is sponsored by the fraternities, they have made ternity on the hill e\tended the ofelaborate plans to assure its success. All the fraternity houses will licial hand of welcome to those men be turned over to the girls (or the week-end, with the men seeking n 11 hom they hope to receive. and who place to sleep elsewhere. The WC('k-cnd begins with tonight':; forma l hupt> ttl be received, as brothers in dance in Alden Auditorium. Tomorrow morning, we think, will be n future month ~. ~ l o~t of the b()uses rather inactive period. Cla..~es will be held as usual, with the ad- held pledge danCl'!i in the evt>nin~ in ministration requesting that no student be absent. I n the arternoon ortlt'r to better acquaint the actives tM fraternities will sponsor their own social program., and in the nnd prtbl>C(tive:~. ~~~ thnt's \\hal lo(h'e'~ in the frn· evening there will be a basketball game, followed by the Round Robin dance. t<•rnity theatre or operations. Horse's Even lhe TF:CH N EWS ha.<~ gotten into the spirit or things, and neck? Well, I ,:cuess su. l>ul t hey'll this evening bas abandoned Its u ual format of news ~tories, and plc:k U!) 11 few pointers if they cir· presents an issue which, the stafT hopes. will be t!njoyt'd by all. We culute around Uoynton Hill this hope that each and every one of you will cherish thi~ special issue wrek·end. Rumor h:.b it that electric fliii\Cr cunsumption by the various of the TECH NEWS as a souvenir of a gala occasion. As is our custom, we warmly welcome all the lovely girls lo the fr.&ternit ie-; will hit ~tn <~ll·time low, nnd It won't be due to any curfe\\S. campus and hope they enjoy their short st ay here. And since ChristMalcolm A Sanborn






o~~mbe r


THOSE WERE THE DAYS Formal f~tivity, relaxa tio n from routine, fun with fraternity friend:.lhe Interfraternity Ball week-end meanl> all this and more to us at Tech. Gaiety is the keynote, and guiety or course leads to humor. \\'e make li~thl or our trouble .. joke about our coui""C:o ond profe sors, and pln.yfully kid about thnl po:,sible " morning arter" quiz. Here i~ relief from the "grind," und we wei come it heartily jiL~t a>~ t:ltl s,c~ Ue· fore us htlve done. Fifty year. agn, althou~oth the looked smaller, the girls' skirt:. even Iunger, and the dance tunes more stalely, this ~pi rit of fes· tivity "preacl just as tontngioo ly. cnmpu~

Thi~ pt~tnt written by a Tech ~tudent fur I he newspa1X'r II'N in 1896 shows the current philosot>hy, and it might easily be 1he theme or our week-end or fun. ;\n O llt> to C roncl8



'Tw1u muon\ a~oto lht•rt• cn mr tu T~ch 1\ lonl(·halred son uf t oll ; With tow~l 1\~l around hi- nrck lh· bumtd the midni~tht nil


Fnr four full

hr thH'I nn more !Jut book•. IIIJ nl~hll} dream~ tht m)ltlc torr Of parllbolic • pook•


\\htn a t hi.S hoardJn~t hou"' 11 ni\On t.ablt -clo1h 1M- dn.or.atcct, (.'ut h)l"'rhoJr, *llh hl' t>non, \\'htlt 'mh has fork hr intt'llr ttcd


\t hunt ~ttl·c·t hr "n' nt\l't "~'''"• '- n dwru' 11irl• knrw tw, 'iul r\'tn "lwn a Frt ·hm.w ~otr~cn E'rr ~aid ,h1• " I lulh S!fl' t"


hi:' ,. .. n hts ~:cwd •·s R " Whrn h•ur hnrd )tars ww.- o'er; ll ut nnw ht· lht• nt "Ill" i\n ln1111ne B~) lum dunr


,o\t tbt Edur Thompson Slttl Worts tbry use a con,·ertu ninttren fret sh-111• a-half a~Kb~ lonst, and senn fttt tltvtll· and-three quarters in diameter. Tbey \-ary however, &nd we Kientific me n do not yet a~ree Up(ln the rlimensions givln~ t he most ""tisfactory results. Our opinions dllfrr. I don't care to ba\'t you remrmber lhtte dlmrrt•lons, but simply be able to Jtll·t them U I &hould call for them

The proceu of con vrnlon l.:uts fro111 two to •i<t minutes. or more ofttn from ten to twrnty . flve minutes. After the Iron l$ mclttu It i~ In a hot, liquid &\ule, and 1.1 in a condition to be poun•d Into mouldJ, and rast Into Ingots, which \ 'atY In .Ue !>«au"' ~me arc l:lrg.er tha n othtno The color of th\· in~:ots \':ui.tli from a bla ckbh . "hrt.- to a scarlet 13\~ndrr, oltbouch 1 hJH SHn them more of a ~trn " color, but the) are genera.Jiy colorless. Thr ad''anla~r of thl' process iJ because 11 IJ the bt·\t Proft~-or Hu~Je)' and myself han madt mrcro-cOJ1i(' l'Uminations o f t hr q r ucture nf thr •t « l and I shall soon publbb tht

- Titc Lo1 of '81

Those were the days \\hf'n the boyl> hired a tenm of horses at Harrington flrothers when escorting their Indy friend , instead of jumpin!( into n car as we do today. Saturday evening might find them nt j . P. While's Ten Pin Rooms, "Hours for Ladies 9 A.M. to 4 P . ~l.." ur enjoying a tasty " tcmptr· anN.' drink " at A. F. Braf(g's, rather than watrhin~ a basketball game like us. Uut , similur to those time . when



l he all-wo- hort holiday is over, and

the girls return home, many of us will be round writing lonesome let· ter nut like this my terious m~­ sal(e or a '9Ser, but containing much the 'lOme thought. Sto ry o r u

;\ntl let ur> now ann then, ·• \II 1\ork. no pb)," that motto clrar, "\pJIIir~ as "rll to ln('n \ncl if ynu chnatt th1' (C!Ur"-' "U clear \ ntl -omctrmr~ lakr a rt•t, \ 'uu'lt 'Ul'l'lv think some fu turr ~ rar, You Actrd for thr IJe\t

ymboli(' Lt-tter

f hnt• llllt~ w11 " >ou n~: mnllJnic Whu In\ 1 tl a maiden fair, Ill~ lhU~ he.- \HOle hrr from tht ~help \nil droH her to dtliparr


It 5tem1 TJC l )t•;ar ~t ar) Sin'e l '\'c ~t t)'l'$ on U. 1\nll, t hou~e h 'lis really A y rnr, 'tiJ • t o a.


'io .cll y~: ~dnrb lllk<' wn1 nlnJC hcrl'

KIWI'/, 18%



lllll't be a iRn, "a rl11 t;• and say:"i\au,:ht 10n dt.cribe ou r lo\'t, Xnr biS('(t niJ<ht from da) "

Thr hft- 1\r Pb m «~m(' • ~huuhl bri n11 me in the Sn. For g, .\ u, and :-Jl's 2 1\c.- lJrl'fully -cra~d in . It b no fun t o ~Uiy in ru~bt"'


mal." Threatenin~ letters have caused Doctor Grnn~lle to hire two (Continued from Page 1, Col. 3) body guards. Physics Department's Doctor LitXot even the Saturday night tle Jeep: " The migration of form(lls Round Robin i-s exempt from Prolies herein. h it not?" No mere hysterical re!lume of past fes~r 'lggenbottle''l crusade. He in· formals, Bebop Suf!gests some revo- o;i<~t~ that the l!tirls should remain at lutionary changes in the formal week· the· snme hou~ all evening whil~ end. Arou~d by Brbop, instruttors their escorts trnvel from house tu are demanding that the I . F. Ball house. He argues that the fmil be held on Thursday cvenln(( instead woman of today shtluld not be t•x· of Friday so they can participate In posed to the Dccrmllcr frost merely the festivities. H. S. Granette, B.S., to sntlnte her escort 's lust for trnvcl. M.S., Ph. D., tearfully complains, \\'ide interest indirote that Brbop ''There are seven dw hours on Fri- wiU surpass Crull and Smasiu~· day and only four on Saturday. H Pltysi ks as Tech 's best seller within the formal i'l held one day earlier, a week. At pre timr Profe sor every instructor will have three extra 'l!Q(rnboltle's only comment about chancts to give unannounced hour his new-found fnmt' was, " I owtll it quizzes immediatcly after the for· all to me mudder."

• • •


l.l,t, Jll ) t· mrn nf t\Cr) dh~ Who ~trind at lweh•t ~•ch nl~tht,­ C«IMhler w~ll what u1mr to pus With nne unlucky wl11ht .

mas is so ntar at hand, we wish them all a very Merry Christmas and a most Happy New Year.

10, 1941

\\'ith thi.. thouJtht In mind "'e ~hould enjoy the~ ~i:ll activities e'en mort. i£ only to pre,·ent the dire rc'lulto, promi d by the poet. ( l 'd rather ~ 'lOne "'ly I, Than a mrmhcr nf SiRmn Xi.) Snwrdny morninj.l post-dance cl.l!'-.'0(~ often pro\e c:ttn ~trophlc, and the fuuy-mindell .. tudent lind <~ his lttctllre~ a hat.y jumble of words. In facl. they might hnve ns little mean· inj.l lo him ns this burle qur lecture nppenring in the yearbook of 188

A Short Wt'ture o n

"1 thlnlc he taid be liked his floncls well atackedJ"


Tilt' '"'" ''"' art 0 (ck-;ad lbt ) , Thr J)l;~ce l.S - any fu.n, \'nu tlln 't 1111 on a bac T hr formub I t:tke each nhtht,

1' "n, dy'\ Thr ~~ ufl, I thmk. is just a ', \ lll~t·nt ~ ou should tr~· \' tl th oul(h 1\1' an -· , Ma), H) '> th~n ninct) maltS, T hr lu~: of h.l\t and unit)' I'Rrohohltes our lriab. Tht rnndle'a dn\\ n to z~. \ nd . I must dose. f'or fum.-• of H..S and 0 Are waltintt 'round my nQit .

The Br 't'mtr Connrttr, w-calltd btof Quttll$," ~ood oij:bl, rnu~ It Cl.lnvert5, con-I ts of a pear-•haped " M) To Morpheut 1 go. H ~1. lht to fiftttn fttt Jon•• or l!Ometlm~~ tfn to ri~;ht~n frtt but ~~:~neraDy And 'mrd •ulphuric «sences. Of )'Ou 111 drtam.- VOUR JOE. 1\\ciH t o t.,rnty f~1 , and four to tlenn r~t In muimum diamttu. - n'PI, IS9S


lfft-~mb"r 10. 1918



agers To Hoop It Up Against Devens Chief TECH TO GO • Mac-Men Plan to Scalp Ayet" Quitttet in Season's Opener BIG TIME Oopt"' Aclclict For('See8 l onf4trou."l l\tastocloos On W I>J Gr~cn~ W nrd

th tcClDERT ~ t1'Ctll M 1 ~mnktlc..,s (l(I\Hler. tht' automobile,

T£(.11 C \ CERS Star11na •'-•ln•l


\fil.an. J.w Full.. , tl•n k l.u l<f'lli. Ernlf'

From lop 10 boll om 1

(.ahrrl). and J <'ro mt' tlo.,r. TEK-Nt'tr

·.roro ,,,


l n"""("


1>0rts Uram.'l by Alabama CviJ. laume, tbe l'uor Man's Tennessee Williams Local~ : An obs~.ure inslitule of en· 11ineering in an C"qunlly obscure hamlet in L'tntral Ma.,snchusetts. Time : F..nrly on the nfternoon of the final footbaJI game of the season. The Cast : The I lead Coach The A istnnt Coach The Athletic Director Th h 10 e c Of) uctor A janitor Tht Scene . \ smoke-fill~ roorn, tht Jthletic nervt>-center of the school. \t a d~k in the center sits the llead Conch a tall , heavy·~t inIIi vidual with the unmi-.la.kable 'iAn." of mnny c;Jceples' niAhls tamped upon hi\ "'C:lmed face. At one- elbow is n telt phone at the ntht>r i a teletype in direct con· nection "ith st:outs beating the buo;h for f<>Qlbnll prospects. H e ~tares moodily intn empty space. • Ic nf the stugc, lhe As· •\ t one stc · C ~ 1 "1ant oalh stando; before n blackboard whkh i half-cover~ with football play-. and half-cov· trt>d with thtrmo problem . Above hi~ htad, nailed on the wall is 3 •chrdule draped with black crepe. In a flimly lit corner, its the \thletic Director nt hi d~k . He j, a tiny li!llJre with enormou'l un· da, ~. a relic of the da~-s of l'rinwon rul(by and the flying wed~e On his desk i-. a cob"'ebbed ca.~h bo~ with a hu~e pad· lock T he atmo ph• e , h . 't .. r 1.! cavy· 1 b like the lull befort the storm. uddtnly the <~ilence is broken by the 'ltaccalo ringinJ( of the phone. He1.d rua h ( ,, ). " c P1ea~nl1Y • He110 • ( Jl t curo;es horribly and smashes the J>hone nguinst the wull.) \ • M. Coach: "Something he said ' H Bob?'' ~d Coach: "Some damned Cool rom a sports poll wants to know if Tech endor'ICS the two-squad Y"tem! " ( Hi, voice trails off intn hoarse whisper.) ~ t . Coach: " Haven't they heard of the Heroic Eleven of Tech?

\\'h)•, ir one or our boys comes out ur n game for instrul tions, he doesn't get a lelterl " Head Coach: " Mac, I'm worried nuoul Ferrari." A!lllt. Coach (intelltgently): "Why?" Hertel Coach (voice out of tomb} : " He got an 89 in a PJ exam, nnd he wants to transfer to an ea ier school."

6.:()('t'oli~a•l M-•JI .. Itl'" " "'"'' "' .. ' Dtl()r at extreme leh open!\, and the School Doctor entt-rs ..\ sadi . .,. 11~

mile plays about the corners r his mouth. He i\ immaLulately 11 dreo;.-e<J in a black H()mhurg and 8 -.tninL'tl butcher's aproo. In his hand i. (I wooden tool box tontaininR the implement~ of his traclc. He nods c:urtly the Lhret men and hrad 10 for hi: urtice door on thr far ide of the room. He enters ofiice. leaving cluor ajar .•\ horse'$ nti~th i heard from office. Door is ha'\tily slammed. Exe unt

the neroplnne. the atomic bomb, and jet prupuJ...inn \\Crt' nil Art'at wonders in thetr cb y : but no" comt'S the " onder nf all wc~nders. It has been announced th,et w.r I. hn" changed it~ J)(Mky ll)warJ the su~idi.dng or fcK>tooll J)laye.-,. ''\\'e wnnt a winning team rt>l(nrdless of the cost," has been the cry of the alumni ; and from the pnlf(ram !>el up by a pedal c:omnthtee appointed to investi((ale the nMtter, their appeal is to be realized . The ftrst huprovement is to be madt• In the coachin~ department. Buth t 'nnchell l'ritchurd and 1\t ~tc· :\ul ty nrc to receive substantial mistS In reward for their u cellent "ork In the p.1.,t. Thr~ more co:uh~ nrt> to be RJlJ)Ointed to aid them In tlwir 11\sl. uf producing a " inning team.

Nl~ht Gamf"ll It hll.., :tl!>CI IX't'n decided



pleH• the lt~thting sy~trm ft)r nis;bt font hall ~~.'.hat t~e gnmh can be played un l' rulay night and not draw ~way tht• (mwcls from 1l11ly Cr(k.S' Su 1urtlay ~enmr'l. 1n keeping with the nt·w policy the o;chedoh.• will be llltrt'tt't'cl (rum ~vrn tu eleven. \~wng thco new tenm' lu be played "'ll I~ llttrvnrd, Darl nwuth, and ,,.~:-,ihly Worcester '" hmthl•r en reint't'ra rr,lrn Ge()rgla . Sulll! oncl Chow In thr way elf nrw cquipml'nt . he made. A many .tmpruvemenl'! wtll cumpletcly new set or unifnrm!S and 1,:ulding j, ttl be purt ha.•led However the J~rtalf'~l inMvalllm · will be the procuring uf a new bu'l to be

• Ilend Coach lo<lks at clock. AJJ· "'~tan at r ltx:k.CHead r ht Coach J·-•·~ looks• -·. 11 ,/''"'~ ~~Utt:~ . : :""'" !)ta~t Toohch. 111 no ~nm Y anc rl!>e. ey cru's to rlesk of At~lctic l~irector ~~~~~a[. hu~e ~ 011 ()( bh111 ' ,0 "hht'l desk. ea ooc : ' oc. ere s t e money for the rental of tht" uniform'l a.nd Radio: " - -and there you have tquipmenl and for our ticket) into It, fans. It wns the snme old story the field.'' or lack of reserve strength by the • C~1che:o sq~re ~oulder-. andd. ~xit ~:nginetr After leading for three tn >e'\t C!~!Km~n•·men tra Ilion. and a half periods, Lhe exhausted Thr Athletic Dtrector . opens the Tech team saw their lead sUp heavy wall safe above hiS deo;k nnd nwo.y. Hut u alJ you true-blue, rrrnove'l the football lo be used in recl-bloodecl American fnns know, · · I I d R' 1h. e ga,me.b H~ ex•ts:._;: ,_':?~nR lhc bat "~' h tuI ,. vrant an l et up here l(tnger Y ~ lls ex-,..,,.....,. toner lu~. In the boolb at the end of the The s~,~te. IS deserted; only the om•· game, and be said at that time nou" uckmg of the clock may be thnt he had never seen such bril· heard. li3nl ball played from a horizon-



Acl Two (Two hours elapse.) It is now late afternoon, and the set· 1inrc sun casts long red fingert aero~ the fl oor of the deserted room. The door at the extreme right opens and a janitor wearing tarnished Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Xi keys shuffles into view. In his band he carries a porta· ble radio, which he sets on a desk and turns on.

tal position as these bone-weary Tech men played here today. And now we switch our mike to the firld to pick up a low moan by the Tech stu~nt body. - -" At this point the janitor collapses to the floor, sobbin~ hysterically, as the rt~dio breaks into a spirited reo· dition of "The Star Spangled Ban· ner." The curtain mercifully falls.


Then• is no time like the evening after a formal dance to open a basket bnll sen i\Ml and \\'orct'ster Tech's Cully rested and high spirited cag~s will tep out Saturday evening against r.ort Devens in an effort to get the se3S()n orr to n winning Sti'U'l. The gymnn ium is more than likely to be ftlled to the drafly rarter~t with !!Cores of aumctive distractions who will no doubt enjoy them.."~Clves immen~ly by comparing the relative merits or the imilarly colored uniforms. • Vt'ta lo tart Tech's starting team is composed entirely or \'t'terans (rom last year's The annual Fall porta $QUad and much is be.ing expected Oan((Ut't will he h eld on from such tritd performers as Steve Ucich nnd Richie Howard. Steve 1\tonclay .-venlns, Df.cof'mlN'r , In Sanford Rllt~y II a ll. who is c11ptain of this year's squad 20 Lt-uen for Football, Soc-Hr Is playing his last !leaSOil and Is be a ncl Cro....Country will 1,... lng counted on to furnish the floor awarded and the .-ntlre atu· leadership necessary to a srnooth functioning quintet. Howard is ex dent hocly Itt urs.-d to al· tt•nd. peel~ to furnish a great share of the scoring punch from his forward position and has Rlready given every owned by the school for tmveling to Indication lhnt h e is capable or 1111 out-of-town games. All ph&yers carrying the burden. Bill Collinp will be required to eat at a training will be paired with Howard at the table which will be supported by the forward posts and his speed wiU school. It ha! also betn IIUAAested greatly aid in the new system of l hat an at hi et ic dormttory be set up 1>lay which will be featured by the · for members of the squad so that Tech-men this year. Russ Bradlaw closer watch may be kept over team. will ruworate at one of the •no.rd -,~ ..Mt'11t Shortage Onr J)(JSition~ and free-wheeling Andy t\lready several out, tanding high Freeland will switch off with Udcb school and prep ta.rs have been at guard and center position. Freecaught in the dr~ net thrown oul to land will play the center spot in the pick up nny p«>tenl ial Ali·Americana. Tech attack while Ucich stetrs the Out~tanding among the'ICl nre aunck from ll guard spot. " \\'ash" White. a wckle from But'ket Goae Bleat hwnter, Texa!>; " peedy" Jlore, Butket play which bas lonR ~n a halfback from Dash, Michigan; a stllndby of former Tech teams (at and an tnd, " Red" Ltmgiet, from one time we r~cbed the beightt Cold, Washington. " Wa.o;h" weighs with a double bucket) will be held 300 pounds and stllndl. Rix feel 11ix to a minimum with the emphula on lncllCS t aII · It 'IS sau. I thIll lnsleRcI of speed an d p1c ' k-urr plays to bring In pi aymsc · l'k h 1 · h 1 k t c most men, e mere y t e >as ets. 1'tlh's basketball team break throuKh the line, pkk.s up an will have more than adequate raerve armful or backs, and wetds them !ltrenJllh with such men as GeorRe o~t one by one till he finds the one Barna, Russ Norris, Bill Meballclt, wtth the ball. Hare is, as his nick· Bob Chapmll11, Walt Kolcxloe and name indica te~, peedy. He can run J ohn Converse. a hundred yards in 9.6 seconds com· Jayv~ Too pletely patld~. However, in especial· The Jayvee squad will open lD ly hard Kames, he "btd' his padding, the prelim against The En~ and it is ll8id that only the highest School of Accounting at 7: IS P.M. speed cameras can catch him. " R~ " Coach Pritchard bas a promi.sirt~ Longies b a very capable seven foot crew of Cr~mtn on his squad and 2SO pt>und end, equally effective de· they will furnish a good brand of rensively and offerulively. His most basketball. t)Ulstnnding record is his 70 yard Tho starting lineup for the Jayvea punting average. With these men will consist of AI Ferron, J ack J.tas. and othm like them, it. looks llke per, j oe j uinis, Harry Althen, and Tech is really going big time. Roland St. Louis.


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Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. J ohnson Mr. and Mrs. WaJter Scanlon Larry Borst, Rosemnry Corbett Frank Briggs, jean Beck Jlllt Carlson, Ida Collette Lex Carroll, jane Ballou Don Chase, Jackie Vestal Hank Demarest, Lorene Wolf Charlie Eckler, Mae Killian Ray Fenno, Marjorie Gill Ed Green, Mary Givan Dick Johnson, Gloria Ann Smith - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dick Jones, Dot Whitney ALPHA EPSILON PI Ed Knight, Winnie Kennett Bob Lazzerin, j oyce Walkins Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kessler. Stan Lindberg, Edla Johannson Prof. Herman Kleine and Miu Mar· ko Lutz, Evelyn Sterndale cia Gluier. Bill Mansfield, Irene McCarthy Ron Mollenbrey. Phyllis Clark Ray Olson, Sally Roberds St&nley Berman, Ruth Goldberg Eric Peterson, Beverly Janson Philsie Dreier, Phyllis Kou Ken Stewart, Janet Cassaboom Howie Green, Phyllis Allen frwin Vanderhoof. Diane Green Harold Gruen, Mickey Silverman Bill Wachter, Mary Justice J arvis Sumner Herman, Lois Berlt Phil Wild, Alice Foster Stuart Hettinger, Carol Warshaw Peter Kahn, Sylvia Siegal Bob Kern, Irma Raichlson Walter Kolodne, Irma Warshaw IGMA Pill EPSILON Ed Lewis, Rhoda Muon Philip Michelman, Claire Ravelson Leonard Rood, Faye Weber Chaperones: Charles Selwlll, Marjorie Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. George McAllen Alfred Str()Roff, Elaine Caplan AI Willis, Susan Greig Mr. and Mrs. Wellen Davison Mr. and M rs. An hur Ward ____ TH_E_T_A_CBI _ _ _ _ _ Mr. and :Mrs. Ellsworth Mellor Dick Foltz, Betty Thompson Bob Murdock , Nan Howlett Bob Smith, ~ancy Brown Knrl Berggren, Polly Dunham AI Cnrr, Eleanor Gu5Lafson Mr. and Mrs. Claude Veraa Mol Horton, Joan Onnovnn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanctuary AI Hansen, Yvonne Mnnglello Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melloc Ken Scott, Betty Ann Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Waruzila Paul Radasch, Erma Mayhew V. Haracltlewkz, Jane Taylor Don Skeffington, Barbara FarquHar Dewey Lund, Anne Ellsworth Howard Tinkham, Barbara Young Trappy Hill . Marcin Prnrson William Carpenter, Audrey Ruff R og Anderson, Mnrgnret Leach Ken .Muaslno, Stella Gudas Jack Forster, Dol Wigglesworth Gordon S. Brandes, Carol Ericson j ohn Orcutt , Carol Heady Clayton Roberts, j anet Hawkins Ray Alvey, ancy Ramsay Lee Murray, Ester Brach Bob Padgett, Ruth Anderson Bill Slwhan, Maureen Martin Chet Ander on. Nell Kephart Ed Stucke, Nancy Nagle Will Apple~ale, Nikki St. james Bill Slonne, Dorothy Murray Uob Carlson. Helen Dethloff J im O'Connor, Dorothy LeBlanc Bud Foss, janet Bridgham Dave flood, j oyre Philbrick Shtrm Brickttt. joon Sandy Len f"Uih , Barb;~ta Pierce H arry Melden, j eanne Harris Bob ~lllltr , 1-:dlth Cutting D ick .-\llen. Barham \ nn Jewell Rob Proctor, Gene Lar'!l(m George Dewire, RO!It Wood ~ Saltus, Marilyn McCarthy m Sammet, Thtr~'\ Dinneen j ack Mallay, Marguerite Skinner j oe Skidmore, Lorrnne Dupuis James Macy, Carol Lt'Clair Ptte Peter un. Anllllb<'lle Gales Don Jordan. M :try Cunnin~hnm Bob Sinn, Elennor Kivela j erry Smith, Corlnnt Maynnrd Cliff Nicktr on. Cillherlne , andy j oe Win. low, Allee Magnu ~on nryan • tone. Jane ~lephan nm Jaques, Je~s necdlt jack Williams, Elaine Furcl NON-FRATERNlTY Hob Allen, Joan Guinry Chnperoncs: Stnn ~ litter, Roberta Ilnrrison Ralph Auerb:1ck, 1\tnr~ic Calk ins Mr. and Mrs. J\1 Dulac Mar hall Kidder, ~tnrJlaret Blag)'ll Subbiah Muthin.h, Joan Crane Bob Ktnycm. Janice flutchcnson Paul Edward~. ~t arjorie Billard Francl~ Hoey, Rt.jliM Hill Tom McKenM, Micelyn Moynihan Brady Ducklry, Gwen Bennett j nhn Wlllet , Jean RidRe Pdc Bidstrup, Margie Baehr Tom Dowd, Joyce Whitehead Ruy GullbcrA. Jan Sundberg

Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McQuillan


CHAPERONE Prof. and Mrs. F. J. Adams Prof. and Mrs. R .N. Cobb Prof. and Mrs. ] . Petrie

Pill ' IGMA KAPPA Chaperones: Dr. and 1\lrs. Charles H . Sl.!luffer Mr. and 1\lrs. David B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Neale Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Wbjte Ro~rt Nowell, Ruth O'Connor james Adams, june Rix Arthur Dinsmoor, Priscilla Adams \\'all Uick, Clare Cassidy ~lalcolm Ferson, Betty McDowell Henry ~ t ogensen, Ann Larden F.dward Randall, j oan Gauchat Robert Robson, Marilyn Beaton Dnnalcl Shattuck, Charlotte Lyman j ohn Snyder, Marion McLaughlin Donald Story, Jo Rutherford Edward Wilcox, Penny Cruden j ack Brierly, Elinor Lindstrom William Drown, Shirly Latlimer Richard Olsen, Ruthe Williams 1\hon Penniman, Vivian Dahlrolh John Seguin, Peggy Wolcott Wlllhun Collini(S, Bcv Ingman A hton Brown, Pot Vollmers William Dewey, Lyn Crawford :\rthur Fisher, j onnne J)nrting l'mnk Flood, Betty Lawrence ndrew Freeland, Ann Height lltrberl Hayes, j ean Cnlc.lwell ~terrill llescock, Luly Miller Thomn june, ue ~ teven l>onrud Knowlton. j ean Carlson Charlrs Lorenz, Marilyn jensen t:rank McPherson, j anet Dodge Frank Myskn, Nan Keirnns Kenneth Mayo, Nancy Flint Lr<~ t er Stocum, Tillie Flint RtlRCr Wyc, Peggy Case llnmlc.J Althen, Claudinl' Zighera R()\lt'rt Baker, lletty Rapp J. Thomas fnrlcy, Bt-nnery Perreault Joloy<l Norton, janet Avery J>onnlcl Rosen, Belly Lou Tessier Dan Stou~thlon , Faith Snrgt'nt

~ l r.

Chaperones: and l\1rs. Ern l L . Sykes

~Jr. and )Irs. Carrol G. mith Mr. and )lrs. Karl 0 . Ol~on Walter \Vhenman, jean Daignault Robert Swanson, Detty j ohnson Paul Murray, j oan Esten Malcolm A. Sanborn, Anne Brown Edward P. Saling, Muriel Handley Phillip G. Blair, Ellen K Lnhti Jo.eph E. Thomas, Janet Hnney frwin I.. Goodchild, Loi11 Prince Stuart G. Leonard, janice Nickerson Allan D. Partridsce, Jr., Carolyn Rao;sner Donald Taylor. Ruth Partridge Bradford Hawley, Lucille von Liebermann Jack E~ten, Connie herman George Keller, Loi Richardson Rolonct Walker, llcmiet Holdroyd j uhn Kendall, Xancy Richard!!On \\'ymnn Thomas, F.dith l.ind .\rthur Xied, .Uorothea Saling Richard Connell, Ruth johnson Mark Raker, Kay Nordstrom jaLk \\'riter, Elennor Young Fmnk Emerson, Virl(iniu Peddle Bill King, Loyce Forand Paul Scbonning. Dorothy Gullbrand Ccorl(e Senseney. Constance Wilder ~fa"< Underwood, l'risdlla Harris

---T-1-IE_T_A_KAP--PA_P_U_I- ------------Chaperones: Mr. and )irs. Richard L. Tracy

Le\'e Ucich, Pat 1\litcheU Dill Mufntti, Dot .Kennedy Walt Bank, J anet Smith Fran Bigda, .Marie Donoghue Oon Lewis, Jean Donovan Tom Coonan, Peggy Ann Roche Paul Brown, Marie Sultivan j ack Meade, Rulb Hagerty Rick Ferrari, Hat Richardson Ken Turner, Theresa D iGrigoli Gino Sanlandrea, Sue Colton ~orm Padden, Doris Anton Paul eibold, Catherine Cantwell Paul Curran, Pauline Mahoney Gus Gosselin, Muriel Plouffe Phil O'Connor, Marjorie Dugan .Mike O"Keil, Jeanne Kelley S IGMA AlPIH ~r"SILON Fred Brcnnnn, Betty Pearson Roland Bedard, Patti Bedard Chaperone · Di< k Cuffey, Zita uretle ~lr ,tnd 1\ tr ·. Robert llarnilton Bill julinn. Delores Bulger CIPm Bartlett, Patty Liltle jlrn ~leil..lejohn . Ann Rridy Andy \ndersen, Jean Forestiere Gt.>orgr B:.trnn, Connie aucier ll.tnl. Baker. ~turir Raffrrty jim ullivan, :\nne Shea Carl \ d;rrman, Loui..~~e ~rvin Uob Quattiocbi, Amy Sht't'han Fran Fay, Ruth 1\lullahy . te,·<· Jlanen.~. Lillinn lm leillr Tom Bt'llew, Josephine l\ltgliola Fran Reynolds, Alberta McAdams llob \\'allnce, ] oyer Appel J uhn Fl'ldsine, Ann Van Wagner Boh Jndrey, Barbnm nrton l•:d Funk. j eanne Hi:isc• Dick Gillette, Mary Lou Chubbuck Reed Grlmwuclc, llnrhnm Mc~ l nsler Rubert Giorgi, Joan Osborne Dick Amid<,n, Ruth Rourhard Charles Bouchard, Jean 1-'. Bourdon LaR~ •.\lirt Talbot Don Sasek, Virginia Bouchard Frnie PHI GA!\11\IA DELTA Rnt! Horton, Nancy Marh J ack Mullaney, B olly Kalbfleisch Bruce Bailry. Grnce Thiele 1Dud DeCarli, Beverly Gilmore Chaperones: Ed j ohn~on, Lois johnn~on Frnn Holden, Louise 1\talm ~Jr. and Mrs. \\'illlnm P. j aegle Fronk Sherman, Suzanne Reddish &I Samolis, Pcp;lQ< Brosnnn Brownie Kuprewicz, Sam Winther, Edith Nichoi<:On Mr. and Mr!i . .\. C' Heilig Rill Howard. )ant Gullix'rJI: Anne Szymakows.ki Mr. and Mr~. ~nm1nn Martin jc~ \'italis. Connie Pionlkow ki Thoma.... \ndrew::, Barbara R3.!kett ~lr and ) I rs. Gec'r~e Howe I Hob Howell. Loul'A' Rollin.., William Grogan, joan Flttherty Charlie He.11h, Xnncy Houle Fllint Lt>w i~ . Phylli,. ]ohn~n llnh Ru<~Ch, Marion O'Donohue Dick ~ t orse, ('gnnie Riley non Weikman, Rnrbnra Flanagan Guy llurr, j ean Hin..o1ll')' llud \\'at nn. j CI.'\n Ryan ~l nt Kirkwll()(l. Jrnirer ryne John Peirce. Joan \ ppleton "•nn Cl~rl-.on , Fvrlyn Knn~ot<t~ ll!lb Fulmer. Claire Ou~stnn llub Zimmerer. C'arolyn ~IIIIer DANCE COM~IITfEE llnh llay\\ard, Juckie Tnppen A..b \ thrrlltJl ~an lddin~ots ll111rh Drown. '\oncy Rie~l Henry llar t, Harritl Krnwkn ll:wt' Hrumbat•h, jC'annt• Tinsley llnn llarrinl(ton, Ann Oliver Committee: l'nm :\lcComiskt•y, C'laire Good Ht1b \\'illis. L()uiqc jt1hnson j ohn Meade, Chairman Fcl ll jt'rpe, Bnrbnra Toomey r'ikr Fic:hhurn, Jean 1\ bhntt Edmund j udd l>nn Quimby, j oan KlinAIOff )alk Clnrk. Lorena Par~ low Rolx'rl Quattrochi Fcl judd. Ruth Koticll fhrn•y Howell, J ohn Wheeler Rt·<l~ Lcwerid~te , 'l.try Ryan \tary Elizabeth FitzRnnclolph Leonard Fish Frnnk llardin~t. ~ l ary McMath Dick nnd Jane Brown \\'yman Thomas nenrJ(r \\'hittlr. Carob ndcrson umntr and Shirley COf' !\talcolm Ferson Rnnnit' Thomp'\On, 1\Jnry Fenno Ed and Pauline Suydam john Williams Tink llardakrr. \\"unda Jakubowski j ohn nnd Marilyn Bateman Peter Kahn


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