ill ..
1\t.u .,
\ olum•· XU :\t),
M ~~r.
A. \VILMER DUFF fit•loHcl Ot•pt. H.-ad Wm~ J P rom inent d entist .\ nd Auth or oi Text 011 h·hru:1r) 24. \\'orct':.lcr l'ulytl'dmu ln.. rllute " h•~l one uf it:. mo~t nut.rhle tt'achers wh11se 110rk nnd ln11ul'nt~· in srient ilil: educa1ion wu~ J(rtat rtntl will l>e nored for mauy
Order Rings at T DENT CE~TER \\ r•l n ~Jilcluy, l\fa r <'h 7 th
11 A.M .. 3 P.l\1.
Alclf'n Mt•m cn•iul T o Ut·
F a·ic•mll)' Jumll Satur<lay ni~-:hl • l\l.trdl 10, Ul \ldr11 ~ I rmori.d tllC' Fn•:.hnwu an1i ~~~phummcs d J .. h In thtt J.:IC:t tl'~t t' li'lll in tht•ir yt•.!r· lem~t rh·.tlry. T lw 1\·t.h Carni\'al i" tlw .mnu.tl '''IIIJW lltiun till the· ll ill 11hnw n•,ult- nn• the• mn:-1 tliffttllll Ill lll!'dill ,\thh'til I'Vt'lll" Jtt'IWLIIJ)' 111111111' .,t,lll:.tks
in'l rilL \Ill'
\\hilt' lw ''as a plainly rlrt•,,t•cl lllllll lhlllllj.(huul tht> ~chnul yt•.rr, lh lluuor wu, Llw mo~t colorfu l t harat l l'f at I 'mnrncnremcnl l· ~rrtiM·~. I >re..,st•d 111 hb rt•d und ~n·t•n l·.du1 hurgh w•wn and wrarmJt his \'t•l\•t'( tri umwn·d tup 11hirh drc w1pc d dn11ll U\ l 'f hi' rurehead h <•CUUM' 11f ib ....rt matcnal, he lood out hkt ,t pc•;Jt <ll k t.hlrm~t t hr gratlu:u Hill t'' 1
l 1(
l lr lluO retired (rum tenchin).l in I CJ.II>, hn 1. lng ht'rll the head ur Lh1• dt•partnH•nt (or J 7 years, but he wt" • tH for~tn llt•n. In I IH!\ bl' rl'rt'iHd till' thlrtl ,\ meril"lln \ ~..ouat inu ur l'hy'ir' 'l t•acher~ t~ward for ''nota blr contnhutinn:. tn the tc•<u.hillll 11( l'hy~ir<." \ J!Jin in 11143 the n.tmt IJr. \k x~mrlrr \\'tinter Duff ~t·ar hl'd thc ht".trllinr<: 11lwn he ll.ts n~nmlr I an hurwrary rlcgwe of doctor or 111 1 t'IICl' by W, I' I. The Uu<.tor lwl )(Ciin~:d inlr•rnatiunul fame th ruu).lh
his lmHk' und l<':tthings of l'hy..it:.'i. \ nwn~t hi' 11Mks are o 1 ollec tiun .,r 1.111 C\I>Criments, ,llme ol "hit h .trl' .till U-.t'd luday Ql Tr•th in ;1 rt'\ J'o(•tl fum1. Hi.; ~'"'· I'll ,, ir (11r 'it udl'lltJ of Sritmr arrd l~llt.l 1111 'lll!l ,tntl it' ~r~1uel , C't~llr1,1 Jlh \•J ' ' 1, 11ritll'll in ,nllahmntion "'ith IJr. \Ja.,Ju-.. Jre abo in U'o(' today ul tht· Jn,titutr. Dr. Duffs iriNb on lt':llh· in~ tlenwntury Physics to l·:uRlnerr ing lo t udt•nts can probably l>1• .. ummr·d up hy hi:- own worrh, ·• .• the c\po!iition of funclnmcn tnl printipk:..' .\ part or the late 0 11( tnr'o; nature can be learned from hi\ afl\'icc ~0 !'ltUdents. ", . rrom the wnrd.> of lJPmosthenes, ' rn the name o( the S(ods I bel! you to think.' "
S(·t•nt• uf 'l' r•utlilio nnl
Att(•ntion Juniors!
•proarnJn Will Require Trainee To Take Military cieitce Com· e
Tech (~ar·ni,·al Pa·cJnie r " On ~laa·c h lOth
of l ht' IIlii~ I hl' l n:.tllult.
Further Details on R.O.T .c. Unit Released
lilll'llll 1\lHI d1c•d ,11 till' t1Al' u£ 86, WJ:> l;.1r11 1h \t John ="•'" U r u n~wil:k, unci J!t.ldtl.lll'cl frnm the l'nhcr:-ity 111 ;-.,11 Hruthllitk in IRS-I. Ill· '"" IIIIIU'd h" c·dm·.llinn in En;.:l.uul .rllt't htlllfl:.t \lUll J (:ikhri::.t St.hul.rr· ,hlp 111r :ull·.,llll'.l .. tully. hy ~~·tt i iiJt the ht,.d,,·,l j{ ildt• in the Britbh lutp111' 11 1 till' l'""P''Litiw \'~.1 111 . llr Hull IIIUJ.:Ill ut the l 1 nh ct -11y ,.( \l,ult.h in lntlia. l 'nivl'r:.ity " ' \,.,, llruH,w~rk. and Pu1duc l'111 \t•r,ity l~t:l~tn• cemlin~ to \\ orc.c·~lt•t l t... h ,._ till' lwacl uf the Phy:.~c, lkpa11uwn1 111 ll!Q9. llunn)! \\ m id \\'ur I, lw took a lt•..11e t~l all~l'llUl l \1 dtJ re:w:u ch £or tlw gmt•rnnwnt. lie was ~tat i nnccl .tt l..!nKI••y l'idd in \ 'irginia whl'n' h(· :.nulled homh lli~bl. \\hill' at 'l'l•t h, IJr. Dufi clitl 11 lui ,,r rl''llltt.h on hi" owl). The Ilnc tur hac! ht•t•n int('l t'!-LCd in wavt• mulit•ll' t'\l'l ..inu• hi,. youn~c.>r clay' "lll'n ht• "·'' tnthrallc1l by the mu\e nwnt uf tlw 11 .tler on the Bay 111 lund) , n< <lr hb hunw. For lhb r~:t"'lll hr tollliu<'d hi;, wnrk to rhc flt•ltl 11f "i't o~ity , m:ou$tk:., tidal pln·mulll''"'· und calhvd<'·rays. .h a lt•ttun•r, IJr. lluf( wa:- rou•tl .~~ '' lt"l tla '-s ::lwwman. li e was \tr)' ulhullll' I in hi" E''!JX!rimt'rllal dlmou~lr:uions. consct<'ntiously pre· (•lrin~t hi' app.lratus in n m;umt·r 11hirh hl• thuucht 11 uuld mo'l inter ,.,, hi, ~tllllt•nh ~inc:c the l>cx.tor nl wnyq rnjny<·d a ~uod laugh, he plnnned his k"t.tures to afford n cer· lain amount o£ f.!IIUtl entt•rtttinnl('nt. llis ruwlritt• :.tunl was lu a lim' I he rlt'ttrical ap1Jaratus to ~rnuk<' in 1he I'! htUtl·.... Then. whill' billm~:- o£ '"'''1;,. r"'l' 10ward' the ccilin~t. be Yimdtl •1•11111 b·tck and say. • U1m l l'iorry h•'Y' I ha\'r C\'l'ry thm~ under (ltntrul \lt huu~o:h he did not ha1·e mut h J>t·h.. nnl cuntau wn h 1ht• slu rrnt h"1ly lw wa<> rr~:ardrd a' one
6 , 1951
llllliiHh•d £rom :.t rt·n~lh and wc•ight it).(ule'"· hut lht'"'' "k it -< ll'lllain u lll't'p dac k lll)',lt' l y IIIII il Opl'llill~ llll(ht. t:ven :-am \\ 111tlwr, 1 h.tirn111n ui til<' C:unh·:tl, hu ... nut lwt•n ahl\' tu hrt•ak thruu~th tlw t urtnin uf ~· lrt't}' fm any hinl ur lilt' (lrtl).lr.un. Unvc ' OUHJ.:, ll(l(<tnillll)( till' Frr•hmen, he,itaH•, m.1k111J.: pre•lit lilln ... but nwny ur lilt' 54's l'l'l'nl lllnfulc·nL llun Oliwr. ~~ dkr fnr lhc· Suph;- nnd pt1111 ut t·r or l,t..,t yt•u r's wuuwr. fc·t+.. llw '1111\ullll' will be dnw, hut b. wu1 k in~t h~~rcl 1n l(aiu tlw lUJI for tlw da'~ .ti(Uin. 'l'hl• -,.,phumnrl' t.to,t 't'nh th•tt·rmhlt'cl 111 mnl.t• tht nil(ht '>Itt ,,..~...rut. 1 hl'~l' proclmt' 11 1 tlw t l'th c·111 111\',11 .11 <' all ne•arly t'\ll'lllJI<Ir:lllt•uu ... flr<li!UI tiun~ f he l:l ~b rulltiW lhl' h.1sir iclt'll' ~t·l at tlw ll·lwnr,:r l~. hut till' l•nlhtl'•insm nf tlw l1ig. night t'Vi'ntuully ...t•culs lht•m a~lrny. Tht' Focully \\ill al~u II(• u•pre~t· n l t•d ~·tturdoy tl i~th l J\Jthouuh thc·y du m1t l'nli r int•l tlw cnmtwtit i11n, llwit t rip t '' unknown Ont· l 111 m·vrr p«Niit t l•atulty p.-rrurll!:uuc. 'l r. llulluw' and \1 r l.c·pp are uut Ill how I ht \.I' Nil ih ty uf Tt•t h prore ~
lht• 1t11111 t't' H•ru l monlht~ n 1wq•k~i ntc qu<•~<liun hoM t•onu~ lht• dTI'rl uf lhc> tlru ft llltoll fu lurc• .-rtrullnu-nt of a F'rl't~ lunuu C:1u1111. Me•us n rc•s Jau , I' hc·~· n tnkc•n In orclc•r tu rn nkc th(\ c•oursc• uf lll'liun fell' !!hult•nl ~ u lillie• mort• rt•tullly dc' ll'rmirwd. L ut!l !'it•ph •mhc•r· tlw li r!ll or lhC!It' IIH'Il!lllr(•tt Willi tukt• n h y t>i!tuhlitth in g un the• C'llfllllllll fur IU'X I Full o n R .O .T.C unit uf tht• l lnilc>d l ., .., 1n 1(' ,, ...,,. 1 ( .urp • ~n u 11. Ahh o ut( h full clt•tulhc nrc· nol tl\'uiluhlc> ut the• 8 t 11 prcllf'nl, l!(llllt' lhin ttll urc •1uitl' clt>finlt.-. Hnt• n( tht•l'e ie I 1111 n mc mlw rt~ o f tlw Ill.' " Frt·.t~ hmun (;lnl!ll "ill he· r•••tnln••l to conroll i n thiK unit. t .t•rlui n lll <'tuht·res of cluHI!t.'ll \\ hid• un· rc·gil!t f'rt>cl o t 11rt•!WIII "ill ftc• ullu\\t' d lu join, hul I! Jit't' ifh·ulitmll cunct>rning thies
(•tt ut·•••·niu~
lt11\ C IIIII ftt' l ' ll tlt' l('rlllhl('ll IU!
BJood Da···vc
yet. •
ucccssful H{•tl ( :rth-114 Mol..1il•• Unit Ohtuiu~ Hluocl From 103 Tt•«·h Honor~:~
Ont..l' :t).lain l't•th 1111'11 haw lived LIIJ tu the n•pututilln ur their 1111· hown ll·d ~nit it li N they " wt•nt o\'t:r lht• top · lu lillinH thc!t 1115 1 Red CroJ-!> Hlood Bunk quota . Despite I he fact Lhal many volunteers wert.' Ulllt!JI I.' Ill dtllllltl' hl't'JIU ~C ur tlwir It ('('Ill ltllll'' 'e'' IOIII ~l'd l1y I hl' mild llu t•piclcntit om• hundtr<l nnd three 111('11 C'ih:h S{·l\'l' II plnl or lltdr blood. 'J lw Red ( I'IN• ullil :11 rl\'l'tl ut \l umni (,ymna!<ium al t•h•Vell u dotk, Fridny, wht•tt• thl• l rt·w ol nurse~. \ulunll•t•r nit!:., and :L doclllr bcJ~an thdr tinlft•S~ fll'llei!SSin K of .S IUdcHIS. \t lli1rHl llnlt·, lhc· lnMilulc, n r tin~-: ~~~ hrl'l 111 the• J{('d (.·russ unit, c rHd 1hem .1 dlnucc itt 1he £tt'bh· nmn dnrmiwry. 'l t•flay, llllltl' than ('\<'r in llledi· 1·<tl history, \l'l' rt·alit.t' l hl" nl'cd s or humanity lll:ll IJlu(lrl pla'lmn i~ ~erv· ~or.,. H!Jt. :-i•J lttnRt·r i' IJiund disposed Dun't IC<l\'1' whr11 1he rurtain of <lfll' f twenty Hilt' tfays, hut as t ltN·~! The Buy nwnirtnb will b~ lhe rl•sull uf lldt•lllilil n•stc:t~rt'h old thPrr to supply lllll'ic for dandug. hi110d i:. hrokr n inlo its componenl ' f•xl haturdoy, ,\ lrlrn Memorial ; '"' r lemt•nb f11r nutnC'rous other merlkal uses. lh(•tc to hear thr r;tltt·rt~ ring : The !>~lll'l'(·o.:~ ur I hi~ 1 <'I h Blood Drive llln lie· ntt rihutctl '" the 195 1 l ·n1. ~ ng. t•a( Stud{'nt Bt.JOd Bank Committee
·R JY With Unil ()plfop In Laboratory
Mur~· h
9ah Sf'ht•41ulf'fl
D a l e for
nv•·h y Utuuw
Tu lloynluninnl.i' Mm~ i•· 'I he /\. I. Ch. b. is cnmpleting preparation~ for their Mvel yearly dance. the Unit Op Hop, whith will take place Friday lll~hl, March 9. T h1.... i~ the third consecutive year it i! being held, and promi~es to be ,fj,.,.
AIChE-Pn«f' 4
"hit.h was
~"1'11111ll<l'cl uf slurlent rep·
t'a<.h £tatcrni ty huu ~c anti the frt '!lhman dormitory. Those pnrti( iputinK wt·r(• : .\ .T.O S. W. Rinn 1\.E.P. R. E. Kern SA l~. It N. Sample T .X . R. B. C'raig P.G.D . T . A. :\f cComisk.ey T .K..f'. L. W. Catineao P.S.K. F. L. Flood, Jr. S.P.E. W. £. Palmer L .X.A. J. D. Writer Freshman Dormitory W. M. Cook
Two utlwr things nrc ulso llcflllilc. Onr i~ I httl wil h I he l'Slrtblishnwnt or ~llt' h a llllit llll the rumpus, 1\ ~Cilllln port itlll of l he student budy will he l"<Cmpl from the drnft and, tlwn•rort•, will he free to pursue tlwir t•chu·ation without having to worry ubout the Influence of drnfl law~. Ohvi•lusly, this is of great ntlvautagt• to tlw student. T he other of these tirfmite conditions ravors lht> l nstilulr In that it will mrnn :uldit iouul ussur;1nrc that the studrnt h•lfly will be of 1he size r('qulred to keep ftnancial matters 011 n li rm IJnsis. Freshmen who arc physically qualifi t•rl will br rPquired io lake n ( our'le In Military ~de nee (or th(' ti n d 1wo years. This will in Ill) wny intedc•rt• with rrgulnr ruurscs orrcr<'<l by th<' l n!-.litutt•. T hree hours of dassronm :tnd pr:.1rlical work a wrt•k will he t t•qulrt·d fur the firsl IWll y~·ars, and tht•n ror thc,.;c ~clect·cd rur Iht· d\'n nc:rd l'uur~e, five hours n. 1\el'k for the lllllt two years. C~u lel '! cnrollccl in this Advancecl Cnursc will he paid a monthly allnwanct' ut the tllrrrnl r,ale or $27.00. Upcm t:ornpi~JII uf the course and graduation I he raclel will be commi!s· sioned in the Sll(nal Corps Rcsrrvc of lhc Regular 1\rmy.
As8enthl y Hears Bill Suntmcrs Noted Untpire At an :rll'i<'miJiy held in Alden l\fe· moria! last Wt•dnc~ay, the faculty and studrnl h<l{ly ur Worcester TPch " err lrcu tNI tu nn hnur of bn'W!i.)all adventures and nnecdotcs by llill Summers, rnnjor lea~ue umpire. TaJkin11 in his lnlmitablc style, Dill kcpl hi!l audirnce In a happy mood by relating :.everrtl of the many humorou$ inciclents which had OC· currcd to him in hL'l 38 years or umpiring. The last 19 years or lhla
..,,.,. ASSF:M8l.Y- P••,. 2
TECH N EW Publl~ed Weekly
During lhe College Yrar by
The Tl!c:.b Nl'wl Al!,O<-iltii<Jn of the '-' o~c••ttu l'oi11C'~IH1ic I n•thul r. Mcm"'"r
J:\s~ociotC'd CoUe6iote Press EntTOH.-1~ -C III EJI
Etlwntd G. Snm1>lit
MANACll\C EJ) ITOR John M Tracy
FF..\Ti tRL EDITOR Ritharrl Ca.\'an'lus:b l'J-:( IU~T>\RY
Milhatl J
] o!kph Lnjtwsld
SPORTS Willlnm J OUSfNESS Robert
Af)\' ERTISINC ~tA:-o:ACER Ronald Th nmpson ASSISTANT MANACim Slllll Stt•nlun
EIJITOR l ht1Un<·l11 MANAGER l'avrtau
j r.
J nhnson ASSISTM\1' MAi'ACI·:RS Tlnll)i h\' V. O'T'Iole
Da,·ltl F.1irhank
!>tnnh:) Uc r man llunnld Oliver
) 11mtt 0. Sullivan Rltbard Samoll~
Richard GliiN h·
\ vtu Andrdlun.1' l•';,tnri~ M:odiK.:ttt
Mcnn rtf COLUMNL.•rr john Cr:~rin
REPORTERS Rll;hard GatM \lfred C. flnfnro RUSTNI::SS ASSISTANTS ll ~nt) K UurJ(~r Oonrdd R. t 'nrnl)hdl Tl.tHnlt• O'Ct,nnur Richard Bouticll~ C.\ R'I'OO::>:I';1' PHOTOCRAPHER l:!dw11rd Bonuke\·irh Korman fr4nk FACU I, T'r' A IJVlSER Prof. John U. Mnckenllc No·w•
Uuolut~!l I 5. 202 l
,3.1411 Ed hurla 1IS·202<i
TERMS Subscription pc!r schonl year, $l.OO; !.lni!IC c:opil'5, $.10 l\lnke all {hc-1ks JMyllblc to Business Manager. Entered as l!Ctond cia 11\Jllter, Stptcm~r 21, t9t0, til the Post Office In Worcester, Muss., u ntl~r the Ad of March 3, 1117<1.
EDITORIAL Latell inl ormallon gatlll'red hy the Nation ul s .>.•urity ltt'80111'C('(! Board ind icate8 that tbc coamlry will c.xpericnc.- a shnrtngt• of t-ng lneere in the near futu r.-. o m u "h so that there will h .. n d efi elenc:y o f 4 0,000 e ngineer ing grucluotc8 hy 195Jl, T h e t·xaumsiun ol Jndu8ll")' and the d cwr eaile in 4"n rollnaen t In l.-dmi•·nl •·ollt·gcs are m ajo r contributing faC'ton.
The governnu.•nt policy of prcparednC$'1 warranls a great need Hf !ethnical developmenl, higher induslrial output , and new innovations. This responsibility rest!l on the shoul<lers of the engineering pror~s~lon. The present Korean cnnOicl hu~ aptly demonstrated Lhi-;. The decrease in enrolJmenl i~ shown by rhc estimatt• that the cull e~tes of the nation will produce Ollly JO,OOO cnJ(inccrs Lhis year. The liAurc is low in t•omparison to 1he entrance uf 50,000 men into I he cnginecrinl( t'teld in tach of the pw;l two years. .\l that time, practically nil of thc-.c ~trndu ntes were absMbed in indu!.try. This year the ~mallcr numht•r or men ROing to industry will still oo cur by the !'icleclhe !:\cn·icc .\ cl ancl rhc Or· J(anitccl reserve pnl~ntm. l r nppears that 1he only way the supply or engi· ncers cnn be malntoincd is to allow capablt• students to c(lntinut· with their studies. A J')()Slponemcnl uf induction Sl'Cms mantlatury. AlthllUI(h ns yet nu definite bluf.'prlnt has been issue..'(! by tht RUvcrnmenl, a step In 1he right direction is shown by the uffcred neft•rmcnt t() )lradu;lllng SlUdClli S for t1 peritl(} ()[ thirly Clays in urdor lhat they may lry lo tinfl an Cl'5en tial ()OSition. Al<;o on i\ugust J, 1950 the Secrt'lary or Lal>llr placed nil hrunches of en~ineerin~t <Ill 1he li t of cril ical occupation . II has been said that mm:h tlf the inllul1kic•ncy i'l ('on trihulcd hy rhe l1)w paid Lu the pr<1fcs~ion; the si.z<> or the pay check is nut l'llntnlcn· :o.urate with the site• of the job dt1ne. This scem ri~tht ly ~. :\ll'n in 111 her 11cold., ~uch a<:. nll'tlicine, Ia\\. advertb,inJC, ami s:1le~ are rcmunt•ralcd for lhrir \\Ork by hiJ,~h !>alarit·~ . i\s the c•n~-:itwt'ring proftossion hn., hccnmc mure tuniplcx. the ftnnllciill rt•turn hns rliminlshrd. This rau is Iuken ln111 ~:onsideratiun when a hi)th s~:hul)l ~-:ratlullle scl~>cls his life's wurl... \\'e don't have to Junk far to note the t•fi('(:h of llw scarrit>. Prunf ;, offered hy the 5tllplus intervi<•w::. :•w•ih.tule w ~ratlu.tlin~t SenitllS 1hls year at Tech. Tlw :umlll Frt•shtnan duss ul~u t~hnws the lrllncl It> pr1Hhtc11 fcw<'r wage~
w aJlc•,•i.ttc the im· all t•ngineerinR untlc'r,:(r:ulu.ttc5
[I i5 e\ iclcnt that th(' guwrnmenl mu.,l l•lke slt•ps 1wndln~
ln fnlltH\
shortal(l'. Tt will h<' of intt•re-,1
~~~~--~h 6. 1951
~uch 11 pru~mm.
' igmo J>hj J:: psilo o . are so secret that the uub wbu Last wee-k the new ofticer, of Lhe ' mtxc:d the painls can't tell you t..bt i\Jphu Tuu Hmi'gu . l lwu:.e assumed their <.Iulie:. when the i:JWCl propurlions (even they don't ~o doubt Techmen rwl~tctl a iu"tallatiun tc:rcmonic:. to.1k place. know lhem), and rccarpeted in ~lrange lull in ~.;ampu:. at.llvitie:. over fn;.talled a.-. oftic:ers were: pre3idtnl, \•ivid colors, the room has taken 011 the w(.'t!k-cnd of ~larch 3. The ex· ">lU llathawuy; \'tee-president, Ray an atmosphere of modernism. T he ta Ka ppa P h i planation for this lie:, in the facl Polen; $4!Cret.nry, Dick Davis ; bbLhat a d~:le)ltttion tJf l!ightceu lurinn, Phil Siml'!n; l F rcprescntaCommunication has been estab. .\ .T .O. s journcyetl w Boston to at- ttve. Uill Bitknell: anti hou~e man- lbhcd "ith Lt. Bill Grogan, erstwhile Ltmd the annual .\ .T.(). Conclave. J);Cr, Brady Hutldey. The new men Chapter .\tlv6er, and now one ol The IJrolhrrs were lhe over-night 1ue htJping ll) dtJ half as well as the Columbia's brightest gems. Brother I(UC:.t~ or the AT.O. chapter hou:.cs viii officer:.. ,\! ready Ray " Bed- Uruga)l is on duly commis~ioning ttl ~I.I.T. and TufLs. The uthcr ~ew Ch£•~;kcr" Polen has the brothers the l 'SS Stoddard DD Sbo, and weiEngland crel>t.enl and star chupter:. hupping with 1n.1king their beds. cume letters and ne\\ s through lht altendin~ the c..onvention were .:\lid\fu:r the ba:.kelball ~otamc with llc..'t'l Post Ofl1ce, :\. Y. dlcbury and Vermont. The purpose \\ csluver Field <In aturdny night , Prof. Frederick J. Sanger brighl· uC the conclave was LU discuss chap· !'iig Ep held a social hour with the ened lhe livt!:. of the "happy Ci\·ils" ter pruulems and lo sel up rules for rnt•mbers ur ~igma Alpha Ep~ilon a.-. by Ut!ing the dinner !(OC"l of the unily in adminl:.tralion among the gue«ts. :\ s:r:uHI time wa • had by all l'h.apler on Thursday. J. ~1. Tracy, {hapten;. Of courst no conclave i.'! with a few at'tS hiRhlighting lhe (:rand Vizier or the transit troops, a success without a time allowance ~huw . steered the distinguished pundit fur entertainment. l heard through t.C.A. adroitly amon1,n;t his admiring coun, the Krape-vinc that our \\'urct.'!itcr 'fhe rank!~ uf L.Cu\ . have heen \\ohu later heard Pro£. San~er speak delegates tlem(mstrated t hi! proper l(•duced by one. One of nur brnthcrs infonnally on the situation in the mode "( A·L:t) ". dtJcidecl Lt> look fur wnrk l.leforc he Fur Eru.L T lu•tu Ch i ret:eivcd ui:. B.S. Paul U~autrb Deadbeat Uiary. . . . \\'hat self. The homcroming Hf nil( Jim left tbe ln:.lilutr ~n onl~r ttl ~t-ek hb ~ tyk'<l Don Juan, Jamcs 0 . uiJi. ~ l nran was nut welcomed uccordin~ future cmpluycr during the mid- van by moniker, s lrutk QUl ignobly tu the usual soclnl custom. Rel(rel- st•mester recess. The lina to accepl iu the initial phase of his conque:ll fully , lhc brolhers met him with all hi application was a com·Nn ht'a<lt>rl 11f ~liss G. M. t~nd drew the slings rurm'l and Mages or the l>t'asonal by a Missouri UcmocraL. l'aul i... and arruW!'< uf hb outrageous ureth· l(l'ip. The first to rail prey to the now servinl( undrr I rnrle Sam with r<'n ~ ....\ riHmd lillie Civil, kno'!n M"llllrl(e was l\lrs. IJ:riC$un, lhe t;()()k, th1• ll. S. Navy. He was presented a a~ " R. 1:!." lo a wide circle of inti· whuse place ha~ been tuk(·n tern- l(ift by the (JroLhers upun his de- mntes in Farnumsville, is all set for pururily l.>y \\':tlly Preston, the emi - p.Hture.•\ nuth('r brothl•r 1\.cn ~l1l - hig 11peru1ion~ now that his '.51 tan· ncnl steward. lt•r, reports rhat he ha.' ewlrylhing lt•y ~wamer has arrived .•.. A ntw (Jf course illness will not be ul- undt•r rontrol in Korl'a well, Zl'nilh co11snle has bcell instnlled at 211 Instil ule and the John Lovell lowed lo intcrft'rc with the .;\lt>nte almusl. Ca rlo party ~a turday niAht. Numer Rc:ct•nl impruvt.>ments al rhe hou-.e .;\lu:;ic .\ppredntion 5odety has UUS plans h ,I\'C bt•en made and il i:. indude lht• n•tlccortttlnf.! uf lht.> ~h()ulden'd lc-.:.er lights aside and t'l\(ICttcd evcryunc will have a mas- ~rusir Runm. l'aintetl in two !'hades ever)"\ hert' echo the sl ridenl chords sivc lime. of f,!r~:t'n, lhl' exact sharlf'll uf whkh nf llach £u)(ue:. and l\Ir. B.'s Fifth.
ASl'IEMULV- ,.'mm
totul wf'rc !itWnl in tlw majur league!l. Orlrlly enuul>{h, Bill Su11u1wn; hun oriAinally plalllll'd on hcin,~: a priteft~htt•r HmH•vrr. when he umc IIC:h'tl <I S ;1 ~uhstilull· umpire in a h.tll Jt:lOW und wa.c1 paid fur il, he imrnt•tlialcly gave up lht· li~ht !(am·. and has been callin~~: balls and strikes ewr since llls fine umpiring ability i:. rellect1 ecl in the frlct thut he htt~ st'~'n st•rvitc in fiw World Seril'!l nnd fnur .\It-Star J{"Jme~. ht•inf.t nne nf tht• n1ust u~t·tl rnt•n in lht• lr,t~uc . \\hen \\'urlcl \\'ar 11 monwntarily ('urtuiiNI major league hnll , Bill ~pClll a g<HKI deal of lime \-io.itin~t variou~ army ramps bi1th ht•re nncl nvcrSl'as. l)urin~t thl'St' trip~ a ~real many intcn•:<tiiiK thinf.!S hiJppenrd l<l him rr:-uh in).: in t;tlmt• 'rry rnmit:al CtHN'<lucncell. Bill re-<·alled ~'·eral nf I hrSt" epi~mlr~. and in ,ltltliti\)n rrltllt'd fJ few ur the .llllll~ill)l inci· tlt•nL~ in which he and IH'II·known h.~o~rb.JII lumin.t rh·~ \\l.'rt' im·olvt-d. l'lw'-t' rel'(llkd Ions ptovt'tl must en· jt)ynble anti thrir contt•nt helped illust rnte the ,•.,lor in the J,tnmc t1f h;t~t·ba ll.
hops For Me n
,\t the conclu i<IO flf )fr. ~ um· met s' tnlk. movirs of 1he hi~hli~hl$ nf 1ht• fo11r 1950 World Serit's games l.wtwl.'l'n 1hc r\c\\ YMk Yankel!s and the Philnclt.>lphin Phillie~ brouRht thr a'\..~embl y tn a <;lose. llEUA UI.E l'RESCRII'>Tt ONS
f'ntture fum cm l nalionally ar/v('rti3erl /in ('l y o u k noro ... mul like to roear.
107 lliKhl1md Sl., Wo,..t:l l f'l', Man.
Plum6! t 6-6J94
llo lloch .,.., Ba corn Reprcijcnl Litc •·ary Cluh at Fitchhurg :'\r\1 Thur..ti.Jy, ~ l .trd1 II, .tl 8·00 P,:\1 tl\<1 llH'tnht.'rs uf lhl· Litcrury ('Jub, To111 IJuline: her 111111 Uill Uas· com. will repn•scnt Tcth in a bouk rt•vil'l\ lH hr aired ow•r -.wuun \\'EDI. l'ltrhburg. Tlw huok, Jov Strrt•t, will hl' dlsntSSL•d with mrm· bt'rs uf I he Fitr huur~ <;tmc Teacher~ (\•lleJtl' Ltlcrary ('luh. F. P. Kl'Yl''· author uf rhe U!)lll.., i-. a vtr}' pupular 11 riH·r :mel one who has wrllltn ~evNa l recrnt IJ<'s t st>llers. The hook Lit I~~.· tli~l ll'"t'cl I~ a Hook c•f-lhr ~lonlh 'dl•ninn anti rlt>ab l'hit•Oy "ilh tlw :;ocinJ conditions nf Boston. II ~i"e" a v(•ry crilicnl view llmnr!l Br.tcnn ll ill "nnhhery in rump:tri-,cln In the lnwrr da'' of thP Bay re~i11n . 1' he Literary t'lub I" nul new nn lhc lllll hut Its recrnl counrt>rparr ha..-. h••st"un :uww thi.; term. This yt>ar the s:ruup i"' ql rongrr I han t'\'Cr and pu~~e~t~ed with n koen lntrrcsl fM nrw nwmbcr~. Prof. J. II. ~ l acken· lie is rhe fncuhy ach i<t>r to thr ~roup while Tom Hnllucher is it.-. prt'siclenl. Thr Liter.uy Club i~ (tddin~ to tht schnol :.1 hule morr or the liberol nrtQ t('uch that L-; so snrrly needed. f:o ,.pliml'nt t o/
102 ll ittbl • nd Worc:ealt:r, Ma N.
' ·· ••
~ ••
Tf'l. 3-9579
t'Wm a n Club ll old~
Cum munio u Breakfast On ~unday, ~ l arch 4th. the 1\sso· cialt•d :\l·\\man Club;; of \Yurcest~r. ,, I tt·r n.'u•ivin~ in a l(rtiU[l at Sl Paul s Catlll'<lr:tl, held llwir annunl Cnmrnuni1111 IJteakfru.l at thl.' ' hera· wn Htlll'l. Students anti f:tcult)' member.. frnm Clark. \\'t)rCt"<ltf St.lll.' Tt'.Jdll'rs. Bcc.kcr, 11nd Tt'Ch uti ended. •\fter nitll' u'clock ~ ra-.s, th(' group rNircd ht 1hc heraton. where ,111 P•trtoluk nr hreak fnsl . Fullowing lht rt•pa'lt, member,; enjoyed on rnli~hl· t•ning talk hy the ~uest speaker. ~J r. Ruben \\'ill)t•rforce. :t cultural 1>fflcer frum the llrit b h Information :,er\ill'. ~rr. \\'ilberfllrcc'l; di~rtalion. ",\ Century in Retrospect'', dt>all "it h Cardinal :-.:ewman . founder of tlw lntt'rnnlit>nal :\e1\m;1n rtub. and till' inth1rnn· of rhe Xl'wrnan Club nn present day Ens:land.
ee " Rev" Fo r A.ll Your Need.J
r d (
' t
r I
SPORTS RIC11 AND HEALY OF \VPJ OUTING CL B PLACE IN JACK 0 1\1EET La::~l ~.uurday the Worcester Tech leaders, and Ken Healy of Lt.•omin-
1e y,
J. 11.
St Rl b·
31 ~u
:b IP II I~
l· r. :r 1,
It ,f d
NE W '
Engineers Scuttle Na11y Flyers 52-36 ... . . IJV
___...._ _ _ 110\VAIID, llllft\\rN SIIINE Do,vned IN Stii\ ON1\L \VINitiJP
h1 Finale
u, •;~-:onm·: nEtun
night '~
tJr c--gam e d o pf• bud T ec-h rjnging this \\',)n:c:oter .\cademy. sponin~ ;t rea r't~ hnt<kt•tba ll t·urtain tlm•n in u tilt "ith tlw hig hl y-r att-.1 W e11t· !lter1 .\la:>s., who t1nished with the SC\'~nlh filSlt.'Sl time. The rrsuhs of fru;t urcukin~-t attntk. eu'ltly romped oH· r F lt•ltl f.'lyt'rl!. Uut tht· h •u m tha t s ne uke cl onto the Roor t urned t1> u tJ L-50 victory in 'uturdny's m al to lw tht• Vlt-6 Nuvu l Air Trans p o rt S qutulro n llatlge r l! nt• thr slalom rares arc not available prelim. Tht' ,\ cudemy's opcnin~ ta d aeel to the' Army hue~t• u t W t•ttto ver. Coa..ta C.:hurlie 1\fcNulty, lit thi:. writ in~. Downhill inrii,·ic.lual ~purl , <'•Hnbint>d with the Boynton \\·lao IHul ht'~'~' r ompletc-ly (aked o ut, nc \ c rtbc:lettll m anugc-cl to wbip anc.1 team standings folltlW ' II iller's lud.less "hootin~-t found the his t'horg t'l! intu e n o ug h of ll frt· nzy 110 tha t they ·we re able to maul I . ::\lal Connors. B.C. 9b.95 ' i.siturs uht':ttl 17-0 ;1ftt•r flw min- the> l!ruull, o utmuoned, and uutdu8t~eC"J lluilort!, 5 2-36, to bring 2. Ouy Reny, B.C. 98.70 utt'!> Tt.·t:h tinnll.r broke the ice ;ll T edt 'I! ICdUHiult• tu u 'it•torluu 8 but rathe r unimJ)re88lve clo&e. 3. Bill Pulleys. Brown 101.90 thb. puint and scored :.e,•cn quick T he s p:11 k thtll curried Tt•ch w Harry Urown then chucked inn run4. l\lt>l ~ l t•runcy, ' E.('. IOJ.SS l nmrkl!r:.. Howie La termun.• threw in victory wa~ uguin provided by Lhc ning one hand shot, rmu followed it S. J im Rid1 , \\' .P l. IOo.l.lO thrt>e of this tntn l and fina lly cndcd dl'Pl' ndalllt- duo uf co-captain Richie up with the most eye-opening pert). jim l\ld\rtight. Uruwn 106.60 up u~ hi~h scort'r fllr Tt•ch with formance t>f the game. He took a 7. 1\.en Henly. \\".1'.1. 107.80 eight Durlnf( the remainder uf th(' Huwart.l ami center ! larry Brown. pass from Hownrd and broke down 1 s. Ray Cute. n.r. 109.60 1irst half. tilt' t\\u team!> m:llr hrd Howard, playing the last game of the floor with but oue man between 9. Dick lte:.slen, X.E.('. 109.70 b<l$ket and the horn siOpJX'I.I 1he his brilliunt cullcginte c.1rl-er, put him and the hoop. Without hesita1111 a typical spar-kling performa nce. I0. Sumner \'oun~. Uruwn 109.85 ~·on>b1 1.1rd at 29- 17, .\ r adt•my, tion Harry faked the bewildered He was ull over the nnor, lolealing I. uo~lun {'olleg(' 42lU S l n thr ~t'ron d cnntn the l!mooth Hitdger, sra legs and a ll, t:ompletely 2. llro\\n 436.4 7 funclioninR vi~itors really tur ned un tlw bull , ~ct t lnA up pl(lys, unci con- out o{ his sncakct·s und leisurely laid J. Boston L'niv. 453.90 the gas, upping tht>ir lt>ad to 37 bt'· nect in14 wlwn 1hey counted. ll is six- it ln. The Tech scoring wns brough t 4. T uft!. 453.90 fore Reiling fmally hooped one for t~n point lO lJI g,l\c him high ~or to n close appropriately enough by 5. Xew En~land ColleJ{c 457. 10 Terh to brenk tht !\pell. T h<• ~~~~ honors fnr the cvenin.:. while the other dt'part ing senior, co·cap· llrm' n. tht> "h1111lx'rinj.t pivot from tnin ,\ndy 1o"rce1nnd who connected 6. Worcester TL'th 4 i0.20 ,\ c:ulemy ('ontinued the torrid puce, 1 \\'hitin~.>vi llr'' cullectcd tWl'lW for on n jump shot and lay-u1> before h•1wever. nnd 11 1 th<' periotl 1he score his ni14ht 's work. the linal IJu z:.~:cr uf thl' season echol'd tl·ad 45·25. RiJ.Ihl fr(lm 1hr stnrt it was puin- through Lh(' gym. T hr linnl ten minulr~ were rmtlh fu lly ulwilliiS that it wns guinR to be For the visitors, the play of their like thr lln.t. it \Ia'> th1• \ l .tCit•my\, n strktly h11-hum niTnir. Andy Free- two small back-court men, Hobby l(anw a ll tht' way. RuS( (hell reland tiJ)enCd the SCOri n~ Wilh t WU Schwart:r. nntl Vern Simpson, was llcfen~ i ve 8 oartlwo rk ccivul .1 lint hand fur hi., dfllrh ft)u l shot., , and ull thl.IL lhe nex t six wort hy uf note. Simpson, aJlhough The l ntrn-Fratrrnity bowlin~ wlll \\hen IHtNI in the lnl't ninutr~. 1 Pa ve ~ Way to Upset minute~ produn•tl were twn more lu·ld scureksi! from the noor, wns cunw to a clnsc this wet•k, but a ~ in Cir<li(rtn wii h 1.3 unci l''olty with 10 In Overtim e T hriller fou l cunver.,ion' tu ~o~ivr Tl'ch a 4·0 sunerlnllve on clcfensc as he held many previous scnson'\ the winner ll'<'rt' hitth nWII for the vi!lilors. Last \\'erlnesduy night o deterlt•nd. T1wn thc hupcs vf tlw :;mull I{ ichie llowartl In check in Lhe secmined Tech quintet pulled one out will not lie determined unt II the last cro wd fur a ..hutout were shattered ond hulf. ,,r tht.- lire a:. they startled n highly tlay. TKP and S.\ E " ill wind up NAUT I(:AL AS ~ OCIATION 1\ hen the vlsiturs linully weiKhed The T ech ~culll ing of the Badf(trs IJ\oml Tufts five with a timely the sra,un this Thun.clny. <lnd if ~!:LEtTS E\\ OFFIC..: Rs anch•lr tm u Pete Pctcr!>on shot fr1>m t•nnbled the McMen to finish the up~t'l. ll wus nip and tuLk all the l'hel..t Knp wins two or mure :.trinK~ underneath. Not to be t>utdune, :-t'ason with a mnrk or eight wins On ;\ Iunday, February 2b, the Tcdl rct111intcd un Brown 's jump 1\a)' with the: En gi n<'er~ fmally de- they will he the buwling champions and ten losses. Xauti1al A.,sucintion held it~ regu- l:ihllt from I he bucket. Boll by l'htlp· dcllng Lhe issue in an overtime wouo. 1'1':0 11 "WF..STO VFJK for 195 I. Jf, however, they win unly NAVAL ,_1J r114 '" lar n•eNinJ,t in tJ iru:inl!, und ucw mnn tuuk uwr ut thi:; point llfld llu w•NI ( thnlkr, by a 70-08 roun t. 16 r,t '"I t11fi one striuJ{ Lhey will be tied fur fan,t fllt'ei»nd r 2 2 0 t'"t~riK!n t uflici'lll \ll'rt' l' h.'c tt: d . Tht•y tm•: mrshed u lOIII( ~e t and :1 lvlll( une- , .....It l'un•d by c.o-capluin Richie Htl\\· u u 0 81n•poon 0 ll t 1 a o t a 2 1:1 llcnn t ar1l onc.l p1votman llarry Brown, piau~ with Theta Chi, aucl if SM.: l'Hmmotlmt• ('harlie FJanaR.tll , Vice- hundt>r 111 Rive Tct h un I I 4 lead "'""n Hall I 0 0 t'.unner,0 I I Vo•ll 0 I I llh•l<l•~ 0 I) 0 ~~:hu togNber account('(l for -l b wult.l manage a ~but·ollt o\rr T KI', Conunt-<1urt•, Da ' \' Jt•nn<•y. !'>t·Ht'· al the ten minuw mark. Then th ~· t•hal>ll1An 11 I I I ~;rlok.. on I I I then Theta lhi will be I be l h;lrn- tary Tn:a-.urrr, 8h$k UO!I l'lohn • i II • tnn Stan1o11 ; and lll••nt-. l ech matc.heil the llo~ton ..ailtll s' diminutive guard, Uuhhy Vt•lluOJII • 0 6 !idowotl&fl a t ts pino,. lll •holl<k tj U II ( hairmun, :\ lt•l -,t•tltiiJn, l'uhlitity te.1m point for puin t Howard con· Schwnttl , Ullt hut 1111cl threw in th n•c• 1\ TO also has n slight ' huncc Lo •1 h h 1 'Total• I I t O ~2 1'111Aolo sbtt•ntJy wove his way thmul(h lhc A sdwdule for the remnindrr of "'' rUI~ II S ~~~~. t e ast «llle II !'t() t lhofct~••••• llultlvon • ~•I Ci•tflloY, t·llt·my line:. to score drivin~ loy-ups, tit• fnr lirsl, bui they would have to thr <,chnul year was drn wn up : April frum nrnr tlw mid-court line. A ~ while his teammule Brown was wiu ci~~;h t straight slrings .md Theta I 5, n " Fr.•shmcn·Oc:tel" mrt>l nl I hri'C-I)(lillll'r hy llownrd nnd onedu nktn~ thl.'m in frt)lll the foul line. Kap \\ Clllld have to lo'(' ai least Cn:N Cunrd , .\ pril 21, i'\t•w 1-.n~ hnndcrs llall nnd H<1ward l{nve l nt1l h.1lf-time, a rnpitl pace was set three. l.io ue(ure the 'it( on cnrls It l;mrl eliminnliun~ at ;\1.1 1'.; i\Jlril T cr h n 22- 10 Irati before Schwartz T he Worcester Tech swimming by bo•th teams a~ Tech emerged on i pu-.;lblc to have a thrt>e way lie. ZQ, a qutll l rnn~uhtr meet in Rhodr camE' thruugh \\ ilh another running was defeated by tJac Coast tcnm :\lso the inclividual b<Jwling chnmth<' ,hurt end of a J0-18 o;cor('. Island , ;\lny o••1 llCIHIIR«mnl mec•l ttt hoop. lluwurrl 1hen boostrd 'f<·<:h Guard Academy lnst Saturday by n pitm proul\bly will not 1>c determined ;\I.I.T.: ;\ lny 12-1.), New Enl(land into a ctJn1 11lii 1 Hiin~ 29- 14 ud vo nto ~e TufL~. who had previt>u~ly scored score uf 54 to zI. Highlight of the until the last day. Hart ll a stln~~;s of several major Kew Englund vicchrunplunshlp ttL Cnast Gua rd ; Mny with 11 rapid 'Ieven point splurge. mecl was Cy Vershon's win In the luric,, (Ji,playecl a smooth passing ~ l' h , \ ndy l\'lorgo anrl Spud Spa- I .,, nwt>t, 11L Tu fL' for t ho~e not par· The :.tart ~tf the second half saw ISO yard backstmke. Cy, who hail'l .lllal k , but were hampcrl.'d a great cl<lni uf TKP, and Oavc Jenney of tidpatmg in the chumpionshl1>; and a rf'pCLiticm of the lopr>y play that frQ ITI ChiC01X'f.'1 1\la'ls., and Is In the dral by n .,nappy znne defl.'n~e. j oe .\T O all ha,·e a AOOfl chance to ~ l ny 20. a trinngulnr mt<·t nt J>nrt- htlrl marrt'd the fl rqt hntr. A Brown dnss uf 'S3, made the distance in Frallno and Richie 1h l\\Jrd hara.;;wtJ t'llll'fj,fC the le<tder. ;\l ur~u hn:. the nuut h. layup and u Frnt ino two-pointer lhe f:t ~l tim<' or 2.340 min., a new hiuh !oin~tl(' ~trin~ uf 133, und Jenlhl I ufL, " arrioro; up front, \1 hile l t.c; th irty-live members nnd nny- ... tartrd the ball rolling hut lhe gnp ( h:tpm.w and Brown husiecl thcm - ney h.t.., tlw high three ~t ring . cure une inH•reslell nre invited to nllcncl wus quickly d OS<'fl by three strnight Tech record. The summary : 220 335. T K P has l~>lh the hiuh learn n merting to he hclt.l ~ 1 ort'll g at baskc•ts by the Bue'lger'!. Four points free : Pnr:;ons (CC ) 1 Grct>nwalrl '1'1\'c!l \\ilh snatchin~ up nlmost all sin.QIC and the hiqh team lfiUtl \\ lth 7. 00 I' M. in H i,l(gins. 'rhc meN i nl(~ by lloward und n Uk k Hall ~pcclal (CG ). Quumo (W). 100 free : Drews tt'l>oun<b. This wn~ nccumpli~hecl '>(UTI.'~ uf 41 8 and 1195 rc<,[)('CLivcly prove interrst ing to everyone <;<1 fwm lhe side shtiVrtl T erh to 11 4 1· (CO). Rowe (W), Powell (CG). a~atn.,l n t nwerin,~t T ufts team and -440 free: While (CG), Sherburne This wrek will al!\0 mark the 00. let's remember this date. ll.t' prnbahly the dedd in~ factor in 26 l<•ad midway through Lhc half. (CG), F.mst (W). J(inninA of the Intra-Fraternity thr Te,h victory. T!'rh urwned the scc11nd half with ba.,ket b;lll and it l()oko; a 'I if any 3 '~'Mill~ ~11rcc II) fOrjote ahead Of lrnm could surpri!;C und wrc'll lhe PE, thr clefendin~ the home tt'nm , but the T ufts cage- crown from ll'rs were soon back into the ball champions. 1 ~ame . ami the second half proved to be an C\citinl( repetition of the fusl. 1)\'rrtime. The Enginee,., had com' ' the game neared its linal sta~es. plete crmtrol of the ~itua t ion in the the :'.l:umen found themselves at a rxtra period, Howard and Drown lM point def1cit, but the situation scMed ~en poinls during the overlias rcli£1\·ed when Brown tossed one time to climax the lilt with a 'iwcel Z89 MAIN ST .-Cor, Exdlan,e St. through to send the match into an fi nale.
·k• team journeyed to Thorn .\ lounwill in J.u;kson, ~. H., to compete in a twn-clay l\ew England intercnll<')li.llr Ski Conference meet. Compttition in downhill racing was held ~n ::-aturd:ty and the "lalom races wrrc run ~unday. The rl.'sults of lbe doMhill di"ision found twl> Boston Cull~~o~e st•niors, .\lnl Connors uf \\'inclwndl)n, l\l ass. and Guy Reny of 1klmont, l\ 1nss., with the fastest times of 96.95 and 98 70 second ri'•Jwdhely. The llltal time for t.he dttHritlUS Boston Cullege four-man warn 11a:. 428.25 ~onds. Worcester Tt•ch, 11hhou~h placing sixth In team .,wndi n~s ufter t he downhill event , placed two men in the lhfl ten on thr• individunl standin~s score sheet. Th1• \\'urce,ter team wns led by j im Kith of Torringtnn. Conn.. who plnrcd tifth amon~ the individual
Last Satun luy
Polyme11 Edge Jumbo 70-68
Tech Mennen now To Middies 54-21
A Capital Concern
'l'EC II
~larch 6, 19S I
Ft·w Tip Ofl'(•r·etl 'l'o tudenl On . ' u<·cc
The ~IO(l( ur \luunt \\'hit tier were fair Ia t \H·t:kuul wht·n rt:prc~ntativt:s from the 'l"t-ch Outing CluiJ partidlhlll·cl 111 ,, 5ki tuurrwy held .tt Turnwurth, r\c:w Hamp~hire. The mt•n from tht• llill did nul fare too wdl, llut will rnurnc their eflurt~ thi~ w~ckt'IHI in Jutk ·on, r\e" Tlamp,hln', \dwrc they hall challcnKI! ull opponent~ un the trail u! ·r horn l\ I ouut<~ill. Tlw Gnndmun T rophy, hJNnson•d hy th1• Nl'w hnl( land l ul!'rcol lt·~;ia 111 Ski ('on ft•rt•nce 1 will ht· awurd(•d fur 1lw h('sl team
l'h ,\ urlh• r1 lrm \ •. 11 ~orth· , ac;ttrn Unin'rsity, Ho wn, r~'f.Cilll.) 11ftt>rt:d a ft:w tip,. tn t u(ftonts \\ ho '\\ant to be a :.ucH''" .1t mll~t·. I it" included: l...u<1k alert. takl.' nlltt•s. If yuu lu11k ,,, your '~atrh. dun 1 'ta r<• at il un · belie\'ingly and shakt• h . Hrin~ tht' pmft•..sur ni'W'Jiap ·r cliptlinJ{:-. l>enwn ... tral!' daily 1n1c·r f'<,l nnd gi\•t• him tinwly ili·m~ tu mention in clas.~ j brinA in any dip piu~-t~ 1U mndllnt. L:augh at his jcJkc>s. You wn tc•ll h£· has mad<' a runny if lw lnoko, up pcrrur munn•. 'I he SUJIJ~H t nf .tll Tt•t h nwn will frum notes and smill's l'XJ>!'Cl.llltly. .\"k fur ouhlcle readlnJ.( \ uu don' t be cnlll'tl upon on thr days of ~lurch 17 nnd II! \t thl, time, \\ .1' I. and have to r~ad it. ] u"t n.,k fur it. Lowcll Tt>\til(', unckr tlw uu.,picl!l> of the ~ .Jo.. I.S.( , pi 111 tu w·~punsnr n . ki mt•{'t in the· virinity uf Interfor vale, 'c·w lf.lllllt hirt•. It b hHped " J o hn Loves 1\lary·' that rn:.ny lclCal rcNJII'r will IK: ~ Tltursdny En•. U:OO P. ~f. cured 1c1 st:.ncl at thr finish lint· ami AJden J\lt'morial pru\'idc tht• chh·~ .
Ma 'qu<· T t)'·out
Michael Faraday Excuses His Inability to Compose a love Letter l .. r Llll •• tlt.l nuh: from thl· bril· Ii.ltll phj" It: I I , \ lw l>y his t:fxx:h · tn1l:111t; n t·nnltl' :111rl experiment!' p.1\l'il tht \\a)' fur the application uf tit urrc.:ily to nwdern indu,Lry, Jlnt\ 1
th•JU~oth unc may be .1ble
s thJt
111 ~um•u•m up at \\ rll t hf' principle,. of t·h·tlllt Jy lt.llllib and th~ inllucnce of tht• lll•l~lll'lk li!'ld un pulari.:etl li14hl, IIIII' c .rnnut nt•tt•ss.trily synthc· ''·'' till' t·lt•ntt'lll ~ \I hc·rt-of a love lt.•t1t·r i~ made. Royul lu ~titution : Thursday llt·u•mlwr , 11!20 ~ ly l kar Surah- lt i ~ astonish· in11 how llllll h 1ht• !.Iale of U1e body lntlutntt•s 1hl· pm1t·rs of tbt' mind, I haw lx·cn thinking nil the morning of Lll£' \cry tlt•li.~thtful and interesting lt•Ht r I \\C>Uitl '-Cnd ytJU this e\·ening. and IIIII\' I nm ~~ tired, and yt'l have ~~
mud1 to clu that my thoughts are ttuitt• J.tlfldy, and run aruund your ima~ott· withuul ''") JKI\Ier of them-
sche~ to "'"P and udrnin•
it. I " nnt l•J "-lY a thou tnd kind and, hclit\e nrt!, ht'3rth·h thin11 tu you, hut nm nul m.; -ter ut "'mb lit for the purpu.-c; and till , a I pondt·r and think un p1u , thluridl-s, tri.tl 1 uil, 1>.1\y, ~ud , mi.;c:tllanl'.t, mt:n.ury, .1n•l tihy utht:r prufl· iunal f.llldl·~ ~" im be lure and rlriw rm furtht:r and rurthtr into the (lli<IIHiary of -.tupidnt"· I rum yuur uhcllion,nc ~Ill hill'! !':c•vcrthrlt·s.~. !.hflrtly after tlli~ lellc>r WOJI writlt•n, ~urah Ba1natd ht•c:HllC ~lichttl'l Fn rnday's dt'Vt)l eel witt• rl)r muny Y<'Urs. Tlu•l r!l Wll !l u notuhly 10111( :tnd huppy nwrrittj.(e.
i1 ~:. !Jut :.erws Lhe purpose uleally, nnnethcJe,..,. The Boyntonianc; ha\e 'UI>Jilied the mul>ic for the l\\o prt· dou' clancl.':o and Lhey will do -o for thi.' unl·, too. T he dance \\ill be lul!l frum S:OQ.l Z:OO P.:\1. Enttr· tainn:t·nt, txclu.si,-e of dam.in2, "ill IJI.· furnish~! by Lhe in~t:niou.'> C.:htm En~ein eo;, using the npparntu, oo hand. La-.t year lhey
u,,,wr (lltd AlP
tht! Jx.•,t uf Ill!' tlm·c: Thb dantr i-., uf WUNc ju-.t fur the nwmiK•ro; of the cl:tncc nnd to their own s.tood ad. \ . I Ch E. ;uul " 111 IH" ht•lcl in 1ht• \' illllilltl' . for it i:. one uf 1 hr top IJnit Op<·ratiun.... laburatnry, whit h hi t'\ tnb ui lhe sea._.m Ht •ult '• wao, n•)t oriLtinall.)' intc•nclt'CI fur ((;me- it\ fur frl't'.
8 \10'\111 .., CW "
Ill Rill\ ITZ. R~. f'harM .•
f T10rh
"rl 'U
lnrf' For T t>f'h , ,.,.
C. \ \I}Y • SODAS • DIU (,1,
u nci
1 will get you 4 4 •nunths of TIME foa· $1.00 JOII 10:1 Eu~o~ l
K ERUI<:L, <:ullc·gc· IC•·prl· ('ntnliu• Muunt ui n S lrt•t·l , Wort't'i!h•r 6, :MasJo-uc·hu t'l ls 1 ... 1 FI'IIO~Jo; Fhh rr ·1·1Uj2 nr 2 -i6i3
13.73 For 15.00 12.23 For t2.00
CHOICE WOOlfNS & WORSTEDS every yanl laboratory felfed SPRING SUITS 37.95 to H .95 SPRING TOPCOATS 37.95 to 42.95
Worcester Telegram
• •
The Evening Gazette
Sunday Telegram
Radio Stations WT AG and WTAG-FM
For That Um11unl Cor1n1e
Cooper' Flower ~
133 lliflhluncl
T .. lrphon~ 5433 I Mr"'b" r l'lor l11 T f'I"II"•Pia n..urf'r) Aeeodai iOII
Barber Shop
6th Floor Stale Mulual Oulldlo•
Appolnl"'•"'' II Dul'*' S40 MAIN S'f ,
Tel. 4-1981
l.ubriullon and Oallf'ry Si-"l"e
tat ion Cor. Utah l•nd
(.ould ln• 'lt o,
~ ~~
Go to
" Jr' here Coofl Food Is 'ut }utft an ExtJreuion"
RAPHAEL' l'our 'l'llllborlr ] ,..,,,,., 13 1 lllt.III.ANU :o,'T.
PREl\1lER Cleaner Tailoa·
ItS II H. Ill \"ill ,T.
T .. t. S-4%98
T ILl.
t nh rrslly stud en!$ in Wanglrr
~110 :-ilTE
Th t' ll cfft•rlllm Press IGO ...,.,.11 011 1 S lrt•f'l , Wort'o'l ler Prlntf'r·• lo IJu lh • lu tlt'n b
f : xpf'rt 111ilor1 nnd t'/pnnPr• \1 Your fral;ot'nlly an d O onnho17
In Chicaj:to. lllinoi.!!. thl.'rl'
a frientll~ gathering of Dr l'aul
f:.r ~rt JJ'nl r h R t•pnin
113 llighlmul
l lull on the campus. And. n' in univl'rsltics everywhere, ic<'·rold Cora·Cola hdps make these get·ln· gt•thcrs someth ing to remember. A 11 pause {rom the stuc.ly grind, or on a ~aturday u ight date-Coke bclo11gs.
mul Far ulr , /or Forty {
follt'flf' Publirollmu
lr.J./t.rn.llks mt•ln tht sDmt thi"l· I Oni.ID UNOO AUiliO..TY 01 TMf COCA-COU. COM,NlY I T
l'riRtn-. te
T .. cla PharnHJ<'}
Reatl1•r'11 Digetfl for , I .00
lliglafllt Grndf' u/ ltft>nl•
It is hupecl that all mcmlwr,.. of \ l Ch. E. will auend this
Jt'Oit S'l'lli>E 'TS
" ki~~Clllll'lcr " , wit11 which tht• thcr· mal dfl'tl uf kis...intt wa ... nwt-.urccl. Tlu• ft•millin<• clement Wth duly irnprt"•"ed by their escorts' kno11 l(•dge uf physiral chrmistry.
Ill: .-:. Mutuua1n Sl .• \\ •r~•••n I, \h.,._. TP.I t, l'll lll'o t. F:ll hor I 'J~) or :-1U1
up .. umc
tillutwn apparatus with 1\hich thty l!rt:\\ CII wfiee. Tbry alsu had n
J()JI\ 1\t-11111-1.
COCA·COI.A UOlviiJ"G CO\I PA \ Ot' 'ftORC&STER o n.. c-.c.~o