1951 v42 i2

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T ECH-21, HAMILTON-14 Make RPI the 4th!


Wort'ffier. Mnll.,

\ olrun <' XLII


Nomht'l' 2

(.)('1 ,

16, 1951


Plans Ma.de For Annual Hotneeotnirtg Tbt•-.t- thret•. be silent thinl(:~-an e111pty football $tadium - a dc~ rtt•d t.unpu.- a \'Utant lt:(ture hall. Cume ' aturtlay, OctolJcr 10, th!.' (•11\pty lootw ll lltaclium " ill ht• tilled \\ ith tlyin!( pi~ldn~ ancl ruarin~t f<ln:-. tlw dc-.t>rH•d campu" will he overrun with old l(rads wearin~o; '28 buttons, ancl the val.llll lt•cture hull:; ''ill he vnc:tnt. Tht' occa,iou for this rt•wr~n l in :urm aJ,:;Iinst thl' au-ta:re serenity of a propl.'r :-\ew Enl(hmd !'I;Hurcl.ly al tt rnnun i-. of cnur•t', llomecominl'( Uay on U(l}"llton llill 195 1 o,ty lr \dwn ~tr~ad ~. buth old and llt:W , rt'lmll to \\' hooprl' with suptriur ~ milr:> on tlwir fun·• to look over the raw material in the process of twi n~ mouldNI intu th• Ill''' ~t·ncratl11n 's en~tin t•erl-. Al this "riting, plans are a!r('rHI~· unrl r I\ }' tn mn.k<' thi, year's fc th·ities Wmt•LhinA to "cnmt' batk " alwul.


T ill' A!lst•mllly of Oct. 17 11uw tlw uwurcl1.1 nudt• for lu11t y.-ur '8 lnterfrulernity competition. The "innt•r u£ tltt' Gt•nerol [,t•t!llc>nc·e Pri1.c• oml the l'rc~ic l ent'K 1'roJ•hy for the• IIC'ilthlmic year 195019 .5 1 \\ Il l! Al1•hu Tau OnwfCu. Tlw two frotcntillt•8 following c)n the heel~t o f tbie year's wimwr, were, in urciPr, S igmu AIJJhu E J•t~ilon and S igma Phi E pl!ilon. 'l1al11 yt'ltr's c-onattetition waA quite coloa.-, with A.T.O . •totting out thC' utlwr frulr.rnitlcil. 1' he iWholustiC' awurtl~t founcl Alpha Too Omega aagaln on I O J• "ilh 1111 II ' c•t'llt(t' of 76.:\7o/0 • 1'11(' 8t'C'Untl prize " 'innc·r wu11 Sigma Alttha Ept!llon with o M"h o laetJc ll\ C' ru~c· nf 7;;,(J:lo/C"• ntulthircl piUC't' in tlw ('Ont(Jt'tilhm \\t•nt to 'l'hetu Chi ~' hOM 0\1t'rJI8e watl74.7lo/o• T lwllt• till t 'C hctlliWtl a ll ...,.,..... lust yc•ur'l! t•ollt·~<· t~dwlnl'liC' U\ t.'rB@I' of 74.55o/o· or the l!t'Vt'D frutt•r n itic•s U lllllllf( tho!l•· not winnin~ (•itiU'r the, · ·lr81 or Ht•c•(HIII a•rizc·, T heta Chl l!hOW('flth~ greule!!l iml•rmt•nwnt in ~c·lwl nrl'lhiJI owr Llw ('rce(•clhtK y..nr. Uy rul11ing ttwir uverugu 2.03,o/o ovt'r the prt•t•f·cll n ~r yc·ur'l! 72 .68o/o uH•ruge. Tlwtu CW ww• tht.• ~Wholorl.'hitt lruprovc•ment Prw.e and waa a·nnke cl in tltlrtl Jllau·•• fl(•hulustir ully nmon g Lite frntt'rnilit'll· , X Tlw (;(•ncral I~K<:<'Ill'nce Jlri;-.R is :& ca~h nwurd ur $1so, ttonawd by t\.lr. Ucor~c M. Fuller u~ the Wyman{,tmlun C.:o., lOI(t-lher wllh the lmphy whith was donat<.• c.J by President Wu.t Tyh'r l 'luvcrius. This award B uh:ll, Timc•l4 uf llnl4h ing i.s J(ivcn lO lllll rratcm ity whk b lu Frnh•rnily llou1Wioi pruws to be the most prolicient in Ami Plf•clgi n~ Anuumu•e d lOmhining bt1t h ~chol n.s lic work and In 11 h•w ~<'Ckll fra temlly rush· . . c:<tracurricular artivily. This com· ill 1 tnJ.( w 1J\'g 111 rn earnest wrt1l LlC . d h h t , • • 11111ct1 awur as cone 1 muc o ~lurt nf 1he huu-.c vr~iluuon J.WIIOd • t t' . h • , , , !illlllU1II e UC IVIly ant1 M: 0 11\St 'IC for the freshmen. r hiS Pl'rrOd I!> of 1: fT on at 1' ec11. 1' hc top t hrec houses • UllllO'l llllj)(.)(IIJI1((' ror U.~lh the • I' • I. • 111 t 11s year s comJ)t't taon were: Ct·!•shmru tin(! t.hc fra~P,rn ll lc~ uml for AI h T () ISO 8 7 thl'l n·nscm ~ev\•ral rules have hcen P u au nacga · e~tahlislwd .so tJMt all hatt·rttilies Sigma Alpha Epsilon 14 9.37 Si~m:t Phi Jo:psilon 148.86 will h,a\t• au cquul llppmtunity 10 The Grnernl l~xct~llence uwnrd is It wnk him si>- \\Ccks !\) dcslgnlllltl , et• au(! nwct all fr t~hmen irJtt•n•sted. !11rtdc on a polnl.il per man IJasis 'J'IIt' IIH..J.lllllllll OlllllhCr of houses tomph•tc his mctt•ornlogy slntion In which equalizes the chances or the lhi~ unique competition opt•n unly to a man may ,dslt Is seven, but the c;maller fra ternities. ;-o.;rw 1-:n~tlander~o. II i~ family tome-. attunl numllc:r will IJe !tpecilied on The l'ralernily and Non-Fraternifrom 5wmrord, Conn ., when· h(• wa.N au inviualiou whh h will be placed ty averages for tbe academic year born. But h<' hu.s lived in I lopkiu· in the lJ1Jrmit11ry mail box for all IVS0-195 1 as released by the Regis· dorm rc:sirlcnts and in the mail box ton for nine years. trar's office were as follows: 'I he M.hlllarship wti.S founded in in Huynton for all city resitlt•nL., on Alpha T au Omega 76.3 7'/n 1928 by llcnry j . Fuller car New Oct. 26. If a man wi!lhes tv join a Siwn a. Alpha l'~psilon 7S.9J71) \'ork, \\' I' I uJumnus und trustee. fru lt•rnlty he is rcquirrd to visit eu.ch Theta Chi 74.7 17o \\'innin~ pwjet:ls have been u range, house mentioned on his invitation on Alpha Epsilon Pi 74.527o linch·r, ~-ray apparat us, Lempcrulure the datr s~ificd. However, if a Sigma Phi Epsilon 7 4.08 1/t~ Ltmlrol and a :.hallnw diviug outfit pt•rson is unable to visit one or more Phi Cnmmu Delta 73.5 I 7o nmUill( mnny others ovt•r the y('ars. nf Lhc houses fur some rcU~~o n , he l ~hi Sigma Kappa 73.4S?'o Etk's pri1-e Is a year's tuition must notify PrtJf•• cheilley or the Lambda Chi Alpha 72 .82 ?'o ($600) and $ 100 e~pensc money. He matter before Lhc dale spccifa d for 1'hct.a Kapp:. Phi 72.29?'o i:. a~surccl by 1he college of con- the visit. All Fraternity 74 .16?'o A lap:~c or about a week will follow lin u i n~ !'cholarship.s if J1c keeps up All NonFraternity 75.82?'o his ~rnd~>s. A member •Jf the fre~;h­ this fi rst rush period so lhal the College 74.SS7o man clas;.:;, he will major in Phy!'oics freshmen can clrlt'rmine which three 'l he scbolctrship prizes arc awardne."CI y<'ar and plan.-. to do graduate hou~s they wpulrl like to return to duru1g the second rus h period. The ed annually Lo the two fraternities "nrk in meteomlogy. lie ~N his sil(hts Qn the \\'orc'e'!ler frc.,hnwn arc not req uired tt> re- with lhe highest scholastic average T ech pri~c last July when he ftmnd vbit three fratcrniliell; however, this lor Lhe precedinr< year. Under the hi.~ fumlly \\Ould he unable to finance numlwr is Lhe maximum number of provi.,ions of the George 1... Fuller hi~ educn 1ion. lie has Lhree younger hou •e<~ any freshman may revisit. Fraternity Prize award, Alpha Tau The !)l'Cond rush period will be held Omega won the fi rst prl1.e, and brothcrl!, all in sch1)0l. " I knc•w I had lo win a college on Nov. 27, 28, and 29 with the Sigmn Alpha Epsilon won second ~hola r:hip. or el~ ... he Mid . "So I hou n of each vlsi t being !rom S: 30 pri1.e. The fi rst prit.e is a cash award staked cverythinl( nn the T ech to 8:30 P.;\1. of $ 100, and Lbe seoond prize Yankee Ingenuity competition." On Saturday, JJcc. I, from 10 to u.rnuunts to ~ 7 5. Son nf a tt>levislon technician, 12:30 in the morning, thr freshT he scholarship Improvement tinkering with tools is no novelty men will be required to hand ln to Prize Is a warded e<Jch year to the with young Ede. He methodically l'ror. Scheiney their final choice of fratern ity that shows the greatest ct about building the weather sta· fralernilics in order of preference. Improvement scholastically over the Lion in his second floor bedroom and l'ror. Scheitley will then match these preceding year. However, the winchoices with a preferred list or (resh- ners of the First and Second Scholarthe roof of his home.


I ~

Fir:.t 011 the list or ('Y('OI S groupt•d under the ht'adinl( uf " Alumni 14n jtlynlcnt ·• come~ the hi~ football till. FrQm lhe f.rr rc>ache<; Uf the IIOrthcrn b:~nl..~ of the mighty llud!iOn, RensS('I;wr's Trujun heht•mot hs ru sh to clo baiLie \dth WorcCl:oh' r's ''red wa\le.'' Our hwtht•r cngint>cr:; from T roy '-(•(·m 111 rt•i~-;n supreme in the role of favorltt·~. hut {'(Inch Pritchard's stal \Hrrts, wilh that juicy und inspirln~ot up..et win over ~ ~ ass. Stntc lulkt•d a\\ny unrler th<"ir rih pad ~ nnd with 11 lot of wi!ll known intestinal for titude, are ready to u~thl ftlr 1!\t'ry bl.rclt of Af::t~ On .\lumn i Firltl. t•rl'liiction!! and previous rt>Cc.rtl~ .1.1(1 hy the boards when tradi · lillnal ri\'als like W. I'. I and R. V. l.

Uona .. Buill \Vcather Station Win~ Yankee lngt.. uuity Prize Soulhhoro Youth Plun"i T o Uc(' OIIH' M (•t<•orolo~i,t. After Grntlu utio n .\Jan W. Ede nf llopkinton, n slentler, lli:SJWllUcll•d ynuth of 18, pul ~40 worth uf prim it lve rnnwrinls into a home built \\Cather ~>Lilt ion and hru. won him"<'H a t:ollef(e education u l \\'orcr~H'r l'olytechnic J nstiLUil'. He- i~ 1hl.s ye;tr's winner of the \\'PI \'nnkrc Ingenuity Scbolar~hi p.

cl~h .


uut far from leastly, the cuuntry lads play ho"t to tlw hill·ttnd dull•rs from the Coast Guard \cadl•my. \\'hUe this is not a city or a traclitionnl rivalry, the Lwink lin~ lilt':- nf our !'>printer:- aim lo ~how the sailor<. that Lh('y should hnve stuck lu the buunclin~ main. I m.JI!y one (If ea~:h year's bi~!(est .JIIractions \\ill be vrry much in C\ itlc•nce a$ the brotht•r.; wrack lh<!ir l:rains fur something original in thr hne cof C'Cterior di'COrations. In lbl.'ir hunt for n moW, several hnuses have gone overboard. Rumor ha" it that one bouse plans to build an exact replica or lhe wooden horse cttt...,;

, I I I I



~ Troy


A ~raduate last j une of St. ~ Tark 's School, uuthboro, \\here he was al•o on scholarship for four year11, he h(I'S been interested in wt'ather as long as he can remember He has kept daily records since he was II . See YANKEE INCENUJTY-P••"


Sf'f' RIJSIII NG-,.n~re 4

Pap Two


TE CH n ..

P ublbbed Wetkly Durfnc the Collqe Yrar by Tt'C'h r..... Ao&OCIMI IOn o f lllt V.orceatcr Pol• tl'f'hnlc ln• lola11' M,.mbCT

l=bsocided Collet5de Press EOITOR~IN-CIIlEF

Edward C. Su!ol.is


J ohn M. T racy

Hlchard Cavanaugh




Richard C. Gillet te



Michael ) t::a. ' • Jr.

\ "yto Andreliunu


Robert Johruon ASSISTANT MA NAG ERS Timothy V. O'Toole, Jr. David Fairbanks

Ronnld Thnmpaon



JUNIOR EDITORS !>tanJt} Urrmlln !'una ld Oliver

J amfS 0 . Sullivan Richard Samolls

Robert Menard

f'rllllcis i\bdlaan \V•lltam J ( urume:ul !Hebard T Gntrs


Alfred C Baf~ro

REPORTERS B rnard J Pttrillo

Paul E J albtrt W. Whitman Mowry

J ohn t' i\hlloy

J ohn J. Crq11ry

Thomas R Drl.uc:a

Roger K. U:.c:ll

l>onald R Camphell


llmry K

J nscph l'rntino J ohn Calhoun WillJ.Jm V Ra•zka

'l uumas ()Connor Robert Nlro Ro~rt Meyer

Edward S Bald)'la 8 UI'JI"r

CARTOO~ l ':iT



Roy Wbe


FACULTY ADVISER Prof J oh n ll. Mat keruie

Ncwe rhonNa Bud n c•• ' 5·202·'

Edhorlal f~~~~i~~

TERMS Subscription per school year, $2 00 ; slnale copies, $.10. Mnb a ll checks p11yable to KuMDctl Manaaer. Entrnd u ae<ond claM matter, Septem!xor 21, 1910, at the P oll Ofllce In Worcester, Mus., under the Aet of Much 3, 1879.

EDITOR'S MAIL Teeb R.O.C. Me-n Commendecl The Editor-In-Chit'£, II October 195 I Tt:cn ~tws Eltven Ttch men, mcm!)(\rs of the lnactive Naval Rel>Crve Force, journeyed lut summer to the Naval Base nl Treasure 1 land in California in order to take tht cxnminatlon for officer:.' commissions in the Re•erve~ Out of a clear sky came the reports of the r~-ult of the Registrar'!\ Off"tce- and they were in keeping with th~t high standards we hnve come to expect or Tech mtn. Candidat" hJtl come from colleges around the nation. The in-.tructor~ or the brier refre:.her coure were Reserve Officers from various cnlll'!.(CS none from Tech. All thO:'Ie concerned from Worcster emer~ed in the top brackets . I picked up the rt'JIOrl.s at rnndom. The 6r:>t was tenth in a cia<;:; of 1254 : nnothC'r twentieth, and still another twenty-seventh, untl so on. That wns enough to 3.'!\llrr mr that quality still prevails on Boyntun llill and that the lad~ whn wel\r our colors can nlways be counted upon to brin~ U.!l honor. Fellcltatiun'l to I his valiant band. Wr\T T\' 1 ER Cl.li\'Fitll 'S


~YON hinwu'Ori to Jo A1ul want to »lil!e an "A" or IU'O D~'l groan. don't gripe, D~'tqlllllt, d~'ttoil

Cllll right11p and Rmt·a·RoyaJ. LAU MODIL OfUCI fYPIWalflll ON IAIY



Pm 0'11''"1• Pitlt11p ami Srrvkt


IYPIWRITIR CO., INC. Tclt>phon e 6-5147

co,.pll_,.,. o/ GO\ETTE' E SO STATION 102 ll l1hland St., al Oor nlon St. 1VOftnl4!1', M.... Tl'l. S-9579


Octobt'r 16, 195 1



Good News You Greelfsl Good ne " s ! The dote for the Interfraternity flu lJ h o heeo set. Tbi annual aflnir will be held O('('(•lllb('r 14 this ycur1 80 mark it down OD y o If" colt•mJur 110\0. , • • • Tiee I. F. Ba iJ i~ the '"big" week end h e re a t T ·c·la. Held on u f reduy mght. tJa u1 formal danee tlt ' l !l tlw pot"c for the rest of the weekend. Thlt1 ye 1r hall prorniaetl to be a gala dair, bigger llDd h t'tter than ever l.ldore. The dance comrnillee ie wurking o n 11cvera l ideas tJ1at promise to k eynote lhtt 8<·hool's 11ocial awakening. In lht next few wccktl furthe r announccm en 8 regarding tbc time, tJte nome o£ Lbe band, aad o ther ollruC'Iione "HI he made. But for now rem m lJl'r the clote, December 14--a social •mu t~t•. l'hl Sig mu Kappo Horne and l'hil '' Rounclo'' Crom· ers tt> u Monte Carlo party. To say After a busy summer, during melin related what \\ ent on at the the least. a good time was had. which the house was r>ainltd and a LC;\ Truininl( Seminar held in Au· The followi ng Saturday found a new macadam driveway put in, tbe gust at the Indiana Univtrsity. Also ).l{'llcral migration of \\"orct':.ler's II Dean ~trectcrs held thr annual noted was the " pa>~~ing " uf two or 'I hew Chi 's to the U. of l\f . for the fu ll work party. ~ ! any improve· our brothers \ rt Bell and Oakie fnotl.lall game and a party .tt the mcnts were made includinl( the wall- ~auburn now :.ervin!< in the t.. Thet,t Chi house aherwnrch.. papfring of the dinang-room, the re· '3'Y· \ s Honwcominl( appro3the,.. "r lini,hing of the dminJ(·room 1loor, Si((mu ;\ll'lau El' " llon are to~t in the hetero~eneou, con.w cl the rll4lking uf 3 new kitchen \Her (I 1\\CJ W('CI. drlay berau..e j()llmer;~tion ur ~kctche • idea'!, tht. wuntcr. Also, "C\.eml of the brothers uf Lht \\ C<'kt•nt'l at ,\Ia~ . l' ., the urie5, .tnd measurement:.. hopm~ that individually rernmJelt'd their rOOilli. m n of o Jlumbuldt \ ve "ill rt•.,umt' the whule mess will bring a prizt \ JarJ!C l(rOU(I or tht: l'hi ~II(S made their ~ldal acli\ittl"" thb SatuniJ)i \\inning entry. tlw trip to Amherst for tlw )L r. C\ t:uing :c~ u \\t'iltt•r (Kifty has be-en T lwta Kuppa Ph i ganw. After the game, the brothers planned \\'e ,,, S. \ . Jo•. nre all look· .\ II the brother:; here are luoL.tng u( \ lpha Chapter were our hosts at inJ.: rurv.Jrd to an <•njoyable ~rn.iJI rorv.ard to llomecomiJ1A thi$ week. a 1trv enjoyable party. \\ ith "f\'· prn~eram thi., lllming -.clwul yc<~r 1.110 • Jt <.eem.; the :.entor~ v.ant Ill cral beautiful M l. llolyoke !l;irlll tl'\ ,\ mung other t hing!>, nil the know if '"lx>ing out in industry"' is our elates, we all h.1d a truly mem· b h h . f h · , 11 tlwt they think it to ht• . tbt or.rblc time. rot er, 3\'C gtven some C> t e1r 1 ~pare tillll' to lwlp in the rrwnrtitinn· juniors want to know if the ~cnior At prel!t'nl, prt'J).lrations for HomeillJ.( or the ki tthen. Ouranl( the ~Lilli · ,)Car l.b (lS tough a:. the ~nlor o;ay curuing art• in fu ll swing. With everymt•r l'acution, u n1•w siuk wall in· 1t is, and the suphumorcs want to une working hurd, Humet:nming at ~tail ed. The kitchen i~ M:hcduled to o~et to meet tho~ that 11 cnt befmt. l'hl Slg llhoulcl cerlrlinly b<> one or l'lans ure nbuut completed for a gala lw lini~ ht-tl ~>~mw lime thlll 1\ C:ek. :he highlights or the year. H·teption for all the alumni who ca.n Lnmh•lo hi Al(lho T lwla <:hi make il back to Lambdu. ·· ~ lid sc.enc>s of confusiun" ha~ \\'ilh amazingly few C\ccptions, Prof. Uill Grogan is arnun1l a j.!reat bren lhe theme ur LC;\ {or the last thl' brut her::. of T ht•ta <'h• fuund deal these days. Arter spending tht wur>lc of wet>k'l. However, we arl' thd r woy lMck tu HS Salisbury St. •Umnwr around the Caribbean, his ju~l nllout scttlc11 hi !.tMl another \II wrb uf impro\'ement.. h:l\c l~en :.lup \h~ ~n t to Uoston for rcpaiu ..es..:•ion of llear·grinding at the Jnsti- inst.tuled and, if the fat.e-liftinK b '-illd replnccmenl or a lot or the gear tote. The week prior to the open- any ind•cation of pr()J(rc.•.-. to be .thoartl. He's luckyhe got bad: ing or school was ~pen t with mop made this year, 1\C have a Jut to just in time for the :\ew England and paintbru h in hand as the t-xpect. v. inter. \\'e're all glad to set hi111, lmtlhers I(Ol together to clean up 11 ttXIk \'cry lit tit• time for liO· olllcl kJlOW that all bands are waiti~t~ thc inside of our newly painter! cia I at til itie:. to be re:.umed, in fact , until his tour of riuty is over, and hiiUt;t. Of COUr~t•, there was the usual l t:hOOJ harl unly been in ession for he gets batk to the E. E. der)artment bull !le:So;ion wht•rdn everybudy com- tml' \\CI.'I.. 11 ht•n the hrotht•r" dl'\.itlt'tl pared summer e:>.(X'rh'nct•s. Chutk tn inl"itt• 11 woup ul Jtrrl~ £10m Bt•Lk· \ our Rt'(>Orlt'r, \t. BM \RO 00



S tate Mutual Barber S hop 6th Fl- Stale Mataal Balldlq A,.,.olm-•• IJ Dull"fNN S40 MAIN ST.

Tel. ~1911

The . Announces Draft Exantination The Selective 'crvicc E~amin ing Sect ion of the J•:ducational Test in..: l'rvlce hat~ announced lhal applications for the Uecrmbcr 13, I 05 L, and the April 24, 1952, ndminbtruti<ms uf t he Cullegc Qualilicntiun Test are now available at Selt'Ctive , ervice System local boards throu~huut the country. Eligible ~otudcnts who intend to take this test on either dute should am>ly at once to the neare..~t Seltc· tiw Servin• local board for nn applitJtttm and a bulletin ur information. Jo'ollowmg itt-.tructilltl$ in the bul· letm, the student ·hould fi ll out his •tppltwt ion nnd mail it inunediately m lht' rn,elopt• provided. Applica· 1i1>11s for 1he l>er<'mlx'r 13 tc:.t mu ' I be postmarked no later than mid· ni,.;ht, November 5, 1951. Auordlng t•> the Educational Tt•~tin~ Service, whit h prepares and ulminbtt•rs lbr l"olle~tt' Qualification Tt•st fur the $t!lectivc Service ~­ ltm, it will be J(really to the st u· clt>nt' admnlnjo"te to lite hi!. applicalinn at Unle. regurdlc,.s of the l~t · mg d:ltc he selects. The re:.ults will be reported to the student's electiw • en·ke l.xnl board of jurL-.diction for uo;c in considerin~ his defermrnt as a . tudent.

\ ,\,~1~ 1-:

IM, Io. M 11 \ - Prom Pa.,. I r.lllgi.' lucaJ forcLa~ling.

!Je hull a maximum and minimum lhC'rmometer to l:> tart with. It Wtls a birthday gift :<l'vcrul year~ :t).tO. For a \l ind \('IC>eily intlirntur hi.' picked up an nuto spccdumcter in u junkyaru. He took oul t he hnlr~pring and reset il with smnll wei~ ht 'l. IIts anrmnmt•ler, un thf.' wor, c.tme frum hulvinJlt Mlme copper Hush toilet tloal~ . n fC\\ bearings, and mrtal "trips to hold thrm to~tcl her. The \1 ind <hrcctional indic.ttor, whirh has light from a rnclio type iilantcnt tran,former, i.;; an t'leLtrical t:llntri\'ancc MlllllOUiliCd with piet.CS or ping ponS( b.tlk The min ~UJ.tC i" a graduated lube with a cork in it Likcw ist the barometer, with mercury. The humidity s.tuide i~ more in ~enious. It is a (ltetc uf tennis m~ ket catgut tied tn a hand in front of a calibrated ~hcet \II nrc in one 1\llY or another hnokccl up to a p!ln<'l thnt ori~inn ll y w11~ p.1lkin~ !.lox lumher and window ~lrL"S. F'rom these he ltll\'e 11eathcr fore· CU$lo; to hL" neighbor~ whn, like his , 1. ~l ark 's cJI\.,~matr", in!tl~l on pred iction~ every day. Amateur though he is. Jo: de o\ays thtre i.~ room for much improvement in weather 5tudy. lie belic,·es there ~hould bt• more weather stntioM and they 'hould be confined to short -

lit• has other opinions, too. ·· Bo~ton wea thermen do a good jub ou Lilt' fo recasts alung thl' shurc," ht ht.'ltevr~. "but they fall down wbtn predicting for the interior of tho state nnd the rest of Xew England." He says al u, th:u weather -.eems tu follow a pauern. " from the 11cather of this lust umrner and l·.tll, I'd say the swi nt~ i now toward more 1\Ct weather and tt 1 lil..l'ly to l.t:.l th rou~h the \\'inter.'' !·or this \\'inter, be haurdcd · \\ era~.tr temperature for the seruon, nut too much extreme cold. lot of now and ice. But the heavy n<Jfl "ill be followed by rain" whkh will \\,l!lh away much of it." SO:\ T I ES l'i iURT '





Oc:1 obt>r !6, 195 1



Clash Of Eneineers Slated To Open Homecominu Week-End

SPORTS THREE T EAMS 'HARE IF T I LEAD P hi .. ig, Phi Gam unci Theta Chi Uude.feutecl ; Kuin Limits l\lutch cs


e Is :s





id l.

b It



d, ll,

J)f rS


\Yitb .\ TO plnying S.\ E last Tuesday afternoon. the l. F. tennis tournament gut under way. B(·cause of bad wt'ather, thC' matches wcr(' postponrd :\ lonllay, so the start or the tuurn;tment came live days late since it was 10 ha\'t' !!lllrtrd the preceding Thursday. On what ~ lu rted out to be nnotht:r had tlay for the netsters, Tuesday dc, clo!ll'd intn u beautiful nULumn day though it 11 a very co lei. On that aft11rnoun, Bill .:\'agel anrl Unve j l'nnt.! y, rcprcSt" nli n~ ATO, meL l a n llavicbon ami Fred De Uoer of A E and split t 1111 • Cts, 6·.3 . 1·6 Lefore clarkn~ !!t'ltl~>tl o1 er the tenn i~ t ourts. On Wednt>srlay, PSK nosed out t ht> hill lop fratt'm ity, AEJl, by scure.-. of S-n and 9-7. Harry .\lthcn and Ed Chivell looked sharp and ~orked well a.; n team : howe\•er, ' tu I Iellinger and Stan Uerman gave them u row:h tinw. :\ day later, two complete match~ were played l.letw<Jcn \ TO and TK P, and LXA and TX with T KP and TX the ~~ inners. TX's Ev Palmer and fla.suh ~ f ulas rolled over LX1\ 's Dave Young and Larry Sanborn by :.COrt':. Uf 6-3 and b-0 wbilt' TKP':. hot combination or JoJ1n l.owll ami Dove La~ l a rre squMhed ATO, o-0 and 6-1. Friday saw SPE play j ust one OVl'flime set wit h d \ E. <.:corge Hor<>ki and George East of PE y, cre taken in a vrry close set that c;ould have been cithtlr way; the score of 1hal one :.et heing 9 to 7. The lli~t upo,et of the wl'ek was the m.ttt h playt'tl between TKP and I'GD. tarting Friday a ft ernoon, TK P looked ~o~ood in the fi rst set , lllking l'C U\ Henry Boyton ancl Ed Hjerpi.', 6 to 2. Then the tables rl'\'t r:>ed ~ ith PG 0 pushing over 1'1\: P by b·l . T hr match was continued Saturday morning in which IJolh trams a~ret'd to play 2 out of 3 more ,eto;. PGU took the fi rs t, 6-4 b111 TKP bounced back to ntJSC out l'hi Gam 8·6 and in lhe fi nal and deci-ive set, PG D won 6-4. The week p.'lSsed with only four matches being played, so no prediction can be made now on Lhe ftna l outcrJme of the season.


E ngin ee rs' econd Hall Rally Upends

Hrunilton 21-14

ITech-Mass. U. Deadlock 4-4 In Overtime


llcld in check 0 \'Cr lhe l'trst hnH storm hack to their home field to hy a surprisingly st ron~ llumiiHln

Tech Doolers Rully In Fi nal ~ liuute to Overtake Redmen

:.quad. t he t<:n~i neers or \\"orcel>ter Tt>ch explt1tlcll for threi' lnst half wnr hdowns to t.lt•frat the l'lmtinenw l, 21 lu 14 before an c~ t imn ted 1 ~.ooo fjtL<> nt thl! latter's homr fi l!ld l,1st 'aturduy. In what mnny campus t.'\JI{'rts ft~urfd to lx• ju-;t a tune up d ash ht'fme tJw hi~ une nt'Xl ~aturday with R. 1' . 1.. thl' luc:Lis fmmd llwm· ~clvrs 1ll1 the ~hort end of o 7 to 0 w unt at halft ime•.\ftt>r i n tcrmio;~ion hll\11'\i'r, rht• l'ritchardmcn quickly knutted the count on a 55 yard pass play from j ot' Jiunnics to (;,' orgr ,\ IJdow to '· Pete" Petcrsun. nncl T um O'Connor's :.ubse<JUent r um crsion. I ncident.tlly Ttlm a~<t i n had a suc:~;r:.sful clay by pumping tlm·e for thrre throu){h the upri~h t s. l\ 1iuutcs lult•r a rcco1·er('d fumble .set up thr second Tech tally. It was climaxed hy a Joe Jiunnit'-. tu D.tvey llnlmes at·rinl. Th<' f1 nul engineer touchllown \\ hk h serl'l'd to di ncb their third cunseculivc vit-tory of tlw ~n '!on wns !'!Cored by GcUI'j.(e ,\ bdow on tl lllllCISh throu~h center midway through th1' lrbl quarter. This wa.11 the third me(•ting be· t w<·en thP lwo team!\, with the En· l(inel.'rs huv in~ won all three conlt"t!l. In 1Q2 S their game t' nclcd in a 12 to L2 tic, hut a week Inter T ech wns declared the winner 14 lU 12 hy virtue of a di!lputed llllfrly, while the fullowlnl( y(•ar the Jl:n~tl neers won b to s.

Jn their second game of the seu..son last • aturdny. the T~h booters unci their long-time rivals from the Lrni \'('fbity or Mas!>achu~tts oou lecl ltl a 4-4 tie. ll \\ US :1 ihrillinR g,lllll' with rach team scoring a goal in thl' trn minute overLime period und thus neither l t>nm walked uff the fi eld b<>:llcn. l'elh's Hun land \\ a:. thr first lo score with a ucat ho11t which wa:< n.•ry nicely plact>d in t~· a corner nf the goal. The next ' cure was ul :o~1 mane by Tech ; in the second p<'rilld Oavicl~on came clear of a scramlllt> and sent a lx)()t into the goal from in close. 13ut U. of ~ l. 's offenM' :.turtctl to click soun a her and Hoezd made a ~oal from in do">C to leave the ~>(Ore Z· l \\', 1'. I. at the half. l n the third period the tc[lmS wrrc Jut with murc spirit , hut T ed1 went ,;c,lrelcs!> while U. t1f ~~ .'s Huezt'l cored again. In the fourth periocl with the score tied, Hoezel afte r ~hrtki ng T ech's defenders, made his third goal uf the game to send or )·l. nheud 3-2. Then Tech's Couto ,coretl on a great ~X'na l ly kick tCI 11:ain tie the score nnri rend the :zamc into overtime. It wus o tense period wit h utJth teams pointJng keenly for the win· ning goal, however Tech was denied thi., fur U. of :\I.'s \'esair scor~d during a mi.-c-up in front of the Tech goal and U of i\1 . wns ahcarl by one point. But with only several minutes left to RO, Coutu scored once Last friday ofternoon Tt't h'll har· more on a penalty kick to makt" the rier squad deft>aterf Amher!lt College , ore again tied at 4-4 and the gamr IJy a score of 24-JJ to even up their enrled with neither team beinJil dill· scn~;~ms recrm l ot one win and one nppointed at losing. lu1>5. lJick Zeleny and L>on Post led T ech lo lhr victory by tyinK f11r Lineups pos. \:. of ~1. f1 rst place. T heir time for lhe 3.7 \\'. 1'. J. mile cour~ was 19 min. 38 sec. Palmer goal Deans \\'ith arwlher week or practice bedb Simp.sou \\'illard hind lhcm Tech loukt'rl much Lap ton "trage lfb o;t mn,l(er than they did while los inll Ritchie lhb Corujo to ~l ass. t.'. Ron Thomp .on, lluMh chb Wattanaygorn EllsYi ort h Tuft!>, and Uick (.l:tmpelt. hove been While rh!J Foss improving fao;t nnd s hould supply Hunter or Haa land the nucleus thttt !.he Engineers need. ir Twardou~ CoultJ T his Saturday, on Homecoming Hou.tl Uavidc;on cf Day, the runners will face a stiff test \'esair il .\ dams when lht>y meet lhe Coast Cuard Casey ~fa las ol \ cademy. Coach Sannclltt l>tlid be will be aiming for an Uj)sct over the Academy and will try Lo ~et his men in top condition for this meel. Summary of the meet. I. T ie between Zeleny and Post (W) ; 3. BL~hop (A); 4. Es!y (A); 5. Pross· winner (A); 6. T ufts (W); 7. T hompSQn (W) ; 8. Clampelt ( \V ) ; Q. ~ fadiga n (\\') ; 10. \\'tnsiQW (A) i 11. Clark ( A) ; 12. Baumann ( A ); 13. Kay(\\') ; 14. Butterworth (W ); 15. Rothberg (A) .



The place to get acquainted


Th(' 1<>5 1 \\', P . I. HomecorninSt '50 learn, \\'a lt Shanayda and John

J i uuniet~ and Abelow Lead \\'ct•k·t·nd will open with a tumult· Frey at lhe half-back posts, and last Prilclaur d m (•n to T hird uou:. cra:.h of thunder us Bob ~ritch - yt•nr's top passer and T signnJ-caller Cousecut ive T riumph 11rd's ~ttunpedi n~ ht'rd or griddcrs Joh n Crush. thwart off an inva!liun by a tribe o( EnJ,:inccrs from Rl•n. ctl.'lacr Tech. T hl' ~tttllle will be the for1 y -fifth qridiron meeting or the two polytechnical ins titutl•s since six years prlur to the turn of the century. Tb(• rcwrcb ~huw th:n thr j o n to~meu from Truy ha\'(' n 25 In cclge in tht' ~·rk:;, three conte!ilS hnvi u~ot ended in n dt':tdlnck. T ill· Worct's tcr clel'cn, in the midl't u( u sunrssful winnlul-{ sea on, has JXIStNI w ior lo last . aturday's tilt wit h Hamilton a lop-sidrd 46-6 rout of tlw l\lussnchus(•lts l\1uritime Acndemy a111l n s tonc-wnll I•H J win over the Un!ver!'l ity of l\ laiisachWJ(•Il, , 1'h<' Cherry and \\'hilt' on the other h.llld tn~led defeat at thr hands of ,\ lfrctl hy dropplns.t 11 27-13 OJX'n<'r awl IQok 11 2 1-1•1 h<•alinR from Union ht•furc losing to Kinis !'oint Ialit 11rrk by n !\Cure nf 26 to 13. T he New \"urk Staters have I 5 h•ttrrnu:n hnck f rum Ihe 19 SO squad oncl of tlwse seven are bnckJ•elrl men. T he suct:t'ss of the R. 1'. I. eleven would seem to re!ll on the ability of srvcncl JinC'mcn to stny in there fur bO minutes. Leading these ironmen up front nrc C'o-Cnpts. Tony Unrls at ~otUurtl nnd ccnt (lr Dick Holmes as well as hig j ohn Shuop, a convcrlccf hal·k. al l.'nd. Uock this year are the tl\tl lc•:u1 i n~t ~ruuncl gn iners from lhe

Ready to d rive the Troymen back over the Berk, hire Mountains under rhi' burden of defeat is n gritty bunch of footballcrs representing the Crimson-and-Gray of Wo rct>ste r Tc>ch. f'nced with n J>robltltn s imilar to that of their npponents the P ritclt.trd stalwarts have had to overcome A lack or lin!' dt~pt h. Solid 60-minute lmuldcrs in the center up front are ('o·Calll. Ed l\Jnjt•wski ond inunovable vctcrnn guard AI Bunsen. \\'eiAhty balhm is added to the forward bulkhead by tackles Mackay nntl Fritz. PrQvcn ball-toters cnrrying on hand-offs from T -quarterback C'o·l'~pt. J iunni<·!l for crowd-plcasin~ !(:t in., will be Shebek, Abelow and ~ l aloy. So plnn to be on hn ncl to make this llorm>coming wct'k end one of the most successfu l in Tech's history.

Probable Lineup Position R. r. I . Holmes L.E. Shoop

W. P. J.

Fritz l lun!len 1\lajcwski Bouvier Mackay

L .T .

l ~eterson

R.E. Q.B.

llelbeck Baris


c. R.G.

Holmes Carroll Ueeble


jiunnies Shebck Maloy i\bdow

L.H.B .

Kyffin Crush


R.fi .B. F.B.



Fr<lo sJuucn Facts and F igures Released By n epart.naent of Physical Education S luli.;lic s P o inl to K een Rivulry f o r P Otl8 f'8Mion or Gout's H Pud Tech's newest additions :~rc very nearly l'f.Jual to the present sophomores In t he fuel and figures column. The incoming class is a rellcction of p rewar days here Ill Tech, with the avemgc a~o~c far below that uf the incoming freshmen uf previous years. Rope pull sidelights: The average SQphornore is outweighed uy the average freshman who Lop~ the scales at 155.3 J>OU n(~. :'J he average fresh· man Is taller than hi ~ trnditional op · ponent being S' 9" as compared to 5' 8 1 ~ " for lhe sophomores. His nvera~o~e lung capacity or 4.3 liters is . J li tcr better tJ1an the class e>f '54. I lere's one for you SQphomores, your freshman friend can only lift 303 Jlound! with his back and only 406.1 pounds with his legs while you did 3 10 with your hack nnd 4 78 with your h.•J.(S. The sophomores did 7.8 pull-ups and 7.0 push-ups while our new underclassmen did 7.3 pull-ups and 6.2 push-ups. In the matter of ~o~rip both cla.'!ses are the same with 1!9.4 fo r the right forearm and 110.3 for the left forearm. Generally lhe averagf's are close, but In lhe overall avera,l(e the sophomores have a definite edge.

All this is only a forecast . for a roaring freshman-sophomore n valry, because or the relative proximity or their strength quotienta. rt appears tha t the rope pull is going to be a h:trd one to call ahead or time. l nsti tute Pond is m i~hty cold about flow, so renwmber, orga nization and class spirit will be the d~idin g factors. Other athletic events for the lt'gal possession of the " Coat's Head" hould also bt hard fought a ll the way. The five strongest freshmen are : 1. Horrigan 2. Costanzo 3. Holmgem 4.


5. Campbell A.T.O.- I'rom Pa• e 1 ~h ip

Prize are not eligible for this competition. T herefore, the greates t Improvement showing of the remaining seven houses wins this award, which this year went to Theta ~

ATIENTIONt Freehme n • Sophomore

ROPE PULL Friday, Ortober 19, 1951 4 z30 P.M.



Paae Foar Rl


ltJNG--J'rom l'o•l! l

mens naml!S ghc:n him by e1ch fralt-rntty. Finally, when this ha..r; biX n completed, the hu tctDJtic:, wtll be nolitied of those he hmen desirinK membc.rship. Fa.ch fraternity in turn y,jJI then :.end rcpr~.enWttvc) to the dorm on Saturday afternoon wht:n the pled&ing o f tht frt'Shmen into the various hou-.es "'ill take place.




1-Iiggins Past Is Revealed lla\t you notil.ed the " H'' $})ape uf Higgin.s l:iliuratont> on a campu' map of Worcc...tcr l'olytt:chnic l n~ti· tutct 1 w·.ts curiou:. us to why this building had such a ~thupe and found thi.c; almost-forgottt•n story concern· ing thb proud lltructure. I he buildin~ w as ert.'Cted in the cl.tys when it was known ll.S 3. 14, :mel had not been determined tlS

Oetober 16 , 1931


Finally, one nir<ht in the early \utumn of 1941, :t hea\'Y downpour fdl !n,m the ~ku.· . All day long, unci intu the night the ralt\3 feU. It wa. t\\u u'clock in the: mornin~ when tht: l• re~hrm n in the Dormitory heard a to~ rumuhng Thinking it to bt- the students on the fourth lluur holding their nightly brawl, they thuught nuthinA of it and went hack lO their p~l'ltimc or droppinf( toke IJottles doy,. n the ~Lair y,eJls. However, their a!o>Sumplions were wrung, for when thry wttlked out the fronl uoor to their l lasc.es they were n1ct by a strangr sighL Floating duwn \\'est Strc•cl were the rernoanu. of three lecture hnlls belonging to

Benny G00dmall IJer:. as the '' Romeo and j ulu:t" overture-fantaSy, the ''!\utcratker'' F d Sutte, and Liszt's " Les Prelude:.' "'ill ea tm•e 3 t at this time. '1 ht.: feaIM . F . a} beturedperformed Y..ork of the "" '" be f u lC e tiV Grrllh"' ' Rhapsody in Blue".

3. 141 59 . . . yet. In those days its T he members nf 1he J unior Society const ruction was of a rectani{ulnr of the .'\~CE provldrd their own en ' hapc and it was known only as thr tertainment at tht· fir~t m<..-etmg of ~1 . E. buJding. It had three lecture the term on Tu~selay cvcmng, Octo halls, one on the \\'t.'~t side, one on the ~1. 11·:: bhuildhing. The cakeld cbohalk . . . du<,L w lit: t en compo-,ec a ut btr 9. ~ hort talk!' were ~ti ven by the f..asl s1de, and a smaller one m h f h h lb several of tht' studr nts roncerninl( the Northwest w rner. These room~ 75 ', uf I e W<l 11'Ill I l' 1decture ah" • h tl had I(Unr into Ml u11on ue to t e summer employment In the field of wrrt> sn con, 1a n 1 usc 111roug 1e "th ' f h s h U lu•avy rams and thl' thn·c moms had enRincering. I cay, w1 ermo, trengt , t "f • \\' · d \'"b · t 1 rumblt•cl ;wd cln u~<1 out mto est The first talk Yt a5 Ki ven by Dkk st n p 1, an 1 muon:, 1cc ures every !'Jtn·et Bennett, who told the Civw about hour on the hour. .. . h 1 · b · k tl the ~~~ of Gunite in types of con\\ h:ll a Jll ll y,a~ to eep to~ • ,\ gmup . of ( 1\'lb a...u y construct· , ...... ... 'J' h eel .1 hn dge aero,~ the lluoded \\ est. crete cons truction. Frank Flood re- ( ha lk· uu:.r= c1can. ere was :.Cl la ted his experience with n contract 'l'luch chalk dust OyinK nround that "'tret•t Ml that thr stuclen.t:. tould get ing ftrm which undertook the con the instructors wore lonf( coati to tu d ,l,s. The ha ndie!>l material struction of a tmfflc lnterchnngc in prutC'C l their suits, ancl the Pre~;iclc:nt nruund wns a pit<' o f mt•lftl recently the city of Bu, ton. The ty pes of hac1 a ran installed in eac h ball tu tll·lh·t-rt•cl tu 1he Wn.Jlbu rn Shops (Q work which are Rivt>n to nn engineer· kt·l'p the dust circolatin)(, c;o as nut he cut up for oil stont''l. \ reporter ~nt up from the Tclr· ing ~tudcn t and the results expected tu create a misl that woulcl hinder J:fll/11 to cover t ht· o,wry on tht were enumerated by j ohn Flood. Buh the student's vit:w uf the board. c:. t ta~trupht• took ont uf the workers Heller in formC'<I the JlrOU(l or hi" It was impossible to keep tho;,t> hulls d ean. T he chnlk caked onto ll"itlt> and qucstiUill'cl hilll :L'I to the part in n h l~hway rclocution nnd the related drainal(C nnc1 found<Lllon 1he wulls and l>el(un to cat into lhe rnah•rinl used in lhl' IJr id ~e. The boy, problems in the clly tlf New Hav<>n. wood. As the years went by, the ht•inl( fro m llrouklyn, unswl\red "earl The latest developments in the cun wmKI began to ~l't JlCIWU!>, and hy ... tmw". It was d Ul' In this faulty Jnnnunuation that the U\t'l')lJ'i:> c-.tme net~ and cinder hlcx:k industry were I Q-10, some 40 years a fter the build ciescribed by llenry Cnmosse. Orren in~ had been erected, it wa.'\ fl'(){Hlctl 111 lw rallt>cl Earle Brul)lt' in:.tenc.l of ( )il ll rid~t'. l\l cK nitt~h l di~cus.~cd ome practical 1hat 1he rouccl support~ l'tmlll nn \\'ht•u 1hr llontl !tuh... id(•cl, and a point!! in the in!llallatlon or water lun~rr withstand lht• wcil(hl ur lht• t'atrful t•xaminntion of the :\I. E. supply lines in r\ew Hampshire, anrl buildin~ and there was dnnl(cr Clf n h.Hl bt·en madt•, it \\ a5 round huihlin).t of the competition llet\\CCn cngim.'t'r... cave in. Howe.>vt>r. nothin~ wns dum• . · h l"t" tlul th~: three lt•durt• hall ... had d t!o· and cootracton.. to a II e' tate t e wnt t con ant1 11w . lt•.n•tnt.t Lhr A ~tmup of the ('ivils a rc planninR b ut•tct•mg •·-uname wea krr n'l 1-tnlt' " ent 1iiJIJl<':lfl'(l romph·td), . . huilclin~ in tl' pre~·nt " II ha(X' to attend a rt.l(lonal meetinf( or th(' 1)11 . \ n·rtain lliAAin:;, nmu-.ed at st--ein~ !'l:orthta$tt'm ~n ion of the \ 'C'E 1h<' huihling in tht• shape of hi.-; la~t on October 17. T he mt•eting llrom· nutiun "s mo~t p rominent bridl(e en 1:-;e., to be tlf l(rNtl intl'rc<,t !linct• t..:ineer5. ~J r. Stt>inman's topic will iniliul, wuk pity un the <ochiKII and the principal ~rlt'a ktr or the evenin)( lx· ' T he Romtlnl<' of Hrilll(r Build clunnH'd t•nuttAh mtlllt'Y 1<1 rcnovatr till' huildinJt, thu!l rt•,turinA it to it'> will be D. B. Steinman, one of th~ in,R"'. prt•"t'nt condiliun.



l.uhrlratlnn and n an,.., Se"lee


f ' crrnsumrtl• T exaco

Station Cor. lll1hlaod


Couldln1 Sta.

Shops For Men





induding Ri"t: 01>era Star, .tnrl Ht•nny Goodman, world-famous clarin<'tist- will be heard uuring the 92nd Worcester Music Fcslivul to hl' held October 22 tn 27 iu the J\ uuiturium. Oth!'r SQloists "'lll l>e: Eu· l(ene List, t\merkan pianist of concert, -.ueen and racliu : t'lauclio Mrau, :\lack llarrell ..\ nn.t Kaskas, lrmj(arcl ~ ecfriL-d, and l'aul Knowles. The l'lulallelphin On hc..,tra will part it tpate in the en tin• \H't'k of conlert!t for thl' eighth wn'{·cuti\'e year. 1-:u)(cne Ormandy \\ill wnduu TueStlay, 1-nday and ~.uurday eve· nin~e uU.-cnpticm ccmct•rL-.. .\texantier lli bber~. a....;,ociau• conduttor, will lead the .)l11nday ".M u ~ic ' ou \ , keel Fur" pro~ram .llld lht• Clm· <.crt fur \'ounJL l'(•uple Saturday morn in).(. The fot>qiv.tl ( huru" uf mnrt- than "'tc\Cn~.


Stanlc \V. John on Inc.



HIGHLANDER DINER "Where Good Food b Not Ju•t an. Expre11ion"

Jrt>kume at

1"ech Barhc r hop QU IC K EX PBRT SERVI CE

131 HIGIILA 0 CII'EN Tll.l.




A. " \ Cin.Nl lf: , P ro1.,




Cleaner TaiJor


C-lti.W C Ut"


Cou r t

~ " CW C UT

Bttrbf'r S hop ~

~ SP I:t."IAt.ll i NC I N l' R CW CUTS n ~ U ..u ft 8l. Oppoollo Co.,t lloeM 8~at. .~


! •

Cto&W C:U f



I SO f,...mon t Strr.-1 • ..-orcf'tler

T t•lr pho n•• 43:>7

Prlnl" r' lo Bo llt lu!lr nh a nd Facull) / or Fort , {


on 1ick slwea hurry to



The Heffernan Prese





Worcester Tele g ram


ul tht• T hursdny night " Choral · ht I,r1IWUill " , tliH1 s • :t 1ur<1ay lllJ.I • • . . . h:.uval ofhnals lutVl' annuunced . . . . th.tl 111 111tc uf hcnvtly tnt;r<'.t"'.'ti gcn· t•r•tl lll'"· ''there wtll . he ne1. inucJ!.c . m l'\'t'ntn)( rontert Itt kt•l prtH..,. Rc , t l.t..~iliwt aun of snrnc• '>t.',tts ha-. made ( ·upll'., uf the new prtn~ an· it )>U'\.'\Ihh.• to indmlc: ,1 llt'W "'" rwunu·nwnt. wilh cndu~t·cl 1kkt>t hfth pnu• '>t.'a'-<lll tirl..t•t 111 ::- 1.1\0 in urtlt•r hlank, J(ivinJ: full ch:l.tib of dudlllJ.I 1a, thr ccmrt·rt ~ nliiY be obt.aitw•l frum , . k f b miNt 'tun-,. or tht Fe,thul uffu.c at !'>t•,t'WIIl Itt: "l·t:. ur L1IC 1011r ~u . h \ . . T .h 1 t' • uc 11tnnum. . . '>t.·nptton cunC\'rb. ut·~1.1y, 1 ur... 1 tl.ty, Friday, and Satunl.ty t'\enin~... . - -- - - -- - - - - ---. nre no\~ tl\'nilable at ~tdnl•rt \, JOb ~ l nin ~treN, \\'on;r.,lr:r. ~uiNrii.Jt•rs rnuy n•'-t't\l' thl' ~IIIII.' M.'ilb fur thr ~ lnmluy ni~otht " ~ J u,ic \ nu .\ -.kt·d For'' concert, if dc~itcd . .\ s in formrr years, there "'ill not be n f :r w •rt tflilo r nml riPtmn· \\" rd nt'scl.ty concerL s•:•: ED SUI VE I.I. The pro)( ram for l\ I untlay cvrn in~ AI Your Fralnnil,. and Oormllo1'7 will consist of old rn voritt'S >:iC!('ClCd 115 111C III.AND ST . Tel. 3-4291 hy ln!il yrar':~ su h~rihcr!l. Such num-


n ion

he pn:~l'ntcd on Friday cvcnin)(. T be Fifth ~ymphony and e~cerpt... [rum • Eugene One)(in'' Le perfurmed IJy the orche. tra. Claude t\rmu, pi.mi, L, JlCrform the w<'ll·knuwn •• ('unc..<'rlu in U-Oat minor''. The l'cmccrt for younl( people "" ill • . . r ond uclc the t' est1val on •Saturday . murnin)(. Zula l\1ae Shault,, Cl).(hl· . - 1 • yt>ar u11 r pmno prot1t~:y , wt 11 Jl ay one f "th h mun·mrnt u a concertu w1 un t''Ira a<:tmnpantment.


n i~ht ,

14 t•ark Avt•., Worcester E.:eryon~>

nn \ n .\ 11-T chaikovsky proJ(rum 6 to

JOO mbwd vuitt·~. 1 tmdmwd hy Uori~ (jolcluv!'ky. will be hl•arcl ~ l unrlay

-4 Cltl W CUt A

Feature /trmou• rtalionally adverti•ed line• you know • • • and Like to te~ear.

J.; u$(ene L1st, who gained famt: as the •· JioL-.dam pianist'", ~ill be the soloist. On Thursday evening the Choral Program will be presented. ~1 en­ dcl ...'i0hn 's " Elijah", a dramatic ora. torio for ~Joists, chorus, and orchestra \1 ill Le heard with 1rmgard Seefried, .\ nnn Kaskas, Paul Knowles, and ~ (ack Harrel tnking the principal parts. 1·ritluy evening is ".\ rti<;t's !\ ight'' al the Worcester ) f u..,ic Fc::.tival. Rto;e • L<'Vl'n,., v. ell known to Ltlnlert~uer.. for her unsur1M!>:.ed performames in " t'arrnen " a.nd " J>er Ro'>en· tav:tlk•r", will sing a seletletl ~troup of ari:h "'ith the orche~t ra . T he urche·..tra "'ill aJ,-o play ~ho,tako­ vkh\ Fin.t ympbony and the ·o, crturc to Coriolun~" by Beclho-

Clar inet King Turns Longhair to Perform Mozart Concerto



f:ollr1e Pu bllt'allo"'






The Evening Gazette



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