1951 v42 i3

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Wor.-.-elt'r , ~,

\ olumo: XU I

1\Jtl!day, Otl. 23, l9Gl

Nurobl'r 3



T I Y' U T E

'Victory is Keynote As Alumni Return Tech For Tech Reunion



l'i Delta Epsilon, nationtll houurary CQIICI(inte jllurnalism fratemlly, nu•uuocecl it ~ fall pedgings at thi~ \H'I'k" :t!o.,C.Cillbly. Those pled~ecl \ll!rc: On' id R. f'uirhuuks Rirtuml '1'. Gates llt•rnorcl j . Petrillo The~ men. all member'> of the H•niur cln~. wl.'re cho~n fnr their leadership and ability in the field uf juurnoJi,rn . ~huwn throu~h lheir t•ffnrL'\ un the MoJf'i of the TPCH and the Prddlrr. ~ ! ember..hip i!\ nJl{'ll 111 nnyone with ttl lt':tst untl year\ !>l.'rvicc on the staffc; of tht• collt•~tc publirations with a roslt iun cquivulent tel 3 Departmental tlf \ v,oci:ue Editl'lt$hip or an \ ... ..i...tnnl Bu..,ine·~ ~lana~-tership. The uwn chos<·n received white carnnlions. the uftidnl flower or the fra-



The :tVII\\CII purposes of the Pi Dl.'ha F.p3ilun nrl.': to el('\'ate the r au:w or juurnnlism. to fnstt'r the mutual wei fure of stu(lt>nt publicationo;. w cnc()urage loyalty to their \hna )fatcr, ann to reward thr juurnali"L" workin~ on lhe student puhlit"at ions for lhrir efforts, servIce~. ancl ll<:"fomplishmenls IJy ndmi~siun to Its membcmrship.

IN TITIJTE POND/ CHURNED BY SOPlJOMORES Aigb Salirited Fre luue u Exert Bra wny M usf'les . '54 Takes October Swi;n \ warm, autumnal sun slanting d<l\1n lhrOU[.!h the golden foliage of muhi-hued tree., the placid water~ uf a small pond broken only by an urra~ional • wirl as a ripened leaf rumcs to r~l after having been tns..~d nlx.lut on the wings or some playful fall zephyr. Pretty corny. huh' Soumis like somelbintt out of ,' hi:lley, Byron or Browning. 'Believe it or not , that's the scttln~t of lh!' annual Inter-class tug fellt , the rtlf'C pull, 'S I style. Fur unrler those trees and upon the banks or that pond, a long line of Frush and a not-so-long line of · nph-. hovr clu~ in to do battle in hunor of their respecth•e classes. Tht ~un Mmnds and youthful backs and arms 1>train to ctislod,ze the planted f~l of the hated enemy acmss the water. Cadence teams. ht'l('lCd (?) alon~ by the upper classmen ple.Jd \\ith the muscle men to l.~er up the count. First one side ~ems to be in the van, and then ,., ROPE Pl! LL-Pt~8e J

Homecoming Dance HighlightK Social Program For Weekend

Techni-forutn La•t Thursday nnd Friday. \\'orct.. lt•r Tt-ch lOntlurl\'ll it:. ~ix th annual Tetlmi-furum. On these days, due 111 the unsdlhhnc.ss of Ted1 alumni, II l(rQup mudc up llf Sl'hnul princii):JI~ . cuun~lor~. ontl thr like• wa" bmuuht to Tech ond ~huwn tht• manner in which our school is run . T ht> <·xpcn~e~ incurred by t hcs<· PMf'lt• for mculs. rumus. etc , wen• p:tid lot by the alumni in urtlrr tn pnl\'idc u mran~ hy which thl' ~huul \, func ticminA~ and f.!Cnenll ili.tivitic:- ruu ld ht- more widely puhllcizl!d. \\'ith thr <'X<'cption cJf onc pa.rtidpant frum Ohiu, the guest:; \\Crc r hiefly rt'pre~ntati\'Los of ~c ­ ondary M:hools in the ~ew F'..n~hUld area. During thr cour5t· of the two day~ these pl'<lplr wt•rt• s.~iven a com· plete uutline of :.chool li£1.' nl Worcester 1\<·h. and wert' rnli~hlened as lo tht.- part e:\tra-curriculn activitie:. play in rach Tech man\ life. Thr program for the Tcchni-forum was orcnrd Thursday with u luncht'nn held in the janet f:arle Room. At thi!. time Dean Frands W. Roys ~ave a lecture on "A PbiloJ>ophy of f.: nglneering Education.'' Following this, the usual inspection of the sch()ol's laboratories was held. ln th<' course uf thr nfternoon lhr guests in~pccted both Ihe mechanical and electricnl t'nginccrin~ lnbomtorie!l undt•r lhc supervision of the rc· SJlC!Cllve riepartment heads, l'rof. Gleason MacCullough and Prof. Theo<lore Mor~an. Besiues visiting these lab~. an inspection of the Civfl Engineering department was led by Prof. i\ndrew Holt . head of Lhe liepartment. In the evening a dinner was held following which the guests were given the fncl!; rel(arding the urlministration of school J)(llicies. Arter the group received the !!Chool's greetins.t!' from president \\'at Tyler Cluverius. a talk on " E-:nra-ct~rricula Life is Important" w3~ given by Dean Pnul R. Swan. This talk , by lhe way. was rectiverl with a great deal of ltma7-cment by the ~uests who were under the impre..<;.Sion that Tech life wa comf)(l~ecl of nothing but sltuly. After Denn Howe pre· sen ted 3 talk on ".\dmission Policies, Procedure , and Problems". the meetin~ was terminated with a panel discussion in which the guests were



" Did 1 come> back to the rif(ht school ? Is this still the Free l nstitulr of Indust rial Science?" Thc!'c. or similar qu e~tlons were proba!Jiy in the minds of most of the alumni who were present at Tt•ch's H omecomi ng Day - 1951 .Edition. A near record throng of y()un~ and old grads n•turnecl to witness onr of the most ~IJCctacular, and certainly tht> most :-utisfying Wt't'k-ends thai hn~ been o;et aside l'~Jltdnlly fnr the nlumni. The first nrrivals ha,rl the pleas ure or seeing It spirited student body demonstrate th(•ir support for the :uhlt"t ic t eams Th111 till.' II w•·E)·r Tbt- ''Atomlr St"'t'ia l'' . .... ,,.~ thrnuah 111111 ah n ATO 11, •"~o nd 41ra'-lu hy holdiug a:n inspiring rally on the llomn-ornhtll lhm~ .. l)rot•orue lou A••nf. l•hl c;am '"'d Atf' noted honorable Alumni Field. The speeches, band music, cheering, and bonfire provided the nu\utlun . spark which was necessary to &tart naJs uf H high l' UI rent ~CIWrtl lOr. the spontaneous, although now be~ \\ ntch th<' tlectruu-. jump fr!)m eye- coming traditional snake dance hall tu t'yeball. ,\t any rate th i~ through the 11treets of Worcester. ~'Spar·k ~a la cli•plny of tlyinl( spark:; will City hall waR the scene of more singtnk<• plucr from 9 :.~0 lo 10:00. t\11 ing unci cheering ns the whole popuntu.'rulinl( this demunstrntion are re- lace received ndvaoced notice that K E.'ii to Tt·onsform Lubs minded 111 s:round thcm!ooelves before Rrnssclner wns going lo be defeated Into f'e!ltivities .. ~t-ne lt>nvinM I he room tel l)artAkc Of the the following day. F'or 0.-tohe•r 26tlt ddl'r nnd doughnuts (both non-conSaturday morning came a.nd the The I !o:E ontl I R F.: stnrl of the ductors ) to be served in the Main alumni were still pouring in. The ~pedn l evcnl section Clf the social Lalmr.rtory ut 10:00 I'.M. whole ~mpu.' wu now a near bed· calendar with their own unique conGamee For All hun as the fraternities were hastily tribution, the "Spark Party". The For all those who rio not care to decorating their houses. As same tlnnce party will blanket thr hours trip the light fnntnstic, there are time approached the intensity of Clf 1!-12 P.M em f 'riday, the UJth, other ewnts to nttend. You mi~ht the restivitle.o; helghrened when a in the CX·t·nrbnrn known pr<•scnlly journey t'' the We~t ..:lectronics motorized division of Cla rk's 8tua'l the Atwater Kent Ln boralmies. l.abornlllry where there i~ a game deots arrived in support of their The affair il. open to all memhcrs of of ;\J a~k Quoits r<Oing un all eve- soccer team. Gaily decorated cars the or~anil.ntion l(ralis, hut nun- ninJ<. Thic, atlracti()n ruu.s along the Invaded the campus in droves. members and other unbelic·vcrl> are tame lines as the well-known sht>ll There was no spare room on Alumni asked w ctml ri hu tc $.SO a pc rson. gnme in thtll no one ever wins. Field as the stands were lilted to The party 1.., alwayt~ u drawing Target For Tonight capacity. A pre-game 11 ftivver" pac.:ard clue tiJ lhc interestinl( and in Don't fail lo rlrop in a t the Soulh rade delighted the onlookers. Phi "llme ta!o.es clownright spectacular Callery S(imt" time during the cve- Gamma Delta's borse and wagon dP.munstratiuns. If past pcrformnnce ninl( Ill watch the Gun Turret in copped first prize. i.~ any indicutiun, lhe event will be operation. Test your skill and ut T hat WorcMter Tech suddenly one of the IICtler social events on Lhe same time teach your date the became a "Notre Dame" hi evident the Hill. intriraci<'!o of gun turret rtring; from lhe results o( Saturday a fterRadio Free T ec-h yuu 'JI havt' a bang up time. noon as the football, !OCctr, and Project your vnices out over the Buynlonians Pul Out truck teams were victorious. Alair waves when XMTR, the transOf l:IIUrS<' Worcester's " Power l hough the football team was again· mittin1( station uf the Radio Club, Play Uoys", otherwise known as the listed by many as the unc.Jerd~, the. turns on its juice at 8:30 on thP BCiyntuninns, will be operallog unbeaten engineers were not to be Third Floor We.~ t . throu~ehout the evenin~ in the De- denied. When the final whistle· Elt.!ctronic Firework& sign Rnom. You can't help but trace souoded, Tech had beaten Rensselae~ This L'l the only <lance of the yeur a neat pattern on the floor with for tbe first lime In six seasons and that you can recharge your dale if the~t> huys al their maximum out- in doing so, defeated a team from a "he becomes borin~. Her hair will put. Therefore, drop your voll- school four times the size of Worces'itand on rnd at the High Volta~e meterc. grab a date, and hook onto ter Tech. demonstration in the \\'est Callery the neare~t traD5mL itm wire for an The huge crowd of Clark rooters! :\lain Laboratory, especially if ~be even in~ thnt will singe your eyewent home cli~'lppointed as the socJ is connected across the OlJtput termi· browQ, s,.,. IIOMECOMINC-ra1 ., J l


Wire AlEE

Party" To Be llcld in Lab




P aae Two

T EC H NEWS Published Weekly During the CoUege Year by The Tec:.h NeWll Asrodolion o f the Won~etrler Polytcr h nic l nathute M m~ber

Associated CoUeeiate Pre.ss EDJTOR-IN-C,H IEF Edward G. Snmolt. MANAGING EOlTOR f~ATIJRE EDITOR J ohn M. T racy Ri chard Cav~nnugh NEWS Im ll'OR SECRETARY Jo~ph Lojew•ki

Richard C. Gillcue

SPORTS ED ITOR 1\ SSISTANT SPORTS ED l'fOR Michael J. Essex, J r. \ 'yto Andrcliunus BUSINESS MANAGER Robert Favreau AOVERTISJNG MANAGER CrRCULAT ION MANAG ER Ronald Tholopson Robert Johnson ASSISTANT MANAGE R ASSISTANT MANAGERS Wnllcr Stewart Timothy V. O'Toole, J r.



Stanloy Rermn n Jlonald Oliver j ohn Gearin

Jnmes 0. Sullivan Richard SnmoliJ Robert Menard


F1anris Madignn ~\ illijll\


(. Jni011Cl ll

Rkharcl T. Gates l:lt:rnnrd J. Petrillo


Airred C. Ralnro REPORT ERS J nclno Tho mas R. Uol"uca

Pnul E. Jalbert

W. Whitman Mowry

Donald R. Campbell .Edward S. Baldyga Henry K. Burf!er

J ohn 1~. Mnlh1y J oh n J. Gregory Roger R. Osell


BUSINESS ASSISTANTS Thomns O'Conno r Robert Nlro Robert Meyer


J oseph Fratino j ohn Calhoun

Wllllum V. l<n <zka CART OON IST Edward Bonukcvich

FACULTY ADVISER Prof. J ohn H . Mackenzie . {3-1411 New• Phont-.a: BuAineea~ 5-2024 Ed11orlal S-2024 T ERMS Subscription per sthool year, $2.00; single copies, $.10. Make all checks payable to Business Mana,er. Entered u second tlMS matter, September 21, 1910, at the Post Office In Worcester, Mass., under the Act of Marcb 3, 1879.

EDITORIAL For a Principle There appears to be a code among college editors to make school svirit a topic for editorials as often as possible. lt is a noble endeavor, but at times becomes so overworked that the identity of the true meaning is lost. Enthusiasm is mistaken for esprit de corps and lhe words become a mere sham. The display or Tech spirit that prevailed at Alumni Field last Saturday was no sham. ll was truly inspirational to see a team meet a seemingly overwhelming adversary and yet refu!!C defeat. T he team as a unit deserves praise for such a commendable per formance. However, it seems fallacious to consider the team as an individual ancl isolated unit : it appears unlikely that any appreciable degree of isolutionism would exist in a school so small as ours. Rather, it is concluded that the team and a ll groups like it are a part of the school. How satisfyi ng. A school with that type of spirit can't lose its honor. TECHNI-FORUM-From. Pa«t> l

ROPE PULL-,.'rom P11•e 1

given an opportunity to present suddenly lhe other sloe holds sway. q uestions concerning Worcester Tech. The first few freshmen have already On Friday the Tccbni-forum was lusted the icy waters. Then, literally resumed with a talk given by Prof. out of a clear blue sky, disaster Edwin Higginbottom, head of the strikes the ranks of the Sophs. E nglish Departtnent. He spoke on The line of the " wise fools" wavers " T he Cultural Fact9r in an En~i· - then breaks and the muddy depths neering Education." Another inof Institute 'Pond have claimed anspection tour was held, this time other victim. Urged on by the perthrough the chemical engineering and Physics laboratories. Department sistent tugging or the victors, the vanquished slosh through the waist beads Prof. Earl Wilson and Prof. deep mud and chest deep water. Allan Parker were in char~e of the Lips chattering, muscles throbbinr.t, inspection trips in their respective but with chins held higl<t, they climb departments. The group then journup the banks into the very midst of eyed to the Alden Hydraulic Laborn· tory where they were> shown thc U1c enemy camp. Thus, another rope pull goes down in history. equipment und facilities ava ilable for T ech men by Prof. Leslie T o the Frosh, the victory means the eod of the beanie and lhe bow Hooper. With Andrew Wilkinson pre..si- tie. Their minds perhaps envision dent of W .P.T. alumni association the glories of more prcsti~e and a presiding, the Techni-forum was St'I1SC O( equal footing with the ilhiS· concluded with a luncheon held in trious upper clu.smen. T o the Sophs, the J anet EMle Room. At thL" time the deft'at more of the same derision Mr. Albert M . Demont of the (;encr· from the ever present nnd ever aJ Electric Comp:tny prt~ented n haughty Juniors. H means, perhaps, talk on " The l~ntxincer-His Role ll lillie loss of face, but what hurts in Industry and Modern Society". most is the fael that it meuns a biJ.: chunk out or the clu~ treasury to Tit18 month's uward for pay for the upkeep of the rope. o rigina lity goett to the Finally, and in u more serious Closs of ' 54 for its vein, that spark or spirit which first uniqu<- cli81lluy of the llashed in the mud of Instit ute 'Pond Goat' s ficncl via helicop· will show up later on the gridiron. t.er. Lo8t r e ports ha,·e it the hoop court. and till' bnsehall that l\1ell8r s. ~forgo oncl diamond. 1t 's the selfsame Tech DeFalc-o nre N:'Cipients of !~pirit of which nil Tech men can be. the D istinguishe d Flying nnd nrc, justly proud. Crou for their ve nture.

O c lober 2:!, 195 1




S igma Alpllu Eps ilon The past wet•k was one of constanl aclivlly al S:\£, with the brothers busy in preparation for the big weekend just passed. The first event of the wt-ek was the annut~l " Beer Bowl '' roolb<tll tournament. which got underway i<L"t Sunday with the S.\ E sophl)morcs dcfcati .,~ the seniors 42 tu 24. It was just a 1·asc uf two much manpow{•r. l h(' senior~ Lleing forced into the position of ()0-m inute hall players. \'outh and speed cventu:tlly wore down the "old men'', who led for lhe first three-quarters of the gmt1c. The sophomores now must play the juniors for the hou ~t championship. T he werk was devoted to work on decorations, and general housecleaning. T he kitchen refinishing wm; completed, and the new sink does much to case the chores of the wait-ons. i\ buffet supper was served to the returning alumni anrl their guests on Saturday evenin,.: after Lhe game, anrl following this everyone converged upon Alden for the Homecoming Dance. Question of the week : Did V in DeFalco get through Saturday :~ flernoon without gelling a irsick? Alpha Tau Omega AfLer steaming through Home· coming aboard our ATOmic special, we were hosls on Su nday to our Alumni ut our annual Alumni Hanquet. i\t lhis time we presented Silver Circle Cert ificates to fnur men whn served Alpha T au Ome~a for twcnly-f•w• years. Two of these m(.>n. Robert S. Heald, '29 and Fra ncis Wiesman, '29 are Tech graduatE'S. Tht.~ members of tlw house con· grntulate their newest ml'lrrierl cou[llc, Jack Schm id a nd his bride, Miss 1-:strlle Sha fer of Upper Montch1ir, Nrw Jersey. Best of luck to you. HOMECOMING-From



cer team decisively whipped their opponcnls from the oth<·r sidr or town . The cross country boys also provided some thrills as they edged Coast Guard in a close match. T he judges for the homecoming decoralions committee linnJly de· cided t'ha l the "AT Omic Special" t>f Alpha Tau Omegu was the best entry on the hill. As a result of the creative efforts as well as their hospitrtlity, the AT O's won the homecom ing trophy. Sa turday evening found the alumni a nd undergradua tes uttcnding u dance in t\ lden 1\Temoria.J to the music of the Boyntonians. T his dance marked Ule end or perhllpS the most cnjoynble alumni reunion which has taken pluce on the Tech cnmpus.

Lamhd u Chi AltJlla \\'ho says that j une is the month of romance? That i!>n ' t what they say at Beckcr's-especially those girls who came over to help us clean up the house before school opened. Speaking or romanct:, everyone knows, or sh11Uld know by now. that Burl Renda ll nnd Sally l\lan~s w{>rr welded in the IJonds of ma trimony during the summer vacation. Severa l chanf(<:S have been made in th<• uclministraLion or the house. t•hil Crommclin has been elected presicl<·nt, Dick Englund, ritualist, and Ken \\'right, pledge trainrr. Dick was elected to take nvcr Phil's unexpired term nnd Phil took over Ed Felkel \ juh. Ed i'l now working rtt Nordgren's )lcmorial Chapel. Corne to T.X,\ and we'll "place'' you. On a more optimistic note was the recent football ).{ante played between Larsnn's "Swt'dt>s" :wd ')[nlrk ·s "United 'a tiuns." i\ hrilliant play of the game> was " Wee Willie" Scubert's 40 yd. ru n pa!'t the formic! 'l hlc " Big Swede" Larson. Tnt:iclent a lly, evcn though the "Swedes" won a moral victory they lost 30 lu 6. Sigma Phi E .,silo n " Homecoming \\'eekend'' was no exception at the Sigma I'hi Epsilun house as many alumni and their friends came back " home'' l'rom near and far to join the festivities of the day. Wi th plenty of rood in the kitchen, j oe, our cook, made it possible for every gr;~duate. friend, and active to enjoy hilmelf im· mensely by loading to the " ears." Alrearly Sig Ep i;; lonking forward to next year wheu it will be " haL.;· off" ag~ti n to the alumni. Since schl)ol beg:tn two of uur more-talenlNI brothers bcc~tmc somewhat " more ta lented" and decorated their young lady friends with ig F:p hearts. T he gentlemen are Wttr· rcn Palmer and Roy Cull berg. T hl're

Importance of Geotnc try Viewed By T.V. Pioneer

are rumors on campus lo the effect that \\'arren might '·Ro all the way down the aisle" in the very near future. \\'cddiog bells are ringing!! Thetu Chi The aJumni turned ou t in force last weekend to revive old memories rwd those thut once called Theta Chi their home away from home were no exception. The house IJulged with activity ~at urday night. \ buffet banquet was followed by the Homecoming dance at the school and then the brothers and alumni returned to the house once again for cider and doughnuts. ,\ great deal of credit is due to joe Archllmba.ull and his crew, masters of creative art, who planned and rxecutcd our H omecoming decorations. You would Ulink that all this socia l activity would suffice for a little while, but this is not the case for tlC"xt Friday there will be initiation with a big llullowecn Party planned fnr Saturday night. Theta Ka a>pa Phi T he tools are put away. the rnatcrials returned to their original state or wood, antl tarpaper. The many, many nlumni who visited us have returned h()me. .\ perfect day in athletics. All that remains of Theta Kap's homecoming is lots of won4lerful memories. Our alumni sturted returning Fridny night to renew old acquaintances, and of course, the age o ld call of " who's going over to the ' Tr? " was heard durin~ the course of the evening. !'\ext weekend will be n big one socially at T hela K ap. Friday night ahout thirly-fiv4.' ~i rl!\ from Framin!Zham T eachers Collejle will be here for a big party. These parties are alwoys a lot of fun, and we try to plan at least one like it every year. Saturd;•y ni~tht will be the time for I ht' nnnual H~lloween party.

D.C.Dowdto Discuss Suez

~ rr. Dave C. Dowel, who server! with

Tf you're one of those students Cl C in the Suez area during World who have aspirations of becoming a War 1I will discuss the present-day

great creative enginccr- bclt.er start boning up on your geometry. One of the nation's top-rank ing inventors says that ability to solve ~eome t ry problems is the best intelllgenrc lest for creative engineerinA ability. 1) r. E• rnst ;,• 1exanderson, radio and television pioneer fo r 49 years with the Crneral Jo: lectric Company. explained that algebra can t)e ftgured hy routine rule, while t.he solution or ~comctry problems re(Juires the use or imagination. " Tf an intelligence test for engineering should be anopted, I would St>e CEO!\IETRY- Png«> 3

problems of the Ncar East as he sees them at the First Fall Meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club, Wednesduy, October 24 at 7:30 at R.iley House, the \VPI Student Center. Mr. Dowd speaks many of the languages of the region and wifl brin"" out the attitudes or common citizens of Egypt , Arabia, Turkey, and I ran to the I nternational prob· lems now confronting their govern· m __c_n_ts_ i=n=h= is=-o_b_se_rv_a_ t_i...; on=s=.= = ;;=; 1



r=~~==~~==~. ~==============.

lmporl.ed Beer Steins

Compliment• o/

T o Ad orn .l' our Room3 a ncl F r atf'rnitie&


Fro m



102 Hl~tblnnrl Sr.• a l Boynto n St.

Woree81er, l\lnss.

T el. 3-9 579


107 O i«hl11 nd S1., Wor cester, Mass.

289 MAIN ST.-Co r. E.xdtanae St.

Ph one: 64594





T E (' II


Tech Rocks RPI 12-7 On Homecoming Day •


AE Lead in e<·ond Wee] Of IF Tet111i

E GINEER , BOOT CLARK 2-0 FOR FIR T TRJUI\IPH Scu:t'(' r' Tt•um Out r' hin (·~ Arc•h Rh ul ~ in Fiunl

l.:s..t Srnurday l)id. l.t•lt•ny lt·d thc TNh harri('rs lu

Ph i S ig, Fiji ~S Uu ht>ul('n , up,t•t victory O\'t'r tht•

E \\ $

lh 1 •·2~ 1 Co:INI ( 1ua nl

llunw Till u{


~t'llto un

Grcoory, hebek hine Itt Hard-Fo1.tght Thriller ~~~


Ull.l. No mur~hmullo'- !1 hc•rc•! Nu 11lww, 11hom, nor 1•reten8e; jufll grim ch•h'rminntion l•y 29 foothull pluyf'r!l thnt there "'"" a joh to clo unc i tlu•y 1111110t clu 11. And tlm!l It WIUI clout· ~ the out weigl u•d und outnuennc•cl Wurc•c•l!h' r Tech En~lm•c•rtt runrt•cl haek from 11 7-6 ddic•it In \\hit• tlw undc•nl rh•ull', Hl' l, to the tune of 12-7. h wa8 tht' llJlC'<'hu·ulo r runnillf[ n( junior8 S lwllt'k u nci Gregory, under the im•t•irt•tl lc•ndc• rt~ hlll nf Joe Jiunnit'8 thnt tiC>t' mt>tl to anap the l'ritc-hurclnwn from the clcpth11 ••f """IIPir ami t~t•nd tht>m on to

l'hl' \\'orn•'H'l Tt•l h Stlrt't'r tl'am Tic•cl for ecoucl As \ radt·my This ,,a, lht' iuurth ~···•r tinally jni1wd tlw h't uf \\ inninq ( :o mp('tition harp('nS in u W\\ that l>itl. h,,, t apllllt'l 'l'c·rh h'mn" thi' '<''"till \\ht•n tht'y cle.\ttn tht• tlu-.1 had 'it'llli'Cl down llr't pl.ll c I for<· a htmWtuminl! d.l\' ft· ll(•tl Cltrl. l nht'r,ity ' "l.IUad 2-0 Hti\\CI. hut thL, W:b the lir't tinw i;1 1,,,, Saturda). lt wn.-, 'I dt~ly run 1111 lclh' tt'nni ... cou rt~. po.,K , PG i l I ht' pa"-t fcmr :'ea"o(Hh that t hi' 11';\lll h·-tt'CI sMnw ,,, 1 .ll h 11'.1111 trird ,-ictt~ry. wHI ' \ I nwrs;:etl thrnut:h the I'Ki'l dt~lwr:llc·ly 111 uut ·l.ill. .uul nut-run f,uh·cl b;ll'k to llip. Tht> scene Y. 8~ tnuld produce a ' iuorr. "" I lw t- OJ.:IIll't'r' uf \\' urce•tl'r \lt'i.·l. unclt•ft•.Ht•fl in thi,. yt':tr\ I.F. tlw utlwr. " "'''\l'r l t•,h h;ttl tht> rvar un Ill \\ h.ll i!\ aln·ildy n.;sun•d prt•duminnntly Rl'l , howe\'er, so big R u~ht behind Dick \\ ·'" Hun l'u·t trnns- r.ltt' ~<~tltb nnd put thrm tu wurk. of hrillJL tilt' h\·~1 M':t-.ln nf I ht• b ' t ] or phl\\t'(l twer the ~onl line him· With .... H . ht•;tclln~ the list \\ilh "hn ran onI' of 1ht.> l.x·-1 r.tt'l' ut hi' ran•t>r e\'en tbou~h lw 11 .1~ m·t•r· Thc• 1''n ll'•'m' in tlw f1r~ 1 pt>rintl <t'l ern I 'I hr lut.lb, ''Ill unrlt•f,•att•tl. Wlf. rhis WtiS j oe's fin.t running .i \lift IL!.IIIht 1111 Sl'lllltt'k' .lflt•r t'IHue by n tliay spl'll fur twu hour tnuk till' CIJWIIillJ,: miiiUII'' !If pl.ty folt't' lht• ' llllrt•mr tro,t lit'"' wt't'l. lllllt htluw n uflt>r more than three t.t'lllOI! l"\:, S·6, O-J : LX.\ . o·l, ht'fun· tht• race and "a' rt'\ iH11 'hmly hut rrum tht•n 1111 th\·~ n•ally n~ain~t tlw like• \li't• untli'ft>ntt•tl ~lid 'C'II'>Iln s of master-minding Tech h·Z: .nul \1.1' by furfei L. it luoks .thuut ten minutt>-- ht'fun• thl rr~tc· ll(·~t<~n tu IIUI\l' l'lw 'I"'' 1 .1111~ -.aw tlit•, nl tht• t'c~>t 'l t: uartl, but tht~t ', oncl it wuhln't ba\'e come a t a lil.c· tht·) n \H'II till th~ road IOIIartb llul.!h Tuft<; wa!> tht> n.·,t Tt•, h ,1 't't'·":S\\ halllr \\ith hr,t Tt'lh and 1nnther J.!•lfllt' l'lw~ RPI J,!ame prn ti rwr lime \ s:ain the llOint-afttr :~ h.1mpwn-hip howev~r their tht'n Cl.trk lhrt•.tl\•nins.: tu "l.llrt' hut l'ilil•(l thrill'~ t•nnuJ,:h 111 fill :.port kid. \\a ~ had, but tbe locals now runnl'r to 'tore anti he clid "'' '' ith IIIUI!ht•,l ( lllllllt'l ilion hat; }'Ct 10 lt•:ul, nncl the dock was \lith them. 1 1rrnlt'nclous kick ''hit h t•n.thh'C I tht· pcriucl \\1\und up wuh nt•ither p:t l{~ fur the nt' \1 \\t't•k. wmc· l'ht:} tnol. n ne ::.~• t frum Kl'l bruul(ht the ball back do~ him tu em:-.<; the lini~h hnt• 111'11 11 ith havin~ -ucn't•dt•d T~ I' 11 L ami ha\'t' yet to f<ln• ll'mt~ r/11 fi'I/S J/rtllll( in tht• firi<l The 1'l'i.h houtrr' mtull• thl'ir lin;t ICI tht> pay li1w, but the detennined I .lylnr of O>a:ot Cuarcl pt>riud, "o('t•nst•d 1t1 wt•akcn in tlw T~·ch nwn knocked down touchdown· " "' " .11111 I'Ci l> IW\t \\eck in what J im Clampett, Ron T huntp"cm ~o.ll uhuut midway throu)th thr S<'C· may l~t• lhl' dedlling f:1ctor In this "l'l'ond, .tnd t' llllll' hark aht•r tlw iniNltlC\1 J>11IISI'S IOclk OVt'r the ball, .md (~t'OrJ~t' Kay ulso ran 1\'t'll ~~~ ond pt•dud whc·n ( 'uul n, insitlc•1 tllllllmll tt•nni-, ntcc. hrllf l 111~kinK hnttnt•d, tln·d and dt• IJwy hri(Wd I he r;ngillt't'n. 111 :una,o, ri~lst ur Tt•rh, kkk<'fl nne Into th ~: ami ran out tht• lime with Kruuntl I'O., (.( in tlw llll'llnLinw knocked uff jl•cted. 'l'ht• t'V(ll' fr<''~h Rt•n.;~t'lncr ploys. 'l'lw l1m1l: WPI 12 Kl'l 7. llw vi<·tory. It must lw n•nwml ~t• rNI ):(IIIII nntl Clurk\ ~cm li1•. VanclcrI X\, It I. 7 5 and stnrtecl a wry im \\'arrinr~ ruiiNI 1111 in thl' third that tht><:t· ft'llm1 .; n•pn•,c•nt thl' ht•ldr, fumhlccl lt. rtw 1hirtl period t•tiNTS AND RliNBACK S pmt.wt match with PC D lu~i n~ tlw period, hrnkt inw ihc lt•ntl . oncl h;u khone of the tt>am 'inn· a trll•"> "·'' withnut nny J.tllalot llt'inJ( mncle, -.et'nwcl In II(• fun in~t tlw IOctll$ hat k lir't "''' tl 0. hut Lnking tht> <:t'Concl, Tht• returninK alumni were treated nunt ry tt'am is nnly ,,, -,tron).t "' hut 1ht tcmftt 11~:ht anti rlt•u·rmina· 7s 1(1\\,lrll thr hrink ur ell ISII'r. Tht•n nul rmly to n fine ball game, but ur hclth lt.llll' \\:lO. thnll (IJtkt>d linn ih fifth man. 'snu tht• hilltop fraternity, \1-.1', tht• tulc• lurnNI , ancl with frt•o~h .1l<o0 n \\ innin~t cro~-couotry mPet, Thi, wa. the *Conti \'it tm) in ,,, the l· m~ tlnst ri,•at.. pl.l} rtl it out r.ult·l Ill pmtlutt' players 3!(3in..t \\JV{'" Of It'll )'ilrll 1(0111'1 at a whack. a \\innlnl( soccer game, an old-cnr Tc·ch \ -.t·wnd ~oat """ m.ult' in lhrt't' meet s for tht" h,errit•r, .1ntl l'(jl) tht} ltht 111 them al.;o by forthl' lnml hrukr h:tt k inltl the• lr.ttl. ell ,play, nnd tht" captivating antics or l cMl·h ,·annella "ill take> hi., murh thr la-.1 IJUMttr \\hilt• lht• lm"-"Urt' ht•lcl tht• 'i:~11nr... and emrrJtt•d tlw ·• Cont\ Head-eli !>laying helicopter. ft•ll \1 I ' may have clruppt>d uu t imrml\.CCI lPam to Fr;anldin 1\erl. ''il' ' till un. ~l.1las. '"'HII'-It>CI uf bntlle-~·urrrd 1 ktur1 In a phntu· \\hut couhl be added lo provide a uf thl' l(•nni-. comrwtition :.inte, 111 \I :-;,1turday lei met'l ;'1/urtht'ihlt'tll 'lhh, touk 11 -.lwt nt tht• l{llal .tlxml finish . gn•at wrc•k••nd ? •.. The only injury dunn~,~ tht• (M'I we~k. they lu-;t Lht•lr l ' niver~ity. T reh hao,n 't 1\llll n mt'i.'l il fool from tht• 1'1111 ~t ripe• ur lhl' unly l\111 malt he'l l>y not !ohuwin~ot up. In fllilr II t:Umparalivcly clean fOOt• Rr ttrr tlmu :!SOlJ lnyal Iltnnt' from '\ orthea~tern fur the pa~t half lii.•ltl :tnd C'lurl. • ~tt'rn , lt>h-fullhall J(ame was to George Abdow, Ht -ult•-. lllaying an all important cominl( l>ay mutrrs suw l'ritchnrd''l b.Hk ):111 mi"<t•tl U (l with tlw l);tll and cluzen years and will I~ loukinJt fnr imumplc'tc mntt·h with S.\ F., Theta en up-.ct \'ictory. clt•llt'flc>tl it 111111 till' )(ll.tl fhu" lht> Protc:'lle' rnll on tu tlwlr fuunh whu w:l'l hit hard on the first play ""JI th•ft\ llt·d lfl,t year'-. champ~. fht• follm1ine ''''' \\N'k' ''ill J:ilmi' c•ndt·tl \\ith T c1 h un tlw IHJI t>nd \'ic tory. \\'onc•..tc•r "Cilrt•tl f1r"t whrn uf thr game. lie and Eldridl(e alttr· natt•cl nt the full -back spot, norl both T \ hr ,cure, uf b 4 and b-.3. lint I Tt•t h mrt'lin~ Ratt·' ( nih ••c uf tht o;cttn•. 2 0 It \\ il' tillmv that rth. J iullllic•, h~<•rl(·d a lt~nl( pa\~ 111 l'ht• p.1 .. 1 1\t't'k' r~ul ls arc now lwrt• and Tu f ~ at ~letlfmd T hi .. thr F nsdnt·~r.,, .dt..r hc•inJ,t liNI .end PC'lt·~m and l'c•tc ~ r:trnhl t>d fur I urnt•cl in fmr prrformanct"5. . . • ll{'ftlrt' )flU Sintc the important pay clirt l'hls play, c•.erly in the ~ till nu brnl.c•n no~; these ntl~ will clo'e lht• re~tu lar "C:t'llll hut and lw:ttt•n prt•viuu-.ly, o,hnuhl !-rnre mal< he:- have yet to l>e played, t•itlwr ' unw nf the fellows will pruh.1 hly tht· initial triumph lll•hintl the• '-t>licl sewnd !Wriucl , ruwn·cl SO yartl~, O'l guurd~ unci thc• fear or Uoc Quinn's t un·s hnvc llUI the after-game com· ~ \Jo:, TKP, PC:n, or PSK cau tnkl' t•ntrr the New EnJ:lund lnh•r C'nl routin~ of a !(11(1(1 homrrmning wns st'l up hy Ont• runnin~t hy hot h it : hnwl'vcr, Sl'l•: hns not rompll'lcd lt•gla tc Cross Country na·C'l in crowd. Tht• ftlll lhiLl ('lurk [lflinterl Grci(Ory unci Shelwk. Thf' run- uw nt ~·ctlon ou1 of huslnessl Clcvena mtllt h yt•t litl it's hard to 1(•11 what Frunklin Park . to this uo; nn ohjr<"livc gnme mndt> vcrsinn kilk W!'ll l uwty, hut T rrh l(('r, C:rt>nicr, llorstmcn, and Bouvier, nil fro:1h , wt•rc Impressive. It was they may hnvc. They did piny ju~t Much credit for the SUtCl'S'I uf thr '•krury clouhly swf'<•t tn the wasn't out fur n o;lirn diffrrrnce thl'~ lhr I!Ca..sont'<l vet.s, particularly drty. ont• set 11ith SJ\ E the week before 1he tettm mu,.t lM> given In ('u[ll h l'olynwn nnd alumni alike• III>H'I'" la"l hut lcht by a very close score, ·anncllo. He h:h fxt>n co.ldtin)l Rl'/ ru mr rnarittt /m( /1 in the Cirel(ury, Holmes and Shelttk, that rnlt I Iori. ... n:ally \lOOd out .... Can't miss ne~ t ..... ~.. Q. i 1 h 11 't't'lll'> to indicate thitt track teams for many year:. ami ha' 1'.-.htt~f \at••lf'thr••f,. !-tcond half, rlt'tt•rminrcl tn ~nap both \\ tllaul I flo :-.trrn 1\eek' game aft.tr this!! tht·y mu't h.l\'t' o;omethinJ( by giv- had much experic:ncc both a' a run. '"••r ICIIo <;hrl'dttk tht> hoo;t'<; winninl( "'trr••k nnd their II, lh•o•tb r-;,.. ..." four S!nmt' lc" ing rrmrrl. T heir in~t thr tup t(•.un n good fight. llert wr and as an onicial .., M·ll a' hi" (t nraln STATl STI ('S Set••••""' flm11 llh llail<r TF.ctl R. t• I, art• 1hr -.t.tndin~t.' at the time thes nachinA duties. lfe ha.' tht' tnn· t uut Ill «funr ~l im "'Cat-b.1c k, Shannyfln ~·t up n f.rh•l d "wn• IJ u llrO<h Ill t.ulthtrut ;midt• J:CI('s to pres«. Yar~h •••urll ruahlna 2Z4 TD With llevrrtsl linr hreak·nwuy lll'i It \•b.••• \tllo tich·nce of aiJ his runnl.'r-., iHid that \Ia Pthf"l l ttCUII•t«"•l 19 II I.. II 111111 t'unpl rtr' l 5 6 II 1V .Stralloo jaunt~. and thrn 'I((Uirmecl his wuy \''*"~"' i<o one of the reasons he ha~ pmduu•cl tt~~ftrtl .on L a~ol• ••tnr•l l•a .. lur 81 10 throuAh fmm I he 2 yard line to <'Vt'll "••·r• lnlrrc~t•lrd I 0 3 -o runny fine track tcam!l. 0 fh•J•tt••n••' rurnhfea r«ttv.-red I I tht' ~"ore. RPI n•lde!l thc• point, an•l Ya11h oil klrlu r~turned I'G I> oll1 (,[()"~'TRY-From Po•~ Z 2 0 f._•ntlu• awc:ra1t II 34 Summary: l sL Zeleny (T) : 2d, ..., clark cloud .., Nnintttin,~.: frnm the \'auto JO<uall• r•l P"K 15 2 0 Po'o l (\\') 3d. Olson (CG) ; 4th ~ay that the ahility to q)Jve ~come· Tech l>t'nc:h ~rt'lnt'CI tel ~tather uvtr rfi.P 2 I I·Clo,ter (CG); 5th, dean heat be- try problem~ hould be the first conthe field The Troymf•n continued TX I 2 l"ccn Taylor (CG) :tnd Tufl" (T ); Joitlcratinn.'' he ~itl ,,, r•lll on until thty wc•rt aptJUecl " Pl. 7th ~lurpby ( CG); 8th. Clampttl 0 \n early pioneer in lt>levi ~ion, Dr. 0 \T() ( f) . 9th, Sl. J ohn ( CC ) ; I Oth, \le,andeN>on ~tnve the lint public holdin~t. Tt•ch t•)uk nw•r the ball on 0 I T hompson (T) : lith, Jlughes I~\ 0 (Jt'monstmtion or tr levision projected their own 39. :tnrl thrn the dn-or-tlit J r.rG) : 12th, Madig:tn (T }; 13th, drive CMllll('Oit'd. \1-JI 0 on a thcntc>r o;crrcn here in 1930. J Ktty (T ). Tt•clt sltot1rd tin• /Jail to the opposilt• 27 yard line on bull -s trenj;~ lh SUPPOU'f the TEAM! runs, set up hy cuvcrnou'l holes 1\'l~u·y thmugh the Fritz. lfan&en side of the ALL HANDS line. Grel(nry then ~teuotrd to 1he fifteen, unly to havt tht• ('rrttnt pi~­ WEIGH ANCIIOR o;k in ~napped fmm hi!! hands by a fur v;cit~u:. tackl~" Fro h lineman, Ed Bou\•ier jumJ)('(I on the ball. .tnd \\ 011(' T P.t II 0 6 0 IC. P I, fJ 0 7 Tech W3 ready rm the final pu!>h . Grrxory b11rkrtl the ball to the f4lur. ancl f>n the next play, j iunnies


y ,f

Jf ll oO



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1t d y It

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had a little lanul, \Vh ich had peculiar ways,

· he decided tl1e tbing for her to do

Wa to give it a treat at JAY'S

EW LO DO . alurday

'- ------------_J I


SMALL FROSH CLASS TO ENTER INPresident FEBRUARY Clnvcrius Also Gives Report on Future Over-all Plans Bow-ties and beanies will once more flourish on the Tech campus thjs year' even though the Class of '55 emer)'(ed victorious in the tradi· tiona! rope pull contest last Fri· day. The nrlministralion announced that a small Freshman Class will be admitted in Fc•bruary, similar to that which pursued study at the Institute last winter. This decision is based on the success met by school's admit· tance of the Class of 1954k. Last February, twenty new men were re· ceive<l, of whom fifteen pursued regular study at the summer school. Thirteen of them were admitted to the sophomore class last term. This operation enabled a. more normal level of enrollment to be maintained by the sophomore class. Cl . 'd uvertus presented a P rest ent report in which he stated that the total enrollment at the present time was 682 ·, 179 of these students were enrolled in the ROTC program. The teaching staff numbers 8 1. AI-

class, he stated that the nation-wide examination for draft deferment determination has helped enrollment, affecting mainly the upper classes. ,\ study will be made to establish a post-graduate course in business administrntion. Only selected students will qualify if such a program is initi~ted . . A course_l~adin~ to a dewee m busmess admmtstratiOn appears unfavornble at tlliS time. A prQgram for future planned improvements was also presented by President Cluverius. Although no vast phyt>icul changes are in tbe offmg for the near fu ture, the overall plans include major changes. As a matter of record, he reports, it includes: Building Kaven Hall , civil engineering laboratories, on Salisbury street. Modernizing and enlarging Salisbury Laboratories. Rehabilitation or Boynton Hall, chiefly for administrative use. Additional faculty offices in At· water Kent laboratories. Construction of a field house on Lbc west campus completing the ttuadran.,le between t11e gyn·1n,·1st'ttn'• " and Sanford Riley. Lighting the soccer fteld .

t hough there has been a reduction . Selling aside additional funds for in the normal enrollment of 200 per building maintenance.

For That NEW WOK

on •ick

•hoe• hurry ao


For That Unruual Coraare CALL

Cooper's Flowers 133 Higlllnnfl Street

W orcester Telegram

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The Evening Gazette


Sunday Telegram

Radio Station• WTAG end WTAG-FM

CaHing All Slide Rules !

Feline Taxation Gives "Tomcat" Added Prestige

Anticipating a long winter ahead, the T F.CH !\Ews presents the follow· ing problem: Saturday morning it began snowing steadily. At noon, the city's snow removal force (which consisted of three snow plows, two dump trucks, 11 men with large shovels, 32 men with sma ll shovels, five men with brooms and seven eager little boys with tiny shovels and sand· pails) began removing the snow. lly 1:00 o'clock, half the snow which had fallen had been removed so the entire force took half an hour off for coffee. lbey then continued removing the snow finishing al

Don't throw any old ::hoes at that neighborhood tomcat anymore; he may be just another qualifying taxpayer exercising a lillie freedom of speech. At least it seems that the current Massachusells legislature is now c~nsideri~g taxing members of the fellne famtly as a source of new revenue in the same manner and method as the taxing of clogs. As a result of such action, the influence o f these new lax-paying residents might thoroughly disrupt the nation's enlire political picture. Looking into the future, visions of a crusading "cut 's rights" program might be a decidinR factor in com· ing elections. «A Mouse In Every Alley," " Bundles for Britain, But What's For The Kitten ?", " A Govcrnment Fitter For Your Next Litter" might be some of the campaigning slogans of the day. Taxing the cat 0 I J t' I th' )' . I w u I en ate ts po aftca ly unrecognized bei ng the equal rights as enjoyed by his canine counterpart. The economic outlook of the country mighr be brightened by newly-formed occupations such ;L<; \\'h:lt time did it slarr ?




The snow stoppe<.l at 2:JO


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cat catchers, cat pound operators, etc., helping to absorb a large portion of the unemployed working force. As a bona ftde taxpayer, tht- cat would have a say in governmental policy. Legislature could be forced through outlawing the use of mecbanically-op<•rated mousetraps, the usc of which bas been a constant economic problem because of their replacing the cat in the t\111erican home. Retirement plans and old-age pen..,ion ~ might be provided for tho~c qualified cats who have already lived eight of their nine livet-. The influence of this sudden recot,rnilion of our feline lriends might even be felt in the mosic world. "Catastrophe for Cats in C Minor" could well deve!C)p into a last ing symphonic fa vorite, while the nation's gone cats would probably be " pussyfooting it'' to the jazzy strain of "Two Dead Rats in a Cold. water Flat" and the bopped-up ' 'l\ louseless Tuesday.'' " Cats should contribute to their sharr toward the upkeep of govern. ment" is the arg ument of one or the bill 's advorates, but I seriously doubt that he and hi law-making cohorts realize the potentialities and possibilities cont;Lined in this <tnimal renaissance-making cat tax measure.


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